aroundmeblog · 4 months
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Are you planning a stress-free and memorable event?
Catering is key!✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️
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Clear Communication is key: Talk to your Caterer! 👈👈👈👈👈👈
Could you share your event Details and Preferences for a Flawless Execution?
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izzadien · 9 months
Allah tuh baik banget
aku pernah merasa di titik
"kok hidup gini gini aja ya"
"ngerasa jalan di tempat deh"
"apa ini jenuh ya"
Tapi Allah tuh baik banget deh, disaat aku merasa jenuh atau hampa, pasti Allah kirimkan satu orang bahkan satu lingkungan untuk saling nguatin. Pernah suatu waktu ketika menjalani satu rutinitas dan dari raut wajah aku terbaca oleh salah satu rekan kerja lalu dia bilang "kenapa za? lagi kosong banget ya (hatinya)" sedikit kaget dan malah mau nangis ketika ada orang yang ngomong kayak gitu (kalian gitu juga ga sii?! malah nyesek, bukan nyesek sih lebih ke kayak ada yang ketahan, ketika ada yang faham dengan perasaan kita?!) Akhirnya aku ceritalah kalau memang lagi jenuh, ngerasa hidup kok gini gini aja disaat aku melihat pencapaian teman teman aku di sosial media HAHA.
Dan ada beberapa jawaban yang menurut aku relate untuk pribadi aku sendiri (gatau kalo kalian, kalo sama Alhamdulillah, ya kalo ngga, selamat menelusuri jawaban lain)
Yang pertama, kegiatan berulang yang kita lakukan tanpa didasari tujuan yang jelas dan dilakukan hanya untuk menggugurkan kewajiban serta hanya untuk mengambil materi, semua itu akan terasa hampa. Oleh karena itu, kenapa di Agama Islam ada satu kalimat yang mungkin dulu sering di ulang tajdidu niat yang artinya perbaharui niat. Maka satu kalimat yang tuntas meluluhkan kegoyahan hati aku itu, "Lurusin niat, perbaharui lagi. niatkan karena Allah dan niatkan untuk menuntut ilmu. inshaaAllah ada keberkahan didalamnya". Tanpa disadari kalimat itu justru menjadi permohonan di sepertiga malamku.
Yang kedua, terkadang untuk bersikap bodo amat pun diharuskan. Mau ngapain sih sama kayak orang lain? Biarlah mereka dengan pencapaian mereka dan kita dengan pencapaian kita. Ga semua harus sama kok. Tapi kan dalam islam ada istilah fastabiqul Khoirot. Iya betul, makna fastabiqul Khoirot itu berlomba lomba dalam kebaikan, kebaikan apa sih yang dimaksud? Kebaikan yang mendekatkan kita dengan Allah. Kalau kamu berlomba hanya untuk sebatas materi, itu ga akan ada habisnya. Lantas itu menjamin kamu akan dekat dengan Allah? Kan nggak, kecuali ada niat baik dan keridhoan Allah di dalamnya. Maka jangan menjadikan pencapaian orang lain sebagai patokan pencapaian buat kamu. Jadikan diri kamu yang kemarin sebagai patokan kebaikan buat diri kamu yang hari ini. Jangan mau jadi manusia merugi!
Yang ketiga, perbaiki hubungan kamu dengan Allah. Dimulai dari sholat!!
Terimakasih atas perantara yang Engkau kirimkan 🤲
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sublimespiritoracle · 2 years
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Gm soul family. #faith #aroundyou #dream #swallow #enough #unbelief (at Mumbai, Maharashtra) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpRVM0UoHNP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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labratboygirl · 11 months
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heeeeheeee hellloooooo
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celticcrossanon · 2 months
Celta, you're right about Hazbeen. Closer magazine has put out a Harkle puff piece, saying Harry doesn't understand why the Royal Family has cut him off and he believes that if he shows up at Windsor Castle or Buckingham Palace, then the RF will have to talk to him. Apparently, whoever wrote this forgot the Royal Family did not make any time to see Harry the last time he was in London for the IG 10th anniversary. I hope the RF continues to gray rock and ignore Harry for their own well-being.
