#as a beginners course on PDA
PDA is hilarious cause I’ll get up and start a pot of coffee, even refill the coffee jar rather than scoop right from the tub. And then I lay back down for “just 10 minutes” and end up locked in bed because the smell makes me actually Want it and now I’m having a minor panic spell and am desperately trying to tell my nervous system that making a cup of coffee won’t kill me.
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juniefruit · 5 months
[ gym rat bf changbin ]
Happy almost friday!
Word count: 711
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Changbin loves working out. It’s a way to destress, and take his mind off of the hustle and bustle of his daily life. 
He definitely knows everything about every brand of preworkout / protein powder. You want to start working out? He knows one perfect for beginners. He’ll get you one in each flavor they offer and will need your feedback on each one. Then he buys tons of your favorite. 
He eagerly volunteers to be your personal trainer now that you’re a couple. Sharing his passion with someone so close and special to him is very meaningful to him. Playful bickering during shared workouts is common, and yet the reply he falls back on is always ‘well you’re getting a personal trainer for free, that’s a good deal!’. He doesn’t have to hide any part of his personality from you, and the same goes for you. Changbin values honesty rather than sugar coating or lying. He sees those as a stab at his integrity, because why would you think he can’t handle the truth?
He’s so happy to have someone who sees him as more than just a ‘gym rat’ or all muscle, no brain. He has days where he doesn’t feel as confident, but you’re always there to lift his spirit! Afterwards he’ll put on a playful cocky persona, posing like a greek god in front of the TV and stuff. 
Binnie is very good about cleaning up his equipment and gym clothes, as well as himself. One of his favorite pieces of quality time is when he comes straight home from the gym, showers, and launches himself onto the bed for cuddle time. The way his arms and upper body wrap around you and shield you from the outside world is so comforting. 
He definitely goes on little rants about how his day went, what muscles he exercised at the gym, etc. He’s just so into it!! Especially if you’re both just lounging on the couch or bed, he can’t stop the rambling. He just feels so comfortable in your presence, he just says what first comes to mind. You give him your full attention, fully investing in his work drama or gym stories. 
He’s self aware about how much time he spends at the gym, and he would never prioritize it over you. He knews when to clock out for the day, so he can maximise your time together. 
Binnie just feels the instinct to protect you!! Even if you do your own workouts or training, he thinks it’s his job as a boyfriend to always watch over you. He’d be damned if something happened to you when he knew he could have intervened or said something. So yeah he’s an overthinker. 
Yes, he lets you tie pink ribbons around his arms. However, only in private!! The first time, you had to plead with him saying, ‘it’ll be so cute!!’. He’s huffing and whining, but eventually he gets over it. Changbin doesn’t have the wires in his brain to say no to you. How could he deny his sweet girl anything? You’re spoiled!! 
Binnie loves pda, he will gladly wrap his arm around you or hold your hand while walking. If something in a store display happens to catch your eye, he’s so quick to ask, “Do you like that? I’ll get it for you”. No questions asked. 
Say it’s been a long day, it’s gloomy outside like it’s going to rain. And then it does. Of course you don’t have an umbrella or coat as you’re sprinting to your front door. Nothing about your surroundings is cheerful. Changbin decided that he would come home early as a surprise. The shock on his face as you burst through the door, drenched. He drops everything and runs toward you, saying you’ll catch a cold. He guides you to the bathroom, grabs you some fluffy towels as you shower the coldness away and he continues his work in the kitchen. You don’t even have to say anything, just fully trusting Changbin. After dinner, you made the executive decision to watch a comedy. Changbin’s laugh echoes through the living room, which instantly fills you with delight. You head to bed, thinking about how you even landed yourself such an incredible boyfriend.
read about other members here~ masterlist
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pillow-anime-talk · 3 years
dating them.
synopsis: Some sweet, funny and also crazy moments in your relationship.
# tags: headcanons; current relationships; romance; mild comedy; fluff; PDA; sfw
includes: gender neutral reader ft. reki kyan, langa hasegawa, miya chinen, kaoru sakurayashiki & kojirou nanjou {sk8}
author’s note: so... i’m just in love with this anime...
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↘ He’s such a precious boy who cheers you up in the blink of an eye; I think he has an extra sense, so he knows when you feel worse than usual or when you are in even the slightest pain (for example, you bumped your elbow or you haven’t eaten breakfast before ‘cause you missed your alarm clock and therefore you have a stomachache).
↘ Reki is a supportive lover; whether you are passionate about singing, learning languages, reading manga, sewing mascots or painting, a seventeen-year-old will always be right next to you to praise what you do or the way you look. He will notice every, even stupid detail about you and mention it immediately when you’re going to hang out. He’s definitely your fan and doesn’t hide it. Additionally, if you introduce him to what you love, he will also get interested in it in a way and then he will come to you to show off what he has done like a sketch of the two of you or an opinion about the anime you recommended him three days ago.
↘ The boy is really devoted to you and loves physical contact; grabbing a hand, kissing on the cheek or forehead, cute texts in the morning it’s something totally normal for the two of you. I also think that Reki could melt if you run your fingers through his soft hair or make small braids for him, decorating his head with a few colored hairpins or hairbands.
↘ If you know how to skateboarding, he will be delighted and your dates will mostly be about riding together or learning new tricks. Plus, it’s another thing Reki loves about you and wow. He’s even bigger fanboy than before!
↘ However, if you have never ridden or even tried to do it, it doesn’t matter. A teen will be happy to be able to offer you some private lessons if you wish. Again, red-haired adores physical contact, so holding your hands/waist while you stand on his beloved skateboard will be a dream come true for him.
↘ He always has ticket for you, so you make a new banner for each race to support him. Hit me, but I’m 120% sure that after race (whether he won or lost it) he takes your pretty banners and hides them in this special box that has its place on his bedroom closet.
↘ Overall, Reki is a boy who fits to the definition of high school, first love.
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↘ Your relationship is a bit more peaceful, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a bit of humor or abstraction.
↘ Langa loves your company so, so, so badly; Reki is quite hot-tempered and is literally everywhere, so when the two of you hang out together after school or at the weekend, blue-haired feels that he can breathe and relax every muscle in his body. You’re his comfort person, and your room is a safe place without fear and noise.
↘ He also enjoys physical contact, but much more prefers to show affection in private, for example in your home or in his own bedroom.
↘ His favorite type of PDA is cuddling; he prefers to be a big spoon and hug you from behind, but he has no problem hugging against your chest or warm stomach, especially when he feels down because of school or racing.
↘ I have a strange feeling that Langa is the type of romantic who would make an amazing Spotify playlist for the two of you so you could listen to the songs, cuddling each other in the bed.
↘ If you can skateboard that’s great! For sure you, Langa and Reki will be a good trio that will meet often in the skate park or in ‘S’. I’m also pretty sure he’ll cheer for you, but at the same time he’ll be very cute with it and definitely more calm than his bestie. For example, if you do a trick... you’ll get a quick kiss on the nose or Langa will buy you your favorite drink. He definitely likes to pamper you.
↘ If you don’t know how to skateboard but you really want to start skateboarding to share your lover’s passion... Well, he will definitely give you a short (long) monologue about how dangerous it is, and you need to be careful – because he knows best of all how a fall on butt or face hurts.
↘ He always keeps a tiny set of colored plasters in his jacket or pants pocket to take care of you in the case of an unexpected accident, as Reki used to care for him.
↘ He’s a good teacher, but he will definitely need to calm his emotions, because sometimes instead of showing you how to slide down the railing, he will suggest something more down-to-earth, like going to the cinema to watch the movie you mentioned three days ago.
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↘ Ahh, my precious smol baby.
↘ You are Miya’s first partner, so he still thinks that he’s not good enough for you, although you always reassure him with a light peck on the nose that he’s the best thing that has happened to you and that you’re very glad that you can be with him in every good and bad moment.
↘ The teenager is terribly shy about any physical contact outside, so if you aren’t at home, don’t expect a ton of hugs or kisses from him. He much prefers when you two are alone – then he doesn’t feel overwhelmed by the gazes of other people, especially other skaters who like to make fun of him. 
↘ I swear I’ll bite and beat them all...
↘ Miya is a delicate soul and he really likes to feel that someone look after him, so in a relationship he definitely prefers when you cares for him. For example; just touch his soft hair, ask about his well-being or when he will have a race and a huge smile will appear on his face.
↘ I think if he feels that you are the only one for him... Maybe he will lend you his favorite hoodie with cat ears and tail? He’ll be overjoyed to see that you feel good in it. You look extremely cute, but he’ll never admit it. 
↘ It smells like him, like wet earth and a hint of sweet perfume, and although it’s a strange combination, it feels really beautiful, downright safe and homey.
↘ For the next holiday (your birthday, your anniversary, Valentine’s Day or Christmas), he will give you a sweatshirt that matches to his own. It will be in your favorite color and will also have an animal accessory, not necessarily catish, because if you prefer dogs, rabbits or cows... You know, there are many options.
↘ If you know how to skateboard, he will be really calm and will feel that finally someone will want to spend time with him, training and riding together; not like in childhood when everyone turned away from him. He will definitely be moved when you grab his smooth hand and offer a long ride in the park. He definitely loves praise, so give him praise every now and then when he does a nice trick. He will also compliment you more than once and even give you a kiss on the cheek (of course if nobody is watching!). He’s not good at words, but he tries!
↘ If you don’t know how to skateboard... He may be a bit skeptical, but naturally he’ll agree to a few lessons in front of your or his house. Of course you originally just wanted to be close to him and hold his hand more often than usual, but it turned out to be pretty fun! Now, training is your typical dates.
↘ Miya is a sweet boy and although he may not look like that, he’s really protective, often jealous and always puts you at first place.
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↘ This beautiful man, this angel-looking ideal, this ahhhh... Being in a relationship with him is pure pleasure and daily healing for the soul.
