#ashe fire emblem fluff
frickingnerd · 4 months
dating ashe ubert
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pairing: ashe ubert x gn!reader
tags: established relationship, clingy ashe, wholesome fluff
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the first few weeks of your relationship, ashe is always at your side
the two of you spend every free minute you have with each other, never seen without the other
during this honeymoon phase you're in, you go on dates almost daily, always holding hands in the hallways and talking with each other late into the night
slowly you get less sleep and you see your friends less as well
once the honeymoon phase slowly starts to fizzle out you and ashe realize that you were both being way too clingy
it's only natural to want to spend all your time together as a new couple and yet you had to learn to balance your relationship with your other responsibilities
you're still spending a lot of time with each other, but now the two of you try to put your school work before your relationship, as well as make time for your friends
you try out some double dates, as a way to spend time together, while still seeing your friends
after a few months dating each other, the two of you are able to find the perfect balance between work, friends and your love life
and then you're able to look back at the start of your relationship, amused about how clingy you used to be
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firegrilled · 11 months
Before the war that split Fódlan, there was one last celebration that brought all the houses together. Before Linhardt's magical mishap that split Ashe and Caspar, there was the evening where the two came together. Before everyone fought on the battlefield, they danced in the halls of Garreg Mach. AKA my late submission to Asheweek (Day 1: Friendship/Relationship) where Ashe and Caspar got together the first time, prior to The Best is Yet to Come. You don't need ot have read the story to enjoy it, but there are some fun bits in there for those who have.
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onyxedskies · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Fire Emblem: Fuukasetsugetsu | Fire Emblem: Three Houses Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ashe Duran | Ashe Ubert/Felix Hugo Fraldarius Characters: Ashe Duran | Ashe Ubert, Felix Hugo Fraldarius Additional Tags: Mutual Pining, Getting Together, First Kiss, Snow, Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Title from a Radical Face song Summary:
The legend of the Goddess Tower was just that: a legend. It wasn't real; nothing would actually happen, regardless of the day or time or people who went. Most people knew this, intellectually. That doesn't mean they didn't hope. And sometimes, wishes come true.
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meiluu · 9 months
Fight Our Battles
Peter Parker/ Female!Reader cw: Violence, reader gets hurt, hurt/comfort, a bit of angst, fluff. lower-case intended, not edited can be viewed as any spider-man, but i personally imagined ps4/ps5 peter
what had started out as a regular saturday, with you and peter swinging through new york like any typical patrol around the city turned into something much more than either of you were ready for.
green goblin had escaped from the raft and was causing mayhem within the city, fires and ominous clouds of smoke and ash begin to engulf the city. and here you and peter are trying to get people to safety as well as deal with the goblin.
"Go after him! I've got the civilians!" peter whips his head to your direction, about to argue and say that you both need to stick together. shaking your head "I've got this go! I trust you spider-man!" your tone is final and peter reluctantly leaves you to pursue the goblin.
watching his retreating figure you focus your mind onto what's in front of you. webbing up unstable buildings, pulling people from fiery cars and rubble. stopping for moment to catch your breath you realize that this area is finally okay enough for you to leave it as first responders finally make it to the scene. using your in-suit tracker you quickly find peters location and hastily begin swinging your way there.
getting to peter your eyes immediately catch onto his much more battered form, there are cuts across his chest and through his emblem. but he seems to have the upper hand- having cornered goblin into a abandoned area of construction. quickly shooting a web you swing in, landing a harsh kick to the goblins face.
an enraged roar leaves him as his mask is flung off-wobbling on his glider. Then you see two webs sticking to either side of the goblin, and just as you see those webs you see peter slingshotting himself feet first into the goblins chest. the concrete behind him cracks and the goblin tumbles to the ground, his glider crumbling along with him.
with the goblins figure staying slumped upon the ground both your and peters shoulders slump in relief and exhaustion. then the sound of police sirens filter into the air as dozens of cop cars pull up, ready to detain the menace. "I have some of the anti-serum for him, its not permanent but maybe it'll help with keeping him in custody." peter voice is tired, as he makes his way over to you as you both scan each other for any lethal injuries. nodding you head you watch as peter begins to head towards a vial that was resting upon the ground. you suspected it had gotten flung out of his hand while he fought with the goblin.
then your senses begin screaming at you, BEHIND YOU!
you barely make out peters terrified scream of your name before the disgusting crazed green eyes of the goblin look up at you from the ground with one of his miniature bombs in his hand. then its dark.
the familiar sound of air whooshing past your ears along with searing hot pain across your abdomen is what wakes you from your sleep. "pete?" your words are moaned out in pain and confusion. "yeah its me- just hang on we are almost to the hospital. just stay awake for me please." your heart clenches at how desperate peter's voice is, you can do nothing but nod and bury your head further into his chest- hoping that the pain would go away if you did.
peters feet thump heavily into the ground when he finally lands in front of one of the hospitals in new york that was getting not as flooded with survivors from the attacks. and your heart clenches again at peter voice shouting out for help, "i need a doctor, please!"
