#as it stands everything's...okay? i think?
peachesofteal · 2 days
Through Me (The Flood) - secret baby fic Simon Riley / female reader requested by multiple: doctor visit
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The pediatrician's office is very bright.
Bright walls, bright furniture, bright toys. The hallway is painted a bright blue, dotted with wispy, spongey clouds, spiraling in patterns from floor to ceiling.
The exam room is not much better. It's yellow. Supposed to be soothing, you tell him. It's anything but.
The bright colors unsettle him, but he shoves it down. Swallows the gnawing anxiety brewing in the back of his mind, forces away the spiral attempting to swallow him whole. He falls back on what gives him comfort, what allows him to sleep at night, what makes him feel whole. The only one who doesn't make him feel torn to shreds. The one who can touch his bare skin without making him shake. You.
You're nervous too. It started when you got the baby undressed, and has only gone downhill from there. He can see it in the way you pace back and forth in the room, holding Ry to your chest, bouncing him, rubbing his back. There's dread scrawled into your expression, grim unease radiating from your bones.
"C'mere mama." He reaches, pulling your forearm and tugging you close, resting his chin on top of your head. You relax, but barely. "Everything's going to be alright."
"He hates shots."
"He's a baby, course he does. Can't blame 'im. Huh bub?" He strokes Orion's chubby and round cheek, tilting his head to press a kiss to your temple.
Someone knocks on the door, and it creaks open.
"Hi!" A young woman in a white coat smiles at them, giving Simon an odd look before stepping forward. He swallows the acid burning the back of his throat.
"Hey, Dr. Marsh." You greet weakly, face pinched. She says hello, and washes her hands, keeping a stream of chatter until she's seated on a rolling stool with an iPad in her hand.
"How's our big man?"
"Still big." You quip drily, and she laughs, glancing up at Simon. You look at him too, and then your mouth drops into a little o. "Sorry, this is Simon. Orion's dad." She stands, extends her hand. He takes it, careful to not squeeze too tight before letting go and hanging his own rigidly by his side, tense, like he's priming for a fight of some kind.
"I guess we know where he gets his size from." Fingers tap across the screen, and then she sets it on the examination table. "So, how is it going?"
"Fine, good, I think. He's still feeding every three hours. I feel like he's gained ten pounds since our last visit." She nods. "I've been trying to pump as much as I can but... there's just... not as much."
"That can happen. If you're still happy with breastfeeding, I don't have any concerns. Of course, if you want to stop, that's more than okay. As long as he's getting what he needs, there's no wrong way to feed him." You nod, rubbing his back. Dr. Marsh asks about any other concerns, and after you say you have none, she reaches for him. "Let's see if our guy is still a ninety nine percenter, huh?" Simon frowns.
"Ninety nine percenter?"
"He's uh, in the ninety nine percentile. Very big."
"Very big, and very tall." Dr. Marsh says from over her shoulder, where she's now got Orion on the baby scale. "Born at what mum, four and a half kilograms?" Simon blanches. Bloody hell. You haven't really told him too much about the birth, and he hasn't pushed you on it. Maybe this is why. You don't have a c-section scar, and he winces thinking about you giving birth, naturally. He should have been there. Should have held your hand, told you how amazing you were. How strong. The familiar feeling of regret resurfaces, and he gives you an apologetic look. You shrug with a little smile.
"He looked like a giant in the nursery, next to all the... regular sized babies." Dr. Marsh laughs, but Simon grimaces. Guilt settles in his stomach like a rock.
"Sorry, mama." He apologizes sheepishly, squeezing your hand, and you rub your thumb over his knuckles.
"It's okay, I kinda," your eyes sweep over him from head to toe, "expected it."
"Alright, so," Dr. Marsh brings Ry back over, handing him to you, but Simon intervenes, pulling him into his arms. He worries about your back. She smiles again, types something into the tablet, and then clears her throat, "growth is slowing down."
"Is that bad?" You sound alarmed, and she shakes her head.
"Not bad, considering he's been outperforming in height and weight since he was born. This happens, it's normal, there's nothing to worry about. However, he's still in the nineties. Just shy of eight kilograms."
"What's normal?" He's curious now, wondering how big his son is really, compared to others. He'd even feel proud, if he wasn't worried about the trauma having him may have caused you.
"Fiftieth percentile is around six. Now," she rests her hands on her thighs, and levels a serious look at you. "How are you? Sleep getting any better? Are you keeping up on hydration?" Simon peeks down at you, lips tugged into a firm line.
"He still feeds every three hours, and I'm the source so... not really."
"Any more dizzy spells?" What? His head snaps your direction. Orion gurgles, and he pats his back absentmindedly. Dizzy spells? Why haven't you said anything?
"Uh, not really. Maybe a few."
"Breastfeeding can take a lot out of you. It uses a lot of metabolic energy, so try to make sure you're eating enough and drinking a lot of water. It's normal to feel exhausted or fatigued, but taking care of your nutritional needs will go a long way. I know I sound like a broken record but, I think it will help. You might also try talking to your OB, since you know... I'm only a little human doctor." You swallow.
"Okay." She gives you a serious look, and you nod.
"Alright then, let's move on to everyone's favorite part."
He holds Orion for the entirety of the rest of the visit. He squirms and screams as he gets his shots, crying at the top of his lungs, and Simon closes his eyes at one point to take a deep breath. He's okay. He's safe. They're both safe. They're here.
You take him afterward, lips to the top of his head, eyes closed as you whisper. "Shhh, I know baby, I know. It's over now. All done. You were so brave." Simon's heart aches. It hurts to know you're struggling, that you see yourself as a failure, when it's so blatant that you're anything but. He's going to fix that.
You stop at the reception desk, lingering until the girl behind it gets off the phone. "Um, can we update Orion's emergency contact list? I want his dad to be on there, too." Simon looks down at you, momentarily dumbstruck. Sweet, sweet girl. Sweet little kitten. The receptionist smiles brightly, taking the information he provides, phone number, back up phone number (work cell) and his name.
The two of you head towards the elevator, and you give him a hesitant look as you step inside. "You don't mind right? I didn't want to overstep but... you're his parent too, I thought you might want to be-" You don't get to finish before he's swooping down with a hand at the small of your back and another on the baby's head, slamming his lips to yours so fiercely your breath hitches.
"Mama," he kisses your forehead, and then cups your chin. "You and Orion are my family now. You're it for me, and I'm chuffed you'd think to put me down as an emergency contact." You jerk back at his words, eyes wide. Too much? Too soon? Too strong? He doesn't care. He needs to start easing you into it, getting you used to the new reality, before he's moving you and the baby out of your flat and giving you a new last name.
"Simon." You whisper, but he shakes his head.
"I told you. I wanted you the night we made him, and I still do. You're everything. You're mine. You and our boy." You don't say anything, and the silence kills him until you reach for his hand, interlacing your fingers with his. "An' we're going to have a talk about you getting dizzy and not saying anything to me. Alright?" You gulp.
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luveline · 2 days
I was just rereading your marauders sex shop blurb. I love how the boys have just adopted reader into their group, and how open they are with their affection for her. You do such a wonderful job of writing intimacy that rides the line between platonic and romantic. And I love the readers inter monologue of wondering if that intimacy means something more romantic like she wishes. It’s wonderful! I was also wondering if there’s a blurb on how the boys met reader for the first time?
thank you so much, that’s so nice of you <3 there wasn’t one but I hope this is okay!! —Remus, Sirius and James move into their new flat. You’re helpful. fem, 1k
The stairwell is filled with the sounds of kissing. Remus frowns, heart beating quickly, arms aching under the weight of yet another box. He gets to the top of the stairs and peeks around the box’s sides. 
Sitting on the step of their new doorway is James. And, sitting on top of James, stroking his cheek, is Sirius. His hair is falling all over the place and they’re kissing so much Remus assumes they’ll have bruised noses. They often turn their kisses into a fight, like one of them can win, though it never really ends that way. He wants to laugh as Sirius pushes James down for more kissing, and he sort of wants to watch regardless because they’re both good kissers and he’d quite like to be included, but mostly he needs the heavy box put away. 
“Someone please help me,” Remus says. 
James breaks away. Sirius squeezes his face and begins to kiss his neck. 
“Baby,” James says as he pushes him away, which is funny, unlike him and unlike Sirius to be called it, but also not actually unlike either of them when Remus really thinks about it. 
Sirius gives a last peck and pulls away. When he gets up to look at Remus properly he’s flushed all over from the activity, his neck and face turning red in splotches. 
Sirius and James have spent a lot of time spoiling Remus into love. He would’ve ended up there regardless, but he’s used to being the centre of attention. It was nice to see them kissing, and he wishes he didn’t interrupt quickly, but neither party seems to begrudge him. Sirius stands up and James is a second behind him, taking the heavy box from Remus’ arms before it can topple to the floor. 
“We’re on break,” James says with a grin. “Especially you.” 
“We have to take the van back tonight, in case you forgot. There’s still half our stuff in there.” 
“If we have to pay their fine, it’s fine,” James says, shifting the box against his chest. “I’d much rather pay the extra day than have us all hurt ourselves. How will we ever test the big bed if poor Remus can’t move?” 
“Poor Remus,” Sirius says, taking Remus’ hand to play with his fingers. 
This is pretty much everything Remus has ever wanted. To get to keep his two best friends forever, to be in love, to live together in a new city with good food and better cinemas. And here, nobody knows them. Nobody to judge them or give them strange looks. They can just be together like they’ve always wanted to be. 
Remus leans down to put his face against Sirius’ chest, their hands still held, Sirius’ free arm wrapping around him loosely. 
“Tired?” Sirius asks. 
James reluctantly leaves for the kitchen to put down their heavy box. 
“No. We really need to empty the van.”
“We will.” Sirius drops his nose against Remus’ hair. “Cliche if I kiss you?” 
“I like cliches.” 
Sirius puts his lips to Remus temple. Barely a kiss, no movement nor sound, but Remus knows it counts. It’s about intention. 
“Would you like a rough one?” Sirius asks quietly. 
“Maybe later.” 
“Please, let me give you one,” he says. 
“And have you press me into the floor? I don’t think so.” 
Sirius tips Remus’ head up and presses a kiss to Remus’ Cupid’s bow in an act of lifting his face, and then presses an equally gentle kiss to his lips. All this kissing… 
“I’m so happy we’ve moved,” Remus admits. 
Sirius squeezes his fingers, pulling away to meet charmed eyes. “All we need to do is find James a new team, and it’s perfect. Everything, finally.” 
“Hello?” someone calls. 
Sirius and Remus keep their hands held and shuffle across the hall to look down at the square. The flat building is strange, big and with an interior that’s an exterior, and you stand on the grass with a smile. 
“Hi!” you say, hands on your hips. You’re dressed for the strange weather, jeans and a t-shirt and a zip-up hoodie, entirely non-assuming. “Are you guys moving in?” 
“We are!” Remus says back. “You live here?” 
“My friend, I came to make sure her cat was okay, she’s gone to Ibiza. Do you need help?” 
“Oh, no, we couldn’t ask you to!” Remus says. 
“Sure you can!” 
You smile, and Remus thinks you look really lovely when you smile, it changes everything about your face. He feels guilty for the thought quickly, but it’s not as though being in a relationship means he can’t tell when girls are pretty. 
“Are you busy?” Sirius asks. 
You grin and make for the metal stairs up to the flat. 
Remus peeks at him in surprise, then suspicion, but Sirius only smiles at him. “We’re making friends already,” Sirius says, giving him a nudge. “That’s what we wanted.” 
James returns, having taken off his hoodie, a brown t-shirt loose on his frame. His own, then, because he insists on stealing from everybody’s wardrobes and stretching out their clothes. 
“Why are you guys shouting?” 
“Nice girl’s gonna come help us move.” 
James raises his eyebrows. 
‘Nice girl’ makes her way up the stairs. You’re still grinning when you get to the top, unperturbed by the appearance of another boy. “Hi,” you say, holding out your hand for an introduction. “I’m Y/N.” 
It’s the start of a long road. Remus shakes your hand and gets the sort of butterflies he’s terrified of now, though eventually Sirius and James will admit to the exact same thing, and no one will know what to do about it.
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formulawolff · 3 days
xii. the final verdict - t.w.
pairing: female!driver x toto wolff
word count: 3.3k
warnings: smutttttt, two idiots in love, YEARNING, LOTS OF YEARNING, lewis being a little shit, george is lowkey dumb sometimes, slightttttt use of daddy dom!kink, cursing, angst, poorly translated german, yadayadayada
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night falls over the track, swathing it with a blanket of darkness. yet, three shadows make their way towards a crisp white building, a comfortable silence settling in. one of the figures carries a woman in his arms, her head nestled in his shoulder. 
“how are you able to carry her like that?”
“it’s not like she’s very heavy, george,” toto shrugs, motioning his head towards the door, “lewis, get the door for me, will you? it should be unlocked.”
“she leaves it unlocked?” lewis raises a brow, “that’s not very safe.”
“she usually leaves it unlocked this time of night,” toto huffs, “she probably did it out of habit.”
“is this the time you usually come over?” george inquires, propping the door open. 
“so many questions,” toto shakes his head, “and quiet down, will you?”
“yeah george,” lewis sticks a tongue out at his teammate, “the wittle baby is sweeping!” 
“she’s not a baby,” toto growls, strolling down that familiar hallway, “stay here for a minute. i’m going to get her in bed.”
“aye, aye, captain,” lewis salutes the team principal, “we’ll stay right here.”
as the team principal disappears behind her bedroom door, lewis shifts, turning to george, “george. he’s not falling in love. he loves that girl.”
“as if that wasn’t already obvious the second he scooped her up into his arms,” folding his arms across his chest, george surveyed the space, taking in the minimal decor and plain furniture, “no wonder she wants him over all the time. if i was basically living in a space like this, i would lose my mind.”
“should we help her decorate it?” lewis pauses, crossing over to the kitchenette. opening a few of the cupboards, a frown forms, “she doesn’t even have very many snacks. so much for making this a comfortable space. it’s not very homey.” 
“that’s what i was saying,” george mutters, “we should mention something to toto. maybe he’ll take her shopping.”
“maybe it’s a racing strategy? like she needs a blank space to clear her mind?” lewis inspects the fridge, lip curling in disgust, “to make things worse, she likes red bull!” 
“oh god,” george shudders, “throw it out! throw it–”
“what the fuck do you think you two are doing?”
the drivers freeze as toto stands before them, eyes narrowed into mere slits, the toe of his foot tapping against the floor. lewis glances over at george, the drivers sharing a panicked look as he clears his throat. 
“umm nothing!”
“right,” toto clicks his tongue, strolling towards the couch. he sits, letting out a shaky sigh as his head rolls back, fingers massaging his temples, “don’t worry. she has a shipment coming in soon with some decor. i ordered some things for the place. like you both said, i think she needs to make this a little more cozy.”
“you heard all of that?” lewis shifts uneasily, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“i heard everything,” toto tsks, “i think she’s okay. thank you both, for your help tonight. however, you do realize that she is a grown woman, right? you don’t have to play babysitter for me.”
“i was just a bit worried about you know?” lewis fiddles with a loose thread on his shirt, “i know she’s a grown adult, but i was just a bit nervous of what could have happened if she got too fucked up and said something she shouldn’t have.”
hmmm. lewis did have a point there. 
“i just wanted to make sure she got home safely,” george’s voice is low, “if she’s going to be my future teammate, i want to make sure she’s taking care of herself.”
at george’s statement, toto feels a smile form on his lips, “how kind of you, george. i appreciate that.”
“do you think she’ll sign with mercedes?” 
the inquiry is one that had been on toto’s mind frequently, more and more apparent as they got closer and closer to miami. now, it was all over. the lights on the track were shut off, the cleanup crew was well past finished, and the stands were completely empty. 
and toto needed an answer.
well, not now. not in her current state. 
he would have to wait until morning, when her mind was clear and senses alert. 
as of now, toto was only about seventy-five percent sure she would say yes. that she would depart from williams, take his hand, and follow him to mercedes. 
that twenty-five percent is what worried him. 
with the current momentum of williams, and the relationships she had established with the team, he knew it would be hard to leave. it would be hard to say goodbye to james, the one who believed in her, bringing her in when the other teams said no. it would be even more difficult to leave alex, as he was well aware of their sibling-like friendship. 
but the heart wants what it wants. right?
surely she would pick him. 
“i’m not sure,” toto murmurs, running a hand through his hair, “she has a lot of emotional attachment to williams.”
“but she loves you.” 
she loves you. 
at those words, a warm, cozy sensation rippled in his heart, sending waves of bliss crashing all over. yet, there was a twinge of disbelief. 
there was no way a woman like her loved a man like him.
a recently divorced father, who happened to be one of the busiest men on earth. he was constantly on the go. he was emotionally available at times, his exterior cold and brittle, like ice. he was too cruel. too matter-of-fact. the travel would be too much for her. she hated traveling, anyway. the jet lag, the sleepless flights, the perpetual feeling of not having a place to call home. 
yet, toto ached to know. to know when she said it. how she said it. the expression she bore as those words tumbled from those perfect lips. the way her voice sounded. he wanted to know every miniscule detail. 
he needed to know. 
“when did she say that?” 
“while we were waiting for the uber,” lewis’ eyes shine, glimmering with joy, “it was quite cute, actually. we were making fun of you, not really making fun, more like teasing. she got so defensive, telling us to quit it because she loved you. she said to not make fun of the man she loved.” 
“she was very adamant about it too,” george adds, his chuckle ringing through the space, “we asked her if she loved you, and she said ‘well of course i do. i love him. don’t tell him i said that, though.’”
“and you guys told me?” 
“i didn’t mean to,” lewis admits, “you just seem really distraught about the whole thing so i figured i would try to help ease your stress.”
well, that did the trick.
fighting a yawn, the team principal covers his mouth, “we can talk about it more tomorrow, after i come back. i’ll keep you two in the loop. don’t expect every detail, though.”
“i don’t think i want every detail,” george teases, yawning, “okay lew, i think it’s time for us to go. carmen is waiting on me.”
“have fun! don’t break your hips from–”
“lewis.” george hisses, “let’s go.”
“okay,” lewis rolls his eyes, “see you, toto.”
as the two drivers exit the motorhome, the door clicking shut, the team principal clambers to his feet. fuck, today was completely and utterly exhausting. yet, he could finally hold you in his arms. he could finally just be with you. 
that alone was worth the trouble brought by the series of events that transpired this evening. 
pushing open the door, toto melts at the sight of you. 
you were lying on your hip, one pillow underneath your head while you held onto the other. your knee was bent, the other leg sticking straight out. in the dim light he can make out the glisten of drool, strands of hair tousled, messy and unkempt. 
yet, you were as breathtaking as ever. 
luckily, toto was able to get your clothes off of you with ease. it wasn’t the method he preferred, but he was grateful to be able to do those little things. he was more than willing to do anything you needed. all you had to do was bat those pretty little lashes and pout. 
that was his weakness. 
and you knew it too.
well, you were his weakness. 
as he settles on the edge of the bed, pulling his joggers off, he reaches out, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. 
did you know much he adored you? did he make that clear enough? were you aware of how completely and utterly weak you made him? 
