#artie 100% had a crush on kurt
cryscendo · 11 months
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kurt hummel in every performance
6x06 - What the World Needs Now
What the World Needs Now - New Directions and alumni
“Family are the people who embrace you with open arms no matter what.”
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bowtiesnmusicals · 2 years
Here is my recap of Pass the Pepto (Ballad) episode of the podcast.
This episode originally aired November 18, 2009.
The #1 song in the country was What You Say by Jason Derulo.
The #1 movie in the country was 2012.
PJ Bloom the music supervisor won the outstanding musical supervision award.
The cast went to the Diversity Awards.
They said it was an interesting experience. It was one of the casts first events all together. Jenna said it was a little bit underproduced. Kevin said it was nice to be able to get together and to meet new people.
Kevin shouted out the History of Glee twitter.
Someone on twitter makes four picture synopsis of episodes. She would like to be on the pr payroll.
Jenna said this is the beginning of her and Kevin being expensive extras. Although to be fair the previous episode was big for them and this one had a lot to do with baby gate.
They do a brief summary of the episode.
This episode contains a lot of uncomfortableness. It makes Kevin queasy and it hurts him to watch it. Jenna said it's a really awkward episode.
Naya's laugh in the middle of the spider in the ear story about Matt is 100% real.
Sarah Drew (Suzy Pepper) was an amazing guest star and very funny. Jenna said she was one of the most excellent guest stars they had and Kevin said she absolutely crushed it. She would later go on to be on Grey's Anatomy.
Brittany thing a ballad is a male duck is one of the best lines.
Glee was best when it used the music as part of the storyline and ot move the storyline further.
I bet the duck's in the hat is the second part of the best line by Brittany.
Tina picks other Asian is slightly inappropriate.
Diana gave a great look when Artie picked Quinn.
All of the songs make Kevin uncomfortable. He had to fast forward through some of the numbers.
Jenna really enjoyed Endless Love because of the uncomfortableness of it.
Rachel's crush on Mr. Shue is really weird.
The crushes are happening this episode.
The Suzy Pepper flashback is so good.
Terri's line when she picks up the phone was great.
She has two scenes in this episode and they are both incredible.
The Don't Stand So Close and Young Girl mash up is incredible but also super uncomfortable. This one really made Jenna uncomfortable. Kevin had to fast forward through this number.
Rachel handing Mr. Shue the beer when he gets home is extra creepy. Kevin said it's like a horror movie. It's 100% inappropriate.
The scene in the car of Mr. Shue taking Rachel home is beautifully shot.
It was fun to get to see everyone sing different genres of songs. Kevin enjoyed Rachel singing Crush.
The crazy meeting crazy of Rachel and Suzy in the bathroom is really funny.
Jenna said haven't we all had a crush on a teacher. Kevin said not all of us.
Rachel saying sorry for being crazy is so funny.
This is Rachel's 3rd crush and we are only in episode 10. This is high school so it is not really that weird.
We meet Quinn's mom and dad. Greg Henry and Charlotte Ross who play her parents are incredible.
Greg Henry is in Scandal.
Jenna said the Chastity ball dress scene is reminiscent of when she was on Drag Race. Kevin said but you were not 16 and Jenna said she was not as far along.
This is the beginnings of Kurt and Finn. We start to see them start to be a family but also Kurt's crush on Finn.
Kevin can't watch Cory sing I'll Stand By You. Not because it's awkward but it's too emotional. He also lost it in the Quarterback when they did that number. It was Cory's first big solo.
Corry was phenomenal in this episode.
Singing to the sonogram was so weird but it works.
I agree with Kevin that I love the relationship between Finn and Carol.
The moment when Romy cries but doesn't cry when she hugs Finn is heartbreaking. It breaks Jenna every time.
Kevin said it makes sense because Romy's emotions are always right there. She will give you everything. Jenna said she is an open book. You can see why she is a good actor. It's so good when an actor can teeter on emotions.
A fan wrote in and told them about the continuity error of Kurt playing the piano. Kurt and the stand in are wearing different colored pants.
Kurt's voice over is so good. Kurt's voice overs really make this episode.
The scene where Kurt is helping Finn look for an outfit was really sweet.
This scene is a really grounding moment and sets up for the future of Burt and Carol.
Then Kurt makes it awkward by telling Finn to sing to Quinn's parents.
Jenna thinks the dinner at Fabray's was shot at a real house.
Finn in the bathroom is one Kevin and Jenna's favorite thing ever. The karate chop reminds Jenna of a scene in Friends with Ross.
Jenna and Kevin hate the song You're Having My Baby. The cast would be silly and say You're Having My Baby.
Diana kept laughing as Cory sang the song to him and Cory kept forgetting his lines because she saw Diana was having a hard time not laughing.
The I have to go or they will think I'm pooping line in the bathroom was brilliant. This whole sequence is so so good. It's really akward.
We get to see Dianna's acting chops in the scene between Quinn and her dad. It's written so well. It's a great scene. It's also heartbreaking.
The scene with Carol afterwards was quiet and easy.
The scene with Kurt confessing and Finn not getting it is great.
Kevin and Jenna like Puck and Mercedes together.
The acting in the scene of Puck telling Mercedes he is the father is really great.
Kevin was excited to do Lean On Me.
Kevin said his voice sounds weird because he was trying to imitate the guide vocal. It wasn't someone who normally did the guide voice for Kevin's parts. He really loved the guys voice and tried to sound like him.
Kevin couldn't record the song to save his life. He had an emotional breakdown. He got to the bridge and he couldn't do it. He couldn't get it sung the way they wanted it to be sung. They pulled him and said someone else would do it.
Jenna also couldn't do it. They ended up combining Jenna and Kevin's parts.
Unfortunately they cut out Amber's verse for the filmed version.
They kept Cory and Dianna from knowing what they were doing with this number. They weren't allowed in rehearsals and saw it for the first time on the day it was shot. They filmed Dianna and Cory's reactions first.
Brittany did her ear thing in this number. Kevin said it was nice to see all the different interactions in this number. They were loose and just enjoying each other's company.
Jenna high fived Naya and Jenna was not well when she rewatched that part for this recap.
This was the first time they brought out the personal fans. For some reason it was so hot on stage that day.
This episode had romance, crushes, and a whole lot of baby gate.
Tartie Takes:
Cringe Moments aka Ouchies - You're Having My Baby, I'll Stand By You, Crush, and Endless Love. Those two storylines are really really difficult.
Worst Dance Move - Will standing on the piano and jumping during the mash up.
Best Song - Jenna said Kevin's vocals on Lean On Me. Kevin said all of Lean On Me.
Kevin said the times they had to fix him the most are the times he likes his vocals the most. Kevin said his voice always sounds like his voice has autotune or melodyne so when his voice has to be fixed it doesn't actually sound that bad.. He said he probably didn't have time to properly warm up or learn Lean On Me. Jenna said it's hard to not duplicate your guide because they were so good.
