#ashamed by how hard my ass claps to this song
soleilady · 1 year
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adverbally · 21 days
We Gotta Hide What We’re Doing
Written for the @steddieangstyaugust prompt “‘I’m not going to beg you to love me.’” | wc: 1,161 | rated: T | cw: period-typical homophobia, fears of violent homophobia (mentioned only) | tags: physical touch as a love language, feeling rejected, heart to heart car conversations, happy ending | title from “I Think We’re Alone Now” by Tiffany
And with this prompt, August is over! I’m so proud to have kept up with the challenge all month and filled all 31 prompts. Thank you to everyone who has read along and been so kind and friendly. I definitely plan to write more Steddie, so keep an eye out for my Smutty September entries if you’re into that. If you have a request or a comment to share, feel free to message me or send me an ask. I hope September treats you well! 💕
Steve has always been an affectionate person. Clapping his hand on someone’s shoulder, ruffling the kids’ hair, sitting too close, reaching out for comfort— he’s just a tactile guy. It’s no different in his romantic relationships, always clinging with an arm around his partner’s waist and sprinkling chaste kisses wherever he can reach. He shows his love through touch.
That’s what’s so hard about being with Eddie.
In private, Eddie is almost as touchy as Steve is, quick to drape an arm around Steve’s shoulder during the Party’s movie nights and leave the room with a peck on the lips. He loves to come up behind Steve and hug him around the waist, swaying them and nuzzling into the crook of Steve’s neck. They sleep cuddled together so closely that Steve wakes up damp with sweat when their shared body heat gets to be too much.
Their regular amount of physical contact makes it all the more startling when they’re in public together and Eddie keeps a solid three feet of space between them at all times.
It might not be that obvious to anyone else, but Steve notices how deliberately Eddie avoids touching him. He steps out of Steve’s reach when he brushes the small of his back, he dodges when Steve tries to hold his hand, he’ll stand up and switch to another seat if Steve dares to sit directly across from him at the diner.
Steve isn’t dumb; he understands the need to be cautious. They’re two queer boys in small-town Indiana, and he’s not trying to get his ass kicked by some asshole who thinks men shouldn’t be able to touch without bursting into flames. But he sees Eddie horsing around with Dustin in the aisles of Melvald’s and giving Gareth a piggyback ride down Main Street and he has to wonder… Is it me?
Would it be different if Eddie was dating someone else? Would he be comfortable with a subtle back rub or a brush of pinkies if it didn’t come from Steve? Maybe he’d feel more secure with a tougher looking guy, someone more metal, a jock with a more imposing physique, someone who’s not so fastidious about their hair or keeping their sneakers clean.
Maybe Eddie is just ashamed to be seen with Steve.
The thought is totally unreasonable, but it lingers. It’s there when he and Eddie stand in line for the ice cream truck, so far apart that they get separated by a family of five. It’s there when he watches Eddie drape himself over Jeff‘s back after a long rehearsal, their cheeks practically touching where Eddie’s chin hooks over his shoulder. It’s there when he watches Eddie drag Dustin around the comic book store with a hand wrapped around his forearm, pulling him through the shelves until Steve loses track of them.
It’s that evening that Steve finally has to say something. He’s driving Eddie home after dropping off Dustin, half-listening to Eddie thinking aloud through new campaign plots and song ideas, but all Steve can think about is how he hasn’t touched his boyfriend all day, even though they’ve spent the last seven hours together.
The next time they stop at a red light, Steve reaches for Eddie’s hand where he’s drumming his fingers over his faded black jeans.
Eddie pulls away so fast it’s like an honest-to-god flinch.
“Okay, we need to talk about this,” Steve declares as he turns the corner and maneuvers the Beemer into one of the parking spaces off the main drag. “Why won’t you let me touch you?”
Uncharacteristically quiet, Eddie fiddles with the distressed knee of his pants. He doesn’t look up when he says, “We’re in public.”
“We’re in my car after midnight on a Wednesday, there’s nobody around,” Steve points out, gesturing at the empty streets surrounding them.
Eddie sighs, “Steve—”
“It’s like you’re a totally different person when you’re out with me. At home, I practically have to pry you off me to get anything done. With the Corroded Coffin guys and the kids, you goof around with them like your usual handsy self,” Steve explains, staring straight out the windshield at the old brick facade of the building before them. “So maybe you can see the conclusion I’m drawing here, when it’s just me, in public, that you seem to have a problem with.”
“It’s not like that.” Eddie’s voice is flat. It sounds nothing like him, which makes something ache in Steve’s chest.
“Then what’s it like?”
Eddie erupts, “I’m not brave like you, okay? I’m fucking scared. I’m always worried about somebody trying to start shit because I dared to look at another man in front of them.”
“But with the other guys, you—”
“It’s different. Because I don’t want to touch them like I want to touch you.” He sniffles, gaze still trained on the rings he’s twisting around his fingers. “With you, I… sometimes it feels like I can’t stop, you know?”
Steve does know. He thinks of Eddie kissing him hello in the doorway when Steve gets home from work, how one kiss becomes several and they end up stumbling up the stairs to Steve’s bedroom, never taking their hands off each other. He thinks of lacing his fingers between Eddie’s while they watch a movie, how it turns into massaging the sore spots in Eddie’s wrist and kissing the back of his hand in a chivalric gesture.
“So it feels safer not to touch you at all,” Eddie concludes. “Then I can’t get carried away.”
Steve is quiet for a long time, letting the weight of Eddie’s confession settle, before he says, “I’m sorry.”
Eddie glances at him out of the corner of his eye but hides the motion by wiping his face with his sleeve. “You didn’t do anything wrong, you just wanted to know what was going on.”
“I could’ve been less of an asshole about it.” It only feels fair for Steve to share a vulnerable feeling of his own. “It’s just, I’ve been with people who were embarrassed to be with me, or who were ashamed of their feelings or whatever. And it sucked, trying to convince them that I was worth their attention.” Steve lets out a long breath through his nose. “I’ve done it before, but I’m not going to beg you to love me, too. I’m glad I didn’t have to.”
Eddie’s smile, when he finally raises his head and turns to look at Steve, is small but genuine. “You’d have to beg me to stop.” When he holds out his hand with a wiggle of his fingers, Steve takes it.
“Can I kiss you?” Steve looks around the empty streets exaggeratedly. “It’s just you and me, and we can be back at my place in less than five minutes if you can’t contain yourself,” he teases.
“You’re pushing it,” Eddie warns with a raised eyebrow, but he leans in to meet Steve’s lips anyway.
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lilac-hecox · 6 months
💖 or 💙 with shaymanda please? 🥺
Drunk/Tipsy kiss - Shayne/Amanda - Shaymanda
They go out for karaoke for Amanda’s birthday. Of course, it’s not her actual birthday as that is smack dab in the middle of the week, but it’s the weekend before, and Shayne watches her belt out Celine Dion for a cheering crowd. He’s entranced by her, as usual, her dark eyes, how she puts all the passion in the world into this song. Where Shayne is a wallflower, Amanda demands attention.
Shayne sips his wine and smiles as Amanda finishes her performance. He’s managed to skip out on performing and he’s planning to again, but Amanda catches his eye, and she looks exactly like a cat who has spotted a timid little mouse and is ready to pounce.
“Shaaaayne,” she says into the microphone, and she puts a handout in a come-hither fashion and extends a finger, summoning him to her.
Shayne goes pink and shakes his head.
“Esteemed guests of my birthday party. I have a treat for you. A Bonafede heartthrob,” Amanda says into the mic as she grins at him. She is tipsy, Shayne knows it, but he giggles nervously at her compliment. “Get your ass up here Shayne!”
There’s applause and then Shayne is on the spot, and everyone is cheering and clapping and he would look like an ass to ignore her and just sit there. Chanse gives him a pointed look that tells him, “Get your ass up there before she embarrasses you more, you fool.” And Shayne gets up and goes to Amanda.
She jumps up and down like an oversized kid and grins, tugging him in by his shoulder and hugging him.
“My best friend, Shayne Topp,” Amanda says and Shayne snorts. She glares at him but it’s without heat and she grins, “He’s going to perform for you because he’s so, so talented, and hilarious, and cute as hell.”
“Stop,” Shayne groans and hides his face.
Amanda passes off the mic and then sits in the front row to watch him, delighted, her hands on her thighs and her eyes light with amusement.
“Uh,” Shayne says, “I’ll do some, um, Queen.”
Chanse gives a “woo!” from somewhere in the crowd and Shayne flushes.
The song queues up and Shayne tries to pretend he’s on TNTL, he’s not around strangers, he can do this. He focuses on Amanda, playing it up for her, sauntering close and slipping away. She’s hooting about needing dollar bills and Shayne giggles through a verse of the song.
Shayne makes it through with minimal embarrassment and one of Amanda’s friends he doesn’t know is quick to snatch the mic and queue up a Britney Spears song. Shayne takes his opportunity to slip to the bar and order another glass of wine.
“Oh my god!” Amanda says from behind him, her hands on his shoulders as she whirls him around, “You were incredible!”
“I wasn’t,” Shayne says, but her eyes sparkle as she looks down at him.
“Did you do that for little ol’ me?” she asks.
Shayne flushes for a completely different reason. Amanda steps close to him where he can feel the press of her body against his as she puts her hands on his shoulders.
Shayne licks his lips and stares up at her.
She’s one of his best friends.
They’ve both been drinking.
Her smile is like a million dollars being handed directly to Shayne.
“Yeah,” Shayne says, “I, um, didn’t want to spoil your party.”
“You could never,” Amanda says, her voice low and her eyes half-lidded and gorgeous.
She leans in and Shayne meets her halfway and then they are kissing. It isn’t the best first kiss, but their mouths slide together warm, firm, and Shayne holds Amanda’s hips as she backs him against the wall directly next to the bar, kissing him like she’s drowning and needs him to survive.
Shayne gets a hand in her hair, he grabs at her waist, her ass and Amanda presses herself even closer as she slides her tongue into his mouth.
Shayne moans and Amanda makes a soft noise he’s never heard before.
They break apart too soon to breathe. The two of them stare each other down, breathing heavily. Shayne is a little ashamed to admit he’s half-hard.
“Wow, so you’re hilarious, hot, and a great kisser. What can’t you do, Shayne Topp?”
“Karaoke,” Shayne says weakly.
Amanda laughs, her thumb coming up to swipe away a little bit of lipstick that has clung to Shayne’s mouth.
“Well, you gave me one present tonight. How about I give you one back?” she says slyly, nodding her head towards the bathroom.
Shayne’s heart races. The party doesn’t seem to notice they are gone. His nine-dollar glass of wine was abandoned at the bar.
“You really want me out of my comfort zone, huh?” Shayne asks, a little dazed and way too turned on to think straight.
Amanda smirks and leans in and brushes her lips against his own.
“I think you like it.”
She pulls away and gives him a look that asks if he’s following as she saunters to the bathrooms of the bar.
It only takes Shayne a second to run his hand through his hair and then follow after her.
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cellard0ors · 3 years
Fic: Little Bit Hot, Little Bit (Bitter) Sweet
For @peachworthy ,who asked about Link's ennui when it came to his bachelor party and its lack of strippers. (Warning for infidelity)
"So, what was that about?"
Link and Rhett are back in their office, gathering up their things. The Mythical Crew has already checked out for the day, leaving the two lifelong friends alone and Rhett is looking at Link inquisitively after posing this question.
Link, not meeting his eyes, is idly adjusting the zipper on his laptop bag, "Don't know what you mean."
Rhett rolls his eyes, "Of course you do. You got all weird when we analyzed that one organizational pic. The one for the bachelor trip. Why? Was it cause I got another point?"
Link hasn't redirected his attention from the bag, so Rhett presses on, "I can't help that I smoke you at these things, man."
"It wasn't that," Link cuts in neatly, words practically overlapping over Rhett's, "It's..."
He shrugs helplessly, "Silly."
"It ain't," Rhett argues, "Not if it bothers you this much, so," he gestures to him to continue even as he says, "Go on..."
Link sighs and finally looks away from the bag, putting it to one side. He sits on their couch and flaps his hands," Look, I was just thinking back on my bachelor party and how it wasn't that big a celebration and it just-? I don't know...brought me down? It's just that there are a finite amount of things you can experience in your life and I guess I just've been feeling like I missed out on a lot."
"... because you didn't have strippers?"
Link levels Rhett with a look at that, but Rhett counters with his own, "Look, bo - we both got plenty of time left. Is that it? This some kinda midlife crisis thing? Cause I know Lily's going to college has left you feeling a lil'-?"
"I'm not having a midlife crisis," Link returns in a slightly waspish tone, arms crossing, "I'm simply recognizing things I missed out on "
"Link, if...if you want to go to a strip club-?"
"Christ," Link hisses with a surprising amount of annoyance - so much so that Rhett bristles at it, surprised and hurt until Link drops, "I don't want that. I just-? I want-?"
His voice drops in volume, soft and sad, "I just want to feel special."
Rhett blinks in shock. He opens his mouth, closes it. He's at a complete loss on how to answer, which a relatively new experience for him. Luckily, Link is more than up for filling in the silence, "Ain't like I need a stripper for that... albeit someone taking off their clothes for my enjoyment is a nice benefit, but..."
Rhett just stands there. Looming above Link, thinking and silent and Link shrugs again, rubs his palms over his knees, "Been married for forty three years... getting to damn near fifty and I don't regret a second of it, but it's-? It's nice, y'know?"
He sighs and tips his head back so it rests against the couch, eyes closed, "It's nice now and again to think of yourself as... attractive. Special."
The silence stretches out and Link shakes his head, "Man, just-? Just ignore me. I'm talking crazy, I'm talking-!"
Link's words are cut off by the sound of music coming from their blue tooth speakers. It takes him a minute to recognize it and when he does, his head shoots upright lightning fast, eyes wide, because it's ZZ Top.
It's not the kind of tune they normally listen to, but as Billy Gibbons starts singing for someone to give him all their loving, Rhett starts shaking his hips.
It's overly theatrical and he's toying with his shirt, lifting up the hem this way and that and Link bursts into giggles. Is his friend serious?
Apparently he is, as he starts making 'come hither' motions to Link and Link, still laughing, shakes both his head and hands, because no way is he going to get up and dance with this lovable idiot.
Rhett, undeterred, shifts his attention to his shirt again – whipping it off in one smooth motion before raising it one handed above his head, spinning it in crazy circles.
Link, seeing now exactly what his pal’s intentions are, begins to hoot and holler, clapping as if watching a real strip show. Rhett makes sure to toss the shirt at him and Link catches it easily.
He fawns over it dramatically, fanning himself and going as full ham as he can. Rhett’s nose scrunches up and he bends over laughing, clutching at his knees a moment before tossing his long hair back, a near perfect replica of a professional stripper tossing back her locks around during a routine.
He spins on his heels and kicks off his shoes clumsily before turning back, unbuttoning his jeans and slipping them off with as much skill as he did the shirt.
Once again, he tosses the discarded article of clothing at Link, who this time tosses it aside as if it’s an annoyance. There’s Rhett, in his boxer briefs and socks, shaking his booty at Link and it’s – without a doubt – one of the greatest things Link has ever seen.
Absolutely hilarious and silly and just the thing to snap him out of his blues.
As Link starts pretending to ‘make it rain’, Rhett dancing within the fake flurry of bills, he wonders idly if Rhett is going to climb upon his lap.
If he’ll embark on some faux lap dance or try to find something that he can work as a pole, but instead Rhett backs up and Link can’t help but snort, pumping one fist as he brusquely cheers, “Back dat thing up!”
Rhett stops again, chuckling, and Link breaks down as well, the two losing themselves to laughter. Link suspects at any moment Rhett will stand upright and resume a more conservative mien, but instead Rhett literally waggles his ass near Link and Link can’t help but pretend to spank him.
To be fair, he kind of really did spank him in that video they did – what’s so different about this?
Well, it turns out it is different, because when Rhett unceremoniously seats himself upon Link’s lap, his back to Link’s front, things are...not exactly the same.
Okay, so, yes – they did this in that same video – however, in that video, it had all been for show and Rhett hadn’t been…so…fully seated. Much less…grinding.
He’s grinding joyously on Link’s lap, completely unaware that this has just gone a wee bit too far, because yeah, the heat of him? The feel?
…oh boy.
Link’s…’not so’ little Link notices. And then some. Rhett’s rocking against him in perfect sync with the thrumming bass of the song and it’s been awhile since Link has felt this kind of special. Both he and Christy have been busy with this or that and this is…ahhh…
Rhett really works himself downward, creating a fantastic friction between his ass cheeks and Link’s burgeoning erection and Link closes his eyes tight, ready to speak up when Rhett knocks back against him some, tone throaty, “This working for you?”
“Rhett…” Link chokes out and Rhett, having yet to clearly recognize any troublesome signs, just gives him the sauciest grin, “Thinking it’s working for me. Working up a good ol’ sweat – might have ta take this act on the road, see if Jes-!”
“No,” Link grunts, because…he can’t think about that right now. He can’t think about anything. Instead, he grabs a firm hold of Rhett and does his best to halt his movement.
Rhett makes a questioning sound and then? Then he flushes. His cheeks grow fully crimson, green eyes wide as he pushes back just that little bit and he lets out a quiet, ‘Oh.’
Link nods. Rhett stops his movements completely. Link sits there in horrified humiliation, waiting for the hammer to drop, but then? Then Rhett does something completely crazy.
Crazy, immoral – absolutely nuts.
He…starts moving again.
This time with…intent.
He circles his hips and rocks backwards and Link lets out a choked sob, confused and betrayed and yet…unable to deny himself. His grip moves to Rhett’s hips and they’re surprisingly full. They fill up his sweating palms perfectly and Link can’t help himself.
He curses and prays to God equally as he locks down on Rhett and thrusts up. His rapidly swelling dick reaches its maximum hardness and – even through all the layers – he swears he can feel that sweet spot between Rhett’s cheeks – feel that hidden spot, that entrance, that-!
Link’s head knocks back on a full throttle moan and Rhett is not helping as he swallow thickly, muttering his own curse and…moving again.
Rhett is moving again.
And then so is Link.
They start working against one another – Rhett bearing down, Link thrusting up and the air fills with the sounds of their thick, heavy panting – whimpers and moans and Link knows his grip on Rhett has to be bruising and he wants to ease up, wants to relax it, but he can’t, he can’t.
He can do nothing but chase after this vicious, hungry pleasure and it’s like a beast inside of him has been awoken. It snarls and bears its fangs and bears down on its prey with full force.
What had started off as stupid fun has turned into a charged, erotic moment beyond comprehension and Rhett gasps Link’s name, gasps nonsensical things – filthy things.
And when Link hears something along the lines of ‘can practically feel you in me’ he loses himself entirely. With a sharp cry, his body releases – his cock throbbing with endless ecstasy as wet, hot heat fills the front of his drawers As his cock exerts itself, spilling his seed, balls pulsing and it’s so good, so good, so good.
It takes him awhile to recognize he’s chanting this helplessly into Rhett’s back as he thrusts up into him. As he cums and cums and he’s never had a climax like this.
One that leaves him blind, deaf, and dumb to everything. But then -just as wonderfully as the spell washed over him – it washes away.
And he’s cold.
And he’s ashamed.
And he’s…fuck.
The fact his next thought is that he wants more just makes him feel even worse and then Rhett slowly peels his fingers away from him.
The force Link used to hold Rhett in place is horrifying to him and he wouldn’t be surprised if Rhett never forgives him for it, if it wasn’t for the fact that – when Rhett rises – he’s clearly aroused.
His own underwear is tented by his obviously full cock and he turns to Link and licks his lips, eyes bright and hot as he husks, “Be back.”
Rhett disappears into their shared bathroom and Link has no doubt about what he’s doing in there. Not that Link is going to wait around to find out. He immediately springs from the chair. He springs from the chair and flees – flees because that wasn’t supposed to happen.
Nothing like that was ever, ever supposed to happen and his whole body is still humming with the afterglow of pleasant release and yet his eyes are burning with unshed tears because – what has he done?
What did he do? What did they do?
He just wanted to feel special and now?
Now, he feels nothing.
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adorainetheria · 3 years
I'm getting tired of seeing Lil Nas X on my dash. I hate hip hop music. I HATE HIP HOP MUSIC. I think a lot of our culture issues are coming from hip hop music and its culture being mainstream. It's a Toxic ass culture! The messages a lot of rappers I've heard spread is just TOXIC. Let's take Lil Nas Xs song MONTERO. In just over 2 mintues he either cusses, references drugs, or references sex OVER 12 TIMES. I get it, it's about sex but goddammit do you know how many people play this in front of their KIDS? THIS MUSIC IS NOT OKAY FOR KIDS. I dont think its okay for anyone really. I've seen so many people be super sweet and kind but then they're all "gangster" and hard because they entered that hip hop culture.
It's a culture that i think is only tearing us apart more. FOR EXAMPLE. Theres a song called "Boost The Crime Rate" by the Alchemist. What's the hook?
What Up!
Clap, pop, bust, squeeze
Boost the crime rate, boost the crime rate
Grip, paw, stab, shank
Boost the crime rate, boost the crime rate
Base, coke, weed, wet
Boost the crime rate, boost the crime rate
Body, done, it's over for son
HOLY SHIT THATS BAAAD. And I've heard this specific song on hip hop stations all the damn time.
Let's look at a popular song by the iconic 2Pac. This is from 'Hit 'Em Up"
See, grab your Glocks when you see 2Pac
Call the cops when you see 2Pac, uh
Who shot me? But you punks didn't finish
Now you 'bout to feel the wrath of a menace
Nigga, I hit 'em up! (Yeah)
Thats... awful! That's awful! Even if the first part of the sing wasn't roasting the shit out of this person IF SOMEONE SHOOTS YOU CALL 911 FFS. FIGHTING VIOLENCE WITH VIOLENCE ONLY CREATES MORE VIOLENCE. THIS IS THE REAL WORLD, NOT MATH CLASS. TWO NEGATICES DO NOT MAKE A POSITIVE.