↘ He’s a calm, understanding and loving partner. I think he’s a bit old fashioned but that only adds much more charm to his person.
↘ He often calls you his ‘dearest’, ‘darling’ or ‘sweetheart’, isn’t that cute?
↘ You two don’t go out on dates too often, but I think Kaoru loves to spend time at home, having tea or on the couch while one of you is reading a book and the other is listening to music or just sleeping. He definitely doesn’t look like that, but he loves PDA/cuddling and is the best at it!
↘ He also likes it when you suggest learning calligraphy together. He never forced you to do this, but when he first heard that you would like to meet one of his passions, he was really happy and immediately showed you how to write with ink on the special paper he had in his flat. Obviously, more than once you ask him to write a simple letter or word, because you just love his handwriting and how focused he seems. He’s really hot then, I swear to god!
↘ You love his long hair and are always eager to give him a new, nice hairstyle; normal braid or fishtail braid. Maybe a bun or a ponytail with a few hairpins? He loves everything you do on him. In addition, the gentle head massage you give him each time is the most soothing thing in the world for him.
↘ If you know how to skating... He’s really surprised, but that doesn’t mean he’s unhappy or angry. He wants to see what you can do right away and you will surely feel a sweet kiss on your forehead more than once when the trick will be good or even better than you both thought. He’s a supportive boy, but doesn’t show it as vehemently as Reki, for example; he prefers to smile at you or clap softly.
↘ If you don’t know how to skate yet, but you asked him to teach you how to even stand on it... I imagine Kaoru going pale and trying to distract you from this idea because, as an experienced skater, he’s afraid that you will hurt yourself like any beginner. But your big eyes and ruddy cheeks are his weaknesses, so he’ll trust both you and Carla and help you keep your balance on his beloved, black-violet board. Reward him later with quick kisses or give him his favorites, okay?
↘ To sum up, Kaoru is a good and honest lover. He definitely loves your company and won’t mind spending his free time seriously and frivolously with you.
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↘ This guy is the definition of the sentence ‘Through the stomach to the heart’. Any objections? No. So let’s gooooo!
↘ Kojirou is a PERFECT second half. Both in character and appearance. If he fall in love with someone seriously, and it will be you, then know that he’ll care for you like about a member of the royal family; breakfasts in bed, an Italian supper, the perfect choice of wine for a chicken or steak are things that have become a sweet daily thing for you at some point.
↘ He loves to show you affection and absolutely has no problem doing it in public, even when he’s working or when you two are in a tight crowd on the train or in the ‘S’ before his race. He will kiss you hard on the lips, grab your skin on your butt or hug your waist. It’s just that everyone needs to know that you belong to him. He’s just as clingy as Reki, and sometimes even worse and bolder.
↘ Of course he has cute side; he likes to lie on the bed or the sofa with you on his chest. He loves being between your thighs and sleep there. He definitely has a weak point in that when you you run your finger on his tattoo or cook dinner with him, throwing ingredients at him and laughing out loud.
↘ Another romantic who uses thousands of pet names (like babey, cutie, doll, pumpkin, kitten). Plus, he loves to dance with you in the kitchen and steal a few kisses here and there. Also, if you aren’t looking, he likes to surprise you with a big, bear hug.
↘ I think he’s a bit impatient, so he doesn’t like to sit at home and prefers dates in crazy places (such as an amusement park, swimming pool, karaoke bar) – it’s his favorite way of spending your time together. As a gentleman, he always pays for you, unless you go faster and bring your ATM card to the card reader as first. But don’t be surprised when Kojirou will just buy you cotton candy or popcorn shortly afterwards.
↘ If you know how to skateboard, he’s as excited as a kid and will definitely offer you a date at the skate park. Naturally, he wants to show off to others what a super cool partner he has, but he also wants others to know that you’re here together to kick everyone’s asses with your abilities. You’re definitely a powerful couple and you have the matching necklaces!
↘ But if you don’t know how to skating then... well, well, well. Just be prepared that one day (without even asking for it) you’ll stand on his beloved board and he will grab your hips, smiling silly. He enjoy skin ship so this guy feels utopian when he can be near you. He definitely won’t spare you compliments, long pecks, and smack your butt when you do something great, so you have to get used to it... and it’s going to be a long training session, so good luck, my friend.
↘ He’s a funny guy, but he’ll never cross your limits, so don’t worry about that. However, he will always find a topic for conversation or a joke to relax the atmosphere or cheer you up. You will never be bored with him.
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The 3Admirals x Fem Reader;prompt 30
Feat:akainu, Kizaru, aokiji
Prompt: holding hands
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He's not really a fan of PDA.
Will not hold your hand if you are in public or meeting in Marines headquarters, even if you too are in a mission together.
But if you are alone in one place or in a room. He will let you hold his hand and played his hair, you know his attitude so much.
"I love it when I hold you're hand" akainu will looked at your and kissed your hand.
Akainu slightly squeeze your hand and hugged your waist.
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Unlike Akainu. Kizaru loves to hold your hand, and he will never let go your hand until you say "let go". Even in public or In a meeting, he loves to hold it jus to say that you are his property.
And he likes buy cute little rings, just to see you wearing it every time you go on date together.
He is a big fan of PDA.
"can I hold your hand?" Kizaru stop from walking, and turn around to face you "of course Darling" kizaru offer his hand, you hold his hand, kizaru hold your waist while walking.
That's why you loved him.
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Aokiji's attitude is a mixed of akainu and kizaru's personality.
He will not hold your hand until you say the word "can I hold your hand" and by that time he will stop and hold your hand.
Crossed each other fingers.
Will not get embarrassed even if some soldiers saw you holding each other's hand, will let you know if he wants to your hand and let go.
Not really fan of PDA.
He loves to take a nap on your lap while holding your hand, and you playing with his hair.
Perfect boyfriend, (Kinda☺️)
Hi guys Thank you for reading this post?
This Is my Prompt List. If you just wanted to ask, I'm just a beginner so it's too short.
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socialwriter · 4 years
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*Not my gif, credit to original post*
Pairing: JJ Maybank x Female Reader
Summary: You meet the blonde surfer boy you’re meant to spend the rest of your life with
TW: Cursing, my inadequate knowledge of surfing, underage drinking, smoking 
1.7K words
A/N: @kindapinkskies​ and I apparently both love soulmate AUs so I wrote this oops.
Ever since the age of thirteen, you had had the tattoo of a small circle on your hip bone that matched your soulmate's somewhere in the world. Middle school girls would gush over their dream soulmates and the beautiful tattoos that graced their bodies, whereas of course you had no godly idea what your soulmate even looked like and your tattoo was a fucking circle. How lucky were you?
You see, you aren��t able to see any other person’s soulmate tattoo until you grow to love them, whether it be platonic, familial, or romantic. Scientists thought that it was so that everyone would be more experienced in love by the time that they actually met their soulmate. You thought that it was a way to simply torture you with the what ifs and not knowing if the guy who you’d just gone on a miserable date with also had that little circle on hip. 
Recently, you and your mother had moved to the Outer Banks, and she was convinced that this would be where your so-called soulmate would find you and you would live happily ever after. You, however, were not convinced. It had already been a week and you had yet to make a friend in town. It's not like you didn’t try, it's just that everyone that you came across was either busy working or a pompous asshole that stuck their nose up at you. So here you were, day 7 of wandering aimlessly around the Outer Banks, hoping that someone would take notice of the lost puppy dog look on your face. No luck, however, so you decided to grab a bite to eat since it was a little bit before noon and your stomach had started grumbling about ten minutes ago. 
You decided to stop at a place called ‘The Wreck’. If what you’d heard from casual conversations around the island was true, then your meal here should be at least halfway decent. You enter an almost entirely empty restaurant, given it was just before the lunch rush. You ding the bell at the hostess desk, causing one of the girls in a group of teenagers around your age sitting at the back of the restaurant to stand and approach you. “Hi, welcome to The Wreck. How can I help you?”
You give the girl a small smile, she seemed pretty nice. “I, um, I was just stopping by for a bite to eat. I’m starved.” You tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear, suddenly aware of the fact of how sad it was that you were here to eat alone. 
“You a touron?” She questions, causing you to give her a very confused look. 
“I’m sorry, a who now?”
She chuckles, shaking her head. “That’s what we call the tourists around here. So, you visiting?” She asks. You make an ‘o’ shape with your mouth at her explanation before shaking your head. “No, me and my mom just moved here about a week ago, so I just don’t really know anyone on the island or anything about it.” You explain.
She nods, a smile beginning to grow on her lips. “Well why don’t you hang out with me and my friends.” She gestured over to three guys and a girl sitting in the back, already watching. You send them an awkward wave, which some of them reciprocate. “That would actually be really nice …” You pause, realizing that you didn’t even know this girl’s name.
  “Kiara. Carrera. But everyone just calls me Kie.” She informs you, holding out your hand for her to shake.
“Y/n L/n.”  You tell her, shaking her hand before she leads you over to her friends.
“Guys, this is Y/n L/n. Y/n, this is Pope, JJ, John B, and Sarah.” She says, introducing each one of her friends, pulling up a chair for you before quickly going to grab you a bite to eat.
You suddenly felt very awkward under the eyes of these four strangers, willing yourself to disappear before Sarah decides to start up a conversation with you. “So, Y/n, did you just move here?” She questions. You appreciate her attempt at small talk. 
Nodding, you tell her “Yeah, my mom and I just moved here like a week ago. We used to live on the mainland but she got a job offer we couldn’t refuse, so we moved to the Cut and now here I am.”
“Sweet, you’re a pogue.” One of the boys, you think his name was Pope, said. Before you could question him on what a pogue actually was (you were guessing there was more weird slang that you would have to learn), but before you could, the blonde, JJ you thought, spoke up. 