Best Prop - the pepper
Didn't Age Well - When Quinn's mom said maybe you haven't been exercising enough
Best Line - Finn in the bathroom. Also I think the duck's in the hat. Runner up Tina's line about her rosacea acting up.
Shit We Found On TikTok:
There is a mistake in the STD episode. In the scene where Artie is telling the boys he has an STD in the background on the tv are real Glee credits but in the scene they reference watching Arliss.
Next week is Hairography and their is so much to talk about. Jenna loves this episode.
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gleeincorrectquotes · 4 years
Tbh yeah same. I'd read a whole thing of like all the times someone had a crush on Kurt and the one time that it was 100% mutual - could be real cute
I know there are probably hundreds of these but I kinda like writing so I wrote this for you anon 🙂Please go easy this is like the second fic I’ve ever posted heh
Summary : 5 times one of the guys has a crush on Kurt and 1 time Kurt finds out. Word count : 878 words
For the record, Artie finds everyone hot.
Just because he occasionally finds himself staring at Kurt Hummel’s butt or his really long eyelashes or his long legs or his.....  it doesn’t mean he’s gay!
Bros sometimes stare at other bro’s behinds, okay? Especially when they’re just so.... nice to look at. Artie just doesn’t stare at Finn or Puck or Mike or Matt’s butts because they’re not as nice.
That’s all it is.
Tina can never know.
Matt likes Kurt. He likes his funny clothes and his cute smile and the way he instinctively touches his hair when he’s nervous. 
He also really likes his voice. Not just the way he sings, but his voice in general. It has a nice, calming quality to it. Matt’s ears tend to be drawn to it and sometimes he feels like he could spot Kurt in the middle of a crowded hallway if he was just whispering.
But Kurt deserves someone out and proud and loud like him. Someone that can stand up for him at school in the hallways and in glee club. So Matt decides he’ll just admire from afar.
He’ll get over his crush eventually, and if he doesn’t? There’s always next year.
It’s not like a thing, okay? 
It’s just that since Puck starting trying the whole supportive baby daddy thing with Quinn, he’s gotten no action. Nothing, Nada, not even hand stuff. 
So when Hummel starts parading around in that cheerio outfit.... it does something to him.
The pants are way too tight and it turns out Kurt might be more jacked than he realised and just... damn!
But he’s not even gay. He doesn’t wanna spend his Friday nights watching obscure musicals and singing show tunes with the guy all of a sudden. 
There’s a big difference between being gay and wanting to know what it’d be like to give Hummel a hickey, alright??
It’s totally not a thing.
Okay, Mike’s dating Tina and he loves her and he thinks she’s the hottest thing on the planet Earth.  And Kurt might just be the second.
He’s not sure when but at some point when Mike was away at Asian Camp, Kurt Hummel got hot. 
Maybe it’s his clothes? Or the way he’s started doing his hair?? It doesn’t matter really because at the end of the day it’s just distracting damn it. 
And he feels guilty as heck, isn’t this some kind of cheating??
He needs to talk to someone, but who? What if Tina broke up with him? Or Finn was forced to beat him up out of obligation for crushing on his sort-of step bro??  No, it’s better Mike keeps it to himself, it’ll blow over.
He’s just hoping it happens before he helps Kurt with the dancing for his solo duet next week...
It’s never been that big of a deal to Sam, who he liked. So what if he sometimes dreamed about making out with both Zelda and Link? But apparently at McKinley, it’s a bigger deal than he thought.
Kurt seems cool, though. And he sings like really, really well so they just might be able to win this competition.  (He’s not exactly bad on the eyes either)
He’s actually a little bummed when Kurt calls it off. Sam guesses Finn has something to do with it, whatever that guy’s deal is.
Then Kurt rocks that stage by himself, in makeup too. And wow, Sam is way more attracted to that than he should be. 
Maybe once he’s got his rep up a little something could happen there. Until then he’s got a date with a pretty cheerleader and he’s gotta try and find a way to dodge that Santana girl, she seemed pretty upset about losing.
Blaine always thought when he met his soulmate he would know instantly. He’d just feel it in his body.
When he meets Kurt on that staircase he doesn’t feel much of anything. Sure his palms go a little sweaty but that’s just his awkward body’s natural response to seeing a pretty boy. Mostly he’s just suspicious, because this kid definitely isn’t a new Dalton addition.
But as time goes on, and they start getting to know each other something just sort of happens... Somehow between helping Kurt with his bullying situation and right this second, watching him perform Blackbird, something changes. 
He feels dizzy, like he’s been hit with these emotions all at once, but at the same time like they’ve been there forever. It’s like he’s meeting Kurt all over again. That’s when he’s knows it, Kurt’s his soulmate.
And he’s never been this excited before. He’s also never been this terrified before. Because he’s never done this before, and he’s already rejected Kurt once. But he needs to tell him, if not just so Kurt can have the satisfaction of rejecting him back.
But then he doesn’t reject him. He lets Blaine kiss him and keep kissing him until a faculty member walks in and threatens to call their parents.
And then Blaine remembers Mr Hummel.
The man who’s place of work Blaine barged into and insisted he teach his son about safe sex. His son who is now Blaine’s sort-of boyfriend.
Oh no.
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Part of my folklore series
Summary: This is just their story.
Notes: This my 100 fic on AO3, I can’t believe. Very on brand for it to be Taylor Swift meets Klaine. Shoutout to anyone who reads my stuff, this is all because of you.
His dad had been right; joining a club had helped a lot. Kurt didn’t mind going to school as much if he had something to look forward to and he actually had friends or at least people who smiled at him in the halls rather than sneering. Sure, Rachel let her inner diva control her emotions. Artie may be the only other boy and Kurt figured being male was the only thing they had in common but they were still friendly. Mercedes and Tina seemed nice enough though Tina rarely spoke and Mercedes was sometimes too busy arguing with Rachel to notice anything else.
When Finn joined the club, Kurt had an instant crush. The quarterback of the football team was totally his type. Even if he didn’t like sports in the least. Finn was dorky but sweet. This meant Kurt wasn’t the only one making heart eyes at him.
Not only did Rachel also have a crush but Finn had a girlfriend. But all of that was last year. Glee was different now or at least it was bigger.
Kurt still felt like an outsider. Not only in glee but in McKinley. Hell, in all of Lima. He recently came out to his dad and the rest of the glee club. Soon, the whole school knew—most of the town too. His dad had even gotten a nasty call at the tire shop.
Being the only out kid in Lima was taking a toll on him. He had been severely depressed while still in the closet and now Kurt could feel that darkness creeping back into his brain.
Mostly he was tired of not having anyone to talk to about this—someone who really understood him. Miss Pillsbury tries but Kurt doesn’t feel comfortable going to her only to be handed a pamphlet about gay sex. Sometimes, he swears she’s shyer about being intimate than he is if her red cheeks are anything to go by.
