#arthur dies in merlins arms
cheezewhis · 5 months
Day ???? of trying to explain that calling the ending of BBC Merlin queerbait because Meriln and Arthur don't kiss or whatever enforces heternormative ideas of how relationships "should" work.
Also queercoding and queerbaiting are two different things.
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and you can aim for my heart/ go for blood/ but you would still miss me in your bones - my tears ricochet by TS
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thatgirlonstage · 1 year
Deep breath. Steeples fingers. It’s the way Arthur never needed to know Merlin was part of his destiny to be on his side over and OVER again
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bellamyblakru · 1 year
bro the way merlin’s go-to way to show the people he loves how magic can be beautiful is with fire manipulation,,, im unwell.
#ashley rambles#merlin#bbc merlin#first with freya and the candles#and then arthur with the dragon#both times it ended with death. like how could this kid not associate showing magic equaling dying in his arms. every fucking time he felt#safe enough to show this side they ALL DIE. WILL. HIS DAD. LANCELOT. FREYA. LANCE AGAIN. ARTHUR. THAT ONE DRUID LADY THAT WAS CHILL#also not to mention how ironic it is that fire was his choice when thats the very thing he was taught to fear. everyone he loved also burned#in situations he no doubt blamed himself for. like will died saving arthur and merlin couldnt save him with magic bc of said prince#merlin could only watch as freya died in his arms sobbing that she felt so loved#lance died for him so he didnt sacrifice himself. merlin was more important than anything to lance and he proved it. merlin watched helpless#as lance decided to take his own life and he was powerless to stop him. to tell him goodbye. to tell him he needed him around#i made a post long ago where i said it was ironic fics make merlin afraid of the pyre when he was one of the few not burned in the end#AND ARTHUR. god. a dragon made of flame?? are you kidding?? can u be more symbolic pls. two of them shown in one simple effortless move#fire was probably a comfort to merlin. its real tangible proof of something being created out of nothing.#it burns and it destroys but it also provides a light in the dark. warmth in the cold.#just like magic. just like him. he can hurt others and himself but he also is such a brilliant light to the world. he is sunshine#and butterflies but he is also the storm needed to understand just how lovely the good is#why am i talking bye
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actually, yeah, let's talk about how frustrated I am about bbc merlin's execution of their plot. let's talk about how the concept of magic was heavily queercoded and everyone in turmoil about the magic didn't have satisfying endings or even a happy one. let's talk about how incredibly queer coded morgana was. let's talk about how bbc's solution to avoiding the queerbaiting "bury your gays" trope was subverted by burying every character. let's talk about merlin losing every single fucking person he loved and then killing off arthur right after merlin "comes out to him."
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sleevebuscemii · 1 year
so thats three of tumblr’s top ships getting the confirmed then instantly killed treatment…..next enola holmes movie gonna have henry cavill french his watson before dying of consumption
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lonesomedotmp3 · 2 years
where's that post that's like I love metaphor sometimes you can't ever look at something directly in case it might break or something like that. anyway. excalibur.
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longlivechips · 2 months
Orpheus and Eurydice AU
Where Merlin is given the opportunity to lead Arthur out of Avalon.
However, if he turns around and looks at Arthur before they reach the surface he forfeits their destiny and Arthur will never return.
Merlin can. He looks straight ahead. He's suffered worse than this for Arthur's sake and he won't throw it away now for a glance. He knows Arthur, he knows he will follow.
Arthur on the other hand ....
He's fresh off the betrayal of a magic reveal. He died in Merlin's arms with so much left unsaid. He follows, of course he does it's Merlin how can he not.
But he's not used to this Merlin. The Merlin that gets shit done, the Merlin that's been defending him and his kingdom for a decade. The cold, calm, ruthless man Merlin has forced himself to be for Arthur's sake.
He NEEDS Merlin to turn around. To flash him that goofy smile that lets Arthur know that despite everything Merlin is still there. His Merlin. Kind and affectionate and trustworthy. Merlin who would cry over the death of a stranger. Merlin who is always by his side.
He doesn't know the Merlin in front of him and he's scared. And maybe he begs Merlin to turn around. Fueled by grief and fear and isolation.
But Merlin doesn't. He keeps going forward.
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larluce · 4 months
Arthur and Merlin travel back in time without knowing the other is from the future too AU
A little reminder that Merlin was a tree for over a decade before travelling back in time, though he doesn't remember it and also Arthur's traumas of that time.
In Gaius's tower
Gaius: (checking Merlin, after Arthur insisted something was wrong with him) No sickness or injuries. He's perfectly fine, sire.
Merlin: (to Arthur) See? I told you it was nothing.
Arthur: It was not NOTHING. Merlin, you fainted.
Merlin: I just tripped.
Arthur: Because you fainted! And before that you were in pain.
Merlin: I was not!
Arthur: Yes, you were! Everytime we go hunting or camping you have headaches and pains. Don't you dare lie!
Merlin: (sighs) Alright, fine. It's true. I don't know why it happens, but it's not unbearable. And you heard Gaius, there’s nothing fisically wrong with me.
Arthur: As far as we know. (To Gaius) Check him again.
Merlin rolls his eyes. He loves that this Athur is more caring and protective of him, but sometimes it was too much, honestly. He even carried him all the way here like he was some maid in distress.
Gaius: Perhaps is an external factor that it’s causing this. Like some particular smell of a flower, for example?
Merlin: (shakes his head) I don't think so. We're never in the same place. The flora and fauna changes from one place to another.
Gaius: There must be a common factor. When do you feel this pains and headaches exactly?
