#artificial quartz stone
jenny19666 · 1 year
https://sxstone.m.en.alibaba.com/ WhatsApp: +8613434517302
WeChat: 18369578002
TEL: +8618369578002
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tsianfan-blog · 1 year
Exhibition hall Granite Stone Sample Waterfall ​Display Frame-SG1020 https://www.tsianfan.com/product/granite-stone-display-stand.html
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wizard-irl · 1 year
Buyers Beware - Andara "Crystals"
TLDR: It's glass slag with buzzwords sold for an iPad's worth of money.
Explanation and examples below the cut.
Archive of post.
Andara crystals are said to contain the prima-materia of alchemic fame, found by a Native shaman on a sacred site near a spiritual vortex, often claimed to be Mt. Shasta in California. Andara crystal is said to be both Atlanean and Lemurian; a stone of ascended masters, saints, and angels that vibrates in higher densities. It can clear "electromagnetic smog," activates and aligns all chakras, and accelerates spiritual growth. They are also said to be monatomic, completely missing the point of the term, which is often applied to gases made of one atom, such as helium.
What is slag? Smelt byproduct, which is notably not natural crystal or glass. Andara crystals have comparable composition to artificial soda-lime glasses over natural glasses like obsidian. Glass is not monatomic; it is commonly made from silicon dioxide, the same material as quartz.
Do you want to know how much they sell for?
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Below is a search for glass slag.
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Pretty similar in appearance, huh? That yellow piece is very pretty; I bet I could take it for 12$ and sell it as "Golden Light Pleiadean Ascended 6D Shaman Monatomic Andara Crystal" for 500$, and someone would buy it for that amount.
Is this worth it because they've shoved a bunch of spiritual words into the title and description promising the sun and moon to you if you pony up the cash for them?
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The reason why they price them so high is people do buy them at these prices, because many people have no idea what they're actually buying.
You're not buying communication to angels. You're not buying a spiritual accelerant. You're not buying a chakra opener. You're buying well-advertised glass.
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starwrighter · 10 months
I am not a baby!! (Yes you are)
(Ao3) (Masterpost) (Previous) (Next)
(Part seven lmao)
Sometimes Danny hated being right. Mentally he cursed himself as he clamored into his lifepod. The Aurora was spilling radiation into the water just like predicted it would. A damaged drive core... That didn't bode well for him or the local wildlife. He was a Fenton! He knew the terminology for "This might blow up," in every language, no matter how needlessly complicated you said it.
A radiation suit would be helpful when the ship blew up, if not for him, then for the other survivors. Danny grew up surrounded by radioactive material, he was about as fucked up as one could get, but there was still time left for the other survivors. If there even were any left.
Shaking his head, Danny opened the storage plucking out the remaining Creepvine clusters, and started fabricating. It was hypnotic, Creepvine clusters to lubricant, copper and mushrooms to a battery and copper wire all that and a piece of titanium gave Danny a functioning Seaglide. The device was heavy, the PDA altering the blueprint so it was usable for him.
Opening the hatch up, eager to test his new toy out, Danny dove back into the water faster than ever before. Propellers spun at speeds that would chop his finger clean off if he touched them. A glowing map at the top and a flashlight he could turn off by squeezing the handles. Quick enough to keep up with the peepers while still being able to make quick sharp turns.
The Device whirled as he swam in circles, up, down, left, right, zigzag! Through coral tubes, around stone arches till he got dizzy, divebombing fish and kicking up sand.
"Congratulations, survivor. you have exceeded your weekly exercise quotient by 500 percent. Data indicates that swimming was your favorite activity,"
Heck yeah it was! Swimming is great! He's fast as hell man, radiation could eat shit! Stalkers wouldn't stand a chance, he'd just outpace them! Swimming around, breaking outcrops, and taking samples of table coral for a computer chip. Danny was having a blast!
In time he would have the materials to fabricate a habitat builder and in turn a super cool sea base! A home away from home while he's stuck outside federation space. Currently, the seabase blueprints he had were...limited, but he could work with that!
Rushing to his fabricator the blue lights felt agonizingly slow as he bounced on the heels of his feet, flippers squeaking against the floor. A habitat builder fell into Danny's impatient hands.
Back in the water, Danny scoped out the area. Access to an abundance of resources, food, and water was a necessity. Along with awareness of local predators. The shallows are a perfect place for him to build right now. A temp base to rest and store stuff before moving somewhere more convenient as he explored and met up with any of the other survivors.
Deciding to test out his new tool, Danny placed down a basic compartment. A tiny little tube that would've been big enough if he only needed a place to sleep. Yeah, that wasn't going to work. How was he supposed to pace aimlessly while he wrote notes? How was he supposed to work and live in a high-tech pool noodle? Disassembling the pathetic tube, Danny swam through the shallows plucking up the quartz needed for glass. More materials would be needed to build his base. Thankfully, he’d crashed in a ship made from and carrying the materials he needed. Danny saw no moral issue with “borrowing” titanium from supply crates light enough to lift, but the PDA seemed to have a small issue with it. With a few minutes of tinkering, it was easy to change the machine’s artificial mind.
A loop, he was going to make a base shaped like a zero because that’s how many fucks he gave about Alterra’s dumb rule. Placed upon foundations was the start of his perfect space base. The sides of the Zero became glass compartments, a perfect place to observe the local wildlife. Solar panels mounted jumpstarted the oxygen production, lights blinding when they snapped on. Fish drifted by his base, some ducking underneath his foundations settling comfortably in the shade provided. Maybe if he was here long enough, he’d grow some plants for fish to nibble on?
A hatch was placed on the front of the Zero, finally giving him access to his new base. Cold air punched him in the face as he stepped inside, but it was a welcome attack. Air conditioning at last! Throwing himself to the floor, Danny giggled, noise bouncing against barren walls. A sterile smell cycled through the base with the air filtered in. Like his parent's lab or a hospital room freshly sanitized. Familiar, it smelled like home.
Peeling off his flippers, Danny propped them against the wall. Bare feet against metal floors, Danny took to running through the loop. Brushing his hands against empty walls, he ran laps like it was gym class. The only difference was this wasn't gym class, so it didn't feel like hell. Several laps ran throughout his base until his breath ran out, and he collapsed to the floor.
Winded and panting, he glanced around his base mentally, planning where everything would go. Blueprints were limited, but brainpower wasn't. Making new blueprints for shelving units or a bed should be easy enough. The hard part would be finding the space for it. If he tinkered with the PDA, he could fabricate some blankets and pillows that he could sleep on and store away when he was awake.
First things first, he needed to get a fabricator and some storage set up. A few wall lockers on each side of the fabricator made his little crafting station. His base still felt bare. White walls would get boring real fast. No paint or paper he could use to decorate. No stickers or wallpaper to paint his base to match the stars. Untapped Potential, something to add to his to-do list. If he couldn't decorate anything else, changing the locker's text font would have to do.
Walking in a loop, Danny muttered, his brain working better than his mouth. Words failed, coming out jumbled if they were more than one or two easy syllables. Fangs created a lisp that'd get him verbally castrated if he was back at Casper. That was if he didn't maul them with his newfound face knives. Like a piranha, he was dangerous! Fierce!
Feet freezing, Danny turned to the window, heart jumping to his throat. Several glowing eyes stared back at him, burning a hole into his soul. Stripes of colors ranging from blue, purple, and forest green ran along its massive scaly body and dragon-like head. Two razor-sharp fangs poked out of a closed mouth. Arms glowing blue that faded to pitch black when reaching its four-fingered hands, each claw sharper than a sword. Hands, oh ancients, why does this one have hands? The other one didn't have hands! Curled up, it would be the same size as his base. Danny pointed his scanner at the guy, the results striking terror into the deepest depths of his core...
What the fuck do you mean this guy's a juvenile!?!
