#articles (made by people professional in their field and probably with their own degrees too) are saying what you think MIGHT be very wrong
rosenecklaces · 14 days
I think gwynriels victim complex phenomenon needs to be studied like it's probably where the projecting into Azriel white-savior and fuckboy made-up personas came from. it's all clearer now...
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rin-the-shadow · 3 years
Crystal Tokyo Challenge: Day 12
Day 12: If Crystal Tokyo never happened, what would the Senshi’s careers be? (Feel free to include the Shitennou in this if you want)
Regarding the Senshi, I tend to assume it’s what they’ve stated their dreams to be over the course of the manga/anime/other versions. I can’t find the article that grouped them all in one place, and it’s been a little while so I may get a few things wrong, and I may take a few liberties, but:
Usagi of course marries Mamoru. I seem to recall a line in the Dream arc of the manga where she mentions wanting to join a manga-drawing club, and while I don’t necessarily see her publishing professionally, I do like the idea that she would do commissions here and there. 
Ami becomes a doctor. If Crystal Tokyo didn’t come to be, I don’t know that she would be able to do the same degree of integration of magic and technology in healthcare, but maybe she would still find ways to sneak it in.
Rei takes over the shrine once her grandfather passes it on to her. I seem to recall her having some other things she wanted to do, but at the moment I don’t recall what they were. I’ll have to make a note to edit this post if I remember or if I happen to see the PGSM episode or manga chapter that made me think that (and I do think it was one of those two.)
Makoto gets married and has a big family, and she also owns and works in a flower shop/bakery. I really like the idea that her kids would help out when they get older, too.
Minako probably goes through a few different dreams, including being an idol singer. Later on, she uses the skills she had to pick up in order to do so to run several workshop classes on singing, dancing, acting, and so forth.
Outer Senshi, Mamoru, Shitennou, and Beryl under the cut.
For Setsuna, it depends on if she has to stay at the space-time door or not. But if not, then she goes into nursing and becomes a pediatric nurse. She might have done this in the manga as well, but this headcanon is largely based on the musicals, where she would sometimes take on the role of the school nurse as a cover.
Haruka goes into professional racing, and afterwards does piano. Though I am also opting to hold onto my earlier headcanon that she probably does some kind of after-school sports/racing thing for kids and teens.
Michiru becomes a professional violinist and painter. She continues painting even after she has largely retired from performing. I also still like the idea that she would do some kind of painting classes or music workshops.
I seem to remember reading somewhere that Hotaru wanted to be a nurse, but if this isn’t accurate or if she wasn’t able to for some reason, I could also see her having a small but successful career on the internet reviewing antique lamps.
Chibiusa is admittedly the hardest to answer for this, but I could maybe see her doing something art related. She seemed to like drawing in the first anime. She may also appear as an occasional co-host on Hotaru’s web show, and draws her title cards.
I have a similarly hard time figuring out what Mamoru would do, so if anyone has any headcanons on this subject, I would be happy to hear them! EDIT: A comment I got on this post tossed up the idea that Mamoru might become a social worker. I’d read a few fanfictions after making this which suggested he might go into med school, but I like the idea of him going into some kind of field which would allow him to help kids who went through similar experiences to what he did.
And of course, I will also include the Shitennou.
I like the idea of Zoisite doing coding and game design. I’m not sure why I’ve gotten attached to this headcanon as fast as I have, but it’s stuck. I think he also likes playing piano or dancing (blame PGSM/Casablanda Memories and Reconquista) but I don’t know that he would want to do it professionally.
Kunzite does something around historical research. I could see him working as a museum curator, and writing the descriptions on the exhibits. I feel like there was something else he did in PGSM when he lost his memories, but I don’t remember what that was at the moment, so I’ll make a note to check that episode and update if something is implied or confirmed. While I do have a headcanon that Kunzite has some artistic ability and can in fact draw very well, I don’t think it’s something he would want to do professionally.
Nephrite does so many jobs it loops back around and becomes funny. But all joking aside, he probably does some kind of entrepreneurship, or something that involves working with people. And of course, because of Classic Anime Nephrite’s 500 million side hobbies, he probably does do some things with those on the side, but not with all of them. 
Jadeite might still end up doing something with parks and recreation. He’s probably also a bit like Nephrite and does a few different jobs at different points. If he and Rei have an amicable relationship (again, regardless of whether or not it’s romantic) he might work at least part time at the shrine, particularly since a few adaptations have him being or claiming to be a bit spiritually inclined. Like Mamoru, he’s also one I’m open to headcanons for.
I’m also going to go ahead and include Beryl, even though she’s not a Shitennou, because I’ve been watching the musicals again, specifically Reconquista and Eien Densetsu, and I want this woman to have some happiness. There was a fan-comic I read where she makes a webshow about clothing alterations, so I would like to headcanon her becoming a costumer/designer for a theater company. 
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eafsegse · 3 years
I would be alone
And here let me say, that the treatment of plantation slaves cannot be fully known, except by the poor sufferers themselves, and their drivers and overseers. They would be much cooler than her in her tokar, with its heavy fringe of baby pearls. He was not brave enough to take cold steel to his own belly, but a bite of mushroom would not be so hard. One woman who knows more than most about creating a trainer which llantas 4x4 onlineis perfect for the workplace is Rose Rankin who founded her eponymous trainer brand after spotting a "niche for a smarter kind of trainer which is as beautifully crafted as a normal shoe but would still cost less than 200." Rankin, who spent seven years working as an industry analyst at Google and has long favoured trainers for work, began trading last year with styles designed to stand out from the usual branded options. So they changed their mindset, put a lot of time in themselves and refused to be denied. The men were all of a height, with long legs and flat bellies, every muscle as sharply etched as if it had been chiseled out of stone. The little candidates for “field honors” are useless articles on a plantation during the first five or six years of their existence. “Delightful, indeed! You scribblers think every one’s delightful if only she wears petticoats. “Good,” he said. I would be alone. Thus he says: “Because individuals may have been deprived of many of their rights by society, it does not follow that they have been deprived of all their rights.” Again, he says of the slave: “He is still a human being, and possesses all those rights of which he is not deprived by the positive provisions of the law.” Here he admits that the provisions of law deprive the slave of natural rights. Capture up on the most recent lingo so you do not sound like an idiot when these guys in fact do start playing, apparently sometime in January. It had a bitter taste, though not so bitter as acorn paste. Miller where Jesse McCreary lived, and then seized me by the arm, and pulled me out of the house. Holding her tokar daintily so as not to tread upon its fringes, Daenerys Targaryen eased herself onto the chair’s plush velvet seat, and Hizdahr zo Loraq went to his knees, unlaced her sandals, and washed her feet whilst fifty eunuchs sang and ten thousand eyes looked on. So do their friends. Personally, I think this is very bad form. For longer hair section hair smaller about 1" for medium length to short hair use 1 1/2. By an
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I'm more blessed than cursed by knowing and loving you, Beautiful. galeb spodnjice Clare, that ‘there is no law that amounts to anything’ in such cases, and that he who goes furthest in severity towards his slave,—that is, to the deprivation of an eye or a limb, or even the destruction of life,—‘only uses within limits the power that the law gives him.’ This is an awful and tremendous charge, which, lightly and unwarrantably made, must subject the maker to a fearful accountability. CIAR is working in an area where there's very little money for research.". The Phenom II 720BE is two steps up from the lowest priced Phenom II X2 550BE. The external intercostal muscles also help bring about this enlargement of the thoracic cavity. Hanna says the communication is rich and intense, even if it may not suit all tastes.. Intends to "stay the course" with its basic strategy for transitioning security responsibility to the Afghans.. (You are probably aware of James Lovelock work on the Gaia Hypothesis.).
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thewedigital · 3 years
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So you want to start a YouTube channel 
and have no idea where to begin? Well, you have come to the right place! This article is going to give you an insightful overview of all the steps that you need to follow before you set up a YouTube channel as a beginner. The link below will further give you comprehensive lessons on how to start, grow, and monetize a hyper-profitable YouTube channel from scratch, so make sure you check it out. Keep in mind that I may receive a commission when you click the link and make a purchase. However, this does not impact the quality of the content.
Step 1: Choose a topic So let us get started, the first thing you need to do to start is to come up with a topic for your YouTube channel. Some people say come up with a niche. A niche is a product, service, or interest that appeals to a specialized section of the population. That could be in automotive, business, crafts, health, travel, etc. If you are creating a channel because you just want to have fun and you do not care much about how big your audience is, then go for it, but if you are looking to build a business or an audience, then you need to choose a topic or niche that people are looking for. Your YouTube audience should have a demand for what you are offering, so get out there and do your research. You can research keywords on Google or search on YouTube
and find out whether other people are doing what you have in mind. If other people are providing videos on your topic or niche and they have huge audiences, then you know there is a demand. This also means that you are getting into the field of competition. Therefore, you will need to figure out how to shine so that the audience will watch your videos instead of your competitors.
Step 2: Define your audience i now you are probably thinking, “Yeah, but I don’t have an audience yet…” Here is the thing, when you make a video, you are already creating it as though the people you are targeting are watching, and eventually, they will come. This is because they are looking for you, remember you already found a topic that there is a demand for. Let us say you are doing a health and fitness topic, and you want to share workout videos, are you going to target your videos to men or women? (Obviously, men and women work out differently to a degree) are you going to target younger or older people? Asking yourself such questions will help you create quality videos that are full of value and content that match your topic, and eventually, you will start to build your audience.
Step 3: Do a brainstorm To brainstorm in this context means to start writing down all your ideas of the video titles that you would like to make. Do not worry even if they are crazy ideas, try to get a couple of pages full of content for your channel. Ask yourself, “What content do I want to offer to my target audience? What problems are they having, and how am I going to help solve those problems with solutions? Now once you have done that, then pick out the best five or ten topics, and now you have somewhere to start. As you grow, you will find it easier to look at different areas that you could focus on and bring up the quality of your videos. You are not going to have tens of thousands of people watching your videos as you start, but do not worry about that as long as you have content.
Step 4: Choose your equipment Here you might be thinking “Okay I want to make videos but it’s going to cost me a lot of money. I have to go out and get fancy cameras and microphones and all these different things and I know it’s going to be expensive”. It honestly is not that costly! Many people make their videos in the most inexpensive ways possible, and they go viral. In the beginning, do not worry about the mechanics very much as getting some videos made and getting in the habit, so you can start by using your smartphone or laptop. For the microphone, many laptops and phones have a microphone that is good enough, but if you are using the former, it would be wise to experiment with it as some microphones pick up a lot of background noise that may affect the quality of your video. If this happens, you can buy a microphone on Amazon or from a preferred store. For your backdrop or background, it will depend on your content, location, and your audience. You can choose to do it outdoors where there is beautiful scenery, or indoors with different background decorations to keep your audience captivated. As you become more experienced with making videos, you may find the need to invest in better equipment to improve the quality of your videos, for example, a high-resolution camera, a tripod, and lighting.
