#as ruffnut once said 'take me'
cyasynchro · 9 months
I'd become demon food for them
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hermesserpent-stuff · 6 months
@lirabuswavi and I’s convo about the mystic misunderstanding au
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
Au premise: in which hiccup being a runt would have made him revered in the hunter tribe and when they find out they start giving him offerings.
this post focuses on the twins and their adoption!!
L stands for them and H stands for me.
L: Pay too much attention, and the Acumens will have a permanent pair of chaos makers. Oh Hiccup, teach them the way of chaos wranglers!
Hiccup: Distraction works best. Give them something to do, make them feel important, or appeal to their sense of anarchy. If you can convince them it's a bad idea, they'll do it. Reverse psychology is your new best friend.
Acumens: *Taking notes*
H: they make them chief teachers of zippleback riders ontop of hiccups other advice. it sorts itself out
L: No one can teach them how to get in touch with both their wild side and their human partner like the twins. Not every Zippleback rider is a twin, so having someone to help them get in touch is really helpful. To fly a zippleback with someone else, you have to practically read each other's minds. You have to always know where they are and where they're moving, along with everything else it takes to fly a dragon. Their idea of partner bonding exercises can get a little... weird, but damn if they don't produce results.
H: the zipplebacks are really really happy that their fliers are getting along better and give fish and live boars to the twins when they remember to
L: Honestly, giving the twins a set group of people to harass, people that would even invite it in some ways, would really help settle them. They don't have to be as loud to gain attention, people won't just ignore them when they're being 'inconvenient'. They don't have to fight for attention anymore, and they really like that. Hiccup notes the changes, and is haply with them too. The twins are still chaotic, of course they are! The moment they're agreeable is when you start looking around for paint buckets. But their pranks seem less mean spirited, and people are more likely to laugh along. Viggo's kind of wondering what the hell Berk does to their kids, because they seem to only produce Angry Aggressive Arogant (Astrid and Snotlout) or Needed More Attention as Children (Twins, Hiccup, and arguably Fishlegs).
H: i like the idea that someone or a set of someones decides that they are just gonna adopt the twins for themself. Their kids died out hunting dragons and the house has been much too quiet. they are a little horrified that the twins cry over being presented with their own individual set of utensils and plates. They admit to not having stuff like that without having to share before. they tell viggo.
L: They do like being a set, they do. They're the twins, inseparable like the heads of a zippleback. But they have individual needs, ones that people don't pay attention to. Hiccup is one of the few that can always tell the twins apart. Sometimes their own parents got it wrong. But these people gave them individual things, so they don't have to share if they don't want to. They get it wrong, once or twice, but then they apologize and it doesn't happen again. They've never had people treat them like this before... They like it.
H: they even got two different statues! they look the same but there are two!! its very exciting
L: There's something to be said about always being taken as a set. They're the twins with the zippleback, that only ever need one size of clothes because they can swap as wanted. They're Ruffnut and Tuffnut, not just Ruffnut or just Tuffnut. But the people adopting them don't want the twins, they don't want the complete set. They want Ruffnut. And Tuffnut. They want both for who they are, as individuals. They've never really had that before. For a while, their new parents are the only ones exempt to their pranks. But then they sit down and tell the twins that they don't have to change who they are for them to want them. Even if the twins prank them, and break things on purpose or on accident, they won't take the adoption back. More than they can't do so, they don't want to. They knew what they were getting into, chaos and pranks and all.
H: yep!! they get praised if the prank pulled on them was particularly clever and a boar pit is dug behind the house after a brief mention of missing the one back on the edge
L: Chicken is a beloved member of the family. One of their parents, who knits, made Chicken a little hat and cape. It's adorable, and Tuffnut runs immediately to show Hiccup.
H: hiccup has to admit it is adorable and is happy for the two
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Hold me Close
Pairing: Snotlout x Ruffnut
Words: 643
Prompt: being close on a rainy day
Genre: fluff
Time: after 3rd movie
The sound of rain pounding against the roof and the steady burn of the fire were the only things keeping Ruffnut company at the moment. Normally she would be out with her brother doing Thor knows what stupid thing, but he had forced her to stay inside due to her current condition; sometimes she couldn’t tell who was worse him, or her husband. Now she found herself sharpening almost every weapon in the house to keep herself entertained. She had just finished with the Jorgenson Family Axe that she and Snotlout had stolen on their wedding, when who should walk in but a soaking wet and muddy Snotlout?
“What happened to you,” Ruffnut asked though she was pretty sure she already knew.
“You’re stupid brother,” Snotlout grumbled, removing his boots and helmet.
“Looks like you had fun,” the blonde sneered, and if her partner had noticed he made no effort to figure out why she was upset.
“If that’s what you call almost getting crushed by a mudslide.” Ruffnut glanced at her now shirtless husband hoping he would go on to explain what exactly happened. After cleaning off and changing into dry clothes Snotlout sat in the other chair and relayed how the prank he and Tuff had tried to pull on Hiccup backfired and caused a giant mudslide. “You would have loved it.”
Ruffnut could feel her eye twitching as she fought back her initial rage. Instead, she opted for a sarcastic reply, “Yeah it would’ve been awesome.” Finally taking notice of how frustrated she was, Snotlout looked at her with a raised eyebrow, silently asking her what was bugging her. After about thirty seconds of staring at each other Ruffnut caved.
“I just want to be back out causing havoc with Tuff but I can’t for obvious reasons,” the blonde explained, pausing to collect her thoughts and emotions. “I guess knowing that you are out there with my brother and I’m stuck at home is kinda just salt in the wound,” she continued, her usual carefree demeanor hidden under her negative emotions.
“Yeah, I know this sucks but it will all be worth it once our little ‘Lout is born,” Snotlout said, placing his hand on Ruff’s baby bump.
“Who said they’re going to be a ‘Lout?” Ruffnut asked, back to her normal self.
“Well, I sure as hell ain’t naming them Nut.” At that, the wind blew open the door and a crash of lightning and thunder struck a little too close for comfort.
“I’m sorry Thor, the child can be named Nut!” Snotlout screamed in his usual high-pitched girly voice.
“Come here you coward,” Ruffnut sighed after closing the door and sitting back down. Snotlout clung to his wife while she played with his hair slowly being lulled to sleep by the sound of the rain and the warmth of the one man who truly loved her for who she was.
Bonus drabble
“It’s gone!” Driftlout yelled causing a panic to spread amongst the wedding guests. He had gone to retrieve the Jorgenson Ceremonial Battel Axe only to find it was missing from its display. It was a Jorgenson family tradition that a marriage could only commence after the axe was gifted to the couple. A search was soon conducted giving the two culprits the chance to escape. The only thing that gave them away was the barking laughter and the iconic ‘Snotlout!’
“Miss Ruffnut Jorgenson you are a bad example on me,” Snotlout murmured as he and his new wife lay in their bed enjoying this rare moment of peace and freedom from a certain Thorston twin.
“Well, mister Snotlout Jorgenson, you're the one that chose to marry a ‘Nut,” the blonde retorted before catching his lips in a passionate kiss. The rest of the night was spent in pure bliss, the only thing important to them being each other.
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dragonmasterhiccup · 10 days
“Yep, so vital in fact, that apparently, I’m the only one here that can do it, why don’t you put Snotface on lock picking duty? Actually don’t answer that, his fat fingers would mess everything up.”
She rolled her eyes. “Hiccup, seriously, he-“ She faltered on the cage. “He’s already pissed off and scared, and he’s thirty times your size.”
Danny took note of the twins, and she was about to berate them, until the Goregutter acted out, walking Hiccup with its tail.
As the Goregutter whipped around, the cages rattled violently, causing Danny the yelp and fall down the side.
Panicked, she grabbed onto the side of the cage before she hit the floor, now quickly— but also cautiously— dropping down and scrambling towards Hiccup.
Falling to her knees, she checked Hiccups pulse; even though Valka said he was still breathing, she needed to make sure.
She had to stop herself from blanking out, it was too familiar; Hiccup, on the ground, unconscious— bleeding. Blood, was there blood?
She was about to check, try to take his armor off and search for the puddles of red seeping through the leather, but she was stopped by Valka calling her name.
Snapping her head towards her, she nodded shakily, calling for her dragon. “Twilight! Girl, come here!” Her choked voice could be heard beneath her helmet, a single tear shedding that no one else could see.
As the Nadder flew to her rider, Eret nodded, already mounting onto Skullcrusher. “I’ll meet you guys there. Skullcrusher, go!”
Danny felt her breaths quicken, her hearing becoming muffled, but she blocked it out. She needed to focus.
Twilight, who was now standing next to Danny, was able to take note of the situation, bending down so that her rider could mount onto the saddle on her back.
Which she did— with minor fumbling.
“Okay, can- can you guys lift him up? Just— lay him in front of me, I can’t make sure he won’t fall off if he’s behind. Wait— Astrid, you’re coming back too, right?” She felt like Astrid said she was, but she didn’t know for sure, her mind was scrambling everything together at a thousand miles a minute. And Astrid needed to be there, Hiccup needed Astrid there.
Once Hiccup was situated, Danny made sure that he wouldn’t fall off, though with it being as crowded as it was, she was worried that she would fall off. Gods, she wished she had her harness right now.
“Mom, when will you be back? How long?” She needed an estimate, just in case something happened.
During the flight back, Twilight made sure to fly at a quickened pace than usual, knowing that Hiccup was injured.
Danny, whose breaths were still quick and shaky, kept one hand clutched around the handle of the saddle, the other hand was pressed against Hiccups wrist, making sure his pulse didn’t slow, or speed up, or anything like that.
Toothless was whining, looking at Hiccup with worried eyes.
Astrid rested a hand on the dragon. "We're going to make sure he'll be okay, Toothless." But even her voice was uneven.
As Eret flew off, Valka turned to Fishlegs. "Continue opening those cages, make sure all dragons are loosed. Snotlout, patrol one last time, make sure we haven't missed any hunters."
The twins had fallen silent, now quite somber, knowing their actions caused this. Tuffnut hesitantly spoke, "Uh...what about us?"
Ruffnut chimed in. "Yeah, can we do anything to fix this?"
Valka leveled her eyes at them. "Train harder. Don't bicker in the field, there are always repercussions."
They both nodded, faces longer than ever.
Astrid and Valka worked together to lift Hiccup onto Twilight, and at Danny's question, Astrid nodded. "I'll be right behind you, but I'll be on Toothless."
She squeezed Hiccup's limp hand before hopping on Toothless and calling Stormfly.
"I won't be long, dear," Valka reassured Danny. "I'll wrap things up here, and I'll be there within an hour of your arrival. Hiccup will ask about how the mission worked out when he comes to, I'd like to give him a good report."
About fifteen minutes later, as they were flying, Hiccup let out a groan, his eyes fluttering open. His voice was groggy, as if he had a deep sleep instead of being knocked unconscious. "What...? Oh, my head!" Letting out a hiss from the sudden headache, he placed a hand where his head throbbed. Feeling more than a little disoriented, he stayed put, trying to register where he was.
Blinking away the fuzzy vision, his eyes finally focused. "Danny? Where's Toothless, And Astrid?! Are they alright? Is mom alright?! What happened?" His mind was racing faster than he could keep up, and his questions came out rushed, the urgency building with each word.
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evilwriter37 · 1 year
For the nsft writing, would you be willing to do 33- the collar one with Hiccstrid? (Admittedly, I'm imagining Astrid as wanting the collar, but either way would be nice)
Hi! This one was actually super fun! Thank you for requesting!
Rated: explicit
Warnings: past rape/noncon, angst
Pairings: Hiccup/Astrid
Word Count: 1,116
Summary: Astrid wants to wear a collar during sex, but Hiccup is hesitant.
Ao3 Link
"Astrid, are you... sure?" Hiccup asked hesitantly. He held the collar she'd presented to him almost as if it was something dirty.
"When am I not sure?" Astrid asked pointedly.
"Okay, okay, but... a collar?"
"After you were held captive with a collar?"
"Yes." Astrid took it back from Hiccup. She'd put it on herself if she had to. "Look, Hiccup, I know it's strange, but I'm finally coming to terms with what happened to me."
"And that means wearing a collar during sex? After... you know...?"
Hiccup didn't want to say the word. Rape. Astrid had been raped. She'd been held prisoner by a rival chief and used as his consort. The chief's wife had despised her for taking her place in his bed, and so she had gotten no help from her.
And the chief had collared her to really show that she was his. She had been ordered to only ever take it off for bathing, and then to put it back on immediately after.
Astrid sighed, dropping her hand, collar thumping against her thigh. They were in their home together, and it had been weeks since her rescue. Her bruises had all faded, and she'd found a desire inside of her that she hadn't understood, a desire to be collared again. Now, she wanted to face it, and she wished Hiccup was being more cooperative.
"Babe, I love you, but sometimes  you just have to shut up and listen."
Hiccup looked taken aback by the words, opened his mouth to say something, then furrowed his brow and clicked his jaw shut. He just nodded, a sign for her to continue.
"I want to wear this collar," she insisted. "I don't understand it either, but... I feel like I would enjoy it."
"Okay,” Hiccup said after some time, the gears turning in his head. He gave her a faint smile. "Let's do this then."
Astrid was surprised he'd given over so easily, but, then again, she was often stubborn enough to put him in his place.
Hiccup took the collar from Astrid, and she moved her braid out of the way so that he could fasten the leather around her neck. A bolt of pleasure went through her at feeling it against her skin.
"Where'd you get this anyway?" Hiccup asked, fastening the buckle.
"Ruffnut," Astrid responded, smiling slightly.
Hiccup chuckled. "Of course."
Once the collar was on Astrid, Hiccup lowered his hands. He didn't seem to know what to do. He just looked at her.
"What is it?" Astrid asked, worried.
"You... actually look kind of hot like that," Hiccup admitted, sounding like his mouth was dry.
Astrid laughed. "Then let's get on with it!"
She grabbed Hiccup by the back of the head and pulled him into a heated kiss. Hiccup kissed back, passionate and lusty. His hands roamed her body, landed on her hips.
It wasn't long before the both of them were naked and had found their way--panting--to the bed. Astrid was on top of Hiccup, straddling him, rubbing the head of his cock against her clit. She moaned in pleasure, tossed her head back, the buckle on the collar shining in the candlelight.
"Fuck," Hiccup gasped. "You... you look really hot."
Astrid laughed again. "Told ya it would be good."
Once Astrid deemed herself wet enough from the stimulation of Hiccup's cock, she rose, directed him towards her slit. She was glad that Hiccup was letting her take charge here. Her captor had never let her do so, had just held her down and raped her while he'd been atop her.
This was much better.
Astrid and Hiccup had had sex since then. This wouldn't be their first time after her captivity, and Astrid was aware of how sometimes her mind could wander to what had happened to her. But now, her mind wasn't wandering.
She felt safe.
Astrid sheathed Hiccup inside herself with a cry, and Hiccup moaned, grasping at her hips, his grip clumsy for a moment. Then they were solidly together, she resting atop him, him with his hands finding their strength again.
Astrid moved some hair out of her eyes, looked down at Hiccup, and found him looking at her in awe, almost. She loved the way Hiccup looked at her during sex. It was so endearing, so loving, so wanting. His desire and devotion to her were clear.
Astrid placed her hands on Hiccup's chest to brace herself, and started bouncing. Oh fuck, he felt good. The chief had had a bigger cock than Hiccup, but the only way he'd known how to use it was with brute force. Hiccup, on the other hand, was a smooth, gliding ride that sizzled her insides with pleasure.
"Shit." She slowed for a moment, having found her good spot, wanting to rub against it as hard as possible. Her movements were practiced, and she was intent on pleasuring herself.
Hiccup sat up, wrapping his arms around her back. He kissed at each of her nipples, and Astrid ran a hand through his hair, moaning.
"Babe, this is so good," Astrid breathed, too busy working herself on his cock to find her breath.
"I'm glad."
Hiccup moved his head towards her neck, and she hummed as he took the buckle of the collar in his teeth and pulled, creating an incredible pressure on the back of her neck. She moved faster at this, and he released a guttural moan and a growl.
Hiccup moved his hands around and up to feel at her breasts. His hands were gentle, so gentle compared to the chief's. He'd left bruises on her here, but they were long gone, and now soothed away by Hiccup's touch.
