#art tag “as beautiful as the snow in a storm.”
blizzardhashira · 4 months
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I have no idea if anyone's wondering the dynamic between the four of them but I used a meme to explain it. Happy Kaisanerenyuki Saturday.
Btw, Kaiya can be found @rumblehashira ! If you see me make a sanemi blog within the next couple of days... look away.
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plus this 5 second doodle because I thought it was funny.
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elriel-month · 2 years
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Hi everyone!
Welcome to the third ever ELRIEL MONTH, where we hope to foster a positive space for Elain and Azriel shippers. We will have two prompts per week that centers on different aspects and scenarios of their potential relationship.
Follow us on:
Tumblr ✷ Twitter ✷ Instagram ✷ TikTok
Rules and bi-weekly prompts under the break!
✷ Participation of each day/prompt is optional!
✷ Ideally, post your art/work on the week of the prompt. However, if you cannot post on time, post whenever you can.
✷ Elriel month will be across Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok.
✷ If you want to be featured on this blog please tag @elriel-month in your posts so we can reblog them
✷ On Tumblr while posting your piece of work please use the following hashtags:  #elrielmonth, #elrielmonth23
✷ No hate or slander towards other characters!
✷ Your submission can be a fanart, oneshot, edits, gifset, moodboard, playlist - anything you deem acceptable.
✷ The final prompt is free choice - you can indulge your own prompt or elriel fantasy!
✷ Be respectful of other people’s work. Do not repost without permission and credit.
Shy Glances & Restricted Touches
April 30, 2023
They’d exchanged looks, the occasional brush of fingers, but never this. Never blatant, unrestricted touching.
We kick off Elriel Month with forbidden romance. It’s been eluded that Elain and Azriel have had some significant yet private moments, perhaps some secret encounters, clandestine meetings? We know they’re both well equipped at keeping secrets, what have they been up to?
Language of Love
May 3, 2023
Azriel smiled faintly. "Would you like me to show you the garden?" ...But Elain did not balk from him, did not shy away as she nodded—just once. Azriel graceful as any courtier offered her an arm. I couldn't tell if she was looking at his blue siphon or at his scarred skin as she breathed, "Beautiful."
What do you think Elain and Azriel’s love languages are? Gift giving? Quality time? Physical touch? Acts of service? The next few days and the best opportunity to explore these ideas with your headcanons, art, examples from canon, or theories!
Happy Solstice
May 7, 2023
Elain turned from the snow falling in the darkness beyond and smiled slightly. “I’ve never participated in one of these.”
Iconic Solstice moments and Elriel are synonymous. From dishes of potatoes and joyous laughter, to interrupted romantic moments, these two have had more than a few epic solstice moments.
Peace & Quiet
May 10, 2023
“And I think Elain—Elain would like it, too. Though she’d probably cling to Azriel, just to have some peace and quiet.” I smiled at the thought—at how handsome they would be together.
These two are the perfect embodiment of domestic bliss! From lounging quietly in the garden together to baking up a storm in the kitchen. What do you think these two would get up to if allowed to do so? Perhaps they’d make the Townhouse their own. Or whip up new recipes together.
Darkness Lets the Light Shine
May 14, 2023
I saw the painting in my mind: the lovely fawn, blooming spring vibrant behind her. Standing before Death, shadows and terrors lurking over his shoulder. Light and dark, the space between their bodies a blend of the two. The only bridge of connection… that knife.
The next few days we explore Elain and Azriel’s light & dark aesthetics! The Shadowsinger & the Seer. Azriel’s shadows and Elain’s light. But who’s to say they don’t embody both? Elain has shown a little darkness and Azriel taught Rhys to hope… Share your art, edits, mood boards, and fics!
Words Unspoken
May 17, 2023
He didn’t need the shadows to read her tone. The slight tightening of her face.
Sarah has shown us numerous times how our Seer and Shadowsinger are able to communicate without saying a word. Both being observant as they are, they are able to read one another easily and wordlessly.
A Bridge Between Souls
May 21, 2023
What if the Cauldron was wrong?
