#as someone who gets easily distracted and bored
jvstcallmespade · 3 days
Ranfren hc's
R a n d a l
like i said before Randal has eczema, on his neck, upper arms, and ankle, i didnt mention it then but i also like to think he has it on one of his hands too
blind as fuck, blinder than a bat even(/j) if you took his glasses and looked at the side view of them, it would be some thick ass fucking glasses, if you would make fun of him for it he would just get mad and yell at the top of his lungs until you went away
He definitely bites his ice cream, especially popsicles
speaking of yelling, he's that kind of person who can yell really really loud, you could be 2 miles away from him and hear whatever he yells as clear as day
whenever he gets a loose tooth he pulls it out without a second thought, or if he wanted to he'll wiggle it around other people to gross them out and laugh if they had a weak stomach and gagged
He's like a 5 year old when he wants to show you something, from tugging on your sleeve to saying "hey" 200 times or repeating your name till you respond
He likes going upside down and feeling the blood go to his head
He knows that its "thy brother" and not thou, but says it anyways just to annoy Luther
I also hc Randal as cupioromantic(def; A person who does not feel romantic attraction but desires a romantic relationship)
He picks at his skin, excessively and constantly, to the point you'd have to distract him or tie his hands together in order for him to stop
He gets emotionally attached to people really easily, this goes for plushies and stuffed animals too
you'd have to pry the plush out of his hands if you wanted him to leave it at the store
L u t h e r
looonnngggg lectures at least an hour long
Loves floral designs, if there's floral printed wallpaper you bet he's buying at least 5 different kinds
overdecorates during the holidays but it always ends up looking amazing and organized
has tried to teach Randal German but stopped because Randal kept purposely mispronouncing words to annoy Luther and always forgot what he was taught an hour later
Is the first to say bless you when someone sneezes, every single time
He knits, you can't tell me otherwise, this man definitely knits in the short amount of free time he gets
Luther appreciates when his catmen do a favor for him very much and makes sure to always thank them when they do
When he gets annoyed he complains in german
(I don’t have much headcanons for Nyen and Nyon despite them being my favorites)
N y e n
Has a special interest in knives and sometimes looks at and admires the knives kept in the kitchen
When he reads romance novels he likes to think of what he'd do in all of the drama scene's
because he watches so much Judge Judy and reads romance novels he's super nosy, secretly loves to gossip but has no one to gossip with apart from Nyon
He sometimes struggles when reading the romance novels Randal let’s him borrow so he says the words out loud and slowly in order to understand it
N y o n
Now listen.
Autism. dinosaur. hands.
You’ll see him walking around the house sometimes while doing it, but if you were to point it out he’d get embarrassed and immediately put his hands down
Doesn’t say Meow in English, he says it in Russian (which is Мяу)
He enjoys playing with fidget toys when he’s bored
He prefers to speak in Russian instead of English since he has a lot of trouble with English, though he can understand it better than speaking
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fivveweeks · 1 year
MAN YOU DESCRIBED IT PERFECTLY like I too am enamored with these two because both of them are damaged in their own ways but it doesn't change the fact that they're one of the strongest Trainers story wise. Alternating between competent and dependable to my sad pathetic meow meows. Love that.
And also cause I wanna ravage them but yeah
punching my fists onto the ground god u r so right it’s like they’re perfect for any situations like u wanna break their hipbones??? Go for it. U want them to break yours???? Fuck yeah!!!! It doesn’t even have to be nsfw just emotional or plot wise it’s so delicious to play with their potential
(yeah I wanna bite into them too but ANYWAYS)
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satoruxx · 29 days
boyfriend toji asks you to workout with him all the time, but not in the way you’re thinking. you’re his incentive, a little prize for working so hard.
so of course he cages you underneath him as he does push ups, claiming a victory kiss each time he lowers himself to the ground. honestly the way you laugh and giggle is far more satisfying than the actual workout part of it, his lips quirking into a half smile each time he pushes back up.
“you’re so lame,” you laugh, patting his flexing bicep and he rolls his eyes.
“what’s wrong with havin’ a prize? i’m workin’ so hard,” he stresses the last word with an over exaggerated sigh.
“yeah right like this isn’t the easiest possible thing for you—”
a heavy kiss—his favorite way of shutting you up. he pulls back, expression going smug at your dazed reaction.
“you sure do talk a lot for someone who’s enjoying it.” he quips.
and you do enjoy it—honestly you’d take any excuse to steal affection from the hulking wolf of a man that is your boyfriend, especially when he’s always so willing to give it.
some days he’ll switch it up and ask you to get on his back as he does his push ups, because god knows he’s strong and he can handle you so easily.
and he likes the way you loop your arms around his neck, likes the way you squeal as he playfully tries to bite your fingers when they get too close to his face.
“i think i’ll just stay up here,” you comment from atop his back, and toji can hear your smile.
“oh yeah?” he grunts as he lowers himself to the ground.
“mhm.” your fingers drum over his back. “you look pretty good like this. i can boss you around and everything.”
“hah—” an evil smirk, even as sweat drips down his temple. “watch your mouth, kid. don’t push your luck.”
you laugh, he grins. somehow you just make the whole process that much more fun for him.
toji is selfish too. bad enough that he has you trapped either under him or on top of him as he does push ups for as long as he can. but once he’s done and you’re about to go do your own work he’s grabbing your wrist with that trademark smirk going, “hey i’m not done yet.”
and then you find yourself holding his feet down as he casually does sit ups, and of course each time he makes it back up he’s kissing you. you giggle each time, leaning your weight onto your palms to keep his legs steady as you peak over his knees. the sound tickles his ears—infectious.
“aren’t you tired yet?” you call out, tilting your head with a teasing smile. toji pulls himself up, abs flexing as his bulky arms stay put behind his head.
“tired?” he scoffs, lips brushing over yours. he pulls back just slightly, hooded eyes boring into yours. “i got my energy right here.”
he’s ridiculous. selfish and utterly ridiculous. it comes to a point where he refuses to do his exercises if you’re not there, claiming that “it’s no fun workin’ hard if there’s nothin’ to work hard for.”
but obviously half of the time he ends up forgetting about the workout anyway, grabbing at your waist to pull you into his lap as he presses his mouth to yours eagerly—one little prize already managing to distract him.
for someone so strong, toji can be embarrassingly weak when it comes to you.
oh well, no harm done. he knows he can get his exercise in a different way—and you have no problem with that either.
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wikiangela · 4 days
"I'm going to ask Tommy to marry me." Buck says out of the blue one random evening, sitting in Eddie's living room, spread out in the armchair, sipping a beer, eyes on the TV, where Eddie and Christopher are playing a video game. His tone is even and firm, not even a hint of hesitation, it's not a huge revelation, or even a decision he's made just now. He's been thinking about it for weeks, maybe months. He doesn't know why he says it now, it just slips out - maybe he just needed to talk to his best friend about it.
"Really?" he hears a hint of surprise in Eddie's voice, but when he looks at his best friend, he's still focused on trying to beat his son at the game. He's smiling, sparing a glance at Buck. "That's great, Buck."
"Yeah?" he breathes out, feeling even more settled now. He wasn't nervous, exactly, but still felt kind of like he did when he came out to Eddie. Like he just wanted his best friend to approve, to support him - and he had no doubt he would.
"Of course," Eddie answers easily. "You guys are perfect together, and you love each other, and if you're sure you want to spend the rest of your life with Tommy, yeah, go for it. I'm happy for you," he adds, finally looking at Buck, a soft, genuine smile on his face. Christopher uses this moment to win the game, and Eddie groans at his triumphant yell. "Aw, not fair, Buck distracted me." Both Buck and Chis laugh, while Eddie pouts for a moment, before a smile breaks through anyway.
"Well, I won." Chris shrugs with a grin. "And I think it'd be so cool if you and Tommy get married," he adds, moving his attention to Buck.
"Yeah?" Buck repeats, his smile even wider now. Having two of his favorite people not only really love his partner - Buck's pretty sure Tommy's the first one to spend so much time with all of them together, and it feeling so right - but also approve of Buck wanting to tie him into their family forever.
"Duh, Tommy's the coolest." Chris rolls his eyes. "Better lock him down while you can," he jokes, and Buck gasps in surprise. He's such a teenager.
"Wow, rude. He's not going anywhere." he shakes his head with a laugh. That much he's sure of, for the first time in his life he's not scared of getting left, of his partner getting bored or fed up. He knows Tommy's gonna be right at his side no matter what.
"Not if you put a ring on it." Eddie joins his son's teasing. Laughing, Buck reaches over to the table to pick up a chip from a bowl and throw it at Eddie, who dodges it as it lands somewhere on the couch. "Hey!"
"But seriously, you don't think it's too soon?" Buck asks after a moment, a little bit of nerves seeping into his tone. He's more than sure about wanting to marry Tommy. He's just a little scared that he's gonna freak him out. They have talked about this, about their future, what they want out of this relationship, out of life, but they never really discussed any timelines, and Buck might be a little in his head about this. Hence why he needed to talk to someone about it, probably.
"Buck, you've been together for over a year. Some people get married after less." Eddie raises an eyebrow. "When you know, you know." He shrugs, and Buck releases a breath. Because he does know. He has known for a long time now.
"So you think he'll say yes?" Buck asks, but he knows the answer before Eddie has a chance to roll his eyes with fond exasperation. Tommy loves him. He loves Tommy so much his heart wants to burst out of his chest and live in Tommy's. Tommy is his forever, he's sure of it, and he knows that when he asks, and it's going to be very soon, he'll get a positive answer.
"He'll say yes." Eddie says with a small shake of his head and a wide smile. "Now, two important questions from me: who's gonna be your best man, and do you need help planning and picking out a ring?"
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ahqkas · 21 days
♯ DEALER ; theodore nott
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PAIRING! theodore nott x fem!ravenclaw!reader
SYNOPSIS! smoking had never interested you before but when the local dealer catches your eye, you might get the experience of a professional
WARNINGS AND TAGS! smoking, theo is hogwarts’ dealer, reader is inexperienced in the area of smoking, theo teaches reader how to smoke, kissing
NOTES! i do NOT promote smoking / dealing in this, it’s simply a work of fiction!
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CIGARETTES, SLENDER CYLINDERS OF FINELY CUT TOBACCO WRAPPED IN PAPER, HAVE LONG HELD A FASCINATION FOR MANY. Each drag brings a mix of sensations: the initial spark and crackle as the flame meets the tip, the first inhalation that fills the lungs with a warm, almost soothing burn, and the exhalation that releases a plume of smoke, curling and dissipating into the air like whispers. The nicotine within offers a swift release, a rush that calms the nerves and sharpens the focus, although temporarily.
In the heart of Hogwarts, where the whispers of ancient stories mingled with the soft rustle of parchment, existed a sacred place of knowledge known to all as the library. To the ordinary eye, it was just a place of shelves filled with dusty books and boring atmosphere. But to those who knew where to look, was a hidden secret only some had the privilege of knowing. It was here, that Theodore Nott found his sweet spot.
Theodore Nott moved with a smooth, practiced ease. He blended in perfectly, among the towering shelves and the scent of old books. To most, he was just another student, perhaps a bit more mysterious than others. But to those who sought him out, he was a source of comfort, someone who could give them relief from the intense pressures of their magical education. A dealer.
Theo's operations were known to be like a well-choreographed dance. A subtle nod here, a quiet exchange there, all under the watchful yet unsuspecting eyes of Madam Pince. The library was the perfect place for his discreet business. It offered the privacy and anonymity that his clients needed - students from various houses looking for a way to escape their stresses.
Cigarettes, slender and neatly wrapped, were his main product to sell. Easily accessible and easily sold. Each one was more than just a tobacco roll; it was an object of escape. Theo understood the draw of that first spark, the way the flame flickered before lighting a moment of calm. He saw it in their eyes - the relief as the smoke filled their lungs and the world's worries seemed to disappear, even if just for a moment. He wasn't just selling cigarettes; he was providing a brief moment of peace.
But the Slytherin's trade wasn't limited to tobacco. For those in deeper need, he offered small vials of potions, each carefully brewed and discreetly hidden. These elixirs could calm stressed nerves or boost a tired mind, depending on what was needed. Theo got everything you could dream of.
His reputation spread quietly through whispers in common rooms and soft murmurs in the Great Hall. To some, he was a lifeline; to others, a tempting distraction. And through it all, Theodore Nott remained a mystery, a figure covered in secrecy, walking the fine line between the pursuit of knowledge and the lure of the forbidden.
He was intelligent, cunning, and unbelievably handsome. No one would suspect him for a dealer.
That boy got your interest.
You stood hidden behind a tall shelf in the back corner of the library, your heart pounding loudly in your chest as you peered through the gap between two dusty volumes of Hogwarts: History. The library was quiet, the usual hum of activity reduced to a soft whisper. You were careful to keep yourself concealed, not wanting anyone to notice your presence, least of all the Slytherin boy.
Your eyes were fixed on Theo, who was standing in a quiet corner of the library, partially hidden by the towering bookshelves. His movements were smooth and calculated as he reached into his cloak and pulled out a small vial filled with a bright blue potion. The vial shimmered under the soft light, casting an ethereal glow that caught the eye of the Hufflepuff girl standing nervously before him.
Theo handed the potion over with a calm, practiced ease, his expression unreadable. The Hufflepuff quickly slipped a handful of coins into Theo's hand, their fingers brushing briefly before the girl tucked the potion into her robes and hurried away nervously. You watched as Theo carefully counted the money,
Good to know you won't be first to approach him with those feelings.
