#arthur havisham x y/n
stardancerluv · 2 years
Can the Past Save the Future
Part 3
Summary: Arthur is reunited with his childhood friend.
Notes/Warning: Mutual pining, drinking to access (do not drink this much!) Flashback in italics! Old school, dated views of women…
Dilberry maker - foolish person (old English slang)
“It’s ok poppet that’s long behind the two of us now.” You gently urged your twin, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.
“You’re right, you’re right.” Your twin pressed her lips together, and nodded. Finally, you looked up. It cut him deep to know it all still hurt you even though now, things were were worlds better. “Arthur, dear friend this is my twin brother, Y/N.”
Arthur’s brow furrowed. “Twin brother?”
You nodded, meeting your sister’s eye and sharing a nod, you picked up the story.
“Yes, I’m her twin.” You gave Arthur your most charming smile. Just looking at him fueled that smile.
“One spring when we were terribly young, I came down with scarlet fever.” You gave your twin’s shoulder a squeeze. “How she didn’t get it is beyond me, us. Because she kept on sneaking me sweets and her company.” Looking past those wondrous brown curls for a moment, he could practically feel how stifling that room had been. “I got it bad. But then one day, after a few very harsh days I finally recovered.”
“But, how…” Arthur’s brown eyes moved from you to your twin and back at you.
“Once I recovered mum and father sent me off to several places in the summer to grow physically and up here.” You tapped your temple. “Emily, got to let her imaginations run wild each summer while I grew into a little gentlemen.”
Arther nodded then. “So that is why I only ever ran around the county-side with Emily.”
“Yes. It got my mind off of almost losing my twin, my best friend.” You added quickly added. “I met you and it was almost like having him there. I’d write him and tell him all about you.” She shot you a look and smile.
A small smile curled his lips. “We did have some awfully good adventures.”
She nodded. “We did.”
Inhaling, this was certainly interesting. “I know my twin, is incredibly happy to have me back,” You gestured with your hand. “Which is another story entirely but the history you two share is great, why don’t you join us for our dinner.”
You watched as there was a small possibly polite waver in how Arthur stood.
“Yes, Arthur join us. I’ve missed you, our friendship.”
You could still see a possible wavering. “Arthur.” You smirked, remembering your earlier exchange how his carefree confidence had reeled you in when you walked up. “I’ll order the second best brandy.” You rose your eyebrows. “Since you already ordered the best.”
A chuckle, you could practically feel came from him, as he gave you that smile with the twist to it. “How can I say no to either offers.”
His heart was thudding hard in his chest as he pulled off his hat, then slipped free of his coat. “Do you mind terribly if I lay my coat over yours?”
“Not at all.”
Quickly he placed his coat there and placed his hat on top. He soon the took a seat besides his childhood friend. Glancing across the table at you he marveled at the thought. You were her twin. How what an interesting twist to things.
Sitting across from you, he was able to enjoy glancing at you.
The barmaid came back promptly.
“Prepare a plate for our friend with the foods, I ordered. He had joined us.” Emily spoke first before smiling his way.
“It will be more.”
“That is not a problem. I would hope so.”
“Thank you.” Arthur nodded. “Emily, you have always been too kind.”
You returned his smile. “Only for friends.”
“And a bottle of your second best brandy.” He watched as you spoke. When you glanced over at him with an arched eyebrow, it caused a knot to form in his stomach. The touch of your fingertips till lingered, he mused in the fuzzy warmth of his head.
“Arthur,” Emily whispered like years gone past. “sitting here like this reminds me of when the cook would call us in and give us fresh goodies. Like warm rolls.” She nudged you, her eyes were bright. He smiled.
“Arthur! Emily! Come here!”
It had been a terribly drizzly day, but sitting under the willow watching some frogs jump in and out of the pond had been fun.
Hearing the kind voice of her cook, Emily jumped to her feet and dusted herself off. She then held out a hand to you. You did the same as her.
“Oh wait!” Her eyes were bright as she leaned in close. “Let me.” He nodded and then he felt as something gave from your hair.
He made a face, taking a step back. “Tell me it wasn’t another beetle.”
She giggled into her hand. “No! Just this. A large leaf!” You held it up.
“Don’t make call you two again.” A hearty laugh came from the cook.
“We’re coming.” Emily called back, she dropped the leaf and took his hand again. “Alright, let’s run for it.”
Together running across the large field, panting you both reached the door.
She wiped her hands on her apron. “Wipe those shoes, you little rascals and come in.”
He chuckled. Emily’s cook was so much nicer then his. You both knew to then go and sit at the small tucked away in the corner.
“What do you think she has for us?” He whispered.
“Maybe a tart.” Emily had whispered back.
“Fresh rolls and butter.” She smiled, placing a plate in front of the two of you. “The tarts are for after dinner.” She winked. “Yes, Arthur your mum is having you and Amelia come over for dinner while adults will be playing cards and some such thing.”
“Tarts!” You both gave a cheer before tearing the rolls open and smothering it with the soft butter.
“Your fresh bread and butter sir.” The barmaid, startled him away from the past, he sat back.
He looked up at the barmaid, her expression was blank. “Thank you.” He replied flatly.
The bottle and glasses clinked when the barmaid placed them beside in front of him. Lining up the glasses, glanced over at his twin’s friend.
He may not have the air that had surrounded him earlier, but he was still quite a delight on the eyes. “I still have to finish what you gave me but I am interested to see what this tastes like.”
“Oh, is he who you went over to?”
Inwardly, you groaned. Your twin was well your twin and sure she went well but now she may make you look like a fool.
“Yes, poppet it is.” You gave her a sidelong glance as you poured.
“Ahh ok.” She then happily nibbled away at her toast.
“This is pretty good Emily.” Arthur added. “Though not as good as the hot rolls or tarts your cook made us.”
“Mrs. Cratchit makes the best stuff.” She pressed her lips together and nodded. “She was a good chef. She was so kind to us.”
He smiled and nodded. “She was, remember when she saved my dignity the day I slipped in the mud?”
Emily rolled her eyes, “Do I? Luckily we had some of pupper’s clothes for the few days he had come to the country estate before going on to Dublin.” She reached over and squeezed your arm.
“Pupper, I can’t.” She put a hand out. “Really, I couldn’t possibly.” Your twin leaned in, “It would be scandalous for me to be seen drinking with two men. One my brother and one that is close to my age.” She whispered.
“Ignore their looks and thoughts. Arthur, won’t think less of you and of course nor will I.”
She made a face. “Pupper, seriously.” You shifted.
“They are all dilbery makers.”
You giggled into your hand. “Oh Poppet, ok but one drink.” She finally relented.
“Oh!” You chuckled easily. “It really decided to come down didn’t it?” You struggled to slip on your coat, while looking at the heavy snowflakes that fell from the sky. A smile played on your lips. You could see why your sister had become friends with him.
You had not had that much of the brandy; had you? The struggle of getting into the coat became stronger. Then looking over at Arthur, you realized what happened. Now it all made sense.
“I will get us a coach.” Your twin announced.
There were a few nearby so you kept an eye on her, while you walked the short distance over to Arthur. Who was trying to straighten his hat.
“Tell me Arthur, are you still comfortable in my clothes?” He came and stood close to him.
The look he gave him was of confusion and then he really looked at what he had slipped into.
“Oh! It did feel a bit big.” He chuckled as he weaved towards you.
“Looks not terrible on you. But I had been worried..” Your voice trailed off as your twin called attention to the coach.
You giggled as you came over. “I got us a coach, come along you two.”
Arthur held up a hand. “I’ll find my own.”
“Nonesense. It is terribly late and if I remember the house you share with your sister is across the city.”
Arthur shrugged.
“We’re not terribly far and have plenty of rooms.” Your twin reasoned.
She did the unthinkable. Honestly, you were not sure if it was the brandy in her, the nostalgia or a bit of both. But she looped her arms with both of you. You grew completely mortified. Yet, another part of you hoped it swayed Arthur. You were very warm and fuzzy, despite the heavy snow falling around you. And at this moment, you truly didn’t want to part from him just yet. “No arguing Arthur.” You chimed in.
“Really, I mustn’t.” Though as he spoke a crooked smile spread across his face. “Unless you insist.” He glanced at you.
“I do.” You replied with your own smirk.
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dreamyquinn · 2 years
Quinn Dreamers, Welcome!
I'm introducing myself... well, sort of. My real name will remain secret for now, maybe I'll tell you, maybe I won't. Just to be honest, I don't want any of my friends or family figuring out it's me. The only thing you'll get to know is that my last name is actually Quinn. Isn't that a fucked up joke from the universe?
Maybe that can be my name instead. Hi I'm Quinn.
Other details about me is that I'm Mexican, I'm 31, I love cats, I love writing, I love Joseph Quinn and overall I LOVE Eddie Munson.
My love for this man started at a very lonely and difficult stage of my life and he has become my refuge and savior. This is why I started daydreaming of him a lot and I've gathered a few of those dreams and turned them into fanfics, one shots, smvutty adventures, fluff, angst and all those trends. English is not my first language so this is also an exercise for me to expand my vocabulary.
I hope you enjoy my work, have fun and I'll try to be the most respectful I can. That said, I'm older so a lot of things here will be NSFW | 18+ So NO MINORS. There's a few fics that are pure fluff or comedy but mostly it is intended for adults only.
If for any reason there's something inappropriate, let me know and I'll manage the situation.
Thank you and Welcome to the Quinndom of Dreams ♥
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strangernstranger · 2 years
The Deal
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Arthur Havisham x Fem Reader
Summary: As a means to pull his family out of poverty, your father arranges a marriage between you and Arthur Havisham. (Enemies to lovers. Controlling character. Mentions of sex and virginity. Something I wrote forever ago for funsies but was too apprehensive to post.)
You arrived at the Havisham House, a knot in your stomach pulling tighter than your corset. You weren’t sure which was responsible for your shallow breathing, the garment or the realization you’d soon be face to face with your potential suiter. Nay, buyer. Drowning in unpaid debts, your family stood to lose everything. Your father told you since you were young, to survive in this world, one must be willing to sacrifice. Having nothing else to give, he offered up his only daughter. Your hand in marriage for a price. Arthur Havisham was intrigued by the deal.
He was a beautiful boy from a notable family. A long line of businesses tycoons and wealthy proprietors carried the Havisham name. Money passed from hand to hand from generation to generation. Arthur was to be next in line but under one condition. As his father’s last will stated the inheritance shall be granted only after Arthur sires a son. The only thing more important to the old man than money or the brewery was lineage. The Havisham name should be carried out for generations. That weight now rested on Arthur’s shoulders. Always impatient, the young man couldn’t be bothered to take the proper time to court a woman. And why should he when blessed with expendable money and privilege? Through whispers and murmurs around town, your father had learned of Arthur’s situation and decided to seize the opportunity. After all, who better to look after his little girl than a Havisham?
You hoisted your dress above your ankles, taking a careful step down from the cab. Your father offered his hand to escort you to the sprawling home with well manicured greenery. His smile was remorseful. He hated to give you up, but it would keep your mother and little brother housed and fed. Your father clung to the hope you’d find yourself with a kind-natured, well-to-do man whom you could learn to love. Someone to take care of you and allot you the lavish and ornate life your father always felt you were destined for.
“You’re making your mother and I very proud.” Your father cooed, sensing your anxieties as the door grew closer with every step. You offered only a nod. If you spoke, you might break. “Everything will workout, dearest. Love will find the two of you. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow. But it will” You gave your father a slight smile. Maybe he was right. What if instead of a nightmare, a fairytale life waited for you just beyond that door?
You were greeted and granted entry by a small red haired lady. A hired servent. “Please, come in!” She beamed. “Master Havisham has been expecting you.” She brought you out of the cold and into the foyer. The size of the single room was almost that of your family home. By the stairs stood Arthur, looking very much the Prince Charming archetype. He approached you, a regal air about him. Your heart beat quickened. Up until this moment, the potential arrangement felt bleak and dreadful, but the idea of calling such a beautiful man your husband excited you. You straightened your posture. Your first impression had to be perfect. You hoped you looked satisfactory for the handsome man.
“Mr. L/N, so good to see you again.” Arthur and your father shook hands. Your father seemed every bit as smitten as you were by his natural charm. “And this must be the lovely Miss Y/N.” Gently, he took your hand in his, placing a delicate kiss on the back of yours. The press of his lips on your skin was electric. “She’s even more beautiful than you described.” Arthur’s gaze rested on you, taking notices of all your feature. You blushed.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Master Havisham.” Your voice was silk and received with smile that radiated sweetness and warmth.
“Let me assure you, Miss L/N, the pleasure is all mine.” You were swooning at his words.
“I suppose I should leave you two to get better acquainted.” You father said with a slight nod. The servant woman led him away to another room to allow you more privacy. The minute your father’s presence left, Arthur’s sweet smile turned dry as merlot and soured on you. His brow lowered almost completely altering the soft appearance he presented in front of your father. He seemed much more stern now.
“You’ll do.” He said with an icy demeanor. The butterflies in your stomach were now being suffocated by the lump growing in your throat.
“You know, it’s bad luck to see the dress before the wedding?”
“I’ll take bad luck over poor taste.” Arthur retorted as he shuffled through the remaining gowns hanging on the rack. You frowned. This was the fifth dress and your favorite thus far. But nothing seemed to satisfy your husband-to-be. Perhaps you were the problem, not the dress. “Take it off.” His tone was cool but callous.
“Take it off? Arthur, It’s gorgeous! Just look at the-“
“Take it off.” It was every bit a demand which left you little to no room for protest. Arthur grabbed another dress from the garment rack and held it up to your body as if you were a mannequin for him to style. He thought you would look better in something that accentuated your body more. You looked clear over his shoulder to avoid his eyes. As beautiful as he was, at times you couldn’t stand to look at him. It had been a mere three days since Arthur accepted your father’s offer, but in that time Arthur made no attempts to mask the kind of person he was. Cruel with greed. If money wasn’t on the line, you doubted he’d ever marry. A lot of good a wife would do a man incapable of love. You wondered if his mother even held him as a child. “Look at me.” He demanded again, his voice lower, trying to be discrete. Your avoidance irritated him. Before he had the chance to bark another order, you interjected, pushing the gown in his hand away from your body.
“I’d much prefer this one, darling.” You bit back in spite. Stone faced as you stared him in the eye. That’s what he wanted after all? For you to look at him. You saw anger rising within him. How dare you defy him.
“Perhaps I should give you two a minute to decide.” The shop keeper’s tiny voice cracked as she tried to scurry away.
“No! Whatever dearest wants…she shall get.” Arthur bitterly complied. You had won the battle, but could sense the oncoming war. You feared you wouldn’t remain victorious much longer…
The cab ride back to the Havisham manor was painfully silent save for the clack of horses’ hooves on the stones below. What had you to say to a man like Arthur. You always imagined you’d be dress shopping with your mother. The two of you teary eyed in delight, anticipating the blessed day you’d walk the isle in your beautiful white gown. Instead, it was a tug of war with a spoiled man you had no choice but to pledge your life to. But as your father always said, life was about sacrifice. You just prayed it wouldn’t be your entire life. But if dress shopping with Arthur was any indication of what was to come, you knew you’d have to fight for every ounce of freedom and autonomy you had left.
“Your dress is hideous.” Arthur finally spoke. You were sure it was only to have the last word on the matter. You saw it as pouting. Pouting in the way a petulant child who doesn’t get their way would. “Seeing as it’s my wedding day as well, I thought it only fitting I at least pick the dress.” Everything else had already been planned for you. Food, flowers, guests.
“Your wedding day?” Arthur chuckled. You refused to acknowledge the fact he had turned to face you in that smug and scathing way of his. “My apologies. I forgot it was your money being spent on the occasion. And that it was your name I would be taking.”
“Last I heard, marriage was an equal partnership.”
“Last I heard your father sold you to me.” Arthur scoffed while you felt something deep inside pinch. “Like a piece of property.” His voice mocking and the words drawn out long, twisting the in wound he was creating. “You forget yourself, darling. I own you now. What I say goes.”
“Stop talking.” You blurted almost out of instinct. Your voice was a whisper but it didn’t go unnoticed. Arthur grabbed your chin with his gloved hand, forcing you to look at him once more.
“What did you say to me?” His expression was stern and frankly, frightening. His face just inches from yours, there was no ignoring the tears that had built and brimmed in your eyes. Arthur stared at you momentarily before he sighed sharply and released you. You turned away immediately, angry, embarrassed. You were sat so close your knees touched which further angered you. You made yourself as small as possible, scooting as close to the cab door as you could to create some kind of distance between you.
“Should I expect such defiance come the wedding night?” Arthur asked dryly. Your head snapped towards him with a shocked expression. The wedding night. You were aware of what that typically entails, but you were so caught up in making it to the alter you hadn’t gave it a second thought. Arthur laughed softly at you reaction. “What? Too crass for the virgin?” He grinned. Virgin? Surely your father wouldn’t have discussed such a thing with another man. Of course he would. It was likely a selling point. A pure woman seemed to hold more value than, well…others. Your cheeks flushed. Heat began to envelop you. Arthur’s laughter increased as he watched you silently squirm. How cute he thought.
“When we return home…I’d like to be alone.” You couldn’t stand a second more of his presence.
“Very well. You may return to your chanmber’s and I to mine. I’ll send Someone to check on you later.” And that was that. No contact for the rest of the evening. You’d say it was exactly what you’d hope for, but it wasn’t. So desperately you wanted closeness with Arthur. Not through proximity but through word’s and actions. You wanted to peel away at him layer by rotten layer until you reached his core. There you thought you might find a decent man. Or perhaps the harden heart of a child. One which was never properly nurtured or even stifled in it’s youth. A heart destined to repeat the cruelties it had to endured. Maybe if shown proper care, his cold nature would seize to exist. So badly you wanted that opportunity, but Arthur seemed rather comfortable keeping you at arms length. Your heart felt heavy knowing you’d never get that chance to be the wife you always wanted to be for someone. Only someone’s property. You journaled these thoughts with others in the silence of your room. There really wasn’t anyone to talk to in the Havisham house. Everyone stayed to themselves. Even the hired-help were brief in their interactions. The spacious and grandiose home felt almost cavernous with it’s quiet and lonesome atmosphere. The peace of the crackling fireplace and scribbles on parchment were interrupted by a knock at your chamber door. Must be one of the servants sent to check up on you, you thought. Before you had a chance to allow the visitor entry, Arthur saw himself in. Dressed darkly from head to toe. It was as if a shadow had crept into your room. You felt it too. You stood at attention as he waltzed in on his own accord, tension trailing his coattails.
“Master Havisham.” You addressed.
“We will be moving ahead with the wedding.” He announced. “Tomorrow.” Tomorrow!? The two of you weren’t supposed to wed for another three days. The sudden change made your head spin. You were still adjusting to your new surroundings and the idea of becoming Mrs. Havisham. It felt entirely too soon, but you were in no position to protest.
“Yes, sir.” You offered a nod and drew your focus on patterns in the hardwood while Arthur paced your room, inspecting.
“All arrangements have been taken care of. Your only concerns should be your dress and walking the isle.” As he spoke, something caught his eye. Your journal which lay open on the floor next to your armchair. Among other words, he noticed his name scrawled in black ink and cursive. Your heart sank. You made the sad attempt to retrieve the book before Arthur but he was too close and too quick to allow you the chance. He pinned his eyes to you as he rose up slowly, book in hand. He could see the nervousness in you. The shame. Your eyes were pleading though you hadn’t said a word.
“I see you’ve kept yourself entertained in my absence.” He began skimming it’s pages.
“Give it back.” You demanded harshly but we’re completely ignored. Your hands trembled at your sides. That book detailed your every fear, complaint and concern since being in the house. You knew once Arthur read it, your fate would be sealed. There would be no reconciliation. No mercy from his bitterness for the rest of your days.
“See to it that you get some rest. The next time we meet shall be at the alter where I will make you my bride. And do remember…it’s a joyous occasion. Look the part.” Not a hint of joy or excitement could be found on his face. He left the room without so much as uttering a goodbye, your journal tucked beneath his arm. You stood in the center of the room defeated. Tomorrow would begin your life sentence.
“You look breath taking.” Amelia fawned as she assisted in pinning your curls in place. You tried to smile but the nervousness in you created an unseen obstruction. “I know my brother can be a tad bit…harsh at times, but I promise he’s a good man.” You took a deep breath and put on a brave and somewhat happy veneer to the best of your ability. “I know he is. I can’t wait to be Misses Arthur Havisham.” You lied. The name tasted sour on your tongue. Laced in your dress, you were hurried out the door and into the corridor where your father waited for you. His presence was merely a formality seeing as how he had already given you away. Just something for appearances. As was everything else.
“Darling, you look beautiful.” He hugged you tightly before pulling you away, truly taking in how angelic you were in your white gown. You reminded him so much of your mother. As beautiful as she may have been, it didn’t go without notice that the years of toiling and poverty had left her dull and faded. Your father held the hope that your situation might preserve your vibrancy. But still, your facade was thin enough he could see the fear in you. “I’m sorry my love, I only did what I thought best. For you. Your mother. Your brother.” You forced a wide smile.