They reached climax together, desperately holding onto each other, kissing and moaning into each other's mouths. Astrid didn't mind feeling Hiccup's seed in her, because it was his, and any baby that came from Hiccup would be good and wanted. The chief had released into her many a time, and she was grateful to Freya that no baby had come of it.
Once they were done, they laid down curled against each other, not speaking, just touching lightly and trying to catch their breaths.
Hiccup reached for the collar, began to undo the buckle. Astrid put a hand over his to stop him.
"Actually, I think I'll keep it on for now." She was beyond happy that Hiccup had followed her wishes, and that he'd even liked it too.
"Yeah?" Hiccup asked. He met her gaze, questioning, loving.
"Yeah," Astrid said. She intertwined his fingers with his, snuggled closer to him. For the time being, the collar felt right around her neck.
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Chapter 13: Not an outsider
Unlike their first run about with it, Gobber added an extra challenge where they would be working in groups of three and the winner would be the group that manages to capture and bound the dragon.
One team was Snotlout, Tuffnut, and Astrid. The other team was Hiccup with Fishlegs and Ruffnut.
Similar to the goal during the activity on their first day of training, if the Nadder hits them with a shot of fireball or even one of its spikes then the player was out.
"For this session, at least one of you has to secure the dragon before it harms helpless unarmed villagers, too." Gobber continued, while gesturing to Jack. "That would be you, Jack."
Jack widened his eyes, looking at the man indignantly. "Excuse me?" he huffed, "Who are you calling helpless?"
"It's just a role for the training, lad." Gobber rolled his eyes, before pushing in crates of bolas which they can grab at any time to try and secure the Nadder.
The man wanted to plainly tell them the ideal strategy; to have some from the group distract the Nadder while the other throws the bola to capture the dragon fast but it was part of the training for them to figure it out themselves. As talented and skilled as Astrid was, it was still up to her to figure out how to get a team together and follow a plan.
Unfortunately, with how it's been going for the past few sessions, teamwork was still particularly tricky for this group.
"It's game over for all of ya if the dragon hits the villager," Gobber went on, "by fireball or spike. Jack's one of the fastest and almost always avoids getting hit, so it's more likely he won't get himself easily hit and hopefully, that's enough time for one of ya to secure the dragon. I know it's difficult for you all to attempt it as a team, but try to strategize. Maybe even work together for once."
Jack rolled his eyes, "So it should be the 'not so helpless' villager then." he pointed out, "as you so clearly said that I'm pretty good in not getting myself killed."
"Just to remind ye, ya did get hit on the first day." Gobber deadpanned.
"Dummied! Not hit, I repeat!" Jack exasperated, throwing his hands in the air. "It wasn't even my fault!"
The twins snickered at Jack's display of frustration. Snotlout would join in, except the blunder involved him as well.
Gobber rolled his eyes, "Time's a-wastin', to your positions!" he hollered, as he walked towards the gates. He would be opening the enclosure manually from outside.
As soon as the Nadder was released into the arena, everybody got into their Viking mode. That is, their own brand on it in any case. Even when Gobber deliberately separated the two into different teams so they wouldn't be in-fighting, Ruffnut and Tuffnut really couldn't fight the default of being on each other's cases. It didn't really take to long for them to attract the Nadder's attention. A spike grazed Ruffnut's arm and Gobber called her out to return to the dugout, to which she protested. However, she couldn't protest for long because a blast was shot near where Tuffnut was standing and the impact knocked him off his feet and over to where his sister was standing, and they practically rolled back into the dugout together.
"Well," Jack smirked in amusement, "that was helpful and efficient... Whoops!" he yelped, ducking and barely avoiding getting hit by a spike himself. "That was close, my bad! But also, capture this thing already, will you?"
Snotlout grumbled, "Working on it!" he huffed, "How 'bout lending a hand, you twig?!"
"He's the helpless villager!" Astrid slapped him at the back of his head, "He's not supposed to be helping!"
Jack groaned, tumbling out of the way and avoiding getting hit as the Nadder was currently on pursuit with him as the target. "Not helpless, I repeat. Not helpless! Whoa!" He cried out as he ended up stumbling because of the broken shield Ruffnut left behind after she and her twin were forcibly taken out of the arena. The Nadder was still right on behind him, too. "Oh, crap..."
read the whole chapter here:
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e-wills-afterhours · 2 years
Never That Much
In hindsight, Astrid’s kiss had caught Hiccup off-guard. The festive air of Snoggletog was infectious, making one less rigid, and prone to spontaneity. The warmth of the holiday coursed through their veins, settling heavy and soothing on the mind. Things seemed more permissible, more forgivable. It was a time to feel, not think; to act, not wait. And after the brief misery of a dragon-less village, Astrid had been overcome.
She had Stormfly back, and her people were thrilled to be reunited with their winged companions. To make matters worse, that night Hiccup walked among Vikings, dragons, and festival lights. He had been plenty happy, in no need of recognition or praise for what he had done. That set him apart from their peers. Supposedly that was just the kind of thing he was apt to do now; he found himself rather unremarkable. But Astrid noticed.
In many ways, she still saw the troublesome boy who disregarded rules and mores for his own pursuits; who seldom listened and often did the exact opposite of what he was told whenever he did. Small in stature, habitually sarcastic and flippant—Hiccup was all those things. The dragons hadn’t changed him, but they had changed Berk around him, lifting of fog that allowed Astrid to see him clearly. And there were good things: bits of him that shone brightly, refracting the light of honesty and a genuineness that really became him.
“You just like him because he killed the Red Death,” Snotlout had accused.
“I’m sure him, being the Chief’s son, has nothing to do with it—right?” Ruffnut had teased, like Hiccup’s social standing suddenly mattered over all those years it hadn’t.
Astrid ignored them. She had little patience for envy. Instead, she continued to watch Hiccup when he wasn’t looking, and to seek him out wherever he ran off to for leisure.
She had found him in the Great Hall that Snoggletog Eve, warm, unassuming, and every bit as unconventionally appealing as she now knew him to be. So, she had kissed him on the lips; she only ever done it once before. That intoxicating holiday air, coupled with the dragons’ triumphant return, had been a little too much for one teenager to resist. Sensibility died somewhere between music and savory meat pies.
Hiccup had been pleasantly surprised and politely confused. Six months had passed since their last kiss. He didn’t say anything, and he never asked questions—but there was a lot left unspoken hanging between them. Astrid felt it whenever they innocently touched; an entire conversation separated them.
She mulled things over for a couple days, clearing her head with flights on her dragon. Hiccup was often tinkering in the forge or updating the Dragon Manual at mealtimes. He never protested to her company when she sought him out. Berk had changed so much, but between the two of them, he was finally being transparent. For the first time, he was comfortable. Astrid was still adjusting to the major paradigm shift.
Who, exactly, did this new Berk make her? She didn’t quite have the answer yet…
But the freezing rain started, the last of the festival decorations were taken down; and Astrid used the heat of the forge as another excuse to be near him. They fell into a comfortable silence—but she knew there was more to be said. One of them had to take the initiative.
“You like me, don’t you?” she asked, and the words rang out in the relative quiet of the smithy.
Hiccup nearly hammered his thumb when he missed the malleable iron. He turned, his mortification thinly veiled by pale neutral facade. “I’m sorry, what?”
“Do you like me?” she amended.
Vacillating micro-expressions played across his face. He settled for, “Of course, I like you, Astrid! We’re friends and—!”
“That’s not what I meant, and you know it.”
He sighed in resignation. Setting down his hammer, he drummed his fingers on the workbench to delay a few seconds more.
“I’d say my answer depends on whether…whatever this is, hinges upon it,” he said, gazing at his mismatched feet. “I don’t like you enough to ruin our friendship—I care about you too much to do that.”
Astrid was taken aback. Whatever answer she had imagined he’d give was nowhere near as unflinchingly candid.
“So, if you’re asking whether I like you to the extent that it changes things between us, then no. I could never like you that much.”
He picked up his hammer and returned to his work. Astrid stood there with pursed lips, noting his tense shoulders and red ears; and the way he determinedly avoided her gaze. His answer has been as good and clear a confession as she could’ve hoped for; and now all they were and everything they had the potential to be was suspended, waiting to become realized or a missed opportunity.
She took a deep breath, walked over to him and gently stilled his working hand. “Isn’t some change good?” she asked. “You, of all people, taught me that.”
He hesitantly met her unwavering gaze. “Change…for the better, sure.”
“Well then, I guess that settles it.”
He quirked an eyebrow. “What…what did we just settle?”
“You and me. Us.”
He just stared at her blankly.
She huffed and dropped her arms to her sides. “Gods. Do I really have to spell it out for you, Hiccup? It’s not like I’m running around, kissing Snotlout or Tuffnut!”
His perplexity faded into a small, sheepish grin as he fiddled with the hammer. He avoided her gaze again. “Mayb I just need to hear you say it?”
When he glanced back up, he was resolute.
Astrid felt a fluttering in her chest and a hot, prickling sensation across her neck. She cleared her throat. “Well, I like you, Hiccup. So, I guess it’s perfectly alright if you like me that much.”
He paused, grinned, then reached for her hand in the same manner she often casually touched his. “Okay,” he said. “Change is good.”
Astrid rolled her eyes but couldn’t think up an appropriate segue; there were no more lingering questions. Whatever tension has kept them mere inches apart abated. And it was easy; no dragging feet, no denial. They were as simple and straightforward as their very matter-of-fact, mutual attraction.
So, she kissed him again, and what might have been just another quick peck was more substantive with Hiccup now kissing back.
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one-strugling-bean · 2 years
Random Thoughts on HTTYD RttE S2 (Ep1-7)
(This one is a lot bigger so gonna divide it by episodes)
Ep1 - why do the twins get so many pets
Snotlout's sadness over not being able to train his dad, that was funny
"What did he do?" "He's Snotlout's dad" "Enough said" - there is more than one way to interpret this and i think im gonna take the protective! Astrid one
Ep2&3- Okay, im gonna make a wild guess and start assuming this show is gonna be hurting Astrid a lot
How strong is Toothless?? He's just able to carry a Mostrous Nightmare like that
Hm, gotta say I'm disappointed Heather betrayed them already - like, with Dagur being her brother and all, one immediately expects a betrayal to happen eventually, but this was really fast and too sudden I'd say
Im gonna make another guess before i move on with the episode, and that is Heather is either double-crossing Dagur or she'll regret going on to his side and goes back to helping the Riders
Also, not sure how to feel about Ryker yet - he seems too competent and too much of a real threat for this show. Then again the show does seem to building itself up to a more serious plot
Ruffnut pickpocketed the guard omg yessssssssss
Ep4 - aww, it's nice to see the twins caring about eachother
Aaaand Ruffnut got really pissed at Snotlout for his stunt, wow
Fishlegs is such a cute nerd ahhh
Omg Snotlout's been bitten so much, Ruff has 0 chill
I swear this scene on the cliff with the twins is just, so weird. Its supposed to be kinda emotional but its so so silly and bizarre i can't pay total attention to the actual emotional part - guess that's just the twins for you
Snolout should've died like, 3 hours ago pretty sure
He caught a wolf in that state???
This episode was so so weird but so so enjoyable
Ep5 - Heyy it's Spitelout time - cant wait
First few lines of the two 'louts interacting and they're already giving me Draco&Lucius vibes
"Hope you're at least smart enough to figure that one out" - eh excuse me, le what. He just called his son stupid in front of all his friends and threatened him at the same time. Okay yeah, im starting to understand why no one likes this guy
God that axe is so getting destroyed
Fishlegs and Ruffnut got married, poor Fishlegs
Meatlug!! Ruff, don't throw the lady out!
Astrid is once again so so done with Snotlout - can't blame her honestly, the guy has butter fingers
Okay, that beach scene went a whole lot better than what many made me expect, but then again, it seems Hiccup, Astrid and Snotlout were expecting worse too
The scene was scary until Spitelout talked - the music, the dark of the night, the clear fear of Snotlout confronting his dad and the apprehension in both Hiccup and Astrid's faces
Not as afraid of the man anymore, but still not a fan - also he's voiced by David Tennant so he's gotta get a pass
"We're the model of a modern viking family" this made me laugh a lot, my humor might be broken i know
Ep6 - Hookster? That's a new one. Another extremely original nickname to add to the list of Hookfang's nicknames given by Snotlout, right next to Hooky and Fangster
"He's really become a tyrant, huh?" "Power'll do that to ya" Twins, don't ever change
Aw Barf&Belch are gratefuuuul, that's cute, i rarely see anything about them anywhere, this is nice to watch
"Ah, no Toothless, don't laugh! You're better than that!" Ha poor Hiccup
Nooo don't ditch the double-headed baby, he's gonna get caught by hunters!!
Hiccup is just giving me tired dad vibes this ep and I'm loving it
Ahhh Barf&Belch are sho cute, how come I've never noticed this??
"I guess we're gonna have to put you in some real danger" yeahhhhh don't ever ask that of the Thorston twins
The look of pure happiness and giddy excitement on Tuff's face as they saw the tree trunks roll down towards Hiccup is everything
What is "Bjorn Boars"
"I can only think of one man that souless" Of course it's fucking Snotlout, how did i knowww
Okay, what did the twins do to make Snotlout go along with this, i gotta know
"Unfortunately, we weren't expecting Thor's mighty hammer to meet Snotlout's paper jaw" I swear this kid delivers the best one liners
I love how the ending is just mass destruction of the ship
"Will someone tell this lunatic it's over?!" Hiccup deserves so many breaks
Ep7 - "Heather won't be a problem, okay?" Hmmmm i had wondered how Astrid had been able to escape so easily from Heather on ep3 without us seeing their fight - im guessing Heather revealed to Astrid that she's playing double spy
Aw cute Thorston sandwich, but damn does Snotlout look annoyed. Good for him
Yeahhhh i saw that alliance coming
"You can't just run off on your own. I rely on you, Astrid" Oof, that hurt
"Dagur was right, you don't look like much" Astrid was right, you look like a psycho" "Not exactly the compliment I would've led with" These lines are fun
Ha, sassy, taunting Hiccup is fun Hiccup
"I saw it! You did that on purpose!" Uhm, excuse me sir, how did you see that? Your back was turned!
So, Ryker is indeed smart. Like, he's intelligent and an actual threat. Me likey the high-ing of stakes
"Maybe if you didn't move and kept your mouth shut!" Fishlegs sassying the others brings me endless joy
"Feels like they're going left. No, right. Left. Which one's which??" Mood. That's me everytime someone asks where's left and right
"Heather's not evil? There goes that dream" What does that mean? Im confused
Aw, Fishlegs, you're nice
Yeah, i hope she knows what she's doing too Hiccup
This is getting too long, so gonna stop this here
Im really excited to see where this is going now, and apparently people like to read my dumb commentary so the 2nd part of season 2 should be coming soon
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ashleybenlove · 2 years
Title: “Wait Right Here”
Prompt: Gunshot Wound + “Wait right here” + pistol + Nowhere in particular + “Bullet moved out of the abdomen with pliers”
Summary: The way Dagur held that pistol made Hiccup so nervous. Dagur clearly didn’t have a grasp on gun safety and if Hiccup was honest with himself, this was not surprising. Like Dagur would care about that.
Fandom: How To Train Your Dragon
Pairing: None
Word Count: 795
Rating: Teen
Warnings: guns, swearing, violence, Inaccurate Medical Procedures, vomit mention
Disclaimer: I don’t own the source material in this fanfic. That’s to whatever company or person owns it. I would never claim to own it.
Notes: There are probable influences from fandom and whatnot in this story. Written for Bad Things Happen Bingo @badthingshappenbingo​​​​​ for the space “Gunshot Wound”, The Merry Whump Of May @themerrywhumpofmay​ May 13 prompts of “Wait right here” / pistol / Nowhere in particular, and the @injuryprompts​ “Bullet moved out of the abdomen with pliers”. Modern AU. AO3.
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And it is below.
“Wait right here,” Dagur said, waving the pistol in his hand very carelessly.
 “You literally have me tied up!” Hiccup shouted. “Where am I going to go?! Nowhere in particular, that’s for sure!”
 “Shut up!” Dagur yelled.
 The way Dagur held that pistol made Hiccup so nervous. Dagur clearly didn’t have a grasp on gun safety and if Hiccup was honest with himself, this was not surprising. Like Dagur would care about that.