Jun 27 Ask
Hi Nonny,
I hope the grey rocking continues as well, both for their own mental health and because they can't trust Harry - anything you say in front of him is going to be twisted and reported to the press. There is no safety in having anyone like that aroundyou.
I can't work out if Harry is so stupid that he genuinely believes he has done nothing wrong, or if it is a case of him telling himself that and believing that because he does not want to face the alternative (that he maliciously hurt his family for material gain).
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fnaffantasy5 · 3 months
You doing what you're doing and you're going to have to solve it to yourself to resign conditions I yourself whatever you that's what you're doing but by and follow in your times oxygen's butt zipper craft in the area is going to be we're all in it all I don't thinking like a white there is no s*** to break your nose and I'm being bullied for like a 1 minute and I being bothered for like a next month she's a scientist with a lazy ball but I'm going to see what you're talking to me quiet you know you know you can't remember end that comment and I come up what comes around goes aroundYou doing what you're doing and you're going to have to solve it to yourself to resign conditions I yourself whatever you that's what you're doing but by and follow in your times oxygen's butt zipper craft in the area is going to be we're all in it all I don't thinking like a white there is no s*** to break your nose and I'm being bullied for like a 1 minute and I being bothered for like a next month she's a scientist with a lazy ball but I'm going to see what you're talking to me quiet you know you know you can't remember end that comment and I come up what comes around goes around
Um, what? What does this have to do with cooking...
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syscultureis · 1 year
plural culture is masking so crazy that you dont tell anyone except other systems until a server youre in w trustworthy irls and they add pluralkit and now your gf whos in the server is acting different aroundyou 😶
- 🪲, solar sys
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alartist · 3 months
You doing what you're doing and you're going to have to solve it to yourself to resign conditions I yourself whatever you that's what you're doing but by and follow in your times oxygen's butt zipper craft in the area is going to be we're all in it all I don't thinking like a white there is no s*** to break your nose and I'm being bullied for like a 1 minute and I being bothered for like a next month she's a scientist with a lazy ball but I'm going to see what you're talking to me quiet you know you know you can't remember end that comment and I come up what comes around goes aroundYou doing what you're doing and you're going to have to solve it to yourself to resign conditions I yourself whatever you that's what you're doing but by and follow in your times oxygen's butt zipper craft in the area is going to be we're all in it all I don't thinking like a white there is no s*** to break your nose and I'm being bullied for like a 1 minute and I being bothered for like a next month she's a scientist with a lazy ball but I'm going to see what you're talking to me quiet you know you know you can't remember end that comment and I come up what comes around goes aroundYou doing what you're doing and you're going to have to solve it to yourself to resign conditions I yourself whatever you that's what you're doing but by and follow in your times oxygen's butt zipper craft in the area is going to be we're all in it all I don't thinking like a white there is no s*** to break your nose and I'm being bullied for like a 1 minute and I being bothered for like a next month she's a scientist with a lazy ball but I'm going to see what you're talking to me quiet you know you know you can't remember end that comment and I come up what comes around goes aroundYou doing what you're doing and you're going to have to solve it to yourself to resign conditions I yourself whatever you that's what you're doing but by and follow in your times oxygen's butt zipper craft in the area is going to be we're all in it all I don't thinking like a white there is no s*** to break your nose and I'm being bullied for like a 1 minute and I being bothered for like a next month she's a scientist with a lazy ball but I'm going to see what you're talking to me quiet you know you know you can't remember end that comment and I come up what comes around goes around
I’m confused
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agoodpairofsocks · 3 months
ohhh my god im in love with you
imliterally so..ohhhhny god....