Merlin: (purses his lips, not wanting to say)
Arthur: Merlin.
Merlin: I don't think is related.
Arthur: Merlin.
Merlin: (sighs) when a living thing dies. Like a bird, or a plant.
Arthur: When a living thing- (between horrified and mad) Merlin, I've been killing animals in your face for WEEKS! And you tell me this NOW?!
Merlin: I'm telling you I don't think it's related! I mean, it can't be related. It's ridiculous. And it never happened to me before.
That's not entirely true but not entirely a lie either. He has always been sensitive to nature. That's why he always hated when Arthur hunted animals just for fun. But he has never been THIS sensitive to the point he almost feel the same pain these creatures feel. Not until he came back in time. Maybe this is another price he has to pay for his deal with the sidhes or it's just a time travel side effect. The pains could be random as far as he knows.
Gaius: Well, there’s only one way to find out.
Later in the forest. Gaius is next to a tree with a chicken in one arm and an ax in the other. Merlin and Arthur look at him, insecure.
Merlin: Is this really necessary?
Gaius: I'm sorry, my boy, but we won't know for sure until we test it. (Apologetic smile) If it makes you feel better, it was going to die anyways for today's dinner.
Merlin: And you're going to cut down these flowers too? 🥺
Gaius: Not in vain. They’re medicine and they'll grow up again.
Merlin: Okay (takes a deep breath) I'm ready.
Arthur: (worried, holding his hand and stroking it comfortingly) Are you sure?
Merlin: (Nods and smiles) I just want to get this over with.
Gaius: Very well. Merlin, turn your back to me. Arthur, hold him in place and look his reaction closely.
They both do as told, Arthur holding Merlin by the shoulders, firmly but gently, his fingers caressing Merlin's neck under the neckerchief.
Arthur: (his face inches from Merlin's) Just look at me, alright?
Merlin: (blushes and just nods)
Gaius: (Kills the chicken)
Merlin: (his face flinches)
Arthur: Are you okay?
Merlin: (nods) It did hurt. But not as bad as I thought it would.
Gaius: We can check animals then. (Makes some notes and then cuts some flowers)
Merlin: (whimpers a little)
Arthur: (concern) Merlin.
Merlin: It's fine. But it hurt a little more for some reason.
Gaius: Interesting... (takes notes) "plants hurt more than animals"
Merlin: (sighs. To Arthur) You can say it.
Arthur: (confused) What?
Merlin: That I'm a petticoat... or a freak... For being like this.
Arthur: That's not true. You just have a... (looking for the right words) an unusual medical condition. Like Morgana with her nightmares.
Merlin: (snorts) At least her condition is useful. How am I supposse to accompany you in your hunting trips if I get like this all the time?
Arthur: Oh, there won't be more hunting trips. They’re cancel. Forever.
Merlin: What?! 😨 But you love hunting trips!
Arthur: (shrugs) It was never really that fun anyways.
Merlin knows that's not true, but doesn't say anything, to moved with Arthur's action he wants to cry. Arthur's holding him close still, their foreheads touching. They lose into each others eyes. But just as they’re leaning closer-
Gaius: (sticks the ax in a tree)
Merlin: AAAAAAARGH! (Screams and curls in pain)
Arthur: (Hugs him in distress) Merlin! (To Gaius furiously) What did you do?!
Gaius: Merlin! (Running to them) My boy, I'm so sorry! I've been cutting other plants and killing some bugs and you didn't seem to feel it. I just thought-
Merlin: (cries histerically) NOOO! (pushes Arthur and Gaius aside and runs to the tree) YOU HAD NO RIGHT! NO RIGHT TO HURT HER LIKE THIS! (Looks at Gaius, face contort in fury but with tears running down his eyes. Then he turns to the tree and takes the ax out of the trunk desperatly. When he finishes he sees the hole in the trunk and falls to his knees, sobing)
Gaius: ... It seems that trees trigger him more than anything. I've never heard of any sickness like this. Perhaps someone put a spell on him. Or a curse.
Arthur: (completely pale)
Gaius: Sire?
Athur: (murmuring, very scared) It... it can't be...
Gaius: Sire, are you alright? You're pale.
Arthur: I have to go. I'm sorry.(runs off)
Gaius: Sire! Sire! (Sighs and sits next to Merlin, who is now just sniffing quietly. He pats his backs, full of guilt) I'm so sorry, Merlin. Does it still hurt?
Merlin: (shakes his head) Not anymore. (caress the bark of the tree with a sad smile) She says she forgives you. She understands why you did it.
Gaius: (surprised) You're talking about the tree? You can speak to it-I mean, her?
Merlin: (nods, just as surprised at his new discovered ability) It's kind of like mind speak. But there is no voice in my head or really words. Just feelings.
Gaius: Incredible!
Merlin: Don't tell Arthur any of this though. He'll realise I have magic for sure. Or just think I'm insane.
Gaius: He seemed very torned up before leaving.
Merlin: (worried) You think he figured it out?
Gaius: I don't think so. I'll have a fake diagnosis for you in the afternoon just in case.
Merlin: (sighs) I can't believe my magic is doing this to me. Maybe I am cursed. (Thinking) What the hell did the sidhes do to me?!
Gaius: You just discover a new power, my boy. Once you know how to control it, it'll be more an advantage than a disadvatage.
