#arthur marx
citizenscreen · 1 year
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Groucho Marx with his son Arthur on set of DUCK SOUP in 1932.
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shadowcaststudio · 2 years
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Just a bunch of nerds starting shenanigans again. https://legendcatcher.com
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itsquakey · 8 days
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Scrapped dark matter possessed Cog since I liked the idea of dream matter possession instead.
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Marx (Singuf) The Pied Piper of Hamelin
Marx is the Pied Piper of Hamelin but he didn't pipe away rats.. he pied Dark Matters away. (Hunold Singuf was the name of the Pied Piper... in one of the iterations, so I used it for Marx)
Marx despises his former happy-go-lucky self; this is also why he initially hates Kirby (because he reminds him of his former self...) and can't help but taunt Kirby on his overly trusting & good nature (because he used to be like that..)
Especially when Marx realizes how much he and Kirby can relate to each other... a fact that makes Marx second guess himself every step of the way for his plan...and when he realizes Kirby's basically another him... It really shakes him to his core
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His main reason for revenge was due to the loneliness he was feeling and thought he couldn't belong anywhere else than Nightmare's fortress with all the other monsters. (Cause Kirby defeated Nightmare & the Cappies blew up the place. )
Basically he wanted Kirby to feel the same level of betrayl he felt with the people of Hamelin... only to find out that him and the cappies aren't as close anymore wha...
PLAN B: So instead he just exposed the growing cracks of his friendship with Tiff & Tuff (Fumu & Bun). Please read Marx's role in the story (here), this contains all the explanation of this and the background info on Marx.
Keep Reading for~
The story of Marx & Hamelin:
So, after the explosion of Nightmare's base, he is one of the very few monsters that survived. (Being blasted onto some remote planet... you guessed it, Hamelin). And wouldn't ya know it he fell right on his head so amnesia!
Marx doesn't remember his purpose (he was a monster that created Nightmare and was supposed to be the perfect friend for Kirby and made to trick him... yada yada yada... I explain it more in the previous post)
Basically, it's a dark mirror reflection of Cappy Town... Marx drops in on the town of Hamelin and the towns infested with Dark Matters. They welcome Marx inform him of the problem and give him all the hospitality they can offer (during this time of crisis)~
Originally, the town was filled with music, but since the Dark Matters came in (no music), the first thing they did was swipe the town's instruments... and now they seem to be going after the people! Half of the town belonged to the Dark Matters.
I wonder why?
The townsfolk so graciously ask for Marx's help (but in reality, they are looking for fresh meat to sacrifice while the other townsfolk have to save the hostages before they get possessed.)
Marx, not knowing what these terrible people had planned for him (throwing him head first into the den of wolves). But to him, he was repaying the nice people who sheltered him so he happily agreed... all he had to do was distract them.
So they went out to save the hostage with Marx running in the middle of town as a distract. Naturally, he was incredibly slippery and managed to stumble to the main stronghold.
Marx, having his natural curiosity figured, "Whatever they were guarding in there must be super valuable..." and scurried his way in. Imagine his disappointment when he found "just a bunch of crummy old instruments- WOAH wait, what that~"
The golden flute (the shiniest one), seemed to naturally catch his attention and before he knew it, it flew into his hands. He didn't know what drove him but naturally he started to play.
And just like that, all the Dark Matters were hypnotized by the flute's spell... Marx understood the power he had. And had the good sense to pipe them away from the town.
The people were all shocked and amazed (especially since they didn't think the little guy would survive the night!) But at long last, the Dark Matter infestation was solved, and quickly dubbed Marx as their savior and protector.
This was all just so new and exciting to Marx, and seeing all the happy faces of the townsfolk made. He feels like he truly belongs... and he couldn't help but say yes to all of it.
Marx mastered his craft, learned several (if not all) instruments, and would happily perform on the streets. Naturally expanding with classic juggling, magic tricks, etc. (Also, it was part of what he was made for by Nightmare~) Just a bring out a smile or two~
Not for pay, he just enjoyed making the people happy... and whenever there was a dark matter he'd gladly take care of it. Even happily helping the other neighboring towns and villages with their infestation problem.