“hi baby,” you mumble, your eyes still shut, “i missed you.”
oh god. 
what were you doing to him?
“hallo, miene liebe,” toto whispers, “wie fühlst du dich?”
his heart swells at your response, a chuckle rumbling in his chest, “so you have picked up on a thing or two.”
“come here,” you whine, shifting your body towards the middle of the bed, “you’ve been yapping with lewis and george all nighttttt.”
“did you hear any of that conversation?” momentarily, panic sets in, yet dissolves as you shake your head. 
“i just woke up. i figured you were talking to them. i heard the front door shut.”
“ah,” toto climbs into the bed, wrapping his arms around your frame, bringing you close, “were they being loud?”
“no,” your voice is thick with sleep as you nestle into his collarbone, “thank you for coming and getting me, toto.”
“of course,” his mouth connects with your temple, placing tender kisses all over, “i’ll always come get you. call me, and i’ll be there.”
“i promise,” taking your hand, he locks your pinkies together, “i pinky promise.”
“i didn’t know old people made pinky promises.”
“it’s your fault,” toto tuts, yet you can feel him smile against your skin, “you make a mess out of me, you know that? every time you’re near me, i’m just a mess. i can’t think straight. i can’t focus on anything other than you.”
“well, you’re gonna be a complete and total mess all the time then.”
“and why’s that?” he squeezes your hand gently, resting his chin on the crown of your head. 
“because i’m accepting your offer. i’m going to sign with mercedes.”
in that moment, toto wolff nearly crumbles completely.
although there’s a fiery sureness in your tone, brimmed with authenticity, he knows in his heart that he shouldn’t be so sure. 
yet, as you doze off in his embrace, he can’t shake the complete and utter bliss. 
after one last kiss, his mouth hovers by your ear, the words so gentle, bursting with an emotion that could only be described as one thing. 
“ich liebe dich, mein goldenes mädchen." 
a fiery pain sears through your skull as you stir, groaning. 
“good morning, my little lightweight,” a voice, his voice, an octave lower than normal, rumbles from behind, “do you need some water and tylenol?”
rolling over, you bury your head into his chest, grateful for the traces of cologne clinging to his shirt, “yes.”
“how many? i can order breakfast too.”
“i wouldn’t go that far yet,” the idea of food has you nauseous for a moment, “i think snuggles would be just fine.”
throwing your leg over his waist, your arm hangs loosely around his rib-cage as he lets out a laugh, “i can’t help you feel better if you’re on top of me, schatzi. you have to let me get up.”
“five more minutes.”
“as you wish, my golden girl,” a hand wraps around the base of your neck, his fingers kneading into your skin, “it’s only six thirty-four. you only slept for about three hours.”
“not like i can sleep in,” you exhale, grateful for the soothing gesture, “i have to meet with my parents in a couple of hours.”
“oh yeah? fun day ahead?”
“i guess,” you shrug, “as much as i love spending time with them, i just get so fucking sad thinking about the inevitable goodbyes. we probably won’t be able to see each other till our summer break.”
if you signed with mercedes, i would have your parents moved to brackley in an instant. you would never have to worry about those goodbyes for the rest of your life. 
yet, toto bites his tongue, “then how about you start getting ready, hmm?”
“because there’s a very attractive man in my bed with me and i don’t want him to leave me quite yet.”
you would never have to worry about that. ever. i could never leave your side. 
“is that so?” fingers grasp your chin, tilting it upward, “do i know him?”
“mhmm,” you hum, “his name is toto. toto wolff. you may know him, i’m not sure though.”
“i think so too,” he leans in, mouth ghosting over yours, “come here, baby.”
as your lips collide, your hands roam, tangling in his brunette locks. the kiss is passionate, laced with desperation, as if you were reuniting after months spent apart. it sucks the air out of your lungs, leaving you breathless as his tongue finds yours, teeth nearly gnashing together as the tension builds, the kisses growing more and more needy by the second.
every move is electric, sending a shiver down your spine as his mouth detaches from yours, down your jawline and on to your neck. he nips the heated skin, sucking lightly as your head rolls back, hips bucking forward. 
between your thighs, you feel his cock twitch, throbbing as you grind against it. 
“fuck.” he moans, jaw clenching as your hand glides along the waistband of his boxers, “you just can’t wait, can you?”
“no daddy,” the innocence notes, so pure, so sweet, drip in his ears, “i can’t wait. i need you to fuck me.”
oh fuck. 
he was going to ruin you. 
absolutely ruin you. 
“take these off,” fingers hook the band of your panties, “the shirt too. and bend over.”
your cheeks burn at the authority in his tone. fuck, you couldn’t get enough of this. of him. since brackley, you were craving a moment like this. a moment where the two of you could just lose all inhibitions, completely enamored with one another. 
sliding his boxers down his legs, toto kicks them to the floor. raising his arms, he peels off his shirt, tossing it. yet, as his attention shifts back to the bed, he nearly unravels right there.
your back is arched, your ass jiggling as you situate yourself on the bed, getting more comfortable. as he can’t help but stare, his heart flutters as he takes in the way your body flows. how your shoulders, toned and defined, ripple as his fingertips roam. how the curve of your ass sits perfectly below your waist. how your pussy looks from this angle, dripping as you anticipate his next move. 
fuck, this must be a dream. 
it had to be a dream. 
“you’re perfect,” toto murmurs, dropping to his knees, “absolutely perfect, my love.”
“my lo–” you begin, yet the words never leave your mouth.
his tongue finds your swollen clit, savoring the way the juices seep onto his tongue. hands spread your cheeks, granting him access to your weeping pussy. pleasure washes over you, your moans flooding the space, reverberating off the walls. 
however, that pleasure quickly fades as he pulls away, a whine rising in your throat. 
“what?” his voice is low as he taunts you, “what do you want, schatzi? tell me, what do you need?”
“i need you,” you whimper, wiggling your hips, “please, i need you.”
“and what do you need me to do?” his hands grip your ass, squeezing, “i won’t give it to you till i hear you say it.”
“i need you to fuck me.”
“braves mädchen,” the praise rolls off of his tongue, and for a moment, he’s guilty at how easy it is giving it to you, “good girl.”
licking his lips, toto relishes the lingering taste as spit accumulates in his mouth, falling onto his fingers. his hand glides along his cock, wetting it. 
the moment his tip pushes inside of you, your walls expanding, back arching instinctively, he loses it. 
as he pounds into your drenched pussy, you grip the sheets, knuckles turning white as a hand weaves into your hair, tugging on the roots, “do you have any idea how much i’ve missed you baby?”
“i-i’ve missed you too,” you grit your teeth as his tip brushes against your g-spot, the pleasure absolutely overwhelming, clouding your senses, “i’ve missed this so much, toto.”
“what is it that you called me last night?” 
oh fuck. 
he remembered. 
“i called you daddy.”
“that’s right,” he coos, the noises filling the room downright sinful as he plowed into you, hips slapping against your ass, “good girl. lewis and george heard your entire conversation with me, you know that?”
oh god. oh fuck. fuck, fuck, fuck. 
“but you know what? i don’t give a fuck what they heard. you’re mine, schatzi. all mine.”
with every thrust, stars burst in your field of vision, the pressure growing in your abdomen. the fabric of the sheet balled up in your hands as you held on, desperate for your climax. 
toto could sense that you were close with the ways your walls were squeezing his cock. the way your muscles strain, tensing up. the way your voice was practically crying out his name as he fucked you senseless. 
fuck, was he crumbling now, the control slipping away by the second. 
“i-i’m going to cum,” fuck, were you so pretty like this, exactly where he wanted you, teetering on the edge of your orgasm, “toto, you’re going to make me cum.”
“let go baby,” maintaining his pace, toto leans down, lips planting sloppy kisses all over your shoulders, down your back, “cum for me. you can let go. be a good girl and cum for me.”
the feeling that overcomes you is nothing like you had ever felt before. 
it’s euphoria, pure euphoria. 
seconds later, you feel him pull out, coating your back with his cum. collapsing into the bed, your chest heaves, inner thighs spasming. 
toto disappears momentarily, slipping into your bathroom. moments later, warmth envelops your back as he cleans you up, murmuring praises under his breath. they were in german, your heart swelling as he’s beside you once again, hands gliding along your body, savoring the way you feel against him. 
“nothing,” you melt as his gaze meets yours, “just you.”
in that moment, you swear you see stars shining in those mocha depths. you notice another emotion glinting, but you are unsure of what it could be.
well, you have an idea.
but you're far too nervous to ask.
“what about me?”
“you’re just beautiful,” he murmurs, “my beautiful girl.”
“about that,” you scoot closer, your head resting in the crook of his neck, “what are we?”
his chest vibrates as he speaks, “what do you want us to be?” 
“i want to be yours,” you whisper, so quiet that you were unsure if he even heard you, “as in i want to be your girlfriend. i want to wake up next to you every day. i want to come home to you every night. more than anything, your face is the first one i want to see after a race. i want to hold your hand as we walk to the podium. i want to be able to love you. i can’t do this anymore. i can’t just lie and act nonchalant. i want you, toto. i want you every day. every hour. every minute. every second.” 
toto finds himself at a loss for words, blood roaring in his ears as she sucks in a breath, her voice trembling, laced with the threat of tears. 
yet, they weren’t tears of sadness. it was more like a cathartic release, like she was finally confessing her deepest, well-kept secret. like she was finally allowing the walls guarding her heart to come crumbling down.
“i’m accepting your offer. i want to drive for mercedes. however, i can’t wait any longer. i can’t be away from you any longer than i have to. i want to start driving for mercedes as soon as possible.”
taglist: @younxii @toldyouitwasamelodrama @kravitzwhore @persona1lies @pucksandpower @k3ira13 @prettiest-at-the-party @martwll @annewithaneofthegreengable @zoeyjadetice2010  @sinners-98-world @laura-naruto-fan1998 @nebarious @joalslibrary @swifth0lic @statuewoman @strangegirl974 @thatgirlthatreadswattpad @m-1234 @whoisss @msbyjackal @annaaepf1 @paigelouise
as always, if i forgot to add you, or if you would like to be added to the taglist, let me know! thank you all for the endless support and love for this series! y'all are the sweetest! <3
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ecstarry · 2 days
@jegulus-microfic / more / 272 words / @fromagony @star4daisy
Sirius had been standing for five minutes outside his own dorm trying to figure out if opening the door would be something he would regret for the rest of his life. He could hear James and Regulus talking, he could even understand what they were saying.
“James, I want more,” his brother insisted with a pouting voice.
“Regulus, you’re getting greedy,” James said and Sirius could hear his best friend smirking. 
“I will let you know when it’s enough, Jamie.” 
“Last time you couldn’t even move after you finished.” Sirius felt sick.
“I don’t care about that. I want more now.”
Sirius couldn’t take it anymore and opened the door at once.
“Stop!” Sirius demanded loudly with one hand covering his eyes. 
“Pads, what are you doing?” James said, laughing at him. 
Slowly, Sirius opened his eyes and saw through his finger. 
Regulus and James were sitting on the floor over a blanket, each with a plate full of pasta in front of them. James was holding a cheese grater over Regulus’ dish. 
“Everything okay, brother?” 
“I thought- What were you guys talking about?” Sirius asked, still trying to ground himself. 
“My boyfriend over here conveniently forgets he’s lactose intolerant when it comes to parmesan cheese.”
“Oh! That’s why he couldn’t move after he finished…” Sirius muttered to himself. However, not quietly enough to keep Regulus from hearing him and burst out in laughter. 
“You’re a perv! Now leave, because I do have plans to do exactly what you were thinking about.” Regulus stood up and pushed him out the door. 
Sirius did not wait to listen to them this time.
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dcxdpdabbles · 1 day
I saw someone did an Ask about Damien and Danny knowing each other and just keeping in touch just not letting the Batfam know (was it Angel and Demon Brat or something?not sure).
What if we break some hearts,
We have big brother Danny who is dead (the big brother who told him it was okay to call others brother and that blood wasn't everything no matter what grandfather said), Tucker (or Sam or Jazz) just barely escaped Amity's destruction (maybe the GIW went nuclear on the city, maybe a ghost or demon finally got the better of Danny, maybe the portal need to be closed and Danny's life was the price, or maybe the city was already gone and Danny barely got Tucker and Dani out dealers choice) and tearful introduces Damien to his niece (Last last piece of the man he's spent countless lives thinking about, dreaming about and loving since his first life (I love Pharaoh/magically powerful Tucker)).
That got way more detail the more I was writing, haha... Oops 😳😬.
What do you think? Or just whatever pops into your mind. You do you, whatever you put out will be amazing!
There is loud, awful banging coming from the front door.
Or, to be more specific, there is someone banging on the door as hard as they can. At first, Alfred is wondering if he is imagining things. It was a rather quiet night for the bats to be out and about.
There was a storm that had blown through Gotham, driving everyone to take shelter. The howling winds and ran had left even the worst of scum chilled to their bones.
The bats were on their way home. Having called it a night after the third time, the wind had nearly caused two of them to fall while grappling across the city.
When he heard the noise, Alfred had just finished prepping the cave for post-patrol and went up to get everyone some warm clothes. He immediately went for one of the hidden guns around the manor.
Master Bruce was unaware of them, but Alfred had been able to hide the weapons since the lad was five years old.
Crouching low to the ground, he slowly approached one of the windows that overlooked the front door. Whoever had come knocking had somehow gotten past the first three levels of security.
Alfred leaned up only so one of his eyes could look over the window shill, keeping his back to the wall for easy push-off and the shotgun at the ready.
None of their motion detectors, video cameras, or heat vision cameras had detected the two standing figures on his porch. He couldn't see them clearly due to the water splashing against the glass, but it seemed like a man and a child.
Narrowing his eyes, Alfred leaned back down. He quickly pressed the side of his watch in three rapid clicks. At once, the signal that the manor may be compromised went out, alerting his returning family.
Alfred did not wait for a response from them. Instead, he threw himself on the ground, using the crawling technique taught to him by his years in Her Majesty's service to get closer to the door.
He trains the barrels at the wood, ignoring the desperate banging. Usually, he would have opened the door to question who they were, but it was nearly four in the morning, and he could have sworn that the man had been wearing a purple jacket and pantsuit.
In Gotham, that could only mean one thing. If the Joker was here, he would not live to see another sunrise. Alfred was done with that fool harming his family. Master Bruce's wishes be damned.
The only reason he didn't take the shot, for surely the bullets would pass through the aged wood, was that he had seen a more petite figure, too—a child.
He isn't sure who the child is—or if it is even a child—but he can't risk ending the Joker until he is sure the small;ler one is safe. Alfred had seen war many times in his military days; he did not want to force a child to live with them, too.
A few minutes pass when the banging sound starts to slow down, and there is nothing but silence. The wind contuines to howl. The rain continues to spray across the roof, and the lightning and thunder continue to roar.
Alfred feels his fingers strain with the urge to shoot but he keeps still ignoring everything until his watch beeps softly three times. Master Bruce and the children had arrived.
They must not have come through the cave, for he does not hear or sense an approach from anywhere inside the manor. A shadow overpasses him, causing Alfred to snap his gun in that direction until he registers it in the shape of a bat and quickly reaims towards the door.
He keeps himself perfectly still on the ground, even as he starts to hear faint curses, thumps, and a chilling little girl's scream. There is a moment of stillness before two figures fly through the wood—the child and the made-in-purple.
Alfred has a moment of surprise. It seemed the child was a meta before he pulled the trigger, aiming for the man's knees. His aim has not dulled with age, and the bullet sails true. Sadly, the little girl had faster reflections, making the faint glow surrounding her travel down her arm and to the man's body.
Their bodies become intangible as the bullet passes the man easily. Alfred frowns, reloading as he rolls over and swings himself to his feet.
The front door slams open as Master Bruce rushes in, followed by Master Damian. The two crime fighters slam into the strangers, somehow able to touch them when, seconds ago, metal couldn't.
Master Bruce flings the man to the wall, slamming him against one of the tables, while Master Damian has the girl in a painful hold. She thrashes and fails, but she can't get out, and Alfred wonders if her powers are limited.
Alfred trains the gun on the scene, keeping an eye on both Master Bruce and Master Damian at all times in case he needs to cover them.
"Who are you?" Master Bruce hisses, holding the purple suit man up by his collar. At this point, Alfred can see it is not Joker, for the stranger is far too young and has the wrong ethnicity.
"How did you find us?" the man gasps instead of answering, his eyes filled with tears. "The government wasn't supposed to find us here! Wayne was supposed to be safe!"
Alfred doesn't allow his brow to raise, but it's a darn thing. It didn't sound like they were here to do any harm, but one could never be too careful.
"Why are you after Wayne?"
"Don't tell him anything!" The little girl screeches, rainwater mixing with the blood dripping down her face. Master Damian had not been gentle when he slammed her against the ground. He was likely worried about Alfred. "We aren't afraid of you, GIW scum!"
"GIW?" Master Damian repeats. "Who or what are they?"
Both strangers freeze. "You're not with them?"
Master Bruce remains silent, and for one tense moment, Alfred wonders if the other man has passed out from the way he slumps in his old ward's hold.
"You're not with them. Thank the Ancients." The man gasps. He suddenly reaches out, grabbing Master Bruce in a craze of desperation. "My daughter. She's in danger. Please get her to Damian Wayne. Danny said he could protect her. Please... please help us."
His strength fades, and the man finally does fall unconscious, his hold on Master Bruce's slipping as he faints. The little girl screams- it doesn't sound human at all, and the noise likely started Master Damian's reflection, for the boy is quickly slamming onto her back, knocking her out, too.
Alfred finally lowers his weapon as the lightning flashes again, followed by loud thunder. He waits a few minutes before creeping towards Master Bruce.
The other is checking the stranger, mouth pulled into a tight, thin line once they spot that underneath the purple outfit, there are multiple wounds. Burns, cuts, and bruises decorate the dark skin of the stranger.
It's easy to see he escaped from somewhere abusive.
A gutted gasp from Master Damian has them swinging around, Alfred with his gun raised and Master Bruce with one of his batarangs at the ready. Instead of seeing the youngest being attacked, they find Damian staring in horror at the amulet he is holding.
The chain is still around the girl's neck as she was flipped onto her back- likely the lad was also checking her for wounds. Alfred can't see much but he can tell she may be just as wounded as the man.
"What is it, Robin" Master Bruce growls.
There is silence from the Katana user until one single tear rolls down from underneath the boy's mask over his cheek. He looks up at them with the most devastated expression Alfred has ever seen as he whispers.
"She bares my older brother's mark. Father, I think she's family."
"What, brother?" Master Bruce asks. "You never mentioned a brother before."
"He died.....years ago, but if Todd returned, then my brother...I left my kind-hearted brother in my Grandfather's grasp. I left him..."
The lighting flashes behind Master Damian's form, highlighting the devastation on his expression, and Alfred is filled with confusion, horror, and worry faster than the thunder can catch up.
Master Bruce's face loses all emotion- the coping mechanism Alfred had seen him use since the day he was found in that alley by the cold bodies- and growls. "To the cave. I want answers."