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weaponizedducks · 2 months
the merlin ending is so heartbreaking. arthur is discovering for the first time exactly who merlin is. morgana is tightly holding on to her last shred of hope, realising all of her efforts were in vain. gwen waits for a husband who will never come home, and camelot waits with her. gwaine dies for nothing, in percivals arms, and percival watches. arthur feels he's been lied to for ten years, and merlin thinks he hates him. morgana dies alone, unloved. we as the viewers are given the last shred of hope, the miniscule belief that he might just lives, but it is in vain. merlins efforts, his life, his destiny, is in vain. he has failed. Arthur dies anyway. gwen and Leon and percival and merlin are the only originals left. merlin spends the rest of his life and many more waiting for arthur, and that is how it ends. on a positive so faint it can barely be heard. it ends with a broken queen and a grieving kingdom and a failed sorcerer and a dead king. it ends, centuries later, with arthur gone and merlin waiting
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Seeing as how my last au idea, where reincarnated Merlin finds Camelot again, got a ton of support, here's a continuation of that au! You can find part one of this au here.
Note: Translations for the Old English are at the end!
As a recap, in this au, Merlin died at Camlann and his magic made everyone in Camelot immortal, but they all eventually fall into a comatose state until Merlin returns. Merlin's reincarnated without his magic or memories and winds up as an archeologist working at the site of the ruins of Camelot. While exploring with his colleagues, Merlin accidentally awakens Arthur, whom he thinks is some sort of undead creature, and Merlin is captured by Arthur and the knights along with his colleagues. Arthur and everyone else speak in Old English, so Merlin's got no clue what's going on and assumes that these undead creatures are going to kill him, while Arthur and the knights assume that Merlin has just returned from Avalon and still has all of his memories and magic.
So, without further ado, on to the new stuff! I figured that it would be better to see the next part from Arthur's POV!
For Arthur, waking up had always been a struggle. The morning sun had always been his enemy, mockingly telling him that his time being warm and comfy in his bed was over. But if he had looked forwards to seeing a certainly lanky frame throw his curtains open and wake him up with whatever cheery, inane greeting he had come up with that morning, then that was Arthur's business and Arthur's business alone.
However, when had Arthur sat down in his seat at the round table, barely able to keep his eyes open and knowing that this was the last time he would be conscious for hundreds of years, he was thoroughly looking forward to waking up again. Because when he awoke, his centuries-long wait would be over! His love would be back where he belonged, by his side, and they would have all the time in the world to grow close once more!
And when that glorious day finally came, when Arthur's mind awoke and his eyes opened again, it was to the best sight Arthur could have imagined. Merlin, here in front of him, whole and healthy! Oh, Arthur had dreamed of this day for centuries before his long slumber! Those long centuries without Merlin were grim, with a phantom pain of Merlin's absence lingering within his heart and his life, and the pain was only slightly lessened with the assurance of Merlin's eventual return.
But now Merlin was right here, within his grasp, and they could be together once more! Arthur slowly got his arm, stiffened by centuries of disuse, to move, trying to reach out and touch Merlin, to prove to himself that Merlin was truly here and was not some desperate illusion conjured by his mind. Looking into Merlin's wonderfully familiar eyes though, Arthur knew deep down that this was real.
Before Arthur could get his arm to cooperate, however, four oddly-dressed strangers ran up to Merlin. Merlin yelled in surprise, probably at seeing the strangers running at him, and tried to dodge them, but wound up clumsily falling to the ground instead. Arthur would have laughed at his lover's antics if he heart wasn't pounding with rage at the sight of those intruders grabbing ahold of Merlin and dragging him away!
Arthur finally got his legs to work as the intruders dragged Merlin out of the council room, and shouted as soon as his jaw would allow it, "Gripan híe! Híe syndon fandian to niman Myrddin!"
The others at the round table were startled awake at his shouting, and looked around the room confused. As joyous as Arthur was at seeing his brothers in arms and his lovely wife again, Merlin's abduction was a far more pressing matter. Their long-anticipated and happy reunions would have to wait until after Merlin was rescued from those strangely dressed invaders.
Despite the awful situation, Arthur had the urge to smile at Merlin's situation. It was just like Merlin to get himself into trouble only mere seconds after reuniting with Arthur. Arthur had been so afraid that Merlin would be different when he returned, but it seemed as though that wasn't the case! He was still the same old Merlin that Arthur was so devastatingly fond of, finding trouble anywhere he went!
Still, regardless of Arthur's nostalgia, Merlin was in danger and needed to be saved! After a few seconds, Guinevere and the knights had all woken up properly and had registered what Arthur had shouted, sharing in his panic. However, these intruders were in Arthur's castle, where he had the advantage.
"Hwæt, Guinevere, far to þæm wæpnedhuse and find hwæt wæpnedu sindon gód in þæm stæde. Leon, far and wec þa oþre cnihtas. Hæbbe hí ceorfan of þæm unrihtwisan fleon. Oðer ealdras, fylgað me!"
After shouting out his orders, Arthur pulled Excalibur from its sheath and took off in the direction of the intruders who had stolen Merlin, moving as quickly as his stiff legs would allow. He could hear Percival, Elyan, and Gwaine behind them, their weapons at the ready.
It didn't take long to find the intruders, as they were clearly not familiar with the layout of the castle and had no sense of stealth whatsoever. If they were spies or thieves of some sort, whoever hired them deserved their money back. Arthur just had to follow the sounds of their rapid footsteps echoing off the ancient stone of the hallways.
As Arthur came around the corner to a long corridor, he caught sight of his prey, about halfway down the corridor from him. As they turned back to look at him, he could see the fear etched onto their faces.
Good, Arthur thought, they deserved to be afraid of him after what they had just tried to do. The group of thieves made it only a couple more steps before Leon burst into the hallway from the other side, flanked by about a dozen more knights and cutting off the intruders' escape. The knights made quick work of apprehending the inept thieves and freeing Merlin from their clutches.