But slowly, as time passed, the people started to take their hero for granted. They'd complain about how loud his playing was, why couldn't he get rid of the dark matter faster, couldn't have avoided the property damage...
And this ungrateful attitude seemed to increase as the town slowly seemed to become richer... buildings were being renovated... property expanding... that's weird...
The townspeople were nice to him still... but this love was all superficial only really loved him when they needed him or after the threat was gone~ He still felt like he was an outsider...Not really offer the genuine love and understanding he needed as an individual/as an actual person...
And it seems they needed the happy-go-lucky fun time Jester Marx... so he just played along...
Sound familiar to anyone~
This all came to a head when he saw the mayor carrying a suspiciously large sack of gold into town hall... Marx couldn't help but be curious... he managed to tail him inside, hiding under the main table to listen in.
The three others entered the room... Four more people made their way towards it to take their seats.
Mayor: Take a look at this haul *pouring the sack* Perhaps we should loan out the little urchin to some more of our neighbors to get rid of their pests.
Councilman: We're so lucky one of N.M.E's monsters fell right at our doorstep... I was surprised by how incredibly expensive a small one would be, I'm sure we could-"
Councilwoman: No we can't so that, you know owning a monster from N.M.E's monster is illegal now... ever since Nightmare's defeated the G.S.A is regaining control the new leade of the-
Mayor: We don't need to worry about him yet, all we need to do is keep him keep a low profile... is all.
Councilman: Fine... after all, we can't risk losing our dear Marx... annoying little brat... but he makes great money for just merely piping a toon, do you when such a thing understand the vaule of money
Mayor: Probably not, and besides, why was he our monster? We were not different from the many others, whoever ordered... this one just managed to drop in our laps, and we should be allowed to use him as
Assistant: We might want to rethink those plans. I just received this *reveal a letter with a G.S.A. logo,* I think they're on to us.
Councilwoman: So before you two idiots rudely ignored me... I've heard of those letters. I'm pretty sure a Star Warriors is coming in a sweep with town for any monster ownership... Sir Arthur will not allow any of this.
Councilman: We have to find Marx immediately... we can't have him getting us all in trouble...
Councilwoman: Frankly I'm surprised he survived this long given he was supposed to be bait... we just got this place back on it's feet we need to think of something quick!
Mayor: Perhaps this can all be solved by our little friend again.
Assistant: Ugh, we need to hurry they could be here-*door slam*
Everyone left sprinting out of the room~ All except one...
Marx was still frozen in horror at what he had heard... He leaves through the back door unseen. His mind was reeling at... "Surely this is a misunderstanding..." Despite only being afraid to find out the truth... Marx boldly ran up to the mayor in the middle of the town square...
Marx: Hey, we need to talk I heard you and-
Only to have someone grab him from behind.
Mayor: There it is.Thank you Sir Dragato so much for taking of this little monster~
Marx: Wha-
Councilwoman: He's been such an inconvenience having him run amok in our town... thank heavens it's over...
Councilman: Yes we do appericate your service nothing to see-
Marx: WAIT, WAIT WAIT- NO you can't this is my home too I've lived here, I'm good please I'd never hurt anyone I', the town protector I-
Lady: I've never seen that monster live here with us
Old man: He probably means the forest-
He watched one by one as each townsfolk helped weave this whole fabricated lie. Not one of them stood up for him or claimed him... Marx's heart sank even deeper with each one.
Councilman: Just one of Nigthmate playing his tricks again if you would be so kind as to get rid of-
Marx: Are all of you-* looks towards Dragato* Please ya gotta believe me they're lying please don't kill me I'm good-
Sir Dragato: *gives Marx an indifferent look and holds the sword near his neck* Pipe down-
Marx was seething with anger at this point and.... wait a moment piped down that's it! (Dragato of all the things you just had to say "pipe down")
Sir Dragato: Everyone! Please *extremely annoyed* it's just a small runt of a demon; there's nothing special about it I can just take him out with- *plays right into his ear* aaarghhaaaa! *Releases Marx*!