 “Hey, so where are we exactly?” Hiccup asked.
 “Nowhere in particular!” Dagur retorted, yelling, still carelessly holding the gun. “Now shut up so I can call your Dragon-loving buddies and let ‘em know I have you.”
 Hiccup wanted to retort something sarcastic about how considerate that was but really didn’t like the fact that Dagur’s finger was on the trigger of the gun.
 Then Dagur said, “Where’s your phone?”
 “What?” Hiccup asked, surprised by this.
 “Do you think I know the phone numbers of your Dragon dunderheads?” Dagur asked.
 “Where is it?” Dagur asked again.
 “Where do you think?!” Hiccup asked.
 Dagur pointed the gun at him.
 “Where?” Dagur growled.
 Hiccup gulped.
 “Left cargo pocket,” Hiccup said.
 Hiccup hissed when Dagur’s hand went into his pocket to search of the phone but thankfully this did not take long.
 “Oh, good, it’s unlocked,” Dagur said. And then he said, “Ew.”
 “Your wallpaper is your dragon. Yuck!” Dagur said. “I could hurl.”
 Hiccup growled. He liked having pictures of Toothless on his phone.
 A moment later, Hiccup could hear the phone sending an outgoing call. Dagur had put the phone on speaker.  
 The phone picked up after a few seconds of ringing and Astrid’s voice said, “Hiccup?”
 The voices of the other Riders were in the background briefly.
 “Nope,” Dagur said. “Though, he’s right in front of me. Say hi to them, Hiccup.”
 “Hi,” Hiccup said, a little meekly.
 “Dagur!” Astrid yelled.
 “Let Hiccup go!” Snotlout yelled.
 “You suck, Dagur!” yelled Ruffnut.
 “You want him? You have to come get him! I’m texting you the address!” Dagur yelled.
 Dagur then pressed the end call button, and started typing on the phone. Once he was done, he put the phone down on a nearby table, and sat down on a chair and looked in Hiccup’s general direction while casually holding that damn gun.
 Hiccup would estimate maybe twenty minutes later, there were sounds from outside that indicated that the Dragon Riders had arrived. Dagur growled and seemed generally agitated, but stood up and headed back to where Hiccup was still seated, gun pointed in Hiccup’s general direction. He stood a couple feet away from Hiccup.
 “Put the gun down, Dagur!” Astrid said.
 She was flanked by the other Riders, with the dragons behind them.
 Dagur looked at them. Looked at Hiccup. Looked at his gun.
 Then he fired at Hiccup’s torso.
 Dagur then dropped the gun.
 “I put the gun down,” Dagur said, and started walking towards an exit, ignoring any sounds coming from the Dragon Riders, the dragons, or Hiccup.
 Hiccup was gasping in pain when the Riders got to him, having quickly rushed over to him.
 He was aware of someone putting pressure on his abdomen as the others untied him from the chair.
 “He fucking shot me!” Hiccup exclaimed, when they got him lying on his back. “That dick!”
 Hiccup groaned, then let out what sounded like a sob.
 He heard Ruffnut say, “I found some pliers and Hiccup’s phone.”
 Astrid said, “Ruff, Tuff, distract him. Dragons, stay by the door.”
 “Look at us make silly faces!” Ruffnut said, as she started to make silly faces at him.
 He felt the pressure lift off of his abdomen.
 “I can see the bullet,” Snotlout said.
 “I suppose that means it hasn’t pierced any major organs,” Fishlegs replied.
 “It still hurts!” Hiccup exclaimed.
 “We know,” Astrid said, softly.
 Ruffnut and Tuffnut softly patted Hiccup’s head.
 “Give me the pliers,” Snotlout said.
 “What?!” Hiccup exclaimed. He then groaned from the pain.
 “Hey look at me!” Tuffnut exclaimed, as Ruffnut started to make bunny ears behind Tuffnut who made silly faces.
 Snotlout took hold of the pliers.
 “Sorry,” Snotlout apologized.
 A moment later, Hiccup was yowling as pliers attempted to grab two sides of a bullet around his skin.
 While the length of time that the pliers grabbed at the bullet in his skin was not long, Hiccup still thought the time was too long.
 “Got it!” Snotlout said, once the bullet was pulled out of Hiccup’s abdomen.
 “Good,” Hiccup murmured and passed out.
   When Hiccup awoke, he was lying on his large comfortable bed, his abdomen bandaged up, with Toothless lying next to him, scale-to-skin. As he became more awake, he was pleased to see the other Dragon Riders seated around his bed.
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wipodu-ao3 · 3 years
Meddling Terrors - Httyd fanfiction.
Read it on Ao3. Join the discord!
Finding one's soulmate was always an interesting journey, especially when the only way you can do that is by withstanding an annoying animal.
Words: 4,714
“Stop it! Stop it!” Hiccup yelled as he left his hut.
He had his head shielded from the Terrible Terror who had decided to yank on his hair from the moment the man had woken up. It was incredibly annoying and bothersome. When he had woken up and came face to face with the small dragon, he wasn’t surprised. Larger dragons had managed to get into his hut with little problem before and living on the Edge meant there were more wild dragons than ever before.
When the Terror jumped on his chest and batted at his face with a paw, it was annoying. Hiccup though didn’t bother to think anything of it. Terrible Terrors were troublemakers after all. The small dragon didn’t leave though, even when he had opened the door to let it out. Hiccup just simply shrugged and went on with his day.
He had gotten ready and had planned to spend the day in his hut working, but as soon as he had sat down, the Terror had landed on his shoulder and started pulling at strands of his hair. Hiccup had tried to wave the dragon off, but that didn’t work. He then tried ignoring the small dragon in hope that it would get bored and leave Hiccup alone. That didn’t work either! The Terror started flying around his head, yanking at his hair as often as he could. Hiccup couldn’t take it anymore and ran out of his hut.
He made his way to the clubhouse, hoping that the small dragon would leave him alone. Hiccup didn’t understand what its problem was, he had done nothing to antagonize the little guy. It just seemed to have a grudge against him. Halfway to the clubhouse the Terror left Hiccup alone, but the man had already decided to at least have something to eat since he was already there. Then he would return to his work.
He entered the clubhouse to find it vacant. The others were still asleep or already out, doing what they wanted. It was peaceful these days, the dragon hunters seemed to have taken a break and left them alone for the time being. Constant patrols were happening around Dragon’s Edge for safety purposes. Not to mention with no new information on the Dragon Eye, they didn’t have a lot of reasons to leave the island.
Hiccup sat down with some food and started eating. He was enjoying the peace without the annoying Terror when Astrid came into the clubhouse. She was reading a letter and hadn’t noticed Hiccup, even when she sat down in front of him. Hiccup smiled at her distracted state. It was usually that she was very attentive to her surroundings, but the letter had caught her attention.
“Good morning,” he said.
Astrid jumped in surprise, finally lifting her eyes up from the piece of parchment.
“How long have you been sitting there?” she demanded.
“Since before you came in,” he laughed and gestured to the letter, “Heather again?”
“Yeah,” she blushed, “Her and Dagur hadn’t gotten anywhere with their search yet.”
“Unfortunate,” Hiccup commented as she went back to reading the letter.
He knew there was more in the letter, but he didn’t bother asking. Heather was Astrid’s soulmate and there were bound to be things written there he did not want to know about. The girls were in a happy relationship ever since they figured out they were soulmates, so they talked about things Hiccup didn’t want to know.
He had a thing with Astrid before she figured out Heather was her soulmate. It was fine, not all soulmates got romantically involved, so neither had a problem with being together when they weren’t confirmed soulmates. When Astrid found her soulmate and figured out she wanted to be in a relationship with her, Hiccup had let her go without a complaint.
The whole soulmate thing was strange. There wasn’t a set time when you would meet them and also there wasn’t a guarantee you ever would. The universe somehow knew when it was time for you to meet your ‘other half’ and it usually sent you a sign. The sign was an annoying animal who would not leave you alone until you found your soulmate.
The animal was usually small so it could get to you no matter where you were. When it came to Astrid, it was a chicken who had kept pecking her legs until she literally ran into Heather while trying to get away. Heather had been in a similar position, only she had one of the Night Terrors on her tail. The Night Terror had let out a happy screech and the chicken had let out a final cluck before the animals went away. That was when the girls understood they had found their soulmate.
A lot of people on Berk hadn’t found their soulmates as soon as they could have. The fact that dragons were often the animal that came to lead you had been a problem for them for a long time. When someone on Berk woke up and came face to face with a dragon, no matter the size, they hadn’t thought it meant anything good and when they did stop to think, the dragon was already dead. Now, with the war over, a lot of Hooligans had found their soulmates.
Hiccup watched as Astrid put down the letter with a smile on her face. He was happy that his friends had managed to keep their relationship strong even with the distance between them. The others still hadn’t found their soulmates, but they all wanted to. Astrid just happened to be the first out of them to get one. Hiccup did his best to not think about it, since again, there was no guarantee that you would find your soulmate. He didn’t want to spend his time waiting for something that might not even happen.
“Didn’t you say that you’ll be in your hut the whole day?” Astrid asked him after getting some food for herself only to then gesture to his plate, “I said I’d bring you food so you could work on your project.”
“I had incentive to leave my hut this morning,” Hiccup laughed, “A Terror decided that I was the reason for all of its problems and didn’t leave me alone until I left my hut.”
“Weird,” Astrid mumbled as she gave him a suspicious look, “That hadn’t happened to you before, has it?”
“No,” Hiccup shook his head and shrugged, “There’s a first time for everything.”
Astrid hummed and left the matter alone. Hiccup was almost done eating when he noticed the same Terror fly into the clubhouse, it landed near the door and stared at Hiccup. It slowly blinked at Hiccup when he went to wash his plate. The small creature didn’t do anything until Hiccup sat back down because he wanted to talk to Astrid about the patrol schedule. He only started to talk when the Terror landed on his shoulder again.
“You again,” he sighed and looked at the Terror. It licked his eye and kept its unblinking gaze firmly on Hiccup.
“Is this your friend from the morning?” Astrid asked with a laugh.
“Yes it is,” Hiccup nodded, “So Tuffnut and Ruffnut will take the – ouch!”
The Terror then yanked his hair once again. Hiccup turned to the dragon and pushed him off his shoulder with a loud huff. The small dragon landed on the ground and sneezed in his general direction. He turned back to Astrid.
“They’ll take the west – hey! Stop it!” He exclaimed again as the small dragon bit into his prosthetic.
Hiccup tried to shake the dragon off, but it didn’t work. The Terror had no plans on leaving Hiccup alone. Astrid tried to contain a laugh while Hiccup hopped around the clubhouse, trying to shake the dragon off.
“Hiccup,” she started but didn’t get to finish her thought.
The Terrible Terror finally let go of Hiccup’s prosthetic, only to bite his other leg.
“That’s it!” Hiccup shouted, “I’m getting Toothless. He can deal with you, you menace!”
Hiccup left the clubhouse with a quick goodbye. He had to drag the small dragon on his leg for most of the journey. It wasn’t until he was halfway back to his hut that the dragon let go, leaving him alone once more. Hiccup didn’t understand why the dragon had decided to annoy him. Hiccup loudly sighed as he sat down at his table. The Terror was now gone, he had no reason to wake Toothless.
Hiccup worked in peace for just a few minutes when the small dragon appeared again. The Viking took a moment to give the dragon the benefit of the doubt, hoping that the dragon would not bother him yet again. No such luck. The Terror disappeared for only a short moment before he flew into the hut then dropped a fish onto Hiccup’s head.
“For the love of – Toothless!”
The Night Fury jumped down from the bedroom as soon as he heard Hiccup call for him. Toothless quickly noticed the little menace and picked him up by his scruff. Hiccup pointed to the outside and Toothless carried the dragon out. The black dragon then placed him on the ground then walked back inside, growling deeply at the creature. Hiccup closed the hut’s doors as soon as Toothless was inside, thinking that would be the end of it.
He was wrong.
Hiccup turned around, hoping to go back to work, but could only let out a ‘manly’ scream when he saw the Terror sitting on his desk. Hiccup huffed then threw open his doors again. He got on Toothless and went off to find Astrid, hoping she would know how to get rid of his problem.
It took a good long flight around the island before he spotted her in the forest. She was in the middle of a grove, throwing her axe at the trunks. Hiccup then noticed further away to her left she had a piece of parchment and a coal pencil sitting on a stump. It seemed that she had stopped in the middle of writing her response to Heather.
“Astrid!” Hiccup called as he jumped off of the Night Fury.
“Hiccup, what’s wrong?” she immediately asked as she noted the irritated look on his face.
“It’s the dragon!” he said as he started pacing in front of her.
“Toothless?” she asked in confusion.
“The Terror! It just won’t leave me alone!” he told her while he threw his arms up in frustration.
“Just get Toothless to intimidate it, that should work,” she simply replied with a casual shrug. Astrid didn’t really understand why he was coming to her with this type of problem. He knew better than them all on how to deal with dragons.
”It didn’t work!” he exclaimed, “It wouldn’t bother me if it didn’t think that biting me, yanking my hair and dropping fish on me was funny.”
“Hiccup,” she got his attention with a gentle touch to his shoulder, “I think you’re missing the very obvious explanation.”
“What explanation?”
“The Terror is here to lead you to your soulmate.”
“That’s not possible,” he dismissed her words, “There were no new people on the Edge and I haven’t met anyone new recently.”
“Your soulmate might be someone you already know,” she pointed out, “I knew Heather for years before I found out.”
“But Heather was here when you ‘found’ her,” Hiccup reminded her, “And I don’t think any of the others have an annoying companion.”
“Fine, if it’s not here to lead you to your soulmate,” she sighed, “It will grow tired of annoying you and will leave you alone soon enough.”
“I guess so,” he relented, “I’m going to take a flight around the island. Couldn’t hurt to see that maybe one of the others do have some animal annoying them.”
“Good luck!” she told him, sending him off with a wave. She then went over and picked up her half-written letter, suddenly struck with inspiration on what to write.
Three days.
Three days he had been haunted by the Terrible Terror. At this point he had no other choice but to admit that it was there to guide him to his soulmate. There was just one problem. No one else on the island was in the same predicament, so Hiccup didn’t know what to do. The small dragon only left him alone when he was sleeping, eating, and or actively moving. If he sat down to do something that the Terror didn’t consider self-care or him working on finding his soulmate, the dragon made a point to go all out to bother Hiccup.
At one point, the dragon had almost singed off his eyebrows.
The gang found it hilarious. It was funny to an extent, just not when it was happening to you specifically. Hiccup had even apologized to Astrid for finding it funny when she had the chicken pecking at her until she found her soulmate. The blonde accepted his apology and had blanketed permission to laugh at his predicament. She didn’t, at least not to his face, unlike the others who did.
“Should I just wander across islands until I found them?” he asked Astrid one evening.
The gang were eating dinner. It was one of the few times the Terror left Hiccup alone, though it was still watching him from the rafters.
“Find who?” she asked absentmindedly since she was reading another letter from Heather.
“My soulmate.”
“You could do that,” Astrid agreed while her blue eyes looked up from the letter, “Seems like it would take you way too long though.”
“Much too long,” Fishlegs agreed, “Why don’t you visit the island where we’ve met people first?”
“Or Berk,” Astrid added, “It’s the farthest away and if your soulmate is there, you would shave off a lot of time.”
“We are over do for a visit to home,” Fishlegs pointed out.
“Okay then,” Hiccup shrugged, “That’s the best idea so far. Tomorrow morning we’ll leave for Berk.”
“Heather and Dagur are visiting in a couple of days,” Astrid told them, “We should be back by then, right?”
“Yeah, I don’t think it will take long for me to find out if anyone has the same problem as me,” Hiccup nodded and went back to eating.
He ate slowly, enjoying the time without having to defend himself from the infuriating Terror. A visit to Berk would be good even if he didn’t find his soulmate. Hiccup was sure that no matter what, Stoick would have some advice for him.
“There isn’t anyone looking for a soulmate as far as I know,” Stoick told him as he handed him a clean washcloth, “Sorry, son.”
“It’s okay,” Hiccup sighed as he cleaned the scratches on his forearm, “It was a long shot anyway.”
“And this Terror has been doing this to you regularly?” Stoick questioned while he motioned at the scratches.
