#aria's inquiries
taciturned-loqua · 2 years
Im so embarrassed i just found this bc I actually decided to read ur pinned post🧍‍♀️
hehe, dw it's still a fresh blog starting, so you're early :D
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Sam Levin at The Guardian:
Ayşenur Ezgi Eygi, a 26-year-old American activist killed while protesting in the occupied West Bank, was remembered by friends and former professors as a dedicated organizer who felt a strong moral obligation to bring attention to the plight of Palestinians. “I begged her not to go, but she had this deep conviction that she wanted to participate in the tradition of bearing witness to the oppression of people and their dignified resilience,” said Aria Fani, a professor of Middle Eastern languages and cultures at the University of Washington (UW) in Seattle, which Eygi attended. “She fought injustice truly wherever it was.” Fani, who had become close with Eygi over the last year, spoke to the Guardian on Friday afternoon, hours after news of her death sparked international outrage. Eygi was volunteering with the anti-occupation International Solidarity Movement when Israeli soldiers fatally shot her, according to Palestinian officials and two witnesses who spoke to the Associated Press. Two doctors told the AP she was shot in the head. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has said it was investigating a report that troops had killed a foreign national while firing at an “instigator of violent activity”, and the White House has said it was “deeply disturbed” by the killing and called for an inquiry.
Eygi, who is also a Turkish citizen and leaves behind her husband, graduated from UW earlier this year with a major in psychology and minor in Middle Eastern languages and culture, Fani said. She walked the stage with a large “Free Palestine” flag during the ceremony, Fani said.
The professor said the two met when he was giving a guest lecture in a course on feminist cinema of the Middle East and he spoke of his own experience protesting in the West Bank in 2013. “I had no idea she would then be inspired to take on a similar experience,” he said, recounting how she reached out to him for advice as she prepared to join the International Solidarity Movement. “I tried to discourage her, but from a very weak position, since I’d already done it myself. She was very, very principled in her activism in this short life that she lived.” In her final academic year, she devoted significant time “researching and speaking to Palestinians and talking about their historical trauma”, Fani said. “She was incredibly well-informed of what life was like in the West Bank. She was not a naive traveler. This experience was the culmination of all her years of activism.”
Eygi was an organizer with the Popular University for Gaza Liberated Zone on UW’s campus, one of dozens of pro-Palestinian encampments established during protests in the spring, he said. “She was an instrumental part of … protesting the university’s ties to Boeing and Israel and spearheading negotiations with the UW administration,” Fani said. “It mattered to her so much. I’d see her sometimes after she’d only slept for an hour or two. I’d tell her to take a nap. And she’d say: ‘Nope, I have other things to do.’ She dedicated so much, and managed to graduate on top of it, which is just astounding.”
[...] Eygi’s killing drew immediate comparisons to the 2003 killing of Rachel Corrie, a 23-year-old American, also from Washington state, who was killed by an Israeli army bulldozer while protesting the military’s destruction of homes in Rafah with the International Solidarity Movement (ISM).
Turkish-American Ayşenur Ezgi Eygi was killed in the Occupied West Bank by the IDF (IOF) terrorists while protesting Israel Apartheid State’s occupation of Palestine.
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kitchen-light · 1 year
More recently, I started admiring those who really make space for the discomfort of silence and uncertainty to exist—a discomfort which feels distinctly American, anyway, since in Germany discomfort is the status quo of social interactions. You walk into a grocery store and the clerk will refuse to smile at you. Politeness and warmth are not taken for granted, are not encrypted in the realm of symbolic exchanges. And I’m not speaking about the friendly banter of associative leaps and sometimes brilliant somersaults which lead from one topic to another. I’m talking about the hastiness with which certain people––mostly Americans––rush towards the next question, the next thing to fill in the blank, as if a timer is set on the meeting, leaving almost no room for an actual conversation to occur, for a real answer to be unfolded. Real conversations, I think, are conversations of inquiry––you don’t have the answer prepared. You search for it, often with your interlocutor. Isn’t that why we speak to each other, anyway? To discover?
Aria Aber, from “On beginnings, the perpetual exile of the poet, and beauty”, published April 28, 2023
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((Alright, here we go! Aria meets Awoken Alucard! @ariaacrossthemultiverse)) Aria briefly wondered how her life got to the point where she was fleeing a vampire through the forest under the outright spookiest eclipse she'd ever seen... but most of her thoughts were occupied on keeping her legs moving.
The forest was surprisingly dense, trees scratching at her hair and clothes as she fled the vampire in the cultist robes. He was shouting something about a... vampire messiah? Not that she had much time to listen when he was almost at her heels.
Her foot catching on a root sent her tumbling to the ground. She drew her dagger, figuring if she was gonna go down, she'd try to take the bloodsucker with her.
Heh. Trevor might like that.
She was ready to lash out... only to see a flash of silver.
The next thing she processed was the head of the vampire rolling across the forest floor... and a very familiar dhampir standing over her. Sure, he looked a little different, clearly not having spent much time in the sun lately... but still.
"...holy shit. I don't think I've ever been so happy to see you!"
She got up and brushed the dirt from her cardigan before smiling at Alucard.
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"We meet again, Aria. It has been a long time." //Alucard sheathes his sword after wiping some of the blood off of its blade, then offers Aria a hand with a hint of a smile. "I'm glad to come across a familiar face as well if I'll be entirely honest. Though I do have some questions, which I'm sure you'd anticipate given the circumstances. Firstly, how did you end up getting chased down by a vampire? And second, how did you get here in the first place? ...Ah, do forgive me for all the sudden inquiries. Your presence here has left me curious, but first and foremost I'm glad I found you before any harm could befall you. Are you well? No injuries to speak of?"
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ramzawrites · 2 years
ARIA - Autonomous Research Interactive Assistant | AI!Reader in the Krang Apocalypse - Part 2
Part 1
Pairings: None
Characters included: Future!Donatello, Future!Michelangelo, Future!S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N, Future!Leonardo, Future!Raphael, Future!April
Warnings: n/a
Series: Part 2
Summary: Aria is slowly growing into their own person with the help of their father, uncles and of course brother Shelldon.
Word count: 3509
Authors Note: I admittedly was sitting on these parts for a while so here second chapter already haha
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As expected Aria learned and assimilated themself easily into their new environment. Of course, they were at the start very matter of factly and took everything literally but that was to be expected. Donnie did of course program them with the ability to recognize emotions and being able to detect things like sarcasm easier but putting down the theory on that alone can still not compare really to doing it in practice.
It helped a ton that Shelldon immediately took on the job of supervising them, explaining to his creator that he probably knew best how to teach them and show them how things worked. How could Donnie argue with that? Shelldon literally was in the same boat as Aria.