The townsfolk watched in horror as the sweet smile Marx bore turned into something sinister. He was overcome with shock & grief; the people who had been protecting them had merely seen him as a tool. Not only that they profited from his hard work! And now they're just going to throw him under the bus like this and... The negative nature he felt inside started to build.
He leaped into the sky raising his flute for one final show. And for the first time, his demoniac instincts kicked him... Then, grandly, the announced:
Soon, the town was overtaken by all the Dark Matter quickly overwhelming the town. And started to destroy it ...The people and Dragato watched in horror as the town was ripped to sherds.
Marx took his prized flute (the one he had held on so preciously as a memento on his first day in Hamelin as a luck charm...) and threw it away. And vowed to never play another tune ever again
Dragato is automatically put off by the power of Marx but still believes he could take Marx "You've terrorized this town long enough-"
Marx: Terrorize me.... terrorize me, Terrorize me *Marx's Soul form comes out for the first time, tears in his eyes* I DON'T THINK YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!
And pretty much beats Dragato to a pulp... "You will not succeed you will never take this town-ugh!" *Marx stuffs with a literal sock*
Marx: I don't want this crummy town you dingus *looks over to the townsfolk* I've had enough of it. *Snatches Dragato's bag* And here I thought you Star Warriors were supposed to be something special.
Looking through stuff see a Nightmare Enterprises logo... *triggers a memory* Maybe my answers lie there... *Smirks at the tied-up Dragato* you gave me a useful hit! SO LONG YOU RATHOLE TOWN HAVE FUN CLEANING UP YOUR OWN MESS!
This leads up to Marx's finding out his past and planning his grand revenge on the cappies and Kirby!
Shortly after (much to everyone's surprise, including Dragato's) Sir Arthur arrives... and the first thing he does is pick up the discarded flute of Marx... which was the real reason Sir Arthur sent the letter.
(Not for Marx as everyone had assumed ~)
Soon the mayor goes on to explain (his fabricated story) that Marx was the one who had brought in the Dark Matters... with his cursed flute...and Sir Dragato confirms their story... only for Sir Arthur to look at him disappointed.
Sir Arthur: I already know you're all lying through your teeth... you better tell the truth this time.
Mayor: But we already-
Sir Arthur: No, you didn't! You better tell the truth before I add to the list of charges you've already committed! *Brings out the scary dragon aura* TALK NOW!
Assistant : You're right we're lying~
Dragato: Wait wha-!
So townsfolk are forced to tell the truth, leaving Dragato frozen in disbelief... (Marx telling the truth). After the whole story was debunked Sir Arthur arrested the council members, leaving only Dragato and himself.
Sir Dragato: How did you know they were-
Sir Arthur: This flute is a sacred relic created by the Ancients... when they said it was cursed I knew they were lying and *he looked at Excalibur* these sacred items are all connected... And I knew its owner was in trouble...they were begging for anyone to believe them... but you.
*The golden flute quivered in anger and emulated a sad aura as if it were seeking justice for its owner*
Sir Arthur: You are demoted. You are responsible for cleaning up this fine mess you've made with the people of Hamelin *stares at the townsfolk's guilty faces* And as for the rest I will be confiscating this ill-gotten loot you made from Marx's hard work & whatever is not there you'll have to work to earn it!
Sir Dragato: It was their fault I was lied to... and that- he's one of-
Sir Arthur: We need to take accountability for our actions, and mistakes... *thinking back to Uther's regime* I'm trying to move the GSA in a different direction... one of tolerance away from the age of fear and paranoia I can not push things like this under the rug...
*looks at Dragato*
The situation was made worse due to your negligence... *flute starts angrily trembling* You were going to kill that boy from the looks of it, you don't even feel guilty for what you did...
I cannot trust you with any solo missions so from now on you'll be partnered up with Sir Falspar until deemed trustworthy and-
Sir Dragato: That "boy" as you call him is may I remind you... IS ONE OF NIGHTMARE'S MONSTERS! You can't do this-
Sir Arthur: I CAN AND I WILL! This happened because you ignored that boy's plea for help... You punished the innocent and nearly rewarded the guilty. Be grateful I do not permanently dismiss you...
We need to set an example... report back to me once you're done...