Anger welled up savagely in Arthur's chest as he looked at Merlin, who looked rather frightened by this failed kidnapping. He might still be in pain from his injuries at Camlann, and these fools would have no doubt injured him further while they dragged him along with them, sprinting through the castle!
Arthur grit his teeth as fury rolled over him in waves. If he lost Merlin a second time due to these intruders, then there would be hell to pay.
"Hū darrst þū āsceacan hine from mē! Iċ hæbbe bīdode ofer þūsend geara for þisne tīman, and þū ātēowedest tō nīefre hine from mē stelan! Þū scealt āgildan for þis!"
It felt nice to release even the slightest bit of his rage onto these thieves, but Arthur had to keep his priorities straight. Punishing these fools could wait until after he knows more about Merlin's current condition.
Arthur turns his gaze to Merlin once more. Oh, how he had missed his dear Merlin! If only his Merlin's face wasn't marred by fear, but that would change after his would-be kidnappers were safely locked away.
"Nimðað þa ungewelwieras to ðære cyrcan cwellan, wē magon dēmian mid him æfter. Gwaine, nim Myrddin to his geardas and hafa Gaius locian ofer hine. And be mildheort, he sceal hæbbe geferod eft fram Avalon and mæg swilc bēon in pinunge fram his wundum! Gecyða eft to mē mid Gaius's gemetungum þonne hē geendod hæfð."
As hard as it was to part from Merlin's side now that he had just gotten him back, there were still other matters that Arthur had to attend to before he could truly give Merlin the attention he deserved. Still, he knew that Merlin would be in good hands with Gaius and Gwaine, and Arthur would rest easier knowing that Merlin was whole and healthy.
After ensuring that the intruders were securely locked away in the dungeons and awaiting punishment (which would solely depend on how uninjured Merlin turned out to be), Arthur retreated to his study. Now that the whole castle was waking up, he needed to sent out scouts to see how the land around Camelot had hanged, to coordinate with the council to arrange a full head-count of who was awake and see if it matched the last census before everyone fell asleep, to meet with the cook and arrange for their emergency food supplies (which were thankfully also preserved by the same magic that kept them immortal) to be distributed and hopefully keep everyone from going hungry until the next harvest, and to draft a speech to address everyone and get everyone on the same page. The last thing that they needed right now was for chaos to break out, so hopefully keeping everyone well-informed of the situation would allow them to keep everyone's fears at bay.
During his paperwork, one of the guards reported to him that the prisoners were shouting loudly, but in a language that none of them could understand, and they didn't seem to understand anything that the guards told them. Arthur told him to gag them with some cloth for an hour if they got too loud, but otherwise don't bother with it. They could work out some way to get information, like who they worked for and why they had dared to target Merlin, from the prisoners later.
Near the end of the day, had received a report from Gaius that Merlin was completely healthy and unhurt, which abated most of Arthur's fears. However, Gaius also included in his report that Merlin seemed to not be speaking, which Gaius theorized would have most likely been caused by the lasting trauma of his death. A deep pit opened in Arthur's stomach as he read that. He had been so focused on having Merlin back and physically healthy, but he hadn't considered if Merlin would be mentally healthy upon his return. Arthur steeled his resolve that, no matter what condition Merlin was in, he would support his dear Merlin and help him heal from whatever lasting scars his death had left. Merlin had died for him, it was his solemn duty to see that Merlin would recover from it.
As if on cue, Gwaine burst into his chambers, without knocking of course, and gently set Merlin down on the ground. With a teasing wink and a genuine smile, Gwaine closed the door, leaving Merlin and Arthur alone together. Merlin flinched at the sound of the door closing, and Arthur wondered how deep the scars on his mind must be if Merlin looked so frightened even here, in Arthur's chambers, which should be the safest place in the world for him.
Arthur stepped closer to Merlin's shivering form, concerned by the way Merlin pulled back from him. Still, Merlin obviously needed comfort, so Arthur pressed forward and pulled Merlin into a hug, the warm, sappy kind that Merlin had always tried to coax out of Arthur.
Arthur couldn't help the words that spilled out from his mouth next. "Oh Myrddin, hwǣr eart þū bēon?"
Arthur could feel Merlin stiffen in his arms at his words and immediately knew that he had just messed up. Merlin had, of course, been in Avalon before his return, and if Arthur knew Merlin at all, Merlin had probably spent all of his time in Avalon trying to escape, to get back to Camelot and return to Arthur's side. Arthur should have known that Merlin wouldn't like to be reminded of his time being dead!
Quickly, Arthur released a tense and still wordless Merlin from his hold and guided him towards the table, lightly manhandling Merlin into the seat next to Arthur's. Dinner had already been sent up by the kitchen, but Arthur hadn't had the chance to eat any of it yet, so there was plenty of smoked ham and vegetables for Arthur to pile onto Merlin's plate. It was doubtful if there was food in Avalon for the dead, so Merlin's probably starving!
"Ēat, Myrddin, and þæt is ān bebod! Þū eart ǣac þinra þonne ic þē lǣstan gesēah! Þū scealt nū hungor hæbban, swā þū ne eart fēor þæt þū þæt disc fullfremed hæbbe!"
Merlin simply blinked at Arthur and looked at him with painfully blank eyes. Worse yet, his fear was still present on his face. Why was he still afraid? Was Merlin even mentally present, aware of where he was? Or was he stuck in some sort of nightmare conjured by his own mind?