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dirtyvulture · 3 days
Envy and Venom - Part 3
Heiress!Natasha Romanoff x CEO!Beefy!Fem!Reader
18+ only, read at your own risk
Summary: You are the notorious playboy who just inherited one of the biggest tech companies in the world. Your first move? Sleeping with the heiress of your rival company.
Word count: 4990
AN: Y'all are getting fed with this one. Have fun. :)
Click here for Part 2!
Thanks to @mostlymarvelsstuff for helping with some Russian translations lol.
DAY 34
“Do you have everything ready? Your presentation, your notes?” your dad asks.
“Yes, yes,” you tell him for what feels like the thousandth time. 
“This is where the comeback starts,” your dad says, and sometimes you wish he would just claim back his title. You were sick and tired of his coaching, even if you needed it a little bit. But if Envy Industries had gotten into this mess because of you, then you were the only person who could get them out of it. “I know I can’t be there in person–”
“I know, I know,” you dismiss. You were well aware of his vacation plans to the Maldives with his new girlfriend. Besides Envy, it was the only thing he wanted to talk about nowadays. But you still didn’t even know her name, and were certain he’d find a new one before the end of his trip.
“Tony will be there with you, right? He’ll keep you on track,” your dad continues, inching into sensitive territory now. Even though he denied it every time you confronted him, you knew he was always worried about you stepping into the CEO role because you were a woman. Hearing the doubts from the public and the competition hardly bothered you, but from your own father, it was like a punch to the face. Especially when you were not exactly proving him wrong given how things had played out since your first day.
“Who cares if Tony is there or not?” you snap, losing your patience. “He’s not the one giving the presentation. He’ll just be standing behind the curtain, stealing all the free merch, and–”
“Okay, that’s enough,” your dad cuts you off. “I want you to call me again tomorrow. We’ll run over your presentation again–”
“I’ll think about it.” You slam the handset on the receiver, a satisfying motion that could not be accomplished with modern telephonic devices. You try not to give the upcoming presentation any more thought–it was already stressing you out enough. Maybe an hour in the gym would take your mind off things. 
Your decision made, you step away from your desk to your private walk-in closet, rifling through the selection of workout clothes hanging there. All of them were custom-cut to your exact body dimensions to ensure the best fit and look. Although you were no professional athlete, you treated yourself as if you were one (and you certainly looked the part). 
But right now, you couldn’t care less what you looked like or what you were wearing as you grabbed the first set of clothes you could reach, slipping them on and grabbing your Louis Vuitton gym bag, monogrammed with your initials. You lightly jog out of your office, moving fast enough that people will think you’re in a rush and not stop you. The gym is on the tenth floor of the building, and because it’s just after lunch, most people are back at their desks. But you set your own schedule, so you’re happy to find that it isn’t too crowded and you quickly get warmed up before you start lifting.
In between sets, you check your phone, a bad habit that doesn’t exist when you’re with your training coach, but he’s not around to scold you, so you can do as you please. In the tracking app, Natasha’s red dot blinks in the Upper West Side of Manhattan, hardly three miles away from your current location in Envy Industries. 
She was hanging out at Black Widow Corporation headquarters, just where you expected her to be. She had an unsurprisingly predictable schedule, splitting her time just between work and home, which you discovered was in an apartment just a few blocks down the street from yours. You wonder if she lived on her own or with her father, who was likely paying for her housing either way. 
Natasha was not quite the self-made woman that you were. Her work was significantly more behind the scenes, which was one reason why you had never heard of her before. Alexei Shostakov was the only name you associated with Black Widow Corp. But you had done your own digging on her and her family the past few days. There was frustratingly little about Natasha and you were ready to hire a private investigator due to your lack of results. 
All you had learned was that she had graduated magna cum laude from Virginia Tech with a degree in economics, where she also held a brief internship at the university’s infamous Gamma Lab before it was shut down after the sudden death of its lead researcher. You assumed she had gone immediately to work for Black Widow Corp after her graduation; there was no other work history for her anywhere. No social media, no public interviews. This woman fascinated you more and more. 
After a final set of deadlifts, you re-rack all the weights because you’re not that much of a heathen and check your phone again. Natasha is no longer at Black Widow Corp, her red dot moving steadily through 86th Street that cut through Central Park. Your heart rate jumps, and not because of your workout. You sit down on a bench to steady yourself, watching as the red dot continues through Central Park. When she turns right on Park Avenue, you know exactly where she’s heading.
Hopefully you could intercept her first.
“Where are you going?” 
Natasha curses under her breath as she turns around to see Yelena standing in the lobby, her arms crossed over her chest like a scorned mother catching her child sneaking out of the house.
“What?” Natasha rounds on her sister, annoyed that she’s been watching her like a hawk.
“The board of directors meeting starts in seven minutes,” Yelena says, and Natasha curses under her breath because she forgot all about that.
“Dad can handle it without me,” Natasha replies, eager to get the heat off of her as soon as she can.
“They’ll be talking about CES,” Yelena reminds her, referencing the important annual show where the biggest tech companies came together in Vegas to reveal their newest inventions and products.
“You’re not going to CES,” Natasha points out, surprised her sister even knows its proper name. Since the company was going to fall on her shoulders once their father stepped down, Natasha had spent almost the entirety of her adult life learning, training, and breathing business and technology. Yelena had been able to pursue her own hopes and dreams, starting in the private security field until she had enough experience (and enough of Dad’s money) to start her own company. She was happy and thriving, something Natasha was endlessly jealous of.
Yelena had never experienced the pressure of managing billions of dollars in and out the door. She didn’t know what it was like to fight off every insecure man who couldn’t bear to do a business deal with a woman. She hadn’t spent hundreds of hours trying to learn coding languages and complicated mathematics and equations on her own. Yelena didn’t understand what Natasha had spared her from, and Natasha was afraid she would never be grateful for it.
“Yes, but you’re going to CES,” Yelena says.
“You’re not my babysitter,” Natasha snaps, turning away and marching towards the door. 
“You’re going to see her again, aren’t you?”
“What?” Natasha stops. “Who the hell are you talking about?”
“That CEO you’re in love with.”
“Excuse me?” But Natasha’s face is flaming red as she struts over to confront her sister. “I am not in love with anyone. You know that.”
“You seem to be spending an awful lot of time with that CEO.”
“No, I’m not.”
Yelena smirks. “I own a private security company, sestra. You don’t think I know my own sister’s whereabouts and who she’s with?”
Natasha’s heart sinks, but she tries not to let it show. “Why can’t you ever just mind your own fucking business?” she growls, immediately regretting the harshness of her words when she sees her sister’s face fall. But she’s too proud to take it back.
“I don’t think it’s safe if you keep seeing her,” Yelena says. “And you don’t know what it could do for the company–”
“Why do you care about the company so much all of a sudden?” Natasha counters. “Dad’s not giving it to you when he steps down.”
“I don’t want it,” Yelena replies, although she looks hurt. “But to be quite honest, I don’t like what it’s turning you into.”
“Which is what?”
“This!” Yelena waves her arms at Natasha frantically. “It’s always ‘Black Widow this, Black Widow that.’ You don’t have any hobbies anymore. You never eat dinner with the rest of the family. You don’t go out unless it’s to see that CEO–”
Natasha interrupts her with a huff. “You wouldn’t understand, Yelena,” she says, trying a different approach and maintaining complete calm. “You can just stay holed up in your one-windowed office to spy on people and let the real adults go out in the real world and handle real shit.” With that, she spins on her heel and storms out of the building. 
“Why are you into shooting all of a sudden? Have you ever even held a gun before?” Tony asks, staring at you with a dropped jaw.
You shrug. “I need some new hobbies,” you lie.
“You’re not going to shoot someone with it, are you?” he half-jokes, his chuckle quickly dying up when you don’t laugh with him.
“No, of course not,” you mumble unconvincingly.
“Okay, well, when do you need the gun by?” he asks.
“How fast does Bucky work?”
Tony shrugs. “If I call him now, he can have one to me by the end of the day.”
“Okay.” The sooner the better, because it gave you less time to back out of your plan. “That works.”
“So, are we going big-game hunting in Africa this summer?” Tony asks, giving you a sharp nudge before starting his car.
“Maybe, maybe…” But you have a different target in mind.
The gun is surprisingly heavy, oily, and unfamiliar in your palm. Bucky had gone over the four “rules” of gun handling, which shocked you that he even knew:
Treat every gun like it was loaded
Don’t point it at something you aren’t willing to shoot.
Keep your finger off the trigger until you’re ready to shoot.
Be mindful of your target and what’s around it.
He had given you a full box of ammo for “good luck” too, before jumping back into his car and driving away faster than you could read his license plate.
Currently, you sit in the darkness of your apartment, weighing the gun in your hand. Your heart is beating so hard against your ribcage you swear you can hear it. 
You check your phone. Natasha’s just parked her car in the parking garage. It should only take her a few minutes to ride the elevator up. You hadn’t even bothered to change out of your workout clothes, worried that she would arrive at your apartment before you did, but you had just barely made it on time.
Her red dot blinks in place on your screen. She’s in the elevator.
Your eyes flit to the front door, the gun feeling even heavier in your hand. 
The seconds drag on. 
You hold your breath for as long as you can between inhalations, heart pounding, ears straining for any sound of movement outside your apartment door.
Beep, beep.
A key card–yours–registers at the door lock. The handle pushes down from the outside and you snap to attention. 
Don’t miss, you tell yourself.
The door parts open, almost hesitantly, like your uninvited intruder is suddenly unsure of themselves. In the darkness, you see a figure slip through the door and close it behind her. Her body shape gives her away immediately. The thick thighs in black jeans, the curve of her hips leading up to her narrow waist, the fullness of her bosom stretching out the tight shirt she’s wearing.
When Natasha steps into the light, she freezes when she sees you sitting at the kitchen table, gun cocked in her direction.
“It’s about time you showed up,” you greet. “Building security didn’t question you when you used my key card to get in?”
“Clearly not,” Natasha says, her stance tense and wary.
“Come sit down. We should talk,” you invite, gesturing with the gun and breaking Bucky’s rule number one. Natasha stiffly walks towards you, her face an impassive shadow. You’ve never seen her genuinely scared before and it delights you that for once, you have the upper hand on her. You kick out a chair and she sits next to you. 
“Didn’t expect this, did you?” you ask. “Probably thought you could just waltz right in here and steal more of my shit?”
“Shut the fuck up.” You’re tired of listening to her excuses. You rest the gun on the table. “Is Black Widow going to CES?”
“Yes,” she says. “Like we do every year–”
“Well, there’s going to be some changes this year,” you interrupt. “Get your phone out. Call your dad. Black Widow Corp is going to be a no-show this year.”
Natasha balks. “That…That won’t be possible.”
You pick the gun back up and point it at her, breaking rule number two. “Then make it possible.”
“You won’t shoot me.”
“You don’t think this is real?” You point the gun at the table. Rule number three. You pull the trigger. Rule number four. The gun bucks in your hand, the blast reverberating around your apartment with enough power to rattle your teeth. Natasha flinches even though you hadn’t aimed anywhere near her. “No one can hear us,” you say with a chuckle. “I had the apartment soundproofed years ago to stop the neighbors from complaining.” 
She stares at the gun.
“Take your phone out now. And call your dad.” You hope you don’t have to ask again.
With shaking hands, she finally obeys, placing her phone on the table. “Put it on speakerphone,” you demand. Natasha presses a few buttons and you hear the dial-up tone.
“Privet, doch',” Alexei booms.
“English,” you hiss.
“Hi, Dad,” Natasha says, side-eyeing you uncertainly. “We, uh…We need to talk about CES.”
“Good, I just got out of the meeting with the board–”
“Black Widow can’t show up this year.”
Alexei’s surprise is palpable. “What, Natasha? What are you talking about?”
“We need to call off our appearance,” she says, her voice shaking. “Just for this year. We’ll go again next year like we normally do–”
“What’s wrong with this year?” Alexei asks.
Natasha looks at you, her eyes begging. You shake the gun to remind her you’re serious. “I…uh…I don’t think our tech is ready for the show,” she says. “You know how disastrous it can be if we unveil something that isn’t completely ready.”
“But we’ve been working on Project Transformer for months, Natasha. It’s plenty ready–”
“No. Dad, please.” She grits her teeth. “I was looking through the code last night with the engineers. There’s a bug in the programming. It’s going to take at least a few weeks to smooth out. We can’t debut right now, Dad.”
Alexei curses in Russian. “Shit. The board really liked our presentation.”
“I know.”
“I wish you would have told me earlier.”
“I know,” Natasha repeats. “But we only just discovered it this week.” 
There is more silence, punctuated by Russian grumblings from Alexei. “Okay, okay. I’ll make a few calls. Too bad we’ll be losing out on our reservation fee too.”
“It’s a small price to pay.” Natasha’s eyes dart to you again. “Sorry for all the trouble, Dad.”
“Where are you?” Alexei asks. “We missed you at the meeting.”
“I’m out.”
“Will you come to dinner tonight?”
“Good, good. Proshchay, dorogaya.”
“Bye, Dad.” Alexei hangs up first.
You slowly clap your hands. “Good girl. Was that so hard?” Your chest swells with pride at your achievement. Maybe now she would have more respect for you. You know she only saw you as a piece of meat. But you were much, much more than that.
“Fuck you,” Natasha spits.
“Oh, are we still doing that?” You put the gun down on the table, this time facing it away from her. You part your legs slightly, inviting her between them. Natasha glares at you with emerald daggered eyes. “Don’t be shy, baby,” you say, your voice deepening. “I got what I wanted today. It’s only fair you don’t leave here empty-handed too.”
Natasha shoots up and marches over to you. For a second, you think she’s going to hit you, but instead she straddles your lap and kisses you so hard you’re sure she’s bruised your lips. The ferocity is both frightening and arousing as she tears off your workout shirt and shorts. She palms at your left breast roughly, sinking her nails into your abs and dragging them down to your belly button. You groan into her mouth when she bites your bottom lip. She’s never been this aggressive with you before, but you know she’s taking out her frustration on you.
And you absolutely love it.
“Now that I’m done fucking with your company, you want me to fuck you until you can’t walk?” you whisper, shoving your bare thigh between her legs. The friction from her jeans burns your skin, but you hardly register the pain. 
“You’ll have to carry me out,” Natasha says, trailing her fingers down the vein on your bicep.
“Deal.” You kiss her again, slipping your muscular arms under her thighs and standing up with her. You carry her to your bed, leaving her to undress while you grab your strap from its drawer and slip it over your legs. When you turn back, she’s shimmying off her lacy black panties and the feral urge to keep your promise overrides all your senses. 
You pick her back up and she hooks her legs around your waist, her arms circling your neck. She presses her naked chest against yours, both of you moaning in unison when your nipples brush together. You walk with her until Natasha’s back bumps into the wall, shifting her weight off your arms to the wall. You maneuver your right hand to grab onto your strap, lining it up with Natasha’s center. 
“Are you ready for me?” you ask, rubbing the tip of your cock over her soaking entrance. Natasha’s whines at your teasing, her fingers tangling in your hair and jerking at your roots painfully. 
“Fucking ruin me,” she begs.
You slam your hips forward, burying your entire cock in her in one move. Natasha screams, tearing her nails down your back. Your big hands grip onto her waist to hold her in place as you thrust into her tight heat, your abs flexing and tensing. Natasha’s body rolls with yours, her head falling back against the wall, exposing the perfect column of her neck to you. You lean forward to decorate it with your marks, so every time she undresses for the next week, she’ll be reminded of you.
The only item of “clothing” she still wears is a thin silver necklace with a rectangular charm hanging from the chain. It bounces in the hollow of her throat every time you thrust into her.
“Y/N, oh, Y/N,” Natasha chants, music to your ears as you keep your relentless pace. Your thighs, already spent from your gym session, are absolutely on fire now, so you need her to finish quickly before you drop her. You shift the angle of your hips, bumping the top of your cock against her clit with every stroke. Natasha squirms and moans, trying to find a rhythm with you, but she’s so close she can’t match you at all. 
“Tell me when you’re gonna cum, baby,” you pant. 
“Soon,” she moans. “Go harder. Don’t stop.”
You’re afraid you’re going to break her with how hard you’re thrusting into her. But finally, her body tenses in your hands and you know she’s finished all over your cock. You’re grateful to slow your thrusts as she comes down from her high, your entire body sweaty and buzzing with adrenaline. You slip your arms under her quivering thighs and stumble back to the bed, collapsing onto it with your legs hanging off the edge, Natasha panting on top of you. 
You’re not sure who’s more exhausted, you or her. You lay there unmoving, trying to catch your breath, which Natasha does before you. She sits up, slowly pulling your cock out of her and crawling up your body to kiss you messily. Her tongue slips into your mouth, but you’re too tired to return her fervor very much. 
“What’s wrong, sweetheart? Am I too much for you?” she teases, cupping your chest and pinching your nipples. 
“No, just give me a minute,” you grumble. It was rare to meet someone with stamina like hers. And as much as you prided yourself on yours, you feel like you may have met your match with Natasha Romanoff. Your arms and chest are covered in her scratch marks, and your back still stings a little. Natasha traces the scratches gently.
“Mine,” she murmurs.
“Hmm?” you grunt, not sure if you heard her correctly.
She props herself up on your chest to look at you. “I can give you a minute,” she purrs, her voice becoming husky and seductive. Natasha slides down your body, resting her knees on the floor and tugging the harness of your strap down your legs. You can hardly lift your hips high enough off the bed to help her, embarrassed by how tired you are. Natasha grabs your calves to lift your feet up one at a time to remove the harness and throw it to the side. She rubs her hand  across your defined abdomen, stoking the fire in your belly again.
“Don’t move, baby,” she says. “I’ll take care of you.”
“Huh?” You lift your head high enough to see Natasha’s head between your legs, her mouth lowering onto you. It’s like a lightning bolt of pleasure that shoots through your core and you moan loudly in appreciation. Natasha makes eye contact with you as she slips her tongue into you, smiling as you pant and squirm. 
“Oh, God. Fuck me,” you gasp, dropping your head back on the bed. Your hands claw at the sheets as her tongue explores your walls. Natasha pushes apart your muscular thighs to make more room for her, pushing so deep into you her nose bumps against you. Your chest heaves as you struggle to breathe evenly, arching your lower back off the bed in a silent plea for more. 
Natasha eats you out like she’d been starving for a week, her tongue alternating between swirling around your throbbing clit and pushing through your clenching walls.
You finally find the strength to lift your right leg, twisting it sideways at the knee and hooking it around the back of Natasha’s head, pressing your calf against her scalp and dragging her closer. You reach down with your hand to tangle it in Natasha’s flaming red hair, pushing her down so she isn’t tempted to pull away right when you reach the edge of release. 
“Nat,” you whine. “Please, baby. You’re gonna make me cum.”
Natasha hums against you, the vibrations finally causing you to lose control. Your entire body goes limp as Natasha cleans up all the slick between your legs, then climbs back up to rest on you like you’re her personal pillow.
“Gimme a kiss,” you mumble and Natasha presses her lips to yours obediently. She tucks her head in the crook of your collarbone and you stroke her hair absently. “If I fall asleep, are you gonna leave again before I wake up?” you ask, your voice sounding small. 
“Only if you want me to,” Natasha murmurs. 
“I know I’m supposed to hate you, but I don’t know if I can,” you admit.