Let’s explore the idea of bonds between Elain and Azriel. Do you think they’re true mates? Soul mates? Carranam? Or simply the threads of fate have woven to join them together for some other higher meaning? Share your theories, writing, and art today!
May 24, 2023
Nothing. Absolutely nothing on that face, on his scent. The shadows, whatever the hell they were, hid too well. Too much.
It’s well known that there is more than meets the eye when it comes to both Azriel and Elain. One hides behind a cold mask, the other under pretty dresses and pleasant smiles. But what fanged beasts may we find beneath those pretty exteriors?
What If?
May 28, 2023
“What if”—I jerked my chin toward the window, to my sister and the shadowsinger in the garden—“that is what she needs”
Free week! Got an artwork or fic you didn’t get to share during the month? A favorite AU you’d like to explore? Or perhaps a crack theory you’ve been waiting to share. The next few days are the chance to go wild with different ideas and explore anything Azriel and Elain!
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I’m gonna do some fic recs today! Let’s goooo!
What Remains After the Storm, Complete, 86k, rated M by @hushed-chorus
This fic completely sucked me in and transported me to another world. Simon is a goatherd in a small seaside town who finds a nearly drowned man he rescues, only to find out it’s someone important from his past who also happens to be under a Fae curse that has turned him into a merman. The author weaves incredible lore, lush descriptions of harsh but beautiful settings and a meticulous plot that will blow you away. Plus! This fic is accompanied by a staggering amount of gorgeous art by @erzbethluna that compliments the story in such a delightful way. (Seriously, these two are geniuses.)
Swords into Plowshares, Complete, 6.5k, rated T by @ileadacharmedlife
I don’t often click on fics with the crack tag, but if they’re anything like this fic then I am thoroughly missing out! It’s a simple premise. Baz feels jealous that Simon is spending so much time with his new Excalibur sword. This silly yet sexy fic had me cackling with glee at nearly every turn. Come for the sword innuendos and stay for Baz’s paranoia clashing with Simon’s enthusiasm.
A Gift From the Propheseals, Complete, ~7k, rated E by @skeedelvee
Simon is sent on a mission to ask the propheseals to grant him visions to help with defeating the Humdrum and instead is gifted with visions of a future with Baz that is very different than what Simon would expect from his nemesis. This fic is tender, sexy and sweet and is accompanied with fantastic art by @letraspal that really adds a dreamlike quality to Simon’s visions. This premise is so creative and at just under 7k you will devour it quickly and be left with a warm feeling in your chest.
The Sexual Education of Simon Snow, Complete, ~15k, rated E by @eelwinks (LakeWitch on AO3)
Watford-era, Agatha wants to have sex so Simon sets off on a journey of educating himself on the intricacies of the act, with the help of his dread companion, and to the consternation of his roommate. I know, I know, this is an older fic, but some of us are slow readers and take a while to get to things. If you’re like me and you missed this one (or have been meaning to get to it) you should go for it. Of course the sexual tension between Simon and Baz is delicious but also I thoroughly enjoyed Penny bravely trying to teach her friend about sex with nearly zero boundaries.
Personal Best [Link to the Podfic version] Complete, 36min, rated T, written by @scone-lover and read by @petrodobreva
Man, there are some fabulous podfics in this fandom, and if you haven’t checked any out yet, this is a great one to start with. This Normal AU features Simon and Baz as rivals on the same swim team and does a beautiful job showing the progression of Simon’s admiration, frustration and feelings of inadequacy morphing into attraction and want. And @petrodobreva adds a rich layer of brilliant characterization, coupled with lovely voices/accents and extra touches of sound effects and music. Plus, if you like this one, she has a couple of other CO podfics that are done with equally superb levels of production.
And We Still Do, Complete, 8k, rated T by @facewithoutheart
Another one that came out months ago that I missed! This fic is really like 5+1 mini-fics, imagining Simon and Baz meeting in various different AUs. Each one is a mini world the author crafts beautifully in a short time, pulling you in and making you feel as if you’ve read 20k in each of them. My particular fave was Simon and Baz meeting at 5 years old, but honestly, they are all fantastic. Do yourself a favor and immerse yourself in each of these worlds. You won’t regret it.