@ashoutinthedarkness @avelnfear @meira-3919 @thought-u-said-dragon-queen @hugsandchaos @blep-23 @zeldomnyo @bytheoldwillowtree @justwannabecat @shepherdsheart @starlightcat04 @stargazing-bookwyrm @pupstim
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garadinervi · 13 days
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Jeffrey Gibson, WHAT WE WANT WHAT WE NEED, (repurposed wool army blanket, glass beads, tin jingles, nylon fringe, acrylic yarn, …), 2015 [Roberts Projects, Los Angeles, CA. © Jeffrey Gibson]
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Details: repurposed wool army blanket, glass beads, tin jingles, nylon fringe, acrylic yarn, artificial sinew, copper-coated wire, copper cones, turquoise, amethyst, quartz crystals, plastic sequins, amber, wicker beads, glass seed beads, plastic beads, cowrie shell, horn, druzy quartz bead, dentalyum, malachite, stone arrowheads, nickel seed
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verity-hollow · 11 months
There is a witch of gems and crystals, who fashions precious stones into eyes for each of her dolls. Most have eyes of quartz. Clear, common and simple, the stones serve their purpose to the letter and nothing more. Some have jewels cut with beautiful facets, letting them see the world from as many perspectives as there are angles in their ocular cavities. A couple have eyes of obsidian. Flawless spheres of midnight that transmit no light to the bearers, who navigate by instinct and touch.
One doll has eyes of fire topaz, imbued with light of every color, and cut from every angle, it sees beyond the boundaries of the world and into realms unknown even to its witch. There have been several incidents of angels raiding the witch's house to abduct or destroy it. The heavenly legions will not allow an enemy to have a window into their domain. The angels loathe a seer, even an artificial one.
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The Seven Treasures of Buddhism: An Update
After the first few inclusions to Phos, fans speculated that he would eventually contain all 7 of the jewels in his body. As the series continued and Phos continued to fight for the Lunarians many including myself speculated that just like the seedless lotus pod, Phos was meant as a deconstruction of Japanese Pure Land Buddhism. Ichikawa would set Phos up to obtain all 7 jewels only to fail in doing so. So now that chapter 99 has been published let us review the status of Phos' components.
From scouring the internet there's a few different lists of which 7 jewels are counted but here's a summary of what I have found.
tridacna/fossilized shell
lapis lazuli(1)
a red/pink jewel (carnelian, coral, etc)
(1) glass sometimes replaces either pearl or lapis lazuli
So what has Phos gotten:
gold: on the beach of beginnings Phos takes on a gold and platinum alloy to replace his missing arms.
silver: Phos' new arms contain platinum, and after Phos' final fight against Cinnabar, he takes on some of Cinnabar's mercury giving himself a skin. Both platinum and mercury are silvery metals.
shell: Phos' new legs are made of Aculeatus' shell which has a core of agate and an outer layer of shell. An agatized fossil shell.
agate: Phos' new legs include agate
lapis lazuli: Phos' head is replaced with the head of Lapis Lazuli by Cairngorm.
pearl: Aechemea implants an artificial pearl eye into Phos.
adamant: Phos receives Adamant's eye. Kongo (金剛) can be translated a number of ways. It refers to vajra or a ritual weapon of absolute hardness/strength and power, diamond, adamantine a mythological unbreakable material.
I remember there was some speculation way back when that the carnelian/red-pink gem would be from Padparadscha since the word means lotus (pink) colored, but it seems Ichikawa has chosen another path. Just from reading the English articles one might think that kongo in the sense of diamond would be the crystal or glass mentioned below because all are clear and colorless, but I doubt this. The term both the Japanese and Chinese Wikipedia articles use is "玻璃" which is glass while crystal at least in the modern language would be "水晶", however only the Japanese article links to the page for quartz (石英). Kongo (金剛) however is a completely different concept referring to the mythological weapon/material.
What to make of this? I don't know I feel like I need an advanced degree on the history of Buddhism in Asia, a Buddhist theology/philosophy degree, and fluency in like 4 languages (Japanese, Chinese, Pali, Sanskrit). Perhaps much like Phos has broken from the path of the 7 Gems of Buddhism, lifeforms on the planet have too broken away from humanity. Maybe Japanese Pure Land Buddhism is a broken philosophy and we should all ditch it.
Wikitionary: gold, silver, crystal, tridacna (clam shell), agate, amber, coral
Chinese Wikipedia page on the 7 Treasures:
"Buddha Says Amitabha Sutra": gold, silver, agate, clam shell, lapis lazuli (2), glass, carnelian.
"Infinite Life Sutra": gold, silver, agate, clam shell, lapis lazuli(2), glass, coral.
"Lotus Sutra": gold, silver, agate, clam shell, lapis lazuli(2), pearl, rose colored stone.
The Japanese Wikepedia page on the 7 treasures:
"Infinite Life Sutra": Gold, silver, lapis lazuli, glass, clam shell, coral, agate.
"The Lotus Sutra": gold, silver, agate, lapis lazuli, clam shell, pearl, rose colored stone
Chinese Buddhism Encyclopedia: gold, silver, lapis lazuli, seashell, agate, pearl, and carnelian.
Nichiren Buddhism Library: gold, silver, lapis lazuli, seashell, agate, pearl, and carnelian
(2):琉璃 translated by google as "colored glaze" refers historically (and religiously) to a blue jewel like lapis lazuli imported from the cultures west of China, it is a Pali loan word from the Sanskrit word vaiḍūrya (which actually refers to cat's eye stones). It was later sometimes replaced with a blue man-made object with a glassy surface such as colored glass, ceramic, or cobalt glass. The modern term refers to colored glass sculptures as compared to 玻璃 which is the general term for glass, like a car window.
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heymacy · 2 years
#SO CLEAR QUARTZ IS—[cane yanks me off the stage]
i strangle the person holding the cane with my bare hands and push you back on stage "clear quartz is what. keep going keep saying things."
my ray of sunshine. beloved. you have just opened a Pandora's box of madness, i hope you're prepared ✨
SO CLEAR QUARTZ IS–also known as silicon dioxide (SiO2) and naturally grows in a crystalline structure, hence its common appearance in clusters & spiky growths (think about crystal caves & all their jagged edges!! sick af, huh?)
in the crystal & mineral world (hello fellow rock hounds), stones are given a numerical value on something called the Moh's Hardness Scale. clear quartz clocks in at a solid 7, which means it's impervious to water (so it's safe to submerge when making crystal elixirs) and also very, very hard to the touch. stones that rate below a 5 on the scale can actually be scratched & marked using quartz and can become toxic when exposed to water for long periods of time, depending on the stone!
in modern witchcraft, clear quartz is considered both an amplifying and neutralizing stone, depending on your intention. it's often added to rituals and altars to enhance the already present energies. kind of like a beacon to the spirit world, y'know? it's also used in divination practices and is the most common stone you'll find when purchasing or acquiring a pendulum.
quartz itself comes in many different colors, some natural and some artificial. whereas smoky quartz and rose quartz are naturally occurring and can be mined in caves around the world, stones like strawberry quartz and aura quartz are dyed, heated, or processed to give them their color and shine. pro tip: never pay more for an artificially treated stone than you would a natural one – 'tis a scam! (also if your citrine is super orange, it's been heat treated! natural citrine is much smokier and darker in color)
finally, because quartz is so hard but simultaneously easy to chip away at (given the proper tools) it's by far the best option when buying intricately carved pieces – including skulls! stones like malachite, bumblebee jasper, and calcite are incredibly soft and therefore take a steadier, more experienced hand to carve, so you'll usually wind up paying more! in this house we ball on a budget, so 90% of our carved stones are quartz-based. and they're amazing!
my love, i hope you've enjoyed enabling my infodumping. crystals are my life. so much so it's actually stupid. and i am dreading nothing more than having to transport all my rocks when it comes time to move. buy stock in bubble wrap now, people, 'cause i'm about to corner the market 😭
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notmuchtoconceal · 10 months
the priestesses danced – in the baths built atop the springs down the bluffs behind city hall. the expanse of some bay hill within a block– well-eclipsed by the funnel of strata which teethed the cliffs. down the plaza -- beneath the canopies of streets, there shone another city gleaming in the gold of an artificial sun. cavern ceilings painted azure as the sky.
the priestesses danced – so that that sleep may overcome the carnal in men, those beasts who dwelt in the land above, with the fallen sisters they had taken as claims, who had become again the beasts they had been as girls, in the wild and untamed woodlands that were the brush they could not oil or tame – the talons they lacquered only to strike with priapism by venom. they danced and danced – and some harmonies met the men meek of heart, whose ears were open to the hornet honey of their rhythms :-- for heavy of soul, transmutations erupted in every atom of their skulls. arcs of gold convulsed through leaden filament. 
