#asexual reproduction. next question
tkfluff-fanatic · 8 months
Sometimes I look at other Countryhumans fans and wonder if we're in the same fandom
#NEED y'all to remember these are also whole ass countries with history when you characterise them#Croatia characterizations piss me OFF sometimes#buddy these people celebrate operation storm😭😭😭#I won't say Serbs are any better either some of them mfs want a second srebrenica#but it's always “haha Serbia warcrime haha😂”#never ONCE did I see the Croats get the same treatment we do#also the characterization of Kosovo??? lol#“Serbia's ex” buddy#what#help#WHAT led you to that conclusion#“oughh but if Kosovo is Serbia's child that implies-” buzzer sound#asexual reproduction. next question#the way mfs portray Japannnnn#buddyyy#can we keep in mind what the Japanese did pleaseeeee#also mfs who think Serbia and Montenegro would have a good relationship make me laugh#i don't think they'd have a BAD one per se but a complicated one surely#Montenegrins are the same motherfuckers who joined NATO and recognized Kosovo#I think Serbia's parasocial relationship with like. everyone tbat exists is like really funny#Bro thinks someone cares about her😂😂🔥🔥🔥🔥#I think like the few people that do actually like her and enjoy her presence are Romania Greece and China#everyone else she cares about just kinda does NOT care back#Russia? No. Montenegro? Ehhh.#Bulgaria? Serbia didn't think this guy particularly liked her in the first place but#when she caught the guy literally stalking her she solidified that thought#smells like EU business!#on the topic of EU im sick of mfs portraying the organisations as competent lol#ok I'll shut the fuck up#⭐ ;; zaharije
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hauntingblue · 8 months
Usopp you better work.....
#franky saying he is going to destroy this place just bcz ajdjakd#see he is merciful bc he could just kuma laser them and thats done.... but alas....#luffy saying usopp will do what is needed.... well he could have done it a thousand times by now#usopp do not run away wtf... i will make sn illustration book to show the future generations how brave they were omg ajfbskw#this is a new low for usopp i think.... like put on the sogeking mask and get to work man#also my girl robin turned into a doll.... unforgivable#tontatta species going extinct after this operation lmao#oh god..... well this is tunring around#talking tag#watching one piece#episode 674#kyros (15 years old): 💪🏻😤💪🏻#oh he has rebecca's reputation oof#beasts are only appreciated in their cages.... BARS#yeah scarlett put that mans whole development down yeees!!!#maybe rebecca is a product of asexual reproduction because scarlett just did a copy paste....#this man is not fucking... maybe he said we should have a baby and scarlett said aight and next day she is pregnant.. he asks no questions#haha kyros you are fucking my daughter 👍🏻😃#ahskahskaq she said i marry him or DIE !#and she did ahdkahdk#kyros using gloves to hold rebecca... the mental illnesses of this guy#the use of smash cuts in one piece is incomparable.... either i marry him or die!! *smash cut to her funeral* lmao#the people that have devil fruit powers.... like it looks like most of them ate them bc they were looking for them for power....#but like apart from luffy and chopper whi were accidental... robin and violet ate them so young??? and they dont explain if its an accident#bc robin ate it between 2(!!) and 8.... why where how? and viola is like 10 and already has her power... why would the youngest daughter#get a devil fruit and not the oldest that is going to get the throne.... idk man but there can't be that many accidents#oh he cut off his leg.... damn#this is some dreal drama jesus christ#my barrier cannot block verbal attacks 💀💀💀 barto.....#episode 676
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ranticore · 7 months
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this is as far as i got into a diagram of siphos, the dominant life form of Siren, my big big worldbuilding project. it's fuck ugly and i am not lining this. I really liked the idea of alternating generations and a stupid complex life cycle. Ultimately there are no 'plants' on Siren as we know them. Instead we have the 'sessile' generation of the creatures which, in a different 'active' generation, are among the fastest and most active apex predators in the vast freshwater seas of Siren. It took the first human settlers on Siren years to understand that what they were assuming were completely different animals were in fact all the same animal - and, ultimately, it brings into question the definition of 'species' as it stands.
Tides are regular but slow; a yearly occurrence (when not a neap or spring supertide). When there is no or very little water movement (during a low tide phase), the fresh water forms strongly stratified layers, including an anoxic dead zone near the bottom. the increased water flow of a rising or falling tide increases mixing in the water, and provides enough nutrient flow for the sessile adult phase of the siphos to happily live their lives anchored to the substrate, feeding by suspension. each 'leaf' has a feeding structure which i have not designed yet, but also uses gas exchange to create air bladders in a process not unlike photosynthesis. the bladders raise and lower the leaves in the water column to take advantage of zooplankton density (diel vertical migration).
Each leaf produces two motile clone larva which break out and swim away. It's not uncommon for these larva to be released in a swarm when the adult sessile sipho is under attack or being eaten. The two holes in the leaves will slowly refill with the next clones. The larvae swim until they meet larvae of another sessile adult, whereupon they spawn, releasing planktonic gonads for sexual reproduction. the eggs form thick mats on the sea floor (some with an additional 'worm' stage of joined together eggs which trundles along until it finds suitable substrate) and eventually sprout into more sessile adults.
Whether or not the larva undergo sexual or asexual reproduction depends on oxygen saturation in the water. If the water has a low saturation, it is likely due to a period of stratification in the water column (still water at high or low tide). Because there may not be enough prey for a sessile adult to get by on, it triggers the beginning of the active generation. the larva instead divides asexually and enters a kind of locust phase of rapid development into swarms of nymphs which form most of the "fish" in Siren's seas. The nymphs progress through several stages of development, as the water continues to settle and stratify, until ultimately they are able to leave the water. similar to dragonflies, the nymph 2 stage are the largest flying predators native to the planet, and feed mostly on smaller siphos of other species and the insect-like creatures that swarm around the coastlines. the nymphs are sexually active and can lay fast-developing eggs which will hatch into more nymphs. nymph swarms number in the trillions and are very short-lived, taking advantage of only a few weeks of ideal conditions.
during a neap or spring tide year, when the water is liable to undergo extreme, catastrophic changes, the nymph 2 stage will then become fully active adults; too heavy to fly, the adults of the active generation propel themselves via specialised hydrofoil arms. they prey mainly on nymphs of other species (though cannibalism is common) and, since the settlement of Siren, sea-dwelling or even flighted humans. with the ability to travel very far and very fast, these adults are the means by which entire species can uproot and fuck off to a more livable area if the neap tide decides to turn their aquatic home into a new continent.
They do eventually spawn and, depending on oxygen saturation, release eggs that will become nymphs or sessile adults.
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o-craven-canto · 1 year
Taxonomy rant
I’m sympathetic to claims that Linnean binominal nomenclature -- you know, the Homo sapiens Felis catus Quercus robur thing -- is inadequate to describe species as they exist in nature. But the problem is not with Linnean names, it’s with names period.
We interact with the world by imagining it’s made up of “things”, of discrete objects that belong to categories, have properties, and interact with each other; and to these “things“ we give “names”, which allow us to think and talk about them. Which is fine, as I don’t think we’d be able to interact productively with the world if it wasn’t for this level of naive abstraction. Imagine if we had to re-deduce the physical properties of each individual chair from its constituent molecules, instead of imagining the category “chair” and a standard protocol to make use of its members.
But then we fall back in the misconception that “species” are discrete, bounded categories built on variation around a central ideal type -- the Platonic essentialism that Richard Dawkins rightly considered the single greatest obstacle to most people in understanding biology and evolution. In reality, there is no “species” beyond the sum of all the individuals that make it up, which form smooth continua of variation and blur at the edges into related species.
We made a brave attempt at defining “species” as a group of individuals capable of interbreeding. This patently fails with bacteria and most protists, which reproduce asexually, and only engage in transfer of genes independently from reproduction. (And bacteria will happily accept DNA from different phyla and kingdoms, as if we could get pregnant from tree pollen.) It also raises the thorny question of what counts as interbreeding. Can two species interbreed if they bear viable but infertile offspring? What if the offspring is fertile, but sicklier than non-hybrids? What if they can interbreed just fine, but just choose not to because they have different mating signals? Even if you choose arbitrarily one step of the ladder of noninterfecundity as your criterion, populations that are not constantly mixed will drift away from each other over time as they accumulate new mutations.
What of ring species, which show that the ability to interbreed is not transitive, so that A can breed with B, and B can breed with C, but C cannot breed with A? In any given moment of time these are fairly rare, but if you pry open time and look at life diachronically, you will see that every single living population is like that. There is an uniterrupted chain of parents and children in which each ring obviously belonged to the “same species” of the previous and the next (or the previous hundred and the next hundred), but the first ring of the chain is a lancelet-like worm-fish thing, and the last is a turtle or a hummingbird or a cheetah.
You can choose to measure genetic distance between populations and set an arbitrary maximum as your species threshold, but distance is again not transitive, and again you run against bacteria -- a population of bacteria, allegedly all of the same species, can have quite different genomes from cell to cell, between environmental pickup of DNA, quasi-sexual transfer, and viral infections.
Shall we then treat individuals as unit of analysis, rather than species? (With a trillion billion billion bacteria living on Earth at any given time? Good luck) But then we run in the same issue -- where are the borders of the individual? Meiosis and fertilization at least create a clean enough break between generations in sexually reproducing species, but what of those parthenogenetic aphids and rotifera in which each individual is just a clone grown from a cell of their mother? What of budding hydrae, and clonal colonies of polyps and trees, in which an “individual” simply grows out of another as if they were but a limb?
For that matter, consider our gut bacteria, which outnumber by far our genetically human cells, and yet are a necessary part of our body no less than our own tonsils or gall bladder, despite being more unlike us than ferns. Consider mitochondria, of which there are a thousand in each eukaryotic cells, without which every oxygen breather would cease to be, and who still retain their own bacterial genome and transcription after two billion years of coexistence. Consider ERV sequences, which are but viruses that accidentally copied themselves into cells about to divide, and which make up at least 5% of the genome of every single human cell (parts of the genes for the mammalian placenta may come from there).
There are no species; there are no individuals either. Even cells and genes are on thin ice. There is just Life, a seething, shoggothy four-dimensional mass rooted in some Archean hydrothermal vent and stretching cancerous tendrils across the aeons, of which species and individuals are merely local clusters and sub-clusters that we point out and give a name to because, much like with constellations, it’s convenient for certain purposes. (Including making sense of Life and Its history as best as we can.)
Enough with that “did you know that sharks are not really fish?” nonsense. Embrace taxonomic nihilism. It is an objective fact about the physical world that the lineage of sharks diverged from the lineage of tunas before the lineage of tunas diverged from ours. It is not a fact that sharks “are” or “aren’t” fish, because categories are phantoms and nothing actually “is” except wave functions and the void. (It is also a fact that sharks are not Osteichthyes, but only because the word “Osteichthyes”, unlike the word “fish”, was defined in a specific way that excludes sharks.)
In sum, I support keeping Linnean nomenclature around on the grounds that
We need to give names to things anyway, and
I have a fetish for Greek and Latin roots. Dicopomorpha echmepterygis. Hrngh.
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calciumcryptid · 2 months
what would the we are couples be like during heats/ruts?
Anon, you just asked a magic question. General warning for the omegaverse and the questionable consent inherent to heats and ruts along with the even more obvious smut talk.
We Are Omegaverse: Heat and Ruts
Dynamic: Alpha Peem/Omega Phum
Peem knows he is close to his rut when he wakes up exhausted. He is calm and relaxed in his daily life but he is bone dead when he enters pre-rut. The twenty-four hours before his rut are spent sleeping with a single text to whoever is closest (his parents, his Aunt Pui, Q, and eventually Phum). He has to have other people do the necessary preparations because his alpha instincts don't want to leave his den. The next time he wakes up it is rut time.
Predictably, Peem is full of energy during his rut. His body has stockpiled, and he wakes up bursting with energy and desire. His rut is the most energetic Peem ever is, and Phum was taken aback when he experienced it for the first time. The sex is rough, seemingly never-ending, and Phum has to incorporate eating and drinking into the foreplay for Peem to do it. When they are connected by Peem's knot, Peem naps on Phum and while it is uncomfortable Phum can't find himself angry as he watches his mate sleep.
At the end, Peem passes out for another twenty-four hours before he is back to his regular self.
Phum knows he is close to his heat when his body itches upon not having Peem in his eyesight. He is clingy, territorial, ridiculously so and won't let Peem leave their den, leave their nest. He pads after Peem like a lost puppy as Peem prepares them food and water and calls time off work, reaching for him and wrapping himself around. Peem can't get on the phone with Toey and Pun, because while Phum knows they have mates of their own they are still omegas and his pre-heat brain views them as reproductive threats. Once Peem has stalked their fridge, Phum drags him back to their nest and scent him until his coastal scent has vanished under vanilla and roses.