“No,” Hiccup shook his head with a puzzled look on his face, “This was the first time it actually harmed me.”
His father nodded and hummed. Hiccup cleaned his injury then quickly picked up a plate of food Stoick had prepared. He had been eating more than usual these days, desperate for any break in the torment the Terror constantly inflicted.
It was already late evening, tomorrow they would leave Berk. In the morning, Hiccup had taken upon it himself to go through the village in pursuit of anyone searching for their soulmate. He sadly had gotten nowhere. When he had arrived at the forge to work on something to clear his head, the Terror had pelted him with pieces of metal until Hiccup left the building and went back to walking through the village.
When Hiccup had tried to go to the cove to get some peace and quiet, the Terror had caught his arm in its claws. It then had pulled until the claws broke skin and Hiccup retreated to his home. He had made his way to his room and fallen asleep for just a couple of minutes, only to wake when Stoick had come home looking for him. Astrid had apparently told Stoick that Hiccup wanted to talk to him, so his father had come to see what he wanted.
“So it got more desperate when you got to Berk?” Stoick asked.
“Yes,” Hiccup confirmed between bites of his meal.
“You put distance between your soulmate,” his father stated.
“How do you know that?” Hiccup questioned with a tilt of his head.
“When I was younger, my father used to tell me this one story,” Stoick started while setting his cup of mead down on the table, “I don’t remember the details, but it was about a man who had a boar to lead him to his soulmate. He got injured several times before he decided to leave his home in search of his other half, the boar got more annoying than threatening as he got closer to the island that housed one of his allies. When the man had reached his allies the only thing the boar did was nudge him forward. The man’s soulmate turned out to be the new chief of the island, a woman he had met only once before.”
“So you’re saying that the reason why the Terror harmed me was because I got further away from my soulmate?” Hiccup clarified. His father nodded in agreement.
Hiccup let out a tired groan and pushed away the food he had been eating.
“We went to Berk because it was the farthest island we knew people on,” Hiccup told his father, “I wanted to get it out of the way first.”
“You’ll find them,” Stoick told him, “The Terror wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t the right time.”
“Let’s hope you’re right,” Hiccup sighed and left the table to go back to his room.
Hiccup watched as Astrid walked into the clubhouse. She had a smile on her face and was humming a cheery tune to herself. Hiccup had his head in his hands, quietly observing everything happening around him. He watched as she went around the building, gathering things in a picnic basket.
“Oh,” Astrid gasped as she finally noticed him, “What are you doing here?”
“Contemplating life,” he sighed as he put his head down on the table.
“Where’s your little friend?” she asked with an amused smile.
Hiccup didn’t answer her for a silent moment. When she was about to ask again he then lifted his prosthetic from under the table, where attached to the wood was the Terror. It was chewing the leg, seemingly enjoying itself.
“At least it calmed down,” Astrid comforted him with a shrug.
“Yeah,” Hiccup groaned as he lifted his head. His tired eyes landed on her, “Packing a picnic?”
“We agreed I’ll meet them halfway, Heather and I wanted to spend a night away from the Edge,” Astrid explained, “Get some peace and quiet from the others, you know?”
“Smart,” Hiccup agreed, “What about Dagur?”
“Oh yeah, I forgot,” she turned to him again and leaned on the table behind her, “They found some sort of riddle in Oswald’s journal. They think it’s talking about one of his stops, but they can’t figure it out. So if you don’t mind, Dagur wants to see you so you could take a look at it?”
“Why do they think I’ll be able to figure it out?”
“Because you know more islands and have a better understanding of maps,” Astrid told him, “Will you take a look at it?”
“I will,” he easily agreed, “Anything to forget about this for a moment.”
He pointed down to the Terror, the small dragon had moved on to pulling at his pant leg. He was tired at this point and anything would be better than dwelling on the whole soulmate thing.
Astrid had already left while the others were still going about their day. Hiccup was sitting in his hut with the Terrible Terror watching him from the table. Toothless had grown tired of the Terrible Terror and did his best to stay away when he knew Hiccup would get bothered by it. Hiccup had a map in front of him, one of all the islands that they had visited. He wanted to come up with a path he could follow that would help him visit the most islands in the shortest span of time.
“I will gut you!”
Hiccup perked up at hearing Dagur’s voice from outside of his hut. The door opened and Dagur stepped inside. He had quickly thrown the doors closed behind him before he let out a loud breath then turned to Hiccup.
“Hiccup! Astrid said I would find you here,” he greeted.
“Dagur, hey,” Hiccup welcomed before gazing back down at his map. He drew the last line on the map which marked the last island he would visit if he hadn’t found his soulmate by then.
Hiccup felt Dagur step up behind him. He could feel the older man’s breath fan his neck as Dagur looked down at the map as well. Hiccup suppressed a pleased shiver because he could only assume that would freak the Berserker out. Normally Hiccup didn’t like people being in his personal space, yet he never seemed to mind when it came to Dagur.
At first, it had been like it was with just anyone else. Hiccup had hated being touched by the redhead, but then Dagur had stopped trying to kill him and had saved Toothless, all the while trying to prove that he had changed. Then, little by little, Hiccup noticed that he didn’t care when Dagur touched him. A hand on his shoulder, a pat on his back, a quick hug in greeting, it was all normal to Hiccup.
He tried not to think about other times, like when he would still shy away when Snotlout patted his back in congratulations. Not also forgetting how he did his best to not get in the middle of a twins’ hug, or how when Fishlegs ran up to him, getting into his personal space, and he had to stop himself from cringing away. He didn’t think about that. He couldn’t, because if he did, it would just raise more questions than offer answers.
“What’s this?” Dagur asked as he pointed to the pages scattered on the tabletop.
“This –“ Hiccup cleared his throat and swallowed the spit that had gathered in his mouth. He shooed away the Terror, who had perched itself on the corner of the map, “ – is a map.”
“I can see that,” Dagur chuckled, “What’s it for?”
“I marked the fastest path that lets one visit all of the islands,” he explained with a shrug.
“Why do you need that?” Dagur asked while reaching his hand around the taller yet skinnier Viking. He then picked up the map and fully stepped back away from Hiccup.
Hiccup let out a deep breath before turning around. He let Dagur examine the massive parchment for a moment before he answered.
“I need to find my soulmate and that’s the list of islands where I have met someone,” Hiccup shrugged.
Dagur turned to look at him before he handed over the map just as the Terror landed on Hiccup’s shoulder.
“You too, huh?” Dagur asked as he eyed the small dragon, who had started pulling at Hiccup’s hair once again.
“What do you mean?” Hiccup asked. He gently rolled up the chart of isles before setting it on the table behind him.
“I have a menace like that too,” Dagur gestured to the Terror then over to the Hiccup’s front door, “Managed to leave it outside for the moment.”
“What a coincidence,” Hiccup chuckled while heavily leaning back against the table. He cleared his throat and decided to drop the subject, “Astrid said you needed help with a riddle?”
“Yeah, about that, I don’t need help,” Dagur sheepishly admitted.
“You figured it out?” Hiccup asked with interest.
“It wasn’t a riddle in the first place,” The Berserker shrugged while he leaned back on the wall behind him, “When I read it, I knew what island he was talking about. But Heather needed a break and she missed Astrid, so I just acted like I had no idea and suggested we come here for help.”
“What island was he talking about by using a riddle?” Hiccup questioned, his curiosity getting the better of him.
“Berk,” Dagur simply answered, “And it wasn���t a riddle, my father just used my description of the island. After visiting for the first time, I told him that Berk was ‘an island full of life and wonder, with people who took your breath away.’ He used those words and Heather had no idea what it was about.”
Hiccup nodded and they stayed where they were, letting the silence linger as they gazed at one another for a few more moments. The Terror was still on his shoulder, though it had now moved to gently nibbling at his ear. The small dragon had been acting way nicer than ever before, but Hiccup didn’t give it much thought. He was about to suggest they both go to the clubhouse. It made no sense for them to stay in his hut, but then another Terrible Terror suddenly appeared and landed on Dagur’s head.
“Get off me!” the older man immediately yelled and started to bat at the dragon, hoping to get it off his head.
The other Terror didn’t budge, going as far as to dig his claws into Dagur’s scalp. Hiccup hid a smile, though he instantly felt sympathy for the other man. This had happened to him too, so he quickly stepped up to the angry Viking and tried to assist him. It was difficult since Dagur had begun to spin about in place, all the while trying to pry the small dragon from his red hair.
“Okay – just let me – c’mon –” Hiccup stammered as he tried to get close enough to offer his help.
His own Terror had decided it was the perfect opportunity to mess with him and get under his feet. Hiccup unexpectedly stumbled and crashed into Dagur. They fell hard to the ground as the shorter man’s arms immediately found their way around Hiccup’s middle. The older had cradled him to his armored chest to soften the blow of landing on the unforgiving wooden floor.
Hiccup lifted his head off of where it had landed on Dagur’s body. He could feel warmth radiating from where Dagur’s hands managed to secure themselves along his waist. At the same time he could also feel a warming blush crawl up his ashen face. He was about to ask if Dagur was alright when he noticed the two Terrors on either side of Dagur’s head. The dragon’s eyes were locked on the young Berkian, giving Hiccup expectant looks.
“Oh,” He gasped as it finally hit him.
“Are you okay?” Dagur asked him as he lifted his head from the floor, a dazed haze in his green eyes.
“Yeah, yeah,” Hiccup reassured him as he quickly rose to his feet then gave Dagur a hand to help him up, “Never better actually.”
“Are you sure?” Dagur questioned again after he took his hand, getting to his feet, “You’re acting kind of weird.”
“Dagur,” Hiccup chuckled, “You’re looking for your soulmate, right?”
“Yes,” he answered with a pinch of confusion in his brows.
“Well, so am I,” Hiccup told him and squeezed the man’s hand.
“What does that – oh,” Dagur said for now he too understood. A wide toothed grin broke out on his face, “We’re soulmates.”
“Yeah, we are,” Hiccup agreed with a chuckle.
The two Terrors together let out a chorus of happy croons then finally flew away. Neither man even bothered to notice since they were too fixated on one another. They seemed to unconsciously gravitate to one another, the distance immediately reducing between them. Hiccup couldn’t even tell you what he was thinking as he leaned down and slowly connected his lips with Dagur’s. The kiss wasn’t anything extraordinary, yet it still was incredibly special.
It was their first kiss, the first of many.
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Only a little Jealous
Pairing: Snotlout Jorgenson x Nic Blake
Tag List: @sable-myers @hyperionshipping @fangedwife @the-dark-fae-and-her-fos @licensedcrime @victorvampir @belcanto-selfships
“This dragon trapping ship is smaller than the others we’ve encountered so it won’t take all of us,” Hiccup said. “I propose a small group to go free those dragons.” He looked over to Nic whose eyes were focused on the map. “Nic, I’m putting you in charge of this mission.”
She tore her eyes away from the map to look at him in surprise. “Wha– Me? What about you?”
“I need to stay here on Berk to do a few things. You’ll be fine,” he assured her. “And you should take Eret. It’ll be a good chance to get his feet wet with dragon riding.”
Nic smirked a little and looked over at Eret. “Hear that, newbie? Time for you to show us what you’re made of.”
Eret chuckled, crossing his arms. “I look forward to it.”
Across the table from Nic stood Snotlout, who frowned at the interaction between her and Eret. However, he couldn’t outwardly object. Not yet. They were only two weeks into the relationship and they wanted to keep it a secret for just a bit. He was trying to find a way to tell his father, a man who was known to loathe Nic as she was the one who always stood up for Snotlout against his father.
“You’re going to need a distraction to help you get in, though,” Astrid pointed out.
“Time for me and Hookfang to step up,” Snotlout said, puffing his chest out a bit.
“Actually, Snotlout, I was thinking the twins would be better for this,” Hiccup said.
Ruffnut and Tuffnut looked up, having not been paying attention during the entire meeting. “Huh?”
“Seriously?” Scoffed Snotlout. “You’re gonna send them and not me?”
“Barf’s gas is the perfect cover for Nic and Eret to sneak onto the ship, and Belch igniting the gas can be a great distraction while they free the dragons,” Hiccup told him. “It makes sense.”
Snotlout grumbled to himself as Nic, Hiccup, and Astrid discussed finalization of the plans. It was decided that those who stayed on Berk would help getting the new arrivals settled in once they’ve come back. Once they finalized the plan, it was time to get ready.
It was a night mission, and Cece was excited. She loved the night missions, and they were ones that she and Nic excelled at. The Changewing bounced throughout the stables, bothering Barf and Belch, and clinging to the walls of the cave.
Nic shook her head and laughed as she stood by the bench, carefully setting her arrows into the quiver. She listened as Cece bellowed and chattered. “Someone’s talkative.”
“What are those arrows you’re packing?” Eret asked, sheathing his short sword.
“Oh these?” Nic held up one, the arrow point coated in green. “These are my ‘special’ arrows. These ones are coated in monstrous nightmare gel, easily flammable. And these,” she held up a second arrow that had a small bag tied to the tip of it “are my black powder arrows. In the bag is black powder, and when they’re struck by a flaming arrow they go kaboom,” she explained.
Snotlout stepped into the stables and scowled at how close Eret was to Nic. And how he smiled when they talked. And that Eret was talking to her. He decided to take things into his own hands and made his way over to them.
“These arrows are genius!” Eret told her, inspecting them. “Do you make these yourself?”
“Actually Hiccup–”
Before Nic could reply, Snotlout interrupted.
“As you can see, Nic is Berk’s resident genius,” he bragged.
She rolled her eyes. “I’m not. I just came up with the idea. Hiccup was the one who spent two months making the black powder.”
“Hey, Eret, did you know Nic is the only viking to have trained a Changewing? Not even Hiccup could do that,” Snotlout said, obviously bragging more.
Nic had half a mind to slap a hand over his mouth and send him out of the stables the hard way. The way he was bragging (and how red her cheeks were getting) it would be too obvious that they had something between them.
“Impressive, right?” Snotlout smirked.
“It is impressive,” Eret agreed.
This caused Snotlout to growl lowly. He wasn’t supposed to agree to quickly. Before anything else could be said, Nic managed to speak up.
“Eret, why don’t you go check on the twins? Make sure they’re ready to go. It’ll be sunset soon and we need to make it there by dark.”
He nodded at her suggestion. “Sounds good to me.” Eret stepped away to find the twins, and once he was out of sight Nic looked at Snotlout. He was glaring at Eret the entire time he was walking away.
“Snotlout,” she crossed her arms.
At his name being said, he looked back at her and smiled. “Hi baby.”
“What are you doing here?”
“I know Hiccup already said the twins are coming, but it’s the twins—” he began as Nic went back to putting her arrows in the quiver. She had a handful left and it was tedious to get them in without ruining them. “—and I figured you guys might need additional firepower. So since you’re in charge of this mission I came to you.”
“Hoping for a pass and that I’ll let you come in exchange for some extra kisses?” She asked, almost teasingly.
He smiled at her. “If that’s the price…”
Nic shook her head. “I’m sorry, Snotlout, but you can’t come with us. Not this time.” She sighed, cupping his face in her hands. “The concern is sweet and appreciated, but we can do this.”
“I’m just worried.”
“I know,” she leaned up and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
“Watch yourself with Eret. I don’t trust him.”
“He’s been here for three months and Hiccup trusts him.”
“Yeah, well, he could be a spy. He could be tricking us,” Snotlout said.
She gave him a look that said she didn’t believe him. “Until the day comes that he reveals he’s a spy, I’ll trust him. And you should too. Or at least try to get along with him.”
Snotlout grumbled something, and Nic raised a brow.
“What was that?” She asked.
“I said fine, I’ll try,” he replied.
“Good boy.” She kissed his cheek again. “It’s getting late and we need to finish getting ready. I’ll see you in the morning, okay?”
Snotlout looked at her and nodded. “Okay.”
She smiled and pulled away to grab the quiver, carefully putting it over her shoulder along with her bow. “And just think— when we get back from this mission, it can be one more thing you use to brag–”
A hand grabbed her face gently before she was pulled into a kiss, and Nic sighed happily as she melted into it. When they pulled away, she forgot what she was saying entirely.
“Damn you and your charm,” she mumbled.
“Does this mean I can come with you?” He asked, a little hopeful the bribe worked.