“So you surf?” He questioned, leaning forward. You had to admit, he was pretty attractive, his blonde hair tousled in a perfectly imperfect way and his blue eyes seemingly piercing into your soul. You shake your head, never having the opportunity to learn. You answer seems to disappoint JJ, causing him to deflate and mumble “disappointing” under his breath, which earns him a whack on the back of the head by the third boy, John B. “Be nice.”
Kie then returns with some french fries and a sandwich for you to munch on, and the conversation moves on to something about a boat.
After the not so good first impression with JJ, the blonde had apologized to you and insisted that he be the one to teach you how to surf. While his apology seemed genuine, you were still slightly terrified of surfing. However, JJ assured you that it wasn’t nearly as dangerous or terrifying as you thought, and promised to be with you every step of the way.
He taught you how to swim out to the waves, when the perfect time to get up was, and which waves were a no-go for a beginner like you. Eventually, he had convinced you to actually take a spare board that John B had and go into the water, waiting until a wave that you could ride actually came along. He yelled at you from the shore to go for it, giving you a thumbs up and cheering you on while you nervously rode the wave. At the end, you smiled to yourself, loving the pump of adrenaline that came with surfing. You swam back to shore, squealing and pulling JJ into a hug, which he reciprocated with a chuckle. “I did it!!” You exclaimed, excited by your success.
JJ pulled back from the hug, smiling. “Told ya you could, I am the best surfing instructor you’d be able to get after all,” he said with a smirk, causing you to playfully shove his shoulder and roll your eyes. Something about JJ just felt right, like the two of you meshed together. You were two pieces of the same puzzle, and this feeling only continued to grow the closer you got over the coming weeks. 
Sarah had insisted before your outing on the HSM Pogue the next day that you, her, and Kie have a girls night at her place. So here you were, up at 2 am, talking about nothing before the topic of soulmates inevitably comes up. Sarah tells you that her and John B had had a long love hate relationship before eventually getting together and discovering that they were soulmates. You had figured as much, if the subtle PDA and looks they’d sent each other at The Wreck earlier were anything to off of. Kie, similar to you, hadn’t found her soulmate, but told you that she was actively looking for them like you. “So what does your tatto look like Y/n? Where is it?” Sarah questioned, shifting on her bed which she was currently laying on.
“Oh, mines so stupid. Its a little circle, right here on my hipbone,” you said, pointing at the tattoo that you didn’t even know if they could see yet. At your description, however, the smiles on Kie and Sarah’s faces falter, both girls tensing and glancing at one another. “What, is that like a bad omen or something that I don’t know about?” You question, nervous by their reaction. 
Kie awkwardly laughs it off, shaking her head at you. “No,no, its nothing bad. Just, I think you might find out who your soulmate is sooner than later.” She states, causing your brows to furrow. But she drops the subject quickly, and you don’t question her on it for the rest of the night.
All six of you were on the HMS Pogue goofing around. After Sarah and Kie had pulled John B and Pope off to the side before getting on the boat, the four had been treating you and JJ a little odd. You just brushed it off, thinking that you were just imagining the change in attitude. You were currently sipping a beer, resting your head on JJ’s shoulder while he smoked some weed. When you had finished, you stood looking at the rest of the group. “Anyone else in the mood for a swim?” You questioned, already pulling off your t-shirt to reveal a bikini underneath. 
“Yeah, I’m just gonna dri-” JJ starts, dropping the newly opened beer in his hand when he looks at you. You look at him like he’s crazy, shuffling your feet to avoid them getting covered beer. “JJ, what the fuck!” you groan in annoyance, but he seems to not notice the mess he’s made, eyes fixated on your stomach. Everyone else looked on with knowing expressions, but no one dared say anything. 
“Is no one going to clean up this mess but me?” You question, looking at every like they’ve gone insane. JJ moves to pull his shirt off, and you can’t help but roll your eyes. “J, we are not cleaning up the beer with your shirt,” you tell him, giving him a look. 
“No, I..” he points to his hip. At the small circle tattoo that matches yours. Your eyes widen, and you look up at him, a silent conversation seemingly happening between the two of you. This boy, the one who you’d grown so close to, who you’d felt so complete with, was your soulmate. Suddenly everything became clearer, like your life had just started making sense. Knowing it was him, provided you with a sense of clarity.
You both slowly approached each other and JJ gingerly grabbed your hand, running him thumb over your knuckles. “Hi.” You said softly, a smile forming on your lips.
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wataponwrites · 4 years
Hey!! I'm soooo looking forward to seeing the stuff you write, not sure if you're already flooded with requests or not but could I pretty please request relationship headcanons with Atem/Yami? Thought that would be something fun but simple to help get the blog started ❤❤❤ have a lovely day!
Of course! Have a wonderful day as well! Thank you for considering my blog, and I hope you enjoy these headcanons! 💗
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🌻Yami Yugi/Atem Relationship Headcanons🌻
❀ Yami’s a very confident man as we all know! Any challenge he’s given, he takes it head on, never wavering.
❀ But relationships and romantic feelings are a whoolleee other ballgame for him!
❀ Is very new to this, but is trying his best. 😤
❀ Yami doesn’t know a lot of the usual hangout areas in Domino City, so wherever you want to go for a date, he’s down!
❀ Imagine a cute coffee shop date of him just looking at all the options and asking your opinions on them! 🥺
❀ “Yugi usually orders vanilla bean when he comes here...is that any good Y/N? Or maybe this flavor...”
❀ Probably evaluates the small things a little too much. You’ll have to remind him to just relax! He’s not used to being in calm situations, poor guy.
❀ I feel like Yami’s love language is Quality Time. He’s been trapped in the puzzle for so long and really only comes out when there’s danger, so being able to spend time with you and his loved ones are everything. Every memory made, even the little moments, are so dear to him.
❀ Going around and showing him modern day activities!
❀ “Say Yami, have you ever heard of laser tag?”
❀ “I don’t believe so. Care to enlighten?”
❀ A laser tag date with Yami is a battle to the death. He’s here to win and immediately figures out all your hiding places and strategies. He IS the King of Games for a reason!
❀ Letting him take in other modern day activities and really live in the moment. Just letting him be with you and part of the world.
❀ You’re definitely gonna have to be the one to initiate PDA first. When you first hold his hand he’s so tense and bashful, he’s not used to this kind of stuff! But he’ll slowly relax and just relish in the moment. In public though it always catches him off guard. He tries to act like a cool dude about it but you can see that faint blush across his cheeks. I don’t know why, but I feel like he’d really love linking pinkies in public! Nothing too extravagant, but just enough to show his affection. But in private, loves physical affection! He’s never really had any before, so he’s always happy to feel a warmth he’s been lacking for so long.
❀ Is a man of few words, but shows his love through action. It’s always the little things with Yami, but they always add up in the end to truly show he cares.
❀ If you cheered him on in a duel, his confidence would go through the roof! Knowing his S/O believes in him gives him all the confidence he needs and washes his worries away.
❀ Loves to duel you! No matter if you’re a pro or a beginner, it gives him so much joy to do what he loves with you, and vice versa! Learning what you love to do as well would be so fun to him.
❀ If you’re in a duel tournament, is cheering you on every step of the way! But if he’s enrolled in the same tournament, don’t think he’ll go easy on you!
❀ He takes a great toll from him and his friends constantly being in life threatening situations, so you being there for him through these times would mean the world to him.
❀ Has a lingering fear of you getting caught up in the Shadow Games and the threat of the other Millennium Items. He knows you can take care of yourself, but from seeing all of his other friends fall victim to them before, he can’t help it. Though you assure him that they’ve all made it and are fine now, and that no matter what happens, it’ll be the same for you. Your assurance helps him immensely, but he’s still leery since it’s such a common occurrence.
❀ I feel like experiencing Yami laugh is a treat only you get to experience. Seeing a full smile on his face, getting to hear him laugh and just be at peace, it’s something so rare, but so treasured to both of you.
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bubble-tae · 4 years
BTS as Boyfriends
• Really just enjoys your company 
• Being in the same room but doing two different things like folding laundry or reading, as long as you’re there 
• No conversation is a stupid conversation 
• Even the light ones hold a lot of value 
• Has a lot of weird theories about people and the world 
• Listening to him is fine, but being able to keep up an intellectual report is preferred 
• On the flip side he’s such a goofball 
• Gets confused about simple things like how to open the lock on the front door 
• Spends a lot of time showing you cute baby animal videos 
• Talks about the future often 
• Marriage/kids/growing old/etc 
• Always obsessed with some new quirky phone game
• If it’s multiplayer he will make you download it too 
• Date nights are always just at home 
• Why go out when you can stay in and play board games? 
• I imagine you both reading in bed at night and talking about if the book sucked or not 
• Intimacy is a private thing 
• No PDA whatsoever, maybe hand holding but that’s it 
• Your family/friends love him more than you, oops 
• Y’all know the crackheadery that’s going to go on 
• Tries to pull pranks but is bad at them 
• Hypes you up as much as he hypes himself up 
• “Waaaah look at this beautiful couple standing in the mirror, so stunning” 
• Very good at turning your sour mood into a good one 
• He’ll listen to your problems, helps you solve them, and then acts like an idiot until you feel better 
• He’s everyone’s best friend so social situations with him are a breeze 
• Likes double dates 
• Sunday’s are lazy days but boy does he clean up nice for Friday night holy shit 
• It’s all about food all the time. The journey is food. The destination is food. 
• I’m serious if there’s no food at a party y’all are leaving 
• Has a mega sweet side
• Wakes you up with tickles and coffee/tea
• Somehow your pantry always has new bottles of wines in them???? 