During his heat, Phum has lost his vocabulary. He lets out whimpers, whines, and other lewd sounds that drive Peem mad. It would send Peem into overdrive, but Phum is dominant while in heat. Riding has always been Phum's favorite sex position, but Phum's omega instincts utilize it a ridiculous amount as he uses Peem as his personal dildo. Peem has tried to flip their positions before, but Phum is stubborn and fought back like he did the first day they met. Ultimately, it doesn't matter as Peem gets to watch Phum's eyes glaze over and his face flush in real time.
At the end, Peem draws Phum a bath and washes him. He says Phum's thighs wouldn't hurt if he let Peem take charge, which only earns him a splash in return.
In the times they sync up, they've matched each other step for step pace for pace as they fuck around their den never a step apart. Their nest turns into a warzone as they fight for domination, and only then does Peem has the strength to hold Phum down and fuck him into the quivering shivering mess like he does in their regular sex life.
Dynamic: Alpha Q/Omega Toey
In case you weren't here for my initial Omegaverse headcanon post, I stated my own interpretation of the Omegaverse respects aromantic and asexual identities. Biology will not give aromantic people a scent, nor will they enforce heat/ruts on an asexual person. In case you aren't here for my entire We Are experience, I interpret Q as demiromantic and Toey as demisexual. Demi identities are a little more complex, but still respected. Essentially, a demiromantic person will obtain a scent after they become romantically attracted to someone and a demisexual person will obtain a heat/rut cycle when they become sexually attracted to someone. When the demi person falls out of romantic/sexual attraction those traits will shut off.
Something I did not mention was demisexuals have longer gaps between their heats/ruts. In typical Omegaverse, heats/ruts are meant to occur similar to periods in they happen in a cycle. Fortunately, I don't believe they are meant to happen as often as periods but in my interpretation of the Omegaverse they occur roughly every three to four months so four to three times a year. A demisexual person will experience them every six to nine months so two to one times a year.
That wasn't really relevant, I just had to lore dump. Anyways-
When it comes to his rut, Q is odd. Media will try to tell people all alphas and omegas lose their sense when they enter their cycles, but it simply isn't true. Unlike Peem, Q is conscious during his rut. He didn't have a scent for about two decades of his life, so no one noticed he was in a constant state of arousal. For Q, it was a week off with awkward boners so he would hole up in his place with the occasional masturbation. He prefers to spend it alone anyways.
Q knows he is close to his rut when he gets affectionate. He gets affectionate, not clingy, an important distinction to make as he doesn't latch onto someone like an overly cuddly octopus. Instead, he does touch and compliment his friends a little more, and he doesn't shrug off affection, even plays along, as he transitions into his rut. As mentioned, he spends the week off painting with occasional masturbation sessions.
Then Toey entered his life, and Toey is a little scared to spend Q's rut together. This is reasonable. Toey is an omega, and he has heard the horror stories about alpha ruts. However, Q spends the entire first day of his rut eating Toey out, coming untouched. They aren't limited to the nest, spending a few rounds in the bathtub, and by the time Q has knotted Toey for the first time Toey is relaxed and blissed out.
By the time it is all over, Q snuggles close to Toey and naps.
On the contrary, Toey's first heat was a bit of a disaster. While his omega instincts guided him to safety it was an embarrassing time so he doesn't know what he is like before heat. It turns out, pre-heat Toey is similar to drunk Toey in the way he gets sleepy. Unlike Peem, who is dead to the world from exhaustion, Toey is cuddly and slightly delirious. He curls around Q like an overly affectionate octopus, and Q strokes his hair as he falls asleep to preserves energy. At least, that is what Q assumes Toey is sleepy for.
In their usual sex life, Toey is a pillow princess. However, a Toey in heat becomes a pillow queen. He doesn't want to do anything and gets fussy when Q doesn't tend to his every need. Toey is embarrassed when it is all over, but Q finds him adorable. In an odd way, it reminds Q of the days before they got together where Toey would beg Q to teach him art and bait the alpha into touching him. Toey may not be able to say anything more than 'alpha' and 'more' but Q will give him whatever he wants with care and dirty talk.
After it is all over, Toey goes back to being an octopus. Q is right, the next time Toey wakes up he is immensely embarrassed.
They don't sync up often, but when they do it is soft. Q wants to take care of Toey, and Toey wants to be taken care of.
Dynamic: Alpha Tan/Alpha Fang
Fang didn't know it was possible, but Tan becomes even more affectionate when he enters his pre-rut. Correction, Tan is the one who is an octopus as he latches onto Fang and refuses to let him go. Fang has to convince Tan to bring them their phones so he may make the necessary arrangements for his rut. Fortunately, Tan is willing to do anything and everything when it comes to other preparations as long as Fang doesn't take a step from their bed.
When the time comes, Tan is a mix between Peem and Q. He is rough, the way both him and Fang like it, but he wants to take care of Fang for better or for worse. Fang doesn't need Tan's rough tongue rimming him, but he knows he needs more preparation as his body doesn't produce it naturally like an omega. Tan marks Fang up, and the first time they spend a rut together Fang walks out looking mauled. Afterwards, Fang incorporates a muzzle into Tan's ruts until he is ready to receive the mating bite. Tan doesn't care. A rut spent with Fang is a rut worth spending.
Afterwards, Tan continues to be overly affectionate. He sees how long he can go with it before Fang stops believing he is under the influence of rut. His record is forty-eight hours.
In a twist of fate, Fang becomes clingy and territorial in his pre-rut too. He doesn't allow Tan to leave their bed, he holds him down, similar insecurities he shares with his younger brother brought to the forefront and tripled by the fact he lays with another alpha rather than omega like his parents society demands. He needs Tan with him, so Tan makes the necessary arrangements from their bed.
When rut hits, Fang is all over Tan. Tan likes to mark Fang up, but Fang needs to mark Tan up until there is no part of him not covered in bites or claw marks. It is rough between them, the pain a reminder they are there together, and in another twist of fate Fang is the one to bite Tan. He is constantly biting Tan, drawing blood, renewing their connection every moment he can. It is a miracle neither of them have died from blood loss.
Afterwards, Fang is pleased. He is immensely pleased. There is a level of possessiveness in the omegaverse, and Fang and Tan have it in spades about the other but a small manageable amount.
The times they sync up, well, their sheets are stained red and they are wrapped up in the peaceful bliss they found in each other.
Dynamic: Beta Chain/Omega Pun
Betas don't have heats and ruts. They are normal people with one note scents who are expected to keep the world running while disregarded in favor of their alpha and omega peers. In many ways, Chain can't keep up with the stamina and energy demanded of Pun's heats, but he is going to try.
It helps Pun is snugly and affectionate before his heat. He is like this always, affectionate towards his friends and always touching Chain. The two were married/mated before their official marriage/mateship. However, since Pun has no distinct change between his regular behavior and his heat he does this fun thing where he doesn't set time before he enters it aside to prepare for the time off. To be fair, he is around Chain ninety-nine percent of the time and when he isn't he is around his friends so he is never in danger. It gives Chain a heart attack regardless as he rushes Pun back to his nest.
Honestly, Pun's personality never really changes. At most, he comes across as slightly drunk, sometimes high, but he is safe in his nest by the time pheromones cloud his judgement. Though, the first time he spent his heat with Chain he was in stunned awe similar to the way he reacted to their first kiss. He couldn't believe Chain was there, in his nest, rather than outside his door only bringing him water and food and ensuring he take care of himself. Of course, this is before he lunges at Chain overwhelmed by desire. It is all blurred, but Chain takes care of Pun like he always does and Pun is content.
This won't be controversial, ChainPun exchange bite marks the first heat after they get together. With the way they reacted and acted, those two were the first to get married too.
Dynamic: Alpha Mick/Beta Matthew (Matt)
When Mick enters his rut, he is similar to Q. Mick is completely conscious for it, which is something he emphasizes to Matt. Matt, a beta, would probably be under the impression Mick would lose his sense like it is portrayed in the media. This would reassure Matt, as misinformation would cause him to believe Mick would see a beta beside him and reject him in favor of a random omega.
I am still torn on how I imagine Mick and Matt's sex life would be, whether it would be tender or rough. Regardless to me, MickMatt are the couple who have the most fun during their sex life (not to say the others don't but MIckMatt hits different for me) so Mick's rut would be no different. They would laugh through their mistakes, and cheer through their successes.
Dynamic: Alpha Beer
There isn't much to say about Beer since I waver on him, but I imagine he is like Q and Mick in the fact he is conscious for his rut. I imagine him as a caring lover too, but still fairly rough.
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Hey, I'd love a matchup for Castlevania, if you're up for it (was not the person who wrote you those ask anons btw, although I appreciate them clearing things up).
I’m a heterosexual cis woman, although I’m starting to suspect I’m on the asexual spectrum. So, I'd prefer a male matchup. Also not super sure I'd be down with polygamy.
I'm a premed student (no time for irl dating unfortunately 😭). I also work as a volunteer EMS on weekends. Outside of my school and work my hobbies are singing (musical theatre and classical mostly), theatre (backstage work as well as performing), skiing (the only sport I’m any good at) and TTRPGs (was this close to getting my group to play a Castlevania campaign 😔).
I’m also a big nerd about history, American comics, and folklore. I’ll rant for hours about my special interests if nobody stops me. I’d describe myself as ambiverted. I'm socially awkward, but also very loud and expressive. I’m a bit oblivious, I’ll admit lol, but I do my best. My MBTI is ESTJ, and while I doubt MBTI's accuracy, I agree I’m very Type A. When it comes to the things I’m good at, I’m a major perfectionist, but I’m proud of how hard I work. I think my greatest weakness is probably thoughtlessness, but my greatest strength is humility.  My giving love language is acts of service, and my receiving love language is quality time. I'm verbally affectionate towards friends but I freeze like a deer in headlights if somebody flirts with me. Also: I know appearance isn’t super important, but I think it’s important to know I’m only around 5’0 tall. As my friends say, "headpat size."
A/N: Okay for you my PreMed Student Anon (that’s amazing, congratulations by the way!)I have two potential matches in mind. You said you’re heterosexual and would prefer male results, so I chose two from that gender because I honestly couldn’t decide which would please you best. For you, I’m thinking either Dracula or Alucard would be your perfect romantic matchups! (It really does just come down to which man you’d like better: father or son, lol.) 
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Dracula (Vlad Tepes), as terrifying as he may be when he decides to enact justice on the human population, is a very reserved and intellectual man. He’s introverted and devoted much of his life to learning about anything and everything from medicine to history to poetry. 
In this instance let’s pretend he’s either never met Lisa or he did meet and fall in love with Lisa but she either lived a full life and died of natural causes, or Dracula was able to overcome the anger and blame he held for humanity following her murder.
Dracula is a patient man. Being immortal means he understands that you must dedicate much of your time to your studies and your volunteer work. So long as the few moments you do get to spend with him are uninterrupted and meaningful, I believe he’d be understanding, and even supportive of your academic endeavors. He was more than happy to aid Lisa in her quest to learn more about biology, so I have no doubt he’d do similarly for you. Any questions you have, he’d gladly answer them. Any resource he has in his castle, any book or scroll, any record of any kind is yours to inspect. He has no doubts that you’re going to make a very accomplished professional one day, and he has every intention of doing whatever it takes to help you get there.
Along with that patience comes an understanding that sex is not the end all be all in life. Sure, it has its place for either pleasure or reproduction but it doesn't need to dominate relationships. If sex is something you're hesitant about, or against having, it doesn't make much difference to him. Dracula would be fine without sleeping with you, so long as he can have you in other ways. Holding you close, holding your hand, sitting next to you in front of a warm fire- those things are what make him feel close to your heart. 
Dracula also enjoys how animated you get when you go on rants about your special interests. He’s very versed in history and folklore as well, although not American comics, so he would listen intently as you teach him all you know. 
As an ESTJ, you would be very grounding for him (an INTJ), while still having a great deal in common. The both of you value an intellectual connection in a relationship while your more empathetic, extroverted side would help push him to see the truth of humanity where he may previously have only seen things in shades of black and white. You both strive for the best, and that suits you just fine with your perfectionism, but do be warned, there may be times you don’t see eye to eye. What you hold as most important in an issue or debate may be different than what he holds. Remember to be patient. INTJs are prone to stubbornness, but being a Type A personality, I do not doubt that you’ll be able to handle any contrary moods of his just fine. 
Your thoughtlessness can also be a source of discourse within the relationship, as Dracula is bound to worry about you. You’re human, you're fragile and under so much pressure. He cares deeply for you and does not want to see you hurt. The one advantage you do have, however, is your humility. It keeps you from being both arrogant and thoughtless which is a much more dangerous combination. So long as you are aware enough of your limits, and keep your wits about you the best you can, Dracula promises to trust you enough to let you come and go as you need to, so long as you’re willing to admit when you need help. But with your best trait being your humility, that shouldn't be a problem. 
Dracula is so touched by your acts of service. Being such an ancient and scary vampire no one ever thought to make him tea or ask if he needed help with anything. He feels so fortunate to have a partner who does not see him solely as ‘Dracula’, Lord of Vampires, but as Vlad Tepes, a man at heart. 