Concerned, Arthur stepped closer to Merlin. However, Merlin still didn't even look at the food on his plate, his eyes stuck to Arthur's face. Arthur tried to move slowly, like he was guiding a particularly skittish horse, and took hold of Merlin's hand to guide it to the fork on the table. Luckily, Merlin seemed to be aware enough to know what to do, as his fingers grasped at the fork and picked it up.
Arthur gave Merlin a smile, hoping to coax him further back into reality. He then guided Merlin's hand, now holding the fork, back towards Merlin's plate, where he led Merlin's hand to stab a nice-sized piece of ham, and then guided his hand to Merlin's mouth.
Merlin seemed to get the hang of it from there, taking the piece into his mouth, chewing, and swallowing. After a quick glance at Arthur, Merlin started eating through the food on his plate of his own accord, which Arthur counted as a victory. Merlin was already showing so much progress!
By the time Merlin had finished the plate, the fire in the hearth was burning low, and Arthur knew that it was time for him to go to bed.
As Arthur stood to walk over to his changing screen though, he heard Merlin speak, which sent his heart jumping up his his throat his surprise and joy.
"Please, what do you want from me? I don't understand."
Arthur whipped around at the sound of Merlin's voice, a sound that time had cruelly eroded from his memories, and he couldn't contain his excitement.
"Hwæt wæs þæt?! Myrddin, hwæt sægst þu? Ic bidde þe secge me!"
Merlin flinched back at his outburst though, stopping Arthur dead in his tracks. Speaking slowly and gently, Arthur tried again.
"Myrddin, hwæt sægdest þū? Mihtest þū āgēan sprecan for mē, þancie?"
Merlin blinked at him again, his eyes filling with tears. Oh no, what happened? Arthur hadn't meant to upset Merlin, he had only wanted to hear him speak again! Before Arthur could try to comfort his distraught lover, to his amazement, Merlin spoke once more.
"I don't know what we did, but please let us go! We'll never come back here again, I swear! Just please let us go!"
Arthur blinked as he tried to make sense of what Merlin was saying. He didn't recognize any of those words. Had Merlin come back from Avalon speaking another language?
Well, Arthur knew that languages changed over time, perhaps Avalon sent Merlin back speaking the language of whatever century they were in now? That would make the most sense after all.
Wait... a minute, if Merlin couldn't speak their language... then that meant...
Arthur frantically set his hand on the table, just a few inches away from Merlin's arm, and spoke as clearly as he could.
"Hwæt, Myrddin, gif þu me understandan mæg, þonne set þin hand on min."
Arthur's heart pounded in his chest as he waited for Merlin to move his hand. He waited and waited, but Merlin just kept looking at him with those painfully blank eyes.
Eventually, Arthur lost his tenuous grip on his grief and rage, and he grabbed a goblet and hurled into the wall with a shout. Why?! Why had Avalon done this?! How could the fates be so cruel as to return his love to him, but place this barrier between them?!
Arthur took a few deep breaths to get himself under control again. He looked over at Merlin, where his lover as practically shaking in his seat. Poor Merlin must have been so confused! To return home only to find that he could not understand anyone! It was no wonder he was so frightened, he had no idea what was going on!
Then, an idea struck Arthur. If Merlin couldn't understand his words, then he would surely understand his actions! Arthur was a man more suited for actions rather than mere words anyways.
Keeping a keen eye on Merlin, Arthur made his way across the room towards a locked chest, one that had not been opened for centuries even before everyone fell asleep. Arthur could not bear to look upon its contents, but he needed to keep them for Merlin's eventual return.
Arthur carefully unlocked the chest and opened the lid, revealing Merlin's few material possessions at the time of his death. It had saddened Arthur deeply, even in the fog of despair that had surrounded him in those days following Merlin's death, to realize that all of Merlin's possessions could barely fill a chest halfway. Even when he was the beloved consort of the wealthiest king in Albion, Merlin lived as though he was still in the poverty that he had grown up in.
Inside the chest sat a few articles of clothing, a couple books of magic, a carved wooden dragon, a few bags, some letters from Hunith and Lancelot, and two gifts from Arthur. Arthur had only been able to give Merlin one of those gifts during his lover's lifetime, but he kept the second gift safe in the chest, ready for Merlin's return.
Carefully, Arthur pulled out his mother's sigil and a delicate silver crown from the chest and made his way back to Merlin.
Merlin was looking at him confused again, so Arthur held up the sigil and, keeping is movements very clear, pressed the sigil into Merlin's hands. To his dismay, Merlin looked at the sigil like he'd never seen it before in his life.
Oh god, were his memories warped as well?! What did he remember?
A thin, hurt voice whispered treacherous questions in his ears. Did he remember Arthur at all? Did he remember the love they had shared, or did he only see a strangers face when he looked upon Arthur's?
At this point, tears were silently streaming down Arthur's face as he swallowed back wailing sobs. He had just gotten Merlin back, and yet he still remains lost to Arthur!
Arthur let out a gasping breath and, desperately hoping for some sort of response, he placed the silver crown on Merlin's head, as he should have done centuries ago. Still, Merlin only looked at him with confusion, and no recognition was sparked in his eyes.
Unable to bear it any longer, Arthur lurched forwards towards Merlin. If absolutely nothing else worked, if this was the only thing Merlin knew of Arthur, then by god let it be how much Arthur loved him.
Closing his eyes, Arthur softly pressed his lips onto Merlin's. Merlin, unsurprisingly, did not respond, likely too shocked at the stranger kissing him. After a couple seconds, Arthur pulled back, not waiting Merlin to get too uncomfortable, and dared to look at Merlin's eyes once more, hunting for any sort of recognition, but only one thing caught his attention.
