#as lame as Sesame Street
queenimmadolla · 10 months
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: You surprise Eddie with your baby's first trick-or-treat costume. Spoiler alert: she's adorable.
a/n: for maisie 🩷
more penny and Eddie here
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“I’m waitiiiiiiiiing.” Eddie sang out from the couch, tugging at the neck of the cream colored turtleneck you’d guilted him into wearing. It wasn’t as bad as the sweater he had to wear with it. Truly the ugliest thing he had ever seen. 
  It was so ugly, it offended him and he was a little grumpy about it, which you teased was appropriate considering he was supposed to be dressed as Bert from Sesame Street. 
  Yeah. Sesame Street. 
  The (totally) gay puppets.
“You’ll have to get close.” Eddie had threatened when you pulled out eyeliner, not to line his eyes like you did before one of his shows or a date night, but to link his brows together in the most unrealistic looking unibrow ever. 
  Once upon a time, up until like two Halloweens ago, Eddie had used this day to be completely and thoroughly chaotic. Messy. Well, as messy as the social pariah could be on Halloween. So just really drunk, maybe high—sometimes both—making out with someone who wouldn’t acknowledge his existence the following day (and he was very grateful for you for breaking the curse on that last carefree Halloween). But that was the old Eddie Munson.
  Gone was the Eddie Munson that either went all out–in leather, eyeliner and fake blood–or barely tried with some devil horns and a bad sense of humor for halloween to deal weed and drugs, smoke weed and drink til he threw up, or get fucked. Granted, he wasn’t going through this change alone. 
  Your opportunities to party on Halloween night with your friends–having all gotten ready together for the big, slutty night out–drinking ‘til you were stupid only to wake up on your bedroom floor (sometimes not even yours and on one year, the top of your neighbor’s car) with no real repercussions were no more.
  Your days as primarily careless teenagers and now young adult were over, replaced with enjoying the night in a way you were both surprised to find that you didn’t hate, even as early twentysomethings. 
  Hell, the both of you were eager–even if Eddie had to wear a lame costume. He’d wanted to be Ernie, at least.
  “Shut up!” You called back from the bedroom. Eddie snickered at the amusement hidden under your voice and shifted until he was lounging on his side, arm propped up with his hand.
  “Still waitiiiiiiiing!”
  You’d been hiding a certain costume from him for the past three weeks, and the anticipation was killing him.
  “You are the most impatient man I have ever met.” 
  “I just gotta have you, baby.” Came his immediate response and his grin widened when he realized he didn’t even have to think up replies for your quips, it just came natural now. He knew you that well. Still made him giddy and want to kick his feet in the air.
  He loved being married to you. Sue him.
  “Okay, here we come!” You announced and Eddie scrambled to sit up straight, eagerly leaning forward to get an early peak. 
  You walked down the short hall, dressed in a striped sweatshirt, jeans with the bottoms rolled into cuffs and a pair of red converse. Ernie. But Eddie already knew what your costume was, it was a couple’s costume and you were indeed a couple. 
  It was who you were glancing back at, just out of his line of sight, that held his curiosity. 
  “C’mon, baby. Go show daddy!”
  At your prompting, your baby–just a couple of months over a year old–came waddling out, footsteps awkward as she got used to the orange duck feet covering her own and the padding and stuffing of her yellow duck costume, clutching a bottle you’d given her to keep her from fussing while you got her dressed. Her curly little head and chunky cheeks were framed in the hood of the costume, with the duck’s  head resting on hers.
  “Are you kidding me?” Eddie asked, mouth dropping open as his eyes darted from his cute little spawn in her adorable costume to your smug expression and back, “Are you joking? OH MY GOD!”
  Eddie reached his arms out to Penny, fingers curling into his fists as he made grabby hands, “You are so precious, my little baby, come to daddy!”
  Penny was delighted with his praise, drooly mouth dropping open and big brown eyes sparkling as she rushed forward. Her lack of coordinated motor skills paired with the duck feet and the padding of her duck bottom throwing her equilibrium off meant she immediately lost her balance and you and Eddie both inhaled sharply, quickly rising to attention as she wobbled forward briefly, then fell back on her cushioned tail feathers.
