#as always ship and make whatever you want just tag accordingly
raayllum · 1 year
& i will say as someone who has always liked the gothic / earned my degree in english... there is something to be said for “never say never” if you actually want to analyze media and/or expand your horizons. 
not only are pieces of media that discuss violation and taboos interesting (in many ways from a literary standpoint, incest and cannibalism are the same thing - a violent consumption and one sided ownership - but one is sexual and the other is physical, and bringing them together can be Fascinating in terms of how we can talk about the human condition, the harm we can do to one another & have done to one another, etc) but are also just useful, because how those things have been seen and treated have varied (somewhat) over history? 
cannibalism and kinslaying was a massive no-no in ancient grecian society, in spite of or maybe even in response to both of those things happening one by one in their primordial myths (kronos literally has children with his sister - like all gods - then eats his children, only for his children to later ‘kill’ him by chopping him into pieces. his dick formed aphrodite)
and to a certain degree, watching people go through terrible things or inflict terrible things on one another in the realm of fiction is the crux of tragedy. there’s emotional catharsis in tragedy, of course, of just expelling emotions in a safe setting where terrible things are not happening to you, but then there’s also the reaffirmation of agency and security that you have, because they’re not happening to you - that characters do not have free will, their stories are written for them, but you do have free will (which is its own burden, but mostly not). 
like you may say “i’ll never ship anything that falls into [x thing here]” and that could very well be true (although bad news if it’s incest and you’ve enjoyed literally Anything based off mythology in your life like PJO or hadestown, etc), there are definitely squicks for me i’ll never really be into but like. i also don’t totally know? there could always be the right story at the right time and place that makes me intrigued or interested in something i wasn’t before. 
having that openness also means allowing for different interpretations. i can ship past viren/harrow, and even in the present day portion of the show, while acknowledging and being fully aware that narratively / thematically (and canonically, if we wanna go that far) they’re supposed to have a brother-like bond. but to stuff characters and ships and moral rules into stuffy little cubbies and ignoring all the grey areas, and where people (fiction or otherwise) have always existed in those grey spaces has just... never sat right with me?
perhaps it’s because i’m nonbinary, so i exist in a grey and outside of a binary. maybe it’s because i lean towards not needing definitive answers, thanks to the reading i’ve done on judaism and religions other than my own (cultural & religious) christian background. maybe it’s because as an aro person, my own form of attraction is incredibly blurred between romantic and platonic. maybe it’s because i am Very good at recognizing anti (anti sex work, anti kink, anti shipping, anti queer, anti trans) rhetoric because it all comes from a place of “this exists and i think it shouldn’t, even though it’s not harming me” not only from my existence as a queer person, but also from my perspective (and from others like me) of being a minor harassed by adults in the name of ‘protecting the children,’ because they thought i was shipping a minor/adult. i wasn’t, for the record (canon ages were extremely ambiguous) but even if i had been, that’s still totally okay?? and not worth harassment?? just be Normal about it??
so yeah, i block liberally about it to protect myself, and i don’t blame other people who do too, because if someone falls into one of those anti camps, it’s very hard to tell which other ones they may fall into
and idk, i just think it’s Good for people to read things that make them uncomfortable, fiction wise. it pushes you past your own cultural understandings. it can lead to growth or reaffirm your own worldviews for the better. the more you overtly moralize (and demonize), dividing things into categories of “this is always bad or irredeemable” the more you make it harder for people to discuss the full complexities of their lives, because something can be always bad, yes, but that doesn’t mean there was never any good (or reasoning behind it that, right or wrong, appealed to the best or worst of people) in it either. if you deeply moralize racism, you give ‘nice whites’ a shield to hold up. if you deeply demonize age gaps, you make people who are actually vulnerable to them less likely to listen, rather than giving young adults better tools and concepts to learn when a relationship - any kind of relationship - is healthy for them.
and i’d say it’s fiction’s responsibility to challenge, but not to unilaterally teach, ethical and moral norms, anyway (which also aren’t defined principles, but you get my drift). what’s that quote? “Art Should Comfort the Disturbed and Disturb the Comfortable” by la cruz. Yeah
anyway all this to say go read the perks of being a wallflower or kiss of the fur queen or the book thief or things fall apart and come back to me about prioritizing your personal comfort over letting people just live their lives in fandom without moralizing everything. modern day sanitation will not help you in the long run
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kiwiana-writes · 8 months
Six(ish) Sentence Sunday
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Thanks for the tag @hgejfmw-hgejhsf and @onthewaytosomewhere - it's always nice when I'm not kicking the week off lmao. I didn't get a lot of writing done this week because I was busy editing the Going Platinum podfic I posted today, but I've powered through so I have something to share!
Rockstar Alex is now officially fully epistolary, because I figured out how to get #3 from the five fun facts game into a fully epistolary format. If you are thinking to yourself, "Great! If it's fully epistolary then it can't hurt as much!" I would advise you to turn to your nearest Schitt's Creek fandom buddy who has read my fics in that fandom and ask them how they feel about chapter 5 of Meet me out at the end of my rope (aka angstapalooza), and calibrate accordingly 😈
SO. Below the cut is a little sneak peek of this with the skin on (and some bonus Reddit comments because when I go epistolary I go balls to the wall), but if you don't want to venture under the cut, enjoy the text version of an r/TIFU post:
TIFU by breaking my no-hookup rule Obligatory ‘this didn’t happen today’ but my friends are still making fun of me days later, so. I’m not a hookup/cruising kind of gay. Full respect to you if you are, it’s just never been my thing - I’m more of a serial monogamist type But it was my friend’s birthday last weekend and we all went out to a gay bar, and I ended up dancing with this guy who… honestly if I describe how off the charts hot he was you wouldn’t believe me anyway, so you’ll just have to trust me on this. He was there with a friend and the friend bought us a few rounds of vodka shots before fucking off somewhere, so me and this guy went back to dancing. And then the dancing was grinding, and then we were making out for a bit before he said he was gonna go to the bathroom with THAT head tilt. You know the one. Even my no-hookups ass knows the one. And yeah, I don’t do hookups, but fuck it. I said yes (I really cannot express how hot this guy was lol) and followed him to the bathroom. I won’t get into all the details but suffice to say getting blown by this dude was a religious experience. I’m just getting to the point of no return when he pulls back all of a sudden. And he’s got tears in his eyes, but I just thought it was from like… well, you know… but then he STOOD UP. I was like “what the fuck dude” and he just started APOLOGIZING, saying something about the song????? I hadn’t been paying attention tbh, I was a bit busy having my brains sucked out through my dick, but this guy just muttered something about the song and his ex and then he LEFT ME in the fucking club bathroom, dick bobbing in the wind. I think I’m back to no hookups from now on tbh. TL;DR: first ever hookup ended with a stranger literally sobbing his way off my dick, and ACD’s new song is a banger, but I’ll probably never be able to hear it without thinking of the worst case of blue balls I’ve ever had.