Now let's look at an older iconic rapper I've heard a lot of, Tech N9ne. Eeeeech, "Tecca Nina"s pretty... bad... this is from "Am I a Psycho?"
I see your tears, come here, give me your face, let me clear it
But I wonder how it would look
If I were to peel it back with a skillet
Then I'ma feel it crack when I hit it
Then I'ma split it back when you heal it
Jesus.... thats... gross.... that's all I can say. That's gross. But let's be fair, that was sung by B.o.B not Tech, so let's look at "Pornographic"
Best believe me
Something you said made me wanna jump in the bed
Dumping my threads while you spread legs dead on my red cam
This ain't a bread scam just wanna bust head jams
She said ram me and play it man and I said dwamn!
Don't make you a ho-oh
We can take it slow-oh
No one has to know-oh
Oh, oh, let's make a porno
You can taste me, I'll eat ya up like DiGiorno
Don't be shy that's a no-no
But do you see my point? These lyrics are just... disgusting! They're not poetic, they're not pretty, they dont have any meaning other that "Yeah I'm gonna fucking kill some motherfuckers!" AND THATS DISGUSTING.
This isnt appropriate for really anyone but especially kids. If you play this shit in front of your kids, actually listen to the lyrics and what they're saying. You should be ashamed.
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whattimeisitintokyo · 3 years
Snip Snip
This is a one shot/sequel to @pengychan​ ‘s Mind the Gap that I had brewing in my head for sometime. 100% Pengy approved, I hope you enjoy some silliness.
WARNING: Has some language, sexual descriptions and deals with a M/M/F relationship. Also you should really read Pengy’s fic before you read mine.
“Señor De la Cruz? The doctor will see you in about five minutes.”
“Never mind. I’m leaving.”
“No—nngh! No! Sit-… down!”
With a none to gentle shove and with great effort Héctor managed to pull Ernesto back down into the waiting room seat. The crashing of a heavy body and screeching of the plastic chair led to a disgruntled brow raise from the receptionist, but she just sighed and returned to her computer work. Ernesto grumbled to himself and crossed his arms with a glare.
“This was your idea, amigo.” Héctor whispered, not wanting to agitate the lady behind the counter even more.
“Exactly, which is why I should be allowed to change my mind.” Ernesto said, pouting as he looked down at his groin. “You don’t understand. I’ve spent my- no wait, every man has spent their whole lives protecting their manhood with gentle care and affection. It is a sense of pride, of thing of power. Potency! It’s what makes a man a man. To get a vasectomy goes against everything I believe in. It’s not in my nature.”
“Aw, Ernesto…” Héctor gripped Ernesto’s arm and squeezed comfortingly. “We’ve talked about this. You’ll still be a man. Imelda and I won’t think any less of you. In fact we’re both extremely proud of you for doing this.”
“Oh shut up.”
“How about this. Once you have the operation, get all healed up and are ready for some action, then…” Pausing to check to see if the receptionist was watching them. “Then you get to go to town on Imelda. No more condoms, just skin to skin. You thrusting deep inside of her while she screams your name, coming together in one rush of pure ecstasy.”
If it weren’t for his nerves and the flight-or-fight struggle going on inside of him now Ernesto would have been fully erect by Héctor’s words alone. Not an ideal situation to be in when one was in a urologist’s office and about to be fully nude from the waist down. Still his cheeks gave a slight flush and he swallowed thickly. “And, uh… what will you be doing while I’m with her?”
“Me?” Héctor chuckled huskily. “Why I’ll be right behind you. Just how you like it.”
Ernesto gasped softly. An Ernesto sandwich, his favorite. A sandwich was something Imelda had come up with that always depended on who was in the middle of their combined lovemaking, a silly little thing hardly compared to how fucking awesome it really was. Penetration and getting penetrated, two forms of stimulation all at once that left one howling in pleasure to the heavens and beyond. Ernesto’s face went full red at that and could already feel the tingle of arousal pooling in his stomach and creeping down into his groin. This was bad. He couldn’t get hard now. He had to think of something to cool down. Something to stop the progression of his-
“Alright, Señor. The doctor will see you now.”
‘That’ll do it.’ Ernesto thought as all thoughts of sex had switched back to nauseating terror.
“Ay, puta madre.” Ernesto whispered and stood up with Héctor. He started to actually tremble when they went through the door, Héctor’s hand on his shoulder failing to stop it. “Shit, shit, shit…”
“Uy, you’re so tense.” Héctor said, now a little worried. “You took your Valium pill almost an hour ago. It didn’t calm you down even a little bit?”
“Do I look calm?!” Ernesto whispered harshly.
No, Héctor had to admit. In the last half hour in the waiting room Ernesto had done anything but relax. He had stood up and sat down multiple times, paced the room, gotten a cup of stale coffee, and had picked up every single magazine that they had, read exactly one page of each, and had thrown it back down onto the table. Héctor believed that if he hadn’t had any Valium in his system right now then there would have been an Ernesto shaped hole busted through the wall of the receptionist office.
“Well they’re gonna give you something stronger once we’re in the room.”
“It won’t work. I know it won’t work.”
“Héctor you know me.” Ernesto said, the trembling now reaching his voice. “I have a very strong constitution. Alcohol barely phases me, I need an extraordinary amount of caffeine to really wake up. That valium might as well have been an aspirin. I’m telling you there is nothing in the world that’ll calm me down at this point!”
Apparently that nothing had been a Demerol shot to the ass by an elderly nurse.
Héctor cursed the person who had made up the stupid rule that no cell phones or cameras were to be allowed in the doctor’s office. For this was a golden moment that would soon exist only in his memories. And maybe even only his memories because Ernesto himself was just a touch out of it. There he was, laying on the reclined operating chair in a hospital gown with his bare waist covered by a thin paper sheet. Singing baby songs.
“Quince elefantes se balanceaban sobre la tela de una araaaañaaa…” Ernesto sang drowsily while he languidly twirled his finger in the air like a conductor’s baton.
He had slowly but surely diminished over the past half hour, starting with the sluggish shaking of his head as the drugs started to paint his brain with a slight fog. Then came the slow blinking and the monotone, droning humming. Then finally to this: awake sedation as the doctors called it. To Héctor though it was pure hilarity.
Suddenly Ernesto stopped singing and his brow furrowed in thought. “You know they say that a strand of a spider’s web can be tougher than steel.”
Héctor nodded. “I’m sure I’ve heard that somewhere.”
“I don’t think a spider web can hold fifteen elephants, though.”
“Then why would they make a song about something that is physically impossible?”
Héctor laughed. “It’s just a song to teach babies how to count, Ernesto.”
“Well it’s doing a very poor job about teaching them physics.” Ernesto huffed. “When we make it big we should do some kiddy songs, sí? Public domain stuff. That’s free money right there. Quince elefantes se balanceaban-.”
“Ernesto.” Héctor clapped a hand across Ernesto’s mouth, stifling a grin when it seemed to take a few seconds before the drugged man realized his song had been silenced. When Ernesto glared up at him he continued. “You’ve said quince elefantes five times now. You aren’t adding anymore elephants.”
This seemed to be news to Ernesto, and when Héctor removed his hand he actually looked downright embarrassed and ashamed. “Oh… I’m sorry.”
Yes, drugged Ernesto was hilarious alright. Also endearing and adorable.
“It’s okay, I forgive you.” Héctor said with a smile, and then bent over to give him a kiss on the forehead.
Ernesto hummed in contentment, a faint red on his cheeks as he suddenly looked bashful. “Someone could have come in when you did that, you know.”
“But they didn’t.”
“The room could have a security camera.”
“It doesn’t.”
“Oh, okay… Then…” Ernesto pouted and pointed to his forehead on the same spot. “Uno mas.”
Héctor happily obliged, and no sooner had he leant back from the kiss when the door opened. It was enough to make Héctor’s heart seize a little bit before forcing himself to relax. He hadn’t seen, it was alright. Ernesto just smiled wobbly and waved at the doctor coming in.
“Well, Señor de la Cruz!” the doctor said cheerfully as he set down his clipboard and began to slip on his gloves. “It’s been a little while now. How are we feeling after the Demerol shot?”
“Philosophical.” Ernesto proclaimed grandly, nearly smacking Héctor in the face as he threw out his hand in a dramatic pose. “Young Héctor and I have been discussing the fallacies of nursery rhymes and how they are negatively impacting a child’s learning structure.”
The doctor blinked at that, before giving Ernesto an indulgent smile. “Ohh, so I see. Yep, the medicine is in full effect.” Looking over at Héctor his smile seemed to falter a bit. “You know I usually see wives, girlfriends and even mothers come in to offer support, but rarely male friends.”
Héctor chuckled. “Well I think if his mamá realized that he would be cutting off any chance of her having grandchildren she would explode into a flood of tears. And besides, my wife and I would like to have more kids in the future, but I also might one day want to have a vasectomy. What better time to weigh my options than with my best friend, you know? See what it all entails.”
“I understand.” With a snap of his glove and turning on the overhead light to illuminate Ernesto’s crotch, he moved his tray of surgical equipment towards him. “All right then. Shall we begin?”
With a slight whimper Ernesto held out his hand for Héctor to hold. “You won’t let go at all, right?”
Seeing Ernesto so vulnerable and adorable melted Héctor’s heart, and he wished that Imelda had been there with him to witness Ernesto being so cute. He clutched Ernesto’s hand and gave it a firm squeeze. “I won’t. Don’t worry amigo, this is a perfectly normal procedure. Nothing to worry about at all.”
With Coco laid down for her afternoon nap, all the dogs and Pepita fed and watered, and no shoe orders to work on at the moment Imelda was enjoying some private time to herself curled onto the sofa, watching TV and drinking a nice cup of coffee. She knew this momentary bit of peace wouldn’t last.
Soon Héctor and Ernesto would be back from the doctor’s office and Imelda would be ready for them. She already had stocked up on acetaminophen and had several cold packs in the freezer for when they would be needed. She had even stocked up on Ernesto’s favorite soda, or at least one he tolerated when he wasn’t able to drink beer or other liquors.
She was very proud of Ernesto for bringing up the idea of getting a vasectomy for himself, and even prouder when he had set up the appointment all by himself and left for it this morning with Héctor. She knew he was nervous, heck she was nervous about it too, but she also knew that Ernesto was a man who once he set his mind on something there was no turning back. It was one of the things that she loved about him, even though it sometimes aggravated her.
It was so weird thinking that now, even though she knew it was true. Although she was still deeply in love with Héctor and he was in love with her, the end of their sexual arrangement with Ernesto did not make their feelings for him disappear like she thought it would. In fact it only strengthened them. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, they say.
And in the end the only thing it succeeded in doing was completely breaking Ernesto’s heart and left him wanting for almost a year. She was ashamed of herself but there was no way she could have foreseen what would come of the night she had slapped that strap-on in front of Ernesto. She had no idea that she would have two men holding a third of her heart while she held a third of theirs.
But it was fine now. For how long she didn’t know. But they would just take it one day at a time.
When she heard the door knock she blew out a sigh and set her coffee mug down. Dante and Ernesto’s four little chihuahuas immediately ran to the door in their room where they were currently shut up in, but thankfully for once they didn’t yip or bark. Just whined pitifully and slightly scratched the door. But they would have to wait until she got Ernesto set up on the couch and was safely protected from them.
Opening the door, she greeted them with a smile. “Well, how did it… go?...”
Ernesto was standing there, straight and tall as ever, an annoyed pout on his face while with one arm wrapped around him was Héctor. Trembling slightly and his face the color of putty, Héctor pointed a shaking finger to Imelda. “We… are stocking up on condoms. Either that or we’ll have a dozen kids. But I am never… going to get one of those… things ever! Never ever!”
Imelda was shocked. “Dios mio! What on Earth happened? Ernesto, did you get the vasectomy or not?”
Handing Imelda a pamphlet with his free hand, Ernesto nodded. “Yeah, I got it. Surgery was short and went without a hitch. Here’s the aftercare treatment plan he gave me. No, the real problem was Princess Héctor right here. Fainted like a dainty maid after the doctor held up my sperm tube for us to see. I know it has another name, but I forget and don’t care.”
“Fainted!” Imelda gasped. “Are you all right? Did you hit your head?”
“No, but he did throw up.” Ernesto smirked.
“Don’t remind me.” Héctor groaned, holding his stomach and struggling to support himself. “I’ve been nauseous the whole ride back. I need to see something cute. Something pure. I need to see my Coco. Coco, my love, Papá is coming!”
“Do not wake her up Héctor, I just put her down twenty minutes ago!” Imelda called out to Héctor’s retreating form. “And don’t let the dogs out of the other room either!”
“Ay, ay ay ay…”
At the sound of pain, Imelda’s attention turned to Ernesto. He was hunched slightly against the doorframe, his eyes closed tight and face pinched. “Oh, I’m so sorry Ernesto. Héctor distracted me. Are you in a lot of pain?”
“Just tender more than painful.” Ernesto grunted out. “Though it might hurt more after the anesthetic wears off. No, what really hurts is my hand. Héctor crushed the hell out of it during the whole surgery! I regret ever asking him to hold it in the first place! It’s not like my whole livelihood rests in the full use of my hands…”
“You’d still have your voice.” Imelda smiled. “And your so-called good looks.”
“Whatever… can you help me to the couch? I- nng!-… think I reached my limit helping Héctor.”
Ah, so he was in pain. Taking hold of Ernesto’s large arm she helped him slowly shuffle his way around the couch. “He was supposed to be helping you.” She chastised.
“Well he was pretty much useless afterwards.”
“You could have hurt yourself. You shouldn’t be lifting heavy objects.”
Ernesto smiled. “Well look on the bright side. If one of my cajones swells up like a grapefruit then he can pay for my medical bills.”
“Mmm hmm.” Imelda couldn’t help by snicker a little at that. “Okay, let’s sit you down. Okay, easy. Easy…”
Slowly Ernesto sat down on the couch, letting Imelda support him as he slowly eased his way down. With a pained grunt and then a sigh of relief he let his head fall back against the headrest and let his knees spread enough to the point where there was no pain, the sweatpants he was wearing lifting away from the sensitive area. He closed his eyes for a few moments, listening to Imelda bustling through the kitchen quietly, before a soft ahem made him open them again.
Imelda handed him a glass of water and two white pills, then placed a frozen ice pack next to him on the couch. Taking the pills without complaint and downing half the glass of water, he then took the ice pack and ever so gently molded it against his sore nether regions. Gasping softly at the cold at first he then sighed in relief as the coolness soothed the aches and pains, smiling gratefully up at Imelda. “Gracias.”
“De nada.” Imelda said before sitting down next to him, careful not to jostle him too much. “So, the vasectomy was a success?”
Ernesto nodded. “Yep, my cannon is now just a water gun: I may be shooting blanks, but I can still squirt you in the eye.”
“You’re disgusting.”
“Oh am I?”
“Hmm…” Imelda leant against her arm that was resting on the back of the couch, relieved that the pain seemed to be slowly fading from Ernesto’s features. She smiled a little, watching him until he looked over her way with a question on his face. “I’m proud of you, you know.”
Shifting a little uncomfortably, he gave her a smug look that used to infuriate her but now knew was just a mask to cover up his own insecurities. “You’re going to have to be more specific. I have done many things in my life you should be proud of.”
“Oh, of course.” Imelda tittered, then rested a hand on his arm. “No I’m proud that you did this. It would have been… hard to explain to others if I gave birth to a child that looked like you… I know you don’t necessarily like children and wouldn’t want one to begin with, but it was still a big decision to make. It couldn’t have been easy-”
“I’m willing to do whatever it takes to stay with you two… Whatever it takes…”
This startled Imelda. Ernesto’s face had darkened considerably when he had said that, but his eyes displayed the same misery she had seen during the year where Ernesto had been separated from them. Because of her. She had been acting on her motherly instincts when she had found out that she was pregnant with Coco, surely a threesome between her parents and her godfather would end badly for her once it would be discovered. And it had only been about sex at the beginning and one-upping each other in terms of sexual prowess when it came to Héctor.
But love had grown first in Ernesto. And then in her and Héctor. All the separation had done was make them all miserable. It was no one else’s concern what they did behind closed doors, and they would raise Coco and their potential children to have open minds and kind hearts.
Ernesto’s eyes cleared and his face reddened in embarrassment as he quickly tried to back pedal. “Oh, uh… Forget I said that. I guess I’m still a little high from the drugs the nurse gave me. They always make me a bit chatty.”
Leaning forward, she wove her fingers into Ernesto’s wavy hair and smiled. “Well I wouldn’t worry. Like it or not you’re stuck with us for life.” And then she gave him a kiss on the forehead, not knowing it was in the exact same spot that Héctor had given him hours earlier. Ernesto touched where she had kissed him, face even redder, and smiled back.
Standing up from the couch, Imelda handed him the TV remote and brushed herself down in a way to calm her own nerves. “Well all right then. Don’t leave that ice pack on for too long. Just do it twenty minutes every hour. Would you like a soda?”
“I’d prefer a beer.”
“Not with medicine still in your system.”
“I also want to see my dogs.”
“I’m sorry, do you want four bony and dense cannonballs jumping directly onto your crotch?”
“Didn’t think so. I’ll get you some soda and chips before I have to rescue Coco from her father. Just holler if you need anything else.”
Watching her walk into the kitchen Ernesto settled further into the couch with a grin. The ache in his groin was lessening, he was now and forever barren, Imelda was pampering him, and he’d seen Héctor make a total fool out of himself today.
“This is nice.” Ernesto said to himself as he turned on the TV. “I should have gotten a vasectomy years ago!”
“And this is from his concert last month in Guadalajara! Signed photographs! Isn’t he handsome? My precious boy! He told me that they were charging 1000 pesos for one foto and they were selling like crazy! But he sent me a stack so that I could share them with my friends. And so I was wondering if you would like one too, Maricarmen?”
Maricarmen stopped stacking a pyramid of oranges long enough to glance at the photograph in Señora Adela de la Cruz’s hands. Ernesto was handsome all right: Dressed in a fine royal blue mariachi suit with a wide brimmed sombrero, grinning with pure machismo and his name signed in gold ink. But the sight of him didn’t melt her insides like it would other girls who glanced at his rugged features. It never did, really. Now just looking at him made her… anxious.
“I think I’ll pass Adela, but gracias anyway.”
Adela’s smile faded and she had that pitying, patronizing look that so many other people gave her that made her so mad but unable to defend herself against. “Are you still upset because Ernesto left all those years ago?”
“…I’m not… upset, but-.”
“Because it was my fault really! Ernesto left because of what I and his father did to him, we betrayed his trust and hurt him deeply. But finally we’ve patched things up and everything is right as rain again. He even visits us again, my precious boy! I know that you and he were good friends-”
“-but every time he visits you never come over. Are you upset with him? Are you upset that he’s…” Adela paused, looked around to see if anyone else was listening in on their conversation, and whispered none too quietly, “…gay?”
Shocked into a sputtering snort Maricarmen managed to knock down her carefully made orange pyramid all over her fruit stall and onto the ground. Rolling her eyes she bent down to pick up the fallen fruit, shaking her head. “No, I’m not upset about that.” She said, not at all wanting to explain to the older woman what bisexuality was.
“I know you had some feelings for him.”
“… No offense, Dona, but the only feelings I had for him were tolerance but mostly annoyance.”
“Then what is it?”
The uncomfortable conversation was finally over with when all of a sudden a piercing cry and quick steps caused both woman to turn at the sudden intruder. A cute little girl, no more than eleven years old, came running up to them with her pink backpack slung over one elbow and her other hand reaching out for Maricarmen. She practically collided with Maricarmen with enough force to garner an oof! from the thin woman and gave her a big hug. “I’m done with school Mamá! May I have some money?”
“And a cheery good afternoon to you too, Maricruz.” Maricarmen said drily.
Maricruz laughed sheepishly and let go, putting her backpack underneath the fruit stand for safekeeping. “Lo siento, Mamá. It’s just that Dolores and Primavera are going to the movies and they invited me. So can I have some money, por favooooor?!”
She shook her head. “I’m sorry, mija, but you know things have been tight recently. I’m going to have to start doing some night shifts at the cantina so we can stay afloat and have enough spending money.”
Maricarmen stayed strong when her daughter’s face instantly dropped. She knew that Maricruz was used to not having enough money for things she wanted, but being alone at night while her mother worked was something she hated most. Maricarmen knew that, but it wasn’t like she had anybody else to help her with raising her daughter. Her parents had both died years ago, and she had no other relatives willing to help the poor little slut who had a bastard child.
Maybe I could ask… her father for help?
No. Out of the question. What a fine time to tell him he had a daughter after all these years. And after he had just made it big.
“Oh, okay…” Maricruz said dejectedly, before turning a wide winning smile to Adela. “Señora de la Cruz! How nice to see you. Could you spare a few pesos so I could go see a movie, por favor?”
“Maricruz!” her mother instantly scolded. “You do not just ask someone else for money immediately after I said-”
“Of course I can, niña!”
“ADELA!” Maricarmen cried. “I’m trying to show her she can’t always get what she wants!”
Adela waved her off as she reached for her wallet. “Oh, it’s just a little money and our movie theater isn’t expensive. Going to one movie isn’t going to spoil the girl, especially one as sweet as she is. Here you go, chiquita, here’s enough money for the movie and a few snacks as well.”
“Gracias Señora de la Cruz!” Maricruz said as she pocketed the money and gave the elderly woman a big hug. “You are the nicest woman in all of Santa Cecilia!”