  It was far from a dangerous fall, so you and Eddie stood frozen, waiting for her response so as to not sway her to have a certain response, having taken her to the doctor’s after a fall once only to learn she was perfectly fine and had only started crying because you had. 
  You both learned real quick to wait for her response after falling, sometimes she cried and had a boo boo that Daddy and Mommy could fix with some first aid and a kiss, and other times she'd run right into the wall, get up, and walk away (albeit while muttering in angry baby gibberish).
  Penny blinked once, eyes flying from your face to her dad’s before she wiggled her bum against the floor, set her bottle down next to her and tried to stand up. 
  You both let out matching sighs of relief before Eddie darted forward to scoop her up.
  “Are you rubber ducky?” Eddie asked once he had her situated in his arms. All she did was give him that big, beautiful smile of hers (no longer gummy with the teeth she had coming in but thinking about that made Eddie teary eyed) before her attention strayed to his long curls and her chunky little fist flew out to grab some of it, staring it down before she put it in her mouth.
  “Say, yes, baby.” You encouraged her after picking up her bottle, hand tucking in one of her curls peaking out.
  “Yesh.” She parroted, mouthing aggressively at the hair in her fist. While she was distracted, Eddie took the opportunity to press kisses into her cheek, smothering her in them until she grew annoyed and snapped her head in his direction, mouth wide in protest.
  “Sor-ry!” He huffed, still grinning as he pressed another one into her soft cheek. She was all talk  and no bite. Mostly.
  “What does the duck say, baby?” You asked, trying to prompt her. She could do some of the animal sounds and she’d gotten the duck right a few times.
  “Moooo.” And sometimes she moo’d.
  “That is one interesting duck.” Eddie commented and you shushed him.
  “No, baby. Quack.”
  Your heart dropped into your stomach. “Okay, that’s a little too close to–we’ll stick with moo.”
  You grabbed her trick-or-treat bag, a disposable camera and a couple of other things you thought you might need to take her trick-or-treating for the first time, while Eddie continued to coddle her, only putting her down when you were all ready to go. 
  Penny was little miss independent until she caught sight of the steps outside of the trailer. Then she whimpered, dropped her bottle and turned to Eddie, shoving herself at his legs as she reached her little arms up to him.
  “Up! UP! Up!”
  It was mean of him, really it was, because Penny was genuinely afraid of the steps but that also meant she demanded her daddy hold her in his arms, and that wasn’t really a loss for him so he hoped she’d hang onto that fear for a while before she got inventive and found another way to climb down them without him.
  Eddie picked her up and she curled into his chest, chin on his shoulder as she clung to him with the duck head on her hood hitting the side of his face. He was trying to hide his smile but it was much too large to conceal and you glared at him with no malice, more amused with Eddie than anything.
  “It’s okay, sweetpea. Daddy will protect you from those big, mean steps.”
  He cackled as you shook your head with a smile. 
  “You are so messed up, capitalizing off of her fear.”
  “Hey–it’s easy for you, she still demands and needs your boob. Did you see her refuse my kisses in there? I’m fighting for her affection here. And I’m gonna keep doing it, as soon as she gets over her fear of steps, I’m telling her a monster lives underneath them. Now, let's go get some candy I’ll also eat on her behalf.”
  He bounded cheerfully out the door, Penny bouncing in his arms while you locked up behind him and called out in your laughter.
  “And using your baby for candy–oh, you’ve got to choke tonight. I’ll save you, but you’ve got to choke.”
  Eddie paused, waiting for you to catch up as his lips curled into smirk in a very Grinch like manner and you groaned, eyes squeezing shut as you realized what he was implying without having to verbalize it. 
  “I mean, I’d be happy to arrange that–”
  “Keep walking, Bert. We only have an hour and a half so we’d better get a move on if you want a decent amount of candy to steal from your own baby.”
  “I’m not above taking candy from any baby.” He confirmed leaning down just as you leaned up to meet in a kiss, the both of you smiling into it. It was brief, ending when Penny accidentally pecked the both of you with the head of her costume.