So when Donnie did enough tests and felt like their robot body worked up to his specifications, he wanted to properly show his new invention around the base to make sure they can find their way and recognize the few people he put into their databank.
Aria introduced themself to everyone “Hello. I am the Autonomous Research Interactive Assistant, but you may also call me Aria. It is nice to meet you. I will be able to answer any inquiries you have. How may I help you?”
It was Shelldon who told them that they don’t have to say out loud that they created a new register and will keep updating it whenever they interact with the new person. That was better left unsaid. It made people feel watched and paranoid and paranoia was in abundance in this apocalyptic world.
Most reacted positive to the new robot though. At this point everyone knew that Donnie was pretty much able to create miracles if he had the resources, so to see a new sentient robot walking around really wasn’t that crazy. While they reacted positively there was still a smidge of hesitancy that was natural ever since the Krang took over.
While the Krang were organic, to the point of their technology even being an organic being, they still deployed monsters into the wild that were basically robots with glowing red eyes. But the people knew. The people knew that technology that was branded with the GeniusTech logo was safe.
His family though didn’t have this same hesitant reaction. They knew that Donnie’s inventions were safe, even after years where they had to “fix his fixes” over and over again. Even so, they trusted Donnie and to that extent his tech unconditionally. Sometimes this realization crept up on Donnie and he couldn’t help but feel warm deep inside his chest.
When they walked past Leo, Donnie stopped him in his tracks. Leo knew of his project but hadn’t had the chance to interact with it yet.
Shelldon happily stood next to his robot sibling and stretched his hands towards them, doing jazz hands as he presented them to Leo “Look at them! That’s Aria! My new sibling who knows everything Donnie knows!”
Leonardo snorted out a huff of air at the excited behavior of Shelldon. His eyes rose to Donnie once with a raised eyebrow before he knelt down to offer his hand to Aria.
Donnie rolled his eyes, he wanted to say that this was unnecessary, but he chose to hold back. Instead, he just watched Leo as Aria went through their introduction spiel once again. The way his older twin brother smiled and begun asking questions as to what exactly Aria can do, it reminded him very much how Leo always interacted with the children in the base.
He always tried to make himself smaller, get to their eyelevel and graced them with the same soft but smug smile. Always asking them questions what they can do and what they had learned recently. The reaction was usually always the same impressed gasp which apparently he couldn’t help doing as he listened to Aria count of all their functions.
When it was way into the night and both Shelldon and Aria were currently charging Donnie met up with his brother in the kitchen when both seemingly went to get a snack and something to drink at the same time.
It was then that Donnie brought this observation up to him.
Leo shrugged “Technically they are only like a week old, and they are also so small. I don’t know. Maybe it’s just because it’s very obvious that they are new and still getting used to everything? In a way it really does remind me of a child, I guess? Even if they are a robot and all.”
“You never did the same with Shelldon.”
Once again he shrugged “Eh, I was a teen then and Shelldon seemed to be on eyelevel. Now I’m older and stuff… I don’t know!” He raised his voice at the end but laughed.
It was clear he wanted to give Donnie an honest answer but he himself couldn’t really explain it. Not that this was an important matter anyhow. He was just curious what about Aria made Leo react that way. Maybe it was just his analytical brain trying to understand how Aria came across to others and if he needed to make adjustments.
Mikey was so excited when he met Aria properly. He just kept asking them all sorts of things. Why are plants usually green? Why are some oceans seemingly gray and others are a deep blue? What can you do to force another growth spurt?
Donnie had a smile on his face as he watched his younger brother use Aria as his personal encyclopedia. To be honest this was kind of a good idea to just let Mikey ramble off all his questions and see how Aria reacted. They seemed to react just as he wanted, being able to “dumb down” their explanations if Mikey told them that he didn’t understand their too technical response.
Honestly it was really good training for them to learn a more natural way of speaking and explanation. Even if the details of the subject go missing but those could be asked for and maybe one day Aria will learn with whom they can speak more technical to and for whom they had to rephrase their knowledge. Frankly something he had to learn as well.
Shelldon was also at their side. Explaining to them exactly why Mikey might have not understood their current explanation. He went even so far as giving them a ton of verbal praise to make sure they understood that they did this correctly.
Seemed like Shelldon really took them under his wing immediately.
Raph’s reaction was kind of a mix between Leo and Mikey. Over the years Shelldon also started to climb all over Raph’s shell when he had the chance, just how Raph’s brothers used to do. Well, they still used him as their personal perch to be fair.
Shelldon released his rotor blades on his back to fly up and then sit down on one side of Raph’s shoulder, afterwards putting the rotors back into his shell. The red turtle didn’t even react, so used to this. Instead his eyes were glued on the new robot who was once again introducing themself formally.
Without a warning he just snatched them from the ground and moved them up, so they were on eyelevel with him. He scrunched his face together in thought as he eyed the new robot “So, I can ask you any question?”
Aria nodded, something they didn’t do at the start but learned while doing introductions “Yes. If it’s in my databank I can answer any questions and if it’s not I have the abilities do my own research to answer your question.”
Their speech pattern improved a lot as well. Not referring to questions only as inquiries anymore for example.
Raph squinted his eyes even more together “So.” He drawled out “Could you also help Raph with creating a better training plan? Because I know there are ways to make it better, but I don’t really know how.”
Actually, that was a good question! This wasn’t a straight question for one specific fact. This would require combining multiple things together. It really was a good idea to do the rounds with Aria.
“It should be possible. There are many ways to go about this. Are we talking about increasing muscle mass? Cardio? What kind of training do you already do?”
Raphael smiled “How about I show ya. You can help me then.” He then proceeded to move Aria up to his other shoulder. Shelldon’s hand immediately darted over to grasp onto Aria when he saw them swaying back for a second when Raph began walking.
When Aria introduced themself to April, she looked towards Donnie with a raised eyebrow “Say Donnie, this one won’t go all rogue like Shelldon did once, right?”
He scoffed offendedly at that, even if this was mostly meant as a way to tease him “No! I’ve learned since then! Besides I have higher hopes this time around that my lovely brother won’t just sabotage my work. I’m pretty sure that this fact played a huge role in that”
April chuckled at that “Alright, alright. I gotcha. Just making sure.” She winked to really bring home that she was just teasing him.
She then turned to the new small robot and introduced herself as well.
“Yes. April O’Neil. Oldest sister to the Hamato’s. The brothers met you when they all were still kids.” Aria explained.
She nodded “Made sense that Don already told you that all. Well, I already know you’ll be a huge asset to the resistance and welcome to our little family. Well honestly our family isn’t so small anymore.”