• If you drink he wants to try a new one almost every night 
• But is super picky, will dump half the bottle down the drain 
• At the end of the day you’re each other’s number ones 
• Soft baby 
• Not super vocal about affection, more physical 
• Playing with your hands, the sleeves of your sweater, etc 
• Looks of affirmation 
• You’ll be in a room of a group of friends and you’ll catch his gaze and give you a sweet smile 
• Spoil you but in a nonchalant way 
• Give you expensive jewelry without batting an eye 
• But will get embarrassed giving you a small sentimental gift 
• Sharing sweat pants, hoodies, beanies, and everything else that’s big n cozy 
• Will blush when he says he loves you 
• Which won’t be super often but really random, though he means it so fucking much 
• Please give him cheek kisses, it’s his weakness 
• Following asleep with his head on your lap is how he likes to spend his afternoons 
• He’ll send you little beats he’s made just cause 
• Will smile while watching you do something and then pretend he wasn’t when you turn to look at him 
• 100% will compliment your mind more than your physical appearance but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t like the way you look 
• Overall just a quiet boy full of love
• Y’all never stop talking 
• Like living together is a nightmare cause you talk all night 
• He’s hyper with most but is super gentle with you 
• Like loud and bubbly in public but whispers cute things in your ear 
• Will always come home from any store with things for you 
• Like he’ll go out for eggs and come back with 10 of your favorite sweets 
• Plays music REALLY LOUD 
• Wants you to dance with him so he can spin you around the room 
• A new album will drop from his favorite artist and he plays it at home and in the car and on his speakers and everywhere he can until you’re sick of it 
• Wants to adopt every puppy he sees 
• You’ll have to drag him out of the pet store 
• Online shopping for clothes 
• There are always packages showing up at the door, you think he has a problem 
• But there’s stuff in there for you too so you don’t complain 
• Tries to be romantic but doesn’t really get it ? 
• Like lighting lots of lavender candles but almost burns the house down 
• omg he wants physical contact all the time 
• Kissing your hands, cheeks, shoulders, any part of your exposed skin honestly 
• Will always want his hair played with 
• Like will let you do dumb little braids and ponytails or whatever you want for fun 
• Wants to take you out all the time for dinners and dates 
• You’ll probably start watching a bunch of series together but never finish any of them
• Brutally honest 
• If he thinks an outfit doesn’t look good he won’t sugar coat it 
• Ultimate hype man though when you’re rockin’ it 
• Like mini fashion shows at the store the employees get so sick of you 
• Spoils you with jewelry 
• There’s no need to have all these diamond bracelets but he can’t help himself 
• You’ll go on and on about something you really enjoy and even if he doesn’t get it he’ll listen 
• If someone says anything bad about you he will sass them, no fists just harsh words lmao 
• Jealous type so please give him lots of attention
• Words of affirmation 
• Calls you cute no matter what you’re doing 
• You could have the worst cold and he’d say your mucus-sneeze was adorable 
• Weekend walks at the park
• ^Stopping to take a picture with every lizard/frog/insect you two see 
• Going out for coffee but steals yours cause he likes it more 
• Begs you to stay up to watch the stars 
• Falls asleep before they even come out
• Whines about it the next day until you kiss it better 
• Tries to cook for you but is so bad at it
• But you’ll eat his burnt steak cause you love him for trying 
• I feel like he leaves sticky notes everywhere of just doodles??? They don’t even say anything he just gets bored 
• Will laugh at your cheesy jokes 
• Doesn’t know what to do when you’re mad like he just goes full baby mode 
• When he’s upset he gets all pouty and just wants to be held 
• Deep talks about art and the universe that you won’t remember the next day 
• Maybe I’m hyper biased but just a good ole boy 
• meme king 
• Sends you everything he thinks is funny 
• If you aren’t following his Twitter is it even love 
• Anime watch parties 
• Will make you dress up as dorky characters for Halloween 
• Forgetful 
• Like “oh shit it’s our anniversary??” But will make it up to you the next day
• He’s such a classic romantic 
• Flowers and chocolate and heart shaped lockets 
• The lockets are matching, of course 
• Wants a secret couple tattoo 
• Will cry during romantic movies 
• Insistent on doing everything because he’s always babied and wants to be able to baby someone 
• Gets absorbed into trying to learn a new skill so often that you can barely keep up 
• Last week it was the cinematic history of horror and this week it’s managing stocks for beginners??? 
• Honestly loves it when you watch him play video games 
• Will love it more if you get frustrated with how bad he is and take the controller/keyboard from him to show him how it’s done 
• Doesn’t have to be older than him but loves strong/powerful women 
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onf-headcanons · 3 years
A/n : ok this is just the first (?) elaboration of the au. This is also meshed with senpai au. I actually already had a few moodboards (Yuto and Minseok ones) and a senpai AU of Seungjoon that opened up the idea, its just i did not have the time and luxury to expand the au. Another reason was that timing i am still learning about ONF so I don't want to go too OOC on things I am not familiar with.
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To keep it short, the boys actually formed a dance club and they named themselves ONF
I do said dance club but if you wanna utilise it like F4 from meteor garden, it totally flexible
Also totally doable if you wanna use the university au as the main worldbuilding for other AU, examples, Sibling AU, or any BF headcanons I have mentioned like the MTL for PDA. MTL to confess and MTL to leave hickies, so do check out masterlist (that is constantly updating )
Also, even though it might retcon some setting I have already done, but it is totally doable for University AU to be the prequel for Office AU.
OH HEADS UP, FOR THIS AU I AM ALTERING THEIR AGE. Their real life age difference are about 4-5 years which is unrealistic to fit for the au, so shrink age difference to 1-2 years. 
One of the project they did as a dance club, which they uploaded
Let see the members headcanons below
Hyojin : Probably musical student but if we were to jump out from stereotype,I do feel him studying marketing (analysts side)
OK if this boy does not finish his assignments in the cafeteria, then he is not Kim Hyojin lol. Constantly munching something while he trying to finish assignment or solve a problematic question
Even if Seungjoon drags him to library to do assignments . HYOJIN DEFO GONNA MAKE EXCUSE TO BUY BEVERAGE FOR THE 2 OF THEM AND SNEAKS OUT FOR A SHORT WHILE.
The type that try his best on getting good results on every class. But he never brags about it.
Should we give him a senpai au plot, I would write him as the senpai you have a crush on since high school and you did not know he attend the same university as you.
Changyoon : Design student for sure😉 Interior design, graphic design or even fashion design. Oh! Film Director also not bad? (I mean he has loads of ideas and thoughts also let's not forget about Incomplete MV)
Ppl which are not in their circles would be like, "how did you even get along with the others?" Because his majors are very different compared to the other 6
Hmm I do feel it is more like Changyoon did not make the first move to join the group. Probably the Capricorns/ENFPS (Seungjoon or Jaeyoung)
So maybe he kinda drop by to a short marketing class so that he can gain insight on how advertisements film can grasp audience heart. There he either met Hyojin or Seungjoon (maybe both) ,then only the bond gets deeper
After knowing each other he finally comfortable to be himself and does not feel awkward anymore...
Also including this hc here because I only thought of it when writing. HYOJIN,CHANGYOON, SEUNGJOON AND MINKYUN teaming up to sing something? Like them 4 have a YouTube channel that upload their covers, without showing their faces, using illustrations drawn by Changyoon
Seungjoon : Could go for science genre or maybe business administration? Also anything related with mathematics(that need flexible solving) might suit him too
Might occasionally appear in the library. Not really searching for books to read,more on giving himself the environment to complete assignments. But visits bookstore too
Maybe, the most social-able being in the group. Constantly waving or say hi to acquaintance/classmates passing by. Even though that, there are never rumours or scandals of Seungjoon being playboy. (But totally the first one in the group to get a GF, hint established in his senpai au)
Like people only notices the group because of him because of his social skills. Its kind of like the fairy who brings/enlarge the fandom lol
You can read his Senpai au here
Might doing part time job at a cafe nearby university because of distance+ time convenience purposes. The other members of the group might occasionally hang out at the place, waiting for him to finish his shift or Yuto to finish his lessons and then they go eat dinner
Jaeyoung : High chance of choosing communication related genre or/also social science/sociology related genre. I won't be surprised if he will choose psychology or behavioural science
Easily to find him in library searching for books to read/expand his pov. Sitting beside windows
One of the hyungs that will explains Korean to Yuto. Especially idioms.
First impression would be the quiet good looking one that definitely gonna stay back to ask lecturer more questions
The second on in the group to get a GF. But very very low key.
Linking to the tutor AU I posted recently, he might be teaching online to gain extra income because he does not want to do part time job to exhaust himself as he want to reserve energy to dance. Which also the main factor he suggested Yuto to do online teaching later
Minkyun : Musical student but focusing on composing. To jump from stereotypes, he could be going to broadcast communications, to become professional radio DJ
He might also join another club which is established by uni it self to make radio broadcast that plays at the cafeteria.
Cues in other members all recognise his voice immediately. Lol if he qccidentally messed up on some wordings, the next time they meet they are gonna tease him for sure haha
OK this applies to all of them but I only remembered to include this during writing for Minkyun, the boys are totally banned from playing any games at the cafeteria lol (not a strict ban but they are loud lol.) So they changed plans to play game and hangout at home, with Yuto coming over to sleep over.
Yuto : the exchange student / the foreign student who is majoring in Korean language. High chance going for Korean language teaching later.
Once they knew Yuto's Korean Proficiency level are above average, the boys are supportive and proud of him af. Lol also his devilish hyungs teasing him that he should get a girlfriend, it is a way to master language lol
Cues in his hyungs helping him out by giving him small tests of Korean grammar
Could be the only one who lives in university dorms. But he gets to have sleepovers with his hyungs at their house during weekends (rent or family residence,up to you)
Even encourages him to try out online teaching beginners first to gain experiences
Probably feeling sadden the most when found out Minseok had to quit university. Also could not help feeling lonely when his hyungs graduated. (Some did extend studies but some did not. My hunch, Minkyun and Chang Yoon could be the first two to graduated first. Jaeyoung and Yuto being the last two to graduate)
Minseok : a junior who studies history and choosing Japanese + Chinese as sub majors. Who knows, he might choose translating/interpreting as major later (I mean have you seen some interviews where he used Japanese and Chinese, damn his pronunciation is good, trust me cos i speak both language)
Did not get to stay long, maybe just 1 year and a half then he had to quit university because his whole family are moving out from the country (no worries they contact each other online frequently). His hyungs defo doing a farewell party for him.