You stepped out from the safety of your hidden place, your heart racing as you made your way towards Theo. The decision had been made in your mind - you needed those cigarettes, even though you had never smoked a single one in your entire life. The Slytherin interested you, and what was better than the idea of approaching him with a business offer?
Theo's eyes flickered up as you approached and a flicker of surprise appeared on his face before he quickly masked it by his usual calm demeanor. He had noticed you before, the pretty Ravenclaw with the fierce personality, always absorbed in your studies. You were the exact opposite of his usual clientele, and that piqued his interest. What was the Ravenclaw's good girl doing here, with him?
He watched you with a mixture of curiosity and wariness, noting the determined set of your jaw and the way your fingers clenched around the strap of your bag that clung to your shoulder. You were nervous, that much was clear, but there was also a resolve in your eyes that he couldn't ignore.
As you came to a stop before him, the faint scent of old books and parchment lingering in the air between the two of you, Theo tilted his head slightly. "[Last name]," he greeted, his voice low and smooth, a hint of amusement playing at the corners of his mouth. This would be interesting. "What brings you here?"
You took a deep breath, steadying yourself. "I need some cigarettes," you said, the tome of your voice firm despite the flutter of nerves in your stomach.
Theo's eyes narrowed slightly, appraising you. He had seen many students come to him for relief, but your request was something he wasn't expecting in the slightest. Still, he had watched you from afar, intrigued by your quiet determination and the air of mystery that surrounded you. Could you blame him though? You were pretty, smart, and had a flicker of fire in you.
Just Theo's type.
Your request hung in the air, tension crackling between you like static electricity. Theo's gaze softened, his expression a mixture of concern and understanding as he considered your plea. Sure, he was a dealer, but he wasn't heartless.
"I'm not sure that's a good idea," he began cautiously, his silver eyes flickering over your determined expression. "You've never smoked before, have you?"
Well, that was surprising. How did he know that? You shook your head. "No, but I need something, anything."
Theo paused, his mind racing with conflicting thoughts. He knew the risks of smoking, the addictive grip it could have on a person's life. Merlin, he smoked almost every single day, of course he knew. Yet, as he studied you, he couldn't not notice the desperation in your eyes - the same desperation that had driven countless others to seek him out.
But you  wanted him for something entirely different.
Finally, with a sigh, he relented, his hand reaching out to offer you the pack of cigarettes in his hold. "I'll give them to you, but only if I can share one with you," he proposed, his voice soft yet firm, insisting on it. He wouldn't take a no for an answer in this. "And I'll teach you properly how to smoke. It's not something to take lightly."
Your eyes widened in surprise, gratitude flooding your features. Your plan worked. “Thank you, Theo," you breathed out a sigh of relief. "That means a lot."
The Slytherin nodded and a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Consider it a lesson in the art of stress relief," he said with a hint of amusement in his tone. "And the pack of cigarettes? It's on the house."
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Decisions are the threads that weave the fabric of our lives, guiding us along paths both familiar and unknown. Good decisions illuminate our journey of life, leading us towards fulfillment and growth. They are born from careful consideration, informed by wisdom and experience, and guided by values and aspirations. In contrast, bad decisions cast shadows upon our path, obscuring our vision and stirring doubt and regret within us. They arise from impulsivity, fear, or ignorance, leading us astray and causing pain and disappointment. Yet even in the bad decisions, there lies the potential for growth and resilience, as we learn from our mistakes and strive to make wiser choices in the future.
You wondered if asking Theo for the cigarettes was a good idea.
You stepped into the cool night air of the Astronomy Tower, the darkness enveloped you like a familiar shadow. Above, the sky stretched out, filled with millions of flicker kisses stars. The moon, a delicate crescent hanging low on the horizon, cast a gentle glow over the landscape.
You tilted your head back, your gaze drawn upward to the constellations that adorned the heavens. To your left, the recognizable figure of Orion stood out, its three bright stars forming the distinct shape of the Hunter's Belt. Nearby, the sprawling form of the Great Bear dominated the northern sky, its outline marked by the gleaming North Star. As your eyes adjusted to the darkness, you identified the graceful curves of Cassiopeia, the Queen of Ethiopia, her celestial throne outlined by a delicate arrangement of stars. Nearby, the Pleiades cluster sparkled like a cluster of diamonds, its seven luminous stars casting a soft glow against the night sky.
The sinuous shape of Draco, the Dragon, snaked its way across the firmament, its serpentine form twisting and turning amidst the sea of stars. You through of the person whose name matched, and hung out around Theodore Nott every day since the beginning of your years at Hogwarts.
Theodore Nott. Of course your mind would run to him.
You found yourself leaning against the worn wooden railing of the Hogwarts Astronomy Tower, the cool metal digging into your forearms as you stared down at the pack of cigarettes you had received from Theodore nestled in your hand. With a heavy sigh, you traced the embossed design on the pack with your fingertips, your thoughts drifting like wisps of smoke on the night breeze again.
You had never imagined yourself in this position, a cigarette pack in hand, contemplating the choices that had brought you to this moment. Funny how decisions were full of consequences.
Theo - the quiet boy from Slytherin who had caught your eye despite the whispers that surrounded him. He was the one who seemed to exist on the fringes of Hogwarts' social circles, yet commanded a silent respect from those who sought him out for his promised offerings.
You couldn't deny the curiosity he stirred within you, the way his piercing silver eyes seemed to hold secrets untold, and his cold presence beckoned you like a moth to a flame. Despite the stark differences between the two of you - you, the respected Ravenclaw, he, the mysterious dealer from Slytherin - there was an undeniable pull between you, a magnetic force that defied logic and reason of the question: why?
Opposites attract, they say, and you couldn't help but wonder if there was truth to the saying.
Before you could react any further, Theodore Nott appeared beside you, his presence as silent and mysterious as ever. The faint scent of tobacco and earthy cologne trailed behind him. He smelled nice.
Without a word, he materialized a slender cigarette from his pocket, the tip ready to glow with a soft ember by the time he placed it in the corner of his mouth. He held the cigarette between his fingers and without breaking eye contact, he spoke in a low, calm voice, guiding you through the new experience with a patience you hadn't expected.
"First, hold it like this," Theo instructed, gently placing the cigarette between your fingers, positioning it just right. His touch was light, almost fleeting, but enough to send a spark of fire through you. You mimicked his hold, feeling the slightly rough texture of the cigarette paper against your skin. Theo's fingers lingered briefly over yours, adjusting your grip until he was satisfied.
"Now, bring it to your lips."
You felt a nervous tremor in your chest as you positioned the cigarette between your lips, its unfamiliar weight resting delicately. The cool night air brushed against your skin, but all you could focus on was Theo, standing close enough that you could see the slight smirk playing at the corners of his mouth. His eyes, sharp and penetrating, never left yours, holding your gaze with an intensity that sent shivers down your spine. How could a man be this beautiful?
Theo raised his wand, the tip glowing softly. "Hold still," he murmured, his voice low and steady. You complied, your breath hitching in the back of your throat as the wand's flame drew nearer.
He leaned in, his fingers brushing your cheek as he steadied the cigarette. The moment stretched out, and with a flick of his wand, the tip of the cigarette ignited, the flame casting a warm, flickering light over your face. It felt oddly comforting.
"Now, take a slow, deep inhale," Theo instructed, his eyes never wavering from yours. The flame's glow highlighted the depths of his gaze, making the moment feel both surreal and intimate.
You did as he said, drawing the smoke into your mouth. The initial harshness made your eyes water, but Theo's unwavering gaze kept you grounded.
"Relax," he whispered, his voice a soothing sound to your nerves. "You're doing fine."
As you exhaled, your shoulders relaxed as well, the initial discomfort easing into something more manageable. Theo's proximity made the experience less daunting.
"Again," he said, his voice gentle yet firm. "Slow and steady."
You gave him a nod, your eyes still locked onto his as you took another drag, this time more controlled, more assured. The smoke filled your lungs, and as you exhaled, you felt a strange sense of accomplishment. Theo's lips curved into a small, approving smile, a silent acknowledgment of your progress and your heart skipped a beat.
Just as you started to feel more confident in your actions, Theo reached out, his fingers brushing against yours as he took the cigarette from your hand.
With a deft movement, he placed it between his own lips, a smirk playing on his face. Your breath hitched as you watched him, your eyes drawn to the way his lips curved around the cigarette. The pink lipgloss you had carefully applied earlier left a delicate mark on the paper, and now Theo's lips were tasting the gloss.
His eyes glinted with amusement as he took a slow, deliberate drag, inhaling deeply. The ember flared briefly, casting a warm glow over his features, highlighting the sharp angles of his face, making him look like an angel. As he exhaled, the smoke curled and twisted in the air between the two of you, dissipating into the night.
He removed the cigarette and examined it, his thumb tracing the faint outline of your lipgloss. The smirk on his lips grew more pronounced, a blend of amusement and something deeper, something almost appreciative. He turned his gaze back to you, the intensity of his stare making your pulse quicken.
"Interesting choice," he murmured, his voice low and teasing, the words punctuated by a cloud of smoke. His eyes flickered to your lips, then back to the cigarette, the smirk never leaving his face. "Pink suits you."
Without fully understanding what compelled you in the moment, you felt yourself drawn towards Theo, the world around you fading into a blur. You leaned in, the distance between you closing in a heartbeat. The night air seemed to hold its breath as you moved, your focus entirely on Theo's face, his smirk fading into a look of surprise.
Your lips met his with a gentle urgency, capturing the soft, teasing smile that had been playing on his mouth like it was nothing. The cigarette fell from his fingers, forgotten as his hands moved to cup your face, the coolness of his skin contrasting with the warmth of your own.
The kiss deepened, and you felt the soft flutter of his eyelashes at the apples of your cheeks.
When the two of you finally broke apart, breathless and wide-eyed, the night air seemed to rush back in, filling the space between you. Your heart raced, your mind reeling from what you had just done. You searched Theo's eyes for a reaction, finding a mix of surprise and something that looked remarkably like admiration.
Neither of you spoke for a moment, the silence stretching out, filled with unasked questions and unspoken answers. Theo's smirk returned, softer this time, as he ran a thumb over your cheek, brushing away a stray lock of hair.
"Well, that was unexpected."
You nodded, your own lips curving into a shy smile. "I don't know what came over me," admitting, your voice barely held the tone of a whisper.
Theo's gaze softened, his fingers lingering on your soft lips. "I'm glad you did it," he said quietly, the words hanging in the air between you.
Tonight had changed everything, and you couldn't wait to see where this path would lead. After all, the consequences of your actions didn't disappoint and you would be a fool to let the aftermath of it go.
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© ahqkas — all rights reserved. even when credited, these works are prohibited to be reposted, translated or modified
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sleepingelvhen · 4 months
Ah, the men with their fluffy hair and their multi step routines.
Because Jing Yuan definitely takes very good care of that fluffy mane, and I bet it's so damn soft and silky. Jing Yuan and his sleepy self, overwhelmed by work, relaxing in a shower or bath at the end of the day, happy to maintain his hair because he finds it more relaxing than taxing.
Jing Yuan, who smells like Sandalwood and Yuzu and whose skin is so soft to the touch from the lotion he wears. Self care isn't a chore for him. It's a reward after a long day of boring paperwork or training. Spa days are every day and are just as enjoyable to him as a game of star chess.
Imagine how mornings are with him. How he avoids getting up early at all costs, pressing his face into your neck, and pretending that he's still deep asleep. He might even do a soft, fake, snore if you try to shake him awake. Because he's not getting up. He never gets enough sleep, and you're so warm. He could just fall right back into the nice dream he was having.
Jing Yuan and his love for playing board games with you. He's not just amazing at star chess. He loves other strategic games. Don't expect him to go easy on you, though. How else are you gonna learn how to beat him?
Imagine how easily he could distract you while playing. He's staring at you, eyes half lidded, and a little lazy smile on his lips. He's watching you make decisions - watching you think - and he finds it so attractive. His smile will stretch into a grin when you notice him staring, feeling triumphant when you blush.
Jing Yuan and how, when he has to go work, he will kiss you gently on the forehead, fingers gentle in your hair while he promises he'll be back later. Every time he dozed off at work, he's thinking of how he'd much rather be cuddled up next to you.
Imagine how happy he would be when his lion, Mimi, ends up adoring you. The large feline brushes up against you, licks your face, and even lays down on your lap, nearly suffocating you. Aeons, he'd be so happy, knowing that his love and his cat love each other too.
Jing Yuan would love to read to you rather than complain about how boring his day was. When he's home, he's trying to forget about his duties and relax. So then comes the nightly spa, with the long baths and showers, the lotions and massages, and him reading a book out loud to you by candlelight.
You're probably the first to fall asleep, surprisingly. As consistently tired as he is, Jing Yuan finds sleep eludes him many nights. Maybe it's the stress keeping him up, or his consistent worries that he prefers not to speak of, but he's still awake when you've passed out. Your head in his lap, his hand idly scratching your head or back while he just looks at you.
How lucky he is to have someone stay his side. How wonderful that you have not disappeared.
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imbored1201 · 5 months
How do we put up with you?
Barcelona Femeni x Teen Reader
Words: 1,936
A/N: there’s a lot of Mapi and reader beef in this one😭
You hated traveling but also loved it. It was a perfect opportunity to do dumb things and easily get away with it since everyone was too tired to care. The bad thing about it was you had to sit down and be patient. 