This was certainly true. At first it really was just the four with their father. Then April joined and later Sunita and even Cassandra. Somewhere along the way Draxum joined the family as well. And if you added Shelldon and Aria as well then that made up a group of eleven people. It was just sometimes hard to see with everyone busy or away on missions.
It didn’t take long for Donnie to let Aria roam around the base on their own.
He first placed them to what they referred to as the kindergarten. Really it was a school and a way to train children basic skills to survive in the new apocalyptic world. They had games like “Down the Krang” that was just a way to teach them where some of the weak points were on Krangs and how to work together from an early age on.
But Aria was there and helped the few teachers out that were able to teach the kids. Just how they did with Mikey, they acted mostly as a personal encyclopedia for the children. Which got Donnie a little bit in trouble since apparently Aria didn’t realize they shouldn’t mention the most cruel details of certain subjects.
Kids certainly shouldn’t have to hear about how Krang assimilate other people and how they can basically take apart the victims brain.
Not that this wouldn’t be a thing they’d soon learn anyhow. But people tried to save the children’s innocence as much as they could. Even with death and worse things being a daily occurrence.
It was a bit tricky to explain this concept to Aria though. Luckily Shelldon was right there to take that duty on to himself. Basically explaining in more detail how parents and adults want to ensure children have a happy childhood, trying to avoid anything that might be considered as something negative. Not everything at all the time but they want to take their time before getting into the cruel stuff. Give them a chance to prepare themselves for some of the more cruel aspects of the world.
Which them sported Aria asking Shelldon a ton of questions. Would it be okay to talk about death in general? But shouldn’t they learn what to do when seriously hurt?
It really surprised Donnie when Shelldon seemingly had answers to most of their questions. He supposed it made sense that he had problems trying to teach Aria these things since most of it relies more on instinct and having watched behaviors of others for a while to make these judgments, while Shelldon from day one was only able to rely on what he knew and then over the years what he observed.
Donnie didn’t realize that his instinct when it came to interaction was this strong though, since he often felt like he mostly emulated what others did. Well might be that his emulation of everything happens on a more instinctual part.
As they days passed more and more approached Aria instead of Donnie when he was obviously busy. When Aria was already busy they put the next person in a sort of que in their system and ran from one part of the base to the next.
When Shelldon wasn’t busy on doing his rounds around the base or was on a special recon mission he was usually found at Aria’s side. At this point it really felt like they were joined at the hip. Often enough when Aria had questions on how to handle certain situations they approached their brother more than Donnie, which he didn’t mind! It was an interesting observation mostly.
Though the consequences of this were that they seemed to pick up more and more of Shelldon’s mannerisms. That said they never seemed to take on the same kind of chill bro speech pattern. Even if Shelldon tried to make them say “Brah” only to admit that it felt “way off” coming from them.
“Father, you should rest. You have been awake for 68 hours.”
What they took away from Shelldon was them also starting to refer to Donnie as father. And it surprised him when he didn’t mind it. It made sense. He saw all of his projects as “his babies” after all. Not that he ever would say that out loud. The only one he ever really showed this kind of relationship openly with was with Shelldon.
Well, there was this incident with his bed invention but that’s not the point right now. It wasn’t a true AI anyhow.
The first time Aria referred to him as father, he had to take a double take. They usually tended to refer to him as Donatello, sometimes Donnie and rarely creator.
They once did refer to Donnie as Mister Hamato when there was a prick military person in the base who kept calling the turtle brothers derogatory names and apparently Aria thought this would make Donnie sound more like a person to be taken seriously.
It ended with Leo laughing so hard he fell to the ground blinded by his own tears since this came out of nowhere.
Donnie was mostly annoyed with Leo apparently thinking it was hilarious when someone tried to pay him, deservedly, respect.
But father was a weighted word and normally Aria would ask others for their permission to assign a new alias or nickname for them. But this time they didn’t.
“Excuse me? Can you say that again?” Donnie asked, trying to hide his bewilderment as he turned around in his chair to look at his robot.
Aria had their hands on their hips and the pixelated face was turned into a pouty frown “I said that you have been awake for 68 hours straight and that you should rest.”
It’s been only a few weeks and they seemed to already have improved so much and even showing off their own personality. They often enough reprimanded him to take better care of himself and in a way this reminded him so much of how he used to interact with his own father.
“I, uh, yeah. I got kind of caught up in this project. But what did you call me?”
Aria’s arms dropped to their side, their face turning to a smile as they tilted their head to the side “I called you father.” Their robotic voice was more unsure “I’m sorry. I didn’t ask for permission. I just assumed since Shelldon always calls you dad and he calls himself my brother…” They trailed off at the end.
Donnie was for a moment caught in the realization how much better they got at showing actual emotions. A feeling of pride grew in his chest at the words they used.
They assumed.
They assumed!
They are learning and in turn are growing. And now they are seemingly trusting their own ability to think for themself. Donnie knew that they were a true sentient AI but to see them actually grow on their own? There was no better word than pride.
He slowly nodded “No, no. Shelldon was right.” He hesitated a bit at the end. It is a bit ironic that he created AI able to feel and think for themselves when he is famously bad with feelings himself “It’s okay. You didn’t do anything wrong.”
Aria just stared at him for a moment longer before answering “So, it is alright if I call you father? Or dad?”
“Yeah, yeah. Sure. I don’t mind.” He tried to sound casual. He was somehow nervous? Happy? It was a complicated feeling that was settling down in his chest and gut which made him almost more annoyed than anything.
“Alright then, dad. It is time for you to rest. I already asked Uncle Mikey to make you something small to eat as well.” They then walked over and begun softly pulling on his hand.
Donnie couldn’t help but just follow along. Sure, Aria was stronger than most but right now they were barely pulling on him, still Donnie moved as his robot pulled him away from his work and instead into the part of the base the Hamatos have claimed for themselves.
“Uncle Mikey?” Donnie asked as they made their way. Donnie was a bit ducked down so he could still hold onto Aria’s hand as they continued to pull him along as if he didn’t know the way to his own kitchen.
Aria nodded “He said I could call him that and I like it. I like that I have a family.”
“Yeah. Me too.”
