#as in wow u really had the balls to tell me that to my face! okay i can respect that
jizzlords · 1 month
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What happened to asking him to dinner and having such vulgar topics over some candlelight? Actually, you know what? This works fine.
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brodieland · 2 months
.˚ 𓈒 ࣪.𝝑𝝔 10 Things I hate about you ´ˎ˗
Percy Jackson x Fem!Reader Synopsis: Percy starts trying to make his move on Y/N, but she just won't budge!! Warning(s): swearing Word Count: 1902
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"That's actually the new rule? God Silena must hate you," Piper joked.
"You wouldn't even imagine, she's so dramatic. And her taste in boys isn't any better," you shook your head. You were both walking to get some water, absolutely dehydrated from soccer.
"Makes me glad I like girls," you both laughed. As practice neared it's end, Piper was heading towards her dad's car to go home. You made your way over to the bleachers where your bags sat and grabbed them before heading back to your car. When you sat down, you got a text from Silena,
'can u get some McDonalds on ur way back'
'no' 'sike im going now'
You pulled into the parking lot seeing the drive-thru line was too long to wait. You walked up to an empty kiosk, to tired to interact with anyone, and ordered your food.
"You go to AHS right," a guys voice you didn't recognize asked from behind you.
"I don't know, what does my uniform say?"
"That you're a soccer kid. You sure your any good?"
You sighed as you turned to face the mysterious boy behind you. He was taller than average with messy black hair. He had a hoodie with some sweats on. "Soccer balls aren't the only kind of balls I can kick the life out of, so can you fuck off?"
"Woah, feisty one aren't you?"
"By feisty would you maybe mean iconoclast, orrr?"
"Maybe more intractable," you raised your eyebrows.
"Wow, big words huh," You went to turn back and finish ordering. Percy took the chance to walk over, leaning on the machine whilst facing you.
"What? Did you think I was stupid?"
You internally groaned, why was he still here? "You definitely have the look. Now, do you mind?"
He was standing in front of the machine to pay, "Oh, never."
He had a shit eating grin as he pulled his phone and paid. "Hey! I didn't ask you to do that."
"Call it my treat," he smiled.
"No I'm paying you back, I think I have cash in my bag," you went rummaging through your bag to find absolutely no cash. "Apple Pay?"
"Hey, are you asking for my number? That's really sweet," it feels like an aneurysm just burst from the annoyance this conversation has left you with.
"Nevermind fuck you I'm not paying you back," you spat back.
"Meaning now you owe me," Percy said. Deep breathes.
"I don't owe you shit, its not like I asked you to pay."
"Yeah yeah, potato potato," Percy made his way towards the door. "See ya around, I'll figure out how you can return the favor."
You might just have to air out the McDonalds. You sighed and waited for five minutes as they called out for your order. When you grabbed the food you made your way home, eating Silena's fries on the way back. Dad was working late at the hospital so it was just you two.
"Have I ever told you your my favorite sister?"
"No not as of late," you put the bags of food on the table and started chowing down. "You literally haven't spoken to me in two days. Be glad I'm so nice."
"Well nice is a really strong word," you glared at her. "If you really wanted to be nice, then you'd-"
"You don't even know what I'm gonna say."
"Fine, what?"
"You'd go on a date so I can go on a date-"
"No," Silena grunted loudly.
"Why do you insist on keeping me captive in this home. I wanna enjoy my teenage years you know."
"You not missing out on much. The guys here are lame, including your oh so dreamy Lukey."
"He's literally amazing. Like have you seen him? His car?"
"Hard to miss. He's just so in your face, it makes me sick," you faked gagged.
"Haven't you ever wanted to live the perfect teenage life."
"Tried it. It sucked, not what it's caked out to be," you smiled as you started to clean up. Silena leaned back into her chair sighing, looking defeated. "You know, college is only two years away. I think you'll be fine until then."
"My life is so boring," she said as she walked up to her room. You could tell she was upset, but you weren't going to date some loser just so she could get tossed by Luke when he was bored. That was something he did a lot.
You went to do some homework at your desk while listening to some music. You saw your phone went off and went to check it, someone had texted you.
'I think I found a way for u to pay back the favor'
There's no way.
'how tf did u find my number'
'dw bout it??' 'why u gotta be nosy??'
'im blocking you'
'no??' 'fine wtf do u want'
'on Friday there's a party'
'alright I'll pick you up at 9'
'no you won't???'
He stopped answering after that. How on gods green grass did he find your number? You just ignored it, putting your phone on silent and getting back to your homework. Without realizing it, you fell asleep at your desk.
You woke up when you heard banging at the door, "Y/N!!"
You leaned up and stretched in your chair. Desk naps are absolute back killers holy. "What do you want?"
"Did you ever make it to your bed," Silena looked at you up and down.
"No, what time is it?"
"Time for you to hurry the hell up, we need to leave now," she said as she stormed out. You groaned as you stood up and walked over to your closet, grabbing some jeans and a hoodie before running down toward your car. "About time."
"I could just not drive you," you said as you both stepped in the car. You were just joking of course, she doesn't need to be asking Luke Castellan for a ride anyways.
You pulled in the parking lot, and before even coming to a full stop, you saw your sister jumping out and making her way to Mr. Convertible. BARF.
"Dude, I don't think the plans working," Charles said, sounding worried.
Leo sighed, "look we just need some time, Y/Ns not gonna just give in after like, a day."
Charles groaned as he stared at Silena and Luke flirting from a mere 50 feet away. The way her long hair flowed in the wind, the way her lip gloss shinned in the sun, he couldn't get enough. "Whatever, I have French tutoring with her later, we'll see how it goes."
"Not gonna lie this is kind of hard," Percy said from behind the two, making them jump.
"Jesus, you need a bell or something," Leo said with his hand on his heart, feeling it speed up.
Percy rolled his eyes, "Anyways, I think she blocked me, and all I did was pay for her food."
Charles just softly facepalmed. When he got his face out of his hands, he saw Luke walking towards them.
"Luke," Percy cheered while holding his arms out. Luke did not return the hug.
"Dude, I'm not paying you to get fucking aired. I need you to take her to the party this Friday. Not the one in 20 and a half years," Luke complained.
"Dude, its not like Y/Ns the easiest person to ask out around here," Leo chimed.
"Literally," Percy agreed. "Look, I invited her out to the party, just gimme a moment bro." "Plus, I'm gonna need a pay raise."
Luke laughed in his face, "Yeah no way."
"Then you can say goodbye to little ms Silena over there," Luke rolled his eyes as he pulled out his wallet, slapping a Benjamin into Percy's hand. "Love you too."
Luke just held up his middle finger as he walked off, "He's such an amazing ray of sunshine isn't he?"
Percy and Charles just stared at Leo, "What? Am I not allowed to be my funny and whimsical self?"
They both walked off without saying a word. Silena and Charles have their free period and use it to study on some French together.
"So how's operation 'get my impossible sister a date' going," Silena asked.
"Well, we have a guy, but she's just not going for him. We need some help here, what kind of guy does she go for?"
"The problem is she just DOESN'T," Charles gave her a look before she continued. "Not like that. I mean, she thinks guys like Logan Lerman and Dylan O'brian are pretty hot, so Percys probably her type."
"Okay so we got that right at least," he grumbled.
"I mean the reason she just shits on all the guys here is because she thinks of them all as 'misogynistic assholes of the patriarchy,' she rolled her eyes.
"So what, a guy who can shut the fuck up when needed or something," Silena laughed at Charles joked, and he sweared he started ascending.
"Yeah just maybe," she smiled.
"Silena, can I ask you something?"
"Whats up?"
"You know the party on Friday. Would you wanna go? I mean if Percy can convince your sister and all you know."
"Of course I want to go, which is why I really need Y/N to just man up," she paused. "or woman up, I guess."
﹒º. ౨ৎ
You sat back and doodled in your notebook in your English class. After spending most the class debating over sexist views in classic literature, you felt kind of annoyed. Its like no one cares these days, you know?
The bell rang and you walked over to your friend Hazel. "Honestly you should be like a lawyer or something, watching you arguing these boys is like music to my ears."
"You might be on to something, I love belittling them as it is. Imagine I got paid to do it," you laughed. When you walked out the class, you saw Hazel's boyfriend, Frank, waiting for her outside. You waved hello then paused when you saw Percy next to him.
"Oh look who it is," Percy exclaimed. You didn't even waste your breathe as you just turned and walked off towards your locker. Percy quickly rubbed his temples and ran after you. "Where ya going?"
"Anywhere," you said as you made it to your locker to grab your next books. Percy stood off to the side, leaning on the lockers. "What do you want now?"
"To take you out this Friday night," he smiled.
"I'd rather swallow 4 laxatives and a bowling ball and staple my ass cheeks together than be stuck in a room full of intoxicated teenagers," you slammed your locker shut and walked off.
Percy followed after you, "Don't you have the fun vocabulary!!"
"Extensive," you smirked.
"Look, it'll be fun."
"Do I need to ask in like, fucking greek or something," Percy pleaded.
"Maybe choose a language you actually know first."
"Μπορώ να μιλήσω ελληνικά μια χαρά," you looked at him wide-eyed. "Why must you continue to doubt me?"
"How do I know you didn't insult me?"
"I don't know, just trust me maybe," you shot up an eyebrow with an amused upside down smile on your face. "όπως είπα, θα είμαι εκεί στις εννιά εντάξει."
"No, to whatever you just said," you chuckled as you headed off to your next class.
﹒º. ౨ৎ
✰ Μπορώ να μιλήσω ελληνικά μια χαρά - I can speak Greek just fine ✰ όπως είπα, θα είμαι εκεί στις εννιά εντάξει - like i said i'll be there at nine ok?
✰Taglist: @liviessun (just lemme know if u wanna be added)
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simplydannie · 9 days
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@kais-va no angst as you asked lol this is one I did awhile ago but forgot to post it! (I scrolled through my account and I swear I didn’t see this one anywhere!)
The twins have been doing community service under the watchful eye of the Trolls. This time their service takes them to Vacay Island where a day off means a day in the sun… unfortunately, for Vennie, that’s doesn’t turn out so great.
It was really bright and really sunny day on Vacay Island. On top of that, it was very busy. Tourists have been swarming in left and right; tourists of all species.
On the beach near the water were 3 figures: two tall with green hair and pale skin, one little purple one no bigger than a tennis ball. Velvet wore a two piece golden suit and a large sun hat. Her long hair tied in a flamboyant ponytail, bangs curled around her forehead. Round sunglasses shaded her eyes and rose pink lipstick on her lips. Her brother was to her left. He wore golden trunks to match his sister and black round sunglasses. His hair wasn’t styled in his normal updo. Instead he let the water take its role, allowing his hair to sweep in a type of faux hawk near his eyes. He no longer wore his green lipstick to match his sister; this time he was his own man.
In between them lay a small little purple Troll sprawled out on a small beach chair. Green rectangular sunglasses blocked his eyes, a smile across his face. The three sighed in unison.
“This...” said Floyd.
“Is...” continued Velvet.
“Perfect.” finished Veneer.
The three lay with their arms behind their head as they soaked up the bright, smiling sun.
“...Wow! Revenue up 40%. Let’s get some more cheese melted for some more nachos! Let’s get those drinks up and ready. We got more coming in.!” Bruce’s voice trickled and boomed as he got closer to the trio. “Velvet, your idea of opening our doors to Mount Rageons everywhere was Sp-ec-tac-U- lar!”
A sly smile crossed Velvets lips, “I know, I know.” She beamed.
“Ahem.” Floyd coughed, lowering his sunglasses side eyeing her.
“I mean, you’re welcome. Anything I can do to help.” She rolled her eyes and sighed.
“Maybe a little less attitude, but better.” Floyd beamed.
“I really don’t know why I am going through this behavior intervention. It’s really pointless.” Velvet said.
“I don’t know, you seem more barable now... fun even.” Veneer smirked. Velvet grabbed her towel smacking her brother across the face.
“And you’ve became a more smart ass than usual... I hate it.” She sneered.
“Love you too sis.” Her brother laughed.
“This conversation is going a lot better than most-oooohhhhh wow.” Floyd took off his small sunglasses and gasped towards Veneers direction.
“What?” Veneer gaped. Velvet turned towards her brother for a good look…. She then bursted out laughing.
“Oh my god- what?...What? ...WHAT!?” His voice began to grow shaky and nervous.
“ I don’t know, you tell me. Can I have some grilled cheese with the that tomato soup sir?” Velvet said between laughs. Tears began rolling down her eyes as the laughter continued. Veneer gaped at her clueless.
“What?! Tell me!?” He begged. Before Floyd could respond Poppy and Branch joined the trio… their eyes going wide when they saw Veneer.
“Omg Vennie!” Poppy exclaimed, “Like red is definitely your color but not like this!”
Branch joined Velvet in laughter…. Which made Veneer even more anxious… Why is Branch laughing too? He thought.
“Dude, have you ever heard of “sunblock”?” Branch asked with a smirk on his face.
“Duh! Floyd gave me some!” Veneer desperately tried to look around for something to see himself on.
“ Which one? I gave you two, and one was NOT sun lotion.” Floyd declared. Velvet continued laughing handing her brother her mirror.
“Priceless.” She sneered.
Upon looking at himself.... he saw it. His cheeks were flushed red. The redness flushed his face, neck, torso…all the way down to his legs. Velvet was right, he looked like he had jumped in tomato soup.
“No, no, no, no, no!!” He stammered. He reached for his towel and wrapped his entire body... well as much as he could. “No one said anything!”
“Well I didn’t get a good look at you until now.” Floyd said, “you better put something on before it starts peeling.”
“Oh Vennie, youll be fine! It doesn’t look that bad.” Poppy tried to say.
“I look like a freaking tomato, Poppy!” Veneer said.
He eyes the beach from side to side: it was jam packed with people. Anyone could’ve of seen and anyone was going to see if he walked out of there... a red glowing stick.
“Vels hand me your towel!” He demanded.
“You have your own!” She exclaimed.
“Ya but yours is longer. Covers more. Pleeeeeaaase!” He begged.
“I mean there’s not MUCH to cover anyways.” She smirked as she laid back closing her eyes again.
“Velvet.” She turned to see Floyd standing up right with his arms across his chest. He lifted one eyebrow giving her a stern look.
“Uuuuggghhh. Boys are much more drama queens than girls are yknow. Here moron.” She tossed him her towel.
“Thank you!” Attempting to wrap himself like a burrito, Veneer stood up and made his way toward the resort.
Leaving his sunglasses on, he twisted and turned, avoiding any eye contact that he could.
“Excuse me. Sorry. Coming through.” He said as he weaved his way around the crowd. ‘Almost there, almost there��, he thought to himself..….
He accidentally ran into a Vacationer carrying a tray of food and drinks. Veneer tumbled to the floor loosing grip of his towel.
“Sorry my dude… whooooaaaa.” The Vacationers eyes widened upon seeing Veneers red glowing skin.… Everyone there gaped as they saw him….everyone.
“No, no thats my bad!” Veneer desperately reached for the towel and wrapped himself up again. “Uuuh have a good day!” He ran…. He ran straight toward the room he was staying in.
Once inside he went straight towards his bed, burying his face into his pillow…. He was NEVER going to show his face after that again.
“Stupid Veneer.” He told himself as he buried his face deeper into his pillow.
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cafetxt · 2 years
Hi there! I saw you were taking requests so, if it’s okay with you, may ask for 23 and 99 with Taehyun please? I love your writing so much! It feels so real while reading, you’re so talented ToT Btw, do you have any bias/biases in the group? If so, who is/are? I don’t try to be rude by asking this but I’m sorry if I’m being too nosy T-T
Take care and don’t forget to drink water sweetie! 🌸
≡☆ 23.“it’s hard to get used to…” “what is?” “being someone that someone cares for…” + 99. “i don’t know what to do” “then let me teach you” + taehyun
genre/cw: angst if u squint, really really suggestive, but so soft + comforting :(( bc im so soft for this man
wc: 1.0k
a/n: hello hello! ahhh omg thank you soso much!! you're too sweet, that's a such a big compliment :((( and yes i do have a bias!! im a taehyun girl from infinity to infinity haha but lately all of them have been getting to me,, esp gyu and kai :') it wasn't a rude question at all lovely, if you have anymore i'd love to answer!! here is your req, i hope you like it <33 forgive me bc i might be projecting a little in this one
you blinked, finally snapping back to reality at the sound of taehyun’s voice.
you were lost in thought as you sat on your couch, overthinking—as usual—so much so that you didn’t even hear him enter your apartment.
