#soon I hope!
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I’m gonna do some fic recs today! Let’s goooo!
What Remains After the Storm, Complete, 86k, rated M by @hushed-chorus
This fic completely sucked me in and transported me to another world. Simon is a goatherd in a small seaside town who finds a nearly drowned man he rescues, only to find out it’s someone important from his past who also happens to be under a Fae curse that has turned him into a merman. The author weaves incredible lore, lush descriptions of harsh but beautiful settings and a meticulous plot that will blow you away. Plus! This fic is accompanied by a staggering amount of gorgeous art by @erzbethluna that compliments the story in such a delightful way. (Seriously, these two are geniuses.)
Swords into Plowshares, Complete, 6.5k, rated T by @ileadacharmedlife
I don’t often click on fics with the crack tag, but if they’re anything like this fic then I am thoroughly missing out! It’s a simple premise. Baz feels jealous that Simon is spending so much time with his new Excalibur sword. This silly yet sexy fic had me cackling with glee at nearly every turn. Come for the sword innuendos and stay for Baz’s paranoia clashing with Simon’s enthusiasm.
A Gift From the Propheseals, Complete, ~7k, rated E by @skeedelvee
Simon is sent on a mission to ask the propheseals to grant him visions to help with defeating the Humdrum and instead is gifted with visions of a future with Baz that is very different than what Simon would expect from his nemesis. This fic is tender, sexy and sweet and is accompanied with fantastic art by @letraspal that really adds a dreamlike quality to Simon’s visions. This premise is so creative and at just under 7k you will devour it quickly and be left with a warm feeling in your chest.
The Sexual Education of Simon Snow, Complete, ~15k, rated E by @eelwinks (LakeWitch on AO3)
Watford-era, Agatha wants to have sex so Simon sets off on a journey of educating himself on the intricacies of the act, with the help of his dread companion, and to the consternation of his roommate. I know, I know, this is an older fic, but some of us are slow readers and take a while to get to things. If you’re like me and you missed this one (or have been meaning to get to it) you should go for it. Of course the sexual tension between Simon and Baz is delicious but also I thoroughly enjoyed Penny bravely trying to teach her friend about sex with nearly zero boundaries.
Personal Best [Link to the Podfic version] Complete, 36min, rated T, written by @scone-lover and read by @petrodobreva
Man, there are some fabulous podfics in this fandom, and if you haven’t checked any out yet, this is a great one to start with. This Normal AU features Simon and Baz as rivals on the same swim team and does a beautiful job showing the progression of Simon’s admiration, frustration and feelings of inadequacy morphing into attraction and want. And @petrodobreva adds a rich layer of brilliant characterization, coupled with lovely voices/accents and extra touches of sound effects and music. Plus, if you like this one, she has a couple of other CO podfics that are done with equally superb levels of production.
And We Still Do, Complete, 8k, rated T by @facewithoutheart
Another one that came out months ago that I missed! This fic is really like 5+1 mini-fics, imagining Simon and Baz meeting in various different AUs. Each one is a mini world the author crafts beautifully in a short time, pulling you in and making you feel as if you’ve read 20k in each of them. My particular fave was Simon and Baz meeting at 5 years old, but honestly, they are all fantastic. Do yourself a favor and immerse yourself in each of these worlds. You won’t regret it.
That’s it from me for now! I’ve read other great fics but I’ll save them for another time. Thank you to everyone who continues to tag me btw! I love reading your stuff and hopefully I’ll have words of my own to share soon.
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koobiie · 1 month
shoutout to everyone who wants to infodump but cant string together coherent thoughts to form sentences and instead just look at you like this
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spiderversegf · 2 months
healing is when you have an intrusive thought and instead of having a meltdown you go “girl what?? shut up” and move on
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josukespimphand · 6 months
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I haven't posted in a while but <333
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wuntrum · 2 years
pioneering something called "gritted teeth optimism" where everything is gonna turn out okay even if i have to bite and claw and gnash my way through it
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Abby went into the pit and made a FNAF friend..
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ca-3 · 24 days
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Oh yeah? *Omori-fies your persona protags* ‼️‼️
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triona-tribblescore · 2 months
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I WANNA DRAAWW!! RAHHHGG!! Absolutely swamped with college work, im so tired TT (hence whatever tf this is lmao)
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toxungen · 6 months
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guard dog
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squinkoblinko · 5 months
hes thinking real hard about eating a yummy sandwich
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one with no crazy filters cause why not zzzz
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ratwizz · 5 months
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From a Snake Queen to a Solitaire Peasant <\3
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petricorah · 5 months
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felt like drawing something sweet [id in alt]
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ryonello · 3 months
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im playing my favorite dating sim again 💌
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childhoodgrave · 11 months
please do not fall for staff claiming trans womens faces being labeled mature is a “bug” i have had nudes and cis women in lingerie blazed to me CONSTANTLY with zero content labels or warnings, clearly any labels being added to posts are done by people. that and any text posts criticizing staffs rampant terf and nazi problem being labeled mature as well. it is very blatant obvious transmisogyny on staffs end and theyre giving up a flimsy excuse to try and avoid liability
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dog-teeth · 8 months
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3 years post op anniversary
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wayward-wren · 2 months
I do find it facinating how Dracula Daily has turned Dracula into a different kind of myth now that we're in its third year running. I've seen a few people compare it to Hadestown, or a timeloop. The enjoyment isn't JUST from engaging with the story now, it's engaging with the experience, and while the emails are still the same as previous years, we've been through this before.
The way we as an audience interact with this story and this way of telling the story changes the genre. Its no longer a gothic horror, classic lit story. It's become a mythology, a tragedy, a repeating loop. Jonathan Harker returns to the castle every year. Every year it happens again. And that changes it, builds up new mythos around it, even if the words stay exactly the same.
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