#ashe ubert fluff
frickingnerd · 24 days
dating ashe ubert
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pairing: ashe ubert x gn!reader
tags: established relationship, clingy ashe, wholesome fluff
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the first few weeks of your relationship, ashe is always at your side
the two of you spend every free minute you have with each other, never seen without the other
during this honeymoon phase you're in, you go on dates almost daily, always holding hands in the hallways and talking with each other late into the night
slowly you get less sleep and you see your friends less as well
once the honeymoon phase slowly starts to fizzle out you and ashe realize that you were both being way too clingy
it's only natural to want to spend all your time together as a new couple and yet you had to learn to balance your relationship with your other responsibilities
you're still spending a lot of time with each other, but now the two of you try to put your school work before your relationship, as well as make time for your friends
you try out some double dates, as a way to spend time together, while still seeing your friends
after a few months dating each other, the two of you are able to find the perfect balance between work, friends and your love life
and then you're able to look back at the start of your relationship, amused about how clingy you used to be
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fiction-box · 2 years
Only One Bed (Ashe x Reader)
Welcome to my fire emblem writing corner! This is a new blog that does requests for both fire emblem reader and/or character shipping. I accept requests, and I also write whatever & whenever I’m independently inspired to! If there’s something you’d like to see, send something my way!
The writing will be continued under the cut.
“Ah! There it is!”
You had your horse run the rest of the way up the hill to catch up to Ashe. Once you were there, you found yourself looking out onto a quaint little town. The lamplights were on, and there wasn’t much activity despite it being a summer night. It was charming.
“This is where the professor wanted us to stop for the night?” you asked, flipping open the itinerary Professor Byleth gave you for the trip.
Ashe nodded, his eyes shining as they reflected the fires in the lamps that grew nearer with every clip-clop of your horses’ feet.
“It’s a good thing the professor knew to send you. I’m certain I’d have gotten all turned around were you not so familiar with this place.”
You and Ashe had been sent to deliver a letter to House Rowe from the Church. There weren’t enough Knights of Seiros to expend while still keeping the monastery defended, so the professor had opted to send you, instead. Though you were an exceptional fighter, you were still just a commoner with no noble ties. If anything happened to you, the kingdom wouldn’t have felt your loss as much as it would have were Felix or Ingrid to take your place.
To your previous surprise though, you didn’t have to go alone. At the last moment, Ashe ran up to the professor out of breath and asked to accompany you. After watching them have a conversation consisting of the phrases, “...unfamiliar with the territory..” and “...can’t send her alone…”, Professor Byleth announced that Ashe would be joining you, after all.
And that was all well and good. Excellent, even, up until this point.
You had both tied up your horses outside of the inn and entered. It being such a small town, there was quite a bit of vacancy.
It was quite similar to the vacancy you noticed in the coin purse the professor had given you.
Apparently, after the professor’s chat with Ashe, Byleth forgot to add the necessary funds to the bag. You only had enough to pay for a single person’s accommodations in the next town over.
The innkeeper greeted you both, “Hello! Thanks for stopping by! Can I interest a couple like yourselves in a room?”
“O-Oh! We’re n-”
“Sorry, give us a moment!” you smiled, lightly guiding Ashe away from the counter by his wrist.
Once you were out of the innkeeper’s earshot, you turned to a very confused Ashe.
“Is something the matter?”
You frowned, holding out the meager coin purse in your hand. “Ashe, this is all the professor gave us. Even if we use everything in here, I doubt we could both afford to sleep in the stables!”
He gently took the purse out of your hand, spilling its contents into his own. As he sorted through the coins, Ashe shifted his body to block the amount in his hands from the innkeeper’s view.
“This is…” his eyebrows furrowed, “We’re going to have to bargain with the innkeeper.”
You felt yourself tense, “And…if we can’t make it work, where will we sleep?”
He clutched his hand around the coins, slid them back into the purse, and pocketed it.
“It’ll work. Just play along with the conversation, alright?”
“Right. We can do this! I trust you.”
He ducked his head a bit, at that, and you could’ve sworn you saw the trace of a blush tinting his face.
Ashe nodded, collecting himself, then wrapped your arm around his own. Your eyes went wide, and your mouth opened as if in protest, but Ashe had already started to address the innkeeper.
“I’m so sorry about that! She was just reminding me how behind we are on our schedule.”
Your mouth closed and opened again, “Not that it’s your fault, of course! I’m the one that got us all mixed up with the maps, and now we're here.”
“By the Goddess! You must be so tired. Well, now that you’re here, why don’t you spend the night? We rarely get any visitors, so I’m certain you’ll get all the peace and quiet you need for a good night’s sleep.”
An interesting sales pitch, albeit a sloppy one, you note. But you still have no clue what Ashe’s angle is.
“Oh, that sounds wonderful! But, you see, we’re supposed to be meeting another couple the next town over. They’ve got the funds we need to rent out a full room. How much is a room with two beds here, by the way?”
The innkeeper pointed to a sign on the wall, “You’ll find our prices painted on this sign, sir.”
You let out a small gasp. There was no way you could scrounge up that much out here even if you had another day to find the funds!
Ashe squeezed your arm with his own. In reassurance, you hoped.
“Ah, we’re a bit short, I'm afraid,” he turned to leave, guiding you out by your joined arms, “It looks like we’ll have to catch up with our friends tonight, after all. Have a good ni-”
“Woah, hold on, there!” the innkeeper cried. “I know tired when I see it. The next town is a few miles away, yet. You wouldn’t wanna drag the lady any farther without giving her some beauty sleep, would you?”
You froze. Though you felt slightly insulted by the remark, you knew now wasn’t the time to pick a fight with the only person that could land you a bed for the night. Thus, you shifted your eyes to Ashe. your heart was beating a mile a minute as you silently searched for some clue as to what you should do next.
Ever so slightly, he shook his head.
Sliding your eyes back to the innkeeper, you did your best to give a sad smile.
“No, no! Really, our situation is all my fault, anyway. The least I can do is hold my head high another hour so we can get where we need to be!”
Once you waved goodbye, you pressed closer to Ashe. You hoped it would make you look like you were leaving, even though you weren’t actually going anywhere.
“Wait, wait, wait,” the innkeeper sighed. “Look, we’ve been down on our luck a bit, here. I might not be able to get you a room with two beds, but let’s talk about a single. A couple like you wouldn’t mind sharing, right? Name your price.”
Both of you tensed against each other. Luckily, Ashe was able to manage a smile bright enough for both of you.
“Th-Thank you so much!”
When you finally began to ascend the stairs, Ashe clutching the key, you were in disbelief. He had managed to land you both a room, and you still had a fifth of your funds to spare!
Eventually, you arrived at your door. Ashe unlocked it, let you in, entered, and then shut it behind him. There was a beat of silence.
Then, you both let our a large breath of air.
You began to laugh, turning to him and enveloping him in a hug. 
“Ah! Wh-What’s so funny?”
You giggled some more, pulling back and smiling at him, “Absolutely nothing! I…I don’t even know how you did that, Ashe!”
A rosy hue began to dust his freckles, “Well, I couldn’t have done it without you. Honestly, when the innkeeper brought you into it, I thought we were done for!”
“Aw, you flatter me! I just followed your lead.”
You turned and took a few more steps into the room before you froze.
“So, uh…you should take the bed.”
His smile went away in an instant.
“What? N-No, you’re definitely not sleeping on the floor. You take the bed; I can lay out my hood as a mattress. It works just as well!”
“After everything that’s happened, today? Out of the question!” You turn your body to fully face him, again. “It wasn’t all acting back there, you know. I really did almost get us lost with the maps. Even then, without you, I wouldn’t have gotten into this room with a coin to spare! The least you can do is take the bed; you quite literally earned it.”
“But I’d never be able to live with myself if you spent the night on the floor. Here, if you want to pay me back for what I did back there, you can do it by sleeping on that mattress tonight. It will save me from a lot of guilt,” Ashe pleaded.
You were about to argue your point again, but opted instead to hold your tongue. No one was getting anywhere like this, and the longer this went on, the less sleep you’d get.
“Can I…How much money do we have left?” you asked him.
He looked confused for a moment, then took out the coin purse.
“I don’t know what that has to do with anything, but it’s all here if you really want to check,” Ashe started, emptying the coins onto the nightstand.
“No need to count,” you reached past him, picking up a coin, “I only need one.”