“Then don’t,” Natasha says. “Because I was thinking about it too, and…I think we should go public.”
“Public? Like us being…” You can’t even finish your own sentence.
“Mhmm.” Natasha nods against your chest.
“You can’t be fucking serious,” you scoff.
“No, I’m fucking you.”
“And you’re done. Right?” Your eyebrows scrunch together at the dual meaning of your words. Natasha doesn’t say anything. “At the very least, you owe me fifteen-billion-dollars before we can go public about anything,” you say, referencing the amount your company lost in the last month when Black Widow Corp pulled the rug out from under your feet.  
“Done.” Natasha searches around your bed for her phone. “What’s your bank account number?” 
“What are you doing? Seriously.” You’re a little lost now. 
“Well, our dads spent all their time fighting each other,” she says.
“Not fucking?” you joke.
“I can’t confirm that,” she says with a smirk. “But I was thinking about it. And I know Envy hasn’t been doing so well lately–”
“Because you sabotaged our contracts and stole our ideas,” you remind her.
Again, Natasha does not confirm nor deny this fact. “But what if instead of competing, we…helped each other out?”
“Like a collaboration?” you ask. Your father had specifically warned you against any kind of “collaboration” work with another company. You weren’t running a YouTube channel. You had a multibillion-dollar business. It was your responsibility to look out for the well-being of your company and your company only, damn philanthropic endeavors, personal favors, and relationships.
“We can work something out,” Natasha insists.
“Did you go through all of this just to ask me that?” you ask.
“No.” Now, Natasha looks away from you. “I mean, at first, yes. I thought you would just be a hot one-night stand. And yes, you were–” You raise an eyebrow. “–But you’re also a lot more than that.” Validation burns through your veins to hear this. “You’re smart, you know the tech, and you know how to run a business. And you’re the hottest CEO in the country and the best person who’s ever taken me to bed,” Natasha says. You think you’re going to combust at the praise. “I can’t stop thinking about you. I can’t stop thinking about us. And what we could accomplish together.”
It takes a few seconds to let her words process. “I don’t know how this could work,” you say, the logical side of you taking over for once. “We’re not regular people, Nat. The future of this country is literally in our hands. The public watches our every move and criticizes every decision we make. People like us need whole PR teams to manage their relationships.”
“Fuck the PR teams,” Natasha says. “If we like each other, then why can’t we be together?”
It had been years since you had publicly been in a relationship with someone. After all, it was so much simpler to cycle through partners and not have to worry about commitment or any long-term decisions. But deep down, you were cripplingly lonely and terrified you wouldn’t be able to find someone who would settle with you. 
Because truth be told, your lifestyle was not for many. Most people couldn’t handle the pressure you were subjected to every day. The never-ending torrents of judgment. The borderline-criminal way you were stalked by reporters and paparazzi. The unreal expectations you were held to by people you’d never even met.
But out of all the people you had ever been with, Natasha Romanoff was the one with the best chance of understanding all that. She knew what she was getting herself into, because your life would be her reality the day her father passed on the company. Of course it wouldn’t hurt her to get some practice beforehand.
“I want you to be mine,” Natasha says suddenly. She reaches up to her neck, her fingers brushing the hickeys you left there, before unclipping the silver necklace. She puts it around yours, flipping the charm around so you can see that it reads “Natasha.”
“Baby…” You didn’t even care what your dad’s reaction to hearing the news would be. How would the public react? The consumers? The shareholders? At your level, it was unavoidable crossing the line between professional and personal interests. People would either cheer you on or vow to never use another Envy product again.
But Envy had been tanking ever since you took the helm. Maybe this was what you needed to bounce back…courtesy of the same woman who ruined you in the first place. The math seemed to add up–Natasha would cancel out herself, wouldn’t she?
Natasha interlaces her fingers with yours, distracting your thinking. “We could be the most powerful couple in the tech industry. In the world,” she says. “Isn’t that what you always wanted?”
“Yes,” you sigh, although that’s not really the truth. There was one thing you wanted more than power, money, and fame.
“Then don’t be afraid, sweetheart.” She squeezes your fingers. “With me, you’ll have everything you want and more.”
A rush of emotions suddenly overwhelms you–fear, annoyance, love, envy, and venom. You would kick yourself in the head if you missed out on the chance to be with Natasha, but you also weren’t entirely convinced this was the right move. 
“Y/N.” The way she says your voice is desperate and pleading, like she too can’t be without you.
“Okay.” You make up your mind in an instant. “Okay, baby. Let’s do it.”
Natasha beams, snuggling closer to you. The two of you say nothing further, and her steady breathing quickly lulls you to sleep. Natasha holds onto you even as she feels your body relax under her. She turns her head to look at the gun you left on the table, wondering what it would feel like in her hand, to hold against your head.
AN: These two are for real going to be the death of me. 😩
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twice-inamillion · 2 days
Yoo Sisters
Smut (Sister bonding, blow job, deep penetration, threesome, creampie)
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Chapter 234
Words: 2900
(After Seungyeon walks in on Jeongyeon's ride on OC, she decides to tease her. With her tsundere person, it results in some real fun.)
The next day you wake up and see Jeongyeon on top of you with your cock in her hand and aligned it to her entrance. To your surprise, she seems different from usual, even happy, you might suggest. 
Obviously, you wouldn’t say no to some morning sex and just let Jeongyeon do her thing. She slowly inserts the tip and waits a few seconds before dropping her whole weight onto your cock. 
“Fuck, so good,” and she begins to ride you in a hard but steady manner. She places her head on your shoulder, letting you hear her heavy breathing. 
You close your eyes and whisper in Jeongyeon’s ear all the things you did last night. The more you say, the tighter her walls clench on your cock, and the more sure she gets into a good rhythm. 
Unbeknownst to you, someone was making their way back home after being away for a few days. She unlocks the door and can’t think of anything but take a nice shower and take a nap after a busy week. She notices that her house is off but can’t find what it is. She then looks down and sees a pair of shoes she’s never seen before and her younger sister’s shoes next to it. 
Seungyeon walks around to see a blanket and some clothes on the couch. She has a vague idea of what occurred and smiles. Seungyeon slowly makes her way to her room and hears moaning coming out from the other side of the door. She takes out her phone and quietly turns the handle, and sees her sister in the nude on top of some. 
“Click. Click” 
Suddenly, Jeongyeon turns around and sees her sister standing at the entrance with her phone and flash on. 
Jeongyeon rapidly tries to cover herself and gets off of you, “It’s not what it looks like Unnie!”
”I think it does. You’re leaking from your thighs.” Jeongyeon turns around and sees the mess she made on her sister’s bed. Embarrassed, she tries to cover herself with the pillows before Seungyeon teases her and says, “I’ll let the two of you finish, haha.”
The three of you eat silently at the kitchen table, avoiding any type of conversation on what just happened an hour ago. You try to break the silence by asking Jeongyeon to pass the salt, but instead she ignores you. Seungyeon looks up and smiles, “Here you go. Don't be mean to him, Jeongyeon. You need to take care of your man.”
Jeongyeon lifts her head up and shouts, “He's not my man!”
“Well, I wouldn't know what to call, maybe fuck buddies?”
Not wanting to hear her sister's teasing she finishes up her plate and heads to the sink, “I'm done eating. I'll clean everything up.”
“I'm done too.”
“Just drop it in the sink, I'll take care of everything.”
“Okay. Oh, by the way, Seungyeon, can I use your shower?”
“Yeah, go for it.”
Seungyeon sits on the couch, watching some television while Jeongyeon washes the dishes and cleans the kitchen. She is surprised that her sister finally lost her virginity. The only thing is that she isn't reacting the way she expected too, like being embarrassed or shy. She knows about her tsundere personality but assumed that she would show some actual emotions. She then hears the water from the shower turn on and gets an idea to tease her.
Seungyeon gets up and quietly makes her way to her room. She sees the bathroom door slightly open. “Should I do it? I haven't seen a cock in a while.” She only thinks about it briefly before making her mind, “Sisters are meant to share their toys, right?”
She quietly tosses her clothes into the hamper and sees your silhouette on the other side. Slowly, she slides the frosted glass door and notices your length. With a slight smirk, she bites her lip and places her foot inside. 
Your eyes are closed as you wash your hair, and you feel a sudden breeze, but you make nothing of it. Out of nowhere, you feel a pair of hands stroking your cock and say, “Fuck, that feels nice. Acting all tough in front of your sister, huh? I knew you couldn't resist for another round, haha.”
There was no reply, but you didn't need any as those pairs of hands continued to stroke your cock. Now, hard, you feel the pair of lips kissing your tip. 
Knowing what's about to happen you unconsciously search for her head and place your hand behind it. Slowly but surely, you move her head closer to your pelvis, making her take your cock in her mouth. 
“Fuck, your mouth feels so warm. Take me in a bit more; I want to feel the back of your throat.”
You feel her mouth take more of your length as you scrape the inside of her palate. Surprised by how willing she is compared to before, you just enjoy it. 
Jeongyeon is done with washing the dishes and turns around and sees the couch empty. She finds it weird since just a few minutes ago, her sister was watching television, and now she is nowhere to be found. 
“Where is she?” as she looks at the other room and the patio. It isn't when she comes back and sees a faint amount of steam come out from the door is when she gets a bad feeling. 
Jeongyeon walks to the room and sees the bathroom door slightly open, but steam is coming out. She walks closer and hears slurping sounds, which immediately triggers her.
Jeongyeon rushes and opens the door wide open just to see her older sister on her knees going down on you. “Unnie!”
Seungyeon hears her name and turns, giving a slight smirk as she releases your cock.
You hear a loud pop and feel the release of your cock. Not yet satisfied, you open your eyes and see Seungyeon down on her knees, turning her head to the side. You turn your head and see a full-blown, angry Jeongyeon standing by the door. 
Your mind is all over the place as you try to understand the situation. You assumed it was Jeongyeon who was sucking you off instead of her sister and try to explain the situation, but then see Jeongyeon begin to undress. 
“Unnie! Get away, I'm using him.”
“I couldn't help myself. I wanted to see what he had since you kept talking about him and how you liked him.”
Jeongyeon turns red, “Eww! I don't like him!”
With a smile on her face, she replies, “Then you wouldn't mind me getting a taste,” as she grabs hold of your cock again. 
Jeongyeon watches as her sister rubs her cunt and takes your cock back into her mouth. She doesn't want to reveal her feelings, but watching her sister and you together make her do something unexpected.
You see Jeongyeon walk into the shower and get on her knees, pushing Seungyeon to the side. She grabs your cock and takes it aggressively into her mouth.
You groan from the rough and sloppy head you're getting from Jeongyeon. “Fuck, slow down. You're scraping my shaft against your teeth.”
She then looks up at you and slows down, relaxing her mouth. Her sister doesn't just stay there; she positions herself better to lick your balls. 
As time passes, the two of them get in sync, allowing you to enjoy the sight of watching both sisters going down on you. 
You decide to be a bit daring and grab Jeongyeon’s hand, signaling her to stand up. You turn her over and place both hands against the shower wall. To your surprise, she's very responsive and doesn't complain about your commands. From behind, you glide your hand against her pucker hole, then her cunt, getting it ready for what's to come. 
Jeongyeon gets a bit anxious and closes her eyes as she feels your body against hers. 
You quickly align your member against her cunt and press your tip inside, causing Jeongyeon to moan. Out of nowhere, Jeongyeon groans loudly as she feels her whole body getting stretched by your massive cock.
“Fuck! Slow down.”
You grab her hair and say, “Why? I want your sister to hear you moan,” and increase the pace of your thrusting.
Seungyeon watches as her sister gets railed in the shower and lowers her right hand to rub her clit. The image of watching the two of you having sex in front of her turns her on.
“How do you like having your sister watch as I fuck you?”
“No, unnie, turn around.”
Instead, she turns to see Seungyeon playing with herself, rubbing her clit rapidly.
“See, your sister likes what she sees.”
You continue to pound her for what feels like forever. “Fuck, I feel like cuming.”
“Don't, don't you dare.”
“Seungyeon, where do you think I should come? Outside or inside of Jeongyeon?”
Seungyeon bites her lips and teases her sister one last time, “If she doesn't want it, then maybe I'll have a taste.”
You decide to play along and pull out your cock from Jeongyeon. Seungyeon grabs your hand, leading you out of the shower and into her bedroom. 
She lays on the bed and spreads her legs wide open, “You like what you see? I haven't had a taste in a while; I'd love to see what you can do,” as she pulls you in closer to her.
You stare at her leaking cunt as you grab your own cock, teasing her by aligning it to her entrance. 
Suddenly, Jeongyeon yells, “Fine! You can come inside of me; just leave my sister out of it.” She makes her way towards the bed and lays down on it, exposing her cunt just like her sister. 
“Damn, both Yoo Sisters. Both of you have nice-looking cunts.” 
Seungyeon replies, “Thanks, I like your cock too.”
“Unnie! Don't say that!”
“Why? I'm just telling the truth; he's big, much bigger than the ones I've had.” She turns to Jeongyeon and says, “You wouldn't mind sharing him a bit, would you?”
“Don't be mean, Jeongyeon. Remember that ?”
”No, unnie, he’s mi…”
Jeongyeon is not able to finish her sentence as Seungyeon grabs your waist and pulls you, penetrating herself with your cock. Seungyeon groans out loudly, feeling your length stretch out her cunt, “Oh fuck! You’re huge!”
You’re surprised by her sudden action and can’t believe you’re inside Jeongyeon’s sister, but you can’t complain. You want to tease Jegoneyon a bit more, and if it means getting down and dirty with Seungyeon, then you’re up for it. 
“Come on, pretty boy. Show me what you got. I want to see what the fuss is about.”
Jeongyeon mumbles something, but nothing comes out her mouth as she sees you begin to thrust.
“Fuck, so deep. Don't be scared; you can go a bit rougher.”
You increase the intensity of your thrusting and insert your cock into her depths. It doesn't take long for her Seungyeon to adjust to your length. Her walls clench onto your cock as it moves inside of her, like an internal massage. You can tell that she has experience in these types of things, “Your pussy is tight.”
“Of course, I enjoy milking my fair share of cock” and winks at you.
Minutes pass, and you can't help but enjoy Seungyeon's pussy; you turn around and see a shocked Jeonggeon, frozen at the sight of you having sex with her sister.
“Fuck, I'm going to cum soon.”
Seungyeon lifts her head and says, “You're more than welcome to cum inside me.” 
“You sure?”
“I'd be a waste to do it anywhere else.”
Seungyeon turns and grins at Jeongyeon, teasing her.
You turn around and say, “What?” Jeongyeon grabs your arm and says, “Please, not my sister.” You can see the struggle in her face as she tries to say something but musters up the energy and says, “Come inside instead.” 
“Stop, you're not serious.” 
Jeongyeon gets on all fours and uses both hands to spread her cheeks. You see her leaking cunt, understanding how serious she actually is. 
With her face towards the bed, Seungyeon looks up at you and pushes you away, signaling to take her sister instead.
You place your hand on her back and align your cock towards her entrance. In one go, you shove your whole length inside Jeongyeon, making her scream out loud.
“Ohh fuck!”
With your hands around her thighs, you pick up Jeongyeon and place her into a reverse stand-and-carry position. 
“Wait, what are you doing? Put me down.” 
“I think she to see your expression as you get fucked. Isn't that right, Seungyeon?”
“Yeah, I want to see Jeongyeon turn into a dirty mess.”
You lift Jeongyeon’s body and begin to thrust rapidly, churning her sloppy insides. Jeongyeon covers her face, trying to avoid her sister looking at her. 
Seungyeon, on the other hand, masturbates to the scene of a large and thick cock, messing up her younger sister.
“Don't cover your face; let your sister get a good view. Show her how much of a slut you are for this cock.”
“No! Unnie, don't look!”
There's no response; only the sound of flesh beating against each other is heard from the room. 
You walk towards the large mirror on the other side of the room and stand in front of it. “Look at the mirror, see yourself getting fucked.” 
Jeongyeon turns her head and looks in the mirror; what she sees makes her body tighten. “See, you do like it. So much for that strong personality, only to turn a mess when you get some cock.”
You move your hand towards her cunt and rub her clit in between your fingers. Jeongyeon moans loudly, “Ahh, I'm about to cum!”
“What's that? I didn't catch what you said,” inserting your fingers in her already tight cunt and swollen clit. 
“Ima, c-cum.” 
“You know where it's going in, right?”
Jeongyeon bites her lip, not wanting the words to slip out of her mouth. 
You tease her once more, rubbing her clit rapidly until the last second. 
“Ahh, I'm c-cuming…” and release your fingers as well as pull out your cock, denying Jeongyeon of her orgasm.
She then whines, “N.no, I was about to cum.”
Suddenly your cock aligns with her entrance, and you drop her body, penetrating her in one go. “I'm the one that’s going to cum first,” as you burst inside of her in one go. Jeongyeon screams and tightens her body, making her spasm.
“Fuck! I can't hold it!
Seungyeon watches her younger sister pee herself as she gets pumped full of cum. Jeongyeon spasms uncontrollably while being held in your arms. You try to pull out your cock, but her cunt clenches onto your thick rob, not wanting to let go.
“Fuck, you got real tight. Your pussy is so addicted to my cock that it doesn't want to let go, haha.” 
There's no response; you only see a passed-out Jeongyeon through the mirror.  
A loud pop is heard as you pull out your cock, causing a large amount of cum to ooze out of her gaping hole.
“Haha, Jeongyeon is such a mess. You really did a number on her. She's always putting up a serious front, but in reality, she's like everyone else.”
Jeongyeon wakes up and turns to see Seungyeon riding on your cock. She can't see to remember what happened but feels a sense of hotness coming from her lower body. She grazes her hand and sees a large amount of cum running from her thighs. 
“Fuck, I'm jealous of Jihyo. She has a really good husband.”
“I can say the same thing; Jeongyeon has a really good sister.”
“This sister wants you to cum on her face. How about it?”
“I'd love to.”
With Jeongyeon still lying down, she sees Seungyeon on her knees. She watches as you grab your cock and stroke it in front of her sister's face. 
Seungyeon knows that Jeongyeon is awake and decides to tease her once more, “I know you want to feel his cum on your face. Let's show him how close we are as sisters.”
Seungyeon stands up and grabs Jeongyeon’s hand, leading her towards the carpet. They both get on their knees and watch as you stroke your cock in front of them. 
You can’t help but grin at the sight of both sisters right next to each other, waiting for you to cum on their faces. “Fuck, I’m going to cum!”
Jeongyeon watches as her sister sticks out her tongue, looks directly into your eyes, and does the same.
”Take my cum” as you paint their faces completely white.
You see as they swallow the large amount cum pooled on their tongue and ask, “Open wide; I want to make sure you swallowed every ounce.”
”Ahhh,” sticking their tongues out and their faces dripping your thick load. 
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valkyriexo · 1 day
Not sure if this is a hurt/comfort request but, I worked out too hard despite my body telling me to stop and ended up throwing up....if y/n did that, bff/bf SKZ would be so upset but probably comfort her right? That's what I'd like to think 🩶
They comfort you when you overwork yourself | OT8
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ᑉ³pairing; Boyfriend!OT8 x Reader
ᑉ³genre;comfort, Headcannon
ᑉ³warnings; Implied female reader, nausea (not described just mentioned in Bin's and Seungmin's), fainting, mentions of food, mentions of pregnacy, mentions of anxiety, use of petnames.