Not to mention your size difference is too adorable for words. He’s so tall and you’re so tiny… He always kneels whenever you ask for a kiss, he’ll never ask you to step on a stool or climb a ladder to reach him. He’s more than happy to come to you. He loves you. You are his new light, his new reason to believe in humanity. 
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Alucard (Adrian Tepes) could also be a good match for you! He’s an ambivert like you, although he may not admit it. He’s the son of a scholar and a doctor, so he’s very understanding when it comes to your education and career. And his empathetic nature makes him extremely compatible with your considerate one. 
As Alucard is a dhampir and immortal, this matchup could work in either medieval times or modern times. For the sake of this matchup, imagine whatever you might prefer. 
Alucard hasn’t always had the best experience when it comes to sex. Granted, you can’t judge every potential future experience based on one horrible one, but he’s not the kind of guy who jumps into bed easily. He has reservations and feels very insecure about the whole act. Should he ever engage in it, he’d need a partner who’s very understanding, or just as nervous as he is about the whole thing. In hindsight, I don’t think Alucard would mind not having all that much sex: for him, your continued company means more than any sexual endeavor could. 
Alucard is very impressed with your decision to go into pre med. He knows how much work that means you’re going to be undertaking, and he’ll do whatever he can to support you, either in your studies or in your personal life. He’s very well-read and rather educated on biology as his mother was a physician, so feel free to ask him any questions or have him quiz you before exams. He’s also a bit of an obsessive lover. When he decides he likes someone, he makes a point to memorize that person. (Recall the Trevor and Sypha dolls?) He wants to know what you think and why you think it. That way, he can anticipate your thoughts or needs. 
And he does quite enjoy it when you sing to him, especially if you sing him to sleep. Sleep hasn't always come easy to him, but with your presence and your lovely voice, it’s as if an angel is singing him a lullaby. I also believe Alucard would absolutely thrive playing TTRPG: he’s sarcastic, smart and strategic. I really think he’d dominate any campaign he set his mind to. Plus, it’d be great socialization for him besides you. 
As an ESTJ you’re fairly compatible with Alucard’s INFJ. You’re just extroverted enough to pull him out of his idealistic daydreams, but grounded and predictable enough not to shake his confidence or trust in you/your relationship. The only possible issue is that INFJs can sometimes get caught up in the fantastical destiny of it all: it’s about people and purpose. Whereas ESTJs tend to be a bit more practical- you value reality and stability a bit more than potential and daydreams. But I don’t envision this to be a huge problem, so long as you push communication with Alucard. He internalizes a lot. He’ll need to be reminded to share his inner feelings. So long as you do that, I don’t see any major discourse between you two. 
Alucard may be a little disappointed in your moments of thoughtlessness, but at the same time, he finds them endearing. You try so hard: you’re a perfectionist like he is, and even though you’re only human, you strive for the same greatness. It’s rather admirable. He likes that about you. 
Alucard would also be very touched by your acts of service, mainly because he often finds himself doing the service for others. It’s nice to be taken care of for a change. And he is very happy to spend quality time with you. He’d follow you everywhere if you let him. So long as he’s near you, he feels complete. He’s always leaning down to give you soft forehead kisses whenever you’re around. You’re so precious to him. 
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revretch · 11 months
Can I pick your brain for ideas lil bit? I'm working on a race of sapient subterranean eusocial arthropods and I can't decide on a biological basis for them. (I've already ruled the three most typical bases for this kind of fantasy guy; ants, wasps and mantids.) I do however have a firm idea of their indigenous region; a massive biome of networked caves that support jungle-equivalent biodiversity via huge colonies of luminescent microbes that cling to the upper reaches of the caves. These arthropod folk live down here pretty exclusively, but they interact with other subterranean societies. I've also established tangentially that they've domesticated a large (described as 'dog sized') beetle whose larval form is used as livestock cause it produces an edible syrup as a waste product. anyway I guess the actual question is do you have any ideas for which real world animals I could base these arthropod folk on; or unusual directions I could take the more typical bee/ant/mantis approach.
I don't suppose termites are an option? Something unusual I never see depicted about termites is that they have not only queens, but also kings! They're also unusual in that, unlike wasps, ants and bees (who strictly have female workers), there are also male workers!
If you're looking for more unusual eusocial insects, aphids and thrips are both options.
Like termites, eusocial thrips have both male and female workers. Unlike termites, the male "workers" can breed, however. (Female workers cannot; only special breeding females.) They also have soldiers with big mantis-like claws, which are used for crushing enemy thrips (as well as secreting antifungal compounds)! They all live together in galls (swellings they induce in host plants).
Some images of a species with different galls on different plants:
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Some sources:
Eusocial aphids are unusual in that instead of having a single queen or just a few queens, the majority of the population is asexual females giving birth to clones. In some species, there are also (also female, though nonreproductive) soldiers. Some soldiers have turned the central tail spike into a stinger; others have wicked crablike forms like you can see on the right, compared to the more usual reproductive aphids on the left:
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Some eusocial aphids live in galls, like the thrips. Others just live out in the open like usual aphids. Soldiers' duties range from keeping the gall clean (if they live in galls), to killing hoverfly maggots which prey on aphids.
At the end of the year, the aphids lay eggs that turn into winged males and females that breed, yielding the next year's asexual, wingless females again (both soldier and non-soldier).
Some sources:
Hope this helps!
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mistyfoxxy · 2 years
Okay, I am a new TOH fan, just marathon watched everything. I had the pleasure of pretty much knowing all the characters and plot points from mutuals posting about it LONG before I saw the show. But now that I've finished it, I have a question for a more seasoned fan---
Are we sure that Hunter is a grimwalker of Caleb? That seems to be the fandom consensus, but it's never actually said in the show. What if Hunter is a grinwalker of Caleb's SON?
*he is refered to as Belos' nephew. Sure, this can be explained other ways, but...
*In hollow mind, in the image of Caleb being lead away by the witch, the witch looks like she could be pregnant
*in the final fight of king's tide, Belos reveals his human face when approaching Hunter, and calls him Hunter. He says "I was only trying to help you" and only yells the name Caleb when he sees Flap.
*Hunter has witch ears, not human ears. If he was a grimwalker of a human, wouldn't he maybe have human ears? I don't know how grimwalkers work
What if after killing Caleb, Philip somehow got ahold of his son, the first Hunter? The kid would be half a witch, making him a lot more worthless/loathsome/disposable to Philip/Belos. What if he really is, and always has been, his nephew???
IDK. Am I a noob missing some key detail that confirms it as Caleb? Or is this a possibility?? TEACH ME 😆
Ok. So I spent several hours researching this lmao. I also got on a few rabbit trails so I will be taking several rabbit trails with this one.
SPOILERS AHEAD To start, let’s figure out what a Grimwalker is shall we?
I’ve searched high and low through the internet for myths and such, trying to find some kind of basis for this being but it seems to be consequently made up. Atleast In whole, but it seems to be derived of many different things. I searched up grim in mythology and found something called “Grim Church” also called the “black dog”. Which is funny to me considering Hunter’s new love of wolves. I think it’s a lot considering Belos uses these Grimwalkers to “pure” the world.
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There is also something called “Shadow Walkers” which was a book LITERALLY WRITTEN BY ONE OF THE GRIMM BROTHERS. The literal two who went about collecting stories from town to town. So I dug into that a little bit, unfortunately you have to pay for the book or something so I was not able to gather much, however. There is a game that features them, but I don’t want to go into that. Not really.
Also the American Indian term for “Shadow Walker” literally means “someone that walks in two worlds”
He was also made of something called “Ortet” which in botanist terms literally means, “THE ORIGINAL SINGLE PARENT PLANT FROM WHICH A CLONE IS ULTIMATELY DERIVED”. Which definitely confirms that is was made by asexual reproduction of sorts. We’ll get back to that.
Also, Selkie scales. My bet would be Philip used those, well anyone who was trying to make a Grimwalker, would use that to shape the creation into what it wanted, as Selkies have the power to shed their skin and transform into humans. That could also explain some of the sensitivity to Hunter’s hand of that indeed had anything to do with his outer appearance.
The palistrom had “keratin” listed next to it. That has to do with hair obviously. Which could explain why his grew so long? Maybe his use of magic, (like when Belos took over him) it grew out.
Then we have the stonesleeper lungs. I really couldn’t find much of anything on that aside of what the owl house gave us. They’re dinosaur like creatures in which they turn to stone when they sleep. They’re aggressive in nature but are pretty sturdy and tough creatures I suppose. Which would help in keeping the boy alive during that toughly enduring reading and missions.
Then we have the galderstone. The owl house explains it as an old relic that has the magical ability to boost one’s power. Also listed as “heart.
So onto the question at hand. Given the information of these two, I think it’s safe to say it could go either way. Giving the information I’m about to give you, I can tell you why that probably not the case.
Your first fact and second fact. While this could be soooo true, I don’t think Belos was able to get his hands on that baby. When he murders his brother, they’re alone, and there’s fire around them. The next memory, it’s just her, a clearer pic and she is noticeably less round. So there IS a chance he did in fact come for his nephew. That was his family. Forget the witch, his brother is gone but his legacy will continue sort of thing. Oh I know. I’ll make my own nephew.
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Your third fact. I can also see this. But it’s as I said, considering the long line of clawthornes we have now, and they are no doubt the descendants of the two. That baby survived. But since this, I’m even more convinced now that Belos generally beloved this to be his nephew. I’m a sick sort of way ofc. Maybe his, “I was only trying to help you” came from the place of, oh I delivered you from your witch mother and betraying father. After all he says “wild magic” did this to OUR FAMILY. He’s referring to both of them.
Your last point, I think, since Belos found a way to shift his own ears, he could have easily used the selkie scales or whatever else to form this little half witch the way he wanted. While “ortet” really stands out to me, the fact that Hunter is considered half a which when he’s literally made of magic kind of adds to this even more. His genetics were made by Caleb I believe. But the magic in him, that he was made of, makes him “half a witch”. He might not be one genetically, shoot he’s not even human. He’s straight up made of magic and other stuff.
So nah, I don’t think he’s made of Caleb’s son. I think he was made in place of him. Philip couldn’t convince his brother, so why control his nephews life? They’re family after all.
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azrielgreen · 1 year
I apologize in advance, but I have a handful of Touched questions I can't stop thinking about. No pressure to answer, I love this universe regardless, but yah know... any additional crumbs are much appreciated. Thank you a million in advance!! xx
I'm confused why Hopper had to call Eddie about Steve's labor- when Alex was beating up Steve, didn't Eddie feel it through the bond and come running? I promise I'm not trying to be rude, I'd just love to understand the difference between those situations.
With Robin now presenting as an alpha, is she growing a penis in the same way that Steve grew a vagina? I love love loved that last scene, but the obvious suggestion of her knotting.. I guess I'm just a little confused. 
I've heard you say in different asks that you've written this Jason as asexual (so amazing) but in another ask you mentioned him eventually presenting as omega. I'm so sorry, I really don't want to take you to task, but I just love this universe, so I'm curious- if Jason is omega, can he physically go through heats while being asexual? Is he asexual while "sober" (I'm sorry, that's for lack of better word), but then still needs help while in heat?
theoretically- would everyone in this gorgeous family eventually present? Steddie obviously started it, Buckingham is next.. are they all going to follow? I'm mostly curious about like Dustin and Lucas who both seem to be with "outsiders".. will it still happen to them? 
If everyone does present, will there be a hierarchy amongst the fam? Like.. because Eddie in particular was the first alpha, will he be the most in charge? (even though we all know that Steve well and truly runs EVERYTHING lololll) 
Of course, I'm always happy to answer questions!🥰💜💞✨️ please be warned for explicit discussions of bodily transformations Alpha/Omega designation specific.
1) the pregnancy interfered with the bond to a strong degree, taking a lot of Steve's energy and limiting their ability to feel over distance. Eddie could, however, tell something was wrong that morning, but Steve just said he was achy/tired.
2) Robin's Alpha designation means for ruts and Chrissy's heats, she can indeed grow her own version of a dick: her clitoris can transform into a fully functioning penis capable of reproduction and knotting. It can revert to something more medium size in between heats and ruts.
3) Jason going through heats is an evolution for him that takes years to find equilibrium. He does become typically desperate to be knotted but he does also learn to use toys and eventually, they get something custom made for him. His relationship with sex and intimacy and falling in love is a beautiful one; complex and sweet and unorthodox and he actually ends up in a deeply loving asexual relationship with someone in the group, though I'm not saying who🥰🥰🥰
4) So, everyone in the family Steve's age and younger will present. The older ones don't. I think i answered this before, but a vague recap of everyone's designation was: Omega: Chrissy, Steve, Nancy, Jason, Eleven, Will & Mike (who end up in an Omega/Omega relationship later on). Alpha: Dustin, Lucas, Max, Eddie, Robin. Jonathan is a Beta, though he still experiences a few changes too.
I wanted to write the Alpha/Omega dynamics a little different in this, especially in terms of "dominance" so the Alphas don't really fight for who is head of the family, only on jest. If anyone is the Alpha of their pack, it's Eddie, but Steve is sort of the Mother Tree, if that makes sense. A matriarchal structure to the pack made a lot more sense to me while I was mapping dynamics.