“Oh no,” she shook her head. “But I will be craving more of these until I get back.”
Nic leaned in to kiss him again, but a voice interrupted them.
“We’re all ready to go, boss!” Eret called as he started to walk back.
They jumped apart, and as they did Snotlout tripped over something unseen. As he fell back, Cece uncloaked to reveal she had been curled up directly beside them and he was tripping over her tail. The Changewing laughed as he hit the floor and Nic glared at her dragon.
“Cece. No,” she scolded. But that had no effect on her as Cece took pride in it.
Eret approached and furrowed his brows when he noticed Snotlout on the ground. “Is everything alright?”
“Everything is fine,” Snotlout insisted as he pushed himself up. “In fact I meant to do that.”
“Right…” Eret looked to Nic. “The twins and I are all ready. Just say the word.”
She nodded as Snotlout finally got to his feet. “Then let’s do this. The longer we’re here, the bigger the distance between us and the ship gets.”
The twins got on Barf and Belch while Eret mounted Skullcrusher. He’s still getting used to the dragon and has been having an awkward time riding him, but Hiccup said they formed a bond and that is essentially to their adjustment. Nic got onto Cece and looked at Snotlout. She could tell what he was about to say.
“We’ll stay safe,” she told him. “I promise.”
He nodded and watched as the dragon riders quickly took off from the stables.
The mission was a success and went smoothly— or as smoothly as it could go with the twins. Nic did have to chastise them for nearly sinking the boat while everyone was still on board. But other than that it was fine, and as they started to fly back to Berk, the flock of rescue dragons following, Nic let out a yawn.
“I’d say with the speed we’re going we can be back in time for breakfast,” Nic told the twins and Eret. “And after that, we’ve all earned some sleep. Good job, guys.”
“We couldn’t have done it without you, Nic,” Eret told her.
“You would’ve been fine.” She waved him off. “Also, good job at getting your feet wet,” she joked, gesturing to his soaking wet figure. “I’m not sure that’s Hiccup had in mind but…”
“Very funny,” Eret rolled his eyes.
The group was silent for a bit (aside from the twins bickering), and the flight was going smoothly. The sun hadn’t even started to rise yet and they were getting closer to Berk with each passing second. But Eret broke the silence.
“If you don’t mind me asking, Nic,” he cleared his throat. “What’s going on between you and Snotlout?”
Her cheeks grew warm. She knew they’d get caught. But Nic shook her head. “There’s nothing going on between us,” she replied nervously.
“Sure there is!” Ruffnut shouted as she and Tuffnut popped up between Eret and Nic. “You’re in love with Snotlout.”
“Yeah,” Tuffnut laughed, nodding in agreement. “Even we noticed so that’s saying something.”
Nic quickly started to sputter out words. “I don’t– I’m not–”
“Don’t worry, Nic. I’m totally Team Fishlegs so you can have Snotlout all to yourself,” Ruffnut told her.
Nic frowned, glaring at her. “Gee, thanks Ruff. You’re so generous,” she said sarcastically.
“It’s no problem, and I know I am,” Ruffnut laughed as they started to fall behind.
Nic shook her head as Eret began to speak.
“If it’s any consolation,” he began, “I think you two would be good together.”
She raised a brow at him. “Oh yeah?”
He nodded. “You two bring out the best in each other. And I’ve noticed he behaves more when you’re in the room.”
Nic laughed. “I like to think I just intimidate him that much.”
“Perhaps you do.”
The sun was barely rising over the horizon when they got back to Berk with the dragons. Hiccup, Toothless, Valka, and Astrid were all waiting to greet them when they arrived. The group landed on Berk, and the dragons they rescued followed suit.
Nic hopped off Cece’s back and approached Hiccup. “Ten dragons rescued from the trapper’s ship, as requested— your Chiefliness.” She mockingly bowed in front of Hiccup who rolled his eyes at her.
“Haha, very funny,” he said as she stood up. “How’d it go?”
“Thorston and Thorston had everything under control!” Tuffnut told him.
“No you didn’t,” Eret crossed his arms. “You nearly sunk the boat.”
“That was all part our plan,” Ruffnut corrected.
Nic rolled her eyes. “The dragons are fine, I think. But they could use some rest.”
“We’ll get them up to the stables and settled,” Valka said, already greeting one of the Deadly Nadders. “You all did good.”
Astrid and Valka started to guide the dragons up to the stables while the twins headed to breakfast and Eret was going to the stables as well. When everyone was gone, Hiccup leaned over to Nic.
“I haven’t seen Snotlout since you left last night,” he told her.
He was the only one who knew about their relationship, and not because they told him. But because he knows Nic so well. And because he caught them kissing as Nic’s usual fishing spot.
“Wasn’t he supposed to help set up the stables?” She asked.
“Yeah, he was.” Hiccup nodded.
“I think I know where he is.”
Hookfang was sleeping lazily behind Snotlout on the cliff. Cece landed close by, and once Nic got off Cece ran over to bother Hookfang. Nic walked over and sat beside Snotlout.
“What’s wrong?” She asked him, resting her head against his shoulder.
“Why does something have to be wrong?” He asked.
“Because you only come up here when you’re upset,” she reminded him. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“There’s nothing to talk about,” he lied.
She looked up at him, obviously not believing him. But she suspected she knew what was wrong. It had been going on for a bit, but this was the first time she had seen it genuinely bothering him. Sighing, Nic lifted a hand to cup his cheek and tilt his head over to look at her.
“Baby, you have nothing to be jealous over. I only have eyes for you,” she told him.
“I’m not jealous of Eret,” he denied.
“I never said his name.”
They were silent. She waited for him to speak, meanwhile Cece was curled up beside Hookfang, the pair napping. But Nic’s attention stayed on Snotlout, even when her stomach was begging for her to get breakfast and her body craved the comfort of her bed. Her focus remained on him, and she hummed softly as his hand came up to rest on her waist.
“Maybe I’m a little jealous,” he mumbled.
“Only a little?”
He sighed. “He’s my only competition on Berk!”
“And what exactly are you two competing over?” She asked.
“Your attention!”
“Oh babe,” she peppered his cheek in kisses. “You already have all my attention. Eret is a nice guy, but you are the one I–” she caught herself. “You’re the one I adore.”
Snotlout cracked a smile at her words. “I can’t lose you.”
“And you won’t,” she assured him, pressing a kiss to his lips. “Not even intervention from Odin himself will get rid of me.”
“That’s good to know, cause I sort of… told my dad.”
She pulled away to look at him, surprise on her face. He was never able to find the right way to tell his father and as such kept putting it off.
“You– You told him? About us?” She asked.
Snotlout nodded. “I know you wanted to be there for me if it went bad but I felt like getting it over with was the best thing.”
“And?” She lowered her hand to rest on his chest. “How did he take it?”
“Not Good. Pretty bad, actually,” he told her.
“Well we figured that,” she pointed out. “He does hate me.”
“He made that very clear last night. But mom put him in his place. She’s happy for us.” He smiled at her.
“Your mom is the best.”
“But now that my dad knows we can, y’know, kiss in front of people and stuff…”
She grinned as his cheeks grew a little red. “We can finally get Hiccup and Astrid back for all those times they’ve been lovey dovey in front of everyone,” she joked, kissing his cheek. “If you haven’t eaten yet, want to go get some breakfast and make everyone in the Great Hall lose their appetites by making out a ton?”
He grinned. “You read my mind.”
Nic hopped up and looked at Cece. “Come on, Cece, time to get breakfast.”
At the mention of food, the Changewing opened her eyes and jumped up excitedly. She let Nic climb on top of her as Snotlout made his way over to Hookfang.
“Race ya!” Nic shouted as Cece took a running start and dove off the cliff.
“That’s no fair! You got a head start!” Snotlout protested as he got onto the saddle and Hookfang took off.
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Many of Horry - Chapter three: Sated hunger, sated madness
HELLO THERE! (that's fucking obi-wan Kenobi meme) it has been a hot minute but I have returned with the promised saucy goods and oh boy, its a mess. Both of ours boys are a mess, a hot mess, yes, very hot, very messy. BUT. Also very soft, very gentle, very romaaaance and its a bit of bad romance (insert lady gaga here plz). Snotlout has no marbles, boy's done lost them all, and Eret is just being British, idk tbh??? Should of added a "you know nothing, Jon snow" gag but that's a bit petty, though i may change my mind, I'm two-faced like that!
This is the boys doing the horizontal tango (add careless whisper saxophone here plz) with violence, soft moments, bickering, angst, scars, body-worshipping and all of the stuff that make weapons of mass destruction!
Chapter summary -  Ten months prior to Eret's leave, Snotlout a mad decision. Ten months prior to his leave, Eret took a mad man to bed.
Chapter warnings - SEX! SMUT! THE HORIZONTAL TANGO! THEY GOT AT IT LIKE RABBITS! Um, also scars, mental instability (Snotlout is kinda crazy in this fic) violence
He's not even given the pleasure of a warning. No distant cursing, no dramatic door-knocking, no crass bragging. Nothing.
Snotlout just storms into his cabin and punches Eret in the face.
It sends him to the floor and he stays there for a second, hand rubbing at his aching jaw as he looks up at Snotlout, confused and angry. Snotlout's eyes, hauntingly pale in the firelight, are brimming with unspoken rage and his lips are curled back in a wrathful snarl, there is too much anger in him and its brimming at the surface.
After that, his immediate instinct is to stand back up and fight back. Which he does. He thrusts his hands against Snotlout's chest, pushing him back a few feet, and Eret is confused when that snarl flips into a crooked grin. He wants this, he wants a fight, and who is Eret to deny him that?
"If you wanted a scrap, Snotlout, you should've just asked," Eret rolls his shoulders, feeling confident and angry because how dare this short mad man come into his home and attack him? Unprovoked, mind.
"Where'd be the fun in that?" Snotlout laughs and it raises goosebumps along his arms because there is something distinctively unhinged about that sound, it leaves an unnerved feeling in his gut. Men who laugh in the face of danger are the true animals, his father once said, for they have no fear. Even dragons cower at the prospect of death. Mad men howl for joy.
Snotlout charges forward with an arm reeled back, ready to throw a punch, and Eret ducks to the side as that closed fist falls through the empty space, leaving Snotlout staggering forward. But that mad smile doesn't falter as he expected it to and the look that Snotlout gives him from beneath his lashes triggers his flight or fight. It's the face of a rabid animal, of a mad wolf, of a deranged dragon, of something so deluded it doesn't even know what it's doing.
But despite this, Eret stands his ground and fights because he's ran away from things his whole life. Not anymore. He will fight Snotlout, he will fight this mad man.
He heaves in a heavy breath, holds it, then lurches forward with a closed fist. Snotlout doesn't dodge, or move, or even blink and there is something terribly wrong with that. A crunching sound fills the room as his fist hits Snotlout square in the face. Eret exhales harshly as he brings his hand up to brush the loose hair from his face, knuckles throbbing and heart thumping in his chest.
Snotlout takes a step back, head down and hand to face. By all rights, he should be on the floor, out for the night, Eret hit him as hard as he could. That too leaves a sickness in his gut. How can such a small body take such a huge punch? (Not that he's bragging, he's just aware of his own strength)
After a moment, Snotlout let's his hand falls to his side and it's wet with blood.
Then the dragon-rider looks up at him. Eret swallows firmly.
Rivers of blood pour from his nostrils and steadily flow over his lips and down his chin, thick droplets dripping from his jaw and some streak down his neck like exposed veins. He looks terrible with all that blood on him. Oh Gods.
But Snotlout, to his horror, smiles at him with all his teeth and they too are red, glistening, threatening. (It might be the trick of the firelight, but they look sharp)
He looks like a wolf, a wild animal that's just made a kill.
"Snotlout-" Eret starts, no longer angry but concerned because this isn't the Snotlout he knows (not that he knows him well), this isn't the prideful man who's bull-headed and overconfident, who's put-together and two dimensional. No, this is something else, something Eret is familiar with.
Many men went mad under Drago's tyranny.
Snotlout takes no notice of his name being spoken and throws a poorly aimed punch, his fist a good foot from his target. He staggers forward before righting himself, staring at Eret with wild eyes.
"Snotlout, enough now," He states firmly, forcing himself to stand taller to intimidate the shorter, but Snotlout just laughs through his wet teeth.
"What? Am I too much for the greatest dragon-trapper alive?" Snotlout mocks darkly as he opens his arms, almost inviting Eret to attack him.
And hot with the sudden rage of being mocked, of his dark past being bright to the light like its a joke, Eret takes that invitation eagerly.
He yells out as he tackles Snotlout to the floor, anchoring him down with his weight, and his vision blurs as he swings again and again and again till his hand feels close to breaking. Snotlout doesn't fight back. He pummels Snotlout's face as a great hatred unfurls in his chest, a hatred that does not belong to Snotlout, but to Drago.
To Drago. To his corrupted home. To himself. This hatred that's been festering within him belongs to all the things that have caused him to run away. All he's ever done is run, like a coward. Now, he will fight. When he looks beneath him, he sees Drago, he sees the men who murdered his father, he sees himself.
But when the fog clears, Eret is overwhelmed with regret and the first thing that goes through his head is oh Gods, I've killed him. Beneath him is Snotlout, not the men who made a coward of him. What have I done?
Eret pants and stares as he lowers his face closer to Snotlout's, who also pants. He's alive, thank Gods, I'm not a murderer. No, you are, you're still a murder, you're just like the men who killed him!
Eret shakes his head and really looks at Snotlout because what? Did- did he- did he just thank him? And then he catches the grin, this blissed out grin made of split lips and bloody teeth, Gods, he's been smiling the whole time. He can't find the words to answer back, he doesn't even know what he would say. (You're welcome)
The rider's face is red and shiny with blood and it makes his eyes so bright, so pale, so blue that he could drown in them. And in those eyes, in those cold waters, Eret sees a calmness that shouldn't be there after getting your face battered in. This is what he wanted, he let you do this, this wasn't a fight, he doesn't know what it was, but I wasn't a fight.
Then those eyes do something Eret wasn't expecting. They flicker down, down, to his lips. And they stare for a few moments before looking back into his, ghost-like and near-white. It leaves a familiar coiling feeling in his gut and he can't stop himself from doing the same, glimpsing a look at those red-shining lips that, suddenly, looks so kissable, even with all that blood.
He wonders is Snotlout came here for any other alternative motives.
Perhaps he asks this question through his eyes because Snotlout's eyebrows jump suggestively and he runs his tongue over his teeth, smearing that deep blood. It sends a hot flash straight to his cock and Eret swallows to quench the dryness in his throat.
"What do you want, Snotlout?" He asks lowly, hands on either side of the shorter's shoulders.
"I think you know, Eret," He responds stubbornly, his voice smug, and they feel so close, like there are no gaps between them. His heart feels like it's suffocating.
Eret does know, or he believes he does. He doesn't want to assume, doesn't want to make this situation worse than it already is.
"I want you to say it,"
It's a challenge and Snotlout's grin widens until there's too many teeth (just like Ruffnut's) and he raises his head till their noses touch, till their breaths warm each other. He licks his lips like a hungry beast and doesn't break eye contact, Eret can't believe how wildly blue they are. It's like looking at a frozen lake, the thick ice has cracked but not feel enough to break.
"I want you to fuck me,"
And that's it. It's out in the open. Eret is suddenly aware of the hardness pressing against his thigh and oh, how it just urges his own to grow in strength, and Snotlout know this too. He bites his bruised lip and blinks slowly. It has to be the prettiest thing he's ever seen. Never mind the blood, never mind the bruises, those eyes are otherworldly.
Slowly, Eret closes the gap between them and the kiss isn't rushed or violent, it's a hesitant movement. After a moment, Snotlout's breath hitches and reels back at the tender touch as if Eret has just smacked his across the face. He looks up at him and Eret swallows at the sudden insecurity that's swirling in those eyes, no longer angry or mad or confident, but unsure in the face of tenderness.
Eret waits for him to move and, sure enough, Snotlout again lifts his head, eyes fluttering closed as Eret meets him in the middle. Their lips slot together like they're meant to be and it fills Eret's heart with a warm feeling, like molten gold in his arteries. The irony taste of blood touches his taste buds as he swipes his tongue along Snotlout's busted lips, who lets out a quiet moan from the back of his throat. More, Eret hears.