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underthecitysky · 4 months
I finally watched the Rupert and the Frog song (We all Stand Together). I still see people (mostly older, mostly on Facebook) dunking on “the frog chorus” and it’s just so clearly an outdated notion for it to be lame for a musician to make content explicitly for children. It’s so common now for artists who’ve become parents to make something their kids will enjoy. Jack White sang a song with the muppets on Sesame Street because he loves his fucking kids. It’s so normal now.
I get where Mary Had a Little Lamb released as single by a rock band went down wrong .. but this is creative, whimsical content explicitly *for* kids. The SONG, in particular, is beautifully composed, imaginative. Lovely! I keep listening to it.
He was 20 years into his career. The Beatles were never Led Zeppelin. It’s hard for me to wrap my head around people still being so weird about this. He such a well rounded musician; it’s all like an exploration in another part of his creativity. There are elements of the classical composing that would come later… and the playful, experimenter who made Robber’s Ball (my beloved), McCartney II, the Fireman records.
But anyway, watching this today reminded me of this moment from Behind the Scenes of BBC Radio where someone presented Paul and Mike with their childhood Rupert book. The title page filled in by their parents reads “This book belongs to Paul McCartney and Michael McCartney”.
It was either Paul or Mike who said they didn’t get many gifts as kids and for Christmas they’d usually get one toy addressed to Paul and Michael from Father Christmas. It makes me really consider why this Rupert project was so important for him that he held onto it for 15 years, always sort of considering ideas for it. There were those RAM era songs that were specifically for the “Rupert project”. It comes up so much in the McCartney legacy book.
Then there’s the element of the frogs and his history with frogs, from growing the tadpoles in his own hand made frog pond in the backyard and checking on them every day until one day they were frogs that hopped away. Then there was the dark, frog killing episode that shocked his brother and he probably felt some shame about.
But here, in this story, there are guard frogs on duty protecting their mostly undisturbed world. Happy and content, it’s the frogs that create this magical chorus.
There’s even a father and son frog pair who’ve come to see this event that only happens every couple of hundred years.
The father is rather Jim McCartney-esque with his pipe and 1940s style hat and manner. There’s a moment where the son inadvertently annoys his father and instantly recoils like he’s about to get hit and momentarily it looks like the father is considering it but gets a hold of himself.
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But later, wrapped up in the music together, the father hugs his son.
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I don’t know what I’m saying exactly but I think there’s some exploration of his childhood here and something about Rupert and the frog chorus that’s particularly meaningful to him.
Maybe he’s reconciling the dark, frog killing episode of childhood with the vegetarian, animal lover he’d become by giving the frogs their own hero’s story. Rupert, Jim, the threat of violence, the presence of love, the frogs he loved but also was violent toward.. and music at the center of everything. Unifying, healing. We all stand together.
For anyone interested, the full BBC clip is here
The full Rupert short is here
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bekolxeram · 2 months
You... you are a stupid doodoohead for shipping Bucktommy! Bucktomym is so lame and Buddie is totally much better! And... and your lame for drinking tea, tea is for babies... and grannies. But you're 30, so you're old and lame, and probably already have grey hair. Or no hair. You're bald because stupid Bucktommy shipping made your hair fall out. And... stay out of the buddie shipping tag you butthole without a heart!
Now I'm going to watch Sesame street and then sleep because I can and not because my mommy tells me to. She's also old and stupid and lame.
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beardedmrbean · 10 months
Nunya, why did Americans loose the sophisticated accent we developed in the 40’s-50’s? We sound so lame and dumb now.
I blame TV, childrens TV more specifically.
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People trying to say you don't pick up a accent from watching tv don't stop to think that the kids will emulate it until it just is their accent.
So with shows like Mr. Rogers and Sesame Street doing their thing and keeping accents flat for the most part kids didn't pick up the speech patterns of yore.
At least that's my theory
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informaltorching · 2 months
I am honestly curious how the results of a smash or pass: Vesper poll would go
fuck. @lealdog did tag me to do one. i just forgot to post it. so i guess i'll just go ahead and throw it up rn.