The whole time in the airport, Alexia would hold your hand, or Sandra, since you liked how soft her hands were. 
"Restroom," Alexia told you as she reached to grab your hand. "I don't have to go," you told her, only paying attention to your phone. "Hey!" You said as she snatched it from you. "You always say you don't have to, then when I come back you complain that you do, come on," you glared at her as you stood up and took her hand. 
"Aw, the baby needs her mommy to take her to the potty," Salma cooed as she pinched your cheek. You swatted her hand away. "Leave her alone," Alexia told her, which Salma was quick to oblige.
Once Alexia went into one of the stalls, you were quick to rush out. You went to a gift shop that was nearby to look at what they had. 
After a couple of minutes, you noticed Alexia rushing out the restroom and in the direction of the team. You smirked, shaking your head, and continued to look stuffed animals. 
"You really want to give her a heart attack, don't you?" You jumped at the sound of Ingrid's voice. You turned around and smiled at Fridolina and Ingrid. "Look at this puppy," you held out the puppy that Frido took. 
"Grab a candy and let's go," Ingrid told you, and you were quick to grab your favorite candy and gave it to Frido.
Ingrid held your hand as you walked back. You smirked at seeing Alexia go off on Patri and Pina.
"I think you lost someone," Frido announced, making everyone turn to her. "You see, we told you we didn't know," Pina told her, glaring at you. As usual, Alexia suspected that they had a part in your disappearance and got scolded for no reason. 
Alexia quickly swept you up in a hug. "You know you can't do that, idiota," she scolded, smacking the back of your head. "Look at my new stuffed animal." You held it up for everyone to see. 
Pina snatched it away and examined it. "Can I name it?" She genuinely asked. You thought about it for a second. "Not your child, not your choice." Claudia scoffed and went to get her own stuffed animal to name. 
You were bored and energetic; the candy Fridolina got you gave you an extra boost. Alexia sighed as you saw you eating it, too tired to even take it away from you. She wanted you to be tired so you would sleep the whole plane ride.
"Come on, we have to board," Alexia said, grabbing your hand. Marta took your suitcase, and you happily made your way onto the plane. 
"Can I sit with Ingrid and Mapi?" You asked her, looking at the couple. Mapi groaned upon hearing you, making Ingrid smack her in the back of the head. 
"Okay, here's your bag; it has your juice, iPad, and snacks." Alexia spoke a little too excited, it was understandable; she needed a break from your nonsense. "Move, I want middle," you told Mapi, who shook her head. 
"Mapi move," Ingrid now said. Mapi gave her a look of disbelief. "Mapi, don't start arguing with a kid." Mapi sighed and got up. You smiled and sat in between them. Lucy looked back at you and gave you a warning look when you kicked her seat again before the plane even took off. It was going to be a long flight. 
You were bored again after 10 minutes. After kicking Lucy's seat none stop you finally got scolded by Mapi, and she threatened to tell Alexia. 
Speaking of, Mapi kept staring Ingrid down when she thought you were distracted by your iPad. It was disgusting, in your opinion. She was practically drooling all over her shirt. 
"Can you stop eye-fucking her" you told her when Ingrid went to use the restroom. Mapi looked at you, shocked, not believing those words had just came out of your mouth. 
You smirked at her. "I'm telling Alexia" she announced, standing up to call Alexia to make you sit with her. 
"You do that; I'll tell her it was you that broke her favorite vase, not me. All because a teenager was kicking your ass in a game," you knew you got her there when she went silent. 
You were beating Mapi in FIFA, and it was worse since she was trying to impress Ingrid, who was watching the whole time. You were teasing her, and she decided it was a good idea to throw Nala's toy ball at the wall; it hit the vase instead. You had never seen Mapi so scared.  
You took the blame since you knew it would be good blackmail later on. 
Mapi kept glancing at you and back to her phone, not even looking at Ingrid's direction anymore, even when the green eyed girl asked her something, she counted down the minutes until the plane landed. She needed a break from any kind of children. 
You had another trick up your sleeve, though. You knew with Mapi's looks that things would most likely heat up tonight in their hotel room. 
You turned to Ingrid and tapped her shoulder. "Can me, you, and Frido have a sleepover? Like last time. Alexia can never sleep on the first night, and it annoys me." Mapi turned to you, wondering if she heard you correctly. 
"I don't think that's a good idea," she said. "Why not? I'm fine with it; I've missed her late-night thoughts." Ingrid shrugged, and you stuck your tongue out at Mapi, who muttered curse words under her breath.
"Watch your language," you scolded her, immediately cuddling into Ingrid's side. All she could do was stare you down, despite the growing temptation to strangle you.
Thankfully for Mapi, she got a 30-minute break after landing and getting to the hotel. During those 30 minutes, you had to somehow convince Alexia to let you have a sleepover with Ingrid and Fridolina, then explain to her that Mapi was staying with her. It wasn't going to be easy. 
"Did you take my sweater again?" Alexia asked you as she stepped out of the restroom from her shower. When she saw you, she frowned. You had your little backpack ready to go. "Where are you going? It's 9, your bedtime is at 10."
"Me, Ingrid, and Frido are having a girls night," you told her happily. "You're barely telling me this?" She sounded a bit angry, but mostly confused. 
"Ingrid said it was fine, and you're stuck with Mapi for tonight," Alexia huffed at that. Those two together didn't make a good combo when it came to sleeping in the same room. 
Alexia sometimes had a hard time falling asleep in a new environment, so she was constantly getting up. Mapi couldn't sleep if she heard any kind of noise, so she would get annoyed by any movement. 
"You have a toothbrush?" You nodded. "Charger?" You nodded. "Extra clothes?" You nodded. Before she could question you more, you walked out the door. 
"Bye Lex!" You called out, running to the elevator. Ingrid and Mapi's room was on the floor below. You didn't even have to knock on the door since an angry-looking Mapi came out with a bag of clothes and her blankets.
"Bye bye," you smirked at her, going past her and pushing her outside. "Eres un-" Before she could finish, you slammed the door in her face. 
You ran to Ingrid and jumped on her bed. "Can we please ding dong ditch some of the girls" Ingrid shook her head, making you whine. 
"Behave tonight, or I'll send you back to Alexia's." You nodded and jumped up, hearing another knock on the door. 
"Frido!" You exclaimed, jumping on her, when you opened the door. She carried you back inside and threw you on the bed. 
"Want to do a job, kid?" Frido asked you, and you quickly nodded. "Go get us some ice; you know where it's at?" 
"Frido, it's too late for her to be going out." "She'll be fine; she has too much energy; she needs to do some exercise to get rid of it, so why don't you sprint while doing this, I'll time you." You loved competitions. 
"Go!" Frido yelled, holding the door open for you as you sprinted out of the room and down to the elevator. 
You went to the floor below, where the ice was, and sprinted out of the elevator. 
While you filled your bucket, you got an idea. You could fulfill your ding-dong ditching plan. As always, Patri was your target. 
You knew Patri and Ona got put together because last time Patri and Pina shared a room, Pina broke the TV trying to throw a football at you for being annoying. You admit, you were being annoying, but throwing a ball at you while you were standing in front of the TV was a bad idea on her part. 
You quickly banged on there and ran away to the elevator again. After a couple of seconds, you heard the door opening. "Hello?" Patri asked, you couldn't contain your laughter. 
"Y/N, I swear," she said, knowing your laugh. She sighed and went back inside, refusing to give you attention. Not enjoying that fact, you decided to do it again. 
It was a terrible idea; Patri was waiting for you. She quickly swung the door open and tackled you. 
"Alexia!" You yelled, knowing she was probably up and doing her nighttime routine. Patri continued her attack and started tickling your sides. "Helppp!" You yelled, giggling. 
Ona came out of the room confused, rubbing her eyes tiredly and watching Patri attack you while you giggled and yelled for Alexia. 
When Alexia stepped out, the waterworks came. "Mierda," Patri muttered, seeing the tears in your eyes. 
"What is going on?!" Alexia shouted. It was late; practically the whole team on the bottom floor was up and out of their rooms now. They were all pretty cranky over the fact that they were woken up.
"I just wanted ice," you cried, pointing to your bucket of ice that was on the ground. Alexia looked at Patri with a questioning look. 
"She's a demon! She ding dong ditched us," Patri defended herself. Irene let out an annoyed sigh and told everyone to go back into their rooms. 
"Ona?" You turned to Ona, who was just as confused as her. "I didn't hear anything," she shrugged and went back into the room to sleep. Patri had a look of disbelief, finally getting off of you. 
"But-" "That's enough, Patri; apologize and give her a new bucket of ice, and you," she turned to you. Mapi quickly stuck her head out the door to watch you get your scolding next. 
"Bed, it's way past your bedtime," you rolled your eyes. "I'm practically an adult." "Don't act like it," you glared at Mapi. “Okay, I’ll go to bed, cuddle with Ingrid, and have her read me a bedtime story, something you can’t do.” Before Mapi could say something back, Alexia dragged her back into the room and slammed the door. 
Patri shoved your new bucket of ice into your hands and stormed off. "Goodnight," you called out; all you got was a middle finger. 
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euaphoric · 11 months
˚୨୧⋆。 જ⁀➴ ‎♡‧₊˚ [ ストロベリー ]
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✩‧₊˚ pairing — boyfriend!jk x hyperfem!f!reader
✩‧₊˚ warnings — fluff, sm*t (not too detailed tho), cutesy couple stuff, v dramatic koo, marking, dry h*mping, c*ckwarming
nothing’s more fun than sitting on your boyfriend’s lap, looking pretty while doing your makeup <3
banner made by moi, pls don’t steal! (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
“mmph, hah—stopp that tickles!” your voice squeaks from forcefully letting out a string of giggles. attempting to apply eyeshadow through the vanity in front of you but failing miserably. all you can hear is him whining and moaning, “but whyyy? i’m having too much fun with youu.” ring clad fingers creep up past your collarbone again, jungkook was getting way more entertainment out of this than you. “‘c-cause you’re distracting me, gah!” the noises you’re making are obnoxiously loud at this point but he didn’t seem to care at all. you’ve given up—tears began to form in the corners of your eyes now, this tickle spree has gone on for far too long but no matter how much you protest and squirm he wouldn’t let you out his grasp.
it started off tranquil at first, casually sitting on his lap with his arms locked around your waist—nuzzling his chin in your neck as you do your makeup to head out with friends later. you were trying to keep him entertained by narrating everything you’re doing, acting like one of those beauty gurus you like to watch on tiktok or youtube. you wore your my melody spa headband to keep the strands out your face, along with your favorite pastel mini dress, the knee high stockings with satin bows were the cherry on top set the look. jungkook gets bored super easily, his mind will draw attention elsewhere in a split second and usually that ends up with bothering you as much as possible. he’d sneak quick little kisses here and there, play with your thighs, basically keeping his hands anywhere but to himself. that’s when he started tickling you for no absolute reason, he loved hearing your high-pitched squeals—it was pure serotonin to him, he needed more to brighten his day.
“koo!” you cry, “please!” your shaky hands fumble with the brush in attempt to playfully hit him with it. sigh, you just wanna do your makeup in peace. “l-leavee me alone!” it sounded nowhere near threatening coming from you, there was not a scary bone in your body whatsoever. “like i’ll ever do that peaches, you’re my babyy,” he chimes, glittering you with sweet endearing compliments “you shouldn’t be so stinkin’ cute! wanna eat you.” when he pretends to bite your ear this only makes the uncontrollable laughter continue, and by now you’re never going to finish this makeup in time. “i really need.. t-to get goin’ ssoon!” there was no indication what the time was currently but you know you’ve wasted enough that you were going to be running late meeting your friends. “mmm..but i don’t want you to go, stay here!” jungkook finally caves in with stopping the tickles (only for now) but gets all mopey about you leaving him.
“eeek, i’m free!” you graciously cheer now that you can go back to what you’re doing. “so handsy today, maybe it’s the strawberry lotion..” “ah, so that’s what it is?” he asks, “was wonderin’ why you smelled like strawberry shortcake.” “mhm, i know you like that one.” you grab your eyeshadow brush to dip it in your fav dior palette, choosing a pretty peach color to add to your eyelid, then apply silver glitter on top to make it pop. “who you looking all cute for like this anyway, huh? i won’t be able to protect you from all the pervs staring at what’s mine!” god he can be so overly dramatic at times, always wanting to keep you inside so no one can even look at you. of course he doesn’t do it in a toxic way but he gets jealous real easily and never let’s go of your hand when out in public—he just feels so lucky to have stumbled upon someone like you, cute, smart, funny, sexy, kind, all in one.
lush pink lips trail down to your shoulders, the slightest touch leaving you with goosebumps as he’s still hugging your waist firmly in his embrace. “ugh…don’t want you to go.” jungkook murmurs against you, gliding his hands up and down your body, he sounded so sad and it didn’t help that you could see him pouting through the mirror. “i won’t be out for long, i’ll be back before you know it kookie!” he still didn’t sound convinced. he was very selfish with you, he wants you all to himself most of the time so whenever you go hang out with friends he makes it such a big production. “you’re so beautiful baby,” he coos, “my cute little princess.” his veiny hands shift underneath the hem of your dress, caressing your plump, ample thighs. more delicate kisses are planted up your neck, he’s become increasingly quiet now—focusing solely on this moment of cherishing you. he might’ve gotten a bit too comfortable as one of his hands traveled up to fondle your breasts, not even realizing until you said something.