Dragato: *thinking to himself* (grr... you always did have a fondness for strays...*referring to Meta Knight*)
Everyone has always said that Marx was supposed to Mirror Kirby in a way so... I made him the perfect Mirror to Kirby. The similarities in their stories are the main reason why Kirby is so sympathetic to Marx and the main reason Marx hates... (and not completely hate Kirby)
All the game characters I try to have them woven into the anime cast... With Fluff I made him have a connection to Falspar by using the Fisher King (King Fisher).
With Marx's storyline matching up with Dragato's... I know it seems like I wrote him rather villainous. But bear with me he has good reasons (aka Mommy issues with Dame Morgan).
Meta Knight, Dragato & Falspar are supposed to be reflections of Arthur, Morgan & Nonsura. (which I will expand on later~)
So Dragato is extremely jealous of MK (similair to Morgan with Arthur but for different reasons...)
I'll explain more on a later day. Right now, I have to stop myself before I write a whole novel.
And for those of you who are wondering what on earth inspired me to connect to mix the Pied Piper & Marx. WELL~
Perception check By Rom Cardy
(Sorry guys, I just wanted to end this on a light-hearted note~)
I think I'll try to post lore stuff like this once a week while the tournament is going on. I hope you guys enjoyed it & have a great day everybody.
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rubybloodhound · 21 days
[Pat one]
Lady Adeliza: Alright, what do you guys want? Galaxia: Mcdonalds. Meta Knight: Mcdonalds Morpho Knight: Mcdonalds! Papi: Mcdonalds! Dark Meta Knight: MCDONALDS! Galacta Knight: MCDONALDS! All (Expect Adeliza): MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS! Lady Adeliza, sweating: Ok- The knights (And Papi): YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
Animeta Knight: Who the hell is giving me pretty roc- IS THAT A FISH!?
Bandee: It's so sad Parasol died today.. Parasol Dee: STOP TELLING EVERYONE I'M DEAD! Bandee: Sometimes, I can still hear their voice...
Some GSA private: Question: why does the garbage disposal smell like rotting flesh? Sir Arthur: Counter question: Why are you looking through the garbage disposal? It handles itself pretty well
Magolor: Kirby! There's a pipebomb in your mailbox! Kirby: But I don't have a mailbox? Magolor: what Kirby, pulling out a banana with a pipebomb, a miniature version of Meta Knight, and Marx strapped to it: All I have is this banana...
Marx: First words? *Tire screeching sfx* Marx: Second words? *Car crashing sfx* Marx: Third words? *Heheheha clash royale sfx*
Marx: By the way, I'm dead Magolor: Your name is Dead?
Kirby: Is the sun edible?
Sword: Hey, Sir? What's with this? ("This" being a dead fish at Sword's door) Meta Knight: Ah. Uhm. Uh. Uhhh.
Doctor Healmore: Finally. The gay potion
Adeleine: Why did I draw that? I'm an artist
Galacta Knight is just standing there Galaxia: Kiss him. Meta Knight: What? Galaxia: Kiss. Him. Meta Knight: Why- Galaxia: I know you would love to. Meta Knight: I would not Galaxia: I will control your body so you know how good kissing him feels Meta Knight: ....I'm not ga- Galaxia: YOUR BI
Sir Arthur: Sending hints to the universe so it sends hints to me on how to escape this time loop
Meta Knight: Finally.. My identity crisis is done... Alright that was fun, but now it's time for part 2, pronouns edition! Meta Knight: wait wut
Just after GK gets unsealed Meta Knight, internally: They didn't say the greatest warrior in the galaxy would be so hot..
Morpho Knight: Wait, what do you mean there's no it/it's in halcandran?
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yorgunherakles · 5 months
modern insanlık tarihi ne kadar ilerlemiş olursa olsun, o hala felsefenin özel alanı ve ayrıcalığı olan "değer" sorunuyla ilgilenmiyordu.
frederick beiser - hegel'den sonra
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gethoce · 2 years
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They're married now.
Bonus under the cut.
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thatsbelievable · 2 years
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idothingsandstuffs · 11 months
I've talk about the Kirby right back at ya reboot I've made in my head, that was inconsistent af.
Here are some more things that I've created in my head that happened in it.