~^..^~ ( o ) ~^..^~
.     ^!    .^.   !^ `
from behind the columns, walled gardens in the shade kept the night as day. stars gleamed down the sleek of the fiberoptics of their gowns, and constellations latticed the forms of flowers and mosaics neither geometry nor mesh, for the wall was itself the night which emanated out the radiance of day, bound in brickwork which was not there, for they walked between the lime and were grazed not by the mortar, but passed suspended above the grounds in grace, as each were only women in the flesh, feet fawnlike and pale in painted toes :-- upon the floor, they moved, ankles clinging to the gossamer of their gowns, swanlike and downy muscular as the brine around them was sultry as the sea winds before a storm – for they knew again their prince, abundant in his horn and his cups, helmed in the shell that was his light :-- for he was only the light which resides in the shell, the conch which held the voice, and could be whispered into most sweetly, for you heard back only the tide.
cpt. drottin knelt to the empty plinth at the center of the dais from which they emanated -- around him, shone spotlights of seven colors :-- and in the shapes which overlapped him, he was masked. crowned and cut in twain by a laurel of peacock feathers shearing quartz vibrations in jagged discordance through the brawny and striated skeletomuscular webbing of himself :-- lattices of meat and fat studded rock-salt, for the hunks which fell from the gelatin of his subtle flesh flopped about with the elegant twirling fins of a betta fish pooling in black and yellow bile creeklike with reflections of shed arteries dripping opalescent man-roe fermented on the pressed caps of his spit-polished boots. ankles twisted as what bound them tightened together round the rising equis, the stalk of some trunk so iron-rich its tendons could press toward the hide which trapped it, for we knew the beauty of this moment and all moments – a terrace of blood rubies now with a drop of pearl. for his thread, the sterling silver of his chastity, cut him to ribbons with pangs of love. 
- this sword – this sword which is mine by right – which in my hands would bifurcate me to the pure action :/: re/action of my poles – without it, i am merely a man. condemned to love woman – for only by her may i know myself, as i remain merely a beast, and with the ecstasy that is the agony of my inheritance, and the agony that is the inheritance of my ecstasy – i endure my burden, though i will never draw the blood of man, condemned as i am, to eternal war by virtue of being them!   
the knights of the labrys – who kept their sisters sharp of tongue, and their brothers sharper in striation -- by lance by prick and cut, by the butt of handle and cleaver, banged the horns that were the handles of their polearms in percussion -- tapping twice and thrice across the stone.
he writhed and he lashed – suspended in the nowhere state of himself.
a burning coming over the black winds of the sea which men could not see, he kept solemn as the lights paned over him – still in supreme concentration to the sheathe which rose drop by drop within the stone.
the blows of the horns crashed through him as surf across a rocky shore. the descent of the first note -- as though unfurling -- lapped up the hairs of his neck, to caress him tip to notch of top of skull.
/ . ( ( ( o ) ) ) . \
`// . \ \ | / / . \\`
the repenters of the priesthood, our brothers of blacked eye – knelt with the men of drottin's guard. in paisley and escherprint, as they divided themselves down the midline by sigils and prayers, so did his guard unbutton their shirts, to expose the split-gashes burst open from the vigor of their movements – to be, here and now, resutured.
they knew not their mothers, for they had been cut from them. as they were not born, they could not die. without death, they had no and infinite time – for men they were, and yet of women, not.  
- i who am untethered, am wrapped up in myself. i who am untethered, wrap up all in my menagerie! around every wall, i remember where i walk and where i have begone! i walk the streets as myself, and i walk the streets of myself. what infinite turns you behold, what infirmaries you endure, and what brickovens you bemuse, on some further rotation you know you have gone nowhere. i am sorry – for there is no way out! you are stuck as time has stuck – as my wanderings have amazed the city! 
for though nine, she remained the spider –
- and i still merely the fly.
for he offered himself –
she drank of him,
and was devoured. 
… hey. you're pretty. hope you'll only slurp me with all the elegance befitting of a taureen fulla fine handcrafted strawberry lemonade?
.^. -?o?-o- /O\-o- 7o7- .^.
 .                 \   / ++
o>\_ *7&?oOo?%7 …\<^
 .                3 . e =
*7* ^\/^ *?* q )7( v/\v `?`
.                  8 8 --
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take me to that beautiful place ~
where nothing need be gross ( )
& even fewer euphemistic O == O
cpt. drottin.
he was beginning to show up with some consistency. you wouldn't know if gentle dabbings would remain enough to keep him off.
- um, major *****( . . . . . ) sir.
for fuck's sake, kid.
don't let him call you that. you sound like a cereal box mascot.
- um, i'm sorry, maj. ******* – oh my god, if that was unbleep'd it'd sound so fuckin goofy. you're honestly so try, you never have to camp!
he was more than trustworthy – to always draw attention to the breach.
- she should just rewind, pretend none of that ever got carried through!
only in your infinite editorial power – could you endure the shrink-wrap leaden weight of his antinatalist agenda.
- bro, i am 100% pro-baby, bro. they increase the overall net rate of gross entropic waste and consumption in the world. we need to affirm life/affirm death by creating it for the sake of the sakeless, bro. ... embrace descent/chaos as the ravishment of civilization wherin man is an eruption as any other :-- the cloud fated to swell, crest and collapse, settling back into but a mere holy pablum of fossilized substrata, debited to be mined and compacted with the trash of those future generations we have sired to spit on us as we've been sired to spit on our own with the laurels of our leaky cockheads :– drink of my dick drippings in a roe goblet of fibrous microplastics, bro. harvested of the gelatin of me, they've been marketed for the spoil! drink of me and be one with me, as i am the proof of what's in the pudding – the chastity, loch and keys!
the priests of the labrys he bent to his will – weighed with snow in gnarled poses, heavy as the boughs of spring – craned to him to blow mountain horns through the handles of their hollow axes.
- i have not spoken to brother laika in some time! what rulers echo in every void utterance! the pleasure has most certainly been his!
the rhubarb hues swollen beneath the sterile goatiness of his face – slick with his sweat, some idiot aureole played as his hair unfurled from the gilding of its honied comb – a kaleidoscope of arms and suckers in the brass-edged prongs of a heliacal crown which was his hair blowing in the breeze of the slate blue day – metallurgical in the covalence of its bonds, the day overlooking the white of the plaza, yellow ivory by ash of gold.
- sir, your words move me as only cpt. schreibermachen's do – have you, by some iota of probability unpaid, perchance to've read him?
your fine, well-read brother was no doubt manhandling some of cpt. hlaford's exquisitely tortured thoughtcrimes of passion against sin and country before sicking you with this routine unexpected visitation.
- i can't tell if you are making fun of me to my face, or making fun of joey to my face, or making fun of joey to your face, or revealing your deepest insecurities by highlighting what you can conceal only by not even bothering to brother – wow, sir. you really do have a lot going on, huh?
yeah, you'll tell me.
- it's no wonder – cpt. joey admires you so much and is always telling people how great you are, even if i don't always see it? to me, it's like -- you seem needlessly cruel, distant, and full of terror and awe, but um – somebody needs to be afraid for you, sir. that is a beautiful and perfect thing for you do for someone. be afraid for them and never let them know what's wrong, or just hug them – hug them and never let them go cause you can never express in words what they mean to you. no matter how many or how few you've got, you'd never be able to express that in words, for the issue is not of quantity or of quality, but structure :--and how could anyone ever know what they mean to us when we fail them by failing to let them understand what we feel?
 he had no idea. he had all the ideas. 
- i'm sorry, sir – i don't want to hurt your feelings with the stupid shit i say aimlessly, but um – i feel like there's no way to be around you without hurting you, and if i can understand this, while you have to live it daily, there's no need for me to elaborate upon it by the route idiocies of my own word choice, since you've been living your own life and know your own pain, i suspect it's still comforting on some level, even if it's equally or infinitely more comforting for me, to say this to you – cause i know i have to hurt you to comfort you, and the comfort in some sense outweighs the hurt, but um – if cpt. haruspex were rambling this long, he would attempt to return to some previous point to give the illusion that progress is being made, but he always feels like he's talking to a brick wall cause he isn't good at reading social cues? i honestly can't tell?
