#artfight prep begins
blizzardrunner · 1 year
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incredibly menacing but is SO nice about it
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anishenanigans · 5 months
once AP testing is over I am going to make so much art
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quick and friendly reminder to everyone on the blog that you should start your artfight prep before the season's about to start! it makes it less stressful for you when that happens and makes the beginning of artfight a much smoother and nicer time, atleast in my experience.. so go do those refs and check up your character rosters!
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scribbly-bear · 3 months
hi can you plz help I would like to know what artfight is but I have no idea what it is or how it works. And the website doesn't really help. I also sent an ask to actual artfight but that was weeks ago and they haven't responded. So could you tell me what you're supposed to do before and during july in detail. And what are attacks? sry I am very confused abt this whole thing. (sry you dont have to answer if you dont want)
Hey don't worry about it!! I don't mind at all! Not sure how well I can explain but I'll try!
So basically the game is about people drawing each other's characters. There's two teams, and the theme changes every year, the theme for this year hasn't been announced yet but they're things like: dream vs nightmare or sugar vs spice, just things that are opposites. After the theme is revealed you can either chose which team you want to be on, or wait until the event starts, then you'd automatically join the smaller team. The theme reveal this year is streaming on twitch on the 15th this month, so (if I remember correctly) people will be able to chose their teams from the 16th to July 1st.
Everybody uploads their characters, you can upload anywhere from 1 to 100, you can upload either fan characters (with credit to the creators) or original ocs, I've seen people even do their pets, which I honestly don't understand, BUT you can do it. For uploading a character you add pictures to be used as drawing references for your character and a description, the description is optional but it does help people know what to draw the character doing, what their personality is, and do they have a story? You can upload a character at any time in the year, including July. I like to do all my character prep before July, but my first year I uploaded a couple on July first.
After the game begins on July first (there will be an exact countdown) people can start drawing and posting attacks. Which are drawings of other user's characters. (Friendly fire is an option) The more effort put into the attack the more points it gives. For instance: a full body picture of a character sitting on a bench with shading, gains more points than a headshot of a character with a solid color background without shading ect. Friendly fire takes a percentage off of the points since it's done against team members, though I don't remember how much. The attacks are not rated on the skill of the user, so a headshot made from an expert artist would not get more points than a headshot from a beginner. How much of the character is visible, how much shading, how clean the coloring, how clean the line art is and the background, all of these go into how much points the attack earns.
Drawing attacks before the game starts is against the rules, as the whole point of the game is attack during the month.
As the month goes on people continue to attack each other, the game ends on August first, the point tailing usually takes a few days but then the winning team is announced, there is no prize other than a digital badge, and bragging rights. But even the team that lost is happy, since everyone got art of their ocs. I know I don't fight to win, I just like drawing people's characters.
Here's a link to my artfight, I dunno, maybe you can kind of use it as a reference.
I think I mentioned everything? But if you're still confused on something just ask again and I'll try to word it better. You are not bothering me I'm glad to help! I hope this helps and you join!
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malaky-nightm4r3 · 3 months
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Artfight is coming!
We're participating again this year, except this time we can actually draw full drawings quickly after a year of improving! Chai is no longer the main artist, though he still draws, Chance is doing the most art nowadays! Our art styles are different, and we usually sign our art with the corresponding alter's signature for who drew them so friends can know and recognise. There hasn't been new art uploaded for a little while due to being busy, and also preparing for AF off and on. All AF prep art is being uploaded onto tumblr shortly
I (Chance) have an AF hitlist I've been prepping for months, so if you're a new follower I may get to you as well though I have my first priorities. Chai and Sunset (pictured in the above drawing) are just hoping to goof off and have fun
We will likely revenge back, though please don't expect it to be guaranteed. Our page is also not 100% updated but its most of the way there! Check back on it before AF begins or even during it!
Our new commission page is updated as well, available here for those interested with new adjusted prices and options!
If the leaky pipe in our apartment's ceiling doesn't change anything, all should be well and we'll participate as we want! /lh Though commissions our way are appreciated regardless
Hope to see you at Artfight this year, have fun everyone!
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msponies · 2 years
What the shit did you smoke for you to make this blog inactive!?
okay this is a little fun a little sassy silly…… i dig it i vibe….. i’m currently at my grandparents house taking my dog out so i think it’s a good time to go through my past ~14 months and together we can see where i fell off the wagon (SLASH GEN i promise i’m not being snarky! i really do want you all who have supported me to know i’m okay + what i’ve been up to)
it’ll be under the cut, and as a thank you to all of you,
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oh yeah. ohhhhhhhh yeah
july 2021: artfight happens, i do two attacks and then just stop drawing ANYTHING. i started sewing again briefly which was the second crafty hobby i had before drawing (first was origami!), so that eats up my time. if i remember i want to edit this when i’m home and add a picture from my old phone of me sitting on my bed with my cats, sewing a “sock creature” (PLEASE please if you have the time look up john murphy’s sock creatures, his first book was so formative to me)
august 21: i start working at spirit halloween!!