(And if a reboot or a new anime happens and some of this happens, that is not a coincidence I have future vision that is just pretty inconsistent\jk)
•It is called "Kirby right back at ya:deluxe"
•Everyone is a like 5-7 years older compare to the original.
•All the waddle dees were raised by dedede and escargoon therefore bandee start off as a jerk but gets character development.
•One of the waddle dees fakes their own death to join meta's crew as sailor dee.
•Meta knight is a wanted criminal.
•Kirby was raised by sir Arthur before he was send to popstar.
•Kirby is also fullent in Spanish but doesn't have an accent.
•Kirby can talk but still says poyo as a tick.
•Adeline is Ado's younger sister.
•Adeline and Ado live in the castle because Dedede declared both of them royal painters because he doesn't wanna admit he adopted two children.
•Giving children a job in the castle is Dedede's way of adoption.
•That one "how can I help you king Dedede" part from the intro would be change every episode to fit what is going to happen in the episode.
•Marx was also raised by sir Arthur with Kirby and Kirby saw him as a big brother, and milky way wishes messed Kirby up.
•Marx and meta knight are demon beasts.
•The reason sir Arthur raised Marx and Kirby was to keep a close eye on them.
•The reason why Arthur wanted to keep a close eye on them is because the last demon beast that they trusted became a war criminal and Kirby has has the potential to become full on void or zero if they felt a lot of negative feelings.
•Oh and also Kirby is the positive reancarnetion of void.
•If Ado tries draws a copy of someone the copy becomes how that person should be like, while when Adeline Tris to do it, it becomes how she sees this person.
•Adeline tries to turn a blind eye to dedede's bad action while Ado tries to justify them until a point where they can't keep doing it because he started to use them in his plans.
•It is a musical.
•King dedede would have a whole song about how great he is.
•Gooey feels weird around Kirby because he senses an energy that is so unfamiliar and familiar at the same time.
•Gooey is tramutized from zero.
•A song that dark matter sing that happens in dedede's head when he possessed him. In the song he shape shift into everyone who dedede cared about and hurt and sings about how much he sucks, and the worst part is king dedede can't deny any of them because he knows all of them is true.
•A scene where king dedede losses everyone who respected him (waddle dees, Ado and Adeline stopped flowing his orders and escargoon left) and he realizes there is no one to blame but himself.
•Romk arc takes place after the dm arc and is the first time Kirby meets meta knight
•Sailor dee drowns and dies. This event traumitizes meta knight.
•A scene where king Dedede has a mental breakdown because he can't understand why Kirby is so kind to him and doesn't hate his guts like everyone else in the kingdom because he should hate him the most and even begs Kirby to just hate him. Kirby refuses and gives him a hug.
•Meta knight, after trying to take king dedede's throne, goes to king dedede's castle (dedede doesn't know yet) the only people who know what meta tried to do is his crew, Kirby, knuckle Joe (he was helping Kirby) and that girl with a gun that I can't remember the name of.
•Meta and Dedede were friends before dedede became king and he didn't know he was dethrone an old friend.
•The kids were going to tell dedede but when Kirby realized how happy he was to found an old friend. That leaved Kirby in a deilema state where he could tell dedede the truth and ruin his happiness and confirm his belief that everyone hates him in kings eyes or let them play pretend until somebody losses their head.
•When dedede founds out about what meta tried to did he takes him to the forest and fights him. They still hang out after it but they are pretty cold to eachother.
•Susie sounds like a vocaloid.
•Susie talks in a different language but has an auto translator that most of the time doesn't work probably
•A detective arc about what happened to the former ruler of dreamland and if dedede killed them or not.
•Don't worry everyone gets along in the end.
(I can add more by rebloging)
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Philosophers and Time Travel
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wordfromoursponsor · 7 months
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"BBDO Network TV Clients' Booth" (1957 house ad)
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ehj3 · 10 months
“Enframing means the gathering together of that setting-upon which sets upon man, i.e., challenges him forth, to reveal the real, in the mode of ordering, as standing-reserve. Enframing means that way of revealing which holds sway in the essence of modern technology and which is itself nothing technological.” —Philosopher Martin Heidegger Got that? Probably not, read it again. The notoriously…
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shadowcaststudio · 2 years
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Thought to do a screencap of Marx just trying to get through the day. Aren't we all buddy LOL!