Merlin's eyes were gold. They definitely weren't golden before.
Arthur stood, frozen, as Merlin seemed to go through some journey within his own mind, his face changing expressions every few seconds. Slowly, though, the golden light began to dim from his eyes.
As his eyes returned to their usual lovely blue, Merlin let out a loud gasp, and looked around Arthur's chambers as if he was only just now becoming aware of where exactly he was. Ever so slowly, his eyes drifted back to Arthur, and Merlin, through the tears that had now gathered in his eyes, let out a gasping laugh.
"Þū ne miht gān ymbe cyssende folc butan gewarnunge swā, þū dolop heafod! Þū ēac næarwe mē ġefēngest þæt mīn heorte ġeswenced wæs! Būton þām, hwæt wōd þīn lufiende gemǣra, þā hērde þone cyning cyssende folc on ætǣlum!"
Then it was Arthur's turn to laugh, to excited and relieved to do anything else but kiss Merlin again, with his love back where he belonged.
Arthur yelped as Merlin punched his arm as they were both laying in bed, his lover giving him a somewhat scathing look, the same one he wore when Arthur ordered him to mucked out the stables.
"Hwæt wæs þæt for?"
Merlin huffed at him indignantly, but his eyes held the barest hint of mirth in them.
"Þæt wæs for þrowing mīn ġeweorċiend in þā ġeolu! Hīe wǣron ġeþēodende tō ālȳsene mē, and þæt is hū þū þancast hīe? Nā mā cossas for þē oþ þū lǣte hīe faran!"
Arthur rolled his eyes but complied with his lover's wishes, getting out of bed and calling over a guard and telling him to release the prisoners. Really, how was he supposed to know that the intruders were just Merlin's coworkers? They had looked like kidnappers from Arthur's perspective!
Huffing with amusement, Arthur made his way back over to the bed, softly kissing Merlin as he climbed back in, ready to sleep for the night. Before he closed his eyes though, he called out to Merlin.
"Beheald þū mē þæt þū beōn hēr þonne ic āwacige?"
Merlin smiled gently at Arthur and pressed a kiss to his forehead.
"Ic behēte."
Gripan híe! Híe syndon fandian to niman Myrddin! = Catch them! They're trying to take Merlin!
Hwæt, Guinevere, far to þæm wæpnedhuse and find hwæt wæpnedu sindon gód in þæm stæde. Leon, far and wec þa oþre cnihtas. Hæbbe hí ceorfan of þæm unrihtwisan fleon. Oðer ealdras, fylgað me! = Guinevere, please go to the armory and find whatever weapons are still in decent condition. Leon, go wake up and gather the other knights. Have them cut off the intruders' escape. The rest of you, follow me!
Hū darrst þū āsceacan hine from mē! Iċ hæbbe bīdode ofer þūsend geara for þisne tīman, and þū ātēowedest tō nīefre hine from mē stelan! Þū scealt āgildan for þis! = How dare you try to take him from me! I have waited over a thousand years for this moment, and you've attempted to steal him from me! You must pay for this!
Nimðað þa ungewelwieras to ðære cyrcan cwellan, wē magon dēmian mid him æfter. Gwaine, nim Myrddin to his geardas and hafa Gaius locian ofer hine. And be mildheort, he sceal hæbbe geferod eft fram Avalon and mæg swilc bēon in pinunge fram his wundum! Gecyða eft to mē mid Gaius's gemetungum þonne hē geendod hæfð. = Take the intruders to the dungeon cells, we can deal with them later. Gwaine, take Merlin to his chambers and have Gaius look over him. And be gentle, he must have just come back from Avalon and could still be in pain from his wounds! Report back to me with Gaius's findings when he's done.
Oh Myrddin, hwǣr eart þū bēon = Oh Merlin, where have you been?
Ēat, Merlin, and þæt is ān bebod! Þū eart ǣac þinra þonne ic þē lǣstan gesēah! Þū scealt nū hungor hæbban, swā þū ne eart fēor þæt þū þæt disc fullfremed hæbbe! = Eat, Merlin, and that's an order! You're even skinnier than the last time I saw you! You must be hungry now, so you're not leaving until I see that you've finished that plate!
Hwæt wæs þæt?! Myrddin, hwæt sægst þu? Ic bidde þe secge me! = What was that?! Merlin, what did you say? Please tell me!
Myrddin, hwæt sægdest þū? Mihtest þū āgēan sprecan for mē, þancie? = Merlin, what did you say? Could you try to speak again for me, please?
Hwæt, Myrddin, gif þu me understandan mæg, þonne set þin hand on min. = Merlin, if you can understand me at all, then put your hand in mine.
Þū ne miht gān ymbe cyssende folc butan gewarnunge swā, þū dolop heafod! Þū ēac næarwe mē ġefēngest þæt mīn heorte ġeswenced wæs! Būton þām, hwæt wōd þīn lufiende gemǣra, þā hērde þone cyning cyssende folc on ætǣlum! = You can't just go around kissing people without warning like that, you dollop head! You almost gave me a heart attack! Besides, what would your loving consort think, hearing about the king kissing people at random!
Hwæt wæs þæt for? = What was that for?
Þæt wæs for þrowing mīn ġeweorċiend in þā ġeolu! Hīe wǣron ġeþēodende tō ālȳsene mē, and þæt is hū þū þancast hīe? Nā mā cossas for þē oþ þū lǣte hīe faran! = That was for throwing my coworkers in the dungeons! They were trying to save me, and that's how you thank them? No more kisses for you until you let them go!