“O-Okay. Why…” his eyes snapped up to yours, “No.”
“Heads, you get the bed. Tails, I do.”
He made to grab for the coin, “Please, just sleep on the-”
“Hey, you’re just as tired as I am,” you moved your hand out of his wingspan. “And you know as well as I do that we could go back and forth on this until dawn. This method is fair, so let’s just do it and be done. So, heads or tails?”
“But I could…” he sighed then, retracting his arm, “I’ll sleep on the floor if it’s tails.”
You smiled, then flipped the coin. You could practically feel the exhaustion in your body as you watched it until it fell into the palm of your hand.
It was covered as you set it upon your arm.
“Last chance to back out and take the bed.”
Ashe shook his head, “It’s all yours.”
Raising a brow, you turned your attention to your arm as you revealed the result.
“Guess not.”
“N-No, I-”
You sank to the floor, your eyes starting to droop, “Enough, Ashe. Please. Let’s sleep so we can finish our job and get back by tomorrow night.” Propped up in a sitting position against the wall, you didn’t bother changing out of your street clothes. They were the only things preserving your warmth on the cool summer night. It’s not like you were at risk of ruining anyone’s bedding, anyway.
Allowing your eyes to shut, the sounds of Ashe’s movements about the room as he prepared for sleep flooded your dull senses. Eventually, though, the light went out and the covers rustled, but you could still feel eyes on your figure.
“You’re going to be sore in the morning.”
He wasn’t wrong. You couldn’t deny how uncomfortable your position was, but at least this way you wouldn’t keep him up. Not with the way you knew you’d toss and turn if you slept lying completely on the floor.
“May Sothis have mercy on you if you leave that bed.”
You opened your eyes. It took a moment for them to adjust to the darkness, but once they did, you could make out Ashe holding the sheets up.
An invitation.
“Please. It’s just for one night. A-And I’m not going to try anything, if that’s what you-”
“If I comply with this, can we please just go to sleep?”
He nodded.
“You won’t feel guilty at all? And we’ll be even?”
“You have my word.”
You groaned. Then, you shifted and began to stand.
“Fine. Let me get out of my street clothes.”
Gathering your nightclothes, you navigated to the small hall between the room and the door to change. On your way back, you folded your street clothes and set them aside. After, you climbed into the bed as Ashe did his best to make room.
A sigh escaped your lips as you felt yourself practically melt into the mattress. It was so soft compared to the unforgiving stiffness of the floor and walls of the room.
Your back was facing Ashe as you were drifting off to sleep. Subconsciously, your back pressed against the warmth of Ashe’s chest. You were too tired to register that the next noise you heard was his breath hitching.
Boldly, he let his arm wrap around you, and you hummed in contentment before finally succumbing to slumber.
It was still dark when you regained consciousness later that night. You were soundless, motionless, save for the fact you allowed your eyes to open.
You barely stifled the instinct to tense up your body once you realized your position. At some point in the night, you had managed to turn to face Ashe. Not only that, though. Your head wound up on his chest, along with one of your arms. He was lying flat on his back, one of his arms wrapped around you while his other hand covered your own on his chest.
Wracking your brain, you tried to figure out how exactly this could have happened. The only way your head and arm would have found their way onto Ashe’s chest would be if you had turned over in the night. That part was quite believable; you never had been one to lie still when you slept.
Still, you wondered how you hadn’t woken up until now.
No matter. The important thing now would be to decide what to do next. Should you turn back over? But it would be awkward if you accidentally woke Ashe up. Maybe you should just go back to sleep. That way, Ashe could deal with it when he woke up.
You couldn’t deny how nice it felt, though. Strange as it was to admit, he made for a comfortable pillow. Moving off him didn’t sound very appealing. Plus, he was just so warm, and waking him up didn’t sit well with you.
The decision was made. You’d just fall back asleep and let Ashe deal with everything in the morning.
And so it was.
When you opened your eyes again, light was streaming in through the shutters of the room’s windows.
“Ah! You’re awake, I see.”
It was all you could do to make some unintelligible noise in response. You turned your head further into your pillow.
Your head shot up, bringing your torso with it as you propped yourself up on your arm. There was no doubt you were blushing, and your eyes were blown wide as they found Ashe’s green ones.
“Sorry! I-I’m sorry, I just…woke up like this a-and I didn’t know what to do!” Ashe cried, hiding his face as he blushed, too. “I decided to let you sleep a little longer.”
“Funny,” you smiled, letting out a dry laugh, “I found myself in the same situation last night.”
“You…You did?” he asked, turning back to face you. Now it was his eyes that grew wide.
“W-Well, what was I meant to do?” you moved to get out of the bed. “It had to have been in the middle of the night, and no doubt it was my tossing and turning that got us like this! The last thing I was about to do was wake you up and then make you fall back asleep, again!”
“N-No!” Ashe reached out and grabbed your arm. His grip was light enough that you could break free if you really wanted to, but firm enough to make you stop what you were doing. “I…What I mean to say is…Well, I made the same decision you did, right? I didn’t expect you to make a different choice; I’m sure you were just trying to be considerate. N-Not that you weren’t. That’s just what I was trying to do, too, so if you think you failed, then I definitely-”
“Hey, don’t worry about it. Whatever happened, it’s over now. We can just forget about it and move on, right?”
He looked away, at that. You thought back on what you just said. Nothing seemed particularly out of line. But still, didn’t Ashe think your words warranted a response?
“I…don’t…want to forget.”
You were stunned into silence. How were you supposed to respond to that, anyway? It wasn’t like you were planning on forgetting how it felt to fall back asleep with his arm wrapped around you either, though.
“Sorry! I shouldn’t have said anything. You’re right. Let’s just forget about this and get ready to leave,” he took his hand off your arm and used it to brace himself as he started to get up.
Now, it was your turn to reach out to him, “No, no! I mean, I’m still so tired from everything that happened yesterday. I don’t think I’m quite ready to get up for the day, yet.”
Your eyes met his, hoping that was enough of a lead to get him to understand how you felt.
“Oh, uh…yeah, I think I’m still a bit tired, too. We still have some time before we truly need to get up for the day.”
“Perfect!” you smiled, getting back under the covers. “Then we can catch up on our rest together, if that’s alright with you?”
His arm found its way back around you, again. You placed your head on his chest once more, and you felt him sigh as his body lost its tension.
“I think that’s a wonderful idea.”
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firegrilled · 8 months
Before the war that split Fódlan, there was one last celebration that brought all the houses together. Before Linhardt's magical mishap that split Ashe and Caspar, there was the evening where the two came together. Before everyone fought on the battlefield, they danced in the halls of Garreg Mach. AKA my late submission to Asheweek (Day 1: Friendship/Relationship) where Ashe and Caspar got together the first time, prior to The Best is Yet to Come. You don't need ot have read the story to enjoy it, but there are some fun bits in there for those who have.
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onyxedskies · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Fire Emblem: Fuukasetsugetsu | Fire Emblem: Three Houses Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ashe Duran | Ashe Ubert/Felix Hugo Fraldarius Characters: Ashe Duran | Ashe Ubert, Felix Hugo Fraldarius Additional Tags: Mutual Pining, Getting Together, First Kiss, Snow, Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Title from a Radical Face song Summary:
The legend of the Goddess Tower was just that: a legend. It wasn't real; nothing would actually happen, regardless of the day or time or people who went. Most people knew this, intellectually. That doesn't mean they didn't hope. And sometimes, wishes come true.
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lapinbunwrites · 7 months
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Title: Dedue's Home
Ratings: Gen
Warnings: None
Fandom: Fire Emblem Three House
Relationships: Dedue Molinaro/Ashe Ubert
Characters: Dedue Molinaro, Ashe Ubert
Additional Tags: Fluff, Angst, Post-Canon, Post-Azure Moon | Blue Lion's Route, Azure Moon | Blue Lion's Route, My Version of a QPR
Word Count: 1,497
Ao3 Link
Dedue clutched his bedsheets in his fist as he woke up. It had been a long time since he had seen Ashe; he was a little disappointed that he wasn’t back from Castle Gaspard. He knew it would take a lot of time to get everything in order to give his title to his younger sister, but he didn’t think it would take this long. Nonetheless, Dedue was still heartbroken that he had to face another morning without Ashe.