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junefiress · 2 years
rip dutch van der linde you would’ve loved karl marx
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Why doesn't Marx want Kirby to forgive him, is it just the guilt thing?
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Long story short, this is a combination of "the fear of getting hurt/rejected" & "shame and guilt," which results in self-sabotaging, but the main reason is...
So, like Kirby with Cappytown... Marx was Hamelin's hero, but they betrayed him and thus turned to the dark side.
This all ties into his initial hatred for Kirby... he's very much angry at his former self for being so foolishly naive, and Kirby's good nature is too reminiscent of his former self.
That also makes it the main reason he could never truly hate Kirby... a younger self that he can't help but connect with. Leading to his "fake friend act" to accidentally grow to care for him and actually want him as a friend.
However, Marx knows he deceives Kirby the same way the people of Hamelin did to him... "pretending they cared for him." Using the very same methods, the townsfolk did to him... ("became what he hated")
This is why Marx doesn't have the heart to forgive himself... even though Kirby was always ready to forgive him and welcome him back with open arms. Because he knows he can never forgive the people of Hamelin... Why should Kirby? And, of course, he does!
The restoration of a friendship between Marx & Kirby happens~, But unlike the people of Hamelin, Kirby has this unconditional love for Marx and wants more than anything to have him back in his life.
I'd say these events happened after Planet Robboot... Marx finally makes his return and "saves Kirby?!" (I'm not gonna reveal from what because of spoilers)
With my interpretation of Marx, I wanted to take him into a sympathetic route (to make him stand out from the others). He still has the sass and mischievous charm, but I wanted to give him a proper reason why he is the way he is. It's a more heartfelt version of Marx that Kirby would want to be friends with and him in turn.
Marx represents "self-worth"; if people don't appreciate or treat you the way you deserve, then they don't deserve you. (Minus the piping all the Dark Matter back into the town as revenge...) KNOW YOUR WORTH AS A PERSON PEOPLE!
And he stands as one of the main reasons why Kirby ultimately chooses to become a star warrior. Moved out of the Popstar to travel and pursue his aspirations & dreams.
Please keep reading for spoilers & quick bonus comic~
So Arthur pretty much reveals Marx's backstory to the rest of the Kirby gang... and needless to say, they're speechless!
He still doesn't want to be forgiven, so he stays with Magolor (which I cover here with Magolor's lore), but yeah, of course, Marx opened up to Mags about Hamelin. And that's why Mags is there, while Kirby & Marx are back in his place telling his story to Kirby. (Kirby saw it because of "empathic touch" but didn't know the exact details of it..)
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And Dragato, yeah, he was already on his redemption arc (Falspar's already went through his with Fluff, so he's there for moral support, plus it's the reason why Arthur partnered up together).... he already knew he messed up. But now, hearing the full story that he was, not only did he fall for the people of Hamelin's lies, but... MARX WAS THEIR HERO. (I know kinda of shoehorned the crew for the sake of missing the gang, I just missed them I had to...)
There's actually a small bit of tragedy... while the adults sold Marx out, the children who really loved him would've vouched for him... it'll tie back into his character later.
And I know it seems like I'm painting Dragato in such a bad light, but it's part of his character development. And for those of you who don't know... HIS MENTOR WAS DAME MORGAN (LE FAYE)! So yeah, high standards, little affection, never impressed~
Which is why I still need to establish her a bit more! More Morgan coming up soon
I'm trying to get to the old asks I wasn't able to answer before (since I was still developing the lore...) And I just need a little break from the tournament plus, I've been working on some Kirfluff stuff for Oct.: Kirfluff week!
Also, little funny side notes and gags' "Hero to Zero... Hercules" reference and Mag's little side comment. Based on the meme, "you ruined a perfectly good child..."
So, hope you guys enjoyed it!
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karmaalwayswins · 1 year
Jonas Ceika - CCK Philosophy "A Class Analysis of Joker and The Dark Knight" (2023)
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