Step 5: Come up with a schedule Now that you know what you are going to produce and how to do it, it is time to come up with a plan for when to shoot, edit, and upload your videos. Most successful YouTubers recommend that you upload at least two to three times every week. You could also upload every single day as long as it does not compromise on your quality. It is crucial to make sure that you are not focusing on the quantity more than the quality as the latter matters when you are trying to stand out on a very competitive platform like YouTube. Of course, you can batch film your videos, which means that you film five or ten videos once or twice a month to get all of your videos done in a short time. Whichever schedule you choose, you will need consistency with your uploading.
Step6: Create your YouTube channelYouTube makes this easy, especially if you already have a Gmail account. You can log in with your Gmail account on YouTube and then click through their prompts to set up your channel. It is super simple, and they make it very easy even for beginners to create a YouTube channel.
Step7: Create a banner for your YouTube channel Many sites on the internet will help you create a banner for your YouTube channel, for instance, Canva.com. You can choose from a variety of templates on Canva.com, edit to your preference, and download completely free of charge. Then you will need to write a description. Make sure you put a description that lets people know about your channel. These things make your channel look more professional. After someone watches one of your videos they may click on your YouTube channel, and they realize, “Oh! This person is making videos regularly, and they are committed to their work.” That makes them a lot more likely to hit that subscribe button. You can also put fun information in your banner or in your channel description that encourages people to subscribe to your channel
Step8: Film your first video Now here is where the fun begins. It is probably going to be a bit awkward if you have never done it before, but that is what everyone goes through, so do not worry. Many good things can come from having your own YouTube channel, and you have to bite the bullet and film that first video and get it done. Try being creative and enjoy the filming process by experimenting with different backgrounds, locations, expressions, and even having guests on your videos. This will help you have fun and be comfortable with the process and getting it off the ground.
Step 9: Edit the video and create a thumbnail Before you upload your videos, you may want to cut out some parts of the raw footage, or even add text or background music to your videos to make them more appealing to watch. So you will need to put your videos into an editing program to do this. There are some great free options out there like iMovie on Macs or Windows movie maker on Windows computers. There are also plenty of other paid options like Adobe Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro X. It does not matter much which program you choose when you are first starting as long as you do not do something overly complex. Once you edit the video, you will need to either take a screenshot from the video to use as a thumbnail or use another photograph or design a graphic for yourself. You can use a free program like Canva.com, or you can purchase a program like Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator to create that thumbnail. The main things you want to keep in mind when you are creating the thumbnail is to make it as eye-catching as possible and making it clear what is talked about in the video.
Step 10: Upload your first YouTube video Once you have completed all the above steps, it is time to upload your first YouTube video. There is generally no set time to upload your first video but as a tip, pick a time that is best for you. That time should be consistent so that you can start attracting people to watch your videos around that set time. As a strategy, some people prefer to upload their videos first thing in the morning to give their viewers the most time to watch them during the day.
Step 11: Boost your video Now that you have uploaded your first YouTube video, you need to give your video as much of a boost as you can. Every bit of push that you can give to that video helps. This means that you should watch the video too, hit the like button, leave a comment as yourself asking other people to comment, and share that video with everyone that you can share it with on your social media platforms. Tell your friends and family that you just made your first YouTube video and ask them to possibly help you out by watching your video and hitting that like button. There is a big difference between a YouTube video that has two views and one with fifty views. Although fifty YouTube views are still not that much, it shows that some people have an interest in the video, and the more views it has, the more other people are likely to click on that video and watch it. That is because of something called social proof, which means that we think that if other people are doing something, then it must be a cool thing to do it too
Step 12: Stay consistent When you start a YouTube channel as a beginner, everything is bright, exciting and you will have a lot of inspiration. However, as time goes by and especially when you have put up ten or so videos, but you do not see significant growth yet, you might feel discouraged and possibly want to give up. You have to be a lifelong learner and evaluate your work against what is working out there. That will help you understand where you are likely falling short and motivate you to improve the quality of your videos. There was never a channel that put out good quality videos with eye-catching thumbnails consistently and did not start seeing significant growth within the first six to twelve months. So it is not going to take forever, but you do need to stay consistent, keep uploading videos every single week and keep improving your quality with every video if you want to see that growth .How to start a YouTube channel for beginners
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mentalillnessmouse · 5 years
(p1) Hi, I'm writing because I feel there is no hope for me. I'm 30, I live at home where I get verbally mistreated (it was physical when I was younger.) I'm morbidly obese, agoraphobic, I literally didn't leave the house for a 2 year period and still rarely do. I have 0 friends and never had any except a few online ones who ditched me years ago. I was bullied constantly. I have self-harm marks all over my arms. I've NEVER had a job, or finished high school. I still almost never leave the house.
(p2) I’ve asked for help to learn to drive, but they tell me I can’t. I guess because they call me autistic and tell me I am not very smart and make jokes about me having ADHD. I took those comments seriously and they told me I was “looking for problems.” WHAT? I made the mistake of speaking with a few psychiatrists about it who shut me down because, in their words, I didn’t “look” like I had those issues. And that my parents had hard jobs so it made sense they would lash out at me. 
(p3) I deal with other issues too like menorrhagia. A doctor had me do an ultrasound (this was like my 3rd one since ‘06) and sent me to a specialist because they saw something. The specialist said she didn’t think anything was there and wasn’t going to actually examine me. I gave up. I’m afraid to speak up for myself, I genuinely don’t understand how to live, make friends, talk to people. I feel like I just have TOO MANY issues. And at my age I don’t see why anyone would bother with me anymore.
(p4) I have an appt with a psych at the same place as the others because I have my city’s free insurance and nowhere else to go. I don’t know if I can do it again after this? I just wanted somewhere to reach out at least one more time :( I’ve reached out to others (like extended family) who will talk to me for a bit then ignore? I can’t help but to feel damaged or like I’m doing something wrong I can’t figure out. I feel like a weak loser and I didn’t try good enough.I’m sorry this is so long
Hello Anon, 
I’m mod Bee and I’ll do my best to help you out, but I received help myself from the other mods to write you back. So this is a communal effort!
Thank you for reaching out, and I’m sorry you’re going though such a difficult and distressing situation. You sound strong and tenacious, and I’m proud of you for the way you keep trying to improve your life. 
We have some suggestions that we hope can be of help. They’ll concerne:
finding online communities/groups to hang out with
finding a professional that suits your needs 
looking for courses you can join 
thinking about possible job options 
Just an head up: this is going to be long, and it will contain tons of links. I’ll highlight one - that I think it’s most useful - for each section, but I suggest you to go through them all. 
1. finding online communities/groups to hang out with
Having friends is important for our mental health, but it can get difficult to make new ones, especially when we’ve been burned before.  
Online communities, forums, and groups, can be good places to start looking for friends again. You can approach them with as much caution as you need, and find those people you relate with the most.
If you like games, and rpgs in particular, there are online options that allow you to connect with other others all over the world. Activities like Dungeon&Dragons are based around players’ interactions, so you’d get to know people without putting the stress on forging new friendships. The article 10 Best Online Chat Rooms & Games suggests other equally fitting games. 
Forums and groups where you can share your experience and fears are another important tool you can use. I’ve looked into active ones and found Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia Forum, r/Agoraphobia/ (on reddit), bus (a self-harm support forum), Mental health support group and discussion community, Online Support Groups by Turn2Me, PsychForums (Psychology and Mental Health Forums), and the ReachOut app.
Trying with pen pals - a one on one exchange - could also be a good idea: InterPals and PenPalWorld are only two of the many websites dedicated to this purpose. Here’s some tips on how it works.
Finally, there are apps with the specific purpose of finding new friends, like Bumble BFF. Try to see if you there’s one of your liking in this list.
2. finding a professional that suits your needs
We usually recommend what it’s colloquially called “psychiatrist/therapist shopping”, the act of choosing a professional after inquiring what we need to know of their line of work, based on our own wishes, and asking this to more than one.
It’s difficult when insurance covers just a little portion of professionals, but not impossible. 
Can’t afford therapy? No insurance? Need low cost options? Here is a great list of ways to get help when money or insurance is an issue.
Therapy For Every Budget: How To Access It
9 Ways to Get Free or Cheap Therapy When You Don’t Have Health Insurance
Dial 211 for Essential Community Services: if you call 211, you can ask about free therapy options in your area, or how to work with you insurance to afford other professionals.
If none of these options work out, and you have to stick with the professional your insurance provides, there are measures you can take that might help making the sessions successful. Check out 21 Tips for getting the most out of each therapy session and How to Talk to Your Doctors When They Don’t Listen. 
If your new psychiatrist tries to dismiss you without hearing everything that you have to say, insist that they write on your record exactly what they did and why, and that you absolutely want a copy of it before you exit their room. It’s your right to have both your requests accomplished. I know it’s not easy to have them respected: you’ll probably have to stand your ground and that can be difficult, but I think it’s important for you and fundamental for what you can get out of this session. This is a post with links to various module you can complete to help you assert yourself, which I suggest you to start before going to your appointment, if you can. It can be useful to face your family, too.
Does your insurance cover a different specialist for the gynecological problem your doctor wanted you to check out? Is there any free or low-cost clinic near you, like Planned Parenthood or Free Clinic? You can inquire about their services through email.
3. looking for courses you can join
Online courses can be helpful for a number of things, like keeping busy, learning new stuff, feeling accomplished, and possibly getting some qualifications. 
There are some free options that end with a proper certificate, but not all are accredited, meaning that they’re not automatically accepted by employers (they can choose to consider them valid or not). Still, there are no downsides in joining such a course, seeing that it doesn’t cost anything but your time.
Not accredited certificates/no certificates:
Alison’s Diploma Courses and Certificate Courses 
FutureLearn doesn’t grant you certificates with their free courses, but it still provides learning access
edX’s Courses
Udemi, not free but it offers up to 90% discounts generally once a month
Learn how to code, a masterpost that lists different courses to learn coding
Free Online Language Courses, a masterpost that lists different courses to learn languages  
24 Invaluable Skills To Learn For Free
Accredited certificates
coursera offers some free courses, and/or the possibility to apply for financial aid
Online Degree require no tuition, no applications, and no interviews, and has worked so participating Universities around the country will consider the courses for credit, potentially finishing up to an entire freshman year of college
edX’s Professional Certificate Programs are not free, but edX offers up to a 90% discount to those who prove they cannot pay a full price.
University Of The People is tuition-free, which means there is no charge for teaching or instruction, only initial fees (around 160$) for each course. You can also apply for scholarships.
on StudyPortal - Scholarships, you can find a huge number of scholarships available in your country, and here you can find the easiest scholarships to apply to. There are also scholarships for online courses.