... cpt. haruspex is deeply confusing and i don't always know if i should be listening to him, cause sometimes he seems really confident, but then sometimes he seems really shaky, and i'm like – which one is it gonna be today? he makes me feel real insecure and that makes me wanna go towards him? cause i'm like – am i gonna need to take control of this idiot? is he gonna hurt himself again – oh my fuckin god. if i let this idiot hurt me, i would rip his fuckin head off – it would be brutal. i would tear off both his arms, crush his skull – tear his fuckin guts out and fuck the hand-ripped ceasearean taint-pussy i installed just to fuckin smash up – holy fuck. it sounds so fun, i kinda wanna risk my career and my reputation by doing it in public. right here. right now. – but um . . .
count to three.
… yeah  …?
I  I I    I  I  I 
 … i'm not cpt. haruspex, so i don't think i need to go there, but um – it seemed relevant anyways, so i will? even though it's not relevant anymore since i rambled on so long, but um – to avoid it now would reek of anticlimax, so i ought? ... yeah? keep talking?
    I    V
… it's the entropy as a necessary process to take us to our inevitable fate of finality, sir? i can't ever give as much care as i can give you pain, but by bearing my pain, you're increasing the net amount of care in the world, even if you can only take so much for yourself? as though the older you get, the more care you're entitled to give, or at least the less care you're entitled to receive, for care is a limited thing given, and if you're still failing, even at your age, you're understood to have poorly optimized the care you've been given – and while it is true that the inherent care a person can receive is finite, some bodies are deprived in such a way that care cannot be properly optimized, or the care they'd been given not enough, or for that same care to have been rendered toxicified. everyone wants to care, but few people care about how they're doing it?
though in old sage, sir – care is understood to be wholly reciprocal, for an elder mind is at its peak when nourished by the wisdom of experience. no valorous young flesh would harm a frail soul or allow it to come to harm, for what we are is what we know
... and all we'll ever know is but our heads!
at least long last as we have heads to know.
     F V
don't fuckin scream at me, kid.
already wanna rip your neck out and dance in your blood.
- um, i'm sorry, sir. i'm really ashamed at how i behaved just now?
that's a start.
- um, i should be ashamed of how i am all the time?
he could read into things.
he learned it from cpt. schreibermachen, no doubt.
- i'm sorry i get you so wet, sir. i know i'm a real she-braggart and a he-harlot and worse than any woman, but like, um – cpt. schreibermachen learned it from watching you. 
kid, cpt. schreibermachen thinks being complicated is a virtue. the locomotion of moving parts fascinate him, for he is inherently dense and slow-witted. he is the worst indulgence of the materialist sciences, holy shit – he reads like jittery molecules in a beaker crudely attempting to escape their own dead, intellectual anti-atomism by furiously stroking their mitochondrial clitties. synthesize some meta-nature, joey. you can do it. you can improve upon the vast incomprehensibility of the perfection of all creation by breaking it apart into cancerous, bifurcated deadweight, scattered about the apartments of your reeking barnyard bate cave drooling more weird affection over incomprehensible tomes like all the other assorted grotesqueries you fetishize because you're disgusted by your own slight, deformed, nubile lil fuck-bod. yeah. nibble on some gristle and chicken bones, you ever-fertile regenerative godling. go leave Pomo Prometheus Bound Up and Unmod, cute lil Werther White Chocolate. lick you off my fingers, see how good you melt in my mouth. go on! believe in yourself, kid. you can fuckin cast off the yoke of physics and radically recreate matter in a shape more approximate mind. it's all on you. nobody wants to rut the narrow taper of your bony, alluring lil bitch-breeder hips, holy fuck. nobody, joey. nobody is thinking of seeding your needy lil blonde, blue-eyed boycunt cause you are so fucking asking for it prancing around being such a pretty lil nerd all the time. 
- wow.
vv ( o ) vv
- it may take me some time to process all this, sir. i am not like – a one hour photo, or even, um – a memento of a log ride you can pick up in fifteen minutes for the image needs time to solidify into form? it may take me years to reconcile the every implication of your every stated utterance against the pre-existing biases of the situation as i understand it? you know i'd never be able to tell joey any of this because he's so, um – like in awe of you and i'm so in awe of him, i'd never have it in me to even so much as hint to a word of this, unless it's like, um – one day joey found himself so weighed down by such terrible pain, that to continue to believe in you would only hurt him further, and i would have no choice but to um – risk hurting him by telling him the truth, though it would both hurt me to hurt him, and hurt me to be deprived of him, but neither could ever be as hurtful as letting him hurt pointlessly by languishing in a lie? for this was my duty – to increase the net care in the world by telling the truth to my brother and dearest light of my soul, for nothing would be so painful to me as to deny myself my love's true freedom and living valor?
he was already writing the script.
you'd need to make some common-sense suggestions.
- um, you're ruthless?
the way you hurt people and pretend like you're caring?
you are all-knowing. you see things as they are.
your insight cannot be disavowed. 
- um, it was not my place to question you, sir. i understand this now.
you have been a good joey, cpt. drottin. you may lean forward and receive the head-pat you so desperately crave by being stupid enough to approach your commanding officer.
- you're sweet, sir. you're fair, just, alluring, and tolerant?
don't push it, kid. one of us is still a smut-pushing propaganda monster.
- you have made cpt. schreibermachen everything he is, for he is all you could never be – and he adores you for you are all he could never be, though this is shameful for you both to bare, as though both of you crave and adore the other, neither of you want nor respect yourselves. 
 his happiness mattered more than yours. he would not die this day.
- just gotta hear it once a morning, sir. once more in this semi-paradigm of our infinite solar orbit, you have gifted me the gift of immortality!
tomorrow you will bring with you a basket of apples. they will be gold as the sun, placed in a hand-wreath of wicker, on a bed of pine fronds lightly syruped by their own sweetness. huckleberries shall be included.
- i know the ones you like, sir. i may or may not surprise you with a different hue or even a different shape all together, and you'll never know if i fucked up or was discreetly attempting to slow-drip the lifeblood of variety back into your life because i love you?
piss off, drottin.
- do you mean get lost and never found?
you mean open up. 
as seeds scattered in the wind, they wanted not, yet wanted only to die.
a whole brood came of age, spurning the ovipositor which laid them. without contradiction of their wants, the falsities of the false world into which they were born, they knew they themselves to be expendable – people who should have never been, sold now and always, to people who weren't worth it, on land which was not theirs :-- serving only the machinery for which they had been bred to be slaughtered.
the carpenter removed his hood – he was but (a) baal by kinder words. 
he sang to them. in harmonic resonances of love, he sang to them. by the grosses, from bridges which rose in honeycombed towers, drone embryos flew without wings – into the traffic of tankmen to be torn under wheels pulverized & dragged – limbs flash fried a second here and there, wasted :-- untold countless unclaimed prophets squandered. 
((( o )))) without the lubrication of blood to properly anoint at proper variables – the machinery chugged and sputtered to a halt.
the streets caked with viscosities of skin and sinew – gelatin of bone and meat pumped by arterial sepsis. clean. pure.  sears of gunmetal perfumed on tongues. product rotting on shelves without plot or purchase, writhing with fresh and effervescent life, singing the songs of flies.
the structures collapsed by the rings of their stumps, pumping always lead in their sutures, where true necessity reigned, hollow hearts followed hollow heads – as all were as gourds in the wind.
a hedge trimmer to a bonsai, an octopus to a cutlet. with ice to a sickle, whole densities of shoulder were shed in the shaving. another turn of the waltz – into place, they fell, and into space, they rose.
deprive themselves of them – for they have spoilt their generations, every vivisection floating like debris, around the miracle of these pollutants.
;w L
L o :
cpt. haruspex's tongue would slip when his hands would slight him.
cpt. haruspex's words would fail him – when by the slight of glance, his eyes would fall upon cpt. schreibermachen sipping coffee. 