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more info on him:
cis male bisexual apparent age: 27 banu haqim ( sorcerer caste ) PROS: -he might let you bum a cigarette -he is protective and does actually give a fuck even tho he hates to admit it -our ST described him today as bert (from sesame street) with a sword and hit man training CONS: -grumpy -commitment issues -no rizz -tired. kind of sighs like the way dogs do, you know? -kind of lame tbh -a lasombra is gonna fucking eat you now
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ilovescaredysquirrel2 · 4 months
The FOP reboot looks better than the original...
Okay, here's a confession I have to make, I never liked the Fairly Odd Parents! Even as a kid, it didn't impress me that much. It was one of those shows I just watched because it was on constantly and I was bored (I should have been watching more kids shows on Xfinity On Demand, instead). I whole heartedly REGRET watching the Fairy Odd Parents! If I could go back and watch other shows instead, I would. Fairy Odd parents was really not a good show for kids, either. Even if you find it funny as an adult, it's still a terrible show. It's offensive in so many ways. I mean, I'm not really a slapstick humor type of person, but you can't deny that the show had it's fair share of offensive jokes, plus the fact that all the female characters weren't reliable except for Wanda, who could even be kind of a b*tch at times.
Okay, I'll address the sexism in Fairy odd parents and why I hate the show. Look at it! The girl that Timmy liked was always a stuck up snob (plus she's Asian and Butch Hartman is racist), Timmy's mom was an airhead dumb idiot and neglectful, and then the babysitter was a crazy psychopath (plus she was a teen and I hate when children are portrayed as crazy and psycho). I'm not done yet, look at how the bodies were drawn on most of the female characters too! Skinny waists with super curvy bodies, I hate that character design in any show or movie. I complain about it with Disney princesses like Ariel and Jasmine, and I complain about it with Total Drama characters. I hope that kind of character design for female characters will become extinct someday.
Also, there were a lot of racist jokes in the OG Fairy odd parents as well, and I hope that the reboot doesn't have that. My bestie is Scottish-Canadian, and she was really offended when they had that scene with the kilts and made fun of her culture. I mean, the show went on for so long that you probably don't remember every little offensive joke or innuendo in the movie, but there were a lot of racist and sexist jokes, and I think there was even some ableist ones as well. I'm NOT making thing up, I swear! I mean, people call everything racist nowadays, and I'm not one of those people who point out every little stereotype, I just want people to realize how awful Fairly Odd Parents was and how often they had those types of jokes. They made fun of country/rural people as well, and I think a lot of different ethnicities. I'll talk about the ableism in a minute...
Apparently Butch Hartman was ableist, which I wouldn't be surprised knowing all the other things about him, and I remember when Fairly odd parents made fun of a guy with a huge pimple on his face, and also a character who was in a wheelchair. I don't know why that show went on for 20 years but I'm glad it ended... until 2024 when they wasted money on a reboot that doesn't look as bad as the original. Everybody's crying because Timmy's black now, but I don't give a crap what skin color they made "him" (they have a black female protagonist to hide the fact that Butch is a sexist and racist d*ckhead). They could have spent money on a CatDog reboot or gave Harvey Beaks a second chance instead but they chose Nickelodeon's most overrated cartoon.
Here's another thing about Butch Fartman that makes him a sh**ty person, he made an episode called "Channel Chasers" where he literally made fun of other kids shows, trying to act like his crappy show was better than the more family like ones. Some of the other shows he made fun of were Rugrats, Blue's Clues, and Sesame street, and neither of those deserve to be made fun of. He's got such an ego and we should throw him off his high horse and acknowledge how bad his shows were. I just think making fun of innocent kids shows in a show that's not really meant for kids, is a really lame thing to do.
If you made it this far, thank you! If you like Fairy odd parents, I hope I made you change your mind. If I didn't, okay then. I'm just confessing about one of my most hated cartoons, and I'm going to address how I feel about Vivziepoop and her shows next (sorry to Hazbin Hotel fans, but I seen some things in it that triggered me). Well, thanks for reading anyways and TELL ME YOUR THOUGHTS! If you disagree, I'd like to know your opinions on why.
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Hi Rosie Sweety! Did you like it when your papa was on sesame Street? Would you like him to do more episodes?