There’s also the possibility of completing high school through virtual courses, and if they’re organized by your State’s public school system, they should be free. You can find more info on this here. 
4. thinking about possible job options
Working towards finding a job is important for our own self-worth and feeling like a valuable member of society, and of course it can also help with looking for better therapy. 
It can be tricky when mental and physical illnesses are at play, though. That’s why I’d like to give you some online options here, too, that don’t ask for any particular prerequisite, and would give you enough free time to focus to get better. Jobs like data entry or app testing are doable from home, and may not pay much, but they’d allow you to start building some savings. 
5 Online Jobs That Require Little or No Experience
No Experience? Start One of These Online Jobs
Best Data Entry Jobs From Home
10 (Legit) Data Entry Jobs from Home
Work At Home Data Entry on Indeed.com
Whatever you choose, creating a strong resume is always a good step. I’m giving you some resources on how to do that:
How to Create a Professional Resume
How To Make A Resume 101
Help Everyone Find A Job In Their Field
And between checking out all these options we gave you, please try to do some of this Workout For Daily Life, because focusing on a screen for too long can cause so many aches!
You’re not a loser, you’re strong and you keep fighting for yourself, which is admirable. I hope these resources can be of help, and please do send another ask if you need anything else.
Take care,
mod Bee
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ifeelbetterer · 5 years
about grad school
The intern at my company was asking about my perspective on whether grad school is worth it yesterday. It made me think and I think this advice might be useful to some people out there too. So here it is:
There are two reasons to go to grad school, and they are mutually exclusive:
You want to Live That Academia Life. You’ve been dreaming of, like, library carrels, writing frenzies like they montage in 19th century author biopics, and having Dead Poets Society style debates about the big questions since you were yeah high. You just want to revel in what your field can do. You want to be an Intellectual. 
You want to be a professor/professional in your field. 
You cannot have both. I’m sorry, I know a lot of people implicitly and explicitly promise that you can have both, but you can’t. 
So if you know which of those you want, and you’re not secretly trying to get to the other, then fine. Go to grad school. But don’t for a SECOND believe you can have both.
If you want the first one, cool. Take your brief time in grad school and then flaunt that degree for the rest of your life. It’s not a bad way to spend a decade when everything’s said and done. You get to Live That Academia Life for a brief time, and then you content yourself with finding something else for the rest of your career. Do not go on the academia job market, not even “just to see.” Do not get stuck hankering after your adviser’s approval. Do not try to mold yourself into someone who can schmooze at the cocktail parties at conferences. None of that is why you’re there, and you’ll be happier sticking to what you really wanted. 
If you want the second one, cool. Find your niche and stick with it like glue. Do the research, find out what’s hot in your field (or, even better, what’s about to be hot), and get married to it. Shoehorn every opportunity to Get Ahead into your niche. Go to all the conferences, schmooze always, ask clever pre-planned questions when bigwigs in the field are presenting. Get involved in every single academic group. Plan conferences for your department. Write letters to the authors of articles from the journals in your niche. Befriend the editor if you can. Publish as often as you can. Do all the ad hoc volunteer unpaid work while in grad school. Do not for a second try to follow what seems most interesting to you, or think you can let yourself off the hook this one time for the overbearing social pressure at a conference, and always ALWAYS please your adviser. You’re here for the job at the end. 
As a last note: neither of these would produce a “bad” or even a “worse” scholar at the end. In fact, they’re both probably geniuses in their own rights. The work they both produced is impeccable. Their ideas are brilliant. They both, by all rights, should be writing their own ticket to a cushy gig of their choosing. Do NOT let anyone tell you that who gets into grad school or who gets the job at the end is AT ALL related to who is best. It’s not. These programs are torture and finishing AT ALL is proof you’re the top tier. They are lying to you when they promise that the Best will all win. This isn’t a meritocracy any more, if it ever was. There are too many Top Tier people wandering around these days. 
The silver lining is: failure doesn’t make you less. You are awesome, you did fantastic work, but the system was rigged to begin with. 
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itsbenedict · 5 years
Rendering the Incomprehensible Comprehensible
I am confused by the state of the art of psychiatric medicine.
Now, I'm not a psychiatrist. I'm a guy what makes computers is be do videogames, and I haven't taken a chemistry class since freshman year of college or a biology class since high school. Pretty much the extent of my knowledge of the field is that I read Slate Star Codex a lot. So, the questions I'm asking here are ones I have to assume actual professionals in the area have answers to.
That question being... why is it made of drugs?
I don't mean in an “oh, these are social problems and we must solve society and overthrow [racism/capitalism/millenialism/makesworldwrong] instead of medicating our free spirits” way. I mean in a... how do drugs work at all, kind of way? It makes sense they work for killing pathogens- all you have to do is come up with a poison that works on what you're trying to kill but not on the host. But for fixing the brain? What?
My model of drug discovery works something like this: 
- Scientists poke around at the brain and see a ton of hyper-complicated chemical processes happening in there, and make some educated guesses about what they're doing, based on measurements of levels of certain chemicals in certain places during certain mental states. They've got some vague ideas about what these chemicals are doing, but these are mostly statistical inferences and not detailed causal models. They look at these brain chemicals and how they move around, and infer that if they make some other chemicals that are shaped in specific ways, those chemicals will interfere with these other chemicals and make there be more or less of them under certain conditions. - Armed with these guesses, they go to the lab and synthesize these chemicals, and then spend billions of dollars running gigantic clinical trials to see if, maybe, putting a bunch of these new chemicals in the bloodstream will actually have anything like the desired effect. - Most of the time they don't, because these were just educated guesses based on simplified models, but with enough billions poured into running more trials, they'll eventually find a chemical they can p-hack into looking like it does something, and then exploit FDA regulations to get doctors to prescribe it for a thousand dollars a pill. Sometimes, if they're extremely lucky, they'll find something that has a positive effect that they don't need to statistically mutilate to show, and then we have a groundbreaking discovery.
I may just be super underinformed, but as I understand it... this process weirds me the hell out.
In my current job, I spend a lot of time fixing bugs in old websites. These websites are sometimes large and labyrinthine, full of old uncommented code some contractor wrote years ago before dropping off the face of the earth. This is, ignoring for a moment a completely unignorable difference in degree of complexity, kind of like trying to fix problems with the brain.
When I go in to fix a bug in a website, there's a lot of things I can do. I can look at the page's elements in the browser's dev tools. I can run the debugger and step through the code, looking at all the data and its values at any given point in time. I can go to the git repo and look back through previous versions of the code, to see what changes were made and when, in conjunction with Jira tickets describing what issue those changes were made to fix. And once I've figured out what's happening, I can go into the code, make changes, and see what effect they had.
Now, I can try to imagine what my job would be like if I had to do things like psychopharmacologists did.
First off, no making changes to the code. The code is compiled and minified and obfuscated and still three billion lines long. Even if I did figure out how to make desirable changes, that would be "digital eugenics" and I'd get fired.
Second, commit history only goes like three or four commits back, if I'm lucky. Previous commits have been deleted, since they're set to auto-recycle after a while and nobody knows how to turn that off.
Thirdly, no dev tools. I only have the rendered webpage itself, and when something goes wrong I have to kind of guess at whether it's a styling issue or a data issue or a connectivity issue or what.
What can I do, exactly? Well, I actually do have access to one of the dev tools, kind of: the Network tab. I can see the requests being made to the back-end API. Unfortunately, there is no API documentation, and the requests are just as obfuscated as the code. But I've also got Postman, and what I can kind of do is make my own requests to the API, to see what the output is and how it affects the system.
So, uh... hm, okay, I see a request being made to https://serotonin.presynapticneurone.neural.net. The data payload is gibberish, but I notice that when there's a lot of these requests happening, the webpage renders a little faster, and when there's not as many, it slows down. Maybe if I just copy the gibberish data and fake a bunch of my own requests, it'll go faster? ...Hm, okay, that kind of works on some pages but not others. Still, better than nothing- we have some users complaining about the site being slow, so let's just tell them to-
Oh, shit, wait, users don't know how computers work, I can't just tell them to spam Postman requests to the API endpoint. Um, okay, I'll write a little phone app that automatically spams the requests, and release that to users. Except- oh, for fuck's sake, I need to wait for FDApple to approve it for the app store, and they want us to prove that it works and doesn't contain malware. Except even I don't know if that works, so... okay, it's fine, we'll hire a bunch of testers and do a study that shows that overall it speeds things up, and doesn't kill anyone's machines. Good thing I work for a huge company that can afford to do that.
Aaaaaand here come the results, and- oh, god damn it, the study didn't achieve significance. Let me go get Steve, he can probably fudge the numbers here so the damn app store will let us release the fucking thing, we spent millions on those tests (and the tests of all the other interventions that turned out to do nothing because we didn't have enough information and guessed wrong), and we need to recoup our investment.
So... I'm hearing that the ROI on drug discovery is dropping, and that drug companies have pretty much given up on trying to fix things and have started repackaging the handful of blind hacky API spam tricks that miraculously have a consistent effect. This isn't surprising to me. I would not be surprised if, like, after decades of people banging their heads against a massively overcomplicated system, hitting it with differently-shaped hammers in hopes of getting anything to work... they've found most of the differently-shaped hammers that do anything.
At some point, someone has to invent developer tools, right? Find some way to actually figure out what the hell they're doing?
The big question: given the blatant inadequacy of the existing paradigm, why is the industry still trying to wring blood out of this dried-out stone? At some point, we're going to have to actually figure out what the brain is doing, but it seems like cognitive neuroscience is still in its infancy. "We don't know how this thing works" seems like the big obstacle to getting anything done, but most of the effort in this area still seems to be focused on finding new drugs to throw at the thing-we-don't-know-how-it-works. 
I know I’m not the first person to ask this question. I’m sure everyone who’s ever had to grapple with psychiatry in any detail is lamenting the same issue, and I’m sure there are people who are working very hard to try and solve the problem. It just... doesn’t seem like those people are getting very much done. The most I hear about is pop science articles claiming that Science Has Discovered The Part Of The Brain That Makes You Love Kittens, which inevitably turn out to be irresponsible reporting of extremely modest correlational findings. 
(Maybe AI will help? Maybe the brain is just too complicated to be reduced to something humans can understand on an engineering/problem-solving level, and we need something with a higher understanding-capacity? Except... most of the recent advances in AI are with neural nets that explicitly don't actually understand anything, nor do the researchers growing them.)
Where are we at with this? Are we getting anywhere? Is there encouraging progress in the field of learning-things-about-the-brain? Is the second derivative of that curve non-zero? Metacognitive revolution when?