Ultimately, the Omegaverse will spread across the earth and everyone will be affected, but it all starts in Hawkins💜💞✨️
Hope these were helpful!💜💜💜
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crystalelemental · 5 months
Here's another fun thought: how do Nexomon reproduce?
Nexomon arrived with the advent of Omnicron, the king of monsters. He birthed seven children, the Primordial Tyrants, who in turn birthed the myriad Nexomon that humans would go on to domesticate. That's our origin story.
So where's mom?
Assuming that Nexomon reproduce similarly to humans, Omnicron should've had a mate. Yet he's the only Nexomon in the world, and birthed seven children. It could, in theory, be a human, which explains why his children can transform into a human form but he can't. But this also seems really unlikely. Even setting aside the issue of anti-human sentiments he holds, to the point of aiming for complete eradication...what's the cutoff? Other Nexomon can't turn human, but his direct kids can. But also so can Solus, but not any of their other children. So like. How's that supposed to work? There's also not an indication that Omnicron cannot turn human, perhaps he just won't.
Additionally, we have the issue of Solus. If we assume Nexomon have similar reproduction to humans, as far as mixing genes and all that, Nara's plan is...risky business. There's no guarantee her kid would come out strong enough to be the next sovereign. So either she has a lot of kids we don't know about that failed, or the act of reproduction is very different.
We do know there are eggs. Even outside of our fake one, Fenrir comments on giving power to Mulcimer as an egg to help him hatch. So egg laying is definitely part of the process. What's interesting about this comment is that it implies how something like Solus would be made. Mulcimer can't happen naturally. There's not a species marker for it, and that kind of variance doesn't seem to happen, given that every single instance of, say, Dinja, is exactly the same (Cosmic forms notwithstanding). For Nexomon to shift forms, something presumably has to make them do it.
The Primordial Tyrants can imbue power into something smaller to create a Tyrant, similar to the process of making Mulcimer. Presumably, they have to be aligned to the element already, or it wouldn't work, though this isn't necessarily the case. The form of the creature that hatches also changes dramatically. There isn't really anything else that looks like Mulcimer or Nivalis or the other Tyrants, that shares their type. There's also the tidbit they mention that giving imbuing power costs something of themselves, even as ghosts.
But, type change has to occur. How else do we go from the Normal Omnicron to a child of each element. And how do you get exactly one of each, if it worked like typical reproduction? There should be too much variance. To create his children, Omnicron likely shaped the powers each would wield. Which means there's control over what comes out, if you know how to manipulate it.
All that to say, it's not a 1:1 asexual reproduction either. It's not a copy offspring. It may start that way, but it can be changed somehow, likely by manipulating the powers within the egg. The question is how far that manipulation can be stretched. Which leads to the big twist:
In all these situations above, what is created is weaker. Omnicron was stronger than the Primordial Tyrants, the new Tyrants are weaker than the Primordial ones, and the general Nexomon are the weakest of all. None of them create something stronger from their egg. Except for Nara.
Solus goes against this entirely, and is not only stronger than her mother, but is an entirely new type. The Primordial Tyrants exist as manifestations of the world's features; Psychic and Ghost developed after the fact. Which...also implies some variance to the base Nexomon as well. To say nothing of Fane, a Ghost-type Tyrant that, as far as we know, never received any kind of power infusion from the Primordials. So how did all of that happen?
Interesting thing to note: we see older Nexomon again in Precursor Valley, but they're changed (Except Mandrass, who is thus implicitly the Pinnacle of Nexomon Evolution). Enough time took place that these species had small evolutionary changes, but Gemeen is still Gemeen. There's nothing that changes the species, but can change its looks for adaptation. None of them are Psychic or Ghost. Which implies that, grand scheme, those types are a more recent phenomenon.
To make it even more confusing, then there's Maraudin. Which is an entirely different species, and a descendant form of Hobyn. A weak little baby bird, who...evolved into a stronger thing. Somehow.
By and large this is positing questions with no answer. I don't know that they devs really thought all about this stuff. But I do have some thoughts to apply.
Small evolutionary changes are the result of natural causes. Big evolutionary changes happen because someone messed with an egg.
However, it may be possible for bigger changes to occur depending on what happened to the egg. If Nexomon do reproduce sexually, did Hobyn crossbreed with another Nexomon type to create Maraudin?
In that case, Psychic and Ghost could be manifestations of particular interactions. For example, Psychic, given its odd traits of "Strong against everything strong against it, resistant to everything resistant to it," could be due to complementary, non-interacting types. So for example, Plant and Mineral. They have no type interactions at all, and thus a blend of Plant and Mineral Nexomon could result in Psychic. Ghost would be the inverse; two types that do really poorly together, such as Fire and Water. The conflicting elements may result in an adaptation that causes them to not quite be aligned to the living when they pop out, resulting in Ghosts.
But there is another answer, that also explains the only odd type matchup Psychic has: its weakness to Plant.
Primordial Tyrants can imbue their power into an egg to ascend it beyond its original species, creating Tyrants. To create a being stronger than herself, Nara would have had to imbue her own power into that egg, but would likely need more than just her own strength, especially to account for the type change to something that didn't exist. But Solus also happens later than other Psychics. And without a Primordial of that type to create them, Psychic had to come from somewhere. Ghost too, but Ghost has Fane, whose origins are unknown. Maybe it was after, but maybe it was before.
And what if it was before? If Ghost is the absence of life, then technically, it still falls under the jurisdiction of someone who commands life force. And considering Psychic's absurd overpowered status, having nothing that can beat it that it can't also beat, and nothing that stops it that it cannot also stop...wouldn't it make sense for that type to be created specifically for Solus? If Solus happens after the type, then possibly, the type was created as a test run. Make something that's stronger than the other types, that can bring them to heel with force as needed. You can't jump straight to the Tyrant, so you test it on something smaller first, blending those life energies inside an egg to see if you can produce something different. But in case that something goes rogue, you'd need to be able to keep it in check. And so its only real weakness...is your type. If nothing else, you'll be able to reign them in. And thus you get the Psychics.
But that energy has to come from somewhere. Imbuing power doesn't come from nothing. So you siphon away life energy from something else, and produce a ghost. Maybe Fane is what it is, because they were a Tyrant whose energies were fed to Solus' egg. What better to power the Sovereign of Tyrants than another Tyrant? What if these types were made as another part of Nara's plans?
The siphoning life energy out seems distinctly against Nara's typical way, given she's still upset by the Mandrass. But Ghosts are "alive" by some definition. They exist in physical space, and it's not like Plant, the associated essence of life, has no effect on them. So that could be dismissed as Nara not really doing anything but manipulating type and life state. It's not entirely outside the realm of possibility. Nara cherishes life, but she's willing to get her hands dirty when it comes to Solus and preventing the absolute extinction of her species.
"Do you believe, like, any of this?" I 'unno. I'm just vomiting ideas while under the Vaguely Sick condition.
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thevalleyisjolly · 2 years
Concept: Everyone’s always asking who Gil-Galad’s parents are and he’s always just smiled enigmatically because he doesn’t know himself. 
Look, he’s grilled Círdan and his mother a hundred times, and all Círdan would say was that his mother had turned up at Balar with him as an infant and claimed that his birth parents were Noldorin royalty.  Meanwhile his mother would only say that his birth parents made her promise to keep him safe and that she swore an unending oath to never betray their trust.  Which is all very well and good because he loves her dearly and she’s the only parent that he knows or really wants, but he is still curious about who his birth family is given the crown they inadvertently left him with.
Ereinion Gil-Galad arrives in the Halls of Mandos with a mission.  The Maiar who serve Námo aren’t quite sure how he managed to summon the strength of will to interact with the other houseless spirits, but he’s got a laundry list of Finwëans that he’s systematically going through and it’s getting to be a problem.  He had a blazing row with Fëanor the other day that started with the exact nature of Maedhros and Fingon’s relationship and devolved into comparisons about who pulled off their fiery death better, and everybody in the vicinity thought that Dagor Dagorlad was starting.
Námo is privately amused, but agrees to re-embody Gil-Galad since he is clearly more than ready to return to the world, and also this now makes him the problem of everyone else in Valinor.  Over the next few Ages, anyone in Valinor with any connection to the House of Finwë, no matter how distant or tenuous, learns to sidle out of the room as unobtrusively as possible whenever Ereinion Gil-Galad, former High King of the Noldor, walks in with that focused gleam in his eyes.
Eventually, with not a single Elf in either Valinor or Mandos admitting to anything despite his best efforts, Gil-Galad is forced to conclude that there is a possibility, however slim, that he is his own dad.
He starts researching time travel and Elven asexual reproduction.  Really, no one should be surprised when he actually manages it.  If the Noldor are known for anything (apart from kinslayings, great hair, questionable life decisions, more kinslayings, and shiny jewels), it’s setting their minds and wills to great workings that should be impossible. 
(Gil-Galad is mostly responsible with this power, and doesn’t even change history a little bit.  He does use it to appear on top of Barad’dûr right as the Ring is destroyed and look Sauron in the Eye and go “Did you know you’re on fire there?” before immediately bouncing back to his own time.  But since he’s not actually changing anything and Sauron did kind of burn him to death last time and it is objectively very funny, the Valar agree that he gets that as a freebie)
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amazingdeadfish · 9 months
I already wrote a comment asking about 'mama LBD', but I have another question, if LBD had to teach them everything again, does that mean they had THE TALK? because I think it would be really funny to know how they came to that conversation.
Y'know what? I've thought about this before. And y'know what the answer that I came to?
Yes. Yes she did. She did give them the talk.
And y'know what? Y'know what buddy?
Here. Take this. Because I don't know if I'll ever release other stories like this one. It's set before LBD was imprisoned:
This is the only warning: This includes an explanation of how reproduction works.
"How are there so many of them?" They asked her one day. It was rather strange to say the least, standing here in this village, filled with humans of all shapes and sizes. They looked like them, that's for sure, and they could understand them, yet they still felt like they stuck out like a sore thumb (even though they went unnoticed, along with their Lady). In this village, they felt rather out of place amongst the majority. This was not a pace they belonged to, nor anywhere else. They only felt like they belonged to the Lady Bone Demon.
"Elaborate," she simply questioned.
"Humans," they said, "why are there so many of them?"
She turned to them slowly, with a rather peculiar expression on her face. A sense of dread seemed to wash over her, and her face scrunched up ever so slightly. Then she turned back to looking at the people around the two.
"Reproduction," she hesitantly confessed. "I... Suppose you had to ask eventually."
"Is that a concept or a thing, my lady?" They inquired, tilting their head a little.
"It is a process of sorts," she continued, quite careful with her elaboration. "There's two types. Asexual and Sexual. Asexual is where there is one individual, who makes a clone of themselves to make another individual. Sexual, the method that humans use, is where a female and a male-" she hesitated, "come together to create a child."
"A child is one of those little things, right?" They said, pointing at some children nearby.
"Yes. But do not point, it is rude," Lady Bone scolded gently. Her hand quickly pressed their pointed hand down and they lowered it immediately.
"Apologies," they mumbled. After a moment of silence, they asked, "so like, how does it work though? Do humans sort of just, magically create one?" After making some strange gestures in the air, ones that barely supported their point, Lady Bone let out an exasperated sigh.
"Humans have reproductive organs," she said, "specifically to reproduce. These organs have to, come together in order to make an offspring. A female has a vagina, and a male has a penis. However every so often there will be individuals who might carry both. Those people are intersex. Demons also typically bear either one or two of those sexual organs, depending on what type of demon they are."
And after much, much hesitation, Lady Bone Demon glanced at them, seemingly regretting what she was going to say next.
"And you also have a reproductive organ. The male kind."
Immediately, they widened their eyes, and glanced all over their body. Patting it down under their armour as they tried to find what she was talking about.
"What is it?" They asked. Because they really did not know what it was. Did humans reproduce with their arms or something? Was that just another word for arms...? They did not know. They really did not know.
When they finally looked back up to her, Lady Bone Demon, reluctantly, still wearing the sense of dread on her face, gestured to their crotch.
Without even a single bit of hesitation, they pulled on the hem of their pants a little outwards, just by enough so they could peak to look.
"Is that what that thing is for-?" They blurted out. Only to immediately be interrupted by their Lady who exclaimed.
"Oh you will not do that in public! Take your hand away," she scolded. Her hand made the shooing gesture, and they quickly withdrew their hand and let their pants go back to covering their legs and crotch.
"Apologises," they mumbled again, feeling rather shameful now. She simply shook her head, letting out a sigh. But after another moment of silence, they knew they had to ask something else.
"So... Did you asexually reproduce me then?" They asked, "because... You created me by yourself, right?"
"No," she curtly replied. "I did not asexually create you because you are not a clone of me."
"And I did not reproduce you either, it is more -" she hesitated, her face scrunching up a little once more. "it is more as if I produced you, rather than reproduce. Because you are artificially created."
"Ah... I see."
So... Apparently there is a difference. Good to know.