Forever feeling feral for whatever y'all are up to, so tagging @affectionatelyrs @anchoredarchangel @anincompletelist @blairwaldcrf @cha-melodius @clottedcreamfudge @cricketnationrise @cultofsappho @daisymae-12 @dumbpeachjuice @everwitch-magiks @firenati0n @getmehighonmagic @happiness-of-the-pursuit @heybuddy-drabbles @indestructibleheart @indomitable-love @inexplicablymine @leaves-of-laurelin @littlemisskittentoes @lizzie-bennetdarcy @matherines @myheartalivewrites @ninzied @notspecialbabe @orchidscript @rmd-writes @sherryvalli @ships-to-sail @smc-27 @sparklepocalypse @ssmtskw @stereopticons @tintagel-or-cockleshells @welcometololaland @whimsymanaged and, as always, anyone who wants to play! (If you take the open tag please tag me so I can see!!)
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blacksailskmeme · 5 months
Hi there piratefam!
Happy Black Sails Netflix day! 🥳 🏴‍☠️🥳
A quick reminder that we have a little Black Sails Kink Meme running right now (live up til the end of Summer 2024!) The link above is to the event collection of fills and below I'm posting some more info about how to participate if you haven't yet heard about it! :D <3
I’m encouraging as informal and low stress/pressure of an atmosphere as possible here. Back in The Day when LiveJournal Kink Memes were common, it was very typical to see a prompt put up and filled within an hour. It doesn’t have to be polished, it doesn’t have to make logistical sense, it just has to fill the prompt as best as you can, sexily! It’s supposed to be fun. A bunch of fun, raunchy kink and smut to roll around in as a fandom. 🥳 🥳
So yeah, first thing to expect, it’s basically ALL PWP (porn without plot). Not to say that someone can’t write a full plot epic if they like, do whatever you like, but in my experience, a 4am fugue state smut fill written in a sweaty haze is kind of, the spirit of the thing. We’re creating ficlets, snapshots, tasty treats of smut with as little pressure to make it in any way polished as possible. Please think of this as, hmmm, a little fun writing exercise you do before you go back to your Big Serious Work, if that helps. We are letting loose, we are having fun, we are being deliciously, joyously, unrepentantly filthy with it! The tagline for the event is: “Get High, Jerk Off Three Times, and Write Me a Warmup :DD”
Literally ask for whatever smut you want~~ This is your chance, toss it into the pot! It will be tagged accordingly when posted if it’s filled, so live your truth, chase your bliss, know no shame, no one can see you~~
–This is an 18 plus event, please, as all of the content will be Explicit. 
–It is also a Black Sails Only Event, please no crossover prompts or fills. However, AU of all types are encouraged with our favorite pirates.
–All ships, all kinks, are welcome for submission, and the fill will then be tagged appropriately. If you have any questions on how to tag something, or just want another pair of eyes to confirm, you can always DM me <3
–Fills must be 500 words minimum of fic. There is no maximum and the fill is allowed to be WIP if you intend to write more chapters later. I would encourage that the content of the prompt be IN the first chapter at least before submission to the collection.
–We’re Gonna Be Nice and Civil!! No ship bashing, no kink shaming, we’re all mature adults here. If you don’t like something, then don’t fill it, don’t reblog it, don’t read it, pretend you do not see it. If you don’t like it, it’s not for you! 
For prompts-- you may submit ANON ASK PROMPTS to this blog. I will publish them with a number and a link to the collection. If you like one of the prompts, simply post it through the collection with its corresponding number and then that AO3 link to your fill will be reblogged underneath the original ask prompt. It is helpful when submitting a prompt to give details that are important to you, and the prompt filler will do their best with it. <3 So, I suggest giving a ship specification up front, maybe a vague timeline (season 1, season 2, etc), and then the kinks you want to see with a short description.
For fills-- There is NO CLAIMING PROCESS NECESSARY! If you see a prompt that strikes your fancy, you are IMMEDIATLEY encouraged and free to fill it, there is NO LIMIT ON FILLS for each prompt!
Both prompt submissions and fills will be open simultaneously through the entire span of the event.
The entire collection is marked Anonymous, which means any work submitted to it will be posted Anon. There is no option you need to worry about checking to guarantee this.
After the event is closed, if you want to then de-anon your work, that is your prerogative. However, it will mean you must remove the work from the collection, as the collection itself will forever and always remain anonymous.
As more prompts come in, I will continue to assign them numbers and post them using the tag #2024BSKMemePrompts. As they come in, fills will be reblogged under their prompt using the tag #2024BSKMemeFills.
(PS: If you submit your fill and do not see it immediately, please remember it’s just me handling the organization and I might be asleep. But rest assured just as SOON as I get the notification on the collection I will publish it on Tumblr.)
Information regarding posting to AO3 collections can be found here. The expanded guidelines and rules for fills can be found here.
If you are unsure of something, tags, anything at all, or if you have questions I haven't covered here: please do not hesitate to reach out to me either through the event blog or my main @jaynovz. I will respond to questions as soon as I’m able :DD
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For the second time, @xxsycamore and I are bringing to you a week-long exploration of the trope Alternative Universe! (link to last year’s challenge here)
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Works of all forms are welcome! Fanarts, fanfics, headcanons, etc.
Limited to otome fandoms - mobile otome games such as: IkeSeries (Ikemen Vampire, Ikemen Prince, Ikemen Villains, Ikemen Sengoku, Ikemen Revolution, Ikemen Genjiden); Tears of Themis; Obey me!; Mr Love: Queen’s Choice; Light and Night; Voltage games; Mystic Messenger and others, as well as console otomes.