ᑉ³authors note; I didnt know if you wanted this to be texts or a drabble so i did them as small drabbles/headcannons. i tried to make it short and sweet! Hope you enjoy :)
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╰┈➤ Chan
BF!Chan comes home exhausted after a long day of endless schedules and responsibilities. All he wants now is to be home, to find comfort and peace in your arms. As he unlocked the door to your apartment, he expected to be greeted by your familiar sounds of your laughter or the soft hum of music playing in the background. He knows your always home at this time.
But instead, there was silence.
Frowning, Chan steps inside, immediately noticing the unusual quiet. "Y/N?" he calls out, his voice echoing in the stillness. He puts his stuff down, waiting for a response.
When he hears nothing, worry starts to eat at him. Concern grows as he searches the apartment, his heart pounding faster with each empty room. He checks the living room, the kitchen, and finally heads down the hallway. Then he finds you, huddled on the bathroom floor, your body curled in on itself as tears streamed down your cheeks.
"Y/N?" Chan's voice is full of concern as he knelt beside you, his hands trembling as he reached out to gently touch your shoulder. "What happened baby? Are you hurt?"
You looked up at him with tear-filled eyes, your face contorted in pain. "Chan," you choked out, your voice thick with tears.
Chan's heart races as he cups your face, wiping away the tears with his thumbs. "Hey, hey, it's okay baby. It's okay..." he coos. "Tell me what's wrong. Are you in pain?"
You shake your head weakly, trying to find the words. "I'm just... so tired. I pushed myself too hard, I think….."
His worry turns into a mix of panic and frustration. "Why didn't you tell me you weren't feeling well? I could have helped you," he says.
"You should have taken it easy." He scolds gently, his love for you clear in his eyes. "Why do you always try to handle everything alone? Ask me to help you. You don't have to do anything by yourself."
You flinch slightly at his words, and he immediately softens, guilt hitting him. "I'm sorry, love. I just... I can't stand seeing you like this."
Chan quickly helps you up, supporting your weight as he guides you to the bedroom. He lays you down gently, covering you with a blanket before sitting beside you, still holding your hand.
You look up at him, tears still in your eyes. "I didn't want to worry you. I thought... I thought I could handle it."
He sighs deeply, brushing your hair back from your face. "Your health is more important than anything baby. Please, promise me you'll take better care of yourself." As he speaks, he intertwines his fingers with yours, gently caressing your hand with his thumb.
You nod weakly, and he leans down to kiss your forehead. "I'm going to get you some water and medicine, yeah? Just rest, baby"
He returns with a tray delicately balanced in his hands, bearing not just water and medicine, but also crackers and a bowl of sliced fruits. Setting it down beside you, he arranges everything with care, making sure it's within your reach.
"Here, my love," he says softly, offering you the water and medicine first. "Take these, they'll help you feel better."
As you take them, he sets aside the tray and pulls off his shirt, revealing the warmth of his skin as he climbs into bed beside you. He wraps his arms around you, pulling you close, ready to snuggle and provide you with the comfort and warmth you deserve.
"I love you more than anything, Y/N," he murmurs, his voice filled with genuine tenderness. "Seeing you like this breaks my heart. All I want is for you to be happy and healthy. Please, let me take care of you. I'll do anything to make you feel better."
╰┈➤ Minho
BF!Minho whose heart raced as he practically ran to your apartment, his footsteps echoing down the hallway as he approached your door. Without hesitation, he knocked urgently, the sound repeating through the quiet corridor.
You're taken aback by the forcefulness of the knocking, and hurried to open the door. Your eyes widened in surprise as they see Minho standing there, a mixture of relief and concern evident on his face.
"So, it is true. You went home early," he says, his voice filled with worry as he takes in your tired appearance. He steps closer, his hand gently lifting your chin so he can look into your eyes. His touch is gentle yet firm, as if trying to read your emotions and assess your well-being in that moment.
"Are you okay? What happened?" he asks softly.
You hesitate for a moment, but the concern in Minho's eyes prompts you to open up.
"I... I pushed myself too hard," you admit, your voice barely above a whisper. "I got really dizzy during practice, and they sent me home."
Without a word, he steps into your house, causing you to stumble back a little. He turns to face you, his gaze gentle but firm. 
"Y/N," he begins, his voice stern, "I know you're passionate about what you do, but pushing yourself to the point of exhaustion isn't healthy. You need to take better care of yourself."
You lower your gaze, feeling guilty at Minho's gentle scolding.
"But I just wanted to be as good of a dancer as you," you admit softly, your voice filled with sincerity. "I see you always working so hard, and it's like I have to work twice as hard just to be as good as your mark."
Minho's expression softens at your words, his heart sinking lower and lower.
"Oh.. baby.." he says softly. "I never wanted you to feel like you have to measure up to anyone, especially not me. " He pulls you into a comforting embrace, holding you close as if to shield you from any further self-doubt or guilt.
"You know," he continues "I work so hard because I want to impress you, to be someone worthy of your love and admiration. But you, my love, you don't have to do anything. You just breathe, and I'm in awe."
As he holds you close, he brushes his lips against your forehead. "Besides… you're my favorite dancer, and nothing can change that," he murmurs softly.
"I'm sorry if I've ever made you feel like you're not enough," he adds. "Please don't ever feel like you have to prove yourself to anyone, especially not me. You're enough, more than enough, just as you are."
With a gentle smile, he tucks a loose strand of hair behind your ear. "Let me take care of you," he says softly, his voice warm and reassuring. "Why don't you rest while I cook something delicious for you? You deserve to be pampered, my love."
╰┈➤ Changbin
BF!Binnie whose eyes would light up with excitement whenever you mentioned joining him at the gym. He'd practically beam with joy as he eagerly planned out the workout session in his mind.
Eager to impress, you dive headfirst into each exercise, pushing your limits with fervor. Each movement was deliberate, fueled by the desire to match Binnie's pace. With every set, you pushed yourself further, determined to keep up with him. But as the intensity mounted, so did your breathlessness. Your heart raced, and a dizzying sensation began to cloud your focus.
Finally, as you finished another grueling round, he couldn't stay silent any longer.
"Hey, slow down," he said. "You're pushing yourself too hard." With a gentle touch, he placed a hand on your shoulder, his touch both comforting and grounding.
Despite his gentle urging, you stubbornly waved off his concern, convinced that you could handle the intensity of the workout. Ignoring the protests of your body, you pushed through each exercise, wanted to impress him and prove him wrong.
But as the minutes stretched into hours, the strain began to take its toll. Your muscles burned with exhaustion, and a dull ache settled in your joints.
Then, without warning, a wave of nausea hit you, causing your stomach to churn uncomfortably. With a sudden urgency, you broke away from the workout, stumbling towards the nearest bathroom.
Afterwards, You barely had a moment to collect yourself before you heard Bin's voice outside. "Y/N, are you okay?" he called out anxiously.
Your breaths came in ragged gasps as you leaned heavily against the bathroom sink, the cool porcelain providing a small measure of relief against the relentless churning in your stomach.
Summoning every ounce of strength, you managed to call out in a strained voice, "I'm... I'm okay, just... just need a minute." Each word felt like a struggle as you fought to maintain composure in the face of overwhelming nausea.
As the feeling began to subside, you took a deep breath, steeling yourself for the inevitable conversation awaiting you outside the bathroom. With shaky legs, you straightened up, using the sink for support as you prepared to face him.
As you opened the door, you were met with his concerned gaze, his brows furrowed with worry.
"I told you to slow down," he scolded. "Why didn't you listen?"
Your throat tightened with a surge of remorse as you struggled to find the right words. "I... I wanted to keep up with you," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper. "I thought I could do it."
Bin's concern deepened at your admission, his eyes searching yours. But as you faltered under his gaze, his scolding took on a more urgent tone.
"What if you got hurt, Y/N?" he pressed, "You can't do that. You can't put yourself at risk like that."
"I'm sorry," you whispered, your voice barely audible over the distant hum of the gym. "I really didn't mean to..."
His expression softened at your apology, his features relaxing as he wrapped his arms gently around you, pulling you close against his chest. He pressed soft kisses to your forehead, your temples, and your shoulders.
"I know you didn't," he murmured, his voice softening as time went on. "But please, don't ever do that again. I'm your boyfriend, Y/N. I'm supposed to protect you, but I can't do that if you don't listen."
Yet, beneath the worry, there was an unmistakable depth of love. His touch was gentle, his presence comforting as he held you close
"I just want to make sure you're safe and happy and okay," he whispered, his voice barely above a breath. "I love you so much, Y/N."
╰┈➤ Hyunjin
BF!Hyunjin who sat inside the dimly lit restaurant, the soft glow of the lights casting shadows across his tense features. He checked his phone for what felt like the hundredth time, his fingers tapping anxiously against the screen as he scrolled through his messages.
"Where are you?" he texted again, his words tinged with worry. "Are you on your way?"
After what felt like hours he sighed. With a heavy heart, he abandoned his seat at the restaurant and hailed a cab, his mind racing with a million questions and worst-case scenarios.
When he arrived at your doorstep, the knot of worry in his chest tightened. With trembling hands, he knocked on the door, his heart pounding in his ears as he waited for a response.
"Y/N? Are you here?" His voice echoed in the quiet stillness of the night. He knocked again, the sound repeating through the empty hallway. "We were supposed to meet for our date. Did you forget?" he said, his voice full of frustration. "You never forget..."
But there was no answer, only silence that seemed to stretch on for an eternity. With a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach, Hyunjin pushed open the door, his voice trembling as he called out to you.
"Y/N? Where are you?" Panic began to bubble up inside him as he stepped into the interior of your home. 
And then he saw you, lying on the couch, your face pale and drawn, your body shivering. Relief flooded through him at the sight of you, but it was quickly overshadowed by a surge of concern.
Hyunjin's heart leaped into his throat as he rushed to your side, his hands trembling. "Baby, what's wrong?" he exclaimed. "Are you okay? Are you not feeling well?"
His eyes scanned your pale face, taking in every detail with a frantic intensity. The sight of you lying there, vulnerable and unwell, sent a surge of worry coursing through him, drowning out any other thoughts or concerns.
"I'm sorry about our date," you whispered, your voice filled with remorse. "I didn't mean to ruin it..."
But Hyunjin shook his head, his expression softening with understanding. "Forget about the date," he insisted, his voice gentle yet firm. "What matters is if you're okay."
Hyunjin's hand gently cupped your cheek, his touch warm and reassuring as he looked into your eyes. With a shaky breath, you met his gaze, a silent plea for forgiveness shining in your eyes.
"I was working out and overdid it," you confessed, your voice barely above a whisper. "I didn't listen to my body telling me to stop."
A crease formed between Hyunjin's brows as he absorbed your words, his concern deepening. "You should have known better than to overdo it like this." His tone softened slightly as he continued, "I care about you, Y/N, and seeing you like this worries me."
"Promise me you'll listen to your body next time," he implored. "I can't bear to see you hurting like this again."
"I promise," you whispered, your voice filled with sincerity. 
With a tender expression, Hyunjin reached out and gently pulled you into his arms. "Come here, my pretty girl," he murmured softly, his voice filled with warmth and affection.
He gently wrapped a cozy blanket around the both of you, ensuring that you were snug and warm against the chill of the night. "There, that's better," he whispered, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead.
As you nestled closer to him, the warmth of his embrace enveloping you, you couldn't help but shiver involuntarily, the cold of the night still seeping through despite the blanket.
Feeling you tremble, he tightened his hold around you, his arms a comforting barrier against the chill. "I've got you, baby," he murmured softly, "It's okay, I've got you."
╰┈➤ Han
BF!Han who watched with growing concern as you attempted to eat the food he had brought over, only to see you struggle to keep it down. The worry lines deepened on his forehead as he observed your distress. 
"Y/N, what's happening?" he asked gently, his voice tinged with concern. "You can't keep anything down. Are you feeling sick?"
You shook your head, a frustrated sigh escaping your lips. "I don't know, Han," you admitted, feeling defeated. "I've been feeling off lately, but I thought some food might help..... I guess I was wrong."
His brows furrowed with anxiety as he took in your pale complexion and the way you wilted before him, your body clearly unable to keep down even a bite of food. "Are you in pain?" he asked, his voice trembling slightly with worry. "Do you need to see a doctor?"
When you didn't reply, he was even more concerned, his mind racing with worry for your well-being.
After a few moments of tense silence, his concern reached a breaking point, and without thinking, the words spilled out of him in a rush of worry.
"Are you pregnant?" he blurted out, regretting it seconds later.
The shock of his question reverberated through the room, your eyes widening in surprise at his unexpected question. For a moment, neither of you spoke, the weight of his words sinking in.
"I... no, Han," you stammered, shaking your head in disbelief. "I'm not pregnant. I just... I've been overworking myself, that's all."
A mixture of relief and embarrassment washed over Han as he realized the gravity of his assumption. "I'm sorry," he murmured, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "I didn't mean to jump to conclusions. I just... I'm worried about you, Y/N."
Your heart softened at his genuine concern, and you reached out to gently place a hand on his arm. "It's okay, Hannie," you reassured him, offering a small smile. "Thank you for caring. But I promise, I'm okay. I'll take better care of myself from now on."
As you spoke, Han's concern only deepened, feeling a bit guilty for not being able to ease your discomfort or offer a solution to your distress.
"How can i help you baby?," he asked softly. "Seeing you like this... it hurts, Y/N. I hate feeling so powerless."You could hear the anguish in his voice, and your heart squeezed with empathy.
"Han," you said gently, "you being here for me means more than you know. Sometimes, just knowing that you care is enough."
His eyes met yours. "I do care, Y/N," he whispered, his voice laced with sincerity. "More than anything. I just want you to be okay."
Seeing the exhaustion in your eyes, he gently brushed a strand of hair from your face. "Maybe you should rest," he suggested softly. "I'll make you some tea."
He stood up and tucked the blanket more snugly around you, ensuring you were warm and comfortable. As he moved toward the kitchen, you could hear the quiet clinking of the kettle and the rustle of tea bags, his actions filled with tender care
╰┈➤ Felix
BF!Felix whos heart drops when he receives a text from you saying you wouldn't be able to make it tonight. Felix stared at his phone screen, reading and rereading your message, trying to make sense of it. His mind raced with confusion. He knew how much you had been looking forward to the evening. You had been expressing it to him all week, and now there was a sudden change of plans.
You had been the one eagerly counting down the days until tonight, talking animatedly about the plans and the fun you would have. Felix couldn't understand why you wouldn't want to go now, especially after all the anticipation.
After a moment of hesitation, he decided to give you a call, hoping to get some clarity on the situation.
With trembling fingers, he dialed your number, each ring feeling like an eternity as he waited for you to pick up. Finally, on the third ring, he heard your voice on the other end, though it sounded weary and subdued.
"Hey, it's me," Felix said softly, his concern evident in his voice. "I got your message… Is everything okay? I thought you were excited about tonight."
"Yeah, I'm just not feeling well," you explained.
"Is there anything I can do to help?" Felix asked gently. There was a hesitant pause on the other end of the line before you responded, your voice barely above a whisper.
"I appreciate it, Felix," you replied softly, your words heavy. "I just... I don't want to ruin everyone's night"
Felix's heart ached at your words, realizing that you were trying to protect him and his friends from whatever was troubling you. He wished he could take away whatever was weighing on your mind and make everything better.
"You could never ruin anything," He reassured you. There was a long pause before you responded, and Felix held his breath, waiting anxiously. "Do you need me to bring you some soup, or maybe some medicine? Is it your head, or...?"
He was desperate to understand, his mind racing through all the possibilities. He couldn't stand the thought of you suffering alone.
Before he could finish his sentence, you interrupted him, your voice barely above a whisper as you finally let your guard down. "I just... I overdid it today," you admitted, the words heavy with exhaustion and regret. "I'm sorry, Felix. I pushed myself too hard, and now I feel terrible."
Felix's heart ached at your confession, and he could hear the strain in your voice. "Oh, Y/N," he murmured softly, his concern deepening. "You should have told me sooner. I would've come to help you. Don't apologize, okay? Just focus on resting. I'll take care of everything."
He paused, then added with a gentle firmness, "I'm coming over with some soup and medicine. And I'm staying to make sure you get some rest. "
There was a hint of surprise in your voice as you responded, "You don't have to do that, Felix. Don’t cancel your plans. I know you were also excited to go."
But Felix wouldn't hear any of it. "I want to be there for you, my love," he insisted. "Nothing is more important to me than you. I'll be there soon."
Before you could protest further, Felix was already making arrangements, his mind set on ensuring you were taken care of. The thought of spending the evening out with friends paled in comparison to the need to be by your side.
╰┈➤ Seungmin
Bf!Seungmin who had been looking forward to his lunch break all morning, eager to spend some time with you and enjoy a meal together. But as he made his way to your workplace with lunch in hand, he was surprised to find your desk empty, your coworkers looking equally puzzled by your absence. Concern gnawed at Seungmin's mind as he approached your manager, hoping to find some answers.
"Excuse me," Seungmin began. "Do you happen to know where Y/N is? I brought her lunch, but she's not at her desk."
The manager's expression shifted as they replied, "I'm sorry, she called in sick today."
Seungmin's heart dropped at the news, his concern for you growing stronger by the second. Without another word, he hastily left the office, determined to find out what was going on.
His footsteps quickened as he rushed to your apartment. With each passing moment, his concern for you only grew stronger, and he couldn't shake off the feeling of dread that had settled in his chest.
When he arrived at your apartment, he was met with an empty space, devoid of any signs of your presence. Panic began to set in as Seungmin frantically searched every room, calling out your name in desperation.
But his efforts were in vain, and there was no trace of you to be found.
Pulling out his phone, he dialed your number repeatedly, each call going unanswered. He then decided to reach out to your friends, hoping that someone would have some answers.
One by one, he called each of your closest friends, his voice trembling as he asked if they had seen or heard from you. But each call yielded the same result;
No one knew where you were.
Just as he was starting to lose hope, a familiar voice answered the phone."Seungmin? Is everything okay?" the voice asked, " You dont usually call me."
Seungmin wasted no time in explaining the situation, his words tumbling out in a rush as he desperately sought answers.
"I... I don't know where Y/N is," he admitted. "I went to her work and her apartment, but she's not there. Do you know where she might be?"
There was a brief pause on the other end of the line before your friend spoke up.
"I'm so sorry, Seungmin," they said softly. "Y/N was admitted into the hospital last night. She's was really sick."
Seungmin's heart stopped at the news. Without another word, he hung up the phone and rushed to the hospital,
He burst through the hospital doors, his eyes scanning the crowded lobby until they landed on the reception desk. He approached the receptionist, his voice urgent as he demanded to know where you were. The receptionist's expression softened at Seungmin's distress, and they quickly pulled up your information on their computer. With a sympathetic smile, they directed him to the room where you were being treated.
He wasted no time, his heart pounding in his ears as he made his way through the maze of corridors until he finally reached your room. With a deep breath, he pushed open the door, his eyes widening in shock at the sight before him.