“hey,” he says, immediately picking up on your mood. he crouched down in front of you and holds your hands in his. “what’s on your mind?”
you blink a few times as your mind went blank.
truthfully, you did have a lot on your mind. but you struggled at voicing your feelings and concerns and it made you feel guilty because taehyun was someone who was so articulate and had a way with his words. your boyfriend was always reassuring you and knew exactly what to say. and while it should’ve made things easier, lately it mostly made you feel like you were a burden to him.
“you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to, love.” he says and gives your hands a comforting squeeze. “it’s okay.”
"it's not that i don't want to tae! i... i just don't know how to." you mumble, avoiding his eyes.
he smiles sadly and moves to sit beside you, all while keeping a firm hold on your hands. "it's okay, whenever you're ready to tell me you can. don't force yourself. i'm always going to be here, ready to listen to you no matter what, okay?"
you finally meet his eyes as tears started to gathered in your own. your heart swelled at the way he was looking at you, with so much love and admiration that it made you want to scream. what did i do to deserve him? you thought.
one of his hands moves to caress your cheek gently. "y/n? you still with me?" he jokes.
“no- it’s just- wow," you shake your head in an effort to collect your thoughts. "this is.. it's hard to get used to…”
he frowns as his thumb swipes across your cheek comfortingly. “what is?”
“being someone that someone cares for.”
taehyun stops for a moment, a bit stunned at your sudden confession. he releases his hold on your hand and shifts into a cross-legged position so that he can face you properly.
"baby," he starts as his hand reaches to tuck a stray hair behind your ear. "you better get used to it because me, caring? it's gonna be a long time thing."
you pout, feeling your throat tighten with emotion. "taehyun..."
"i'm serious y/n. i will always care for you." he affirms and something shifts inside of you. you held so much love for the man that sat before you, but you knew that no amount of words could describe what you were feeling right now.
"i know I'm not good with my words but i care for you too. so much." you ball your hands into fists to hide the small tremors that shook them, and look straight into his eyes. "i love you taehyun. and i-i want to show you that. to show you how i feel but... i don't know what to do."
a small smile appears on his lips as his fingers move to grasp your chin lightly.
"then let me teach you." he says softly, before he pulls you to him to brush his lips against yours delicately.
warmth spreads throughout your body at the way his lips move against your own. your hands move to rest on his chest briefly before your arms wrap around his neck as the kiss grows more heated.
he pulls away to look into your eyes for a moment, both of your breathing heavy as you try to catch your breaths. he presses a hand to your cheek before his fingers trace down the side of your neck, stopping at shoulder. he pushes your shoulder down gently, which makes you fall back onto the couch slowly as your heartbeat sped up in anticipation.
taehyun hovered over you before he used one hand to grasp your left one as he placed it on his lower belly underneath his shirt. your eyes widen as all the heat rushes to your cheeks at the feeling his toned stomach underneath your fingertips.
"put one hand here," he whispers, as he guides your hand up his torso. he releases his hold to grasp your other hand, which he places at the back of his neck. "and the other here,"
he stops to look at you and he grins slightly, enough to show his dimple and your heart leaps in your chest. he leans closer to you until your noses are brushing.
"this is the part where you kiss me." he says against your lips.
you giggle before you pull him towards you, capturing his lips with your own in a familiar kiss. you hesitantly swipe your tongue along his bottom lip and he opens his mouth eagerly as you let your tongue explore his mouth.
your hand on his chest moves to wrap around his waist and you pull him against you when he starts to suck on your tongue. he groans into your mouth when his waist comes into contact with yours, and it only makes your hold on him tighten as you felt the heat rush to your lower half.
you both pull away for air as taehyun trails a few sloppy kiss down your neck.
"taehyun," you start, your breathing still uneven. your hands slide down his sides to grasp the waistband of his jeans. "i want these off,"
he lifts his head to look at you and his gaze darkens. "you're getting the hang of this now,"
you bite your lip in anticipation. "i'm kinda a fast learner."
he presses his lips to yours quickly before he gets off of you. his fingers reach for the zipper of his jeans but he stops and holds his hand out to you instead.
"let's take this to bedroom, yeah?"
your whole body ignites at his words, and he doesn't have to tell you twice as you practically leap off of the couch to wrap your arms around his neck.
"let's," you mumble against his lips and he attaches your lips to his hungrily and doesn't let go as he leads you to your room.
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sagesolsticewrites · 2 years
for xmas prompts! #7 - Gingerbread house competition & 20 - Fake dating for Christmas Ball
for 7 im expecting signature sage fluff but for 20 i challenge you to exercise ur angst skills 😈 (high key also want to do that one lol)
(but do whatever u want ofc 💗)
-@burninlovebutler 🥀😘
Oooh Mel 👀 challenge accepted hehehe 😈 (also yes I’d love to see your take on it omg 👀)
Just a warning, this ask will be a little longer than usual because I wanna do these as separate stories lol
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7.) Gingerbread house competition
“Austin those were mine!”
“Nope, sorry honey, they were clearly on my side of the counter.”
“No, they very much were not!”
Your bickering and banter had gotten surprisingly heated as you entered the final five minutes of your gingerbread house competition.
Okay wait, rewind.
It started when Austin came home having accidentally bought the same gingerbread house kit as you, the both of you wanting to surprise the other with what you thought would be a fun couple activity for your first Christmas together. He had been embarrassed at first, but you thought it was sweet that the two of you had the same idea, and it was actually you who brought up the idea of making it a competition in the first place.
Looking back now, you had no idea it would turn into this.
“Fine, I’ll take these then.” You retorted, snatching the plastic bag of gumdrops from his side of the counter in retaliation.
“Hey!” He protested with a pout.
“All’s fair in love and gingerbread houses, sweetie,” you singsonged, popping a gumdrop into your mouth with a smug smile and grimacing at the overly sweet taste.
The kitchen timer went off as the two of you hurriedly placed the final touches on each of your houses and spin them around to reveal them with a flourish…
and you both immediately burst out laughing at how utter awful they look.
“Why are half of your lights on the ground?” You ask, gesturing to the array of candy lightbulbs that appear to have fallen from the roof where he originally placed them.
“It’s for artistic effect!” Austin insists, “And what about your frosting, it’s a mess!” He gestures to the bits of icing dangling from the gingerbread roof.
“They’re icicles!” You gasp, mock-offended, then quickly drop your competitive persona to really take in how terrible both of your houses look. “Wow, we both did awful, didn’t we,” you laugh.
“Yeah, these definitely aren’t winning any handshakes from Paul Hollywood anytime soon,” Austin agrees. “This was fun though,” he adds, giving you a soft smile, “I can’t wait to do this next year.”
“Next year?” You ask, a growing smile on your face at the thought of Austin being so immediately secure in your relationship.
If Austin’s at all alarmed by what he just admitted, he doesn’t show it. Instead, he just nods, with that same soft smile on his face as he confirms, “Next year.”
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And now #20: Fake dating
“Austin, there you are!”
He hears your voice before he sees you, and as he looks up he’s not prepared at all for what he sees: you coming down the hallway decked out in an absolutely gorgeous red dress, makeup and hair done to perfection, a blinding smile on your face. His heart skips a beat as he takes you in— his childhood best friend and fake girlfriend looking even more stunning than he could’ve ever imagined.
“-stin? Aus, did you hear literally anything is just said?”
He blinks out of his stunned stupor to see you looking at him expectantly, and winces. “Uh… sorry, say that again?”
With a sigh, you start over. “Sarah—” your other friend, one from college, he recalls, “just told me that she overheard Josh—” your ex, who had just dumped you, the reason for this elaborate fake dating scheme in the first place, “telling someone that he wants to get back together! It worked!” You beam expectantly up at him, and he has no choice but to force a smile back.
“That’s great, Y/N.”
You nod, seemingly oblivious to his unenthusiastic response, “All we need to do is plan a breakup scenario, and then Josh and I are back together!” You take a breath, seeming to calm down for a moment, and take his hands in yours with a grateful smile. “Aus, I really can’t thank you enough for going along with this. It means a lot to me.”
His heart stutters at the earnest smile on your face, and it takes a second longer than usual for him for force out the words, “Of course. Anything for you, Y/N, you know that.”
“Now,” you step back after a moment, suddenly all business, “I have some ideas for breakup scenarios that make it seem like we realized we’re just better off as friends — that seems like the best route to go for this — but if you have ideas, I’m absolutely all ears.”
Austin nods along numbly as you begin listing your ideal scenarios to end this fake dating situation, unable to stop his mind from drifting back to the almost-kiss you two had the night before on the balcony. He had almost told you how he felt, then.
Looking at how happy you are now, though, at the idea of being back together with your ex — he hates to admit it, but Josh was actually a pretty good guy, which somehow makes this whole thing worse — he resigns himself to never having the chance to.
Send me xmas drabble prompts!
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sportswriters · 1 month
i think he knows - u. simón
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pairing: unai simón x female!reader | f | mutual pining | wc: 2,610 | warnings: none | note: they got history together hehe
“didn't you study together?”
ilse’s loud voice allowed me to fully understand the question she had asked. i followed her finger with my eyes, trying to figure out who she was pointing at, until i saw the little yellow dot in the shape of a person in spain's penalty area.
“ah,” i reflected for a moment, facing the crowd of people shouting around me. football made people behave strangely. “yeah.”
she’d pointed to unai simón, the starting goalkeeper for the spanish national team at the world cup.
“how do you know that?” i asked, curious.
i had never told her about simón. ilse and i became friends after i finished high school, when i managed to do a one-year exchange in costa rica. she was a very outgoing native who adopted me as her friend for the rest of my stay and even when i left a year and a half later, we were still friends.
i couldn’t decide whether or not it was depressing to reveal that she was the only friend i’d ever had. being a nerd at school didn’t open doors for me in terms of lasting friendships, but it did bring me many academic and professional opportunities. even though ilse was the daughter of the leader of the medical team and was following the world cup so closely because of him, i was there on business. her father was my boss and i was part of the medical team for the costa rican national team.
“i snooped through your yearbook,” ilse confessed, nudging my arm and then discreetly pointing to simón grabbing the ball again. she didn’t even seem upset that her team was losing 7-0. “he’s very handsome. do you think he remembers you?”
simón once found me dirty with paint; a group of stupid boys were playing a prank on the group of people they called nerds and as i passed the door to the chemistry lab, a rope was pulled and a bucket of colored paint fell on my head. i was annoyed enough to realize that i couldn't cope with a bunch of dumbasses, so i turned to leave and bumped into simón. i soiled his shirt and didn't say anything.
another time, at an ice-skating event on the school playground, i decided to risk skating, which was a bad idea. i only realized it when i slipped on the ice, fell backwards onto the ground and took him with me. all of our encounters were imminent disasters, always resulting in my complete humiliation. i remembered him.
“i don’t think so,” i replied, keeping the humiliating memories to myself. “he was quite popular.”
and, as the ridiculous tradition dictated, guys like him didn’t look at girls like me. i was always studying, stuck in the library, spending time in the biology lab, while all he had to do was be handsome and join the school football team. two completely opposite people who never stopped to say anything more that their own names. i really didn’t think he remembered me, but was pathetic enough to have never forgotten the crush i had on him.
i thought i would never see him again… until i found out that he had become the official goalkeeper of the spanish national team and had been signed by a spanish club. now, i was surrounded by his image. just like now.
“wow, that sucks!” ilse muttered as the referee blew the whistle, ending the game. “can i swear at your country?”
she looked at me expectantly. i laughed and shook my head, hitting her arm with a weak knuckle, while the coaching staff and the team’s reserve players dispersed around us.
“just a little bit,”i replied.
ilse began a session of cursing in her mother tongue and with the ugly looks she threw at every spanish player on the pitch, anyone could tell what she meant. suddenly, ilse softened her expression and turned her face towards me, smiling.
“no one will curse you more than me for cheering for the rival team,” she said.
“i was born in spain,” i retorted, as if that was enough of an argument. “and you don’t know if i supported them.”
ilse gave me a look, as if she knew i did. i made a disgusted face, not at all guilty for wishing spain would play well in their opening game, even though i sympathized with the boys from the team that had given me a job.
“what?!” my best friend exclaimed. “with a goalkeeper like that, even i was cheering! and you went to school together!”
i realized that she wouldn’t leave me alone with that fact. it was only the team’s first match day in the group stage, which meant that i would still be in the same atmosphere as my former schoolmate and that ilse wouldn’t miss the opportunity to talk about him whenever she could.
“you should go and talk to the boys,” i suggested.
she let out a dramatic sigh, but went along with my suggestion. my best friend turned her back on me and i watched as she talked to some of the players, saying words that i couldn’t hear because i was kind of far away. standing there was making me restless, so i joined the others and checked that everything was okay with the first team of players who had played today. they had lost seven to nothing to spain, a bad start for a world cup opener, but apart from emotionally, physically they were perfectly fine.
i noticed that the stadium was emptying, the pitch occupied only by the players, the coaching staff and the media team. the boys started exchanging polite greetings with the spanish players and i handed out water to some of them, i could feel ilse’s gaze on me the whole time. when i stared back, standing in the midfield, she gave me a silent look, pointing with her head at me, but i didn’t understand what she meant.
i threw a bottle to navas, who caught it masterfully and gave me a thumbs-up and a grateful smile. ilse kept shaking her head and i was about to turn around and ignore her when my body slammed into someone. as i turned, simón was right in front of me.
he was sweaty, still wearing his uniform, but without the gloves on his hands. the spain goalkeeper — and my former crush from my teenage years — raised his face towards me, a smile on his lips. then i understood ilse’s signals.
“sorry,” he mumbled in english. “i didn't see you there.”
i swallowed, feeling the sweat in my hands. for a moment, i felt like i was in high school again, where i bumped into him most of he time during a humiliating situation, but things were different now.
“it’s okay,” i replied, barely noticing that i had used my mother tongue to communicate, which gave me away. “it was my fault.”
unai simón narrowed his eyes at me.
“you speak spanish?”
i pursed my lips and shrugged.
“yes”, i agreed. “i work with the costa rican team, but… i’m spanish.”
he looked confused for a moment. his brow furrowed and his smile grew until his expression softened in total recognition.
my heart skipped a beat. hearing him say my name had paralyzed my body. even when we studied together, i don’t think i ever saw him call me by my first name or even refer to me, although he was never cruel or anything like that just because he was popular, in fact, simón was always kind. he took me home covered with paint, not caring if i got his car dirty. he took me to the infirmary during my ice-skating accident. he removed all the offensive stickers that had been placed on my locker door.
“yeah, that’s me.”
surprisingly, the smile on his face widened even more. i rubbed my hands on the cloth of my pants, not knowing what to do with them, since i had handed over all the water bottles and wasn't holding anything else to occupy me.
“i think you know who i am, since you didn’t ask,” he said, scratching the back of his neck, his mile diminishing, but not completely. his beard gave him an even younger look and i wondered how he had become so handsome in just a few years. “i mean, i know you know who i am, i meant…”
“i remember you, simón,” i interrupted, explaining. “i’m just surprised you remembered me.”
he looked around quickly, but no one was paying attention to us. i took advantage of those seconds of distraction to keep noticing how handsome, charming and, as ilse would love to point out if she were with me now, how hot he was.
“i hope i’ve never been a jerk to you for you to think that,” he said, distracting me with the movements of his hand running quickly through his beard. “but the comical situations we always found ourselves in made you stand out.”
i snorted, realizing only now that we were communicating in our mother tongue and not in english.
“humiliating situations, you mean,” i corrected.
waston walked past me and we exchanged a quick high-five before he headed straight for the dugout.
“no,” simón disagreed with me. “besides, you saved me.”
i blinked at him, trying to understand what he meant. i saved you? there was nothing in my memory about that.