This challenge takes place between June 19th and June 25th, 2023. The deadline for posting your works is July 15th (until midnight, UTC+2).
Instead of making the masterlist after the deadline, @xxsycamore who is in charge of it will try to create the post in advance and update it regularly during the challenge. Don’t hesitate to contact us if your work was done within the deadline but wasn’t featured in the masterlist. Or, if you prefer not to be featured on the masterlist instead!
When posting your works, use the tag #different universe same love ccc - you can as well tag @xxsycamore and @queengiuliettafirstlady in your posts! It will help us find your work easier!
Posting to other sites is allowed - as long as you mention the challenge and its creators.
Reblogs are appreciated!
This challenge features a list of 14 AU prompts, two for each day, plus 7 dialogue prompts which you can match to your liking, if you want to. You’re free to create a work based on whichever AU you like more for that day. You can also create works for both AU prompts, and you can also mix the two prompts into one work! Whatever suits your preferences :) You can create more than one work for the same prompt, too!
You can find the lists of prompts on the banner above, as well at the bottom of this post.
Under the cut, you will also find a short explanation of each AU prompt, just in case there is anything unclear about them.
Any additional rules are up to the content creators. You are free to choose the rating(make sure to mark your NSFW works accordingly, and if you’re minor, make sure not to interact with such!), and also the genre (the challenge’s main focus is romantic love, but it is not obligatory for your work to be of such genre), all characters and ships included are up to you (OCs, character x MC, character x character, etc.)
You’re free to take requests from your audience using these prompt lists, again please make sure to mention the challenge and its creators.
You’re absolutely free to post your works for this challenge after its deadline, July 15th - but please note that they won’t be featured in the masterlist!
The final and most important rule is to have fun and not pressure yourself about full completion of the challenge. Do only as many works as you wish! :)
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Here is a free-to-use banner/header for the challenge!:
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If you have any additional questions, we’ll be happy to help. There is no such thing as a stupid question, so don’t hesitate to get in contact with us! We wish you happy creating!
Day 1 - June 19th- Bodyguard AU | Mafia AU
Day 2 - June 20th- Angels and Demons AU | Pirate/Mermaid AU
Day 3 - June 21st- Social Media AU |Coffee/Flower shop AU
Day 4 - June 22nd- Celebrity AU | Bookstore AU
Day 5 - June 23rd - Forbidden love AU | Soulmates AU
Day 6 - June 24th- Office AU | Circus/Magic AU
Day 7 - June 25th- FREE DAY (an AU of your choice!)
Dialogue prompts:
“Him? Are you kidding me? He’s not even my type!”
“We didn’t even exchange numbers! I’m such a fool.”
“We should have never met.”
“Ah, it’s you again! Do you come here often?”
“I’ll be waiting at our spot. Make sure no one sees you.”
“Promise me we will always have each other.”
“Maybe we’ll meet again someday.”
Under the cut you’ll find a short explanation of each AU:
Bodyguard AU - character A is appointed to protect character B
Mafia AU - an extension of Mobster AU, with a mafia setting - typically involves rivalry and enemies-to-lovers tropes
Angels and Demons AU - typically depicts the forbidden love between character A who is an angel and character B who is a demon. You can also write about Fallen angels/Ascended demons.
Pirate/Mermaid AU - an AU that features merfolk characters or pirates - or both!
Social Media AU - an AU where the characters meet on social media and begin their friendship/relationship online.
Coffee/Flower shop AU - typically resolves around a small business that character A either owns or works at, and their loyal customer, character B; but they can also be both customers, or coworkers.
Celebrity AU - placing your character(s) in a setting where they’re famous. Other characters could be their fans; working with them, meeting them by chance…
Bookstore AU - similar to Coffee/Flower shop AU.
Forbidden love AU - a setting where the characters are forbidden from being together for whatever reason.
Soulmates AU - a setting where everyone has One True Love and the ways of finding it varies depending on the creator. An example of a popular Soulmate AU is “Your soulmate’s name is written on you”.
Office AU - a setting where the characters work together in an office.
Circus/Magic AU - a setting where the characters either work in the circus or are magic users - the latter involves anything fantasy-related, basically.
FREE DAY - The last day of this challenge is for you to choose your own prompt! It can perfectly well overlap with an already existing prompt. Maybe your favorite Alternative Universe wasn’t in the list above? This is your chance to include your idea in the list :)
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bloodyarn · 7 months
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❝ You might want someone on your travels who knows their way around a needle , no  ?  . . . I fear the only thing I will be able to stitch up is your clothing. A rather . . . sorry excuse, is it not  ? ❞
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# 𝗕𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐃𝐘𝐀𝐑𝐍 , an independent , selective   &   crossover friendly RP blog for original companion   𝗕𝐀𝗕𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄   —   the Hexed Seamstress of Baldur's Gate 3 [ not to be mistaken with Tav ] , Mun   &   Muse +21 , stitched together by Fungi [ she/her; they/them ]  , heavy topics, gore, potential nsfw warning  ,  personals DNI
verses in: Bg3/ general forgotten realms; DND , JJBA , Beetlejuice
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𝐈. carrd.     𝐈𝐈. RP memes. 𝐈𝐈𝐈. interest tracker.   
𝐈𝐕. Wall (Guestbook)
-> Verses .
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@sleetkissed [Durge] / [League of Legends verse] @yourfavoritetiefling [Companion] @swarmcall [Companion] @m1bo [DND oc]
  Rules shortcut under the cut ✂ - - -
[ Hey, I'm Fungi [she/her], 25 years old and living in Germany. [GMT+1] ]
⟡ Mun ≠ Muse ; I think that much is clear. Any statements that come up ic are not specifically my own.
⟡ No God modding ; Small liberties like change of scene and such are totally fine and do not have to be discussed. You can hurt her, shove her or whatever, just keep in mind that my muse will react accordingly. Do not assume reactions and write my muses actions.
⟡ You can always message me for plotting or headcanons if we are mutuals. ; However, I prefer if things play out naturally. We do not necesarrily have to plot out every thread till the end. I am more than happy writing and see how things develop.