Even though short time, but he gained the title of university sweetheart by the first day he starts uni. 
Same as Seungjoon and Jaeyoung, the type to find him in library alot.
Of course gonna ask Yuto a lot of Japanese grammar questions
BTW if link to Sibling AU, should we link it to the double Kim household, Minseok did not drop out. He could have participated an exchange program and had to leave for overseas to complete a course at a better institute
A/N : Ok I am gonna stop here before it gets even messier (slaps forehead I changdolled while writing this)
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blakelywintersfield · 3 years
Holy shit an about thing! Tagged by the wonderful and rad @hiddenblood 💚
Nicknames: Blook/Blooky, Ba-la-kay, Blakery, nerd, emo garbage Height: 5′1″ or 155cm Zodiac Sign: Cancer Sun, Leo Moon, Libra Rising Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw, though I don’t associate with anything HP related anymore since Rowling is a vitriol-filled female incel TERF Fave Musicians: My Chemical Romance (+ members’ side projects), Green Day, Linkin Park, Foster the People, Pendulum, GUNSHIP, Gorillaz, Fall Out Boy, PYLOT, Adam Lambert, Quarashi, The Mountain Goats... there’s a lot lmao Last Thing I Googled: “how to switch to hd2 radio” I still don’t have the answer and don’t know if it’s possible in my new car. Because it’s new to me, but it’s not a brand new car. Followers: 513 (idk how) Following: 262 Lucky Number: I have a few, but 21 has been a long-standing one for me Amount of Sleep: That I normally get? That I had? That I want? This is very vague and the answers will greatly differ depending on the intended question because I have two contradicting sleep disorders. The amount of sleep I normally get depends on if I have work/plans/doctors appointments/etc. or not -- no prior commitments is 15+ hours because hypersomnia; prior commitments is 7-9 hours which seems like a good amount except I don’t get restful sleep so half those hours and that’s how much rest I get. How much sleep did I get last night? Around 7 hours. How much sleep do I want? F o r e v e r. What Are You Wearing: My Chem House of Wolves tank and burgundy boxer briefs. Dream Job: I mean I’ll always have the dream of fronting my own punk band, but that’s never gonna happen lmao I’m too old at this point. So next best dream job would be a private chef for a musician I love or a touring chef because that sounds rad af. Dream Trip: Iceland! Or a roadtrip with friends to old vacation spots like Destin, Tybee Island, Pigeon Forge, and places that my friends pick out, and staying at those places for like, 5 days each. Instruments You Play: Classically trained on the piano and cello, self-taught guitar and bass guitar. Languages You Speak: English and very rusty Japanese. I need to re-learn it. Also beginner level Russian, French, Irish, and Gaelic. Like literally beginner level. I have to uh. Pace myself and do one language at a time lmfao Fave Song: Just one????? But... but that’s not possible??? I’ll pick one of my favorites but it’s only one of my many. I vibe a lot with Lotus Eater by Foster the People ‘cause it’s just got that sound I like. Random Fact: About me or in general? About me uhhhhhhhh I was born with a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) which is an opening in the heart that is supposed to close after birth. Mine didn’t, and I was one of the first infants to have the surgery to close it done at my age! Before it was only approved for children and adults. A random fact in general? If you wrap a piece of hard bread in a damp paper towel or cloth and microwave it for about 15 seconds, it softens the bread and makes it edible! This is because bread stales when it loses moisture, so this reintroduces moisture into it through steam. No more throwing away bread! Unless it’s moldy. Don’t eat your bread if its moldy. Coffee or Tea: I like both! Coffee from restaurants (esp Starbucks), tea at home. Cats or Dogs: I like both as well! I could only live with cats though because dogs are too overstimulating for me, and I can’t physically care for one. If those weren’t issues though I’d live with both because I just love animals and there’s so many sweet ones out there! Aesthetic: Brightly colored alternative hairstyles, black eyeliner, studded leather jackets covered in patches, piercings, more tattoos than bare skin, fangs, lightning, neon lights in the foggy night, sleek cars speeding down empty highways with the streetlights overhead and the windows down letting the wind blow through your hair as the music drowns out the engine, face masks and cautious eyes, deep bass vibrations, clear night sky full of stars with the crisp cool air smelling of the oncoming fall
I tag @luxury-cheese, @headfirstforieros, @holdyourcolour, and @smileandasong! Optional to do, of course!!
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petekaos · 4 years
Hello! I just spent the last hour reading all your fics and, while this is something I've always wanted to do, it gave me a sudden burst of motivation to start writing my own fics but I'm staring at my word document and I'm so?? I don't have any experience writing things apart from essays for school and I was wondering if you had any tips for a complete beginner? How do you plan out your own fics? How long does it take you?
hi hi nonnie!! i don’t know when you sent this (probably when i was asleep / offline) but i’m so so glad you enjoyed my fics enough for it to motivate you, that’s so sweet! :’)
honestly my tips would be to write about things you like. this seems so obvious, but if you’re writing fic, it’s important to first realise that you’re writing it for yourself and not for an audience, and as long as it makes you happy, that’s all that matters. if you write about what you think an audience would like... then there’s no passion! your enthusiasm can and will draw people in more than a 5k coffee shop au you didn’t really have much interest in writing. there are certain aspects of a character or situations you want to see them in or plot holes you want to explore, and those are the things you should focus on. the way i write my fics is that i hone in on one part i want to explore, and expand upon that, thinking of meaningful scenes that document growth and progress to get across my point. so -- in my fics there has to be a general red thread that ties the fic together, a point, a feeling i want the reader to be left with at the end. for example, in there’s an art to honesty, my petekao fic / kao character study, the red thread is about kao tackling intimacy and pda as well as finding his own strength after coming out to his friends. i deep dived into his character and how he feels along the course of the fic, and how it changes naturally. points of conflict are necessary to keep the reader hooked and move the plot along in my opinion (unless you’re writing like a couple of thousand words of fluff), whether it be internal or external. most of my conflicts are internal because i write a lot of character studies, but you get my point! the best balance is when you have both -- going back to that fic, the internal conflict is kao still feeling as though he has to hide in front of his friends, and the external conflict is his mother not knowing he’s gay and in a relationship and therefore making comments to suggest the opposite, as minor as this conflict is.
if you’re a plotter, i suggest writing down all your ideas you would like to write at some point, and seeing how they tie in together. i’m gonna keep my petekao fic as an example here as it’s fresh in my mind, but i wanted to write about kao dealing with being open, about pete being a supportive boyfriend, about kao and pete’s dad having a talk, about the cool gang being the Best, and about kao coming out to his mother and sister in a way that’s different from dark blue kiss. now, i had a couple of other ideas that eventually ended up being scrapped for this fic at least. so it’s all about figuring out what your point is and how you wanna get that across, before delving into the actual writing. that’s tricky -- what works for me may not work for you. i usually have a loose idea of the scenes i want to write and then just sort of let the characters take me away and get in the zone. there are certain pieces of dialogue i want to include that i also write down to get to.
the way i plan my fics and certain scenes out is by having what’s called a leitmotif. basically, it’s a recurring theme or metaphor that pops up during the entire piece of work that ties everything back together. sticking with the petekao fic, something that keeps it all together is the metaphor of the closed doors and kao not knowing what to do with his hands, where to put them. i mention the closed doors as a symbol that turns into open doors at the end. so, when i loosely plan my fic out, i keep that in mind and mention it again and again so the reader is unconsciously drawn back into the original plotline. normally, for oneshots and fics like that and the others i’ve got on my ao3, i don’t plan... all too much. it’s only for multichaptered ones, where i need more callbacks and threads to tie the plot together, that i really go through the scenes in detail. 
as for how long it takes me... hm. it depends! there’s an art to honesty took me... around a week, when i really got down to writing it, but keep in mind i’ve been super busy for the past week. my feet are drawn to you, my ramking fic / ram character study, took me i think around 5-6 days? i bulk wrote the last 5k of that one. everyone’s looking for someone to hold, my manboss fic, took me like 2 days because i had free time and just conked it all out. and he got fight stories to tell, my sarawat character study / sarawatine fic, took me i think around 3-4 days too. so on average, i tend to write pretty fast once i stop procrastinating and getting distracted and in the zone, especially when it’s a oneshot. i tend to get bored and focused on other things pretty quickly (thanks adhd) but the point is: it doesn’t matter how long it takes you, as long as you enjoy it!
my most important piece of advice? don’t overthink it. figure out what aspects you want to explore, what characters you love, find something to tie it all together and start writing! plot it out if you’re a plotter. but writing is all about practice, and it takes a while before you figure out what’s right for you and what works for you. i still don’t know it myself! anyone can write, and i’m looking forward to seeing your fics, and i hope this helped! feel free to send me another ask or dm me if you need anything or if you want me to look over your fic or writing, i’d be glad to!
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ridiasfangirlings · 5 years
You know those MMORPGs? What if Fushimi ends up playing one of them and is, of course, very good? People in-game know what a high level he is and that he's very skilled in taking down enemies and whatnot. He just doesn't do the "MM" part of the game and prefers to really be alone to do his own thing. That is, until someone else who is also just as awesome shows up in his part of town and that annoys him. (Secret: It's Munakata who wants to spend time bonding with his Fushimi-kun!)