That’s it from me for now! I’ve read other great fics but I’ll save them for another time. Thank you to everyone who continues to tag me btw! I love reading your stuff and hopefully I’ll have words of my own to share soon.
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hushed-chorus · 1 year
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Hello all, and thank you for the tags @whogaveyoupermission, @j-nipper-95 and @aroace-genderfluid-sheep!
I think I’m finally coming out of a long pain flare (yaaaaay!) and it’s absolutely beautiful where I live atm. Everything smells like flowers and the ocean. This morning my husband and I fed birds, and we saw a pair of Eurasian nuthatches. Absolutely delighted to be back in this part of Britain.
Presently, I have a new(ish), secret(ish), short(ish) fic with a beta! Meanwhile, I’m shaping up What Remains After The Storm with help from another set of betas. Chapter 7 should drop tomorrow, and I’m so excited for all of you to see the art @erzbethluna has done for it. I always say something like this but it makes me swoon <3
Here are six sentences from the upcoming chapter.
We’re secreted within stone walls, beneath a tree that bursts through the broken roof. By ‘we’, I mean myself, Snow and almost two dozen goats, all huddled close for warmth. Outside I hear the sea rumbling in chorus with the cries of the gulls. Nearer to hand, magpies engage in raucous chatter.
The sea. Oberon, how I’d love a saltwater bath right about now.
Hellos and no-pressure tags below the cut!
@johnwgrey @bookish-bogwitch @artsyunderstudy @facewithoutheart @captain-aralias @raenestee @yeonjunenby @cutestkilla @ivelovedhimthroughworse @larkral @stitchyqueer @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @sailorblossoms @ileadacharmedlife @confused-bi-queer @aristocratic-otter @tea-brigade @nightimedreamersworld @fatalfangirl @thewholelemon @onepintobean @chen-chen-chen-again-chen @shrekgogurt @theearlgreymage @martsonmars @blackberrysummerblog @orange-peony @palimpsessed @valeffelees
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talesfromahs · 11 months
What element writer are you?
Storm Writers
Writers of the storm, the rain, and the snow. Angst is your element. You mastered the art of making it hurt, in every way. That quiet hurt of a smile on a crying face. Your words whisper to the lonely ones that they’re not alone. You are able to show your readers a universe where everything’s okay, and even if it hurts it’s okay, because being sad is a feeling that deserves to be felt. Yells against the dark of the night. Screams of rage and hurt, tears running down soft cheeks and white knuckles. You are there, screaming with them. Angry at the unfairness, and fighting it, in the first place it attacks you. In the heart. And you’re the hand, offered to the hopeless. With a delicate smile on your lips, you help people stand up again. The storm writer, the one who knows how it feels, to be screaming in the void, and doesn’t want anyone else to live it too. You are the storm writer, but you’re able to build beautiful reigns of ice and snow, and offer comfort to the ones who seek it.
Tagged by: @qceensofkings Tagging: @kingdom-of-vanity, @siiinfully, @spirit-x-ing, @ripscout
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goldshadows · 1 year
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Storm Writers
Writers of the storm, the rain, and the snow. Angst is your element. You mastered the art of making it hurt, in every way. That quiet hurt of a smile on a crying face. Your words whisper to the lonely ones that they’re not alone. You are able to show your readers a universe where everything’s okay, and even if it hurts it’s okay, because being sad is a feeling that deserves to be felt. Yells against the dark of the night. Screams of rage and hurt, tears running down soft cheeks and white knuckles. You are there, screaming with them. Angry at the unfairness, and fighting it, in the first place it attacks you. In the heart. And you’re the hand, offered to the hopeless. With a delicate smile on your lips, you help people stand up again. The storm writer, the one who knows how it feels, to be screaming in the void, and doesn’t want anyone else to live it too. You are the storm writer, but you’re able to build beautiful reigns of ice and snow, and offer comfort to the ones who seek it.
tagged by: @mvnces <3 tagging: @floripire , @mooncaught , @spybiote , @wnterslder , @chloevlinder , @analyticallyminded , @kurjaks , @leschanceux , @peacereflected , @trckstaer , @viperbit , @doctordonovan + y'all everybody!!