“Oh ho ho, you charmer you.” Adela chortled and then handed her one of her signed photographs. “Here you go also. A signed photograph of my son Ernesto, soon to be the greatest singer in all of Mexico! I’m giving it to everyone for free.”
“Oh cool, gracias!” Maricruz said as she took it, clearly not as excited as she was when she got the money. “I think I’ll give this to my friend Paloma if you don’t mind. She’s a de la Cruzito for life, at least that’s what she told me.”
“Oh, and you’re not?” Adela asked confused.
Maricarmen shook her head and smirked. “No, she likes Héctor, don’t you mija?”
Maricruz sighed dramatically and clutched the photo to her chest. “Ahhh, he’s soooo dreamy!...”
“Really now!” Adela laughed in surprise. “I must admit I’m a little shocked. Don’t get me wrong Héctor is a fine boy and everything, but I guess I’m just used to everyone fawning over my Tito.”
Photograph still in hand, Maricruz just shrugged and smiled widely, her light brown eyes almost giving off a golden hue. “Sorry Señora. But Ernesto de la Cruz just isn’t my type!”
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revisionaryhistory · 4 years
Three Days ~ 71
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For the rest of the trip, we relaxed listening to music. Before Sebastian had asked, I’d not thought too much about what I was going to do. Further limiting my time was a given, but I hadn’t thought about what that would look like. Talking about not waking up at “home” with my mom, dad, twin sister, and niece should have bothered me more than it did. That it didn’t, tells me it’s the right decision. One of the side effects of putting up with shit too long is once you decide to stop it’s not that big of a deal. Something inside has been moving in that direction for some time. What Sebastian had said about not sacrificing myself was on target. That I would do what it takes to take care of my sister isn’t in question. It’s been proven.
I texted Angie from the Uber to Sebastian's apartment. We were going to start up at Chelsea and Union Square with Aritzia, Anthropologie, and Free People. Those were sure thing stores, but not always original. We'd weave our way through Chelsea and into Soho. That shop Seb and I found would be last. We'd stop for lunch when we got hungry.
Angie hopped on the subway and headed to Union Square. It would take her thirty minutes and me fifteen from Sebastian’s place. Plenty of time to relax and watch Sebastian gather what he needed to work on. I saw a script, notebook, and a couple of real books. I think I'd find it fascinating to watch his process, but more importantly this time I wanted him to know I had friends and could amuse myself. I didn't care that he needed work time and I wasn’t going to need something from him for ignoring me. Doing things independent of your partner was important.
I grabbed a bottle of water for my journey and made my way to where Sebastian sat. He moved the items in his lap, making room for me to sit down. He supported my back and rubbed along my leg. "What are you shopping for?"
"Whatever I find." I smiled sneakily, "Especially if find something for Paris, our first date, and our live music fun tonight."
Sebastian’s hand made it to my ass, "When I think of live music I picture short, revealing, sexy."
"I love how you think." I ran my fingers through his hair. "Can I bother you for five minutes?"
"Sure" His eyes held questions.
I pulled his head closer, pressing my lips to his until he caught on and joined in the fun.
Our little mini make out session was going to make me late. Assuming Angie left as soon as we texted, walked straight onto a train, and there were no delays. None of these were likely. She'd forgive my lateness anyway. I looped my crossbody bag over my head, "I'll text if it's anything other than seven."
"Ok." He ran toward the kitchen. "Hang on." I heard a drawer slam before he reversed direction and came back. Sebastian held up a key, the slightest smile appearing on his face, "In case I'm in the shower or something when you come back. You remember the code?"
"Yes." I'd punched it in when we got here less than half an hour ago. He was nervous. I admit I had to focus to keep my hand steady as I took his offering. "I love you."
Sebastian opened the door and gave me a quick kiss as I walked out. "Love you, too."
I was a couple of steps away when I heard my name.
"Emma, put it on your key ring so you don't lose it."
The door closed before I could reply. I guess that eliminates any question if the key was a temporary just in case he was in the shower today sort of thing. What made me smile the most was the lack of conversation. If he'd overthought the decision, he didn't feel the need to talk it through. No discussion about what it meant or didn't mean. He may have been nervous, but he wasn't uncomfortable. I seriously doubt he's in the habit of giving out keys to his place, so nervous but not uncomfortable was good.
Angie was leaning against the building when I walked up. We hugged like we hadn't seen each other in months. "Sorry, I’m late."
"Were you having sex? I'll forgive you if you were having sex."
I grimaced with a shake of my head, "Making out."
My best friend huffed out a breath, "Close enough." She held the door open for me, "I got here like two minutes ago."
Aritzia, Anthropologie, and Free People were right in a line. We'd hit them in my favorite order. Aritizia was more comfort clothes for me. Their clothes were more staples than fun. But today I found a gorgeous Sicily sweater and cardigan in a soft heathered cashmere. A pair of tie front pants in purple plaid would look awesome for wandering museums. Anthropologie gifted me with a sequined tunic dress for a night out. A simple black midi dress, a grey-blue fringed and a textured cardi, and a long black wrap jacket. Free People had a colorful mini dress, a definite statement Hyacinth dress, and a fun floral dress. Assorted other things went into my bags too. I went a little crazy, but in my defense, I hadn’t been shopping in a long time and my best friend was egging me on. Plus, there was someone to appreciate what I wore. I had all sorts of cute clothes, but dressing for a boyfriend was different. Especially one who liked to look. I knew what he liked and indulged.
Conversation while we shopped was mostly about the shopping. It's good to have a friend who'll not only tell you something makes your ass look fat but also say, "You look amazing but where the fuck are you gonna wear that more than once?"  Part of the fun was trying on horrifying things. Those things you don't understand how they were ever made. We'd mix those in with good stuff and laugh until we cried. We had a long-standing tradition that whoever found the most "exquisite" outfit was treated to lunch. We were pretty even and had pictures for documentation. Today I would be buying lunch.
"We’ve got a table at two. Alissa's going to meet us."
"That'll be fun. Are she and Will coming tonight?"
"I don't think so. They've got a family thing."
I nodded and we headed toward Chelsea, stopping at the Guitar Store for strings and a capo. We had plenty of time so we stopped anywhere else that caught our eyes. Walking was more private and so was our conversation.
"Anything I should know about before I see you tonight with your boyfriend?"
I sighed in relief. Finally. I bumped her hip with mine, "I love him."
Angie put her arm around me, "This is not news, Emma."
We shared a laugh. "I wasn't sure until I was in the cab leaving his place. Georgia solidified it. Sebastian was so good talking me through all their shit. He and Eli have more in common now. They both hate my parents."
"Eli doesn't hate your parents."
I pulled away, looking at her with raised eyebrows and clear disbelief written on my face. "Try again."
Angie spoke through our laughter, "Eli tries not to, but they make it truly hard. I think he'd be more forgiving if you didn't have us and your Seattle family. Eli loves you like a little sister, best friend, and some weird second wife he's never fucked. He’s protective. He and Sebastian are going to have to figure out how to share."
"They'll arm wrestle or something. Then maybe you'll become Sebastian’s little sister, friend, and second girlfriend. Ooo, we could use you to confuse the fans. If we're out and get seen we can trade off and kiss each other’s dates. Set up a different narrative."
"Good idea.
“It'll be more fun for you. I have kissed Eli, but you don't know about Seb."
"I doubt anything will become so severe that making out with Sebastian is the answer." She smiled, "Not that I would mind."
"You would not mind. He's one hell of a good kisser."
She backtracked, "Who said it first? How did it happen."
"He surprised me showing up early from Canada, watched me cleaning up my classroom for a minute, then told me the song I was dancing along to was about sex. I turned around and he had on those ears. He looked so adorable. He looked at me with his mouth and eyes open wide and said, “Fuck, I love you."
Angie slapped her hand on her chest, "He didn't know until right them." She gasped, "He came in wearing those ears to be cute and winds up telling you he loves you. He is adorable.” She glared at me, "And you said it back."
I nodded, “In Romania."
"What's up with learning Romanian?"
I trusted her with everything. "It's his name. He prefers it in Romanian. I've been learning just enough to add it to his name. It has a very nice effect on him.” I remembered the wall and shook myself out of the memory. “Plus it makes him happy.”
"And you’re happy?"
I nodded, "Incredibly. All the reasons we talked about are still going on. He adores me and it's clear by how he treats me. And I love taking care of him." I knew she’d understand what I meant.
"There is nothing better in the world. I'm so happy you have someone. It had been so long I thought you were intentionally keeping everyone away."
“Just waiting for the right one."  I pulled out my key chain. "I do have a new key."
Angie snatched it, "He keyed you!"
"Looks like it."
"Do you worry this is going fast? I mean it is going fast."
"Yes. It is going fast. There is a risk that maybe this time next year we could be married, have three kids, and signing our divorce papers." I barely made it through without laughing.
Angie snorted, "Sign a prenup so you don’t have to pay alimony when his mid-life crisis tanks his career."
"I talked to Trevor about Sebastian. He knows about my parents, Amy, rehab, and how shitty they can be to me, but he doesn't how about what happened." I stopped walking and looked at her. "I'm starting to feel ashamed for not telling him. That's never happened before." Relationship or friendship. It had never happened. I looked at the most recent member of my secret club. "I don't want to."
She understood, "Why?"
"I don't want him to change the way he looks at me."
Angie smiled, "He won't. You don’t know that yet. It's only been a month. When you know, you'll tell him, and he will look at you just the same or better than he does now. It'll be fine."
"How do you know?" It wasn’t a smart assed clap back. I sincerely wanted to know her reasoning.
"Because he feels different to you and about you. You’re both sharing things neither of you share. That’s the glue for your relationship. You’re adding a little more glue, letting it set up, then adding more. It's getting stronger and eventually, you'll both tell the big secrets and it will be like a layer of epoxy around you that will make you near impossible to break.”
"I like that."
"I speak the truth."
We beat Alissa to the restaurant and ordered a pitcher of margaritas. I was still rearranging and shoving bags into bags under the table when she got there. Angie jumped up and they hugged. I took a step closer, but instead of hugging me, Alissa looked at me warily. “Is it ok for me to be here? Angie said it would be.”
I looked at Angie then back to Alissa, “Why wouldn’t it be?” Oh, what the fuck was going on? I just wanted a nice drunken late lunch with friends after a successful shopping expedition then go home and make out some more with my hot boyfriend.
Alissa grimaced, “I’m sorry for saying all that about Sebastian.”
“Oh!” I laughed and put my hand on my chest. Relieved. I pulled her into a hug, “I’m not upset. Between you and Kirk and the shit Eli told him, we had a somewhat uncomfortable, but really good conversation.”
“Good.” We sat down and Alissa kept talking. “I didn’t mean to be negative. It was just strange. How he was acting and the things you were saying. In a good way. It didn’t come out that way.”
Why is she still . . . oh. “Sebastian said something.”
She cringed, “More of a small group WhatsApp with me and Kirk.”
I laughed again. “Sounds fun.” I sort of wish he hadn’t done that, but I understand why he did. In the end, it was a good thing, but they couldn’t know if I would be scared off by their words.
Angie jumped in, “There’s no way Emma didn’t talk that through.”
Alissa didn’t know me well enough yet to know I wouldn’t let the conversation fester. “Especially with us being a thousand miles apart for the next two weeks. Why is that distance makes time seem longer?”
“I don’t know, but it does. Seb was right to be angry. We could have screwed things up. Neither of us realized how important you were to him. He was worried. That’s more like Seb. Kinda. He’s confusing.”
I think I know what she’s going for. It’s very like him to be worried, but not so much calling out a friend about a girlfriend. From what we’ve talked about and what I learned on that post he’s not had a history of defending girlfriends. I could be wrong, but I don’t think so. I wasn’t willing to go into that here. I changed the subject. “And then he goes and tells Will to post a picture of us.”
Alissa nodded, “How’d he react to the comment saying he was going to propose?”
Angie started laughing, “She’d say no.”
“I told him not to. He’d need a good reason. Like he’s actually not a citizen and needs a marriage green card. Or maybe health insurance. I have good health insurance.”
That was the end of that and we went on to other topics. Alissa and Will were having dinner with family but would come by Bowery Ballroom if they were done early. Keaton and Eli’s bands were friends and often teamed up to fill a bigger hall and split the money. They usually made more that way than in one of the smaller halls. Both did a full set and even though Keaton was the bigger name they would trade off who opened. Tonight was Eli’s turn.
We split up outside the restaurant. Alissa going back home and Angie and I heading to the boutique by Sebastian’s.  It wasn’t a horrible walk, but we had a lot of bags. In the cab, Angie gave me a look. One I could read perfectly. She wanted to know what I’d avoided at lunch. I like Alissa and I’d say we’re friends. She’s also married to one of Sebastian’s best friends. I didn’t know what the line was. Not for Sebastian. He’d tell me to do what I wanted. The line was mine. Will and Alissa were still enough strangers to me that I wasn’t comfortable with too much information flow between all of us. I wouldn’t think anything of it with Angie and Eli and I was confident that given some more time it would be the same with Will and Alissa. Also, I didn’t know how intimate of conversations Sebastian had with his friends. I’d need to be around more to know.  
I’d told Angie about our conversation after the party. In general. With what Alissa had said I went into a little more detail, filled in holes, and answered questions. I watched her thinking. I knew what was coming and was glad for it. “Are you worried? I’d be worried. Maybe not worried. Concerned. It’s like being a rebound. You’re the first after something else, only the something else is personal growth. You don’t know if he’s going to go back. You know what I mean?”
I did. “If he wasn’t so forthcoming with talking about it, I would be concerned. He’s laid it all out there. What he’s done, not done, feels bad about. He doesn’t act like that with me. If he starts too, I’ll know what's going on.” I told her about the conversation on the deck where he did want to shut down and how we got through it. “Struggling with change doesn’t bother me. All the girlfriend stuff.” I shook my head and shrugged. “We’re going to have to figure out what both of us are good with. I think I’m going to be able to not get sucked into comments or let them get to me, but I don’t know for sure. I know private is ok, but I’m not ok with being denied. I’d feel like a dirty little secret. I could change my mind. Could be next week. No idea.”
Angie took my hand, “I still get hate from Eli’s fans. We had to figure out how to deal. You guys will too. The rest, I think you’re right. If he’d gotten pissy and refused to talk about what Alissa and Kirk had said it would be a problem. Everybody gets a chance to do things differently. I don’t for one second think you’re going in blind or overlooking things because you want a boyfriend. You’d walk away if he wasn’t treating you right.” She got the look she gets when she’s about to tell me something I don’t like. I know that look, because I have the same one. “I’m one hundred percent not saying now. Way too soon. You’re already started to feel ashamed and that’s not going to get better. Might not get worse, but it’s not going to get better. You are the bravest person I know. Don’t let being afraid of your past ruin your future.”
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lokisrare · 5 years
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pairings: george mackay x ofc
word count: 1.8k
a/n:  this was going to be a smut but then decided to cut that part off lmao, just the teasing, k i’m leaving, bye love you.
Black and white. That was tonight’s theme at this place.
To say she wasn’t a big fan of this place would’ve been a lie, her most remarkable memories happened here; it had kind of a grungy vibe but with all the flashlights and the common dance music, it looked just like other night club.
“Sex on the beach?” The bartman asked. Miles. He was this incredibly tall blonde guy every girl wanted but yet, he was married, and to another extremely beautiful guy with asian features. It’s was like a race, she always thought, who’s the one who looks more like a god.
“Please,” she said looking at the group of girls going for another round of tequila while they all greeted Mary, the girl who she had come with. She just stayed behind to order her usual cocktail before arriving, tequila was just not her thing anymore.
“They’re gonna regret all those rounds tomorrow” Miles laughed a little while finishing her cocktail, “here you go, try not to ruin this for you too or you won’t be able to drink anything.”
She scoffed.
“Beer is always there for me.”
“Touche, Miss. Have a great night!”
Her teenage years where mostly a blur, the nights out and the illegal parties she got into with the five girls sitting a few meters away had their collateral effects, like not being able to even smell tequila and some other alcoholic beverages. Sometimes she’d wonder if a feeling of regret should go along with those memories but no, not even a little bit of shame; teenage years were made to leave freely and to explore and that’s exactly what she did.
“Danna!” A red hair got up from the table and -literally- jumped on her, the pink glittery veil she was wearing making her nose hitch as the girl hugged her, “I’ve missed you a lot, but like, A LOT.”
“Clara, you saw me three days ago.” Danna giggled. Clara was a lightweight but who could blame her, it was her last night as a not-married-woman as she liked to say.
Clara was a young soul and Danna would’ve never imagined she’d be the first one getting married but Kit came into the picture and things changed, he was a good guy and so much like her friend, a made-for-each-other kinda thing.
“Oh, right. But who cares I always miss you, we used to see each other everyday!”
“That was 5 years ago during high school, Clari.” Danna laughed while the red haired shrugged and took her arm turning both of them around.
“Ugh, doesn’t matter! Here are the girls! And those two there are my sisters in law.”
Danna greeted everyone on the table, they talked a little, the typical chat:
How are you?
How’s work?
How’s life, basically. And that was it, then the rounds of vodka started and after a few of them she could already feel a little bit tipsy, laughing about the stupidest thing.
“So, Danna” Lacey asked from across the table, “How’s George? When are we getting another wedding?” she asked and everyone around cheered except for her, of course, as she remembered the events occurred some hours ago.
“You’re acting like a child, Danna!” George shouted from behind as he followed her into the room.
“Acting like a child? I’m just asking for a little respect over here.” She turned on her heels looking at him with a death glare, “I’m fucking aware your job includes some kissing and stuff sometimes and I can take that, what I can’t stand is this stupid ass bitch throwing herself at you every goddamn time, even when I’M THERE. Does she even know you’re taken?”
George looked down at her. The tension was thick enough to cut it with a knife and right then she felt like punching him on his perfect teeth. Asshole.
“She’s 25 years older than me, Danna, and is married, do you really think she’s doing that? Of course you’re being childish, and yes, she knows you’re my girlfriend, everyone knows.” He said annoyed.
“Fine George, let’s put this the other way around because I think your brain might not be working right know.” George scoffed, rolling his eyes and Danna felt like showering him with curses.
“You go visit me at my work place and Logan’s there, you know I see him as a friend but he’d always wanted more, and he’s there and he’s touching my hair and winking at me all flirty and not so subtly inviting me out for a drink, what the fuck would you do, George, uh?” He just stared at her and then sighed, not knowing what to say.
“Exactly. Now if you excuse me I’m gonna go over to Mary’s to get ready there and while I’m gone, go fuck yourself, George. You’re childish.”
She felt someone snapping their fingers right in front of her face, now everyone on the table looking expectant, waiting for her answer. Ugh, she hated it. The whole attention thing.
“Uhm, we don’t know yet, George’s new project will take kinda long and now that I’m in charge of the magazine it’s not like we have the time to think about it. Plus we’ve only been dating for 8 months, Lacey.” Danna explained letting out a nervous laugh.
“Duh, I know, but you’ve known each other for like, what, for years now? It just took you guys way too long to realize you were head over heels for each other.”
Go to hell, Lacey. Danna wanted to disappear, she hated talking about her relationship and now everyone seemed interested on it.
“Yeah, I guess, you’ll be the first one to know if there’s a proposal.”
Lacey nodded, happy with the answer she got, letting out an ear-killing shout and then everyone just kept talking (screaming) while Danna just sinked a little on her place, she kinda regretted reacting that way with George but also the alcohol in her system told her he deserved it, so she grabbed the vodka shot in front if her and drank it.
George had a bad temper but so did she and even though most of the time they agreed on many things they were jealous people, the problem was that Danna accepted it, while he didn’t and she hated that.
Clara clapping got her out of the bubble.
“Fiiiiiiine, the boys are here, you know girls, Kit and I decided to end the night together, our not-married-yet celebrations joining, yay!” Clara cheered as she waved at her soon-to-be husband coming our way with other men behind him, one of those being George.
Oh fuck me, Clara. Why.
Almost too violently, Danna got it rid of her blazer, adjusting her lacy white top and her black leather skirt, she didn’t know why was she doing it, was she nervous to see him? like a fucking teenager? Obviously not, but she did wanted him to look at her.
When the group of men got to the table, they greeted everyone with a smile and that’s when George landed his eyes on her, down to her cleavage and staring little too much, the whole situation sending a shiver through her whole body. He stood there watching her like it was just the two of them.
“I love this song! oh my God! Let’s go dance people! Party’s on!” Clara got up taking Kit’s hand dragging him into the dance floor, followed by everyone else. Except for George and Danna.
She got up slowly, fixing her skirt. When she looked up, George was standing there and maybe if she still wasn’t so mad, she would’ve gone straight to kiss him right there because of how delightful he looked with those black jeans and the white half buttoned shirt.
When she tried to walk past him, George grabbed her arm bringing her back, their chests touching slightly.
“I’m sorry.” He said against her ear and Danna let out a sarcastic laugh. Maybe she was being childish now not letting the whole thing go but she was tipsy and he was an asshole earlier.
“I’m sure you are. You should, actually. Now if you excuse me I’d like to go dancing and celebrate with my friends.” She tried to let go of his hand but George was quicker and grabbed her by the waist to hold her still, pushing her against the nearest wall.
“Stop asking like that, Danna.” He almost growled.
“Like what, George? I’m literally just trying to leave to dance with my girlfriends.” Danna said looking at him with an innocent expression.
She knew she was pushing his buttons but it would’ve been a lie not to say the most pleasant thing to watch was him flustered, his cheeks turning carmine as he clenched his jaw, the veins on his neck showing and breathing becoming uneven.
Danna’s eyes closed as George lingered his lips against the crook of her neck, not kissing, not sucking just caressing it with his soft lips, earning a sigh from her. She felt so glad they were in a dark corner.
“I told I was sorry. I would never flirt with anyone and disrespect you like that.” George said with his lips still gracing her skin. “I like you, I’m yours, Danna. All yours.”