Oh imagine Munakata doing this all secretly too because Fushimi refuses to bond with him in person so Munakata must resort to drastic measures. We know Fushimi spends a lot of time on his PDA and his computer so I could totally see him getting into a variety of online games and an MMORPG would probably be right up his alley (excepting, of course, the part where you're supposed to play with other people). He's staying up late one night just randomly surfing the internet and he comes across some newly popular game, he's never played this sort of thing before but he's bored and needs something to waste time so that he can exhaust himself before falling asleep. Fushimi starts the game and designs his character, he probably makes it really plain and basic similar to his avatar in jungle. Naturally he's got such a beginner avatar that he's probably considered easy pickings for anyone who might want to exploit or bully a new player but Fushimi's really quick to catch on to the battle system and he gains levels very swiftly. Fushimi finds himself getting really immersed in the game, it's a good way to just take his mind off things and basically he can just hang out in the outskirts of a town and kill goblins and such for hours, his hands just flying across the keys as he moves his character and in no time he's amassed a bunch of gold and rare drops and all kinds of things (his avatar remains pretty plain though, he only buys armor and weapons that are practical and improve his stats and never equips anything that's purely aesthetic, his character still has super basic features beyond the armor).
Naturally at some point the rest of the squad becomes aware that Fushimi's become interested in the game, like they spot him playing one day on his computer in between doing paperwork or something (or maybe the MMORPG he picked also has like a mobile offshoot as well so Fushimi can play the main game with the good graphics on his computer but also mindlessly grind on his PDA all day if he wants to as well). Enomoto recognizes the game and actually gets excited for a moment before he remembers who he's talking to, like he has an avatar in that game as well and what server is Fushimi-san on they could form a raid party. Fushimi has no interest in joining with anyone though (imagine Fuse herding Enomoto away while muttering 'it's supposed to be a multiplayer game y'know'), he plays solo and only solo. What Fushimi does not know is that Munakata's overheard this entire exchange and shortly afterward he calls Enomoto into his office. Enomoto's a little nervous wondering if he's in trouble but instead Munakata is sitting there with his laptop open and smiling, saying he was hoping Enomoto could assist him with this 'MMORPG.'
A few days later Fushimi's doing his usual mindless grind when a very flashy avatar shows up and begins to assist him in killing direwolves. Fushimi clicks his tongue, wondering who this idiot in the blue armor is and why they're bothering him. The new player types in a greeting, notably not using the in-game speech function (though they write in very formal speech, which is unusual), and Fushimi immediately has his character start to walk away. However the new player is undaunted, like Fushimi goes to a tavern for a while and there's this guy in the blue armor again trying to talk to him. Fushimi starts hearing about this guy more and more too, apparently it's someone new to the server who nonetheless has quickly become very powerful and has a bunch of high level gear. The player never seems to want to party with anyone though....except for Fushimi, who is constantly asked if he wants to join the new player on various raids. Fushimi keeps turning him down and the guy keeps asking, Fushimi's starting to wonder what kind of irritating idiot is on the other side of the computer screen (but then maybe one day he does give in because there's like some new dungeon that can't be explored alone. The blue armor guy turns out to be very good at strategy and the two of them alone beat a dungeon that's defeated teams of players, and Fushimi starts to grudgingly think that well, maybe having a partner isn't terrible as long as it only happens in a game and not real life, though whoever is playing the blue armor guy is still an annoying idiot).
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perthsydneyn-blog · 4 years
Basic Computer Courses For Beginners
The benefits of business Training include staff that are ready, efficient, and knowledgeable. The drawbacks include poor communication with your staff, confusion about when to take a break and when to continue with coaching, and lack of interaction between your staff and management. If your staff is ill-prepared to deal with these issues, they will not only take a hit to the profits, but they'll also be effective as well. There are several professionals who work with PD trainers so as to assist you learn how to manage your PDA in the right manner. There are some benefits associated with using this type of Coaching, especially once you consider the fact it can be completed on your own time. You need to make certain that Employees will benefit from the instruction. The worker should be able to comprehend how the Training will improve their work and offer them something new. After all, they're the ones who will be benefiting from the Coaching, not the Facilitation provider. While Personal Data Entry Coaching is designed to teach you the basics of the System, there are lots of choices available when it comes to finding a program which best suits your needs. Some people are able to find Training programs in their local area. These can be beneficial to those that may need one-on-one Facilitation, or for the ones that prefer the ease of a class time that they can go back to when they have the time. Facilitation is available for both novices and experts. It is important to know what you are searching for when trying to discover a personal data entry Training program. Take some time to find the program that is perfect for you and your needs. Its important to ask whether the course is individualized. Some Facilitation programs have standardization in which students are trained to use the software program on a consistent basis. The Coaching must cover all the instructions, as well as any guidance, in addition to the risks involved in the program, and what they entail. The real difference between traditional classroom instruction and the online applications lies in the interactive aspect of the online Coaching. Whereas in a traditional Coaching program, one learns all he or she needs to know, in the online format, one learns through active involvement. Online Coaching programs give participants the ability to collaborate, query and critique each other's answers. They share and compete ideas.
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loving-barnes · 6 years
(A/N): This is my first story written on my nee tablet. I tried, my friends. I hope you will enjoy it a little bit.
Pairing: AU Loki Laufeyson x f!reader 
Warning: angst and fluff but overall none
Words: 2100+
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Loki wasn’t very fond of PDA. He never let a woman kiss him in front of any people and touching wasn’t an option too. In his father's eyes, he needed to be seen as a strict man, capable of ruling Asgard with a woman by his side and not as a clingy, lovey-dovey man who snuggled with his woman every five minutes. That was why many people thought he was a cold-hearted man who couldn’t find the one. While Thor was surrounded by many maidens, enjoying feasts and gatherings, Loki kept himself away from the light and spent his free time differently.
Loki wanted to be the best in everything, mostly doing magic because it was a field where he felt confident and strong. He was a great warrior, although Thor was better – he was better in everything, even being the better son. Odin preferred him than the other son. However, there was someone who saw in him the difference which only made him superior to the rest of the royal family.
The young prince spent most of his time in the training wing which belonged to those who possessed special abilities. There he could practice and learn more tricks, fight with others and teach beginners. The last option happened once when a young maiden was brought by the queen and he was ordered to train her. He couldn’t refuse his mother’s order. When he discovered what the maiden was capable of, Loki was impressed.
From that day, they became a silent duo, an ice and fire. When they were together, Loki would laugh and have the time of his life with the woman by his side. However, on the field, he barely remembered her name and never let her talk to him. There was another reason behind. The prince fell in love with her and he thought love made him weaker. The thought of being weak made him lock the feeling inside and never let them out, and with that, he had to stop seeing Y/N.
“What a great fight, my prince,” she said once they all returned back to Asgard. Thor was walking ahead with Sif while the Warriors Three were walking behind them, celebrating another victory. Loki ignored her, wishing he was somewhere else. His heart was beating fast and when she spoke to him, his insides almost melted.
“Brother, Y/N, come and let’s celebrate,” Thor shouted with a smile on his face.
“I am not interested,” Loki growled under his nose, quickly leaving everyone on the rainbow bridge.
The blonde prince and Y/N looked at each other, surprised by Loki's behaviour. She knew Loki was stand-offish and that he barely talked to her when they were in front of other people, but he never refused an invitation to celebrate a victory.
“Well, I hope to see you there, Lady Y/N,” Thor smiled at her, winking.
“Of course, my prince,” she slightly bowed, eyes fixed forward where she could see Loki's walking figure.
When she thought about the battle in the different realm, she noticed how Loki would keep his distance from her. He didn't help her when she called for him. It was Sif who at the end helped her killing a monster build from stones. If she died there, he wouldn’t even notice it. What happened to the charming raven-haired prince she secretly adored?
When they came back to the palace, the rest of the warriors went to the dining hall to fill up their stomachs with food and she went to see Loki. She wanted to know why did he ignore her when she needed him.
Coming to his quarters, a guard stopped her from coming inside. “The prince does not want to be disturbed,” he said strictly, eyes never meeting hers.
“I am his friend and I will not bother him too long. I just need to ask one question,” she demanded.
“As I said, the prince does not want to be disturbed. He is not accepting any visitors,” he replied, voice deeper than before.
With a sigh, she turned on her heel. What happened to Loki? Before this day, she was allowed to see him anytime. What could go wrong? Did she do something to him?
The sadness had followed her until evening when guests arrived and the celebration started. They were laughing, dancing and drinking heavily. The music was loud and Thor took Y/N dancing. He smelled of wine and meat. The smile on his face was addicting and soon she was smiling brightly at him too.
They spun, jumped and enjoyed each other's company. They were good friends and Thor always came to her for an advice about women. He was secretly in love with Sif who too reciprocated the same feelings.
“You look magnificent tonight, Lady Y/N,” he smirked, twirling her. “If only my brother was here to see how beautiful you are tonight.”
She blushed. “Than you, my prince. Your words are very kind,” and she bowed when the song ended. “Do you happen to know what is with Loki? He has been avoiding me the whole day and his behaviour changed several days ago too.”
“Unfortunately, no, I do not know what is with my brother these days.”
He sighed, disappointed with the answer and the fact that Loki somehow changed. She turned around, ready to sit back to the table when her eyes discovered Loki standing next to his mother who was talking to guests. The prince kept his eyes at the maiden, occasionally shaking his head in disbelief.
She already changed him for Thor, he thought. What he saw only proved Y/N liked the God of Thunder than him. Sighing, he left the feast before she could reach him. Love was a weakness and it made him blind.
He got away before she had the chance to call his name and stop him. Y/N approached the Queen who was already looking at the young girl. “Are you looking for Loki?” she asked calmly, drinking red wine from a golden cup.
“Yes, my queen. I wish to speak to him and he keeps avoiding me,” she sighed, lowering her eyes to the ground. “I have no idea what I have done to him.”