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spidantic · 2 years
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My second book, Draconian Aria, is out now! Sometimes a family is a deranged mage, his living sword, the devil’s daughter, and two cambions, Now somewhat settled into his new lot in life as one of the devil’s debtors, Draco finds his finds himself assaulted and kidnapped by an enigmatic angelic figure and put on trial for the great many sins he’s dealt while doing the devil’s work, and he must endure having his fractured brain picked and displayed for the inquiry of an uncaring interloper. Meanwhile his daughter Cicula and his son Lach set out on their own journey into his past, to determine just who he pissed off this time and where they’ve taken him. Yet Lucifer’s myriad machinations toil on eternally in his war against an absentee God, and as the pieces gradually fall into place towards fulfilling the prophecies of John the Revelator, the shadow of Armageddon reveals you can’t trust anyone, not even yourself. The Millennium of Stagnation must end at any cost, even if it means the end of the world. [Amazon] [Barnes & Noble]
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✒️= Fanfic | 📱= Text Fics/Edits | 🎨= Fanart Ⓜ️ = Mature Content 18+ | 🔥 = Explicit/NSFW 18+ 🦄 = BiSexual Awareness Event
October 2023
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Aerin Valleros x M!MC Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈 by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Aerin Valleros x M!MC Fanart 2 🎨🏳️‍🌈 by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Aerin Valleros x M!MC Fanart 3 🎨🏳️‍🌈 by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Aerin Valleros x M!MC Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈 - @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Aerin Valleros x M!MC NSFW Fanart 🎨Ⓜ️🔥🏳️‍🌈- @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
And they were foils 🎨🏳️‍🌈| Aerin Valleros x MC - @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Blades Drabble ✒️🏳️‍🌈🦄| Tyril Starfury x elf!mc - @lilyoffandoms
Blades Drabble 2 ✒️🏳️‍🌈🦄| Tyril Starfury x elf!mc - @lilyoffandoms
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Blades Drabble ✒️🏳️‍🌈🦄| Tyril Starfury x MC, Mal Volari x f!mc - @lilyoffandoms
Blades Drabble 4 ✒️🏳️‍🌈🦄| Blades MC, Blades OC - @lilyoffandoms
Blades Elf!MC 🎨🏳️‍🌈 by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Blades Elf!MC 2 🎨🏳️‍🌈 by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
A Development of Sorts ✒️🏳️‍🌈🦄| Mal Volari x f!human!mc, Tyril Starfury x mc - @storyofmychoices
Halloween Costumes 🎨🏳️‍🌈| Mal Volari x F!MC, Tyril Starfury x MC by @exotic-inquiry (C: @lilyoffandoms)
The Last Time ✒️🏳️‍🌈 | Aerin Valleros x M!MC - @saibug1022
Perhaps if we had met sooner... 🎨🏳️‍🌈| Aerin Valleros - @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Run Boy, Run 🎨🏳️‍🌈| Aerin Valleros by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Swordplay ✒️🏳️‍🌈| Imtura Tal Kaelen x f!orc!mc - @trappedinfanfiction
The Rogue's Embrace ✒️🎨🏳️‍🌈🦄| Mal Volari x Tyril Starfury - art: @/coffeeforchloe (IG) fic: @storyofmychoices
Tyril Starfury x MC Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈 by @mooreaux (C: @lilyoffandoms)
Tyril Starfury x Maiele 🎨🏳️‍🌈by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd (C: @lilyoffandoms)
Wall of Regret ✒️🏳️‍🌈| Tyril Starfury x MC, Mal Volari x MC, Tyril x Mal - @saibug1022
You Can Walk a Different Path 🎨🏳️‍🌈| Aerin Valleros x elf!mc - @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Crimes Drabble ✒️🏳️‍🌈🦄| Trysan Thorne x MC, Luke Watanabe x Ruby Webster @lilyoffandoms
A Day Off ✒️🏳️‍🌈| Trystan Thorne x MC - @starsarewithinme
F!Trystan x F!MC Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈 by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
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dustedmagazine · 1 year
Al Karpenter/Al Karpenter & CIA Debutante — The Forthcoming/S-T (Ever Never)
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The Forthcoming by Al Karpenter
Al Karpenter swamps threads of song in seething banks of noise and dissonance.  You find yourself focusing on blaring surface noise, while sense and melody percolates somewhere underneath.  It is very modern in that there is too much going on and you are always distracted, always struggling to find the point, but you know it’s there.  If it doesn’t make sense that’s on you. 
This pair of releases allows for fervid collaboration, across and within the noise experimental genre.  The Forthcoming supplements the Spanish outfit’s live line-up—Álvaro Matilla, Mattin, Marta Sainz and Enrique Zaccagnini—with like minded samplers, warpers and droners: Sunik Kim, Dominic Coles and Triple Negative.  The self-titled brings in medieval futurists of CIA Debutante, just off their Siltbreeze outing Willow, Down, reviewed here a month or so ago (“The sound is immersive and disturbing, noises like factory equipment clashing with eerie Suicide-like beats.”).  You can’t really call one disc a solo album and the other a joint effort since both gain intrigue and unpredictability from outside influences. 
But let’s do it anyway  The Al Karpenter disc dissolves and reforms across six tracks, now muttering imprecations over inchoate punk noise (“The Forthcoming”), now approaching bass thumping electro-dance clarity (“A Brand New Brontophobia”), now disintegrating into incantatory chaos (“Poison Sun”), depending on who is involved.  The title track, aided by London’s Triple Negative, launches florid arias out of a chaotic mesh of guitars and drums, where the instruments natter on towards their own ends, unconnected by time signature or key.  A shimmery, shoegaze-y instrumental break tips into lyricism but slides out of true, an antic beat erupting from it like an irregular heart in flight.  Contrast that with the clean, driving agitation of “A Brand New Brontophobia,” where Sunik Kim guests.  A jittering, techno bass rumbles, clipped onslaughts of snare-like drum machines rattle, as Mattin murmurs and croons.  “Happy B-Day,” one of the cuts with Dominic Coles, opens giddily with keyboard before cutting all the way back to guitar notes and murmured threat (“I’m not afraid to kill or die”), alternately minimal and maximal.  “Drood (Can You Hear Me Now?)” offers the clearest distillation of Al Karpenter’s haunted eclecticism, layering vertiginous synths over muttered alienation. 
S/T by Al Karpenter & CIA Debutante
The album with CIA Debutante also delivers dystopic poetry but couched more rhythmically and with the agitation of punk rock.  “Born Dead” lumbers like a giant mechanical beast, its beat slow and inexorable, giving shape to masses of guitar feedback and intermittent shouts of the title.  “Public Scaffolding” bangs more frantically, as a voice rages against income inequality.  It slips into static but doesn’t lose its structure; you can hear the toms rattling all the way through.  “Medieval Cocaine” sounds the most purely CIA Debutante-ish of all these tracks, the ping and squiggle of electronics framing unknowable, evocative verses. “Fuck You All to Fade No More,” dances inscrutably on synth rhythms and shattering machine beats, as the lyrics shatter the f-word into fragments, repeatedly.   
None of this is especially easy listening, and you won’t be putting it on at your next dinner party.  But it is full of layers and passionate inquiry, and the chaos is like the world right now.  Listen and feel the ground under you crumble and everything sure come into doubt. 