“I just hate that woman, I’m all about sorority but she keeps making it hard for me.” George laughed at her remark and Danna furrowed her eyebrows. “Don’t laugh, you idiot. It’s true. I just hate her touching you and looking at you and kissing your lips.”
Danna’s fingers went to his cheek so their faces were mere inches apart, noses touching. George looked at her lips and smiled looking back into her eyes.
“You look stunning, y'know? Absolutely gorgeous and breathtaking.”
George said and finally kissed her. Lips moving in sync as his hands held her waist tighter, Danna hands moving to touch his exposed chest feeling his soft skin. George bit her lip and that was it for the kiss to become more desperate, his hands traveled down as she pulled his hair a little too strong. The tension growing every second as they kissed in that dark corner feeling like two hormonal teenagers all over again.
“Oh sorry, I was just looking for my purse!” someone said making both of then jump.
One of Clara’s sister in law was standing there looking completely ashamed.
“It’s ok. Don’t worry, just making up here.” Danna shrugged it off and George giggled a little. The girl smiled shyly at the both of them and left quickly.
When Danna turned to look at George she felt like leaving the place right then, even though it was not possible since she promised Clara she’d stay till the end. He stood there, his hair a mess and cheeks red, his lips were swollen and stained with her red lipstick, his white shirt a mess.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer, sweetheart.” he said getting closer to her, he grabbed her throat and caressed the skin with his thumb, his eyes looking straight to her lips, “We’re going dancing now, and then I’m taking you home so I can show you don’t need to be jealous of any other woman.”
His hands gripping just little hit harder bringing her closer, so he could kiss her one last time.
“I’m yours, Danna. Yours.”
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missnctyukhei · 6 years
NCT 127 Reaction: You singing „Or Nah“ loudly
Warnings: smut, sexual themes Request: NCT127 reaction to their s/o being a The Weeknd Fan an singing „Or Nah“ loudly a/n: Oh my God! I did not even know the song, but it's so good. I hear it all the time and it's also in my "Writing SMUT" playlist. So thanks for the song recommendation.
If somebody don’t know the song, then click here.
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“Don't play with a boss, girl, take it all. Take it for a real one, you gon' get it all.” You forgot you were singing this song aloud until Taeyong suddenly looked at you in surprise.
"I did not know you hear such songs." He laughs and clasps your hip. You take off your headphones and turn to him. "I like The Weekend and the song sounds really nice." “Girl, make that ass clap for young dollar sign. You already know my money go a long time” Taeyong raps the part very quietly into your ear and you were surprised that he knew the song so well. You love his rap voice, it always seemed like it would change him completely. He was becoming more and more dominant and that was incredibly hot. “I’m go as far as you let me. Girl, is you sucking me or fucking me or nah?” The air he breathed out at his rapping stroked over your neck and with his hands he clasped your breasts. You throw your head back and close your eyes. You feel like his hands moved down and pushed your skirt up. With his fingers, he stroked a few times over your panties, so he could check how wet you were. But you were already dripping and everything you wanted was him inside you. It was not long before he pushed aside the material of your panties and pushed with his cock inside you. You moan loudly, as he filled you completely and you enjoy every thrust. It went fast and he was dominant. He controlled you completely and with his hands he firmly grasped your ass. It was not long before you both cum at the same time. Then Taeyong leaned forward and whispered in your ear:
"I think we should listen to the song more often together."
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Singing has never been your great strength and you prefer to outsource this task to your boyfriend Taeil. He was gifted, you not at all. But you love to sing and do it rather if you were undisturbed. Mostly this happened in the shower. Your phone was turned up loud and it was playing your favourite song right now. 
“Ain't nobody tryna save ya. Baby, get that paper…”, you sing with passion and forget completely the world around you. “…probably got a lot of other bitches owe you favors.” A male voice sounded like angel bells in your ear. You shut you up immediately and turn around. Taeil stood in front of you, naked. You look up at him with wide eyes and are ashamed of your terrible song. "You do not sing that bad, as you always act." He laughed and kissed you. The drops from the shower now reached his dry body and over time you found each other tightly wrapped and completely naked again. The song was on repeat and Taeil sang it again and again with The Weekends part. His voice, the music, has taken you to a new level and you can feel his hard length pressing against you. "Fuck me," you breath and put a leg over his hip, so he could easily penetrate you. Taeil did not let you say that twice. He stroked his length once and pushed himself into you. His movements adapted to the beat of the music and you enjoy how his wet body felt on yours. He was slow, but he penetrated deeply. Fill in every part of your inside. You stay like this for a while and you could go on forever. But suddenly you hear Winwin’s voice.
"Please, I liked this song once, but after the 15th time, knowing that you two are fucking, I'm traumatized for my life."
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You were in the club with your boyfriend Johnny. Your bodies were sweaty and the alcohol in your blood makes your joy bigger. Suddenly the beat of your favorite song started and Johnny knew too well that you are a big The Weekend fan. “I'ma smoke this joint then I'ma break you off. I'd be lying if I said you ain't the one. All these tattoos in my skin, they turn you on. Lotta smokin', drinkin' that's the shit I'm on. Heard you not the type that you take home to Mom. Is we fucking when we leave the club or nah?” Together, you sing and dance to the song. You rub your body against Johnny and after a while he stopped. He was frozen and stared at you from this moment. At some point you also stop and look at him in amazement: "Everything okay?" Johnny kept staring at you, but then he grabbed your wrist and pulled you off the dance floor. She walked through the corridors, past the cloakroom, to the bathroom. He pulled you into a cabin and closed the door. The people in it looked at you in wonderment. "What are you doing? There are people everywhere." You laugh, but because of the alcohol, your shame was clearly too low or not even there. But your words did not seem to matter to him, because he pushed you down, so you had to lean against the cistern. He pushed your dress over your hips and with his spit moistened his dick so he could penetrate you right away. Johnny never waited for such things for long, he just got for it. He did not care if there were people in the bathroom. He wanted to have you now and nobody could have done anything about it. When he pushed himself into you, it hit you like a lightning strike. You could not hold it back and you begin to moan. Johnny was big and in his pants too. He was perfect. His cock had the perfect thickness and length. How could anyone say no? And when it's in a toilet in a full club, that's just how it is. "Ahh fuck ..." Do you hear him grunt while his groin slammed against your bottom. You feel like he pushed your best point and you got very excited when you felt the clapping of your skin. He was getting faster and you louder. You hear whispering and a little laughter around you, but you did not care. Johnny as well and kept going until you reached orgasm. With a last loud groan he relieved himself in you. When you stepped out of the cabin, it was quiet and a guy from the security stood in front of you. With an angry look, he kicked you out. From that day you had your house ban in the club, but it was worth it.
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"What is your favorite song?" Yuta and you hang out together in the living room. You two have not been dating long, but it has become more and more serious between you. Day by day you get to know each other better. "Or Nah! Do you know this song?" Yuta shakes his head: "Sing it." Immediately you blush, you could not start singing before him! He was a talent and you have never had a vocal lesson once. Overall, you did not even know if you could sing good or bad. "Come on, I'm not judging you." Yuta clearly wanted to lure you out of the reserve and he succeeded. Carefully, you began to sing. “Is you really 'bout your money or nah? Can you really take dick or nah? Can I bring another bitch or nah? Is you with the shits or nah?” "Ohhh you like nasty songs?" Yuta started to grin widely. Immediately you blush and put your hands on your face. You were incredibly embarrassed. Why were you so honest?! You could have chosen another song, but you just choose to pick a song that's all about sex only. But Yuta did not mind, he moved towards you and pulled your hands away from your face. "Maybe you'll show me what else the song is about?" His voice was deep and lascivious. You take a deep breath, because you liked the direction in which Yuta indicated. First you kiss, but these became faster and more intense. Then he puts his hand under your shirt and with his fingertips he plays on the waistband of your pants. You were ready for him, for all his fantasies. But then the door opened and Jungwoo, Taeil and Winwin suddenly stood in the room. "What are you doing already here?" Yuta was irritated because he had actually told them not to come before 10 o'clock in the evening. "It's cold," whines Winwin. "And we are tired!" Johnny added. Yuta sighed and stood up, offering his hand to you. "I think we'll move our date to another room."
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You are singing the song, as Doyoung lay down in bed to you. "What are you listening to?" He asks, taking out some of the earplugs to hear what song you're listen. He listens to the beats for a while, then he turns to you and sings along. “I ain't spending cash for nothin', I wanna see you take it off. I'ma pop this bottle, you gon' give me brain or nah?” Somehow it made you horny when Doyoung sang the lyrics and with a swing you sit up and open his pants. "What do you do?" Doyoung looked at you in surprise, but he let you do everything with him. “I will give you some brain.” You wink and stroke his underpants. Doyoung closed his eyes for a moment and a slight moan escaped him. You notice how the blood in his middle gathered more and more and his length became gradually harder. Slowly you pull the waistband down, down to his thighs. Doyoung's cock was beautiful, perfect, just like him. When you take his length in your hand, he groans again. "Oh my god, look at me!" Doyoung buried his hand in your hair and with your big eyes you look into his. You smile dirty and stretch your tongue so far that the tip of his tongue touches only the tip of his glans. “You want to tease me?” Yes, you wanted to hold him down a bit, but meanwhile his cock was so hard that you knew you could not delay it for long. And you wanted him to come, soon. With your tongue you stroke the veins of his cock and you notice how Doyoungs muscles twitched. "Please take it completely in the mouth!" His petition was forgiving and only today did you follow his bitterness. Your lip wandered up to its top and soon clutched his entire dick. With one hand you move up and down to the movements in your mouth. "Oh god, that's right." Doyoungs moaning was loud and with the other jerks you knew that his climax would come soon. Your lips now form a vacuum around his cock and with the increasing movement you feel the warm fluid that ran down your throat now. With your tongue you lick the rest of him clean.
"I will now only think of you when I hear this song!"
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Wrapped in a towel, you came to your bedroom. The music boomed out loud in the speakers and you sing along as loud as you can. So you have not noticed that meanwhile your boyfriend was in your apartment. When he suddenly stood in front of you, you are terrified. "Oh my god, Jaehyun!!!!" You hold your hand to your chest and feel your pulse. Your heart raced and when you calm down a bit, you turn the song to pause. "Hey, you could have let it, I like the song." Jaehyun suddenly stood behind you and put his arms over your hips. Then he started to sing: “Can you let me stretch that pussy out or nah?” His hand went under the towel and with his fingers he slipped between your folds. With light pressure he drove over your clitoris. You start to moan slightly, but when he realized that you were getting moister, he pulled the towel down. Then he took you and threw you on the bed. He sang on: “I'm not the type to call you back tomorrow.” He also undressed himself completely, stroked a bit on his cock, leaned down to you and sang in your ear: “But the way you wrapping 'round me is a prob.” With the tip of his glans, he kept pacing up and down on your clit. But this act and its tuners made you crazy. "Jaehyun ... I can’t take it anymore, I want you in me!" Jaehyun started to grin so that the dimples appeared on his cheeks. He took his cock in his hand, looked at you and pushed himself very slowly into you. Your eyes turned inward as he moved faster and faster into you. "Look at you, what a good girl you are who take my cock." Jaehyun's bumps got tighter and tighter. With his fingers he rubs in circles over your clit. It was all too much for you, you could not hold it back. With your fingertips you cling to his forearm. Your voice has been getting louder and louder, and you know that your orgasm has caught you like a wave. Your screams, your lust and your climax also drove Jaehyun into an empire that makes him forget everything. When he realized that he could not hold back, he pulled his cock out and released himself over your stomach. It certainly was not the last time you listened to this song together.
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It was already late in the evening, but still Winwin and you had the dorm for you. Everyone was in training or on the way. That's why you take this rare opportunity and try to pimp up your love life. You both lie naked in bed and Winwin asks if you want to try something new. You start to grin and sing: “Do you like the way I flick my tongue or nah? You can ride my face until you're drippin' cum.” Winwin started to laugh. "Haha okay, do you want me to ride my face?" You sit up and look him straight in the eye. He understands that as a yes and he takes your hand. "OK come." You do not let to say that twice and you place your body directly above Winwin's head. Slowly you settle down and he positions his hands on the back of your thighs. Slowly he starts with his tongue to play on your clitoris. You moan and support you with your palms against the wall. The pressure of his tongue became more violent and slowly you begin to move your hips. Your pussy is already deep in Winwin's face and the only thing that could be heard is his smacking and your moaning. Your hips are moving faster and faster and you can feel the pressure getting higher. Like a wave, you feel like your climax piled up, until your orgasm almost kills you. The climax was incredible, so different. Relief, you lie down in the mattress next to your boyfriend. Then you notice that his best piece was also already extremely hard. The precum was already dripping over his top. Winwin turned to you and also sang: 
”Can you lick the tip then throat the dick or nah?”
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“Probably got a lot of other bitches owe you favors. Pussy so good, had to save that shit for later. Took her to the kitchen, fucked her right there on the table. She repping XO to the death, I'm tryna make these bitches sweat, I'm tryna keep that pussy wet, I'm tryna fuck her and her friends.”
"What are you singing?" Jungwoo asked as he came straight to the kitchen. "Do you know this song?" You smile, but Jungwoo shook his head. You pick up his phone and open Apple Music to play him the song. He listens with interest, but he was surprised by the text. "Wow that's pretty ... sexual." You smile and stroke his shoulders: "Do you have problems with that?" Jungwoo suddenly became very shy and had to swallow. Her palms continued to move down over his stomach to his pants opening. "What are you doing there y/n?" You do not answer his question, but pull his pants down further. His cock was not ready yet, but that would change soon. "Y/n you can not do this here, everybody's next door, anyone can come in anytime." "Nobody will come in," you say with a wink and begin to rub his cock. Jungwoo stopped at the next table surface, which your hand on his skin drove him crazy. When he was half stiff in your hand, you start to put it in your mouth. You take his cock deep inside you, so Jungwoo had to fight, that he did not moan loudly. Your movements with your mouth and hand became faster and faster. You knew exactly how you had to attack his dick, because it never took long until he came, if you satisfy him orally. You can feel the bitter taste of his cum trickle down his throat. Jungwoo was breathing hard and his chest was moving up and down. At that moment you suddenly hear a few steps and Jungwoo quickly pulled up his pants. Lucas suddenly came to you and gets some chips out of the closet. "Do you want to snack too?" he asked and hands you the bag. You shake your head:
"No thanks, I've had a snack already."
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You were mad at Mark. Because you had agreed that you should come to him and then he just sat there and gambled. He has been paying more attention to his video games lately than you and that bothered you. It did not help what you do and meanwhile you were really angry. But then you remembered one last chance: You turn on your favourite song and start singing and dancing. “Can you really take dick or nah? Can I bring another bitch or nah? Is you with the shits or nah? Or nah, or nah.” it booms out of the speakers. You give yourself completely to the music, let your hips circle and pull up your top a little bit. “Can I bring another bitch or nah? Is you with the shits or nah? Or nah, or nah” You knew that your movements and the song would make him horny. You've had sex very often to it and it always stimulated him when he heard it. In the mirror you can see how he looked at your body and his attention was no longer on the PC. Girl, make that ass clap for Young Dolla $ign. You already know my money go a long time” You turn around, go to him and kneel down in front of him. He looks at you with his puppy eyes when you lean forward to him. His gaze was deep into your neckline. "Oh fu ...." Mark took a deep breath as you crossed the fabric of his middle. And gradually you notice how slowly a bump forms. You smile and continue rubbing. Mark bites his fist and can not wait for you to go one step further. You feel that his cock was already full of blood, because he was hard as a hammer. And when he reaches for his waistband to pull his sweatpants down a bit, you stop him. "Do you think after all your action with the video game, will I allow more?" You smile and get up. Mark looks at you stunned: "WHAT? Y/n you can’t do that!" "Look!", You say with a wink and leave the room.
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hismissharley13 · 6 years
I Know My Place
Request by @mrsjaxtellerfan: 
A super confident plus sized gal but she doesn’t know that people find her attractive she is just confident in who she is. Well Jax is being hit on by Ima and he isn’t pushing her away so reader gets drunk and starts flirting with Juice or really any of the guys or all of them lol and Jax lets it happen for awhile and then takes her home when she is completely drunk and he’s drunk too and smut ensues?
I smiled as I waved Juice over for another beer.  He twisted the cap off and winked at me as he handed it over.  I grinned back and turned around to check out the room.
Bobby and Opie were playing pool with Lyla and one of the croweaters so I made my way over towards them.  Happy nudged into me purposely as he walked past and I flung my arms around his neck as he hugged me,
“Hey, Killer! When did you get back into town?” I asked loudly over the music,
“Just tonight.  Looking good, Julee.  How you been?”
“You know me, Hap. Same old, same old!  Say hi to your Momma for me?”
“Of course I will,” he nodded as he headed for the bar.  I smiled again at his retreating back, only for my face to fall as I spotted Ima rubbing up on Jax.  She had an attitude that could sour milk and I was far from her biggest fan.  Jax was talking to Kozik and I watched as Ima lifted his hand and placed it squarely on her butt as she danced against him.  I scowled at her and gulped my beer down, turning back towards the bar for another.  It was shaping up to be one of those nights.  I got on well with Jax but with Ima there she would only ruin my good mood and I didn’t want her to kill my buzz.  
“Ohhh Juiceyyyyy, I’m out again,” I called in a sing-song voice as I approached the bar again.  His easy smile shone on his face as he produced another bottle for me. He twisted to grab a bottle of sambuca and lined up some shot glasses along the bar.  My grin belied the mischief I felt as the clear liquor filled the glasses.  As I reached for mine, Clay, Tig, Piney and Chibs all helped themselves too.  I turned side-on and Tig draped his free arm over my shoulder, pecking a whiskery kiss on my cheek as I giggled.  We clinked glasses and gulped the aniseed drink down in unison. The guys cheered and dissipated into the room except for Tig who nuzzled into my neck, causing me to squeal.  I laughed it off as Jax looked up at the source of the noise with a frown.  My eyes met his briefly before I cut my gaze back to Tig who was muttering something dirty in my ear.  Smacking him on the arm in mock outrage, I shoved him playfully away and he pulled me back to him, his arms around my thick waist.  I rolled my eyes and kissed his cheek,
“That’s all you’re getting you dirty dog!”
“Ahh baby come on,”
“No way Tig,” I laughed as he pouted comically, handing me a fresh beer from Juice, “I’m sure there’s plenty enough crow-eaters willing to help you with that!” I blew a kiss at him as I turned away, catching Kozik's eye. He waved me over to him but I shook my head and raised my bottle to him. He bounded over to me with a confused frown,
"Thirsty much?"
"Hi cutie-pie.  You could say I'm in need of a few drinks, yeah,"
"Sounds like a solid plan to me! Juice! Send some tequila over here man,"
Juice promptly obliged, sliding a salt cellar and a whole lemon over to us as well. Kozik made short work of cutting it into wedges and poured two shots. I licked my hand and shook the salt in a line, doing the same on his hand with a cheeky grin. He raised an eyebrow with a smirk before handing me one of the glasses. Well practised as we were, the salt, tequila and lemon were consumed in quick succession. Three rounds later I was beginning to feel quite the buzz!
"How's about I beat your ass at pool again?"
"I'm on to you, you just want to see me bent over the table to stare at my butt,  don't ya?" He snickered,
I held my hands up with a grin,
“You got me! How about giving me a chance to prove I’m still the better player?”
“You’re on,”
I turned to the prospect at the bar, pointing to the beers Kozik and I held,
“Drinks, keep ‘em coming, yeah?”
He took one look at Kozik and nodded nervously.  They had their uses.  I jerked my head up as I heard a whoop, just in time to see Lyla throw her cue down on the table and wrap Opie in her arms for a victory kiss.  I grabbed Kozik’s hand and dragged him quickly over to the table before someone else jumped in.
We had got most of the way through the most ridiculous game of pool ever, getting steadily more drunk as the prospect kept replenishing our beers, before Jax strutted over,
“My game next?”
“Sure thing, brother,” Kozik clapped him on the shoulder as I managed to somehow catapult the cue ball round the table twice without hitting one single other.  I jutted my hip to the side and pouted as Kozik laughed.  He lined up the shot as I watched and just as he was about to take it, I bumped him.  He chuckled and shook his head, managing to pot two against me.
“That’s so unfair,” I laughed.  Jax nuzzled up to me,
“Want a hand to get back level?”  I nodded, chewing my lip slightly.  Jax was pretty hot.  Although I knew none of the guys thought of me that way, a girl could dream, right?
He brushed his hands down my arms as I leaned over the table, his lean body pressing against my ample frame as he guided my hands.  Miracle of miracles I actually hit the shot...WE hit the shot.  I stood up a little more flushed than I had been a moment before and swayed,
“I uh...I’m just gonna step outside for a moment,”
I stumbled unsteadily out of the door and leaned my back against the cool wall.  The evening air helped a little to slow my heartbeat, the alcohol coursing through my bloodstream had turned me into a hot mess.  Jax appeared as my breaths evened out and I felt my cheeks burn all over again,
“You alright there darlin’?“ his hand caressed my cheek and he was suddenly too close, “Julee, baby you ok?”
I rested my hand on top of his, meaning to pull it away before he made a mistake he would regret.  I knew my place was firmly in the friendzone, so I couldn’t understand why his lips were getting closer...
I pulled away before he did, my eyebrows still raised in surprise. A confused frown crinkled his forehead,
"What's wrong darlin'?"