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digitalpillory · 5 years
Planet Princeton
Dear Reader,
You’ve probably stumbled across this webpage accidentally during a cursory web search of my first and last name. The following is my attempt to correct the record and take a stand against the deplorable behavior of a particular journalist who has seemingly been nursing a vendetta against me for the last several years. Almost six years ago, Ms. Krystal K. Knapp (KKK henceforth for brevity) published my name and other identifying information about me on her news-oriented Word Press blog. The disparaging item consistently appears very high first page search results of almost all major search engines for my relatively uncommon name as a record of a number of charges brought against me by the town of Princeton while I was a graduate student at the university. The most damning and attention-grabbing item is the charge of DUI in a school zone as a result of a car accident. Succinct in her description, KKK misrepresents and sensationalizes an unfortunate event from many years ago of dismissed charges. However, due to the peculiarity of NJ law in this matter and my own ignorance and chagrin, I missed the window of opportunity to pursue a claim of defamation against KKK. Furthermore, dismissed charges in NJ are ineligible for expungement and therefore remains on a copy of my driving abstract with NJMVC.  
I sincerely regret having to resort to self-publishing my own narrative to provide additional context and information. However, after repeated requests over the last several years, KKK has ignored my requests and most recently alleges that she has removed my name or suppressed the item from search results which can be found here. I can understand KKK’s (personal) resolve to hold me accountable for these allegations. Yet, it appears spiteful, prejudicial, and arbitrary how she has chosen to single me out for her digital pillory, Planet Princeton. I do not know KKK personally and am unaware of any personal connection to her despite the fact that we are both graduates of schools in the town of Princeton, New Jersey. I am not fit to judge whether her academic or professional ethics support her behavior or if her readers are aware of this incredibly hurtful and glaring bias. In brief, KKK does not choose to publish every item or even names consistently in her periodic police blotters. So, I asked her in the public forum where she has delighted in denigrating my character over the last several years!
KKK hastily deleted my comments from public visibility, blocked my IP address so that I could no longer view her blog, and finally chided me privately for being charged in the first place. Maybe I should obey the law next time, she taunted. And for good measure, KKK threatened to sue me for harassment if I did not cease my requests for removal from her blog. Indeed, this dilemma had seemingly no satisfactory resolution.  KKK seems intent on trying to assassinate my character and publicly shame me for something about which she could only legally know very limited details. Was she trying to bait me into some kind of public dispute or enhance her own “credibility” or “celebrity” via a feud? For the first few years, I was shocked and intimidated by how she was trading upon her platform in the town that she is privileged to represent. Having a relatively uncommon name and without and fame or celebrity to contribute, I was at a loss for how to proceed, especially as I journeyed through life: graduating university, applying for jobs, starting new endeavors, and finally submitting applications to medical school.
So, if you found this webpage and you’re curious, allow me to tell you in my own words, lest you feel embarrassed to inquire about the charges. I was involved in a one-car accident one evening after dropping a friend home. I made a right turn onto a narrow, winding road after it had just begun to rain (without speeding), and my car hydroplaned and collided with a guard rail on the outskirts of the “school zone”. No persons or animals were injured or even present at the time of the accident. I voluntarily called the local police for help who later “determined that I had consumed alcoholic beverages according to KKK” I appeared before a local judge several weeks later to answer for the charges which were dismissed. It may also be worthwhile to know that a number of NJ DUI cases have been reopened and are now being re-litigated through post-conviction relief due to a landmark case that found faulty breathalyzer equipment. In the following months after adjudication, I was awarded a Secret-level security clearance by the U.S. government. 
That’s what you thought happened though, right? Maybe this is true for some who are acutely aware of current events or have had their own personal sagas with any kind of “revenge” publications or unflattering search results. However, I suspect there might be a significant and silent majority who are eager to believe calumny like this. Plus, the fact that it’s been present high on the results page for many years must only add to its credibility, right?. I’m not lobbying for a European-style “right to be forgotten” law or making a sociopolitical argument about shame, nor do I expect to win a war of words against this hard-nosed journalist. Rather, I would ask the reader to be cautious about the information you choose to accept and allow to guide your decisions whether implicitly or explicitly. It’s commonplace to google everyone you meet these days, but as KKK may now understand anyone can publish text online. The internet has authorized anyone to conduct their own unofficial background checks and public opinion trials.
Don’t get me wrong: I think that this can be good in many cases. More information is usually better and key to good decision-making like for research or sometimes just for entertainment. Free speech is a hallmark of this great nation.
Although I’m hardly KKK’s only victim here*, it appears that I am the only person who is willing to confront and challenge this behavior through reasoned arguments. It is unfortunate that the people of Princeton continue to condone and celebrate this kind of journalism that is fundamentally racist, misleading, and unfair. I hope that by sharing my personal experience I can raise awareness about different forms that prejudice and cyberbullying can take. Let’s all pledge to be responsible with our platforms and be decent to each other. Remember that someone can always tell the truth on you too and that each person is the protagonist of his or her own epic tale.
*Just look at a few of these articles and try to reason for yourself why some names are broadcast and others are not. Note: it is illegal to publish the names of minors, whistleblowers, and survivors of sexual assault under some conditions in NJ.
-Stephen Chaisson
Stephen is 2015 graduate of the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton University in International Relations. He earned his undergraduate degree from Brown University and has worked in international development as an RPCV. He currently resides in Baltimore, Maryland where he works in the healthcare field with the ambition of becoming a doctor of medicine. 
Opinions expressed are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer.
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dancingsparks · 6 years
The Mystery of Potters Bad Mood
Also on Ao3
Potter was grumpy this morning. Well, he was grumpy every morning.  Usually he would get less grumpy as the morning went on until he was almost pleasant by lunch; only almost though. Draco wasn’t sure Potter ever was pleasant. The fact that he could make Draco laugh and they had actually fairly interesting conversations without seriously insulting each other didn’t mean Draco had to like him. No matter he found himself missing the git on days they didn’t spend together. That didn’t happen too often anyway and should therefore have no influence on what Draco thought of Potter.
Potter was grumpy this morning. Well, he was grumpy every morning.  Usually he would get less grumpy as the morning went on until he was almost pleasant by lunch; only almost though. Draco wasn’t sure Potter ever was pleasant. The fact that he could make Draco laugh and they had actually fairly interesting conversations without seriously insulting each other didn’t mean Draco had to like him. No matter he found himself missing the git on days they didn’t spend together. That didn’t happen too often anyway and should therefore have no influence on what Draco thought of Potter.
They both were part of a new project to improve education at Hogwarts. It was divided into two main parts: curriculum and professors. Currently every subject taught at Hogwarts (and many that might be offered soon) was under revision for which multitudes of experts from all over the world were contacted. It was huge and it wasn’t always easy to find common ground when two completely different views on the same subject clashed together. Another topic for debate was the planned classes on mathematic, Latin and Wizarding culture; the last being planned as counterpart to Muggle studies. The idea was to help muggle born adjust in this new world and even offer volunteering students the opportunity to display what they like in their culture and share it with others. But some very loud people were convinced the class would be used to instil archaic ideas about blood superiority in young minds. Their fear was understandable to a degree; Draco himself grew up listening to his father going on and on about it. But after the war it wasn’t ever spoken about anymore; unless someone made these ridiculous claims.  Everybody liked to pretend that everything was fine now and no problems existed. Draco was still sneered at but that was the extent of it, nobody was willing to openly discuss anything clearly so evil. But unless someone very important suddenly changed their mind and had some very persuasive arguments, the class would most likely be offered.
Reforming professors and their methods was in no way easier. Especially older professors often were stubborn and unwilling to have their teachings dictated by someone else. It was a slow progress costing Headmistress McGonagall countless hours and nerves. Draco was one of the teaching assistants. Basically that meant he had to choose a subject he wanted to teach and, if approved by the current teacher and McGonagall, watch lessons, acquire a deeper understanding of the field, correct essays and be generally prepared to do whatever the professor thought necessary to qualify him. Draco had had a hard time electing only subject, being interested in most of the possibilities. But he had figured he could always learn more about anything he wanted regardless of his chosen profession. So he had finally settled on charms, anxious Flitwick would reject his request. But he didn’t and Draco now spent much of his time in the library, nose in a book and mind on complex charms and theories. He absolutely loved it.
Potter was TA in DADA, which surprised exactly no one, seeing as he was the Saviour. But that meant that often Potter would be found sitting right next to Draco, nose in his own book. Draco was of course never distracted by his presence and was always able to focus solely on his studies. He most certainly didn’t devote his time to remembering how Potter frowned at the text when he didn’t understand something or watch as he carded his hand distractedly through that mess he called hair. He therefore never had to hastily turn back to his book and pretend to be reading while desperately hoping he wouldn’t start blushing. Which of course he would, every damn time, if he were to stare at Potter. Which he didn’t.
Recently they were allowed to hold lessons on their own, only discussing the topic with the professor to make sure it fit the curriculum. They didn’t have to team up with other TAs but Draco found that planning lessons with Potter was easier and more fun than doing it alone. They would discuss methods to present the material and explained it to each other to get practise before class. When they could they would also attend each other’s classes and give feedback and encouragement. It was nice. Ignorant onlookers might even think them friends. They would, of course, be wrong, but Draco still enjoyed the company. Nevertheless, he and Potter weren’t friends. They had a purely professional relationship they mutually benefited from. Draco didn’t care about Potter otherwise.
Hence Draco also didn’t wonder about Potters bad mood this morning. After all he was always grumpy. Draco merely critically noted much room for improvement in his teaching so he could report to Potter later. Because that was part of their strictly professional relationship. It was essential that he could tell Potter he had been oddly irritable and moody. It actually went beyond grumpy. Wet kneazles were grumpy, Potter was … something else. The students didn’t even dare ask questions anymore after only getting bitten off answers that either sounded condescending or were plain rude. It was obvious Potter didn’t mean to but he was still behaving like a prick. He also frequently got lost  in his notes; his table was a mess of lose papers and on the blackboard were jumbled notes not even Draco could understand. And after having worked with Potter for about two years now he was intimately acquainted with his handwriting and bothersome habit of writing wherever there was space without any system. Still Draco couldn’t make out what Potter tried to convey on the blackboard. Right in this moment Potter was again describing different kind of shields; that was the third time today and not any more coherent than the last two.