"Enough questions," she huffed out, "we ought to cleanse this village. If you do it fast enough then perhaps we will even arrive at the next one near the neighbouring mountain."
"At your service, my Lady!" They exclaimed happily. Pulling out their sword and bowing at her, "I will make quick work of it!"
Annnnnnnd that's how the Mayor learned what sex is. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
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Weight of Perfection
Read here or on AO3!
This story has some deep emotional discussion including body image issues, self-esteem issues, childhood trauma, a narcissistic parent, and the struggles of maintaining a relationship through those things.
There is also an asexual character, a discussion of therapy, brief mentions of in vitro reproduction, and pregnancy.
Please consider everything before reading and skip if you believe it would be a difficult read! <3
Jungkook couldn’t believe he was about to actually upload a profile to a sugar baby site, but he was officially desperate.
There was no way he was going back to Busan, jobless and mateless as everyone had claimed would happen. He knew choosing to pursue painting at Seoul Arts College was going to be a challenge, but the city had not been kind to the omega so far. 
Going through multiple barista and waiter jobs had been Jungkook’s way of providing for himself and as a single, young omega new to Seoul, people took advantage of him. Customers were rude, alpha coworkers made him uncomfortable, and managers were shitty. 
After finishing his degree, Jungkook knew it was not going to be an immediate jump into the art world, but he thought there would be some sort of opportunity that came up. He looked at museums, schools, and community centers for jobs, more than willing to clean studios and teach children’s classes to get his start, to no avail.
With his landlord constantly upping his rent and the less-than-successful job hunt, Jungkook knew his options were limited. His parents would be insufferable if he moved back into his childhood bedroom.
If working at restaurants made him anxious, the idea of becoming a stripper seemed pretty stupid. Omega shelters terrified him and he didn’t have a car to sleep in. 
Then, a random ad popped up on an employment search site. It had a well-dressed omega on the arm of an older alpha in a perfectly tailored suit with a bright white font that read ‘Sweet Tooth - The Ultimate Sugar Service’. 
Jungkook was confused at first, trying to figure out if it was some high-end candy company or one of those kinky services that infused slick into baked goods.
To this day, the omega had no idea why he clicked on the link, but something in his head was telling him it was the right thing to do. 
Three nights later, Jungkook found himself staring at his computer screen while the buffering circle spun - uploading his thoroughly crafted sugar baby profile. It took him hours to select the photos and answer all the questions, but he told himself that there was no backing out. 
This was his ticket to staying in Seoul and pursuing his dreams so Jungkook was willing to wade through filthy comments and old men in hopes of finding a semi-decent alpha to cover his rent and hopefully stock his art supplies. 
By the next morning, Jungkook already had a full inbox of alphas and even a few betas making promises of designer clothes and luxurious dates. Every single message also had disgusting comments on his body and requests for Jungkook to meet in hotel rooms. All things he had been unfortunately expecting. 
What he had not expected was a familiar name sending him a genuinely kind note with an ask to meet up for coffee. The phone almost slipped from his hand in shock when Jungkook clicked on the alpha’s profile, seeing the incredibly gorgeous and smiling face of the one and only Park Jimin. 
The very same Jimin who grew up down the street from him in Busan and attended the same high school. Not super close friends but acquainted enough to greet each other in the hallway and pair up for a project would be how Jungkook described their relationship back then. 
However, he would be an idiot to say no to the alpha despite whatever high school acquaintance they did or did not have. 
Jimin, at least back in Busan, was the definition of an upstanding, respectful alpha. His presentation had been the talk of the school with every omega ready to kneel at his feet for a chance to even be considered for a date. He was well-mannered, gentle, and kind - never once known to make an ill-intentioned comment at anyone let alone an omega. 
Jungkook was not surprised to see Jimin being successful enough to provide as a sugar daddy. The alpha was one of the smartest students in their school, acing every exam and getting into SNU on a full scholarship for business. 
Aside from his intelligence, the Parks were also one of the wealthiest families in Busan - owning a successful bakery chain that had multiple locations across Korea and a full online store. 
What had surprised Jungkook was the fact that an attractive, rich, charming twenty-seven-year-old alpha would be lacking potential partners and in search of a sugar baby. Unless Jimin had completely changed into one of those traditional arrogant alphas, Jungkook couldn’t understand how he didn’t have suitors of all subgenders.  
Coming back to his senses, Jungkook quickly returned Jimin’s message - agreeing to meet up as soon as possible. The alpha said he would send a car for him that Friday afternoon and that he was excited to see him again. Jungkook would admit, the response gave him butterflies. 
Friday came too quickly and the omega spent the morning in a frantic spiral deciding what to wear. His options were already limited considering most of his clothes were covered in paint or meant for the gym. Eventually, Jungkook managed to find the nice plaid button-down that he had thrifted with decent jeans and his combat boots, casual but not too casual. 
Jungkook nearly passed out in the street when a black Range Rover pulled up in front of his run-down apartment building, looking comically out of place. A man jumped out and opened the back door him, addressing him as ‘Mr. Jeon’ which was somehow both formal and warm. 
As the car came to a stop in front of a familiar branded coffee shop tucked in a busy Seoul side street, Jungkook felt his jaw drop and eyes widen.
Park Jimin was standing outside a building that he probably had partial ownership of looking at something on his phone, wearing a trim gray three-piece suit with his blonde hair slicked back off his forehead and absolutely radiating powerful alpha energy. 
Not even realizing the driver had exited the car, Jungkook jolted when his door opened and a hand extended to help him out of the backseat. He was seriously hoping that Jimin hadn’t become a money-hungry monster since the last time they saw each other because the alpha was going to be hard to turn down with the way Jungkook’s omega was begging for him. 
That concern was short-lived once Jimin caught sight of him. The alpha pushed his sunglasses up onto his head and tucked his phone away in his pocket before opening his arms for a hug with a beaming smile on his face. “Jungkookie, it’s so nice to see you!” 
Jungkook felt frozen for a moment, overwhelmed by the radiant kindness coming his way along with the velvety bourbon and cedarwood scent that wrapped around him. The alpha’s strong arms embraced him and he naturally tucked his face against Jimin’s shoulder, feeling more relaxed than he had in months. 
“Hi hyung, thank you for meeting me,” Jungkook responded quietly, trying to stop himself from inhaling the alpha’s addictive scent. With the omega’s bergamot and vanilla growing stronger, the area around the pair was beginning to smell like the best perfume in a fragrance store. 
Jimin’s hand tenderly cradled his cheek, his smile softening into a look of concern. “I just had to message you when I saw your profile. The thought of some old, nasty alpha taking advantage of you made my blood boil.” 
As if Jungkook needed another reason to say yes to the alpha, here was Jimin already offering protection and respect for the omega before he even agreed to meet. “I’m really grateful you did. The other messages were, uh, interesting to say the least.”
“I’m sure - some alphas are so shameless. I’m lucky I found you first,” Jimin replied with a smile, offering his arm to direct them inside the coffee shop. 
Jungkook simply returned the smile and hooked his hand around Jimin’s bicep while thinking about how he was certainly the lucky one in this scenario.
The alpha held the door open for him and instructed him to order anything he liked, adding an order of tea sandwiches and a few pastries that he claimed were his favorites after Jungkook only asked for an americano. 
“So, would you like to ask a few questions first or would you like me to start?” Jimin finally asked once they were settled at their table. He moved both plates of food closer to Jungkook which the omega found very heartwarming. 
“Can I…I don’t want this to sound rude, but…” 
Jimin laughed and rested his chin on his hand. “Wondering why I have a profile on Sweet Tooth?”
Jungkook ducked his head slightly, a pink tinge filling his cheeks. “Yeah, I was just surprised to see you on the site.” 
“It’s not rude at all, don’t you worry about that,” Jimin replied lightly, his strong scent hitting Jungkook in comforting waves. “I have more money than I could ever spend on myself and my alpha has been getting pretty pushy about wanting someone to care for. I wouldn’t say I’m lonely because I have great friends, but relationships have always been a rough subject for me.”
“What, how?” Jungkook asked instinctively before bringing his hand to his mouth. He immediately blurted out an apology. “I’m so sorry, now I am being rude. That is just surprising.”
Jimin’s smile didn’t falter in the slightest, seeming endeared by the omega if anything. 
“Please don’t apologize, you are completely right. I just have…I guess it’s just easier to say it outright. I am asexual and it seems that my previous partners drew the line there - money and love be damned. I’m not completely sex-averse, but I am definitely far from sexually active.” 
Jungkook’s face fell into a deep frown, his scent souring and sadness growing. “That’s terrible. I’m sorry you went through that. You should be loved for you and not, you know, your knot.” 
Letting out a wet laugh, Jimin grew emotional at the omega’s response. “Thank you, Jungkookie, that means a lot.” 
“Can I tell you something?” Jungkook asked, suddenly a burst of confidence that he didn’t have before. 
“Of course, I hope that we can always be honest with each other if you decide to pursue this with me,” Jimin responded, hesitating for a moment before extending his hand across the table to offer it for the omega to hold. 
Jungkook gratefully accepted the gesture, squeezing the alpha’s hand to gather strength. 
“I, um, I’ve been kind of terrified at the thought of becoming a sugar baby for someone who only wanted sexual stuff from me. I know I would have done it because I need the money even though the thought literally makes me sick to my stomach. I’ve never figured out if I identify a certain way, but casual sex has always freaked me out.” 
Jimin’s eyes widened as he let out comforting pheromones. “Oh, sweetheart, I’m so glad you didn’t end up in that position. I promise you that it will never happen with me. Consent is the most important thing.” 
In that moment, Jungkook was ready to turn all of his trust over to the alpha. He had no idea how things were finally starting to work out for him, but he was not going to question it. The conversation then shifted to their agreement, both seeming to understand that they were going to move forward with the relationship.
“So, tell me about what’s going on, Jungkookie. How can I help?” Jimin asked, sounding completely genuine and without pity or judgment.
Jungkook was surprised that any lingering embarrassment was gone, the alpha making him feel safe and secure to be open about his situation. 
“I’m having some trouble paying my bills. It’s been a struggle since I got to Seoul, but now that I’ve graduated and I can’t find a job in my field, it’s gotten worse. I’m on the verge of getting evicted and keeping a job as a single omega is harder than I expected.” 
Jimin frowned and regained his hold on Jungkook’s hand to offer comfort. “Did you study art in college? You were always so good when we were kids.” 
The omega blushed, shocked by the alpha’s memory and praise. “Oh, um, yeah, I did. I went to Seoul Arts and my medium was painting. I knew it wasn’t going to be easy, but it’s been more difficult than I thought.” 
“Seoul Arts! That’s amazing! I’m sure you will have your paintings in a beautiful gallery someday,” Jimin continued with his praise, entirely intentional and not patronizing which Jungkook was used to hearing from his parents. 
“Thank you, hyung. That really would be amazing,” Jungkook replied shyly, appreciating the alpha’s warmth and kindness. “I’ve been out of supplies for a while now though so I might be out of practice.” 
Jimin grimaced, not liking the omega’s dejected tone one bit. “Well, we need to change that then. I’m free for the rest of the afternoon. Why don’t we find a good art supply store and get what you need?” 
Jungkook was dumbfounded, not expecting to jump right into the sugar baby portion of the relationship. He thought they would be talking through terms and possibly agreeing to try it out that day. He looked up owl-eyed at the now-standing alpha who held out a hand for him to take. 
“Are you sure, hyung?” he asked nervously. 
“Jungkook, I was serious when I said I have more money than I could ever spend. I already consider you a friend so please let me help. My alpha is desperate to take care of someone and in my mind, there is no better person than you,” Jimin explained, keeping his hand extended the entire time. 
Taking a deep breath, Jungkook finally nodded and placed his hand in the alpha’s. He stood with a small grin on his face. “Thank you, hyung, you have no idea how grateful I am for this.” 
A month later, Jungkook was blown away by how different his life already had become. 
The alpha had paid out the remaining nine months of his lease and covered his utilities far enough that Jungkook may not have to think about them again until he moved out of the dingy little place.
Jimin spared no expense on his art supplies to the point of the omega running out of space in his studio apartment to store the high-quality tools and materials. For the first time in nearly a year, Jungkook was able to spend an entire day painting without feeling guilty for wasting time that could have been spent working. 
And probably the biggest change, his fridge and pantry were fully stocked. Jungkook had casually mentioned that he couldn’t remember the last time he felt full after their first dinner together. 
Jimin was bothered by even the thought of the omega going hungry so he dragged them to the store and made Jungkook fill the cart.
Between paying his bills and keeping him fed, Jungkook was already falling for the alpha, but he was keeping the relationship strictly on their contract terms. Jimin was taking care of him and Jungkook was a gracious and active participant by accompanying him out and spending evenings on the phone together. 
That night, the omega would be visiting Jimin’s penthouse for the first time and they would be discussing more details of their agreement. The alpha mentioned that he had wanted to keep communication open between them and ensure that both remained happy and fulfilled. 