It's goes on for a few minutes, this gentle dance, before Snotlout tries to speed it up. He tries to make it angry and obscene, tries to make it as dirty as their fight but Eret isn't having it. No, if they're going to do this, they're going to do this right.
Forcefully, he takes Snotlout's hands and slams them to the floor, above his head, in an almost bruising hold, staring down at him with a dark look.
"Calm down," He orders, his voice rough and heady, and Snotlout's entire body goes weak beneath him at the his commanding tone, "I know that you want a quick fuck, but we're not doing it like that, understand? Not while you're like this,"
Snotlout doesn't respond to him, but now he's almost hyper-focused on Eret and the way he's reacted to the solid orders and the firm hands immediately clicks an understanding in Eret. Snotlout, proud Snotlout who hates authority and instructions, needs to be told what to do.
A soft feeling spreads across his chest and Eret lowers his head till his mouth is next to Snotlout's ear.
"You need me to get you out of your head?" He whispers softly, absently rubbing his thumb over the throbbing pulse on his wrist, and Snotlout lightly nods his head, a shiver moving through his body.
"Fuck me-" Snotlout growls frustratedly, "-like you hate me,"
"No," is his firm answer and he lifts his head to be met with those eyes, bright and angry again at his denied request.
"What do you mean no? You- you bastard-"
Eret rucks his hips, grinding their clothed erections together, and Snotlout's cursing breaks into a breathy gasp as he thumps his head against the floor, tilting it with his eyes as they roll to the back of his skull. In his own pleasure, Eret grunts and admires the exposed throat before him, pale and mapped out with rosy streams of dried blood. Lowering his head, he runs his mouth along the arching curve of Snotlout's throat, his teeth travelling along the pulsing arteries like a threatening blade, Eret could rip out his throat right now and Snotlout would thank him for it. It is a powerful feeling.
He places a kiss, feather-light, on his Adam's apple before lifting himself, freeing one of his hands so he can bring it to Snotlout's chin. Again, they are face to face. Eret is delighted to see a flush fanning across his cheeks and a wanton look glossing his beautiful eyes. They really are beautiful, how has he never noticed them before? It's like he's just seen the moon in the sky for the first time. So pale, so haunting, so strange.
"I don't do hate fucking," He clarifies to Snotlout, voice purposeful and concise, and the response he gets is a forceful huff and an irritated eye roll, manageable enough. A smirk of his own stretches across his face as he tilts his head, eyes ablaze with mischief as he snarks; "I'm only into love making,"
A great laugh explodes from Snotlout's throat and it fills the cabin with a rich, balmy atmosphere that oozes deep into Eret's skin, into his bones, into his heart, it is not a sound he will easily forget. This isn't a sarcastic or mocking cackle, but a genuine laugh that Eret has only heard briefly in unshared moments. If thunder could laugh, it would be this.
"Shut the fuck up," Snotlout chuckles roughly, crinkled eyes looking up at him with mirth and Eret is aware of arms circling around his shoulders, bringing his face closer to Snotlout's.
"Shut the fuck up," He whispers again, voice silken and unchaste, and Eret is drawn into a shameless make out session that draws on till their lungs are aching from lack of breath.
They stare and pant like rabid dogs and there has never been a better feeling than this. This reckless desire, this violent delight, this bloody kiss, those brilliant eyes, that mad smile. No night has ever left him feeling so much. Eret notices that Snotlout is still covered in blood, blood that he spilt, and he rubs his thumb into the drying maroon crust beneath his nose.
"Get up," He says simply as he rises onto his feet and Snotlout makes a barely-audible whine when the hot weight on his lap disappears, gazing up at him from the floor with this lustful yet somehow also tired look in his eyes.
"Can't you just fuck me here?" He groans, sitting up onto his elbows and rolling his neck, and, Gods above, it's all about fucking with him, isn't it? Not that Eret can blame him, by the straining in his pants, he's just as eager as the shorter man.
"It's not love making if you're on the floor and covered blood," Eret retorts smartly, a grin tugging his lips as he offers his red-touched hand to Snotlout, "Now, get up and go clean your face,"
With a bemused snort, Snotlout takes his hand and is easily lifted to his feet. They don't let go of each other straight away and when he looks down at their hands, he sees that they are both flaking with dried blood. Snotlout's blood. It's a strange moment, almost like time has slowed, up until Snotlout's hand slips from his, dark blood-dust grating from their calloused fingers.
"Um, there's a wash basin in my room," Eret states, trying to dislodge his heart from his throat as he leads Snotlout to where his room is, their shoulders brushing as they walk through the doorway.
The copper basin resides on top of the dresser besides his bed and he refills it with clean water everyday, a thing of habit his mum drilled into him as a child.
It's quickly tainted from a shimmering clear to a murky pink as Snotlout splashes water on his face, the diluted blood from his nose and lips slipping through his fingers into the dish. Eret averts his eyes from that glistening skin and concentrates on scrubbing the dusty blood from his hand, the skin of his middle knuckle has split slightly and stings against his rubbing hand. All he can here is the tranquil movement of water and the echoey beat of his heart.
Briefly, he looks to the Rider beside him and notices that there's still blood on his neck, neighbouring with the gold-glinting streams of water droplets. With a face no longer shining with blood and madness, but with water and calmness, Snotlout looks like something from a soft dream and it leaves Eret's mouth dry and pulse running. He swallows, unsure what to do other than stare.
But the longer he stares, the more that calmness shifts in a restlessness that's writhing deep within, barely controlled, barely holding back. He should just give Snotlout what he wants, a quick shag, in and out business as it were, but there was something about that madness in those eyes that tells Eret a swift fuck isn't what Snotlout needs. Sure, it's what he wants, but it's not what he needs.
"Here," He says as he brings a wet cloth to Snotlout's throat, who asks what he's doing through wide, almost angry eyes.
"You've got blood on your neck," Eret clarifies for him, sponging the rag along the fading lines lightly and he can see Snotlout's artery thumping rapidly against the wet skin, it does a strange thing to his gut.
Snotlout turns to face him, head up but tilted to the side with his lips pressed together in a frustrated sort of expression, like this gentle act is an annoying inconvenience. Eret finds it both amusing and terrifying how quickly Snotlout's moods change, from wrathful to deranged to seductive to... Embarrassed? Is that it? He has no idea, but it must be painful to feel so many things at once.
To be honest, he feels a bit light headed himself from the quick changes the atmosphere has taken in the last half hour. The tone in the air currently feels domestic-like, with a hint of apprehension.
"Fucking Hel, stop," Snotlout brutally bats Eret's hand away and looks up at him with a firm, determined face, "Stop with the- the- the foreplay and just-"
In a moment of great confidence, Eret mercilessly rams Snotlout against the dresser and takes hold of the hair on the back of his head, yanking unkindly until Snotlout's throat is completely bared and his eyes are locked with his. There are no gaps between them. Their heaving chests are pressed together so closely that they can feel each other's pounding hearts and Eret presses his leg firmly between Snotlout's legs. A poorly restrained groan comes forth as Snotlout melts like butter in his heated embrace.
"Just what? Fuck you?" Eret growls and those blue eyes glow like a prayer in the candlelight as he faintly nods against the force of Eret's hold, Adam's apple bobbing through a swallowed breath.
"Yeah? You want me to be bend you over, fuck you till I'm done and throw you out, hmm? That's what you want?"
A hotness sweeps along Eret as he watches the submissiveness in Snotlout's eyes grow, his mouth dropping open at those dirty words, at that foul desire.
"Yes, Eret- Fuck yes, do- fucking that," Snotlout drawls breathlessly, a moan colouring his voice as his hair is pulled, legs spreading so Eret can ruck his knee up higher.
And Eret concludes that this, this is the prettiest thing he's ever seen and the power that consumes him is addicting, because it is no simple task to get a Viking Warrior like Snotlout to beg. Proud, fire-blooded Snotlout who now leans against him trembling and begging like a desperate whore.
Eret grins, mean and sharp, as he brings his mouth close to Snotlout's, their lips touching in a open-mouthed kiss that has yet to start.
"Well, too bad," He says in a low voice, lips brushing with each word, and Snotlout stares up at him with begging eyes that almost made Eret reconsider his choice.
But he doesn't.
So, he removes his leg, releases the harsh grip on his hair and slightly backs up so Snotlout has more breathing room. But he keeps his face close, keeps their lips touching and swallows the complaint working on Snotlout's tongue with the vigor of a gentle man. It's one of those kisses that leave you light headed from the softness. Snotlout's hands are frozen in mid air like he's never touched a person before and Eret takes them, holds them, feels the tremors in them and wonders what's so terrifying about tenderness. It's a quiet kiss, a quiet kiss in the quiet night.
They part only slightly to catch a reprieve, lips still touching as they inhale the moment, as they wallow in the balmy warmth of this strange but comforting moment. To think that they were at each other's throats not so long ago. It beggers belief. With closed eyes, Eret trails his mouth along Snotlout's jaw and down his throat, kissing and sucking at the dewy skin with a gentle passion because this is all his tonight, all his to feast on, and he shall savour this taste.
"We'll do this slowly, okay?" Eret mumbles into the crook of his neck, a heavy pulse against his lips, "I am going to fuck you, Snotlout, but I'm gonna do it slowly-"
Eret brings his mouth up until it's right under Snotlout's ear, teeth nibbling at the sensitive flesh and making the Rider's body tremble excitedly.
"-I'm gonna make it feel so good for you," he whispers headily into his ear and his abdomen tightens at the pitched, needy keen that slips from Snotlout's mouth.
"Okay- okay, just- Damn you, Eret, you can fuck me slowly! Just get me to the bed quickly!" Snotlout rasps, caught between desperation and frustration, and Eret can't stop the laugh from bubbling out as he throws his head back.
It's Snotlout this time who goes in for the kiss and it's all teeth and tongue, all hunger and thirst, all the things that Eret associates with a starved man. Starved of touch and tenderness, Eret too feels the cramp of desire. It has been too long.
Thick fingers pull loose the strings of his scaled vest and Eret grins into the kiss, moving his hands from Snotlout's hips to the hem of his vest as he steps back so he can pull it over his head. Dropping it to the floor, he watches as Snotlout gazes with an open appreciation at his bare torso, tongue wetting his lips as he runs his hands down his muscular chest. It leaves Eret's heart thumping wildly and a hotness creeps along his face at the touch, an admiring almost worshipping touch that is so very foreign to him.
"You're... Hot," Snotlout drawls lowly, half-lidded eyes and calloused hands trailing from his pecs to his abs, fingers just brushing over the teasing trail of hair on his abdomen. It sends shivers down his spine.
"I know," He replies confidently, though he can’t quite hide the quiver in his voice.
He knows he's attractive and he is frequently reminded of it, which does not help his ego, but the few men he has been with have always been a bit hesitant in the face of that bold brand on his chest. They've always given it a weary look, kept their hands close and guarded lest they get burnt themselves, treated him as if he's something wounded. He knows he's handsome, but that scar turns that confidence into loathing because it's so ugly and wrong, so evil to him. It's tainted him, it's marked him, it's labelled him.
But Snotlout seems unhindered by it, trailing his fingers along the outline of the furrowed, pink scar with a curious, admiring touch that leaves Eret breathless. He expected a cringe or a hesitant hand, but Snotlout almost seems drawn to his many scars, like a moth in a room of candles. Hands palming and fingers tracing the wicked lines along his toned stomach, his broad shoulders, his exposed collarbone.
He is a marked man. A slave to a greedy country, a slave to a mad man, a slave to violence. He is marked by each and every one of his masters and forever he will be reminded that freedom was a dish never served to him. It was a dish he stole. No longer is he a slave, but there is something missing in his freedom and he doesn’t know what.
"I thought you wanted to get a move on," Eret mumbles with an almost strained voice and Snotlout looks up at him, golden from candle-flames and still glistening from water, he looks like dew at dawn.
"I thought you wanted to slow down," Snotlout retorts back, hands rubbing up and down his chest, and he grins smartly up at him, "What? I'm allowed to touch you, aren't I?"
"Y-yeah, of course- I-"
Expelling a deep sigh, Eret ducks his head and ensnares Snotlout into a passionate kiss, no longer wanting to talk. Despite his charm, Eret finds words difficult at times and sometimes actions speak far more clearly in certain situations.
Snotlout doesn't seem to mind, the shorter gladly returning the kiss with just as much vigour.
There is something about kissing Snotlout that feels very filling, like eating your heart out after months of rationing on a ship. Perhaps he's been starving this whole time. Even after all these years a freedom, there's still a hole in his gut but it doesn't feel so empty right now, with Snotlout's hands on his chest, lips on his lips, heart on his heart.
Perhaps this is truly freedom.
"My turn," Eret whispers against his lips, delving his fingers beneath Snotlout's shirt and feeling the hot skin beneath.
"Wait," Snotlout breathes, taking hold of his wrists, and Eret looks down at him with an almost anxious look, afraid that he's going too fast with this, despite that being what Snotlout wanted.
Snotlout swallows thickly, eyes blue and uneasy as they flicker between Eret's face and his hands, half hidden beneath his vest. The skin there feels strange and oddly familiar though, he can't quite pinpoint what, but his fingers move briefly over raised marks.
"Just... don't ask questions or... Give me any pity, okay? Just... Ignore them,"
Them? Ignore what? And pity? Eret isn't a pitying man, he knows how weak it makes you feel, he'd be a hypocrite to do so. But why would Snotlout warrant any pity? He doesn't quite understand, but he does as he's told and doesn't ask any questions.
"Alright," he agrees with an honest voice and Snotlout then nods his head, lower lip caught between his teeth.
Eret takes hold of the hem of Snotlout's shirt and pulls it off, discarding it behind him before turning back to the Rider.
At first, he doesn't react at all. Not physically, anyway. But his mind screams-
Oh Gods, oh Gods, there's so much, they're everywhere, oh Gods, how is he alive? No one could survive this, he's a corpse, oh Gods he's been kissing a dead man because no one could possibly survive this!
Snotlout's entire torso is the home of hundreds, and by the Gods, he means hundreds, of ivory scars. They're all raised and twisted and cruel-looking, like crooked grins etched into his skin that mock and laugh. They shine against the candlelight and most of them are so overlapped, that they look like just one awfully huge scar. These are lashes, whip lashes, Eret is all too familiar with these scars for he has his own set on his back but nothing like this. Nothing like this graveyard that resides upon Snotlout's flesh.
Drago gave him fifteen lashes and a branding that day, as well as a thorough beating from his henchmen. Since then, Eret had been able to avoid punishment and failure out of pure dread of what would happen if he failed again. Perhaps this is what would've happened, perhaps he would've mauled and marred and... Marked.
He wants to ask who (what) did this to you? Why did they do this? When? How are you still alive? How are you still standing with the weight of the scars that mark you?
But he says none of these things because Snotlout asked him to and even if he'd been given permission to, his breath has been stolen from him anyways. He cannot simply ignore them, though. These hundred echoes of a hundred agonies, if scars could speak, they would be screaming. How are you not screaming? How are you still so brave?
Eret steps forth and Snotlout's eyes, hauntingly bright, stare at him with a hidden shame within them that Eret sees clearly. He nearly mistakes that shame for his own. Lowering his head, he kisses Snotlout's shoulder and licks along a nasty scar that bends over his shoulder to his back. He makes the mistake of opening his eyes and he sees that there are a hundred more vicious wounds defacing his back. He could be sick, he really could be, that's why he closes his eyes again.
"Eret," Snotlout gasps, blunt teeth biting down onto that raised line as hands map out and feel along the almost inhuman terrain of Snotlout's body.
Eret touches each scar with a great tenderness, devoting his hands to the gentle caresses along his chest and stomach, his sides and back. All scarred, all layered with the ghosts of torture because what else could this be? There's nothing worse than this, Eret thinks, death is kinder than this. He kisses the thick scars criss-crossed on Snotlout's chest and massages the sunken marring on his waist and sides with his hands, trying to get Snotlout to understand that he's here to touch him softly, gently, tenderly.
You will not be harmed here, he reassures with his lips against his scar-streaked collarbone, I will hold you right now and will only let you go if you ask me to, he promises with his hands pressed against his mauled spine.
"Eret, can we..." The request goes unsaid, but Eret understands and finally decides that Snotlout has waited long enough. They both have.