⟡ You can always send a starter, no need to ask! ; Again, if we are mutuals. Same goes for sending me rp prompts to my inbox, memes or whatnot. You are also free to tag me in dashgames!
⟡ OC - and Tav friendly of course. Just be sure to have a little bit of information ready and visible on your blog so I can look it up before we interact. We stan OCs in this household.
⟡ Post trimming. ; I use XKit Rewritten to trim my posts. It is not a MUST but I would be thankful if you have a way to trim your posts. Just to keep it nice and clean on the dash. Other than that, I use the usual small text, cursive and bold text edits. Rarely colored text. You do not have to match my writing or editing style, as soon as everything is nicely readable.
⟡ I won’t write NSFW with minors. Mun or muse. Please make sure to have the age somewhere on your blog before interacting. If smut happens, it will be tagged and under 'keep reading'.
  ⟡ Shipping: I am a huge sucker for ships. If said thing happens, keep in mind Babsi is multiship, means that every ship takes place in its own universe. I do have to see chemistry between muses tho, let it be through rp or just nerding about them.
⟡ No racism, homophobia, transphobia and so on. Don’t be an ass. I can definitely tolerate ic biased opinions on that in threads, just don't bring it into the real world.
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sunhated-a · 11 months
Hello! Welcome, this is a blog I've created to curate inspiration for Muzan Kibutsuji. But I am open to interactions, so I may dip my hands in some writing for him as well.
My portrayal of Muzan is quite canon divergent and based on equal parts headcanon and canon material.
I'm very laidback on this blog, so expect minimal formatting and icons, sporadic activity, and varying post length.
Guidelines under read more.
Basic RP etiquette applies. Do not control my character without my permission, in character =/= out of character. Muzan is a very abrasive muse. So please don't take his rudeness personally. If you are a personal blog, you may follow me and send in asks or like headcanon posts. I have anon enabled if you'd prefer to use that. However, I would ask that you do not reblog my headcanons or threads. Please understand you are a guest in this space and be mindful with how you engage. Other than that, you're welcome on my blog! I hope you enjoy!
Fandom is a space meant for everyone to enjoy. Period. Bigotry of any kind, racism, sexism, transphobia, etc. Will not be tolerated. If I catch you engaging in any of these behaviors it's an immediate block from me.
Do not involve me in interpersonal drama. Roleplay is a fun hobby to me, and drama exhausts me. And to be frank, I am too old to care to keep up with who did what and why. I don't engage in dogpiles. I am just here to write my characters and stay in my lane. However, if any issues were to arise, I'd prefer to talk it out like adults. But if you'd no longer wish to interact for whatever reason, feel free to hard block me. There will be no hard feelings.
I am neither pro-ship nor an anti, nor do I care what camp you fall into. I'm just here to do my own thing. I will be exploring darker content on this blog: Including manipulation, abusive relationships, cannibalism, obsession, twisted dynamics among other things that come with the muse. I do have hard limits, however. I will not interact with you if you engage in noncon, underage smut, or adult / underage muse ships. All triggers will be tagged accordingly. And as always, if you need something tagged do not hesitate to let me know!
I run my blogs primarily on an interest basis, I also manage a household and I work. So my activity will fluctuate and be sporadic. I manage chronic depression and unmedicated ADHD both so I will probably be all over the place. IRL > Anything else. I will always prioritize the comfort level of a mun over writing and roleplay.
This is a canon divergent blog, as it says on the tin. There are a lot of aspects about Muzan and his story that I interpret differently, or omit entirely. If something about my portrayal isn't to your liking, I completely understand. You are entitled to your opinion, but please don't try to argue with me. Feel free to unfollow or block.
OCS. I love them. Feel free to send them my way, just be sure to have a page where I can read about them and we're golden. I am also duplicate friendly.
I am not open to shipping on this blog. I, however, will make exceptions if we have interacted OOC or if we're on the same page on what we want out of a ship. I'm uncomfortable shipping with people I don't interact with, this is purely for my own comfort and because of personal experiences in the past. But, if we've interacted and you think our characters would mesh well and have a good dynamic, by all means feel free to bring it up. I will not be posting smut or sexual content on this blog. So anything veering into that territory, I will ask to move to discord or another platform.
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natsmagi · 11 months
maybe a weird question but ive been wondering this for a while and i kinda wanna hear ur opinion, would u still consider it hetbending if i headcanon natsume as a trans man and tsmg as a trans woman and ship them like this? cuz those are my hcs and sometimes i wonder if its like problematic?? Like id get it if ppl didnt agree with my headcanons thats just differing opinions of course, and thats fine, but im scared bc i dont wanna like, turn gay ships straight and stuff? Either way i hc both of them as bi, but still :( im worried im doing something bad fhfhgjdh sry if this makes u uncomfortable to answer?? I just wanna hear opinions abt this? I truly dont wanna hurt anyone!!
waaa ur fine no worries!! i dont mind answering questions like these at all!!
i guess its sorta nuanced? i suppose by definition it would be considered hetbending, esp if one has an altered appearance to suit the assigned gender. but then theres also the headcanon aspect of it. since it is a headcanon that would make these genders be how you view the characters in their source, rather than altering them for ur own silly amusement
since these things are so nuanced i personally tend to tackle it from a portrayal point of view. Have i altered these characters to make one look like a man and the other a woman? if so, id say it should be tagged and considered as hetbend even if both or one party is trans and their sexualities are bisexual, because the point of tags such as "hetbend" or "genderbend" are so people who dont wish to see their favorite characters altered in these ways dont have to see it. these tags are used out of courtesy! Now, if you've taken the characters and headcanon one as a man and the other a woman but there have been no altercations and they look the exact same except for some pronouns and maybe some clothes change then id say it doesnt need the hetbend tag, as clothes do not have a gender and you can go by whichever pronouns you want while being a gender that said pronouns arent commonly applied to
Basically; if the appearances are altered it should be tagged accordingly out of care and consideration for those who dont wish to see that sort of thing for whatever reason. i dont get why people act like theres some morality thing at stake for tagging things like genderbend? trans or cis, the character looks different now which may be upsetting to some, so tag it!!! we're all just here to have fun!!!!
i also want to say enjoying or creating "hetbends" does not make you a bad person nor are you erasing queer rep, especially if you are keeping their queerness!! the original characters will remain the same no matter how much we may alter their gender and appearances in our niche circles, and there will always be a VAST majority of people representing the canon, so really theres no need to worry about wishing to indulge in the things that make you happy. none of us wish to hurt people with what we create!! and that is the REASON its tagged accordingly to begin with. So again; if you feel you have altered the characters to a point where some may be uncomfortable PLEASE tag it. and if there are things that make YOU uncomfortable PLEASE MUTE IT!! we tag things FOR YOU!!!!