“was last night not enough for you?” you giggle, reaching for your lipstick. “no” he simply replied, “i need you 24/7.” “all day, every day.” he was too precious, you wanted to put him in your pocket forever. you moved ever so slightly in his bond, noticing the familiar feeling of his bulge against your clothed heat. just that tiny bit of movement was enough to get you flustered. you hadn’t sensed his overt horniness until now—just bathing in his warmth and letting his desires roam free, you didn’t think he’d actually get turned on by all of this. then again, this is jungkook we’re talking about, he’ll get horny just by seeing your ankle. “mmph…want you baby.” his pleas are so adorable to you, but you’re already short on time so you had to hurry soon. jungkook rocks his hips into you, sliding his fingertips down your sides while nipping at your neck. “we gotta make it quick though..” you whisper softly, grinding against him to match his lazy movement. “you have my word princess.” he steers your hips in place to keep you exactly where he wants, steadily running his hands over your exposed skin. the tent in his pants only grew as you kept rubbing your ass on him, he’s simply going to jizz himself if it continues like this.
“fuck, can’t take anymore. want to feel youu.” he whines immaturely, never able to contain any patience within. “better hurry then.” you remind him of the time crunch, with that answer he wastes not another second to pull it out of his sweatpants—sliding your panties aside and slipping in with ease. your body’s become so accustomed to him that you don’t need foreplay half the time. once he’s fully settled in he stays motionless for a while, letting you adjust to his thickness. several fleeting kisses saturate your back, leading them up to your neck once more to leave small love bites. you’re unsure of why he still hasn’t moved yet but you don’t question it, you’re enjoying the moment you two are sharing. it didn’t really feel like you were being sexual with him; more so a passionate intimate bonding that runs deeper than just sex. jungkook loves you intensely and you can feel it in every fibre of his being. the way he holds you, kisses you, pampers you, makes sure you feel like the most beautiful girl in the universe to him. he was so yours. “we don’t even need to fuck, i can stay like this baby.” he rests his head on your shoulder, drinking in the sweetness of your strawberry fragrance. “okay.” you smile, the feeling of him pulsating inside emits a glowing sensation. “as you wish my love.”
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tarot-bimbo · 26 days
Pick a pile⋋⁠✿⁠ ⁠⁰⁠ ⁠o⁠ ⁠⁰⁠ ⁠✿⁠⋌
What is gonna happen next month?
1. 2. 3.
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Pile 1.
So I see you having fun and going outside with friends or family. You might just party a lot , never a dull moment for you. You could be a person who easily gets bored and a lot of stuff doesn't excite you so , I see you just having fun with the things you like and the people you love. I do see a situation coming up and I do see it will have you tangled for a bit. It could be with work , love or just you in general. You will come out of it and I do see a lover approaching you , you could be buying a new house and if you are already with someone I feel like you two could move in with each other. You could be getting a makeover💄 or you could be changing your aesthetic.
Additional messages
Good things come in threes , learn from the past , watch and wait, be here now
Elephant spirit, Hummingbird spirit and seahorse spirit could be significant to you.
( I hope this pile resonates with you. I love you☄️)
Pile 2.
I see you are having financial problems , You might be feeling really depressed and sad but it's just a short-term situation, spirit is telling you it will be over by next month. You could be very bad at managing money tho your guides are telling you to manage your money better you could be spending more than you are receiving. Just stop spending recklessly. I also see someone coming to you this month but I think this person is bad they are mean and controlling just like to rule and take control of everything. But for sure next Month you are tackling those money problems and getting it solved.
Additional messages
Feel the feels , use your mind wisely, see the big picture, surrender now
Pig spirit, giraffe spirit and Moth spirit could be significant to you.
( I hope this pile resonates with you. I love you☄️)
Pile 3.
Pile 3 I see you are going through this change maybe it's the end of an era for you. You could be changing your whole life around soon just a change even if it's small. I see there is something you want but you are a bit confused by it maybe other things are distracting you. I do see you going to chase your dreams and succeeding and celebrating with friends and family. You should do some hermit work too but if you already have and feel like you don't need that then start going after your dream. Maybe you don't like something that is going on but you are confused about it.
Additional messages
King , act as if ,trust in the magic, know your worth
Chameleon spirit, white raven spirit and the skunk spirit could mean something to you.
( I hope this pile resonates with you. I love you☄️)
I hope you enjoyed your pile
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slytherinshua · 3 months
genre. fluff. warnings. kissing. pairing. taeyong x fem!reader. wc. 814. request. no. a/n. just a lil smth i wrote for @blue-jisungs but yeah this does mean that im writing for nct now !!!! im excited to write for them 🥹
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“I can’t focus when you’re doing that.” You stated. It took absolutely every ounce of your willpower to not look at your boyfriend who was trying so hard to steal your attention away whether he realized it or not. His head rested on your desk, and you could just see in your peripheral vision his big boba eyes that watched you as you worked, as well as a small pout on his cherry red lips.
“I’m not doing anything.” He mumbled, and his voice came out so small and soft that you could feel your heart melting in your chest.
“You know exactly what you’re doing, Yongie.” You insisted, dropping your pencil down on your notebook. You glanced at him just in time to see his lips lift slightly into a smile and you shook your head. No matter how much your boyfriend denied it, you knew he had perfected the art of how to distract you. It wasn’t even hard— all he really had to do was look at you with those big shiny eyes and you’d be folding.
“Do you have to do these stupid exercises?” He asked, lifting his head up from the desk and stretching. You didn’t blame him for getting a little bored; watching someone work was never the most entertaining thing to do. Even if you had only been studying for 20 minutes, you were also already tired of it.
“Unfortunately.” You nodded your head with a sigh.
“You’ve been staring at the same one for 5 minutes.”
“Yeah, I know.” You frowned, “I’m just not motivated, I guess.” Your boyfriend perked up at your comment.
“I can motivate you.” He offered, shuffling his chair a little closer to yours. 
You raised an eyebrow, “How so?” Whenever Taeyong had that ghost of a mischievous smile on his face, you knew you were in trouble.
“For every exercise you complete, I’ll give you a kiss.” He layed out the rules, and you immediately had to fight back a smile. Your boyfriend was such a dork. 
You pretended to think about it for a minute before agreeing. Even though you knew that the reason he was staring at you so hard earlier was probably because he wanted kisses, his plan did sound motivating enough to work on you. With your newfound focus from the thought of a promised kiss, you looked back at the problem and easily completed it within the next few minutes.
“Done.” You turned back to your boyfriend and used your pencil to point at the neat sentences you had written out. He nodded as his eyes scanned over it and his left hand pulled your chair closer to him at the same time. 
Within seconds his lips collided with yours and you closed your eyes, savouring the feeling and taste of his minty lip balm. You pouted as soon as the kiss was over. It didn’t feel long enough, but you were sure that even if you kissed Taeyong for a whole day, you would still feel like it wasn’t enough. You went back to work on the next problem without any protest.
The pattern went on for about an hour, and each time you completed an exercise, you got another kiss. As it went on, the kisses started to last a little longer. You could only assume that your boyfriend was trying to balance out how long it took you to complete a problem with how long the kiss was. 
It was in the middle of your 7th or 8th problem when you finally gave up, dropping your pencil down and slouching back in your chair. Taeyong’s kisses had definitely helped you, but your brain was exhausted and it felt like repeatedly smashing your head against a brick wall everytime you looked at another exercise.
“I can’t do this anymore.” You mumbled in defeat making your boyfriend look up from his phone.
“Do you need more kisses?” He offered. Your frown deepened at his offer, silently wondering how you got so lucky having someone as sweet as him as your boyfriend. You nodded in response to his suggestion and he let out a laugh.
“You’re cute.” Was all he whispered before he leaned over and reconnected his lips to yours. You could feel all the stress and exhaustion dissipate from your mind as Taeyong’s lips became the only thing your brain could focus on. He was balancing his hands on the armrests of your desk chair, holding himself up as he leaned over you; and it was perfect.
Perfect until he lost his balance and fell on you.
You burst into giggles when Taeyong’s lips detached from yours and his head hit your shoulder. You could hear him laughing too after he got over the shock of the kiss being unwelcomingly interrupted by his lack of focus on keeping himself up.
“You’re such a dork.”
↳ nct 127 taglist: @kangtaehyunzzz,,
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steddiealltheway · 1 year
Steve is forced by his parents to go to a New Year’s work event where he knows no one. And before he goes, his mother gives him a rundown of the general rules of his behavior - including not eating or drinking anything there. She doesn’t want to risk him spilling anything on his expensive suit or embarrassing her with the way he eats.
So Steve goes to the event and is entirely miserable. His parents ditch him early on and he just wanders around the venue making brief small talk with some of his parents' coworkers. He sticks to his mother’s main topics - his age, lying about where he goes to college and what he’s studying, and the damn weather.
The food looks absolutely enticing, but it seems like every time he wants to sneak something off a platter the caterers are bringing around, his mother is watching him. So he adverts his eyes, keeping his gaze low but then his father comes by to whisper how he looks too submissive and not like a man, so he’s forced to straighten up.
Then he spots him, a caterer scowling as he attempts to balance a platter while blowing a strand of dark, curly hair out of his face. His hair is messily tied up in a bun he looks like he was forced to wear along with a suit he keeps pulling at. Steve has never felt like he’s related to someone more.
The man’s doe eyes land on Steve, catching him staring at him, and Steve quickly looks away and back towards his parents. To his surprise, they aren’t looking at him to mess up for once, too busy seemingly sucking up to someone “important.”
Steve takes the opportunity to glance back over at the man, but instead of finding him where he used to be, he’s steadily approaching him - platter of what looks to be fancy skewed meatballs in hand. Steve has never been more miserable by his mother’s rules - no eating and absolutely no talking to the caterers.
By now the man is in front of him, scowl gone and replaced with a soft smile as he offers him the platter. Steve politely shakes his head with a tight smile. The man frowns, and Steve wonders if he saw how intently he was eyeing the food before he declined. Nonetheless, the caterer continues on, even passing by his parents who both grab a skewer after the person who they’re talking to does.
Steve’s hands flex and he pinches his nose as he continues on, trying to push down the bubbling anger. He runs into a different couple and has the same damn conversation all over again before moving on to the next.
But then it happens again, the man with the messy bun and small dimples approaches him with a different platter - this time with smoked salmon. Steve politely refuses again, and the man’s frown tugs a little deeper.
For the next half hour, it’s as if the man is following him around, different platter each time - shrimp tartlets, deviled eggs, caprese salad kabobs, crab cake stuffed mushrooms, bacon-wrapped apricots, chocolate covered cheese, cheesecake bites…. All of which Steve politely refuses as the man frowns at him as if personally offended.
As the party drags on, Steve gets more and more bored and antsy. He just feels so shut in and hangry and he needs to get air. Whoever’s mansion they’re in has to have some type of balcony, so Steve wanders some more, spotting the staircase he’s passed several times, red rope making it off limits.
There’s a bit of commotion when the champagne tower comes out, and as everyone is distracted, Steve easily steps over the rope and sneaks up the stairs. When he’s hidden from sight, he lets out a sigh of relief and continues his search. He quickly finds a suspicious set of curtains on a wall, and he pulls them back.
Perfect. The doors are simple and white but to Steve’s surprise they slide apart. Dramatic. But it’s a balcony. He makes his way outside, closing the curtains and doors behind him before he takes in a breath of cold air. He feels better already.
There are two white chairs that look beautiful but incredibly uncomfortable, so Steve settles for sitting on the ground, putting his legs between the slats on the balcony railing, and glancing down at the large outdoor pool. Happy new year to him. He sighs.
The door behind him opens, and Steve whips his head around ready to be chewed out by his family or the owner.
“Shhh,” the server shushes him dramatically putting a finger to his mouth. He sets a platter filled with various finger foods down on the balcony table then closes the curtains and door behind him.
Steve stares unsure of what to do or say. His heart thuds in his chest. “So, here’s the thing,” the man says, “all night I’ve seen you practically drooling over this food, but every time you’ve refused it. At first, I thought maybe you were vegetarian, but then you refused the meatless options. Then I thought you might have some type of weird allergies, but then you refused the food that was specifically made for that. So, my question is, why are you not eating?”
Steve stares at him for a moment and finally replies, “My mother told me not to.”
The man's eyebrows pinch together. “Do you want food?”
The man smiles brightly and dramatically gestures to the tray. “Voila!”
Steve glances at the tray with items stacked on top of each other because it seems like the other man ran out of space when making it. “That’s all for me?” Steve asks with the first smile of the day tugging at his lips.
The man picks up the platter and sets it next to Steve, sitting beside him. "I snuck a few bites for myself throughout the party, so yes." Steve laughs and immediately digs into the platter. "Good choice on the French rosemary chicken linguini," the man says.
Steve gives him a look while finishing chewing. "I thought this was steak."
"This is why they pay me not to speak," the man says with a cheeky grin. "I'm Eddie by the way."
"Steve," he replies, holding out his hand for Eddie to shake. Eddie grabs it and kisses the back of it. Steve laughs, "You're strange, you know that?"
"Absolutely," Eddie replies and leans in to bump his shoulder against Steve's.
They continue chatting, with Eddie spewing out some random name for whatever Steve is sampling. Every time it manages to make Steve laugh which in turn makes Eddie smile wider and scoot closer. And whenever Steve tries something he absolutely hates, Eddie will have part of the other half and either shame Steve for his horrible picky taste or break the food apart to toss through the slats to see who can get closer to getting their piece in the pool. Steve wins that game a lot.