Jungkook knew that Jimin had concerns about their heat and rut cycles and the potential of the omega exploring other relationships. He was going to make sure that the alpha understood Jungkook’s commitment, knowing that he would want to stay loyal to Jimin even if the money was removed from the relationship. 
The omega would remember their conversation from that night forever, hearing the absolutely sweet declaration from the alpha. Jimin laid out exactly what he wanted from their relationship and made it clear that he would continue to support Jungkook with nothing in return aside from his loyalty. 
Jimin admitted that he was protective and already felt connected to Jungkook’s omega, wanting to be his provider in every way. The alpha’s happiness came from the omega’s safety and comfort, knowing that Jungkook is cared for completely by Jimin. 
He wanted to make sure that Jungkook had clothes that he actually wanted to wear, that he had everything he needed to create his art, that he never felt hungry or tired, that he was safe and supported. 
Jungkook dissolved into tears, allowing the alpha to comfort him through the treacherous emotions. He explained to Jimin that he was desperate for those feelings since leaving Busan and he trusted him to pursue the full relationship. 
It only blossomed from there and Jungkook had never been happier. He had quit the latest part-time hellhole that he was serving at, spending his day painting and creating prints for his newly developed online store. 
More nights were spent at Jimin’s than his own apartment, especially after the alpha turned one of his guest rooms into a makeshift art studio. 
Six months into their arrangement, however, Jungkook was hit with two major waves of anxiety.
One was the fact that his heat was going to hit within the next two weeks. The second was the fact that his favorite jeans were getting a little tight - most of his old jeans actually were quite snug around the hips and waist. 
He immediately chalked it up to his heat cycle, bloating being one of his primary pre-heat symptoms, but deep down, Jungkook knew that he definitely put on a bit of weight. 
Most of it was probably needed considering how underweight he was prior to connecting with Jimin, but the alpha certainly kept him well-fed and up until now, Jungkook didn’t pay it a second thought. 
Deciding that his heat was the more prominent concern, Jungkook called Jimin and asked if he could come over that night to talk through it. He typically went to a heat facility to ride through his cycle with basic care and a few toys and figured that he would be doing the same considering the alpha’s preferences, however, Jimin made him a genuinely enticing offer.
The alpha said that if Jungkook were comfortable with it, Jimin would happily allow him to nest in a guest room or his own bedroom. He would make sure that he is comfortable and fed, willing to provide massages and medication for his cramps while also giving him privacy if he needed to use any toys for more painful waves.
Jimin’s lovely proposition sounded like a dream as Jungkook rarely ever had a sexual partner for his heats as it was. Knowing his chosen alpha would be there to care for him and scent him, Jungkook’s omega demanded that they stay at his penthouse for the entire heat and Jungkook did just that. 
It was by far the best heat of Jungkook’s life. Jimin was perfectly attentive, gently rubbing away all his aches and pains while keeping him hydrated and satiated which turned out to be the only downside of the wonderful experience.
Jungkook’s usual bloating and weight gain from his pre-heat typically melted away after his demanding cycle - burning calories one orgasm at a time. However, where the heat facility gave him water and a few protein shakes over those painful days, Jimin ensured he ate full meals and kept his blood sugar up with pieces of chocolate and granola bites. 
Once he was regrettably back at his apartment, Jungkook pulled out the scale to find that his heat cycle tacked on five pounds which brought his total gain up to seventeen pounds since connecting with Jimin. 
The realization sent Jungkook into a reclusive spiral. He decided that he needed to drop some weight as soon as possible to keep Jimin’s interest which meant dieting and working out for the next month or so while coming up with excuses to not see the alpha. 
Jimin was upset and concerned, wanting answers as to why the omega suddenly was declining his invites to spend the night or get dinner after a long workday. Somehow, Jungkook had not considered that the alpha would interpret the distance as a reaction to his heat. 
The plan dissolved three weeks after his decision to hide away for a bit and work off a few pounds. Hearing Jimin’s choked-up voice through the phone, asking if Jungkook had realized that he couldn’t be happy with the alpha’s lack of sexual desire, would haunt the omega’s nightmares. 
Jungkook immediately caught a taxi to Jimin’s house, needing to comfort his alpha. Jimin opened the door and the omega wanted to fall to his knees, begging for forgiveness. 
The alpha looked like a wreck, dressed in dull pajamas with dark circles under his puffy eyes. He seemed like he was bracing himself for heartbreak at the sight of Jungkook in front of him and the omega had to fix what he had done. 
“Alpha, I’m so sorry,” Jungkook whimpered, wrapping himself around Jimin in hopes of providing comfort. “Please forgive me, I shouldn’t have shut you out.” 
Jimin’s arms enveloped Jungkook, the alpha’s strong scent naturally calming him down. “Jungkookie, you don’t need to apologize for your feelings. I knew this was a possibility - it’s happened before.” 
“No!” Jungkook cried out, tightening his grip on the alpha while hating the fact that Jimin was still trying to console him when he hurt the alpha. “My heat was amazing, hyung. You were perfect. I’ve never felt so safe in my entire life.”
The alpha was clearly confused, but he still kept his hold on the omega. Some of the tension softened as he cradled Jungkook’s head against his shoulder. “Then why, sweetheart? What did I do wrong?” 
Jungkook whimpered at the alpha’s still dejected tone. “Nothing, alpha, please believe me. It was me. I got freaked out and I made a stupid decision.” 
“Freaked out about what?” 
The omega sighed and braced himself for the embarrassing confession. “I…um, I realized that I’ve gained some weight.” 
“Okay?” Jimin replied slowly, waiting for more. 
When it didn’t come, the alpha continued, “That’s it? You were going to call this off because, what…you thought I would be upset over you gaining a couple pounds?”
“I mean, it’s more than a couple.” 
“Jungkook,” Jimin said firmly, almost scolding with his tone. 
Jungkook sensed the alpha’s frustration and hearing Jimin question it that way made him think about how ridiculous his plan had been. 
“Honestly, I don’t ever want to call this off. I just…ugh, I can’t believe I actually thought this was a good idea, but I was going to try to lose most of the weight for the next couple weeks so you didn’t lose interest in me and then you know, go back to our normal stuff.” 
Jimin pulled back and cupped Jungkook’s cheeks, looking at him with a mix of exasperation, pain, and endearment. 
“Please never do that to me ever again. I need you to talk to me. The past three weeks were horrible and the idea that you spent it thinking you needed to lose weight for me makes it even worse. Ggukie, you are so beautiful, and how much you weigh will never change that. I…this is not how I planned to do this, but I need to tell you.”
Jungkook braced himself, expecting a speech from Jimin about taking care of himself and stopping his constant overthinking. However, he was shocked by the alpha pulling him in closer to rest his forehead against the omega’s while he spoke from the heart. 
“I love you so much, Jungkook. I was heartbroken at the thought of you leaving me. I’ve barely gotten out of bed this week because I’ve felt terrible without you. I don’t want us to stay together because of money, I want to properly court you and hopefully become your alpha one day.” 
Jungkook whimpered, overcome with various emotions. His omega was torn between celebrating his alpha’s love confession and breaking down in tears at the thought of causing Jimin’s pain. 
“I love you too, Jimin. I hope you can forgive me. Having you as a mate would be the best thing that could ever happen to me.” 
Jimin closed the small gap between them for a lingering kiss, the most intense they had ever shared. There had been gentle pecks in the past as the alpha explained that he was comfortable with kisses as long as the saliva and tongue were limited, but Jungkook felt the emotion behind this one deeper than ever before. 
“Of course, I forgive you. I’m more relieved than anything. I missed you so much, sweetheart.” 
“I missed you too, hyung. My omega was begging me to stop, but I was just so caught up in my head that I let the insecurities get the best of me,” Jungkook replied, trying to make his point clear that Jimin had done absolutely nothing wrong. 
Jimin took a quiet moment to think something over before he said, “How about we go build a nest together? I want to hold you for a little while.” 
Jungkook couldn’t help but smile, the room filling with their shared scents. “That sounds amazing, alpha.” 
Their relationship blossomed from that day on. When Jimin said he was going to traditionally court the omega, he meant it. Jungkook had never been so spoiled in all his life. 
The alpha had decided that it was obvious for Jungkook to move in with him once his lease was up - overjoyed to finally get his omega out of his tiny, overpriced apartment. 
Jimin did a full overhaul of the art space his alpha had put together in the penthouse, letting Jungkook select every detail of his studio with a professional interior designer. 
Jimin cleared out an entire side of the master suite’s walk-in closet only to fill it back up with a new wardrobe for the omega. 
Jungkook was grateful for the alpha allowing him to choose his preference on most items because he now had options for fancy date nights but also outfits that could be covered in paint during a day in his studio. 
The only factor of the alpha’s courting that Jungkook was trying to come to terms with was the continued effects on his weight. Jimin had the pantry stocked with every snack the omega had ever mentioned liking and the alpha ensured that Jungkook never missed a meal again. 
Between Jungkook’s already decent appetite and Jimin’s consistent praise whenever he ate well, it was expected for the omega to continue his gain rather than lose it as he planned. 
Sometimes, he was grateful for Jimin’s consistent push to spoil him because it was helpful to have new clothes that fit him better as he filled out more. 
However, the omega would also admit that Jimin was slowly chipping away at his insecurities. 
Not a day went by without the alpha telling him how beautiful he was and how much he loved him. He never shied away from wrapping Jungkook in his tight embrace and holding him close in a warm bath or their shared nest. 
Jimin always offered for Jungkook to accompany him on his morning runs, but it was a gesture of quality time rather than implying he needed the exercise. The alpha never once shamed him for saying no and simply suggested they share a shower when he returned from the solo run.
The alpha helped him find an omega-only yoga class near their building that was welcoming and fun when Jungkook mentioned wanting to find something to help him get out and stay active. 
If Jungkook ever fell into a rough headspace or had a bad day, Jimin would ask what he needed - happy to give him time alone with parting words of love or ready to hold him close until the omega felt ready to leave their nest. 
After a year together, three months into Jimin’s courtship, Jungkook had officially gained twenty-five pounds. His hips and thighs filled out little by little and his cheeks had become more cherubic similar to how they were in his youth. 
The pooch below his belly button, once just slight evidence of his womb, was now a bit plumper - love handles developing on his sides that jutted out from his still trim waist. 
His alpha’s hands were on his body more often than not, gently tracing his curves and praising his beauty. It was harder to question himself when Jimin made him feel so treasured.  
Just when Jungook was coming around to his softer tummy and curvier hips, though, he suffered a mental setback. 
Jimin wanted to take him home to Busan so his parents could meet his future omega and it only seemed right to introduce his alpha to his family as well, even if Jungkook didn’t particularly care what his parents thought of Jimin - they were never going to change his mind.
After meeting his alpha’s parents, it was obvious to Jungkook where Jimin’s kind personality and tender heart came from. 
Jimin’s alpha mother had infused every bit of her protective nature into her son while his omega mother clearly had a close relationship with her son, constantly praising everything the alpha discussed and scenting her son with loving hugs any chance she got. 
Jimin’s omega mother complimented Jungkook throughout their entire stay at the Park residence, telling him how beautiful he was and that he was a perfect match for their son. 
Jungkook always felt appreciated by Jimin’s praise, but something about the words coming from a maternal omega was bolstering his confidence.
While the house was overflowing with compliments in all directions, his future mate’s alpha mother pulled him aside to make sure her son was taking care of him properly. She demanded that Jungkook check in with them regularly and encouraged him to be honest if there was ever something Jimin did that he didn’t like. 
Jungkook truly had never felt so loved and was certain that Jimin’s parents would become his own once their mating was finalized, already treating him as if he was their son. 
They also had the same mindset around feeding him that his alpha held, spending the entire week being stuffed to the brim at their home between the incredible homemade meals and delicious pastries from one of their many bakeries. 
Jimin’s omega mother and a few family friends that Jungkook had been introduced to all indulged in the sweet spread during their trip, encouraging the omega to do the same. He noticed their similar curvy figures and found happiness in fitting with the image of a healthy mate. 
That, unfortunately, was where the happiness of their trip ended. On that Sunday afternoon, the couple made their way from the Park estate to the Jeon’s home and received a completely different welcome. 
Jungkook’s alpha father wanted to discuss money from the jump yet seemed annoyed by his future son-in-law’s successful career at the same time, almost envious of the young alpha. 
His omega mother, on the other hand, held strong on her judgmental treatment of Jungkook while making uncomfortable, almost flirtatious comments toward Jimin. 
While Jimin spoke to his father in the living room, Jungkook’s mother cornered him in the kitchen and started her typical barrage on the omega’s life choices and appearance within hours of their arriving. 
“So, how is the whole art thing treating you?” she asked snarkily, always hoping that her son would admit his failure in his career choice just to gloat about being right. 
Jungkook was not deterred by her implication and genuinely smiled. 
“It’s going really well. Jimin helped me build a nice studio at home and I have an online store where I’ve been selling my paintings and prints. My sales have been going up lately so I’ve been thinking of outsourcing the printing to keep up with my orders.” 