Sesame street is so lame it's for babies! 👶🏻
I'm not allowed to use his phone but he is in his brain palace I think don't tell him please.
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I gotta be honest, it kind of DOES seem like you actually care a whole LOT about Sesame Street becoming a more narrative-driven show. It might have something to do with the fact that you claimed it was “lame” and was ‘going to ruin what made Sesame Street a good kids show’. I don’t know, something about all of that just really made it SEEM like you actually cared a whole lot about the fact that one of the most popular children’s TV shows in the world was changing to include more of the tropes that you (I assume) get off to claiming destroyed TV and art. At any rate, I’m sure these totally awful tropes and storytelling methods will be dying any day now Lil-I mean Ginger. Any day now. And all of those writers, animators, showrunners that you hate with such an intensely BURNING passion will be out of jobs and not able to make the shows that you want to die off so badly.
. . . . . . . . .I wonder why you didn’t say any of that about Sesame Street though, you certainly had NO problems saying it about The Owl House, Gravity Falls, Star Vs., Steven Universe, and many other popular children’s shows that you want to see burned to the ground.
Sitcom Anon, have you been rereading all my old posts? You must have because I literally haven't thought about Sesame Street changing in two months! My, you must be feeling real desperate this holiday season~
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kiefbowl · 2 years
people will be like "media saturated mega famous childhood books harry potter is a dog whistle" about like having a lame ass hp handle on social media or w/e. if hp was a real dog whistle it would be like having "letter accepted ⚡" or "secrecy statute believer 🦉" in your bio blah blah blah etc. it's literally so lame how hyper focused grown ass adults are tripping themselves over harry potter. like imagine if people were this vehemently opposed to sesame street, i'd be equally like you cannot be serious about this.
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moomeecore · 1 month
simone. could just be me, but i like simone better than simona
(and im not a fan of genderbent betty, but i saw one artist call him burt or berty i think)
ive never heard the name simona tbh. i feel simone has some potential but also, like, just using a genered variation on "simon" is kinda lame. burt is not a good name betty will never be burt. to offence to bert from sesame street, its ok when it's him.
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mythicalwispy · 1 year
About me and my blogish
Welcome to wispy’s box this is a safe place for mostly everyone!
Dni if: Pedo, Map, Proship, DDLG ABDL DDLB and any other variants, K!nk, NSFW, anti-LGBTQ+, Racist, Sexist, Ableist, pro ED and SH, Traumacore blogs, anti agere, anti petre, You wouldn’t show your blog to a child.
🌹My name is Wispy or mythical and I’m 16. I use he/they pronouns. I age regress because it gives me the childhood I never had and my little ages and be from 13-0.
🌹My blog isn’t all agere but it is sfw, I might have things like reblogs of hazbin hotel, helluva boss, star wars, anything gothic/emo/pastel goth. I also might be doing some song covers and posting them on tumblr because I love music so much. I will always have content and trigger warnings when needed especially if it’s mental health related.
🌹My little space is different, I have 3 littles their names are Lavender, Sunny and Ash.  My little space is strange because of the pieces of my personality that I’ve had to hide to keep me safe, but this doesn’t mean I have D.I.D, I haven’t been diagnosed with it so I’m not gonna say I have it yet until I know for sure. 
🌹I am a flip so I can be little but I can also be a caregiver! Don’t ask me to be your caregiver right away. I need to get to know you before that can be a possibility. 
🌹I am neurodivergent and possible neurodiverse? I have ADHD and I might be autistic but I’m not sure, I’m gonna go get assessed as soon as possible. (I have nothing against self-diagnosis, I just don’t want to self-diagnose because I want to make sure I actually have something before I get help for it.) I have bipolar, PTSD, and anxiety so little space is like the mighty god of all coping mechanisms for me because it helps me cope with everything at once!
🌹I want my blog to be as fun and safe for all of you as possible so feel free to tell me through asks your questions, anything you see wrong with my blog nicely please, vent to me (please put content warnings/trigger warnings), or just tell me whatever you want and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible!