“you must be confusing me with someone else,” i said, moistening my lips, a little puzzled.
“no, y/n, i’m not,” the goalkeeper hastened to reply. “the swimming championship, do you remember?”
once a year, the school held a sports championship for the students to take part in and compete against teams from other schools. i never took part in anything, except as a spectator, but once, in the swimming championship, the members of the football team got into a fight with the rival team and simón was pushed into the pool.
he couldn’t swim and the pool was too deep, so on impulse i threw myself into the water and pulled him out. as soon as i got him out of the pool, my blood pressure dropped and i fainted, practically forgetting about it. i knew i had saved someone from drowning, but i didn’t know it was him.
“i didn’t remember it was you,” i confessed.
a revelation at this point of my life changed my perspective a little. he never talked to me afterwards, so i was never going to remember anything if it wasn’t said now.
“i’m sorry i never thanked you enough for that,” he said, seeming to read my mind. “but i’m glad i found you here now. i can thank you and dedicate our victory to you. i wouldn’t be here if you hadn’t saved me.”
i smiled, because i didn’t know what to say. my pulse quickened and i took a deep breath, recovering from the vast sea of emotions that was consuming me in that unexpected meeting.
“you’re welcome, simón,” i murmured. “but you’re here on your own merits. may ilse never hear me, but i was rooting for you.”
he laughed, the sound sending a shiver down the back of my neck.
“wait a minute, did you say you work for the costa rican national team?”, he returned to the subject, only just realizing the information. “what? didn’t your country have a vacancy in the area?”
this time i laughed, shaking my head.
“it’s not that,” i explained. “i did an exchange program in costa rica and met some people. one of these people is the daughter of the head of the national team’s medical team, so i did an interview and was called up.”
only now did he seem to notice the FIFA badge around my neck, announcing my name and role: orthopedic doctor.
“you’re on the wrong team, l/n.”
i laughed again, shrugging.
“don’t worry, player,” i murmured, with a smile. “i intend to go back to spain.”
his eyes looked at me in a new way, a smile wandering on his lips. the world around us seemed to disappear for a moment and i felt nervous in his presence, but not for the wrong reasons. it was just the realization that he still had an effect on me, even after so many years.
“when you get back, pay me a visit.”
unable to say anything, i just nodded positively, sealing a silent promise that i didn’t even know if i would keep.
“and if you need a better job, please come and join your team,” he added.
spain was my home and i knew some of the players in the spanish national team, but wasn’t sure if they could be my team, as simón was keen to stress. in any case, i had liked the feeling the phrase had given me, so i didn’t turn down the invitation straight away.
“i wish you’d noticed me before,” i said, a little absent-mindedly, but it was too late to turn back now.
i mentally cursed myself for letting it slip, simón looking at me with genuine surprise before moving a little closer to me.
“i’ve always noticed you, y/n,” he confessed.
the feeling of butterflies in my stomach overwhelmed me. it seemed that teenage sensations never ceased to be part of us, even in adulthood. he had been my first crush and, as far as i could tell, he still was. i was about to say something, anything, but we were interrupted.
“hi, y/n!” gavi appeared, smiling at me.
i blinked, turning my attention from the goalkeeper to the youngest player in the team and smiled. i had met gavi during my time at barcelona, when i had to take part in a training session and replace the orthopedist for a season.
“hi, gavi,” i returned the greeting. “you look bigger than last time.”
he laughed and hugged me quickly, knowing that i didn’t care that he was sweaty.
“do you know each other?” simón asked, confused.
“yeah, she was our doctor for a while at barcelona,” gavi explained. “anyway, sorry about that, y/n, but i need to steal our goalkeeper for a minute,” he continued, turning to simón. “they’re calling for a team photo.”
simón nodded in agreement and gavi said a quick goodbye, leaving us alone again.
“am i going to see you again?” he asked.
i didn’t know that answer, but i wanted to be positive about it.
“i hope so,” i replied. “gavi has my number.”
he shook his head slowly, looking thoughtful.
“if our team lifts the cup, i’ll dedicate it to you,” he said, breaking the distance between us. “it was great to see you, y/n.”
simón took his time kissing my left cheek and i barely noticed that i was holding my breath as he approached. his beard brushed against my skin, sending shivers down my spine, and i saw his smile as he pulled away and turned his back on me.
i let the air out of my mouth and swallowed, feeling sorry for my poor heart, which was beating faster than anything. my eyes watched him walk away, analyzing his every move and interaction with his colleagues. when he looked at me from afar, catching me still staring at him, i accepted my defeat.
there could be no doubt that my teenage crush on him had been with me all my life until that moment and i wondered if he knew that.
actually, i think he knows.
i think he’s always known.
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berrymoos · 2 years
rewatching st to cope and season 1 episode 8 got me thinking about little!steve in a panicked and regressed haze during his first interaction with the demogorgon
like when he was going all “ this is crazy, this is crazy, this is crazy!” and reached for the phone only to be pulled back by nancy who yells at him to get out but instead of him just leaving like he did he’s full on sobbing and blubbering as he walks out and when he got in his car he just cried until he talked himself up to go back inside
“ y-you’re a big boy steve *sniffle* you- you can do this, not a b-baby”
then he goes back inside and gives that demogorgon a piece of his mind with the bat and once it’s all over he just falls to the floor and curls up in a ball and starts crying again and nancy realizes he had regressed and mentally cursed herself for yelling at him earlier so she sits next down next to him and is like:
“ hey buddy, what you did was really brave, i’m proud of you”
“ w-weally? not- not a baby?”
“ of course not! you were so brave, RIGHT JONATHAN?” *stares daggers at him with her signature tight-lipped smile*
“ yeah!? really brave steve, you saved my ass back there”
“ no cursing jonathan! i don’t want him to repeat you!”
“what do you mean he literally- fine! okay, i’m sorry for cursing bud”
so she’s just there, hugging steve on the floor, running her fingers through his hair and wiping his tears while jonathan just stares at them confused(and a bit jealous at all of the attention he’s getting but shhhh)
bonus content(i can’t jus not talk about baby jonny he’s baby)
after steve and nancy explain when he’s big again jonathan reveals he was a tad bit jealous that steve got to be babied and not him and steve shows him his stash of coloring books and stuffies and when he leaves so jonny’s not too embarrassed and comes back about 30 minutes later to see baby jonny on his stomach scrubbing every color onto the book, using one of the(many)pacifiers he found in steve’s box and it takes everything in steve not to sit down and color with him because he knew nance was busy and didn’t have time to deal with two little boys:)
you know what's crazy abt u rewatching ST is that my brother finished the s4 finale yesterday (therefore i got to rewatch it) & we both cried HARD - he unfortunately knew abt eddie but when max started ... Yknow ... he LOST it 😭😭 our cousins were like "??? ARE YOU GUYS OKAY???"
GOSH, steve is such a brave little guy!! going back in & beating that demogorgan with his friends to protect them even if he is scared!! (*´˘`*)♡ augh he's so so selfless, nancy definitely wouldve noticed him regressing the moment he started crying if she hadn't been so occupied & worried about the demogorgan, so when steve sinks to the ground she feels horribly guilty & p much bruises her knees by dropping down immediately after him
steve deff doubts his bravery when nancy first tells him how brave he was tho :(( — "nuh-uh, n-not bwave ... m scared, nancy" but she's such a good caregiver (& person in general hsheksk) & hops in INSTANTLY to tell him how it's okay to be scared, he can still be brave even if he feels like running away - that's what bravery is, bud! - and just how proud she is of him, coming back to help them!! so, so proud, RIGHT JONATHAN?? Right, Jonathan? Good ... Alright ( ¬_¬)
jon's just been standing in the background twiddling his thumbs & lowkey pouting at how much attention steve's getting SHDJDJSKD jus like "hmph, why can't that be me ... (﹡ᵗ ᵔ ᵗ ﹡)" he wants his hair pet & some hugs ,, and maybe a few kisses on his forehead (´ . .̫ . `) ,, who can blame him tho; getting doted on by nancy wheeler sounds wonderful - and it IS!! <3 & his thumb twiddling simply gets more intense as he mumbles to them abt feeling jealous abt all the attention stevie got without him. his face is kinda red too bc wow is that embarrassing to admit after nancy caught him literally pouting behind them
baby jonny my beloved *´ㅅ`)゙♡ steve coming back to jonny kicking his feet as he colors with every single crayon in the box – which, by the way, is a big box (it's not just one normal coloring box, it's a large one full of crayons from different boxes, so crayons galore!) – pacifier bobbing busily in his mouth, concentrating on staying in the lines, humming an unrecognizable song under his breath ,,,,, steve doesn't know if he wants to color with him or sit down & set jonny in his lap so he can watch him color and listen to any babbles he may have about his artwork, so he legit ends up standing there for a minute & a half staring at him JEKEKS
jonny does notice & it's a staring match until steve realizes what he's doing and goes "oh, shi– shoot, jon, i'm sorry! i wasn't trying to stare, i was just ... making sure you were okay. aaand watching you color; you're really good at staying in the lines, by the way..."
n jonny's cheeks get red, bc he knows he's good at staying in the lines bc he colors all the time but hearing it from someone else makes him feel good! and shy ... but still good!
steve does end up joining him on the floor, but he doesn't color or bring jon into his lap – jonny wants him too, but neither of them are super comfortable bringing that to light rn 😭 instead steve asks him questions about his coloring, like "ooo, you're gonna use golden yellow for the fur? it's like a golden retriever, yeah? yeaaaah!" & "what if you used ... pink and red for the flowers? oh, you were? great mind think alike, then!"
the picture he colored was for steve btw – a thank you for helping them with the demogorgan, a thank you for letting him use his stuff. steve gets so teary-eyed bc oh my gosh he's such a sweetheart & jonny thinks he's about to cry bc he doesn't like it, so now he's getting teary-eyed & doubtful & he's so ready to take it back, but steve is SO quick to say "no no no no! jonny, this is– i love it, buddy! thank you!" & pull him into a big ole hug (〃∀〃)ゞwaaaaa
"c'n i ... c'n i cowor for nance..?"
steve's heart is MELTING. "of course you can color for nancy, bud!"
and this time, jonny gets to sit on his lap as he colors <3
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lenteur · 1 year
i appreciate you a lot, i hope you know that <3
i would like to use the hug card <3 i feel like i need a big biiig group hug, i just want to be squished <333
i hope they do, otherwise i feel like it may drive them apart or away from the company itself(which wouldn't be a bad thing, there are better companies).
your puns are spectacular, i only wish i had that same power ;) it's not that hard to just LOVE him, i mean he is the definition of precious <33 i feel like seungkwan is one of those idols that if you were to ever meet him, he'd be the same as what we see <3 a kind individual <3 though i have watched older fansignings and he seems so sweet <33 i'm having a lot of scoups feelings atm HELP...........
thank u !! we kinda went off criminal minds for the last week or so, my s/o is rewatching smallville and i've been rewatching riverdale <33
it's really, really good <3 i rewatched it this week, also started watching revenge of others, i'm on ep 2 and i am HOOKED <3 it's basically about a girl who transfers to her brother's school in an attempt to find his killer (who pushed him out of a window) >:( i feel like i know who the killer may be but i'm probably wrong :(
you are honestly so sweet <3 you are a ball of sunshine :)) i'm glad you're happy to continue talking with me <3 although if u were not, that would be absolutely okay <3 and you're welcome 🌼
they are both girls!!! <33 they are the cutest beans <3333
hello my dear bestie 💗 i have missed you soooooooooooooooooooooooo much but i'm glad you took some time for yourself and i hope you're feeling better than during the holidays 💕 and i also hope you know i appreciate you as well. very much so!
of course! come here 💓 we'll squeeze you with our love 😘
thank you so much for appreciating my puns 💘 very few people can enjoy them. only the big brained are able to. so therefore, i can share my secret with you :D i went to this amazing pun school ;) i can't mention their name or else they'll receive too many applications. the only thing i can tell you is that it was a lot of PUN (haha get it?)
omg! yes exactly. i knew you'd be able to translate what i'm trying to say about my boo (seungkwan) super well 💝 he's one of those rare idols where you can feel he's practically the same as what he shows in front of cameras. i can't confirm that because i don't know him personally but he kind of seems like he's not that different off camera. ah scoups scoups, that man is very dangerous indeed... i've watched back it up fancams during the caratblr event and i haven't felt this attacked in a long time. he has made a (s)coup(s) d'état to my heart 💞 (i'm proud of that pun)
smallville. a name i haven't heard in a long time. i remember watching it as a teenager, i recognise the faces of the actors but i have no clue as to what's going on in the show. the only thing i know is it's about superman (am i sure? not really) as for riverdale, the only thing i've watched are the yt video edits/the memes. some of the videos are kind of funny. especially when you know nothing about the show hahaha
oh wow congrats on actually keeping your promise of watching kdramas 👏👏👏 so revenge of others is a thriller mixed with a little bit of detective stories? (i don't remember the name of the genre lol) i hope the k*ll*r (just in case tumblr wants to flag this post) is not the person you're suspecting because then it ruins the story :/ at least in my opinion ^^ i mean, it's nice if you guess who it is while collecting clues during the first few episodes but if you already guessed by episode 2 then it's a bummer :( but again maybe the story is not entirely focused on finding the culprit and more about how the main character reacts and what will happen to the culprit? i'm sorry those are just random guesses >3< and i'm sure you've got the right answer. you're smart, very smart!
no need to worry about talking to me 💖 i very much enjoy talking to you and getting to know more about you (and your cats) 💟 you're honestly one of the highlights of my days/weeks when i see you pop up in my notifications so never worry about me not enjoying talking to you. it's the opposite actually!
my little beans are so cute 😻 every time i think about them, i get this huge smile on my face :D it's hard not to when they're this pretty and awesome 💗 a little kiss on both their foreheads because they deserve it for being so amazing 😘😘
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bernraccnt · 2 years
little red and the wolf (wolf x afab! reader)
dm requested:  HI!! can i request a NSFW/smut mr. Wolf x fem reader if thats ok and thanks!! 😁😁
i literally had the hardest time writing this but I DID IT
before u read: smut (+18), switch wolf and switch reader, reader and wolf are brat coded i don’t make the rules, still using they/them 4 reader, 2nd person pov, i really enjoy this reader’s characterization if you can’t tell, i also tried not to take it super seriously bc im not a big fan of serious sexy times, i suck at describing things my b
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you once heard someone say that nightclubs bring out the most primal instincts in people. and sitting here, at the bar and being blinded by the lighting in the dark, crowded space, you felt inclined to agree with that.
when you were dragged out to the club by an old friend of yours, you wanted nothing more than to drink yourself into a coma and force them to drag your drunk ass home. hell, you were planning on throwing up on their shoes just to make them reconsider ever asking you to do this again.
but, when your eyes trailed along the partygoers, sweat and musk heavy on your nose, and you saw a slim figure already staring back at you, you decided to stop thinking about your future victim and take in how fucking attractive this man was.
even in the shadows of drunk people and a shitty remix of lady gaga’s telephone and shakira’s hips don’t lie blurring your senses, you could tell this guy was a wolf. long grey snout, golden eyes, and a row of teeth-- oh my fucking god, you were nearly salivating over those teeth.
you darted your eyes away before you could be considered a creeper, frantically bringing your glass of whatever bitter drink your friend forced you to order to your lips and chugging. god damn, either you are really thirsty or that man is really fucking hot.
you buried your head into your arms, trying to hold yourself together. even with liquid courage, you could never build up the balls to go over there and lay it thick on him. hell, even if your life depended on it, you’d probably still coward out.
“your outfit’s really nice.” the four words were spoken from a deep voice, one you didn’t recognize. picking your head up, you turned to your right and blanched upon seeing the wolf man leaning against the bar, now a foot away from you. he gave you an almost knowing smirk, “i’m digging the red.”
oh, of course you’re wearing red and talking to a wolf. next thing you know, you’re gonna watch him swallow your grandma. “eh, just threw on the first thing i saw.” you played off, swirling your drink and reeling back your panic. “though, it’s quite ironic that you’re talking to someone in red, ain’t it?”
he seemed to like this connection, let out a chuckle that you found attractive as well. god damn it, why couldn’t he have an ugly laugh? “what can i say? i seem to like the trouble that comes with the color.” fuck, why was that attractive? or were you just drunk? “my name’s wolf. it’s my first time comin’ here and honestly this place is a little too rowdy for me, but if you’re a regular, i feel like i’d reconsider.”