“It’s okay, father. I love Master Havisham.” You refused to address him by his first name. It humanized him too much for your liking. He may have been a man, but not one you’d ever have the pleasure to know. He was Master. As if encased in concrete, any indication of decent man would likely stay buried through your miserable years together. Your eyes began to wet the more you thought about it. A solitary tear broke free. Your father lifted his hand to dry the trail on your cheek.
“Oh, Y/N”
“Tears of joy, father.” You said to quell his guilt. “It’s a joyous occasion.”
The double doors parted before you, revealing the chapel filled with white lilies and gold candelabras. While beautiful, it reminded you of a funeral. The guest stood for your entry, a few marveling at you on your “blessed” day. Your father walked you step by step down the isle to the lull of string instruments. Their swells felt foreboding in your circumstance. But no casket waited for you at the end. Instead a priest and Arthur with a smile. It was reminiscent of the look he gave you the day you first met. When you were so naively charmed by him. How his features change so drastically when he smiles, you thought. His style of dress made him look princely. His gorgeous face and deep brown eyes soften on you as he took your hand from your father.
“You look stunning, Y/N.” You wanted to believe in his kindness, but you knew it to be false. He made that clear in the days prior. You fought the urge to make a snide remark about the dress but this was neither the time or the place. Arthur was playing the role perfectly, you assumed as should you. The guests seated themselves as the priest began to speak.
“Dearly beloved, we are gathering here today-“ You could hear your heartbeat in your ears, drowning the words as he spoke. The day had come. You were living it. In just a few short moments, your life would be forever changed. Arthur tugged at your hand lightly, leaning in close enough, you could feel his breath on your cheek.
“If you want to run, now is your chance.” He pulled back to look you in the eye. You looked at him dumbfounded. It had to be some sort of trick, yet not a hint of malice could be found in his gaze. You turned to see your family sat in the crowd. They looked proud and hopeful. If you ran away now, you would be destroying their chances of a better life. You couldn’t find it in you to do such a thing. Even if that meant suffering a life with Arthur. You would somehow make it work.
“I’m not running.” You whispered. A sense of relief washed over the groom. Likely relieved his plan hadn’t completely derailed in an instant. But if that were the case, why would he even provide you the option to back out? You sucked in a deep breath as it came time for you to recite the words which would bind you to Arthur forever. The words you repeated in the mirror earlier that day. Over and over again until they could be spoken without the presence of tears. You mimicked every word perfectly. You were a marionette in a grand production. Arthur cleared his throat.
“In addition to my vows, I would like to share a few words of my own.” Arthur motioned an usher forward. He carried with him a little, leather bound book. Your journal. The book that exposed you at your most vulnerable. He turned to the back page which held writing not of your own. He reached for your hand once more. Timidly, you obliged. He began reading from the page. “To hold your hand in another’s and pledge your life is not a simple task. Especially when you’ve spent your life valuing only yourself. The prospect of having another’s heart rest in your chest foreign when your own hath remained stationary for so long. To give yourself to another is the ultimate sacrifice. To give up everything to share a name, a home, a family. I am graced to have you stand here before me though I have given you very little reason to.” You stole a quick glance at the guest in their pews, confused and unsure of what Arthur may have been referring too. Majority of them were unaware of your arrangement and all of oblivious to the treatment you had received. You sensed sincerity in his voice. Were you being fooled again or had the callused man truly have had a change of heart overnight? Arthur squeezed your hand tighter as if to pull back your attention. A quiet urgency resting on his face. “I vow to match your strength with selflessness and sorrows with comfort. I vow to treat you with the honor and dignity you so deserve. And with you as my bride and I your husband, I hereby give my life to you.” With the priest’s permission, the declaration was sealed with a kiss. Yours and Arthur’s first kiss. It wasn’t one of passion but one of honesty and understanding. He cupped your face in his hands as he spoke. “Know that I mean this.”
The reception was smaller than the ceremony. The guest list divided by more than half. Arthur introduced you to other’s which shared the Havisham name. You were courteous and pleasant to all but were still taken aback by Arthur’s vows. The two of you hadn’t yet had a moment alone to discuss them. You wondered where you journal had gone and if you would ever see it again. You and your husband were sat at a table on display for the rest of your guests. You were served a meal you thought was better suited for royalty. A wide variety with everyone helping themselves to large portions. Is this something you should come to expect? Though awe stricken by the food, you had very little appetite. As you poked and nibbled at your food, Arthur pushed his chair from the table and stood tall, clinking his drinking glass high in the air.
“I would like to propose a toast. To my beautiful wife. May I measure up to even half the man a woman like her deserves. To y/n”
“To y/n!” The guest echoed. You tucked yourself deep into your wine glass, taking a long drink, tired of this play you were roped into. You had half a mind to claim a bottle all to yourself. You’d need it to make it through what was to come. As Arthur sat back down, he placed a hand over yours. A serious look on his face
“Tonight, half past nine. Meet me in my chambers.” It wasn’t a question. He smoothed the napkin in his lap and returned to his meal. Your stomach dropped. You nodded an understanding but said nothing.
Arthur’s room was colored deep burgundy and accented in bronze. A warm fire roared in the fireplace, still you shivered. You pulled your robe tighter over your silk, slip-gown. You assumed that was the appropriate things to wear for the occasion. You sat down on the bed, taking deep shaky breaths and twirling the ring which now adorned your finger while you waited for your husband. He stepped in the room, closing the door behind him. The sound sent a shockwave through you. Arthur was still dressed in his wedding garb. He looked handsome, but that in comparison to your own, thin dressings made you feel even more vulnerable. You swallowed hard and began pushing the robe off your shoulders for him, assuming he would spare no time for much else.
“Nononono, that won’t be necessary.” He quickly approached you and pulled the garment back over your skin so you reminded concealed. He slowly sat down next to you on the bed. He could see you were shaking, visibly distraught. Silence fell between you. Arthur reached into the breast of his coat, retrieving your journal. He extended it to you like an olive branch.
“…Thank you.” Your voice was paper thin and wavered as if expecting a recoil of some kind.
“I read it, you know? Every page. Every word.” Arthur’s voice was low and graveled but somehow still soft. Colored with remorse. You offered no reply. You were still unsure what his next move would be. “I know I’m not an easy man, y/n. I know that. I’m selfish…arrogant.” He paused for a brief moment. “And still…you wanted to love me? Even after I degraded you for my own illusions of superiority…you would actively try to love me and justify my mistreatment. Your second night here, you wrote of how you cried over how difficult I was being and how it made you feel as if you were failing. As if it’s somehow up to you to bring the best out in me. As if there were more to me. Like some untapped potential or something lying dormant within me.” You parted your lips to speak but couldn’t find a thing to say. “That’s when I realized…you held more faith in me than I do myself. I have given you every reason to hate me and the opportunity to run, yet you stayed.”
“I stayed for my family.” You told him matter-of-factly.
“Yes, I know. And you we’re noble to do so. But it relieved me you would stay. Not for the sake of my inheritance but-” Arthur moved closer and rested his hands on your upper arms. “You challenge me, y/n. A challenge to be a better man. Better than my father. Better than his father. To break that cycle of cold calculation that only leads a man to misery, only to pass it on to our children. Something my own selfish pride blinded me to. That is until I read your journal. Despite a life of hardship, there is a light in you that refused to be diminished. I envy that about you.” He smiled at you, genuinely. You leaned into his touch, feeling truly connected to him for the first time. Arthur’s guard had finally lowered and slowly so was yours.
“You are not your father, Arthur. You’re more than the things he projected on to you.” Arthur lightly nodded, a choked and pained expression finding him. “I meant every word earlier. And if I should fail you, read them back to me. It’s all there.” He motion to the book which sat in your lap. “And we don’t have to-” You quickly dipped your head low and rubbed at the back of your neck, sensing the words coming next. Arthur’s smile returned, finding your discomfort strange but cute. “Do that until you’re ready.” Shyly, you smiled. Talking about sex still felt taboo to you, even if it was expected of you as a newly wed. “I want to take my time with you y/n” I want to earn your affections. No demands. No persuasion. I want you in an honest way.” You were melting under the warmth of his touch. He searched your face for understanding. Really looking at you for the first time since you met. He admired your beauty and cursed himself for ever making you feel so hopeless.
“With time.” You answered sheepishly. You placed a hand on his cheek. Arthur sighed at your touch, leaning closer and closer til his forehead rested with yours. “I’ll do right by you, y/n.” He breathed before parting his lips around yours, kissing you deep with a quiet and controlled desperation. He kissed you as if trying to find the love he lacked his entire life, pulling you closer to him. With eyes closed, you rode a wave of bliss. Finally receiving what you craved from the man.
“I’ll be good to you, y/n. I swear it.”
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Please Don't Go, Pt. 2
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paring: arthur havisham x m!reader
summary: when he finds out his beloved sister is set to marry a crook, arthur finally asks you for help
warnings: alcohol consumption/alcoholism, mentions of injury, mugging, inferred sex, mentions of depression, suicide attempt, lots of angst with a little fluff along the way
word count: 8.2k
a/n: this isn’t proofread so excuse any mistakes
part 1 | epilogue (coming soon)
friendly reminder that comments and reblogs are just as (if not more than) important as likes!
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It had only been a day but the next time you saw Arthur you found yourself bumping into him in the street.
You’d been on your way to the three cripples to see him when you saw him come out of a nearby alley, followed by none other than Mr Compeyson who called after him as he stormed off.
You wasted not a second as you made your way to him, your pace quickening slightly as you hurried to catch up with him.
The moment his name fell from your lips he stopped and turned around, his glassy eyes setting on you almost instantly. He was still wearing it: the neckerchief you had gifted to him.
“What’s wrong?” your eyes searched for answers within his own as you stepped closer.
“He’s going to marry her.”
You furrowed your brows together, not quite getting what he was saying. “Who, Arthur? Who’s going to marry?”
You could see the frustration in his features, the pain in his face as he spoke, “Compeyson. Amelia is going to marry Compeyson.”
“What? They’ve hardly known each other long enough to marry.”
“Try telling her that…” The anger in his voice dulled out as he started to walk again, this time with you by his side.
You sighed. “I don’t doubt Amelia’s judgement but I know you and I know there must be a reason you object to their union so much. I saw the two of you a moment ago in that alleyway, is this what you were discussing?”
His eyes widened and he turned back to you, stopping in his tracks once again as he worried you had gotten the wrong idea.
“It’s not like that. I- he… you’re the only one I care for.” His voice was quiet so as not to draw any attention to the two of you.
You reached out, placing a hand on his shoulder. “I know, Arthur. I’d never question that. I only meant to ask why you think so poorly of their union. I do not know Mr Compeyson well enough myself. You’ve had more time to get to know him.”
“He… He’s a bad man, y/n. They can’t marry, can’t even get engaged. He will only hurt her.”
“Bad how, Arthur? Is he the one who hurt you? Has he hurt Amelia?”
Arthur shook his head although the look behind his eyes was enough for you to know Compeyson had certainly harmed him in one way or another. “No. He has not hurt Amelia but he will. He only wants her money, I know that much.”
You grabbed hold of his coat, tugging him into a nearby alley just as Compeyson had done only moments before.
The two of you were only inches apart yet he still managed to avoid your eyes when you asked, “You didn’t answer my first question. Has he hurt you?”
There was a fire in your voice that licked at his heart, feeling as if you were squeezing it in your hand. He felt cornered although he knew there was no use in hiding the truth from you any longer.
The nod of his head was so subtle you could have missed it. His eyes never once looked up to meet yours, not until you tapped a finger against the bottom of his chin, raising his face to look at you.
“If he ever lays a hand on you again-”
“He won’t. It was my fault. If I hadn’t said those things to Amelia-”
“No matter what you said to your sister he had no right to beat you, Arthur.”
Again, his head hung low as his eyes cast down, fixating on a button on your coat.
“I know,” he mumbled as he tried to put a little distance between the two of you.
You only stepped closer and, if it hadn’t been for the street that was growing busier by the second, you would have kissed him or even simply just held him in your arms.
Instead, all you could do was stand by him, looking at him with nothing but love in your eyes as you tried to reassure him with your words alone. “You need to have more value for yourself, Arthur. No one, and I mean no one at all, ever has the right to hurt you like that.”
“I know. I just- I was drunk and I didn’t expect it and I… I couldn’t do anything to stop him. I- I-”
His voice was broken, crumbling more with every word. If you were never to see Arthur this way again it would still be too soon. You just wanted him to be happy, wanted him to know he was loved.
“Damn it, damn it all.”
With those words, you jerked forward and encased him in your arms. You no longer cared if anyone saw you or what they might think. You were from one of the most influential families in London — no, in the entire country — and you were not going to let Arthur stand there and break down before you without so much as holding him as he wept.
He melted into your embrace, letting you hold him so tightly in the cold, narrow alley. He too no longer cared, not at that moment at least. He just needed you. He needed to feel your warmth, to have you close.
When he was in your arms it was the only time he ever truly felt safe. Safe from the world. Safe from his debts. Safe from Compeyson.
“Have you spoken to Amelia about this? Does she know? Surely she would not marry a man she knew had harmed you,” you asked as you stepped away, moving to wipe the tears from his eye with the cool pad of your thumb.
“No, she can’t know. She can never know.”
You were only growing more confused as every answer he gave strived to avoid telling you the whole truth. There was so much more to what was going on between him and Mr Comperyson, you were sure of it, but Arthur still wasn’t ready to tell you.
“Why not? Arthur, please tell me. I want to help you, I want to be there for you.”
“You are there for me… more than anyone else ever has been or will be. But this… this I can’t tell you. Not yet. Please, you must understand. It will only worsen my predicament if you get involved.”
He was finally looking at you of his own accord, his big round eyes boring into your own as he pleaded with you.
You released a hum, although you certainly did not like the idea of him facing whatever trouble he was in alone. “I will not press you for answers if you are not ready to give them. Just remember I am here, Arthur. Always. If you need anything, all you need do is knock on my door.”
A day later and you were back at his lodgings again. In your haste to see him, rather than knock, you simply opened the door and walked inside.
To your utmost surprise, Arthur was not alone. Mr Compeyson sat with him, talking about something that had abruptly come to a halt the moment you walked inside with a call of Arthur’s name.
“Mr y/l/n, what a surprise.”
As usual, Compeyson spoke with a smile but your eyes only fell to Arthur who was sitting backwards on a chair. His shirt was pulled up revealing his back which was now covered in more wounds than before.
“How dare you lay a hand on him!” You were already moving, cane raised as you came to Arthur’s defence.
Compeyson only backed away with raised arms and furrowed brows, his lips already stringing together excuses.
You almost hadn’t noticed Arthur get up from where he had been sitting, wincing slightly as his shirt fell back down onto his cuts and scrapes.
He stood in front of you now, his hands on your chest as he drew your attention away from Mr Compeyson.
“It is true, y/n. He did not do this. I- I was mugged on the street,” his eyes never once left yours, trying to soothe the anger that resided within them, “I swear it, he did not do this.”
You took a hold of his chin and gently turned his face as your fingers brushed lightly over the fresh bruise on his cheek.
“You were mugged? Out on the street?”
He pulled his face out of your grasp, looking away as he spoke, “Yes. Now, what is it you came here to discuss?”
You glanced at Mr Compeyson, noticing the way he seemed to be sizing up every interaction between the two of you, and chose your words carefully.
“I wanted to tell you I have made the necessary preparations for you to come and live with me until you have sorted things out with Amelia. Seeing you now only confirms that you cannot stay here any longer.”
“I think he is perfectly fine where he is, he should be returning home soon anyway so there is no need for him to go anywhere,” Compeyson butted into your conversation, seemingly determined for Arthur to remain right where he was, where he could succumb to harm again.
You ignored him completely, speaking only to Arthur. “Please, Arthur. This part of town is not safe. You are like a brother to me, let me look after you until you can return home.”
When Arthur turned around it was not to look at you but rather Mr Compeyson. He had a look of unsureness in his eyes but he nodded his head nonetheless.
“Thank you, y/n. I need to attend to some business with Mr Compeyson today but I will collect my things for the morning.”
You dismissed him with a wave of your hand. “No need. I will have your things brought up while you are out. Once you’ve finished your business there will be a carriage waiting for you here to bring you home.”
“Thank you, Mr y/l/n. Arthur is lucky to have a friend like you.”
Although you detested the man and his false smiles, you forced your own onto your face and bid him farewell before you left.
“I am like a brother to you?”
His head bobbed slightly with the movement of your chest when you chuckled. “You know I only said that so that he would not suspect anything.”
He hummed, smiling as you lightly tapped each of his fingers before threading yours through them, pulling his hand to your lips.
“Please, tell me, my love. What is bothering you? I know something is on your mind, you’ve been distracted since you arrived.”
Arthur only shook his head, the sheets pooling around his waist as he sat up and ran a hand through his hair.
When he sighed it was a lengthy breath, one weighed down by everything he was still keeping from you.
“He is still going to marry her, even after…” He hesitated for a moment, still undecided of whether he was going to say his next words.
You sat up too now, feeling a slight chill from the winter air that was seeping back in through the cracks in the windowsill. Your hand came to rest on the small of his back, gentle to avoid the cuts and scrapes that still darkened his snow-white skin.
“After what, Arthur? What have you been up to? What business did the two of you have today?”
He sighed again, another long, dark breath from his lips. Finally, he was ready to come clean.
“Mr Compeyson and I… Mr Compeyson was to help me get what was rightfully mine,” he finally admitted, “I employed him to help me get my inheritance from my sister. It… It was never supposed to go this far, I swear it, and today he convinced Amelia to buy my shares in the brewery. She shall buy them at double their price, giving me what I am owed but Compeyson… He-”
“He still intends to marry her, to rob her of all her fortune.”
You could hear him gulp, sweat forming on his forehead as he nodded. “Yes... Yes, and it is all my fault, y/n. Amelia will pay for the mistakes I made. For all of them.”
You pulled him closer, his head resting against your shoulder as you ran your fingers through his hair.
“It is not your fault. Compeyson is a slimy wretch of a man. He is to blame, Arthur. Not you.”
He pulled away from you, out of your embrace as his eyes found themselves looking anywhere but you once again. “But if I had never gotten him involved-”
“You were not to know. No one was. Mr Compeyson played you just as he is playing Amelia. If your father could see the wedge he forced between the two of you he would turn in his grave. He did not wish this for you, Arthur. No matter how much you may think he hated you.”
“He did hate me, is that not obvious?”
His eyes grew darker as he spoke, something akin to both fear and anger settling within the deepest depths.
“Oh, Arthur,” you sighed and reached out for his hand but he only pulled it away, “Your father did not hate you. He hated me. He would never blame you or denounce you. You are his son, Arthur. He loved you no matter what. It was me he hated, me he blamed.”
“But you are not to blame,” he spoke with such sureness now, his eyes fixed on you once again, “As you said before, you did not make me feel the way I do. These things just happen.”
“Indeed they do, my love, and they always work themselves out with time it seems.”
A soft hum fell from his lips and he let you put your arm around him as the two of you lay back down. His head rested atop your bicep as he curled into your side, his arm slung over you while he closed his eyes.
“Indeed they do,” he repeated your words with a gentle smile curling on his lips and slowly began to fall asleep.
You ran your fingers through his hair for a moment before pressing a kiss against his forehead and pulling him closer still. He was so warm, his soft skin like heaven to touch. He was still your Arthur even with the troubles he was now facing and he always would be your Arthur, no matter what the cruel strings of fate had in store for you.
Arthur was gone in a hurry, leaving at the crack of dawn to get his money from Amelia and speak with Mr Compeyson. He hadn’t even had time for a proper breakfast, although that may have been in part due to the two of you sleeping in a little longer than intended.
So you sat and ate alone, quietly thanking Emma when she packed a snack for Arthur as he rushed out the door.
You knew he had a plan up his sleeve. Before he left he begged you not to interfere yourself, not directly at least. He did not want anyone to know of his scheme with Mr Compeyson and rightly so. Amelia was nothing if not forgiving but you knew even she would be stricken with anger if she knew what Arthur had done.
There had to be a way to break off their engagement without her ever finding out what Arthur had done or at least a way to lessen the blow when the truth finally came to light. Arthur had made a mistake, a grave one, but that did not mean it would do either of them any good to stray even further apart.
All you and Arthur wanted to do now was protect Amelia. Both her heart and her fortune. Compeyson was after both and he had already won her heart. There was little time before he had her fortune too.
He was gone for most of the day, to your surprise, but had returned by the time you arrived home after a late afternoon business meeting of your own. Although, you were not met with quite the greeting you had been hoping for.
Emma offered you that same soft smile she always did when you arrived home, glancing up at you as you entered the dining room for dinner. Her back straightened as she lifted one of the two empty plates, clearing Arthur’s spot from the table.
“He has gone?” you questioned with a sadness to your voice.
She shook her head. “Master Havisham is in your study, Sir. He seemed to be feeling unwell and asked to be left alone.”