Jennifer Kelly
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ariaacads · 7 months
— Thank you for availing Aria Acads Services.
I'm open for commissions. Accepting from heavy to light task, rush or non-rush. Kindly DM me for inquiries! ✨
Happy to serve you!
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wingedarrows · 2 years
One of Marigold’s parents, Scribbles Scrambles, along with her little brother Scratch, has started to recover from the events of Back to the Beginning. However, recovery has been slowed down since Dr. Luma doesn’t have enough of material (ie a specific type of magical flower) to make the medicine he needs. Good news though, Dr. Luma knows where to get more. Bad news, the old lady that grows them isn’t too keen to giving them up anymore. But! Maybe, just may be she might be coaxed to giving some up by some sweet not at all chaotic children.
Shenanigan's: So many!
@cardinalart as the DM @hug-monster as Marigold @fletchier as Fleck @morskijez00 as Aria Myself as Keris
There’s also a text rp (Inquiries Into Soul Magic) that occurs between Keris and Marigold on their way back home that sets up some stuff for later for Keris.
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THE Anonymous Adoptee
Who is the Anonymous Adoptee anyway? If you have found this content, I assume you're an adoptee whose searching either in secret or is currently keeping your dissatisfaction with life a secret because you, as an adoptee, probably feel like you can't talk to those closest to you for fear that the inquiries into where you came from will be misinterpreted. The likelihood that someone gets offended is all but a guarantee. If that's the case, then you are the Anonymous Adoptee.
My name (or at least the one you will come to know me by) is Aria Solena. I've made this blog intending to create a place for adoptees to connect and share our experiences without fear of being judged. Also, a space free of outside influences like adoptive and birth parents can make working through these things even more difficult by adding shame and guilt to the equation where none needs to be.
I'm an adoptee who's half-black with white parents. I grew up in the deeply conservative state of Ohio, with a Republican Super Majority, seeing as both the State House and State Senate of Ohio are run by Republicans. Take it from me when I say I know what you're going through. Even if you found this by accident, and it just so happens that you're an adoptee who has dealt/is dealing with their adoption loss, you can still help someone else who is coping with their adoption loss and grief. Whether through support groups or simply listening, your empathy can make a difference.
In the long term, I hope to fill this blog with personal stories, support groups, discussion boards, political action plans, and resources for those who are dealing with anxiety, depression, and anger; along with book recommendations and resources for your adoptive parents to help them understand who you are and why knowing where you come from is a natural human desire, shouldn't be taken offense to, and why it's healthy for you to help form an identity, sense of self, and find out where it is that you belong.
I know you have been a nomad, wandering from place to place, searching for answers no one wants to give you, and then blaming yourself when you ultimately come up short. That stops with this blog. In the meantime, check out The Anonymous Adoptee (well, what's there) and any article or essay under the pen name "Aria Solena," and stay tuned. I can't wait to see where this blog takes us.
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pargolettasworld · 1 year
Judaism is a large tradition, and, as such, it contains multitudes.  We have a pretty fanatical reverence for the idea of study.  We are all about sending kids to school, teaching them to read early, encouraging all sorts of study and learning and philosophy and inquiry.  We love to cite sources*, we love to quote classic works of rabbinic literature at each other -- one of our more classic Yiddish songs is all about a schoolroom where the teacher is leading kids through their letters.
And alongside that very educated, very literate tradition, there’s also room for a more mystical, emotional, intuitive understanding of the Divine.  The original good idea of the Hasidim, that prayer should be about joy, and that music and dance can and should move the spirit to a holy ecstasy that is beyond the ability of words to express.
The story in this aria from Jonathan Leshnoff’s cantata “Zohar” is a classic kind of Jewish story that blends these two ideas.  The shepherd boy is almost completely illiterate, but he wants to pray anyway.  He knows, because he’s been told, that words are the appropriate way to the Divine, but he doesn’t know the words to any prayer, because he can’t read. So he goes into the synagogue and shouts out the only thing he does know, the first few letters of the alphabet.  And his intentions are so powerful that those letters, all of their own accord, fly up to the Divine and form a prayer that is welcomed and rewarded.
*Oddly enough, for everything except music, which is a phenomenon that I do enjoy writing about.
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deathleadsarc · 2 years
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@terestris sent a letter: Truth Serum + if you were to die now, would there be any regrets?
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―  🜛  ―  " I would certainly wonder what or who it was that finally killed me permanently! "     she jests, giggling from behind her fingertips, a velvet melody that soothes the intensity of that inquiry. As she had drank from the wealth of elixir so many centuries previous, there was not a moment in which she could die and remain dead as the world so preserves. She had died before, yes, but she would always return. A monster hostile and more feverish for her aria all the more! Always returning. Always returning. Always feeling her death. Always feeling her body reconstructing upon return. Though, she does indeed remember the first time she had perished and thought herself gone forever.
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The moments before her fiery flight from the village, riding atop Basker's bloody back and into the woods where none could hurt her. Tied to the pyre in the village center, hay prodding and pricking at her bare legs  ―  and oh the scent of smoke! That unmistakable scent of skin crackling and tearing! And as she was tied tight and high above to that cross, looking out in terror to the murderous and cruel sea of villagers who so wished for her death, there were thoughts of regret that came swarming in. How clearly she remembers, and how clearly that pain continues to weigh upon the heart.
    " I remember regretting not studying more. Not fleeing sooner before I could be caught. Anger overtook me and I had begun slaughtering them all behind my minds eye, wrecking them like castles of sand. I also, distinctly, recall the face of the knight who had always cast his eyes on me in tenderness. Yes. Yes, my alchemy. Basker. And the Kings Knight Atlas prominent in the middle. Through remembering his love, I chose to bring destruction to the village I had so wished to be loved by. "    
she took a moment of silence in that memory before sitting up straight, suddenly slapping her hands to her knees.    " That knight happened to find me again, he did!  Wished to marry me. I'd say the two of us have had a happy eternity thus far. . . but as for now, if I am to die before him, forever, I would regret that the two of us could not die together. I do not want him to be alone. Not anymore. "
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ericac318 · 2 years
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An Alternate Universe
William Bell has been happily existing in an alternate universe, a universe where he met Aria Keating, the love of his life. His plan is to use Aria to keep tabs on his old partner, Walter Bishop. Things don’t always go to plan though … This is mostly self-indulgent fluff/smut William Bell x OC
Chapter 1
Aria Keating walked into William Bell’s office before she took a seat on the edge of his desk, “I heard you had an assignment for me, sir?” she questioned while her lips curled into a coy smile.
Bell attempted to ignore the way her skirt inched up her thigh from her position. He always tried to keep things professional when they were in the office. “I do, indeed, have an assignment for you. You don’t have to call me sir, my dear,” he added.