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slvttyspider · 7 months
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# slvttyspider : an independent angel dust from the (rushed) series hazbin hotel! semi-selective, oc-friendly, multi's are cool! [ this blog is for grown ups ]
— art credit and avatar credit blogs contents: nsfw/18+, gore, dr*g use, ab*se, adultery, s*x, homosexuals, s*x work, ka-booms, the violence, bloodshed, yada yada etc whatever. i don't like kids following this blog either, so please —
thanks for reading, babe.
performed by ... moni / call me anythin' you want - 25 - pt
notice: I lead a busy life with work etc and tend to vanish for a few days because of it. please be patient with my timing or lack thereof, I promise you it has nothing to do with me not being interested in you. please remember, this is a hobby. have fun. :’)
☆ independent and selective ☆ multi-verse, maybe even a little canon divergent. don't mind dabbling in headcanons ☆ i love OC's. i'll ship with them, i'll love them as if they're my own, i'll write with them, hand 'em over. ☆ multi-muses are cool! i'm sorry if i gravitate to the muses angel's already familiar with, it sounds silly but i don't wanna neglect other muses yk? ☆ practice common rp etiquette. as in respect rules, please don't reblog an ask to continue a thread. you don't need to ask to reblog regular posts from me, that's bananas. just go for it. ☆ 18+ nsfw nsfw nsfw 18+ ☆ do not steal anything 
☆ I am not fast.☆ i do not ship val & angel. thought it'd be obvious but i'll make it so i'm Crystal. i'll write with valentino's but it's not a ship at all imo. there's history there, yeah. but angel doesn't like him. i don't like him :knife: (the val writers are aight lmao). ☆ do not assume my speed or lack thereof means I am not interested. ☆ some threads may be dropped quietly, apologies in advance ☆ plotting is welcome. although, I enjoy pre-established relationships. ☆ random starters are acceptable, this includes asks. ☆ former rule goes in hand with: do not roleplay via my inbox. start a new post! ☆ I do not practice reblog karma but I will respect your practice. don't feel like you need to ask. i appreciate the respect but it's totally okay, promise. ☆ DMs are always open especially for shouting purposes. if you just wanna jump in and talk to Angel, I suggest complimenting his looks. it earns some good points.
… i *tentatively* returned to rping angel (and kind of in general). so. no disrespect. behave yourself. tag things accordingly. don’t be ugly. i deal with enough at work lol. uhh i think that’s it for now. just be nice. i know drama is a hot topic in some places, i don't really care. curate your spaces respectfully. please just be cool! thank you x
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undefeatedlegend · 6 months
┌──═━ Rule Book ━═──┐
Just a few notes on my RP rules.
01. Flexible. 
✧ First off, I’m willing to rp with anyone from any fandom and even OCs. Concerning plots, we can always work something out and see what happens next. I’m pretty flexible with ideas so I can rp anything. 
✧ I RP canon/au/crossovers…even crack just for the hell of it. Whatever as long as it's fun.
02. Shipping. 
✧ I am willing to be multishipping with anyone, I guess it depends on how the chemistry is between our characters. Who knows if it’ll work out.
3. NSFW.
✧ NSFW, I’m willing to do this as well but please it has to be 18 and over, Mun is over 18. No exceptions.  
✧ NSFW threads will be either under Read More or not, it all depends on my rp partner. And they will be tagged accordingly, #;; nsfw #;; nsfw-ish.
THERE WILL BE TRIGGER WARNING ON EVERY TAGS I MAKE WITH JAEKYUNG WHEN ITS NEEDED. As we know, the manhwa is graphic. I would like to express that despite how I am portraying this character, I will portray him as in the manhwa, he is rude and brutal.
4. Godmoding. 
✧ No Godmoding, which is obvious. So please do not do that.
05. Threads. 
✧ If I do forget a thread, please let me know since I tend to be busy with work and real life. But don't mention it every 10 minutes. It just gets annoying and makes me think of not responding. Not to be a pain but I want to be considerate.
06. Hate. 
✧ I will not and refuse to tolerate hate that is sent to me. So don’t bother because I’ll block you on sight. Do not send any kind of hate to anyone. I know a lot of people may not like this character so please be respectful and do not send me hate messages. I will just ignore and click delete, so please don't bother.
07. Asks. 
✧ My inbox is open 24/7. Anons are welcome, same for any random asks from any of my followers. I enjoy talking OOC as well so please feel free to ask me anything! And don't be afraid to approach me!
✧ New follow starters are not written (it's because I suck at coming up with starters ;3;) but feel free to tag me if you have one! But if I do feel inspired to send you one, I will tag you, and it's up to you if you want to reply or not. If you don't, no hard feelings!
09. Disclaimer. 
✧ Disclaimer: I do not own any of the series that my muses are in, they belong to their respectful owners. I will add more information as I continue to work on this blog.
10. Muse =/= Mun. 
✧I do not condone what my muse does, or say. I have a muse who could do terrible things and in many people's eyes, is a complete jerk. I do agree with most of the things he has done, but I believe in my heart as the manhwa progresses, I think Jaekyung will come around and be a better person. The manwha is not completed yet so who knows what will happen in the future.
However, I don’t condone his behavior or his words when he hurts others. Just because I write it doesn’t mean I condone such a thing.
11. Icons. ✧ Icon template by @jessource Icons are made, cleaned, and edited by me so please…don’t steal. Fanart, gifs are not mine, and if I have the source for them, I will make sure to post it. But if I can’t find them, I will let you all know and I would appreciate it if you help me in finding them. If the creator doesn’t want me to use them, then I will immediately apologize and take them down.