“shit, you think i come here regularly?” you guffawed in his face, smiling far wider than was probably socially acceptable for strangers. you then told him your name, “my friend dragged me here tonight, i don’t go clubbing.”
he mirrored your grin, showcasing a grin full of sharp teeth as he slid into the barstool next to you. “more of a homebody, eh? yeah, i get it.” wow, this guy was speaking your language. “i used to not go out much either. not many people are a big fan of me, y’know how it is.”
the dangerous glint in his eyes made you flustered, but also nagged at the back of your brain. somehow, you knew this guy from somewhere. the mannerisms, the ego, all of it was familiar to your tipsy brain.
but, you chose not to address it, only kept smiling. “that’s surprising! you seem pretty alright to me.” you took another sip of your drink. “what brings you here? i hope you’re not a poor soul like me.”
“eh, wanted to see what all the hype was.” he shrugged, resting both arms on the bar. he waved over the bartender and ordered some fancy drink, something you didn’t care for. “my friends would never drag me anywhere, i do all the dragging.”
“ah, a leader type.” you hummed before you could even stop yourself. “hot.” fuck, why do you say the things you do?
wolf took it in stride, in fact, he even seemed to be elated in your blatant attraction. “glad you think so. you’re not too bad yourself.” he leaned in, as if he was about to tell you a secret. “though, i’d prefer seeing the full masterpiece you are, without clothes that is.”
if this was any piece of shit in this club, you would’ve socked the living hell out of them. but wolf wasn’t exactly ordinary in your standards, so instead, you felt your stomach clench in excitement and had to school your expression.
“we’ll see where the night goes, wolfy.” you teased with a playful wink.
the next few hours of your night was spent sitting right on your spot on that barstool and laughing it up with your newest stranger turned acquaintance. you were so entranced by the charming wolf that when your friend came over and said they wanted to go home, you did a double take.
“ay yo? what time is it?” you fumbled for your phone, eyes widening when it showed you it was nearly four in the morning. “oh shit, we gotta go get an uber.” you grunted under your breath, turning to wolf with an apologetic smile. “hey, man, i’m sorry to cut this short but this dumbass behind me can’t even walk straight.”
“fuck you.” your friend muttered, slurring and swaying as they stood to your left.
wolf let out a hearty laugh, waving you both off. “it’s alright, i’m just sad it couldn’t have been longer.” you physically perked up when he pulled out his phone and tapped on the contacts app, creating a new one before your eyes. “is it alright if i get your number?”
“fuck YES it is.” your mouth spoke before your mind could come up with an actually alright response to his question and you snatched up that phone like it was the last piece of candy on halloween. wolf had trouble hiding his snickers as you frantically typed out your number, made your contact name “hottie at the club”, and took a blurry selfie with flash as your contact photo. that made you giggle so hard it hurt your stomach.
wolf watched with the widest grin as you left the bar, dragging your friend by the back of their hood. never before had he been treated so nonchalantly, so nicely, by a stranger. it was odd that you didn’t recognize him, but he chalked it up to your own drunkenness getting in the way of the fear that consumed most people.
and despite all the signs that he probably shouldn’t shoot you a text, lest you become a suspect by the m.p.d. or if you report him to the m.p.d., he did so anyways, only less than two days after your first meeting.
xxx-xxx-xxxx: hey! it’s wolf, the guy from the club on friday, i hope you were successful in throwing up on your friends shoes
while he was mulling over his decision with mild anxiety, you were sitting on your couch, rewatching your favorite movie for the day. when you saw the text, your eyes popped open, and you choked on the chips you were munching on. your fingers rapidly pressed against your phone, movie forgotten.
hottie at the club: OH FUCK I TOLD YOU ABOUT THAT???
wolf let out a loud cackle that startled the other bad guys at the kitchen table around him. if he tried hard enough, he felt like he could hear you shrieking that with a panicked expression.
you added xxx-xxx-xxxx as furry!
furry: sure did. all the way down to which alcohol you were planning on chugging to get the grossest effect
hottie at the club: i am so sorry you listened to me scheme against my friend
you let out a long groan, burying your head into the couch cushions and screaming as hard as you could. you even threw a few punches in there for good measure. god, you were such an idiot.
furry: dont be it was funny
furry: anyways i was wondering if you wanted to do something sometime soon? 
him. you wanted to do him.
furry: like a movie?
hottie at the club: sure! i don’t really like movie theaters but we could do something at one of our places if you want!!
oh fuck, wolf thought, it’s like you were made for him. he breathed a sigh of relief, as he was dreading being seen in public. he didn’t want to scare you away now, not when he’s just started getting to know you.
furry: yours might be better. my roommates are kinda nosy lol
and speaking of nosy, webs peeked over wolf’s shoulder with a huge grin. “oohhhhhh” she drawled, laughing at the glare she got from the bad guys’ leader. “who’s the ‘hottie at the club’?”
“mind your fucking business, that’s who.”
hottie at the club: how about this friday at 8?? i can pick u up if needed :)!
aw, he mentally cooed at your use of emoticon. that was kinda cute.
“oh, wolf’s gotta partner now?” and now shark had joined in peering over wolf’s shoulder, eyes wide with curiosity. “oh, is that a date?” meanwhile, webs had looked at the number listed next to the contact and was now looking up the person wolf was texting discreetly.
furry: works for me! i’ll text you my address then
furry: excuse me for a second i have some heads to bash in
wolf had sent that last message and quickly pocketed his phone before webs and shark could relay any more information to the others. “not a word--”
“WOLFY’S GOT A DATE!” shark gushed like a teenager, balling his hands against his face. “are they cute? when did you meet them? do we know them?”
“pfft, as if.” snake sneered, but wolf didn’t take it seriously. it was his way of joking. “you think wolf can reel in any person?”
“like you could, boomer.” webs retorted before wolf could. he was mildly thankful for her interjection and gave her a small smile of gratitude.
which quickly fell when webs turned the computer around and showed your citizenship file and everything else related to you, ranging from social media to past jobs.
“what-- webs!” he was utterly scandalized when he saw a glimpse of what looked to be a private twitter account, with many retweets of porn related things. “knock it off!”
“oh, and they’re freaky.” piranha was impressed, reaching forward and clicking on the tab with your twitter, scrolling through it. “lots and lots of sex stuff here, chico.”
“eugh, don’t turn the computer this way.” snake gagged, hiding the computer screen from his eyes. “i don’t wanna see this.”
“piranha! snake!”
“they seem to be a keeper.” shark took over the trackpad from piranha and clicked open your instagram, looking through the far and few photos of yourself on there. “really good looking. good job, wolf.”
“shaaark.” this one came out as a groan.
the group of four snickered at the puddle their boss was melting into. it was oddly hilarious to see the typically cool and calm wolf was dying at the sight of his friends discovering his future date.
“so, what? you hoping to fuck or...?” snake decided to ask the question of the hour, quirking an eyebrow over at his friend as he buried his face into his hands. “because, no judgement here, man.”
“shut up, for the love of god.” his deadpan tone caused a domino effect of laughter at his expense.
unfortunately, wolf didn’t stop getting teased all the way up to the actual date, where he took the car and drove it to a nicer part of town, partially to escape his friends and partially to not give away where his homebase was. he let his fingers drum against the light pole he was leaning against, waiting patiently for your “bunk ass car” (your words, not his) to make its appearance.
he was surprised to see that your car, was in fact, a bunk ass vehicle. not exactly the best condition and there were dents here and there, but he couldn’t complain. not when you had that adorably large grin from your spot in the driver’s seat.
“what’s up, wolf?” you hummed, happily bobbing to a song on the radio. wolf recognized it as something webs enjoyed listening to. “you ready for this sick ass movie date?”
he buckled himself, trying his hardest not to sniff aggressively. the car had a uniquely you smell, it made his mood brighten instantly. “depends. what’re we watching, red?”
you gave him a sideways glance. “red?”
“like the thing you were wearing when we met?” he explained, glancing over. his eyes caught onto your shoe against the gas pedal and smirked. “and apparently the same color as the crocs you own.”
to your credit, you didn’t immediately crash your car as you leaned down and frantically ripped off the red shoe wear, throwing them over your shoulder and into the backseat. “fuck you, i’m just gonna stop wearing clothes around you at this point.”
wolf’s grin turned evil. “i wouldn’t mind that.”
“of course you wouldn’t, you pervert.” you scoffed, but your grin was an exact mirror to his.
wolf turned so his upper body was fully facing you and leaned over the center console. “you can call me a pervert, but i think you’d probably enjoy it too.”
you had stopped at a red light, giving you the opportunity to reached over and tug him by his plain shirt’s collar, now inches apart. “fuck around and find out.” all the breath in wolf’s lungs escaped him as he saw the power trip you currently were taking.
shit, you were his equal in every single way. he laughed, your lips brushing against one another. “i have a feeling we’re not gonna be watching anything when we get to your place.”
the only thing that stopped you from making out with him right there was the light flashing green. you released your grip on his shirt and returned to being a safe driver. “like i said, fuck around and find out.”
when you were about five minutes from your place, wolf reached over and set his hand on your thigh. everything but that part of your body tensed up and you had to fight the urge to pull over in a random parking lot and fuck him right there.
needless to say, as soon as you walked inside your apartment, you snatched wolf by the shirt and shoved him up against the wall next to your door. he gave you an equally eager grin, grabbing the back of your head and smashing your lips against one another.
it was a clumsy kiss, teeth bumping and with way too much tongue, but neither of you really cared. your hands wrapped around his neck, entangling your fingers into the fur on the back of his head, while his own hands shoved themselves up your hoodie.
his nails lightly scraped your stomach, dull enough not to scratch you, but also sharp enough to hurt if he grabbed you too hard. he leaned back against the wall and moved his hands down to your ass, giving it a quick squeeze.
you could feel him smile into the kiss as you jumped, then shivered at this motion. “asshole.” you muttered against his mouth, still jumping when he prompted you to. his hands caught the underside of your thighs and he pulled back, panting. you both looked equally roughed up.
“where’s your bedroom?”
“furthest door down the hall.” you instantly responded, moving to press kisses against his neck. wolf wasted no time, speed walking across your messy apartment and all but kicking your door in when he reached it.
one moment, you’re mouthing at his neck, and the next, you’re flying through the air and onto the bed. you let out a loud shriek-laugh, smiling widely when wolf dove to land on top of you. you both still were smiling at one another.
once again, you guys found yourselves kissing, your crotch moving to slot against his and you grinded as hard as you could. the reaction was instant, a groan coming from his throat as his hips jerked.
he pulled back, giving you a playful glare. “hey, now.” he grunted, even though he was returning your motions with his own. you both sighed in pleasure when his dick rubbed you in just the right way, your head falling back. “fuck.” he whined.
“that’s what we’re doing.” you cheekily replied, still smiling the entire time. wolf, in retaliation, leaned down and started pressing his teeth into your neck, leaving bite marks. you sucked in a deep breath of air in response a rough bite, arching your back and gripping at the hair right underneath his ears.
“shit, you’re gonna be the death of me.” he said under his breath, pulling back far enough to start tugging your hoodie off. “take this off.” he demanded.
thankfully, you didn’t have a smart comment waiting for him, instantly sitting up and ripping off the article of clothing.
wolf’s jaw dropped when he realized that you weren’t wearing anything else underneath it, eyes zeroing in on your boobs. “you-- where’s your shirt?” he ears tilted back and he swore if he was capable of blushing, he would be neon red.
you shrugged with no explanation, tilting your head. “you were gonna see them eventually, might as well give you easier access.” you could’ve burst out laughing at how flabbergasted the poor guy was. one pair of boobs and he’s gone.
then you suddenly stopped smiling and looked at him with wide, fearful eyes. “wait, are you a virgin?”
he immediately started shaking his head frantically. “nononononono! i would’ve said something if i was.” he reassured you.
“oh.” was all you said.
and then wolf leaned forward, hands outstretched to your chest. you laughed at the mood shift and suddenly, you were back on track.
he gave an experimental squeeze and planted a kiss on your boobs before pulling back and taking off his shirt himself. he instantly was back to hovering over you and hand his fingers wrapped around the waistband of your pants and underwear. “normally, i’d take it slow, but i just wanna see you, red.”
“go for it, mr. big and bad.” you gave your consent, picking up your hips and allowing him the proper space to pull off the clothing. he gave you no time to adjust to the sudden naked state you were in, already tugging your thighs over his shoulder. his eyes zeroed in on your pussy, your slick glinting in the light of your bedside lamp.
you could’ve disintegrated when he started placing small nips and bites on your inner thigh, the pad of his thumb coming up and resting on your clit. you sucked in a hard breath as he stared at you, maw closing over the plush fat on your thigh.
he pulled back to tell you, “i can’t finger you with these,” he wiggled his fingers, more specifically motioning at his nails, “so you’re gonna have to do the hard work for me, sweetheart.”
you groaned as if he asked you to go do the dishes. “damn it, i was gonna have you do all the hard work--” you let out a choked moan, cutting yourself off as wolf pressed his finger back against your swollen clit. “alright, i’ll do it, shit--!”
you propped yourself up on your left elbow and shoved a few of your pillows under your shoulder to make it a little easier for you. lying back against them, you slowly dragged your fingers down your stomach, eyeing the way wolf’s eyes were locked onto them.
trying to hide your growing smirk, you traced the outside of your pussy with a finger, entertaining yourself with the way his eyes just wouldn’t look away. he did snap out of it when he heard you hide a snicker and glared up at you.
“sorry.” you muttered, pushing one finger inside of you and arching your back at how good it felt. “give me a sec, i’ll have it all figured out in no time.” from the way you were talking so casually, one might expect you to be doing literally any other activity.
wolf gave you a look you couldn’t quite discern. “no, go slow.” he demanded.
“what the fuck-- do you wanna fuck me or not?” you retorted, glaring as you pushed the finger in and out.
“i do, but i also wanna see this.”
“...fucking weirdo.” you grumble and flopped back, trying to move at a steady pace. wolf hummed in accomplishment, pulling one of his own hands away and using it to take off his boxers as he watched you with eager eyes.
when you pushed in a second a finger with the first was when it started feeling really good. curling them like the expert you were, you let out soft moans. wolf’s eyes took in how your hips rose to meet your fingers and how carried away you were getting as you tried to prepare yourself for him.
“yeah, just like that, baby.” he murmured, pushing your hips down and holding you to the bed. his thumb returned to your clit, with slow circles, and you let out a long whine, head falling against your pillow. “oh, you’re so pretty like this.” he beamed when you let out an embarrassed huff that melted into a groan.
“please just fuck me.” you whimpered, eyes squeezing shut from the mixture of yours and wolf’s motions. your fingers rubbed against a specific part inside of you and your vision went white for a second. “please, please, please!”
“alright, alright.” he spoke as if he was being inconvenienced, but you saw the way he moved to sit up immediately. he took his thumb off and then paused, leaning down and pressing a kiss to your clit, making you jolt from the sudden pressure. “sorry, just giving you a good luck kiss before i destroy your guts, little red.”
“yeah, yeah, whatever, loser.” you chortled, pulling your fingers out and pushing the pillows underneath you away. when you laid back down, flat on your back, you brought your legs up and presented yourself to him with a wicked smile. “now come over here and fuck me with your big bad cock.”
wolf didn’t even get the chance to fully comprehend what you had just said to him before he burst out into hysterical cackles, falling face first into your chest as he laughed and laughed. you were no better, tears streaming down your face as you let out a long wheeze.
“my WHA-HA-HAT?”
“BUAHAHA!” you both were losing your minds, clinging to one another like you were going to disappear if you didn’t.
and when you had cooled down and wiped your face dry, you and wolf stared at one another, trying to catch your breaths. you then snorted and that’s what started another laughing fit, with wolf’s laugh going super high pitched.
then, after recovering from that, wolf had picked out a condom from his pants and tore it open, rolling it onto himself with a chuckle. he looked like he wanted to laugh more about your comment, but the throbbing of his dick reminded him of the task at hand.
