#armband frank
breakthroughtheice · 10 months
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my beautiful girlfriend and the gay rat
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butchviking · 11 months
today has been such a huge fucking W. ray maiden shirt arrived; coworker gave me mcr cds including bullets which i did not yet own; other coworker gave me a fiver from a joke bet we made like 2 weeks ago; work friend invited me 2 upcoming birthday party; other work friend bought us beers after shift. tonight i get 2 go o a gig w a friend. everything's coming up hally 😁😁
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It's befuddling to me that most of the online Hamasniks seem to think that sooooo many Gentiles tried to help Jews during the Holocaust.
Yeah, right….
The actual current number of Righteous Among the Nations confirmed by Yad Vashem is 28,217 while the total estimated world population in 1939 was 2 billion. Less than 29,000 out of 2 billion.... That means that only around 0.0014% of the world population actively tried to help Jews from being butchered by the Nazis. The rest were either apathetic or hostile.
Dear anon,
most hamasniks don't bother actually
hamasniks if Anne Frank were alive today you'd have doxxed her to your friends so you could kill her yourself
you call her an evil zionist colonizer and you say you want to kill all the zionists
We know you want to kill Anne Frank all over again, Hamasniks
As for the rest of y'all you'd have worn your armbands, gone to the party meetings and politely not asked where your neighbors went or said it was a good think they were ghettoized or genocided
So exactly anon, the rest were either apathetic or hostile.
what can you do to not be the latter two?
Check in on your Jewish friends and if your peers are saying antisemitic stuff call them out
(as opposed to bosses or parents and be careful with teachers and professors, put on your own oxygen mask before helping others ect)
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sims-tec · 6 months
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(4-20-2024 Update)
From Fallout 76, here comes the Equalizer Power Armor. A resized version of the power armor worn by Frank Horrigan from Fallout 2. All pieces are in the accessory section. Helmet is in the glasses, right arm in bracelet, left arm in armband, torso in necklace, and legs in garters. I've also added several simple new textures.
Google drive link/update: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eujvcfnaYcugYAHX_2PEQen2IHq6sERC/view?usp=sharing
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honestly if i were frank i'd be using the personal information provided by everyone buying the sweaty armbands or once-worn fingerless gloves to open restraining orders but that's just me
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mychemical-brainrot · 8 months
my friend was telling me about how her dog had to get a cast for his leg cause i forget why it was a while ago and she showed me a picture... and it was a red cast... and i was like OH!!! LOOK AT THIS and my dumbass immediately got up a picture of pro rev frank iero with a red armband to show her. she just looked at me like 😦 (understandably)
plot twist it was the real frank (hes a dog now) 7/10
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yutopia-eleftheria · 2 months
Inazuma Eleven Future : Manchester City
Here is a new concept/project that I wanted to start for quite a while already. The concept is called "Inazuma Eleven Future". This concept consists of creating new teams with the Inazuma Eleven characters, but in existing clubs. In other words, in which club would said player play at.
At first I wanted to do Paris Saint-Germain since I am French, but I changed my mind and did Manchester City because it is one of my favorite clubs of all time.
Inazuma Manchester City :
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Coach : Ray Dark
Manager : Miles Ryan
Formation : 3-4-3
Players :
Terry Archibald ; Goalkeeper (Air)
Nathan Swift ; Left-Back (Air)
Frank Foreman ; Centre-Back (Fire)
Lucy "Icer" Hailstone ; Right-Back (Air)
Valentin Eisner ; Centre Midfielder (Air)
Flora ; Striker (Air)
Jude Sharp ; Centre Midfielder (Air) {Captain}
Jordan "Janus" Greenway ; Right Wing (Wood)
Philip Owen ; Striker
Alan Master ; Defender (Air) (Sub)
Ben "Beluga" North ; Goalkeeper (Earth) (Sub)
Dakkar Nemo ; Left Wing (Air)
Ethan "Heat" Whitering ; Midfielder (Wood) (Sub)
Dilshod Sokurov ; Centre Forward (Earth)
Sail Bluesea ; Forward (Fire) (Sub)
Nenel ; Defender (Fire) (Sub)
Note that I create a uniform different from the classic ones we see in real life so it can be a little more unique. But it is still inspired by real life jerseys.
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Manchester City Players and Goalkeeper Kit (Captain's Armband is yellow)
If you want to do fanarts of this team/club, I will be happy to see it ! ♥
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protect-daniel-james · 6 months
ship bingo: Frank/Mason, Uncle Harry/Frank Sr, uhhh how about... Southgate/Harry Maguire 😂, Xhakarteta
Here we go!