He let out a sigh as he shuffled out of bed, stretching out his arms and shaking his legs. He didn’t have much of a day today: Dimitri forced him to take the day off. If Dedue had a say in it, he would be working. It wasn’t a great feeling for him, especially with Ashe being gone. He tried not to lament on his thoughts as he figured out how to pass the time. He went through a mental list of chores that needed doing, and the only thing that came to mind was grocery shopping.
Dedue quickly changed into something casual, keeping his blue scarf on, before going to the kitchen. He rustled through cabinets, pantry, and icebox, taking a mental note of everything he needed to buy. Before leaving the kitchen, he grabbed a spare basket and left for the town market.
When he arrived into town, he sighed with relief. There weren’t many people today—he could easily buy what he needed and get back home. One of the most frustrating things about the day was finding a good fish, especially trying to find some at a good price.
“Oh,” Dedue said softly, bumping into someone walking towards another merchant.
When he looked down to see who it was, he was shocked. It was Ashe. A smile slowly started to take place on his face. It was short lived; he soon repressed his smile when he realized that Ashe was truly back. Dedue felt his heart sink. Ashe wasn’t supposed to be back yet.
“I’m sorry, Ashe,” Dedue said, coldly.
“Hello, Dedue! I didn’t expect to see you here!” Ashe said cheerfully. His expression slowly changed when he saw Dedue’s face. “I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going.”
“It’s nice to see you back in Fhirdiad,” Dedue nodded, deadpan. “Did everything back in Gaspard territory go well?”
“Not as well I was hoping,” Ashe sighed, looking intently at Dedue’s face.
“How so?” Dedue asked as he began to walk.
“The amount of paperwork that I was given to change successors was absurd,” Ashe said, walking along with him. “With all the bickering between the other nobles, employees, and my siblings, it became exhausting. We were stuck at a standstill for weeks. I just wish my sister could take over—she’s better equipped for this than I will ever be.”
“I can see how that would be frustrating,” Dedue said plainly.
“I don’t want to bore you with the specifics,” Ashe said, quickly changing the subject. “How are you feeling?”
“I am fine,” Dedue lied, his voice growing lower.
Ashe sighed, stopping him so he could look at his boyfriend. “Dedue,” he said softly.
“Hm?” Dedue asked, stopping in his tracks.
“I know you’re lying,” Ashe scowled, putting his hand on his arm. “Are you okay?”
“Ashe, I am fine,” Dedue reassured him, deciding to walk to another vendor.
Ashe sighed and didn’t press further, only following him.
Their walk was quiet, only speaking to merchants when needed. It felt odd to Dedue that Ashe was back. Maybe it was because Ashe had never told him he was going to arrive back in Fhirdiad. Maybe it was because he never received any word from him in the past couple of months. He couldn’t figure it out, but that didn’t stop the betrayal and pain that were stirring inside of him.
“So,” Ashe murmured out. “What are you planning on making with everything?”
“Sweet and salty whitefish sauté,” Dedue said as he picked up some tomatoes. He looked over at Ashe’s face and tried to repress his smile at how cute he was. It was becoming increasingly difficult to stay mad at him. “I thought it would be nice to eat today.”
“Really?! I’m so happy I was able to make it here just in time to eat it,” Ashe said, his smile broadening. “Let’s see what we have. We have tomatoes, salt, some spices, hmm…”
Dedue said nothing as Ashe mumbled to himself.
“Oh! We need the whitefish!” Ashe said, snapping his fingers. “I know the perfect person to get fresh fish for a really good price!”
Dedue frowned as Ashe began to walk away.
“Dedue?” Ashe asked, seeing Dedue’s expression. He held his hand out towards him. “Are you coming?”
“Yes,” Dedue replied, taking his hand.
Dedue followed Ashe through town, realizing that Ashe’s perfect fish vendor was Anna. He perused her selection and Ashe was right: all of them were recently caught, and the price wasn’t bad, but it also wasn’t great.
“That’ll be 200 gold for those whitefish,” Anna laughed.
“That’s a lot of money for two fish,” Dedue said, furrowing his brow.
“Not for whitefish it isn’t,” Anna told him, her gaze sharpening and her smirk growing bigger.
“I have to disagree,” Ashe chimed in. “These are common fish around here so it doesn’t cost a fortune.”
“Maybe, but not for fresh whitefish,” Anna said, her voice becoming harder.
Dedue stayed out of the conversation and listened to the two bicker about prices. It was terrifying when he heard Ashe’s and Anna’s words exchanged. He was in awe of Ashe’s ability to cut the price of the fish down to something reasonable. How Ashe was able to haggle anyone, Anna no less, was a mystery to him. Not that he minded too much—he got good prices on food.
“Ugh,” Anna sighed, dejectedly. “You really drive a hard bargain, kid.”
“Heh,” Ashe smiled and laughed as Anna wrapped up the fish. “I just know how the game works.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Anna groaned, handing Ashe the parcel. “I hope you enjoy your fish.”
Dedue smiled as he took the fish from Ashe and placed it into the basket.
“Well, now that we have everything, we can go back to Fhirdiad castle and make the food!” Ashe exclaimed, setting off in the direction of their home.
Dedue nodded as he followed. He felt his stomach churn as they walked. He didn't know if Ashe had picked up on his feelings, or if he was ignoring it. Either way, he was still upset, though he made sure his emotions never crossed his face.
As soon as they returned to the castle, they headed straight to the kitchen. Nothing much was said between the two when they cooked. Dedue began fileting the fish as Ashe was preparing the tomatoes.
“Dedue,” Ashe softly murmured as he placed down his knife.
“Hm?” Dedue asked, coating the fish in a spice rub.
“I know something has been bugging you, and I don’t know what,” Ashe said, looking up at him. “I didn’t tell you I was coming back today because I wanted to surprise you.”
“You know I don’t like any kind of surprises,” Dedue reminded him as he coated the fish in his spice rub.
“I know,” Ashe sighed.
“Truthfully, I feel a little neglected,” Dedue added, placing the cut up fish onto a baking pan.
“I am truly sorry that I made you feel like that,” Ashe sighed out, placing his hands on Dedue’s arms to make him stop cooking. He tenderly squeezed Dedue’s arm as he moved closer to him. “I never meant to do that to you. I wanted to surprise you so I could see your lovely smile. I’m sorry, I should have sent you a letter saying that I was coming home early.”
“It would have been nice to see you home, cooking breakfast in the morning after these past couple of weeks,” Dedue reminisced, looking at Ashe’s face. “Even getting one letter from you would have been nice.”
“I’m sorry, Dedue.” Ashe’s face dulled.
“Ashe, I’m sorry,” Dedue apologized. “I didn’t mean to make things strange between us. I wanted to see you and I made it awkward.”
“It’s alright,” Ashe laughed a little. “I should have communicated with you about this. But nonetheless, I’m happy to be home.”
“As am I,” Dedue smiled.
“So, can I have my trademark Dedue bear ‘welcome home’ hug?” Ashe laughed.
Dedue smiled, wrapping his arms around Ashe’s body and feeling his warmth. “Now, let’s get back to making dinner.”
“Of course,” Ashe agreed.
At the end of the night, after they had finished dinner, they cuddled up into bed with each other. Dedue gave a big smile, his heart becoming warmer, when Ashe latched his arms around Dedue’s waist. He let out a little sigh of relief before drifting off into his own slumber. He was truly happy that Ashe was home.
I can now finally post this up! I got to write a piece for @asheduecookbook a little bit ago and I wrote about a little domestic life between Ashe and Dedue. Yet another ship of mine that falls under being a QPR for me. I have many, and one of them is AsheDue.
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aceoflilies · 1 year
Welcome to the Ace Space!
Call me Ace! I use she/him pronouns and I'm 22.
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This is my primary blog! If you're looking through my profile because somebody's been liking your Pokéblogging posts, my active Pokéblogs are @humming-pokemon-helpers, @swagtastic-bougie-pompadour, @wigglytuff-guild, @pkmnathlete, @malie-city-library, and @mc-pokeprincess. Happy to talk about them OOC here too!
Otherwise, this blog is where I reblog stuff (sometimes with commentary), talk about my favorite fluff ships & series info, post the rare fics I complete, and sometimes even talk about life!
My main fandoms are Pokémon (most common), Undertale/Deltarune, Ace Attorney, Fire Emblem, and Splatoon (mostly for Pearlina content), but occasionally I'll talk about other series that interest me. Under the cut for post-shortening's sake.