She put a hand on her shoulder, “do not worry, my child. I am sure it is only a misunderstanding.”
“He found me dancing with Thor.”
The queen giggled. “Well, there you have it. Maybe it was jealousy that made him stop talking to you. I suggest you leave him alone for today and tomorrow, during training, you will talk.”
It was a good advice. As a thank you, she bowed and went back to the table to enjoy some more time with her friends. The night was still young and so much more was about to come. She hoped tomorrow, Loki would be in a better mood and they will talk before training lesson.
The next morning, after breakfast, she was walking down the hall heading to her room where she needed to change. She couldn’t wear a dress to the training but an attire in which she went into battles. Y/N was only moments away from seeing Loki. Unfortunately, it came sooner than expected.
Loki was standing at the end of the hall talking to another maiden who also was gifted with powers. The girl was smiling, leaning closer to the prince who too was standing dangerously near her. Y/N's heart dropped. Never in her dreams would she had thought that Loki, the charming God of Mischief could found another girl and exchange her for the weak beginner.
Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and a step back. There was another way to get into her room. If Loki wanted another girl, so he would have it. A tear escaped her eye and she quickly got away from the scene. Maybe Loki wasn’t worth her love at all...
The training hall was emptier than usual. When Y/N came there, the first person she saw was the prince without the woman. There were only four guards and another two men who usually trained with them. What happened to the rest of the trainees?
“Are you ready for our lesson?” Loki asked, his voice colder than before. He was standing in a magical ring which protected the curious audience from getting hurt by magic. He was dressed in his black and green attire with golden accessories and even when she was mad at him, she couldn't deny how attractive he was.
“So, you are talking to me,” her voice remained calm. “I am surprised, my prince.”
That comment made him turn around. When his eyes found her standing there in all her glory, his heart wanted to escape his chest and jump into her arms. How long can he deny her? “We must train together,” he replied, voice trembling a little. “If you have more of these remarks, I will exchange you for another trainee.” Then again he turned around.
“Sure,” Y/N rolled her eyes. “Please, you can exchange me for that young meat you were flirting with earlier. Obviously, I am not good enough.” With that, she attacked him from behind. A massive flame came bursting out of a palm of her hand. It hit Loki like a train and he fell down on the cold, hard ground.
He started to laugh. “Attacking from behind, well that is not fair play,” he stood up slowly.
“Oh, I am sorry, I thought you were used to stabbing someone’s back,” she squinted.
Loki was quick enough to do the same but instead of fire, he used ice. Y/N blocked it with a roll on the floor, protecting herself with a shield made of fire. Those who were in the room had to look at the fight that was happening there. Ice and fire, two equally strong powers trying to win this battle.
Another round started and the prince ended on his belly in pain. He was surrounded by a flame which reminded him of snakes, trying to swallow him alive. “Come on, my prince. Kneel for me. I know you love when people do that for you.”
“Aren’t you a little sassy minx?”
Loki's power of duplicating was unique and she couldn't stand a chance against him when a clone distracted her and the real prince appeared behind the girl, holding a knife against her neck. “Would you look at that,” he chuckled, dragging the glade against her soft neck. “Are you trying to beat me, little one?”
“What happened to you, Loki. One day, we are friends and the other, you are mean, avoiding me and I have no idea why. What have I done to you, my prince?”
A growling sound came out of his throat. He turned her around and grabbed her by shoulders, not letting her go. “Uh, I,” he couldn’t find the right words. “The day you were brought here changed everything.”
“What do you mean?” she didn’t understand. “I know you do not want to be seen with a woman by your side. All these things are acceptable but your words are confusing.”
There was no way he could stop his actions and suddenly, his lips were on hers, kissing her passionately, it was a shock to her but a second later, her lips moved and the kiss deepened. His hands brushed her face and ended on her neck. “You are the woman I want beside me no matter who is with us in the room. You are the one I want to hold in my arms day and night.”
He fell on one knee, holding her hand tightly in his palms. “Please, become my queen, Lady Y/N. Be my wife and together we will be unstoppable.”
She stopped breathing, shocked by his words. “A-are you saying...?”
“Marry me.”
As flattering as it was, she put a smile on her face and fell down to him, caressing his face. “Oh, my prince,” she gently kissed his lips. “You do not need to ask for my hand if you love me. I love you, my prince but marriage is not an answer to everything.”
“You do not want me?”
“Of course I want you and it is an honour you want me too. It is confusing. You were mean to me, refused to talk to me and you flirted this morning with someone else.”
“I am truly sorry, my queen. I did not know how to handle the strong feelings I carry towards you.”
She shook her head. “You have so much to learn, my prince. Let’s just take things slow, shall we?” and Y/N again kissed his cold lips. “I love you, my prince.”
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abnicoacademy · 3 years
Best article on Importance of Spoken English Classes Online
Concept on Spoken English Classes Online
There are lots of people for whom English is the second language. Lots of foreigners want to learn this language because it can help them in various ways. They might either require it for their career or they might even require it for visiting an English-speaking country.
But these people might face different kinds of problems. One of the major problems that they might face is that of the accent. They usually have a heavy accent and this is the reason why they want to improve spoken English.
One of the most important rules of Spoken English Classes Online is that you must speak the language very clearly. You must also try to use simple vocabulary and be concise. Always try to keep it short and simple.
There are certain tips which can help you with fluent spoken English. First of all you need to make sure that you are comfortable with the language. Make it a practice to read in English for at least 20 minutes per day. You can either read out from the newspaper, magazine or even from a book.
Other than reading you must also lay proper stress to the written portion. You must always try to increase your vocabulary so that you can increase your communication skills in English. You can also improve spoken English by speaking in English. You can practice speaking in English at home.
You can stand in front of the mirror and practice speaking. Make sure you pronounce the words very clearly. You can also practice it in front of a person who is an expert in English. He will help you understand whether you are pronouncing the words in the right kind of accent.
In the beginning, you must slow down you speech. This will help you learn the right rhythm as well as intonation. The dictionary can also be of great help to learn spoken English. Other than this, you can even join Spoken English Classes Online.
There are various places where you can get these courses. You can either join the physical classes or even the online classes. One of the advantages of online classes in that you do not need to be present in the class.
You can take up the course from the comfort of your home. Spoken English Classes Online have become quite popular these days. To improve spoken English you can also utilize English audio. You need to listen to the sounds and try to imitate them.
There are different kinds of audiobooks that are available these days. You can get them in the stores as well as on the internet. You can also improve your spoken English by watching English films. You just need to watch the movements of the mouth of those people who are pursuing Spoken English Classes Online.
If you really want to learn Spoken English Classes Online then you must also lay stress to the grammar. You must learn about verbs, tenses, parts of speech, articles, and other essential parts required to speak the correct form of English.
Spoken English Classes Online cater for students irrespective of their ability including beginner, intermediate or advanced. Exercises used include dialogue exercises, useful phrases, narrations, role play exercises, pronunciation, question and answer as well as online tests. There are specialized English teachers that support interactive video, audio and game content that will help you master the basics of the language, if you are willing to spend a little time every day practicing. Flashcards, writing and phonics worksheets can also be made available as additional support materials.
Spoken English Classes Online is flexible and personalized since there are no time constraints; you can study at your own pace, brush up on your vocabulary, complete exercises or revise lessons whenever you want. You will be provided with feedback of your progress, weaknesses, and strengths as well as specific areas you need to improve. It will be a whole new learning experience because you will have oral drills, visual exercises, recalling and repeating as well as writing assignments to help you learn your new language in its entirety.
Before you begin the course, it is wise to use widely available online assessment tools to help you evaluate your current spoken English level of proficiency. Carefully read the company’s terms and conditions before signing up for the course and take note of any specific requirements such as a microphone and headphones.
During the course, pay close attention to the lessons and repeat the sections that you find difficult to understand. Whenever available, try to use the grading tools or online tests to check your performance. Establish regular learning and practicing routine that is systematic but flexible. It must be a system that works for you to help your progress easier and more fun. If you feel you are not developing as you wanted, reassess your learning routines and only revert to a different online course if you need to.
Learning Tools to Help you Learn Spoken English Online
New electronic devices are provided by many online companies to help students increase their ability to learn and improve English more quickly. Such devices include:
Electronic Translator or Dictionary. These are excellent for studying languages because of the voice recognition and advanced text-to-speech technologies. There are sometimes extensive ranges of vocabulary that can include more than 1 million words, definitions, common expression and phrases, grammar references, and thesaurus entries that can be viewed on the screen and even hear them spoken.
Some electronic even contain study lists, exercises, grammar guide, tests, and games. Two of the most popular hand held English electronic dictionaries are the Audio Phrasebook and the Talking Electronic Dictionary. Since each electronic dictionaries vary in quality and content it is important to research each device to find the best one that will meet your needs.
Audio Tapes and Audio CDs are wonderful tools for learning the Spoken English Classes Online so you can learn them while you are driving to work or whilst shopping.
PDA Electronic Dictionaries and PDA book readers will help you learn English faster because they contain language translations, and since they are portable you can study in any environment. There are popular hand held devices where you can have your own language interpreter to provide you with intelligible translation voice response.
English Video can be accessed on different Importance of Spoken English Classes Online in internet sites and include downloads to your iPod, computer, or laptop free of charge. They are presented in lesson form and you will have the opportunity to learn pronunciation, spelling, and vocabulary that, once mastered, will help you complete sentences easily.
Some websites may ask for a subscription so that you can get full access to the quality of the video to help you decide whether this is appropriate to your learning needs before you pay for the full download.
Lessons are excellent for self-tutoring or classroom settings and the materials and learning methods come in a suitable range of levels to help you learn spoken English online.
You will also have the chance to follow up with exercises in the form of games or quizzes once you’re done watching the video to check how much information you have absorbed. This is one of the most effective ways of learning the language because you can watch the video as necessary.