you give me butterflies
you make me feel safe and loved
youre the best partner ever
i feel ao so happy aroundyou
Ermmmmmmmmmmmmm that’s a little fruity man
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temmiebazooka · 3 months
You doing what you're doing and you're going to have to solve it to yourself to resign conditions I yourself whatever you that's what you're doing but by and follow in your times oxygen's butt zipper craft in the area is going to be we're all in it all I don't thinking like a white there is no s*** to break your nose and I'm being bullied for like a 1 minute and I being bothered for like a next month she's a scientist with a lazy ball but I'm going to see what you're talking to me quiet you know you know you can't remember end that comment and I come up what comes around goes aroundYou doing what you're doing and you're going to have to solve it to yourself to resign conditions I yourself whatever you that's what you're doing but by and follow in your times oxygen's butt zipper craft in the area is going to be we're all in it all I don't thinking like a white there is no s*** to break your nose and I'm being bullied for like a 1 minute and I being bothered for like a next month she's a scientist with a lazy ball but I'm going to see what you're talking to me quiet you know you know you can't remember end that comment and I come up what comes around goes around
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naturaldogoils · 3 months
You doing what you're doing and you're going to have to solve it to yourself to resign conditions I yourself whatever you that's what you're doing but by and follow in your times oxygen's butt zipper craft in the area is going to be we're all in it all I don't thinking like a white there is no s*** to break your nose and I'm being bullied for like a 1 minute and I being bothered for like a next month she's a scientist with a lazy ball but I'm going to see what you're talking to me quiet you know you know you can't remember end that comment and I come up what comes around goes aroundYou doing what you're doing and you're going to have to solve it to yourself to resign conditions I yourself whatever you that's what you're doing but by and follow in your times oxygen's butt zipper craft in the area is going to be we're all in it all I don't thinking like a white there is no s*** to break your nose and I'm being bullied for like a 1 minute and I being bothered for like a next month she's a scientist with a lazy ball but I'm going to see what you're talking to me quiet you know you know you can't remember end that comment and I come up what comes around goes around
I keep saying this 👆👆👆
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izzadien · 9 months
[Jangan Padam]
Allah. Tolong jaga saudara kami disana
Ditengah luka yang berdarah, mereka mampu menyelamatkan jenazah
Ditengah kehilangan, mereka mampu untuk saling menguatkan
Ditengah reruntuhan mencari korban, mereka justru mengokohkan ketaatan
Ditengah kekurangan yang melanda, mengajarkan kami bagaimana seharusnya memegang keimanan di dalam dada
Ditengah kesungguhan berupaya justru semakin membuat merasa tak berdaya
Ditengah kota kecil yang mengguncang nurani, membuat kami semakin yakin bahwa kami akan bertemu suatu saat nanti
semoga segala upaya yang kami lakukan menjadi saksi kami di akhirat kelak.
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blurglesmurfklaine · 2 years
ok ok I love drag me headfirst (fearless) so I've picked from there. and i adore this scene with you know REVELATIONS and such. sorry that this was probably a little while ago to think about.
“Dance with me?” Blaine asks, grin bright and beaming. 
Hell, Blaine could ask him to jump off a bridge, and as long as Blaine’s hand was in his, he’d do it. Kurt can’t stop the corner of his mouth from twitching, and then Blaine is full on grinning, reeling him in and tugging him close.
You lift my feet off the ground, spin me aroundYou make me crazier, crazierFeels like I'm falling and IAm lost in your eyes, you make me crazier, crazier, crazier
Every passing second, it’s getting more and more difficult for Kurt to ignore the pounding in his chest, or the buzzing, almost shakiness in his arms as he wraps them up around Blaine’s neck.
“Can I kiss you again?”
“Huh?” Kurt says, voice a little out of breath and dazed.
“I feel like Taylor has some songs about kissing at parties. You know, full experience, and all.”
Kurt finds himself nodding, although he certainly can’t think of any off the top of his head. Truth be told, he can’t think at all when Blaine is pressed up against him like this.
His eyes dart to Blaine’s lips and then his eyes, scouring his face for any sense of hesitance but find none. Then, Blaine pulls them together, and Kurt’s mind goes blank, all he can think about is the gentle push and pull of his best friend’s mouth on his.
The moment Blaine pulls away and slowly opens his eyes is the moment Kurt realizes something he can never tell: he’s hopelessly in love with Blaine.
“Shit,” Kurt whispers.
Blaine knits his eyebrows together. “What?”
Kurt just shakes his head and pulls Blaine in, until their lips are touching once more. Blaine moves a hand to the back of Kurt’s neck and pulls him closer, as if they aren’t close enough already, as if he can’t get enough of Kurt, breathing him in. 