Most of my ramblings are pretty much just character headcanons/interactions, but at times i like to focus on world-building/larger theories, and I'd love to connect with other people with those interests in my fandoms (especially Pokémon SWSH and SV!!)
Also, if anybody ever wants to toss me some writing requests, feel free! Just know I make no guarantee of speed. (If you want to see my writing, here's my AO3!)
A few things to note about me:
This should generally be a SFW blog! Please keep any asks/requests or the like SFW, but as long as you're respectful, anybody can interact.
I post a lot about ships I like! More below the cut. I try to tag 'em.
I try to be canon compliant. I make no guarantees of that.
Maybe I'll post OC stuff here one day???
If you're discriminatory towards any marginalized groups (racism, sexism, homo/transphobia, ableism, fatphobia), I reserve the right to block freely. Likewise, if I say/repost something that makes folks uncomfortable without realizing it, please let me know! Happy to correct myself.
Other reasons I'll block people: being rude, posting pro-ED content, posting pedo stuff, actively hating on my faves. Probably other stuff that squicks me I'm forgetting right now, too.
That's most of the important stuff! Please feel free to reblog, I'd love to find some mutuals here I can talk about shared interests with!!
Favorite characters/pairings/hobbies below the readmore! It's a lot. You have been warned.
My Faves!
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Characters (top favs in yellow, sorry the list is so long,,,):
Hop (Pokémon SW/SH): I could rant about this boy for days and still not have said enough about how much I love him as a rival and character. He is the best thing to come of out SW/SH. And besides, we love Wooloo enjoyers.
Nemona (Pokémon S/V): She has so much passion and energy for battling!!! She genuinely just wants to connect with someone even though she's so misunderstood!!! Also, she can't handle exercise. I feel you, girl.
Hanamaru Kunikida (Love Live! Sunshine!!): I'm not much of a Love Live fan anymore, but I still love Hanamaru so so much. She is sunshine and light and sweetness and a bookworm and she gets so much joy out of enjoying food and spending time with her friends. A comfort character of mine.
Noelle Holiday (Deltarune): She's such a nervous little dork who's actually just a freak (affectionate), and honestly that is peak young lesbian representation.
Kris Dreemurr, Ralsei, Susie (Deltarune): Please ask me to rant about them individually. I love all of their writing.
Pearl Houzuki (Splatoon): I live for her gremlin energy. Yes, even the eating mayo straight from the bottle. I also admire the fact she managed to pull Marina.
Marina Ida (Splatoon): They really did make the coolest, prettiest hacker girl who loves anime and manga and said "make her fall in love with the scrungliest little squid".
Ashe Ubert (FE3H): He's just a little guy!!! A little fella!!! Love his voice acting, his love for books, cooking, and honor, and his tragic backstory. Poor boy.
Ibuki Mioda (SDR2): Is Danganronpa a great series. No. Did Danganronpa give us the most beautifully chaotic lesbian I have ever seen and then cruelly rip her from my hands far too soon. Yes.
Trucy Wright (Ace Attorney): Please, Capcom, please remember she exists, I am begging you. Yes she's another "teenage assistant putting on a brave face so she can help solve the mysteries". But I love her magic tricks and her interactions with Phoenix and Apollo, so here she is.
Apollo Justice (Ace Attorney): Please stop giving him backstories.
Bianca, N, Yancy, Skyla (Pokémon B/W/B2/W2)
Gloria, Marnie, Victor, Bede, Leon, Raihan (Pokémon SW/SH)
Arven, Penny, Clavell (Pokémon S/V): If you want more Penny and Clavell, I write them constantly on @swagtastic-bougie-pompadour.
Lillie (Pokémon S/M)
Nagito Komaeda (SDR2): No defense here.
Komaru Naegi (DRAE): I do not like UDG for many reasons. I do like Komaru.
Miles Edgeworth, Phoenix Wright, Maya Fey, Klavier Gavin (Ace Attorney)
Rin Hoshizora, Umi Sonoda, Kotori Minami, Ruby Kurosawa, You Watanabe, Emma Verde, Rina Tennoji (Love Live!): My grab bag of gay people. I also generally love most of Aqours.
Edelgard, Caspar, Linhardt, Mercedes, Annette, Marianne, & more (FE3H)
Pretty Much Everyone In Undertale.
Dusa, Artemis, Zagreus, Thanatos (Hades)
My OCs! Feel free to ask about them.
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Personal ships!
Mostly in the "I like the dynamics" sense, rather than the "I think these two would be perfectly well-adjusted together" sense. Ships with minors in them are purely fluff.
Hop/Gloria/Marnie (Pokémon SW/SH): Hop/Gloria is my main focus, just because I think their high energy (in my headcanons, anyways) play off of each other really well. I also like Gloria/Marnie for sunshine/serious. I also like Hop/Victor. I think about the Sw/Sh characters a lot.
Nemona/Juliana (Pokémon S/V): After 君と雨上がりを and Biri-Biri, they're canon. But also, you can't just ask someone to be your best rival like that!!!
Pearlina (Splatoon): They were literally built for each other. They are perfect. I will pull out a thesis on the Octo Expansion and Splatfest dialogue. Do not make me do that.
Caspashe (FE3H): Three words. Gay cat dads. (I also like Casphardt.)
Edeleth (FE3H): Yes, I'm basic. Speaking of basic:
Wrightworth/Narumitsu (AA): Like I said. Basic.
Klapollo (AA): I just find 'overly flirty guy and straight-faced serious guy who believes not a word of it' such a fun dynamic.
Suselle (DR): May I please point you to the ferris wheel scene as a whole.
Alphyne (UT/DR): Just a classic. They're cute and complement each other really well.
Komahina (SDR2): In the sense that "I think if you leave them in a room for enough time the room will literally explode". They're fun because they're so terrible. And on very, very rare occasions, fool you into thinking they're not.
Mikan/Ibuki or Band-Aid (SDR2): Let's be honest, 2-3 was a cop-out.
Rubymaru (Love Live! Sunshine!): Sunshine and sweetness.
Standard Love Live ships (When I say standard, I mean basic.)
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Hobbies/other interests! (Alternatively: Ace Touches Grass)
Cooking/baking! I don't post my food much, but I do tag food.
Writing: I started out with Club Penguin fanfiction at age 8 so you know I'm the real deal.
Practicing Japanese! I like to practice by listening to Japanese music (Ado/Suisei/Polkadot Stingray/Aqours/Vaundy/King Gnu/YOASOBI) and playing games in Japanese.
Archery! I got to try out kyudo in Japan. Best thing I ever did.
Sightseeing, trying new restaurants and foods!
Libraries, I work at one!
Reading (one book, in two days, every 6 months.)
Psychology! Mainly clinical and developmental psych.
Collecting stuffed animals and other cute things!
Animals! Favorite are penguins and foxes :)
RTGame, the Drift King Himself
Bad Karaoke (in Japanese.)
If you got this far, thanks for at least skimming over my post! Hope to make some new friends, allies, or maybe at least queer-coded rivalries here on Tumblr.
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justabug-creations · 8 months
The Cursed Sword of Faerghus
Status: Completed (Chapter(s): 1)
Rating: Teen Audiences and Up
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Relationships: Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd/Ashe Duran | Ashe Ubert
Characters: Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd, Ashe Duran | Ashe Ubert, Ashe Duran | Ashe Ubert's Younger Brother, Ashe Duran | Ashe Ubert's Younger Sister, Christophe (Fire Emblem), Lonato (Fire Emblem), Dedue Molinaro, Sylvain Jose Gautier, Felix Hugo Fraldarius, Ingrid Brandl Galatea, Rufus Blaiddyd
Additional Tags: Holy Kingdom of Faerghus, Ghosts, Spirits, Alternate Universe, Revenge, Tragic Romance, Fluff and Angst, Bittersweet Ending
My oneshot for week 3 of Monsttober: Ghosts/Spirits. It's also in honor of Dimiashe week which took place this same week.
The Dragon Slaying Bow. A fairy tale from the Leicester Alliance. The Axe of Worthiness. A historical tale from the Adrestian Empire. The Treachery of the Cursed Sword. A children’s cautionary tale from the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus, and the only legend depicting and evil weapon.
Dimitri had long despised the legendary cursed sword for the misfortune it brought the kingdom. Why couldn’t his home have a helpful sword like everyone else? But when it comes down to it, there’s a reason such an evil sword was used: because the wielder had a desire none else could fix.