You can also answer the questions as you go along which vastly improves you comprehension and listening skills. Most important of all, you can check your answers against the correct answers provided to see if you get them correct.
English Language Learning Software includes language instructions, full text translation, vocabulary, sentence structure, comprehension, pronunciation, and study materials. It provides you with different learning techniques to make learning easy, enjoyable, interesting and holistic. The software can be downloaded on your computer with Windows, Palm OS, Pocket PC and more. This is a major advantage to those who cannot join Importance of Spoken English Classes Online because of the flexibility that they provide.
For more info visit, https://abnicoacademy.com/
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loadbrand237 · 3 years
Sounds Sets For Outlook Mac 2016
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Apr 12, 2016 By default, Outlook 2016 for Mac OS X will sync all IMAP folders. To specify which ones you want to sync, pull down under the Tools menu and select IMAP Folders to bring up the Folder Browser. In the Folder Browser, you will see a list of your accounts in the left pane.
When I receive an email from a certain contact or Contact Group, can I get a different “New Email” sound than the default?
Outlook 2016 Beginner TutorialJoin our online community! - Username: manualsPassword: passwor. Jan 17, 2020 To start using Office Sounds. In the File menu, click Options. In the Options dialog box, click the Advanced tab, select the Provide feedback with sound check box, and then click OK. To select or clear specific sounds. On the Start menu, point to Settings, click Control Panel, and then double-click the Sounds and Multimedia icon. Get information and tips for entering advanced Exchange settings in Outlook 2016 for Mac. Settings include options for changing port numbers, using SSL, downloading message headers, and setting server addresses. On some Mac models, you might hear one of these sequences of beeps at the beginning of the startup process, while the screen is still blank. These are not the same as the startup sound (chime) that a Mac can play when starting up normally.
You can set a custom sound for a specific contact (or by a variety of any other specific message property) by using a rule.
Open the Rules and Alerts wizard:
Outlook 2007 and previous Tools-> Rules and Alerts…
Outlook 2010, Outlook 2013 and Outlook 2016 File-> Manage Rules & Alerts
Press the New Rule… button and start with a blank rule:
Outlook 2003 Start from a blank rule
Outlook 2007 Check messages when they arrive
Outlook 2010, Outlook 2013 and Outlook 2016 Apply rule on messages I receive
In the next screen you can select the conditions. In our case we select: from people or public group.
In the bottom section, click “people or public group” to select the address(es) from your Address Book.
Click Next to go to the Actions screen.
Select the action: play a sound.
In the bottom section click “a sound” to select a sound file from your computer.
Note that you should use a wav-file for this.
Click next to advance to the next screen to set any exceptions when needed.
Once you’ve done that (or skipped that), click Next to give the rule a name.
Click Finish and then OK to close the open windows.
Via the “Play a Sound” rule action, you can hear who is emailing you.
Note: You can of course make many variations with this rule. For instance, you can opt to only hear a sound for people who are in your Contacts folder and disable the default sound in Outlook altogether (see below). For this you must use the condition “sender is in specified Address Book”.
Get support for BelkinUSB-to-Serial Portable Adapter. About Your Product. Get details on product availability, features, capabilities and system requirements. Usb to serial adapter belkin driver f5u409. F5U409 Downloads Software updates, troubleshooting, or product registration of your Belkin devices may require you to search for product numbers such as the model, version, and serial number. If you need help in finding your hardware version number, click here. Select your hardware version. BELKIN F5U409 1. What is the Belkin F5U409? It is a USB-to-Serial Portable Adapter that provides the easiest and most convenient way to connect your notebook to all your serial devices. What are the features of the Belkin F5U409? The Belkin F5U409 connects your notebook to all your serial devices, including your modem, digital camera, printer, Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) or Palm ha.
Translate on your own! No need to outsource translation to an agency or ask for help. Use SYSTRAN for all your French English translations. It’s simple and free! SYSTRAN offers a free French English online translator. The leading pioneer in Machine Translation – Translation Software, without human intervention – SYSTRAN delivers translations in a few seconds. Best french to english translation app. Use the free DeepL Translator to translate your texts with the best machine translation available, powered by DeepL’s world-leading neural network technology. Currently supported languages are English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Russian, Japanese, and Chinese. Translate from French to English. Be it words, phrases, texts or even your website pages - Translate.com will offer the best.
Double New Mail Sound
When a new message arrives, you could now hear a double sound; the default Outlook sound and the one we just configured to play via a rule.
Razer kraken software. You can work around this by disabling the default sound in Outlook and instead create an extra “play a sound” rule with the default Windows Notify Email.wav sound.
Additionally, add the condition “stop processing rules” action to the rule we created for the specific contact and sort the rules in such a way that the rule for the specific contact is listed above the one for playing the generic sound.
To disable the default email sound in Outlook go to;
Outlook 2007 and previous Tools-> Options…-> E-mail Options…-> Advanced E-mail Options…-> section: When new items arrive in my Inbox-> option: Play a sound
Outlook 2010, Outlook 2013 and Outlook 2016 File-> Options-> section: Mail-> option group: Message arrival-> option: Play a sound
On some Mac models, you might hear one of these sequences of beeps at the beginning of the startup process, while the screen is still blank. These are not the same as the startup sound (chime) that a Mac can play when starting up normally.
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One beep every 5 seconds
Your Mac isn't detecting any memory (RAM). If you recently added or replaced memory, make sure that it's properly installed.
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Sounds Sets For Outlook Mac 2016 Outlook
Three beeps, then a 5-second pause, repeating
The memory in your Mac didn't pass an integrity check. If you added or replaced memory, make sure that it's properly installed.
Three long beeps, three short, then three long
Outlook 2016 For Mac Update
To resolve a firmware issue, your Mac is restoring its firmware. You might see a progress bar, after which your Mac should start up normally.
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0 notes
ridiasfangirlings · 5 years
Fushimi gets this idea to do something for Munakata for once. He knows he should do something nice, but he doesn't know what to buy for Munakata. Instead, he thinks he should make something for him, something homemade. He watches Youtube videos to figure out how to cook dinner and he finds himself wondering why he's even doing this in the first place, but he does it anyway.
Aw that would be kinda sweet, imagine him in the kitchen with his phone propped up watching all these videos trying to figure out how to make a romantic dinner and not quite succeeding, then getting all frustrated because he actually does want to do something nice for Munakata and has no idea how to go about it. Like the two of them have been dating for a while and of course Munakata dotes on him all the time, bringing Fushimi little presents and taking him out to dinner and just making Fushimi feel super loved. Despite himself Fushimi starts to feel a bit bad about this, like he's always tried to act as if Munakata's doting is annoying but really he's beginning to feel like here Munakata's showing Fushimi how loved he is all the time and Fushimi can't even do so much as buy him a gift to surprise him. As soon as it crosses Fushimi's mind he can't stop thinking about it, that there should be something he can do for Munakata. Unfortunately he has no idea what he could buy for Munakata, like Munakata has all the puzzles and that's not very romantic besides, and he has no idea what else Munakata would enjoy. Maybe he ends up reluctantly bringing it up to the alphabet squad or Yata and that's when he gets the suggestion to cook a romantic meal, giving Munakata something homemade with all his affection in it.
Of course there is one small problem with this and that problem is that Fushimi has no idea how to cook. There's no way he's going to ask anyone for help (even though plenty of people would be happy to teach him) and so he decides that he can just watch tutorials on Youtube and figure it out. He would probably want to make some kind of fancy traditional dish for Munakata too, knowing Munakata's tastes, which makes things even worse because he's picking out things that are decidedly not beginner dishes. Fushimi ends up like blocking off the door to the kitchen as he pulls up videos on his PDA and starts going through them one by one and of course he keeps ending up with all kinds of problems. Like first he picks one video that looks promising but it's one of those 'step 1: cut the meat, step 2: cook the meat, step 3: you now have a perfectly garnished and seasoned dish with sides' type videos and Fushimi's sitting there at step two like cook how wait go back. He ends up burning several pieces of fish and makes the entire kitchen smell, eventually Akiyama pokes his head in to cautiously ask if it's okay to turn off the fire alarm now or do they actually need to evacuate the building (Fushimi throws a knife at him out of annoyance and Akiyama takes that to mean there's no fire everything is fine). Fushimi also won't taste half of what he's making so that doesn't help, like one video suggests that you can tell if the vegetables are cooked just right by tasting a small piece and Fushimi cuts some and stares at it like he thinks it's going to bite him.
He's struggling through the whole meal and finally he makes something slightly passable but it doesn't look anything like the videos and Fushimi's probably so frustrated, like if he hadn't really tried at all he wouldn't care but actually really trying to apply himself to something and still failing is something he has trouble handling. He's pretty much ready to just throw the whole thing away, like it probably tastes awful anyway and why would anyone want to eat this, it was stupid to even try and make it in the first place. Before he can throw away his hard work though Munakata finally shows up, he'd heard Fushimi-kun was busy in the kitchen all day and he was curious to see if Fushimi needed any help. Initially Fushimi tries to deny that he was doing anything, like trying to hide the food from Munakata so Munakata can't even see what he made, but eventually he grudgingly admits that he tried to make Munakata dinner. Munakata's super excited by this, smiling brilliantly as he says he would love to taste it. Fushimi clicks his tongue like are you an idiot it looks terrible and Munakata calmly tells him that in this case what matters to him is not the outward appearance of the food but that Fushimi cared enough to put all his heart into it. Fushimi mutters that he still failed and Munakata reaches down to take a bite as he assures Fushimi that it wasn't a failure, that Fushimi attempted something he'd never done before makes Munakata very happy and that he feels Fushimi's hard work should be praised (and then Munakata takes a bite and has to maintain his smile and grace so that Fushimi won't notice that he suddenly possibly feels the need to throw up).
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