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Always conflicted, because I want Mason to stay far away from Frank for his own good, but also it's hot (and tragic), the idea of him being forever haunted by what happened between them when Mason was like 19, 20, 21...
Uncle Harry/Frank Sr.
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I think it's one of those ships that will always linger, never actually happen, but are super important for plenty of development for other characters - and for these two.
Southgate/Harry Maguire
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Honestly, it's missing something for me. I love Southgate/Harry Kane because Kane carries the responsibility for the team - like Gareth - , he wants to be the goodest boy ever, and - as was portrayed in Dear England - there are some parallels between them. I love Harry Maguire, but when I ship him with someone, I need the other person to have a bit of fire in the belly, have the strength and courage to push the boundaries (like Victor or Licha) and I just don't see Gareth as that type. I can joke about Maguire giving good head etc etc, but realistically, Maguire is similar to Kane character-wise, just without the armband and the sad look in his eyes, so to me that ship just doesn't say anything new or exciting to explore.
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I love Granit. I don't vibe with Mikel. They're hot. Their sex as depicted by you is hot, obviously! But as a ship it's just not something I feel strongly about. I see the potential, I love the idea of Granit fucking the whiny out of Mikel, but it's not really my ship.
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longeyelashedtragedy · 9 months
frank uses the captain armband as a tourniquet, daddy a injects a barely visible needle, it's so fucking good
aiiyaiyiyi what's in the needle?
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Frank is personally going to tell you that you are freak for buying a sweaty armband
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tofueggnoodles · 1 year
They’re Back! Araiso Private High School Student Council Executive Committee Vol. 1 Scene 2
Click here to listen to the track on youtube.
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Summary: Katsuragi interrupted a ‘moment’ between Kubota and Tokito. After listening to the speeches from the candidates, the Executive Committee pinpointed the likeliest suspect of wrongdoing.
Tokito: It’s just the two of us here, huh, Kubo-chan.
Kubota: Yeah.
(a swishing sound)
Tokito: Hey, what are you doing there, Kubo-chan? Q–quit it!
Kubota: Something I can only do at a time like now, while no-one else’s around.
Tokito: That’s true, but all the same, you’d better quit it. The others might come back any moment now.
Kubota: Saying that even though you actually want it. Can you hold back until we get home?
Tokito: Don’t look down on me!
Kubota: This part of you doesn’t seem to agree with what you just said.
Tokito: I mean... it’s my first time with this....
Kubota: Amazing how wet it is.
Tokito: I told you already – quit it, Kubo-chan!
Kubota: It’s all right. Here, open your mouth, Tokito.
(Tokito gasps.)
(The door slides open.)
Tokito (chomps on something crunchy): Wow! This moist rice cracker is delicious!
Kubota: It’s not easy to find moist rice crackers at the shops these days.
Katsuragi: Can’t you two refrain from acting in such a blatantly misleading manner? I could hear you perverted freaks even from the corridor outside!
Ainoura: Ah! My secret stash of snacks! My moist rice crackers!
Tokito (still eating): Come on – it’s not like there will be less of them.
Ainoura: Of course there’s going to be less of them! And I’d so looked forward to eating them later too....
Matsubara: There, there, Ainoura. I’ll share my snacks with you, okay? (hands something to Ainoura)
Ainoura: What’s this?
Matsubara: Sweet potato slices.
Ainoura: Army rations? [This snack was used during the Russo-Japanese War, briefly gaining the sobriquet "soldier's potatoes." Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hoshi-imo]
Murota: Sweet potato slices are good for your body. They are filled with vitamins and dietary fiber.
Matsubara: As one would expect from you, Murota! You’re knowledgeable when it comes to this sort of thing.
Katsuragi: All right, enough with the show of camaraderie. More importantly, the candidates for the Student Council election are starting to give their speeches soon. Get to work, everyone!
The others: Okay.
Katsuragi: Two groups will ensure security at the venue of the speeches. The first group consists of Kubota-kun and myself. Ainoura and Tokito will be in the second group. During the speeches, Murota-kun and Matsubara-kun are to patrol the school area.
Murota: Understood.
Tokito: Is it okay to leave this room unattended?
Katsuragi: I’d thought to ask Fujiwara to stay here, but for some reason, he’s not here today....
Ainoura: He told me yesterday that he was going to get himself a digital camera. It’s a new product that finally goes on sale today.