- who the hell he thinks he is, mates? that prick joey – loungin around like the world were a lounge! a lounge none feel comfortable loungin in cause it's so pretty, fastidious, scented, polished and leatherclad, that you know by matrices of implication too multitudinous and subtle to be processed in the moment -- but which nonetheless register as a visceral impression which haunts your nervous system for days to come – that this ain't any lounge, oh no. this is joey's private lounge.
... joey owns the buildin! you think this is some neon-lit quarter-abyss a few inches underground where eyes glidin past cobwebs caressin brick and mortar in the granite womb of your senses, you bare by curtains bathed in hot pinks and reds, some scanty-clad flesh rapturous in the throes of intoxication, no -- calm it down, mates! joey's here. joey's gonna make things happen! joey's gonna change the atmosphere!
/// peer back into the dark, this is no charnel bar where the scent of grape concentrate and chemical burns lingers more on your eyes in the hyper-clarity of terror turned rapturous unrevealing, no!
... the darkness is gonna quiet, mates! gonna feel the heady scent of the froth fill your nostrils in the dust of some gilded mornin where you stretch by the sun and get a workout in swimmin round the archipelago before dawn. eyes lingerin on his bronzed and milky body – his scarred, his burnt and shrapnelled body – the delicate pale hairs casting him in a gossamer of spider silk by firelight you could remember no night but what you spent with him, but now it's time to work... so many distant memories. hangin round every day though you could look back and there he'd be. hand on your shoulder, so uncharacteristically warm, as his skin'd just withstood the fire – and now he's pullin up his chair, mates!
... right at the center recess! right round the big table! oh, he's here early! nobody else is here yet! let's just take fuckin control of everythin, why don't we? y'know – if brux got in the cafe (it's always a fuckin cafe with joey – can always hear the music! so effortless is the moment twisted, i can even hear the music!) – if brux got in the cafe early, he'd go slink off to some secret corner where it was extra dark and he'd giggle to himself cause nobody'd find him. brux'd really be able to dawdle and pretend to work back there, but no! joey don't wanna dawdle and pretend to work!
/// joey wants to be kept looked at so he can keep the illusion of keepin busy by actually bein busy, cause ya can't fuckin fake it in front of an audience! joey don't have the courage to live a life of solitude, so he needs people to go up to him while he's readin or writin or sippin espresso with his adorable and eminently breedable boyfriend -- and sometimes they glance at each other with eyes so tender ya wonder how laik don't melt like bunny chocolate on the spot and leave a big brown butthole-stained streak all o'er the dazzlin emerald-upholstered leather chairs or reflective teakwood table – and ya always feel like you're interruptin somethin special cause their love is so crystalline and perfect and your heart throbs every time you're privileged to witness it, then ya realize love like that only happens to certain special people and yer not one of em, so ya wanna either die or murder everyone in sight, and that is so perfectly natural and normal a feelin and everyone feels it and anybody who says otherwise is a liar like joey, who only wants to sip coffee and read books in public so ya feel like you're botherin him when ya need to talk, even tho he's fundamental to so many operations, he should be fully present at every moment, totally focused on you, cause – y'know.
/// you're totally focused on everyone else at every moment – least they could do's repay the favor! instead he's spittin out some zealous spiel all hopped up on genie beans and it's like – oh, all the men in the room are hooked on his every word! they're either all totally motivated or eager to hop in and he handles every interruption so gracefully and with such verve, it makes ya love him even more, and ya wish ya had somethin to say, but you're much too in awe of him ~ you're just thankful for any second he could spend wit you – so magnanimous is every second you spend wit him, you could feel nothin but total remorse which is the realization of the futility of life that the time you spend with him could never mean but a fraction of what his time means to you – not only cause there are so many of you out there, vyin for his attention, but because you got nothing to offer him. he has so much more. he's always had more. you could never measure up, even if ya had a trick ruler and his spine was ripped out – scribblin away at another one of his masterpieces, his popular fodders, his private letters! it's bad enough his sloppies look better than most of ya polishers, but his handwritten lil notes make ya feel elevated over ivied edifices by babblin streams as sunlight ripples cross the banks of the thames, and you respond with loike – shit ya coulda sent through a telegram, so it's loike... gosh, do i want him to keep writin me, or do i want him to know all the affection he showers on me is wasted? it's almost more polite to make him hate me so he knows he's not wastin his time? i could never repay him his every special moment – let him know how beautiful i think he is. every second i spend with him feels like accruin a debt i could never repay, so every moment i spend is consent to the slavery of his affection. with him, i could only ever be more grateful, more thankless, more blessed and needy with every moment he looks at me – and that is entirely his fault for bein so brave and manly and smart and beautiful in a way which highlights even his arrogance to a mute rhapsody of pure motion! he makes even his ugliness beautiful! how cruel and dismissive he is so constantly cause he knows he has leverage on ya, and it's loike – you bastard. you bastard. i hate you. i hate you. you think it was you. always you. the only reason you wanna get all hopped up with the men drinkin coffee and readin books is cause you want brux to hate you. this ain't about them. this ain't about you. this ain't about the codification of an ethos or aesthetic into culture under the organic process of a group of individuals rationally consenting to follow a bold, charismatic, and affable leader! no. this is about brux.
/// brux knows you're thinkin bout brux
just as much as brux is thinkin bout you! 
cpt. psychoraggia – whose shaved and heaving muscle-tits cpt. haruspex longed to fondle, yet refrained, for he was a bloodthirsty killbeast of fame and valor with countless recordings of backroom maulings widely distributed and pawed over – became uncharastically syllabic.
- brother brux, with all due respect – i think cpt. schreibermachen likes to drink coffee while reading books because they keep his mind sharp, since more pressingly – he enjoys stimulation which is psycho-chemical in a way we don't understand cause we think with our dicks.  
cpt. haruspex – would not cut :-- though his tirade yearned for blood.
- brother jacek, i like you. i like your big, fondleable muscle-titties. you don't know joey the way i do. you won't ever know joey the way i do. you're a big silly kitty and ya need to have your mane ruffled. i wanna jump on you and play with your big bashful pecs which the frenzy of my imagination renders furry and peachy, though i know them to be exfoliated, razor-dredged and olive, you prickly lil lionfish. you are a silly, silly killbeast and i think you're such a nice boy! gosh, i wanna kiss you. gosh, i wanna kiss your face. you are so handsome, it is painful. i want to die when i look at you. please bash me head in with a rock and lick the brain matter out of the prolapse between me eyes as you lap up me tears for iodine as i die. brother jacek, you are what is most precious!
cpt. psychoraggia understood at once – that no more conversation was viable. for a moment he thought he ought bow his head before abandoning cpt. haruspex for hours unknown, then figured this would pay too much deference to things spoken undeserving of deference, and so decided – yeah, fuckin walk away. don't ask for the encore.
he'll read things the way he wants, with his shitty, limited vocabulary.
thank our brothers who are the stars there are poetically-minded and ribaldly affable men like cpt. schreibermachen around to show you that things don't have to be so fuckin miserable all the time.
ions descended on the storm winds – the salt brine reeked of the sea. the anvils of the heavens hammered on the hindlegs of the cloudbursts. red skies straddling the seawall of night and morning were the clappings of thunderheads escalating in pitch to collisions of rapture.
- as though claws at the sky, dear brothers and fair sisters! ~ as though the strike of each bolt were embers which raked the sweet-caned peaches of creamery clouds, cotton candy on ice milk, the grilles of a bleaker cabaret :-- some plastic diner you wallowed to squeal in vinyl!
behind drottin's eyes, the horizon of a parting thigh – as the sea bisected the sky. compartments of him heaved, bashed against the glass dulled by manhandlers hand-mangled by handlebars. delicate precision slotting them into place along quarter-turns on tilts. pushed inward and bent so a pivot became a joint. sutured along a seam. the heat of some torch which was only the tempest of his eyes – the eye of his own storm. hourglass sands by molten glass. two cold fires welding the horizon to your eyes by some distant light or more distant darkness, leading the arc of his vault to the void infinity beyond, where no light could ebb away.
this memory which would never ebb away – of the sterile rooms where he knew himself as only streaks of aquarium glass; where he saw himself as more and simply less, the seagrass more than a crown -- laureled though he was, in scales of every color -- beading globules white as teeth or as eyes or still-soft flesh, beading pearls as he was elephant ivory, though not the shrapnel of a tusk – dripping the fresh, crisp mead. 