Instead, Kurt listened to his friends talk about their boyfriends when they all went to get coffee together. Rachel in her vintage animal sweaters, Tina’s black lipstick, and Mercedes’s sequined smiles. The girls were comforting, always assuring him he’d find somebody. Someday.
In a few weeks, they’d be right except Blaine Anderson didn’t see it. Kurt picked him out of that crowd on the staircase and knew he was someone special from the moment they touched hands. Finding out Blaine was gay too was like a miracle.
But Blaine only wanted to be his friend.
He wasn’t as sure about himself as Kurt had thought. Blaine kissed Rachel and thought himself in a relationship with a junior manager from the Gap. As it turns out, Blaine was just as clueless as Kurt.
Maybe they were dancing around each other but when Kurt transferred back to McKinley just after they officially got together, Blaine spent every single weekend with him.
Then, Blaine transferred to McKinley too. He wanted to be closer to his boyfriend yet started spending a lot of time with Sebastian. Kurt didn’t like him.
Hated going to Scandals and watching them dance together. Hated watching Blaine drunkenly dancing under the streetlights in the parking lot. Hated fighting with him about sex.
Their first big fight.
Making up with Blaine was much better. Kissing in his bedroom with hands under his sweatshirt followed by declarations of love and murmured “I’m sorrys.”
They didn’t hit another bump until New York.
Secretly, when Kurt came back to Lima with Rachel to see the glee club put on a production of Grease, he was hoping to see Blaine. Even though he was so angry with Blaine for cheating Kurt still knew Blaine was the one person who knew him best. He knew everything about Kurt.
Kurt wasn’t ready then to forgive him though. He yelled at him and told Blaine that Lima no longer felt like home. Blaine didn’t feel like home. But Kurt knew he was lying to himself. Even when Kurt felt completely betrayed, Blaine still made him feel warm and safe.
There was never going to be a moment where Kurt didn’t have those feelings for Blaine. He would always love him.
Blaine didn’t love Eli. He had no feelings for him. It was the rush, the excitement, the feeling of being forgotten that brought them together that night. One singular night. Deep down, Kurt knew that.
Maybe they were young, too young, to know for sure but Kurt was positive Blaine would come back to him. He’d be standing under the front porch light soon enough. Once the thrill was gone, Blaine had regretted what he did. He’d come back. It would almost be like he had never left.
It was instantaneous for Blaine. Right after it happened, he knew he fucked up. A huge mistake. Nothing was worth losing Kurt over. He had made that all clear to Kurt.
They spent some holidays together: Christmas and Valentine’s Day. Kurt always knew he was working towards forgiveness with Blaine, not forgetting him.
The day Kurt decided to fully forgive Blaine was near the end of his first semester at NYADA. Another visit to McKinley. Partly to get his mind off of his dad’s doctor appointments, partly to see some old friends, and partly to spend some time with Blaine.
Kurt was watching him from their table by the window. They had gone to the Lima Bean and Blaine bought their coffees. He was wearing a maroon cardigan and a black bow tie. In short, Blaine was adorable.
“I know you’re worried about your dad,” Blaine said, setting down their coffees, “but I’ve kept my promise. I’ve been watching out for him.”
“He told me.” Kurt smiled. “Thank you.”
“I’d do anything for you. I hope you know that.”
Blaine grabbed the hand not wrapped around his coffee cup. He knew they’d work it out.
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Happy Pride Month everyone!
To celebrate Pride Month, I decided I’ll share some of my headcanons on Glee characters sexuality’s because I have some headcanons for almost everyone who has been in New Directions. I did include characters who are canonically LGBTQ+, but thats because it’s 4am and I felt bad not including them, however I did not change their sexuality cause that seems inappropriate to me
(Note: if someone is left off it’s either because I actually believe they’re straight or I forgot about them)
Rachel Berry- I headcanon Rachel to be bi cause she really did love Finn, but also her and Quinn were 100% crushing on each other at some point, I’m sure of it
Quinn Fabray- I headcanon her to be a lesbian bevause all of her vibes point to her being one, like we have all seen how she looks at Rachel
Santana Lopez- Canonically Lesbian
Brittany Pierce- Canonically Bisexual
Kurt Hummel- Canonically Gay
Blaine Anderson- Canonically Gay
Sam Evans- I headcanon Sam to be pansexual because there is no way in hell that he is straight. The show can say whatever it wants, but I’m not letting go of pansexual!Sam
Tina Cohen-Chang- I headcanon her as asexual. I don’t know exactly why, I just feel like she is and I like this headcanon so I’m keeping it
Mike Chang- I headcanon Mike to be biromantic because I just think he is, that’s all I have to say about it
Mercedes Jones- I headcanon Mercedes to be pansexual cause she just kinda gives off those vibes. Also, Tina and her in S1-2 would’ve made a cute couple, just saying
Artie Abrams- I headcanon Artie as abrosexual because I feel like he just is, I know that’s my reason for a lot of these but I get so many vibes from these characters
Marley Rose- I headcanon Marley as demi-bi because she was totally in love with Jake in canon, but she also seemed like she had a crush on Kitty. Kitty was a bitch to Marley most of the time, but Marley still kinda seemed at times that she has a crush on her
Unique Adams- Canonically Transgender
Jake Puckerman- I headcanon Jake to be polysexual because he was either in love with Marley or Ryder, but I don’t completely get bi or pan vibes from him, so polysexual
Kitty Wilde- I headcanon Kitty to be a lesbian because there is no way in hell this girl is straight. She was just really deep in the closet and I will not accept otherwise
Roderick Meeks- I headcanon Roderick to be aroace because that’s just honestly what I see him as
Jane Hayward- I headcanon Jane to be pansexual because she 100% had a crush on Madison and Mason. She also just has pan vibes in general
Madison McCarthy- I headcanon Madison to be a lesbian and nothing will make me change my mind. Like, she definitely had a huge crush on Jane in canon. I also think Madison and Marley would’ve been a really cute couple if they were on the show at the same time
Mason McCarthy- I headcanon Mason to be Demisexual because those are the vibes he gives off. That’s basically my whole reason, it’s all about the vibes
Spencer Porter: Canonically Gay
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migleefulmoments · 5 years
We’ve talked about this scene before- the Kurt rant given by Santana. Naya just said she was uncomfortable and she mentioned that Chris was upset.  sugdendingle just posted that Chris “liked” her Tweet where she called out how much she didn’t like it.  She added a second comment that includes: 
None of the other cast were personally attacked in the ways Chris was and to the extent Chris was. I don’t know what Ryan Murphy’s issues were with Chris but he clearly he had some....I’m talking about real life here. About how Ryan Murphy and his writers used the character of Kurt to personally attack Chris Colfer on a regular basis and it’s clear Chris agrees to some extent as he liked my tweet.