“you’re so ridiculous.” he muttered, returning to his position above you. both of his hands moved to hook your thighs over his and you could feel the tip of his dick pressed against your pussy.
your heart thumped with anticipation. “don’t go easy on me, wolf. i can handle a little pain.” you teased, making him roll his eyes.
“after all the shit you just pulled, i don’t think i even have it in me to consider going gentle on you.” and then he pushed in. both of your jaws dropped as he moved at a semi-slow but steady pace until his hips had met your own. the hands that held your thighs open were now gripping hard enough to hurt.
“oh fuck.” you moaned.
“ditto.” he agreed, eyes fluttering shut. “shit, this might become a regular occurrence.”
“fuck, if your dick feels like this every time, i might make it a daily one.” you spoke in a breathy tone. your back arched and you shimmied your hips up, attempting to set a pace.
wolf met your motions with his own and soon, you both fell into a steady movement. every time you fell down and the tip of his dick rubbed against your sweet spot, you felt like you were going to pass out. he wasn’t like anything you ever had before, his dick shape unique enough to make just enough of a difference.
wolf, meanwhile, felt like he was in heaven. every clench and every sound that left you made him reach the edge far faster than he’d like to admit it. he was holding back with all of his might at every thrust, snarling to himself. fuck, he was about to start paying to be around him all day if it meant he got to do this whenever and wherever.
he leaned down, still thrusting at a consistent pace, and started marking up your body, wherever he could. one hickey on your stomach, another few on your boobs, and more littering your neck. he couldn’t get enough, he needed to be smothered in you.
so, he stopped thrusting and held you close to him, chest to chest. “what, why’d you stop--” you let out a surprised shriek when he flipped you both over, with him now at the edge of your bed and you straddling him.
“ride me.” he gasped, looking up at you with such desperation. “god, fuck, ride me.”
you didn’t even bother trying to act smart, using your knees as leverage and bouncing up and down on his cock. from this new angle, you felt him even better, his tip rubbing against your gummy walls at just the right pace. fuck, now you were embarrassingly close.
“shit.” you two cursed in unison, making you both snicker through the moans.
“i’m-- fuck-- i’m already close, red.” wolf murmured in disbelief, returning to his task at marking you up.
“glad to know it’s mutual.” you sighed, eyes squeezed shut and thighs beginning to tense uncontrollably.
it was like a wave of static crashed over you after a particularly good thrust, your entire body losing feeling except for in your pussy. you squeezed harshly and that’s what made wolf let out a broken moan before he came as well. he fell back, grabbing your back and dragging you with him.
you moaned into a rather clumsy kiss, riding out the waves of pleasure that felt like they would never end. eventually, you both had to pull back and while panting, you calmed down from the sensitive high.
wolf stared up at you like you were a god, smiling when you swiped the sweat off of your forehead. “pretty good, right?” he asked, both joking, but also making sure you enjoyed yourself.
you nodded rapidly, dispelling whatever worry he had. “oh yeah, i enjoyed that.” your voice was now gravelly, over-exertion from all the moaning and groaning ruining it.
you then moved to sit up, hands planted against his chest. “pretty good fuck for a criminal, i gotta admit.”
wolf blanched, eyes popping wide. you let out a half shriek, half laugh at his reaction, covering your mouth and leaning away.
though he probably should be shitting his pants, wolf just let out a long groan, wiping at his face. 
fuck, you were lucky your pussy was talented, or he would’ve ran out the room.
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chippedaxe · 3 years
hello!! could i ask for a request where dream used to be a top but his ego has gotten up too high and the reader is tired of him being a bitch and decides to turn into the bitch? so it’s like sub!dream x dom!dream. i don’t really have ideas of what could happen, maybe dream won lost a manhunt and is pretty mad and yeahhh :) thank you already!
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Title: Poor Baby
Warnings: NSFW !Minor's steer clear, coarse language, praising, teasing, degrading, bit of humiliation, nipple play, fingering, anal play, begging, idk if there should be more.
Pairing: Sub! Dream X Dom! Reader
Pronouns: They/Them, non specified genitalia,
Synopsis: Dream tries to dominate you but you've had enough so you toy with Dream.
Word count: 1.5k
Note: tbh i was rlly confused so i hope this is somewhat what u wanted <3
- if it doesn't make sense like halfway thru the story then I'm rlly sorry, I wrote half of it one time and half of it another time (and I don't rlly reread or edit my work)
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Dream storms into the room looking angry, his hands have been balled into fists and you can tell that he's not thinking rationally "Dear- what's wrong? What happened, baby?" you tried to calm him down but he completely dismissed you "Take off your clothes." he ordered "excuse me?" you were taken back "come on- please just take off your clothes,, manhunt made angry.." Dream grumbled.
"Baby, just calm down.. Rest" you pulled him down onto the bed gently "Sweetheart, don't you want my cock?" Dream grabs your chin and looks into your eyes "of course I do-" he stops you right there "Then why're you being difficult?" he caresses your cheek, "Well I just feel like you're acting like a serious bitch right now" you confessed bluntly.
"Me? A bitch?" Dream groaned at your words, his hands reaching out to touch you but you stand up from the bed "Yeah. A really big bitch. So why don't you just calm down and rest, okay?" you put your hands on your hips and looked down at him "You don't give the orders okay? I give them! I'm the dominant one here!" Dream exclaimed "Then maybe I should be." you shut him down.
"What? You? Dom me? I don't think so" Dream chuckled to himself, "You think it's so funny now but wait I'm making you dizzy and seeing stars from how good I can make you feel.." you warned him "How do you expect to get me to be submissive for you?" Dream growled "Watch me." you responded as you then approached him.
You straddled his knee and crawled onto his lap, your hands moving to his chest "This is all you've got?" Dream rolled his eyes "Of course not, this isn't even close to the beginning" you leaned down to kiss his neck. You turned your head to the side and began suckling roughly on his skin, biting gently every few seconds "Ah- Yeah, keep doing that, doll." Dream tried to make it seem like he was in control but his words only affirmed your new dominant position.
"Yeah? You like it when I suck on your neck? I bet you'll like it a lot when I suck your cock too.." you tease him, your hands feeling up his chest and groping the man. "Don't tease me, or I'll punish you" Dream tried to sound scary "Punish me? But I'm being so kind, dominating you when you're clearly not fit to be on top.." you decided to bully him a little bit with some degrading words.
"Huh? What? What're you saying.." Dream started to get real riled up, his face starting to glow a bright red "What? Is my Dream angry with me?" you acted coy, kissing his jaw and pouting "Sorry Dream, I know how sensitive you are.." you teased him further "Don't make me flip you over and ram you- I will do it!" he threatened "Oh I bet you will.." your voice was condescending.
Your hands slid Dream's shirt off his body, revealing his tense muscles "Oh wow.. You look so pretty, all of this for me darling?" you cooed "Don't talk like that, I'm not you're little sub!" Dream shouted "Of course not, you're just someone who's below me and is acting quite submissive..." you pointed out. Your hands were cold, finger tips colder, pinching Dream's nipples to get a reaction out of him.
"H-uhgh..." Dream let out a small noise, his erection growing in his pants until it became a raging boner. "Aw you like when I play with your nipples? That's adorable.." you tease him as you continue to toy and play with his soft buds "n-no!" he was surely embarrassed, probably feeling humiliated. "Stop it- You're humiliating me!" Dream complained "Oh am I? You want me to stop? Then beg me, slut."
Dream went quiet and he froze up a little bit, clearly not expecting you to talk to him like that "Speak Darling, or are you too dumb?" you teased him. Dream gulped nervously and glanced up to meet your gaze "Please stop teasing me- please!" he gasped. "Okay, what do you want me to do?" you leaned over him.
Dream shuddered slightly "I want you to touch me properly!" he spoke up "What's the magic word?" you placed your hands on your hips, clearly enjoying the sudden change in superiority. "P-Please.. Please touch me, Please.." Dream groaned softly, you almost felt bad from the way he was begging you. Almost.
You looked down at him, his cock twitched in his pants, growing harder against the tight fabric "It hurt's so bad.. Please help me.." Dream hugged you and hung his head on your shoulder. "Okay baby, I'll help you.." you unzipped his pants just a bit so you could slip your hand in to palm him gently.
"Ah- I need more.. Please.." Dream bucked his hips up against your hand, desperately trying to grind against you but to no avail. "Be patient darling" you hushed him up and pulled his penis out, stroking his length gently. You admired the way it throbbed in your hand, twitching slightly as Dream rolled his head back and groaned "You're not usually this vocal, something change?" you smirked at him.
"That feels so good, so good.." Dream rolled his hips against you, legs closing together to give him a little more friction "Uh uh- open up." you slapped his thigh which made him open them back up reluctantly. You wanted to give in and let Dream fuck your insides but you fought the urges, today you were going to fuck him instead.
You took off his pants finally, letting the blonde boy relax more. "I'm gonna try something new with you, alright?" you didn't give Dream much time to answer as your hand dipped down between his legs, one of your fingers thrusting into his tight hole. "Ah! I- I've never touched there before!" Dream was feeling a little bit shy clearly.
"Your walls are sucking my fingers in so well, oh my god.. I should definitely buy a dildo or something for you.." you thought out loud to yourself. Dream quivered underneath you, his hole clenching around your finger at the thought of you fucking him with a toy. "M- More.." he was definitely feeling ashamed, his head turned away to face the wall.
You gave him what he wanted and stuck a second finger inside, curling them gently to press against his prostate. Dream squealed and covered his mouth to hide his lewd noises "Hands off." you instructed "But-" he protested "But nothing, hands off yourself or I'll stop touching you" you argued. Dream swallowed his pride and removed his hands, letting out a loud sound when your fingers thrusted deeper inside of him.
"Do you like this?" you asked "Of course- It feels so sO good!" Dream cried out "You like it more than when I play with your penis?" you questioned, Dream nodded and bit on his lip to keep quiet "So.. You'd let me do this again sometime?" you were starting to feel really excited "W-Whenever you want!!" Dream was now completely your bitch.
"I-I think I'm gonna cum, it feels sO weird!" Dream babbled on and on "Nuh uh- not unless you say you're my bitch." you wanted desperately to hear him say those little words "What??" you slowed down your pace and started to gently remove your fingers "No- No! I-I'm your bitch! I said it! I'm your bitch! Now please let me cum!" he bawled.
"Good boy.." You sped it up, not giving any mercy to his ass as you finger fucked him. "AH! I'm cumming! FUCK!" he arched his back, walls convulsing around your fingers as his hot white liquid spat out of his cock and ran down his legs. "Dirty slut, go clean yourself up" you snickered down at him before pulling your fingers out of his ass and leaving the bedroom.
You're not a monster so you obviously won't just be leaving him there, although it's not like you're gonna help him much. You grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and came back to hand it to him, he weakly reached out to grab the bottle but dropped it "Don't tell me.. Does my little slut need help drinking from a bottle? Pathetic.." you spat at him before drinking some of the water.
You grabbed his chin and opened it gently, spitting your water into his mouth for him to swallow. Dream gulped it down and flushed a deep red, "Thank you.." he thanked you and was flustered. "No problem, I love you baby." you kissed his cheek "I love you too, thank you for taking care of me today.. I think I liked it better when you were in charge.." Dream admitted "I was thinking the same thing, sweetheart" you smiled at him.
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twelvegods · 3 years
our little secret
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pairing/s; draco malfoy x fem!reader
warning/s; none
word count; 2.2k
summary; anon “hi! can i request a draco malfoy x gryffindor reader and it’s set in 4th year and the reader is badass and kinda cunning with people that mess with her and one of her friends as a joke is like “wow, i wonder why the sorting hat didn’t put u in slytherin.” and draco overhears this and says something like probably because she would look horrid in green. and then, the reader wears this beautiful green gown to the yule ball and looks amazing and then some fluff. thank you! i hope that made sense”
a/n; it makes sense anon! hope i did ur prompt justice! i really went and had fun w this one and i really like the friendship dynamic i made w dean seamus and lavender? tell me what you think!
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“has anyone asked you to the yule ball yet, [y/n]?” lavender brown asked you in between forkfuls of shepherd’s pie, nudging dean thomas who was sat next to her. they both snickered as you scrunched your nose at them mockingly. in one swift movement, you flicked a pea at lavender and rolled your eyes.
by now, it was almost common knowledge among the four houses that you were the serpent among lions. they were constantly teasing you about the fact that no one from your house had the courage to even approach you, much less ask you out to the ball, despite the lot of you being from gryffindor.
not to mention, even harry bloody potter, the chosen one, had commented on the fact that you were more suited to be in slytherin back when you were second years, when he experienced your ambition and resourcefulness firsthand.
“i don’t plan on anyone asking me to the ball, actually.” you started, puffing out your chest arrogantly, a smirk on your face, earning raised eyebrows. “i’ve got my sights set on the one cedric diggory.”
“you’re kidding, the hogwarts champion?” seamus finnigan blinked dumbfoundedly from beside you, making his presence known. “girls his year were turned down, what makes you think you’ve got it?”
you narrowed your eyes at him. “that sounds like an insult, you know. but…”
you then shrugged at seamus and turned to glance across the great hall to where the said hogwarts champion sat amongst his hufflepuff peers.
just as the two of you made eye contact, you winked at him flirtatiously. seamus let out a whistle in awe as cedric ducked his head with an evident blush on his face. you turned to grin triumphantly at your friends, wiggling your eyebrows at lavender.
“it’s a wonder why the sorting hat didn’t put you in slytherin, you know.” dean chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief.
lavender gaped as she watched cedric get teased by his friends as he recovered from your apparently fatal wink. “a right old mystery that was.”
“but something about that kind of confidence doesn’t feel quite gryffindor, does it, lav? dean?” seamus mused, touching his finger to his chin and donning a mock-thoughtful look. “to me, it seems a little—”
“ssssslytherin,” the three of your friends hissed in unison, wiggling their fingers at you just like draco did to harry the year before, during your care of magical creatures class with the slytherins. it quickly became an inside joke between you four, before falling into fits of laughter. you couldn’t help but join them. it was just practically silly at this point.
“slytherin? [y/n]?” you heard someone comment from behind you and a sort of domino effect occurred as you and everyone within earshot all turned towards the voice instinctively.
draco malfoy was sat directly behind you and had twisted around to face you, his usual proud smirk etched on his face. he was flanked on each side, as per usual, by his goons, crabbe and goyle respectively.
pansy parkinson sat directly across from him and looked particularly displeased at your interaction. right next to her was daphne greengrass, who you could’ve sworn was giving you an almost knowing look.
“eavesdropping, malfoy?” you tilted your head at draco, who just infuriatingly grinned in response. you didn’t want to address the fact that it seemed to create some sort of tension in the air, like the people around you just sucked in their breaths and held it.
they didn’t know if they expected the two you to fight or jump each other’s bones, that’s how charged the air was. out of the corner of your eye, you caught fred and george placing a bet.
draco continued, as if trying to grab your attention before you turned away . “i mean, sure, you would’ve been a lovely addition to the snake pit had the sorting hat called slytherin but,” he looked you up and down slowly, not unlike a predator addressing its next meal, and a funny electric feeling followed where his gaze touched your skin. you suppressed a shiver. “i doubt you’d even look good in green.”
when he met your eyes, they were practically twinkling with mirth. he was thoroughly enjoying this. and his statement was blatantly laced with a challenge.
you lifted an eyebrow in response, because two can play at that game. “red doesn’t seem much like your color either, draco.”
you drew out his name, almost like a sigh, not realizing how close the two of you were slowly leaning towards each other. draco’s lips twitched, like he was trying to hold himself back from grinning.
“is that so, [y/n]?” he retaliated, his line of sight dropping to watch your lips as he leaned close enough that you could smell his scent. he smelled very much like expensive cologne.
you nodded stubbornly, holding his gaze as his eyes met yours once more. “oh, absolutely.”
he held your eyes for a few more moments, watching you watching him, before you decided to break away first, heart beating wildly like a hummingbird’s wings. of course, draco being draco, always wanted to get the last word in.