What was going on? There was something very obviously seriously wrong. Maybe it had been bad news? But it must have been extremely awful to have him in such a state. It would have to be one of his close friend-as-good-as-family injured and on the verge of death and if that were the case there is no way Potter would still be here. No, it couldn’t be bad news. Maybe he was in the prophet again for some ridiculous reason and Potter was angry. But Draco had read ‘the prophet’ this morning and there was nothing in it that would explain this behaviour. In fact, there was not one article worth reading, which was precisely why he normally didn’t bother with it. Usually his mornings were spent with Potter and he didn’t need to search ‘the prophet’ for entertainment because Potter provided it. Granted the man was absolutely useless without his coffee so he mostly just sat there inhaling caffeine while Draco told him the latest gossip he had heard from the portraits. It was fun enough and Potter was not required to answer so it worked perfectly. But Potter didn’t appear this morning and Draco was left alone. That Potter abandoned him so unceremoniously to his boredom didn’t sting at all however, because they weren’t friends. Potter didn’t have to notify Draco of his whereabouts and it’s not as if they ever actually planned to have breakfast together. They just regularly had and today they hadn’t; no big deal.
It did mean though, that something must have happened during breakfast. He did arrive almost too late to class as well … Maybe someone needed to discuss something with him and stopped him before he could join Draco at breakfast? But that was ridiculous; everything that was important enough to be discussed this early surely need Potter mentally awake so blocking his way to his caffeine boost – oh. Potter didn’t have any coffee today. That actually made sense and explained so much. He probably slept late and had to hurry to reach class in time. It was so obvious now that he knew what to look for: his hair was messier than usual, his clothes looked rumbled and hastily thrown on and he seemed on the verge of falling asleep. How had Draco not noticed before now?
Draco resolutely wasn’t relieved that Potter didn’t deliberately leave him alone earlier. Because Draco didn’t care about Potter. Right. And he didn’t want to help Potter dealing with his sleepiness for his sake, but in the interest of giving these  students a good education. That would only be possible if their TA was actually awake. Based on that, and only that, Draco decided to get Potter some coffee. He quietly slipped out of the room to ask the house elves in the kitchen for their biggest cup of coffee, on the way trying to convince himself he was annoyed at Potter for letting Draco deal with this. He wasn’t charmed and slightly worried by his inability to take care of himself.
When he stood back in front of the classroom he still hadn’t fully convinced himself of it but was confident he would be able to deliver the coffee with a suitable annoyed expression to cow Potter and make sure he was aware he owed Draco. Entering the room he strode directly to Potters desk, set the cup down, ignored the disbelieving look he got in thanks and went back to his own seat at the back.
Potters lesson got much better with the added caffeine. He slowly woke up and Draco thought some students might have learned something today after all. Draco definitely didn’t feel proud at having improved Potters mood, if anything he felt proud of saving today’s lesson. So when the students left muttering and shoving each other Draco professionally accepted Potters thanks. His eyes looked so big and earnest, so impossibly green. Eyes now cast down, Potter was stammering something about liking Draco and maybe drinking coffee outside of school for once? Draco couldn’t really hear him over the sudden rushing in his ears and could only stare at him, disbelieving. Suddenly presented with the chance of dating Potter he found that he would very much like that, he might even have blushed. But Potter took his lack of an answer apparently as an answer in itself and the smile fell of his face. Already missing the smile and hating the disappointment on Potters face Draco rushed to reassure him that he would love that actually. The smile returned much bigger and brighter and Draco was sure he had made the right choice. Something in his stomach fluttered, his blood was still way too loud in his ears and he was most definitely full on blushing now.
There was no way to deny it anymore: he had a big crush on Harry Potter. And they were going on a date.
Draco smiled back.
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Software Articles From AMAZINES.COM
Utilizing graphic design companies to conceptualize and execute the picture that will signify your corporation is a smart move that might doubtlessly increase recognition and trustworthiness. Alan Fletcher: As one of the founding partners of Pentagram, Fletcher shouldn't be solely considered one of the biggest designers of his era but of any generation. So, it is necessary, when utilizing raster images, to account for the way giant a picture will probably be printed or posted and to make sure that the quantity of pixels can accommodate top quality. The graphic design firm that you simply avail should be capable of give you graphic designs that have a visual appeal and skill to catch all eyes with the intention to get the graphic design options that are impressive and efficient. Such designers keep late in workplace to make these further bucks. There are many strategies for arranging subjects to create enticing graphics. Although many graphic designers work independently, those who work for specialized graphic design corporations are often a part of a design crew. The pendulum is swinging again towards the inventive expression of graphic model and it is extremely troublesome to induce employment as a graphic artist while not a minimal of some college training at a professional graphic type college. A repositionable wall graphic consists of various pictures printed on vinyl sheets with vibrant and brilliant colors. Along with using photos and texts to exemplify the company's services and products, these strategies make the purchasers enthusiastic and completely happy. When we depute the graphic design for outsourcing, the someone taking contract to do the graphic design will for certain exercise the character, prospects and benefits, theme and sources of the company or concern. The best thing about being a graphic designer however, is the liberty you get to make use of your imagination each day with something completely different. In addition to the usual enterprise playing cards and corporate stationary, designers usually develop a set of visible model tips ( style guides ) that describe best practices and supply examples of visual branding applied throughout numerous media. They work intently with clients from the analysis and strategy planning stage, by way of all features of the production and printing process, to create a powerful visual identity. Graphic designing is a extremely artistic field during which designers work with texts, photos, colours, patterns, and mix them to convey a particular thought. You may use these free enjoying playing cards clip art pictures in your personal website as long as you give a link back to this site. Designing for the online introduces a whole host of latest variables, limitations, and opportunites that are not current in print design. It's easy to be intimidated by the sheer amount of learning associated with graphic design, but remind yourself that even essentially the most proficient designers had been newbies as soon as, too. It was a style concerned with communication, and one the place the designers believed that their design was socially useful. Individuals on this role design the layout for numerous forms of print and electronic media utilizing specialized computer programs. In the same approach, UX designers need to create products that resolve customers' problems—and generally, standard solutions aren't all the time the best or most applicable ones. Graphic designers work with both textual content and pictures. Knowledgeable graphic design firm makes use of modern and up-to-date software and procedures to supply graphic designs that create a visible attraction and communication. In a journal article or commercial, often the graphic designer or artwork director will give photographers a commission to type original pieces just to be integrated into the design format. There was a time when a graphic designer might get hired strictly on their inventive portfolio. You must also give any reference that you simply suppose will assist designers. Designers are also liable for interactive designs the place the content changes as it gets up to date, as well as screen interfaces that help people navigate by means of a variety of data. Further digital studios for undergraduate graphic designers embrace a computer lab totally geared up with the Adobe Artistic Suite and a digital workshop outfitted with large-format printers, bookbinding tools, vinyl cutters, and 3d printers. There are grasp's degree programs created specifically for designers wishing to advance in theoretical studies (MA) or focus their work on a studio degree (MFA). His cultural posters and company design identities - together with his designs for Vitra and Siemens, for which he is most likely greatest known - are timeless but modern. This data helps designers in saving their precious time. The vulnerability proven or graphics evaluated exactly match for the particular concern should necessarily act upon the customer to deliver them to the door step of that firm or enterprise. Typically seen as http://iconiceyes.co.uk/cardiff.php ” laptop, the G750JW-DB71 has all the suitable stuff to make it a robust graphics laptop as well. By outsourcing the graphic designs of an organization the picture and identicalness is elevated so much as people may have enquiry about the product and started buying. InnoBlaze Applied sciences is aware of our clients need and is aware of the graphic design of your corporation collaterals and stationeries after some Analysis of the enterprise. Internships permit aspiring graphic designers to work with designers and to experience the design process from concept to completion. All designers of well-known logos do not strike it filthy wealthy. Designers, take a look at these contests so you can start building your career. When you find yourself undecided about what time length to set for a design undertaking within the temporary, then think about the type of the mission. Particularly in US, East Asia and nicely developed nations have started outsourcing the graphic designs in massive numbers. Communication lies on the coronary heart of a graphic designer's job. I'm graphic designer. Naveen Kumar is the author of this text , who has not only mentioned the a number of ways to get freelance graphics design jobs online and earn money however has introduced a transparent market situation. I think grid-layouts will definitely influence my very own designs, especially the net graphic and it'll keep it a lot neater. A Broadcast Designer You create visible designs and electronic media for use in television productions. Graphic Designers within the US earn a imply annual wage of $39,491. Whether carving statues or portray figures, the Egyptian graphic designers used a grid system as a way to adhere to a canon of aesthetics, which determined some strict ratios. Jihee Lee is a Korean graphic designer who studied and works in Germany. I find that it's a lot easier to write an image-description of a cartoon that I drew - or of a graphic-design representation that I put collectively than it is to put in writing an image-description of (for instance) a photograph. A Logo Designer You create the visual expression of the organization's key message or value. If you can't discover the wonderful print, its probably since you are like each different business proprietor and already threw out the highest half (that they deliberately made right into a throw-away piece of paper). PSLab is looking to rent a graphic designer with 3-4 years of expertise. Graphic design can use picture-based designs involving images, illustrations, logos and symbols, type-based designs, or a mix of both methods. powerpoint presentation layout may rest assured that our designers would be the best representatives of your corporation mission and vision. As long as the factors set down by the consumer is met, there's nothing to stop a graphic designer from having free reign with a website to verify it looks the most effective it presumably can. Designers can specialise in a particular kind of media (vehicle wraps or magazine advertisements, for example) or create a broad assortment of collateral for print, digital, and past. Graphic art and illustration are often seen as being the identical as graphic design, nevertheless they're each very totally different. Graphic design is artwork with a purpose. A) Paid Invite- One can ship a paid invite to designers for $20 per invite. By means of the transition from a messenger to a creator of content, designers now have more possibility to shape these values than ever before. Ikko Tanaka (田中一光, 1930 - 2002) graphic design is deeply rooted in Japanese traditions while at the same is knowledgeable by contemporary western visible expression. Though it is doable to use different pc platforms, the Apple Macintosh is the trade customary used in the majority of professional design fields & is the platform used within the Visual Arts Department. They also work closely with the designers to develop the page templates. The company customized emblem represents the organization hence serving to the organization set up its particular person sort. For an idea artist within the recreation artwork and design business, there are particular job classes to concentrate on, job openings associated with visual development, animation manufacturing, online game design, character design, and invention. These components are used in conjunction or opposition with one another to create visually placing and impactful designs. In late 19th-century Europe, particularly within the United Kingdom, the primary official publication of a printed design was launched, marking the separation of graphic design from positive art. When exploring the difference between raster and vector pictures, we talked about pixels already - that they're tiny squares of colour that form a a lot larger raster picture. Step three - Embrace age-acceptable graphics applications into your curriculum to help your college students acclimate to pc design ideas. Vexels is the design stock where everybody can discover no matter they need - whether you are a Graphic Designer, a Merch-Vendor or an Agency, they have one thing for everyone. Create the photographs that you simply wish to see in your subsequent story. Demand for conventional” graphic designers who work primarily for print publishers has fallen substantially, however that doesn't tell the entire story.
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remedylegal-blog · 5 years
What Is the Cheapest Way to Get Into the Legal Profession?