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Ashe x Reader Fluff
Anonymous Request
Word Count: 950
What a week.                                                                                                        
That was the only thought blaring in your head as you slugged your way to your room. By chance and misfortune, your army had a battle every day that week, and your body was beginning to pay the price. You cursed the war for having gone on this long, resulting in civilians being unable to attain resources, which resulted in said bandits resorting to thievery. The bandits would cause mayhem which your army was requested to resolve, distracting the army from the war, causing more people to lack resources and become thievery. The people of  Fódlan were trapped in a cycle, a cycle your army was causing yet solving simultaneously.                                                                                                        
This cycle was the elephant in the room during war meetings; you didn’t want to be the one to point it out. Though, perhaps it was better if you did, because you have a special someone who understands it better than anyone you know.        
Ashe. Where is he? We’ve barely had a chance to talk all week.                        
Feeling in no condition to talk about the war, you push your conflicting thoughts aside as you continue walking. You question whether to go to his or your quarters, as those are the two places he is most likely to be. Fortunately, this does not alter your direction, as you and Ashe are fortunate enough to have your quarters on either side of Dedue’s.                       
Ultimately, giving yourself barely a minute to decide, you decide to go to your quarters first. You release a sigh before twisting your doorknob and opening the door. The moment you look up, your sigh transforms into a smile.                      
The love of your life was laying on your bed, patiently waiting for your arrival. He smiled in return, his green eyes lighting up as he patted the empty space next to him. 
“I hope you haven’t been waiting for very long,” you said as she took off your shoes and approached the bed.                                                                            
“I haven’t, don’t worry.” As soon as you laid next to him, Ashe stroked your cheek with the tips of his fingers. “How are you, my flower?”                                          
Heat rose to your cheeks cheeks upon hearing the pet name. “Very. . .tired. We had such a long week, battle after battle, yet we got absolutely nowhere towards ending the war.”                         
Ashe continued stroking your cheek. “That certainly is frustrating. We’re responsible for cleaning up skirmishes which are caused by the war, while being expected to end the war at the same time. And I understand the people causing the skirmishes, because I once was one of those people. Please forgive me if I sound too negative, but. . .I guess what I’m saying is that, had Lonato not taken my siblings and I in as children. . .”                                                                
You knew where Ashe’s sentence was going, and you really did not like it. “Ashe, don’t say things like that. You did get adopted by Lonato, he did send you to the academy. I don’t like to think about what would have happened otherwise, because I wouldn’t have it any other way.                                                            
“You’re. . .you’re right.” Ashe moved his hand to your hair, combing it with his fingers. “I’m sorry.” He plants a kiss on your forehead.                                          
“I’m not upset. I was thinking the same thing as you, actually. About the skirmishes, I mean.” You sighed again. “I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks that.”                      
“Mmm hmm.” Ashe smiled again, this one fainter than the last. “I don’t want to talk about the war anymore. Kiss me, my love.”                                                
Rather than replying verbally, you expressed your agreement by bringing your hand to Ashe’s chin, titling it forward, and kissing his lips softly. He returned the kiss, keeping one hand in your hair as he brought his other hand to your cheek, rubbing circles with his thumb as he deepened the kiss. Meanwhile, you mad your hands busy as well, bring one behind Ashe’s neck while the other caressed his upper arm back and forth.                                   
You and Ashe continued to make out, only pausing the kiss to take breathes as your lips moved in harmony. No matter how often you two kisses, you felt sparks fly every time; you could tell Ashe felt the same way because he never ceased to kiss you just as eagerly. Your hands all over each other increased the intensity as sparks flew all over your skin as well as on your lips. The moment was precious, feeling so short yet indefinite all at once, as if time had frozen solely for each other’s pleasure.                                                                                         
To your dismay, Ashe was the one to break the kiss. Your dismay didn’t last long, because he gently rested his forehead against yours as he whispered, “I love you so dearly, my flower.” His cheeks turned stark red as he gave you another kiss. 
“I love you more,” you whispered back as you kissed his nose.                             
“I love you most.” Ashe kissed the bridge between your eyebrows.                  
“Mmmm. . .at this rate we could argue all night. But I’d rather keep making out.”  
Ashe giggled. “Now I like the sound of with that.”                                                   
Ashe continued to kiss you as he rolled over, pinning you underneath him. You let him take control, and throughout the night, he rotated between kissing you hard and kissing you gently. Once both of your lips had turned blue, you two resorted to cuddling instead. 
You laid side-by-side, your head nestled into his chest as he stroked your hair like before, holding you close while giving you an occasional squeeze. The last thing you heard was Ashe whispering sweet nothings into your ear as you drifted off to sleep.
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misselko · 3 years
It's my biggest dream to have a big brother but... oh well. I never had any in my whole life! That's why I decided to try to write this platonic headcannons for my own self-indulgence.
How would the Blue Lions treat their younger sibling that also goes to the Officers Academy?
He always loves his little sibling wholeheartedly! Always there whenever you need his help with anything. Lessons, training, homework, horseback riding, or life advice. Big brother Dimitri always gives the best piggy back rides!
Protective towards his younger sibling because you were the only family that he had left after the Tragedy of Duscur. With his life as cold as it is, he doesn’t want to lose other close ones.
Whenever you have nightmares, he will welcome you with open arms to sleep together in his quarters, trying his best to comfort you. He did the same thing as well. When the nightmares and voices become too strong, he always seeks you out for comfort because you can understand him, understand the way he feels and act the way he does since both of you have suffered from the loss of your family’s death. 
Even when he was being distant, he only scowled and snarled, but rarely pushed you away when you approached him and insisted on taking care of him in the cathedral. Healing his wounds or bringing food and drinks from the Dining Hall. Dimitri will only look at you silently, accepting your kindness.
Never let you participate in battles because he didn’t want to expose you to danger. But when you really have to, he will always stay close to you. Even when he went feral like a beast, your safety was his utmost concern, especially on the battlefield. Goddess please have mercy on enemies that trying to strike you. He will attack them mercilessly.
He used to protect you from Miklan abusive behaviour when you were kids, taking the brunt of his aggression so you’d be safe. Sylvain is even willing to do his best to defend you from Margrave Gautier’s mean ways to prove your worth (solely based on Crests). And he will do it again in a heartbeat for you, both in your Academy days or battlefield.
Something’s bothering you? Big brother Sylvain’s on it! He will take his time to talk and try to make you feel better. He might not look like one, but actually he is good with keeping secrets safe! Sylvain values communication and affirmation because he’s seen what negligence can do to someone.
Sylvain will always take care of you before himself and he doesn’t hide that fact. For as goofy as he is, Sylvain is a smart and quick witted. He will offer his help whenever he sense your distress, taking his time to help you with studying, training, or anything that you need help with. 
He never said it but he really loves his little sibling with all of his heart. It’s amusing to see that the famous philanderer always keeps tabs on you like an overprotective big brother whenever you go with your special someone. The redhead doesn’t want his little sibling to have a partner that’s overly flirtatious or mistreats you because he knows that’ll break your heart. He just wanted the best for his little sibling!
You know that he always tried his best to look tough and cool in front of you, but his wounds from jumping in to protect you against enemy attacks sure hurt a lot. Both of you knew that he would lay down his life for you in a heartbeat but... just like him, you wanted things to be as comfortable and safe as possible for him as well. He really should cherish his life more. He’d be panicked if you cried over him about it.
Felix will never turn down a request from his little sibling despite his endless complaints and annoyed sighs. He may make a stink over how it’s a ‘pain,’ but he won’t say no. 
He may not be the nicest, not emotionally expressive (aside from anger, determination, and rude words), and sometimes he’s downright just an ass. Both of you often ended up in arguments but he was always taking care of you secretly.
Expect your favourite cakes or small trinkets on your desk whenever he went to the town with Sylvain. But never try to ask him about it, he will get upset and might snap at you!!
Loyalty, honesty, and dependability are what he used to show he cares. On the outside it might appear to onlookers that he hates everyone and everything, but when things get tough he’s the first one you can call.
Anytime there is a battle Felix will get annoyed if you try to go on which would end up annoying you because you aren’t fragile, and might end up having an argument. But if you do end up going on the battlefield, both of you know that you can handle yourself. He always gets beyond anxious that something bad might happen to you that he almost shakes. Ironically though Felix might end up running straight to the enemies where you’ll have to follow behind him to make sure he didn’t do anything reckless.