“I see. I shall go and check on him.”
When Arthur left that morning he had been determined, sure of himself. You knew he had every intention to confront Compeyson and convince him to leave Amelia alone and you had every confidence in him to do exactly that. Only, it seemed Compeyson was more troublesome than you would have liked to have believed.
Arthur sat in your dimly lit study as though he were frozen in thought. He did not seem to notice you enter or perhaps he simply did not care. He sat facing away from you holding what looked to be a banker’s draft in his hand.
He hummed and turned his head to you ever so slightly but it was hard to make out his expression even under the flicker of dreary candlelight. Then, he sniffled and turned his attention back to the thin piece of paper in his hand.
It was with a sigh that you found yourself standing behind his chair, glancing over his shoulder at the note to find that Amelia had bought his shares for ten thousand pounds, which was much more than they were worth.
“Do you remember when we used to sneak in here as children? We’d sit giggling under this desk, hiding from your mother when she came to take you home,” you reminisced, running your fingers along the rich mahogany.
“I remember,” Arthur spoke with a bitter tone in his voice, pretending as though he were immune to what you were doing.
As you circled the desk, you thought back on your time as children again. This had been your father’s study once and he had been more than happy for you and Arthur to sit alongside him and play at being the businessmen you would one day become.
When you looked at Arthur now you were surprised to see a combination of both the child he once was and the man he could someday become. He sat with a scowl as though he had been throwing a tantrum only moments before, kicking and screaming and begging his mother to let him stay for just a little while longer. Snot glistened under his nose and fresh tears stained his cold cheeks.
“How about when we grew older and used this study as our refuge after my father passed? You held me in your arms as I wept.”
He turned away at this, as though he could not bear to face you for he now sat in your chair, your father’s chair, the very place you had sat and cried in grief all those years ago. He did not deserve his tears nor did he deserve you. This was all his fault, after all. If only he’d been stronger, smarter—
A chuckle tumbled from your throat, jolting him from his racing thoughts. “I remember when we argued, though I can hardly remember what it was about. We yelled at each other so loud that my mother shoved us in here to settle our differences, demanding we talk like men.”
With a roll of his eyes, he put the banker’s draft down and scoffed, “She wanted us to talk, you had other plans as I recall.”
You smiled fondly then, remembering how your heated exchange of words turned into, well, something else entirely. The two of you used to be so playful back then, so full of life. Now Arthur seemed more like a shell of who he used to be and that alone shattered your heart into a thousand pieces.
He sighed. “I know what you are trying to do.”
“And what is that?” you questioned with a smirk as you perched yourself on the side of the desk.
“You’re trying to distract me. To soothe me so that I will open up and tell you why I am sitting here in the dark feeling sorry for myself when I should be celebrating. I finally have what I was owed and should be rejoicing but here I am, drowning in my own sorrows.”
Your smile fell and you reached out, pulling his hand into your own. “Your talk with Compeyson did not go too well, I presume?”
Arthur glanced down at the ground, turning his head from you.
“No. It… He…” He turned mute as his voice trailed off and turned into shaky breaths.
“What is he holding over you? Surely you have more leverage over him than he does you. Talk to me, there must be something I can do.”
“You can do nothing!” Arthur snapped as he pulled his hand from yours and stood to his feet, shoving his banker’s draft into his pocket.
All you wanted was for him to speak to you. To tell you everything, every minute detail. That way you could help him. You knew there must have been something Compeyson was holding against him, preventing him from telling Amelia the truth, and it was not the threat that he, in turn, would tell Amelia of Arthur’s hand in all this. No, Arthur would rather his sister hate him than see her succumb to ruin over some crook.
“Please, Arthur. You are not alone in this. Let me help.” Your voice was calm still as you made your plea, all but begging him to truly let you in.
He may have come back to you — may have even been staying in your very home, your very bed — but he had still been keeping his walls up. They had started to come down one by one but you were still yet to fully break through.
His hand crumpled into a fist at his side, clutching tightly onto his coat as he spoke, “He… He knows. He knows about me, about what I am and if you get more involved he’ll find out about you too. Don’t you see? He’ll bring us both to ruin!”
You closed your eyes with a sigh and stepped closer to him again. “Arthur, I do not care what others say of me. Let him find out, who would believe his word over ours? After we expose him as a fraud he will be forced to leave London and you will finally be rid of him.”
He stood still as he contemplated your words. He knew you were right, you often were, and perhaps he was a fool not to have asked you for help sooner. If only he had come to you instead of Compeyson in the first place, then maybe all of this could have been avoided. If only he had forgiven you sooner. Forgiven himself.
“He has a wife,” Arthur finally spoke, breaking through the thick veil of silence.
Your eyes widened at the revelation. This was something you could use, so long as you could prove it. Mr Compeyson would not be able to marry Amelia if he was already bound to another, after all.
“I don’t know where she is staying but if we can find her, tell her that he plans to marry Amelia, maybe she will help us?”
“Maybe,” you hummed, rubbing your chin with your finger, “For now just try to stay out of Compeyson’s way. I will find out what I can but I do not what him hurting you again.”
The very next day you went off in search of whatever you could find about Meriwether Compeyson. In a few short hours, you had his home address and were promptly on your way there in hopes of finding his dear wife.
You glanced down at the parchment in your hand and checked the address again before raising your knuckles to the door. Just as you knocked, however, you were greeted by what seemed to be a passing stranger.
“Can I help you?”
The woman was pretty, that much you were sure, but she had a somewhat offputting aura about her. Sternly, she eyed you up as though she could see through you entirely.
“Ah, yes. I am looking for the woman who lives here, you wouldn’t happen to know where I could find her, would you?”
The stranger furrowed her brows and placed her hands on her hips. “A woman? No woman lives here. Just that man. Mr Compyeson, I believe he said his name was.”
Now it was your turn to frown as you glanced back at the door with a hum. “Oh, I was led to believe that Mr Compeyson is married. Perhaps I heard wrong.”
The woman smiled at you then but shook her head. “Not married but due to be. I heard he has his eye on a fair, wealthy woman. Miss Havisham, I believe.”
Although you were sure there was more to your encounter than first met the eye, there was little more you could have done to find out the truth at that moment so you bid the woman farewell and began to head home. You already had people looking into Mr Compeyson and you were sure to be alerted the moment anything came up so you supposed it was back to business again for the rest of the day.
By the afternoon Arthur was practically skipping through the door as he hurried to rid himself of his hat and coat and came to sit with you for lunch.
“I know I am a delight to spend time with but you’ve never looked this excited for lunch before. Not since we were children at least,” you chuckled, “What has got you in such a good mood?”
“She knows. Amelia knows that Compeyson is already married. I do not know how she found out but she did. She must have seen them together, she was so infatuated she would not have believed it if it came from someone else.”
You chuckled again, relieved that it was finally over and gestured to the large fruit he had placed down on the table beside him. “That explains the pineapple then. A present for Amelia, I presume?”
Arthur’s smile only widened when he nodded and reached across the table for some sandwiches, loading his plate for the first time in a long time. Since he’d left home he hadn’t been eating well. You had noticed as much. He was drinking more often than not and only ate in small portions so it was good to see him sober and stuffing his smiling face full of all the food you had prepared for the two of you that afternoon.
“So you are returning home then?” He hummed which prompted you to continue, “I can’t say I won’t miss having you here but I am glad the two of you will be by one another’s side again, as things should be.”
He grinned and spoke through a mouthful of food, “Try not to miss me too much. I am sure I’ll find plenty of excuses to come and see you. Perhaps we will embark on a business partnership and hold meetings that run late into the night.”
You couldn’t help but laugh again with cheeks full of life. It was the first time in a long while that you had felt truly happy. Reconciling with Arthur had just been the beginning and now that the stain of Meriwether Compeyson had been removed things would only continue to get better.
Or so you had hoped.
He stumbled through the door the next night. The stench of alcohol floated around him like a dark cloud when he flopped into bed beside you.
You hadn’t been expecting him to come home to you, not after he had gone back home, and rolled over to find him facing away from you. His shoulders shook slightly as he began to laugh but you knew tears already stained his face.
Instinctively, you threw your arm around him and curled up close to his side, nuzzling your head into the back of his neck, and his laughter soon turned to quiet sobs.
You needn’t ask what was wrong, not until morning, and decided it would be better to just hold him until finally, he fell asleep.
“I will kill him!” he cried through gritted teeth, “First he worms his way into her life with lies and empty promises and now he defiles her. He will not live to see the next sunrise!”
Arthur paced up and down the room, ignoring the breakfast you had prepared for him. He looked about ready to kill someone and you supposed that was true, although you and he both knew that would do no one any good.
“Breathe, my love. Just breathe.” You tried to calm him down but little seemed to be working.
He was fuming, face red and contorted with anger. Though, you could not blame him. It had turned out that Arthur had returned home only to find his sister in bed with the very man the two of you were sure never to see again. Compeyson had worked his charm and spun his lies, convincing her yet again of his devout devotion to her. Arthur had returned to the three cripples after that and only come back to you once one entire day and night had passed.
“Mr Jaggers was snooping around and if he were to find anything on Compeyson he would… I had to…”
Your heart sank. “Arthur, what have you done?”
He could not meet your eyes, he was too ashamed to. He turned from you, picking up another bottle as he poured himself a glass of brandy.
“Arthur!” his eyes widened as you turned him to you in your frustration, spilling the contents of the glass out over the floor, and you were quick to release him when you realised just how scared he looked.
Now it was you who turned as you smoothed your fingers over the creases between your brows. “I’m sorry, Arthur, but you are a fool if you have prevented Mr Jaggers from finding anything on Compeyson.”
He slumped down into a dining room chair, eyes trained firmly on the ground once again. “I know… I know but he will tell him. Compeyson will tell Jaggers about me, about you. I think… I think he knows about us. If Jaggers finds out—”
“I don’t care, Arthur. Have I not made that perfectly clear? To hell with it, if people know about us, at least the lies will finally end!”
He was shocked to find that you were willing to risk so much for him but he could not bear it. He could not bear bringing harm to you or your good name. He had already ruined himself, he would not bring scandal to you as well.
“Then it is not I who is the fool.”
He spoke under his breath but the words were still a sharp stab through your heart.
“I shall return to my lodgings and deal with this myself. Forget I ever came to you. This is my problem, I will solve it.”
He was standing before you had time to protest, already collecting his things as he hurried out the door. You chased after him, of course, but he was a stubborn man and there was nothing you could do but watch after him as he fled down the street.
In the days leading up to the wedding, you searched for Arthur. You even stood outside his lodgings banging on his door despite knowing he would not open it to you. Every time he saw you in the street he was quick to turn away.
He was avoiding you, that much was clear. He had made a split-second decision the night he left. A decision to protect you from him because he truly thought he was an obstruction to your happiness. If only he could realise he was the very object of it.
When there was no getting through to Arthur, let alone even being able to speak with him, you turned to Mr Jaggers.
“Thank you for bringing this to my attention Mr y/l/n. I knew Mr Compeyson was nothing but trouble, I only wish I had seen Arthur’s hand in all this sooner.”
You were quick to jump in, quick to defend. “He made a mistake. He was angry and bitter but he never meant to hurt Amelia like this.”
Jaggers nodded his head slowly. “I know, Mr y/l/n. Believe me, as much as I may despise Arthur at times I know his love for his sister is as true as his love for you.”
It was no secret to you that Jaggers already knew about you and Arthur. He’d known since before even Arthur’s late father found out. Not that you had ever told Arthur that, he would only worry after all.
When Jaggers came to know about the two of you, rather than come to you with threats, he simply asked you to keep your business with Arthur private, for the sake of the Havisham name and your own. It was a sentiment you were as grateful for then as you are now.
“There must be something we can do. The wedding is tomorrow but Arthur will not even speak to me.”
“I will talk to him but if you hear nothing by tomorrow; please, go to the wedding. Amelia deserves to have at least one of you by her side.”
Although the last thing you wanted to do was see Amelia married to a con man, you knew that without proof there was little you could do to stop her. If all else failed, you would be by her side every step of the way and you would find some way to make sure Mr Compeyson did right by Amelia, even after securing her fortune.
“I would not miss it for the world.”
“Y/n?” Amelia smiled the moment she saw you come through the door, although you could tell she was surprised to see you. She had been expecting you to be at the church, of course, but it was unexpected for you to show up at her home before the carriage had even arrived.
You smiled as you took her in. She looked beautiful, as always, but there was a radiance unlike any other as she stood there in her wedding dress. She looked so happy, so excited, but it only caused a pit to burrow its way into your stomach.
“I’m sorry for coming unannounced. I just- I wanted to ask to walk you down the aisle, if you would allow me? Only if Arthur does not come, of course. I just thought that it should at least be one of us who gave you away.”
She beamed ever brighter and placed a gentle hand on your arm, squeezing gently. “I would love nothing more. Thank you.”
There was little else you could do. She was completely set in her ways, her heart belonged to Compeyson whether you approved of it or not. Still, if the con man wished to marry Amelia then he would do just that, you only hoped he was prepared to keep up the act for as long as he lived. Even if it was fake at least she would be happy, that was all that mattered now. You did not know if you could bear to see the agony it would bring if he left her after the wedding, fleeing with her fortune. You could not bear to see her left behind.
With no sign of Arthur or Mr Jaggers, you walked alongside Honoria as the two of you followed Amelia through the house on your way to the carriage. Before you could even reach the end of the hallway, however, you came face-to-face with the very person you had been searching for.
“Arthur?” you questioned, wondering what he and Jaggers had up their sleeve, and as you did so, you drew Amelia’s attention from her caught stocking and she looked up to the door.
It was as though all air in the room was completely sucked out as you all stood there gaping, waiting for what was to happen next.
Compeyson looked beaten, his head hanging low with his eyes trained on the ground. He seemed completely and utterly defeated. Too embarrassed to even look Amelia in the eye as he muttered out a quiet ‘sorry’.
Jaggers was quick to step forward and dismiss the staff, locking eyes with you for only a second as you found yourselves alone in the ever-darkening atmosphere.
You furrowed your brows, turning your gaze to Arthur as he instructed Compeyson, “Give it to her.”
He was hesitant but then quickly walked up to Amelia, passing her what seemed to be a letter.
Honoria was quick to turn to you, her eyes silently communicating as if she were asking you if you knew what was going on. You shrugged slightly as you did not but that was not to say you had little idea of what was happening. They’d finally cornered him, most likely, and now Compeyson was to reveal everything he had done before finally walking out of everyone’s lives for good.
When Arthur urged her to read the note, Amelia did exactly that as she made her way into the dining room, taking a seat at the head of the table.
She sat and read for what felt like years as the rest of you stood waiting patiently — the closest people to her, her family, watching as she came undone.
“All a lie?” she finally spoke as she glanced up at Compeyson, “For my money?”
Compeyson turned to the rest of you then, addressing Arthur directly, “Leave us, please.”
“I will never leave you alone with my sister again,” he spoke snidely, expression smug yet sour as he stood firm.
All you could do was watch as Amelia stood from her chair and accused both Jaggers and Arthur of forcing him to write such lies. She was still infatuated, even now, and refused to believe the truth which had finally been handed to her.
The bickering only continued as Compeyson admitted his guilt, assuring Amelia that everything in the letter was the truth. He was only after her money, her fortune. That was all it ever had been, or so you all thought. It was only when Compeyson did something almost entirely unexpected that even you began to doubt his motives.
He offered to leave the money Arthur had offered him. The entire ten thousand pounds Amelia had bought his shares of the brewery with. More money than he would ever truly need, enough for him to start a business of his own and begin life anew. A small fortune he could use to live a life of luxury if he so wished, yet he was willing to leave it behind if only he could speak with Amelia.
To spin more lies, you tried to convince yourself, but you had seen love. You had felt it in your every fibre of being. You knew what it looked like and you recognised those eyes, knew the way in which he was now looking at Amelia.
“I am not to be bought!” she cried, her anger boiling over. She was not some price or precious porcelain doll, she was a woman who was capable of making her own decisions and thinking her own, independent thoughts.
Compeyson took the outburst as a direct attack and moved to take the money, seemingly giving up and simply wishing to be gone, but she ran after him. She hit him over and over in her pain, only stopping when she began to cry.
Honira was by her side in an instant, helping her to sit back at the head of the table, and all you could do was watch still as Compeyson stood frozen in place.
“Get out,” Arthur demanded.
“Everything in that letter is true,” Compeyson began as he approached her once again, “It is as cold and as spiteful as you believe it to be. Every moment, every second was contrived, bent to one purpose. To relieve you of the Havisham fortune.”
You moved to stand with Arthur, wishing to at least remind him you were there as everything continued to unfold. He moved to step away from you but you took his hand, keeping you by his side as Compeyson began to pour his heart out.
He confessed his love for Amelia then and there and, although you knew the man to be adept at spinning lies, every bone in your body was beginning to scream that he was speaking the truth.
Arthur tore his hand from yours and stepped forwards, folding his arms behind his back. “You’re already married.”
Then, Compeyson finally turned from Amelia and looked between both you and Arthur as he explained, “It was a marriage of convenience, nothing more. I would have freed myself from it.”
Amelia continued to cry, though she made a feeble attempt to stifle them, and it crushed your heart. You hated this, every moment of it, but she deserved to at least know the truth. She would have found out one way or another, after all.
“Fate throws people together in different ways.”
As he continued to express his feelings, you couldn’t help but look at Arthur, who was too busy watching with a stern scowl to notice your eyes were on him. For the first time, you felt yourself sympathising with Mr Compeyson for he was right, fate was often tricky like that.
No one gets to choose who they fall in love with, it is simply something that happens. It often comes as naturally as the rain or as quickly as lightning. Sometimes it takes time and sometimes it’s expected. More often than not, however, it is found in the places you least expect it.
And then it was Amelia who began to speak through her tears. She spoke of how she loved Compyson and how he once made her feel safe and warm and happy. How she trusted him fully and how he had now forsaken that trust and torn her heart in two.
He continued to beg and grovel but there was nothing more to be done and she told him to leave, wishing he would never return. The final blow, however, came when despite everything he had said, he still picked up the briefcase of money as he left.
Arthur and Jaggers followed behind to ensure he would leave but you remained with Amelia, refusing to step away from her side for even a second as she continued to crumble. You did not know what to say so you left the comforting to Honoria and hoped your presence was enough alone to bring her some comfort.
When Arthur returned, it was with a smile and a bottle of champagne as he exclaimed with arms open wide, “He’s gone, finally!”
You frowned, cursing him silently for being such a fool. Now was not time for a celebration, how could he not see that?
“You hated me that much?” Amelia asked with tear-filled eyes and Arthur suddenly seemed to shrink.
He lowered the bottle along with his head before looking up into his sister’s eyes. “I never meant for it to go this far, I swear it. I was just so angry… and I wanted to get back at you. When he came, he just twisted everything.”
You could hear the tremble in his voice, as though he realised now that things could not go back to how they had once been. Not now, not so soon.
Amelia huffed, “You all knew? Everybody knew.”
Jaggers shook his head, hoping to bring her some comfort when he corrected, “No. Not until today.”
Instinctively you moved closer to Arthur when he stepped towards his sister, eyes pleading as he spoke, “Don’t you see? He’s gone now. We can be together again, I can help you. We can do it together. Everything together as it should be.”
He was on his knees now, looking up at his elder sister with such devotion in his eyes. All he wanted was to make things right, to fix what he had broken.
“I’m your brother.” He smiled, hoping to show her he was being sincere.
The silence only lasted a moment as he looked down at him with nothing but sorrow in her eyes.
“I don’t have a brother.”
Just like that, his entire world came crashing back down and she looked away from him, asking us all to leave.
The moment her name fell so softly from his lips, she began to yell out in a fury, “Get him away from me! Get out! Get out!”
He backed up as she continued to scream, chasing all four of you out of the room as she began to weep again.
You all stopped outside where her screams continued to echo down the street. She was wailing now, you had never heard anything like it. You’d never seen such agony before.
When you touched a hand to Arthur’s back he flinched away. His wide, startled eyes bore into your own and then he was gone, rushing off down the street.
“Did you know?” Honoria questioned, “Did you know they were coming?”
Your head snapped to her, a pang of newfound guilt beginning to settle in. The look she gave you was one of such disgust, such disappointment. You did not know, not that they were going to come today and do… this. But you had known about Compeyson and that alone was enough to warrant the way she looked at you now.
“I- No. I… I knew Compyeson was… I’m sorry,” was all you could manage to say before you too were fleeing the scene. There was nothing more for you to do, not now. You’d return in a few days, allow Amelia some time to herself.
You did not know what to do so you walked. You walked for hours, until long after the sun had set — until you found yourself outside of the three cripples once again.
“Arthur?” you questioned as you looked up at the figure on the roof, coming to the dreadful realisation that it was the man you held most dear, “Arthur!”
He looked down at you and he stepped closer to the edge. He had been drinking, as you’d expected, but the last thing you had anticipated was to find him up there.