There you were, lying in the hospital bed, pale and weak, but still undeniably beautiful. Seungmin's heart clenched at the sight, anger and concern hitting him as he took in your fragile state.
"Y/N, what the hell happened?" Seungmin demanded, his voice full of frustration and fear. "Why didn't you tell me you were sick? Why did you let me worry like this?" He's fighting the tears from falling form his eyes as he rushed to your side.
"I was so worried," Seungmin confessed, his voice breaking. "I thought... I thought I had lost you. No one knew where you were and i..i-i," he stuttered.
Your heart ached at the pain in his voice, and you reached out to him, pulling him into a gentle embrace. "I'm so sorry, Min," you whispered weakly, your own tears mingling with his.
He held you close, his arms wrapped protectively around you as he buried his face in your hair, breathing in your familiar scent. In that moment, all the anger and fear melted away, leaving only the overwhelming relief of having you safe and sound in his arms.
"I... I overworked myself," you began, your voice barely above a whisper, "I pushed myself too hard, and I didn't take care of myself like I should have."
Seungmin listened attentively, his grip on you tightening as he absorbed your words.
"I was so stressed and exhausted," you continued, your voice trembling with emotion. "I ended up throwing up so much that I fainted, and... I woke up here."
He held you tighter, wanting to protect you from any more pain.
"They're giving me IV fluids and medication, and I already feel much better," you confessed, trying to ease how bad the situation w as. "But I'm so sorry for not telling you. I didn't realize it would worry you this much."
Seungmin's eyes softened as he pulled back to look at you. "Y/N, you never have to apologize for needing help or for being honest with me," he said gently. "I would rather know what you're going through, even if it's difficult, so that I can be there for you."
"I'm just glad you're okay," he continued "I don't ever want to go through something like this again. Please, promise me you'll always tell me when something's wrong."
You nodded against his chest, feeling the weight of his words settle in your heart. "I promise, baby. I'll never keep anything from you again."
╰┈➤ Jeongin
BF!Jeongin who's eyes widen when you text him a list of medications you need while hes out at the store. He immedicantly texts you back, concerned.
"Hey, Y/N," he said, tapping away at his phone, "why do you need all of this stuff? Are you feeling okay?"
Your response was slow to come, and when it did, it was vague and evasive. "I'm just not feeling great. Please, can you just grab everything on the list?"
Jeongin frowned, his worry growing with each passing moment. He knew you well enough to sense when something was off, and he wasn't about to let you brush off your health concerns so easily.
"I'm on my way," Jeongin replied firmly, determined to find out what was wrong.
But not before picking up what you need, of course.
When he arrived at your place, his arms were laden with bags filled with every type of medicine imaginable. He barged through the door, his eyes scanning the room until they landed on you sitting on the couch, looking pale and tired.
"Y/N, what's going on?" Jeongin demanded. "Why do you need all of this stuff? Are you okay?"
You tried to brush off his questions with a weak smile, but Jeongin wasn't having any of it. He knelt down in front of you, his eyes searching yours for answers.
"I just feel... nauseous," you finally admitted, your voice barely above a whisper. "I feel sick."
Jeongin's brows furrowed deeper, his concern intensifying as he listened to your vague explanation. "But why, Y/N? What happened? Was it something you ate? Or do you think it's a stomach bug?"
Your evasion only seemed to frustrate Jeongin further. He had come prepared to help you, but your reluctance to share the full extent of your troubles was testing his patience.
"Y/N, please," Jeongin urged, getting more frustrated by the second. "I need to know what's going on so I can help you. You can't just brush this off like it's nothing."
Tears welled up in your eyes as you felt the weight of Jeongin's worry. You knew he only wanted what was best for you, but the thought of burdening him with your troubles felt overwhelming.
"I... I pushed myself too hard," you finally confessed, your voice barely audible, "and got sick."
"Y/N," he said gently, after a few minutes. "why did you push yourself so hard? You know you don't have to do everything alone, right?"
Tears fell from your eyes as you nodded. You knew he was right, but the pressure to succeed and meet expectations had driven you to ignore your own limits.
Jeongin reached out to gently wipe away your tears. "You don't have to be perfect, Y/N," he murmured, his voice filled with sincerity. "and it's okay to ask for help when you need it. That's what I'm here for baby. "
His arms enveloped you with a tenderness that was almost palpable. His touch was gentle, as if he feared even the slightest pressure might cause you discomfort. With infinite care, he cradled you against his chest. Feeling his lips against your skin, you couldn't help but close your eyes, savoring the moment of intimacy shared between you. 
With a soft sigh, Jeongin finally broke away, though his touch remained gentle and reassuring. He reached beside him, grabbing hold of a multitude of bags and packages, their contents carefully chosen with you in mind.
"I brought you this," he said softly, as he began to unpack the items he had brought. "And this... and this... and... well, a lot of things, really."
You couldn't help but smile at the sight of the array of items spread out before you. There were medications and remedies for your illness, carefully chosen to help ease your discomfort. But amidst the practical items, there were also thoughtful additions—a plush teddy bear, your favorite snacks, and a variety of drinks to keep you hydrated.
"Jeongin, you really didn't have to do all this," you murmured.
But Jeongin simply shook his head, his eyes filled with sincerity as he met your gaze. "I did it because I love you, Y/N," he said softly, his voice unwavering. "And I always want to make sure you're okay."
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celestemona · 1 day
a brief look at their daily life & random family’ moments (not the same timeline)
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pairing: wriothesley, cyno, kaveh x fem! reader
cw: maternity, pregnancy, parenthood, use of endearment names, arabic terms & fluff stuff. not beta-read.
reblogs and comments are appreciated ♡
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Busy with your daily tasks, you and Wriothesley enjoyed each other's company in his office allowing only the rustling of papers and the noises of the pen signing documents to cause any sound in the slightly silent environment. 
The weight and movements in your womb didn't bother you as much as the discomfort caused by the swelling in your feet, and so you took advantage of those moments to work while allowing your body to relax on the sofa that your husband had recently bought.
A stack of papers was supported by your belly as you placed all the revised documents to be filed on top of it, but Wriothesley could see that all that paperwork didn't interest you as much as the crossword puzzle from The Steambird newspaper that you currently entertaine yourself.
“Honey, quickly. Known as Liyue’ enlightened beasts or gods. Seven letters.” 
Wriothesley looked up from a form and pondered for a few seconds before smirking, “Easy. Adeptus.”
You smiled excitedly, gratefully and scribbled down the answer right away.
Moving on to the next riddle, you had barely noticed someone knocking on the door until your husband allowed their entry and the presence of your teenage son was present. The boy peeked shyly through the crack in the door before entering.
“Mom. Dad. Are you busy?”
“Never for you, sweetheart,” you replied, setting the newspaper aside and placing the other papers on the tea table in front of you, gesturing for him to come closer. Cameron smiles sweetly and walks over to you, sitting next to you and soon being covered by your attention and affection. 
“Is there a problem, buddy? I thought you were in the city with Quentin,” Wriothesley asks. 
“No no. Everything's okay, don't worry. Quentin forgot that today was his parents' performance day and Corinne picked him up while we were at the beach. Éveline is also busy so I decided to come home,” the boy explains. 
You and Wriothesley nod in acknowledgement and your husband stands up from his own table announcing that he was going to prepare a pot of tea for the entire family. 
Cameron leans into the warmth of your embrace as you return to entertain yourself with your puzzle, but never pushing your son away from you. Meanwhile, seeming to sense her older brother's presence, your daughter starts kicking your stomach as if she too wants attention. Both you and Cameron laughed. 
“Does it hurt?,” he asks.
“No. I mean... Sometimes it feels like your sister thinks my belly is a playground and not even my ribs escape unscathed, but that's nothing I can't handle with,” you respond as you feel the boy's smaller hands caressing the area where Marie's little feet stretched. Gradually the heavy kicks became light nudges and you breathe a sigh of relief. 
“I can’t wait to meet her,” Cameron coos. 
Smiling, you kiss the top of your child's head and respond, “She's looking forward to meeting you too.”
A few minutes later, as Wriothesley returned with tea and some hors d'oeuvres, the sight of his wife and son welcoming him warmly brought a small smile to his face. Even after so many years together and living this life, Wriothesley felt that there was nothing as beautiful and full of love as his little family. He was truly grateful for you three. 
The General Mahamatra was accompanying the Less Lord Kusanali back to the Sanctuary of Surasthana after a long meeting with all the sages and the scribe of the Akademiya when he saw you leaving the Grand Bazaar with the twins by your side. 
The sparkle that briefly crossed his eyes when he saw his family could have gone unnoticed by most people who, themselves, would avoid entering the matra's vision at all costs. However, as smart and aware of her surroundings as she could be, the little dendro archon giggled softly and suggested that Cyno end his day's work to enjoy that comfortable afternoon with his wife and children. 
“Don’t worry about me. I'm just going to take a look around here and I'll be back home before dark,” she assured. 
Hesitant and perhaps a little worried about the little girl's well-being, Cyno took a while to accept the offer, arguing that he’d see you at the end of the day. However, after much persuasion from Nahida, and perhaps even inappropriate use of her hierarchy, the electro user soon found himself thanking the goddess for her kindness and bidding her farewell as he made his way to you and your children next. 
As if his senses were warning him of a new presence, Isaar was the first to notice his father approaching — welcoming him with a genuine smile and an excited wave that drew his twin's attention and yours back to him. You greet your husband with a quick peck on his cheek that didn't fail to leave him embarrassed and you amused, and the twins approach to receive a pat on the head simultaneously. 
“Hey baba, guess what,” Isaar announces excitedly “We’re having Shawarma Wrap tonight for dinner!”
Cyno blinks contemplatively and stares at you with a raised eyebrow, “That’s unusual. Any special occasion?”
“I won three rounds against Yan in the Invokation TCG, and we had bet that whoever won would be able to order mama for a special dinner.”
Cyno nods in understanding and Aryan sighs in defeat but already resigned. 
“I really wanted to eat mama’s Panipuri. Grandpa even helped me pick the best potatoes for them,” the quieter twin murmurs, but you hear him and let out a giggle, stroking the boy's face. 
“I’ll make them next time, Ary. Promise. I’ll even make double the quantity just for you,” you respond quietly so only he can hear and your son nods.
The general, unable to avoid listening to your conversation, also smiled a little. Here you were once again resolving a situation that might seem insignificant to others, but to you, it’d never cease to be important — and just with a few simple words you managed to express exactly what your son wanted to hear. 
In the end, Cyno removed the shopping bags from your reach and held them tightly with one hand while the other reached for yours before intertwining your fingers, guiding you back home. The twins walked in front of you two engaged in a conversation in their own language, never leaving their father's or mother's sight. 
Even though moments like these were rare given his and your duties, Cyno enjoyed every second he could get in the presence of the people he loved most. Because as simple as they were, they were just as special. 
Maybe he should ask Nahida for a holiday. But just maybe. 
“Daddy, daddy, daddy! Guess what! I will marry Hakim!” 
Those were the words your sweet girl announced as she entered the kitchen, making you pause your lunch preparation to look at her and Kaveh choke on the wine he was currently enjoying. 
The architect needed your help to relieve the coughs that filled his throat and inhale deeply to recover from the situation that almost dug his grave before his time — the words of his little princess, not the wine. 
“Princess, I thought you were going to marry daddy,” the man reminded her with a shaky smile and voice. You snorted.
“No! Daddy is already married to mommy. Also, look how beautiful this drawing Hakim made for me!” Zahra responds excitedly and hands her father a colorful and childish, but almost identical, replica of the Palace of Alcazarzaray. Although he didn't want to acknowledge it, Kaveh had to admit: the mini copy of his best friend had talent. 
“Oh my. How beautiful Zaza,” you praise the drawing as you lean over your husband, “Did you thank him properly, right?”
“Yes! I gave him a rose,” she says proudly. 
Kaveh's heart suddenly softens. Zahra truly was a thoughtful, sweet, and kind child, and he was proud of the beautiful girl he watched grow up every day — taking only the best traits from both her parents. That's why Kaveh protected her so fiercely because his little princess was too precious and he’d never forgive himself if something took that bright smile away. 
“Daddy is still against this marriage, though,” he says suddenly after snapping out of his reverie, “You are too young, I doubt Hakim would have the ideal resources and qualities to provide you with a good home and above all, men, in general, are horrible. But daddy isn’t. So daddy is the best option!” Kaveh ends his speech by crossing his arms and pretending to make a displeased face. You roll your eyes and pinch his cheek. He pouts at that. 
“Let kids be kids, love.”
Zahra, in turn, didn't seem sad or shaken by her father's words at all, but rather contemplative. The little girl's brow furrowed for a moment before she answered him.
“But daddy, Hakim promised that we’d get married when we were big like you and mommy and his mama and papa. He said that when he grows up he’ll become a house artist like you and then he will make a house for the two of us to live in and you can visit us all the time!”
Kaveh was internally horrified. They were already making plans for the future and Zahra hadn't even had her seventh birthday yet. 
That was unacceptable, intolerable — the architect didn't even want to think about other possibilities. 
But looking at his daughter's sparkling golden irises and genuine smile because of all that fairy tale, the man couldn't retort but sigh in resignation. Besides, Hakim's word about he being a great artist were a appreciated. But just a little bit.
“Fine. But you won't get married until you're thirty-seven. And Hakim has to build a palace with many rooms and a beautiful garden. And I will visit you every day!” he snorts and Zahra laughs excitedly, hugging him afterwards.
Meanwhile, you kept watching them with mild amusement and a warmth comforting your heart. 
If only your husband knew that childhood friends to lovers was a very common thing he’d go back on his words.”
a/n: i planned to write a part for kazuha and alhaitham but i'm a little bit tired so maybe in the next update? we'll see...
please let me know if there’s any mistakes ;)
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wildestdreamsblog · 2 days
Might as well be drunk in love: 2 of 2 (sneakpeak)
Pairing: OT7 x Reader (CEO AU)
Summary: In which your friend thought it would be funny to give you a love potion, and in which seven CEOs accidentally drank it.
Warnings: Love Potion, Yandere behavior, Obsessiveness, Possessiveness, Manipulative behavior, Violence, Mention of death, Disability, If you’re not 18+ please, PLEASE, do not interact. Be mindful of the warnings. Let me know if I miss anything.
A/N: This is only a sneakpeak of day 2. I'm not yet done writing the second chapter but I feel bad bcos of how long it's taking me...so here it is! Sneakpeak of day 1. Also, the entire chapter will be posted here when I'm done and satisfied with it :> Enjoy po
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Part 1, Full day 1
“No one told me that we have an adorable new housemate.”
The six sleepy men sitting around the dining table looked up as soon as Park Jimin walked entered the room, in his arms was a fluffy cat that was actively hissing at him. He cooed down at it, softly stroking the thick fur with his hand that was now sporting claw marks.
“We’re already so close!” he announced with softness in his voice despite the repetitive kicks brought by the furry creature in his arm.
“I don’t think you are liked very much…” Jungkook quietly commented, his doe eyes went even larger at the bleeding scratches on his skin. As if sensing an opportunity to escape, the cat suddenly wriggled free from Jimin's arms and darted across the room, landing squarely in Hoseok's lap.
“Hi, my son! Did you have a good night’s sleep?” he asked affectionately, reaching down to stroke the cat's fur.
“Hyung has a secret son!” Jungkook whispered to Taehyung in a scandalous manner, clutching his nonexistent pearls. Taehyung, who looked like he lived and fought through three wars from his exhausted form and his sluggish movement only nodded at Jungkook.
“Whose cat is that? Is that yours, J-hope?” Jin asked, pointing at the cat with his mug. He didn’t know that they now had a furry housemate. Additionally, he didn’t know that he was a cat person.
Namjoon just smirked at his brothers, “That’s not his.”
“My God, I am so tired,” Jimin sat next to Taehyung, his muscles aching with exhaustion. With a heavy sigh, he leaned his whole weight on his friend, seeking some semblance of comfort in their shared weariness.
"Everything hurts," Taehyung moaned, mirroring Jimin's sentiment. He glanced over at Namjoon, pleading silently for a solution. "We need her. Hyung, please. Do something," he implored, his voice tinged with desperation.
Jungkook finally put down his spoon with a loud thud, standing up to look at them one by one. “Okay, I cannot be the only one curious about whose cat that is!” he pointed at the cat who only meowed back at him before shifting his finger to his hyung who was silently eating with a smile on his face. “And you, why do you look so good this morning, hyung, while the four of us look like we are 3 hours away from passing away?” he asked Yoongi, his doe eyes demanding answers from the chaotic bunch that only turned more chaotic as the morning wore on.
Yoongi, taking a leisurely sip of his coffee, raised an eyebrow at Jungkook's question. His lips curled into a smirk, revealing a hint of amusement. "Well, Kookie, some of us are just naturally blessed with good genes," he quipped, his tone teasing.
“Excuse me?! Are you saying that I am not blessed with good genes?! Me?! The world wide handsome?! Now, you’re just outright lying!”
“Hyuuuuung, do something! I think I’m dying!” Taehyung shouted amidst the noise.
“Stop screaming you’re scaring my son!” Hoseok shot back all while covering the cat’s little ears.
“Whose cat is that even?!” Jungkook asked again in disbelief, the vein in his throat protruding from annoyance and curiosity.
“Oh my God, Taehyung! I already did something, okay?!” Namjoon finally raised his voice for him to hear.
“Ahhhhhhh, my head hurts and she’s the only cure! I have to go to her!” Jimin whined sadly, attempting to leave his chair slowly.
“In that state?!” Jin shouted at Jimin and Taehyung, already feeling the stress causing havoc on his otherwise beautiful face.
But Taehyung and Jimin were already halfway out of their chair, clutching their heads dramatically. "I can't take this anymore! I need her!" he wailed, his eyes darting around the room with desperation only to find you by some miracle.
“Little one…” he called, his voice small as though he couldn’t believe that you were truly there. It was like their pain manifested you, and heavens, it was worth it. He’d willingly go through this pain if it meant seeing you and having you here where you belonged.
With them.
“Good morning, has anyone seen my cat?”
Your voice, despite it being low, was sufficient to stop the bickering among the CEOs. How they heard you amidst their own noise, you didn’t know. One thing was for certain, though. They were attuned to you like lovesick men did. Their eyes were on you with varying emotions. Jungkook was surprised, to say the least. Taehyung and Jimin, on the other hand, were relieved. Yoongi's smirk widened into a grin, his eyes sparkling with delight at the sight of you. Seokjin stared at you in disbelief, as if trying to comprehend how you managed to appear amidst the chaos. Namjoon and Hoseok exchanged a knowing glance, their expressions reflecting a sense of contentment and joy. The pair looked like they secured an extremely important deal and even won the lottery at the same day.
You didn’t see Taehyung moved but you certainly felt how his heavy body fell against yours. You certainly heard his sigh of relief even as he swayed on his feet.
And when you touched his hand to support him, that was when he fell.
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peachesofteal · 7 hours
Through Me (The Flood) - secret baby fic Simon Riley / female reader - warnings: discussion of past abuse, Simon’s trauma Request: take your baby to work day
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You're wide eyed at the front door.