“see you at the ball, [y/n].” draco quipped in a sing-song voice as he too went back to his meal. you just huffed and rolled your eyes for the nth time, seemingly unfazed. your pulse told a different story.
back at the gryffindor table, seamus, lavender, and dean were all staring at you, their own meals practically forgotten. the few first years nearby mirrored them, but looked away pretty quickly when you glanced their way.
lavender was the first to recover, leaning forward as her eyes flicked to the two boys, as if checking to see if they witnessed the same thing. “what the bloody hell was that?”
dean cleared his throat, amusement in his tone. “it was like the two of you were… in your own little bubble or something.”
“well, it looked like they were flirting to me,” seamus shrugged as he helped himself to another serving of mashed potatoes.
you rolled your eyes and laughed nervously. “he was just teasing me, is all. trying to challenge me too, i think.”
“there was definitely a challenge in there somewhere.” lavender narrowed her eyes before leaning back and giggled menacingly, something that only lavender could achieve.
“well, if there’s one thing i know about [y/n] is that you love a challenge.” lavender grinned and winked, “drop ‘em dead, love.”
night of the yule ball
turns out, you didn’t ask cedric to the ball. you decided to go stag last minute, which earned you knowing looks from the seamus and dean while lavender just blew out a frustrated breath.
two hours later, you were starting to pick at your hair, moving strands and loosening curls before lavender slapped your hand away, tucking the last of it into the low bun you specifically asked for. you shared earlier in the afternoon that you were going for an effortless sort of look, as if you’d simply just woken up glamorous.
at this, lavender looked at you weirdly for a whole minute, her lips pursed, before disappearing behind your head, muttering, “if you wanted to look like you’d just rolled out of bed it wouldn’t be so glamorous, you know.”
she ducked, laughing, as you tried to smack her with a pillow.
when you finished with your makeup, you watched lavender brush back her hair. for the first time in your four years together as dormmates, it was pin drop straight, and changed so much of her face that you couldn’t help but stare. as you did, she simply shared how much of a drag it would be to do it daily and that she preferred her hair curly anyways.
momentarily, you’re reminded of how lavender and hermione would’ve been really good friends had certain circumstances been different.
as you made to stand with her, lavender smirked, eyeing your dress. it was the most dazzling emerald green, silk dress that hugged you in all the right places. the v-neck strappy neckline kept you modest, while at the same time, a teasing slit ran up all the way to the top of your thigh, right from where the dress fanned out up to just below where it cinched at your waist. and best of all? it had pockets!
you tucked your hands into said pockets, twirling for lavender as she squealed in her own fuchsia colored gown. she tugged at her tube top, bedazzled with gems that faded out at the waistline to the point that they looked like stars, and interlocked her arms with yours.
“off we go,”
when you reached the top of the stairs right before the corner that turned towards the great hall, you sucked in a breath at the sight of draco leaned against one of the pillars, his hands tucked into his pockets. you watched him lazily scan the crowd, like he was looking for someone but didn’t want to appear as such.
lavender smirked, following your line of sight. she cleared her throat as she subtly pushed you in the slytherin prince’s general direction. “right, so. this is where i leave you, moppet. i’m going to go mingle with the others, as it is an inter-school event, and you should too.”
you didn’t take your eyes off of draco’s blond head of hair, not even when lavender left your side when her date called out to her. you had just taken a single step down the stairs when his head swiveled towards you, as if sensing you, and he pushed himself off of the pillar.
you didn’t know why you blushed a beet red when he did, you assumed it was because because he was impeccably dressed in a maroon five-piece suit. his jacket, vest, and pants sported your house’s colors, as your own outfit did his, while his dress shirt was black and his tie a bright silver. it was well put together for sure, but you would never admit to checking him out in a million years.
“you look magnificent, [y/n].” draco approached, holding out his hand to you, which earned him a questioning look, even though you knew what he was asking. he smiled sheepishly, glancing around that no one was nearby, “would you like to accompany me to the ball?”
“i’m sorry, but is the draco malfoy asking nicely?” you teased, bringing forth that scowl you know so well. he instantly dropped his hand to his side and clicked his tongue, his insecurity getting the better of him, the tips of his ears turning into a color that matched his suit.
he began to turn away, embarrassed. “‘s’alright then, i’m sure pansy’s—”
you laughed at his reaction, taking his dejected hand softly in yours for the first time in a long while. “kidding, draco. you can tease, but i can’t?”
if anything, draco blushed deeper. your smile grew, pulling him closer to you. you soaked up this side of draco like a sponge. it was a side that you were lucky to witness in abandoned hallways between classes, or just before the tree line of the dark forest, or in the quiet courtyard well after curfew.
you supposed this “relationship” of yours with the slytherin prince started in third year, when you found him crying under the quidditch bleachers when the teams had made their way back to the castle. you started as friends, but somewhere along the way, he kissed you.
and you kissed back.
“i suppose we should go together, hm? seeing as you’re dateless, as am i. how odd. unless pansy’s…?”
draco blinked at you, puzzled and a little distracted by the way you absolutely glowed, before shaking his head. “pansy’s not an issue. never was. i’ve been waiting forever for you to show up, you know.”
you were pleased at his assurance. you felt him interlock his fingers with yours as the two of you stepped into the great hall. you knew by the way he squeezed your hand that he was asking for bravery. and brave you were as the great hall erupted into chatter when they noticed who had walked in.
a gryffindor and a slytherin. dressed in each other’s house colors. hands interlocked and eyes soft. you thought about how your friends would never let you live this down.
and glancing at the three of them in the corner, jaws dropped, you knew you were in for a wild ride with them later. but right now, your attention was on the boy holding your hand like it was you two against the world.
and in a way, it was.
“my father will hear about this, you know.” he whispered softly in your ear as numerous pairs of eyes followed you while he twirled you on the dance floor.
as you leaned into him though—tucking your head into the crook of his neck, his expensive cologne wafting over you like a lavish hug—it was like the rest of the world melted away, leaving you and him swaying to the music.
you hummed from where you were, eyes closed as though to make the moment last longer. “no, he won’t.” you reassured him, lifting your head to meet his brilliant blue eyes.
“it’ll be our little secret.”
that was the farthest from the truth as the two of you danced together in the crowded hall, beneath a blanket of pseudo-stars. but draco appreciated the sentiment, and pulled you closer, touching his cheek to the top of your head as you danced the night away.
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Coco tells jaune she doesn't like his wardrobe so she asks him to take it all off, Jaune complies but doesn't realize shes making him strip. Once done she says that while she doesnt approve of his clothing she does approve his body
When Coco told Jaune that she'd help Jaune with his wardrobe, Jaune at first thought it was strange.
Well actually, at first he was a little insulted. What's so wrong with a hoodie and jeans!?
But then, after Coco explained that she just meant he could look much better with certain clothes and she wanted to help him find those clothes, he was grateful and took her up on her offer. Although Jaune had to admit, he wasn't sure what he expected exactly.
But he knew for a fact that going to her dorm room instead of a store, seeing SEVERAL curtains and mounts of clothes upon entering, and being told to undress right there in front of her as she looked for which clothes to start with definitely wasn't it though.
"Y-you want me to undress... right here?"
Coco huffed and turned around, tapping her designer boots impatiently. "Yeah! Now stop wasting time, I think I got my work cut out for me here and the sooner we get started, the better. Maybe we'll be done before the end of the day."
"B-but... isn't that a bit... I mean, shouldn't I change somewhere el-Furph!?"
Coco cut him off by throwing one of her first choices for a shirt for him over her shoulder and hitting him in the face. "No, because it's a waste of time to have you go back and forth between the bathroom and here. I'm not going to spend more time than I have to waiting around for you to change. Besides, I prefer girls."
Jaune finished pulling the silky, black button up T-shirt off his head just in time to hear her say that. He looked at his upperclassman, surprise clearly on his face. "Oh! Wow... I uhhh... didn't know that."
Coco leaned in towards the younger man and lowered her sunglasses so she could look at Jaune over the top of them. Jaune immediately saw her eyes were completely cold and calculating as she asked, "Is that going to be a problem freshie?"
Jaune shook his head rapidly. "No no! My oldest sister is actually into girls too! Married to one in fact! S-so... n-no problem here... ma'am."
Coco lifted her glasses back up and stood up straight. "Good, didn't feel like kicking your ass today. Now, clothes. Off. We're burning daylight." Coco finished her command with a pointed finger at Jaune, and turned around to keep looking at some clothing options for him.
As she shifted through some hangers on the rack in front of her, Coco heard the sound of clothes rustling behind her. Honestly, she wasn't even fazed. Her biggest passion was clothing, both wearing AND designing it. To do the latter, she'd had to see plenty of bare bodies to get the measurements perfectly accurate. She had seen all kinds of body types, both among civilians and hunters in training. She didn't have any reaction as she heard the sound of his shirt being pulled off or his belt being undone. She was pretty sure anything he had to show wouldn't shock her.
She grabbed a few hangers off the rack and spoke up. "So we're going to start with some darker colors, they usually fit well on anyone. Put on that shirt I gave you and th-"
And then Coco turned around.
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Well... she certainly hadn't been expecting that body...
As Jaune shyly looked at his upperclassmen, the woman felt her mind race. 'The fuck!? I thought he was supposed to be a noodle! That damn hoodie is a bigger crime than I thought!'
And let it be known that Coco Adel was never one to NOT voice her thoughts on something. "Daaaaamn freshie, you're really a surprise wrapped in baggy clothes aren't cha?! Lookin' good!"
Jaune looked off to the side a little bit, a light blush rising to his neck and ears. He balled up his hoodie in his arms and tried to somewhat cover himself. "U-ummm thanks..."
Coco lowered her sunglasses, getting a better look at Jaune's bare top half. "Seriously, nice core~! You do a lot of crunches?"
"S-sometimes. I-I usually do a few sets... whenever I work out. C-could we please move on now?"
Coco pushed her glasses back and shrugged. "Sure, if you want to." With that Coco walked over to the bed next to Jaune and placed the hangers and the clothes on them down on the mattress. Before she went back over to the clothes rack, she looked sideways at him one last time for good measure. "Just saying, you're looking pretty hot."
"T-thanks. B-but I thought you said you... preferred girls?"
Coco didn't even turn around. "Yeah, I did. And I do prefer girls. Doesn't mean I can't find a guy's bod sexy too. I like both, I just have a preference."
"Oh.... o-oh..." Jaune's blush grew much stronger as realization hit him.
"So like I said," Coco turned her head just enough to look at the younger man. "Looking hot."
Jaune quickly started putting on the clothes Coco laid out for him as she went back to fixing up some trial outfits. As she did so, her mind wandered a bit. She found herself thinking back to the reason she approached the frantically dressing boy behind her in the first place.
'I guess you're in for a nice surprise Bun Bun~. You really know how to pick 'em well. Aaaand I think I know what I want for payment after you two get together~. Maybe all three of us could have some fun~.'
How did you guys like me adding a GIF for reference in the middle of the ask? I wanted to try something new. Should I do it some more in the future or not?
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hotwings0203 · 3 years
im in love, its soooo good😭😭😭😭 and i just wanted to ask, maybe if there is a possibility of u writing the second part w smut!👉🏼👈🏼 🥺
u r so talented!!! i love u💕💕💕
Wow fun fact: I actually love you anon
Tw:noncon, implied death
He was inside you.
He was grunting.
You were the mortar, he was the pestle.
“Fuck,” he pants inside your mouth. “You get turned on this much by watching dweebs like him get slaughtered out there?”
You sob and try futilely to once again lift his weight off of your pinned body, but he merely slaps your bouncing tits.
“Stay still. Don’t fucking move unless you want me to bruise your cervix. But you’d like that, wouldn’t you, you little masochist? Isn’t that why you didn’t try as hard to push your boy toy out of the rink, huh? ‘Cause a slut like you gets off on watching a man like me show everyone whose boss?”
You cry out muffled against his palm after he gives a particularly rabid thrust, making sure to grind his tip against the sides of your gooey walls.
In a moment of savage triumph, Bakugo lets his slobbery tongue lather itself all over your cheeks. He tastes the tears that collect at the sides of your mouth, he tastes the sweat that gathers on your forehead and he swears it tastes like heaven itself.
He pulls back while continuing to pound you into the mattress, and he takes a good long look at you mere inches away from your face.
You’re a mess. Your eyes are rolling to the back of their sockets while your hair is strewn across the pillows, your hands pinned behind your back in an uncomfortable twist from his meaty hands.
He looks rabid almost. His eyes are everywhere, on your red eyes, on your bouncing tits, on the connection from his body to yours.
Your mouth forms an ‘O’ against his sweaty palm, consistently kept open from your moans and pained whimpers.
It’s true that he’s good with his dick, unfortunately all that talk wasn’t just for show. He had something to prove to you, and prove he did.
Or, is currently doing.
“Answer me, slut. Did you like watching me send your little boyfriend to the hospital?”
He uncovers your mouth and permits you to take a wild gasping breath. The rhythm of his hips cease as he waits for you to gather yourself momentarily, but he doesn’t pull out. You are just a pretty cockwarmer for him right now, no need to think that you deserve any more mercy than he’s already giving you.
“‘D-didnt like it. ‘Wanna go home, lemme go, get off of me,” you sob and weakly pull your wrists out of his hold to push him, but with a mean laugh he flips you over so that your face is smushed agains the pillows and your ass is in the air.
He yanks your hair back and you shriek at the feeling of strands being ripped from your head. He pulls you back up until his mouth is right next to your ear and your spine is lined up with his chest.
“No? You didn’t like it baby?” He hisses mockingly in your ear, and roughly fondles a bruised tit.
“I didn’t like it when you were licking lips with him in front of me either, but I guess we can’t all get what we want…well maybe you can’t. I’ll take whatever the fuck I want from you though.” And with that he lets go of your head and lets you unceremoniously fall back onto the downy covers.
Bakugo grabs your hips and pull your ass back until it’s flush against his dick. He rubs the wet tip up and down your ass, and traces it down your slit, letting it press in a little further when in contact with your entrance.
He doesn’t push it in though. No, he goes lower and lower until the member in his hand parts your lips open and it brushes against your clit.
When it does, your body shudders and jerks at the sensation of his tip swirling in your juices around the little nub and prodding at the sensitive flesh. He thrusts slowly and lets the sensation build at your throbbing clit before pulling back abruptly.
You fist the sheets and try to ignore the way your legs shake. It’s humiliating, you know you can’t even shift to your side lest he props you back face down ass up like a fucking animal.
And he was treating you like one, too.
He panted like a dog when he let your juices drool and collect around his girth, and he clawed and teethed on your neck and tits as if he were some kind of mutt.
It scared you how badly he wanted you.
You feel a soft tapping against your clit and you unconsciously arch your back and mewl when the area buzzes with need.
It almost physically hurts the winding coil in your stomach to hold your hips back from chasing Bakugo’s dick as he pulls away, the fucker knowing that you wanted more no matter how terrified you were of him.
“Aww, what’s wrong kitty? No more bitchy attitude and claws? Don’t worry, I’ll soothe your other kitty pretty soon,” he snorts at his own unfunny joke.
You don’t laugh. In fact, you tremble with indignation and horror when he begins pushing back into you as if it were the only place for his cock to be.
“Fucking shit,” he hisses in pleasure as he slowly sheaths his entire length around your dripping cavern. “Maybe I’ll bring in his broken body and set him up on the chair right there-“ he pushes your head to the side so you can see the armchair he points to. You don’t really care about the stupid chair though, not really when you can feel yourself stretch painfully and ingest every vein that scrapes against your insides.
“I’ll take his broken wrists and snap ‘em back to their normal state just so I can break them again when I cuff him down. I’ll make you look at him right in his pathetic eyes when I’m balls deep inside your slutty cunt.”
You let out an embarrassingly loud moan when he pulls out just to grab onto your hips and slam your ass against his groin again. He watches as your cheeks clap around his dick and spreads your gooey substance around his thighs and stomach.