When the food starts thinning out, Steve tells Eddie how he partially wishes the lies his mother told him to tell the others were true. How he wishes he was in college doing something instead of staying at home because he hadn't gotten into any college. Eddie tells him how he flunked out three times before he dropped out of high school. The catering job is just for the night as he samples around what he wans to do. Steve admires him for that.
They make plans as if they were going to run away together. Where they would go and what they would do if they could. Steve would teach kids and Eddie would play guitar for a living. As the night goes on, Steve is almost convinced that their dreams could maybe become a reality.
From the balcony, they can hear the distant cheers of a New Year's countdown. "Think we could do it this year?" Steve asks, countdown to eight.
"Run away together?" Eddie asks, countdown six.
"And make the life we want," Steve replies sincerely, countdown to four.
Eddie pauses and considers for a moment. "I would love to," he replies and leans forward, countdown to one.
Steve meets him in the middle and kisses him as if it this was possible and he could turn his dreams into a reality. He breaks away and whispers, "Happy New Year, Eddie."
"Happy New Year, Steve," Eddie replies smiling against his lips.
Steve kisses him again knowing his parents are going to be screaming at him later, but it won't matter when he's packing his bags for the New Year.
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tarotwithavi · 1 year
Moon in houses
Moon represents our mind and how we deal with emotions. It also represents our mother.
These posts won't resonate 100% because we have to look at other aspects too.
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Moon in the 1st house
Moon in the first house makes a person overly emotional and someone very focused on maintaining their body. These people love doing Yoga, meditation, hiking or just keeping the body balanced. Moon in the first house often makes them suffer from mental diseases. For example they can also suffer from seasonal depression. Now the aspects can change if there are other planets conjunct here. Moon in the first house can also give someone psychic abilities. These people have great intuition. These people can also be very influenced by their mother or their mother can be a psychic themselves. I have also seen that these people tend to be very charismatic and have a very soothing aura. Their mothers have a great influence on their whole personality. It can also be that they didn't have good relations with their mother and now they want to prove themselves to their mother. These people look for emotional connection in the relationships and want people who will understand them. Now these people can even be philosophers themselves or they have a very philosophical mind. They look at the world with a different perspective and have a hard time understanding emotions if they are challenging aspects or the moon is in Scorpio or Gemini.
Moon in the 2nd house
Moon in the second house can give you a lot of hardships in life but as you get mature as you grow old they get easier for you to deal with. Now the moon in this house can make you feel very close to your family or either you feel like you were adopted or you don't belong to the family you currently live with. Moon in the second house can mean that your mother is very traditional and she has taught you about your family Heritage or family lineage. It can also be that your mother is very proud of her family background or she feels as if she should be proud. Moon in the second house can also indicate a fluctuating family. For a family That seems picture perfect but isn't. Moon in the second house can also indicate ups and downs in money situations . Money comes and goes for you. Moon in the second house can also indicate secrets or hidden things. These people also feel as if their spouse is hiding something from them or they can't understand their partner. These people are very expected and can be great song writers or play writers. These people can also have a talent for singing or can be a great singer themselves. If you have your moon in Capricorn then your relationship with mother/family can feel like a business partnership. Moon in the second house can also make someone very interested in the occult and spirituality.
Moon in the 3rd house
Moon in the second house cannot care that a person has a very unbalanced mind and most of the time they are very confused about what they are doing. Also these people can get distracted very easily and have a heart time concentrating on a certain subject or on a certain thing. I have also noticed that people who have their moon in the third house can have a mother who is very commutative and is very talkative, for example your mother can express her emotions verbally and if they are challenging aspects then it can be that your mother was verbally abusive at times. Also these people are always looking for knowledge or expanding their knowledge and they are attracted to people who are very knowledgeable and intelligent. These people can work according to a routine, always looking for new things and they get bored very easily. Moon in the third house can make someone very talkative and can make them write. These people can also be great at doing things with their hands for example painting sketching knitting etc. These people also have a hard time finishing projects like they have a habit of leaving things on finished because as I said they have a short attention span. These people can also change a lot of jobs in life.
Moon in the 4th house
Moon in the 4th house people love helping others please people can even become nurses, psychologist and therapist even their mothers can be nurses. Now this placement can also represent that your mother made you who you are today, if there are any challenging aspects you can also blame your mother for not teaching you the right things and for making you who you are today. Moon in the 4th house people have a very secure and deep connection with their mothers but remember it will not 100%. it can also be that your mother was abusive or you didn't have a good relationship with her. I have noticed that people who have more in their 4th house are not interested in higher education . The people love staying at home or they can work from home. These people love comfort so they would want a person who will fulfill all their wishes. Moon in the 4th house people love being spoiled. These people can work in real estate, home design, children's things. If you have your moon in Gemini in the 4th house then you can write children's book. Moon in the 4th house can also represent sudden ups and downs in the relationships and having a hard time connecting with people. There are genuine people and they have to be careful about who they bring into their life.
Moon in the 5th house
Moon in the 5th house people are very creative, very expressive. They can be singers, dancers , and actors. In fact , they are very good at expressing themselves at a higher level. I also not just people who have more in the fifth house have a career or job that is related to women and kids. Also in a male chart it can represent that the main source of income for that male would be his wife now we will have to look at the sign moon isn't to go Deeper in this topic. Male with moon in the 5th house are attracted to older women or mature women. Milf collector. They want a woman who can bring stability into their life and they would like to have a partner who can stand up for them. I have also noticed that these people have a hard time with government officials and authority figures. These people can also be involved in politics or they can be politicians themselves. The people are also very interested in music literature architecture depending on the sign. Now this placement can also indicate that the work you do can give you fluctuations of mind or it can be at your job is mentally draining. If challenging aspects of them you can also have a hard time maintaining your interest and would be confused of which career path to choose. Partner can be someone who's very famous and has a large social circle.
Moon in the 6th people
Moon in the 6th house people have it dirty. Displacement can give a lot of enemies. It can also make people accuse you for nothing. And also it can give a lot of health problems, family problems or your relationship with your mother is not that good. This placement can also indicate that your mindset didn't match with your mother's mind set. Or your mother couldn't understand you. These people also suffer from a lot of mental diseases that can give them hair loss or seasonal depression et cetera. These people can also feel as if the whole world is against you. But another thing is that no matter how many hardships come their way they will always stand up brave and stronger than before like Phoenix. This placement can also indicate that you can be put in humiliating circumstances. These people also love serving others and helping others. They are animal lovers too. Most people with this placement become a healer doctor therapist or that take care of pets. These people also can become very spiritual in life and they can use spirituality as an escape from reality or they see spirituality as a comfort zone. Also their hardships can be reduced by helping people in a way that when they help others they are helping themselves unknowingly.
Moon in the 7th house 
The people who have the moon in the 7th house can have a very beautiful spouse who is very physically attractive. I have also seen that these people have a very business minded mother and these placements can make someone a very good Businessman entrepreneur CEO. I have also seen that these people can meet their spouse through their mother or their mother can introduce them to their partner. These people can have a partner who is very outgoing and social. This placement can also give difficulties with foreign lands. This placement also gives very ups and downs in the relationships with family. It can also mean that your family wasn't very supportive and can also give a love and hate relationship with your family members. People who have this placement are always looking for a partner but have a hard time in relationships if there are any other challenging aspects. These people's main self of emotional stability comes from their partner and they think that the more they know about their partner the more they know about themselves. Like I said if there are any other challenging aspects then this placement can give difficulties in marriage. These people can have a good relationship with their mothers. 
Moon in the 8th house 
Moon in the 8th house people have extreme emotion and their relationship with your mother can be extreme and unbalanced. One moment your mother can be extremely affectionate to you and you love you so much and the other moment she can verbally abuse you so much that you hate her. Like I said the relationships with their mother is unbalanced and their relationships with their own emotions is also unbalanced .For example when they feel sad they feel extremely sad and when they feel happy they feel extremely happy and another thing this placement gives is that they can even forget how to feel  sometimes. This placement also makes it easier to forget what people did wrong and not to have remarks or hatred unless there are other aspects. People who have this in placement are very intuitive and are into occult in themselves. They may also feel as if they're alone in this world and they love being around like minded people. They want to surround themselves with people who can understand them and who have been through the same situations as them. I have also seen that these people love mysteries and diving deeper into hidden knowledge. The emotions can also be self destructive for them sometimes. They need to find balance within themselves
Moon in the 9th house
Moon in the night house can make someone very philosophical and very spiritual . I've also seen that these people can have a very educated mother or mother who has higher authority in the family . It can also mean that your mother took care of most of the parenting. Of course if the moon is in Leo then the whole thing can change . I have also seen that these people love to be surrounded by people who belong to different cultures or backgrounds. Now these people can make great teachers, professors, spiritual teachers and saints. Now another thing is that this placement can make someone thrive for knowledge .This is also placement of Higher Education so these people can get higher education about their culture. This placement can also give great wealth and most people I know with this placement are very wealthy and money comes to them easily of course the other aspects count too. People who have this placement also come off as someone who is very knowledgeable and intelligent to others. I have also noticed that people who have this placement tend to be atheist in their earlier years of life and after realization they become extremely spiritual. Also they lean more towards spirituality then religion.
Moon in the 10th house
People who have the moon in their 10th house are more likely to want to be treated as a child. These people can have a mother who was very authoritative and Disciplined had great leadership qualities. I have also noticed that most people who have this placement and have mothers who are into nursing. These people can have a mother who is always working and is very career oriented. This placement can give an emotional relationship with father. If there are any challenging aspects then this placement can also give you daddy issues and a love-hate relationship with your father. These people can have a more diplomatic and non violent approach to life. These people don't like violence at all. In fact they are very peace loving but the time they get mad it's over for people. The people can't stay out of the limelight because they will always be noticed by people because of their personality. The people also want a partner who is very religious and traditional. Also these people can also feel secure because they are being noticed and recognized by people. These people can have a mother who works most of the time and is harsh on them sometimes and a father with whom they have an extremely emotional relationship with.
Moon in the 11th house
Moon in the 11th house can represent someone who is very physically attractive and charismatic. Moon in the 11th house can also give fluctuations of Mind or you can have a mother who had bipolar personality. Moon in the 11th house and also make someone have keen eyes for Arts and beautiful things. This placement can also make someone elegant, high class, irresistible even. People who have you splitment are very much emotionally attached to their elder siblings and if the moon is badly placed then this placement can also give not so good relationships with siblings. Now I'm not saying that these people are egoistic but they tend to want followers more than friends. They want people who'll worship them rather than them being on the same status as them. (This placement makes me think of wonyoung from IVE for some reason) . This is a great placement for wealth and profits. And can also give someone great manifesting power. Great artists come from this placement. The type of people who are ready to steal the show. I have also noticed that these people are not much appreciated by their people but they do well in foreign lands. Also your mother can help you gain more in life or the female figure in your family can help you financially.
Moon in the 12th house
Those introverted people who want to run away from public life. These people are more inclined to a job that is away from the public eyes , they like working in the background. I have also noticed that people who have this placement can feel Malnourished by their mothers. They can feel as if they didn't get their mother's love and care but still have a good relationship with her. These people are also very secretive about their emotions and don't want people to know what is going inside their head. They want to remain a mystery. These people can also be inclined to spirituality and hidden things. They even love being isolated from society because that's what gives them pleasure. These people have great imagination and tend to run away from reality often. This placement can also give imagination of different dimensions and they can be very intuitive themselves. But they tend to run away from family and marital responsibilities. Constantly looking for bed pleasure or just any kind of pleasure in general. If there is sun here too then people can become too obsessed with these people. Someone I know has this placement and God he's an extremely passionate but at the same time secretive person
Again open to criticism just be nice lol
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youn9racha · 11 months
Bathroom Escapade
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pairing: bang chan x afab!reader
genre: smut; no strings attached/friends with benefit
song inspo: one of the girls — the weekend, lily rose depp and jennie
warning: public sex, heavy make-outs, unprotected sex, heavy sexual tensions, implied friends with benefits, mentions of infidelity(?), footsies/footjob, chan/chris is used interchangeably, quickie barely any foreplay, creampie, humiliation, choking, hair pull, dom!chan, sub!reader
words: 2.3k
a/n: its been a PHAT minute !!!! youn9racha's back baby hehehe the ending was lowkey rushed, but i have been meaning to write something but my brain has been blocked ofc, but finally something was up !!!! hope y'all enjoy it!!!
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This is no way representative of the way Stray Kids act. They’re nothing but references of character, and in no shape or form is this how they act. And I am in no way romanticizing or glamorizing any toxic behavior exhibited, they’re just stories that is meant to be read. Readers' discretion is advised.
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No one could pull them apart.
They weren't together by any means but almost have a magnetic attraction each time they're in the same room and their eyes land on each other, looking that could easily strip one another's clothing. These words echo each time they would describe the relationship between you and Chan, a guy you would often describe as a "friend," that is if you could count the time he has bent you over and made you scream out his name.
You could acknowledge him as a genuine friend, after all, he was your special friend; he was a gentleman, funny, charming, and really handsome that no one could deny. Even though you held no romantic attraction to him, there was no denying that he attracted you in some other way that could set fire to your insides. And he seems to feel the same way about you.
He always eyes up at every physical detail you could showcase to everyone. He admires the way you show yourself off, the way your voice perfectly hits his eardrum, every curve, indent, and crevice in your body got him hooked on you, regardless of whether you had someone in mind or not. He would always have his way with you to get you like a predator attempting to catch his prey for a feast, and a feast you were.