12. Jaekyung face claim: Park Seo Joon (ex. THE DIVINE FURY in 2019)
✧Hello, My name is Bernice, but you can call me B. I have been rping for almost 15+ years under different platforms, 7 of which are on Tumblr. Mun is 35+ and has a busy life. I tend to disappear randomly due to it. So please forgive me as I do that.
I also have two other blogs, @swimmingforthegold & @changeandmovingon
✧ Well that’s all, thank you for reading and thank you for following me. Hope to rp with you all soon. :3
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wolfsbanesparks · 8 months
Is it hard to do FTH as a first-time creator? Even if just doing one fan work up for auction?
Hi anon!
I'm assuming you mean signing up to offer a fanwork when you've never made one before. (If I misinterpreted that just send me another ask)
To that I would say that it largely depends on you.
Signing up to join the event is simple and being a first time creator won't hinder the process at all. Just fill out the google form for each fanwork you'd like to offer. You'll be able to include in your auction the length/complexity of the fanwork you want to offer, any subject matter/character/ship you are uncomfortable working with, what you are interested in including, and whatever else you feel is important for your bidders to know before going in.
But as advice, when signing up for the auction (and this goes for everyone), be realistic in what your are able to offer. Give yourself some leniency so you don't commit to something you can't complete. All fanworks are due December 31st so plan accordingly.
During the auction you should also be aware that you likely will get fewer bids than a more experienced creator in the same fandom. Each creator has the option to link to their past work (their ao3 account, an art specific tumblr etc) so bidders can determine if they will be a good fit. If you don't have that there are some people that simply won't bid on your auction even if your offer is something they would be interested in.
That being said, every bidder has a different criteria for when and why they bid on an auction so there may still be people interested in your offer. FTH also uses the Golden Needle tag to point people towards auctions without bids during the final few days of the auction!
You should also be a aware that your highest bidder gets a say in what you make. You will be tailoring your fanwork to their ideas. Some people struggle with that while others enjoy having a prompt to work off of. If this is your first fanwork, I would suggest you take advantage of the Regiment of Fan Laborers, especially if you find yourself having trouble.
Hopefully this helps you make a decision about joining FTH, we are always happy to have more creators!
If you have any other questions or concerns I'll be happy to help!
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apexulansis · 1 year
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TAGGED BY: @dynamoprotocol who did this a while ago but maybe fixed the @ because i Just Now got the notif for it thank you!
Vindaka with @vin-robles obviously!!! That ship is literally the entire reason Ardaka even exists. Probably why Kariians are they are right now exist as well, since I might not have bothered to split them off from their original fandom-related stuff were it not for this particular dynamic. They're very dear to me. :')
In large part, it's pretty dumb to try and apply age gap stuff to aliens who live hundreds, thousands, if not an indefinite, number of years. So a literal age gap is inevitable and kind of always will be. Obviously I don't mean this as a way to excuse gross shit but when it comes to adults, yeah, the age can vary by literally millions of years in some cases.
It gets uncomfortable when the other muse is more comparable to a teen than an adult. As Earth years equivalent I'd say anything younger than 22 would be Uncomfy.
(But again, doesn't always apply. I mean, one of Ardaka's partners is an A.I. and they most definitely do not mature the same way that organics do. So.......)
When it comes to writing with me, you'd probably just know it when you see it. I don't like to jump right into NSFW territory, I'd rather allude/suggest to it first — and the post would be tagged 'SUGGESTIVE CW' or something.
If it's the very first time things creep into NSFW territory with someone, I will just give them an OOC heads up so they know, and we can go from there. Sometimes people don't want to write those things out, in which case I'd like to know that so I can fade-to-black accordingly.
As for my personal opinion — I kinda just think of the meaning of NSFW, as in Not Safe For Work. If I wouldn't want to be caught reading it at work/in public, then yeah, it should be censored or tagged.
Yes lmao. I don't just want IC chemistry, I want OOC chemistry too, and that can be kinda hard to come by on this site. I don't really like shipping with people (Emotional Character Relationship kind of shipping, not just 'they fuck sometimes') if I don't consider them a friend. Honestly, the rapport being good OOC is almost more important than the IC connection to me. Like... if I don't add you on Discord, it's safe to say I'm not gonna ship with you.
When the IC/OOC chemistry is Just Right, then no, I'm not selective. If I've already established a ship with someone, I'm pretty willing to do Whatever since I already trust in their writing skills.
Other than Ardaka / Vin....
Ardaka / Two / Xaallo with @precognitor and @xaallo. I love them as an OT3 but also as separate ships on their own right. The chemistry of these three is always good, but it definitely changes depending on whether or not Ardaka is with both of them, or just Two, or just Xaallo. It makes for a very dynamic relationship with a lot of variety. It's been one of my favorite things to write over the past year or two.
Ardaka / Sliske with @ohshadow. Sometimes I think about the interactions of their original canon counterparts and it's wild. It's wild how far they've come now. Channy and I haven't gotten too many chances to write them but it's great when we do. I just feel so!!! Proud!!! Of where we've both taken our characters. I love the way Ardaka and Sliske banter of course, I just feel a lot of OOC contentment for it. It's been so many years since we've known each other, and I think it's pretty cool where we're at now.
Ardaka / Malphas with @guildoffarah. One of the few ships I can't exactly call slow-burn even if there is a good amount of development behind it now. Their chemistry was just Immediate. Also one of the only relationships Ardaka has where his species/identity isn't a barrier he has to overcome at some point, so that has a lot to do with it, I'm sure. Anyway, Farah has been a joy to know and write with!
Ehhhhhhhhh? Probably not? It's beneficial to confirm it later down the line sure but if the ship happens naturally in writing then so be it. I don't really like controlling the relationship direction much OOC, I just want it to progress naturally. If it happens, then it happens.
I don't want to just be asked straight up for a ship. Someone can suggest a scenario in which our muses could bond, but I don't want to plot the outcome of such a thing, if that makes sense.
Obsessed but only with the ships that develop naturally or for ships with already established shipping partners. I have NO idea how people can just make posts that say "like this post and we'll ship together". Shipping calls? I think it's weird, cannot relate at all, sorry.