"What are you doing Jax?" I asked in a voice barely more than a whisper, "you don't want me," I smiled sadly as I looked at the ground. Jax crouched down into my eyeline, pulling my gaze back up with a gentle hand on my cheek,
"You have no idea do you?" His tone of amusement made me frown in confusion and he grinned, biting his lip, "I think you're beautiful, Julee,"
I snorted in disbelief,
"Maybe if I was a few sizes smaller. As I'm not, I know my place. I'm a friend, Jax, I'm never going to compete with someone like Ima,"
"Darlin just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it's not true. You're amazing. I'm attracted to you and right now I want to kiss you." He didn't give me any further opportunity to argue as his lips covered mine again. I allowed myself to relax a little as he took the lead, our kiss slow and deep. His hands crushed my body against his and he trapped me against the wall and groaned,
"Jesus Christ I've wanted to do that for so long,"
"Wait, what?"
"I said-I've wanted-to do that-for-so-long," he repeated, placing kisses around my jawline and neck as he did. Tingles rushed up my spine at the feeling of his lips on my skin. I couldn't help the little purr of enjoyment and his mouth curled into a grin as my eyes fluttered open again, "feeling good, princess?"
"Mmm yeah," I agreed, his hands trailing along the undulating curves of my breasts, waist and hips. I tensed as his hands wandered to my stomach, reaching for his wrists sharply to still his exploration, "not here,"
"Darlin' you've no need to be ashamed, I think you're beautiful and your confidence is so sexy...I've never seen this side of you before. C'mon let's have another drink,"
He grabbed my hand and whisked me inside, he seemed hardly able to take his eyes off me-smirking when I blushed at the attention. I accepted the liquor he poured and shot it back, catching a stray drip with my tongue. Jax cocked an eyebrow at me and I felt a rush of confidence,
"What's up, did you want that bit yourself?" I smirked and brushed purposely against him. He took another shot and kissed me again, allowing some of the liquid to swirl into my mouth,
"Tastes better with you," he announced as I swallowed with a giggle. Emboldened, I leaned up on my toes and kissed him again, my hands daring to brush the front of his jeans. I smirked as I felt a sizeable bulge and squeezed gently. Jax nearly choked on his beer and slammed it on the bar. He leaned down so his mouth was at my ear,
"I want you in my room, right now," he growled, propelling me forwards as I laughed aloud. I turned halfway, just as we reached the corridor and he crashed his mouth into mine again, our drunkenness lowering our inhibitions. His hand slipped quickly up my skirt and rubbed along my underwear,
"Feeling a little warm, princess?" His dextrous fingers pushed the material aside and traced at my slit.
"Jax!" I gasped and he grinned,
"Shhh, relax baby," he cooed, withdrawing his hand, "you're ready for me, aren't you," I nodded mutely before he took my hand and led me to his room.
Once the door closed with a soft snap, Jax's hands were on my body and his lips were on mine. I kissed him back just as hungrily and his tongue pushed into my mouth as my hand fisted in his hair. He pushed my shirt up and kneaded my breast, pulling down the cup of my bra to access my hardening nipple, tweaking it and sending a shock to my core. He walked me backwards to the bed, allowing me to sit before crawling over me and leaning me back.
I allowed my hands to roam his hard chest, mapping the chiselled contours as he pushed my shirt up and over my head. He worked down my body, trailing open mouthed kisses as he made short work of removing my skirt.  I instantly crossed my arms over my now exposed body as Jax stood up,
“C’mere baby,” he held out a hand for me to stand with him, wrapping his arms around me as he pulled me close to kiss me again,
“You’re too dressed,” I complained in barely a whisper, earning a smirk,
“Best do something about it then,”
I pushed his shirt up and he pulled it over his head and tossed it across the room, the muscles of his chest danced in synchronicity.  He circled my wrists with his hands and guided me to the fastenings of his jeans as he kicked off his sneakers.  I pushed down the denim waistband and stood against him, feeling his erection press against me as I grabbed his ass.  He moved my hands above me as we laid down on the bed, securing my wrists gently with one hand as he used the other to spread my legs,
“Mmm I can feel you’re wet for me baby,” he purred as his hand pressed against my cunt, “even through your panties, so hot,”
I flushed again, rolling my hips slightly in search of more friction against his teasing fingers.  Jax leant back on his knees and peeled my underwear down my legs, leaning over me again to reach behind and unclasp my bra.  He dragged it slowly down my arms and ducked his head immediately to the exposed swells of flesh, kissing, nipping and sucking as I gasped in pleasure beneath him.  He placed his hand between my legs and began to slide a finger along my entrance.  I ground my hips against his movements, wanting more than his slow ministrations.
“Use your words, Julee,” he mumbled against my chest, I could feel him smiling.
“I want more, Jax,” I sighed.  He pushed into me, curling his fingers as he pulled away.  He lifted his head and watched me as his hand found the perfect rhythm,
“Cum on my hand and I’ll fuck you so good,” he promised, circling my clit with his thumb.  The added stimulation and the sound of his voice drove me closer and I reached a hand to his cock, pumping in time with his movements, “Jesus Christ that feels so good,” he moaned
“Ohhh Jax, I’m close, so close!” I gasped as I felt the tension in my belly and my legs began to tremble,
“I know baby, I can feel you.  I’m taking this one,”
I mewled against his shoulder as the waves of euphoria hit me, all too soon scrambling to push his hand away as he drew my pleasure out.  I had scarcely caught my breath when he pushed into me, filling me easily and deliciously as my walls pulsed with the aftershocks of my orgasm.  He wasted no time in thrusting needfully again and again, unholy confessions pouring from his lips as our bodies moved with eachother in carnal desire.
Jax made me cum three more times before he chased his own release, almost howling my name as he bucked into me.  He rolled onto the bed and pulled me across to lean on his chest,
“Damn girl, you were amazing,” he panted, brushing my hair away from my face tenderly as I traced the ink on his chest.  I stretched against his side, a satisfied smile on my face as I looked up at him.  He pressed a kiss to the top of my head and his arms loosened slightly as he drifted to sleep.  I couldn’t make sense of the thoughts whirring drunkenly around in my head so, concentrating on the steady thud of his heartbeat, I closed my eyes and let myself relax.
@samcroslut @hanaissupergirl @cole-winchester @mrsjaxtellerfan @soawonder @sierra-king-1994
If I forgot anyone tag-wise please let me know!
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fathertaurus · 6 years
I've been playing with the idea of the vs being friends with a stripper since David hired them for Nick's dad 💀. It's shitty but I hope you guys enjoy, I enjoyed writing it.
You've known Zane and Heath for years, being their nextdoor neighbor in their apartment complex. You took part in their coffee talks and even filmed a few different bits with them, you introduced them into your world and they showed you theirs. When they started hanging out with other vloggers more they encouraged you to come along, it took weeks of convincing to get you to go to a party with them.
At the party you met a bunch of their friends, names you couldn't remember after drinking so much, and made a few new friends of your own.
Over time you became really close with Kristen and David, those becoming your go to people when Zane or Heath we're busy.
Kristen found out that you were a stripper by snooping through your stuff, finding your 9 inch heels and freaking out. She was completely accepting, even asking you to teach her some stuff so she could show Scott.
It wasn't until Zane had asked you to help prank a Vlog Squad member that the others found out.
You weren't ashamed of your job, hell you probably made more money in a week than most of the members did in a month. The day came and you went to David's house, Zane said that was the only place where everyone could meet up at the time because it was closer to their locations. Zane let you in and took you to the downstairs bathroom to prepare.
You dressed in a pink silky set, with soft lace trimming, the underwear showing the curve of your ass perfectly. This was one of your favorite outfits, you loved how it made you look sweet and innocent while you were doing one if the most naughty things.
They didn't tell you who you were dancing for, not wanting you to be freaked out but they told  you that the squad would be sitting on the couch while the person sat, blindfolded in a chair. You heard the front door open and someone walk in.
“Whoa, is this an intervention?” You heard David say.
‘Oh that asshole’ you thought 'Of fucking course it would be fucking Dobrik of all people. how the fuck did I not think of that?’
“Shh baby boy, we know how uptight and stressed you've been lately, so we thought we'd be good friends and get you a surprise” you hear Zane say. You hear them both walk by the bathroom door and down the hallway.
“Aw Zane! It was just a joke, I swear I'll never do it again! No more animals!” David cries dramatically, mostly for the camera.
“Put the blindfold on and sit in the chair, I promise it's a good surprise.” Zane laughs out.
After a few moments of silence you hear David cry out “What the fuck is that!?” you hear everyone laughing and someone say it was just a hand.
“Okay come out baby!” Zane yells as 'Often’ by the Weeknd starts to play through the speakers. You walk out slowly, starting to get a little nervous.
You see David twitch and hear people gasp. You hear a soft 'holy shit’ and see Corrina reach up and smack Todd upside his head making you giggle and wink at her. She winks back and Todd smacks her shoulder and she just shrugs.
You make your way towards David, walking behind him and rubbing your hand down his chest.
“C-can I take the blindfold off now?” He asks breathlessly. You look to Zane for approval and when he nods you undo the knot. You walk in front of David and bind down, your body moving along to the song.
“Oh fuck? What the hell?” David says, sounding confused. You giggle again and start moving your ass in his face. You straddle his lap and grind on him, his hands reach for your hips trying to move you faster.
He's watching your every move and you can feel just how hard he is. You turn around in his lap and bend over, hands touching the ground and body in between his legs.
You slide back so that your ass is touching his lower stomach and start moving it along with the song. His hands come up and splay across your ass, playing with the lace trimming. You almost completely forget about the other so lost in your dance until Zane comes in front of you to get a better angle laughing.
“Oh babies I think they're both enjoying it.” He says and the other laugh along agreeing.
“I'm a performer Zane, of course I enjoy putting on a show.” You say sitting up and winking, you start grinding your ass against his bulge, trying to get him harder and keep it hidden from the camera.
“I've seen you dance before, you're never this into it!” Kristen says from the side. The song is coming to an end and you realize that David has been completely silent the whole time. You turn around to face him wrapping your arms around his neck.
He looks up at you, eyes blown wide and wild.
“Everyone get out.” He says, tone hard and rough.
“Dude it was just a jok-” Zane tries to say but is cut off when David stands up quickly, wrapping your legs around his waist and the chair he was once sitting in goes crashing to the floor.
“I said everyone. Get. Out.” David growls out. “Natalie if I were you I'd pack a bag to go for a few days. Make sure to lock the door behind you.” He says and begins walking to his bedroom.
You hear everyone scatter the door opening and people rushing out laughing. You bury your head into his neck and let out giggles of your own.
“What? You think that's funny? Doing that in front of everyone?” He asks looking down at you. You smile and bite your lip,still trying to stifle your laughter, the whole situation funny. “You won't be laughing for to long baby.”
You reach his bedroom and he slams you against the door once it's closed. He places his lips against yours, not kissing, just rest them there, sharing the air. You arch your back and start whining.
“David..” you whisper out.
“Is this okay babe?” He asks.
“Yes, please, do whatever you want. Take me, please David!” You whine out. He chuckles, lips still resting against yours and he starts to pepper soft kisses to them.
“Whatever I want? Geez if I knew you'd be such a slut for it, I would have fucked you a long time ago.” He says, he bites your lip causing you to moan and allowing him to slip his tongue into your mouth, massaging your tongue with his.
He moves you away from the door and lays you on his bed, he moves away and pulls of his shirt. He sits on the end of the bed and taps the space next to him. You crawl over and lay down.
“I want you to actually strip for me. Take everything off and show me just how much you enjoy putting in a show.” He says.
“Yes sir.” You stand up with your back facing him. You start moving your hips to music in your head and turn around to face him. You slide your hands up and down your sides, reaching for the claps of your bra.
You let the bra slide down your arms, slowly revealing your breast. You hear him softly gasp, smiling to yourself you throw your head back and move your hands over your chest pinching and pulling at your nipples and letting out soft noises.
“I said strip, not touch yourself. Don't make me spank you our first time together baby.” He calls out, getting impatient. You giggle and move your hips once again. You slowly turn back around and bring your hands back to play with the lace on your panties, you bend down and hear him gasp at the sight of a wet spot on your panties.
You pull at the band and let it smack back against your skin, leaving a small sting. You decide that you've teased him enough and that you really wanted to feel his cock stretching you out.
You hook your fingers in the band of your panties and pull the down. You bend over so your pussy is right in his face, when your underwear fall to your ankles his hands reach up and grip your hips.
“Fucking soaked y/n. This wet for me? Or because everyone was watching you be a slut? Huh? Like knowing everyone saw you on a show for me?” He says, hot breath fanning against your core.
“For you sir. Only you.” You moan out.
“Only me? Gonna be a good girl for only me from now on?” He asks, hands spreading your ass cheeks and laying soft smacks against them.
“Yes, only you! Promise!” You whine out, trying to grind your hips back against something, anything.
“Good fucking girl.” He lays a hard smack to bother cheeks, he reaches up and wraps your hair in his hand and stands up pulling you against his chest. He spins you around and shoves you to the bed, you crawl back to the top.
He shoves his pants off leaving him in boxers only, he grabs your legs and pulls you towards the edge of the bed.
“Wanna taste you before I fuck you. That okay?” He asks rubbing his hand up and down your calf. You arch your back and nod your head, so he drops down to his knees moving his face closer to your pussy.
He spreads your lips apart with his fingers blowing cold air on you soaking pussy. “Fuck it's so pretty, bet you taste so good.” He runs his tongue from your entrance to your clit, sucking it in to his mouth.
“Fuck! David, o-oh my God!” You moan out, hands curling into his hair and tugging. He moans against your clit flicking his tongue around it. He shoves his face into you more, pressing his tongue inside of you and moving it around, his nose brushes against your clit sending shocks down your spine.
He pulls away and pushes two thick fingers into you, curling them up to hit that sweet spot, you throw your head back letting out a loud moan.
“Fuck, look at you. Gonna cum for me?” He growls out, he gathers his saliva and spits directly on your clit, using his thumb to spread it around. “C'mon baby, cum on my fingers.”
Your back arches hard, pussy clenching around his fingers as you cum. You're practically screaming and reach your hand up to smack against you mouth to quiet yourself down.
“Fuckfuckfuck! David! Please, please fuck me!” You yell out. You feel the bed shift as he gets up.
“Okay baby, just let me get a condom.” He says.
“No! I'm clean and on the pill, please David! I feel you, wanna feel your cum drip out of me.” You whine out. You hear him groan and feel the bed dip again, he crawls between your legs kissing up your chest, stopping to suck and bite at your nipples.
He reaches your lips and kisses you deeply, hand coming up to rest against your cheek.
“Before we do this I think you should know that I really like you.” He says while looking deep into your eyes. A bright smile breaks across your face and your hands reach to grab have face and you pepper soft, wet kisses everywhere.
“I like you too, Dobrik. A lot” you reply “but I'd like you a lot more if you fucked me.”
He groans “You're gonna be the death of me, Jesus.” He sits back on his knees bringing his hard cock to your core, running his head between your folds and collecting your slickness, “Next time I'm gonna make you stay on your knees and suck me off.”
“Oh fuck, please, I'll do anything you want.” You whine out, trying to move your hips to get him inside.
“Fuck you really are a slut for it.” His slowly pushes his tip into your entrance and pulls back out. “You know, I really like the way you beg.” He has a cocky smirk plastered on his face.
“Fuck, Dobrik! Just fuck me already, stop playing around.” You whine out.
“I don't think that's how good girls ask.” He says, tapping the tip of his cock against your clit making you squirm.
“Okay! Please David, please fuck me! I promise I'll do anything you want, I just need you to fuck me!” There's tears in your eyes now, one of them escaping and sliding down your cheek. He reaches his hand up and gathers the tear on his thumb and rubs it against your lips.
“That's my good fucking girl.” He slams his hips into you, burying his cock to the hilt. Your back arches and head goes back moaning loudly, he buries his head into your chest, sucking and licking to keep his groans quite.
He pulls out and slams back in setting a brutally fast pace, balls slapping against your ass and cock stretching you out like no one has ever before.
“FUCK! David! You feels so good, so so good. s-so de-deep, oh God! I'm gonna cum!” You scream out, hands going to his back and nails digging in causing him to hiss. He reaches his hand up to your throat, palm pressing down while his fingers grip your jaw and force you to look at him.
“Open your mouth!” He growls out. You open your mouth, loud moans spilling out, he leans down and spits directly in the back of your throat and then again on your tongue.
“Fucking swallow” you do as he says, feeling the pressure of his palm against your throat.
“Fucking perfect for me.” He removes his hand from your throat and reaches it down to play with your clit, rubbing fast hard circles against it with his thumb. You squeeze your eyes closed, tears slipping down your cheeks, he leans down and kisses at them and then your lips.
“I'm gonna make you cum baby, don't cry.” He says.
“Gon-gonna cum! ple-please le-let me cum!” You stutter. His thumb moves faster and so do his hips, cock slamming into your pussy as the sound of your slickness spurs him on.
“Yeah princess, c'mon, cum around my cock. Want me to cum inside you? Yeah? Gotta cum around me first pretty girl.” He whispers against your lips. Your nails drag down his back, leaving angry red lines as your eyes roll back.
Your pussy clenches hard around his cock and your orgasm washes over you. Your legs start shaking and your crying out, begging him to keep fucking you.
“Shit! So good for me!” He growls, burying his cock deep into your pussy and cumming. He bites and sucks on your neck and chest to keep his moans down, leaving red bruises and marks.
After you both have come down from your highs he pulls out and gets a rag to clean you off, he climbs into the bed behind you and wraps his arms around you, pulling you close to his chest.
“After we have a nap do you wanna go out to eat?” He asks quietly.
You turn your body so you're facing him, “Like a date?” You ask
“Yeah, a date. I was being serious when I said I like you” His hand rubs up and down your side. A smile breaks across your face and you lean in to press a soft kiss to his lips.
“So was I. I'd love to go on a date with you Dobrik.” He smiles and gives you another soft kiss and you bury your head into his chest, letting sleep take over.
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fantasyizlife · 6 years
My Savagez Part 11
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My Savagez pt 11
Word count: 10k
Warnings: fluff, angst, smut, violence, kidnapping    
 September 2nd I guess the stars really did align that night. The night of Z’s party, well it was the early morning hours of September 2nd but still. That was the round about the technologist and doctor came up up with from the measurements. I was just over 5 weeks and they released me with advice to find an OBGYN doctor and have another ultrasound around 8 weeks. There wasn’t much to see but we could hear a faint heartbeat. September 2nd..the one and only time I have ever been with both of them. What were the chances? I hadn’t said a word since Harrison had told me I was pregnant. I don’t know if I went into shock or disbelief. All I was fixated on was the date and the crazy fact it was a 50/50 shot at whose baby was growing inside me. I had been careful, I even opted for depo thinking it would better protect us if I didn’t rely on taking a pill everyday in case life got out of control. Yeah, nothing is 100% but this...THIS was 100% going to be bomb in someone's face. And why now? Why when Tom is out risking his life on the most dangerous job he’s ever faced...alone! I stayed quiet on the trip home letting the silent tears fall as the rain fell from the night sky. The storm outside matched mine inside. Harrison didn’t push me to talk or hover when I went into Toms room and grabbed one of his shirts to wear to bed. I went to my room and plugged in my phone. I crawled under my covers and held Toms pillow in my arms. I looked at Haz as he crossed his arms and stood at my door. I hated myself for the way I let us down, all of us.
“I’ll be here if you need anything angel, just whisper my name” he said pulling his hair as he turned to go. I got up from the bed and made it to the toilet just in time. Haz was right beside me as I dry heaved with nothing in my system. “Baby, you’re not supposed to stress and from the looks of it, it’s all your fucking doing!” he said getting emotional wiping my face with a cold rag. He helped me back to bed and pulled me into him. The storm raged outside as we faded into sleep.
 My eyes darted open by the loud rumbling of thunder. I could tell from Hazes breathing he was asleep. I sat up and I kept my eyes glued to the chaotic weather outside, the lighting that lite up the night sky and heavy rain that washed the dirt away. I wanted to go stand in it and hope it could do the same to me. I jumped out of my skin as the next thunder clap landed above our home. I felt Haz stir and I glanced back at his beautiful smile.
“You should have woken me, do you need something?” he asked kissing my lower back. I shook my head no, and took a deep breath my emotions kicking back up.
“If this is Tom’s baby, will I lose you Hazzi?” I choked out as the thunder boomed again.
He sat up and pulled me into his lap “You and this baby will always have me, no matter who’s baby is inside you, I love you angel. Unconditionally” Haz kissed my head and rocked me slowly as he sang sweetly in my ear “You are my sunshine, my only sunshine…” I closed my eyes as he flattened his palms against my stomach. I placed my hands over his loving this moment and never wanting it to end.
 Another two weeks went by, making it almost a month since Tom had been gone. I haven’t even heard his voice, it was making me uneasy. Harrison was seriously keeping me in check about not stressing. He must have told me three times a day if Tom and the crew wasn’t reaching out to us it was for the best and if something had gone wrong, we would know the moment anyone one of them were in trouble. He ordered me to my dance studio to work some stress off as he made us dinner. I decided it was a great ideal because I could completely submerge myself in my dancing and let the world fade for awhile. I slipped on my sexy boy shorts and sequin top that shined under the studio lights as I circled the pole with one hand. I had selected my playlist that held songs that reminded me of Tom, I wanted to push my ache for him out of my mind until I could do something about it. Part of my soul was missing...I hope like hell this would help. I closed my eyes as “Partition by Beyonce” pumped through the air and powered my movements. I channeled my emotions through my arms, neck, chest, and abs. I let myself be possessed by the memories each word carried me to. My hips rolled in circles as I dipped low to the floor. I gripped the pole and lifted my legs above my head. My hair cascaded to the floor and my eyes opened as I heard Haz clear his throat. I smiled at Harrison's eyes, they were wild and wide at my bodies position. He has never seen me dance like this, he’s always been my cherishing lover, my romancer, my sweet savage. I lowered my body and walked over to the system, hitting pause to stop the intense mood that now hung in the room. He eyed me as I made my way over to him leaning against the mirrored wall. He had a different aura about him. I almost grew nervous at it.