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september 21: i become close friends with this guy Vincent, we had known of each other for a while and were mutual fans of each other’s art but here we start talking on a daily basis!!!
october 21: obviously The Big One for a spirit employee, it was halloween all month baby! i had three costumes (the third was Raph from tmnt but i don’t have a pic 😿)
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(side note i LOVE the turtles, the reason i got that black wig in the goth cat costume was to cosplay casey jones from tmnt2012)
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november 21: by the nature of spirit halloween i am now unemployed. i try hbwr seeds for the first time which to answer the original question is most likely what i smoked to make this blog inactive
december 21: I BREAK UP WITH MY EX!!!! i found his secret pr0$h!p twitter on christmas eve so i timed pretty much the exact midpoint between christmas and new years and broke it off then
january 22: i reorganize my life!! i get a new bed frame and other furniture for my room to celebrate my fresh start. i find a very rudimentary children’s sewing machine at goodwill and get fully back into making sock creatures!!!! plus i hack a 3ds, but i know we’re all doing that
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february 22: this is where i really do just become burned out for a bit, i do JACK SQUAT except make a G2 Tier Maker:
march 22: i start taking job hunting seriously… ALSO me and Vinnie who i mentioned back in september keep talking and keep growing closer; i send him a playlist of songs that make me think of our ponysonas and for the first time it becomes really clear to each of us how much we like one another 💥 the playlist in question:
april 22: i turn 24! i also start working at taco bell. i also stop working at taco bell. i watch a good chunk of pac man and the ghostly adventures
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may 22: probably my favorite month of the year thus far! i journal every day, go to the park, work hard around the house and in general do what feels gratifying to me!
june 22: i go to a pride event in my city and run into a girl who i bought a teddy bear purse from at spirit! she mentions applying at the McAlister’s that’s opening next month and i follow suit; it goes poifectly and my training starts at the beginning of…
july 22: DELI TIME! i’m trained to work prep which means folding up all the meat that gets used for sandwiches, plus slicing n dicing various produce. Vincent and I are like 💓official💓 at this point or whatever….. :)
august 22: i adjust to life behind the industrial-grade rotary slicer. i get back DEEP into webkinz. Vincent and i meet up for the first time!!!!!!!!!!!!!
september 22: loooots more boyfriend time 🎉 but also i go back to school 👎
now: well damn! i’m in a little bit of a rut in full honesty; i only have so much energy in a given day and i spend most of it on work and school. i am so grateful for everyone who has shown me patience, and i want to prove that it wasn’t “wasted” on me in any way. i still have a lot of personal work to do before i can post on a reliable schedule again
thank you :)
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koifsssh · 1 year
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artfight sketches! bwah! (one is a friendly fire... mainly because i love the couple so much! bwah!) (Carrots my beloved... i dont draw them enough...) (it's not cheating if it's just sketches right? bwahhhh)
anyways! it's friday! yes! it starts tomorrow, and i have a feeling i'll be kind of dead on here for a bit, so i wanted to host a whiteboard! i wish to draw with anyone who would like to as well before i am off to war!
ohhh the sites so slow, i fear for when it inevitably breaks again this year once the fight begins (it is tradition, of course of course) (not to talk bad about those who run the site! it is understandable why it happens, it has become quite a big game after all!)
it's just amusing! if anything that does give me time to prep, much to do much to doooo...
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octoxicash · 4 months
the artfight prep grind begins now so i dont burn out after 4 pieces this year lol
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look at my fursona hes repping my fav hyperfix this year so far
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vulturereyy · 1 year
Hey y'all!! I'm so excited for Artfight 2023, especially to be on team goggie :> (You can find my profile here!)
I know I'm responsible for getting a few more folks into AF this year, and I've seen a lovely few tutorials on many aspects; but one thing I haven't seen is a general 'how to' on saving refs pre-fight.
For those who are new to AF, the site... Typically doesn't work the first week or so. Downtimes are getting increasingly better, but since this site is run on donations and volunteers, it's understandable that it's experiencing some hiccups with SO MANY people joining every year! AF is usually extended into the first week of august to make up for this.
HOWEVER, this does mean that all those lovely characters you've bookmarked to attack? You won't be able to access their refs if the site is down! :((
This is why it's EXTREMELY RECOMMENDED that you save them beforehand, as is often repeated!
This is not a universal method for most folks, but if you're like me just hearing 'just do x!' doesn't always help me picture *how* to do something, so I wanted to share my method :) My example will use discord, but you can very well use a google doc or word doc; anywhere that images can be saved.
Now, Let's begin!
For starters, I have my own discord server that I use for various things. I'm the only member in it, and it's great for organizing things I need.
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Next, I use a text channel where I'm going to store all of the information I need
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Now, while the site is up, i head over to my bookmarked characters:
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Find a character you'd like to save the refs of from your list, and click onto their character profile! :)
Now, for the important question: What should you save, at the very least? (Hi @saturno-sol I'm using Chantilly as an example :> Go attack fae here!!)
Above a character's main image, you should see this:
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The first thing that may not be obvious to save is that string of numbers, which can be copied by pressing the clipboard. Artfight does not use character names, but character IDs for submitting attacks, and these cannot be found anywhere but on-site.