“The fuck did I say about calling me by my name? You want me to bring him out of the morgue and light his body up too? Didnt realize you hated him that much, fuckin’ whore.”
All of a sudden you feel a heavy weight leaning forward and draping itself on your back, suffocating you with feeling filled everywhere. Your sweaty bodies mash, fluids mixing as he grabs your hair like reigns and slaps his hips against yours. The mattress shakes with the force of his thrusts and you swear you can feel him poking through your stomach when he suddenly lets out a loud groan.
He doesn’t give you any kind of indication that he’s cum, you only feel hot ropes of his seed shoot into your poor, wounded pussy. It stings with the mixture of blood that seeps out of you, the clash making an almost cute pink color coming out of your hole.
Bakugo unravels his hands from your hair and peels himself off of you, but when you try to shakily follow pursuit he leans an elbow into your spine, successfully making you squeal in pain and flop back onto the bed.
“Stay down. Teasing sluts like you don’t deserve to move off their natural habitat.” He sneers and uses a thumb to pull your asscheeks apart, inspecting his cum.
He whistles and lightly slaps one cheek, passing the view off as satisfactory.
“Please,” you rasp, opening one bleary eye to watch him pull a shirt on. “Please just tell me if you got him help.”
Katsuki smiles and lights a blunt. He takes a long drag and peers at your wrecked body.
“You didn’t hear what I said earlier?”
Your heart seizes and you slowly pull your head up from the pillow, eyes as wide as the moon.
“Who says he’s even alive?”
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baroquebucky · 3 years
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a/n: hi hi !! here is another fic inspired by one of my fave bts songs <33 hope u all enjoy lmk what u think !! pls excuse any typos
bucky was cold and sad before you, now he is warm and happy, most of all, he’s in love
word count: 3k
Bucky woke up from another nightmare, a thin layer of sweat on his forehead. He let out a shaky breath, looking around his empty apartment. He got up and washed his face, looking at himself in the mirror before tearing his gaze away.
Bucky didn’t sleep for the rest of the night, busying himself until sunrise, when he left his apartment and walked to park nearby.
That’s where he met you.
You were playing fetch with your dog, nearly tumbling over every time he jumped on you to get the ball from your hand, laughing as he would sprint away from you, tongue sticking out.
Bucky smiled at the sight, wishing he had a let of his own. You caught him staring at your dog and smiled, saying a quick ‘hello!’ and calling for you dog to come back.
Bucky returned a smile, the path he was on leading him towards where you stood. Your dog bounded over to you, ball in mouth and dropping it at your feet.
“do you wanna pet him?” You smiled at bucky, your dog staring at him wearily as he stopped near you.
“uh- he doesn’t seem like a fan” Bucky chuckled and you shook your head, scratching behind your dogs ear.
“he’s just protective, his name is ace” you smiled, walking towards Bucky slowly, ace following suit and sniffing at Bucky’s boots.
Ace warmed up to bucky quickly, sitting at his feet and waiting for his payment of pats. Bucky smiled, crouching down to pet him, the dogs soft fur against his hand made him smile.
You smiled at the interaction, thinking of what to say next, you knew this was the Bucky Barnes and you didn’t want to embarrass yourself.
“I’m y/n” you spoke as Bucky got back up, putting his gloves back on quickly. He turned to face you, a charming smile on his face.
“I’m Bucky” he replied, blushing as he finally saw your face, and wow were you breathtaking.
Your eyes met and you both blushed, you struggled to find words to keep the conversation going, not wanting him to leave so soon.
Is this love?
“why are you up so early” you asked, throwing the ball so ace could chase after it, still full of energy.
He paused for a moment before answering, “just an early bird” he smiled, you nodded. “what about you?” he asked, standing next to you as ace came back, dropping the ball at his feet this time.
“i have to tire him out before i go to work, so i gotta wake up early” you smiled, yawning not long after. You blushed and mumbled a quick ‘sorry’ and Bucky smiled at you.
Ace pranced back, no longer wanting to run around and play, only wanted to get back to his cozy bed and lounge for the rest of the day.
“we should get going, this guy makes me carry him to the car and up the stairs if he’s too tired” you laughed, bucky smiled and said goodbye, giving ace a few final pats before saying goodbye to him too.
Sometimes i know, sometimes i don’t
Bucky thought about you and your four legged friend for the rest of the day, wondering if you had always been there when he went for walks, was he too caught up in his own mind to even realize?
Bucky felt the day go by fast, feeling lighter than he had been the day before, talking to his neighbors a bit more and feeling tired by the time the clock hit 12 am rather than the usual 3 am.
He woke up early the next day, another nightmare shaking him awake, checking the clock it read 5:54 am, the sun barely about to rise.
He got up, changing and washing his face, brushing his teeth and heading out the door in 30 minutes.
The sun was up as he walked to the park, keeping an eye out for you, and sure enough there you were, this time throwing a frisbee to entertain ace. You looked exhausted and bucky felt a pang in his chest, how long did you sleep?
Your gaze me Buckys and you smiled brightly, perking up a bit as he walked closer.
“good morning bucky!” You smiled, ace running towards him, his frisbee in his mouth as he jumped to greet the super soldier.
“good morning y/n, and good morning ace!” He smiled, putting on a higher pitched voice for the dog who wagged his tail happily, hitting the mans leg with the frisbee.
Bucky took the frisbee, throwing it so ace could chase after it, you both smiled at your dog, running as fast as he could to catch the disk.
“how’d you sleep?” You asked, noticing the bags under his eyes, he shrugged.
“as well as i usually do. You?” He asked, trying to mask his concern.
“it was okay, wish i could’ve gotten more though” you smiled rubbing your burning eyes before throwing the frisbee once more.
Bucky nodded in agreement, the two of you making small talk until you and ace left once again.
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” You asked, putting a leash on ace and walking with Bucky towards your car. Bucky smiled brightly, nodding his head.
“yeah, I’ll see you tomorrow” he replied, already looking forward to it.
You are the one who will give meaning to my memories
For two weeks you and bucky met up and played with ace at the park during early mornings, sometimes walking around the park and talking about your days and what you had to do. Neither one of you prying too much, just enjoying each other’s company.
Bucky reminisced on the memories with a fond smile as he told Steve about you.
“no yeah she’s great, her dog is really cute too” bucky spoke, giddy to see you on Monday.
“why don’t you ask her out then?” Steve questioned and bucky shook his head, not knowing how he would even approach the situation.
The following Monday you greeted bucky with a smile, ace bounding over to him in excitement.
As the two of you fell into routine, Steve’s words rung in his ears, deciding to take a leap of faith.
“would you- do you maybe wanna get dinner someday? together?” Bucky asked, a charming smile on his face as ace wagged his tail, looking up at you, almost as if saying ‘do it! say yes!’
“uh- yeah I’d love that” you smiled at bucky, both of you relieved that the you weren’t alone in wanting more time together.
Before i knew you my heart was filled with straight lines
Bucky was excited for your first date, putting on his best clothes and getting some flowers for you on the way, knocking on your door and heading aces familiar bark.
You opened the door, wearing a nice and casual outfit, letting Bucky in and thanking him for the flowers.
“I’m gonna just put these in water, feel free to sit down” you smiled, hurrying around to finish as quick as possible.
Bucky nodded, taking a seat on your couch and looking around, your home was so, homey. Ace smiling proudly as Bucky pet him.
“okay shall we?” You laughed and bucky smiled, saying goodbye to ace as you closed the door and headed out. Bucky offered you his arm and you gladly took it, walking down the stairs with your arms linked.
“ace makes you carry him all the way up these?” He asked in shock and you nodded, letting out a small chuckle.
“don’t let him fool you he is very evil” you teased, Bucky widened his eyes and nodded his head.
“note to self, never get on aces bad side” he smiled as you laughed, continuing to make easy conversation for the rest of the night.
Bucky found himself being nicer to Sam and the rest of the team, hanging out with them more and even cracking jokes.
“you don’t stare anymore” sam spoke, a smile on his face as steve turned to look at bucky.
“Hm, he doesn’t” steve smirked and bucky rolled his eyes.
“got tired of looking at your face is all” he snickered, making the two other men laugh, bucky took a sip from his beer.
“he’s seeing a girl y’know” steve whispered and bucky groaned as Sam cheered. Bucky couldn’t help but smile as he thought of you. It had only been a week since your first date and he already wanted to take you out again, despite having seen you this morning.
I’d like to be in your novel as a lover
Time passed and you and bucky got closer, going on more dates and texting each other during the day, even calling each other when one of you couldn’t sleep.
Bucky told you about his nightmares, telling you how he would always wake up, too afraid to go back to sleep so he would wait until sunrise and go for a walk.
You told him how you had trouble sleeping, sometimes your mind would just never stop, other times you just had too much work.
Within two months bucky has asked you out, a bouquet of roses for you and treats for ace, he has set up a picnic for you during the sunset, getting your favorite foods and talking the entire evening, finally asking you out when the moon had risen.
I’m just a human, you erode all my edges and turn me into love
You made bucky a better person, teaching him his self worth and to be proud of who he was.
“Bucky wake up, angel it’s just a nightmare” you shook him gently, ace watching from the foot of the bed.
Bucky shot up quickly, breathing heavily as you placed a hand on his back, pulling him into you after he has calmed down.
“you’re here, you’re with me you’re okay” you assured him, wrapping him in your arms and holding him tightly.
“it was bad, i was bad” he mumbled, tears falling down his face.
“you aren’t him. you are good, you are human baby, you’re my love” he squeezed his eyes shut, focusing on your steady heartbeat as you ran your fingers through his hair, his arm draping over your stomach as he slowly fell back to sleep.
Buckys nightmares became more scarce, he became happier and less cold, embracing who he was.
He was also helplessly in love with you, constantly buying you flowers, taking you out on dates, taking care of you when he could, writing you letters, and so much more.
You make live to a love
After coming into his life you made bucky a better person, you made him into the person he always wanted to be.
Bucky no longer walked with his head down, rather he walked with a set gaze, giving a kind smile to strangers on the street and helping those in need, helping the others his friends when they needed him and even volunteering at the local animal shelter when he could.
Because of you i know why a person should live by love
Before you bucky would punch his way out of all his fights, he would be hot headed and angry if he got into an argument with someone on the team.
Now he was understanding and patient, listening to what the other had to say and looking to reason with them, taking time to communicate. Bucky was sympathetic, not wanting to fight every villain they came across, instead trying to reason with them. Between him and Sam, usually they didn’t even have to fight.
I live so i love
“angel? I’m home!” You called out, ace greeting you at the door, smiling at the freshly cooked dinner on the dining table, it was your favorite.
“Happy one year doll” Bucky smiled as you turned around, hugging him tightly and kissing him all over his face.
“buck i don’t know what to say” you smiled, still in awe of all he had done.
“don’t say anything, just go get changed and let’s enjoy our night yeah?” He replied, kissing you once more before letting you go.
You were thankful he opted for a night in, exhausted from work and wanting only to be in your lovers arms. And you did exactly that, spending the night dancing in your living room, laughing at his bad jokes and sharing stories.
“okay best pick up line go” you smiled, excited to see what he would say.
“not really a pick up line but” Bucky paused, looking you in the eyes. “It’s a long way from I to U, fuck JKLMNOPQRST, i crossed all the letters and i reached you” he smirked, loving the way your heart raced at his words.
“now i know why you were such a ladies man in the 40s” you whispered, crashing his lips onto yours.
If i go would you be sad?
“God james cant you just shut up and listen to me for one second!” You stated, voice raising out of frustration.
“well maybe if you could get it through your stubborn head that it wasn’t my fault maybe I’d stop having to explain” Bucky spoke angry, his voice steady as he clenched his jaw.
You were upset he had kept you in the dark about an ongoing mission, he was upset you didn’t realize he had done it to keep you safe.
“you keep saying you did it to keep me safe, James i was almost killed because i didn’t know! How is that keeping me safe?” You spoke, anger boiling over as you sat on the couch, wanting to just sleep.
“if i had told you, you would have never let me be as protective as i have been! You wouldn’t have taken your vacation days because you’re too stubborn” Bucky spoke, still standing across from you.
“I just need some time to think” you spoke softly, Bucky’s heart fell. We’re you gonna leave him?
“I’ll go” Bucky mumbled, already moving to pack a bag.
“bucky stop” you spoke, making him stop in his tracks. “sit down i don’t want you to leave, let’s talk about it angel” you sighed, wanting to just work it out and be in his arms once more.
You’re my love
Bucky was excited, everything had been planned perfectly. He had woken up at 4 am, getting everything ready for the following morning.
He had driven to the park with Sam and Steve who helped him set up the picnic, a blanket laid out with fruits and drinks along with dog toys to play with ace.
It had been nearly 4 years since the two of you had met, he knew you were the one for him.
As the sun rose you woke up, getting ready to take ace out with Bucky, only to find the two of them gone.
Just as you finished getting ready bucky walked in, a smile on his face.
“goodmorning doll, let’s get going yeah? already got ace in the car” he smiled and you thanked him, heading out the door and to the park.
when you arrived you immediately saw the picnic.
“buck what-” you began and he cut you off.
“just because” he smiled and you smiled, sure he always took you on dates but this was different, it felt more intimate.
As the two of you sat on the blanket and munched on food ace ate some treats bucky had gotten him, excited to play in a couple of minutes.
“I taught him a new trick” Bucky smiled and you raised your eyebrows, sitting up straighter to see ace perform said trick.
“let’s see what you got Barnes” you smirked and he smiled.
“ace go fetch!” Bucky spoke, ace ran from the blanket in a straight line.
“haha bucky, we both know he already knew that, plus you didn’t even throw-” you cut yourself off as you saw ace pick something up, running back towards the two of you. Bucky stood up, offering you a hand so you could get up.
“y/n, i love you, you taught me what love is, you made me into a better person, from the moment we met i always felt like we were meant to be.” Bucky spoke, glancing over to see ace closer to the two of you, a little over halfway back.
“you’re my person, my desire, my pride, my one and only love” Bucky spoke, crouching down and taking the small box from aces mouth, letting him and giving him more treats.
Bucky got on one knee, opening the box and looking at you with bright eyes. Your vision was blurry, but unlike four years ago, it wasn’t from sleep, but from tears.
“y/n, doll, will you marry me?”
You nodded your head quickly, wiping away your tears and smiling brightly.
“yes, of course yes angel” you replied, wrapping your arms around him as he picking you up and spun you around, setting you down and kiss you, making your knees weak.
He slipped the ring on your finger with a smile, ace barking as the two of you kissed once more, pulling away with a smile.
“that has to be his best trick” you joked, petting ace and kissing the top of his head.
“now i gotta train him to be the ring bearer for the wedding” Bucky laughed and you nodded, squinting your eyes as you saw Sam and Steve running in the distance.
“is that-?” You questioned and bucky laughed, the two men cheering as they saw you and bucky cuddled up.
“she said yes!” Bucky called out and the two men cheered, arriving out of breath.
“thank god, he woke us up at like 3 am to get everything ready” sam spoke and Steve nodded, giving the two of you a hug, Sam quickly following suit.
“I’m happy for you guys” Sam spoke, Steve nodding along side him, squeezing Buckys arm before they left the two of you alone.
You smiled as you looked up at the sky, pinks and reds painting the clouds. You turned to tell bucky, but decided against it when you saw him on the floor playing with ace, voice high pitched as he baby talked him.
Your heart melted, you couldn’t wait to spend the rest of you life with your two favorite boys.