“Is dinner done already Batman?” I smiled catching my breath as he just stared at me.
“Not exactly, I was going to share something” he said low and I picked up on his tone right away.
One glance at his gray tented sweatpants told me what I just heard, he was turned on. I bit my lip as I gripped his cock through his pants. He drew in a sharp breath as he pushed his hands into my hair. I gasped at the roughness of it and seen the change in his eyes. I closed my eyes and rolled my head around slow and shook away my lusty craving to be fucked. That don’t happen with my Hazzi, and he still makes me feel just as good, it’s just different.
“Is it this?” I whispered sliding my hand under his waistband. He kissed me deep and rough making me moan with a surprised approval. He broke the kiss and took off my top as he pinched my nipple hard and bit the other one. My eyes were the ones wide now. I flashed back to the only night he’s ever been this rough. When we were with Tom. I pulled his face into my hands “Hazzi, what are you doing?” I asked trying to block out my throbbing clit as he smiled sexy. “Watching you dance like that tells me your body is in need of something more intense”
I looked away feeling ashamed, he can’t be serious! I didn’t know how to respond. He pulled me back to his sky blue eyes and held me their until I stopped over thinking.
“I know what your body needs y/n, now let me show you” he said pulling my hair hard again   
“Do you want sweet Hazzi right now, darling?” he smiled against my ear before he nibbled it.
I laugh at the ideal. “I wouldn’t mind keeping some of my hair.” he lets go of me and I whimper.
“Hands on the wall angel.”... there it is, the beautiful command from a man I love to the ends of time. His new dominance overpowers me in a new way. The strength of our love fused into two bodies that ache to make each other whole, the way we’re supposed to. I’m all in, flattening my palms against the wall. I don’t want to control this. I need Haz to do whatever he wants to do. Punish me, fuck me from my thoughts, spank me. A storm builds inside me as I hold my hands against the cold mirror. Desire mixed with guilt, one as poisonous as the other, robbing the strength from my legs and burning my lungs. But at the center of this storm is a calming soul. My Hazzi stands behind me, silent, steady, commanding me to relax simply by placing a hand on my lower back. “Do you want to still want to feel me the morning?” His sexy voice curls around me, low and hypnotic. I feel my core heat as his breath bathes my skin.   
“Answer me angel.” He spanks hard against my ass, bringing pain beneath my shorts. I swallow hard. “Yes, please, if that's what you want.” I say shaky as I start to second guess this, for him.  “Whatever’s going on in your head stops now.” He spanks me again, softer this time, but the impact still lifts me on my toes.
“You can’t make me stop thinking.” I smirk as my conscious ate at my needs, it wrecked him.
“No, but I can redden your ass until you stop feeling guilty about wanting this.” How does he do that?  He sees inside my head and interprets my thoughts better than I can.
“Now…” He grips tight to my hips. “Tell me what you want.” he smirked at me in the mirror
“I want to hurt, please make it hurt Hazzi.” I whimper wanting it now
He presses against my back, letting me feel the hardness of his chest. “Do you want to hurt here?” He grips my backside with both hands. “Or here?” His hand slides around my waist and touches me between the legs. My breathing is shallow.
“Please, you pick for me.” I moan out feeling my core get hotter. He pulls down my shorts and panties in one quick swoop and I step out of them leaving my legs spread for him.
“Damn, you’re perfect.” He tightens his fingers against my sex before stepping back and removing his touch completely. His breaths grow louder and  sharper, as he kneels behind me. I can see him looking at my glistening sex. FUCK me, I love being at his mercy. With teasing soft fingers, he traces my spine and moves closer to brush his lips against my ass. Then he pulls me   down onto his face and bites the flesh of my butt the instant it touches.
 I whimper and lock my knees, attempting to stay upright against the sharp sting. His legs are around my ankles so they limit the movement of my feet, but his strong hand on my hip supports me as he pulls my exposed ass closer to his face. Pressing a palm on my back, he forces me to bend at the waist. My hands slip down the mirror as I lower my head. His labored breathing echoes through the empty space, but the glide of his fingers is so controlled. His hands are everywhere, he positioning my hips where he wants them, slowly caressing up and down my legs, and petting between my thighs. Taste me, Harrison. Fuck me with your talented tongue. He hears my unspoken wish and moves his lips my sex, burying his face, groaning, and licking with force. My mouth drops open on a gasp, and I snap it shut, stifling the cry in my throat. I don’t know if I should be vocal like I usually am with roughness because usually with Hazzi, it’s natural and passionate moans. FUCK me. I don’t care, yes I do care! I stay silent only adding to my torture.  His lips feel too good pressed against me, kissing and sucking, warm and wet. I push against the mirror, rocking against his tongue, seeking pressure, friction, desperate to cum. He licks me from bottom to top and plunges deep. Then his fingers are there, circling my opening and sinking inside. He thrusts in and out, grunting, panting, fucking me with his touch, his tongue, and the force of my need. I gasp and tremble as the wave starts to build inside me, but he teases me, gives me just enough to hold me at the edge. Lips sliding, tongue curling, and fingers teasing, he plays my body like an instrument. My heart dances to the beats of his breaths. Electricity shoots through my veins, hot and wet and charged with emotion. The sensations Harrison is giving me feel incredible and overpowering. I think I might die. I drop my chin to my chest, my head too heavy to hold up. Stretching the restraint of his legs around my ankles, I shift my feet wider and roll my hips, grinding against his mouth, needing him, wanting this, silently begging him to keep going. He clamps an arm around my waist, rubs a finger around my clit, and closes those beautiful lips over my pussy, sucking faster. My walls spasm, mind explodes, and my body shatters. His primal groan vibrates through me, crashing waves of pleasure from my core to my limbs. Holyfuck, I’m seeing stars, holyfuck!  
I arch my back, and my mouth hangs open in a silent scream. As I come down from the most intense orgasm, he nibbles his way up my spine, panting and hungry. I shift to straighten from the wall, but his hand on my back holds me in the bent position.
“Don’t move y/n,” he commands, his voice sexy and low. The sound of his zipper shivers the air, followed by the whisper of his clothes dropping to the wooden floor. I peek over my shoulder just as he releases his hard, swollen cock and slides a hand over his long length, once, twice..he meets my eyes and grips my hair turning me back towards the mirror. Fuck, this room is nothing but mirrors, he’s all I can see. I feel the next wave already rolling in.  
“I’m going to fuck you now, angel. I want you to see yourself cum on my cock, my cock!” Haz didn’t wait for a response and the shock that brought was pure bliss. He soaked himself with my sex. Then drove his hips into me, his cock pushed inside fast and hard, thrusting into the grip he now had on my hip. I want to turn around, but he grips it hard, fingers shaking, mouth parted, too lost in his urgent desire to completion. “You make me so fucking crazy.” He cries ramming inside me, he can’t seem to slow down. “Nothing is more hotter than the sight of you in the air.” Intensely focused on the way he’s plowing into me, Haz finds his release, tensing as if he don’t want this to end “Angel, fuck, I’m fucking cumming.” His eyes dart forward, and he searches the mirror for my eyes, he’s desperate to see if I approve. I’m too blown away to say anything. But my walls grip his cock with another orgasm letting him know how good he makes me feel. My God, he’s beautiful when he lets go. Harrisons entire expression softens. His pupils dilate. His grip on my hip and hair loosen, and his eyes glow with swirling blue wonder. He looks happier, and fuck if that doesn’t put a teary smile on my face. He slips himself out as he catches his breath. He turns his attention back to me as he stands up
 “Now that we got that out of the way” he smiles sweetly, lifts me in his arms and takes me across the hall to my bedroom. He puts me on my bed and grabs a sweater of Toms.
Holy shit, now what? He has this look..intense enough that suggests something heavier is headed my way. I know this man, down to his soul, yet there are moments like this when I’m truly blow away by the beauty of his mysterious actions. He holds me hostage with a glance, and ability to keep me guessing. All I can do is blink and wait. I’ve never been this quite.  
“I came to share something else with you, but we both had a pressing matter to handle right?” he giggled tickling my spot under my ribs. I swatted his hands away and he slipped Toms sweater over my head. He held my face in his hands and delivered the blow.
“I received a encrypted video from Harry this morning, I didn’t share because it’s not something you should see. I’m only telling you because I got good news while you were dancing, Tom is calling in a few hours. They should be on the yacht in less than three hours and headed home”
I looked at him with mixed emotions, now I knew why he just drained my tensed up body. I stood up and paced. Did he just say this morning? A video? Is Tom in it? Is that why I can’t see it? He went to the other room and put on his clothes. I went downstairs, straight into the control room and punched in my code. I tried the third time with blurry eyes as Haz rounded the corner.
“Angel, everyone is very strict about you not seeing it, and you should avoid stress, remember?”
“Why isn’t my code working Harrison?” I snapped my head at him. “Let me in, now!” I seethed
“I will not, not until Tom is home and we can talk about what is going on, hate me for protecting you both, I don’t care, I’m not letting you in there” he said, my temper flared and I balled my fist.  
“Wow, you got control over me in the bedroom so you think you can control me outside of it?”
He shrugged his shoulders and looked me in the eyes “I’m ordering dinner, we can take about it, just try not to hate me, I love you y/n, I would never keep anything from you unless it could only hurt you” he went back upstairs and into the kitchen. I took his words to heart and followed him silently. He sat on the stool at the kitchen island and shuffled through the take out menus. I wrapped my arms around him and felt his chest take in a heavy breath through the rise and fall of his back. “I love you too Hazzi, I won’t ever hate you and thank you for protecting me..us” I said as he turned and pulled me into his arms, rubbing my stomach.      
 Four long days pass as I wait for Tom on the deck he instructed me to park at to pick him up. It would have taken closer to a week to get back if he stayed on the yacht. I was grateful he picked the quicker route. He looked like shit when we talked over facetime and it made me sicker to keep wondering what was so bad on that video that Tom insisted we would talk about when he got home. He seemed off. It could have been in my mind, I was also hiding a life changing secret of my own. I was thankful my baby bump was barely showing. I didn't have to start explaining right away.
 I leaned against the back of the car, crossing my legs hoping he appreciated my freezing ass as I wore my short sweater dress and black thigh high boots that he had always loved on me. I chewed my lip feeling nervous and anxious since I got the text saying he just landed five minutes ago. I heard the door click open to my right and felt my heart hammer in my chest. I needed to calm down before I made myself sick. But all that went out the window when he appeared 100 feet in front of me. I felt the tears stream down my face as I took off running towards him. He made bigger strides to and met me halfway. He dropped his bags and embraced me in his arms after impact. He held me tight and let me come undone in his embrace. I could tell he was shaking by the way he stroked my hair. I don't know how long we stood there, but he didn't rush me. He simply held me until I stopped sobbing.
“Don't ever leave me this long again” I sniffled as he wiped my eyes. “I missed you so much TomTom"
“Hello to you too Starling, I missed you more” he croaked pulling himself together. He picked up his bags, carrying them all on his left so he could hold me close to his side. “I promise to hold you until you make me let go, and don't worry, I've already told Haz you'll be sleeping solo with me for awhile” he smiled kissing my head.
 His car is the last one on this level in the garage. We walked side by side, his hand on the small of my back. His eyes dart everywhere and I can't help the anxiety it kicks up. He's more aware of our soundings than normal and I can't help but wonder if he's afraid someone is watching us. I stop us in our tracks just to see if he is caught off guard. He practically lifts me as he keeps going. “I’m not letting go until I have you in my car.” he says in a low tone.
He’s on the verge of running, and I don't understand it, until he growls
“I need you pretty baby, I don't know if I can wait until I get home for you"
“I need you too,Tom. Please don't make me wait much longer” I said shaky feeling emotional. He looked so different. His lip was still split, both his eyes were not only bruised, but they had deep dark bags underneath them. I can’t see much of him under his leather jacket, but he’s lost weight. It hurts my heart to see him like this. But I give him my best confident smile!
I’ll give him everything he desires, because I want to. I want to see his smile, to hear that adorable laugh that pulls me to him. I’ll do everything I can to make him whole, because he gives it in return.
He started to open the passenger side door to the car, but then stopped, shutting it before I had a chance to get in. I glance at Tom with wide eyes and he stares back at me. There is a hunger in his eyes. I swallow hard as more of my Tom came back to me. He looked around again making sure we were alone, there is no way he would take me right here! Right? I look around.  
There’s a large cement post to the right of us, where the entrance is. It’s maybe three feet wide. If someone drives up, it will block us for a moment. Only a moment, but the odds of someone coming here are slim to none and feeling my Tom right now is worth any risk. I beg him silently with my eyes knowing he would never do this normally. I just needed him close as two people could get. He kissed me deep and slow as he lifted his hand up my black sweater dress. I moaned into his mouth as he gripped my ass hard pressing his hard on into me. Our kiss grew more urgent and I started to taste his blood from the cut. He broke the kiss and looked away.
“I'm sorry, it's hard for me to hold back” he said rough as I fisted his hair.
“Don't be sorry baby, I don't care. Your here it's all that matters. Show me how much you missed me Tom” I said sexy and low
He took off his jacket and pulled me to the front of the car, where we would be hidden from view. Although his steps are hesitant, Tom leads the way, looking over his shoulder and no doubt calculating if we could get caught .
“Y/N,we..?” I can hear the hesitation in his voice as my ass bumps against the car. I nip his neck and bite him roughly, demanding him to take control of me like he loves to do. Tom responds by squeezing my hips and shoving me back, pinning me down and crashing his lips against mine. My hands press against his chest, pushing him away so he can make the choice to do this himself. He holds my hands still for a moment and then places them around his neck, ever so slowly Tom gives into me.
“Are you my good girl.” he whispers in my ear “You need me baby? I need you y/n, I want to make everything up to you, show you how sorry I am for leaving you..” he trails kisses down my neck and bites at the high collar of my sweater dress, frustrated by its presence. “But right now I want to make you mine again, okay baby?” I shook my head yes.
“Be good for me and be quiet.” I nod again, his breath is coming in fast through his parted lips.
He's still uncertain, so I crush my lips to his again and he moans into my mouth but before I can deepen it, he grips my hair in his hands and pulls me away, grabbing my hips and flipping me over so my breasts are pressed against the metal of the hood. “Y/N,stick your ass out for me,” he demands in a rough voice as I hear his breathing pick up. There’s no one in sight, and I fucking need Tom inside me more than ever. I whimper as he pulls my head back by my hair and bites my neck. I roll my hips, and my hot sex brushes against his cock, teasing him. He's quick to unzip his pants and pull his thick cock out, stroking it and finally letting go.
I let out a gasp as I braced myself and looked over my shoulder. His beautiful brown eyes were the color of the hottest logs burning in a fire. They were full of lust and longing.
“This has to be quick baby, I won't risk someone seeing you like this, your mine y/n”
I whimpered as he pulled my panties to the side and kissed my neck.
He licked the drop of blood off his lip before shoving himself deep inside my tight sex. My back arches and I scrape my nails along the hood, but I play his good girl and don't scream out. Nothing but  small gasps escapes both our mouths. My sex grips his cock and Tom fucks me even harder feeling my walls become slicker for his homecoming.
“You feel like fucking heaven” Tom hisses as I hold in my moan. He puts a hand on the small of my back, pressing me down and keeping me in place. I close my eyes tight, and bite hard into my bottom lip, I'm struggling to stay silent. He pulls his cock out slightly and pushes back in, forcing the sweetest sound of my name from his beautiful lips. Then a moan of pleasure. I swallow hard knowing he wants my moans, just not here. He grips my chin in his hand and forces me to look at him.
“Your behaving so good for me baby, I want you to watch me. I want your eyes on mine as I give you just what you need.” he bites his lip and I know it's painful, but it reminds me we suffered his absence together. I close my eyes as the wave starts to build and I moan softly.
“I missed the way only you make me feel Tommy.” I whimper my eyes open wider as he slams into me again.
“I'm home baby, right where I fucking belong.” he moans back picking up his speed.
I look forward, a small cry escaping from my lips and Tom waits for me to look back at him.
“You need to watch me” he tells me with an even voice even though his heart’s pounding in his chest. “Do you want to cum on my cock?” he asks low and I shake my head yes, because if I open my mouth I won’t be able to stop. “Then you have to give me what I need” He wants me to watch him? No, he’s making sure he’s giving me what I need. That this is what I want. Does he think I might not want him like this? Does he think I might not want him? My heart squeezes at the thought. I rest my face on the car and still keep my eyes on him. I lick my dry lips and make the choice to pull him back to me as much as I knew how.
“Please fuck me TomTom, I need to cum, my body needs you baby, only you” I cry out.
Tom thrusts into me again and again, pulling all the way out and slamming all the way back in. His hand slips between us and lifts the front of my dress up, teasing my nub through the thin layer of fabric. He only teases and rubs while watching me fight to not come undone under him. The build up of emotion is almost too much. Tears prick my eyes as he pulls out and spins me into his arms. He enters me slow and wraps my legs around him. Tom changes the mood as he pumps me slow and lovingly. I hang my head on his shoulder, lost in us.  
“Look at me,” he begs. His eyes seemed tortured with pleasure and something deeper. It was messing with my head but I wasn’t looking away, I let him see my soul, it was his, no hiding it.  
“Your fucking gorgeous and I could make this easy for you. I could let you cum so you don’t have to fight it. I could let you close your eyes and look away. But I’m not interested in that Y/N, your going to see. I’m going to give you everything you need. I’m going to make it alright, for all of us and your going to love me more for it.” I watched his emotions swirl “I don’t care who’s little savage is inside of you, your mine y/n, and I love you both” he pinched my clit hard making me come unglued as all of my emotions were released.
 The ride home was mostly silent. I asked him when Harrison told him about our newly named little savage and he took my hand, kissing it. His hands were bruised and without his jacket on I could see more bruises and a bandage soaked in blood probably from our heated passion moments ago. I tried not to stare. But he was in bad shape. I turned my head as we stopped at a light so he wouldn’t see the silent tears. Like he didn’t already know. This was Tom!
“Haz only told me after our first contact y/n” he pulled my face to look at him “He wanted me to absorb the thought before I reacted instantly like I tend to do when it comes to you” he smiled.
“I’m grateful he did, I freaked out at first. Not because of little savage, but because I didn’t know how I was going to be a father like the one I had. And Haz pointed out that you would be the one to help us both with that. Haz and I are in this together, no matter who’s baby that is..were family. Family is forever y/n” he kissed me quick “We do have one request before we become parents.” he said serious as we pulled into the driveway. I looked at him as he shut the engine off. “We want a last name change for all three of us, Osterfield-Holland. We can all share that.” Tom undid my seat belt and rubbed my belly leaning closer “Little savage, my name is Tom-dad and I can’t wait to meet you!” we went inside to a anxious Harrison.
 I cooked dinner as Tom took a shower and Harrison looked at more Intel on a laptop at the counter with headphones in. Tom had given firm instructions that I was not to be out of their sights for the unforeseen future and we would talk about it after dinner. From the looks of Hazzi chewing on his fingers, it wasn’t comforting Intel. I set down a beer next to him and he slammed the laptop to hide whatever it was he was looking at. He looked like he seen a ghost.
“Haz-dad, can you watch over dinner while I check on Tom-dad?” I smiled trying to relax him.
He pulled me into his arms and squeezed me tight “Those are perfect names, Tom is actually clever with that ideal, what do you think about our name change?” he smiled.
“I love it, honestly..and thank you for telling him Hazzi, I think it was best.” I kissed him and took a beer to Tom who was just getting out of the shower. I froze when I seen him naked and how bad he looked everywhere. My lip quivered as he looked up at me in shock not hearing me come in. “Shit darling, you don’t need to see me like this. I’ll be better in no time, I promise.” he came towards me wincing in pain as he finished wrapping gauze over his stitches on his tricep. His bruised chest and back that were in between yellow and brown told me he was close to healing but that he had hurt his ribs somehow. He pulled on shorts and a shirt from his drawer and took the beer from me setting it down as he held me tight. I never really understood what kind of danger they faced but now I was fully aware. “Come on starling, let’s go eat. Then we can sort this all out. You’ll feel much better after I show you how the other guy looks” he joked. I didn’t smile, I seen through his joke. The other guy is dead, it means Tom could have been also.
 We sat around the table not saying much. I felt like a kid as they both encouraged me to eat and we weren’t leaving the table until I did. I was much too interested in what went down so I forced myself to finish my food. Tom insisted I take a quick shower while he talked to Haz and that I could join them in 30 minutes in our control room. I gave my word and did exactly that. I felt my stomach flip flop as I made my way downstairs. They were talking casually about our little savage that it almost made me feel like our lives were normal. Tessa and Monty were on high alert and not moving from their sides. That told me, the conversation was changed for my comfort or protection. I looked at Haz seeking his forgiveness as I went to where Tom was sprawled on the couch, his dried hair long and full of messy curls. He nodded at me and I felt silly, knowing I didn’t need forgiveness. Tom shifted at the last second placing me in between them, also on the opposite side of his more bruised body. Tom kissed my tummy and smiled.
“So, little sav is what 8 weeks now?, you don’t even look pregnant y/n” his hand slipped under my soft p.j .bottoms and pressed my nearly flat tummy. “You do look a little different right here” he said biting under my belly button and making me giggle and lean into Hazzi to protect me.
“She should have gained at least 5 lbs the doctor said, but she has been vomiting a lot” he said looking at me concerned as Tom moved his hand to my face. “That stops now y/n, no more”
I rolled my eyes and pushed them away “Morning sickness is a healthy, normal part of this guys”
“Yeah, but spotting and vomiting the way you have are signs of stress angel!” Haz eyed me
“Well, Tom is home with us and you said it yourself Tom..” I trailed off looking at him “We are safe now right? When you left you said it would make this better.” Tom sat up looking at Haz.