“Ok, Mr. Bell,” she only slightly altered the way she’d addressed him, “What can I do for you? Besides the obvious?” she inquired as she moved her foot to rest high on his thigh.
He worked to keep his breathing under control from her assault, “My darling, I’d like you to find William Bishop, my old partner, and his team. I’m inquisitive to know what they’re up to,” he explained, glancing down to see her toes moving toward her destination.
Aria licked her lips as she ran her foot along the bulge she’d created in his pants, “What’s in it for me?” she teased before she removed all touch.
Her actions caused him to let out a small groan of frustration. “What would you like in exchange for handling this assignment for me?” he questioned, resisting the urge to touch her.
She moved off of his desk so she could straddle him, “I’m sure you already know,” she answered while she ground herself against him, enjoying the way his eyes closed from her actions.
Bell pressed his fingers into her hips to still her movements, “I think that can be arranged, but perhaps, not in my office?”
“I don’t see why not,” Aria replied as she ran her hand from his chest down to her target before she began rubbing him through the fabric, enjoying the little noises he allowed to escape his lips. “See, this could be so much more fun,” she tempted before she stopped her actions and moved her fingers to start undoing his belt buckle.
Bell had no more reserves as he reached between her legs, surprised to find she wasn’t wearing any underwear under her skirt, “Are you sure you’re ready for me?” he began to question but stopped when he felt how wet she was.
“I’m sure you have your answer,” she replied as she removed his hand once she was done freeing him from the confines of his pants, “I am beyond ready,” she added as she sunk down on his erection, gasping as he stretched her, just like it was their first time all over again.
Bell felt his eyes close in pleasure as she began to ride him, right in his office chair. He wished he’d been able to resist, but he knew better when it came to the desires of Aria Keating. When she wanted something she was going to get it, no matter what.
Three Months Later…
“Walter, can you explain what you just said again?” Aria asked, fully immersed in his team with Olivia and Peter, “I wasn’t listening,” she confessed.
Walter Bishop nodded as she pointed at his drawing on the whiteboard once again, “There is certainly an alternate universe, however, one cannot travel between the two very many times without consequence,” he explained.
“What kind of consequence comes from traveling between universes?” Olivia questioned, to help Aria.
Peter took over, “From what Walter has shared, it looks like if a person travels from one universe to the other too many times, they’ll die. Because their life force has been split too many times?” his last statement was posed as a question for Walter.
“How many travels would cause a person to die?” Aria added to Peter’s inquiry.
Walter glanced at the panicked girl before he replied, “It would take quite a few. Based on my calculations, a person would have to travel between the worlds at least twenty times for any serious damage to their DNA to begin,” he explained, hoping to ease her concerns, even though he didn’t fully understand where they stemmed from.
“Cool,” Aria responded, “I have to go,” she stated, abruptly, “I know we had a whole plan for tonight but I just remembered that I have a report due for work tonight, by midnight,” she lied as she waved and started leaving the lab. Aria needed to know how many times Bell had traveled between the two worlds because Walter’s information caused her to be concerned regarding his long-term health.
What Aria didn’t know was that Olivia followed her …
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ramzawrites · 2 years
ARIA - Autonomous Research Interactive Assistant | AI!Reader in the Krang Apocalypse
Part 2
Pairings: None
Characters included: Future!Donatello, Future!Michelangelo, Future!S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N
Warnings: n/a
Series: Part 1
Summary: Donnie is stretched thin in the apocalypse. Everyone needs the help of the genius but there is always so much to do, even with the help of his family and Shelldon.
But luckily Donnie is a genius inventor. Might as well create a robot that is simply there to answer everyones question.
Thus the Autonomous Research Interactive Assistant, aka ARIA, was born.
Word count: 2539
Authors Note: This is just a personal project I will work on in between Dream World and my college work. I just love the idea of Donnie creating a second AI and Shelldon immediately taking the mantle of the older brother. I just wanna write the robot siblings causing chaos while Donnie scrambles behind his robot kids to make sure no one dies. Also i just wanted to take the chance to maybe write in the future Casey jr and Shelldon hang out bc you can't tell me those two wouldn't kinda think of each other as cousins lmao
Also I gave Reader a name (Aria) in this one but Y/N will be used sometimes at some point in the future.
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In the apocalypse Donnie’s mind has probably become one of the most important assets. He provides clean water, weapons, protection, and intel. And he makes it look so easy. You had a problem? He probably has multiple ways to solve it for you.
The thing was everyone had some kind of problem.
“Hey Donatello, we have problems with this water purifier. We can’t find the correct replacement parts, do you know what we can do instead?”
“Oh, Mister Donatello! We are trying to bioengineer crops that work well with the destroyed soil here somewhat. We need your expertise!”
“Aha, Donnie! Our weapons seem to be less effective against the Krang. Got something to juice our weapons up more?”
“Donnie, we really need you for this recon mission to determine what the Krang are building there.”
“Donnie, how is your research going into reversing the effects of Krang infection?”
“Donnie, we need more prosthetic limbs.”
“Donnie, medical supplies are running low. We need a proper substitute if possible.”
“Donnie, you really should sleep more.”
Hah, sleep.
Sleep felt like it was only a distant memory at this point.
He wanted to help! He really did but it was just impossible to follow every inquiry with the same priority. Either because some things were frankly impossible at the moment, they didn’t have the correct materials for the project or there just wasn’t enough time.
There was always so much to do and never enough time.
Even with the help of his brothers and sister. The work seemed never ending.
So, as a way to try to mitigate it, Donnie decided to upgrade Shelldon. Over the years the bot made great strides when it came to learning more about behavior and seemed to get better at interacting with people. His rebelliousness faded over the years. Understanding that there were more important things to do and if he can help his creator, or father as he began calling him over the years, then so be it.
That said he still acted often more like a young teenager than the recon bot he was supposed to be. Frankly Donnie giving Shelldon proper limbs like legs, arms and of course hands seemed to have enabled him more when it came to his mischievous behavior. Now being able to interact better with the world around him.
Still, he was reliable and was able to assist with recon missions and relay important information from one point to another in record speed.
Besides, Donnie would never admit it out loud, but he did appreciate Shelldon’s attitude somewhat. Somehow his mischievous behavior brought him a sense of normalcy. Something that survived the start of the apocalypse. Sure, he was an AI and part of this could be then attributed towards Donnie’s programming but still. A lot Shelldon learned himself. Even more he seemed to have picked up from Donnie’s family to his chagrin.
As much as Shelldon helped him out though it never seemed enough. Shelldon was meant more for recon rather than as an information bank to help other parts of the resistance.