Katsuragi: He’s sure useless. This is precisely why he’ll always be a perpetual spare.
Matsubara: As I feared, your plan to deploy a rookie has come to naught **.
(An acoustic feedback resounds while the birds chirp.)
Suzuki: I am Suzuki Naoki, a candidate for the post of the Student Council Chairman in this year’s Student Council election. Naoki, written with the characters for ‘furthermore’ and ‘hope.’ I aspire to further support everyone’s wish for a hope-filled school life.
(The audience give him a round of applause.)
Katsuragi: If the tip-off is genuine, one of the candidates here is guilty of wrongdoing. (yawns)
Kubota: There are dark circles under your eyes, Katsuragi-chan.
Katsuragi: Oh no! You should pretend not to see such things, you know.
Kubota: I thought you looked tired. No wonder, since you’ve gotten busy all at once recently.
Katsuragi: That’s true. Nevertheless, to be frank, as things stand, I’m feeling grateful.
Kubota: For what?
Katsuragi: To the two of you for giving me the Executive Committee armband. If you hadn’t done that, I wouldn’t have been able to experience such a meaningful school life.
Kubota: Is that so?
Katsuragi: It’s really been an enjoyable experience in its own way. There were times when it adversely affected my grades, though.
Kubota (chuckles): Guilty as charged. Still–
Katsuragi: Hmm?
Kubota: Whether it’ll be a meaningful school life or not depends on the person in question. Whether one wears the armband or not, if one’s a person who’s not able to find joy in anything, one won’t enjoy school life from the start anyway. So it’s not really the Executive Committee you have to thank for this, but yourself.
Katsuragi: I guess it’s moments like this that Kubota-kun causes others’ hearts to flutter.
Kubota: What’s this? A confession?
Katsuragi: Give me a break. It would be foolish to confess to you after seeing the way you look whenever you’re with Tokito.
Kubota: Ah, how regrettable.
Suzuki: In the event that I’m elected as the Student Council Chairman, I’ll do my utmost to support my fellow students’ endeavors in their studies as well as extra-curricular activities centered on cultural and international themes.
Tokito (yawns): How boring.
Ainoura: Of course. It’s a speech, not a stand-up comedy.
Tokito: If he’s gonna make a speech, why doesn’t he just make a bold statement about an eye-popping reform or something? That’d sure arouse some interest.
Suzuki: And, one more thing: Our school should be well-warned of the degrading morality in our society and the anxiety it is causing.
Ainoura: An eye-popping reform, you said. What would be an example of that?
Tokito: Hmm.... how about the introduction of fast food at the school cafeteria?
Ainoura: Ah, that’s a nice one.
Suzuki: The annulment of Clause Number Five in the rules of this school – in other words, I vow to abolish the School Council Executive Committee as part of my campaign pledge.
Ainoura: Hah?
Tokito: What?
(The other students in the audience make various sounds of disbelief.)
Kubota: I see. He’s made his move.
Katsuragi: What do you mean, Kubota-kun?
Kubota: After listening to the speeches from all of the candidates, this Suzuki Naoki appears to be the most likely suspect when it comes to wrongdoing.
Tokito: Isn’t he the guy who announced his intention to abolish the Executive Committee?
Ainoura: In other words, this means–
Kubota: For one, that announcement was meant to gain more votes. Although about seventy-percent of the students in our school approve of the existence of the Executive Committee, the remaining thirty-percent–
Matsubara: –consists of students who hold a grudge against us. Thus, by declaring such an election manifesto, he’s bound to receive nearly thirty-percent of the votes.
Katsuragi: What’s his other objective?
Kubota: Making use of the carrot.
Tokito: Hah?
Kubota: He’s dangling the carrot before the horses who would be willing to move for the sake of money.
Ainoura: You mean, he’s motivating those ‘horses’ who hate us with the promise of our annihilation, so that they’d work harder to gather votes on his behalf?
Matsubara: I bet that even more underground money would change hands in their attempt to gather votes.
Tokito: Third-year students who loathe us from the bottom of their hearts and will do anything for money.... Only those guys come to mind.
Kubota: Now, now, we can’t conclude it’s them yet.
Murota: We can only rely on the tip-off for now. The reality is that we’ve yet to obtain any lead on the connection between candidate Suzuki and Ootsuka and his cohort.
Matsubara: We can’t move until we’ve consolidated the evidence.
Katsuragi: It’s precisely because he knows this as well that he dared to announce his intention to abolish the Executive Committee in his speech.
Tokito: Basically, he’s picking a fight with us.