“Go away, y/n. It’s over. It’s all… It’s all over. She… She hates me, Amelia will never forgive me.”
Although you raised your voice, you tried to sound calm. You needed to keep him calm, to show him it was going to be okay. “She will Arthur, you just have to give her some time. Please, come down from there.”
He shut his eyes tight and shook his head and you could see the glistening of fresh tears against his cheeks. “I… I have nothing left…”
“You have me, Arthur. You’ll always have me. Always. Please, come down.”
You were growing more desperate now as the fear truly began to settle in. In truth, you did not know if Amelia would ever forgive him — if she’d ever forgive either of you — but you knew one thing. You knew that no matter what, you would love him. You would love him until the day you died. You couldn’t lose him, not now. Not like this.
His tears continued to fall but he moved back from the edge ever so slightly. “But—”
“No buts, Arthur. I will always be here. I’ll always love you so please, just come back down.”
Tears of your own threatened to spill as you watched on from below. If he decided to jump there would truly be nothing you could do.
He gulped and backed up again, moving closer to the window he had climbed out of. The breath you released when he finally began to climb back inside was so thick and heavy that you thought for a moment you had exhaled your entire soul.
Without a second to lose you ran inside and up the stairs, barging into his old lodgings within moments, and there he stood still in a daze. Even as you threw yourself at him, grabbing hold of him as if you were afraid to ever let go again.
Only then did you cry, once he was safely back in your arms. Your shoulders shook and you held him even tighter until, finally, he hugged you back.
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feel free to let me know if you want to be added to or removed from my taglist!
taglist: @soundofkazoo @male-reader-reblogs
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olivermush · 2 years
i wrote this last night while i couldnt sleep, enjoy
Arthur Havisham x Male Reader(childhood sweetheart)
CW: drinking/mean drunk, 19th century homophobia
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Arthur sat in his homely rented room, sipping solemnly on a glass of cheap, red wine. Y/n waltzed in with a picnic basket containing some sandwiches along with some food Arthur could keep in his room. “Hey! Wow, drinking before eleven, do tell!” while Y/n said this light-heartedly he could tell Arthur was struggling and he was worried for his accomplice.
“I’ve got nothing else to do,” He said matter-of-factly. Y/n sat down next to Arthur, gazing at the glass as his guilty lips pursed around it for another sip. Y/n reached for the glass and slowly took it from the empty man next to him, their fingers brushing lightly for a split second. Arthur tried to follow the glass with his arm to catch it but instead caught Y/n’s lips which served as a worthy distraction, just as Y/n intended. The taste of Arthur's mouth told Y/n that he had been drinking for several hours.
“Have you eaten, Arthur,” Y/n questioned as he pried himself from Arthur’s desperate, fermented lips. Arthur groaned in protest as if his mother had told him to clean his bedroom. “‘Had some coffee at some point… don’t ‘member when precisely,” He managed to slur and mumble.
“Good thing I brought lunch for us, hm?” Y/n said. He didn’t want to be disappointed but he was. He couldn’t tell who had really disappointed him though. He handed Arthur one of the sandwiches and helped him start eating. “I guess the meeting about your father's will didn’t go well,” Y/n stated.
“I don’t want to talk about it. I get it. My half-sister was always the favourite,” he said in a snooty voice, still slurred from the booze, “My mother was the chef and I was the son who liked men of course she was the favourite. It was partly my fault, I never should have let him find our letters. I knew better,” Guilt washed over the both of them. Arthur said as he set down his food and poured another glass of wine.
“Arthur please, just eat it will sober you up, come on,” Y/n tried
“Did you not hear me? Y/n I want to be drunk right now. If you don't like seeing me drunk you can leave,” Arthur hissed. Y/n didn’t want to cry but he knew Arthur was getting past the fun drunk and entering mean drunk levels.
“Fine,” Y/n got up to leave but Arthur grabbed his wrist before he could get far. “What, Arthur,” Y/n asked, trying not to let his voice crack. Arthur set the glass back down on the table. “I should probably stop drinking for today,” Y/n could see remorse in his eyes as Arthur also realized he was getting mean. Y/n sat back down, Arthur still not letting go of Y/n’s arm. Arthur laid his head on Y/n’s should as his hand snaked down and shakily interlocked their fingers. Y/n gave Arthur a quick “c’mon” as he helped him to bed. Y/n swiftly locked the chamber door and slid into bed to hold Arthur from behind. Tears silently fell from Arthur’s deep, brown eyes as he drifted to sleep, not looking forward to the hangover that would plague him when he woke.
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Snowball Fight
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pairing: arthur havisham x gn!reader
summary: you and arthur end up having a snowball fight and he actually enjoys himself for once.
a/n: thank you so much anon for requesting this. it was so much fun to write! i hope you like it! <3
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The cold breeze bit at your cheeks as you approached your friend, the snow crunching under your feet with every step. Arthur hadn't spotted you yet, as he was just leaving his lodgings, but you'd spotted him as you were walking along the path.
You probably should've called his name to get his attention, that's what any ordinary person would've done. But instead you crouched down, gathering a handful of snow between your hands, before launching a snowball at him, the compacted lump of snow hitting him right on the shoulder.
You couldn't help the quiet chuckle that left your lips as he turned around, very clearly annoyed that you'd thrown a snowball at him.
"I'm sorry, remind me again how old you are, (y/n)?" He scowled, although his pale skin paired with his reddened nose made him appear slightly less intimidating than he'd initially intended.
"How else was I meant to get your attention?"
"Certainly not like that."
"Oh, don't be such a grump Arthur."
"Alright." He simply said, before turning and gathering his own handful of snow.
You barely even had time to react before he launched a snowball at you. And you were surprised to say the least, especially considering his lips were now twisting into a grin, which was a rare look for Arthur.
"You're going to regret that." You smirked, quickly retrieving another handful of snow and sending it his way.
And before you knew it, you both found yourselves in the midst of a snowball fight, right in the middle of the street. Your stomach was beginning to hurt from laughter, and Arthur was smiling the widest you'd ever seen him.
You paused for a moment to simply take it in, your own mouth pulling into a grin as you looked at him.
"What?" He asked, puffs of cold air leaving his lips as he watched you.
"Happiness looks good on you, Arthur."
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[Main Masterlist] [Arthur Masterlist] [12 Days Of Christmas Masterlist]
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jokenotfunny · 2 years
sneak peak for one of the future chapters of - 𝐝𝐨𝐧’𝐭 𝐰𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲?
stranger things x wandavision!au
hawkins, indiana | y/l/n residence |
“i’m so screwed. i’m so screwed. i’m so screwed! robin, i can’t do this!” you paced around in your kitchen.
“sorry i’m just a little confused still. that’s not eddie?” she said, her and steve not looking away from the men in your living room through the pass-through.
“nope! and i can’t get away from him long enough to see where they’re actually from!” you sighed, pointing at the pristine-looking one with bright clothes and short hair, sitting on your couch, waving at you frantically, with a wide smile.
to give context, you awoke this morning, with eddie, at least you thought it was eddie, standing over you in old timey clothing (way older than the 60’s) and he started babbling off in a british accent.
now at first you thought he was just pranking you, i mean after all he was creepily good at an english accent for some reason. but the second you noticed his hair underneath his white boater hat, you realized it couldn’t be, because your eddie would never cut his hair that short again. he told you that countless times.
then when you went downstairs (with him- who was referring to himself as ralph- very close behind you) you saw another man identical to eddie, sitting on your couch patiently. the only thing different about him was his hair was a little longer than ralph’s, he had on a dark red overcoat over his clothes, and he didn’t seem as chipper as ralph did, actually he didn’t seem chipper at all, very flustered and melancholy really. he referred to himself as arthur.
“so, the multiverse is real? hell yeah! let me go talk to them!” dustin tried to go out to your living room, but was stopped by steve.
“maybe, not make this worse henderson? honestly!” he mumbled, pushing him back into his seat at your kitchen table, where you also sat with your head down.
“y/n! y/n!” you heard eddie’s frantic american (or maybe one of the others- who knows at this point) accent calling you from the living room, only a few minutes after robin had closed the blinds.
“well now you’re really screwed!” you threw your head in your hands at steve’s words.
he bursted through your kitchen doors, and looked around, either trying to make sure that there weren’t more of him in the kitchen or what, you didn’t know anymore. you honestly didn’t know anything at this point.
“i would ask why there’s three other me’s sitting in your living room, but judging by your faces, you guys don’t know either?” he asked leaning against your counter, with robin trying to catch his breath.
“yeah, we- did you just say three?!” robin exclaimed, as you jumped up with her to peek through the blinds again, to see- yet another eddie, sitting in your living room. he as well as the other two, had shorter hair than eddie, but with darker clothes than the other two.
“goddamnit!” you yelled out, dropping yourself back into your chair at the table, not before grabbing a piece of paper and a pen, though
“yeahhh, we came in at the same time, he said his name was uhhh leonard…or was it howard? i honestly don’t know. and he’s british! crazy, right?” he said.
“not really they all are.” dustin said, trying to see what you were writing.
“they’re all named leonard-howard? small world….” steve said, intrigued.
“no! steve, god! they’re all british!” dustin, sighed into his hands.
“uhh, y/n, is now really the time to be writing a novel?” robin asked over the two’s bickering.
“i’m going to do what i should’ve been done! and see where they’re from once and for all, what brought them here, and try to fix this before it gets worse.” you said determinedly, your eyes turning a glowing, bright red, as you stared blankly in front of you. “starting with ralph.”
they all gathered over you, and watched closely as your hand started to write on it’s own as you mumbled out small details,
“okay…a birthday….twin named…victoria, yeesh! someone named lauren…ooh harsh again….uhhh…cocaine?! whatever…ooh triple harsh! what a rejection! does this man get a break? oh, shit! he’s going to war!
“what?” the three older, all said simultaneously, not understanding the connection between any of the things you had just said.
“she’s looking into their universes, seeing how their lives are and trying to get an answer as to what could’ve possibly brought them here.” dustin, answered the unspoken questions they had.
“okay, i’m not seeing anything else for him so let’s move on to arthur.” you said out loud moving to the next name.
“okay uhhh..19th century london…..shit an affair baby? damn. compeyson? the fuck kind of name is that?” you cut yourself off with a sharp gasp that made everyone ask you what was wrong.
“that son of a bitch! for shame compeyson! for shame!” you whisper-yelled, still being concious enough to know that any one of the others could possibly hear you from the other room, if you were loud enough.
“umm okay- now leonard-howard? eddie his name is just leonard, where did you even get howard?” you asked, still watching the scenes in front of you.
“hey don’t blame me.” he put his hands up defensively, even though you couldn’t hear him.
“ooooh a scandal! accidental pregnancy….really? a bookcase is what got the job done? that’s sad…” you said, the glowing red, leaving your eyes and going back fo your normal color.
“okay so pretty much the only pattern we have here, is that all of their stories end in some kind of tragedy. soo maybe you brought them here subconsciously to try to save them?”
“so it was a try to save eddie type of thing, then? that makes sense, you care about him so much you wanted to help him every universe, i guess.”
“wait a second…i forgot to tell you something..” eddie trailed off.
“while that may be the case… i met another steve too…” he said meekly.
“what?!” you all exclaimed, taking turns to frantically asking him questions.
“why didn’t you say anything!?” being the premise of what you all were trying to say.
“i just thought harrington was on one today, alright?! his hair was all flattened, really lacking it’s usual volume, he kept following me around askin me to fuckin’ follow him or something! he kept yelling out this one thing as i was walking up your driveway, though….” he trailed off trying to remember.
“he was in front of the house?!“ steve and dustin, looked at each other comically before running out of your kitchen and through the living room, the only indicator that they left was the tell-tale slam of your front door.
“okay, eddie? eddie, what did he look like, o-other than the hair.” robin asked him, picking up your pen and going to write down more information about this “new steve” as you just walked into your living room quietly, with a snap of your fingers, you were changed out of your pajamas- seemingly done with life, if we’re being honest- ralph immediately getting up and following behind you as you left the house as well.
“he uh, he had on a blue sweatshirt, anddd oh! i remember what he said now!” he snapped his fingers going over to the paper with robin.
“he said to follow him to some place called uhhh..”
“kurts world…96? 96! yeah! i didn’t know what the hell that meant though…”
“well! stranger things have happened i guess!” robin said, faux enthusiastically. a loud crowd of laughter, applause, and whistles was heard throughout the room, making robin and eddie jump to look around confused as to where it was coming from.
a/n : i’m so excited to write this chapter in its capacity because it’s gonna be so damn chaotic 😭😭😭
i got the premise of the idea of a multiple eddies type of thing, from @orpheusredux ‘s amazing work “the eddies” which eveybody should read because it was fucking amazing 😭
psa : also, arthur isn’t going to be at all romantically involved with the reader in that chapter when it finally does come out, i promise. really none of them are except for ralph 🗿and that’s like barely. i just wanted to get all of the cast’s other tragic ending characters (and just chracters in general) included in the story 😭.
taglist : @floralenvu @pinkfeatherboarry @pofties @diysyfhcjtssuiteryyxhcft @blkroyalty1
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misserabella · 2 years
𝐅𝐢𝐥𝐭𝐡𝐲 𝐑𝐢𝐜𝐡
Joseph Quinn x Fem! reader PT.1
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✧ Synopsis;; Joseph Quinn was filthy rich, for he was royalty. Handsome, charming and a gentleman, a dream dressed in pure silk for any kind of woman. But not you.
✧ y/n is a mere slave of a nobel family who just turned 18. On the night of the prince’s royal ball she is dragged against her will to this dance just to be used as a coat rack for the purses and coats of the family ladies, who, of course, treat her like absolute sh’t, to the point where they could agreed to hand her over for a generous amount of gold.
“Just name your price, sweetheart.”
“Screw you, my prince.”
Just how lucky you were for had caught the
prince’ s attention!
< enemies to lovers 3
17th century royalty!
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ATTENTION!! this is not Arthur Havisham, i only used the photo cause it resembles the appearance i want to give Joseph in this story. I would never use Arthur since he’s not attracted to females!!!
A/N;; i’m sorry if this is sloppy and like…, BAD, english is not my mother language and it’s my first joseph x reader story. either ways, i hope y’all like it. <3 comments and reblogs are appreciated!!!
CW;; this series might include 18+ content (details will be given at the start of each new part uploaded) MINORS DNI AND SKIP!!!
Please, under no circumstances, repost my work on any other sites. I do not consent to anyone taking my work and posting it as their own.
WARNINGS PART ONE: mention of blood, abuse, cursing and slave trafficking.
(A/N pt.2; it is much enjoyable(??) if you read it with a british accent since this fic takes placed in the U/K)
`·. lastly; enjoy! <3
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Her faced seemed to tell everything: she hated it.
She hated everything. From the music, to the little stupid shoes that clacked against the floor. The floral scent, the wine, the giggles… She hated the ton*. Every single one of them,
Everything. It was a goddamn nightmare.
“y/n! You are letting my coat slip! Do i have to tell you how much it costs?! If you dare let it touch the floor I’ll take the money out of your poor allowance to pay for a new one!” one of the misses glared at you, hitting you in the face with her closed paper fan, its gemstones leaving marks on you cheek.
“We might as well do it anyways, since her filthy hands have touched them already!” her sister laughed, grabbing your face in between her gloved fingers and digging her nails in your skin. “Don’t you think so, y/n? What? Cat got you tongue?” they giggled.
“Children, children!” the woman of the house hushed them with a sweet smile. “You shall never touch her!” she said, taking of the gloves out of her daughters hands to give her a new pair, with a sweet smile telling one of the servants of the castle to burn them. “God knows what she might infect us with!” she laughed, her offsprings following her.
God, you hated her. Her and her stupid daughters. With their stupid dresses and stupid painted faces.
You glared at them, your grip tightening around their belongings, holding your stare and your head up even when the woman stared back at you, her face scrunching in disgust and anger.
“Who do you think you are staring at?!?!” she suddenly yelled, catching the attention of those who enjoyed drinks and company around her, not waiting a mere second to rise her hand and slap you to ‘show you your place’. You took the hits, the metallic flavor of blood filling your mouth due to the continues smacks and hits with the back of her fan. “You filthy ungrateful bitch, you dare stare at us? Who give you food and a bed?! I should’ve let you died out in the cold, in the dirt, where you belong to!” you gritted your teeth, your eyes down to the floor as your free hand made its way to your bottom lip, where you felt the skin split, the crimson of fresh blood tinting your frail skin.
“Fucking fussock*.” you cursed her under your breath, loud enough for her to perfectly hear you.
“What did you say?!” her free hand gripped your long and matted locks, making you look staring into her enraged eyes, her other hand rising up to hit you once again.
Your eyes closed as you expected a new slap, which surprisingly enough never came. The sound of multiple gasps filled your ears and when you opened up your eyes once again, your stomach sank at the sight of…
“Your highness!” everyone suddenly diverted their eyes to the floor, including you, your mistress and her daughters bowed in his presence, the wrist of the first of them all gracefully and softly held by the prince’s, who let her go with a kind smile.
“Is everything alright?” his voice tested the waters, his tone low and soft as the silk he dressed in, his hands jeweled in silver rings joining and intertwining in an elegance you never had witnessed.
“Yes, your highness.” the woman stuttered, showing a nervous smile. “Our slave just seemed to…, misbehave, your highness.” your eyes travelled trough his tall and magnificent demeanor. His crimson blood suit matched perfectly with the snow of his skin and his brown and perfectly combed curls.
Your eyes quickly darted always as he had caught you staring once he had turned to you. He fought the lopsided smirk that urged to grow in his lips, stepping closer to where you stood.
He took a glance at the ragged clothes that hid your bruised and malnourished body, probably due to the family’s treatment under your care, your matted hair, cut up hands…
His warm touch spread on your skin as he took your chin in between his thumb and index finger, softly trying to rise your head up, but you denied him, in a harsh turn of head freeing yourself from his touch before giving him a glare.
A new wave of gasps filed the air as you stared right into his eyes, him holding your glare.
You didn’t care if he was a noble or pure royalty. Those ‘pure blood’ were all the goddamn same. With their leather shoes and gold jewelry, fancy words and silk dresses and suits. Their appearance was only a pretty facade that hid the ugliness of their insides.
You hated all of them. Might as well just get your head off as soon as possible.
“You slave! How is it ye dare to stare at the prince, soon king?!” a blonde and tall man talked, you recognized him as the pince’s right hand, but only with a wave of this hand, he stood silent beside the prince.
“Huh…” the smile he had been trying to fight off finally took place on his gracefully sculpted face and full rosy lips. “Interesting.” once again he took a soft grasp to your face, this time not letting you go even if you fought him off. His eyes took everything your face offered him, from your perfect nose to you long eyelashes and your beautiful fierce eyes, which stared at him with pure hatred and anger. “How much?” he suddenly asked, still not drifting his eyes away from you.
The woman stood frozen in place, just like her daughters.
“What does your highness mean with…-”
“How much would you want for her?” he cut her off, the deadly silent that fell on the salon almost giving you chills.
What was he saying?
“Your highness, I can’t…” she was short of breath and words. “I surely doubt thee would want her under your care, she…”
“I don’t care about any of it. Name a price.” everyone was shocked by the situation. Buying and selling slaves was something quite common, that’s how your current ‘family’ have got you, but this…
The prince? Has he gone nuts?
“Your highness, I don’t think…” the prince’s counselor stepped in, shutting up once again as soon as he gave him a glance.
“50 gold coins.” the woman suddenly blurted out, everyone’s jaws dropping at the audacity of the woman and such large figure.
“Mother!” her offsprings whispered-yelled. Not believing her words.
50 gold coins?!
You scoffed, smirking at such nonsense, not noticing the staring of the prince due to your reaction.
She wished you were worth that much. He would never…
“Make it 150.” he closed the deal.
“Your highness!” the counselor exclaimed, completely alarmed.
“I don’t wanna hear it, Ballard.” he hushed the blonde.
You watched as the woman who once abused you and starved you for days fainted due to the prince’s words and his daughters kneeling down to help her followed by some of the nearby guests, fanning her pale sleeping face.
You too felt like fainting.
“Hey, eyes on me, sweetheart.” the prince caught your attention once again, when your eyes met a smile growing on his lips. “All you need to do from now on keep your eyes on me.”
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“Get off of me!” you screamed at the servants that tried and strip you out of your clothes, pushing their hands away. “I said stop!”
“Miss, they’re orders from your highness.” one of them spoke, his blue eyes soft on you. “He wanted us to help you bathe and and get rid of your dirty clothes.” she explained.
“I don’t care about what he said.” you scoffed. “If he wanted me undressed so fast why isn’t he the one taking my clothes off?” they all gasped at your words and no respect to the prince.
You didn’t care though, they were all the same anyways. Always reaks* that just wanted to have women swoon at their feet. Maybe that’s why he had bought you, just to use you when his cock got cold.
Suddenly, the door on your back opened, the heads of the servants quickly lowering as your eyes met the prince’s.
“Oh, fantastic…” you muttered. Just what you needed at the moment.