That scene in season six was one of the worst examples but hardly the only one. Chris not being traditionally masculine was like a running joke on that show. As was remarks about his voice, his appearance, his sexuality, how he danced, etc. Yes other characters faced insults but it never got as personal as it did with Chris and it wasn’t as extensive either. The insults to Kurt went on right to the end of the show you can’t say the same for the other characters. It’s just really sad that Chris had to endure a work enivorment like this especially considering he was bullied when he was younger.
Abby adds: 
My opinion. The poor treatment stems from extreme jealousy. For many, many reasons. And of course c’s refusal to do as he’s told.(X)
Debunk #1 
None of the other cast were personally attacked in the ways Chris was and to the extent Chris was. Was Chris harassed by the writers “more than any other character”?  I spent a few minutes looking at Santana’s rants-and Santana seems to be the ranter on Glee. I don’t believe her rants about Chris’s failings is any worse than she she said about Finn’s weight. Rachel or really Lea’s nose being too big had an entire episode-and several comments through the years- and Kurt staged a flashmob at the mall to talk her out of plastic surgery. Sam was called Trouty Mouth as a running joke including a song “Trouty Mouth” sang by Santana. 
“Every time you open your humongous mouth to do an impression or to moisten a enormous stamp for a lazy giant you take on step closer to everyone seeing that you’re actually a dork” (X)
“I just heard the news that Trouty Mouth was back in town. I’ve been keeping a notebook, just in case this day ever came. Welcome back, Lisa Rinna. I’ve missed you so much since your family packed their bags, loaded them in your mouth and skipped town. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve wanted to enjoy a crisp pickle, but couldn’t find anyone to suck the lid off the jar. I assume you’ve been working as a baby polisher where young mothers place their infants’ heads in your mouth to get back that newborn shine. So glad you’re back. I haven’t seen a smile that big since the acclamation abominable snowman got his teeth pulled by that little gay elf dentist. Love, Santana” (X)
This gets loooonnnngggg so under a cut 
This one she also hit at Tina’s Asian eyes and Rachels nose- though I didn’t include that part. 
Santana: Hold up, could we all just get real here for a second? I hear that Rachel has a bit of a schnoz. I mean I wouldn't know because like Medusa I try to avoid eye contact with her. But can we all just stop lying about how there aren't things we don't want to change about ourselves? I'm sure that Sam has been at the doctor's office and riffled through pamphlets on mouth reductions. I'll bet Artie's thought about getting his legs removed since he's not really using them anyway. And I'm definitely sure Tina has looked into eye de-slanting. Tina: That's extraordinarily racist. Santana: Just keeping it real. Tina: Sorry Santana, I'm a beautiful person. I'm in love with myself and I would never change a thing. Mike: Is that why you're wearing blue contacts today, Tina? [whispers] Self hating Asian. Tina: Not too many Asian sex symbols, Mike. I'm just trying to mirror what I see in magazines. Finn: My dancing kind of bothers me. It almost killed Rachel but I like the way I look. Santana: Oh please. You have weird puffy pyramid nipples. Sam: [tries to look at Finn's nipples] Finn: [slaps Sam's hand away] Santana: They look like they're filled with custard. Or you could dust them off with powdered sugar and pass it off as some sort of dessert. Look, maybe Rachel is fine with having an enormous beak. Maybe she needs it to crack hard seeds. All I'm saying is if you look in the mirror and you don't like what you see, you should change it.”(X)
“I’ve kissed Finn, and can I just say… not worth a buck. I would, however, pay a hundred dollars to jiggle one of his man boobs”. (X)
Santana: “Please stick a sock in it or ship yourself back to Scotland. I’m trying to apologize to Lumps The Clown. I am sorry, Finn. I mean, really, I’m sorry that the New Directions are gonna get crushed by the Troubletones. And I’m also sorry that you have no talent. Sorry that you sing like you’re getting your prostate checked, and you dance like you’ve been asleep for years and someone just woke you up. Have fun riding on Rachel’s coattails for the rest of your life, although, you know what, I would just watch out for her come holiday time if I were him, because if I were her, I’d stick a stent in one of those boobs and let the Finn blubber light the Hanukkah lamp for eight magical nights.” (X)
Santana: “Why is everyone staring at me like I’m Finn and I just won a butter eating contest” (X)
She even hit him during The Quarterback “Okay, I know that Finn had his doubts about God but I am convinced that Squishy Teets is up in heaven right now plopped down next to his new best friend Fat Elvis helping themselves to a picnic of baby back ribs smothered in butterscotch pudding and TaterTot grease so this is for you Hudson” (X)
She also did a combo Finn/Sam rant “Not only am I giving you full visitation rights to the set of rambunctious twins that live on my rig cage, you get the chance to show that pastry bag Finn that he can’t mess with Sam Evans. And not just because you can unlock your humongous jaw and swallow him whole like a python…” (X)
The Kurt rant 
“Kurt I took what you said to heart, and I thought long and hard about it, and it occurred to me that you may have a point. Okay, maybe Brittany and I are too young to get married. I mean, after all, that's why it didn't work out with you and Blaine, right? Or maybe it didn't work out because you're a judgmental little gentrophile with a mouth like a cat's ass. Maybe Blaine got tired of hearing your shrill, self-aggrandizing lecture about how you felt the two of you were at the very apex of the gay rights movement every time you so much as cooked macaroni and cheese together or farted. Maybe Blaine didn't want to be with someone who looks like they just removed their top row of dentures every time they smile or someone who doesn't dress like an extra out of one of Andy Dick's more elaborate wet dreams. Maybe Blaine grew weary of dating a breathier, more feminine Quinn Fabray. Maybe he finally got freaked out about your strange obsession with old people that causes you to skulk around nursing homes like one of those cats that can smell cancer. Maybe he got tired of watching you drape yourself on every piano you happen to pass to entertain exactly no one with, say, some song that Judy Garland choked on her tongue in the middle of or some sassy old Broadway standard made famous by another dead alcoholic crone. Maybe Blaine woke up one day and said, "You know what I don't want to marry a sexless, self-centered baton twirler. Maybe I need someone who knows more than three dance moves: "the finger wag", "the shoulder shimmy" and the one where you pretend to twirl two invisible rainbow-colored ribbons attached to your hips. So, you know what, maybe that's why it didn't work out. Maybe it has nothing to do with me and Brittany. Maybe it's just that you are utterly, utterly intolerable. Maybe that has something to do with it."(X)
Conclusion: Chris was not attacked more than other actors on Glee.  The writers were pretty vicious about the physical characteristics of Rachel’s nose, Finn’s weight and man boobs and Sam’s nose. They also wrote about Damian’s height referring to as Leprechaun. All are very personal attacks about the actor; not the character.  Finn’s boobs were used as fodder for humor after he died so the idea that no other character was humiliated throughout the show is untrue.  
