#as opposed to the sea
quibbs126 · 4 months
Because today I have decided to yet again think about and wonder about Sea Fairy’s origins, and so I looked on the wiki, and I found this
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What the heck is a Celestial? Where was this established in the game? Was this an art book thing?
Also on the subject of Sea Fairy on the Wiki, I found this in her Character Inspiration section and I just thought it was interesting
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snek-eyes · 10 months
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See you in hell.
[ID: A series of gifs from the Good Omens 2.2 minisode "A Companion to Owls."
Sitis looks disbelieving as she says, "…No. God wouldn't!" Crowley gives an exaggerated frown and replies, "Are you sure?"
Sitis looks horrified and says, "But they've done nothing! They're innocent!" Crowley nods impassively: "So were the goats." Sitis stares at him in horror.
In the cellar, Aziraphale looks back over his shoulder, seeming offended. "God's [side], of course!" Crowley reclines, raising his eyebrows and nodding. "Oh, really. Same God that wants me to whack the kids?"
Aziraphale looks very uncertain, and slowly says, "…Yes. But…" Crowley grins slowly, gesturing to Aziraphale and saying, "That's just how it started for me."
Back in the house, Sitis looks devastated and desperate. "If my children are dead, then… I will curse God, and—"
Crowley swings abruptly around the doorframe and rushes over to interrupt Sitis. "WHOA! That never ends well."
At the cliff's edge overlooking the sea, Aziraphale looks on the verge of tears but determined. "Well. I'm ready to go." Crowley asks: "Go where?" Aziraphale swallows. "To hell."
Crowley sits down on the rock and says, "I'm not taking you to hell, Angel." Aziraphale looks over at him, his tearful expression turning confused. "Why not?" Crowley replies mildly, "Well, I don't think you'd like it."
End ID.]
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preoxxupy · 2 years
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whether you like her or not, she played all the cards to her advantage and is getting exactly what she wants.
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I’m so fucking tired of having to say that opposing genocide is not in any way a controversial or political stance. And if you think it is, that says far more about you than it does about me
Supporting and fighting for a free palestine or even just saying the words Free Palestine is not a controversial or political stance or issue, it’s a fucking humanitarian one.
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
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What is it about romance writers describing romance as the most nakedly unappealing thing ever? "I hate you so much I hate that I'm attracted to you I hate that I love you I hate being near you everything about this relationship makes me absolutely miserable but I JUST CAN'T HELP MYSELF so I guess we'll have to stay this way" girl leave already!
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leclerrari · 7 months
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Charles Leclerc ahead of the Grand Prix of Abu Dhabi (2023) || Sarah Bernhardt as Hamlet (1899)
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saltpepperbeard · 6 months
you know what i'm so tired of? the influx of negative clickbait articles surrounding the possibility of ofmd s3. i've seen things like "taika says he isn't sure whether he wants to return for the third season" and "the show will go on without ed and stede." and the worst recent offender was "stede might be the one to breakup with blackbeard in the third season" because it misconstrued rhys' words when he was talking about ed and stede likely reuniting with the crew.
and like...intuitively i know that they are all indeed just clickbait, and are trying to take advantage of everyone's desperation for any sort of s3 news. and also, i feel like the negativity is pointed and purposeful, because it gets people talking and subsequently spreads the article around faster/gives that particular site more attention.
but man do i hate it, because it does not mix well with my anxiety.
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yumemeng · 5 months
"For those reasons, the court has decided that the right of self-defense...had no relevance in such circumstances...The lore on self-defense under article 51 of the UN charter has no application"
"I shall address the question of self-defense. In its advisory opinion in the Wall case, the court noted that the threat that Israel had argued justified the construction of the wall was not imputable to a foreign state, but emanated from territory, the occupied Palestinian territory, over which Israel exercises control. For those reasons, the court has decided that the right of self-defense under article 51 of the charter, the UN charter, had no relevance in such circumstances. 20 days ago, the Security Council affirmed yet again that Gaza is occupied territory.
Though Israel refers to a complete withdrawal from Gaza, it has retained control over Gaza; over access by land, sea, and air, and over key governmental functions and supplies of water and electricity. he tightens of its grip may have varied but no one can doubt the continuous reality of Israel's grip on Gaza ... What Israel is doing in Gaza, it is doing in territory under its own control. Its actions are enforcing its occupation. The lore on self-defense under article 51 of the UN charter has no application"
South Africa and Yemen are literally the only people doing something to stop this genocide.
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moonlayl · 7 months
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The people stand with Palestine. These people are heroes.
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slipscout · 2 months
i’ve been recently trying to get better with colors/color picking/shading so if anyone has some coloring pages or lineart, please throw it my way! I’m slowly trying to work on a coloring page for myself but i rarely get past the lineart stage so I figured coloring pages might be a better option for now haha.
It’s so hard to find coloring pages online that aren’t geared toward kids or have some pretty cheesy pictures haha. I was importing and detailing a lot of old lineart of mine to procreate or painting over with gouache, so many of the online ones don’t work as well lol
if you know any artists with linearts/coloring pages available please send them my way! Kofi/patreon/art swap/etc etc just let me know! bonus if its fandom related(it is SO hard to find good fandom coloring pages online!)