He didn't care that you showed up with a date, a man who complimented you in terms of appearance and personality, all Chan wanted was to get you back to him. The man who sat next to you was looking at you adoringly, and all you could offer back is a sweet smile that causes him to be smitten. He was staring at you with pure admiration, unlike the other pair of eyes that are piercing holes at your skull that could easily overpower your date. Whoever thought of this group dinner at a luxury restaurant must be a sadist for putting him through this, Chan would think to himself.
The time went by slowly, the wine glasses would touch lips, while the libra's eyes continued to bore his eyes at you, examining your actions with your date. Looking at your facial expression and smiles and analyzing your body language directly in front of him. His jaw would clench each time you show any interest in the guy sitting next to you. He knew that you didn't seek anyone, romantically speaking, nor does he, but he doesn't know why his sexual cravings are getting the best of him and making him feel slightly apprehensive about your interest in the man.
He later decided to distract himself by interacting with the other guests and engaging in whatever conversation they were speaking of that Chris really held no interest in, just a temporary fix in his sour mood. All the while he was interacting with the other guests, what he hasn't noticed was that you would constantly glance at him while your date blabbered about his job or whatever that is that he decided to speak of.
When you can see Chan looking away from you to talk, showing off his charming dimples at the guest next to him and having his Australian accent come out of his plump lips to add appeal to his voice, you sneakily slip your heels off your feet and extended your legs past the cloth that covered the table until your toes reached his ankles. Chan slightly jumped in his place while his eyes widened, which made the whole table look at him, including yourself, pretending to be clueless and confused.
"Is everything alright, Chan?" Changbin, his close friend sitting next to him, asked concerned, even looking down for a quick second to see what caused him to jump—you since moved your foot away after he jumped.
Chan chuckled in a feigned nervous tone and cleared his throat, "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," he spoke once again only to feel the same sensation of your foot against his leg once again, "just bumped my leg against the table, 'sall" he nodded, which made Changbin nod in reassurance and looked back at his seat partner and carry on their conversation.
Chan looked back at you, switching his facial expression, only to see you look back at your date all the while your foot is sliding up his leg. He's already sat past the tablecloth so many would not have seen his lower half, so your mission was easy to not get caught, all the while Chris attempts to be normal with his conversations. He feels the sole of you feet has reached between his legs, causing him to spread it just slightly where you can lay your heel in the chair and begin your movement.
Your toes and top foot began to rub against his erection which causes him to inhale and exhale through his nose, trying not to cause a scene in the middle of his conversation by erotically moaning straight to the guest's face. You two never played footsies, but at that moment Chris wish you'd done it because of the way you were rubbing him off in public was doing so many things to him, let alone using your foot.
His pants were feeling tighter as you began to curl your toes against him, which makes it hard for him to mask his excitement, resulting in you smirking at the reaction you've caused. You see him try to drink his wine, and you thought it was go time by slightly kicking him, causing him to groan and spill a bit of the red drink on himself. You pulled your leg back and gasped with everyone. Chris looked down at his dirty white shirt before looking back at you with fury in his eyes, making you shrug with sinister eyes masked with innocence.
Everyone's asking about Chan's well-being, but he reassured that it's fine and he got up to go to the bathroom to clean himself up. As he rushed to the empty single bathroom—so no one would also notice his erection—he began looking at his pathetic state, a big purple stain in his chest, a bulge protruding out of his pants, and now his hair disheveled after he ran his fingers through it. He groaned to himself, tongue protruding at his cheek.
"You're gonna pay for this, (y/n),"
"Pay for what?"
He swiftly turned his head only to see you standing by the door, smirking as you closed and locked the door.
Without any hesitation, he got up against you and crashed his lips onto yours, his body pushing up against yours, blocking the door, not wanting to hear anything out of your lips, anything aside from your moans, your whines, and your screaming out his name. His tongue was invading your lips and danced along your own tongue, groaning at the faint taste of the drink you had. He pulled away, his eyes looking at you red with fury, looking at your now smudged lips then back at your eyes.
"You get off to me getting humiliated, don't you?" He groggily said, which made you sadistically laugh at the chaos you've caused. Your laugh was cut short until you gasped as you felt his hand grip your throat.
"Who's laughing now, huh? Because surely it ain't you now," He roughly spoke as his other hand went and sought your zipper and slipped it downward to get your dress to expose your chest.
"Chan... please..." you pleaded through your slightly choked-up state, your hands wrapping themselves around his wrist while he unzips his own pants.
"Shut up, you've done enough, now it's your turn to be humiliated."
You knew you drove it too far, and you knew you have angered him, but to say you weren't excited and that it wasn't your intention would be a lie. The way his energy was getting powerful after a moment of weakness was potent and you wanted to thrive off of it.
He let go of your grip, making you gasp for breath, only to have him turn you around and press your body against the cold door, making your breath hitch the sensation of the cold wood hitting against your nipples, all the while Chris was ripping your panties from behind.
He gripped a chunk of your hair and pulled your head off the wood and got you looking back at him, "you listen to me, you better scream out my name until the whole restaurant hears you. I want everyone to know who fucks you this good, including that fake date of yours."
His words stung like venom and your veins were only surging even faster than it already does over the adrenaline that was electrifying all over your body. The sheer thought of your screams echoing through the small restaurant and Chris's voice made you anticipate more of what you wanted than you initially thought.
"fuck me, Chris..."
Your words are cut off by your moans at the feeling of you getting stretched by Chan's girth inserting at your sopping hole. It was sudden yet exhilarating especially added to the rough grip that Chris had on your hips. He didn't hold back and he ultimately began thrusting up your cunt at a pace that made the two of you audibly show each other how good you two feel against each other.
"Just like that, (y/n), scream my name out like that," he smirked against your neck as he quickens himself, making you squeal out his name.
You were sure that people are looking in the direction of the men's bathroom where Chris was based on the way you were moaning out his name, but neither of you cared at the moment. The way his cock was repeatedly kissing the desired spot inside of you made you roll your eyes back at the pleasant feeling your body was getting. Chris was moaning out as well, while not as loud, but definitely loud for many to hear, but he takes pride in the reaction you were having. His shirt was unbuttoned, his pants and boxers were on the floor, swimming across his ankles, and his hair was getting messier and messier as some strands began sticking across his sweaty forehead. All the while, his smirk was painted on his face as he sees your mascara running down your face, mouth agape with pornographic noises escaping from it while your short dress was scrunched around your waist with your breasts bounced at the beat of his thrusts.
He occasionally bit your neck while your arm attempts to run your hand through his hair, only for him to pull it down and place it behind your back, making you through your head back, not resisting any more stimulation that Chris had up his sleeve. You felt your body began to bubble up as your orgasm was crashing its course, but he had no plans on slowing down.
In fact, he was continuing until he was done. So as you've reached your peak, Chris made damn sure that he's not stopping.
"You'll finish—fuck—you'll finish until I'm finished," He gruffly said as he sped up his pace making you scream and sob at the overwhelming feeling. If no one heard you then, they definitely heard now. Just a few more thrusts and you noticed how sloppy he was becoming in contrast to his sharp movements aided by his dancer hips and his panting was getting faster.
Just one last orgasm, he shuddered as he moaned out an "oh fuck!" while his slender fingers dug their nails against your skin, making you hiss at the feeling of pain from his grip and the warmth of his cum seeping itself into your hole. you two caught your breaths while he dropped his head onto your shoulder and you bumped your head against the door, panting to catch back your oxygen. He pulled his head up, feeling heavy, before he pulled his softening cock out of your hole, watching his pearly white dripping out of it, making you whine slightly at the empty feeling.
You pushed yourself off the door, while Chan pulled his pants and you fixed up your dress.
"Can you help me?" You first spoke, your voice hoarse and quiet in contrast to your loud screams. It's like a switch had been placed because Chan swiftly became a softly spoken gentle-to-the-touch man in contrast to the rugged merciless man he was a few minute ago.
"Sure," he softly accepted as you turned around to show your unzipped dress, which he zipped up for you. You turned and smiled at him with a gentle thank you, to which he replied back with a similar smile. He washed his hand, while you collected your ripped panties.
"That was expensive, y'know?" you commented, showing it to him through the mirror. He shrugged, with a smirk, "I'll buy a better one."
You shook your head with a chuckle and an eye roll before you also washed your hand. You looked at yourself, sighing and cursing yourself with the ruined makeup, "Chris, you ruined my makeup... my bag is outside and I don't want them to see me like this."
"Trust me, considering how loud you were and how long we both have been gone, I think your makeup should be the last thing you worried about." He cockily said as he adjusted his stained shirt, which caused you to smack his muscular arm, making him let out an "ow."
"Don't remind me—"
"Hey, you were the one who played footsies and came to the bathroom—"
"Shut up!" you exclaimed with an embarrassed flush in you, making Chan chuckle and wrap his arm around your shoulder.
"Look, how about this, I'll go face them, grab your bag and take you back to your place, does that sound good?" he said, nonchalantly and an eerily calming small smile was arched in his lips.
Your brows furrowed, "do you have no shame in yourself for you to face them?"
"Hey, I'm confident in my fucking skills, if they wanna get it, they're welcome to."
"You're a freak..."
"And yet you gave me a footjob in front of everyone, so who's the freak?"
"... touché," you admitted, making the two of you laugh at the admission.
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writtenfangirl · 10 months
Jealousy, Jealousy
I am cranking out these Charles fanfics left and right. I have never done this for any other fandom ever.
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Y/N was bored. It was the only way she could describe it. She was bored. With her boyfriend currently preoccupied with his phone, Y/N couldn’t stop the boredom that crept up her spine, numbing her body and dulling her brain. Her eyelids were beginning to shutter close and if there was one thing that could prevent her from falling asleep, it would be coffee.
“Cha?” She said, fighting back the yawn that threatened to escape.
“Hmm?” He hummed, his attention still wholly focused on his phone, his thumbs flying across the screen.
“I’m going to go get some more coffee, yeah?” Y/N said as she stood up from their table in the cafe that Charles and Y/N usually went to.
It was Y/N’s grocery day, which meant she was suppose to be in and out quickly but with Charles offering to come with her, her usual 2 hour errand had spilled over to 5 hours. With Charles receiving call after call from Fred and the rest of his race engineers, Y/N understood why he was easily distracted and she had exercised every bit of patience. Besides their day had essentially come to a close so it wasn’t like Charles was doing anything wrong by ignoring her. Their groceries were already loaded in the car and they were just meant to spend the rest of they day together.
Still, her patience was beginning to fray and she was getting sleepy.
Charles glanced at her before his eyes went back to his phone. “Sure, cherie. Can you get me another cup too?”
Y/N didn’t bother leaving a response, not when Charles was already preoccupied with whatever he was doing.
Instead she went to back to the counter, looking at their selection of pastries through the chilly glass window.
The cafe had one of the best pain au chocolate Y/N had ever encountered in her life and Charles was always partial to their eclairs.
“Back for part two?” The clerk, who had wide eyes and a kind smile, asked her French.
Y/N returned her smile and answered in French. “Oui. Can we get a refill on our drinks but this time with an order of pain au chocolat and an eclair?”
“Of course. I’ll bring your orders out shortly.” The attendant said before he disappeared behind the curtain that led to the kitchen to bring out their orders.
From the corner of her eye, Y/N could see that Charles was still distracted by his phone, his thumb tapping this way and that as he typed out a message to someone.
The door of the cafe opened and the little bell that was tied above it rang a clear and crisp note.
A man around the same age as Y/N approached the counter, a charming smile on his face. He was quite handsome with crystalline blue eyes and a chiseled jaw but he wasn’t the kind of man Y/N usually would have gone for. He had an air of arrogance that she wouldn’t have been able to stomach on a regular basis. Still, he was nice to look at.
“Where is the attendant?” The man asked as he looked around the counter for the clerk.
“He went to get my order,” Y/N replied politely, “I’m sure he’ll be out soon.”
The man’s attention locked on her, his eyes roving down her body before flying to her face, an arrogant smirk on his face. “You’re very pretty.”
Y/N tried not to roll her eyes, her previous politeness evaporating at the man’s words. “I bet you say that to all the girls.”
“Just the pretty ones,” he grinned. “You have a boyfriend?”
From the corner of Y/N’s eyes, she saw Charles look up from his phone, his eyes narrowing at her and the man before her.
“Why?” Y/N smirked, her demeanor instantly changing from mild annoyance to flirtatious as she became fully aware that her boyfriend was glaring daggers at them, “you’re gonna ask me out on a date?”
“Maybe. Do you have a boyfriend?”
Suddenly, Y/N felt a familiar weight around her shoulders and her smirk turned into a full blow grin at Charles’s arms protectively and possessively wrapping around her.
“She does,” Charles said with a glare, “can I help you?”
“No,” the man said as he looked at Charles with mild surprise, his eyes alit with recognition, “I just wanted to tell you that your girlfriend is very beautiful. You’re a lucky man.”
“I’m aware,” Charles said, clearly unimpressed, his eyes still narrowed into slits. “Do you need something else or are you ready to leave?”
“She didn’t tell me you were her boyfriend,” the man said defensively, raising his hands in an effort to show he meant no harm.
“Now you know. Do you want me to get the door for you or what?” This time, Charles’s tone held the undercurrent of a mild threat and his grip on her shoulder tightened.
Slowly, the man walked away, leaving the store with a tinkling of the bell.