- from joey's heart, i have fermented – the rhizomes of the lotus of his heart. a chocolate cherry – spurned by dingbats and arrowheads, yet no fortune too outrageous – for this age i am iron as i armor myself in dross, when the armor ensconces what remains imperishable by right of what preserves -- as i am myself salty enough to burn ulcers off tongues, lay your beef before me expecting a lashing and i will give what i lap, as i shall no doubt remain, for i paige by the discount ~ all which is orderly in immolation is present in me – for should i fail to guild by this honey i chug, i shall be knot a man known for eras beyond me :-- but will be simply a waste, a man in his box, priority shipping overseas – another garish antique of the hammer head and nailing hand, wrought steelmen coming on cadavers in kiddielands unmembered, this rickety coffin still shambles for me. i keep it suspended by the whim of what lay alive, to hobble still more on stilts to a dawn beyond dusk?
cpt. haruspex met him once –
theirs was a bond which chained across time.
- brux, bro – i uh ... hey.
you wanna go to sleep with me, bro?
bet it'd feel good?
gettin stoned and curlin up with me while i sleep.
let you nuzzle my beard?
feel good?
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punktrsh · 2 years
bold: most frequent, definitely italics: conditional or private cross out: hell. no.
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[ FASHION COLORS ]  red. crimson. vermilion. tomato. burgundy. brown. tan. beige. ochre. sienna. orange. peach. tangerine. marigold. amber. yellow. citrine. mustard. butter. daffodil. green. lime. mint. emerald. olive. blue. royal blue. teal. navy. sky. purple. lilac. mauve. plum. amethyst. pink. coral. magenta. rose. blush. black. jet. ebony. licorice. bistre. white. ivory. snow. vanilla. champagne. grey. dove grey. charcoal grey. slate. ash. pastels. jewel tones.
[ ELEMENTS ]  fire. ice. water. air. earth. rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun. heat. cold. steam. frost. lightning. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. twilight. midnight. sunrise. sunset. dewdrops. fog. wood. 
[ BODY ]  claws. long fingers. fangs. teeth. wings. tails. lips. bare feet. freckles. bruises. canines. scars. scratches. wounds. burns. spikes. fur. feathers. scales. webs. eyes. hands. sweat. tears. cheekbones. feline. pointed ears. chubby. curvy. short. tall. muscular. slender. trained. piercings. tattoos. strong. weak. struggling. athletic. lithe. curls. long hair.
[ WEAPONS ]   fists. sword. dagger. spear. scythe. bow and arrow. hammer. shield. poison. guns. axes. words. throwing axes. whips. knives. throwing knives. pepper sprays. tasers. pistols. machine guns. slingshots. katana. maces. staff. wands. powers. magical items. magic. rocks. mud balls. peace. rifles. cannons. mind.
[ MATERIALS ]   gold. silver. platinum. copper. bronze. iron. rust. steel. titanium. diamonds. pearls. rubies. sapphires. emeralds. amethyst. quartz. metals. glass. shell. bone. wood. porcelain. paper. wool. fur. lace. leather. silk. satin. velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. asphalt. brick. marble. ichor. dust. glitter. blood. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. shadow. carbonate. rubber. vinyl. carbon nanotubes. circuits. vibranium. adamantium. 
[ NATURE ]   grass. leaves. trees. bark. roses. daisies. tulips. lavender. petals. thorns. seeds. hay. sand. rocks. stream. roots. flowers. ocean. river. meadow. forest. desert. tundra. savanna. rainforest. caves. underwater. coral reef. beach. waves. space. clouds. mountains. woods. hills. highlands. islands.
[ ANIMALS ]  lions. tigers. wolves. panthers. eagles. owls. falcons. hawks. vultures. swans. snakes. turtles. ducks. bugs. spiders. songbirds. monkeys. whales. dolphins. fish. sharks. horses. cats. deer. dogs. rabbits. mantises. crows. ravens. parrots. chickens/roosters. mice. jackals. lizards. werewolves. unicorns. pegasus. dragons. foxes. phoenixes. peacocks. coyote. bears.
[ FOODS/DRINKS ]   sugar. salt. candy. water. wine. champagne. hard liquor. beer. coffee. tea. soda. spices. herbs. apple. citrus. raspberry. cherry. strawberry. watermelon. vegetables. gingerbread. fruits. meat. fish. pies. desserts. chocolate. cream. caramel. berries. nuts. cinnamon. stew. venison. rice. ambrosia. bread.
[ HOBBIES ]   music. art. gardening. smithing. sculpting. painting. sketching. fighting. fencing. riding. writing. composing. cooking. sewing. training. dancing. acting. singing. martial arts. self-defense. technology. swimming. theater. libraries. magazines. piano. violin. cello. guitar. lute. mandolin. bass guitar. harmonica. harp. woodwinds. brass. trumpet. flute. drums. bells. playing cards. poker chips. chess. dice. eating. climbing. running. hiking. stargazing.
[ STYLE ] lingerie. armor. cape. dress. suit. tunic. vest. shirt. boots. barefoot. heels. leggings. trousers. khakis. jeans. skirt. shorts. earrings. necklace. collar. bracelet. ring. pendant. hat. crown. circlet. helmet. scarf. neck tie. brocade. cloaks. corsets. doublet. chest plate. bracers. belt. layers. bandana. sash. coat. jacket. hood. gloves. socks. masks. cowls. bracers. sweaters. watches. glasses. sunglasses. visors. eye contacts. makeup. implant. artificial parts. robes. t-shirts. henleys. athletic shirt. joggers. tennis shoes. cargo pants.
[ MISC ] balloons. bubbles. cityscape. landscape. light. dark. candles. war. peace. money. power. percussion. clocks. photos. mirrors. pets. diary. fairy lights. madness. sanity. sadness. happiness. fatigue. energetic. manipulation. faith. optimism. pessimism. realism. loneliness. family. friends. chronic pain. assistants. somnambulism. co-workers. enemies. loyalty. devotion. smoking. drugs. drinking. kindness. love. hugs. time. questions.
tagged by: @chromatiica​ tagging: honestly, steal it from me and tag me!!
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sweethomenewyork · 2 days
Your Dream Bathroom Awaits: Remodel Tips for Long Island, NY
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Transforming your bathroom into a serene oasis is more than just a home improvement project—it's an investment in your comfort and well-being. For residents of Long Island, NY, the journey to a dream bathroom combines modern luxury with timeless design. Here’s how you can embark on a bathroom remodel in Long Island that’s both stylish and functional.
Define Your Vision
Before diving into materials and fixtures, it’s crucial to have a clear vision. Are you aiming for a minimalist retreat or a lavish spa-like sanctuary? Understanding your style will guide your choices in everything from bathroom tiles in Long Island to lighting fixtures.
Choose the Right Materials
1. Tiles: The Foundation of Your Design
Tiles are more than just a surface covering; they set the tone for your bathroom’s aesthetic. In Long Island, you’ll find an impressive array of tile options that cater to every taste. Whether you prefer the sleek look of porcelain or the rustic charm of natural stone, there’s something for everyone. Consider using large-format tiles to create a seamless look and make smaller bathrooms appear more spacious.
2. Countertops: A Touch of Elegance
Countertops play a pivotal role in both the functionality and appearance of your bathroom. Cambria quartz countertops in Long Island offer a perfect blend of durability and elegance. This material is non-porous, resistant to stains, and comes in an array of colors and patterns, ensuring you’ll find the perfect match for your design.
3. Fixtures and Finishes: The Details Matter
The fixtures you choose can transform your bathroom from ordinary to extraordinary. opt for high-quality faucets, showerheads, and hardware that not only look good but also stand the test of time. Brushed nickel and matte black finishes are trending and add a touch of modernity to your space.
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Incorporate Smart Storage Solutions
One of the biggest challenges in any bathroom remodel is maximizing space. Clever storage solutions can help you keep your bathroom tidy and clutter-free. Consider built-in shelves, floating vanities, and recessed medicine cabinets. These features not only save space but also contribute to a clean, streamlined look.
Lighting: The Mood Setter
Lighting can make or break your bathroom’s ambiance. Natural light is ideal, so, if possible, incorporate large windows or skylights. For artificial lighting, a combination of task, accent, and ambient lighting works best. Use dimmable lights around the vanity and in the shower area to create a relaxing atmosphere.