“Hmm, well isn’t that nice, dear? Glad to see it wasn’t a waste of our money after all,” his mother responded, sounding disinterested as she decided what to go after next. Not bothering to even spare a glance at her son. 
Jungkook fought the urge to roll his eyes, knowing fully well that they hadn’t contributed a dime to his education as he earned a full scholarship to Seoul Arts. He knew more was coming so he put his focus into brewing his and Jimin’s tea while hoping that the alphas came in soon. 
A minute of silence passed and Jungkook honestly thought he was about to get off easy when he felt a sharp pinch to the soft skin above his hip. He flinched and stepped away, snapping his head toward his mother who had a disapproving smirk on her face. 
“Someone’s getting a bit fat.” 
Her voice was even sharper than her pinch, looking almost pleased that she found something to latch onto. Before Jungkook could even figure out what to say, she powered on. 
“You know, just because this alpha is courting you doesn’t mean you can just let yourself go. He’s young, rich, and handsome - he could trade you in tomorrow and here you are packing on the pounds as if you have something to offer him besides your looks.” 
A furious growl reverberated through the house as Jimin entered the kitchen looking as though he was barely containing his alpha below the surface. Jungkook had never seen true anger on his alpha’s face before and was shocked to hear the absolutely feral sound from deep within Jimin’s chest. 
The shocking sound was the only reason Jungkook hadn’t dissolved into tears from his mother’s slicing comments. 
Comforting bourbon and cedarwood filled Jungkook’s senses, suddenly found his alpha’s strong body physically shielding him from his mother. 
The omega placed a gentle hand on Jimin’s lower back, hoping to provide a returned feeling of security to keep the alpha from tearing his mother apart, although it was deserved. 
“How dare you speak to my mate that way; he is your child, you nasty woman,” Jimin spat out, his voice deeper than Jungkook had ever heard it. “And you couldn’t be more wrong. His beauty is an added bonus to his heart and soul. Jungkook is the only omega for me; he is everything.”
Jungkook instinctively gripped the alpha’s shirt tighter as tried to pump his own calming pheromones into the room while fighting off much different tears than before. 
If anything, he was ready to offer his neck for a mating bite to Jimin who jumped to defend him without question - loudly proclaiming his love for his omega. 
It seemed as though his mother realized not to push Jimin who looked like one more word would send him over the edge. His chest was heaving with panting breaths, only grounded by his omega’s touch and warm scent. 
Making a sudden decision, Jimin spun around and every trace of disgust dropped from his face as he cupped Jungkook’s cheeks with a tender touch. 
“Why don’t we grab our bags and head home, sweetheart? I’m not going to let them treat you this way.” 
Jungkook finally let a few tears fall as he nodded in agreement, overwhelmed with the pure love and care radiating from his alpha. The subtle motion was all Jimin needed to take his hand and lead them to the guest room where they had dropped their bags, trying to block out the hushed whispers between Jungkook’s parents in the kitchen - most likely his father scolding his mother for burning their bridge, not with their son but with his future alpha’s bank account. 
The moment they stepped inside the quiet bedroom, Jimin had his arms around Jungkook in a soothing yet tight embrace. He dropped kiss after kiss onto the omega’s neck and jaw before finally whispering, “I meant every word I said, you are everything to me, Jungkook - everything.” 
“I love you so much, Jimin,” Jungkook replied softly, his face securely tucked into the alpha’s neck to surround himself with his comforting scent. 
“Let’s go home, my love.” 
His mother’s cutting words consumed him for the following weeks no matter how many compliments were rained on him by Jimin. 
Every pass by the mirror and each rumble of hunger had the moment on replay in his mind. 
Jungkook could physically feel the hard squeeze of her fingernails against his skin while the insults sat heavily on his chest. 
“Someone’s getting a bit fat.” 
“Let yourself go.”
“Packing on the pounds.”
Jungkook knew that Jimin was worried about him, but the omega just couldn’t shake the insecurity that was plaguing him every day. 
His art started to reflect his downtrodden mood and his clothing started to drown his frame, choosing oversized hoodies and baggy t-shirts even during the night. He started to lose weight, not in a healthy way but in response to the burden of his emotions. 
Jungkook became nauseous at the thought of eating once his mother’s words started spinning around in his head, often taking small bites to appease Jimin who looked afraid that the omega was going to fall apart at any moment which was partially true. 
Jungkook knew he was masking the real pain from the rocky relationship with his mother by fixating on her discussion about his weight. There were far more moments that hurt him as the memories flooded his mind each time he thought about their conversation. 
She always had an obsession with having the perfect appearance. Jungkook always needed to be perfect for her and in his childhood, he had been convinced that he would never achieve that. There was something to fix or change or do that had to be better for her and no matter what he did, it was never right.
His emotions had always been her plaything - something to attack so she would feel better about herself and it seemed that Jungkook and his omega were finally taking time to recognize that. 
Jimin knew Jungkook was strong and believed that his mate needed time to process the turmoil the omega’s mother had opened up about during their visit, but as more time passed, Jimin felt worse and worse. 
He also became aware that Jungkook’s weight was no longer at the core of the issue, possibly never having been the true concern. 
Jimin’s love and praise were enough to fight off the little moments of insecurity that popped up before their Busan visit, but the alpha couldn’t seem to touch this profound burden.
This was a deeply emotional matter that clearly stretched back to Jungkook’s childhood considering that the omega warned Jimin to expect snide comments and direct judgment from his mother. 
The alpha was desperate to help his future mate heal the hurt his own mother had caused so Jimin finally did the only thing he could think would help. He called his parents, wanting guidance and support - absolutely the right decision as both his mothers were in Seoul by the next morning. 
Jimin and his alpha mother had both taken off work, leaving the family business in the hands of trusted colleagues until further notice. 
His mothers told him that they had no intention of leaving Seoul until both of their children were happy and healthy, instantly accepting Jungkook as a full member of the family even without their official mating.
Allowing Jungkook a late morning, Jimin left their nest to welcome his parents and receive some of their comfort for himself. 
His alpha mother immediately moved to the kitchen after greeting him so she could start preparing breakfast while Jimin’s omega mother simply held her son in a tight embrace, scenting him softly and whispering promises that everything would work out fine. 
With both of them working on morning preparations, Jimin crawled back into their bed to rouse his mate. He trailed a gentle hand across Jungkook’s back and placed tender kisses across the omega’s shoulders. 
A little whine made Jimin smile, listening to the other maneuver through his half-asleep state. Jungkook eventually rolled over, his eyes growing in confused surprise to see his alpha hovering above him. 
“Hyung? Why are you still home? Are you sick?” Jungkook asked groggily, looking over at the clock on the nightstand twice to confirm that it was well past Jimin’s typical departure for the office. 
Jimin, knowing that it was a bold decision, snuck one hand under Jungkook’s shirt and placed it flat against his omega’s soft tummy. Trying his best to ignore the tense reaction, the alpha laid a sweet kiss on Jungkook’s lips and started a soothing motion with his fingers. 
“I took the day off. My parents decided to come up for a visit; they are in the kitchen making breakfast right now actually,” Jimin responded, keeping his tone light and casual. 
Jungkook stared at the alpha in shock, unmoving and only growing tenser. Jimin was waiting for some sort of anxious reaction as he continued his caress of the omega’s midsection. 
Suddenly, the omega’s scent sweetened a bit and his body relaxed back into the bed. Jungkook actually gave Jimin a soft smile which nearly brought the alpha to tears. 
“Thank you,” Jungkook whispered, sniffling quietly as he brought his arms around Jimin to pull him closer. 
Within moments of Jimin’s explanation, he realized that his alpha had called in support for them - something he had never been granted before.
Jimin wrapped one hand around his back while the other cradled Jungkook’s neck, his thumb running gently over the space where his mating mark would proudly sit one day. He placed his lips on Jungkook’s forehead and held them there for a bit. 
Eventually, Jimin responded, “All I want is for you to be happy, sweetheart. For you to know how much you are loved.” 
Jungkook let a few tears fall, knowing his alpha would catch them. He let himself drown in Jimin’s comforting scent while riding through the various emotions. 
Of all his wonderful memories with Jimin, that one would remain near the top for most profound because it was such a simple moment that changed the course of his life. 
Looking back, Jungkook realized that was the moment he allowed himself to start grieving the last little frays of the relationship with his mother. This was the point he saw Jimin’s parents fully as his own and accepted that family was chosen - the Parks being his choice every time. 
Jimin gently eased him out of bed, encouraging him to do his full morning routine and reset himself in a way after ignoring all elements of self-care for nearly a month. His alpha graciously gave him time to process alone with the excuse of going to help his mothers in the kitchen. 
Feeling clean and rejuvenated, Jungkook truly looked at himself in the mirror for the first time since returning from Busan two months ago. He felt that familiar disappointment as he lifted his shirt, however, for a much different reason this time. 
The omega clearly lost weight and Jungkook assumed that would bring a smile to his face after wanting it for months. Yet, he realized that his body looked and felt completely wrong in his reflection. 
With that added weight, Jungkook had a warm glow to his skin and an enticing curve to his waist and hips. There was now a dullness to his pale skin, almost sickly, and his body lacked any sort of shape. 
All of Jimin’s comments and praises came flooding back and Jungkook finally realized how right his alpha had been after losing the figure he once despised. Every mention of his body being beautiful and healthy had been completely true and Jungkook wanted it back. 
Pulling on one of Jimin’s sweaters and finding his slippers, Jungkook left the bedroom and made his way to the kitchen which held delicious smells and quiet voices. 
Before he could even cross the kitchen threshold, Jungkook found himself in Jimin’s omega mother’s arms. She scented him without question and rocked them gently side-to-side, petting his hair and radiating calm, loving energy. 
“Hello darling, it’s so good to see you. We missed you,” she whispered into his ear, keeping her embrace around him. 
“I missed you too, Mrs. Park,” Jungkook replied, feeling grateful for his warm, motherly love. 
She leaned back and brought one hand to his cheek, shaking her head. “Mrs. Park? Don’t be silly, call me Eomma, dear.” 
Jungkook froze, overcome with emotions. He never had an ‘Eomma’ before, always being told to call his parents mother and father. 
On top of the already overwhelming moment, Jungkook let the word ‘dear’ run through his head - never heard it used so sweetly and genuinely in his direction before. His mother always called him dear, but it almost felt derogatory with the way she used it. 
Gentle fingers wiped away his tears, bringing Jungkooks focus back to his alpha’s mother in front of him. He simply nodded, letting out a wet laugh, and repeated, “Eomma.” 
Jungkook heard Jimin sniffle, sounding just as affected by the adorable scene while Jimin’s alpha mother walked over and placed her hand on his back. 
“Alright, let me get in on this,” she said, making the others chuckle. She pulled Jungkook into her arms, holding him similarly to how her mate had just hugged him. “You better not try Mrs. Park on me; I only respond to Mom, got it?”
Another laugh drew from Jungkook’s chest, happy tears still running down his cheeks in tandem. He nodded again, returning the alpha’s fierce embrace. “Got it, Mom.” 
She pulled back with a warm smile and tapped him under the chin affectionately. “We love you and we feel so grateful to have another son, especially one who loves our Jimin. Please don’t ever forget that.” 
Jungkook couldn’t stop the tears after that, hunching over slightly into her shoulder as his chest heaved with emotion. 
His alpha’s scent suddenly wrapped around him and Jungkook felt himself being transferred into Jimin’s strong arms. He pulled the alpha closer, putting his nose directly into Jimin’s neck and fully releasing cathartic sobs in response to the outpouring of pure love from Jimin and his parents. 
They eventually helped him calm down and the four of them enjoyed a filling breakfast on their balcony. Jimin sat with one hand on Jungkook’s thigh the entire time, feeding him occasional bites when the omega got caught up in conversation with his mothers.
It was easily the most he had eaten in weeks and it was the most Jimin had seen him smile since they left Busan. The alpha finally felt like there was a light back in Jungkook’s eyes, everyone healing little by little from the unfortunate experience. 
Jimin’s parents stayed for the next week - cooking meals, offering hugs, and supporting both Jimin and Jungkook through whatever emotions may have come. 
The four searched together for a good omega therapist in Seoul, Jungkook feeling like it was something he could handle with his family as a pillar of strength. 
It took time for him to process the interaction in Busan, let alone his childhood, but Jimin never once let him go through it alone. Whatever he needed, Jungkook had it without question.
Over time, Jungkook started to learn that the perfection his mother was insistent on creating didn’t exist. If was never about that at all, it was simply her causing him pain. He had come to realize that it may never happen and the omega set out to just enjoy his life.
Two years later, there had been many changes. 
The couple was officially mates, having a beautiful ceremony in Busan. Jungkook had filled out once again, gaining back what he had lost and a little more as Jimin’s pampering never ceased after their courtship ended. 
Jimin had fully taken on the top leadership role of the family company; his alpha mother decided to retire and travel with her mate. Jungkook’s art store had gone a bit viral from a series he did on healing his inner child, leading him to open a physical storefront where he sold his prints and originals. 
The biggest change by far was the one currently in progress. Children had been a big discussion for them - Jungkook needed to heal himself before even considering being a parent while Jimin had always feared the discussion with his future mate.
