#artists ur doing great
paw-bones · 1 year
artists drawing eda with an abomination prosthetic arm and raine with the day of unity lightning scars >>>>>
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dovesick · 3 months
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out foraging
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gatioxd · 2 months
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dtiys from @spazzmatik !!!
thought I'd try painting but ehhh didn't turn out entirely how I wanted too but it was fun!
alts - sketch - OG under cut !!
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ellypse · 6 months
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newfeeling77 · 9 months
i don’t understand how ppl dont make art even passively like drawing or writing bc you feel like u have to. like do u not have emotions are you really that content with keeping them in ur head like that
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callibee · 1 year
Don't worry about posting, just draw whatever you want.
If you can't think of something to draw, practice some skill you want to get better at (I like those posing sites with a timer, like reference.sketchdaily.net, but that's because I still struggle with bodies in perspective) or just draw your favorite character.
I love your art, but it's yours and you should have fun 💜
sobs and cries anon wtafdgjlh
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prokyon · 5 months
i havent played baldurs gate 3 but the amount of BRILLIANT artists ive found through fanart of the game is staggering. everybody just got totally hooked by these characters huh
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johnlennonofficial · 6 months
From the Bob Dylan/George Harrison “throat-licking” artist, it was indeed a joke 🤕 I tried not to tag it so less people would find it but it still found its way in the tags…
i love you . no orher piece of art has stuck on my mind as much as yours. some people may memorize the smile on the moan lisa but i will never forget the dylarrison kiss
as a next request: george spying on bob through his window
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kirakimell · 6 months
I wonder, when will the @shinuvil get finished by the @kurumeuruki ? We'll wait and see...
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Happy bday Kuru, my pal, my.... idk 😶
ANYWAYS I hope you had a grandioso día (and gl on ur soon to appear comms)
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sanchoyo · 1 year
guess who got a JOB 👈👈😎
#idk how itll actually be but it sounds good in theory!!!#they can do my hours + benefits!!! on part time!!! (GOOD benefits too!!!) PLS LET IT WORK OUT....PRAYER CIRCLE#i dont start until MAYBE next week (or later depending on the speed of the background check/drug test stuff) BUT....it SOUNDS good to me#ill be workin Alone for the most part...just Vibin in my Own Area...free food/drinks too!!#i rly would like for it to work . bc this was GREAT TIMING i lose my dads insurance v v soon like 1 month T_T was starting to sweat over it#AND ITS NOT FAST FOOD OR RETAIL (HUGE W IF I HAD TO GO BACK I WOULD START BAWLING)#+ the boss seemed v nice and chill (and had sick tats) (I DONT HAVE TO DYE MY HAIR A NORMIE COLOR EITHER!!! DOUBLE W)#sanchoyorambles#very very happy. and so nervous i will probably puke#there were no interview questions btw it was just us cracking jokes + paperwork i got hired on the spot B)#i mean /i/ had questions but like none of the usual bs like#'where do u see urself in 5 years. why is this ur ideal job' type shit which was GREAT bc i hate those qs SO MUCH#we all know im here for money. and benefits. we do not need 2 play these games#but actually dishwasher or janitor kinda IS my ideal job?? so??? lol actually#i LIKE chill jobs where im cleaning things im GOOD at it when i had a higher pressure job where my work actually like#could influence HOW WELL AMBULANCES WORKED. IF I MISREAD A BLUEPRINT OR DIDNT DO MINOR THINGS RIGHT. THATWAS SCARY AND TOO MUCH PRESSURE#i mean my real dream job is artist/writer/otherwise creative in nature but. yknow! not realistic rn so....we r doing what we gotta 😤#i...will try very hard this time#i NEED that debt to be paid off fr
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fisheito · 7 months
Do you... do you... draw professionally. Because you're just so good and you are inspiring me to keep trying! Manifest those mental images!! Learn to draw yakumo getting railed, and other Normal reasons to revitalize one's previous interest in drawing
u think i could draw professionally??! 😲🥺🥺 i am so flatter..... i think ur draws are so scrorchy (very enjoyable] so if i can help u have inspire 😭😭😭😭😭
omfg if u learn to draw yakumo getting railed i'll probably explode/implode/evaporate/change states of matter in a sudden, violent way
bc. i cannot do it. fun fact: when i read y'all's collab fic of dante's sex ed i felt the urge to draw 3 specific panels for it. but as i put the stylus to the screen, i realised that SEVERAL ppl would have to be naked for the drawings to be storycally accurate. so even tho they were comedy panels, my hand... it betrayed me. it was like trying to draw porn but i blink and suddenly everyone's in 14 levels of victorian extra-garment. F...H?OISTED BY MY OWN UNHORNY