“Don’t do that shit!” I said feeling angry. “I want the truth, this is our lives. Don’t decide what truths to tell or the ones to protect me from. That’s bullshit!” I said at both of them.
“Whoa y/n, watch your mouth around the baby, and that’s not what we're doing, luv” Tom offered
“Harrison told me about how much you are at risk in the first trimester, stress could cause you both harm and I won’t allow it, same as Haz. What I have to share is heavy and very stressful” he patted his lap and I laid my head down. “I won’t hold back but I won’t hesitate to stop if it becomes too much, agreed?” he said stern. I answered yes and Tessa licked his hand as he played in my hair starting from the beginning.        
“We knew going in this was a direct link to who is behind murdering our families y/n, what we didn’t know is that it was a set up from the leader to lure us in after killing his brother and surprising us all with showing up himself to do Haz and myself in. He caught us by surprise and this is the result of a full on war fought over three weeks time.” he paused as I adjusted myself to the screen Haz turned on.
“Three weeks? You were gone over..” Toms jaw clenched before he gave it to me straight.
“The last week was spent getting out of their and back to you, back to Haz and you” he swallowed letting Haz take over.
“Angel target three is dead and so is one, forcing target two in the spotlight” Haz clicked the remote and a video of what I assume was the aftermath started to play. I watched the carnage without letting my emotions get the best of me. Most of it was blurred out, I assume this was edited only for my viewing. When the voice spoke I froze at the familiar icy tone. A voice I had only heard a handful of times in my life. One that I had left behind at 18. Robert aka my father!
I shot up as he came into view sitting in a room filled with light and a darken city below him.
“Tom and Harrison is it? Shit, I don’t know know if I should kill you or thank you for cleaning up the filthy mess that was my family” he smiled sipping dark liquid from a glass that I recognized from my childhood home. “Fact is, you did all the work for me that I had been setting up for years. I just have one more mistake that I would like you to handle, but it seems you might be handling her already..” I gasped as he held up a picture of me as a child in my mother's arms, taken from the audience after one of my dance shows. He held up so many pictures that flashed so many memories. Tessa barked at me as Monty licked my arms and whined for me to pet her fur. Then he held up pictures of us three on that island. Us three on the yacht as we docked for fuel. Us three in the paper when we made news for our outreach dance studio. I jumped out of my skin when he pounded his fist on the desk and threw the pictures all around him. I tried to snatch the remote as Haz paused it, shaking my head no violently. Tom forced my face to his and assessed my hot wet face. I was angry, confused but ready to hear this bastard out! Tom gave Haz a nod and he pressed play.
“You see fellas, I get your rage at my family for killing your family thing and I want you to know, I truly had no part in it. I was busy raising a child your age when all that went down.” he smirked at the camera, at me, knowing full well he had never raised me. “I lost track of my beautiful daughter at 18. Well honestly, I let her go. I was relieved when she was gone. She was a target painted on my back the day she was born. See my siblings knew with a target I could never run things, she would be used against me or create an unnecessary distraction. What they didn’t know is that I would have killed her myself if it was such a problem. But she wasn’t, always such a quiet mouse, like her sweet mother. Willing to let go of the past just to grasp the future.” he looked into the camera and let his words stir the feelings inside me. My balled fist wanted to attack him. To make him shut up, make him stop breathing. He held up a picture of us three on the dance floor, and I stopped breathing when I realized how close the person was who took the photo. We could have been killed then, so why not? Why not all those times as a child?
“I see you’ve been captured by her beauty fellas. Same as I was with her mother. She was my only weakness..they look so much alike, it’s why I let her go. I wanted her to live, for her mothers sake. Now, I just want us to come to an understanding. All this retaliation is over. You got what you wanted yes? And you have a very beautiful woman to keep you both warm at night yes? Take this as my only warning, you stay in your lane and I will stay in mine. If not I’ll make sure y/n will pay the fucking price for your mistakes. Same as her mother had to for my..lack of willingness in the family business. I’m sure you’ll let me know as soon as you get this message. I want you out of here in less than 24 hours, if not, you’ll both watch her plead for her life”
 The screen went blank and I sat there staring at it. Unable to process it fast enough. I tried to stand but one of them held me in place. I was numb, I couldn’t feel my own skin as I clawed at my face wanting to make this go away, to wake myself up! Haz tore my nails away from myself and my face felt like fire. I couldn’t focus all I could see was my mother covered in blood, Tom’s beaten up body. Harrison kept saying my name until I found his beautiful blue eyes. I wrapped myself in his arms knocking us over as I started to sob uncontrollably.
“Shh, it’s okay baby. Were all okay, it’s why Tom came home. We looked into his background, just like we did before and he’s telling the truth. Tom made the deal, to keep you safe. To keep all of us safe.” he said kissing my face, looking at the scraps from my nails as he sat us up.
Tom sat next to us and moved our hands to my belly. “I will forever make sure you are safe, both of you are safe. He’s being watched day and night without knowing we have an insider. If you want, say the word and he will be gone y/n.” his eyes met mine and his guard was down. I could see the hell and damage this last mission did to my TomTom and no way would I say yes to it again. Not now, not ever. I wanted this to be over. I shook my head no and reached for him.   
                  ~FAST FORWARD JUST AROUND 20 MONTHS~
Lily-Star Osterfield-Holland- blended from little savage-kinda- (don’t hate me) :)
“Lily-Star is getting a proper one year old birthday party Tom and Haz, its final. You can pick next years theme, if it's batman or spiderman fine, but this one is mine, she's still my baby.”
I looked over at Tom and our baby girl as they blew messy wet bubbles from their lips. She hummed at Tom as he lifted his eyes to argue the point and his attention went right back to her.  She had both of them whipped, more than I did.
“Whatever you say mum” Haz said wrapping his arms around me. “Can we at least pick out her mini cake?” he pouted
“I guess I can let you guys have that, me and Z will manage the rest.”
The next month we planned out the world's largest one year old party. Tom insisted since she was born June 1st at 11:59 pm that they would celebrate their birthdays together. Tom had been counting the seconds when I was in labor and had bet she would be born on his birthday, bonding them the most. She popped out 15 seconds before midnight struck, proving that she would have the say so and she's proven that point over and over as she's grown. Our hearts were full in our new home. Tom and Harrison had moved us to a secluded area and the team had houses on the same property. We even had hired security that patrolled our surroundings more than a queen and king would have. I didn’t care, I felt relieved the moment they were done with that life. With our baby girl turning one it was time to expand our family like we had all promised when I was pregnant with Lily-Star. Who’s ever baby this wasn’t, we would have another so that all of us could carry their family on. They both wanted multiple kids and growing up lonely as an only child I wanted more too. We had forever figured out, we wouldn’t let anything stop our happiness. Except the lack of her very first “mini-cake” Tom and Haz had forgotten to have delivered the day of her party!
     I walked into the living room where they both were baby talking to Lily-Star as she giggled and tried her best to take her first steps in between her daddy’s loving arms. Haz was the first to notice me standing there with my hands on my hips.
“Aww, wook Lily-Star, mum is mad at dadda, not Hazdadda but Tomdadda” he smiled as she repeated daa daa and squealed falling into Tom’s lap after one step. His blue eyes got wider as he understood he was in trouble too. “Aww, shit..were both in trouble Tom” he smiled as I kept my eyes on him.
“Language!” Tom said turning her towards Harrison now “You’ll give our baby a potty mouth before she turns the proper age babies in England are allowed to have! Wait, were born with one..sorry darling” Tom said smiling bigger than Haz was trying on me. I held up the party list that had everything crossed off except her mini-cake.
“You both asked to do it, so where is it? Party is in two hours Tom-dad and Haz-dad!” I asked slightly less irritated as I watched them be adorable with our baby girl. They exchanged looks and curse word at the same time. Harrison turned her back to Tom and stood up. “Y/N, I’m sorry...it was a pick up because of its shape. They didn’t want to risk it falling apart upon delivery. I’ll go grab it now and be right back.” Lily-Star started to whine for him and he struggled to keep his attention to me. This cuteness overload was killing me. Tom carried her over to us and she reached for him “Dadadadada” she hummed over and over until he took her.
“I’ll go guys, just please listen for the gate and don’t let me miss her first real steps okay?” I asked kissing all three of them. “Even if you have to record it, or I swear I’ll kill you both!” I slipped on my shoes and grabbed my keys.
“Hey..wait” Tom said as Haz went back into the living room “I know we have a deal and all but seeing how it’s my birthday week too, can I have some of your yummy cake solo tonight?” he said snaking his arm around me and bringing me in for a heated kiss that made my knees weak.
“Hum, only if I get to give you birthday spankings TomTom” I whispered kissing him back.
“Fuck yes!” he yelled as he pressed his hard on into me and backing us up against the wall.
“Less than two hours mom and dad!” Haz yelled from the living room making us crack up and break apart. “I love you my Osterfield-Holland family” I yelled as I darted out the door.
 I was blasting my favorite  playlist as I drove with the top down. It was a perfect spring day for my happy family. Sam was dating someone and it had become serious so he was bringing her today to introduce us. I made a mental note to pick up flowers just for her to make her feel welcome. I parked as close to the bakery as possible so the cake wouldn’t break in my hands during delivery. I paid for flowers and a box of condoms for the birthday boy, as they retrieved the cake from the back. The lady emerged with a box taller than Lily-Star herself!
“What in the hell dads?” I murmured to myself as she shifted it carefully into my arms with instructions to keep it cold until it was ready for consumption or it could fall apart.
I looked puzzled. As she opened it for final inspection and my approval I gasped in surprise. It was a standing angel cake with all our moms names written in a heart the angel held. I took a picture and sent it to them both thanking them for the tears! She handed me a tissue and she re-boxed it up. I was still overcome with emotions as she went to hand it back.
“You come here alone hunny?” she smiled and I shook my head yes. “Go pull the car around, I’ll carry it out for ya sweetie, I don’t want this to be dropped” I agreed and went out to the parking lot trying to wipe the tears that kept coming to my eyes. I jumped as I was blasted by a loud horn from a car that I nearly walked in front of as a woman yelled at me to pay attention. GET IT TOGETHER MUM! I smiled as I rounded the back of my SUV nearly bumping into a young man getting out of the passenger side of a van next to me. Geesh, I wasn’t focused. 
“Hello sexy, excuse me..wow, perhaps I should have let you brush that body against me” he said eyeing me up and winking at me. I just shook my head as an older gentleman appeared behind us, making me jump. ”I’m sorry miss, he’s only 16, just discovered he had a penis and clearly hasn’t learned how to talk to a lady. I give you my word he will never utter filthy things like that again, right son?” he scorned. The boy turned bright red as he apologized and opened my door for me. I thanked him and as I got in, the box of condoms fell on the ground. He leaned over and handed them to me. His father bent over laughing so hard it only made the situation worse. The mom in me felt bad for him, so I did something for the man he would be one day. I opened the box and ripped one off slipping it into his hand.
“You’ll have many more shots at beautiful girls if you learn to turn them on with your mind and your heart, keep this as a reminder that I told you so” I winked and he nodded “Thank you miss, I won’t forget” he smiled shy as I backed out and pulled around to the door. She rushed the cake out ordering me to get inside and turn on the AC to keep it cool. I giggled as she put the seatbelt around it’s base. I insisted she take my tip and after telling her my daughters cake was melting she accepted the 50 dollar bill and shut the door smiling. I smiled at the boy again as he was wrapped in her embrace and said hello to his mother. The dad waved at me and mouthed a thank you causing my eyes to water back up. I pulled away from the curb and headed home.
 My phone was ringing first Haz, then Tom, then Haz I sighed, picking it up in the middle of “Rihanna's birthday cake remix” putting together a dance for Tom was going to surprise him with tonight. “I’m on the way….” I was cut off as Tom ordered me to pull over now! I glanced behind me and the few cars around were all caught at a light. I slammed my brakes on and Haz hung up calling me right back on facetime “Look mum! Lily-Star is walking!” he shouted so happy. Tom walked a few feet in front of her and she took three wobbly steps before she stopped to balance herself. She looked at Haz too far away for her liking “Dadadada” she hummed showing her four little teeth in the process. Tom swapped phones as she took two more steps to Hazzi.
“Look our little princess is walking!” Tom smiled as he flipped the phone to his face. He was glowing as Haz stood next to him with her pulling his hair. “Mum Mum Mum” she hummed reaching for the phone. “I’m almost home my baby!” I laughed as Haz handed her off to Zendaya as Haz asked Z to put her party dress on. I heard her yell at him declaring it was because she made a poopy!
“Do you think we’ll ever use adult language again?” Haz asked Tom we all laughed as he answered only in the bedroom. This could never grow old.
“So you like her cake angel?” Hazzi asked, his blue eyes filling up my screen. I felt my heart swell knowing it was probably his ideal and Tom added the extra love. I turned the screen towards it and they laughed at the sight of it in the seat belt. Tom rested his head on Haz.
“I love it my Hazzi and TomTom, it’s perfect!” I sighed “I’ll tell you the story soon as I get home”
I peeked at the traffic and the light was turning yellow, giving me the almost clear sign to go.
“I love you Tom Osterfield-Holland and I love you Harrison Osterfield-Holland, I’ll see you..”
Before I could finish or hear their sweet voices again I was hit so hard the SUV was shoved up the hill and rolled onto its side. My phone was still attached to the dash so I could see both of their faces look in horror as I heard whoever hit me taking off, making their tires squeal. On Star came over the speakers notifying me help was on the way. Before I could respond there was another hard impact that shoved me back into the hill and the SUV rolled onto its roof. I could hear Tom and Harrison yelling they were already on the way. I could smell the liquids mixing with the sweet smell of our babies cake. I heard men shouting to get me out and be quick. I struggled to stay conscious as they kicked at the door pulling it open. I glanced at my phone as they reached for my seat belt and struggled with it. I kept my eyes on Hazzi’s as one said loud
“If they get here before we get out were dead!” one shouted “If we don’t bring his daughter back alive, were dead!” the one struggling with my seat belt demanded a knife to cut it. My eyes widen as Hazzis filled with tears “Were almost there angel” he said as I heard Toms Bugatti in the distance. They were so close.so.very.close. The man worked the knife against the seat belt and it gave way making me drop against the roof. I grabbed at Harrisons eyes as he pulled me from the smashed SUV. I couldn’t scream, I could barely breathe as he dragged me across the hard, glass covered pavement. And I was shoved into the back of a vehicle waiting on the opposite side of the road. The driver took off as my face was covered with a breathing mask forcing my lungs to inhale a gas. I heard gunshots as the car turned the corner and my world went dark.   
SIDE NOTE: Part 12 will be very soon, I’m very grateful for the ones who love this story with me, thank you for sticking with me this far! If it seems like you don’t know who little savagez daddy is, it’s for a reason and I did my job! I’d like to see your guesses but I don’t get much feedback so I can only hope :) 
*There is one clear nod at who her daddy is, let me know if you find it!* 
If you like what your seeing, please let me know with a like and a reblog!! It helps boost my power to keep going!  Happy reading until next time! Hugz!!
      Requested Tags: @tom-hollands-eyelash @eggsyandcoffeewithparkerman @hollandfangirl @frootloop311 @fallingforspidey @smexylemony @extravaganthumour @wheelbarrel-art
   Expressed interest: @jayraethings  @moonjamanganunghe
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skeletonscribbles · 6 years
26 from the prompt list for Ben/bev!!
my friend, I genuinely think getting to write this Benverly ficlet cleared my skin, watered my crops, improved my lifestyle, etc. etc. etc.
I wanted to give them a nice little coffeeshop AU moment, because it’s what they Deserve, so here they are in Face The Music, with the prompt “maybe not” :)
(and if you’d rather, you can read it on Ao3!)
Some days, Ben Hanscom felt like he was out of his mind for choosing architecture.
Sure, he was good at it - he always had been. The minute he’d stepped into his drafting elective in high school, he’d known that he had a talent for clean lines and physics and the necessary vision to design something beautiful, tasteful, and in synch with its surroundings. He was an architect. That was what he was going to do.
From there, his life followed a prescribed course of actions: down to hot, sweaty Texas to study at Rice University, then up to cold, meticulous MIT for graduate school so he could, at last, land a low-ranking job at a top-ranking firm in New York City. Ben wasn’t sure that he liked New York - he sure as shit didn’t belong there, coming in from ass-nowhere Kansas - but it was where he was supposed to be, career-wise, so…okay.
Well…not quite okay. It would be easier to ignore the parts of New York that grated on him if he actually felt like he was going somewhere with his career, but all of the big projects the firm took on seemed to be going to people (if Ben was to be bluntly honest) much less capable than he; Emma from New Hampshire, for example had been hired just after him, had put forward mediocre blueprints for a standard corporate building as the key piece in her portfolio, and had, within a month of being on the job, been pulled for the major midtown renovation that the firm had been commissioned to do. Ben was left to his paperwork and his resentment, and resolved to work harder, push himself further – but how much further could he go? He barely made it home most nights as it was. Last night, he’d been at work until 3:30 a.m., filing and sketching and re-sketching and thinking, and now, at 7 a.m., he was back to do it all again.
This is rewarding, he reminded himself as he shuffled his way down the sidewalk. This is what you’re good at.
Fuck. No pep-talk was going to be worth anything if he didn’t have coffee. He should have thought about that sooner, because at this point in the trek he’d passed most of his usual java joints - there was only the new place left between him and work, and it wasn’t a chain, it was an independently owned little corner market.
He wasn’t big on going out of his comfort zone, particularly where coffee was concerned, but…it was going to have to do for now. He hoped to God they’d grant him the extra espresso he so desperately needed.
“Hi, welcome to Maturin Coffee–” the barista began as he walked in (prescribed, he thought), and then they made eye contact and all of what was left of Ben’s coherent thought (which wasn’t much, to be fair, after about an hour and a half of sleep) went out the window.
There was a lot that could be said about the young woman before him - things that Ben could probably infer about her personality and the store as a whole based on her green turtle knit cap, mint green button-down with lavender stripes, and rainbow apron (that clashed with her red, red hair), but none of that mattered at all, because he was trapped in the pull of her jungle green eyes.
Shit, shit, shit. He didn’t have time for this. There was too much work on his plate for him to be falling in love with every manic pixie dream barista on the block. Shaking his head a little bit to knock himself out of his funk, he approached the counter.
“I need something with at least four shots of espresso in it.”
The woman raised an eyebrow at him, clearly somewhat bemused. “Four shots, huh? No rest for the weary?”
“Slept for an hour and a half last night,” Ben told her honestly, hoping the truth would make her speed up her work. “Not out of the ordinary for me. Espresso’s gonna keep me alive.”
The woman whistled, raking her eyes over Ben’s face with something akin to concern. Instead of asking questions about his personal life, though, as he’d feared she might do, she moved to grab a large cup.
“Any particular flavors you like?” she asked him, bringing his cup towards a disorganized jumble of what looked like flavorings and creamers. “Allergies, things I should know, etcetera?”
He racked his brain, trying to come up with something on the fly. Most of the baristas he’d  encountered would have just served him four straight shots of espresso in the bottom half of a paper cup, and he found himself almost grateful that this girl was trying to make things nicer for him. Very few people did that, these days (or ever, really, if he was being honest with himself).
“I like almond,” he told her, allowing himself one thin, quiet smile. “No allergies.”
Her returned grin was a revelation - it stretched her face so brilliantly that his heart couldn’t help but throw itself against the front of his chest like it was trying to get out and reach her and holy shit, did he have absolutely no self control whatsoever?
“Coming right up,” she told him, and busied herself with his concoction while he tried to pull himself the fuck together. Squeezing his eyes shut, he tried to focus on the residential project he was building a model for for that day, but found his mind was now completely devoid of anything that didn’t have to do with the spread of freckles across barista girl’s cheeks. Damn it, damn it, damn it. He’d have to try a new strategy for clearing his mind - what was that New Kids on the Block song that had been stuck in his head a couple of weeks ago? Said all that I wanted was you….you made all my dreams come true…..
He was so busy humming softly to himself, he almost didn’t notice her come back with his drink.
“Try this,” she said, and he flinched away from her, startled by her sudden reappearance. When he looked back down, she was holding a cardboard cup of coffee up to him with a knowing grin. “I think you’ll find that it has the right stuff.”
Ben bit back a groan. “Oh, jeez…”
“Nothing to be ashamed of,” she assured him, although the effort she was obviously putting into not laughing suggested otherwise. “We’ve all got a secret crush on Donnie Wahlberg, it’s fine. Take a sip.”
Not wanting to embarrass himself further, he took the cup and blew softly on the liquid to cool it down. He sipped slowly…and then sipped again and again and again as fervently as he could without burning the roof of his mouth.
The coffee she’d made him was INCREDIBLE.
“What’s in this?” he asked, wide-eyed, and the girl’s grin grew wider.
“It’s a secret,” she told him, eyes twinkling merrily.
He let out a surprised laugh at that, and promptly clapped a hand over his mouth in wonder - how long had it been since he’d laughed?
“Anyways, thank you,” he said, sounding more sincere to his own ears than he had in the past five years at his firm. “This is the best coffee I’ve ever had. How much do I owe you for it, because I’ll pay you twice that, it’s that good–”
“Maybe not,” she interrupted him gently, and he spluttered, staring down at her. Didn’t she need the business?
“Not…pay you?” he asked, dumbfounded.
She shook her head. “You look like you need that coffee more than I need your money. Do me a favor, though?”
“Anything,” he said, not realizing until the word was already out of his mouth how absolutely pathetic he sounded. God, she was going to think he was the biggest creep in the world.
“Well, two favors, actually,” she amended, and Ben steeled himself, waiting for her to drop the anvil: she had a boyfriend, she never wanted to see him in this shop again, she was filing a restraining order….