Beheald þū mē þæt þū beōn hēr þonne ic āwacige? = Promise me that you'll be here when I wake up?
Ic behēte. = I promise.
And that's a wrap! Man, this thing quickly spiraled out of control. What was supposed to be a short and sweet prompt evolved into this beast of a post. Well, I hoped you liked this au!
And, as always, thank you for reading through my ramblings! :D
Also, here's everyone who asked for this continuation (and if I forgot to tag someone, I am so sorry, there were a lot of you who asked for a part 2 and I couldn't really keep track of them all 😭): @valiantkittenwitch @gaiussleechtank @laundryandtaxesworld @ath99 @dont-know-how-this-works @young-skam @authenticblob @regulusrules @linotheghost @olidun @championrevali @lil-gremlin-things @hopeaha @mitoconniedria @candlemouse @starlightdreams-blog @todolist-nothing07 @princess-of-morkva @mortalmab @livewondrousss @araevenn @shesthewindandsea @that-ghost-bitch @myself-being @queencutl @hakka84 @asagijing @izzymizzyofficial @thedollopheadofcamelot @lostinthe--stars @larluce ( <- also I'm a big fan of your au's so thank you so much!!) @allisnotfairinloveandbooks @arthursbubblebutt @rain-dragons @ofqueensandwitches @ramadiiiisme @righteous-scamp @cwilbah @merthurogies @merlinrepost @once-upon-the-earth @fluffy-loves-chocolate @lightoftheemeraldstar @tansruduri @avixenk
Also, a shoutout to @theanishimori, who inspired the "true love's kiss" element of the ending!
I'll see you all again soon with a new au idea!
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rosesraeken · 12 days
thinking about how for 5 seasons it was always “merlin go protect arthur, he’ll die if you’re not with him”
but then arthur just fuckin dies in merlin’s arms. how cruel.
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pigfacedbitch · 8 months
HIIII I'm a big fan of your work and I really love it your writing is amazing , this may be a weird request and if your uncomfortable you don't have to do it , it's fine I completely understand, so it's like merlin and Arthur and the reader and they are all soulmates and it's there first time meeting each other . Thank you in advance
Modern! Reader Gets Transported to Albion
idea : modern world! reader gets transported to Albion and meets Arthur and Merlin. unbeknownst to you and the prince of Camelot, the three of you are soulmates.
type : imagines
word count : 0.7k
pairing/s involved : Arthur x Reader, Merlin x Reader
warning/s : almost drowning, panicking
here is my masterlist!
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Note : MY FIRST REQUEST! Whoever you are, thank you for reading my works and I might've changed a little bit in your request. Also, I apologize that it took so long, school has been keeping me busy. I hope you like it! 😊
You've always been a fan of BBC Merlin so when you had the chance to take a trip to Europe, you did.
You went to all the locations where they filmed the series like Château de Pierrefonds and Chislehurst Caves. The last destination is where the Lake of Avalon is; Forest of Dean.
Luckily you are alone, giving you the chance to fully enjoy the beautiful sceneries and serene atmosphere.
It made you feel a deeper sense of nostalgia and melancholy— how the precious characters you loved dearly died and were 'buried' there.
With one last selfie, you were about to walk back to you car when you hear it. A faint voice, filled with sorrow and longing.
"(Y/N)... Save us."
It's coming from the lake.
Something glimmers on it's shore, a sapphire drop necklace with golden chain. When you attempt to pick it up, the world begins to spin.
Suddenly, you were underwater.
Panic builds in your chest not because you can't swim, but an unseen force seems to harshly pull you down no matter how hard you try to stay afloat.
"Help me! Please, someone—"
Air runs out from your lungs when a pair of bulky arms grabs your body and begins to swim you to safety.
"Don't worry, I got you."
I heard that voice before.
The stranger easily carries you to ground, draping a large cloak on your shivering body. Rubbing your eyes for better sight, you look up...
Bradley James?
"Are you alright?"
No. You're certain that Bradley doesn't look that young anymore, keeping up with his latest activities online.
"I told you to be careful, Arthur!"
Turning your head, you see Colin Morgan run towards the two of you with a worried expression on his face.
He looks younger too.
"Ah, Merlin. Fetch the horses, she might need medical attention. May I ask for you name, my lady?"
Arthur? Merlin? Wait... Oh my God.
Realization hits you hard when both men stare at you expectantly, waiting for your answer.
The way they speak, their clothes, their appearances... it's exactly the same in the show you binge-watch every Christmas season.
Am I in the show? That's not possible...right?
"W-Where are we?"
You expect someone to go 'You just got punked!'; that would've been better than two men (who you have a huge crush on) staring at you, confused.
You waited for a moment but nothing happens.
This is real. I'm actually in Albion.
Fear and anxiety creeps into your system, as many questions form in your head. Did I die? What's going on? What season is this? How can I ever get back?
Due to the overwhelming emotions, your breath shortens and keeled over.
Bradley, or Arthur (You have no idea anymore), quickly catches you and gently carries you to his horse.
"We must make haste!" was the last thing you heard before you blacked out.
Merlin, on the hand, knew this would happen. In fact, he dreams of you.
He sees you in vague images, like old memories— happily kissing his cheek, witnessing him use magic, encouraging him to do another trick, etc.
He already etched in his mind your pretty face, your melodious voice, your playful grin— everything about you.
Then Arthur shares the same experience, dreaming about a woman who's description mirrors yours.