Charles turned to her, the glare in his face never leaving. But rather than cower before it, Y/N simply grinned. “I think that might have been the hottest thing I have ever seen.”
“Stop provoking me, cherie,” Charles said as he slightly pinched her shoulder. “Why are you trying to make me jealous?”
She gave him an innocent smile. “It was the only way I could catch your attention. I was feeling neglected.”
Charles’ glare melted from his face, his face now looking mildly guilty. “Mission accomplished, you have my full undivided attention. I’m sorry for neglecting you, cherie.”
“Apology accepted,” Y/N said as she leaned up and placed a quick kiss on his nose before she grinned. “I was just kidding though. You can go back to work.”
Charles rolled his eyes. “You have my full undivided attention now. You can’t get rid of me that easily.” And then, as if to prove his point, he flicked Y/N’s nose.
“Well if this is how you react whenever you’re jealous, I should do it more often.”
“Please don’t. I might end up in jail or worse if you keep this up.”
“Really.” He deadpanned. “I can’t believe of all the men, you chose that guy.” He gave cafe’s door a pointed glare, as if somehow the previous man would suddenly materialize back into the shop.
“He was nice to look at,” she shrugged.
Charles scoffed. “I’m nice to look at!”
“Yes, you are. The best view in all of Monaco. I’d never go for a guy like that so you have nothing to worry about.”
Charles grinned at her and she returned it with a cheeky smile. “It’s hard to be mad at you, cherie, when you say things like that.”
“I know. It’s why I say things like that. Now, I am being serious. You can go back to work.”
“You’re sure?” He said, raising a brow.
“I’m sure.”
“You won’t try to make me jealous anymore?”
“Well, if someone handsome comes along, then I might not have a choice.”
“Kidding!” She laughed. “You know you’re the only one for me.”
Charles smiled, wide and genuine. The kind of smile that had Y/N’s toes curling in her shoes and her heart beating fast in her chest. “And you’re the only one for me.”
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abellalu · 5 months
A Night Unexpected (One-Shot)
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Summary: A hard-working lab researcher encounters Loki during a late night working and can not help, but feel captivated by him. However, when the researcher agrees to go on a date with her brash co-worker, Loki ends up saving the day (or at least the date). Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x Reader Word Count: 2.6k
The lab was quiet except for the light hum of the machines. During the day, the lab could feel like it would burst from the noise with all the scientists working on their projects and yelling over the music that Tony Stark insists is required for inventing. Everyone else had already gone home for the night, and now it was just you sitting at your station.
You heard the door squeak and a light footstep. When you turned around, you expected to see another one of your coworkers coming back to retrieve a forgotten item, but instead were greeted by a different presence, Loki. 
“I expected you might be in here,” Loki said, illuminated by only the light in the hallway. Despite the darkness of the lab, you could still see the sharp angles of his face and his gentle smile to you. 
“I suppose I have become predictable,” you laugh quietly. “I just enjoy being able to have some time to myself and thoughts, away from all the chaos.”
“I apologize for interrupting your thoughts. What are you working on now that requires you here so late?”
“It’s not that late Loki, it’s only-” you look at the clock, “I suppose the time got away from me again.”
He laughs and slowly sits down on the stool next to you. “You are very dedicated to your work, I-” he pauses, “It’s admirable how much care you put into the things you love.” 
You look up at him, stunned by what he just said. Your mouth is slightly agape as you try to think of a response. Does he truly think I’m admirable? This is a man who works with the Avengers, who helped save Asgard. Eventually you close your mouth and look down at your work, so Loki continues.
“Tell me more about what you’re working on,” He said with a smile, eyes looking at you with anticipation.
“Are you sure? I tend to ramble and I can get distracted easily.” You laugh pitifully. “I might bore you to death from my talking.”
“I don’t think so, I think you- I mean, your work is quite captivating and I don’t mind rambling.” 
You stare at him for a second, then clear your throat, “Well, I did make a discovery with the sample I was studying…” 
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The next morning, you can not stop your mind from wandering back to your conversation with Loki. You’ve always had a different perspective of him than many others. While others saw him as cold and distant, you saw how curious he was, the remarkable intelligence he had. Every conversation you had with him, he showed genuine interest and kindness towards you. 
However, last night, Loki showed admiration for not just your work but for you as a person. In the dark lab, the conversation felt more intimate, and you made yourself more vulnerable to another person than you have for a long time. 
But then doubt starts. What if he was simply being polite? It is hard to wrap your mind around the idea that someone like Loki could truly care about you and not judge for being overly passionate.
As you continued to walk to the lab, you heard someone call your name behind you. While turning around, you feel your heart longing for it to be Loki. But when you look back, you see your coworker John. 
He was nice to work with. He generally completed all his research in a timely manner and he had a contagious laugh that always lifted the spirits of the lab even after tiring days. Yet, you still had to hide your disappointment with a polite smile. 
“Hello John, did you need something?” 
“I just wanted to say hi and see how you were doing.” His hands are in his pockets and he shows off his wide white smile. “It’s rare I get to catch you outside of the lab, I wanted to take advantage of this moment.” 
“Oh, well I’ve just been working on my research and I have made some interesting discoveries and I-” 
“You work too hard,” John interrupts. “What do you like to do outside of work?” 
You pause, while certainly your work isn’t your entire life, you care deeply about your research. Does Loki think I’m odd? “Um well, I like-” 
“See this is what I’m talking about, you gotta explore life outside of the lab.” You stare at him considering what he said.
John continues, “Listen, I will be quite frank. I think you are beautiful and I’m hoping you can take some time away from the lab and go out to dinner with me.”
“Oh,” You are thrown off guard by his request. Sure John was always nice, but you never expected him to have any interest in you. 
But maybe you should take advantage of the opportunity. It has been awhile since you’ve been asked out and maybe John was right, you need to spend some time away from the lab.
You hesitate, but finally you take a deep breath, “Yes, I would love to.” You force yourself to give him another smile.
“Good, that’s what I like to hear.” John walks closer to you, instantly you feel as though your space is being invaded. “How about tomorrow night then? I’m excited to see you outside of this compound, see you all dressed up.” He smirks.
“Alright, sounds good.” You look away from him and quicken your pace as you continue on to the lab. It’s good to get outside of your comfort zone, this is good for you, you keep reminding yourself.
Around the corner, Loki overhears your conversation with John. 
Loki never liked John, he reminded him too much of Thor before he got sent to Earth. He can tell you’re uncomfortable from the way you make yourself smaller and your voice being only slightly louder than a whisper.
Loki can’t stop the pang of hurt he feels when he hears you say “yes.” He knows he shouldn’t feel it, that the two of you are barely even friends and you can go and date whoever you like. Still, he wishes that you did not feel pressured to agree, he wishes that he was the one to ask you first. 
All he can hope is that John treats you well.
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Loki doesn’t know why he is walking past the lab. He knew you wouldn’t be there tonight, that you would be busy with your date. He grimaces just thinking about it. Loki knows that he is jealous. Jealous that John gets to spend time with you, to hear you laugh. 
But he will keep that jealousy to himself if it means you being happy.
The door is open to the lab and Loki can hear the clattering of tools. That’s peculiar, no one ever works this late. No one except one. Curious, Loki sticks his head through the doorway, only to find the person he least expects. 
“John, what are you doing here,” Loki demands. He tried to keep his voice level. John shouldn’t be here, he should have already left for your date. 
“Ah shit, Loki you scared me,” John grunts. “I had a project I needed to finish before Stark gets on my ass about it, so now I’m stuck here.”
“Shouldn’t you be on your date?” Loki wonders if maybe it was canceled, that you were simply having a night in away from this imbecile man. 
“I know it sucks, I’ll text her later telling her what happened. She’ll understand since she can be such a workaholic freak sometimes.” 
Any composure Loki was then gone, he felt his fists tighten as he stared John down, “You don’t tell her that you would make it.” Loki’s voice is just below a yell, John flinches. “And how dare you call her a freak, she is more dedicated to her work then anyone else here and she should be praised for it. But you,” Loki says gravelly, slowly getting closer to John. “You feel as though you can belittle her for it. And as if you weren’t wasting her time enough by asking for a date, you didn’t even bother to show up”
“Listen, I was planning on showing up,” John trembles. “Work just got the best of me and I gotta stay here for the night. She won’t mind being alone, I chose a nice restaurant too.”
Alone. You are alone right now. 
Loki realizes he needs to change that ultimately. John is a later problem, he can deal with him later. Loki quickly runs out of the room with a plan.
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There you are, at a restaurant you can’t afford and far more uptight than you prefer. The lighting is low, but instead of feeling relaxed like when you turn down the lights in the lab, you just feel anxiety.
John hasn’t arrived yet. Your leg is bouncing up and down, as you try to calmly look for him. To see if he is lurking in any of the shadows. 
You had left work early today, well early for you, to have time to get ready. You searched through your closet trying to find something acceptable for the date (eventually you found an old pencil dress you had bought for a grad school reception) and pulled your hair up into a tight updo. 
As you sat at your table, you continued to watch more couples sit down and their orders be taken. You check your phone, he is 20 minutes late. Well that it isn’t too late I guess, maybe I was just too early. 
And so you continue to wait. You want for a man you don’t even care for and who likely doesn’t care about you simply because he made you uncomfortable. He made you feel as though he was your only option.
But then you see a man weaving through the crowd, mumbling quick apologies. Was John always so tall? 
Loki. Loki came.
As he gets closer, you can see his raven black hair is a mess with curls in all different directions. He is wearing a white button down with slacks and a blazer. Such a formal outfit looks natural on him.
“I’m so sorry,” Loki says as he sits down across from you. “I hope you didn’t have to wait too long.”
“Loki, what are you doing here? I’m supposed to be,” he cuts you off.
“Slight change of plans, you came here to have dinner with your date. Only the date has changed, simply as that.” Loki settles into his seat and starts looking at the menu as though there was nothing odd about the situation.
“Loki, you can’t be serious,” you sigh. “Listen, John is going to be here any moment, this isn’t funny.” God, you are so tired of this day. You just want to go home and be by yourself. Screw going outside of your comfort zone. 
“I am being serious.” Loki looks directly at you. For a moment, you wish to look away, but you can’t help staring at his blue eyes. “Unlike that idiot man who originally was going to be here, I’ll admit he was clever to ask you out, I should have done it first. But he was always just going to take advantage of your time whether he came or not.”
You froze, your mind could not comprehend what Loki just said to you. You should ask about why John isn’t here. But all thoughts and questions are just about Loki. “What do you mean you should have done it first?”
“Exactly what it sounds like, I wished I asked you to go on a date with me first.” He leans forward. “When I am in the same room as you, I am constantly astonished by you. The way you speak with such passion,” he smiles sadly. “The way you are always kind to me, I don’t deserve your kindness. I think that’s the reason why I’ve avoided asking you to spend more time with me. It’s silly though because then I just ended up always walking by the lab late at night, hoping to catch a glimpse of you.”
“And I was always there.” You give him a soft smile. “I think you are too hard on yourself, all the kindness I’ve shown you, you deserve. Just look at what you’ve done for me tonight. You showed up. If anything I don’t deserve your kindness, I shouldn’t be surprised John didn’t show up-”
“You’re wrong,” he laughs softly. “Maybe we are both too hard on ourselves. All I know is that you are an intelligent, thoughtful, and beautiful woman.” You feel your cheeks get warm and try to resist a smile. “I just hope I can be good company for the night.” Loki gives you a shy smile, only now you realize that he is just as nervous as you about making a good impression.
You take his hand resting on the table into yours and give him a gentle squeeze, “I know you will be more than good company.”
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You and Loki are walking side-by-side, your arms occasionally lightly touching each other. After you shivered when a particularly cool breeze passed by, Loki gave you his jacket. The sidewalk was mostly dark except for the shine of the lamps and the moon.
The walk back to your apartment took much longer than it should have, but you didn’t care. If the two of you took the wrong corner a couple of times, so be it. During your dinner, the two of you talked and laughed the entire time. But now you are walking in a comfortable silence just feeling comforted by the other’s presence. 
Eventually though, all good things come to an end and you reach the entrance of your apartment building.
You look up at him and break the silence, “This is where I live.” 
“Oh, I see,” Loki says quietly. “I’m glad I could get you home safely.”
You smile, “I’m glad too. Thank you, not just for walking me home, but for everything. I truly enjoyed the evening with you. I think it all worked out better than I could have imagined.”
Loki nods his head gently, the corner of his mouth raising slightly. You see him rock on the heels of his feet. Slowly, the two of you move closer together. Loki leans down, staring at your lips, but eventually his lips land on your cheek giving you an affectionate peck. 
You can’t help, but laugh. 
Loki looks at you puzzled, “What is it?” 
“Oh, nothing.” you say before rising to stand on your tiptoes and catch his mouth with your lips. For a moment, he stands there shocked, but eventually relaxes. His hands gently hold the side of your face. 
When you break apart, he rests his forehead against yours. He tries to hold back a boyish laugh, but once you start to laugh again with him, he can’t resist it anymore; the happiness he feels.
You don’t know how long it takes for you to separate from him, occasionally one of you giggles under your breath. Eventually, you walk to the door of your apartment building with an extra skip in your step.
“I’m keeping your jacket,” you smile coyly. “You can get back eventually, as long as you take me out on another date.” 
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vauxxy · 5 months
the moon ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
luke castellan x reader
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ABOUT - luke invites you, the strange dionysus girl, to spar with him. luke makes a revelation, and you invite him to hang out.