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hergan416 · 1 year
Took this quiz to find out what elemental writing type I am. 💧🌱🔥💨
Storm Writer
Writers of the storm, the rain, and the snow. Angst is your element. You mastered the art of making it hurt, in every way. That quiet hurt of a smile on a crying face. Your words whisper to the lonely ones that they’re not alone. You are able to show your readers a universe where everything’s okay, and even if it hurts it’s okay, because being sad is a feeling that deserves to be felt. Yells against the dark of the night. Screams of rage and hurt, tears running down soft cheeks and white knuckles. You are there, screaming with them. Angry at the unfairness, and fighting it, in the first place it attacks you. In the heart. And you’re the hand, offered to the hopeless. With a delicate smile on your lips, you help people stand up again. The storm writer, the one who knows how it feels, to be screaming in the void, and doesn’t want anyone else to live it too. You are the storm writer, but you’re able to build beautiful reigns of ice and snow, and offer comfort to the ones who seek it.
I was tagged by @fyodorkitkat and I will just tag anyone who wants to take the quiz.
Sorry, making a new post because that post was LOOONNNGG 😅
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simonxriley · 1 year
What Element Writer Are You?
I was tagged by the wonderful @faccal to take this uquiz. Thank you! 💜
Tagging @playstationmademe @r6shippingdelivery @detectivelokis @nightwingshero @nightbloodbix @chazz-anova @jinfromyarikawa @corvosattano @river-ward @shegetsburned @voidika and anyone else that wants a go!!
Storm Writers
Writers of the storm, the rain, and the snow. Angst is your element. You mastered the art of making it hurt, in every way. That quiet hurt of a smile on a crying face. Your words whisper to the lonely ones that they’re not alone. You are able to show your readers a universe where everything’s okay, and even if it hurts it’s okay, because being sad is a feeling that deserves to be felt. Yells against the dark of the night. Screams of rage and hurt, tears running down soft cheeks and white knuckles. You are there, screaming with them. Angry at the unfairness, and fighting it, in the first place it attacks you. In the heart. And you’re the hand, offered to the hopeless. With a delicate smile on your lips, you help people stand up again. The storm writer, the one who knows how it feels, to be screaming in the void, and doesn’t want anyone else to live it too. You are the storm writer, but you’re able to build beautiful reigns of ice and snow, and offer comfort to the ones who seek it.
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thatndginger · 1 year
What element writer are you?
was tagged by the ever-lovely @ceph-the-ghost-writer in this forever ago, and now that I'm off hiatus, I'm here to play!
i'm gonna no-pressure pass this on to @leebrontide @acertainmoshke @sunset-a-story @swordsoulwrites @rhikasa @theskeletonprior @cmrosens @rosieartsie @clericofthevoid @nicosraf (if you've already played maybe send me the post? I wanna see :3)
link to the quiz can be found here
Storm Writer
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Writers of the storm, the rain, and the snow. Angst is your element. You mastered the art of making it hurt, in every way. That quiet hurt of a smile on a crying face. Your words whisper to the lonely ones that they're not alone. You are able to show your readers a universe where everything's okay, and even if it hurts it's okay, because being sad is a feeling that deserves to be felt. Yells against the dark of the night. Screams of rage and hurt, tears running down soft cheeks and white knuckles. You are there, screaming with them. Angry at the unfairness, and fighting it, in the first place it attacks you. In the heart. And you're the hand, offered to the hopeless. With a delicate smile on your lips, you help people stand up again. The storm writer, the one who knows how it feels, to be screaming in the void, and doesn't want anyone else to live it too. You are the storm writer, but you're able to build beautiful reigns of ice and snow, and offer comfort to the ones who seek it.
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blizzardhashira · 4 months
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"Kyojuro, it's over. We won."
"I've waited years to see you smile that brightly at me."
