#as always… negativity will be blocked
creatinghelen · 1 year
you can have a tough night but a good morning. yesterday can be bad and today can be good. it doesn’t invalidate what you’re doing through. it doesn’t make what you felt any less real.
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givethispromptatry · 6 months
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doriandrifting · 10 months
I don’t normally comment on piece of shit takes but imagine if I got on here and said if you think Freddy Krueger is a cool villain or you’re obsessed with Ghostface that means you condone pedophilia and serial killing in real life. I like to think that most people would be like wtf are you talking about. Because what you enjoy in fiction or are willing to justify for your fave can be very different from your morals in reality. Hell, I’ve watched a slasher and a character is annoying me so bad I’ve been like, “Alright go ahead and get them. I’m tired of them on my screen.” Does that mean if I found someone annoying in real life I’d root for them to be murdered? Like obviously not. And if you don’t understand that you need to go ahead and log out. Because having theories about Henry or Vecna or enjoying their villain arc (arc because most villains in media aren’t portrayed to be evil from the start—shocking I know!!) does not inherently make you a rapist or rapist sympathizer in real life and saying that is so fucking genuinely disgusting that I can’t believe I had to read it with my own four eyes.
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this past week its just been a constant cycle of *normal normal normal* OH FUCK THE SITE UPDATE IS NEARLY UPON US *has to sit down and breathe*
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tsukana · 8 months
not gonna go into it on main but. i have a lot of feelings and thoughts about the way that qbbh has essentially tricked qmissa into believing that he was actually granted access to one of the most protected areas of phil&missa base that has in actuality only been granted security permissions to phil, missa, chayanne, tallulah, and fit.
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the host, several months to a year ago: "oh god oh fuck i think we might be polyfragmented fuck fuck fuck how am i supposed to deal with this many alters how am i supposed to accept this much TRAUMA"
the host now: "hahaha it's okay actually. we needed this many people in order to survive what we survived. sure it's overwhelming sometimes, but i appreciate how much all of our parts have done for each other. also it means there are lots of folks who can help me when i need a break from fronting!"
anyway this is a positivity post and a reminder for polyfragmented systems that it DOES get easier to manage and you CAN learn to find the good in being part of a big system. some of us were so terrified when we started to realize we were polyfragmented bc we had absorbed a lot of negative messaging about polyfragmentation from the (mostly non-pf) systems around us at that time, and i wish someone had told us back then that it wasn't all the doom and gloom we feared it would be.
polyfragmented systems, u r beautiful and u r strong. and if ur a scared system just now discovering ur polyfragmentation, dw u WILL get thru this. <3
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stedesparasol · 5 months
y'know it's funny how we talk about certain fan reactions to izzy's death bc i watched the recent m*a*s*h documentary where they talked about abyssinia henry (an episode which kills off a major character) and there was a clip of the showrunner quoting angry letters he received after that episode aired:
'you tricked us' 'you sucked us in' 'we thought this was a comedy show' 'how dare you toy with our feelings'
this is a show set in the KOREAN WAR and people still felt a character death was a 'trick' and a betrayal. not only that but i cannot express how thematically relevant and important this death was for the entire thesis of the show. and yet they received 1,000 letters from viewers about it (though some were praising the episode, and it is overall viewed positively in retrospect).
idk i just found it interesting. this episode came out in 1975 and nothing's really changed.
start discourse on this post and i'll cut off your toes.
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heavenorsilverstone · 27 days
look I am still new to the f1 fandom but I am not so new to the discourse coming from football fandom since there's a lot of overlap. the way people talk about drive to survive is so fucking annoying like...
yes dts is dramatized and creates rivalry and animosity where it doesn't exist (but let's not pretend partners and other drivers don't have beef), yes it focuses annoyingly on rb and haas, yes christian horner won't shut the fuck up, yes netflix was working overtime at the danny ric factory, yes dts had a probably net negative effect on max's image, etc etc. but with the slightest bit of media literacy you can enjoy dts. bc it is a solid introduction to the drivers, the teams, the gps, the sport and its inner workings, how to watch and analyze a race, etc. and YOU can decide how to feel about drivers and teams and managers etc. dts is a readily available and accessible starting point to branch out from. I wish I had something like that when I became a football fan 10+ years ago and didn't know anyone else who was into football and had to figure out everything myself from scratch. It was a years long process to become confident in myself as a fan.