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"What is the Cheapest way to get into law?"
Entering the legal profession is without doubt one of the most expensive career options apart from becoming an airline pilot. It involves investing thousands of pounds in education that may or may not lead to a position at the end of the road.
Unfortunately there is no simple answer to which is the cheapest way to get in because there are all sorts of implications as to the different paths you choose to go down.
The Legal Executive route is the cheapest option. Quite a few people go down this particular route following on from an undergraduate degree, whether law or otherwise, or straight out of school. The Legal Executive route in terms of monetary cost is considerably cheaper than the Graduate Diploma in Law/LLB degree and the Legal Practice Course (the solicitor route).
We did a bit of research and the current cost in 2013 to complete both parts of the Legal Executive training (Part 3 and Part 6) is about £6,500 (course fees, exam fees etc..) The current cost of the Legal Practice Course at the University of Law is £11,000-£13,000. If you combine the Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL) and the Legal Practice Court (LPC) the overall cost is about £18,000-£20,000.
If you combine the Legal Practice Course with the cost of completing a law degree then the usual overall price is around £25,000 to £30,000, which is gradually creeping up to around the £40,000 mark as law schools start to capitalise on the willingness and ability of potential lawyers to pay.
In the past people have been down the vocational course route or alternatively the New York Attorney route, but these are options that are now in the past because, as we understand it, the Law Society still require you to complete the LPC and a training contract or training contract equivalent, which makes it senseless to plan to do either of these two in order to become a lawyer.
So if you look at the different options, the cheapest one by far is the route through the Institute of Legal Executives and becoming a chartered legal executive before then either moving on to being a solicitor simply remaining a legal executive.
The various borders between all the different types of lawyer (legal executive, paralegal, solicitor and Barrister) are becoming distinctly blurred. Solicitors can now do work that was exclusively reserved for barristers. Barristers can see clients directly. Legal executives can gain the Rights of Audience that solicitors and barristers previously exclusively enjoyed. Legal Executives can now become partners of law firms and so can barristers. Solicitors can practice as Advocates without ever needing to take instructions from clients themselves.
However one thing remains very clear and that is that in the minds of lawyers themselves there is still a hierarchy in terms of both fee income and status.
At the bottom of the pile is a paralegal and this is very unlikely to change for a good few years yet simply because paralegals have no rights at all in terms of advocacy, and similarly cannot practice on their own without another type of lawyer being with them.
Second in the pile are Legal Executives who are starting to enjoy more status in recent times but similarly hold lesser standing in the legal profession as a whole than solicitors and barristers. It is partly because of the old-fashioned view that most people who have become legal executives are former secretaries trying to work their way up. this is still very much the case for some people and perfectly understandable as a very easy way in.
After all, being a solicitor requires you to do quite a bit of academic study at some point or other whereas becoming a legal executive is mostly something you can do on the job with a few evenings a week at night school or weekends at doing distance learning spread over a considerable length of time.
Second from the top are solicitors. Make no mistake, in the legal professional solicitors are definitely considered second rate by just about everyone including themselves, even when they are commercial lawyers earning considerable sums of money and more than the Barristers they instruct. Solicitors are seen more as wheeler-dealers and go-getters than actual lawyers, and the profession itself over time has determined effectively that solicitors are the monkeys to barristers' organ grinders.
At the top of the pile are the barristers. The vast majority of barristers I suspect would class themselves as upper class. They are often very sharp, extremely intelligent, usually residing in exclusive villages or streets reserved for premier league footballers, doctors and senior businessmen and with cars to match.
Barristers see solicitors as a necessary evil as traditionally the solicitors obtain clients for the barristers and the barristers did their best for them even though they usually have not met the client before the date of their first hearing and have absolutely no interest at all in their welfare or personal situation.
Barristers are pure law at the end of the day and are not interested (quite understandably) in their clients' welfare or wellbeing.
These are traditional views on the legal profession and the way it is structured. How you choose to interpret the above article is a matter for yourself, but it is based on my own experiences in law, whether as a lay person undertaking cases myself or as a qualified solicitor working with barristers and other solicitors.
The reason I put this level of detail into this article is to show you that if you decide to go in the cheapest way into the legal profession there is always a catch, and at the moment the catch is that your status for the remainder of your time in the profession will be diminished by the decision you have made now.
Once a legal executive always a legal executive. The lawyers recruiting you at the moment are usually "pure" solicitors. They will hold your status as a legal executive against you and probably for the remainder of your career. Your salary will often be affected as solicitors traditionally believe that legal executives are worth less money than qualified solicitors. I would estimate that over the time of your career remaining you will lose around £5,000 to £10,000 per year at the very least through your decision to go down the Legal Executives route, at least up until you have been in a solicitors job for 5 years min.
Furthermore, certain doors will be shut to you from then start. If you qualify as a legal executive you very often have to qualify into an area where legal executives are used and practice. This invariably means debt recovery, some types of employment - usually contentious, crime, family, conveyancing, wills and probate and sometimes commercial property. Whilst some of these are not known to be too bad in the long term - commercial property and wills and probate are not too badly paid at the moment - it does mean that the majority of commercial law for example is going to be outside your remit.
It is very difficult to move from one field to another once you have specialised in one particular area of law. So for example if you qualify as a legal executive undertaking crime work and have 5 years' experience you cannot then use your legal executive status (or indeed your solicitor status) to move across and practice in corporate finance.
If you are an able student or graduate with excellent grades then you should almost always make an effort to go down the solicitor or barrister route. Going down the solicitor route is not as expensive as people think it is.
For example you do not need to pay the College of Law or BPP to do the Legal Practice Course or the Graduate Diploma in Law. There are far cheaper alternatives and regardless of what the more elite institutions tell you, the vast majority of law firms don't care two hoots where you do your LPC because most qualified lawyers view these courses as burning hoops to jump through in order to qualify than any sign of your ability.
Employers are always interested in your undergraduate degree. For the rest of your career. Forever!
They are also interested in your A level grades. Forever!
This plus your A- Level grades will determine whether you are a student or graduate with excellent academics. If you have straight A's at A Level or AAB or possibly ABB then you will be an excellent student to come into law.
If you have a 2:1 Degree in anything other than pop music or country dancing (my first degree was pop music), then you stand a very good chance of training and becoming a qualified solicitor.
If you have less than this then your life as a lawyer will be considerably harder to start out with. The Legal profession do not view 2:2 degrees as being something that entitles you to practice as a lawyer. It will go against you for the remainder of your career and there is no way round it. I suspect that if you are sat there reading this with a 2:2 degree you have been badly misinformed by anyone who has told you to go into the legal profession. It is not impossible - I have trained and coached many students and graduates who have 2:2 degrees (sometimes even a 3rd) and they have gone onto enjoy rewarding careers as lawyers in some capacity. However, their road into law has been considerably harder as a result of their inability to obtain a 2:1 degree.
So getting back to my statement that if you have excellent academics you should always consider becoming a solicitor so as not to damage your career in the long term by going down the Legal Executive route.
If you do not have excellent academics then you should always consider alternative options and one of these will be to go down the legal executive route.
However I would not recommend paying to undertake a legal executive course until you have legal work experience, you are able to use in the longer term to secure yourself a good legal career.
By this I mean that if you are a student or graduate you should definitely not go straight along to the Institute of Legal Executives and sign up for any legal executive course. If you are going down a non-conventional route into law then academic study once you have completed an undergraduate degree or your A-Levels is completely immaterial. Experience is what matters and nothing else will do. Legal work experience is the key to gaining a successful start into law.
You cannot skip this, circumvent or navigate round it as so many people try every year.
This is why academic institutions have been bought out by overseas companies looking to make a quick buck.
There are a lot of people out there undertaking postgraduate and undergraduate courses with no hope at all of ever finding a job in the profession they are going into.
Furthermore, there are lots of people out there who have the academic qualifications but lack any work experience or activities or interests who similarly are very unlikely to ever get ahead in law or get through the easy way.
No careers adviser will give you this advice, but the main thing to do to get into law is to get experience, more experience and even more experience. This may cost money in itself, and you may say that I have my fees to pay and I have to live. This gets me to my point that if you want to invest in your career then spending money on academic qualifications is not the way to go. Getting experience is and this in itself will cost you money.
To give you a quick example, as I write this a vacancy has come in from one of our central London law firms. They are looking for a fee earner to go and assist for a month or two with a load of admin work. They will pay well for this, and it is a job probably most suited for an LPC graduate.
I have one in mind.
It is not an LPC graduate with a 2:1 law degree or good A levels. It is not an LPC graduate with an LLM from a good university or some sort of summer school academic qualification. It is an LPC graduate with similar experience to that the firm are seeking.
The firm will not give two hoots what the LPC graduate has in terms of additional qualifications but they will study the LPC graduate's work experience to date to decide whether or not to take them on for this particular role.
It is so important to understand this that when somebody says what is the cheapest way into law that there is no easy answer. You cannot just take a decision now that will affect the rest of your career simply on the basis that it may cost one or two thousand pounds more to go one way into the legal profession rather than another.
You will notice that so far I have not mentioned anything about barristers. This is because in my experience training to be a barrister is almost always a complete waste of your money and time. You would probably be shocked to hear this and perhaps put it down to my natural bias against barristers having been a solicitor myself. I would grudgingly accept that probably I am a little biased against barristers having run around courts for them, I've dealt with some pretty awful ones over the years (as well as some absolutely fantastic ones) but the barristers' strand of the profession is pretty much tied up and it is very important to understand this.
The word nepotism could almost have been invented for this part of the profession. Let me give you an example.
Back many years ago when I had just qualified as a solicitor our practice used a local chambers which had a very good reputation in the area and was probably the top set of barristers by a considerable distance. I cannot remember any of their barristers being unsuited or incompetent and most being incredibly talented advocates.
At some stage in my first year after training I remember that they advertised for two pupil barristers to join them. There were a considerable number of applications, as you would expect because this was a top quality set of chambers, outstanding reputation with quality work coming in, in an area where there are not many barristers' chambers.
I do not know how the recruitment process occurred but I do know that the two pupils selected were children of one of the senior barristers in chambers and one of the more junior barristers. I am afraid that the barristers' profession can talk about diversity and equal opportunity to their hearts content but when recruitment like this occurs in a chambers of that size it is completely irrelevant.
It is always going to be the case that if chambers at that level recruit their own then anyone else will either have to set up rival chambers or alternatively work for a lesser standard of chambers.
It may be that the two children of the barristers already in practice were the best suited for the role, and I am sure they went on to be absolutely outstanding barristers but the point is these two people gained their pupillages with chambers to which they were already affiliated through their parents.
Without any sort or recruitment process that eliminates this (and after all why should it - I would have done exactly the same myself as a barrister if my children wanted to practice as barristers!) then this is not a strand of the profession to go into unless you have family or extremely good friends who are able to assist you in your search or pupillage.