“You heard her, ladies. You are all dismissed.” he smiled at every and each one of them, bowing and moving aside with a swing of his arm on the door to let them out, all of them bowing and giggling.
And weren’t you just right?
“Great. And what do I have the honor of your highness’ presence for?” you sarcastically inquired him once he had closed the door behind his back, noticing…, ‘Ballard’ outside. “Got too excited due your new acquisition to just wait?” you mocked him.
“I heard you were putting up a fight.” he smiled, ignoring your words whilst looking at you up and down. “Is there something not to your liking, perhaps?”
“‘Not to my liking’?” you scoffed. “I can’t believe thee.” you shook your head, grasping at your locks as you stared at him in disbelief. “How about this whole goddamn situation? I mean, look at this!” you pointed out everything that surrounded you, the whole bathroom with a gigantic bathtub of quartz, marble floors and pillars… “A few hours ago I was being used as a coat hanger in your ball and now I’m in a bathroom with the prince, who, surprisingly enough, bought me for 150 golden coins god knows why?!” you exclaimed.
He stared at you with a funny look in his eyes. His back against the door as his eyebrows raised at you.
“What.” you spit out, a glare in your eyes.
“Nothing, is just that…” he stepped closer to you, his arms crossed over his chest. “You don’t seem to…, respect me.” he frowned, his voice low. “Not like all of them.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, your highness, for not being another dog licking your leather boots.” you bowed, more of his steps growing closer to you until his thumb took your chin, rising your head up so you could meet his eyes, his face stood serious for a couple of seconds, before a downside smirk grew on his factions. “Why haven’t you cut my head off yet?” you inquired him, not really understanding his behavior. By the way you treated him, any other prince would have already gotten you to the guillotine.
“Why shall I?” he answered with another question, his thumb caressing the wound on your bottom lip, the still fresh blood that stood on it staining his thumb as you hissed in pain, getting away.
You stared at him in confusion.
Yeah. He was absolutely nuts.
“The water will go cold if you don’t get in soon.” he said, drifting off the matter while whipping off your blood from his thumb with his handkerchief. “Are you sure you don’t want to get off those ragged clothes?”
“This is the only dress I’ve had, sir.” you said, his eyes meeting yours.
“What’s your favorite color?” you frowned at his sudden question, which made absolutely no sense. He made no sense. “Crimson, like the purest blood? The forest’s green? The ocean’s blue, perhaps?”
“I’ve never seen the forest nor the ocean, sir. I’ve never left the capital. Though I find the sky’s blue on spring pretty wonderful, not sure it does justice to the ocean’s.”
“It doesn’t.” he said, sitting in the edge of the bathtub, his fingers taunting the warm water. “The ocean is cold, and fierce…, untamable. But it can also be warm, and calm, and soft.” he tried to explain, and from your point of view it didn’t make sense.
It didn’t make sense but you found it…
“It must be beautiful.” you said, him flashing you a soft smile before nodding.
“It is.” he got up clapping his hands together before looking back at you. “Well then, you should really hurry up, the water is perfect.”
“I already told thee, this dress is the only-“
“You won’t need it anymore.” he cut you off.
“And why is that?” you inquired, his steps growing closer to you.
“Because from now on…” he said, catching one of your locks in between his fingers. “You belong in this castle.”
To be continued…
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*fussock; a lazy fat woman…, a frowzy old woman.
*the ton; the ton actually refers to English high society during the Regency era, and encompasses every aristocrat from the royals to the gentry.
*rake; ‘rake’ is used to describe an immoral, hedonistic young man circulating in high society.
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lvlycheri · 2 years
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❀˳ ⁺ 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐝𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐫 𝐦𝐚𝐧
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pairing: arthur havisham x fem!reader (female bodied, she/her pronouns used)
summary: after the death of the patriach of the havisham family, arthur's mom has decided he needed to keep on their bloodline by marring a wife as soon as he could. unfortunely, her son isn't the most wanted in terms of relationship, which leaves her to arrange a marriage with the Y/L/N family, in which you are the chosen one to be arthur's wife
includes: forced marriage, womans being seen as object, dubcon content, arthur being a meanie
word count: 3k
authors note: this is an AU of dickensian where arthur live happily with his mom and father. amelia doesn't exist here.
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"Mama, is this all really necessary?"
You say, looking at your image in the mirror while your mother stands beside you. Her tall and elegant greatly contrast your small figure; where her posture is overly confident, yours just show the sadness that is going through your body
"Yes, my darling, this is more than necessary. The Havisham family is known for being very recluse, and to receive such an invitation from them... it's a dream come true, darling!"
Your mother eyes seems to glow with the perspective of being invited to have dinner with such a prestigious family like the Havisham. Being just recently widowed, your mother and Ms. Havisham have been bounding over the loss of their respective husbands, which seemed morbid to you, but you couldn't blame them, since it was a rough situation. And now, you both were getting ready to go to the infamous Havisham manor.
"Darling, you remember what you need to do, do you?" Your mother finishes your hair, looking proud at the result showing in the mirror. You, on the other hand, only look down and recall the words you mother taught you a few weeks ago
"Yes, mother" You agree, and look at your image reflection, staring at your mother cold eyes "Good afternoon, Ms. Havisham, it's a pleasure to meet you and your family in your residence. Me and my mother are very grateful for the invitation and we hope to make a good impression tonight"
"You make me so proud" Your mother's hands rest on your shoulder, and she repeats herself "My pride and joy, you will be our way to a good life"
Your mother's words reverberated through your mind all the way to the Havisham's house, and even the landscape wasn't enough to pull you out of your thoughts. You weren't totally naive, even though your family raised you to be the perfect image of innocence. You knew that after your coming of age ceremony that happened a few months ago, it was only a matter of time before your mother would send you off to some man with good money. You couldn't help but wonder if she was already thinking of marriage for you, neither stop the sad feeling you had for knowing that this was something your mother would gladly do.
Waking up from your thoughts, you noticed that your family carriage had already arrived at the Havisham manor. Taking a deep breath, you prepared yourself for the events of the night that could happen, your thoughts going from the worst to the best results in only a few seconds.
You first heard the door cracking open and then you saw it a man, seemingly a little older than you, smiling both at you and your mother. Something seemed off about him, maybe it was his sad eyes or the way his hands were closed in a fist that made you think that maybe, just like you, he wasn't aware of the true intentions of this visit
"Hello Ms. Y/L/N" He said, looking at your mom whom bowed her head down "Hello, miss...?" He then turned to your figure, and gestured with his hands towards you, waiting for your response
"Miss Y/N. It is a pleasure to meet you, sir Havisham" You also bowed your head down, trying to hide the fact that you had just guessed who this man was, and praying to God that you hadn't just embarassed yourself by getting his last name wrong. Thankfully, this didn't seemed to be the case, because after you raised your head, the young man caught your hands on his and gave it a small kiss to the back of it, making your face warm quickly
"I see you have already met my son" You looked behind the man to find that the voice belonged to an woman who seemed your mother age. You presumed that was Ms. Havisham whom your mother talked about "This is Arthur, the new patriarch of the Havisham family"
"It is a pleasure to finally meet you and your family, Ms. Havisham" You started, bowing your head again and trying to remember all the words you have memorized through the week "Me and my mother are very grateful for the invitation we received, and I can't wait to become your acquaintance in this beautiful afternoon"
"You truly were gifted with this young lady, Ms. Y/L/N" Ms. Havinsham said, turning to your mother and ignoring your little speech. You felt heat reaching your cheeks, embarassed that the lady didn't even thought twice about talking to you instead of your mother "I, on the other hand, didn't had as much luck. Arthur is very... timid, you see"
Sharing a little laugh, your mother and the other woman entered the house with arms linked, leaving you and Arthur behind. You looked at him and found that he was already staring at you, his eyebrows furrowed together with what seeme confusion, or even maybe irritation
"Don't worry, little lady. You will become acquaintance with my son on this afternoon, while me and your mother will be doing some arrangements together for dinner" Ms. Havinsham turned her head back for a moment, and then just as fast, went back to walking with your mother and talking with her, sharing the news of the neighborhood
Arthur didn't even gave you a second look before getting inside the house, and then like something clicked inside his head, he turned back on his heels and stared at you again
"Would m'lady give me the... uhm..." He stopped to think "The honor of walking with me through the gardens?"
You gave him a little smile, glad that you weren't the only one feeling awkward because of the situation. Running a little to reach him inside the house, you linked your arms with his and started your walk together
"My mother talked a lot about you, how Ms. Y/L/N had this beautiful daughter who I should meet" He started the conversation, looking at you and giving you a sweet smile which you returned "I see now that this is very much the truth"
"I am glad that she thought so highly of me, and I thank you for your compliment" You smiled brightly, happy with the compliment you just received
Walking side by side, you could feel the heat emitting from him and how it spread towards your body. Your walk towards the garden was silent after that, and you could sometimes feel his warm stares directed at you.
After arriving the garden, you unlinked your arms and went to the closest bush you could find, seeing her full of flowers
"I see you also enjoy the nature" You heard Arthur's voice coming behind you
"I think those specific flowers are rather beautiful and truly makes any space more graceful" You answered shyly
"Truly an gifted woman" Arthur's whisper didn't quite reach your ears, and he was relieved by that, choosing to rather focus on your image that seemed to glow in the garden
"I don't think any flower can compare to your beauty, lady Y/N" Arthur said, and you couldn't help but feel like he was trying to flatter you in hopes to create a friendship quicker
"I appreciate the comment, mr. Havisham"
Before you could keep talking, you were interrupted
"Just Arthur is fine"
You nodded, and went back to admiring the flowers, getting lost in your train of thoughts again. How could a widowed woman keep such a large garden in her house? Something seemed off there, and you couldn't shake the feeling of nervousness that was installing in your body
Choosing to concentrate on the flowers, you took one out of the bush and turned around in your hand, appreciating the small beauty that you were holding
Arthur started to talk again, disrupting your thoughs, though he was already missing the sight of seeing you so absorbed on something you seemed to enjoy. He could only hope one day you would look at him like you looked at the flowers
"It seems that our mothers already want us to discuss the arrangement of our engagement, so we shouldn't lose more time, right?"
Slowly turning to him, your eyes were full of surprise, and you seemed to have lost all the color in your face. The flower you were holding was long lost, falling to the ground, and your other hand was holding thightly the long skirt that adorned your body
"Arrangements of our... engagement?" You said back, trying to ignore the way your heart was skipping beats in your chest
"Oh, it seems I spoiled the surprise, I am truly sorry by that" Arthur responded, not seeming sorry at all, his reaction showing he was more amused by your answer than anything "You see, I am now the patriarch of this family, and my mother expects of me nothing but greatness, for me to create a family as great as the one my father created"
Coming closer to you, he took a hold of your hands and feeling how sweaty they were, started to rub small circles on your palm. His eyes seemed so different than the ones you looked at in the beginning of your visit, it seemed that the thought of having a family, a wife and kids of his own, fueled something inside him that made his pupils dilate
"You will be my wife, and I can only wish to do a great impression that will lasts through our long and sucessful marriage"
His words didn't helped ease the nervousness you felt. He had been so direct about it, it seemed that this was just him talking about sunday church, and not about a future that was slowly taking your dreams away. He sensed the change in your demeanor, and was about to say something when he was interrupted by his own mother voice
"Oh, look, they are already becoming closer" Her voice was filled with pride, and you could see that your mother wasn't much different
"It seems that miss Y/N wasn't informed about our arrangement. I hope you forgive me for spoiling the surprise" Arthur came towards your mother, seeming like a whole different man, with way more confidence
"Don't worry, Arthur. It seems you and miss Y/N have an friendship blossing already, am I right?"
You could only hear his mother's voice in the back of your head. You couldn't believe you were already being sold out, your father would never had accepted this, since you were his princess and his whole world. It seemed impossible to even your mother do this to you, since she always took pride on the fact that her and your father married for love, rather than other interests. She had always wanted the same fate for you, then why has this changed so suddenly?
Then it hit you. She wasn't doing this because she wanted to. Being a widowed woman was already rough, but being a widowed woman to a not so rich man? She was doing this to get the Havisham's money, to pay off your father's debts, to give you a chance at life
Fixing your posture and tapping your cheeks quickly and lightly, you felt a change in your demeanor. This was, unfortunely, the way it had to be. As a woman, this was your future, and you just had to accept to make your mother proud, instead of fighting against it and ruining your family name
"Your son had kept me very entertained, and I can say for sure that I enjoyed his company very much. I can't wait to fulfill my duties as a future wife with him by my side as my future husband"
You felt your mother stares directed at you, and you knew she was full with pride. You were acting just like you need to, guaranteeing your family name some fortune, hoping to make your mother happy, even at the cost of your own happiness.
"Could we have some more time by ourselves, mother? Me and lady Y/N still have a lot to discuss"
Arthur's voice was like honey to your mother's ears, and she couldn't contain her grin after hearing how much the Havisham's son wanted your company to himself. Soon, both woman left and you felt that your hope left with them too. You couldn't handle to keep the act you did moments ago, and you smile dropped quickly
"Let me take you to the room you will be staying while the dinner is made, my lady" Arthur offered his hand and you took it quickly, not wanting him to suspect anything about the change of humour you just went through
You walked back to the house, side by side with him, lost in the thoughts that were going quickly through your head. So this is what your mother wanted, this is why she put so much effort in your appearence today, even choosing to lend you her favorite perfume, as to impress the soon to be your new family. You couldn't help but feel your throat tightening, threatening to make you start sobbing uncontrollably, overwhelmed by sadness. You choose to hold yourself, instead, not wanting to embarass yourself in front of your soon to be fiance, and even sooner to be husband
Again, you were interrupted by both your mothers, walking through the main door. It seemed that Arthur was annoyed by so many interruptions, where you couldn't be more glad to be having your time with the man cut short.
"We will be leaving to the local market to get a few stuff that are missing for our dinner. We will be back before it gets dark, do not worry about us"
You only nodded, not trusting yourself well enough to talk without starting to cry. Meanwhile, Arthur said something you couldn't comprehend and kept walking, guiding you now towards the upstairs
You both reached the door you assumed to be the guest's room, and he opened with a soft motion of his hand, gesturing for you to step in. You did as he wanted, feeling like you should get used to obeying your almost husband
"You see..." He started, stepping inside the room and closing the door behind him. That surprised you, seeing how scandalous it was to have a man in your room like this "You are not the first one to be offered this deal"
He took a step near you, and you took one back. You couldn't comprehend his words, what did he mean by first one? Was he also widowed? Was he someone not even an arranged wife would want to be near?
"Unfortunely, the other womens were not able to please mother like you did. I could see in her eyes that she thinks you are the right one. And so do I" Another step near you, and you took two steps back
"I... I can't understand what you are saying, Mr. Havisham" You tried to reason, your voice coming out almost inaudible
"Your naivety truly is a bless" Another step further from Arthur, another step back from you "The other ladies did not have what we need to keep this manor, to keep our debts paid, to keep our expenses"
Slowly, sense was starting to come over your head. Was his family in the search of the same thing yours were too? But that couldn't be, your mother told you that his family was one of the richest
"The plan was to be married before my late father died, but no woman could satisfy me, so now my time is shortening. I had already lost hope of finding a woman that could perk my interest. That is, until I saw you today in the front door. You are truly gifted, and I cannot wait to have you as my wife"
You took anoter step back, but you hadn't looked behind you and ended up falling into the bed, the mattress flattening underneath you. Arthur, like a predator, finished walking towards you, and kneeled down in the bed, his knees touching your covered legs
"I have to make sure you won't run away, little lamb. And I know exactly what to do to keep you by my side. I cannot wait any longer to have a wife, my family name depends of me, and I won't disappoint"
You closed your eyes, feeling the tears running down your face, and with a weak voice, you tried to plead for mercy
"What will you d-do, Mr. Havisham?" Your voice trembled as you asked him what has going through your mind after his confession
"I'm gonna make sure no other man will want you, that you will be obligated to be by my side, that your mother won't believe you when you say that you cannot marry me. I will make sure that your reputation is ruined, unless you stay by my side"
"I-I don't understand..."
"So innocent" His hands pressed against your body, and his body pressed on top of yours "I will savour each part of your body" His mouth neared your neck, and before you could react, he bit down. The pain was something you never felt before, and you couldn't help but let an scream go through your throat. Arthur only put his hand over your mouth and continued
"I will explore each part of your body" His hand found its way under your long skirt, and started to crawl upwards. Your cries only got louder, but it was no use, since it was muffled by his hand
"And I will take each drop of your innocence. I will make your body reacts only to mine. I will make you..." He pressed himself against you, and you felt something hard poking at your thighs that were now exposed after he lifted your skirt. He got back on his knees, and you closed your eyes, expecting the worst. You heard his belt unbuckle, and pressed your eyes even closer together, trying to not fear that maybe he would hit you. Later, you would wish that this is what he would had done instead
"I will make you my sweet little wife. After tonight, you will only be able to remember how my cock feels inside you. No other man will want a woman who is not pure anymore, right, my little wife?"
You felt his hand caressing your face, but after his declaration, his soft hand against your skin felt like a hard slap. You couldn't believe that this was the man who moments before was flattering you, how could he change so quickly?
"This will hurt. A lot. But your husband is here to help you throught the pain" was the last thing you heard Arthur saying to you, and you dared to open your eyes, only to meet his eyes already locked on yours.
"Now be a good wife, and take all of your husband"
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lex-drinks-blood · 2 years
One of Those Nights
Arthur x Male Reader: restless nights and rambles. just some cuddles as y'all whisper mindlessly to each other. just a lot of fluff
Warnings: none that I'm aware of (correct me if I'm wrong)
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It was another one of those nights. The kind of night where your brain just couldn't shut off. You were mindnumbingly aware of every sensation around you, the rain on the glass was too loud in your ears, the covers on your skin were too heavy and hot, the way your clothes clung to you was agonizing. It was pure hell. You craved nothing more than the sweet release that slipping in to a deep sleep would give you, yet here you were. Wide awake as Arthur laid beside you, peacefully asleep.
His arm wrapped around your waist and his head pressed against your chest. His curls fell perfectly over his forehead, even in his sleep. He still smelled faintly of alcohol from his outing earlier in the day, but you didn't mind. The way it mixed with his own pure scent was almost intoxicating.
You spent a while taking in the sight before you as you attempted to chase sleep. You rubbed the back of his hand with your thumb in slow circles. You swore you felt him twitch slightly under you, but chose to ignore it as you trailed your hand up his arm slowly and gently dragged it back down again. This time you couldn't ignore the movements from Arthur as he repositioned his body.
"It's not morning yet, is it?" he spoke sleepily as he attempted to intertwine himself with your limbs.
"Far from it, I'm afraid" you replied in a whisper.
Arthur nuzzled his face in to your neck, allowing you to really take in the smell of alcohol that seemed to radiate from him, "Then why are you awake already?"
You huffed a shallow sigh as you allowed your hand to travel up and down the small of his back, "I just can't sleep, don't worry about it Havisham."
He hummed a small, sleepy breath as he began to sit up beside you, untangling himself from your limbs. You watched as he pulled his white shirt over his head, tossing it to the ground beside your shared bed before laying back down, this time leaving uncomfortable space between the two of you.
"Come here, l/n," he spoke sleepily as he extended his arm to you. You both exchanged a look at each other, his seemed to attempt to invite you in while yours was much more questioning. "Please," he added.
You didn't need much more convincing than that, so you crept closer to him and assumed the position that he had previously been in as he pulled the covers over the two of you.
You both laid in silence for a moment, taking in the newfound sensation of holding each other with one less peice of fabric separating you from one another before Arthur broke the silence
"Y/n," he whispered as he twirled his fingers in your hair.
You hummed a simple, "hm?" in response.
"You are such a pretty man," he said, almost to himself.
"Go back to sleep Havisham, you're still drunk," you mumbled into his chest.
He shushed you before he spoke again, "You know I love you, don't be like that darling."
"I know, I know," you mumbled, "I love you too."
You planted a quick kiss to Arthur's chest before nuzzling yourself into the crook of his neck with your arm draped over his chest. He replied by planting a kiss to your forehead as his hand rubbed mindless, gentle shapes on your shoulder.
"I wish I could show everyone how much I love you," he whispered, still against your forehead, "I wish they could know that I'm the luckiest man in the world."
"That's simply impossible," you replied.
"Whatever do you mean, my love?"
"We can't both be the luckiest men in the world, there's only supposed to be one luckiest man," you replied, almost rambling to yourself at this point as sleepiness finally started to creep into your voice.
"But what if we are?" you could almost hear the smile in his voice, "How magical would that be for us to both be the luckiest? We truly just might be, y/n," he said, as he planted another gentle kiss to your forehead.
"Maybe..." you whispered slowly, sleep finally creeping into your eyes now.
"Glad to see my master plan has started working," he spoke with a silent yawn.