Debunk #2 
I don’t know what Ryan Murphy’s issues were with Chris but he clearly he had some. Ryan didn’t write Santana’s vicious lines-Brad Falchuk did.  I spent enough time researching this and finding late-season interview is hard but earlier interviews show that Ryan really respected Chris and Kurt.
Ryan did an interview with NYT in 2010  Q:Is this story in any way autobiographical or a reflection on your own experiences growing up?
A:It wasn’t really true to my experience at all. But I know so many people that it was true to. It was very true to Chris Colfer’s experience, and working with him for the past year, he would tell me stories. It’s amazing to me — last year when we did the “Glee” tour, every time Chris Colfer came out on that stage for his bows, 100 percent, he got the loudest cheers and applause, from all groups of people. Little girls, parents. A lot of people have embraced him and he’s part of their television-going family, so to see an episode in which he’s physically threatened is very upsetting for people, I think. But it puts a face on it. 
Q: It’s still rare to see gay characters on prime-time network programs, let alone one who is out in the way that Kurt is, and at a young age. Is there ever any pressure on you to tone down the portrayal of that character?
A: No, surprisingly not. Three episodes into the series last year, when we did the “Single Ladies” football number with him, he became an audience favorite and people started to write about that character and Chris Colfer. I think that character is in many ways the most important character on television, particularly for kids. When I was growing up, there was nobody like that. I think that character changes lives. I think that character launches conversation, both good and bad, and that’s a very powerful thing. I’ve done shows where if a character is a little bit controversial, the network and the studio are like, “Could you please tone that down?” They never did that at all with this character, and they were all very supportive of the story line. (X)
“Growing up in Indianapolis, Murphy sang in his church choir and immersed himself in high school musicals. His father was a semi-pro hockey player who was baffled by a son who requested a Vogue subscription when he was 5 years old and performed in his bedroom, holding a hairbrush in front of a mirror. He may not have understood his son, but he accepted him, even when Murphy revealed that he was gay at 15″.
“Having a dad that loves you as a young man is a very powerful thing that you carry into the world,” Murphy said. “Because no matter what you do, in some weird, unconscious way, if you’re a guy, you always try to please your dad. I think it’s a great thing to put on television. You’ve seen the gay character that gets kicked out of the house or is beaten up. You haven’t seen the gay character that is teased a little bit, but wins and triumphs.”
“The scene in which he tells his father was taken verbatim from Murphy's own life. Murphy felt that the scene was "a great thing to put on television", because, while gay characters are often isolated and attacked, audiences have rarely seen an openly gay character who "wins and triumphs". He further explained, "The show is about making you feel good in the end. It's about happy endings and optimism and the power of your personal journey and making you feel that the weird thing about me is the great thing about me. I've done other shows with gay characters, and I will say that in many of those cases, the gay characters didn't have a happy ending. And I thought you know what? Enough."(X)(X)
We also know that Ryan created the role of Kurt specifically for Chris. 
We don’t know what happened with the fall out(s) on set. Chris said he wouldn’t work for Ryan and 
“To this day, I'm devastated by everything that happened with that show." (X)
Other interring things I found:
“Over the course of six seasons of Glee, which petered out earlier this year, there was plenty written about backstage drama, fractured relationships and the death of star Cory Monteith from a drug overdose. All Murphy will offer are his own misgivings about his role on the show. "I was there with them all day long, and then we'd finish work and we'd go out and have fun all night, and I guess in a weird, twisted way, I was trying to relive the childhood I never had," he says. "I thought they wanted a parent, and they didn't. They didn't want me to tell them what to f—ing do. They didn't want me to tell them how to treat each other or what the world was like at the end of the day. I wish I could go back and do that differently with a lot of those actors. Some of them I'm still very close to: Lea Michele, Chord Overstreet, Darren Criss — but there were some that didn't work out well, and I regret that. I guess I just wish I had been able to let them figure it out for themselves."(X)
Conclusion: Ryan is a grown man and didn’t have it out for Chris. He respected Chris and used the Kurt role to tell his story of being a gay boy in small midwest town.   
Debunk #3
The poor treatment stems from extreme jealousy. For many, many reasons. 
Abby has claimed Ryan is jealous of Chris many times over the years-it still isnt’ true.  Ryan is a very successful producer, writer, creator.  I found a few quotes to back that up.  
“It's a peculiar thing to be asked by Murphy, 50, the closest thing the TV industry has to a proven hitmaker, save, perhaps, for Shonda Rhimes. Over the past decade and a half, he's made pop-culture juggernauts out of plastic surgeons on Nip/Tuck, high school misfits on Glee and witches, nuns and nymphomaniacs on American Horror Story. And in that time, he's become a name brand himself, more famous than all but the biggest stars in his sprawling casts. The showrunner, both pop savant and provocateur, has one of the richest eight-figure deals in television and a coterie of loyalists that includes Gwyneth Paltrow(with whom he's about to pitch a musical dramedy), Julia Roberts, Jessica Lange and now Lady Gaga. He's hosted President Obama at his home for a $40,000-a-couple fundraiser, and when he mentions his friends Norman, Barbra and David, he's referring to Lear, Streisand and Geffen.(X)
"There's a limited number of creators in film or TV where if you put the title plus their name — if you say, 'Steven Spielberg's blah blah blah' or 'Marvel's blah blah blah' — you're going to get a different answer than if you don't," Landgraf says, "and Ryan is one of those guys."(X)
Chris is a successful writer and if he is successful in writing and directing the TLOS movie, he could be a power player in Hollywood. But right now- even with his Time 100 award, he isn’t anywhere near Ryan Murphy.  I suppose Ryan could be jealous of something other than Chris’s success but I have seen no evidence of that. 
Conclusion: Nope. 
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brittanacedes · 6 years
brittana headcanons?
Okay, this has been in my inbox for a month because I kept putting it off. Just because it’s such a broad question and I have A Lot of thoughts, so I wanted to make sure I was able to think about all my random thoughts!
I’ve had this half finished in my drafts for weeks now because I felt like it wasn’t Complete, but I can’t think of anymore, so I’m just gonna post it. If anyone wants to know my headcanons for anything specific that I haven’t listed here, send me an ask and I’ll answer! I can start a headcanon tag :)
I tend to try to make my headcanons as reflective of canon and realistic as possible, as opposed to just straight up ignoring canon, so keep that in mind when reading :)
Brittany came on strong when they first met and while Santana was attracted to her, was put off by how touchy and forward she was, and thought she was weird. Brittany wasn’t fazed by any of Santana’s insults and decided herself that she and Santana were friends and would sit with her in class and at lunch and practice and stuff, and eventually Santana just stopped complaining because it’s not like anyone else liked her much. Until one day, for some reason that wasn’t actually Britt’s fault, she snapped and hit below the belt, calling her dumb or whatever, and instantly regretted it when Brittany finally left her alone. Of course, that made Santana admit to herself that she actually grew to like Brittany and her company and so, for the first time ever, she apologized, and they were best friends ever since. It’s part of why Santana became so protective of Brittany and why she always makes sure Britt knows how smart she thinks she is. That’s the one and only time she ever said it, and normally I am Against the idea that she would ever, but Britt did imply she had when she said Artie was the only one in school, so.