The vast majority of people who complete the Bar Professional Training Course do not end up as barristers. They end up working as paralegals or non-qualified lawyers with a views to taking the Legal Practice Course at a future point in their career, costing even more money.
This is a false economy because the cost of completing the Bar Professional Training Course and the  visit here   Practice Course is verging on the ridiculous for the returns that you will get at a later stage in your career.
So in summary I recommend anyone coming into the profession to do one of two things.
1. If you have excellent academics and the ability to add legal work experience to your CV to bolster this then go and try and qualify as a solicitor. Do not go down any other route.
2. If you do not have excellent academics do not go down the route of qualifying to be a solicitor. You can go and get work experience and prove me wrong (and I hope you do) but you would be better suited to a life as a legal executive with a view to cross-qualifying at a later stage by competing the Legal Practice Course or simply being happy doing what you are doing as a legal executive.
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pathhyena · 6 years
Depression: It bad
This might be an awful idea, but hyenas sort of thrive on those so who knows.
Hi everyone! Hey what’s been on the news lately?! Right, suicide. That sucks. (Great start hyena). I didn’t know the folks who passed very well, but I remember when Robin Williams took his life, and that threw me for a loop. Celebrities are weird because we have some connection to them even though they’ll likely never know we exist. We sort of support them en masse and they serve an invisible army hungry for their content. When they pass away, it hurts, because we have that powerful emotional one-way connection. I get that.
The bad news is that’s going to happen a lot. It used to not happen as much because we only had radio and TV and 30 channels so the celebrity delivery pipelines were relatively small. That’s why the news still announces every death in the mornings. Today, with social media, fandom structures, indie streaming, a million channels, and more movies and music delivery streams than ever, the number of celebrities has exploded. This is really cool because now there isn’t some centralized control over who we get access to, it’s really nicely wide open. What this also means though is that in the coming years we’ll hear about a lot more passing’s of really cool people. I think to a limited degree we saw this with Bourdain, whose content was delivered on an expansive cable frontier, and Avicii, who benefited from less centralized control over music. These are still all- stars in their fields, so they may be weak examples, but I just think we’ll see a lot more of this down the line.
Celebrity life is really crazy. It’s demanding. They read a lot of critical reviews of themselves as people, and sometimes the motivations that drive you towards fame are also internally destructive. Creativity as a force is often (not always!) cruel, and the drive to find approval from a mass audience often comes along, and often doesn’t come from the greatest places. Even far removed from who we were as teenagers, our darker angels live within us for decades. We all get better at dealing with them, but they certainly still exist.
When a celebrity takes their own life, there is a documented spike in suicides across the world, most notably in demographics similar to that individual. Partly this makes a lot of sense: someone we understand who looks and feels similar to ourselves lost their daily battle, and maybe it’s okay if we do, too. I heard a sociologist on NPR explaining that suicide is now normalizing, and that struck me as odd. I don’t know how it seems to other people, but it’s always been a glaring option to me. I didn’t need news articles to tell me it was an option, it’s something I used to think about.
Suicide is a thing a lot of us think about, and that doesn’t make us weird. It’s an odd existential exercise that the brain sometimes likes to meander into then shriek away from. Like how when I’m high up I think, wow that jump would suck (I am consequently scared of heights). That’s not all that abnormal, I don’t think. The issue comes when the exercise becomes less thought and more dangerous solution, less pondering and more considering. Some folks don’t feel like they have a lot to lose, even though realistically we have everything to lose. Decades of die rolls and adaptations and new friends around a corner we can’t see, but in that moment none of that seems likely, or maybe even all that great. We as people can’t help but view the entire span of a lifetime but through the lens of today, of right now. Tomorrow is forever away.
People keep begging us online to remember how valuable life is, they keep sending us suicide hotline numbers. One tweet I saw going around had the number for every country, in case someone speaking English in Turkey needed the suicide hotline for their nation. I have to be honest, I don’t know how qualified I am to respond to these; I haven’t felt a considerable level of suicide drive since I was 23. I didn’t want to take my own life since it would probably hurt and also it would make my mother sad and that would suck, but y’know if something would have magically end my life painlessly and without fault assigned that would have been cool. Nothing magically made that better but time, but I also had a lot of good friends to talk me through the really crazy thoughts.
I made very little sense back then. (I make only slightly more now.)
What I tend to find with depression is that it ebbs and flows. That’s not true for everyone, I’ve read, with the worst cases being times where apathy sets in and just stays for years. In that scenario nothing is good, nothing is bad, and everything is nothing. It’s a familiar numbness to the entrance and exit of a depressive wave. I think the brain just burns out, and it takes a while to recover. But there’s a period for a lot of us where it’s just really harsh, and I think that’s what those hotlines are for. Maybe you don’t have anyone you trust to talk to about something, you don’t have an emotional connection, and distant tweets from distant strangers don’t do it for you. That’s otherwise really hard, because you have to get through it on your own. I’ve had those nights too. It’s certainly possible to recover from the really bad times on your own (if not required sometimes), but it helps to have a receptive mind on the other end of your painful thoughts. Just something on the other end to reflect and consider. Sometimes that can turn things around, but usually it doesn’t. It’s good at getting you to the next clear moment, where maybe you can recover, find some respite.
And here’s the thing with going to a friend for help – they often want to “fix” you. And it doesn’t work, and then after a few more rounds (this stuff comes in rounds usually), they get frustrated and they check out. Even the good friends do, they just get exasperated. Okay this definitely isn’t true for ALL friends. But here’s a hint to the good allies out there: You can’t fix someone with these issues, we must work them out for ourselves.
“You only talk to me when you’re depressed.” Yes, because that’s the only time I’m in enough pain to overcome debilitating social anxiety.
“You don’t really say anything.” I don’t know what to say, all my thoughts are awful.
“Why are you so negative all the time.” Why is the sky blue.
“This is really hard to hear every week.” I know. I know that, and I feel bad talking to you, I just don’t know what else to do.
And therapy isn’t a magic bullet. You need a good therapist, and sometimes the right drug combination and that’s its own mess. I encourage folks to take this route, but it’s not a fast lane. You often need a mix of stuff. You need exercise so your body doesn’t get sad on your brain’s behalf, friends to get you through the hard times and share your realizations, helpful information to help you fight your battles more strategically, an ability to adjust your tactics when you’re in a good place, and sometimes professionals who can help you understand what’s going on. You may be helped by medication that can help you find clarity.
That’s a lot! And it takes years, and I know that’s frustrating. Humans live for decades, and even through your bad years you often add a lot of value to the world in weird little uncelebrated ways. We can even have a lot of worthless years and find our way to a net positive life. It’s just hard to see that. You have to take it on faith. I’m not much for hope myself, I’m weird that way. But some things you have to take on faith. If you keep fighting, the probability is over time you can find the tools to make it just a little bit easier. And sometimes that’s all we need. We don’t need to be “fixed”. Just make things a little bit easier. And then we can start from a better palace, another foothold in this mountain climb.
We need people to help us be okay with the tumbles, though. There will be a lot of setbacks. Recovery is a long game.
And maybe this is morbid, but consider Robin Williams for a moment. He struggled constantly, and in the end, he “lost”. He went a long time though. If it was cancer, we would have celebrated his valiant struggle. It wasn’t, though, it was self destruction, so it feels like just this great, avoidable loss.
It isn’t, tho. Depression is much like cancer, there is a physical cause, and just because we overcome it psychologically that doesn’t diminish how difficult that is. When you think, when you process ideas or even daydream, you literally change the physical construction of your brain. You rewire. There’s a physical change. When we learn to work with and around our depression we are literally adapting to difficult wiring with re-routed wiring. Depression is a physical malady. When someone loses their struggle, it’s very sad.
But it’s not their fault. It’s not our fault. It’s no one’s “fault”. Sentience is so complex. There are millions of adaptive super computers we call brains and sometimes they have difficulty and we struggle. The tragedy, I feel, is when someone loses to a “spike” – those moments that inexplicably are so much worse. That’s what the hotlines are for, y’know. They get you through those potentially fatal spikes, and maybe there’s a longer term way out.
There are people that have died because they didn’t have someone with an emotional connection to talk to. That’s a stark truth. Now someone to talk to isn’t going to fix anything, necessarily, but if you have a really harsh downswing, and there’s no one there, it’s so easy to give in to the reality your troubled mind constructs. How do you overcome a misperceived reality when your own mind is telling you what’s real? That answer is complicated. We have a lot of minds in us, and we can sort of call on our other sections of thought to help get us through. We can find our way through creativity, practiced mental exercises, or even forcing ourselves to think logically through a mental storm. Those are tools we learn how to use, but they’re hard to use when the awful part of the brain is literally screaming at us. Like trying to have a conversation with a screaming baby behind you on a plane. What helps a lot in the really bad times is another person to sort of generate words for us, and that’s why the good friends are so important.
But we also burn those friends out, and you sort of need a network to spread that responsibility around. But so often it’s hard to trust, and without vulnerability you can’t really care about the person on the other end. Without a fully functioning personality it’s difficult to find that bigger network. People are also stressful and sometimes awful. Sometimes they even make stuff worse.
This sounds like a lot, right? It sounds hard. It IS hard. Folks should understand how Catch 22 in nature depression is.
I have several people who only talk to me when they’re just really, really depressed. They don’t say they’re depressed usually, just small talk, and we banter, and they feel better. Lonely is it’s own kind of hell. I’m okay with these folks, to be honest. I don’t mind being that person. I’m glad I can help in little ways. Maybe it adds up.
I mean I’ve also had people just message me with no effort every day and they’re basically using me as a background television station because they’re bored, and that’s less great. Sometimes it’s hard to tell one from the other.
Anyway I’ll finish with this. Depression isn’t your fault, and feeling like you’re at wit’s end isn’t weakness. There is something wrong with you but it’s your fault as much as it’s someone’s fault for getting the flu. Now there are dumb things you can do when you get the flu – you don’t go run a mile or stop drinking water, right? There are basic measures to be taken, and that’s true for depression. Don’t indulge your demons and try to take care of your body when you’re able (your body can create it’s own depression). When the flu wears off we do things to recover and get back to 100%, and when depression gives us a break we should be documenting, pondering, and trying to fight our awful thoughts.
Another good flu analogy is seeking mental healthcare (which yes I know is not a great system today) makes sense when your brain is that ill. As with any physical malady, and no amount of willing it away is going to fix it. Telling someone with a 104F fever that they should suck it up is about as helpful as feeling like you shouldn’t need to go to a therapist because we should all be Very Strong People.
If you’re basically fighting the good fight, the overall tenor of where you are today is absolutely not your fault. It’s not a weakness, you don’t suck. You’re given the life you have by who you are and who you were.