AHHHHHH THANK YOU! I actually loved writing Drag Me Headfirst because it might be THE most self indulgent thing i have EVER created ajshahshs
The DVD Commentary:
I knew I wanted to use “Crazier” even though it’s not technically on the fearless album because it IS a waltz which gives it that “sway”-y feel to it and I was like “oh yeah they can SLOWDANCE TO THIS”
God they are so stupid. They are just. Absolute fucking idiots and I know I’m the one who wrote them that way but at what cost???? Blaine is literally smiling like an IDIOT, finding an excuse to dance with you, and asking to kiss you and you’re just like “damn I wish he liked me” what kind of fuckery????? Honestly though I can’t even say anything because I’m the same way—I cannot take a hint for SHIT and I think a lot of people can’t either so I was like. Let’s lean into that. See what it looks like from an outside perspective. Ladies: we’re idiots your honor
THE “Oh.” MOMENT—in a friends to lovers AU, I am a HUUUUGE slut for that italicized Oh. moment!! bc like they’ve been besties forever so what makes it FINALLY click? I think it’s always gotta be something really stupidly fucking obvious (a kiss in this case) or something really subtle (like in HS when Tao buys Elle’s drink after she transfers).
But then oh no we’re not done fellas because as anyone who has ever had a crush on anyone ever can tell you—ITS THE PITS. The mortifying ordeal of being known and all that jazz! So I like to lean into that mortification and a thing I really enjoy writing is when a character is like “Omg I love them. FUCK.” because like yes I love love and I think it’s fantastic but the scariest thing about realizing you have something precious is realizing you could LOSE it so that’s where Kurt’s “Shit.” comes from lmao
And then my favorite moment in this scene is actually right after that when Kurt shakes his head because AS I was writing it I literally made myself cry with laughter at my own stupid jokes because I said: “NOW WE DONT HAVE TIME TO UNPACK ALL OF THAT” aloud to an empty room which is Normal Behavior of course.
I just really enjoy the progression of “Wow Blaine is such a good friend for kissing me. Oh, fuck, I’m in love. Nevermind, we’re going to ignore this.” I think in the moment it comes off as romantic and maybe even a little bit angsty, but honestly the whole thing is based off the humor and ridiculousness of it all which I guess you can’t have one without the other!
Thanks so much for sending this in jas!! It was so much fun! :D 💞💞
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lyricsssdotin · 2 months
Level Lyrics
Singer:SunnyBoy, Bohemia, Haji SpringerAlbum:SunnyBoy, Bohemia Haji B.. Now we don’t understand what you talkin’Yo might just go ahead and keep walkin’Your bank account sittin’ in my pocketYour girl wanna go shoppin’As I’m boss I don’t clockin’ wo.. I’m all about my moneyYou know that’s a factI’m super turned upJust killed a bottle of blackEverytime I come aroundYou know I make it crackAnd if…
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washwashgalaxy · 2 months
IN THOUGHTS ALIVE, WHAT SEEN IS NAUGHTYou were scared of the nightmareStill there were some around to careWilling to endearments shareTo them, your heart did bareIt was only  a dreamTaken care were the screamsGood or bad it nothing meansAs they were just dreamsThings turn good, those dreams don’t houndBut when things in world to bad turn aroundYou curse this life , changed views are foundAt times…
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ashleytherpgnarrator · 3 months
You doing what you're doing and you're going to have to solve it to yourself to resign conditions I yourself whatever you that's what you're doing but by and follow in your times oxygen's butt zipper craft in the area is going to be we're all in it all I don't thinking like a white there is no s*** to break your nose and I'm being bullied for like a 1 minute and I being bothered for like a next month she's a scientist with a lazy ball but I'm going to see what you're talking to me quiet you know you know you can't remember end that comment and I come up what comes around goes aroundYou doing what you're doing and you're going to have to solve it to yourself to resign conditions I yourself whatever you that's what you're doing but by and follow in your times oxygen's butt zipper craft in the area is going to be we're all in it all I don't thinking like a white there is no s*** to break your nose and I'm being bullied for like a 1 minute and I being bothered for like a next month she's a scientist with a lazy ball but I'm going to see what you're talking to me quiet you know you know you can't remember end that comment and I come up what comes around goes around
ahhhh...I'm sorry are you sure this is the right blog?????
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