You hummed an almost silent "mhm" in response as you finally began to drift off into your slumber.
this is the first time I've actually done any sort of fanfic, but the x reader tag for arthur was so bare and heterosexual that I just couldn't not, yknow? anyway, I hope this was somewhat satisfactory. If you liked it and/or want more, feel free to make requests (I beleive my submissions and asks should be open for y'all)
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stardancerluv · 2 years
Can the Past Save the Future?
Part One
Summary: The will has been read. Drinks flow. Twins reunite.
Warning/Notes: Drinking to access is bad. Don’t be like Arthur.
Note…I watched Dickensian a second time…I have to write a little Arthur. He deserved better…he deserved a chance.
This will be my first time seriously tackling X m!reader, please be nice. (Might give male reader & his twin a last name later on!) Like it? Let me know! Feedback is welcome along with ❤️s and so is sharing! Thank you for reading!
He drank. He drank to forget. He drank to feel.
Long ago, his father’s coldness toward him had stopped effecting him. But today, now hearing what he had left him in his will was a slap in the face. It was an insult, a farce.
All the wounds that had scared over years ago, were ripped open and they hurt anew. All the walls he had built around himself came crumbling down.
He took a table in the back, among the shadows.
“I didn’t realize we had gotten so familiar.” Squinting, he looked up at the barmaid. He exhaled. “Brandy and leave the bottle.”
She nodded and turning left.
He pulled off his hat and placed it beside him.
When the door jangled open, it was just another guy ambling in. Their hat brim sat low covering most of their face but you already knew it wasn’t your twin. Idly, you crossed and recrossed your arms as you sat there. Under the table no one see how your nervously tapped your foot. Sighing, you glanced down and examined for the millionth time your gloves.
You finally couldn’t wait any longer and taking the knife you began to smother the crusty bread with some butter. Since he had taken the late train, you had decided to forgo dinner and have it at the pub with him. Though now it appeared that your twin’s train was running late.
This time when the door opened you didn’t even bother to glance up. You put the knife and slice down. You pressed your lips together before taking only a second sip at the warmed cider you had ordered a mug of. It was far stronger then you had anticipated and tickled your nose, causing you shift around in your seat.
“Oh poppet, you couldn’t wait just a touch longer for me?” His dark eyebrow were arched in a playful disapproval.
Your heart immediately swelled at the sound of his warm, raspy voice. You scooted out and then practically you leapt at him. “Oh, pupper, I am so happy you are home!” You squeezed him tight.
Once in the booth, he motioned and the barmaid came over. “I’ll have whatever she ordered.”
You leaned toward him happiness bubbling in you. “Always copying me?” You giggled behind a hand.
“Well, you always did have the better taste in the family.”
You giggled and beamed once again. “That is true.” You remarked smiling before taking another sip from the cider. But then he slid out of the booth. “What are you doing?” You looked up at him surprised and a touch confused.
“I figured, I better order something slightly different then you.” He smiled.
You grimaced and shook your head. “Oh you.”
The bottle and glass clinked as the girl finally placed them in front of him.
He looked up at her, his jaw tight. “Did you really have to take his order before bringing me mine?”
She shrugged and walked away.
Muttering to himself, he tore open the bottle himself since she didn’t even do the decent thing and pour some into his glass. Closing his eyes at the wonderfully bitter taste, he drained his glass.
Then he chased it with a second and half way through the third something; actually someone caught his eye. He blinked. The guy who had stolen the barmaid’s attention now stole now his. He, he well, Arthur stumbled to find the right description. He watched as the man combed at his wild strands with his slender fingers as he leaned against the bar. He licked his bottom lip before biting down on it. His heart picked up speed.
No matter. He admonished himself over the little folly. Grabbing his glass, he finished what was left of the third pour. Placing his glass by the bottle with a very contented sigh on his lips, he leaned back and closed his eyes. He enjoyed the warmth, the amber liquid gave him.
“You seriously don’t have any more?” He couldn’t stop himself from making a face. “Give me a glass, I’ll buy a sniff off him.”
“He may not want to part with any of it. He’s the only one who usually buys it.”
“We’ll see.”
He held out his hand and he watched as worry creased the older, chubby man’s brow as he handed him the small glass. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you. I’ll have the other brandy waiting.”
“What are you doing?” Your twin hissed.
He held a hand up. “Nothing to worry about poppet, I’ll be right back.”
Standing straighter and adjusting his scarf; he made his way over to the corner that only had a solitary candle.
As he grew closer seeing this stranger at complete ease did a number on him. His head was thrown back against the booth, his closed eyes and soft, slack lips. His clothes were soft as the hung from his frame. Something about his complete disregard for all that was around made him was very appealing.
“Excuse me,” He swallowed, watching how the candle light licked at the man’s throat. “I hear you bought the last bottle of their finest brandy.”
The man slowly drew his head down and opened his eyes. Chestnut curls fell, framing the strikingly young face for someone to enjoy brandy like that. A smile with a twist to it, made his stomach lurch in the best possible way, as the smile spread across the man’s face.
“Have you come over to compliment on my good taste?”
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gayforjosephquinn · 2 years
can i request a auther Havisham x m reader where the reader gets beaten instead of auther by compesyson(I don't know how to spell his name lol) maybe because he caught auther and the reader kissing and auther holds his boyfriend and treats his wounds❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Arthur Havisham Comforting an Injured S/O HCs: Hurt/Comfort
This is a Certified Compeyson Hate blog
Warnings: Abuse, non-graphic description of injuries, blood, Compeyson (he deserves his own warning tbh) | Spoilers | Requests are closed!
You were searching for Arthur, hoping to talk to him about why he had been borrowing money
The man of the hour came stumbling back to his flat, where he greeted you with slurred speech
Due to his inebriation, you decided to can the conversation
Removing his coat and boots, you help guide him to his bed.
"Y/N, lay with me," Arthur whined, tugging on your sleeve
Of course you couldn't refuse him like this
Settling on the cheap mattress, he unceremoniously threw himself over you, not caring for anything but your presence
With his warmth enveloping you and running your hands through his lovely curls, sleep almost overtook you
That was until Compeyson threw open the door, the sound popping your bubble of domestic bliss
Even in his drunken state, Arthur still jolted at the slam.
Time blurred
Compeyson picking Arthur up, leading him to the wall opposite of you, yelling, a large hand on the nape of your neck, seering pain, tears
Eventually, the crack of Compeyson's belt ceased, leaving only your's and Arthur's choked sobs filling the tense silence.
Hands grabbed at your shoulder, causing you to flinch
Lowering himself to your level, Arthur stared into your eyes
He continued sobbing as he pressed your forehead against his, causing more tears to fall onto the blankets below you.
Few words were exchange--Arthur helped you to a small wooden chair, removing your bloodied shirt, dabbing a small cloth into a bowl of warm water as he cleaned your injuries, then later, antiseptic
Every hiss or wince that left your mouth was followed by a soft kiss to your shoulder, neck, and face with a whispered, "I'm so sorry, I'm almost done, love. You're doing great."
After the two of you had shed all your tears and cleaned your wounds, Arthur led you back to his bed, laying on his back while you rested your head on his chest
A/N: Thank you so much for all the requests! I promise I'm trying to work on them! Hope you enjoyed
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eddieswh0r · 2 years
Hiiiii ! I don't know you wanna write about Joseph but may I request that drunk, non-famous!reader x Joseph ? Maybe reader feels insecure about herself because she is not famous and when she is drunk, she confesses her feelings to Joseph ? Waow, it is a long request but if you don't wanna write this, it's okay. I just love your stuff ♡♡
ahhhh omg.omg.omg i love this idea.
i can just imagine it in real life rn 🥹
i hope its okay, im not sure if its what you wanted. I kinda rambled. I’m only used to writing for Eddie🥺🫶🏼
Music was blaring out the speakers as you stood at the side of the dancefloor completely overwhelmed, it was sheer luck you were even here in the first place. A PR event of a new indie film, organized by a friend of a friend, which, said friend asked if you wanted to tag along to. She gave you a slight nudge with her elbow and chuckled "Y/n, you're gawping babe" your cheeks flushed pink slightly as you closed your mouth, this wasn't a setting you were familiar with, let alone being in the presence of celebrities too, your friend had previously argued that their just normal people but you just couldn't wrap your head around it. You see these people on the screen, you felt wrong mixing with them.
. . .
Yet another champagne flute graced your grip as your friend raised her eyebrows at you "It's free.." you giggled. You werent sure how many youd already had but you knew everytime someone walked past with a tray you grabbed another, regardless if you were already holding one. Eyes opened wide you gushed to your friend "T-Thats never... Amy that's... Sex Education boy" with a roll of her eyes and a soft smile "..Yes babe, Asa Butterfield. There all coming through now from that room, see? they'll have finished watching the premiere of the new film and they all come in here to eat and get majorly drunk" Oh you just couldnt wait to see drunk celebs. A waitress saunted past you both, another champage flute? Why not.
As the room filled with more celebs you stared to feel on edge, they were all so glamourous and heres you just in a silk black floor legnth open backed fishtail style dress, it also being the first time youd ever had your hair and make up professionally done, curtesy of Amy. More champagne? of course. Fuck these waiters for always being close.
"Amy, Amy, A-Amy..." you shook her shoulder vigorously "Th-That's.. That's fucking Joseph Quinn" whisper shouting into her ear, Amy tilted her head away from your champagne breath while reaching in her bag and passing you a chewing gum "What Joe? The absolute love of your life? He's here? At a PR for a new Indie film? The new indie film he's the main role of? No. Surely he isnt here for that!" a deep roaring laugh fell from her lips "You didnt tell me that" you hissed narrowing your eyes "If id have told you , you wouldnt haave come, youd have stayed at your boring bar job serving arseholes instead of mingling with the stars" she smirked putting her hand on your shoulder, pushing your slightly forward "Now, go have fun. I have things to do" and with that she glided across the room to talk to another girl all dressed up.
The music was loud and there was bodies everywhere, some you recognized and some you didn't. You'd literally been in love with Joseph since you saw him in Dickensian, a period drama where he'd played Arthur Havisham. Everyone was talking to someone, another champagne flute graced your finger tips and another. The lights on the dancefloor were flashing and Amy was nowhere to be seen, you looked around you, spinning in circles, everything was overwhelming and you felt like you couldn't breathe, the air felt like it had been cut of and you could pass out.
Pushing the door open to a rooftop smoking area you stumbled through it, heading over to the far corner you sat on a rattan style sofa. Taking deep breaths you just couldn't shake the feeling, you didn't belong here, you belonged in the sweaty pub serving middle aged men. By now the fresh air had hit you and you felt a bit worse for wear. A lump in your throat, Uh Oh, emotional drunk incoming. Pushing yourself up from the sofa you stumbled backwards "Woah, Woah. You good? I've got you" two arms snaked underneath yours to catch you. "Oh my g-god, I'm s-so sorry" you drunkenly spluttered, hiccupping "Can we get a glass of water please?" who this person was asking, you didn't know but they'd sat you back down gently and sat down on the small table directly opposite you. Hanging your head down you couldn't even look up at the person who had kindly helped you "S-sorry, i.. i shouldn't be here, I'm not- I'm not like famous or anything. I- i work in a pub and, and my friends friend organized this and.. and" you were cut off from your rambling by a hand taking yours and wrapping it around a glass of water "Well in my whole life darlin' I've never seen a girl as beautiful as you in a pub. Its normally sweaty men" a chuckle left the persons lips as you were shocked at the compliment, definitely a waiter trying to pull his luck, probably thought you were famous at first or something. Lifting your head up to offer thanks your eyes met the most big beautiful brown eyes. "J- Jos- Joseph Qu-. You're, y-you.. Oh. Sh-Shit" a breath you weren't aware you were holding escaped your lips and your cheeks flushed red from embarrassment. Please god, let the makeup hide it. "Just call me Joe" he smiles softly, tilting his head to the side, panic over takes you and you stand quickly "I- I need to go. My friend. Sh-She's probably looking-." Josephs hand taking yours suddenly cut you short. "Please don't go? Cant you stay a while? You smoke?" he asks pulling out a pack, offering towards you, you shake your head but signal your hands for him to go ahead. He takes the cigarette between his lips and lights it, taking a draw back and exhaling. God, that was hot.
"So, Y/n, someone as pretty as you works in a pub but doesn't think they belong here?"
"Firstly, how do you know my name.." you take your position back on the sofa, sitting forward slightly, your knee brushing his.
"You think i wouldn't try and catch the name of the most beautiful girl here, Oh darlin'. I've been watching you since i walked into the room."
"Me? I-. I'm nobody. I'm, I'm just me? I'm not famous or anything"
"That's why you're so perfect, you're you. You're not trying to be anybody else." he edged forward, you could feel his breath on your face. Catching his eyes with yours, you blushed all the colors of red and pink, diverting your gaze down and then looking back up at him through your eyelashes.
A familiar song started playing and he stood, reaching out his hand "What d'ya say, y/n? Can i have the pleasure?" he grinned like a Cheshire cat and you placed your hand in his.
You both collapsed onto the rattan style sofa in fits of breathless laughter, maybe an hour, maybe 2? had passed and you danced and spoke the entire time. You felt so comfortable around Joseph, like you'd known him for years. His smile was so infectious you couldn't help but return it. Much to your dismay, while dancing, you'd rambled on about how much you adored him and were in love with him, stupidly telling him there was a poster on your wall of his face, you scrunched your face remembering what you'd said.
"Joe, we've got to go mate" a voice called from the doorway "I'll wait by the car" Joseph signed, placing his hand on your arm, drawing patterns up and down, your hairs stood on end.
"I better go. Don't miss me too much yeah?" he gave a wink standing up and pulling you with him
"I- I just wanna say thankyou Joseph, you really made me feel at ease. I've enjoyed your company"
"No, y/n.. ThankYOU, i felt like i could be myself around you. And remember.." Joseph took your face into his hands, cupping your cheeks "..When you feel like you don't fit in, that because you're extraordinary and this world is full of ordinary people" there was his soft smile again, melting every inch of you, you leaned up on your tip-toe and placed a gentle kiss to his cheek. you exchanged goodbyes and he walked away. Your head was fuzzy, what in the fuck just happened? Am i dead? Did i pass out drunk? Was that real?
You leant against the sofa when a voice yelled out from the door making you jump out of your skin "HEY Y/N?! HOW ABOUT YOU LET ME TAKE YOU OUT? MAYBE YOU WONT NEED TO KEEP MY FACE ON YOUR WALL THEN?" with a cheeky smirk you could just see Josphs head peeping round the door.
"Only if you promise to stop watching me from afar"
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axailslink · 2 years
An Arthur Havisham x male reader fanfic
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So I have been obsessed with Joseph Quinn's characters and fell right back in love with his one after rewatching the show. Love a depressive gay drunk who just needs a hug.
summary: Arthur hasn't retund a letter to someone near and dear to his heart which makes this person also known as you panic and visit him only to find he is feeling very unloved. He's a wee bit dramatic.
Fem aligned do not interact please
Arthur reads the letter in hand and it gives him a sense of happiness it wasn't the first time he had read this one he got this letter over a month ago but had yet to reply. Heard from his childhood friend Y/n who comes from a family of money too. They hadn't really spoken since they were kids but they still remained the best of friends but only in letters. Truth is Arthur is nervous around him when he was a boy he just thought he was fond of Y/n thought he was sweet and soft but now he knows it's something more than that. He wanted to visit him truly but there was too much going on his sister hates him Compeyson wants him dead for ruining such a big chance for him... Actually, that might be just the reason for him to visit his dear friend maybe seeing him would make him happy again. A sudden loud and impatient-sounding knock breaks him out of his thoughts causing him to drag himself to the door and swing it open and stand on the door frame. He stands straight though when he sees you standing tall and annoyed "you've been avoiding me Havisham!"
You slam the door shut and walk into the room pushing with more force than you'd like to. Arthur rolls his eyes and shrugs "I have not and please do tell me you did not take a whole week's ride out just to see me..." Arthur was honestly flattered by that that you'd worried so much about him that you would visit him even in your busy state. "I was worried the last time you stopped contacting me your father had just found out about...our letters." Oh yes, the letters the ones you sent in secret as young men barely over the age of eighteen were sweet at first just friends missing friends. But over the years they became something stronger more flirtatious and loving. You two talked to each other as if you were in a long-term relationship your father didn't like that he knew you were thinking of each other in ways you shouldn't. He saw right through it and he put a stop to it he talked to Arthur's father and he forbade him to write he even made him chip in more when it came to working on the brewery so he didn't have time to plot against his father's wishes. "Oh now someone cares about me? Now someone cares about Arthur!?" You're not really all too surprised by Arthur's words he had this common act when someone hurt him he would easily convince that everyone else wanted to do the same so he hurt them first or tried to. You grab his arms and pull him to your chest "I've always cared about you Arthur you may be able to spout that bullshit to someone else but not me Arthur I won't take it. I've always cared about you" you state caressing his hands as he stares up at you he catches himself staring and plants that defensive look which he started putting on a lot more when Compeyson left. It was hard to trust anyone. "I'd bet you'd say you love me too" you sigh and shake your head "of course I love you just like your sister loves you" he groans and snatches his hands away "just like my sister loves me? Really? I don't think I'd be willing to have sex with my sister Y/n why don't you just say it? Are you afraid of what it'll mean?"
You had come to comfort him not to talk about your problems but now he was opening a whole bowl of crisps that you hid in the back of the cabinet. "I'm not afraid of what it'll mean I know what it means Havisham I really do but unlike you, I'm not afraid of what it means I'm not ashamed of who I am are you?" Arthur stands still and turns his head contemplating how deep that question could run through his mind over and over. You take him into your arms squeezing him in a tight hug that you know he needs the recent letters were not filled with joy and love you could read in between the lines he was hurt. As soon as Havisham feels your warm embrace he breaks down legs becoming wobbly and tears streaming down his face all you can do is hold him and rub his back. "I'm here Arthur it's alright" you just sit and hold him for an hour as he lets it all out of the bottled-up pain he's been keeping to himself all the bottled-up pain that only the alcohol knew of. When he pulls back he's staring at you in that way that you know your fathers would disapprove of looking into your eyes wishing you'd move first so he doesn't make a fool of himself hands slowly gliding from your shoulders to your waist. You slowly start to lean in overtaken by those sad eyes of his and those damn dimples but you quickly pull away not far just a bit "we shouldn't" you mumble he nods before speaking this time "so what's it's this time?" You pause and look at him and shake your head understanding what he's getting at "no one it's no one Arthur it will never be anyone else as long as I live and breath and I know you're doing the same" there go those waterworks again working their way into his eyes. "So then why won't you kiss me? I don't understand Y/n you send me these letters and visit me and tell me how much you love me but you can never deliver on it. I want the version of you that used to run around in the field with me not caring if we got caught I want him back at least he could kiss me." You grab him by his waist and pull him closer "oh Arthur I'd do more than kiss you more than the gentle things we used to do as young men but I just can't I have an image to keep" his stare of love turns into one hell of a glare as he pushes you with all his strength into the table "an image!? You can't even do it with me behind closed doors? So I'm just supposed to sit around and wait for you to be ready enough to deal with me is that so?" You shake your head and snatch the letters from the drawer you were just pushed into "you know I have an image to keep but nothing in these letters are fake I meant every word every disgusting word I know my father would disagree with! The things I said I'd do to you I would and you know it. Do not make this seem as if I don't love you!" Arthur looks at you and then shakes his head before grabbing his glass and swallowing whatever remained before throwing it at your feet. "You do not get to say that! you do not love me!" You crumple the letters and let them fall from your hands as you approach Arthur and grab him by both sides of his face keeping him still as you plant a kiss on his soft lips overrun with a salty taste from his tears. You haven't done this in so many years you're sure you won't stop now you start unbuttoning his shirt and pull away just for a moment to see if he's okay with this. He's crying again so you stop your hands laying still on his chest "I'm sorry you're drunk and I'm taking advantage of that.." he rubs his lips with the back of his hands "don't continue doing this if you aren't gonna be in my bed tomorrow Y/n I can't deal knowing you'd leave me" you take that to the heart feeling the guilt crawl into your ribs and flip your stomach that wasn't a promise you could keep but you were sure as hell going to try.
"I have a meeting tomorrow but I'll be sure to be back so let's not worry" you continue unbuttoning his shirt then drop to your knees to unbutton his trousers too you look up at Arthur hoping he's watching your every move because right now you were showing him exactly how much you wanted him but he wasn't you could tell he had a question burning his throat. "How many others have you done this with?" that wasn't quite the question you were expecting you know lying would only hurt him but telling him the truth would probably hurt him more. "Four I just don't see what that has to do with this moment Arthur" you answer so quickly you think he might not catch it. Still, he does and nods slowly before grabbing your hand that lays on his trousers "so you're a liar" you examine his hardened facial expression unsure of what he was speaking of. "What? Arthur, I would never lie to you" he glances at your hand then lets it drop to your lap "in your letters you lied y/n we were supposed to be each other first when it comes to lovemaking has it been so long that you forgot about that?" you hadn't forgotten actually it had been what you had been thinking of for the longest of years since you moved away but you had urges that you couldn't satisfy by yourself sometimes. "Arthur Havisham there is a difference between lovemaking and fucking someone beyond repair the thought of having you one of those nights led me to those actions. Now if you'll let me I want to make love to you tonight. Just you."