Things about Lavender 🪻
Lavender’s ages are from 0-4
Lavender loves soft and fluffy things
Some of her interests are Disney princesses, Purple, Hello kitty, Bears, My little pony, and Winnie the pooh.
Lavender uses she/her pronouns only
Things about Sunny ⭐
Sunny's ages are from 4-10
Sunny loves space and forest critters
Some of his interests are Ducks, Yellow, Dinosaurs, Bees, Bugs, and Sesame street.
Sunny uses he/him pronouns only
Things about Ash 🦝
Ash’s ages are from 0-13
Ash loves spooky things and music
Some of their interests are Bats, Black, Scooby-doo, Witches, Cats, and Rain clouds/storms.
Ash uses they/them pronouns only
🌹Questions about my little space are great but please don’t send me hate because of the way my little space is. Besides, being yucky to others is lame and if you're yucky to someone because of their little space you should reassess yourself because what good does being yucky to others do?
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adultswim2021 · 7 months
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Robot Chicken #73: “Maurice Was Caught” | August 2, 2009 - 11:30PM | S04E12
Sometimes I feel like my hatred of this show is thawing over time, but this episode really wore on me. The highlight of the episode was still a D+ at best. That was the Simon Belmont one, where the realities of using a whip as a weapon are highlighted. A fairly funny premise that didn’t overstay its welcome? Okay, fine. I’ll write about it semi-positively on my bad blog about cartoons. You win, Robot Chicken. You win. 
As for the rest: There’s an Annie (of old-ass comic strip fame) sketch where it’s like that MTV Program Super Sweet 16. I applaud Robot Chicken for not having the voice just be Seth Green doing his patented “stupid bitch” voice; they actually hired an actress for it. The writing isn’t much better than those other sketches where they make fun of teen celebrities. Could have been worse, I guess. 
There’s a sketch that’s like War Games, but it’s the Nerd playing a Lord of the Rings game. He nukes Canada trying to find a cheat code online. The government waterboards him until he finally implicates the middle east as a potential target. This technically qualifies as satire. It predictably ends with a prison rape joke, which technically qualifies as lame writing.
A lot of these sketches are fairly short, running around a minute each. Usually it’s easy to single out three “longish” sketches, and I guess I already have. There’s one where Sesame Street and Wall Street collide when Kermit the Frog’s cousin Gordon the Gecko shows up. There’s one where a scientist shows off a bunch of failed jetpack tests. There’s one where Petroleum Pete sings a song about the virtues of using fossil fuels. That last guy is sorta meant to resemble the Sinclair logo, I’m guessing. I thought maybe he was a real guy. That one hurts because it’s also musically bad. That was this one, goodnight! 
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Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! - Season Three DVD (August 4, 2009)
The worst season of Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job nevertheless receives as good of a release as any other season, with deleted scenes and extended sketches. The best bits on here are the half-hour version of the Muscles for Bones episode, and the complete Gettin’ It Dunn full-length ‘sode.
I read a review of this to remind me what was on it and was reminded that C.O.R.B.S. received a video commentary on adultswim.com. I also remember Jim and Derrick getting the same treatment, which I touched on in that episode’s write-up. It’s a shame those commentaries are lost to time. Dino’s Moral Orel commentaries made it to the Australian DVD for Moral Orel, but the rest are fucking toast.
Hey leave Wil alone! If you play nice with him he might send you a free case of Stone Farking Wheaton W00tStout.
Jesus fucking Christ, man. You made me look this up to see if it was real and I was very disappointed at what I found. Everything that turd does makes me want to you-know-what (TOILETFLUSH.ogg)
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irrelevaantidiot · 1 year
[H. CHANDLER:] Are we gonna have a problem? You got a bone to pick? You've come so far Why now are you pulling on my dick? I'd normally slap your face off And everyone here could watch But I'm feeling nice Here's some advice Listen up, biotch!
[HEATHERS:] I like!
[H. CHANDLER:] Lookin' hot Buying stuff they cannot
[H. DUKE & H. MCNAMARA:] I like!
[H. CHANDLER:] Drinkin' hard Maxin' Dad's credit card
[H. DUKE & H. MCNAMARA:] I like!