Wrapping his arms under his thighs, Eret easily lifts Snotlout off his feet and his heart grows with the shocked sound Snotlout makes as he circles his thick arms around his neck. Eret chuckles and Snotlout lets out a breathy laugh, cursing him quietly. After a few steps, he gently lies him onto the bed and crawls over him, their noses touching as Eret settles between his legs. Their clothed erections press against each other and they simultaneously groan, that hot want kindling again in their guts.
With Snotlout beneath him, Eret feels that power again.
"I'm gonna make you feel so good," Eret promises headily against his mouth, hands fiddling with hem of Snotlout's trousers.
"You better get on with it then," Snotlout growls, baring his teeth before diving in for a violent kiss and Eret takes this as his final warning.
In an almost animalistic fashion, he tears Snotlout's trousers and underclothes off in one powerful tug and grins into the kiss at the surprised sound Snotlout makes in his throat. And that grin only grows when he wraps his hand around Snotlout's cock, the Rider breaking the kiss with a gasp as Eret skilfully pulls him apart. Bless him, he tries to hold it in with clenched teeth and pressed lips but the sounds still resonate through his throat and, though they are muffled, they are terribly pretty.
The sounds he pulls from him are almost enough for Eret to go over the edge himself to be honest, he's never heard such surrender in his life. But he made a promise to fuck Snotlout and he isn't going to let this opportunity pass him by because he can't control himself. With one last tug, Eret releases Snotlout and silences that arguing whine with an encouraging press of his fingers against his mouth, leathery pads brushing against the scabbed lips. Snotlout, quick to understand, opens his mouth and swallows two of Eret’s digits and its an image that he couldn’t have come up with even in his most wildest dreams. Yet here it is, here he is, atop a mad rival with his fingers delving down his throat as he makes the most lewd noises Eret has ever heard. Gods, he can feel those sounds.
After a steamy moment, Eret replaces his now-slick fingers with an open-mouthed kiss and brings his hand down to Snotlout’s entrance. His finger slips in nice and easy, causing Snotlout to groan lowly as pulls back from the kiss, spit on his lips while he tucks his head into Eret's throat, biting and kissing passionately.
"Good, yeah?" Eret murmurs with a wicked grin, adding another finger, and he can feel how hot Snotlout's skin gets as he nods into the crook of his neck.
He gasps, high-pitched and pretty, hips rising as Eret hooks his fingers inside him, teeth digging into his shoulder in an attempt to stop himself from voicing his pleasure.
And again, he is full of this incredible power as he pumps his fingers inside him, watching Snotlout sharply as he drops his head back down to the furs with a strangled moan. He pulls his lower lip with his teeth and squeezes his eyes shut, like the pleasure is bordering on agony. It's not enough, he needs more, and who is Eret to deny him that?
Once he's satisfied with how loose he is, Eret rises onto his knees and unties the strings of his trousers, pulling out his heavy cock with an apprehensive rumble in his chest. His blood bubbles like boiling water and he feels feral when he looks at Snotlout, sprawled below him with this vulnerability bared freely. He trusts you, he's baring his throat to you, Gods, he asking you to tear it out and you would, you will, you'd do it again and again only if he asked you to and he's laying here, asking!
Eret, hungry like a winter-born beast, takes hold of the back Snotlout's thighs and presses his muscled legs to his flushed chest, putting his weight on them at he leans over him. Snotlout's eyes are stunningly bright and he gazes deep into them, looking, searching, hunting. He's never wanted something so much in his life and by God's, if Snotlout lets him do this it just might kill him.
"Snotlout," he says his name softly, contrasting the hard grip on his thighs, the starved look in his eyes, the urgent press of his cock.
It's a question. Can I do this? Will you let me take your body, take your throat, take your heart? Can I touch you like you're a forgotten god who wasn't worshipped as you should've been? Can I do that? Will you let me?
And Snotlout sighs, deep and honest, like an answer. Yes, yes, yes. Forever yes.
With a blaze in his veins, Eret presses his hips forward and the overwhelming feeling of hot, wet, tight strikes him dumb for a few moments, black stars dancing in his eyes as he presses his forehead against Snotlout's. He vaguely registers his own drawn out moan as he stares, awe-struck, at the open-mouthed and closed-eyed expression on Snotlout's face. It is a look of pure, blinding bliss that looks so damn pretty on this irritating, fire-blooded Viking Warrior that has been Hel-bent on frustrating him beyond all belief. It is burned into his memory for all time and he begs that he'll remember it when he dies.
"Fuck," Eret gasps lowly, fingers flexing around the muscle on Snotlout's under thighs as he bottoms out, their hips connecting as if they've become one person.
In a moment of curiosity, he looks down and his panting breath is stolen once more as he sees Snotlout's thighs. Ripped and raised with scars. In a moment where he forgets everything else, he sits back and let's Snotlout's legs stretch out alongside his hips, fully revealing the extent of the scarring. Snotlout, still gasping from the fullness of Eret's cock buried inside him, has yet to realise what he has noticed.
Eret runs his hands up and down those marred thighs with a doting gentleness that he feels they've been starved of. He's never seen someone so damaged before, it looks like someone tore him apart and left him alone with nothing but a ball of string and a blunt needle, left him alone to sew himself whole again. Curling a hand around Snotlout's ankle, he lifts his leg till it's on his shoulder and kisses tenderly at the also scarred tissue of his calf, as if someone had repeatedly struck the back of his legs with a sharp-sided stick.
"Ere-" It's the beginning of a complaint, bitter and angry, but Eret easily cuts it off with a few shallow thrusts of his hips, still kissing his ankle and calf.
Snotlout tilts his head back, an almost shocked keen jumping from his throat as Eret rocks into him, still being gentle as not to cause any discomfort. Though, he can't lie, it's hard for him not pound violently into the gorgeous heat that's making his gut coil and spine shake. Snotlout wants it violent, wants it dirty and foul and angry, but Eret, as stated, doesn't do hate sex and no amount of surprised punches or provoking jeering will ever change that. He's a gentleman.
"Fuck- harder,"
Or he was a gentlemen, because there is something about Snotlout begging Eret to fuck him harder that brings out a ferocious thing from deep within. A gentleman, still, but there is something wild inside him that Snotlout has tapped into.
Eret covers Snotlout's body with his, knee to his chest and leg over his shoulder as he fucks deep and hard into him. It's like there’s nothing but this outrageous hunger churning in his gut and Snotlout is this gorgeous feast sprawled out just for him, like he's this deer with its neck open and Eret is this ravenous wolf.
And being this hungry dog, Eret takes his teeth to Snotlout's throat and feels the thrumming of blood beneath his tongue. Snotlout moans and writhes and pants, one hand balled in the furs and the other curled around his nape, tangled in his loose hair. The room is full of the sound of slapping skin and dirty moans and desperate breaths, the bed creaking slightly underneath it all. It is the sound of sex, of pleasure, of primal desire.
"So fucking good, Snotlout, so fucking good," Eret growls into Snotlout's hot skin as he fucks firm into the Rider, his muscles burning and skin glistening with sweat.
"Oh fuuuuck," Snotlout drawls out in a loud moan, eyes rolling and mouth snarling, and it takes Eret a moment to realise that he came, sudden and hard, between their bodies.
"Oh fuck, fuck, oh Gods, Eret," he babbles breathlessly, body shivering and flushed and limp as Eret continues to pound zealously into him, his own climax rushing him as he's enveloped in this unimaginable tightness.
"I'm gonna-" Snotlout doesn't give him time to finish, his strong hands clutching fiercely at the hair on the back of head and dragging his face down to his.
"Yeah, yeah, go on, give it to me, fuck, Eret, cum inside me you fucking bastard," Snotlout pants wantonly, lips pressed against his in a not-quite-kiss, bright, teary eyes gazing into his with this feral madness that, for the smallest second, scares Eret.
Briefly, he thinks, oh no, I've made a fool's mistake and put my dick in crazy.
But it snaps out of mind as his orgasm leaps upon him and all he can do is groan against Snotlout's open-mouthed grin, body trembling as he ruts through this mind-numbing climax. His body is on fire and Gods he's dying, living has never felt this good, nothing has ever felt this damn good.
It feels like hours, but it must have only been a few minutes, before the wildfire in his veins simmers down and Eret is half collapsed on top of Snotlout, elbows planted besides his head and chest pressed against his, their hearts singing to each other as they wallow in the afterglow.
He opens his eyes and stares, half in disbelief, half in awe, at the foreign expression on Snotlout’s face. Eret is used to the quirked grin during dinner or the irritated scowl that is commonly directed at him, the quiet sternness seen in serious moments or, though he has only seen it briefly, the unbridled bloodlust that breaks through on the battlefield. But the face below him now is neither of these, nor one of the recently discovered faces of Snotlout (madness, rage, lust, mad-lust, shame), it is something that Eret can only name as pure, unfiltered content and it suits him terribly well, especially with that bright flush on his cheeks and those shimmering tearstains streaking down the sides of his face. Perhaps, perhaps this is the prettiest thing; dream-like, gold-kissed, gently-touched.
Eret falls to the bed besides Snotlout with a satisfied exhale, feeling good and warm on both the inside and outside, like there is a candle kindled within him. He doesn’t trouble himself with the thoughts of tomorrow or of repercussions because he is simply far too tired for such thoughts, there’s no need to ruin a good moment while you’re having one. It’s the same kind of tired that you get after a big meal and he certainly has feasted tonight.
Lazily, he turns his head to Snotlout and there is this sudden, unspeakable feeling in his chest when he looks at him, eyes closed and lips parted, not asleep but just… resting, with no guard or façade protecting his features. Again, it’s Snotlout saying he trusts him and Eret has no idea how he earned that trust but he’s not a fool, he won’t throw that trust away. Perhaps this is Snotlout handing him an olive branch, saying in this crazy, sexy way of his that he doesn’t hate him, that they can be friends. Passionate friends are better than bitter rivals.
And Eret falls asleep like that, watching the steady movement of Snotlout’s chest, counting the wicked scars on his ribs, devouring the image of those split lips that Eret can still taste in the back of his mouth (blood, iron, lightning).
Later that night, Eret is woken by the sound of moving feet and ruffling clothes. The dream of cracked ice and calloused hands and a bleeding heart quickly slip from his memory like smoke through his hands but the sluggishness of sleep clings to him longingly, so much so that he struggles simply to open his eyes. When he does, it’s dark and shadowy, the candles all snuffed out, and he has difficultly trying to identify the source of those sounds. He pats his hand onto the other side of the bed, expecting to feel Snotlout’s body, but there are only disturbed furs laying there. Ah, he understands.
“Snotlout?” He slurs into the dark, sleep heavy on his mind, and the noises stop suddenly.
When his eyes finally adjust to the darkness, he’s met with the shadow-touched figure of Snotlout stood beside his bed, trousers on and tunic in hand, pale eyes watching him. He swears they were blue, they’ve always been blue, but right now, gods, they look like they’re white and glowing, like an animal’s eyes catching the moonlight, like two stars standing side by side. Eyes shouldn’t be so bright yet so haunted, they’re like ghost eyes.
“Are you a ghost?” He wants to ask, because he should be, with all those scars, he should be dead and maybe he did die but he’s lost, doesn’t know if he belongs in Valhalla or Hel because he’s got the heart of a warrior but the mind of a mad man.
“What you doing?” He asks instead, because Snotlout is no ghost, Eret has cradled his heart and held his body. You cannot touch ghosts, it’s a well-known fact.
“Go back to sleep, Eret,” Snotlout says and there is a faint softness in his voice that he almost misses, the biting tone his name is usually spat with now replaced with this indulgent whisper that sounds, not warm, but not cold either. Lukewarm.
“Where you going?” Eret murmurs back, rubbing the sleep-dust from his left eye as he watches the shorter tighten the strings of his trousers with the other.
“Home,” Snotlout replies back bluntly, that warmer voice iced down back to its cold familiar self, and Eret groans tiredly.
“It’s not even dawn, come back to bed,” He reasons, voice still deep and hoarse from sleep, his words barely coherent.
He hears Snotlout sigh frustratedly and vaguely sees the harsh rise and fall of his broad shoulders, eyes closed and face pinched in irritation. He’s reacting as if Eret’s just proposed the most outrageous offer to him and it rises the smallest amount of annoyance in him, but he’s far too tired to fully register the feeling, let alone act upon it, so instead he follows the negotiation route. Which will be poor due to his lethargic state, but he’s persuasive and has bargained tougher trades while drunk.
“Don’t be a git,” He murmurs, patting the empty space beside him, “Come. Sleep,”
“Shut up, sailor,” Snotlout grunts with no bite in his voice, just tiredness, “Shut up and go to sleep,”
With a sudden swell of courage and frustration, Eret leans across the bed and takes Snotlout’s hand into, his grip loose enough for Snotlout to pull from if he really wants to but tight enough to show he’s being sincere, even if he’s just half-asleep. Both of their hands are calloused from gruelling battles and hard labour and strenuous training and he can feel the rigid patches of old burn scars on Snotlout’s palm, a common marking found on this island where everyone rides a fire-breathing beast. Even Eret’s got his own collection.
“Snotlout,” His voice comes out soft and meaningful, “Come back to bed,”
And Snotlout stares down at him with those eyes, those moon-drowned eyes, and it’s a stern, searching look, the same look he makes when he’s trying to figure out if an enemy is either being truthful or deceptive and Eret has yet to see Snotlout’s perception (or gut) to be proven wrong. Even in this half-awoken state, Eret feels his skin crawl and there’s a coldness in his chest, like his soul is retracting from the stark, glacial stare, he feels like he’s being judged. Is this what it’s like to be judged by a ghost?
Snotlout closes his eyes (much to Eret’s relief) and expels a long sigh through his flaring nostrils, faintly resembling Hookfang when he blows smoke from his nose. When he opens his eyes again, they’re blue and Eret is far too tired to think about it. But his heart leaps gleefully when he feels Snotlout squeeze his hand and Eret squeezes back unconsciously.
“Budge,” Snotlout orders, jutting his chin towards him, but Eret, so full of pride that he past Snotlout’s cunning gaze and convinced him to come back to sleep, is already tugging the shorter onto the bed.
“Oi!” Snotlout tries to abject, but by the time he starts his head is already being pressed against the curve of the sailor’s neck and Eret has already wrapped his arms around his waist and side, both of them lying chest to chest, both of their hearts giggling together.
“Shut up, rider,” Eret grumbles sleepily, pressing his proud grin into the tasselled hair on Snotlout’s head, “Shut up and go to sleep,”
Soon Eret feels arms reluctantly swathing around his ribcage, as if their cradling the cage of his heart, and then a face nestling against his throat, it almost feels like a tender mouth ready to rip it out. Again, he hears Snotlout sigh and its neither tired nor irritated, it’s a content sigh, a gentle exhale. Eret lightly brushes his knuckles over the warm skin of Snotlout’s shoulder in an easing gesture, a voiceless lullaby, and despite his sleepiness, he does this even after Snotlout has fallen asleep.
Eret just lies there on this quiet night, feeling Snotlout’s heart beating against his, feeling very full, very whole, very free.
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crazy4dragons · 4 years
I’m Fine
Astrid says she’s fine, but Hiccup knows she needs a little extra care before going into battle. Hiccstrid. Rating: G (pure fluff!) Set after Astrid’s rescue in RTTE “Night of the Hunters.”
Written for March of Dragons ’21. Prompt: Rescue (Mar 22-24).
“Dragon hunters…” Astrid mumbled, pressing a hand to her throbbing head. “They have Stormfly.” Her eyes widening, she tried to jump off the mattress, only to be stopped by a gentle touch on her shoulder.
“Take it easy, Astrid,” Hiccup soothed, easing her back against the pillow. “You had a rough day out there.”
“Uh, no offense Hiccup, but I don’t think we have time to take it easy,” Fishlegs ventured cautiously. “We don’t know where the dragon hunters are and —”
“Shut up, Fishface,” Snotlout cut in. “If Hiccup says it’s best for Astrid to take it easy, then it’s best for Astrid to take it easy.”
“And since when did you listen to Hiccup?” Tuffnut asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Yeah, when?” echoed Ruffnut.
Hiccup sighed. “Stop,” he ordered. “Everyone stop. Give Astrid some space.”
The dragon riders stared back at him.