“Take a vacation or quit your job,” she said instead, and Ben couldn’t help the little gasp of surprise that escaped his lips.
“Wh…why?” he asked once he’d regained his bearings, frowning a little bit as he registered that her expression was sincere. She didn’t know what he did, or how hard he’d worked to get there. How could she ask such a thing?
“I’ve lived in New York for years, now,” she said, “and before that, I was in small town Maine, so I’m sort of an expert on groups of people that are really, really unhappy with their lives.”
“And?” he asked, cataloguing the personal information she’d just shared and wondering what her point was.
“You are without a doubt the most miserable looking person I’ve ever seen,” she said, and Ben felt an embarrassed blush sweep its way across his face, ears, and neck.
“Oh,” he said, not sure what else there was to say.
“And I don’t mean that you’re not attractive or anything,” she quickly backpedaled, mirroring his flushed face, “I just mean that you don’t seem….”
“Happy?” he asked, thinking quietly about his time at the firm and all the work he’d put in. He’d been trying for such a long time to convince himself that he liked what he was doing…but was he happy? Was convincing himself that he was happy something that happy people did?
“Yeah,” she agreed, looking at her hands. “Sorry if I overstepped, but.”
“It’s fine,” he assured her, still sort of reeling a little bit from all of the new thinking he now knew that he was going to have to do. “What was the second favor, quickly? I’m running late.”
“Oh,” the girl said, expression revealing that she’d forgotten that she’d asked for two favors. “Oh, it’s nothing. I was just going to ask you for your name.”
Ben’s heart did a quick backflip, and he couldn’t help but let that thin, quiet smile from earlier sneak back on to his face.
“Ben,” he told her. “Ben Hanscom.”
She seemed to weigh his response in her mind, as if assessing him anew based on his name…and then she smiled, letting him know that he’d come out favorably.
“I’m sorry for making you late, Ben Handsome.”
“Hanscom,” he corrected quickly, collecting his coffee and willing his blush not to reappear.
“I stand by what I said,” she told him with a wink. “I’ll see you around.”
Flustered, he stumbled over his own feet and almost spilled his coffee on the way out. He could hear her laughter echoing through the coffeeshop as he tripped his way out the door.
It took him another block’s worth of walking to realize that he hadn’t gotten her name in return.
He had half a mind to turn around, and he went so far as to stop in the middle of the sidewalk, frantically searching the cup for some sort of contact information.
It turned out that she’d been a step ahead of him the whole time. There was a note scrawled in Sharpie on the side of the cup that Ben had been holding.
-coffee’s on me whenever you need it. hang tough. love, Bev Marsh, aka the new (coffee) kid on the block-
She’d put a phone number (presumably her own) under where she’d signed her name, and Ben took a moment to stare at it, mentally committing it to memory.
Bev Marsh, he whispered to himself, and smiled quietly at how well the name seemed to match the girl he’d just met - the multicolored, coffee magician that saw right through him with her green, green eyes.
For once in his life, he had something to look forward to.
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parabataisarah · 6 years
Masterlist here.
Reactions under the ‘Keep Reading’ cut.
- Lemme get this out of the way now… I’M ON A BOAT! I’M ON A BOAT! Sorry, I had the song stuck in my head lmao.
- Lmao, if that was me in real life, I would’ve fallen outta the boat and probably been eaten.
- I can tell a diamond choice is coming, but for the love of god, WHY IS THE CHOICE IF WE FIGHT OR RUN UP TO ME?!
- Damn, MC. Coming up with these ideas on the spot? Whoooooo girl!
- I know it’s a sea monster and all that, but if it has electricity coming off of it/from its mouth, wouldn’t it electrocute itself as well as everything in the water??
- “Don’t forget to floss, asshole.” That’s it, everyone can go home. Jake wins. 😂
- Ooof, hitting the water that hard is going to leave a m a r k on your back.
- So I’m correct in guessing that the invisible force holding us down in the water is from whatever the light was?
- Oh god, who do I swim to??
- I swam to Jake because I lost a point with him earlier last chapter, so I’m getting it back lmao… If I get the chance.
- Yeeee, I got the point back.
- I’m gonna kiss him… If I’m gonna die, or think I’m about to die, might as well, hey?
- ‘…knowing each other’s lips for the first and last time.’ STOP BREAKING MY HEART LIKE THIS!!
- I’m sorry, what? How?
- No, Jake, I am not a ventriloquist. Be cool if I was, but I’m not.
- Oh honey, I’m not shouting for help. I doubt it’d be our friends, so it’d be someone who lives (if there is anyone) on the island.
- Alright, pause for a second. (We’ve just found the shell and now being quiet bc of the person/people walking towards us.) I just wanted to pause real quick and say my thoughts on Jake and Sean.
Jake - He’s abrasive, snarky, rude, rough around the edges, a softie, sarcastic. He reminds me of myself in regards to his personality because that’s how I come across to most people (according to my irl friends) and that he keeps everyone away with a pole before they start to wriggle their way into his heart. I can totally understand why he’s doing that. He knows none of us, and has every right to be weary of us. I would be too.
Sean - Caring, wants to be a hero, leader, big heart, softie, likes things to go his way. I can see how and why he’s like he is. He’s father was a famous sportsman, so his family/father would push for him to follow in his footsteps and if he didn’t, the results wouldn’t be pretty (yelling, ashamed, and it would just escalate.)
They’re both great characters and there’s so much more to find out about them, and I can’t wait to do so. If I can be a thot, I might do that just until I figure out who I wanna be with? But I can’t do that to them. Arghhhh. Anyway, back to the regular programming.
- OKAY HELLO BLUE MAN, I HAVE NO IDEA WHERE THE REST OF YOUR BLUE MAN GROUP IS, BUT I DO KNOW YOUR NAME! (I don’t know how to spell it, but I have seen pictures of you floating around)
- Also what the HECK is that mask??
- Oh! Hello, green lady!
- And what’s with her mask, too? Is it just a mask that they have, or is there any significance that I’m missing or am not going to know until later?
- Amber is highlighted green and there was an amber arrowhead in the crab so I’m assuming they made contact with it first and fought?
- Okay, never mind, the smaller man who I thought was Varyyn isn’t, the taller, bigger man that came out is. Holy hell, you appear t a l l.
- Hey, Owl mask dude, back the heck off!
- The hell does ‘Dell ast portico’ mean?
- You’re finally learning Sean. “Never doubt MC.”
- Lmao, I dunno why I keep putting MC instead of her name… Probably bc I used my own name Sarah bc I’m not creative and I feel like y’all wouldn’t want me to say Sarah and want me to say MC.
- Let’s give communication a try.
- Well at least it’s just a forehead touch, and nothing else.
- Jake, baby. Oooof. I can feel the love he has for MC (the need to protect her) and I just… I’m emotional, y’all.
- I have to agree, having some weird, unknown, possible alien(?) rooting around in your head doesn’t sound the best.
- So Sean is the Eagle? I’m the Mind-talker. And Jake is the Wolf? I feel like I’m missing something or I’ll find out the importance later.
- “Go lupus yourself, Papa Smurf.” I’M WHEEZING JESUS CHRIST JAKE 😂😂
- Never mind, I’m not the Mind-talker; well I am, but that’s not the sign? Animal? I am? I’m confused.
- “All men of the hydra”? Okay, a) What hydra? Are you referencing the sea monster from last chapter? And b) I ain’t a male MC, so like… Can I go? Go get help and then come back and whoop your asses?
- I love how Jake is all angry because he doesn’t understand what’s going on, but then Sean says he trusts MC and that just like… instantly calms him down??
- So, you’re telling me that if I don’t go with them that the volcano will erupt and destroy the whole world? Wacky 😂
- I was all for them going with the group, but then Craig bursts out with “GET AWAY FROM THEM!” and I’m not ashamed to admit I giggled and clapped my hands with a high whisper of his name.. Scratch that, I’m ashamed 😂
- I mean, the leader is cute, not gonna lie, but from what I’ve seen and heard (been keeping myself spoiler free) he ends up with Diego?
- Guys, I appreciate the rescue, because I know how it looks, but fuckin’ stOP AND LET ME SPEAK TO THE LEADER FOR A MINUTE. I MIGHT BE ABLE TO GET US OUT OF THIS!
- Bitch, I ain’t letting you take me anywhere if you don’t stop for a minute and let me speak.
- Oooof, I’m heated 😂
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kyloswarstars · 7 years
Cafeteria Karaoke
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Divergent, Oneshot
Oneshot based on this imagine by @home-of-the-lonely-writer
Pairing: Eric x Reader
Warning: none
Words: 1.4K
A/N: There you go.
Divergent Tags: @feelthefeelingsinsideyou @bookgirlthings @jasonmccannsgirl8699 @buried-in-books
During initiation you were always working long hours. Every initiate wanted to get a tattoo. A symbol for being a Dauntless now. Pushing their mental state of belonging to a new faction further through ink. And showing halfway responsibility for your job, you were the one that cleaned the mess after closing up the tattoo shop. That also meant you missed two hours in which the rest of Dauntless was already getting drunk.
Something Eric already was, sitting beside his little brother in the cafeteria. He still couldn’t believe Chester had transferred to Dauntless. Catching up with him, drinking a lot of booze, Eric asked him about their mother. Chester told him she was still going strong in the department for serum development. And she was still singing the song in the evenings.
When you arrived in the cafeteria you could hardly hear your own thoughts as always. Finding Eric at the usual table, you sat in front of him and his brother. Both of them were already more than half-drunk, laughing loud and shouting memories from childhood. You chose not to interrupt them because the sight of Eric with his brother was still too new. And too cute. But grabbing the bottle made Eric look up at you. He hadn’t noticed you were there, that was how drunk he already was. And he usually was the first one to recognise you.
You expected a smirk, he always smiled at you when you met randomly outside of your quarters, but his face froze. He looked at you like he had never seen you before, studied you like a complete stranger for the first time.
„Eric? You’re okay?“
His eyes went wide like he had an eureka moment. He started nodding, got up and left without a word.
„What happened, Chester?“
His little brother shrugged. „We were just talking, you know.“
You turned around to search the crowd for him. With the new initiates it was even more hectic. But the loud chatting stopped when Eric returned, shoving old music equipment into the cafeteria. He set up boxes and connected a microphone. Was he actually going to do what you thought he would do?
All eyes were on him, waiting for him to say something. He staggered to a table and got on top of it.
You heard Four and Max already laughing at him.
„Silence!“ He stood on the table, stretched his arm out and dramatically looked around. Until he found you. And locked his eyes with yours. Oh, fuck no. Not again. Don’t sing. „Dauntless, I’m gonna sing something my mother used to sing for me when I was a kid. It’s an oldie, real old. And it’s for my lovely Y/N. If you didn’t know, she’s mine.“ You tried to look away but then you only looked into more eyes, that switched between Eric and you.
„Eric get off that fucking table!“ You tried to prevent a disaster after he had made the two  of you official five seconds ago. „You can’t sing, remember?“
„I can! Out of tune but I can sing.“ And then he started singing. Despite his voice, that sounded like the train when he actually brakes, you recognised the song. And a few Dauntless, too. They hummed the melody to Eric’s bawling. But more Dauntless switched between booing and cheering him on.
„Come stop your crying it will be alright.“ He jumped from the table to another one, swaying his hips slowly to a nonexistent beat because the Dauntless choir was bad with the melody. „Just take my hand and hold it tight,“ pointing at you and offering you his hand from three tables away. You were too much Dauntless to be ashamed of him, but it was hard not to laugh. It was so hard to hold it back. You knew he was a sensitive baby when he was drunk. And if you laughed at him he would probably cry himself to sleep. And you didn’t want to deal with him when he was crying into the sheets, so you tried even harder not to laugh at how amusing this was.
Eric tried to jump on another table but the microphone’s cable was too short and he nearly fell onto the floor. Regaining his balance he started to walk towards you, swaying his hips with every step. It wasn’t a bad show, actually pretty hot, but you couldn’t enjoy it in front of whole Dauntless.
„This bond between us can't be broken.“ The closer he got, the more his eyes fixated your body. „I will be here don't you cry.“ He stroke your hair, when he came to a stop in front of you and pushed his knee between your legs. Oh Eric, entire Dauntless is watching. You tried to shove him away but when he was drunk not only his ability for getting into trouble increased, also his stubbornness.
„Come on, sing with me, babe,“ he shouted into your ear between the lyrics and instantly returned to singing the words with all his soul and lung volume.
„I don’t know the lyrics,“ you lied. You didn’t even lie, you only had listened to this song back in music history in school. You didn’t remember a lot of the lyrics. But he just kept going, pulling you up and dancing around you, up and down, touching your body at the most inappropriate places.
But then his touch got greedier and his moves slower. Eric pushed his knee between your legs again. „You’ll be here in my heart. Always.“ The choir humming the melody continued but Eric just dropped the mic, pulled you into him and kissed you in front of the whole faction. They erupted in deafening roars and drunken ‚wedding‘ shouts.
When he pulled away, that eureka expression reappeared on his face. „They’re right, we should get married.“
His body quivered against yours and he broke into laughter. That high one that would crack when he breathed in. You loved that one. „Got you!“
„This is not fucking funny!“ He had nearly gotten you a heart attack. You pushed him away, in hope all the eyes around you would lose interest. And they did. They returned to hectic and euphoric drinking.
Proud of his joke, he took a bow and sat back at the table, pulling you onto his lap. Drunken Eric was always a clingy Eric. But tonight you liked it.
Another four drinks later, and lots of gratulations on his performance, Eric didn’t speak in clear sentences anymore. You stood up and pulled him along. „Alright, Phil Collins, lets go get some sleep.“
„You knew the song? And didn’t sing with me?“ Highly offended he followed you on the way back to your quarters. „You lied, Y/N. You said you didn’t know the lyrics.“
„I do not know them. I only know a few oldies.“
„You’re a liar.“ His hand clapped on your ass and right after that he gave you a sloppy kiss on your cheek.
Bringing some steps between the two of you, you made yourself ready. „At least I’m not a bad singer.“ Then you had to run.
When you left the quarters the next morning, Eric was still asleep. On your way to the tattoo shop you excused him at Max’s. Every single Dauntless that came around for a tattoo mentioned what happened last night. Asking for the wedding date or Eric’s hangover. It got to the point where they didn’t come for tattoos anymore but for laughs. And you laughed with them. Tori sent you home because she didn’t want that much laughter around her today.
Eric dragged himself back from the bathroom to the bed when you entered your home.
„Did I dream it?“
You took a run-up and jumped onto the bed beside him. „Nope.“ His hands went to his head and covered his eyes out of shame. „You can rewatch your performance. Four recorded it.“ You pulled his hands away. „He will never let you forget it.“
You kissed the tip of his nose, got up and searched for something against headache. „By the way I went to the administration and made a date for our wedding.“
„What?“ He winced and stared at you with pure horror in his eyes.
Yes, this is exactly how it feels, idiot. „Got you!“
It dawned him what he had done last night, seeing your evil smirk. „I’m sorry.“ Sheepishly returning your smile he held out his hand for you. „Next time I’m talking about marriage it won’t be a joke.“
„Better for you.“
You took his hand and let him pull you into his lap. „So when are you going to marry me, Y/N?“
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jackscrutchie · 7 years
can you please do #2 jackcrutchie for my life
Sorry darling. This one is short and sub - par at best! But I hope you like it! Oh! And I changed the phrasing of the actual prompt just a bit – To fit their characters a little better.
For reference, the phrases are – “Baby, you’re not a bother.” and “I’m too needy, you don’t deserve it.”
“There we go.” Jack smiled, looking up from his spot on the ground. “All done.” He pat Crutchie’s leg, his shoes freshly tied. It was all part of their morning ritual. They wake up together, they wish each other good mornings, they dress and wipe their faces. Jack pulls his shoes on, then helps Crutchie with his.
“Thanks, Jack.” Crutchie smiled, reaching his hand down to help him stand. He felt bad – As he often did. Crutchie was such a proud person. He was someone that didn’t let his disability hold him back from anything. He climbed trees, he ran as fast as he could, he got into fights. He smiled stronger and loved more. But – He couldn’t tie his own damn shoes.
“No need.” Jack accepted his hand and stood, mostly on his own. He never wanted to pull too hard – He knew Crutchie could usually hold his balance, but he couldn’t help being careful with the boy. “I don’t know what I would do if you could do that on your own.” He laughed. “It would throw off my entire mornin’.”
Crutchie laughed, half heartedly. He knew Jack didn’t mind and it really had been part of their mornings since they met. As hard as he tried, he couldn’t seem to get the hang of it. He tried and tried and tried. Jack tried so hard to teach him – The other boys tried to teach him, all to no avail. So – Jack took it upon himself to do it and he never seemed to care.
He used to be embarrased by it, ashamed that he couldn’t seem to grasp something children could do with their eyes closed. He used to sit up at night and practice, his fingers getting tangled up in the frayed laces. He got so frustrated once, his eyes welled with tears and he threw his shoe right off of the penthouse. Of course – It hit Davey right in the nose. He wasn’t mad. He just smiled and shook his head. He tried to teach him a poem that helped him learn when he was a child.
Not even that worked.
“Yeah, well – It would at least save you some time if I could do it myself.” Crutchie looked off, picking at a loose thread on his shirt.
Jack laughed, sticking his hands in his pockets. “What do I need extra time for? I ain’t got no where to be. ‘Sides, it takes us, what? Ten seconds?”
“Twenty seconds you could be usin’ to get your papes early.” He looked back at him, a smile on his face, but his eyes sullen. “You could sell more than you already do.”
“What’re you on 'bout, huh?” Jack raised a brow, “You’s actin’ all…” He made a face.
Crutchie smiled, shaking his head. He didn’t need to worry about more of his problems. “Ah, nothin’! I’m just overthinkin’ again. I didn’t sleep too well and I – You know.” A shrug.
“Yeah. I know.” Jack leaned down to meet his gaze, nudging him gently with his hand. “So I know that means you’re feelin’ less than good. What’s on your mind?”
Crutchie paused, taking a moment to collect his thoughts. This was another thing – It seemed to him like he was always unloading his problems onto Jack and… “I – I’m too needy.” His eyes fell to his freshly tied shoes. Jack always did such a good job – The loops always matched perfectly. “You don’t deserve it.” He kicked at a small rock, bracing for what he knew Jack would say.
“Sweetheart, you ain’t a bother.” Jack leaned close, a smile soft on his lips. “Listen to me, Charlie.”
Crutchie looked up to meet his gaze at the sound of his name. Jack’s voice always had a lyrical quality, but when he spoke Crutchie’s real name – It was pure music. His heart always fluttered when Jack called him by that name. He could feel the heat rising to his cheeks.
“You ain’t never a bother.”  He paused as Crutchie tilted his head away. “Charlie. Look at me.”
Crutchie’s breath caught. His eyes slowly made their way back to Jack’s blue ones. He could see his reflection in them. He was completely lost. “I – But I can’t even tie my own shoes.”
Jack smiled. “You really think I mind tyin’ your shoes?” He reached a hand out to fix Crutchie’s crooked hat. “You have any idea where I’d be if it weren’t for that mug of yours?”
“Somewhere better than this rooftop.”
“Alright, first of all – I’m offended. This is our home Charlie Morris.” He placed a hand over his heart. Crutchie smiled. Jack continued. “Second of all, ain’t no where better than somewhere with you. And!” He pointed. “Before you say it, no. Not even Santa Fe.”
“Wow.” Crutchie beamed a bit. “I’m flattered Mr. Kelly.”
“Hey, I ain’t done yet. None of your sass.”
Crutchie stiffled a laugh. This was something else Jack was good at. Aside from the art, and the voice, and the strength of his passion – He was good at cheering Crutchie up.
“I’d be… Charlie – I’d be either locked up somewhere or dead right now if it weren’t for you.” He reached down to take Crutchie’s freckled hand into his own. “Don’t believe me if you don’t want to – But it’s true. I don’t need to tell you again how I fell apart when they took you away from me.” He squeezed. “I still have nightmares.”
Crutchie knew that was true. On more than one night, Jack had woken up in a cold sweat, desperately grabbing for Crutchie hand, his arm, his face. Anything to reassure himself that he was there. Those were the nights Crutchie stayed up, singing Jack quiet songs as he fell back asleep in his warm embrace.
“Charlie, if I had my way, you’d never leave my sight.” Jack shook his head and sighed. “I know you can take care of yourself – You could kick my ass if you wanted to. Ain’t no one can hold you down. You’ve saved me so many times I lost count. You really think I mind tyin’ your shoes for you?” Jack’s own cheeks tinted. “Charlie, even tyin’ your shoe feels like the angels is comin’ down from heaven to bless me.”
“Jack.” Crutchie laughed.
“For sure! Every time you smile, even when it’s cloudy, the sun comes out. How many times I gotta tell you that you’s my sunshine? Tyin’ your shoes is the least I can do. If you wanted, I’d carry you 'round on my shoulders all day.”
“Then I want you to carry me 'round on your shoulders all day.” Crutchie grinned, his eyes burning with the threat of tears. Jack was so – Jack.
“Alright, climb on.” He turned his back and crouched.
A bell –
“Probably… Shouldn’t do that climbin’ down though, huh?” Crutchie smiled and nodded towards the sound. “We should get goin’. I was hearin’ sirens last night… I bet the headline will be good.”
“You feelin’…” He paused, waiting for Crutchie’s reply.
“I’m feelin’ better.” His smile brought the sun. “Much better.”
“Good.” Jack smiled and bent forward to kiss the freckles on Crutchie’s nose. “Let’s go. I don’t want to be downwind when Race leaves the lodgin’ house.” He took a step, another and – “Ah!” Fell to the ground.
Crutchie snickered, clapping a hand over his mouth. “Uh - Jack? Your shoe’s untied.”
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