Second, you'll want to save the username of the person who the character belongs to. I usually format these in my notes like:
Chantilly - 2231643 By Saturno-Sol
The other things you will want to save text-wise will be that person's permissions, found under the images and character descriptions here:
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( Please be sure to take note of each person's character and personal permissions! Getting free art is lovely, but so is respecting boundaries <3 )
And the character profile itself, situated above the permissions and below the image gallery
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If a character description is longer, I personally tend to pick out important bits from it and paste them together in more bullet-pointed form. But those who won't break the character limit of a normal discord post, I'll simply copy paste both perms and character description :)
Finally, you'll want your images of course! These can be copy pasted into wherever you're saving them, though I highly recommend a format where you can have the above text information and the images together for sake of clarity. Especially if you're going to have a lot of saved characters, like myself :>
In the end, my posts usually end up looking like:
**Name - ID** By [Username] **Character permissions** [character permissions] **[username's] global permissions** [global perms]
**Character profile** [Character information here]
And lastly, images at the bottom, given how discord formats things :) All in one place, off-site, so I may still browse various characters while the site broken. And as soon as it's ready, I don't have to worry about loading multiple tabs on-site to submit the attack, I've got all the information I need right there!
I hope this helps some new and maybe even some old artfight veterans. I'd recommend saving over the amount of attacks you think you'll do, just in case you're an indecisive queen like I am and want some variety to choose from.
Hope to see you all in the fight when it starts! Excited for my fourth year in the brawl >:)
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pompadorbz · 7 months
its almost march! you know what that means! (artfight prep: begin)
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somelazyassartist · 1 year
how do you join teams on artfight I can’t find the join team buttons
Official team registry won't start until a few days before the fight begins, a lot of people are just choosing early to prep :] and if you miss the team registry you'll get randomly assigned a team, but if you don't like the one you get I'm pretty sure there's a way to apply to switch teams after the fight starts :] there's pretty regular updates on the website too if you want more info! hope this helps!
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pastelslugcat · 3 months
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The time has come. Artfight begins in one hour. I'm really excited since this is my first year on Artfight and I've been wanting to do it for so long now. I can't believe I've finally made it happen. I'm so proud of myself. Despite my burnout I've managed to do all the setup and I'm ready to draw the amazing OCs of others all month! I
Also, sorry for the recent lack of content. I’ve been really busy with artfight prep.
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forveiin · 3 months
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it begins! the great oc redesigening in prep for artfight.
Osirian and Salder, the unlikely duo. One has memory issues and the other has issues full stop. I don’t draw these guys often, but trust me, they take up the most room in my little brain. Their world has so much story made up for it that i struggle to write it down. Feel free to ask questions, if you wanna know a little :D
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reallilystuff · 1 year
heyy whatve you been drawing lately
oh yeag ramble time
first and foremost a pair of au dca drawings that are giving me hell but like in a fun way. no joke ive been on them for like 5 or more days (not counting the bg idk how long ago i did that but i still had these specific characters in mind from the beginning.) sun's got somewhere near 90-100 layers on him and the bg total LMAOOO also i JUST NOW got to moons lineart. having a blast ngl. my computer is probably having a stroke tho. SO many clouds.
one normal ms paint sun, mentally prepping for knocking out some of my drawing pile, another art request and praying i can summon forth the energy for one more artfight attack all within one month hopefully. god knows how i'm going to do this with how slow my ass is but by god i will ATTEMPT !!!! 🐛
and now i go eepy sleeber zeezeezee nitey time honk shoo honk shooooo
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zelalaa · 1 year
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Character reference sheet for Rosa :)) 2/2
Last-minute Artfight prep before it begins!!
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rielzero · 1 year
Life update 28/6/2023
I haven't been working on my webcomic for a while but been slowly getting inspiration. A part of my feels conflicted about webtoon panelling style, so I won't be sticking to a specific style for the comic until i find something that sticks. Its a progress, but I'm not going to redo old pages.
I have been prepping for artfight for a bit, updating character sheets, working on my profile. And mostly resting.
There was a heatwave recently, so I've been unwell. And then there was this one evening of a huge IBS flare that had me lying on the floor for 5 hours, hoping any moment would be the last second of pain. It's awful. My condition has improved very little bit, but it's something at least.
There's a new conan exiles chapter.. pretty excited about the battle pass again.
I've not made much money through adopts lately so I rely on my allowance as my fun money. I'm saving up for a switch OLED cuz my old switch is from 2018, and its a version 1 (the specs are not as good). I also have noticed OLED screens are friendlier on my eyes because of better frame rate and color balance.
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I really am getting into Zelda, but not just the games. I've always found the lore really cool, and there's apparently a few manga series. I'm excited to learn more about Midna.
As for fire punch, I recall a gigguk vid? About it.. I don't remember well but it made me interested in reading it.
Anyways! I'll likely drop activity on tumblr a bit, as I try and gather my energy to make some more character refsheets before artfight begins. Idk how active I'll be, or if I can do more than the goal I set, but will have to see.
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