Arthur smiles at those words after many years it was like the wish he had wished so many times above a cake was finally coming true but he had to make sure. "you promise you won't leave me?" you stand up and take his head in your hands again "if I leave you're coming with me."
I @ a few people who liked the last post about Arthur Havisham it is here and now that I would like to say though if you are not he/him aligned this post or any post that I post with this character is not for you because it will most likely be male aligned. (Also one of the people I tagged is they/them if you'd like to be taken off please contact me.)
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supercap2319 · 3 years
Golden Light & Shields Chapter 5
Ikaris x Male Reader
A/N: Sorry for the late update. School’s a bitch.
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All the Eternals, minus Makkari, Karun, and Y/N, walk through the deserts of Iraq with the intended destination of locating the Domo. They followed Phastos, as he had a tracking device that could locate their ship. Phastos and the others stop as they look at a digging site. The ground begins to shake and break apart as the things on top of the surface begin to cave in, but something rises from the dust and causes a whirlwind of dirt to go flying everywhere. Karun is filming with a camera as he witnesses the incredible sight. “The Domo. Wow.”The star-ship rises out of the dirt trench and into the air. This was so cool. Like the Helicarrier, or a Quinjet.
“How are we gonna get up there?” Y/N asked, looking down into the trench.
Ikaris smiled. “Like this.”
He swept Y/N off his feet and began to float in the air as he headed towards an opening in the ship. Once Ikaris safety put Y/N back on his feet; he went down and one by one brought everyone onto the ship until they were all together.
Karun was in front of them videotaping as Kingo talked in an eerie voice. “A foreboding atmosphere fills the air. An eerie stillness chokes our lungs.”
Phastos frowns. “What are you doing? You know you’re creeping us out. You know that, right?”
“Yeah, Kingo. This is a documentary. Not a horror movie,” Y/N said.
There is a loud popping noise as Phastos jumps and screams. “Oh! Oh, God!” He looks at Thena. “Stay calm, T, please!” They all look down and see Thena stepped on a bag of chips. Y/N giggles. Phastos picks up the bag and chuckles nervously. “Chips. It’s just chips.”
Kingo looks at the camera. “As you can see, being an Eternal does not preclude you from having human emotions such as cowardice.”
They walk inside the main room and see it’s littered with different items from across the world. It’s actually kind of cool. “What has she done? Is that… a sarcophagus in my lab?” Phastos asks, heading to his lab. They all look around as Kingo introduces a woman sitting on a throne, reading a book. “This is Makkari. Or should I say Miss Havisham? None of us have seen her for centuries.”
Makkari set her book down and smiled. She talks to them in sign language. “Ready to go home?”
Phastos is working a big construct as images flash in the air as he works on a plan to deal with Tiamut. Thena grabs a sword, swings it, knocking a suit of armor helmet to the side.
“Is that the Ebony Blade?” Sprite asks Thena as she puts down a scroll.
“Excalibur,” Thena smiles. She swings it and makes a clean cut through the air.
“Arthur always did have a crush on you,” Gilgamesh said.
Kingo and Makkari are signing to each. “So you mean… I’ve been waiting for centuries to go back to Olympia, and now you’re telling me… it doesn’t exist?” Makkari asks.
“That, and the world is ending,” Kingo signs back.
“At last my boredom is ending.”
“Have you seen my movies?” Kingo asks her.
Makkari frowns. “I don’t have a DVD player.”
“DVD? It’s all about streaming now. You know, what you need is a Kindle,” Kingo says. “Do you know what that is? It’s like a… You know, I just realized that if you don’t know what an iPad is, there’s almost no way to explain it.”
Ikaris, Y/N, and Druig are digging through the different items. Druig finds a box of Twinkies and Ikaris finds the Emerald Tablet. They both look at each other, then at the item in the other person’s hands. They both want what the other person has. They trade items and glare at one another as Ikaris opens the box and Druig looks at the tablet. Y/N chuckles. “Boys, play nice.”
“Do you want one, Duckling?” Ikaris asks Y/N.
Y/N takes the wrapped sponge cake and unwraps it and takes a bite of the creamy deliciousness. “So good.”
“I bet that’s not the only thing you’d love to put in your mouth,” Druig smirks.
“Shut it, ya dobber,” Ikaris says.
Makkari looks at Ikaris, Druig, and Y/N. She points to the young hero. “Who’s that?” She asks Kingo.
“That is Y/N Maximoff. Ikaris’s superhero boyfriend,” Kingo signs back.
“Boyfriend? Ikaris?” Makkari signs, a shocked look on her face.
“Right? I was shocked too. Because I never thought the Boss would be interested in men, but you know me, no judgment,” Kingo rants.
Druig comes up to them holding the Emerald Tablet, a smirk on his lips. “So, how did you end up scoring this…” he shows Makkari the tablet as she tries to grab it from him, but he pulls the tablet back. “Emerald Tablet, my beautiful, beautiful Makkari?” She snatched the tablet out of Druig’s hands.
“Did you miss me?” Druig signs to her. Makkari smiles.
“I’m sorry. What are we watching? Because this…” Phastos signs to Makkari. “Are you two…”
“Is this new?” Kingo asks. “Because I hate it.”
“Oh, come on, you guys. I think it’s sweet,” Y/N says. “It proves Druig does have a heart after all.” Druig glares at Y/N.
Y/N turns to Makkari and signs to the deaf Eternal. “Ikaris says you’re fast. So are my brother and I. We should have a race sometime.”
Makkari is shocked at first, but smiles. “Sounds like fun, but promise me you won’t cry when you lose.”
“I promise,” Y/N smiled.
“I didn’t know you knew sign language, Duckling,” Ikaris said.
“Clint taught me.”
“Phastos, I need to control the mind of a Celestial,” Druig says.
“Okay, get ready for it,” Phastos says and signs. He puts an image on the screen for everyone to see.
“Bracelets?” Kingo asks. “You made us bracelets?”
“So, here’s a little Celestial 101.Celestials are the most powerful energy generators in the universe. When Arishem made us, he imbued us with infinite cosmic energy to keep our bodies regenerating,” Phastos says. “The bracelets, in theory, shut down our regeneration process. And once that happens, our bodies accumulate extra cosmic energy.”
“What for?” Sersi asks.
“Well, if the Deviants can absorb our energy, what if we can absorb each other’s energy as well?” Phastos looked around. “If I can find a way to connect us all, one of us could become immensely powerful, pulling the accumulated energy from the rest, forming… a Uni-Mind.”
There’s a giant brain with mini versions of the Eternals combining energies together, an image to emphasize the point. Phastos looks at everyone with a smile on his face, proud of what he’s just announced. Everyone is silent. Phastos frowns. “Uni” meaning “one,” “mind” meaning “mind.”
“Oh, no, we heard you the first time,” Kingo said.
“Terrible name,” Sprite says.
“We’ll brainstorm… Brainstorm! That’s a way better name!” Kingo smiles.
“No, I invented it, so I’m calling it whatever I want,” Phastos says.
Y/N looked at the images. “So, you want everyone to combine their cosmic energy and transfer it to one of you to amplify your own abilities?”
“Exactly. See, someone gets it,” Phastos says.
“Like my friend, Carol, who, when she absorbs enough energy, enters a ‘binary form’ that makes her way more powerful. Powerful enough to go toe to toe with Thanos and take a punch from the power stone,” Y/N said.
“So suppose Druig can, say… put Tiamut to sleep. Then what?” Makkari asks.
“We find humans a new home on another planet,” Sersi said.
“Are we building a big ship, too? Take a pair of each animal?” Sprite sarcastically says.
“Well, you know what’s never saved the planet? Your sarcasm,” Phastos says.
“Space colonization could take decades,” Sprite protests.
“It can happen quickly with our help,” Sersi said.
“What if we end up accidentally killing Tiamut? We could be responsible for billions of lives not being created across the universe,” Kingo looks at Ikaris. “Boss, am I right?”
“Say something, Ikaris,” Sprite demands. “You don’t think we should be doing this.”
They all look at Ikaris expectantly. Ajak knows that look. The weight of pressure about making the hard decisions. She's had to do that for centuries now, and it never gets any easier.
“Why are you all looking at me? Ajak is still here, she’s still the leader,” Ikaris says.
“Forget that. You’re the strongest. You should be making this decision,” Sprite says.
“Hey, I'm deeply hurt, Sprite,” Gilgamesh says.
Ikaris is silent. Sprite rolls her eyes. “Fine. Just keep lying to yourself.” she storms off.
“Sprite,” Y/N calls.
Ikaris begins to walk away as well. “Okay, this is not…” Phastos starts as Kingo and Y/N follow after Ikaris. “Ikaris.”
“Don’t run after him. Kingo, Y/N, I… You guys.”
Y/N and Kingo follow Ikaris down the hall. “Hey. Don’t sweat it. Sprite’s always cranky. I used to hear her complaining even when she wasn’t there,” Kingo says.
“I’m okay, Kingo,” Ikaris says.
“You don't seem fine,” Y/N noted.
“If you think we should do this, I trust you. I will follow you to the end, like I always have,” Kingo said.
“What did you say?” Ikaris eyed Kingo.
“I will follow you to the end, like I always have, Kingo repeats.
“I’m not who you think I am,” Ikaris says, walking away from Y/N and Kingo.
Y/N sighed. “I'll go talk to him.” He follows after Ikaris, who flies off the ship and to the ground below. Y/N sighed again. How was he supposed to get down?
Y/N floated down towards the modern-day version of Babylon. Ikaris was standing in the middle of rocky hills as Y/N walked towards him, sand on his shoes. “I couldn't get down. I thought about throwing myself off the ship and creating a crater in the process,” but thank God for telekinesis,” Y/N smiled.
“How'd you find me?”
“I know a thing or two about tracking, and I saw you fly in this direction.”
“I’ve thought about this place a lot. Amazing how things change over time,” Ikaris looks around.
“Maybe you've changed. And maybe that's not such a bad thing,” Y/N said.
“You know, I’ve always thought of the Celestials like the ocean. They give life and they take life away without bias,” Ikaris looked at Y/N. “If they were gone, this universe would eventually end. What we’re trying to do is free humanity from the natural order of things.”
“It’s not natural to allow all life on an entire planet to be destroyed, but that's not what's really bothering you, is it?” Y/N said.
Ikaris sighed. “Just now, everyone was turning to me for answers and reassurance. And I couldn't give them that.” he looked at Y/N. “Why me? Ajak is still alive and should be making this call, not me.”
“It's okay to be afraid. It's a human emotion.”
“I'm not human, remember?”
“Yes you are. To me you are.”
Y/N put a hand to Ikaris's chest. “Feel that? My hand on your beating heart?” Y/N asked. Ikaris nodded his head.
“That's why everyone turned to you today. It's because they look up to you. They value your advice and know your heart is pure and strong enough to make this decision,” Y/N said.
“What if I'm wrong, Y/N?” Ikaris asked him. “What if we make things worse instead of better?”
“They couldn't get much worse than they already are, Iceberg,” Y/N reminds him. “If things do indeed get worse, then we'll deal with it. I've faced the impossible before and won. This time won't be any different.”
“Are you willing to bet our lives on that?”
“Are you willing not to?”
“So, you’d be willing to move to a new planet if it came down to it?” Ikaris looked down at Y/N.
“Yeah, I would. As long as you, my family, and friends are there by my side. Also, if this new planet has a (favorite restaurant or fast-food joint).”
Ikaris smiled. “I’m in love with you, Duckling. I’m grateful for the life I’ve lived with you.”
“Me too, Iceberg. I’ve wanted to be happy for so long and now I am. I'm not giving that up without a fight,” Y/N says.
“Do you really think you could be happy with me? An Eternal who never grows old?” Ikaris said.
“Always,” Y/N leans up and kisses Ikaris on the lips. Y/N feels Ikaris' warmth as a vision enters his mind, making him gasp. Y/N sees Ikaris, but it's not his Ikaris. He had no idea how he knew that or that this was on another Earth in another dimension, but he just knew. The events were happening just like they are now. The only difference is that Ikaris betrayed his friends, killed Ajak in the name of Arishem. There was no Y/N on this planet, and even if there were, it was too late.
Y/N gasps again as the vision leaves him. Ikaris looks at him, concerned. “What’s wrong Duckling? What happened?”
Y/N licks his lips and tries to process everything he just saw. Ikaris was a traitor to his friends. It wasn't possible. “I-I saw you. In another universe and you didn't want to stop the Emergence, but let it happen. You killed Ajak and betrayed the others.”
Ikaris was silent. A shocked look on his face. “I swear I would never—”
“—I know Ikaris. I'm not sure why I saw that vision. Maybe it's one of my new powers? To see the same events, but on different earths?”
“What kind of power is that?”
“Dr. Strange once used the time stone and astral projection to see different possible futures. Maybe it's like that,” Y/N said.
“Maybe,” Ikaris said.
“Hey, come on. I know you’re no Benedict Arnold.”
“Why would you see that? See me?” Ikaris asked.
“Maybe it's a clue.” Y/N said. “I think it's a clue on how to use the Uni-Mind. We should tell the others, because I have an idea.” Y/N began to walk in the direction of the ship.
“Y/N?” Ikaris called.
Y/N turned to him. “Yes?”
“Nothing,” Ikaris said as he followed Y/N, putting the ring back in his pocket.
They head back to the ship and find Ajak hunched over. They rush to her. “What's wrong with her?”
“It’s started. The Emergence has commenced,” Ajak says.
“Oh, no. My God.”
“What about the Uni-Mind?”
“I haven’t figured out a way to connect us, but I’m close. I’m very, very close,” Phastos said.
“How much longer?” Sersi asks.
“I don’t know, Sersi!” Phastos says.
Phastos grabs a device and hands it to Makkari. “Find the point of emergence.” She races off.
Druig and Thena are looking at a painting. “You always knew the end was coming. It must be a relief.” Druig looks at her.
“That Deviant is still tracking us,” Thena says.
“Revenge won’t bring peace for you, Thena.”
“But killing it might,” she smiles.
Ikaris grabs Y/N’s hand and leads him to another room in the Domo. It’s an empty room with a hologram of Arishem. Y/N frowns as he looks at Ikaris. “Where are we, Iceberg?”
Ikaris smiles. “Somewhere special.”
“If this is your way of getting a quickie before battle, then you can forget it,” Y/N said.
“That is the last thing on my mind right now, Duckling. Though, I do prefer to do it in the sands of Babylon,” Ikaris smiled.
The Eternal walked towards a wall and put his back flat against it. Before Y/N could ask what he was up to, there was a symbol on the wall that flashed as golden wires began to come out and inched towards Ikaris as they created his superhero costume over his clothes. His costume was blue with golden accents of different symbols on the suit, mixed together with armor. Ikaris stepped away from the wall and smirked at Y/N. “So, what do you think?” He asked, referring to his suit.
Y/N smiled. “It’s awesome, Iceberg. Really cool.”
“Thank you. I think we just might have to get you one, too. If you’re going to officially join the team,” Ikaris said.
“Wait? You want me to join your team?” Y/N asks.
“Of course, you’ve already proven you can handle Deviants. And everyone else would agree with me by asking if you’d like to be a part of the Eternals?”
Y/N was shocked, but also honored that these people he only just met a few days ago wanted him to be a part of them. “I’d love too, Ikaris.”
“Well, in that case. Right this way.” Ikaris led Y/N to his wall symbol as Y/N put his back to just like Ikaris had. The wires began to descend on Y/N as they began to create a suit of armor over his original hero costume. They went down his arms and legs as they created a suit similar to Ikaris’s, except Y/N’s was a light blue with red symbols, boots and fingerless gloves. Y/N looked down at his new suit before looking up at Ikaris with a smirk. “What? No cape?”
“Look again, Duckling.” Ikaris pointed behind Y/N’s back. A yellow cape formed from his shoulders down his back, past his calves. “This is so cool!” Ikaris smiled at his boyfriend’s enthusiasm. “Thor, eat your heart out.”
Y/N and Ikaris walk back into the room as the others discuss their plan of action. They look at Y/N and Ikaris in costume. Ready for action.
“Nice suit, Y/N,” Kingo says. “You did a great job Boss.”
Y/N blushed. “Thank you.”
“So where are we with the Uni-Mind? Any progress?” Ikaris asks.
“No. I can’t seem to make it work,” Phastos says.
“It’s okay, Phastos. I think I have an idea of how to make it work,” Y/N tells him.
“How?” Ajak asks.
“With the sphere inside you,” Y/N points to Ajak’s chest. “The sphere inside you lets you connect with Arishem, right?”
“Yes, that's correct.”
“Well, what if Phastos could take it out of you and reverse engineer it and create a connection between all of you instead?”
“And that could theoretically create the Uni-Mind. Y/N, that's brilliant!” Phastos said.
“But umm, I have to take it out of Ajak to use it.”
Ajak steps forward. “Do it then.”
“Okay.” Phastos’s hands glow as he uses his cosmic powers to try and pull the sphere out of Ajak safely.
“Don't kill her,” Thena says.
“Do it, Phastos,” Ajak says.
Phastos concentrates as he tugs at the sphere inside Ajak and brings it forward. Her neck glows and a golden sphere comes out and levitates itself to Phastos.
“Will it work?” Sersi asks as Phastos breaks the shell covering the energy stone inside. “It has to.” Phastos uses the power from Ajak’s sphere and uses it to make the bracelets for the Uni-Mind. Taking out pieces he doesn't need until it's ready to go. Phastos smiles at his finished invention.
The other Eternals prepare for battle as they get their armored suits on. Even Sprite comes back from her little temper tantrum. They are all wearing the bracelet that Phastos made, connecting them together. Makkari found the point of the Emergence. Tiamut was located in an active volcano in the Indian Ocean.
The Domo flew towards the volcano as the Eternals and Y/N knew their mission. The Domo landed on the ground as Y/N, Ikaris, Sersi, Makkari, and Druig got off. The others stayed behind in the Domo but would come help if needed. Makkari and Y/N used their speed to zoom themselves and the others close enough for the Uni-Mind to work, but not close to the volcano.
“It’s time to put a god to sleep,” Sersi said.
Y/N looked at Druig. “Are you ready for this?”
Druig looks at Y/N. A frown on his face, but something gentle in his eyes. “When I die, you stay away from my funeral.”
“Deal,” Y/N chuckles.
Druig turns the bracelet on his wrist and activates it as it spins and so do Sersi's, Ikaris’s, and Makkari’s. Sersi, Ikaris, and Makkari float in the air as their energy is transferred to Druig and so is everyone else's. The power of all Eternals combined into one. It's an incredible sight. Druig focuses on putting Tiamut to sleep and it works. The active volcano begins to quiet down as the lava recedes back into the volcano. Y/N is so invested in what’s happening with the volcano that he doesn't see the humanity-Deviant charging towards him until he feels it slam a cosmic fist into his body. Y/N flies back and rolls on the ground, wondering what the hell just hit him. The young Avenger looks up and sees it’s the Deviant. The creature’s tendrils shootout and latch onto Druig, absorbing his power. It bites on Druig’s neck, who groans as his energy is being drained and in pain.
“No!” Y/N cries as he runs at the Deviant and two go rolling on the ground as Y/N slams into him. The others begin to awaken from their broken connection as Makkari notices Druig on the ground and rushes to him. Ikaris and Sersi see Y/N fighting the head Deviant as the creature latches its tentacles on Y/N. Wrapping around his arms and legs, making it impossible to move. Y/N struggles to break free. Ikaris flies forward and slams into the Deviant as he flies them up into the air, punches thrown back and forth as the two struggle against each other, as they turn down into a nosedive, heading towards the ground.
“Ikaris!” Y/N calls looking up at them falling towards the ground, near the volcano. He runs after them, keeping his eyes on the sky and follows over to the place that they landed at. Y/N looks down at the crater they made, but there's no sign of Ikaris. Y/N scans the area and sees there's a cave. The sound of fighting, optical blasts, grunting, and screaming can be heard, echoing through the walls of the cave. Then there's silence. Y/N rushes over and just stops at the entrance of the cave. He peers into the dark cave.
“Iceberg! Are you okay?” Y/N calls out as his voice echoes. No answer. Y/N is about to walk inside when something slams into him and pushes him back. Y/N realized its laser vision. Ikaris comes out of the cave, eyes glowing gold as he looks at Y/N and blasts him again. Y/N is pushed back as his body takes in the cosmic energy. Y/N’s eyes flash blue as he creates a shield, blocking the attack. “Iceberg? What are you doing?”
The Deviant comes out of the cave and looks at Y/N with an eerie smile on its face. “That's enough, Ikaris. For now.” Ikaris obeyed like a good dog and stopped his attack on Y/N.
“What did you do to him?” Y/N demands.
The Deviant smiled again. “I've done nothing but show Ikaris, who’s truly in charge here.”
“You’re controlling him?” Y/N asked.