and ofc it's also fine if you don't watch it lol.
and imagine trying to police a fandom that belongs to no one person or people and treating people who entered the sport via dts or enjoy dts as somehow of a lower echelon lol. people are out here apologizing for watching a very entertaining show as if there is one right way to become a fan of something. and there are going to be annoying or uninformed fans/fans you don't agree with/fans whose content you don't like in every single interest you might have - that's what the unfollow and block options are for if it really bothers you. the misogyny and elitism of shitting on this show is so stupid lol.
it's so cool to have a big fandom like the f1 fandom bc there is a crazy abundance of content, media, art, memes, fics, etc and you will never run out. there are always so many new people to meet (luckily all of my friends that like f1 are incredible and kind and have taught me a lot) and you would hope that most of them would be friendly and welcoming whether you came from dts or not :)
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kqluckity · 7 months
i hope blue is cursed and they lose and red eats shit forever ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😊😊😊😊
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cassandracain52 · 3 days
Someone trying to put down another persons OTP: You can't ship them because-
Me: Is one of them a child?
Someone: What? No but they-
Me: Are they related?
Someone: Well no but-
Me: Then mind your business and move on
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xannerz · 4 months
its always surreal to me to see people praise s2 of centaurworld. s2 was so spectacularly bombastic and aimless and it ended in this awkward forgettable fizzle.
i feel like a dick saying it b/c i really do love the show lmao. or, at least half of it lmao (/stares at tnwk). gf and i've been thinking about rewatching it just to write out our thoughts on why s2 was such a poor follow-up to s1 - from the tone to the setup to all the worldbuilding the narrative had to offer in between the (far more) memorable songs of s1. idk. it's sad because cw really had the bones of a cult classic, but idek if you can call it that.
ive seen a few posts commenting on its lack of popularity, and i feel like it certainly deserves more, b/c i do feel like it's a novel idea made w/ love, but the shift btwn s1 and s2 wasnt just in the plot. there was a full-on *fracture* in the quality and direction and i'm still scratching my head over it. more than i should be, probably. but, it's just a bummer.
#centaurworld#centaurworld critical#<- a tag i never thought i'd use lol#ok EDIT: fuck it im tagging this maybe there are others who'll also see their own viewing experiences in this post too#dont mind me rambling#but i got an ask on my thoughts abt cw a long time ago (hi!! i still have it 😭) and ive been wanting to write a detailed response since.#debating tagging this since the fandom's already p small and i dont wanna bump the tag with negativity#even if it is (what i feel is) p fair criticism. but idk people are sensitive and conflate it w hate idk idk#ive seen thinly-veiled hate posts in the t*ngled the series tags and it's always bothered me.#bc you can tell op just like hates xyz character or the show entirely and its like can you just come out and say it LMFAOO#but i genuinely like cw. i so so very much do. so i get bummed out! gf and some other friends and i were so excited for s2 and#when it rolled out ep by ep we were like 'it'll get better right? right?'#also tempted to just draw more cw fanart in general bc the t t s fandom is slow and if half the people dont have each other blocked#theres simply 0 overlap in fave chars or interpretations so lmao#im going back to work i just feel sour LMAO#also adding that i think a lot of people conflate a story eliciting an emotional reaction from you = its good#but ill revisit that and all these thoughts again eventually in another post. we'll see.#and i STILL want a nwk tattoo lmao. or at least an elkie. gf and i love elk bc of this guy! the impact that he has!#xangoeswah
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creatinghelen · 2 years
the magic is you. it’s all you. the things that went well before, you can make that happen again. it was you all along.