Ventilation: The Unsung Hero
Proper ventilation is crucial in a bathroom to prevent mold and mildew. Ensure your remodel includes a high-quality exhaust fan. For an added touch of luxury, consider a humidity-sensing model that activates automatically when moisture levels rise.
Personal Touches: Make It Yours
Adding personal touches can make your bathroom feel uniquely yours. Think about incorporating artwork, plants, or even a small seating area if space allows. These elements can infuse your bathroom with personality and make it a place you love to spend time in.
Work with Professionals
While DIY projects can be fun, a bathroom remodel is one area where professional expertise is invaluable. Long Island boasts numerous skilled contractors who specialize in bathroom renovations. They can help you navigate the complexities of plumbing, electrical work, and building codes, ensuring a smooth and successful remodel.
Budget Wisely
Remodeling a bathroom can be a significant investment, so it’s important to budget wisely. Allocate funds for high-priority items like quality tiles and countertops and be prepared for unexpected expenses. Remember, spending a little more on durable, high-quality materials can save you money in the long run.
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A bathroom remodel in Long Island is an exciting opportunity to create a space that reflects your style and meets your needs. By choosing the right materials, incorporating smart design elements, and working with experienced professionals, you can transform your bathroom into a luxurious retreat. Whether it’s the elegance of Cambria quartz countertops in Long Island or the perfect bathroom tiles in Long Island, your dream bathroom awaits. Embrace the journey and enjoy the stunning results of your thoughtful remodel.
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govindhtech · 6 days
Discover Apple The TRX Exchange in Kuala Lumpur on June 22
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The TRX Exchange
Today, Apple gave a sneak peek at Apple The TRX Exchange, Malaysia’s first Apple Store. The new store, which is situated in the centre of Kuala Lumpur’s brand-new Tun Razak Exchange (TRX) core business sector, will bring Apple magic to the nation like never before. Consumers can take advantage of free Today at Apple sessions to learn how to get the most out of their devices, explore and purchase Apple’s cutting-edge portfolio of goods and services, and enjoy great support from experienced team members.
Apple’s senior vice president of retail, Deirdre O’Brien, stated, “Apple live for moments when they can surprise and delight Apple customers, and we’re excited to do that in Malaysia with the opening of Apple first store, Apple The TRX Exchange.” “Our retail teams always find it special to be able to support and establish a direct connection with a new community, and apple is excited to welcome customers to this stunning space that is intended for creativity, discovery, and shopping for the most cutting-edge products available on the market.”
More than 160 employees at Apple The TRX Exchangeare prepared to assist consumers in selecting their ideal Apple products, such as the new iPad models, which include the revamped iPad Air and the exceptionally thin iPad Pro with M4. They also have access to the whole iPhone 15 collection.
Apple Free in-store sessions are being offered to customers by The TRX Exchange, an inspirational centre for education, through Today at Apple. The sessions, which are led by Apple Creatives, will teach visitors how to make the most of their gadgets and unleash their creativity. Topics covered will include iPhone picture and video tours that showcase the stunning store location, as well as fundamentals and how-to lectures.
A unique Today at Apple series called “Jom Discover” will be held in honour of the opening from Saturday, June 22 through Saturday, July 6. The events, which will feature a number of Malaysia’s most well-known designers, will highlight Apple’s whole line of goods and services and provide an insight into the creative process.
Among the “Jom Discover” series’ sessions are: Demonstration: Workshop: Use Jason Smashpop to Take iPhone Portraits Highlight: Adam Lobo’s Video Magic on the Mac Workshop: Using iPad to Transform Ideas Into Action with Iman Azman Highlight: Enjoy a Happy Life with Apple Watch and Nana Mohd Apple The TRX Exchange links a verdant rooftop park that encircles the upper level of the store to the mall’s central atrium. The three-dimensional tiered roof has horizontal glass panels that let in less light and shading blades that block out the sun, giving off a pleasant glow at night. Daylight enters the inside through a central glass oculus, which also has a dynamic artificial lighting component.
The store’s three floors of exploration, education, and shopping are connected by a sculpture-like staircase made of quartz and glass. The Forum, where Today at Apple is hosted, is situated on a floating deck that connects to the mall. The upper level, on the other hand, has a direct connection to the park’s edge, allowing natural light and greenery to flow through the store’s continuous glass façade.
The Apple The TRX Exchange is carbon neutral and powered only by renewable energy, much like all Apple locations. Light terrazzo flooring, polished stainless steel columns, natural stone walls, and a timber ceiling are just a few of the exquisite elements used in the store’s design.
Explore the surrounding exhibit tables and avenues, browse the newest Apple Watch lineup, the iPhone 15 lineup, and the new iPad Air with M2, which are Apple’s first-ever carbon neutral products. Apple Specialists are thrilled to establish a connection with the neighbourhood through customised setup and assistance, the transition to iOS, and Apple Trade In, which allows users to exchange in their old device for credit towards a new one. Students and families may save money on a Mac or iPad just in time for return to school with Apple Education Pricing, which is only available through Apple Retail.
Customers who meet the requirements can also take advantage of the university student deal, which is valid in-store and online through September 30. Customers who purchase an eligible Mac or iPad will receive an Apple Pencil when they purchase AirPods.
Apple In order to make it even simpler for customers to conduct online orders and pick up products whenever it’s most convenient for them, The TRX Exchange also has a dedicated Apple Pickup counter. Moreover, clients can schedule an appointment at the Genius Bar to receive in-person assistance from a specialist for practical technical and hardware support. Apple On Saturday, June 22, at 10 a.m. MYT, the TRX Exchange opens. Consumers are welcome to register for upcoming Today at Apple sessions and peruse carefully selected content on Apple TV+, Apple Music, and the App Store that honours the spirit of creation in Malaysia.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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braytonlaw · 13 days
Engineered Stone (Quartz) Silicosis and Cancer Lawsuit
Access information and support regarding artificial stone safety and health concerns on Brayton Purcell's page. Our resources provide valuable insights into the safety of artificial stone materials and offer medical resources for individuals with health concerns related to artificial stone exposure. Learn how to protect your health and legal rights.
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stonetilesuppliers · 18 days
What Stones Will Be Used To Build An Outdoor Pool?
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The area around your swimming pool is one of the essential parts of your pool's cape. Not only is it where everyone congregates while poolside, but it also plays a crucial role in defining your pool's personality and style. Different artificial and natural materials make superior pool decks, but those made from natural stone are unequal companions to sophisticated pool settings. Regardless of your chosen pool design, deciding which natural stone pavers to use for your pool surrounding will make a compelling statement about your taste, status and success. There are different outdoor pool tiles, and everyone has specific preferences in choosing a flooring material. Here are the lists of stones used to build an outdoor pool:
Travertine is one of the most prevalent materials for building a luxury pool. This material's prominence for being hard-wearing yet beautiful has been known since antique times. Today, the material is in as much demand as ever, particularly with pool builders who have come to depend on this material's porous nature. Prosperous and lavish looks are an inclination to remain cool to the touch. Because travertine typically soaks water instantly, decks made of it are effectively slip-free. In addition, it can manage all kinds of weather conditions. The pool designers will generally choose a rich and luxurious outlook material for artistic settings. Travertine is commonly found in one of three finishes tumbled, honed and polished.
Granite is a complex, compact igneous rock formed by quartz, feldspar and mica. Granite rock is propelled from quartz and feldspar rock. It feels rough and light-coloured. Granite is a form of rigid and enduring material to use for your pool. Granite offers a diversity of colours. The stones have been utilised for centuries till now. Operating granite also shows some level of style.
Limestone is one of the world's go-to construction materials. Limestone, generally quarried from regional sources, is robust and can maintain its beauty for years, no matter the weather. Many pool designers construct decks using this material and use its good looks for pool faring. Limestone or outdoor pool tiles are long-lasting and alluring in a warm, loamy way. Limestone can endure extreme weather changes and hold up against constant use. Colours include grey, blue, tan, brown, and pink, among others, and can be cut in various shapes and sizes, making it a stress-free choice of decking for many homeowners.