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thequibblah · 1 year
thank you for the tag, @emeralddoeadeer and @alittlebitofeverything23! jury's out on if this is accurate but according to this quiz i'm a storm writer:
Writers of the storm, the rain, and the snow. Angst is your element. You mastered the art of making it hurt, in every way. That quiet hurt of a smile on a crying face. Your words whisper to the lonely ones that they’re not alone. You are able to show your readers a universe where everything’s okay, and even if it hurts it’s okay, because being sad is a feeling that deserves to be felt. Yells against the dark of the night. Screams of rage and hurt, tears running down soft cheeks and white knuckles. You are there, screaming with them. Angry at the unfairness, and fighting it, in the first place it attacks you. In the heart. And you’re the hand, offered to the hopeless. With a delicate smile on your lips, you help people stand up again. The storm writer, the one who knows how it feels, to be screaming in the void, and doesn’t want anyone else to live it too. You are the storm writer, but you’re able to build beautiful reigns of ice and snow, and offer comfort to the ones who seek it.
i'm not even this mean...
tagging @oyprongs @clare-with-no-i and @emerqldv if u care to try it out!
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Which element writer are you?
Tagged by @cha-melodius and I was on my lunch so I did it straight away.
Storm Writer
Writers of the storm, the rain, and the snow. Angst is your element. You mastered the art of making it hurt, in every way. That quiet hurt of a smile on a crying face. Your words whisper to the lonely ones that they’re not alone. You are able to show your readers a universe where everything’s okay, and even if it hurts it’s okay, because being sad is a feeling that deserves to be felt. Yells against the dark of the night. Screams of rage and hurt, tears running down soft cheeks and white knuckles. You are there, screaming with them. Angry at the unfairness, and fighting it, in the first place it attacks you. In the heart. And you’re the hand, offered to the hopeless. With a delicate smile on your lips, you help people stand up again. The storm writer, the one who knows how it feels, to be screaming in the void, and doesn’t want anyone else to live it too. You are the storm writer, but you’re able to build beautiful reigns of ice and snow, and offer comfort to the ones who seek it.
My one complaint about this quiz was that there's no smut option in questions 13 and 14. Where was it? I don't think a/b/o counts because that can be non-sexual fic.
Anyway, I do write from emotion, so it makes sense. Sometimes, that emotion is pain. Other times, it's horny or romantic. But I can see that it all comes down to having some kind of emotion.
Now for the tags: @mojowitchcraft @rins-love-wins @mimisempai @waterhorseyblues-ao3 @chaos-monkeyy @insert-witty-user-name-here @kingeomer @dapandapod @csinnamon-fox and anyone else who wants to do it.
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dnangelic · 11 months
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Storm Writers .
Writers of the storm, the rain, and the snow. Angst is your element. You mastered the art of making it hurt, in every way. That quiet hurt of a smile on a crying face. Your words whisper to the lonely ones that they’re not alone. You are able to show your readers a universe where everything’s okay, and even if it hurts it’s okay, because being sad is a feeling that deserves to be felt. Yells against the dark of the night. Screams of rage and hurt, tears running down soft cheeks and white knuckles. You are there, screaming with them. Angry at the unfairness, and fighting it, in the first place it attacks you. In the heart. And you’re the hand, offered to the hopeless. With a delicate smile on your lips, you help people stand up again. The storm writer, the one who knows how it feels, to be screaming in the void, and doesn’t want anyone else to live it too. You are the storm writer, but you’re able to build beautiful reigns of ice and snow, and offer comfort to the ones who seek it.
tagged by: @brawlqueen tysm lily!!!
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ssolessurvivor · 8 months
What element writer are you?
Storm Writer
Writers of the storm, the rain, and the snow. Angst is your element. You mastered the art of making it hurt, in every way. That quiet hurt of a smile on a crying face. Your words whisper to the lonely ones that they’re not alone. You are able to show your readers a universe where everything’s okay, and even if it hurts it’s okay, because being sad is a feeling that deserves to be felt. Yells against the dark of the night. Screams of rage and hurt, tears running down soft cheeks and white knuckles. You are there, screaming with them. Angry at the unfairness, and fighting it, in the first place it attacks you. In the heart. And you’re the hand, offered to the hopeless. With a delicate smile on your lips, you help people stand up again. The storm writer, the one who knows how it feels, to be screaming in the void, and doesn’t want anyone else to live it too. You are the storm writer, but you’re able to build beautiful reigns of ice and snow, and offer comfort to the ones who seek it.