"You sure you guys will be alright?" Your voice is clear, but your hand trembles on the door handle, bottom lip tugged across your teeth.
"We'll be okay sweetheart. But if you're uncomfortable, or it's too much, you should take him-"
"No, no. I'm fine. You're not supposed to bring the baby to OB appointments anyway. It's frowned upon." You roll your eyes, tipping up to kiss Ry on the cheek. "Just... don't let anyone breathe on him, or kiss him, okay? His immune system is still fragile compared to ours. I packed you like, three bottles so hopefully he'll take them if he gets hungry. Text me if-"
"Mama." He holds Orion in one arm, and grabs your hand with the other. You're frightened, and stressed, and he's driven to comfort you, the need to soothe you throbbing across his skull. "I've got this. We'll be just fine. Text me when you're done. Get yourself a tea or something afterwards, alright? Everything is going to be okay." You nod.
"Right, of course. You're... you're right. And you're going to a military base, I doubt there's a safer place around."
"C'mere." He tugs you into his side, and you wrap your arms around his stomach, nestling in opposite Orion. "I need you to do something f'me."
"I need you to swear to me you'll tell your doctor about the dizzy spells." There's been a reminder card about your twelve week postpartum appointment on the fridge for two weeks now, and after you finally confessed you have been getting dizzy since Orion was born, and one time had even fallen, he decided to skip several steps by making the appointment for you. You were... not pleased, but he made it very clear, he's not playing a game with your health. He's planning his battles strategically now, putting pieces in play slowly, working towards his larger goal, but this was something he refused to compromise on.
"Okay." You whisper, burying your face in his chest. "I will." He lands a kiss to the top of your head.
"We'll see you soon. It'll be over before you know it, and maybe we can get a takeaway for dinner?" Your lips crack into a toothy smile.
"Sounds good to me."
"Alright, lad. Let's go see daddy's team." Orion stares at him, brown eyes curious, and watchful. He’s still not used to it, this feeling. This life, with you and his baby. Everyday, he has to stop to ground himself, anchor himself. Break from the cycle of a downward spiral, obsessive thoughts playing with his mind, counting down the million and one ways he could lose you, or fail you, or both. He’s careful, he’s diligent, he’s in control. He’d never make a mistake like he did before, the error of judgement that cost him his mother, his brother and his family-
But the incessant fear never ceases.
Fortunately, his anchor now is you. You, when you let him carry you to bed, when you watch him rock Orion to sleep as you stand in the doorway, you who curls up next to him on the couch now, fingers curled into his shirt like you’re afraid he might disappear. Your touch heals. Your words comfort. He can't fathom a future without you, or Ry, now.
If he thinks back on it, he wonders if he knew all along. If all the things he felt the night he met really meant forever, just like he had wished. A fantasy turned reality-
to have and to hold.
His stomach turns, wondering if his father ever felt this, if he ever loved, or if he was always just a monster, the ouroboros of victim turned abuser, the man who terrorized his mother, his brother and himself, long past the time Simon finally tore him to pieces, cracked his ribs, beat him into the ground.
Tommy broke the cycle, and from the moment he laid eyes on his son he knew.... he would too.
Price's secretary looks like she's seen an actual ghost. "Hey, Lindsey. Is he in?" She's staring, flicking back and forth to Orion and then up to his face, mouth slightly agape.
"Y-yeah he's..." she points over her shoulder at his closed door. "Lieutenant, did you... is that... is that your baby?" He nods, mouth curving into a proud smile, stepping close enough so she can get a good look at him. She almost jerks back, clearly not used to being so close to him. He's been here and there, off and on base all week catching up on a backlog of reports, but hasn't said a word to anyone, and he keeps everyone on base at arm's length except the 141.
"It is." Her shocked expression melts, hesitantly reaching her pointer finger towards Ry, allowing him to wrap it up in his chubby little fist. "This is Orion." She smiles at him, and then the baby, kindly.
"He's beautiful." She excuses herself when the phone rings, and he settles the tension burning between his shoulder blades. He didn't mentally prepare for this moment, didn't believe he had to. The expectation of Price's acceptance was assumed but now, his trepidation is a surprise.
He told his captain he needed to take leave for something really important, but never said for what. All he told him is that he'd loop him in soon, and that he was sorry he wouldn't be available for the next op. If John was curious, he didn't let him know, didn't push him for more info, didn't pester him. He just sent the forms to Simon's email to be filled out with a postscript:
Looking forward to hearing what this is all about.
And when Simon crosses the threshold of his office, baby in one arm, backpack stuffed with nappies and bottles in the other-
John Price laughs.
It's not the huff of a chuckle that Kate usually gets out of him, or the rolling guffaw that he gives the guys sometimes when he's particularly amused.
No, this is different. It starts in his belly and then rolls upwards, all the way until his shoulders are shaking and he's wiping his eyes.
Simon scowls, and John holds both his hands up, palms out. Surrender. "This is a good enough reason as any to take a chunk of all that leave saved up." He stands, stepping around to get a closer look. "What's his name then?"
"Orion." John nods thoughtfully. The backs of his fingers brush along the baby's arm, gently, slowly, a flicker of longing, of sadness, arcing across his face before it dissipates.
"The giant hunter Zeus banished to the skies." Organized stacks of paper sit in neat little piles on top of John's desk, authorizations he'd know anywhere. They're moving out. "Where's his mum?"
"At a doctor's appointment." Orion gurgles, and Simon pats his back, bouncing him slowly from side to side.
"You with her?" The answer is immediate.
"Gonna marry her." John's eyes fill with mirth.
"But she doesn't know that yet, does she."
"No," Simon sighs, "but she will. 'ts why I needed the leave. Besides," he motions to the infant tucked in his arm, "this, helping take care of him, taking care of her, I need to get them moved to a secure location. She's in a second level flat right now, with street facing windows. It's makin' my skin itch." Price will get it, Simon knows he will understand. He has his own secret at home, tucked away in a house only Simon and Laswell know about, just in case.
"Take it slow, don't want to spook her. Although I can't imagine she's too skittish if she took you to bed." He smirks. "You've got the time you requested. Had to call in a substitute for this one, but we'll need you on the next."
"How long?"
"Five weeks, maybe more. I'll ring when we're back on base." Five weeks. The clock is ticking, a bomb waiting to detonate, a guillotine waiting to sever his time with his family, his duty dragging him away.
"Alright." He concedes. Cross that bridge when he comes to it.
If Price sees his reluctance, he doesn't comment on it. "Bird'll be here in six hours. Boys are in the rec room, if you want to see 'em." Simon nods, shifting the baby in his arms as he heads towards the door. "And Simon," he turns, locking eyes with his captain, raw emotion plain on both their faces. Price gives him a genuine smile. "Congratulations. You're going to be a great father."
There's a lump in his throat as he crosses the campus to the rec room, his nose dipping across Ry's head, breathing him in as deep as he can behind the black cloth mask. "He's gonna be your godfather, little man. We just have to get Mama to agree, don't we?" He tugs the building's door open, ignoring the streams of chatter suddenly grinding to a halt in the hallway. Once he makes it to the rec room and sees that no one else is inside, just Johnny and Gaz battling it out in an intense game of pool, he slips the mask off his face and locks the door.
Soap is the first one to see him. "Steeeamin' jesus, LT is that a bairn!?" Kyle chokes on his water.
"Is that your baby, Riley?" They both scramble forward, Johnny whistling in disbelief.
"Aye, he's got to be. Look at the size of 'im."
"Johnny." Simon gives him the 'settle down' look, but the Sergeant only grins impishly.
"He's hers, innit he?" Gaz reaches, and Orion watches him with interest. "The girl from the bar. The one who lives close to me." Johnny's eyes go wider than globes.
"Ach Ghost, ye been busy wit' that boa-"
"Johnny." He hisses, and Kyle barks a laugh, reaching. Simon doesn't balk about handing Orion over, even though you were cautious about letting other people be around him. This is his team. He trusts them implicitly.
"He's a heavy lad, isn't he?" Kyle bounces him back and forth, all the while Ry stares at him with his head tipped back, mesmerized. "Looks jus' like you."
"Maybe a wee bit more handsome." Johnny's leaning around Kyle, his hand on Ry's back. They're mooning over him, two decorated, strategically brilliant sergeants, cooing at a baby like a bunch of sooks, as Johnny would say.
His phone vibrates in his pocket, a text from you letting him know you're finished, and heading home.
>Has he eaten?
>No, hasn't seem interested.
>Thank god.
Knowing you're probably in pain makes him antsy to get back, and he glances at the guys. "You movin' out in a few hours?"
"Aye, lookin' for some sort of stolen intelligence. Shouldnae be too long. Got a rent-a-Lieutenant and everythin'. Ye'll be back for the next?"
"I will. Stay frosty out there. I expect you all back in one piece."
He triple checks the carseat, testing the straps and the strength of the seatbelt before finally deciding it's secure enough, for the hundredth time today. He takes one last look, and presses a kiss to Orion's head. "Ready, bub? Let's go home and see mama."
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 day
(I hope you’re feeling okay and remember to drink water! Also ignore if you’re not up for writing this ask)
What about the batboys watching their s/o (or best friend! Reader) fall back in love with life.
Reader has been down and depressed for months possibly but something happens and they smile or laugh genuinely for the first time in a while!
(Again just ignore if you don’t like it)
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Thought he was dreaming when he saw you loving life once again by having your usual morning drink and closing your eyes, smiling softly as though the simple act as drinking had single handedly brought back your love for life.
It felt like a miracle to Tim as he could only be reminded of how just a few days ago you were borderline mute and refusing to move an inch out of bed, and now here you were, standing in your shared kitchen and smiling softly into your mug as you devoted yourself to savouring the drink as it went down your throat. The simple things were what seemed to have brought your love for life back and Tim couldn’t help but let a smile spread across his face as he watched how the natural lighting from the kitchen window made you seem almost ethereal in that moment.
It was truly a testament to your ability to find the power to get up out of bed, thinking that this day would be just like all the others, only to find your happiness lying in wait inside a ceramic cup. You had dug deep inside yourself whether you realised it or not to revive your appreciation for life. You did that, the morning drink merely helped put that smile back on your face where it belonged.
Tim couldn’t have been more prouder of you in that moment as he joined your side, kissing the side of your head as the domesticity of your relationship came back in full effect, almost as if nothing had happened. Everything was back to how it should be since the beginning and Tim was going to do whatever he could in his power to keep it that way.
The moment Damian heard a familiar laughter coming from outside followed by a pair of dogs barking, he immediately dropped his pencil and rushed to his window to see what was happening, only to see that it was just you watching on from under a tree as Titus and Ace chased after a pair of squirrels.
It might’ve been dismissed had it not been for the fact that you had finally found the strength after a month long episode of deep desperation and were smiling so brightly and looking happy again that it genuinely made Damian speechless.
He knew how hard it had been for you as of lately and he had been trying his best to be there for you whenever possible when he wasn’t busy with school or being Robin. You had fallen out of love with life and Damian swore he had never felt such helplessness when he tried to coax you out of bed but to no avail, he genuinely didn’t know how to help you and the fact that you had given up on helping yourself only made Damian more helpless.
So seeing you fall back in love with life again after so long made Damian not hesitate in joining you in this celebration of yours as he uncharacteristically bolts out of the mansion with a chest full of pride and a heart full of relief and happiness. All he wanted was for you to be okay -both mentally and physically- and now that you finally were, he couldn’t help but want to spend as much time as he could allow himself to be with you.
He may try to act nonchalant about the whole thing but you could easily tell from the way he stayed shoulder to shoulder with you, brushing the back of his hand against your own, and that he was just as happy if not more to see you back on your feet. No words were spoken as you and Damian both watched Titus and Ace in amusement, you rested your head against his shoulder as he rested his atop of yours soon after, drinking in the moment together as one of many to come in the nearby future.
Neither of you needed words to express how you felt when your actions spoke a whole lot louder; Life was good again and neither one of you were going to take it for advantage ever again.
He felt as though he heard the heavens when you finally laughed after a long months worth of solemn silence, distant stares at nothing in particular and staying cooped up in your shared room with the lights off.
All because a small butterfly had chosen your hand to land on to rest had caused you to smile and laugh as though it were the first time doing so, which in Jason’s case that was exactly how he felt in that moment. It felt as though he could finally let go of the breath he had no idea he was holding in, like he could properly utilise his lungs again when he saw that life had came back to your eyes as you watched the butterfly with a tenderness.
It had been a long time coming but it was made all the more worth it for Jason when you directed that smile that he had been aching to see on your face aimed his way once again. He could thank the butterfly a million times and would still find more room in himself to be thankful to something so small for bringing you back to him where he failed.
‘Your smile is as beautiful as ever chipmunk.’ He’d tell you softly as he kisses the corner of your mouth, cuddling you into his side slowly as not to disturb the butterfly on your hand, feeling his insides melt when you shuffled closer to him to rest your head on his chest.
‘I haven’t felt this happy in close to a month.’ You admitted aloud.
‘I know,’ Jason started, ‘but I’m glad that you finally found it within yourself to be happy.’ He kisses your head again. ‘All you needed was time.’
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sleeping beauty | s.r. x liaison!fem reader
spencer checked the time and date, one thirty pm on june tenth. he took a deep exhale then pulled open his top desk drawer, staring at him were two tickets for a screening of the french adaptation for sleeping beauty. he remembered you mentioning how she was your first princess movie to own on vhs, saying how the ending dance sequence was truly enchanting.
usually spencer goes to these film festivals by himself, but when this was one of the movies announced for the weekend, he decided now was the time. spencer reid was gonna toughen up and ask you on a date.
“hey reid,” he startled at the feminine voice beside his desk. he shut the drawer closed and turned to see elle watching him with raised brows, “everything okay?” crossing her arms and cocking a hip against his desk.
“ye- yeah. is there- was there something you needed?” hoping she doesn’t mention anything about his weird behavior, but most people would argue he’s always weird.
elle pursed her lips, “uh no. just wanted to know what’s got you sweating in this cooled office.” profiling nonchalantly. spencer bit into his bottom lip, his own brows raising as he squinted his eyes, “i- i don’t know-“
his sentence stopped short when he heard your gentle giggles and then his eyes followed your figure as you walked beside penelope. your eyes caught his and you waved in greeted, smiling widely as you continued on your walk.
“so something involving our second best liaison.” elle hummed, spencer flinched again. he forget she was still there, “n- no…” his stuttering more present whenever you were of the subject.
elle perked up and leaned forward, her eyes were alight, “are you finally asking her out?” almost squealing at the idea.
“what do you mean, finally?” spencer questioned. he didn’t tell anyone about his infatuation with you. elle rolled her smokey eyes, “oh please. you may have an iq of one eighty seven, but whenever she’s in the vicinity or mentioned it’s slashed to sixty.”
spencer felt his cheeks warm, he hunched into himself, “that’s not true.” mumbling into his chest. “you also stopped talking just to watch her walk down the hallway,” elle scuffed.
spencer licked his lips and figured there was no point in lying, plus elle might give him some advice for the date. “i’m- i’m planning to take her to a movie festival. they’re playing a french version of sleeping beauty.”
elle cooed, “gonna whisper the translation in her ear? that’s a pretty morgan move to do.”
that worried spencer, “that wouldn’t make her uncomfortable, right? i don’t want her thinking-“ elle held out her hands to stop his anxious rambles.
“just ask her. when presenting the tickets, ask if it’s okay to translate for her. if she says no, there might be something the theater has to fix that problem. but i’m sure she won’t mind.”
“who won’t mind what?”
spencer’s heart rate spiked when your voice was in earshot, then when elle moved to the side to show you joining the both of them he knew his ears started to flush red. he opened and closed his mouth, not sure how to steer the conversation.
“oh, how jj won’t mind if spencer steals you for a chat. i’ll go double check.” and with that fib elle sauntered away, leaving you confused.
“you wanted to talk with me?” hands held behind your back as you tilted your head. it prompted spencer to stand up, your head needing to lean back a bit to make eye contact.
he rubbed his palms along his pants, “uh yeah. i was- there’s this film festival that i visit regularly, many foreign originals or adaptations. and there’s gonna be a screening for a french sleeping beauty and i- i was wondering if you’d… would you like to- to go on a- on a date? with me?” he stuffed his hands into his pockets at the end when he noticed all his fidgeting.
your lips parted slightly and your head straightened, “i’d- i’d love too,” eyes twinkling like a star. “but i don’t know french.” an embarrassed smile at the information.
spencer moved a hand to scratch at his ear, “i- i could translate it for you. but i’d have to speak quietly and into your ear, is that- are you okay with that? we- we could also ask the employees for-“
you stopped him when you stepped closer and touched his forearm, a sweet smile shining upon him. “you can translate for me. i like listening to your voice.” your words a sweet syrup dripping over his heart.
spencer nodded dumbly, “o- okay. it’s- it’s friday at- at seven. so we can just- just leave after work.”
you nodded, “it’s a date.”
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wineauntie · 1 day
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE — luke hughes x famous singer!reader
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Summary: in which Luke Hughes stars in one of your music videos
notes: this idea hit me as soon as I watched the music video for please please please, so enjoy!
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Your fingers furiously tapped across the screen of your phone, your eyebrows furrowed as you typed. From beside you on the couch, your boyfriend tightened his arm around you sensing your growing tension.
“What’s wrong?” Luke mumbled, his lips brushing your hairline as you sighed and melted into his touch.
“The guy who was meant to be playing the male lead in my video broke his leg and we have no replacement.” You huffed, not because you were annoyed at the poor guy but because everything had all been set up for the day after tomorrow and all had to now be rearranged which meant far more paperwork and hassle.
“And now we have to reorganise the lighting crew and permits for the locations—”
Luke’s fingers gently grasped your jaw, his eyes solely on you.
“I could do it.”
You blinked, your mind momentarily stilled by his suggestion.
"You?" Your words slipped from your lips in an incredulous tone.
"Yeah," he confirmed, a confident smile tugging at his lips as his eyes trained on yours. "Why not? I know all the words, and I’ve seen you rehearse a hundred times. Plus," he added, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear, "it could be fun."
It was true. He’d been with you as you rehearsed scenes, often standing in for the male lead when you’d begged him to.
"But you’re not an actor," you protested, yet the idea was already starting to take root in your mind. "You’re a hockey player."
"And a pretty decent one at that," he teased as he traced his thumb along your cheekbone, making you smile despite yourself. "But seriously, I think I could handle it. It’s just a few scenes, right? And you need someone by tomorrow."
You looked into his eyes, searching for any sign of doubt, but all you saw was the man you loved filled with a hint of excitement.
Maybe this could work.
It was unconventional, sure, but sometimes the best things happened when plans went astray?
At least you were slowly convincing yourself that idea was true.
"Are you sure?" you asked, your voice softer now. "It’s a lot of pressure and it is more than a few scenes, it’ll be a few days of filming."
Luke leaned down, pressing a kiss to your lips before pulling away, his nose brushing yours.
"For you? Absolutely.” He stated, before continuing. “Besides, it’s not every day I get to be in a music video with my talented girlfriend."
“Alright, Mr. Hughes,” You laughed, the tension in your shoulders easing as you wrapped your arms around his neck. “Looks like you’re my new co-star."