Kubota: See, he’s got you agitated already, hasn’t he **?
Tokito: How dare he!
Ainoura: Ah, so that’s the matter Tachibana was talking about.
Matsubara: The important matter where the Executive Committee is concerned, huh.
Katsuragi: So they’ve known this for quite a while, that pair of fox and raccoon dog. [an expression meaning a couple of sly persons]
Murota: Sounds like a brand of cup noodles. [https://cupmen.org/blog-entry-5681.html]
Tokito: Creed Number One of the Executive Committee: If you pick a fight with us–
The rest: –we’ll fight back to the bitter end!
(Round brackets): actions and sound effects. [Square brackets]: translator’s notes or clarifications. Double asterisks **: Stuff I am not sure of. Suggestions for improvements and corrections are more than welcome.
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breakthroughtheice · 10 months
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megamanheadcanons · 2 years
Zero usually goes to his creator's abandoned base-the place where he was first founded- to try to regain his memory about his creator by finding journals, diaries and logbooks that his creator had left before he passed away. In one trip, Zero found a locked wardrobe in Wily's room and he could not find the key to open the wardrobe, and decided to find it. After 3 hours of poking around, he found the key hidden in a drawer under Wily's table. Upon opening the closet, Zero found inside was a field gray milirary uniform on a mannequin; two cloth bags hanged under the armpits of the mannequin, which had full of stick-shaped things that are similar to a potato masher; and a sub-machinegun hanged on the chest of the mannequin. On the left sleeve of the uniform is a dark green armband with a letter "S". Zero also happened to find a distintively shaped steel helmet and a wooden box. Inside the box, he found an iron cross medal, an old photo of 2 soldiers in the exact uniform he saw on the mannequin smiling in front of a grassfield. Under the photograph, there was a title written neatly in cursive writing, which stated: "Frank, meine Kameraden - 1917". At this point, Zero was very curious and extremely eager to find out why Wily would keep those thing in a hidden closet and who were 2 soldiers in that old photo. He decided to pack everything in that closet and brought them home for further inspection. At that night, while sitting on his bed, Zero called Alia to help him connect to the National History Archive repository. He then scanned the uniform and the helmet with his eyes and search them on the repository, and found that the uniform was once belong to Imperial German Army during the 1st World War and the distinctively shaped steel helmet was the famous Stahlhelm, in this case it was a 1916 version. The archive also showed him that the equipment, uniform, helmet and the green armband with the letter "S" were signature to the "Stosstruppen" unit, or Stormtrooper unit of Imperial German Army. They were labeled as shock troop as they can executing fighting plans very fast and using suprising tactica to defeat enemies. Upon scanning the photo, the archive founded 2 people that match the 2 people in the photo: Claus Wilhelm and Frank Heisenberg. They are both Iron Cross medal recipients for their bravery and gallantry in the war and both of them were Stormtroopers fought at Western Front. After the war, Frank Heisenberg moved to the US and changed his name to Frank Light, while Claus stayed in Germany and had a son named Fritz Wilhelm, whom later moved to US in 1947 and changed his name to Fritz Wily. And looking at the family trees of both people, Zero founded that 2 soldiers are grandfathers of Albert Wily and Thomas Light, the 2 famous engineers in robotics. At this point, he realized that his creator was Albert Wily and both himself and X had their comradeship from hundreds years ago.
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skzmostlikely · 17 hours
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First pic credit to to MoonU97
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bastardgoblinwolf · 1 year
hot girls cut up their bra to make an armband for their revenge frank halloween costume
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waglifeornolife · 1 year
I think Ben for captain over Reece … I like Reece and he’s a great player for us but I think he is the strong and silent type that’s just how he comes across but I feel like the team need someone more vocal like Ben….also I feel like Ben is more professional in a way he never posts quotes on his insta which can cause talk amongst fans ….
I was wondering if frank Lampard was talking about mason when he said that some players sat him down and explained that they probably wouldn’t be at Chelsea next year … because if it was then Reece could have been referring to mason …he obviously loves mase and did that goodbye post and all so no issues but I do feel like he’s outspoken online for many things online but never said anything about mason and the bricks quote thing which I thought was strange because he just have seen it
I think Ben as captain would squash stuff like that or not say anything about anything but it would be more clear yk?
i think ben showed his leadership qualities at the end of last season just before his injury, i remember assessing chelsea and that being one of my key points, he was essentially doing the captains job without the captains armband which speaks volumes on his leadership within the squad on and off the pitch
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