Kilgharrah told him that the woman of their dreams will arrive soon from faraway land and will play significant role in the prophecy.
However, the dragon didn't specify how. He only said—
"(Y/N) is your soulmate, Emrys. She sees you and Arthur in a light no one else ever will."
Soulmates are uncommon, even for druids. Only a few were blessed, to have something so wholesome and pure.
So when he heard your cry for help, he is ecstatic. You have finally arrived. His soulmate... and Arthur's.
He wryly smiles at this. Funny how he shares, not only his destiny with the prat, but also you.
The trip to the castle was faster than they anticipated. Arthur told him to call Gaius and meet them in his bedroom.
It caught the attention of everyone. The prince carrying an unconscious woman in his private chambers will surely stir gossip.
But Arthur didn't care, and Merlin didn't know if he should be proud or worried.
The court physician said you are healthy, they only have to wait for you to wake up. He left to attend other matters; leaving the three of you alone.
"This is her." The prince laughs in disbelief, incognizant of what Merlin knows. "The girl in my dreams, I can't believe it!"
Merlin tries to hide his smirk, Arthur can be so adorable when he's clueless.
"Nor can I, sire."
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shanastoryteller · 10 months
SHANA HAPPY PRIDE U AWESOME LADY! Can I please maybe get some merlin content? Either time travel Ygraine or something else entirely!
a continuation of 1 2 3 4
His mother is here.
Not an illusion, or a ghost, but his actual mother - confirmed by his father and his knights and Gaius.
She looks like him. Or he looks like her, he supposes. He's fruitlessly searched for himself in his father's face enough times that seeing himself so easily in her is almost jarring.
They have the same hair, they same eyes, the same lips. She scrunches her nose and scowls and it's like looking into a mirror, not even necessarily what she looks like but how she moves.
It explains a lot of looks he's gotten from his father over the years over seemingly innocuous gestures and comments.
After ordering Gaius to find some wizards, she insists on going for a walk in the woods, since too many people seeing her could cause a commotion and she insists that if she has to look at his father's face she's going to beat it.
He'd thought his father was the strong willed one between them. In his mind, his mother had always been docile, because that's the only way he thought anyone could manage a life alongside his father. The reality is better, and more entertaining.
Merlin is still here, trailing awkwardly behind them, but Arthur doesn't tell him to leave because a part of him is anxious over being left alone with his mother.
"Sorry about that display in the throne room," she says, as if reading his thoughts. "Sometimes Uther needs some sense knocked into him, for the good the kingdom. And our marriage."
"It's okay," he says, because it's not like she'd given him more than bruises. "Did you - did you mean it? What you said about magic?"
"Oh, Arthur," she sighs, squeezing his arm. "I'm so sorry you grew up without it. You'd understand if you'd been raised how I wanted you raised."
"How was that?" he asks, desperate and clumsy and not caring because he wants to know so badly.
She softens, looking at him with something warm and affectionate that he's only caught glimpses of behind his father's eyes. "I understand that she changed, after my - my death. But Nimueh was my best friend. You would grown up with magic in every facet of your life, it would have been there in kitchen helping the bread rise and on the training grounds to treat your wounds, it would have been - did you know, I was pregnant before?"
He looks at her, wide eyed, then shakes his head. He knows so little about his mother, only what other people have told him, and so few people are willing to speak of her and upset his father.
"A few times, actually," she continues, mouth twisting bitterly. "But this one got rather far along, we thought we were going to finally - but it wasn't to be. But we were so hopeful, already planning, and Nimueh had carved and enchanted these wooden butterflies to fly above the baby's basinet, to keep them entertained. I still have them, because after, she said to keep them, that one day I would have a child and I'd need them." She lets out a watery laugh. "I imagine Uther had them destroyed, so you never got their benefit. But that's what magic is, Arthur. It's just another way for the people around us to love us, even if it's a bit differently."
His throat is dry and he doesn't know what to say, but he licks his lips and forced out, "I probably could have used it. I was a fussy baby. Really - really, just, always crying, never sleeping through the night, I always needed someone's attention. I apparently drove several nursemaids to tears."
"Did you really?" she asks, trying to laugh, but it comes out eager, and he can't blame her for it.
The same reason that he knows nothing about her is why she'll know nothing about him, why the only way she has to know what he was like as a baby is if he tells her.
She dies giving birth to him, after all.
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something i was thinking about last night as i tried to sleep
gwen and arthur loved eachother as friends, nothing more. arthur married her because she was convenient enough and would make a good queen (cause she knew the people and their struggles). gwen married him because the love of her life was already dead and she liked arthur well enough.
i think they thought they had to love eachother, to kiss and go on dates, etc. i think they never actually communicated their actual feelings to one another. i think they thought the other loved them romantically so they acted as if they did too (ie. arthur kissing gwen because he thought she wanted him to kiss her).
meanwhile, the loves of their lives suffered. lancelot died to prevent merlin and arthur from doing so (gwen asked him to protect arthur and lance has always been loyal to merlin). merlin lost himself, and other loved-ones, in his journey to protect arthur and ended up losing arthur anyways.
i think arthur was more at peace dying in merlin’s arms than he would’ve been dying in gwens.
in guinevere’s arms, arthur would’ve told her “protect camelot” “you are the queen” “camelot is yours now” “do what you believe is right” etc etc.
in merlin’s arms, arthur just wanted merlin to hold him and to thank merlin and tell him to never change.
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yorit1 · 7 months
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Arthur uses the last of his strength to say thank you to merlin and then closes his eyes and merlin begs Arthur to open his eyes again as Arthur dies in merlin arms
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