The morning of the first scene sequence, the set was abuzz with energy as the crew prepped for the shoot. The first scene would take place in a holding cell at a police station. Two makeup artists flanked you as they finished up the makeup look for the scene.
You glanced over at Luke whose costume was being fixed by a few crew members. He looked surprisingly at ease, chatting with the director and crew as if he’d been doing this for years. You watched him from a distance, a proud smile on your face.
“Okay, everyone get ready, we film in T-5!” The director called out, your makeup artists seemed satisfied with their work as they parted from your side. You stood up, quickly weaving your way towards Luke.
“Hey sweet girl,” he greeted, his hands catching yours as they outstretched towards him.
“Hi,” you breathed out, examining his outfit. Luke was decked out in all black, his curls tamed at the sides, a necklace with your initials tucked under the shirt, leaving only the chain.
Yesterday had been spent measuring him for outfits and rehearsing today’s scenes, you’d coached him through what he needed to do for today.
“You look gorgeous,” he whispered, bending down so that you were the only one to hear his voice.
Heat rose to your cheeks at his words, “You look incredible,” you returned the compliment, brushing a stray hair behind your ear. “Are you ready for this?”
“I am,” Luke nodded, “I’ve never been in handcuffs before.”
A devilish grin crossed your face as you untucked his necklace, letting your initials glint under the set lights.
“I’m sure the crew wouldn’t mind if they just go…missing,” you hummed, your smirk undeniable as the tips of Luke’s ears flushed.
“If I get to wear them, it’s only fair that you test them out too,” he breathed out, his pupils flaring.
“Deal,” You glanced around before placing a quick kiss on Luke’s lips. “I’ll see what I can do.”
Your purposefully dishevelled self looked towards the holding cell doors where a police officer banged on the bars.
“Somebody bailed your ass out, let’s go.”
You smiled, unfolding your legs and sheepishly walking into the hall pretending to listen to the officer as she directed you left. You ignored the camera following you, carefully sticking to the script.
“Ma’am, are these your belongings?”
The man behind the glass held up a plastic bag with a pair of sunglasses and lipstick. As it was handed through the slot to you, you ignored the man as he spoke, using his glass as a mirror to put on your lipstick.
As if like clockwork, the noise began, and you played up your curiosity for the camera, trying your best to suppress a smile.
Peering around the corner you watched as Luke was led onto the station set, his hands behind his back as two officers flanked him. You leaned against the wall to watch him as his eyes finally met yours.
There was a glint of mischief hidden in his eyes as you followed his figure whilst the officers pushed him into a holding cell. He fought to keep you in his sights before he disappeared into the cell and the director called cut.
The next scene the two of you filmed was the scene where Luke would be exiting prison, with you ready to take him away.
You’d gone through a costume change, now adorning a pink faux fur jacket, white top and one of the shortest skirts you’d ever seen.
When Luke had seen you, his eyes had bulged and he’d dragged you into his chest by your waist for a quick kiss before you’d both gotten into position.
You leaned against your black car, one leg up as you watched Luke emerge from the gates.
His arm was stretched up by his shoulder, holding his bag as he walked towards you. A smirk plastered across his face as he shot you a playful wink. Your fingers outstretched in a come-hither motion and once he was in arms reach, you pulled him into you.
You pulled him down so he was face to face with you, a smile playing across your lips as his eyes scanned your face and body.
“Like what you see?” You teased, knowing that in this scene you didn’t need to be lip-syncing. Luke’s lips parted, his eyes now tracking your lips before you giggled and pushed him away, letting him open the door to the car for you.
You’d filmed the correlating scenes in the prison location before finishing for the day. There were three days in total scheduled with the second containing a fight and robbery scene starring Luke, who definitely enjoyed those more than he was supposed to.
On the last day of filming, you moved into the warehouse location and the scenes you were filming caused excitement to buzz through your veins.
It was one of the last scenes for the music video. You were wearing a skintight white dress with vibrant red lipstick, whilst Luke had been dressed in a white vest and dark pants. His curls were defined, a few dangling over his forehead as he sat on a seat across from you.
You sent him a small smile, wiggling your fingers as the director began to call action.
You fell into character, lip syncing to your voice playing over a speaker. You slowly approached Luke on the chair, who had held his hands behind his head.
You leaned over him, dangling a pair of handcuffs in your hand. You had to fight a teasing smirk as recognition sparked in Luke’s eyes at the pair.
You allowed your fingers to brush across his chest, relishing the shudder your man tried to suppress whilst you rounded the chair.
Your nails traipsed across his biceps on display before you pulled his arms down, and handcuffed them behind his back.
You allowed your out-of-sight pinky to lock with his momentarily before you picked up the roll of duck tape that had been left for you to take.
You ripped some of it off, straddling Luke’s lap as his heavy-lidded eyes followed you. You gently lowered it over his mouth, your hands moving to cup his face as your eyes softened. You smiled at Luke whose own eyes were full of adoration for you.
In an unscripted move, you leaned forward and pressed a lingering kiss to the duck tape. You pulled away shyly, admiring your lipstick print left on the tape as you removed your hold from him.
You shook your head and returned to the starting mark, guilt creeping over you at straying from the script.
“Sorry!” You called out sheepishly, glancing back at Luke who was still handcuffed and duck-taped with the camera focusing on him.
“And cut!” The director called out her eyes bouncing in glee. “y/n, that kiss move was perfect! We can run it a few more times for the different angles, and then the closing shot can be Luke left there by you.”
“Oh I love that,” you gushed, glancing towards Luke. He had been untaped and was being removed from the handcuffs.
You smiled as you approached him, his flushed cheeks much more apparent as his darkened eyes followed you.
“Hey, pretty boy,” you bit your lip as Luke raised an eyebrow. “Feeling okay?”
Luke’s strong arms pulled you to stand between his legs, his head tilted up towards you.
“That pair of handcuffs better be coming home with us,” he murmured causing your eyes to flare in want as his warm fingers grasped your jaw. “You’re having too much fun tying me up…I wonder what would happen if the roles reversed.”
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Could we get the Claymore Queens (and anyone else of your choice) reacting to their SO trying to be tough for their sake, not saying anything, not wincing (or trying not to), not complaining, although they're not in the best condition?
(Genshin Impact) Clorinde, Eula, Dehya, Beidou, Navia, Noelle, Furina and Xinyan's S/O trying to tough out their injuries
"Nah, I'd win." - Me at 1hp to my friends after getting hit by a boss's move dead on.
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Clorinde has been in so many duels to the point where she can tell someone is bluffing, simply by their body language alone.
S/O was heavily injured: their legs were slightly trembling, breathing heavy, and weapon shaking.
And she's only glanced at them for a few seconds. They were in no condition to keep going, even if they insisted otherwise.
(Clorinde) "You need to rest, S/O. If we get into another fight, you've already lost."
She rests a firm but affectionate hand onto their shoulders in an attempt to get them to relax.
(Clorinde) "Getting yourself killed will not prove to me that you are strong."
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Eula frowns the moment she hears her S/O say they're fine.
She doesn't even need to look at them, Eula immediately turns around and tells them what they need to hear.
(Eula) "You are not fine. Tend to your wounds, I won't be the one dragging your unconscious body back to Mondstadt."
Though her words are harsh, it comes from a place of concern and love.
She'd prefer not to have S/O injured at all and be the one in their shoes instead, but it'd at least make her heart rest easier knowing they were out of harm's way and recovering.
(Eula) "At the very least, just wrap the bandages around yourself."
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Dehya scoffs and crosses her arms, shoulders sagging as she raises a single eyebrow.
(Dehya) "Psh, yeah right. I'm sure that blood dripping down your arms means you're completely rarin' to go, right?"
She shakes her head as she forces them to sit down, and with her arm strength and S/O's injuries, it is very easy to do.
(Dehya) "Sit still for a sec, you're not fooling anyone."
Dehya knows they weren't trying to worry her, but if anything this was doing the opposite.
...Then again, she can't exactly blame them. She'd probably do the same right now.
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Beidou lightly punches their arm, and when S/O yelps out, that solidifies her decision.
(Beidou) "Thought so. You're sitting this one out for now."
Beidou's top priority is always the safety of her crew, S/O was no exception.
She doesn't take no for an answer easily, and Beidou does not care how much S/O tries to convince her otherwise.
(Beidou) "You'd convince me a lot more if you weren't hissing every single time my hand brushed against you, y'know."
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Navia isn't even listening to S/O try to insist that they're fine.
Navia, along with some bodyguards that appeared out of nowhere, are already tending to their injuries.
(Navia) "We'll get you fixed up in no time, you leave everything to me!"
Her heart is pounding when she's looking at their injuries, trying her best to block the unpleasant thoughts out of her head.
What matters the most right now is that S/O not push themselves anymore for her sake.
Navia needed them to be okay.
(Navia) "No more of that talk, S/O! You're resting here and that's final! Gentlemen, S/O does not move an inch from this spot, understood?"
(Bodguards) "Yes. ma'am!"
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Noelle pouts when she sees S/O trying to walk beside her.
Absolutely not! They weren't even in the condition to help her clean.
Granted, not a lot of people can clean an entire wagon just by lifting it with one arm, S/O included, but her point still stands.
(Noelle) "I do not think so! S/O, I ask you leave this work to me! You sit here and rest, I'll clean the rest of this mess up!"
Noelle is twice as determined to ensure not a single enemy gets through her. Her goal was to make S/O not worry, not the other way around!
As a dutiful maid should!
Plus, S/O knows if they try to protest, Noelle is using that superhuman strength to make them stay put.
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Furina's fists clench when she sees S/O try to smile despite the heavy hits on their body.
...No. Enough was enough.
S/O would not get themselves hurt anymore for someone like her.
(Furina) "Do you take me for a fool, S/O?! I demand that you take a seat this instant!"
Her expression is angry, angrier than S/O had ever seen Furina.
But it quickly simmers down once her voice starts shaking.
(Furina) "I'd never forgive myself if you tried to keep going simply to not make me worry...Just be honest and tell me you have to rest!"
The irony of being honest was not lost on her, but they already knew the truth about her.
It's only fair that they didn't lie about how they were either.
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Xinyan walks in front of S/O, hands on her hips.
(Xinyan) "Heck no, ya ain't fine! Ya look like yer about to keel over!"
She rushes to them and ushers for them to sit on the ground, while getting a few bandages out.
(Xinyan) "'Fine' my butt! You're lookin awful! Please just take a rest!"
A sigh of relief leaves her body once S/O complies, allowing her to tend to all their bruises.
It pained her to even see them this injured, but if anything, they won't strain themselves any further for her.
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enwifen · 2 days
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🍃 ˖࣪ ──── a pretty girl like you has no reason to be insecure about the way you look but, you still feel self conscious anyway… luckily your lovely husband is here to help.
pairing. artist!sunghoon x fem reader wc. 1.8k
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𝒯oday just wasn’t your day.
You could just feel that something was off, your usual happy-go-lucky mood absent from the moment you woke up. ‘It’s okay, everyone has those days’ you say to yourself, trying to find a small spark of happiness inside you as you get ready for the day.
Sunlight spills through the windows and seeing as your husband was known to be a morning person, you weren’t surprised to see the space next to you empty. He was most likely in his art studio downstairs, inspiration often hitting him first thing in the morning.
Your eyes flicker up to your reflection while you brush your teeth. What you see in the mirror only seems to further sour your mood. To anyone else? You look the same as you did yesterday and all the days before that. To you? You don’t.
It’s little things too. Your skin texture just slightly more noticeable, dark spots more prominent… even that pesky pimple on your forehead looks more red than it did yesterday even after the cream you put on it.
Again, you try and push all the negativity to the back of your mind. Hoping to spit it all down the drain as you exit the bathroom.
As expected, you find your husband sat in front of his easel with a palette and brush in hand. He greets you with a smile though it quickly fades as he almost immediately picks up on your low mood.
“Morning sweetheart, is everything alright? You seem a little…”
A sigh leaves your lips, as much as you want to say you’re fine you know you can’t hide anything from Sunghoon.
“No…” you pout. He frowns and puts his supplies down, wiping his hands before opening his arms. You walk over to sit on his knee, allowing him to hug you.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” He asks softly.
“I just…” you bite your lip, trailing off.
“It’s okay, take your time baby.” Sunghoon says, one of his hands coming up to stroke your hair.
“I feel really ugly today… I woke up feeling off this morning and as soon as i saw myself in the mirror I—”
“Shh, shh, it’s alright… I hate when my girl is so upset, what makes you think you’re ugly, princess? You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever laid my eyes upon.”
Sunghoon listens attentively as you list your insecurities. He shakes his head a little as you talk. He doesn’t mean to invalidate your feelings but, at the same time, he also can’t fathom how someone as ethereal and angelic looking as his wife could possibly think they’re anything but that.
“Oh Y/n… if only you could see what I—, you know what? Why don’t you take a seat over there.” He says, nodding over to the stool a few feet behind his easel.
“Hoon I really don’t feel like being painted right now—”
“Please, my love? If you really don’t want to I won’t push you but…” you gnaw on your bottom lip, on one hand you don’t want to have your insecurities drawn but at the same time you know Sunghoon would never do anything to upset you further so… you kinda wanna see what he’s getting at.
You lift yourself up and go to sit in front of him.
“Perfect…” he mutters, picking up his brush and watercolour palette. You always loved whenever Sunghoon would use watercolours.
Throughout the course of your relationship, Sunghoon had drawn you countless times. Doodling you in his notebook during classes when you still went, sketching you during one of your picnic dates… the list goes on. He was precise with each and every stroke, wanting every piece of art to be perfect.
So even though it didn’t take him long to finish, you could tell this wasn’t just some half assed piece of artwork he was drawing just to boost your self esteem.
“Love? I’m finished, why don’t you come and take a look?” And you do, rising from your seat and walking to stand beside him.
The painting is… unreal. Simply saying that it’s beautiful is an understatement. Simply saying that you were beautiful is an understatement.
Splashes of your favourite colours serve as the background, making you seem vibrant even on your dullest day. Each pencil line that joins to create you and your features is soft, eliminating the harsh critiques you had for your face. Sparkles replaced your dark spots and even that pimple you hated so much was replaced by a small flower. With everything you hated about your face, Sunghoon made his love blossom from it.
He turns to look up on you, hand on the small of your back rubbing soothingly. “Do you like it?”
“I… I love it but… hoonie this isn’t me.”
“You’re right, it’s not just you, it’s how I see you.”
Tears began to well up in your eyes at that.
“Now do you see? How it’s impossible for me to see you as anything but the pretty girl you are? I never understood back when you used to ask me why I stayed with you… why wouldn’t I? Y/n, you’re beauty itself.” He says earnestly, you can hear how Sunghoon means every word as he wipes your tears away.
“You’re too sweet.” You sniffle, Sunghoon chuckles lightly in response.
“I only speak the truth, baby.” He says, standing to pull you into a proper hug. When it came to feeling insecure, hearing ‘stop, you’re literally so pretty’ wasn’t enough sometimes. You could smile and nod but it didn’t actually make you feel better. Now, having such a loving husband by your side, your insecurities could easily be pushed to the side.
Maybe they would come back later, maybe they wouldn’t. One things for sure, with the way Sunghoon looks at you as if you were the prettiest painting in the gallery, you could care less about how you looked right now.
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Thanks to Sunghoon, you didn’t feel as bad as you did this morning which meant you were still good to attend the opening of his new art gallery.
“Are you sure? You know you don’t have to, love.”
“Of course I do! You know I wanna come and be supportive of my favourite artist~”
A pink hue spreads across Sunghoon’s cheeks. Cute, you thought. Even after being such a successful painter and getting compliments on his work daily, still he would blush at any praise given to him by you.
“You look beautiful, by the way.” He says, laughing at you being the one to blush now. Being an artist meant Sunghoon had a keen eye for detail which always came in handy when it came to buying dresses for you.
It was probably best you didn’t ask how much your dress cost, choosing to smile and accept the gift instead. It fit your frame perfectly, the light material flowing in the wind as you walked out into the night.
In Sunghoon’s eyes you were truly something out of a dream. His dream come true.
You watch as the city lights pass you by, tuning out the sounds of your husband on the phone making some last minute arrangements, you assume.
A sense of pride fills your chest as you take in the full gallery, watching the various people admire your husband’s artwork. He deserves it, every single bit of praise as he stands by one of his paintings, smiling and humbly accepting all the compliments.
You’re perfectly content standing on your own for a little while, sipping on a flute or champagne. You smile at the memory of Sunghoon basically showing you off to everyone an hour prior.
“Ahh, with a pretty wife like that I’d wanna show her off all the time too…”
“It makes sense, he’s a handsome guy, of course his wife is beautiful too.”
“No wonder they’ve been together so long, I’d do anything to keep a gorgeous girl like that by my side.”
Those were just a few of the comments you heard. Safe to say your low self esteem was nowhere to be found.
A glance at the clock tells you the event would soon be coming to an end. You were sure everyone had gotten a chance to look at all the different pieces your husband made, all except for one…
A glass case stood in the middle of the room, inside a white sheet covering what seemed to be a statue…? Of some sort.
The chime of Sunghoon’s fork tapping his glass garners everyone’s attention. He gently tugs you to stand beside him again as he speaks.
“Hello everyone, once again I’d like to thank you all for coming tonight… it’s always been my dream to open my own gallery and even though this one isn’t the first, I’m still so grateful for all of you that have attended.”
You both smile as Sunghoon receive an enthusiastic round of applause. You both bow politely.
“Special thanks to my parents who have always told me to follow my dreams and, of course, to my beautiful wife Y/n for always being my biggest supporter and source of inspiration.” He says, you’re sure your cheeks hurt from smiling so big but you can’t help it.
“This last piece of artwork is really special to me, I love all of my art piece but this one holds a special place in my heart, just like the certain someone it was created after.” Your brows furrow a little in disbelief but you keep smiling, body vibrating with excited nerves as you start to catch on. “I’ve only just started to get into sculpting so it may not be the best but, I’m proud of it regardless… now without further ado, allow me to reveal my newest masterpiece.”
Sunghoon smiles, leaving your side to open the glass case. Carefully tugging off the white sheet.
You turn around to look and your jaw drops, covering your mouth you feel tears begin to pool in your eyes.
The sculpture is you. And not just you, but the painting Sunghoon had made of you earlier that day. He must’ve drawn it from memory but it still looked beautiful regardless, it was Sunghoon behind the easel after all.
The lights in the gallery darken to allow a spotlight to shine on the sculpture though it also highlights you. Every single detail is highlighted and all the audience can do is stare and awe.
Sunghoon walks back around to you, smiling warmly.
“How do you like it, baby?”
“I… hoonie are you kidding me? I love it!” You exclaim, ignoring the tears that fall. You don’t realise how they sparkle under the spotlight, as if your tears were made out of crystals. Softly, Sunghoon wipes them away. Another round of applause ensues, though you’re still in your small little bubble with him.
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The gallery is empty now, you and Sunghoon being the only ones left. Sat on one of the benches, your head resting on his shoulder, still admiring the sculpture he made of you. You don’t think you’ve ever felt so loved before.
“It’s beautiful…”
“You’re beautiful.”
You giggle softly. “Stop it.”
“Never.” He grins.
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