“Yes, I am. The most powerful Eternal at my beckoned call,” the Deviant said, sounding like Pennywise the Dancing Clown. “I wanted to control all their minds, but I only took enough energy to control one Eternal.”
“Why are you doing this?” Y/N said. “The world is about to end and we almost stopped it until you ruined it.”
“I was trapped in ice for centuries as your boyfriend and his fellow Eternals killed my kind. I shall have retribution for their sins. They’ll learn what it’s like to be hunted down like wild animals. You won't stop me, Y/N.”
“Wanna bet?” Y/N asked, a red orb in his hand.
“Now, now, no need for that. Let's have a civilized chat. You may call me Kro.”
“I prefer to call you Pennywise.”
“I like you. You have spirit.” Kro turned to Ikaris. “Ikaris, kill your fellow Eternals, starting with the one who’s power I just absorbed. Don’t stop until they’re all dead.” Ikaris nodded and flew in the direction of Druig and the others.
“I’m not gonna let you hurt anyone else,” Y/N said.
“Oh, it’s not me that humanity should fear,” Kro said. “They should fear you and your sister, Wanda. Harbingers of Chaos.”
“How did you know—”
“—I know many things about you, Y/N. I absorbed your energy as well, remember?” Kro looked at Y/N eyes slightly red. “You are part mind singularity. And something else entirely, but still dangerous.”
“Want me to show you just how dangerous I can be?” Y/N asked.
“You and I are a lot alike, Y/N,” Kro said.
“I am nothing like you,” Y/N protested.
“But you are. Whether you want to admit it or not, you and I take power from those undeserving of it. Just like your friends Ajak, Gilgamesh, and Druig.”
“I don’t kill those I absorb energy from. You see, the difference between you and me is that you kill them on purpose,” Y/N said.
“Survival of the fittest.”
“Yeah, well, this time. I’m the apex predator. You're the prey,” Y/N’s hands glowed.
“We shall see about that.” Kro lifted a hand and a red ball of energy came out of it as he pulled Y/N towards him with telekinesis. The Deviant clasped his tendrils onto Y/N’s body and absorbed the energy inside his body.
“Yes! I want all of it, Y/N!” Kro began to glow with Y/N’s power. The young Maximoff could feel his powers being siphoned away from him. Y/N glanced up and saw the Deviant growing and changing with his powers. If he didn't do something, then Kro would be too powerful to stop. Y/N could feel that spark of his power inside himself. The part of himself he would never use, but needed at this moment. He latched onto it. He looked at Kro. “You want my power? Take it! I don't want it.” He poured out everything he had into this effort as Kro relished in his newly acquired powers. “There's more. I want it all.”
“Be careful what you wish for, Kro. You just might get it,” Y/N said as his eyes flashed red as he held out his hands and used his powers, and pulled back the energy Kro stole from him. Kro groaned as all the energy he had just absorbed was taken from him. Y/N used his telekinesis and freed himself from Kro’s tentacles.
The leader of the Deviants looked at Y/N, shocked. “How did you do that?”
“It's my power, Pennywise. Whether I want it or not, it's mine and I won't let you use it to hurt anyone,” Y/N used the energy he took back and concentrated it into a blast of power as he blasted Kro back and onto the floor. Kro groaned from the blast as he looked up as Y/N walked towards him, looking down. “Don't worry, Kro. I won't kill you. That's reserved for someone else.”
With that said, Y/N speeded off after Ikaris and the others as he arrived just in time to see Ikaris grab Druig from the ground by his neck. “I should’ve done this five centuries ago.” He lifted them both in the air as he let Druig go and blasted him with his optical vision to the ground below them. Makkari let out a wail as Druig hit the ground and groaned from the blasts being buried underneath the ground. Ikaris turned and set his sights on the Domo. He flew towards it.
“Iceberg, no!” Y/N cried out as Ikaris’s lasers tore through the underside of the ship, ripping through it easily. He blasted the top part as well as the ship began to fall down and headed towards the ground of the volcano. Sersi held out her hands defensively at the oncoming ship. Makkari used her speed to move her out of the way as Y/N held out his hands in front of him as the ship slammed into him, as he tried to slow it down. Dirt was flying everywhere as Y/N’s feet dug into the dirt of the ashy ground. Y/N grunted as he pushed back, trying to put the Domo to a stop.
When the ship finally stopped, Y/N sighed with relief as Makkari ran inside the Domo and brought everyone out. One by one. Ikaris floated down to the ground. “Druig’s gone. It’s over.”
“Boss, what are you doing?” Kingo asked.
“Ikaris attacked Druig,” Sersi said.
“Hold on Sersi, it wasn't his fault—”
Y/N was interrupted from explaining as Makkari glared at Ikaris and super sped towards him and began to knock him into some rocks. “Makkari, stop!” Y/N chased after them. Ikaris tried to blast her as she slammed him into a wall, pushing his head against it. Ikaris grabbed her arm and threw her off him. Just as she was about to run at him again, Y/N got in between them. He looked at the speedster Eternal and signed to her what was going on. “Ikaris is being mind-controlled by a Deviant. Take Ajak and Kingo and find Druig. Tell Sersi and Phastos to find another way to stop the Emergence. The Deviant is on the west side of the volcano. Thena and Gilgamesh will be happy about that. Bring Sprite to me.”
Makkari nodded and ran back to the others to explain everything Y/N had just told her. Y/N turned to his boyfriend, who glared at him. His blue eyes that Y/N loved so much looked so cold and unfeeling at the moment. “Iceberg. It’s me. It’s Y/N. You don’t have to do this.”
“I know I don’t have to. I want to,” Ikaris said.
“You don’t want to hurt your family. Or me,” Y/N said.
“You’re wrong about that one, Y/N. I do want to hurt you.” Ikaris rose in the air, eyes glowing as he flew towards Y/N. Y/N charged forward as well. Ikaris came down as Y/N dodged his crashing fist. The ground cracked underneath it. He turned to Y/N and attacked him as the younger man tried to block and dodge his attacks. Y/N avoided most of the attacks, but Ikaris got a good hit and punched him in the face. Y/N staggered back as Ikaris grabbed him by the throat. Y/N groaned as Ikaris’s hand closed around his throat. He slammed his fist down on Ikaris’s arm as he let go of Y/N and the young hero slammed his fist into Ikaris’s chest, pushing him back. Ikaris smirked at Y/N. “That's it, Y/N. Come on.” He grabbed Y/N and slammed him against the rocky wall behind them. “Let go, Y/N. Show me what you can really do.”
Everything inside Y/N was urging him to fight back. To shove Ikaris off him and show him what he could really do, but he wouldn't do it. He wasn't going to lose control or hurt Ikaris.
“Don't hold back. Give me all that you have.”
“No. I won't do it,” Y/N said.
“Do it!”
“No, I won’t. I won’t hurt you, Ikaris.”
“Fine, I'll just make you then,” Ikaris said as he rained punches down on Y/N. Y/N tried to hold back as everything in his body was telling to let go. Give into his power. Defend himself. “Stop.” Y/N pleaded. Ikaris wasn’t listening to him as he kept up his attack. Y/N’s eyes flashed red as his voice boomed. “ENOUGH!” Y/N pushed Ikaris back with a telekinetic blast, sending the Eternal sprawling to ground, hard. When Y/N realized what he did; he was horrified. “Ikaris! I’m sorry I didn’t mean to—”
That's when the Volcano erupted.
Lava flowed from the sides of the volcano as a debris called tephra rained from the skies. The Eternals prepared to defend themselves. Thena cut through a molten rock with her sword. Phastos created some weapons and blasted the rocks. Ajak, Sprite, and Makkari stood behind Kingo and Gilgamesh as they blasted and punched the falling debris. Sersi turned a rock into some birds. Sersi looked at the ground and then at the volcano. She had to do something. She had to try and stop this. “We do as Y/N said.” She begins walking towards the volcano.
“Phastos. I have to try and stop this. I need to get closer to Tiamut,” she said. Phastos put a hand on her shoulder. “Let's go. I've got you.” They ran towards the volcano.
Gilgamesh looked at Thena. “Y/N said the Deviant is in a cave on the west side of the volcano. What do you say, Thena?”
Thena smiled as she formed a spear and shield. “Let's go hunting then.”
Ajak looked at Makkari as she signed to her. “Take Sprite to Y/N and come back and we'll find Druig. Together.” Makkari nodded as she grabbed a hold of Sprite and super sped her to Y/N and Ikaris, then came back to get Ajak and Kingo and ran them in the direction Druig crashed in.
Ikaris blasted the incoming rocks with his lasers as Y/N punched them or moved them out of the way. Y/N looked at Ikaris. “You have to stop, Iceberg. If you don't, then everyone on this planet will die.”
“If this world ends so a Celestial can rise, then I support Arishem’s design,” Ikaris said.
“This isn't you talking. It's the Deviant.”
“Y/N!” the Avenger turned to see Sprite standing there. Ikaris looked at Sprite as well and smiled. It was a manic one. “Sprite, so glad you could join the party. I wanted to kill Phastos next, but you'll do.” Ikaris fires his optical beams at her as Y/N ran in front of her and put up a shield. Both opposing forces pushed back and forth.
“How do we break the Deviant’s hold on Ikaris?” Sprite asked.
“If Gilgamesh and Thena can kill it first, then Ikaris will be free, but if they can't in time, we have to find another way until they do,” Y/N said. “I have an idea, Sprite. It's a crazy one, but it just might work.”
“What is it?”
Ikaris stopped his attack as Y/N ran up to him and turned back to Sprite as a wave of dirt blinded Ikaris for a moment. Y/N told Sprite about his plan as she looked at him shocked.
Ikaris glared at them when the dirt had cleared. “I'm going to enjoy killing you both.”
Y/N ran towards Ikaris, fist raised as he threw a punch. A punch Y/N knew he would catch. Ikaris caught Y/N’s fist with his palm. He pushed his palm down on Y/N’s fist, cracking his knuckles as he did. Ikaris turned Y/N around and put him in a headlock.
Thena and Gilgamesh walked into the cave Y/N said, near the ocean. It was really quiet inside. The only sounds they could hear were their breathing and the sound of their feet walking on the ground and the sound of the wind. Thena had her weapons raised, ready to fight. Gilgamesh looked at her and smiled. “Remember when we journeyed with Jason and the Argonauts?”
“I remember it well. The Deviants that looked like harpies and one was a giant Kraken.”
“Good times,” Gilgamesh chuckles. He looked at Thena. “Stay here. Say it.”
“Not this time, old friend,” Thena said.
That’s when they heard an eerie voice whisper. “Thena.” The warrior Eternal looked around, trying to find the source of the voice. “Oh, you’ve changed. You’re broken. Damaged. Useless. You can’t protect any of them.”
“Come out and show yourself, you bastard!” Gilgamesh said.
“Oh, Gilgamesh. You’re still alive? Looks like when I kill again, this time I’ll make sure it sticks, Kro said.
Thena sensed the Deviant as she formed a shield, just as Kro tried to punch Gilgamesh with his own cosmic fist. She let out a yell as she swiped at the Deviant with her sword as Gilgamesh attacked with his fists.
“Iceberg, I know you’re in there,” Y/N said as Ikaris’s arm drew tighter around his neck. The other one held his head in place. He finally understood the vision he had earlier today. It wasn’t about finding out how to activate the Uni-Mind. It was to warn Y/N about Ikaris. His vision had shown Ikaris from another universe betraying his friends. And his Ikaris from this universe, like it not, had done the same thing. The only difference was that Ikaris wasn’t doing this of his own free will. This was all Kro’s fault.
Almost like Ikaris was reading his mind; the Eternal leaned down and whispered harshly in Y/N’s ear. “When are you going to realize that this is all me, Y/N? You saw that vision of my counterpart. I’m just like him.”
“You’re nothing like him, Iceberg—”
“—Stop calling me that stupid nickname!” Ikaris roared. “I’ve always hated that nickname. And truth be told, Y/N. I hate you too.”
“You’re lying,” Y/N gasped out as a few tears slid down his face. Ikaris smirked as he could hear Y/N’s soft sobs and his body shook beneath him. “Am I? My life was perfect until you came and messed it all up, but now it doesn’t matter because I’m finally going to be rid of you. Once and for all.”
“Do what you want to me, but please don’t hurt the others, Ikaris. If you wanna hurt somebody, hurt me,” Y/N said.
“Oh, don’t worry, Y/N. I’m gonna kill them nice and slow. Too bad you won’t be around to see it,” Ikaris said.
“No matter what happens, Ikaris. Know that I’ll always love you. No matter what.”
“I’ll tell you a secret, Ducking,” Ikaris mocked the nickname he gave Y/N. “I never loved you. You were just a means to an end. I had an itch, and you scratched it,” Ikaris harshly said to the young Avenger. “I can't believe I wanted to ask you to marry me. It was always and always will be, Sersi.” With that said Ikaris’s eyes flashed gold as he used all his strength and snapped Y/N’s neck. A harsh boom echoed on the volcano as Y/N’s body fell to the ashy ground with a thud.
For a moment, all was quiet as Ikaris was breathing harshly. His eyes were still gold until they returned to their crystal blues. He looked down at Y/N’s unmoving body. It was done. Y/N Maximoff was dead, and Ikaris didn’t care one bit.
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stardancerluv · 2 years
Can the Past Save the Future?
Part Two
Summary: Arthur is smitten. But his past comes for a visit.
Warning/Notes: Drinking, memories of experiencing homophobia
I am giving the…(male reader had a last name, a twin sister who has a first name)
Note.…/ watched Dickensian a second time.../have to write a little Arthur. He deserved better.he deserved a chance. Flashback in italics.
This will be my first time seriously tackling X m!reader, please be nice. (I gave the male reader & his twin a last name.) Like it? Let me know! Feedback is welcome along with ❤️s and so is sharing! Thank you for reading!
“What if I have?” He countered.
The smile broadened and the twist remained. Delight filled him as brown eyes looked up at him.
“You have shown impeccable taste. I would welcome you to my table.”
Something, stirred in him. How he wished at that moment, his twin wasn’t a few tables down. Why couldn’t he have encountered this dapper young man elsewhere.
He rocked on his heels as he stood there. “I actually came for a sniff of that magnificent brandy. I..I…”
He watched as the young man bit his bottom lip as they spoke, it distracted him horribly.
“I was about to start dinner and needed such a fine brandy to appease my hunger for something of quality.” He looked the young man over, before meeting his eyes with his own smile.
“Shame. Perhaps we can catch each other another time.”
You nodded, and turning taking a step away. Damn, the bartender had been right, he mused. To be honest, seeing his blatant disregard of others, he should not have expected any less. He wondered distantly why this air of arrogance around the young man, made him incredibly appealing.
“Oh, don’t leave my sight that fast.” The young man called after him.
Stopping, you looked back at the younger man over your shoulder. “What else could be there between us?” You rose your eyebrows.
“I will allow you to have a taste.” He motioned, the barmaid, she soon came around.
Turning, you returned. “Thank you.” You stopped in front of him again.
He nodded.
Once again you enjoyed how that candle light flickered across him.
“Bring a better glass for, for..” He reached out with a hand towards you, gesturing.
“Y/N Thomson.”
You watched as he froze then saw a different smile appear on his face. “For Y/N Thomson.”
The barmaid with a swish turned and went back to the bar.
“Thomson?” He repeated. He murmured something you couldn’t make out.
You resisted a smile, it would be misplaced. But hearing your name play on his lips caused something inside of you. The barmaid was quick. You handed her the much smaller glass as she gave you the bigger one.
“Here we go.” You placed the glass in front of him.
You swallowed, watching as his slender fingers grasped the bottle and your glass. He then poured the twinkling amber liquid. Once he placed both the table you reached for your glass.
He was quicker and he swiped it just from your fingers. You met his eyes, honestly confused. The smile with a twist was back on his face. “Now go enjoy the taste of real quality.” He held up your glass by his fingertips.
“Thank you again.” You replied and couldn’t resist ghosting his fingers with your own. You instantly noticed just how soft they were. Did he swallow, you distantly wondered. Standing back, you gave him a quick nod before you turned and this time headed back to your twin.
Thomson. The name echoed in his fuzzy mind. It was terribly familiar. But why. If you had not been so terribly attractive perhaps, he would know why your family’s name felt like a mere memory away.
You had caused quite stirring in him. It was not only because you cut a rather dashing figure in your dark suit. From what he could see of the vest and shirt that peaked from your overcoat, it appeared that your good taste also continued into your clothing.
Your eyes were bright, there was a playfulness in them that made him want to look up at them again and soon. Just after this brief exchange and he craved more. It awoken something in him that he had thought buried long ago. How was it that you did this to him so fast.
Your hair swirled around your face like the ink in an inkwell, how he’d love to run his fingers through those strands. Would your hair be soft, he idly mused pouring himself the rest of the brandy.
He had truly enjoyed your quick whit and how well spoken you were; if only you could have stayed. As he finished pouring, he hazarded a glance in the direction in which you walked away. That’s when he saw it. A feminine bonnet bobbed beside you. Gloved fingers were ruffling your strands. His swallowed as his jaw tightened.
“You are disgusting. You are damned.”
The cruel voice visited again. He squeezed his eyes shut at the memory. The dark laughter came then.
“Whatever made you think I was twisted like you. No one could like you, much less love you.”
A solitary tear escaped, he immediately wiped it away with a sleeve.
“Pupper, what had kept you?” Once free of your overcoat, your twin tugged on your sleeve.
“The bartender gave me a challenge. I had to see it through.”
She raised an eyebrow. “And what was that?” Glancing around, she leaned in before whispering. “There is a mix of people in here. You should be more careful. You only just got back to me.”
You gave her a gentle smile. “I can take care of myself. Also don’t you worry from what I saw, the person in question I could have handled.”
Your smile broadened as you imagined running your fingers through those unruly curls. You couldn’t help but wondered how that young man would have reacted to more of your touch.
Your twin’s eyes narrowed. “Pupper?” She glanced past you and then back. “I don’t see anyone.”
You shrugged. Glancing past your twin, you couldn’t spot him. He must have sat back, that’s why you couldn’t see him.
“My dear twin who is down there?”
“Someone, who has incredibly good taste in brandy and looks like they could be a good fencing partner.”
“Do you have their name?”
You finally took a sip of the brandy. A cough erupted from deep within, that you couldn’t hold down. Your mind’s eyes reminded you of mere moments ago, how the young man sat up and gave him that magnificent smile with a twist to it. The brown curls which framed his face was only matched by those big brown eyes.
“Take a breath pupper, take a breath.” Your twin, gently ruffled your hair.
With your heart racing you took several breaths. “Oh, that is good.” You couldn’t stop yourself from making a sound of deep contentment. A smirk played on your lips.
“Yes, has a nice kick to it.” A warmth uncurled in the depths of his stomach.
She beamed. “Glad to hear it.”
Grabbing one of the buttered slices, with a sigh on your lips, you bit into it. “Oh this, this is really good.”
She smiled “Only the best for my twin’s return.” She leaned in close. “Now, you were about to tell me their name.”
He wasn’t about to have you hurl horrible, ugly words at him. He could go back to his bed with the memories of how handsome you were. He recalled the memory of your fingertips brushing against his. A mere glance as he walked by could do no harm.
Standing, he wavered in the fuzzy warmth of the brandy had enveloped him. It had certainly staked its claim tonight. He tugged and straightened his vest. Carefully, he buttoned up his coat before slipping on his overcoat. Trembling because of how much he had consumed, he reached and retrieved his hat.
He took a few deep breaths to steady himself before he’d walk by your table. Standing a little straighter, he passed the table that was crowded, people at it were elbow to elbow. They paid him no mind as they hung over their cards like hawks searching for a mice.
His breath caught in his throat as he finally caught sight of your profile, the line of your jaw and how a smile played on your lips. He couldn’t stop himself from imagining what it would like to bite them.
“Arthur, Arthur is that you?”
Surprise over took him as he fully looked over upon hearing a voice that reminded him of days gone past.
“Emily, is that you?”
He was transported back to days when he ran around a shadow filled forest where there would be smatterings of wild flowers here and there. They would watch does with their fawns from a safe distance. Or lay down sun warmed mossy rocks. As his heart swelled at the memory, a smile spread across his face.
You still looked like the girl he would play with. As you drew closer, he could see how like himself you grew up. The innocence of childhood didn’t last forever. “Arthur it is you! It has been an age!” She came over to him and smiled up at him.
“It’s me.” He looked you up and down. Your bright eyes and big smile, reminded him of how the two of you would conspire during those summer days in the country. “This is truly a delight. You haven’t changed a bit.”
Pink filled your cheeks, “Oh I am terribly old Arthur.”
He shook his head. “Stop, we are still young.”
“My dear poppet, will you introduce me to your friend.”
A pang went through him as he heard your voice once again. Turning, he couldn’t resist to fully look you up and down.
She clasped her hands together. “Oh yes! How terribly rude of me.” She came over to where the two of you stood. “Arthur, how do I tell you this?” He looked at his dear friend from childhood, his throat felt as it tightened. He prepared himself for another engagement announcement.
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