Tagged by : @paramounticebound eons ago <3 <3 <3
Tagging : @redhead-reporter @mistrdctr @grimmusings @goldenboybarracuda @aliarssmile @smertzimy @sxrgeantbarnes @agoldenlily @waehles and you!
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ghostboyjules · 1 year
My Favorite Things™
I think originally @aquilathefighter tagged me for this one, but @rooftopwreck mentioned me in theirs and it reminded me, so thank you both! 💖
Rules: none, just list as many favorite things as you want/can remember!
alright, here we go
my friends (online and off)
animals in general actually
weather! rain wind storms snow cold ice!
cold cold water when I'm thirsty
iced. coffee. ICED COFFEE.
sleepily making coffee in my kitchen in the predawn quiet before work
showers after a long day
air conditioning
card games
music music music music music
ghosts / the idea of the paranormal
vocal analysis
playing games with my friends, laughing so hard we can't speak and our cheeks are sore from smiling
seeing new places for the first time with other people
my grandma's homemade ice cream
speaking of, summer days on my grandma's porch with the fan going and her radio playing old country music
being tipsy with other people and laughing at dumb things
being called cute 🥺
men's tits 😌😏
yknow what actually, just. Tits in general. WHAT CAN I SAY..
glasses! I need them to see!! and I like them on other ppl too 🥰
acts of service for the people I love. feeling useful for the sake of someone's happiness
listening to my friends talk about things they love
quietly listening and being present for a conversation but not being expected to contribute necessarily, yet they still speak as if I'm there with them
omg being able to go back to sleep after waking up and taking a shower thinking you have to go somewhere but you don't. LOVE THAT...
christmas lights, not specifically for the holiday, but just cause I think the lights are all pretty and shiny
and ofc all the fandoms I'm in, specifically rn sandman tho
and the friends I've made because of them!
the dreamling nation discord server :')
watching my friends create beautiful works of art that I get to enjoy 🥰💕
okay that's all for now, I have more just cause there's. so much I love and a lot more to love but I'm tired of typing so much 😭 ajdjsjd I wanna be lazy hehe
tagging: @watermelon-mafia @leave-me-alone-doctor @croakings @caprisun-wizard @wordsinhaled @softest-punk @hxh @bisexualhobgadling @mothmanns aaand @nylarac 💕💖💕 love y'all 🥺🥰🥰
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pluttskutt · 1 year
What Element Writer are You
thanks for the tag @ceph-the-ghost-writer ! <3
rules: take the quiz here and share your result!
My result: Storm Writer
Writers of the storm, the rain, and the snow. Angst is your element. You mastered the art of making it hurt, in every way. That quiet hurt of a smile on a crying face. Your words whisper to the lonely ones that they’re not alone. You are able to show your readers a universe where everything’s okay, and even if it hurts it’s okay, because being sad is a feeling that deserves to be felt. Yells against the dark of the night. Screams of rage and hurt, tears running down soft cheeks and white knuckles. You are there, screaming with them. Angry at the unfairness, and fighting it, in the first place it attacks you. In the heart. And you’re the hand, offered to the hopeless. With a delicate smile on your lips, you help people stand up again. The storm writer, the one who knows how it feels, to be screaming in the void, and doesn’t want anyone else to live it too. You are the storm writer, but you’re able to build beautiful reigns of ice and snow, and offer comfort to the ones who seek it.
tagging: @saltysupercomputer @ehlaaaaaaaa @kayedium-writes @helathorloki @saphoblin @toribookworm22 @odysseywritings @blockedwriterqueendom @oh-no-another-idea @cljordan-imperium @minutiaewriter @perasperaadastrawriting @writingpotato07 @asher-orion-writes @wallacejwriting @cherrybombfangirlwrites @calicojackofficial @pure-solomon @alesseia @nightmarishnotifs @iced-ginger-tea
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