A/N - hey y’all! it’s been a while!! so here i am, with an introductory chapter to a three parter luke x reader series called ‘eclipse’.
there’s not a lot happening in this chapter, but it’s important to the next chapter me thinks :P
also i think i’m sooo funny 😭 the title will make even more sense soon ok
WARNINGS - swearing n alcohol mention and that’s it
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to say luke castellan didn’t like you would be a big understatement. but it would also be untrue.
the reality of his feelings towards you were much more complicated than simply ‘liking’ or ‘hating’ you.
his feelings towards you were completely incomprehensible. and he hated it.
you were just… so strange. the eldest daughter of dionysus, a talented actress, a rebellious girl with a sharp tongue and an even sharper blade. you were everything all at once; and it perplexed him to no end.
maybe that’s why your rivalry persisted throughout all these years. you made no sense, and luke needed everything to make sense. he needed everything to be predictable and understandable.
and you were neither of those things.
but there was also a comfort in the way that you consistently confused him- a sense of irregularity that provided him with the same comfort he would receive from those who were less strange than you were. maybe a bit more comfort, it fact.
it was truly comforting; the fact that you were always there to annoy and pester him when he was training, or at the campfire, or when you asked him to spar.
it was comforting knowing there was always someone there to challenge him- someone there to make him feel the same feeling over and over again… until the feeling changed.
“y/n, i need to talk to you.”
his voice echoed throughout the training grounds, alarming you enough to whip your head around fast to find the source of such commotion.
you were standing in the middle of the grounds, the remains of the practice dummies you were throwing your axe at scattered around the premises.
luke watched your hair move with the soft summer wind as you turned around to face him, no doubt in his mind that you knew exactly what he wanted.
“yeah? ‘bout what?”
your face was a little red and your arms were a little tired from your undoubtably taxing training session. if luke saw you like this a few months ago, he’d chuckle at how disheveled you looked.
but it was not a few months ago.
to distract himself from your appearance, his eyes trailed down to your hands as you tightly gripped your axe. it always freaked him out seeing you with that gnarly axe- throwing that thing around like it weighed nothing.
“hello? about what?” you asked again breathily, swinging your axe back and forth aimlessly as you tried to get his attention.
it seemed as though he had been distracted by something. something strange and pretty and unusual. and whatever it was, he needed to snap out of it before he went crazy.
“i need a sparring partner,” he stated blankly, leaning his back against the nearest pillar and letting out an exasperated breath.
“you’re the only one in camp who can give me somewhat of a challenge. anyways,” he took a good look at you, tapping his fingers against his forearm.
“i’m bored. wanna fight?”
you shrugged your shoulders, recklessly tossing your axe to the side and unsheathing your sword.
“yeah, okay,” you said dryly.
your hair fell over your face as you looked up at him, groaning in irritation at the minor inconvenience.
“hold my sword for a minute?” you asked blankly as you offered your sword out to luke for him to take.
luke looked down at you, amused by how easily you were able to ask him for a favour- even if it was just a minor one. it seemed like you were growing a lot more reliant on him these days. or maybe more comfortable with him? who knows.
“yeah, okay,” he said reluctantly, taking the sword from your hands.
he watched you in silence as you took a step back, running your hand through your hair.
“you really aren't much of a talker, are you?” he asked, smiling smugly as his eyes followed the flow of your hair.
you pulled a hair tie off of your wrist, quickly tying my your hair into a lazy ponytail.
“oh, i’m a big talker. just not with you,” you said bluntly, your voice playful and smug as you flashed him a mischievous smile.
luke liked it when you smiled. he liked to imagine that all the stars in the sky got together on the night you were born, and decided to use their stardust to construct ever feature on your face. your dainty freckles, the shining bright whites of your eyes- the pure magic of your little smile.
‘the fuck is wrong with you? stop being weird.’
you quickly took back the sword, your fingers grazing against his during the little exchange.
“i can tell,” luke commented breathily, raising an eyebrow. his eyes narrowed slightly, before he raised his sword as well.
“you ready? or are you just gonna keep standing there looking pretty?”
“i’m always ready, castellan,” you hummed, taking a few steps towards the middle of the training grounds, and getting into position.
“whatever,” he rolled his shoulders and followed suite. “on three?”
you nodded, and let your body tense up as he started counting down.
“one, two, three-“
Luke lunged forward, stabbing his sword towards your chest. He made good use of the length of his blade, keeping as much distance between you and him as possible.
despite this, you managed to quickly dodge him, your sword clanging against his as you bit down on your lip. you quickly attempted a shot at his waist, your eyes locked on his sword as you shuffled around.
Luke smirked as the two blades clashed together, you going for his legs and him going for your chest. he attempted another stab at your chest, and when you evaded, he kicked out to try and trip you- something he figured would throw you off, or at the very least, off-balance.
you seemed to not fall for such cheap tricks. as he backed away to create some distance between you and him, he smiled. this was exactly what he wanted.
a challenge.
he heard you groan, offering a sly smirk before watching you attempt a sneaky stab at his arm.
your hair bounced with every movement, your technique airy and light- almost unpredictable enough to make him second guess his own strategy.
you speed caught luke off-guard, taken aback by the sudden stab. he definitely wasn’t expecting that.
your fast and swift movements, paired with the excellent control of your blade made him sweat a bit. he had no choice but to back away, before lunging forward with his sword once more.
you quickly dodged his attack, the sound of blades clanging echoing throughout the area as your breaths got heavier and heavier.
you moved forwards, attempting another attack at his chest.
he quickly blocked your sword, moving in with a stab at your neck- but you were too quick. you resisted the attack, hitting his sword with yours. you shuffled around again, attacking his other arm as you took a second to study him and his movements.
you attacked him yet again, moving his blade to block. the same sounds of metal clashing against each other continuing.
your attack at his arm was successful. he’d taken a little step back at the sudden pain.
luke raised his sword for a stab at your side, attempting to catch you right in the gut—this would put you on the defensive for sure… right?
you quickly blocked his attack on my side, left with a little cut on your forearm.
luke was shocked at how easily you were able to defend yourself against him. you had been training and sparring and competing against him for years- obviously you were a talented fighter.
but luke had grown accustomed to winning. now? he felt intimidated.
like knew his arms were his weak spot, but he hadn’t expected you to realize this yourself. your counterattacks came quicker now that you’d discovered the most effective way to get him out of commission.
the two of you were now evenly-matched in the sense that neither of you could land an attack at the other, and this was starting to get exciting.
you started trying to take cheap shots at his arms and legs, pissing luke off further. it was like you cracked the code.
you were winning.
He grunted, breathing heavily. he was struggling to move against each of your quick attacks, trying to match the sheer speed and agility of your balde.
and to his surprise; he was starting to get tired.
as soon as he tried attacking you, you blocked it- hard. this caused the sword to fly out of his hand.
disarming him was much easier after he was tired and distracted.
then, you lunged at him.
you held your blade against luke’s neck as you pushed him to the ground, straddling his hips as you looked down at him.
“do i win?” you asked smugly, restraining his movements.
you had giving luke a run for his money. the best swordsman at camp was now at the mercy of your sword.
while you two were similar in skill across all aspects of fighting, you had rarely ever beaten him in a sword fight.
“yeah, sure, sure you win,” he growled, attempting to shove you off of his lap.
“now get off me.”
he looked up at you, noticing the proud smile plastered across your face. it wasn’t cocky, or smug- it was proud.
and as much as he’d hate to admit it, he was genuinely impressed with you.
you finally lifted your body off his, standing up as you twirled your sword around.
“huh. i didn’t know i was this good with a sword…” you mumbled, looking down at the blade.
luke stared up at you, rolling his eyes as he got up.
“still obnoxious as ever, though,” he mumbled dryly.
luke glanced at your sword for a moment before turning his gaze away. he walked over to his sword, picking it up off the ground and sheathing it as he turned back around to face you.
“you’re not bad. obviously,” he said bluntly, his cheeks red and his face sweaty from the challenging sparring match as he walked back over to you.
“your attacks are unpredictable. quick, agile. you have a good technique.”
you furrowed your brows, a little confused by his kind comments and praises.
“technique? i just kept my eyes on your sword and tried to get you tired enough to disarm you,” you explained, sheathing your sword.
“i’d hardly call that technique. you’re much better than i am,” you added.
that was unexpected. a compliment? or… was that sarcastic? what the fuck is going on?
you were probably just tired; that’s why you were downplaying your achievements. that’s why you were offering him praise despite his shortcomings.
“i’m probably stronger than you, but you’re much faster. agility is just as important as strength,” luke replied, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.
you shrugged your shoulders, smiling smugly as you took out your ponytail.
“well, i gotta make up for my lack of raw muscles somehow,” you retorted breathily, your tone playful and your voice light as you smiled at him.
you were a child of dionysus- you weren’t supposed to be a fighter, you were supposed to be an actress. but it made sense for you to go against the grain like that. you were an unpredictable, hotheaded, arrogant, theatrical girl… who could also somehow take him in a fight.
luke tried not to gawk at how your hair fell over your shoulder as you shook your head.
as much as he hated noticing it, your hair was really pretty.
it was probably one of his favourite things about you.
luke stared into your eyes as you spoke, his gaze unwavering as he admired your sheer confidence- even when downplaying yourself.
and there it was. the same feeling that had been fucking him over everyday for the past 2 months. a feeling that he was starting to get uncomfortably familiar with recently; fondness. admiration. adoration.
you were the moon. constant, yet always changing. bright, yet most comfortable surrounded by the confines of the dark.
you were his moon.
and you were beautiful.
‘ew, stop.’
luke didn’t appreciate the new soft spot he was harbouring for a certain dionysus girl. he hated how his heart was constantly making space for her. and he hated that his brain was just as complicit.
“i mean, you don’t need to ‘make up’ for anything. muscle isn’t really that important in a sword fight,” he said, crossing his arms as he finally pulled his eyes away from yours.
you nodded lightheartedly, idly running your hand through your hair as you turned your head away from his.
gods, he could watch you play with your hair all day if he could. of course, he’d prefer to play with it himself, but watching you do it was almost as good.
“hm. i guess you’re right,” you sighed, stuffing your hands into the pockets of your shorts lazily.
“anyways, sword fighting is way too much effort. i prefer throwing axes at people.”
luke smirked, rolling his eyes playfully and he looked over at you.
“i still can’t believe you’d choose an axe over a sword.” he couldn’t help but laugh a bit, “you’re so… eccentric.”
“what do you expect? mr. d is my dad,” you said playfully, earning a reluctant chuckle from luke.
“i guess i shouldn’t be surprised,” he replied. “but seriously, who chooses an axe as their primary weapon? why not a bow or something?”
you rolled you eyes, shaking your head at the boy in disagreement.
“the arrows are too flimsy. i prefer wielding something with a bit more weight,” you explained. luke shook his head in disbelief, chuckling dryly.
“you’re so weird… who else uses an axe for their weapon of choice?” he asked out of genuine curiosity, a hint of sarcasm laced in his tone.
“and don’t say something like ‘oh, tons of people’ or something.”
“oh, tons of people,” you repeated, mocking him playfully as you took your hands out of your pockets. you tucked a piece of hair behind your ear, letting out a smug chuckle.
“shut up,” luke scoffed, his usual smirk plastered on his face.
gods, it felt like his feelings were becoming more evident by the minute. he was going insane.
‘you like her, don’t you?’
the thought popped into his head again.
‘shut it out, or else it’ll get awkward.’
he wasn’t about to ruin the fun you were having.
and besides, he didn’t like you. he couldn’t like you.
you were literally the daughter of the camp director. and you were insufferable. or… well- that’s a lie. you used to be insufferable.
it seemed as though age had provided you two with a new sense of maturity; letting your rivalry calm down and allowing you two to finally get along.
and as much as luke hated to admit it, he kinda liked getting to know you. he liked spending time with you. but he always did- that’s why you two spend so much time fighting, right?
luke was suddenly snapped out of his head by the sound of footsteps hitting the floor of the training grounds. he looked up to see your back as you walked away, his eyebrows furrowing at your silent departure.
“where are you going?” he called out.
you turned around quickly, quirking your head to the side.
“the campfire, obviously?” your said, your hands stuffed in your pockets again.
“aren’t you coming?” you asked, staring him down playfully with a friendly smile.
luke’s eyebrows rose, his body freezing as he thought it over.
‘she’s mocking you.’
‘no she isn’t- you’re the leader of the hermes cabin. you have to come to the campfires, dickhead.’
‘can’t be bothered, nah.’
“i have better things to do, thanks.”
He scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest as he stood in the middle of the training grounds.
you raised your eyebrows, a little smirk emerging on your face.
“you sure? because as soon as the younger campers head back to their cabins, us older demigods are going down to the lake,” you said, crossing your arms to mirror his defensive stance.
“… and i’ve got a bottle of wine and half a bottle of vodka hidden under my bed,” you whispered as you took a step forwards, shooting him a mischievous wink.
vodka? that was enough to pull him in, even if they were supposed to have a little rivalry going. but then again, they were barley rivals anymore.
it’s not like he was big on drinking, but he was big on discarding his responsibilities- even if it was just for a few hours.
he paused for a moment, staring at you as he contemplated whether or not he should come to the campfire.
luke didn’t even care if you guys didn’t like each other that much, he still wanted to spend more time with you. besides, he didn’t see the problem in exploiting the way you guys were being a lot more civil to each other recently in order to get a little tipsy.
“yeah fine,” he mumbled, “i’ll come.”
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