Words are rarely changed between Dedue and his little siblings. He may not be verbal with you, but his sentiment shows through his actions. When you were busy with upcoming exams, he often brought your favourite snacks or foods that he made by himself.
There’s no talking, and he just sits there beside you in silence. Drawing comfort from your reliable big brother really helps with your studying or relaxing time. Sometimes he will gave you some advices on learning on errands or tasks patiently
You often helped him to take care of flowers in the greenhouse. Roses, daffodils, lavender, carnations, anemones, forget-me-nots... Gentle Dedue taught you a lot about flowers and gardening. He almost choked in happy tears when you gave him a watering can and a flower wreath for his birthday. Hugging you and smiling warmly.
Sometimes a heavy pang of sadness gnaws at your heart whenever mean people bully both of you because of the Tragedy of Duscur. Big brother Dedue always tried his best to protect you from that kind of insult with a stoic face. It was very nice of Dimitri to defend both of you from that slander.
Dedue will get ferocious if someone dares to lay their hands on his little sibling on the battlefield. He will ask you to go to a safer place or stay behind him. It’s a known fact that being a retainer to the future king does not leave him much free time. But he always check on your well being after to battle ended before tending his wounds.
Ashe always works hard to provide for his little siblings to prove that the world is still worth living in. He loves to see you happy and to hear your laughter.
He’s as open as his books even though his communication skills sometimes flop on him. Since your parents and Lord Lonato’s death, he acted like a parent figure for you. Offering moral support and genuine care for your well being. He can be such a worrywart sometimes but please don’t tell him so, he will be very sad if you told him that.
Weekends are very enjoyable with Big Brother Ashe! Cooking together with him and the Professor always brings so much joy. Bonus point if Dedue helped as well! It will be a delightful feast for Blue Lions!!
As much as he loves his little sibling, Ashe wanted you to be more independent. He will teach you life skills such as haggling, saving, and cooking. Dimitri often gave him some delightful sugar candies from the town that he shared with you when you had to stay up late for the upcoming exam. Hopefully that’ll help to keep you motivated!
The hurt of people he cares for is his own. It always pained Ashe to kill someone but he has to do it to protect you from the enemies. When Ashe loves he does so with his whole heart and won’t hesitate to show it. Their wounds sting him just as much, especially when his sibling was hurt on the battlefield. Expect lots of his handmade cooking and gentle care for your quick recovery!
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glowingbadger · 3 years
First “I love you” with Dima, Claude, Ashe, Sylvain, Yuri, and Felix pls? 🥰🥰🥰
Awwww cute cute cute~
FE3H Love Confessions x GN Reader
SFW ~ fluff ~
Dimitri: He's not able to withstand holding in his feelings for very long. The moment he realizes that he's fallen for you (likely needing to be prodded by Ingrid and Sylvain to fully understand it himself), he finds he's completely unable to compose himself around you. He stammers and blushes his way through the most mundane interactions. Finally, it all comes rushing out of him one day. He's been so strange lately that you make a point to visit him in his quarters to privately sort out whatever's going on. But the more you question him, the more he attempts to draw inward, until finally he blurts out, "It's- it's because I am in love with you-" he says it with a look of desperation in his eye, "I'm sorry, I simply cannot bear to keep it from you any longer." Of course, it's so like him to see his own feelings for you as something that would cause you distress- has this foolish man even considered that you could feel every bit as strongly about him? When you tell him as much, he's speechless, and pulls you close with his arms so tight around you that you struggle to breathe.
Claude: He's definitely the type to initiate a bit of a flirtation, perhaps even courting you for some time before busting out the "L word." Claude is open and flippant about signs of affection; he'll unabashedly flatter you about everything- the shine in your eyes, your adorable laugh, dimples, freckles- anything and everything unique about you. Still, he takes so long to make any sort of serious statement of his feelings that you may start to wonder if this whole... thing that you have going on is a mere diversion for him. But Claude knows the moment he realizes he's well and truly fallen for you that he needs to tell you in a way that will make the truth of his intentions clear- no jokes, no cool lines, only the rare and honest truth. To that end, one night he invites you on a stroll around the grounds surrounding the Monastery, eventually leading you to a hill where you can see the sunset to the West- but he turns you to face Eastward beside him, "As soon as we're able, I was hoping... well, that you'd come to Almyra with me," he turns to you and brings one of your hands to his lips, "I love you, Y/N. I want you to see more of where I come from."
Ashe: Ashe knew he was in love with you VERY early on. What caused it to really hit him and take root in his mind though, was a moment when he happened to be re-reading an old knight's tale, and suddenly, the romance between the lead characters feels completely different. Grand gestures and self-sacrifice for the other's sake don't feel nearly as fantastical or exaggerated as they had when he was young. Now, they feel... entirely understandable. He could see himself easily giving any and everything to keep you safe, going to any grandiose lengths to ensure your happiness. But Ashe holds onto this feeling for some time, careful not to ever pressure or overwhelm you- until he eventually finds that same book once more and lends it to you, saying he hopes you like it as much as he did, and to be sure to let him know your thoughts. And once you do read through the tale, you reach the passage where the brave Knight performs a bold soliloquy declaring his love for his fair maiden- but what catches your eye here is a note in Ashe's familiar handwriting: I've struggled to find the words to tell you my feelings for so long, but then I realized that this tale illustrates how dearly I care for you more than anything I could think of. I love you, Y/N, and I swear to protect and cherish you for all of my life.
Sylvain: He doesn't realize his own feelings for quite some time. You'd gotten close to him as friends gradually over time, convincing yourself that you were guarding your heart as carefully as one should around such a notorious flirt. And yet, the mutual attraction and affection grow underneath the surface, despite you both. For a time, he's always by your side, even turning down invitations to tea or dancing in town in favor of spending time with you. Then, he very suddenly starts to grow distant- he spends less and less time with you, and eventually seems to be actively avoiding you in favor of other 'pleasurable company.' You put on a brave face for a little while, but eventually, his cold behavior is too conspicuous to ignore. Surprisingly, you find him alone at the training grounds. The moment he sees you though, he puts on a careful smile and assures you he was just finishing up. As he passes you, you grab onto his sleeve and bluntly ask him why he's acting this way. Naturally, he tries to deflect at first, but things quickly escalate until you've raised you voice, demanding to know what's going on, until he finally faces you and says, "I'm in love with you, okay?? And I'm only going to end up hurting you- so just let me do what's best for you and leave you alone!"
Yuri: Falling for you is something that surprises him more than anything, and causes him to have to rethink a lot about how he'd pictured the rest of his life. The whole of the Abyss seems brighter when you're around, and he comes up with excuses to keep you near time and time again. He's of course every bit as flirty with you as he is with anyone else. In fact, he's careful to make sure that's the case. He won't risk his feelings getting out of hand, or letting slip any information outside of his control. But it becomes harder and harder every day to keep what he feels for you inside, and it's the smallest things that hint at his true feelings- the unusual softness in his voice when he speaks to you, how he goes out of his way to seek out opportunities to touch you. And then, one night he comes back to his quarters quite late from a "meeting"- and the sight of you waiting there for him, clearly worried and relieved to see him back safe- it's too much for his heart to contain. He leans close and places a feather-light kiss to your lips, then murmurs, "I love you, Y/N. I'll always make it home if you're here to welcome me."
Felix: Oh this poor boy. It's going to take something dramatic to get him to confess, and it's likely he doesn't even realize how he feels for you until he hears himself say it. If anything, he's irritated by the way his heart lurches when he sees you, the way his mind strays towards you the moment he fails to keep himself busy. It's an infuriating distraction, and his impulse is to stifle it as much as possible. But then, you're injured or sick one day, and something in him just snaps. He demands to be let into the infirmary to check on you, and he's by your side in an instant. He's so obvious that everyone else clearly knows how he feels for you already, and when it's clear your condition is by no means life threatening, he's left to watch over you alone for a time. Felix wears his concern plainly on his face as he scolds you for not being more careful and not taking care of yourself. That night, as you drift to sleep on your cot, you distantly hear him say, "I won't let anything happen to you ever again. I... I love you... I need you to be okay..."