“Go!” he insisted, prompting Fishlegs and the twins to spring into action. “Saddle your dragons and start looking for signs of the hunters. Astrid and I will follow when she’s ready.”
“I’m ready now,” the blonde insisted, pushing Hiccup’s arm away from her. “I need to find my dragon. I need to —” She attempted to stand, but her pounding headache, along with the fact that she hadn’t eaten in almost twenty-four hours, caused her to collapse back onto the sheets, which were wet from her still-soggy clothing. Someone — she guessed Hiccup — had helped her out of her boots and armor while she was unconscious, but she was still in her leggings and tunic from that morning.
“Don’t worry, Astrid. I’ll find Stormfly for you,” Snotlout boasted, pointing to himself. “Anything for my favorite Viking lady.”
“I believe I asked you to saddle up your dragon,” said Hiccup, narrowing his eyes.
“Gods, you’re bossy,” muttered Snotlout, turning around and following the others out of Astrid’s hut.
The blonde stared blankly into space, her head buzzing. “Hiccup?”
“I’m fine. I swear.”
“Look at me, Astrid.” Hiccup rested a hand on hers. “It wouldn’t be very practical for you to go out and face the dragon hunters in this condition.”
“I said I’m fine!” she snapped.
“Shh,” he hushed, pressing a soothing kiss into her hair. “Let’s first get you a drink of water. And then you’ve gotta get out of these wet clothes and into a hot bath before you catch a cold.”
In an instant, he was gone, presumably to fetch her water and draw a bath. Astrid took the opportunity to peel off her soggy things, barely noticing the new cuts and bruises she’d acquired during her adventure. Naked, she wrapped up in a spare blanket that was within her reach from the bed, breathing a sigh of relief at the feeling of the cozy furs on her clammy skin.
“I have Toothless heating your bath.”
Astrid jumped at the sound of Hiccup’s voice, which interrupted her as she was about to doze off. Propping herself up against her pillow, blanket still cocooned around her, she took the cup he offered her and pressed it to her lips. At first, she took only a sip. But then, quickly realizing that her mouth was parched and her throat scratchy, she downed the whole thing.
“You want more?” Hiccup asked, taking the empty cup.
She nodded.
“Got it.” With that, he was gone again, returning a moment later with a refill. “I see you got out of your wet clothes,” he noted, nodding towards the pile of soggy garments on the floor. “I’ll take them to the wash bin for you if you’d like.”
A light blush covered Astrid’s cheeks at the realization that her undergarments were resting on the top of the pile. “No, uh…it’s alright. I’ll get them later.” She tugged the furs closer to her body as she drank.
“Okay,” shrugged Hiccup. “By the way, how do you like your baths? Bubbles, oils, just water…”
“Bubbles,” she mumbled.
“Bubbles it is. I’ll go finish that for you. And while you’re washing up, I’ll change your sheets and grab you some hot mutton and tea, okay? I have leftovers at my hut from dinner last night.”
Astrid nodded, prompting Hiccup to disappear again. By the time he returned, she’d finished her second cup of water, and the pounding in her head had decreased just enough for her to stand.
“You gonna be okay getting downstairs?”
She shrugged.
“Here.” He wrapped an arm around her shoulders, guiding her while she shuffled downstairs and into her small washroom, which was little more than a closet. She didn’t need that much space; after all, it was only her living in the hut. And besides, most of her baths were taken at the secret hot spring she’d discovered soon after moving to Dragon’s Edge.
She managed a small smile at the sight of the steaming tub. It looked so inviting, brimming with hot water and bubbles. Hiccup had done a good job preparing it.
“You’re good from here, right?” he checked, rubbing the back of his neck. “I mean, I don’t want to intrude on your privacy or anything.”
“I’ll be fine,” Astrid assured.
“Alright, I’ll leave you to it, then. Do you need anything before I go? A towel, maybe, or clean clothes?”
She nodded towards the small stack of towels tucked away on a shelf. “I’ll be fine,” she repeated.
“Well, I’ll see you in a little bit. Enjoy.” With that, he turned and stepped out of the room, closing the door behind him.
Once alone, Astrid quickly unwrapped herself from the furs and sank into the bath, a sigh of relief sweeping over her as the warm, bubbly water lapped at her skin. But now was no time to relax; she needed to wash and get dressed as quickly as possible so she could go back out and find her dragon before it was too late.
The thought of Stormfly made her stomach knot, and tears suddenly sprung to her eyes. She shouldn’t have listened to Hiccup. She should’ve gone out there as soon as she was conscious. But in the back of her still-foggy mind, she also knew that he was right. A weak, dehydrated Viking was hardly fit to be a Viking at all.
Hiccup’s voice, accompanied by a rap on the door, snapped her out of her thoughts. “Yeah?”
“I’m heading to my hut to grab you some food. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
She nodded.
“Astrid? Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” she insisted, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand.
“Alright, well I’ll be back. I’ll have Toothless stay behind in case you need anything.”
Astrid heard the click of his metal leg as he walked away, followed by the sound of her front door opening and closing. Sniffling, she began to scrub the salty ocean water and debris out of her hair, a task that took longer than she expected. Once finished, she started on her body, rising from the water to properly scrub. It was then that she became aware of the little scratches all over her arms, the nasty scrape on her right knee, and the large bruise on her hip, presumably all from struggling to grasp the log in the water.
As she made a mental note to clean out her cuts with some ointment, she heard the door creak again. “Hiccup?” she checked. She guessed by Toothless’ silence that it was indeed just his rider returning, but she wanted to be sure of it.
“Yeah, it’s just me,” Hiccup called. “You doing alright?”
“Mmm-hmm.” She sank back into the water. Between getting hydrated and soaking in the bath, her throbbing headache had now subsided to a dull pain that she was sure would fully vanish once she had something to eat.
After rinsing off, Astrid climbed out of the tub and wrapped a fluffy towel around her shivering body. She hoped it was just the cool air hitting her dripping skin that was making her chilly; a fever wasn’t something she had time to handle right now, not with Stormfly missing.
Opening the door, she was met with the sight of Hiccup standing over the fire, heating the mutton and preparing water for tea.
“Feeling better?” he asked.
“Mmm-hmm,” Astrid mumbled through chattering teeth as she blushed and dug her bare toes into the rug beneath her feet. Being a warrior, she’d learned to embrace her battle wounds. But for some reason standing in just a towel in front of Hiccup, her scraped arms and knee left exposed, prompted shyness.
She nodded.
“Go get dressed,” he urged. “I wasn’t sure if you had any clean battle clothes, so I brought one of my tunics. It’s on your bed if you need it.”
Astrid nodded again and quickly shuffled up to her room, silently thanking Hiccup for keeping the fire going in there. After cleaning out her cuts and bandaging her knee, she put on a set of clean underclothes, then slipped into a pair of her wool leggings and Hiccup’s tunic, which was just a bit large on her. Noticing that the boots she’d worn earlier were still soggy, she pulled out a spare pair and carried them downstairs, along with cozy socks.
“You’re just in time,” Hiccup said, holding up a steaming plate of mutton. “Come eat.”
Astrid placed her socks and shoes by the door and took a seat at the table, the sight of food suddenly making her realize how hungry she was. Grabbing a fork, she dug into the tender mutton.
“Is it good?”
She nodded as she took a sip of tea.
“I can braid your hair for you while you eat if you like,” Hiccup ventured cautiously. “I mean, you probably want to get out there and help the others look for Stormfly as soon as you can.” He bit his lip.
Astrid glanced down at her loose tresses. Until that moment, she hadn’t even realized that she’d forgotten to put her hair up. “Yeah, that would actually be nice.”
Hiccup silently pulled a chair behind her and, sitting down, parted her locks into three sections. He’d never braided hair before, but having woven braids into leather belts and vests he’d sewed, he managed to nearly replicate Astrid’s everyday look.
“There,” he announced, standing up and placing a hand on her shoulder.
“Thank you.” The blonde pushed her empty plate aside and swallowed the rest of her tea before turning around and offering a small smile.
“You don’t have to thank me,” Hiccup insisted, his cheeks turning pink. “I’m here for you, Astrid. Always.”
Maybe her brain was still foggy from the accident, or maybe she was feeling bold, but some sudden emotion prompted her to cup a hand under his chin and deliver a quick peck onto his lips.
A wide, crooked grin appeared on Hiccup’s face. “What…what was that for?”
“For everything,” Astrid replied, grabbing her axe. “Now let’s go get my dragon back.”
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hello, I saw your post earlier :D
For the fanfic prompt ask:
I had an idea that’s been haunting me, namely: httyd - Snotlout and the twins being overly competitive over something (eg card games. These guys would tear each other apart verbally during werewolf I swear)
thank u and have a nice day!
Saturday Night
Fandom: HTTYD
Words: 482
Rating: T
Warnings: swearing, mention of weed/alcohol
Genre: humor
AU: Modern
Notes: they are 21
Also I’ve never played werewolf so I wouldn’t be able to write that correctly (sorry). And I haven’t played Mario Kart in a while so don’t fact check me.
Saturday night was the favorite of all nights among the group of friends. Ever since they were fifteen they would get together at one of their houses and have a sleepover. The night always consists of junk food, games, and pranks. This year however alcohol and weed were a big part of the night. And so things got a bit more wild and a whole lot more competitive, well at least among three of them. Hiccup and Astrid had gone outside to get some fresh air, everyone knew they were actually making out somewhere, and Fishlegs had fallen asleep about an hour ago so now Snotlout and the twins sat in the basement playing a game of Mario Kart.
“Are you fucking kidding me Ruffnut! Another green shell,” Snotlout yelled, nearly throwing his controller across the room.
“This is payback for your banana you jerk,” Ruffnut replied, kicking her friend in the side.
“Well stop using all your items on me and use them on your brother, who is winning by the way! Though how he is doing that when he is high off his ass is beyond me. No wait, he's always high,” Snotlout said, taking a jab at his best friend.
“You’re no better than him, you drunkard,” the blonde retorted, grabbing her drink.
“Hey! I’ll have you know I’ve only had two beers tonight, no three,”
“Oh wow, I’m so proud of you,” Ruffnut said, the sarcasm practically pouring out of her.
“Will you two quit flirting, it’s disgusting,” Tuffnut interjected, his eyes never once leaving the screen.
“You’re disgusting,” Ruffnut said, Snotlout nodding his head in agreement and following up with the snarky reply “Yeah, when’s the last time you showered?”
“Two days ago,” Tuffnut said, though it sounded more like a question. Ruffnut rolled her eyes in disappointment but her mood quickly changed when she got a golden mushroom and was able to win the game.
“Who’s the best, I am! You two are stinky, dirty losers,” she taunted while doing a little victory dance on the coffee table. Tuffnut pushed his sister off the table and threw his controller at her head. “No, you’re just a cheater you little…cheater,” he pouted.
“Yeah, well you gave me a crappy controller anyway. I would have won if I had a good one,” Snotlout added, placing his feet on the table and leaning back against the couch.
“Wow, you guys are such sore losers, and all because you lost to a girl that's a bit sexist don’t you think.” Snotlout scoffed, looking over at Tuffnut with an expression that said ‘What the heck is wrong with your sister.’ Tuffnut shrugged his shoulders, grabbing the remote and turning on some random movie. Ruffnut chuckled to herself before sitting back between the two men and wrapping a blanket around her and Tuff, she sure did love the feeling of winning.
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dragonmasterhiccup · 21 days
She nodded. “Yeah, kinda. A little… on edge I guess, but still, a lot more relaxed.”
Turning her head to look at Camicazi, she grinned widely. “Oh my Gods, you would absolutely destroy him— wait, imagine if it was both of us in the races? That would literally be insane. Though I’m sure he.” She glared at Hiccup. “Would never let that happen.”
As Hiccup and Astrid kissed, Danny leaned over to whisper in Camicazi’s ear. “They need to get a room, because I do not want to see this happening in front of my own two eyes— I’m actually about to throw up right now.”
Clearing her throat, she looked up at Astrid, a lopsided grin on her face. “Congrats! I’m glad I came too, I wasn’t sure I would.” She looked over at Spitelout, who was now scolding Snotlout for his loss. “D***… y,know It almost makes you feel bad for him.”
Gesturing to the crowd of Vikings heading towards the Great Hall, she added, “Do you guys wanna head over, or…?”
Valka nodded knowingly. "It will take some time, I'm sure, to feel fully at ease." She wrapped an arm around Danny. "But, in time, you will. In the meantime, you are surrounded by family and friends who love you."
The glare from Danny went completely unnoticed by Hiccup, who was watching Astrid compete with a grin on his face. The light in his eyes was unmistakable, his love for Astrid so strong.
Camicazi tilted her head in confusion. "What do you mean? Why wouldn't Hiccup let us play?"
She laughed out loud, whispering back to Danny, "You know though? From the stories I've heard about what they went through on Dragons Edge, I'm just happy they're happy, ya know?" In truth, Camicazi was very happy for her cousin. Hiccup complimented Astrid really well, and she hoped to someday find a Viking boy that was as sweet with her as Hiccup was with her cousin.
Astrid nodded. "Almost? Any of Snotlout's bad qualities stem from his dad. Separate them? After a while, Snotlout is like a whole new person."
Astrid grinned at her cousin. "Camicazi, you want to ride Stormfly with me?"
The small blonde excitedly bounced on her feet. "Yes! I'll see you there, Danny? Maybe we can sit together?"
As they got ready to fly off, Valka said she'd join them later, she was going back on patrol. Then she and Cloudjumper were off.
Toothless nudged Danny, making Hiccup chuckle. "Up for another flight?"
The feast in the Great Hall was a good time for all. There was music, laughter, good food...the horrible events that took place in that same room just a few days before were all but forgotten.
Camicazi had big plans to prank Snotlout, and she excitedly told Danny every detail.
Hiccup and Astrid sat together, of course, as happy as can be.
There even seemed to be the sparks of a new romance budding between Fishlegs and Ruffnut.
But, there were starts of whispers throughout the tribe, rumors involving the chief and his bride to be, that cast a dark, looming cloud above the two of them, unbeknownst to them just yet.
A storm was brewing, and Spitelout was the cause.
A few hours later, Hiccup and Danny were back in the air on Toothless' back once more.
"Did you want to go anywhere in particular?"
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evilwriter37 · 1 year
HTTYD Choose Your Own Adventure - Part 6
Warnings: lady whump, blood, broken bones
A/N: Thank you for being patient with me for this story! I'm still having quite a fun time. I just don't want to burn myself out.
The ship began to sink as Hiccup and the Riders hovered overhead. Hiccup looked to Astrid, unconscious on Stormfly’s back. Getting her to Dragon’s Edge would be too risky. They needed to do something now. 
Tuffnut and Ruffnut seemed to be thinking the same thing.
“We should land,” Ruffnut said quietly. The urgency had gone from her voice, and now she was just looking at Astrid’s limp, bleeding form in shock.
Hiccup nodded, gave Stormfly a hand signal to direct her, and together, they headed to Sleipnir Island. 
Hiccup and Toothless flew close to Stormfly to make sure that Astrid wouldn’t slide out of the saddle. That would be bad.
The Riders flew towards a clearing, and Stormfly landed as gently as possible. Hiccup dismounted quickly, and was taking her from Stormfly’s protection and into his own. Gods be damned, this shouldn’t have happened!
“Ruff, Tuff, get the medical supplies from my saddlebags,” Hiccup ordered. He very carefully laid Astrid down on the ground. Her chest was rising and falling, though her face was pale. He hoped her injuries weren’t grave. 
The twins hurried to do so, not fighting or squabbling, or even really talking. They knew this was serious. 
Once Hiccup had the medical supplies, he handed a cloth to Tuffnut. “Here, put that on her arm to stop the bleeding.” 
Tuffnut did so, face white, looking like he was kind of squeamish about his task. He didn’t argue though, and pressed the cloth down on Astrid’s wound. She winced, and Hiccup wondered if she was starting to rouse. 
Next, Hiccup took stock of which bones were probably broken. It looked like her left wrist and arm, as the area was quickly swelling and turning black and blue, and perhaps her left leg.
“Shit,” Hiccup said. He might be in over his head. He ran a hand through his hair. Did he set the bones now with Ruffnut’s help? Or should he just stitch up her flesh wound and wait for Fishlegs to do the rest? 
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