Bluestone is another kind of flagstone and is primarily used for outdoor pool tiles. Bluestone pavers are durable, non-slip, and water-resistant. Usually blue-grey, this material is commonly finished in one of three ways, such as thermal, which gives a uniform texture. The natural aperture creates a non-uniform surface, and the honed has a highly smooth appearance. Bluestone is an excellent choice of stone decking for an outdoor space covered by natural appeal.
Final Thoughts
In the above section, you can learn about the varieties of stones used to build an outdoor pool. Choose better outdoor pool tiles to add elegance and outlook if you plan to create a collection.
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sunnyleahomesblog · 1 month
Revamp Your Nest: Top Home Renovation Trends for 2024
The world of home renovation is brimming with exciting trends that can transform your living space into a haven of style, comfort, and functionality. Whether you're planning a complete gut renovation or some strategic upgrades, staying on top of what's hot can make all the difference. Here's a look at some of the hottest trends in home renovation for 2024:
Going Green with Sustainable Materials
These days, living an eco-friendly lifestyle isn't just a trend, it's a priority. In 2024, homeowners are increasingly looking for ways to incorporate sustainability into their renovations. The good news is, you can be kind to the planet without sacrificing style. Bamboo, cork, and recycled plastics are taking center stage in furniture and fixtures. These beautiful and durable materials showcase a commitment to environmental responsibility. Plus, they're built to last, so you won't need to replace them as often, minimizing your environmental impact even further.
Smart Homes: Technology Makes Life Easier
Imagine a kitchen that helps you whip up a gourmet meal or a bathroom that remembers your perfect shower temperature. This isn't science fiction; it's the future of home renovation! Technology integration is at the forefront of modern renovations. From voice-controlled lighting systems to smart appliances that preheat your oven while you're on your way home, homes are getting smarter thanks to advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT). Incorporating these features can significantly boost your comfort and safety, making everyday tasks a breeze.
Maximalism Makes a Bold Statement
Move over minimalism, there's a new trendsetter in town: maximalism! This design style embraces bold colors, eclectic patterns, and a playful mix of textures. It's your chance to express your unique personality and create a vibrant, eye-catching space. Think luxurious velvet cushions, cozy faux fur throws, and stunning hand-painted murals that transform any room into a conversation starter.
Multitasking Marvels: Making the Most of Your Space
With many people continuing to work from home, maximizing space is more important than ever. The latest designs prioritize rooms that can seamlessly transition from a productive home office by day to a relaxing living area by night. Think clever furniture that doubles as storage, cleverly designed foldable desks that tuck away when not in use, and convertible sofas that transform to suit your needs.
Organic Shapes Inspired by Nature
Soft, natural curves are making a comeback in everything from architecture to furniture design. These organic shapes are not just pleasing to the eye, they also create a more calming and inviting atmosphere. Consider incorporating elements like curved walls, rounded furniture pieces, and flowing patterns to add a touch of serenity and fluidity to your home.
Dramatic Accents: Statement Pieces That Wow
This year is all about making a statement in your home. Imagine a sculptural pendant light that steals the show in your living room, or dramatic backsplash tiles that elevate your kitchen from ordinary to extraordinary. Zellige tiles, with their unique handcrafted look, and striking slabs of stone or quartz can create a truly unforgettable impression in your bathroom or kitchen.
From Dream Kitchens to Custom Homes
The beauty of these trends is that they can be applied to all sorts of renovation projects. Whether you're considering a complete home renovation, a kitchen remodel to create your dream culinary space, a bathroom update for a spa-like experience, or even a condo renovation to maximize a smaller space, there are ways to incorporate these ideas and create a functional, beautiful, and personalized haven.
Let's Make Your Dream Home a Reality
The home renovation trends of 2024 offer a wealth of inspiration to create a living space that reflects your style and values. By embracing these trends, you can ensure your home is not only stylish but also meets the demands of modern living. Are you ready to transform your space? Let's discuss how to bring these trends to life in your dream home!
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hrituparna · 3 months
Unveiling the Artistry: A Closer Look at the Intricate Designs in Our Quartz and Marble Products
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The most opulent and classic materials utilized in indoor architecture are marble and quartz. They make well-known alternatives for flooring, wall cladding, counters, and other ornamental elements because of their inherent beauty and adaptability. But what makes them unique isn't simply their natural characteristics; it's also the intricate patterns and styles that craftspeople may produce using those materials.
Engineered Quartz is an artificially created stone consisting of natural quartz crystals mixed with colors and resins. Because of this, quartz can be made in a wide range of colors and patterns, which makes it an extremely versatile material for design projects.
The most remarkable characteristic of quartz is its ability to imitate the appearance of real stone, such as limestone, granite, and marble. This is accomplished by adding pigments to the quartz mixture through a process known as veining, which produces minute differences in texture and color. Furthermore, quartz manufacturers replicate the veining and patterns present in natural stone by employing advanced printing and production techniques.
To replicate the look of Calacatta marble, a quartz countertop, for instance, may also have intricate veins of gray, white, and gold running through a creamy white background. These veins have been thoughtfully placed and created to produce a useful and beautiful visual impact. The end product is a maintenance-free, long-lasting surface that has all the beauty of genuine stone but none of the disadvantages.
Quartz can be utilized to produce strong, one-of-a-kind designs that are not present in nature, in addition to imitating natural stone. This is accomplished by the use of vibrant colors, geometric patterns, and contemporary methods like terrazzo and agate-stimulated motifs.
Chips of marble, granite, glass, or other aggregates placed in a binder consisting of cement or resin are used to create terrazzo, a composite material. It is frequently used for wall cladding, countertops, and floors because of its eye-catching speckled appearance. With quartz, designers can replicate the look of terrazzo by using a blend of quartz chips and resin, keeping in mind greater durability and uniformity in sample and color.
One kind of gemstone that is well-known for its eye-catching shade bands and translucent look is agate. By applying colors on top of translucent quartz, designers can use quartz to create stunning patterns that mimic the appearance of real agate. The end product is a captivating surface that perfectly brings out the brilliance of this unusual gemstone.
Marble has been prized for ages as a natural stone because of its grace and beauty. Marble, which is made of limestone that has been exposed to extreme heat and pressure underground, is prized for its unique veining, soft colors, and polished surface.
Marble's veining, which is shaped by mineral deposits that produce intricate patterns and shapes inside the stone, is one of its key features. Depending on the type of marble and its geological past, these veins might be delicate and wispy or strong and striking. Several of the most well-known marble kinds, such as Carrara and Calacatta, are valued for their amazing veining patterns and can be found in many of the most famous buildings and sculptures worldwide.
Marble is valued not only for its inherent beauty but also for its durability and adaptability. It can be honed for a matte finish, textured for more grip, or polished to a high gloss. This means that it can be used for a broad range of applications, including countertops, floors, and sculpture as well as decorative accents.
Marble has become more and more popular as a design material in recent years, and architects and designers are coming up with innovative ways to use it in modern spaces. This includes experimenting with different finishes and surface treatments, as well as utilizing marble in unexpected ways for wall coverings, furniture, and lighting.
The employment of digital fabrication tools to provide intricate and sophisticated documentation is one of the most exciting developments in marble design. Through the use of computer-controlled machinery, such as CNC routers and waterjet cutters, designers can achieve a level of accuracy and detail that was previously unattainable through manual means. This makes it possible to create sculptural components that are uniquely tailored and push the limits of conventional marble crafting.
For instance, using waterjet cutting, designers may construct intricate patterns and designs in marble tiles, with virtually endless combinations of size, shape, and complexity possible. Similar to this, solid marble blocks can have intricate reliefs and sculptures carved out of them using CNC routing, turning the stone into a work of art.
Designers are experimenting with innovative surface treatments and finishes in addition to digital fabrication to enhance marble's inherent beauty. The aforementioned methods encompass acid etching, burning, and combing, which are effective in producing distinct textures and finishes that accentuate the inherent veining and shade variations of the stone.
All things considered, the intricate patterns and motifs present in quartz and marble items are evidence of the skill and imagination of craftspeople and architects. Whether they are imitating the classic elegance of real stone or pushing the limits of traditional marble craftsmanship, those materials never stop inspiring and taking delight in their limitless possibilities.
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