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frickingnerd · 1 year
arranged marriage with ashe
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pairing: ashe ubert x gn!reader
tags: mentions of having children/adopting, reader isn't very happy about the arranged marriage at first
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while ashe was born merely as a commoner, he became the heir to lonato, after his and christophe's death
he hadn't expected to become a noble like this, nor was he prepared for the responsibilities coming with it
suddenly he was expected to marry someone, simply because he was a lord now and that's how things are
there weren't as many people interested in marrying him, due to ashe not having a crest, but he still had a few proposals
one of them was from your family. you didn't bear a crest, which was a bad thing for most people, but ashe was quite glad to hear about that
it would mean he wasn't forced to have tons of children with you, just to continue the bloodline
instead, it would be up to the two of you to decide if you wanted to have children or not – though ashe would've prefered to adopt, instead of having children of his own
he quickly sent back a letter to your family, asking to get to know you
and just a few weeks later, ashe got to visit you and your family at your mansion
it was quite large compared to his own, making him wonder why such a rich family would even want to marry their child to someone lesser than themselves
when ashe met you, he was quickly blown away by how good looking you were. the letters really weren't lying
though he didn't plan on marrying you for your looks! he wanted to get to know you and hopefully marry you for your kindness
the first day together, you and ashe spent in the garden of your family
ashe quietly listened as you told him about all the different flowers growing there, amazed by how much you knew
after a while, the conversation shifted away from the flowers, as ashe was eager to learn more about you and your family
you tried to put on a smile as you praised your family, but ashe could see right through it and when he confronted you about it, you revealed the truth to him
you were upset with your family for always dictating your life, even choosing the man you'd marry for you! 
you didn't want to be bound to someone else, you didn't want children or getting married – at least not yet
you wanted to see the world first, discover new things and live your life, before you decide to settle down
ashe could understand you very well
and after everything you just told him, he proposed something: he'd ask for your hand in marriage! once you moved to his mansion, you'd get to be free and decide for yourself
he wouldn't force you to marry him, nor would he force you to have children or do anything you didn't want to
and if you decided you wanted to marry him, after you got to live a free life and do as you please, he'd be waiting for you…
you agreed to that deal and the same night, ashe asked your parents for your hand in marriage! 
ashe wasn't sure if you'd still want to marry him after you got a taste of a free life, but he was content with the way things were
you deserved to be free and he was certain that you'd make the right decision! 
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fenori · 5 years
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how to incapacitate ur husband 101
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firegrilled · 2 years
CH Summary: After recapturing Fhirdiad, Ashe and Caspar have a heart to heart that’s a long time coming. All while Cornelia plots in the background.
Excerpt: “Professor Manuela told me when we helped you earlier. And then I asked Sylvain who didn’t remember much, but then I went to Ingrid who told me to talk with Professor Eisner, and then… Well, he pretty much said what Professor Manuela said. You saved me. Twice. Why?”
Ashe averted his gaze, staring at his feet as they moved. His hands felt clammy in Caspar’s grasp and his breathing quickened.
“I…” Ashe's thoughts cycled through a variety of excuses and reasons he told himself over the months but he was unable to say them. Instead, he spoke the words that resonated with him at the moment. “Because it was right. I did what felt right.”
Tilting his head, Caspar processed the words.
“But I was your enemy. You saved an enemy. One that abandoned you…”
Caspar’s words bristled Ashe, causing him to meet his gaze once more. He narrowed his eyes at his former lover.
“Caspar, I already told you, you didn’t abandon me. You were protecting Marcus and thinking of others. That’s incredibly selfless-”
“But you didn’t know that!” Caspar all but shouted back, his movements coming to a stop. He held onto Ashe but he did not continue the dance. “You didn’t know that… Marcus, Linhardt, you didn’t know about any of that… but you still risked yourself for me. It’s all I’ve been thinking about since the battle. Why would you save someone like that?”
Ashe softened his expression, a slight frown forming on his face.
“Because it was you,” Ashe answered. “In spite of everything that happened, you are still important to me. I wasn’t going to let you die if I could save you.”
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onyxedskies · 1 year
if anyone has fluffy ashe headcanons (solo or with an s/o that’s not petra) please feel free to send them in
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lapinbunwrites · 10 months
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Title: Beach Time Fun
Ratings: Gen
Warnings: None
Fandom: Fire Emblem Three Houses
Characters: Mercedes von Martritz, Ashe Ubert, Annette Fantine Dominic, Ingrid Brandl Galatea
Additional Tags: Pre-Timeskip, Azure Moon | Blue Lion's Route, Fluff, Slice of Life, Friendship
Word Count: 1,706
Ao3 Link
It was rare that anyone at Garreg Mach Monastery would be able to get any sort of vacation. Especially with everything that has been going on lately. Mercedes was really ecstatic and relieved that they were able to get some downtime; it was a great feeling being able to relax with everything horrible going on, and in between classwork and training. Mercedes was grateful that Byleth fought for them to have this downtime, she knew they had their fair share of convincing to allow their students the chance to relax at the beach.
The days leading up to their day at the beach, Mercedes overheard the conversations from her classmates. It was very nice hearing some of her friends being excited to go and how jealous the other students from the other classes were. She laughed as Felix was complaining to Sylvain, Dimitri, and Ingrid about he didn’t want to go or had the time to and Sylvain was trying to convince him otherwise. Her smile grew bigger as she overheard Annette and Ashe were excited to go, talking Dedue’s ear off of what they were going to do when they arrived.
Mercedes knew exactly what she was going to do when she got there. She was going to sit under an umbrella, sit on a towel, and drink a nice refreshing fruit drink. It sounded very relaxing to her. She couldn’t wait for that day to come. Everyone needed it, especially the friends she had that lived in Northern Faerghus.
Mercedes scattered about, making sure that she grabbed everything she needed to pack for her trip to Derdriu. She went in circles, triple checking that she had her swimsuit, hat, sunscreen, beach towel, and other miscellaneous things. She let out a little sigh of relief as she grabbed her bag before leaving her room to catch up with her class. Her face lit up as soon as everyone arrived at Derdriu. The capital was a lively place with its many shops, fresh and cool air, and with a nice beach with pristine ocean. It was a beautiful place to relax at.
She did her best to contain her excitement as her and her class continued to walk to the beach. She really wanted to see the many shops, to see what kind of sewing supplies they had to see if they were any different from the Empire’s and the Kingdom’s. Mercedes wanted to see the fashion styles that were prominent in the Alliance so she could sew something for her friends. The most important thing was she wanted to try some of the confections that Hilda suggested she eat.
Mercedes let out a sigh, she knew she couldn’t do any of that. Byleth wouldn’t approve of it, especially knowing it probably took a lot of convincing to let them all come here. They were only instructed to stay within the vicinity of the beach. She shook her head, still very happy that she was able to come to Derdriu.
She hummed as she laid her beach towel on the sand, and opened her umbrella. Mercedes watched her friends playing in the sun. Felix was competing with Dimitri in some water related event, and having Sylvain or Dedue watching over it. She laughed to herself a little, she knew there wasn’t going to be a fair match. She knew that they were going to pick sides. Only if Ingrid was there, but she wasn’t. She was on the sand with Ashe and Annette doing something else. Mercedes faintly smiled at Annette when she looked over to her.
“MERCIE!” Annette yelled at her, waving her hand towards her. “MERCIE COME HERE!”
Mercedes waved her off, not wanting to walk over to her. She loved Annette very much, but she knew that being around her meant more exercise. The trek to the beach was enough for her, she was happy where she was sitting.
“MERCIE! MERCIE!!” Annette kept yelling.
She let out a small sigh before getting up. Her irritation soon dissipated when she got closer to her friends.
“Was there something you needed from me?” Mercedes asked, greeting the three of them.
“We wanted you to come spend some time with us!” Annette chirped, letting go of Ashe.
“Yes,” he agreed, trying to compose himself from Annette’s shaking.
“She thought you were a little lonely sitting on your beach towel,” Ingrid informed, with a smile. “It’s a shame you would just sit there and not spend this wonderful day doing something.”
“It’s alright,” Mercedes reassured the three of them. “The trek here was exhausting enough so sitting down felt very nice.”
“Ah, well,” Ingrid sighed. “We wouldn’t want to bother you if that’s what you wish to do.”
“Yeah, we do like relaxing in our own ways,” Ashe said, making a jab at Annette.
“Why was that directed at me?” Annette whined.