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n0bamak1s · 3 years
your type - maki zenin x reader
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request: “hi! would you be able to write fluff for maki and a female reader during/after the baseball game?” - @hvnnxh
summary: when todo makes a realization about the readers type, he takes it upon himself to set her up with maki during their exchange event (genre: fluff, kinda rivals to lovers ig)
warnings: a couple swear words, maki might be slightly ooc??
word count: 1.6k
a/n: this is slightly off from the prompt but hopefully it’s alright! i left their relationship a little up in the air in the end just bc i didn’t want it to be too rushed but i hope u like it!
if there was one regret you had after becoming a jujutsu sorcerer, it wouldn’t be a failed exorcism or hours spent in the infirmary from various injuries, no. your biggest regret would be telling aoi todo your type.
though, to be fair it’s not like you’d known that the exact type of girl you had described as your type happened to go to your sister school in tokyo. it’s not like you’d known that your classmates would constantly give you sneaky glances on the drive to your exchange event. even the famously stoic noritoshi found himself rolling his eyes when you tried to act indifferent at the mention of maki zenin’s name.
they had always noticed how your eyes tended to wander in her direction when the tokyo students would come over to train with you guys. the only problem was the fact that you barely manage to speak to her, always feeling intimidated by her confidence. though, that didn’t stop your classmates from egging you on to realize your crush on the girl.
it’s not like they were wrong in assuming that you’d be into mai’s twin sister. the problem was how insistent they seemed to be on trying to get the two of you together, which seemed to always end in you being humiliated.
when you met todo when both of you were first years and he hit you with his signature “what’s your type?” question, you answered rather honestly, in fear that he may get angry if you told a lie, or worse you told a lie AND it was a boring one.
“i guess if i had to describe my dream woman, i’d say a girl who’s confident in herself, one who doesn’t take shit from others.” you started as todo sized you up while mai looked at the ground, seeming disinterested. “and not that looks are everything, but tall girls and dark hair are pretty attractive as well.”
you heard a sniffle and looked up to make eye contact with todo, who was tearing up?
“wow y/n, i was worried you’d be a boring one, but it’s clear that you’re confident in what you like. i think you and i will get along well.” he gave you a wide grin and wrapped an arm around your shoulder to pull you in for a hug while you just smiled awkwardly, just wanting to go to class.
now todo was right that the two of you got along well usually, but that didn’t really apply when he used his booming voice to announce that “that maki chick from tokyo is totally your type that you told me when we first met!” immediately following the first part of your exchange event. at the sound of her name, the green haired girl turned to see you glaring at todo while trying to hide your embarrassment as the rest of your friends stifled laughs at the scene he’d created.
after their teasing died down, you turned forward again to make eye contact with maki, hoping to apologize for how embarrassing your classmates were. but unlike the irritated expression you expected her to wear, she instead just gave you a soft smirk before turning back to her underclassmen, who instantly sent her whispers that you could only imagine were asking what the hell just happened.
but surely you wouldn’t see much of her during the second part of the event, it would probably just be a relay race or something where you barely had to interact, right?
your next competition would be a baseball game, where you would spend over an hour around the tokyo students, which would inevitably lead to more of your classmates poking fun at you. unknown to you, however, the same thing was happening to maki with her teammates.
“why is your face all red? do you need to rest?” itadori had said as he inspected her face following todo announcing to everyone that she was your type. in response, she just knocked him on the head with her staff and kept walking ahead while nobara and itadori grinned at each other, apparently their strong willed second year had a soft spot for you.
“you know, girls totally have a thing for baseball uniforms.” todo said to you matter of factly as you tied up your cleats.
“and you’re telling me this because…?” you replied, hoping to come across as nonchalant.
he grinned at you with a mischievous look in his eyes as he rested his elbow atop your head for support. “who knows, maybe maki is one of those girls. plus, in the event that takada somehow sees this game, i think she’ll be pretty into this look!” he said confidently. you looked away and muttered some bullshit about how you didn’t care about what she thought about how you looked before you were interrupted by the locker room door swinging open to reveal miwa.
“come on guys! we start in a few minutes, and i’m sure you guys would hate to disappoint the other team.” she finished her sentence by turning to you with an almost catlike smile. you tilted your head back and groaned. her too?
the kyoto team would be batting first, giving you some time to relax in the dugout before you went up to bat. just as you were practicing your swing for batting next, your zoning out was cut off by the sound of a ball hitting todo square in the jaw. your hand flew to cover your mouth, not from concern, but to stop yourself from laughing. maki’s mock concern for todo was put on hold for a moment when you stopped trying to hide your amusement and letting your loud laugh reach the ears of your peers. she paused for a moment, not bothering to hide the smile that crept across her face at the combination of your adorable laughter, and the fact that she had been the cause of it.
“nice hit maki!” you looked up at her with a grin, while todo gave you a look of betrayal. though his glare didn’t last long when he noticed the exchange between the two of you. in his mind he was probably crediting himself for egging you on to realize your small crush on the girl, as if he was some kind of matchmaker.
the game went on pretty steadily from there, a few stolen glances between you and maki contrasted by how you cheered for momo whenever she managed to catch a ball hit by her.
the game ended with the tokyo team just managing to get by with a one point lead. you all watched them celebrate their win, before you turned back to your team, complimenting them on their hard work in hopes of lifting their spirits.
you turned back to the other team to see them loudly announcing how maki should go get them some food from the vending machine, every so often glancing to you to gage your reaction. you jumped at the feeling of todo shaking your shoulder from behind, announcing that you should get some food for the kyoto team. these guys really were the worst at being subtle, weren’t they?
instead of protesting though, you just shrugged his hand off your shoulder and made your way to the vending machines, wherever the hell those were.
after a couple minutes of making your way around seemingly every path surrounding the tokyo school, you saw maki, whose arms were hugging bags of chips close to her, and waved to her to call her over for help.
“hey, i’m kinda lost, do you think you could help me find the vending machines?” you gave a sheepish grin as you asked.
“yeah, why not?” she shrugged and smiled.
you guys walked in comfortable silence, considering your destination was pretty much just around the corner. when you realized this, you groaned from embarrassment.
“thanks for that, sorry, i should’ve known it was close by.” you chuckled awkwardly.
“no worries.” she smiled, pulling off her cap to fan her face.
god, what business did she have to look that good when covered in sweat and dirt?
“our school is pretty confusing to get around. you know if you wanted to come around again sometime, i’d be happy to show you around the place.” she leaned her head down slightly, still maintaining eye contact with you. you just nodded in response, trying to keep your composure with the close proximity between the two of you.
“you know,” she continued, “i was pretty glad to hear i was your type.” she leaned down just a little further, so your noses were practically touching.
“because you’re my type too.” she smirked.
unfortunately for the both of you, your little moment was interrupted by itadori turning the corner, it seemed like he had gone searching for the two of you.
“hey i was just looking for you-“ he cut himself off when he saw what he could only assume was the two of you seconds away from a kiss.
“sorry!” he rushed away, feeling embarrassed at the thought that he had somehow invaded your privacy.
you sighed annoyedly, knowing that you would inevitably have to deal with a million questions from your classmates about whatever it was itadori would tell them.
“aw come on, let them believe what they wanna believe.” maki smiled widely about how easily you became flustered. “they’ll leave us be as long as we bring them back some good food.” she lazily swung an arm around your shoulders as you slipped money into the machine.
maybe you’d actually have to thank todo for making you tell him your type after all.
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spideyspeaches · 4 years
Peter Parker x popular!reader and they just start dating and Peter is really nervous around her and gets flustered whenever she’s close so to calm Peter you tell him it’s okay to touch u and maybe a give him a bj
A/N: sjjfkf thanks for sending so many prompts love you 😘😘 hope you like this eheh I don't like it very much ✌ beta read by @parkerpeter24 :)
Warnings: smut :) (characters are 18)
Wc: 1.9k
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Masterlist || Taglist
Girlfriend ↬ p.p
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Peter Parker was the kind of guy who would get easily flustered if he was to talk to a girl, or any human as a matter of fact.
So it came off as a big shock to the Avengers when they found out that he, the shy nerdy Peter Parker, had a girlfriend at all.
They were all having a family dinner (something about bonding, Tony had said), when you called him, interrupting him from some Spidey adventure story he was reciting.
"Sorry guys, gotta take this," He said, phone smushed between his cheek and shoulder, fork halfway through his mouth, "uh, hey babe, what happened? Everything okay?"
Bucky and Steve were the first one to break out of their shocked stares as Peter called someone "babe" on the phone. 
Surely you don't call your friend babe, right?
"Peter! Thank God you picked up, can you come over right now?" You said on the phone.
"Uh actually, I'm having dinner, is it okay if I come over in an hour or so?" He said, ignoring the shouted whispers about a brewing conspiracy of who could it be on the phone in the background. 
"Okay, but don't forget like last time! I'm actually calling you to help me out with our chem lab manual-" 
"-didn't we do it during homeroom yesterday?" 
"Yeah but I need help with this one experiment, please Petey? I really need your help with this." You whine, hoping that he would catch your drift. But he didn't apparently, because he sighed, looking over his shoulders to see the Avengers with perked up ears, and replied;
"Okay fine. I'll be there in an hour Okay? Bye." He said and hung up, pocketing his phone and making his way to the dining room, only to be assaulted by a hundred and one questions.
"Peter who was that-"
"You've been keeping secrets from your father figure now-"
"Hope you're being safe, if you know what I mean-" 
"Kids these days." (That was from Steve)
"Guys stop! One by one please!" Peter shouted, holding his hands to his ears, frowning as he glared at them, "why are you all asking these questions?" 
"Because kid, if I'm being honest, we don't believe that you have a girlfriend, so spill the beans." Tony sighed, holding his cheek with his elbow on the table.
"Okay ouch. Why is it so hard to believe have a girlfriend?! I'm hot." Peter pouted, crossing his arms to try and look intimidating.
"Because you're you! You're shy nerdy Peter!" Tony said, gesturing at others to back him up.
"I mean, he's not that bad. Quite a charmer." Natasha smirked, sending him a look, which quite frankly, terrified and impressed Peter at the same time.
"Yeah, yeah totally." 
"I believe you kid. Are we gonna meet her soon?" Tony rolled his eyes, smiling when he blushed red.
"If she's okay with it." He said, intertwining his fingers.
"Well I hope she is, cause I want to meet the girl who stole my kid's heart." 
"Mr. Staaaark!" 
Leaving the tower had been a difficult feat, with the constant questions and a snarky comment or two, especially when they found out that you were a cheerleader. 
Rapping his knuckles on your apartment door, he smiled as you greeted him with an excited hug. He couldn't help but look at your skirt, the way it enhanced your waistline, and how it fit just right on your thighs, its frills swaying with the sway of your hips-
"Pete? You coming or what?" You laughed, a hand on your room's door as you look over your shoulder with glinting eyes.
"Uh- uh yeah just a minute. Are your parents home?" He asked casually, following you to your room.
"Nah, they're out for tonight." You said, closing the door behind him.
"Oh that's good, which experiment were you- Uh, what are you doing?" He asked, his voice rising an octave as he saw you unbuttoning your shirt, moving your fingers in slow motion as if to tease him.
"I finished my homework yesterday Petey, that's not why I called you." You whispered, straddling his lap as you hold his face, eyes shining with mischief. He instantly felt his dick harden as you rubbed against him, face burning when you traced his cheekbones, kissing his nose and then his lips.
"What, Uh, what did you call me for then?" He stuttered, holding your waist through the skirt's thin material, fingers itching to tear it off you. His heart was racing and he wondered if you could hear it doing so.
"You know why, it's been so long and I miss you baby." You whined, pouting as he unzips your skirt, watching it slide down your thighs in rivulets. You clench your thighs against his waist, intertwining your toes as you felt the space between your legs starting to wet.
"You met me in school yesterday." He mumbled, puffing his cheeks as he strained to keep a straight face, not with you looking so pretty in just your bra and skirt.
You had been overwhelmingly horny the past few hours, craving for your boyfriend's touch, imagining the way he fucked you against your bed frame as it shook with his strength.
"You miss me huh?" He smirked, catching you off guard when he flipped you over, holding you down as he rocked his hips against yours, leaving sloppy, wet kisses down your neck, reaching between your breasts and stopping a moment enough to hear you whine.
"I missed you so much and I want to fuck you now." You said, sucking a breath when he all but tore your bra, arching your back to let his fingers linger on you.
"Missed you too, missed all of you, missed your wet pussy. Wanna show my pretty girl how much I missed her." He growled, sucking on the sensitive skin of your nipple as he massaged your breasts. 
"Already wet for me eh?" He whispered, nibbling at your ear as he slid his length into You, "Fuck baby such a tight pussy." 
Quickly undressing himself, you openly drooled at how packed your boyfriend was. It was not the first time you would be doing… it together since your six month long relationship, but it was the first time you got to see his dominant side, and it turned you on. 
"Mmhmm yeah, only cause your dick is practically blue." You moaned, hissing when he hit a sensitive spot.
"Fuck, oh shit go faster Peter- oh!" You hissed, your skin slapping with his as he thrusts into you with a gusto.
"You like that babygirl?" He asked, eyes scrunching as he threw his head back, feeling your walls clench against his dick as you moved with him.
"Yes! You're so good oh- I'm gonna cum Peter!" You panted, chest heaving as your stamina decreases with every push and pull, your hands fisted on your sheets hard enough for them to pull out of your mattress.
You saw him flush red, confusion showing on your face as you tilted your head, your  almost orgasm forgotten as you held his cheek, "what happened?" 
"I- you've never um, org-orgasmed before on me." He muttered, his pupils blown wide as he looks at you with the most innocent look ever, and you would have laughed had his dick still not been inside you, midway in the air, his butt held high above. 
"Peter… are You, we've literally fucked so many times and you're getting flustered over me orgasming?" You chuckled, wiping away the sweat forming on his forehead.
"Yeah but you've never come on my bare dick before!" He countered, gulping as he saw you smirk. 
"Everything has a first time doesn't it?" You say, picking yourself upright so that you were chest to chest now, your nipples hardening against his bare chest as you rubbed against him, "Wanna try something?"
Your hand slides down to his dick as he nodded a yes, slowly pumping his balls as you kiss his lips. You hear him moan tour name, the sounds sending wetness dripping down your thighs again. Ignoring your thighs, you bent down to lick the tip of his dick, slick with pre cum and bright pink. 
"Is this okay?" You ask, swirling your tongue teasingly, wetting his already wet dick with your mouth as you sucked at it with a pop.
"This is amazing baby, keep going." He threw his head back, a growl emitting from deep inside his throat, "wow uhhh." 
"Wow what Petey?" 
"Wow you're- you're amazing. God I've- I understand why people like being on the receiving end of the job right now." 
"Job?" You laughed, "hun this isn't a Job." 
"You- you know what I mean!" He chuckled, shaking his head as you continued to suck on it.
"No I don't. Please enlighten me." You smiled, peeping from under your lashes as your tongue works through his hard member. 
"I know you know." He whimpered, hands creeping up to his balls as he tried to take care of his blues.
"No. Lemme do it." You slapped his hands, snickering when he whined. 
"Oh Tony wants to meet you by the way." He said suddenly, making you groan and fall back dramatically.
"You know I don't do family members Petey." You mumbled, pulling him down, his mouth immediately latching onto the underside of your breasts.
"But why? Am I- aren't we serious enough now?" He asked.
Your heart stuttered at the thought of meeting one of the most important people in his life other than May. You and May had already met (post an unfortunate...accident), not to mention he was freaking Iron Man!
"It's not that. It's just, what if he doesn't like me? Or black widow. I'm not your normal nerdy girl with A grades, what if they think I'm not good enough for you? Or that I'm violating you for Spider-Man? What if-" 
"- baby I swear they'll love You! And if they don't then it's their loss, because no matter what you are, who you are friends with, how many A's you get or don't, you'll always be my girl." His voice was soft as his hands moved with featherlight movements, rubbing light circles on your waist, instantly relaxing you. 
"Are you sure?" You said, biting your lips and fiddling with his hair. He gave another moan as your fingers played with his hair, scratching slightly behind his ear.
"Yes bub, they will love you. You're very important to me, you know that right?" He said.
"Even if I wear short skirts and hang out with jocks?" You giggled, resting your forehead on his toned chest, playing with his skin.
"Especially if you wear those short skirts." He smirked, making you roll your eyes as you slapped his chest slightly. Sighing, you kissed him again, rolling over so you were laid on top of him.
Wrapping your arms around him, you let yourself fall asleep, with his clothes in your room and hand in your hair. 
Peter woke up the next morning, the incessant ringing of his phone working as an alarm. 
Groaning he rolled over, careful as to not wake you up, squinting at the bright screen of his phone. Before he could cut the ringer though, it cut off on its own, only to be taken over by a text.
You didn't come home last night kiddo 😏
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