so yes. pls. i would love to see more of your contributions. the very special contributions that only u can make 😂
#asks#to answer ur question for realsi#during times when i am actually employed#i would be animating rigs. which means very little drawing#my job would be clicking and keyboarding more than anything#the hours are long and my brain is so overheated#by the end of the work day i don't want to do anything artistic or even watch shows#so i never have the time for actual drawing. i miss it...#therefore. despite going into art as a profession. i don't rly do much art while employed 😢#i joke that my periods of greatest artistic growth were during my fandom hyperfixations#bc those were the times when i would explore styles#try new stuff and experiment with media and really work hard to make pieces look a certain way#whereas art school was more formulaic and apathetic (oh nooo i don't get to draw gay fanart for my assignments? what's the point)#nowadays? i've chilled out on the Great Experimental Growth phase#and try to draw stupid little things that don't take up too much brainpower#otherwise i get real in my head about my weaknesses#bc of course your peers in the anim program are going to KICK BUTT in several fields that you may not excel in#this is partially why i started drawing on my phone#bc it forces me to work with a small canvas. thus fewer details#i can't overthink what i can't see on my tiny screen!!!!#anyway. this period of unemployment has actually helped me draw personal art again. it's nice to rediscover your hobby AS A HOBBY#here's hoping u get something out of ur up-n-coming drawings too......
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nightfallsystem · 1 year
ppl b like "artists arent owed reblogs / notes" but also
you arent owed art.
imagine tumblr without any art.
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stonerzelda · 9 months
damb i talk a lot abt 2008 being my best year but come to think of it that was the same year i both bitch slapped and stabbed the same kid. Like actually maybe there has always been something kind of wrong with me even in the best of times
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winterdusktales · 1 year
yg has conditioned ot7 ikon to be a touring group so now even when they all left yg, all they (ikon & hanbin) do is tour and join various music festivals. like i know those guys would prefer inviting other artists to guest in their concert over inviting them for a quick tiktok challenge or something
#also why they dont have much close idol friends outside yg or ex yg artists#kinda frustrating sometimes as a multi cuz i want them interacting w other artists who arent or never have been related to yg#they love that slow build friendship over music collab than a quick tiktok challenge for clout sksksk#but like theyre capitalists too so which easier way to get those 💸💸💸 and keep ur stans loyal than a tour#all they have to do is perform on stage (which theyre v comfy with) and do some fan service#so its a win win#plus they get to travel#if i were an idol i'd prefer this tbh#imagine if yg didnt gatekeep and sabotage their career before#theyd be soooo rich now w all the sold out world tours every year#but yg did and theyre still on the nugu side#so i think they should consider doing different things outside their comfort zone to promote themselves better#hanbin is actually doing well w it despite the restrictions#but ikon....#can they stop relying on their company cuz even their new one isnt doing a great job promoting them#honestly they need a better team behind them#they did change companies but their managers are still the same sksksk#so how theyre managed is still the same -.-#i have so much to say but i just realized i put way too many tags#lol bye#one of those days again where i have to let smth out before i sleep TT#but u know... one can always say theyre doing it for the art and not the fame 🤷🏻‍♀️#but knowing my man#junhoe#i know that diva wants to be famous#while still be in it for the art#he literally had an old interview saying ikon has a potential to be famous#my fellow envisioner <3#jana rambles
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plymath-a · 1 year
it would make sense to assume haitham dislikes symbolic and metaphorical forms of art because it isn't right to the point, but it's actually the exact opposite. the meaning of art isn't always supposed to be obvious, and in that case, he can only applaud it and the artist for doing exactly what an artist does best. not to mention that leaving things vague means he can think about different meanings and outcomes much more than he could with something straight forward.
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rosey-rosey-rosey · 2 years
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vampires are nature's vacuum cleaners (•ᵥᵥ•)
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