There was a knock on the door to his workshop. Donatello didn’t even bother answering already knowing it was Mikey who would just let himself in. If Leo, Raph or April did that he’d make an annoyed comment. Mikey had the younger brother privileges. Not at all times but most times.
Enough to particularly annoy Leo with that fact.
“What can I do for you, Mikey?” Donnie asked as he hurriedly continued to type on his computer. New lines of code appearing on the screen in a scarily fast tempo. His battleshell was laying on the ground against the desk. The design having become more sleek over the years. Though even in the apocalypse Donnie couldn’t help himself adding a few LED lights for the aesthetics.
The Krang were the absolute worst thing that ever happened to the world and the universe but when they do manage to liberate a Krang labor camp they did get access to interesting Krang materials that he didn’t hesitate to use for his own projects.
One such project was currently sitting on a workbench on the side connected to his computer with a ton of cables. Charging as he worked on upgrading the programming of his new invention.
Mikey was now standing behind his chair “We haven’t seen you longer than a few moments the last few week. We’ve been worried about you. Gotta eat and sleep, Donnie.”
He wanted to roll his eyes but his eyes were too busy scanning his code since there seemed to be some kind of mistake. Probably a missing semicolon.
“I am eating and taking rests. Don’t worry. Besides once I’m finished with this I will hopefully have an easier time taking breaks.”
This obviously piqued Mikey’s interest “Oh? Why is that? What are you working on?” He finally moved to his side, his eyes now scanning the code as well which was amusing to Donnie. Mikey probably tried to gleam any kind of information from it while barely know anything when it came to programming. Not that Donnie hasn’t tried teaching him. He never got past the basics with him.
But this was way past the basics. This was genuine GeniusTech programming that can create a sentient AI.
“I’m making an assistant.” He simply stated.
Mikey paused “What like… what? Isn’t Shelldon already kind of filling that role?”
Donnie tilted his head to one side and back, as if he was mulling this statement over “No. I want to create an assistant that can store a vast amount of information on all kinds of subjects while being able to autonomously do research shouldn’t the correct answers be there.”
“So, we don’t have to bug you anymore when asking you how god and the world work, eh?” He didn’t need to look at his younger brother to know that he was smirking. At this point this has been one of his biggest grievances after all. Sure, he loved infodumping but topics like the filter of a water purifier weren’t exactly on the top of that list.
“But more importantly.” Mikey drawled out the last word “Does that mean Shelldon will have a sibling?”
Donnie bristled at that, as well as a turtle can bristle “No! This is just my Autonomous Research Interactive Assistant. Nothing more. I’m building it to give us room to breath to work on more projects at the same time.”
His brother chuckled at his response “You say that but you aren’t even correcting Sheldon anymore when he calls you dad.”
He couldn’t even respond before Mikey spoke up again “Anyway, is that them?” Probably pointing to the slumped over robot on his workbench.
The robot was just like all his tech purple. The head was more humanoid in nature with a screen for where the face would be. They also had a shell on the back. Knowing Donnie there were probably a ton of hidden compartments that held all sorts of interesting gadgets. It was probably only around four feet tall which would put it around the same height as Shelldon.
This actually felt rather short even for Mikey nowadays. All the Hamato brothers have had growth spurts over the years. All but Mikey were almost towering over other humans at this point. This just seemed to be one of the other effects of originally being created to be soldiers to fight in a war against humanity.
It was a bit ironic and almost heartbreaking that this gave them now an edge while warring against the Krang. Even though Draxum created them for this reason he still seemed somewhat sad about that fact now. Though Mikey was sure he was the only one who noticed that about the goat yokai. He was probably the only one who could read the yokai almost like an open book at this point.
Donnie’s gaze flitted over to his workbench, looking at the robot that Mikey was now closely scrutinizing without actually touching it “Yeah, yeah. That’s the Autonomous Research Interactive Assistant. Or will be.”
Mikey furrowed his brows, his hand running through his short black hair that he was slowly growing out, mostly on Donnie’s orders since he was still a bit perplexed by his sudden hair growth “Why not just call them Aria. Seems easier than to say the whole name out loud.”
“Yeah, yeah. Sure. Aria.” Donnie sighed.
“Shelly knows about them, right? Like he has to since you work on them in the open like that.”
Donnie scoffed at that “Of course he knows. He helped assemble the pieces and calibrated the joins while I worked on other things or the code.”
“That might explain why he has been more high energy than usual.”
“I swear if Shelldon touched one of the Krang energy cells again-“
Mikey laughed “Nah, I think he is just excited at having another robot around soon.”
Donnie didn’t respond to that. He was too busy adding more lines of code. Everyone seemed somehow way more excited at his new invention than he anticipated. Aria, as Mikey had dubbed it now, would be hopefully a big asset in the base.
“Anyways. Stop working on them. It’s Hamato dinner time. I was supposed to just grab you. Let’s go Donnie, we actually scrounged up some nice ingredients for once. Come on, come on. I cooked real food after ages.”
The prospect of honest to god real food sounded fantastic. It sounded so good after months of just military rations that he immediately saved his project and got out of his chair to put on his battleshell. It was just dinner with the family but especially nowadays he despised walking around without his artificial shell.
After being caught in a fight without it he almost glued the piece of tech on him. He even slept with it on for a while. His brothers had to practically peel him out of it. Leo then had to take care of any chafing on his soft shell. This whole experience was unpleasant enough that he learned to at least take it off again when he sleeps or when he is hunkered down for days in his workshop.
“Food sounds good.” He agreed as he followed his brother out towards where his family was undoubtedly waiting for them. If they started without them Mikey would probably beat them all up. Knowing him he probably wanted to see everyone’s reaction to his cooking after such a long time.
It took a good while longer for the work on Aria to progress. A lot came in the way of that but Donnie tried his best to work on this project whenever he could.
Donnie was currently working on Shelldon’s left arm that got a bit jostled during his last recon mission. He had to admit he always felt a few trepidations when he sent out Shelldon with others for missions. This time it seemed somewhat warranted since a Krangified human apparently got close enough to get ahold of him to pull his arm out of its socket. Were he a living being trying to set the arm back in would be painful as all can be but luckily for Shelldon this was mostly a thing of moving it back in and just repairing and fastening screws to hold it in place.
Maybe he should upgrade Shelldon again and give him even more defensive capabilities even if it’d slow him down.
A metallic scratching sound pulled him out of his thoughts “Shelldon. What are you doing?”
Shelldon was using his other arm to look at the exposed wiring and exoskeleton of the robot next to him. Aria was still sitting on the workbench slowly collecting dust.
“Just seeing if I can do something while you work on me, dad. I wanna see them finally come online.” He simply replied.
Donnie pulled one small screw tighter “If you want we can work on it more once I’m done with your arm.”