Santana lost her virginity to Brittany, and that’s why she didn’t have a story to tell when the other girls did in The First Time. It’s what made her start sleeping around with guys more, trying to prove to herself that sex with boys felt just as good/better than with Brittany and she wasn’t a lesbian. It never did.
Brittany’s little sister has always had the biggest crush on Santana and was heartbroken the day she found out Brittana were together. She didn’t talk to Brittany for, like, a whole weekend and everything.
Like Mercedes predicted, Santana was obnoxious as hell after Brittany won senior class president, and would try to wield her power as First Lady in the most ridiculous situations; like when she wanted a specific seat in class or in the choir room (“Excuse me, but my girlfriend is your president. Do you know what that makes me? Your First Lady. Wouldn’t you give Michelle Obama your seat?”)
Brittany was bummed they lost prom king/queen, and had brought a crown to give to Santana after just in case they lost.
Santana definitely cried the first time she had sex with a girl after breaking up with Brittany, and only partly because she’s tipsy.
When Sam [redacted], Brittany didn’t say yes right away. Right before he did that, she was telling the other glee club members what she really thinks of them as part of her countdown to dying or whatever. I’ve always thought she tried to get in contact with Santana to do the same with her, to tell her she still loves her and everything, but she gets ignored in one way or another - either she goes to her house and finds out Santana isn’t coming home for Christmas after all, or she leaves a voicemail and never gets a return call back or gets left on read, whatever. And it was that rejection and her sadness from it that made her say what the hell, and does the stupid thing. She just looked so miserable and sad during that scene, and preoccupied.
Brittany hooked up with a couple girls while at MIT. Being in Lima, where she and Santana were apparently the only girls that liked girls, she had only ever had boys as non-Santana options. So once she got to MIT, she wanted to explore more so she was specifically looking for ladies. One was a girl that actually went to MIT - she was cute and nerdy, but not very experienced (that was okay with Britt), and the other girl she met at coffee shop just off campus. They were both just one night stands, but it was the only fun Britt had at MIT.
Santana called Dani and broke up with her right after Brittany kissed her in 100. Even if she didn’t know what she wanted to do in regards to Britt, she knew she still had feelings for her and it wasn’t right to be with Dani while still being in love with someone else.
After enjoying a few days in Lesbos, they locked themselves in their room for like a solid 24 hours and just talked about everything that went down between them and everything that happened to both of them since. They talk about any lingering beef they have with each other and ask questions and tell each other about hook ups, etc.
Brittany didn’t come back to NYC with Santana after vacation because she was finishing up some commitments she still had at MIT. 
The only person Santana told about wanting to propose to Brittany was Mercedes, while they were on tour. While Brittany was busy rehearsing with the dancers, the two of them would go look at different ring shops in different malls until Santana found the ring she wanted.
The real reason Brittany invited Kurt and Blaine to also get married was because she knows 50% of marriages end in divorce and even though Santana did a good job of talking her down from the ledge as far as her superstition went, she just wanted to really cover her bases.
Brittany surprises Santana with a nice engagement ring on their honeymoon, because she knows Santana loves her bling and thinks it’s only fair she gets a rock, too.
They absolutely get infinity symbol tattoos on the inside their pinkies.
They take Lord Tubbington with them to New York, but Lady Tubbington stays in Lima with Brittany’s sister.  At first Santana worries Britt feels obligated because she was a gift from Sam and she thinks Santana would feel some type of way about it, but Brittany promises it’s nothing like that, but because 1) she doesn’t want to leave her family with no pets and 2) she’s not as adventurous as Tubbs and Britt doesn’t think she’d like the big city (she didn’t do well with the move to MIT).
Both of them go back to school, to the same one, but Brittany takes a shorter program because she just doesn’t like school much. She doesn’t hate it and she thinks it’s important to have some kind of college education, so she takes something in media or dance, but she doesn’t go the extra mile to do anything beyond completing a basic program. Santana takes it a bit more seriously, and takes a general program until she decides what she wants to do. She switches majors at least twice, before finally settling on something like business management or something; some kind of job that helps their budding Youtube career.
Brittany starts taking her Youtube stuff more seriously, and after Santana appears in some of her videos and the viewers really respond to it, it starts happening more and more until it becomes their channel. Their channel getting bigger is what finally helps Santana settle on a major, and she really gets involved and helps to make their channel a real source of income for them. They get big and get all kinds of awesome gifts and trips and stuff for their channel, and they travel a lot and vlog it and they just have a fun ass life that they get a lot of say in.
They do odd jobs with/for Mercedes throughout her career, singing with her or dancing with her, appearing in her videos, etc. Same with their other friends, but Mercedes the most; she’s got the best hook up.
They don’t have any kids. Neither of them were against the idea, but it was never something either of them was dying for or even planning for. Then after Kurt and Blaine have their kid, and they see how much their life changes and how boring it gets, they both agree they don’t want that. They love being able to travel when they want to and they just aren’t interested in being tied down by a kid.
They’re totally the cool aunts, though, that always have the best presents and stories to share when they visit all their friends kids.
No skyping or double dates with Kurt and Blaine on their anniversary, but they do text each other on the day, at least. At least Britt does, because she lowkey feels bad about using them.
Abuela still has moments of obvious uncomfortableness, but she really tries and both of them really appreciate it and never push her. They’re always very cautious around her, even as she gets better about it. She is not happy about their decision not to give her any grandkids though.
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miasswier · 6 years
miasswier’s ultimate glee ranking: no 72
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Written by: Ryan Murphy Directed by: Ian Brennan
Overall Thoughts: This is one of those rare Sam-centric episodes, which is funny to think about since Sam was such a huge presence on the show, and such a fan favourite. I don’t know if the story was handled 100% right, but it’s still nice to see Sam take the center stage for basically the first time since Bieber week. Rachel’s story was one I remember being really intrigued by (something that has always been hard for me when it comes to Rachel stories) when it was first released, but I don’t think they handled it right either. Jake and Marley’s is the only decent storyline in this episode, mainly because it’s the only part of the episode that is mainly angst-free; but, you know, it’s Jake and Marley, so I was yawning the whole way through and forcing myself to care about how cute these two are.
What I Like:
Sam is the A storyline in this episode. Sam is my son. I always love seeing my son shine.
There’s a few cute Blaine/Sam/Tina moments, and you know, those are my favourites.
Blaine and Sam especially make me so happy in this episode. You can tell that Blaine really cares for Sam; that video he puts together, that’s not just something you do for a crush; that’s something you do for a close friend you really love. I feel like this episode, even more than “Sadie Hawkins” and “Dynamic Duets”, really cements the Blam friendship.