“Because you were the one that insisted Mercedes come have some fun with us,” Ashe reminded her.
“Hmph,” Annette grumbled. “I just wanted to spend some time with her while we can.”
“That sounds…very ominous,” Ingrid blurted out.
“Heheh, well, thank you for your concern,” Mercedes said, with a smile. “Since you are keen on wanting to spend time with me, what did you have in mind?”
“There is a sandcastle competition further up the beach!” Annette chirped. “We were about to go there and compete.”
“Oh! How lovely!” Mercedes said, clapping her hands. “I would love to join.”
“Yay! Let’s go!” Annette said, rushing towards the competition, being followed by Ingrid and Ashe.
Mercedes followed the group to the site where the competition was being held. There were so many people here competing, it was very nice to see. She was glad to see so many people able to relax, even in these trying times.
A judge came over to the group, giving them a few tools to help them out, and read the rooms. Mercedes chuckled as Annette rushed over to an open spot of sand, only to be followed by Ashe and Ingrid. It was funny to her, watching the three of them having no idea what to do. All they were digging a hole in the ground and placing sand into a couple of buckets.
“Have you guys never built a sand castle before?” Mercedes asked, joining them and sitting on her knees.
“No,” Ingrid replied, watching the sand fall through her fingers. “I’ve never spent much time at a beach. Spending most of my time in Northern Faerghus, we didn’t really have good weather to do so.”
“Ashe and I never had the time and means to get to a beach,” Annette replied, her expression growing grim.
“Oh, I’m sorry guys,” Mercedes said, sorrowfully. “Why don’t I teach you guys how to!”
They all smiled and agreed to it. Mercedes smiled as she began working, filling the hole that they made and patting the tight enough for it to stand firmly on the ground. She began to instruct the other three on what to do. It felt nice watching her friends building a sandcastle, watching them stuff the sand into the tiny little buckets. It was very calming to hear her friends laugh as the sand they stuffed into the bucket crumbled as soon as it came out.
Mercedes did her best to help out where she could. It was hard when Ashe and Annette started to mess around, having a little sand fight. She let out a sigh of relief when Ingrid tried to help her when she tried to help sculpt the sandcastle only for it to backfire. Ingrid, in the rare times that it has happened, had lost her footing and fell on half of the castle.
“Oh no, I’m sorry Mercedes,” Ingrid apologized profusely, wiping the sand off herself.
Mercedes could sense that they were worried about the growing silence. Thankfully it was cut off short when she burst out laughing.
“I’m sorry,” Mercedes tried to say through her laughter. “I don’t mean to laugh.”
“Heheheh,” Ingrid laughed along. “It’s fine.”
“Do you think we have time to fix this?” Annette asked, forming the sand into part of the castle.
“I think it’s lost,” Ashe said, jokingly.
“Heh, not if we talk like that!” Mercedes said, helping Annette.
“I hope Dimitri isn’t nearby,” Annette smiled.
“Why is that?” Mercedes asked, messing with a different part of the castle.
“Because he would be very disappointed by Ashe and what he said,” Annette teased.
“Heh, good thing he isn’t,” Ashe smiled, helping them fix the castle.
“He truly would be,” Ingrid teased.
The four of them rushed to finish their sandcastle, proudly showing it off to the judges. It wasn’t all that fancy, half of it had some design to it and was sculpted. The other half was lopsided and started to crumble by the time the judges came by. They didn’t win by any means of the word, they didn’t even come close. To cheer themselves up, they stopped by a stall selling fruit drinks and treats.
“Ah man,” Ashe whined, taking a sip of his drink. “I wish we could have won.”
“It would have, if you and Annette didn’t get distracted,” Ingrid teased, biting into her cold treat.
“Hehehe, he challenged my little sand knight to a duel,” Annette laughed. “I couldn’t turn him down.”
“Hehe, Mercedes chuckled, sipping her drink before taking a bite of her treat. “I don’t mind. I had fun with you guys. It has been a very relaxing day.”
“Good!” Annette chirped.
Ashe and Ingrid nodded before eating their treats. They talked and talked as they walked back to their classmates. Mercedes laughed some more when she saw that Sylvain was being buried under the dirt by Felix, which must have been some sort of punishment that he got from Dimitri.
She skipped over to them and helped Felix cover Sylvain with dirt as everyone stood by and watched. While he was stuck in the ground, making him suffer while they all swam in the sea, made up some beach games, and messed around. They stuck around until sundown before digging up Sylvain from his sandy grave and heading to an inn that they stayed at for the night.
I am finally able to post up my gift to emeslines on Twitter and IG for @fefanevents sunny summer exchange! I got to write about some of the Blue Lion's since they have some of my fave characters! So I had fun writing these guys together having some fun at the beach and just chilling with each other.
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indigowallbreaker · 4 years
ashe/dedue + kiss prompt #22 pretty please? i rewatched their support chain and made myself CRY
(me too, anon. dedue’s line about over-salting the food always makes me tear up ;;_;; please enjoy all the sadness I lumped in here)
22: Sad kiss 
It was naive of Dedue to think revisiting his old village would not effect him. He thought it had been long enough- that his time with Dimitri, at the academy, at war had pushed the memories far enough from his mind that he could walk through the town without emotion. Like an observer. Just a soldier doing as his King commanded.
The land belonging to Duscur had been taken by from House Kleiman, and the plan was to assess the site of each abandoned town to see what was needed to make it thrive again. Dedue had volunteered right away. Dimitri had taken one look at him and ordered, “Take Ashe with you.”
Ashe had looked so pleased at the idea that Dedue couldn’t stand to turn him down. But now, looking over the homes of neighbors and friends, left to rot and wither, Dedue would rather be alone.
“I guess the first thing we need to do is expand the farm land. There isn’t much to work with,” Ashe said, turning in a slow circle. 
“We never had much farm land here. This was a town of blacksmiths and craftsmen. We traded for food with a town several miles away.” Dedue tried to speak like he was reading from a text book and not like he was remembering vividly the wagons that would come flocking to trade carrots and meat for good swords and repaired field equipment. “Head that way and see if the well has dried up. There is somewhere I must go.”
Without waiting for a reply, Dedue turned down a familiar road to a familiar door. A cold lump settled in his gut as he pushed open the door to reveal his family home. The small kitchen where his sister and mother cooked. The window where his father would sit with a warm mug and rest his arms after work. The walls, now bare, which used to hold drying flowers and prized creations. 
Dedue stepped inside. Not much remained here. Likely taken by bandits or stolen by Viscount Kleiman’s family. But something did catch his eye-- a bit of cloth under the muddied and bloodied rug. Dedue knelt to pull at it and out came a small blanket. The kind one would swaddle a baby in. Soft. Made with two squares of grey cloth and two squares of rosy pink. It had dulled with time but Dedue held a pristine image of it in his memory.
His sister had slept with this blanket until she was seven years old, when she had loudly declared she wasn’t a baby anymore and didn’t need such things. His mother had taken it without question, kissed her forehead, and said she would hide it away for his sister’s future children. 
Children that would never come. His mother had hidden this way for nothing. All of it had been for nothing. 
“You... Dedue, are you okay?”
The family meals, the trading, the cooking and forging and smiting and festivals and birthdays and none of it meant anything anymore--
Ashe kissed him.
Dedue hadn’t realized he was crying until Ashe’s face pressed against his and he felt the dampness there. Dedue hadn’t realized he’d fallen to his knees until he was looking up at Ashe as he pulled away. “I’m sorry!” Ashe rested his hands on Dedue’s shoulders hesitantly. “You weren’t responding and you looked so upset and I didn’t want to slap you out of it so... I...” 
Letting the blanket fall from his hands, Dedue pulled Ashe forward and rested their foreheads together, trying to match his breathing to Ashe’s. Ashe seemed to understand because he stopped talking and just let Dedue calm himself.
Ashe, who had lost his parents at such a young age, who turned to thievery just for his siblings, who had found a life with Lord Lonato and Christophe and had them taken from him too. And yet here he was. Personal friend to the King and holding Dedue in the middle of a dusty home.   
Dedue lifted his head to kiss Ashe gently on the lips. Ashe aimed a small smile at him. “Okay?”
“Yes.” Dedue meant it, too. There had to be something in all this nothing. If anyone could help him find it, Ashe could. “Yes. I think I will be.”
(Give me all the kiss prompts, i want them all)
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