Not in a fandom. I don't really like picking a one favorite anyway; they're all good ships! I like them all for their own reasons!
Write with me. If we're mutuals, I am open to the possibility of it happening. We would just have to find out how it goes IC!
If we're already shipping partners, it's as easy as just suggesting a potential other pairing in passing and we can shoot the shit about it.
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fabdante · 1 year
idk if anyone's getting my asks bc tumblr is ✨️like that✨️ but anyway for the fanfic ask game-
7, 42, and 46
ok ok so hi! hi, very late to answer this because tumblr did not send these to me until today, several months later? but its ok because i have the ask now and i tracked down the meme in question! thank you for sending these in!!
a link to the fan fic ask game!
7. Any worldbuilding you’re particularly proud of?
In some ATLA stuff I've been working on, I've been enjoying adding some more West Asia to things. There's not a lot of West Asian/North African influence on the show, but it's there (particularly with the Sand Benders) and I think it's fun to explore and add some more nuance to! Particularly because in both shows the Sand Benders are not really...presented with any nuance.
So I've been having fun adding more West Asia to the Earth Kingdom, particularly foods and different little cultural things here and there to bring more of that influence in! Especially because I think large parts of the fandom don't realize like...that this stuff is already in the show, that West Asia is part of Asia, and perhaps we would like to be presented as a little more then 'those horrible evil irredeemable desert people who stole Appa'.
(I also answered this one back in May with a somewhat different answer if you want to check that out!)
42. Have you ever received a comment that particularly stood out to you for whatever reason?
I also answered this in May but I have a new answer.
Since this ask was sent I posted my fic An Inexact Science and all the comments there were very sweet and kind however I also got this one bot that kills me:
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Like....what does this mean asdfghjk is this good or bad?
46. Do you prefer writing on your phone or on a computer (or something else)? Do you think where you write affects the way you write?
I'm really really bad at typing on my phone (like can barely make it through a word without one typo at least bad) so I use my computer most of the time. I have also been extremely won over by Scrivener as it fits in perfectly with my typical writing process that I've had since I first started writing on the computer in like...middle school.
With art and writing I tend to start many projects at once and jump rapidly between them. Either due to not wanting to write a certain part, feeling like writing a certain mood or ship or character, or feeling a sudden burst of inspiration for something. So Scrivener definitely enables me to write this way due to how it's set up for you to write different things in sections and flip between them easily. All of my one shots are in one document and I just file through them accordingly. If a one shot gets too big though, I make it's own document for ease of editing and flipping between parts! If I didn't write on my computer I definitely wouldn't do this, it'd be a lot more work I think.
However I do sometimes write on my phone, mostly exclusively if I'm away from my computer and have an idea I NEED to get down. Ironically, sometimes this is some of my most fun stuff, probably because it's the type of writing that I just need to get out and that stuff is always the coolest I think.
thank you again for sending this ask!! and I'm sorry it took me until now to get to it I have no idea why it never sent and then decided to now like...several months later! But it was a delight to find!! (and I hope you don't mind me tagging you @judging-seahorse I just want to make sure you see that I finally saw this asdfghjkl)
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justabug-creations · 1 year
Have you always wanted to participate in one of those fun writing prompt challenges but lack the time and ambition and drive and dedication and ability to frequently post? Or are you familiar with such challenges but are searching for something a little…different?
For I too am notorious at not keeping up with fanfictions and trends (although few know because I'm THAT bad at posting all the first my brain creates). As an AU and non-human character lover, I bring to you a challenge meant to help you grow without the pressure of keeping up with daily prompts:
What is it?
Each week of October will have a singular theme, a particular monster race. The goal is to write a fanfiction, typically no longer than a one or two-shot, with an important character in your story being that monstrous race. Everyone participating is encouraged to simply post one fic per week, but I can't and won't stop you if you wish to do more.
How do I participate?
Simple, just write! If your fanfictions mention having this challenge tagged (#Monsttober2023), then that means I can look and see the wonderful work everyone else has done. While certain things are encouraged, the nature of Monsttober is to be a fun and relaxing activity so deviation from the guidelines is absolutely allowed. Guidelines are located at the end of this post.
What does Monsttober 2023 look like?
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What is the Bonus Week?
Since there are technically only 4 weeks in a month but there are a few days left, we've included a fun little prompt for anyone who wants to round out this challenge with something a little fun and relaxing. The Bonus Week's theme is: Costume Party. Unlike the other weeks, this one is not a monster race centric theme. You can do whatever you want IF you even want to do it, hence the bonus part. I myself plan to do a short and cute family friendly fic for the bonus since a lot of my ideas for the regular 4 weeks are tending to lean a little darker in theme.
If you don't know what to do, don't worry, we've come up with a few prompts and quotes that may help inspire you while writing your fanfiction.
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SFW and NSFW work are both acceptable, please simply tag your first accordingly.
This is not for any particular fandom and doesn't need to be ship specific. If you wish to make it about a group? That's fine! If you wish to make it something of a character study? That's also fine!
One important/major character in your fanfiction should be of the monstrous race of the week. You can make pairings monster x human or monster x monster or even human x human if someone else is the monster, it does not matter!
The suggested length for each prompt is: one fanfic per week, no longer than a oneshot or twoshot.
You should tag your fics/posts with #Monsttober2023 so that anyone following the challenge (it's me, I'm the follower) can easily see what everyone else has done with our themes.
Other than the racial theme each week, no other prompts are required. Supplementary prompts will be provided to help generate ideas.
Have fun!!
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curseofpower · 11 months
Blog Tag List & About->
myartGD: My Ganondorf doodles.
zeldafic preview: Screencaps of my fanfictions. Sometimes with links to the fics but usually not. Some aren't even posted in full anywhere.
personal hc & hc: Ganondorf & Gerudo headcanons either mine or ones I agree with.
Q&A: asks.
Ganondorf: Old tag for original posts, but still functions the same.
Personal Post: self explanatory.
I also tag ships and nsfw. So block tags accordingly.
General Info about me:
0. I'm a 33 y/o bisexual man. You may call me Ben. Or Kale. However... my real initials actually are GD as shown on whatever fanart I post here.