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crabs-cycle · 6 months
death to israel
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chaiaurchaandni · 7 months
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aroaessidhe · 1 year
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Cover was revealed recently for The Siren, The Song, And The Spy by Maggie Tokuda-Hall!  Out September 26
Cover art by Victo Ngai; Design by Pam Consolazio.
By sinking a fleet of Imperial Warships, the Pirate Supreme and their resistance fighters have struck a massive blow against the Emperor. Now allies from across the empire are readying themselves, hoping against hope to bring about the end of the conquerors’ rule and the rebirth of the Sea. But trust and truth are hard to come by in this complex world of mermaids, spies, warriors, and aristocrats. Who will Genevieve—lavishly dressed but washed up, half-dead, on the Wariuta island shore—turn out to be? Is warrior Koa’s kindness toward her admirable, or is his sister Kaia’s sharp suspicion wiser? And back in the capital, will pirate-spy Alfie really betray the Imperials who have shown him affection, especially when a duplicitous senator reveals xe would like nothing better?
Meanwhile, the Sea is losing more and more of herself as her daughters continue to be brutally hunted, and the Empire continues to expand through profits made from their blood. The threads of time, a web of schemes, shifting loyalties, and blossoming identities converge in Maggie Tokuda-Hall’s remarkable companion to The Mermaid, the Witch, and the Sea, as unlikely young allies work to forge a new and better world.
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I don’t know if you already said this elsewhere, but did the Zenin ever hurt Megumi in a way it simply wasn’t possible for them to explain? Like being poisoned or bitten by one of the dozens curses? Did Gojo catch them red handed (the red is literally megumi’s blood💀)?
The first time that they hurt him in a way that they couldn’t explain away was the last time they hurt him, because Gojo immediately cut them off and refused to ever let them ever get near Megumi again. The Zenin didn't fully realize this at the time they had custody, but legitimately the only reason why it got as far as it did was because Gojo didn't know.
They weren’t exactly advertising “yeah we beat him when we have him” to him, but it wasn’t exactly because they thought gojo would put a stop to it, per se. They didn’t tell Gojo anything they did to Megumi because they felt absolutely entitled to him. They didn’t want Gojo’s input or interference, and they didn’t like feeling like they had to ask for permission around this with Megumi. But they didn’t think he actually would cut them off from him.
In the Zenin’s mind, Gojo doesn’t love Megumi. He’s never loved Megumi. Megumi’s just a political pawn to him, a way to insult the Zenin and steal their most valuable technique for his own. And he got way more value from letting them see him. He got to have his influence on someone who was very likely to be clan head one day—if Megumi’s cut off from them entirely, he’s not moving towards being clan head. He got a bargaining chip with the Zenin—he could further his own goals by offering them more time with him. Megumi’s a powerful piece of leverage but only if Gojo actually uses him. Him intervening to protect Megumi by severing all contact doesn’t further his own goals, so when it all came to a head, they pretty blindly assumed that he wouldn’t give a shit about what they had just done to Megumi, because at the end of the day, they thought he was going to keep using Megumi for his own ends, which meant giving them access.
Instead, Gojo immediately pulled the plug on the entire situation. They never touched or saw him again. The first time that Megumi saw them after the incident that made them go no contact was when Naoya came to pick him up at his school.
#sea glass gardens#in my mind jujutsu sorcerer kids are sturdier#like Sukuna punted Megumi through multiple buildings in their fight#so it must be /hard/ to do something that causes a bruise#a lot of the Zenin’s abuse was hidden because while it still hurt it wasn’t leaving marks#or it was abuse that wouldn’t leave marks anyway like how they’d work him to the point of collapse or control his every action#but if they hit him hard enough to leave marks then they had the built in excuse that megumi was fighting with other kids#or had just had one of those normal little kid bumps. like I have a baby nieces and nephews and those kids will just hurl their bodies#around. kids collect bruises. they’re figuring out what their limits are and even if you watch them carefully a few bumps is normal.#they hurt him badly but they always had a way to hide it until they went too far and didn’t anymore. and the second gojo realized that#the adults on the compound had been beating megumi he never let them so much as look at him again. he legitimately put his foot down and#refused to budge an inch no matter how much hell he caught for it#I’ve definitively decided that the incident that made them go no contact is not going to be revealed in sea glass gardens#it just isn’t something that would come out through yuutas pov#if I wrote other works in the series it would probably come out through one of them but it’s a big big if#I make no promises as to other works in the universe (though I have started writing some of them. completion is another thing entirely).#if you guys want to know the incident that made them go no contact I wouldn’t be opposed to revealing it over ask but it’s y’all’s#preference. usually the stuff I talk about in ask is stuff I’ll know isn’t going to be revealed in sea glass gardens itself. this is kind of#in purgatory because I know it’s coming out in sea glass gardens but there’s a smaller chance of it being revealed in a different work#so it’s up to y’all. if you want to know I’ll answer it behind a cut or something but if you want to gamble on it actually being written out#one day that’s fine too
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rxttenfish · 16 days
also yeah if anyone's curious miranda has mottling around where the color shifts and gets darker/lighter on the top/bottom
i liked it and felt it looked more natural and evocative of her color getting more red as a sign of aging
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rohirric-hunter · 6 months
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They're running out of enemy names
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