Artie’s storyline about his insecurity with his body. It’s especially interesting watching this and knowing that in one season’s time, Artie will be courting three different girls in New York. The way that boy gains confidence is astounding.
I’ve always found Finn and Sue’s exchanges far more interesting than Will and Sue’s. Probably because I hate Will and don’t mind Finn (especially this season).
Tina once again taking charge and being allowed to do so and not seen like a diva. Like Blaine says in “Sadie Hawkins”, I actually really liked Tina’s empowered attitude this season. I know I’m literally the only one, but I still liked it.
That super gay scene where Ryder and Jake take their shirts off to compare biceps. I literally can’t believe that they weren’t ever in a poly relationship with Marley, like oh my god.
“This is the New Year” is one of my all time favourite songs that Glee ever did.
Although I hate that Kurt was barely in this episode, I do like that Santana and Quinn were the ones to talk to Rachel instead of him. Especially considering all he seemed to know how to do was slut-shame her into not doing the scene.
Sam deciding to wear clothes for the calendar with Artie is super sweet. Plus, he looks so cute in that school-boy outfit.
That part in “Hot in Here” when the girl is spray tanning Jake and he’s looking at her like what the literal fuck.
What I Don’t Like:
I think my biggest disappointment about how the Rachel story panned out is that they didn’t seem to know how to say “you are not mature enough – emotionally, sexually, and artistically – to be doing a nude scene at this point in your life, but that doesn’t mean you should never do one” without adding in some good old fashioned slut shaming. The internalized part was rough, especially since Rachel has only slut shamed somebody once and it felt really out of character, but Kurt calling Rachel a slut? And then having the gall to call Brody a misogynist literally two seconds later? I don’t know. It leaves a sour taste in my mouth. I like the message they were trying to send – the idea of maybe someday, but not right now – but I just don’t think they went about it the best way.
This episode is basically the biggest reason I will never and have never supported Bram as a couple. Brittany is told she’s a genius and that Sam is the opposite, and then disappears for literally THE WHOLE EPISODE while Sam has a total meltdown based on something that Brittany says that his best friend ends up helping him out of. Then she returns at the end of the episode to remind everyone that she’s a genius. Brittany and Sam brought out the worst in each other as a couple, and this episode is a major example of that. I can’t imagine Brittany ever making Santana, or even Artie when they were dating, feel so terrible about themselves that they would go into a week-long tailspin that only exacerbated the body issues they already had. And yet.
It has been shown consistently throughout this show that Sam has some very serious body issues. I really wish they had given it the attention it deserved, instead of the occasional one-off episodes like this one and “Rocky Horror”.
It’s kind of weird for me that Artie literally had to spell it out to Finn that he didn’t want to appear naked in the calendar because of insecurity when Finn didn’t want to appear naked on stage in “Rocky Horror” two seasons ago.
Brody’s whole “if you want to win an Oscar you have to show your boobs” thing. Like, I honestly think he was being a far more equal-rights enthusiast than Kurt (I mean, he got naked to support Rachel while Kurt called her a slut), but I still think it’s douchey as fuck to say that you can’t make it to the big leagues in acting without going nude as a woman. Cause, you know. Yikes.
Like I said before, Jake and Marley are cute but they’re so goddamn boring and I genuinely cannot make myself care for them, as hard as I try. Sorry not sorry.
Torn: I actually really like this song and think they did a good job with the performance. It was something I thought I would hate when I first heard they were doing it, but it’s honestly one of my favourite Rachel solos of all time.
Centerfold/Hot in Herre: This is a fun, upbeat song, but that’s about all it is.
A Thousand Years: This is one of those stereotypical saccharine straight love songs that you love for two weeks and then can never hear again without rolling your eyes. Having Jake and Marley sing it just makes it boring.
Let Me Love Your (Until You Learn to Love Yourself): Okay, so. I wasn’t actually watching the screen when this song was playing, and I have to say: the vocals on this? Are amazing. Like, holy shit. I never noticed before. Maybe because I was always so busy rolling my eyes at Jake and Marley’s supposed love for the ages. But seriously. Jacob Artist can sing.
Love Song: I like this song, but like Centerfold/Hot in Herre, it’s basically just a nice upbeat song. While it’s cute seeing Rachel sing with Santana and Quinn, I do wish they’d done something more with the performance than literally just having them dance on stage in an auditorium as if they were back in high school. They can’t even be running down the halls of NYADA? Boring.
This is the New Year: Like I said before, this is one of my all time favourite Glee performances. It never fails to make me smile, and I know I’m not the only one who feels that way. Definitely one of my “Glee” songs.
Final Thoughts: It could have been more, but it tried it’s best. The slut-shaming still leaves a very bitter taste in my mouth, even to this day. Brittany and Sam being a couple was one of the stupidest things Glee ever did. Blaine and Sam are bros for life, and at this point the entire Glee fandom still hated Tina for daring to be a girl crushing on Blaine, even though 98% of us were girls crushing on either Kurt or Blaine, or both. It was fun times, and it’s an okay episode. The thing is, though, it always comes off a bit rough because it’s sandwiched between “Sadie Hawkins” and “Diva” ie two of my favourite Glee episodes of season four (and, really, of all time). So maybe I should give “Naked” the benefit of the doubt.
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kurts-still-here · 3 years
Awkward Situations Hevans FanFiction Chapter 5/6: Falling In Love
Just some Heavns fluff, my favorite fluff 🥰🥰. Feel free to read and review on here, A03 or FanFiction.Net and have a great day/ night!!
Archive Of Our Own
FanFiction.Net (Chapter 5) 
The plan to leave Kurt and Sam be and to let them figure out their feelings on their own was going better than expected. Ever since Sam had come out to Kurt they had been much, much closer to each other and this time it wasn’t by force. They willingly sat with each other everywhere now, worked together on projects for glee together willingly and were always seen together. Finn and Puck were happy to note that they also spent a great amount of time together at home too but everyone made sure not to question them about their relationship as to not ruin the progress they were making.
For Kurt he knew he liked Sam and it was better that he knew he was bisexual but he still wasn’t sure about the possibility of them having a romantic relationship. If Sam had been attracted to men the whole time then why hadn’t he told him anything before. Now it wasn’t like Kurt wanted to force him out of the closet or anything, that wouldn’t have been fair but he couldn’t help but feel hurt that Sam hadn’t told him before. And he couldn’t help but think that Sam hadn’t said anything earlier because he didn’t want to go out with him. So he wasn’t going to do anything to ruin what they did have with each other until he was 100% sure about Sam’s intentions and feelings for him.
For Sam he knew he liked Kurt and it was better that he knew Kurt liked him (even though he didn’t know if it was like or like-like) but he still wasn’t sure about the possibility of them having a romantic relationship. If Kurt really did like- like him then why hadn’t he said anything before? He knew he hadn’t been necessarily out of the closet until a couple of weeks ago but he wasn’t exactly the definition of a straight man. He thought he made it pretty clear that he had a crush on Kurt from the way he looked at him and the way he acted around him. So Kurt probably didn’t feel the same way and he didn’t want to ruin what they did have with each other until he was 100% sure about Kurt’s intentions and feelings for him.