1. I literally will ship Ganondorf with anyone for any reason. I'm not a diehard shipper of anything. I believe in ship and let ship. Staying in your own lane. Etc. If you think people deserve harassment over fiction then block me. You're literally lower than dog shit in my eyes and I want nothing to do with you.
2. I write action, horror, smut/slow burn or various combos thereof, but my drawings don't really ever go beyond suggestive, if that. Here's a post about what you can/cannot expect in my fanfics, and what I probably generally prefer to read.
3. I will not engage with people who only want to fight, argue, or debate. I don't have the energy or the time.
4. Genuine questions and other banter are always welcome, however, even if I'm slow as molasses when it comes to answering it sometimes. Ask box is always open, so are messages.
5. I'm chronically ill (autoimmune) and mentally ill (cptsd among a host of others), which I only mention because this sometimes causes me to lose control and write something stupid on here, makes me lose my memory, or makes me disappear for days as I am sick or going through a reclusive phase. Not disclosing specifics as I'm not comfortable doing so... just know these are all unfortunately serious conditions.
6. I know a lot about Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker, which is my favorite game of the series. Those are my focuses here. I'm not interested in talking about totk in a positive light or usually at all. But I know pretty much everything lore wise anyway. I've played MM third most and the others (2D ones) I only played for the gameplay alone. My favorite of those being ALttP.
7. Feedback on my stories or art is always welcome. I post to give back to the community and feedback lets me know if I'm succeeding.
8. I generally suck at keeping in touch. Just know if we talked, I liked you, I definitely still like you even if I'm quiet for a long while. It's not your fault. I'm just very sick.
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sixxtytoo · 2 years
hot tips:
yes, you can use my fanart as an icon! credit is always appreciated. however, do not repost my art under any circumstances.
sometimes i use text posts to say whatever's on my mind! any important or noteworthy things will be tagged accordingly.
all my posts are okay to rb unless stated otherwise!
mutuals: 1. i ♡ u 2. please tag all nsfw images, mentions or allusions to pregnancy and mentions of unreality i am begging you (#rym don't look or #rdl are my catch-alls if you're unsure!)
i use she/her pronouns and feminine terms exclusively for chihiro. if you use any alternatives for her, interacting is fine, but please do not refer to her with masculine terms or pronouns in tags or comments on my posts.
if you ship mukuro and junko romantically, i will block you. i do not want my art on your blog.
i use any/all pronouns for izuru! if this makes you uncomfortable in any way, i wouldn't recommend following me, since i post about them a lot.
please don't tag my art of izuru as hinata! it makes me uncomfortable and sad lmao
i love getting drawing requests! and not because i am constantly running low on ideas! if there's something that you think would look cool in my style (or you just wanna say hi) shoot me an ask! i'm a postgrad student so i may not always have time immediately, but i'll do my best!!
if i reblog something from someone shady or do something wrong on accident, please tell me!
thank you for taking the time to read this!!
other links: carrd
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hioku · 24 days
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sol lucet omnibus ; the sun shines for all.
# HIOKU ﹕ a private, selective, and headcanon based rendition of  hinata shouyou from  haruichi furudate's HAIKYUU !! established in two thousand and fifteen (re-est. 2024) and penned with care by  rocket (she/her, 27). content warnings apply, no minors allowed.
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AND SO I ASK MYSELF ﹕ ❝ where are your dreams ? ’ and i shake my head and mutter﹕ ❝ how the years go by ! ’ and i ask myself again﹕ ❝ WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH THOSE YEARS ? where have you buried your best moments ? have you really lived ? ’
i. basic role-playing etiquette is required.  any behaviours considered  homophobic, transphobic, racist, pedophilic, incestuous  or otherwise intolerable will not be indulged. additionally, this blog is  not  pro-ship or minor friendly.
please note that  interactions will be almost entirely plot-based or ask-meme driven  ('plot-based' is used loosely here, as i am super chill with being slapped with the semblance of an idea and winging the rest.)  starter calls may be posted on occasion, but rarely.
that said,  i am still entirely open (read: i love shipping) to exploring relationship dynamics  so long as they are spoken about extensively, or happen organically.
ii. i tend to lean toward  para responses  and will generally strive to supply you with at least a  small handful of paragraphs to work with  in your replies. of course, you're not required to match whatever length i come up with and i encourage you to just do what you can to have fun lmfao.
i typically format my posts with small text and occasionally icons!  you aren't required to match my formatting.  do what feels comfortable for you - if the way i format makes my replies less accessible to you,  please tell me.  i will adjust to suit your needs.
basic triggers and phobias will be tagged accordingly.  if there’s something i haven’t tagged, please tell me and i will be more than happy to fix it for you! tag format for triggers will be written as ‘x/’ and ‘tw x/’
example: trigger/ and tw trigger/
iii. i have never practiced  exclusive writing partners  when it comes to particular muses. everyone characterizes and writes differently, and i am a little bit loathe to cut myself off from any potential opportunities.  that being said, i am not against the idea and only wish that this be discussed heavily beforehand.  mains are a concept i am more familiar and welcoming of,  however, and will gladly prioritize these connections where i find them.
i am not one to dabble in drama, as roleplaying is a hobby and i'd rather keep my experience as peaceful and enjoyable as possible. however,  i understand some callouts are necessary and will do my part in ensuring light is shed on otherwise dangerous or harmful individuals.
if there comes a time that you wish to unfollow and we have maintained a mutualship,  please hardblock.  i won't ask questions. i just want to avoid the awkwardness in an accidental refollow should i have forgotten you softblocked!!
iv. hey!  thanks for reading so far. my name is rocket.  i'm twenty-seven, i live in canada, and i work a 40+ hours full time job. roleplaying is one amongst many other hobbies i am trying to maintain,  so please forgive any frequent or extended absences.  i will most likely (usually, sadly) always come back.
i tend to post a lot of ooc frequently and in rapid succession,  but these posts are all tagged and deleted just as quickly.  i take great care in the responses i craft for you, nor do i feel like rushing myself just in the name of in-character activity. if this is not the type of style you wish to see on the dashboard, that's okay!  no hard feelings.
i appreciate your time and care in understanding and respecting my rules of conduct going forward.
my discord is available to mutuals upon request and i am always happy to chat and make friends!  yay
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