After a difficult discussion, Jungkook ensured Jimin that he would never force his alpha to do something that would make him uncomfortable. The alpha promised he would put whatever money they needed into making a family and they found a welcome solution.
Jungkook admitted that he would obviously love any child they adopted, but a small part of him truly wanted to experience pregnancy - a purely omegan desire. 
Jimin told him he understood, his own alpha wanting to provide a child for his mate even though both he and his wolf were completely put off by full intercourse.
With the help of Jimin’s parents, they found a professional in Seoul who did full extraction-based in vitro fertilization - meaning Jimin would not have to endure anything that was sexual in nature and it was completely safe for Jungkook to experience. 
Their first round was successful and Jungkook was pregnant a year later. And the omega was absolutely cherished. 
Jimin’s parents, somehow, spoiled him even more than his alpha. Constantly visiting with food and gifts for both him and their baby. 
His omega mother praised Jungkoook for how well he was carrying and how beautiful he was. Even Jungkook would admit that his pregnancy glow was pretty incredible.
The weight gain, of course, continued throughout his pregnancy, but now, Jungkook took it in stride. Loving his body and feeling confident in the changes, especially with how much his alpha loved on him.
The birth went smoothly for him and the mates were home with their daughter. Jungkook was grateful every day for Jimin but even more so with the alpha’s care for him and their pup like right now.
Jungkook was in his nest, relaxing after Minji’s bedtime feeding. He watched as Jimin paced back and forth across their bedroom with her cradled to his chest, lulling her to sleep. 
Unable to keep it to himself as the feeling warmed his heart, Jungkook said, “I love you.” 
The alpha halted mid-step, turning to look at his omega with a soft smile on his face - almost looking a little emotional from the words he had heard so many times before. 
“I cannot put into words how much I love you, Jungkook.”
Jimin brought Minji to the little bassinet on the omega’s side of the bed, laying her down and ensuring she stayed asleep before crawling into the nest and joining his mate.
As the alpha’s hand moved over the omega’s soft middle, pregnancy still completely evident as his rounded belly healed, Jungkook was struck by how incredible he felt. He thought back to all those moments when he cringed from his alpha’s touch and almost completely ran from him over the state of his body. 
Now, the insecurities were tucked away in the back of his mind, nearly non-existent. They were there to remind him of how beautiful his relationship was and the way Jimin loved him. 
Jungkook was actually quite proud of his body now, especially after having brought life into the world. He had built himself a new family and found happiness in his life which he never expected to have in the past. 
The feeling of Jimin’s lips on his jaw and his alpha’s gentle caress of his belly brought him out of his thought, smiling up at his mate with a loving gaze. 
“How are you doing? Any pain? Are you comfortable?” Jimin asked in a hushed whisper, just as he had done multiple times a day since their daughter was born. 
Jungkook pulled him closer for a full, lingering kiss. He looked into Jimin’s eyes for a quiet moment, trying to convey his immense amount of love for him. 
“I’m perfect, alpha, absolutely perfect.”
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tiredsn0w · 2 years
I wanna make a Kepler oc. Is there any species guide for it? Wanna try to make it as canon accurate as possible.
Oh heck yeah, the more keplers the merrier. Thanks for asking! Here's some info for you ^^
To anyone seeing this, please use it as a guide if you want to learn more about the planet or want to create an OC. Please feel free to ask me questions as well, either through an ask or on Discord and I am more than happy to help!
For more information on the canon, there's this hub. Dark Age and later in Médecin, Not Medicine has plenty of focus on the planet, as well as the beginning of All That Copper, Glowing Fine (which is also just very good overall). But it is a lot of reading, so here's a summary.
Basic overview Keplers are a species of aliens that inhabit the planet Kepler, a large world almost entirely covered by ocean. Most life exists in this ocean, since the planet's strong gravitational pull is minimised in the water.
There are two sub-species of keplers. They are called Ones and Twos. They are not fundamentally different except for the fact that Ones evolved naturally, and Twos are synthetic organisms cloned in research labs. Twos are made strictly by the government, of which is highly authoritarian and militaristic. Twos generally serve in the military, such as Unit 5a82, better known as SCP-6118. They do not have a choice in the matter and are hit with extensive propaganda and basically brainwashing to stay dependent on the government. They also lack an entire GI tract, and need to get all their nutrition intravenously (TPN). Medical care is entirely under government control, so you can see how this would force their dependency.
Ones can reproduce freely, usually asexually via budding but can also exchange DNA for sexual reproduction (not the same as humans sexually reproduce, fyi), however Twos cannot do this. The vast majority of the population is comprised of Ones, while it's rare to come across a Two unless you're in a government station tied to the synthetics department.
Tensions are high between the government and the rebel alliance, who is completely fed up with all the unethical things that happen under the government. It's rare to find a Two that has actually defected to the alliance, but Twos know better than anyone how horrible the government is. Many are scared to go against the programming they've been instilled with, but are growing increasingly sympathetic to the rebels, and will probably look the other way or provide minor assistance if they won't get caught.
Appearance Twos are slightly taller than Ones (about 5-10cm) and also have no GI tract so their abdomens are much flatter. They also definitely don't skip leg day because they need to be able to walk around in the planet's gravity, don't be afraid to give them big strong legs.
Both species have pigmentation that ranges from light tannish to very dark, almost black. There are some differences, Ones being a lot warmer (think yellow and orange tones) and Twos being a lot colder (think pink, blue, purple tones).
Here's a rough guide to their colours.
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You may notice that 5a82/6118 has lighter colouring, this is because (as will be distinctly explained in the next Tale) during the genetic splicing process, a bit was snipped off that controls melanin, making it so his body makes little to none. So he is albino. This is only possible through genetic altering as an accident.
If they are blind (like one of @crynkl's kepler OCs) due to trauma to the eyes or not being born with them then feel free to give them prosthetic eyes with whatever iris colour you want.
Ones may dye their hair if they want, Twos are not allowed to.
Keplers usually keep their hair short, no longer than the chin, but Ones may grow out their hair if desired (as 4cc7 does, for example) while Twos that are still in the military must keep it short. Not necessarily buzzed, but it can be. Otherwise it interferes with their uniforms. Keplers are big on uniforms.
Keplers have pointed ears and fangs as well. Ones have larger fangs due to needing to eat, while Twos don't. Both species also walk with digitigrade posture (on the toes).
Keplers have wide Kayser-Fleischer rings outside their iris. This looks like a hazy circle at the edge of the iris. Their irises are also very large, taking up most of the eye. They evolved to see in low light, but had to adapt to brighter daytime conditions, so their pupils have a wide range of restriction and dilation. They may have dilated pupils when happy/exicted/relaxed and restricted when agitated or afraid.
Most keplers are going to be more muscular but still lean-ish due to the increased gravity on the planet, and so they need to be strong to move around properly. But definitely feel free to make bulkier keplers or with more body fat.
Also feel free to make a kepler with mobility aids, like braces, crutches, a cane, or a wheelchair. Haptic feedback suits are available for those with visual impairments as well.
Names You may have noticed that they have strange names, at least by human standards. Here's how to pick a proper kepler name for any OC you want to make.
Ones: Number, letter, letter, number. Example: 7cb7
Twos: Number, letter, number, number. Example: 4b80
The smaller the number/letter is (ex. 1aa1 or 1a11) the older the individual is, because the designations are assigned mostly chronologically. If it's a very large letter/number (ex. 9ff9 or 9f99) they are a very young organism.
Unsure what numbers to go off of? Take the hex code for their eyes and use/tweak a 4-character section to your liking.
Example: 3f32 and 3f33 have the eye colour of #3f32bd. Example 2: 5a82 has the eye colour of #505a82.
Hopefully that was enough information, and also not too much. Feel free to send me more asks, reply to this post, or DM/PM me on Discord or Wikidot if you want to talk more.
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|| So I think now would be a good time to address Lyudmila and the ending of Sumeru’s questline... I’ve talked to Mira (my Rukkha) and we’ve figured somethings out!! First off, we’re NOT changing our story with Mila and Ilana, just tweaking it to fit better. And we’re just SLIGHTLY bending canon to have everything fit (and not really even bending it, but just making headcanons that twist a few words). 
To avoid spoilers, the specifics are under the cut.
First off, the Archons DO remember Rukkha. Nahida doesn’t remember because it’s important that she doesn’t, since she is next Archon to lead Sumeru. All of humankind doesn’t remember since they are very much grounded to Teyvat. However, the Traveler DOES remember bc they aren’t from this world, and the other Archons do because their connection to Celestia makes them above Teyvat in a way. 
So Lyudmila remembers her. And it BREAKS her to realize that her love is now completely gone from this world. No one remembers her except for the Archons, so Lyudmila can’t even express her pain since no one will know what she’s even talking about. She didn’t know this would happen. 
Another thing, Nahida is still their daughter. There have been different versions of Rukkha before, but even as Rukkha said herself, Nahida is different. Why is that? Maybe it’s because of the different things she has experienced, like being stuck in her room for 500 years. I like to think it’s more biological. Rukkha needed a new version of herself, but one that would be better than the rest. Asexual reproduction doesn’t bring about change because it’s the same genetic composition. However, two-parent reproduction takes the genes of both, which allows for better rates of survival from the changes that come. 
Ilana knew this and wanted the best “new version” of the Dendro Archon as possible, so that’s what she and Lyudmjila did. Rukkha broke off a small branch of Irminsul, and Lyudmila covered it with a gentle frost. And that’s why Nahida loves her people so much. Rukkha loved them as well, but this is a bit different. It’s part of Lyudmila’s power as the Goddess of Love. 
Lyudmila didn’t know of Rukkha’s plan to disappear from this world entirely, and that’s the only reason Lyudmila helped her. She knew that this isn’t the first time she would “die” and come back as something else, but since they were doing this a different way, she assumed Rukkha could live too. She didn’t realize that she already knew she was going to die, and eventually go completely forgotten. Otherwise Lyudmila would want to find another way when there wasn’t any time.
And lastly, this was caused by Celestia still, so Lyudmila still hates them. They told Celestia together that wiping out a whole civilization is wrong BEFORE the actual battle. That’s when they inflicted the forbidden knowledge back onto Sumeru (or, rather, CAUSED the knowledge to be forbidden by their heavenly principles). They hurt what matters most to Rukkha, which is her people and Irminsul, and they took away what matters most to Mila, which was her lover. 
If you guys have any questions still, ask away and I’ll talk about it with Mira!! ^w^
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mommabird1772 · 3 years
Anonymous asked a question:
god, you really are so spoiled. boo hoo, you can't go through the asexual spongebob tag. and yet you use the word queer like it hasn't been used against you. man, is this what you think oppression is? (also the creator of spongebob didn't confirm him as ace, he made a joke about how he's "somewhat asexual" as a reference to spongebob budding and regenerating via asexual reproduction). you really are just homophobic. and transphobic to boot. yeehaw. now get the word queer out of yoru mouth.
Shout-out to my first anon hate for agreeing with @friendlyneighborhoodheretic 's posts! (If you don't count the anon who vehemently argued that Jared was "a sexual behemoth", not a puppy 🙄)
Me liking the fact that the SpongeBob creator said he was Asexual was *AGES* ago, dude. And, if people have the freedom to view their favorite characters as their sexual orientations, I'm allowed to view my characters as A-spec. For many people, especially teens and newly discovered Queers, seeing their comfort characters as canonically (or headcannon, IT DOESN'T MATTER) their orientation gives them proof that it's not wrong to be gay, you don't have to choose one gender over the other if you're bi, you're not confused if you want to transition, you're not broken if you're a-spec. Transgender and Asexual characters are really hard to find in media representation, because there's discourse not only among the cishet population, but also within the Queer community. Our very identities are constantly being questioned as to whether we're "LGBT enough" or "we're not just faking it for attention". Excuse us for getting excited when we finally do get representation.
Each of us has to go on our own journey to discover who we really are, and if along the way we take comfort in what we see that reminds us to express ourselves freely, who cares if the character is canonically that identity? Many people can view a character as having a certain gender or sexual orientation, and guess what? They can all be right. The community I'm part of now exists in harmony because we headcannon multiple identities and scenarios for our character. He can be a unhinged, bloodfreak he/they King and Queen of Hell power couple, or a Trans Femme witch living in a cottage with her Genderfluid partner and their toddler son. No one's idea is a bad idea here. We all love Sammy and we all want the best for him, so no one cares the exact label he has. That's how it should be among every fandom.
Also, next time you want to dish out hate, don't be a fucking coward. Come at me and see what happens. I have plenty of mutuals that have my back.
Also, to be clear:
@friendlyneighborhoodheretic @thegracefulq @fae-and-night @stuckysdaughter @softyshibu @moostiel
@i-ate-your-kneecaps @rxxliet @kkshowtunes @ask-fi @micho-p @jazzforthecaptain @rewrite-the-story @bean-witch @thequeenofsastiel @demiromantic-daily @aspecpplarebeautiful @respect-aspec @ptamomsam
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