Even if Shelldon was incapable of an actual smile due to his build, Donnie swore he could see him do so in his own way. He obviously perked up at the prospect.
And as promised as soon as the arm worked again and was calibrated to Donnie’s standards, which took way longer than Shelldon would have liked, they jumped at completing the chassis.
Completing the code took longer than that. It took a couple more weeks between missions and work for Donnie to feel confident enough in his work to try to activate the robot for a test. He just wanted to see if his code started up correctly.
Shelldon was at Aria’s side while Donnie worked on the computer side of things. Starting up multiple of his analysis programs to record how the technology worked with each other. If there were parts that unexpectantly heated up for example.
He pressed on his enter key to start up the Aria program. Immediately turning around to see his GeniusTech logo appearing on the screen of Aria’s face.
A few commands appeared. Showing him exactly what programs started and loaded up only to disappear again and a pixelated face in a neutral expression appeared. Huh, he swore he designed it in such a way that it should start with a resting expression.
Aria blinked.
“Hello. I am your Autonomous Research Interactive Assistant. How may I help you?”
Donnie couldn’t help his glee as he yelled out “By Galileo! It works!” It loaded up and reacted just how he wanted when being approached by someone else. There was definitely too much static in their voice and there was a weird echoing effect on it. Something he will have to work on.
But now to test its capabilities.
Something easy to test the waters.
“At what temperature does water boil?”
The response was immediate “Water begins to boil at 99.97 °C, 211.9 °F and 373.15 Kelvin.”
Ah just as precise as he had hoped.
“Explain to me what the measurement of metal strength is.”
Once again, the response was fast “Tensile strength is a value that indicates a metal's ability to resist deformation and failure when loads are applied that pull it apart. Tensile strength is typically quantified through units of pounds per square inch, PSI, or pascals, Pa.”
Perfect! Now what else should he ask to really test their ability to pull the correct knowledge out. What would be a complicated enough question?
“Brah. Come on. They just came online! Do you just want to quiz them?” Shelldon whined. Sometimes Donnie was really confused where he got his attitude and speech pattern from. Then again Leo did sabotage him years ago.
Sighing, he relented “Alright. Autonomous Research Interactive Assistant. Register an alias for yourself.”
They tilted their head to the side to look at him inquisitively “What name do you want me to register?”
Shelldon’s head snapped up to his creator. There was something pleading in the way he acted and looked at him. Donnie nodded.
The turtle robot walked in front of the new one “Aria. A-R-I-A.”
“Aria.” They repeated. “The name has been registered as an alias. You may refer to me now as such.”
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Ticketing CRM Providers in Almaty, Kazakhstan: Revolutionizing Customer Support
In the fast-growing business environment of Kazakhstan, especially in the bustling city of Almaty, providing seamless customer service is becoming a cornerstone for success. Businesses are realizing that to maintain their competitive edge, they need to adopt modern tools and strategies that streamline their customer interaction processes. One such critical tool is Ticketing CRM, a solution that combines customer relationship management with a ticketing system, allowing businesses to handle customer inquiries and issues efficiently. In this context, finding the right Ticketing CRM providers in Almaty, Kazakhstan has become a top priority for businesses aiming to enhance their customer service.
What is a Ticketing CRM?
A Ticketing CRM system integrates the power of traditional customer relationship management (CRM) software with ticketing capabilities. It allows businesses to automate, manage, and resolve customer queries or complaints through a systematic and organized platform. Each customer request, whether it’s received through email, phone, or social media, is turned into a "ticket" that can be tracked from its creation to resolution. This ensures no customer query is overlooked, and businesses can provide timely, efficient responses.
For companies in Almaty, Kazakhstan, adopting a Ticketing CRM enables them to handle large volumes of customer interactions while maintaining the quality of service.
Benefits of Using Ticketing CRM for Businesses
Implementing Ticketing CRM providers in Almaty, Kazakhstan offers numerous benefits that can significantly enhance the operational efficiency of any business:
Improved Response Times: With ticketing automation, customer queries are immediately logged into the system, and staff can quickly assign and prioritize them based on urgency. This leads to faster resolution times and improved customer satisfaction.
Better Organization and Tracking: A Ticketing CRM centralizes all customer interactions in one place, allowing businesses to easily track the status of each query. Businesses can monitor the progress, escalate if necessary, and ensure that no customer is left waiting too long for a solution.
Enhanced Customer Relationships: By maintaining a detailed record of every interaction, businesses can build a stronger relationship with their customers. Each customer’s preferences, concerns, and past interactions are documented, enabling personalized responses and long-term engagement.
Streamlined Internal Communication: The ticketing system not only improves customer relations but also enhances internal team collaboration. Tickets can be assigned to different departments, ensuring that the right teams are working on the right issues.
Importance of Ticketing CRM in Almaty, Kazakhstan
As the commercial hub of Kazakhstan, Almaty is home to a wide range of industries, including retail, banking, telecom, and e-commerce. These industries rely heavily on customer interaction, making efficient customer service systems critical to their success. Ticketing CRM providers in Almaty, Kazakhstan are helping businesses across these sectors manage their customer relations effectively.
By adopting a robust Ticketing CRM, companies in Almaty can ensure they deliver top-tier customer service, regardless of the size of their customer base. The ability to automate and manage customer interactions efficiently can significantly enhance a company's reputation, setting them apart from competitors who may struggle with manual, disorganized customer management systems.
Aria Telecom: Leading Ticketing CRM Provider
When it comes to finding the best Ticketing CRM providers in Almaty, Kazakhstan, Aria Telecom stands out as a leading provider of innovative solutions. Aria Telecom offers cutting-edge Ticketing CRM systems that are designed to meet the needs of modern businesses in Almaty and beyond. Their software solutions are customizable and scalable, making them suitable for companies of all sizes and industries.
With Aria Telecom's Ticketing CRM, businesses can streamline their customer service processes, ensuring that every customer interaction is handled with the utmost care and efficiency. The software’s intuitive design allows companies to manage all communication channels—whether it’s email, phone, social media, or chat—in one unified platform. This makes Aria Telecom a key player in enhancing customer service capabilities in Almaty.
In the competitive business landscape of Almaty, having a reliable Ticketing CRM system is essential for businesses that want to stay ahead. Ticketing CRM providers in Almaty, Kazakhstan are helping businesses revolutionize their customer service processes, ensuring efficient, streamlined communication that keeps customers satisfied and engaged.
By partnering with industry leaders like Aria Telecom, businesses in Almaty can leverage the power of Ticketing CRM to not only manage their customer relations more effectively but also to build long-lasting relationships with their customers. Whether it's improving response times or enhancing the overall customer experience, a Ticketing CRM is a valuable asset that no business in Almaty should overlook.
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