[H. CHANDLER:] Skippin' gym Scaring her Screwing him
[H. DUKE & H. MCNAMARA:] I like!
[H. CHANDLER:] Killer clothes
[HEATHERS:] Kickin' nerds in the nose!
[H. CHANDLER:] If you lack the balls You can go play dolls Let your mommy fix you a snack
[H. DUKE & H. MCNAMARA:] Woah!
[H. CHANDLER:] Or you could come smoke Pound some rum and coke In my Porsche with the quarterback
[HEATHERS:] Woah! Woah! Woah! Honey, whatchu waitin' for? Welcome to my candy store It's time for you to prove You're not a loser anymore Then step into my candy store
[H. CHANDLER & H. MCNAMARA:] Guys fall
[H. DUKE:] At your feet Pay the check
[H. MCNAMARA:] Help you cheat
[HEATHERS:] All you
[H. DUKE:] Have to do
[H. CHANDLER:] Say goodbye to Shamu
[HEATHERS:] That freak's
[H. MCNAMARA:] Not your friend I can tell in the end
[HEATHERS:] If she
[H. DUKE:] Had your shot
[HEATHERS:] She would leave you to rot
[H. MCNAMARA:] 'Course if you don't care Fine! Go braid her hair Maybe Sesame Street is on
[H. MCNAMARA:] Or forget that creep
[H. DUKE:] And get in my jeep
[H. CHANDLER:] Let's go tear up someone's lawn
[HEATHERS:] Woah! Woah! Woah! Honey, whatchu waitin' for? Welcome to my candy store You just gotta prove You're not a pussy anymore Then step into my candy store
[H. CHANDLER:] You can join the team
[H. DUKE & H. MCNAMARA:] Or you can bitch and moan
[H. CHANDLER:] You can live the dream
[H. DUKE & H. MCNAMARA:] Or you can die alone
[H. CHANDLER:] You can fly with eagles
[HEATHERS:] Or if you prefer
[H. CHANDLER:] Keep on testing me
[HEATHERS:] And end up like her!
[MARTHA:] Veronica, look! Ram invited me to his homecoming party This proves he's been thinking about me
[VERONICA:] Color me stoked!
[MARTHA:] I'm so happy!
[H. DUKE:] Honey, whatchu waiting fo...
[H. CHANDLER:] Shut up Heather!
[H. CHANDLER:] Step into my candy store!
[H. DUKE & H. MCNAMARA:] Time for you to prove
[H. DUKE & H. MCNAMARA:] You're not a lame ass anymore!
[HEATHERS:] Then step into my candy store!
[HEATHERS:] It's my candy store It's my candy! It's my candy store It's my candy! It's my candy store It's my candy stoooreee!
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pinkfilm · 2 years
extremely lame to have a meltdown catalyzed by me losing my phone in a foreign country but the winds where i am are so violent that it feels like the house is going to topple over and i'm still sick and even though i'm on quote en quote vay cay shun i'm still working remotely for a fucking nonprofit where nothing matters because why is one of the board directors also a vp at lockheed martin and maybe a few days ago when it was sunny and i was walking through the streets of donostia i was like huh. maybe life can be fine and simple because all these old people are laughing and drinking wine in the afternoon. and now i'm having a classic existential American freakout over things i deem important because of capitalism and by god i really do just want to be sucked into a bagel flayed alive by burning sesame seeds i don't fucking know
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gmanwhore · 3 months
He likes the muppets but otherwise thinks that puppet shows are cheesy and kinda lame-Bibi
He watches Sesame Street
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Gonna be real, I don't think Sesame Street being "narrative driven" means it's gonna become "lore and Cerebus Syndrome fanfic" shit like Adventure Time or anime. Shows like Bob The Builder and Bear In The Big Blue House also became "narrative driven" in their later seasons and they were still lovely.
Yeah I mean
It's for preschoolers.
I imagine they're just gonna stop having cutaways from the main story and it'll be a lot more like Arthur or Bluey. Now granted that's still lame, part of what made Sesame Street such a great kids show is how it's formatted. It means kids can pop in and out of the show and not get lost, and there's a lot of different things to grab interest.
But also I don't care because I'm a grown adult and don't have children.
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