That didn’t stop them from trying though. They were practically inseparable, going everywhere with each other. They ate lunch together, studied together, walked in the hallways together, went to the classes they shared together, went to glee club together, they even waited for each other to finish their practices so they could ride home together. And while they were together they joked around, talking about their days and doing fun things together. They wouldn’t call their joking flirting per say (even if it was on the borderline of that category) but they definitely had fun together.
They still longed for the other to take the next step, to make the first move but it never came. There were times when there was so much tension between them, like there was something to be said that neither one of them dared to say. And they both knew what it was but they just couldn’t bring themselves to do it, to admit their feelings. They didn’t want to get hurt by the other one and they didn’t want to make things awkward so they accepted the tension. But except for that little (big) problem, they had a good thing going on.
That’s when things took a HUGE step in the RIGHT direction for the both of them.
Glee rehearsal was held in the auditorium that day because they were going to map out the choreography for their set list for Regionals. Everyone gathered around on the stage once they arrived, waiting for the directions from Mr. Schue.
“Okay everyone, you know what time it is,” Mr. Schue exclaimed, clapping his hands together. “Choreography day,”
Some people like Finn and Puck groaned in dread while others like Kurt and Sam cheered in excitement.
“I know, I know but if we want to win we have to be the best at not only singing but also dancing,” Mr. Schue laughed. “So I want you to pair up and spread out so we can get started,”
Everyone started pairing up as they were told to, Brittany with Santana, Mike with Tina, Mercedes with Arite, Rachel with Finn, Quinn with Puck and…. Kurt with Sam. No one said anything out loud about it when they saw the two smile and blush at each other, agreeing to work together but they exchanged looks, raising their eyebrows and smirking. Bingo!
They all spread out in their groups of two and watched as their teacher demonstrated the moves they were to copy. Some copied better than others but they all managed well enough to move on to harder, show stopping moves.
“Now everyone pay close attention to this sequence,” Mr. Schue explained. “You have to master the footwork with this one and you have to work with your partner or else you’re going to lose balance and control,”
He demonstrated an advanced set of moves, moving forward and backward with his imaginary partner, then spinning them and tilting them back, adding notes to his students about what the other should be doing.
“Now ladies are probably going to want to go back and when you do you bend back and lift your leg in the air. Make sure it’s straight and that your foot is pointed, you want it to look controlled and graceful,”
“Mercedes you and Artie won’t be doing this due to the height difference, instead I’ll have a duet in this part for you two,” He said, excusing the both of them,
“Now the stronger of you will lift the other up but this doesn’t excuse the one who’s down, you will have to tighten your core muscles to help your partner, you have to work together,”
He finished demonstrating the moves before letting everyone try on their own, coming over to each pair and giving them pointers.
“Okay,” Sam said, getting himself mentally prepared to try the sequence. “You ready?”
“I think so,” Kurt answered him, going over the moves in his head. “It can’t be that hard, right?”
“Right I mean I’ve tilted you back before,”
“Yeah but we have to hold the position, before it was just a quick back and up thing,” Kurt explained. “But I’m getting nervous now so let’s just do it,”
“Right,” Sam said. “But don’t be nervous, you’re great at this dancing stuff, you should be nervous about having me as a partner,”
“Don’t be silly Sam,” Kurt assured him. “I’m happy to be your partner, you’re pretty good,”
“Only because of you,”
“You’re too modest. Let’s do this,”
They stood in front of each other, their hands on each other and then they started moving.
“He went back, back,” Kurt noted, leading Sam into the movements.
“And then it was that little step thing he did,” Sam said.
“A ball change,” Kurt told him. “And then forward,”
“And then that turn,” Sam said, twirling Kurt around him while moving with him.
“And now this tilt,”
“Let’s just go slowly,”
So Sam slowly tilted Kurt back while Kurt bent his back and lifted his leg up into a straight line. They held the position, letting each other get used to the feeling when they met eyes. They stared into each other’s eyes and suddenly forgot everything they were doing. They were probably drawing the attention of everyone to them but they didn’t have the choice not to care, they were frozen like that.
“Amazing,” Mr. Schue exclaimed, obviously not noticing the returning tension in the room. “Perfect,”
“Umm Sam?” Kurt finally managed to whisper.
“Are you stuck?”
“Can you like- let me up?”
“What? Oh yeah sorry,”
And Sam tried to lift Kurt up but he still wasn't completely out of his haze and neither was Kurt so instead of coming up from their pose, they both fell down onto the floor, Sam on top of Kurt. It took a few minutes for everyone to realize what happened but once Kurt and Sam did, Sam quickly pushed himself up so that he was above Kurt, no longer on top of him. They made eye contact again and held it again, giving each other looks of confusion and love while everyone else watched their interaction like it was a suspense movie.
“I’m sorry,” Sam told Kurt, not breaking eye contact.
“Nope, it was totally my fault,” Kurt told him.
“I tripped,”
“It’s okay,”
And then they felt each other starting to move towards the other, Kurt up and Sam down as everyone realized what was about to happen. They watched intently as they moved closer and closer until Sam tightened his grip around Kurt before pushing back onto his knees and helping him up.
They stood there awkwardly, everyone’s eyes still on them from their almost kiss, even Mr. Schue seemed intrigued by the two and their fall. But Kurt and Sam pretended like nothing happened between them, ignoring the sparks and their nerves and deciding to try the moves again.
“Let’s do that again,” Kurt suggested. “And don’t drop me this time,”
“Well don’t stare at me like that then,” Sam joked.
“Like what?” Kurt asked, smiling.
“You know, with your eyes and your smile, it makes me nervous,”
“I make you nervous?” Kurt asked, surprised. “You make me nervous,”
“I don’t know, you just do,” Kurt shrugged.
“Well you don’t have to be nervous around me, I’m the one who’s always making a fool out of myself around you,”
“No you don’t, it’s cute,” Kurt assured him. “And if I don’t have to be nervous around you then you don’t have to be nervous around me,”
“That’ll be hard to do,” Sam laughed. “We can just be nervous together,”
“That sounds easier,” Kurt laughed along with him. “Are you ready to try again?’
“Yep,” Sam nodded, getting into position. “And I promise not to drop you,”
“And I promise not to look at you that way,”
“You can if you want,” Sam told him. “I mean now that I know you’re nervous too, you look cute,”
“You flatter me Sam,” Kurt smiled at him.
“I’m glad,” Sam smiled back. “But let’s do this,”
And they did do it again. And Kurt looked at Sam some more in the way that made him nervous. And Sam fell on top of Kurt some more. And they laughed and joked (nearly flirted) some more. And every time they laughed or fell they fell more in love.
Why couldn’t someone just make the move already?
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