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twitter is entering their "rts > likes" phase now that likes are private after they spent years calling us ungrateful for being demotivated by ratios lmao
#man fuck yall just support artists you enjoy#dont attack people who dont rb/rt your art (hell they might even have it scheduled) but also dont constantly demand ''content'' from people#ESPECIALLY without telling them that you appreciate the effort they put in to show you cool things they made for free#you should've been rt'ing/rb'ing from the START 😒 just show people you care!#im just waiting to scroll through post after post of ppl calling out ''entitled artists'' lmao#btw my opinion on the whole thing is painfully neutral if you couldnt tell#i dont think you should care that much about numbers and ppl take it wayyyyyy too far#throwback to that one guy who personally @ everyone who didnt reblog their art that was CRAZY. i would straight up report you KJFGHKG#i also understand and have personally experienced how much engagement can change your mood#a simple ''i love this!'' can make someone's day. it's not hard to understand why ppl like engagement#when they make post after post without so much as a little tag they dont care about sharing anymore#the fact that people call that ''entitlement'' is also crazy#i have a lot of drawings i havent posted or just left nonrebloggable bc it really doesnt make a difference lmao#the only ones i leave rebloggable are the ones that i Know will do well and get attention. like the little pig redraw#if it's cute or funny it gets positive attention. anything else is shit on here lmao#it's just not as fun to share. it either leads to no engagement or negative engagement#would rather have nothing than something rude so whatever#some ppl say it's always been like this but no it absolutely was not always like this#idk what exactly caused the change. probably a lot of factors#could even just be the fandoms i hang around in! but considering i've seen the same sentiment from a bunch of ppl i doubt it's that#the best solution to no engagement is to just make friends and have fun#but 90% of the internet is hostile and negative and rude for no fucking reason#when i unfollowed someone on my old public twitter and they @ me over it. damn i dont know why but NOW i know why 😭#this post has gone way off course im just ranting at this point. i havent talked in a while hi how have you guys been#work was a lot yesterday and today is too slow (im not at work im just going crazy in my house)#(and i cant leave my house bc there's construction blocking the road someone save me)#chat
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alicent and sansa with your bright red hair you are my enemy
stop trying to be ygritte you both could never
you have brown and auburn hair respectively with a side of some pretty misogynistic crazy fans who hate the hot dragon ladies
rhaenyra and dany you will both forever be famous
and stop stealing the winter roses rip my boy jon your symbolism is too cool too pretty so thieves are snatching it up bc for some reason little birds just aren’t good enough so a pretty flower is needed as well
i know this beef has long passed but almost every sansa fanart has a winter rose in it while i think i’ve only ever seen one fanart with jon holding some winter roses. the thieves have cleared my boy out and forced him into something so disturbing so gross so horrid so nasty and called it jonsa
they tried replacing satin with sansa it’s horrible
jonsatin is the real jonsa
it’s the truth
i’m a bi jon truther
i genuinely do not know what the point of this post is
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persephoneprice · 2 months
local girl is annoying in ao3 comment sections
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aeolianblues · 2 months
one last thing I will say on that topic. Americans getting upset about you calling out Zionism. When you're not talking about Judaism or in fact, about religion at all. When you're talking about a national military funded by a country that has been dropping bombs on the middle east since the 1980s. But then I suppose when people who are so so so comfortable with equating a whole religion, or further a whole entire group of multiple ethnicities, with simply 'terrorism', are criticised on any aspect of their wrongdoings of course they must think we're talking about their whole religion. Literally every word is a projection.
#I lost all respect for that person honestly. I used to think they were quite cool. I put up with a lot of blatantly horrendous shit thinking#'surely it's only a defensive thing. Surely they're only talking about the sadness within their community rather than actively supporting#the mass killings of thousands of people. Surely they're a teacher they've got to have that empathy with kids being murdered'#No! The fucking full clownshow. And now I've been feeling like an idiot all day— like why did I go 'let it slide' x 100#why should *they* walk away feeling like they've got some sort of moral superiority here and why should I feel like I've been struck down?#Why am I the idiot that didn't block them four months ago#Anyway sorry to everyone who's had to watch me spam about one (1) negative interaction *all day long* it will subside soon#I'm just stinging from the fucking. Utter blindness.#We've always said someone's comfort doesn't override someone else's right to survival#as a literal genderqueer person they KNEW that. They'd uttered the same fucking sentence#but alas the pinkwashing that makes me so frustrated with Americans sometimes. It magically doesn't apply where racism is concerned ✨😃#The US really is bombs dropped by rainbow-painted aircrafts; that meme should not be this accurate#anyway I'm glad that person is not in my life anymore. I'm glad my dash has one less abomination to repeatedly show up on it#and I have every right to be angry and I will be. I just won't bother you lovely folks with it
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