Today is yours, and you can control how you react to today. Yesterday is already fucked, and that’s okay. You’re you today. The point of today is to make tomorrow a little better.
To that end, I’m okay with being someone’s desperate cold call on the way to oblivion, which is to say that if you just can’t stand life anymore and you don’t have anyone, it’s okay to message a hyena and say like, “fuck I don’t know what to do, you wrote that I could say hi to you and I could unload and you wouldn’t eat me (that might be a lie, that last part), so I’m taking a risk.” (You don’t have to curse.)
Now I know it’s a shitty thing to say, “Hey if you need someone come talk to me”, cause people are utterly fucking terrifying and how do you talk to someone you don’t know well, especially if they’re “fandom popular” (which has it’s own complications). What if you’re wasting someone’s time, what if you have nothing to say, what if you say something dumb, etc.
If I can’t talk right now, I can tell you, and I think you’d understand. If you have nothing to say we can talk about curtains. You can’t waste my time unless you’re just doing the bored no effort “I’m fine but entertain me” thing people sometimes do when they’re younger and haven’t figured that part out yet. Beyond that, honestly I’ve been where you are and the quality of conversation doesn’t even have to be great, it just has to be someone else out there. I’ll read your words and respond. I can’t be your best friend, and I’m sorry about that, but let’s be honest we’re not looking for best friends we are literally looking for anybody to show some compassion and care about our struggle, even if just briefly.
You may not know me except for reputation, or tweets, or even just this dumb tumblr post. That’s okay. You can look at my tweets and see that maybe I am weird because I think I am a hyena online and paws are pretty cool, and if you don’t think I’m awful (enough) and you really need someone, say hi.
As a disclaimer obviously if we have a prior history this may not work, because I am a person you have history with and am not actually a volunteer stranger on the end of a phoneline.
Dear person in a Very Bad Place: I may not be able to find you in time to say the right words. If you reach out to me, *I* may not have the right words. But we can try, and at least that’s something. I might be at work or laggy or depressed myelf, but I can tell you that, and I trust you to not take it so personally because you are a people and I am too.
If direct contact is scary, send me a reply on Twitter. We can use a code phrase, it can be “Foxes are very strange.” It’s true. As a corollary, sometimes my notifications get slammed and I might miss that (Twitter is bad at volume delivery), but I wanna still offer it as a sort of option.
Life is hard. I get that. If I can make your struggle a little easier, and you’re in a bad way, maybe I can help.
I feel like this is probably true for a lot of people on Twitter, and I bet there are folks who will read this and might reply “Hey me too, I would like to be this person too”. I don’t want to name names cause I don’t want to volunteer people who may not be in a good place themselves. You never know people’s lives.
ANYWAY, thanks for reading 3000 words, have a gold star. I hope any of this was helpful, and I mean the thing at the end except for the not eating you part. I have a reputation to maintain, you see.
@pathhyena on Twitter
P.S. I am especially bad at tumblr comments because I am extremely old.
Also adding ten more words to make it exactly 3000.
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ellaenchanting · 7 years
Psych student here. I keep hearing a lot about hypnotists using Neuro Linguistic Programming and how it can be used in trancey situations but... From everything I've heard, it's basically pseudoscience. Tumblr doesn't let me link to things in an ask, but there's scholarly articles dating back to the 1980's saying that. (Journal of Counseling Psychology , Vol 32(4), Oct, 1985. pp. 589-596.) (The Wikipedia page also includes a lot of sources debunking claims made by NLP's creators.) [part 1/2]
Is the hypnokink version of NLP somehow different from that? Or is it more a fantasy/role play? Thanks for everything! [part 2/2]
                                  WHAT’S THE DEAL WITH NLP?
Hi! Thank you for your question!
First of all- here is a mandatory psych major announcementfor you:  If you are a sophomore orabove, I heavily encourage you to get in some research experience if youhaven’t already. Even if you don’t decide to get a graduate degree inpsychology, this will really help you if you decide to continue in the field inany way.  
Also- good for you, psychology major, for caring if psychologyideas from hypnokink are evidence-based!* A psychology major who is not askeptic is a poorly-trained psychology major.  You are doing exactly what you’re supposed todo- questioning “common sense” and ideas that are presented to you. In a way,it’s kind of the job of the field to find the holes in “common sense” that noone else is looking for. Good job!
When people in hypnokink talk about neurolinguisticprogramming, they are talking about using a verbal technique (almost a “cheatcode” if you will) as a way of influencing people. This is how salesmen andpick up artists and trainers tend to understand nlp. But nlp actually startedout and was intended to be used as a therapy- often in conjunction withhypnosis. There is no secret,super-effective type of nlp** posted on fetlife somewhere- the nlp we all useis derived from the therapeutic modality.
So- how good is the therapy itself?
If we’re looking to see if a therapy is evidence based, thebest place to look for what is evidence based is the Division 12 website of theAmerican Psychological Association (https://www.div12.org/).(Bookmark this, psychology major!) Under their “psychological treatments” tab,you can search for what are considered the best treatments available forpsychological disorders. You’ll note that nlp is not listed as an evidencebased treatment. (To be fair, nor is hypnotherapy). That’s usually a bad sign.
Let’s move on to litreviews!
If you look further at the few related literature reviews,you’ll see more bad signs. There seems to be very limited evidence basis at allwith more negative than positive results- and the positive results generallyare coming from the lower quality research. I like the one you pointed to anon! Also- This lit review is enjoyably snarky  in the discussion section. This one is more modern and seems more robust.  Either way, the evidence of effectiveness in any of these is pretty scant. (The officialnlp page on Wikipedia, which you mentioned,  is also pretty shady with those damning quotes in the referencesection.)  These lit reviews areprimarily based on nlp as a counseling practice, but there’s also negative information heretoo about individual specialized nlp techniques- like eye accessing and using submodalities.
So- if you want to learn an effective therapeutic intervention,you should probably not put too much time or money into nlp training.
Can knowing nlp can be useful for your casual sexyhypnofetishy hypnotists?
Here are some ways:
1.      It’s a cultural signifier. Since we (and hypnotistsas a community) have decided that nlp is A Useful Thing, knowing about nlpbecomes valuable. Showing that you know nlp (even a little bit) shows that you’vecracked a book/attended a class and you have sought culturally-valuableknowledge. It gives you authority. For example- I usually ask subjects abouttheir modalities (kinesthetic/auditory/visual/some people throw in others). There’ssome mixed evidence on modalities existing but the most and best evidence saysthat the concept and the theories behind it are inaccurate. But! The communitybelieves in modalities. My subject likely believes in modalities- or at least itis a useful thing to have them believe. If I use their preferred modality, itboth shows that I’m listening to them/respecting them and it shows that I knowenough about hypnosis to be trusted. So- I’ll generally still ask about modalities and use them as though they were real.
2.       Theplacebo effect. A lot of what we do as hypnotists is exploit the hell out ofthe placebo effect and people’s pre-existing beliefsabout hypnosis. A spiral, a pocket watch, someone’s eyes- none of these thingshave any power on their own. A bunch of people see my eyes every day andthey’re not hypnotized by them. But they can be very hypnotic when me and mysubject agree that they are! Tricksy language patterns, in my opinion, often worksimilarly to  pocket watches or a spirals. Since I am a hypnotist and I am doinga tricksy language thing, the language thing works- in the same way that myeyes work in the correct circumstances. ***
3.      NLP isn’t entirely ineffective! NLP was designedby Some Bros watching a bunch of good trained counselors and deciding toreplicate their techniques.  Thus, thereis a lot of gently borrowed good counseling technique in nlp! I’ve noticed bothSFBT and ACT tend to teach some ideas that I first saw in nlp- although Isuspect that those may come from a similar parent therapy and not nlp itself.**** Utilizingsomeone’s own language, metaphors, and world concepts (their meta-model, if youwill) when working with them is a good basic therapeutic technique and is utilizedby most evidence- based practices.  Outsideof therapy, there’s very strong scientific basis for ideas like subliminal cuesand priming (although some variations- like subliminal messages- have been debunked).Those ideas are somewhat nlp-connected. 
4.      Feeling like you know a powerful thing is a confidenceboost. Sleezy pick up artists (aka all PUAs) use nlp techniques all the time-some of them successfully. The technique itself may be flimsy, but theconfidence boost of knowing a technique probably boosts their success rate. *****
5.      Increase your punning and hypnotist!joke makingability.
So in conclusion: 
NLP is a big mix of proven counselingtechniques, wild speculation, great marketing, and somewhat outdated linguistictheories all thrown together and pureed in a blender. (It’s kind of like hypnosisin that way- a big mix of scientifically-based phenomenon, artistry,  and bullshit blended together so seamlesslythat it’s hard if not impossible to sort out the active ingredients). There’s afamous book by a therapy skeptic that derides therapy as “the exchange of myths”.  In a similar way, there’s a lot of what we do that could be considered exchanging myths in a similar vein. Brainwashing is amyth. The subsconscious (at least the way a lot of people view it) is a myth.NLP is a myth******. That doesn’t mean that these things aren’t fun or sexy or eveneffective in cases. After all, myths are powerful! 
But yeah- your scientific skepticism here isvery warranted, anon.
Thank you for asking!
*Spoiler: No, they are not!*******
**Except the kind I’m selling!
***And yeah- I admit I’m being pretty simplistic here. I think hypnosis is too complicated to just be a large placebo effect (although I definitely used to believe that)- but the placebo effect is a big component. A lot of what we do is really, really cultural.
****One of the criticisms I read of nlp stated that it’sbasically a grab bag of techniques from a bunch of more evidence-basedtherapies. This may be true. However, that’s also how many licensedprofessionals tend to practice counseling.
*****Although, to be fair, there is evidence that some nlp techniques actually harm rapport- such as over-mirroring/matching words. 
******For added discussion- I think a lot of what we do in/with hypnosis is not even something that hypnosis researchers would consider to be actual hypnosis. But- they have no better, more specific and clear descriptions of what hypnosis is and neither do we. It’s a relative experience: If you say that you’re in love, I can’t scientifically validate if you are or are not.
*******OK I kid. But only partially!
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recessknot2 · 4 years
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On the other hand, I know someone that gave a talk to her Chamber of Commerce as well as generated $100k of organization. I went to 4 or 5 Chamber of Business rate networking events when I initially relocated to the United States from the UK in 2006 and realized they were a waste of time. It was rarely unusual when you take into consideration that an excellent percentage of people who visit collections do so due to the fact that they do not have the cash to purchase books or spend for net accessibility. You'll unquestionably offer talks that create little interest as well as others where the organizers greatly overstated the amount of people would certainly exist. your suitable client isn't reading social media sites and also asking yourself why it's taking you as long to obtain your Facebook group up as well as running.
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