there voices start to fade out, you catch how peter voice is a near roar as someone tries pulling off your mask. and it sounds like that person is then shoved away by what you assumed was dozens of nurses, he tells them to leave on your mask- but it sounded more like a command. the softness of a bed greets your back, peter having set you onto a gurney. nurses are putting an iv as the quickly roll you further into the hospital- eyes lids growing heavy you succumb to the sleep, hoping that when you awake the pain will be gone.
peter's pov.
if not for the mask every one within the waiting room would see my tears flowing feely down my face.
god how did i not realize the goblin wasn't knocked out, why didn't i web him up- how could i be so careless!?
and now you were in the operating room, were i hoped with all of being that you would be saved. looking down to my hands that lay limp to my sides i see- your blood smeared into the red of my suit. biting my lip to snuff out the sob that threatens to escape me. why wasn't it him who got hurt? why was it always someone else taking the blows for him?
i don't know how long i just stood there staring down the hallway that lead towards the operating room with you in it. but eventually the doctor how had pushed away that asshole who tried taking off your mask earlier- and had quickly let me know that he would be operating on you- made his way towards me.
quickly walking towards him, his face isn't sad or drafted instead a hopefully expression takes up his face. "she's ok, no major internal injuries surprisingly, but she has a bunch of stitches and will need to stay here for-" i don't let him finish before i'm tugging him into hug, "thank you, i don't- i, just thank you so much."
a soft laugh leaves the doctor, "with what you two do for this city everyday, there's no need for thanks. i should be thank you both for all the good you've done for this city and its people." stepping back from the hug a chuckle leaves me, "i guess we're at an impasse doc... but um- where is she?" he quickly gives me her room number, then i'm running there.
getting to your room, i see you. sleeping peacefully with your mask still covering your face, walking closer towards the bed i sit down in one of the spare chairs within the room. grasping your hand into mine my body finally begins to lighten as all of the accumulated stress begins to pour off of me. and with the comforting sound of your steady breathing i let myself drift off.
reader pov.
its been a few weeks since the goblins attack upon new york, his final one- with him succumbing to his wounds after setting off that miniature bomb. most of my stitches have been taken out and there only remains a very small scar from that day. and with the city repairing itself me and pete have taken a bit of a break from spider-maning... mainly because i needed to recover and peter hasn't want to leave my side. which i'm not complaining about but i can see how much that day hurt peter, though with each day that passes i see that darkness lighten.
and today i continue with that goal of lessening that darkness, having slept in with peter cuddled in your shared bed. gently i brush my fingers through his soft brown locks, "good morning pete." he buries his head deeper into my chest, you can feel him smile against your skin. "i think we are well past morning." an ouch leaves him with my pinch against the skin of his shoulder. "so technical." my tone teasing, a soft kiss is place against the side of my neck as peter raises his head to meet my gaze. beautiful hazel eyes that hold nothing but adoration within them. "good morning." sleep still hold onto his voice making it a bit huskier than normal, his plush lips are planting a sweet kiss against mine.
eyes instinctively shutting at the all to familiar sensation of butterflies within my stomach as my heart relishes in our shared affection. pulling away i bring my hand to his face, caressing his skin.
"i love you, so much peter." a radiant smile blooms across his face, "I love you too." looking into his gaze i'm pleased to find that some of that darkness has nearly disappeared. "you doin' okay pete?" he raises his eyebrow at my question, then lowers when he realizes what i'm asking about. "yeah.. i just- i nearly lost you. and i don't know what i would do if i lost you."
"i know i cant promise you but i will try with everything i have to never let that happen again." peters warm and muscled arms wrap around my torso pulling us chest to chest, with no space between us. "and i'll do the same for you, i never want you to feel what i felt that day."
and with those words peter buries himself further into our embrace, where we both lay relishing in each others presence. warmed by our bodies and the rays of the sun shining through our bedroom curtains, as we stay encased in our plush comforter.
a breath of relief leaves me, brain becoming flooded with peters comforting scent as my heavy heart lightens at our declarations to one another. together we would fight to make sure that both of us came home, make sure that we would have the rest of our live together and not apart.
(omg i just went into a crazed writing spree for like 2 hours, i wrote this at 4am-5am so sorry if there are parts that don't make sense. Hope you enjoyed this :D )
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centrally-unplanned · 11 months
I felt strong kinship to Mekkah for his latest video criticizing Fire Emblem's support system; he did a good job verbalizing my thoughts. To outline the Ash-version of this take, Fire Emblem in the Game Boy era (when modern supports were born), had simple plots, from a sheer "quantity of text" standpoint. A lot of that was convention; a lot of it was limitations of technology. The supports were simple to match, and so they worked fine as a way to bolster the characters and connect narrative choices (who you like) to gameplay (on-field bonus for affection). The downside here is that those supports are about the two characters; they aren't connected to the plot of the game nor the actions on the field. This is fine when, as in FE7, the number of supports a unit has is capped at 2-3 people and unlocking them is hard. The downside is not observed.
Fast forward to Three Houses and the same system is breaking under the weight of modern, 40+ hour, long-form plot concepts and modern player demands of flexibility and customization. Every character can unlock every rank with every other character (mostly), unlock happens trivially, but this 20x quantity of text is still divorced from the actual plot. They are, by design, required to be repetitive fluff in some way. In Three Houses this was taken to the extreme as supports were over twice as long on average as the ones in Awakening/Fates, with even *less* ability to connect to the plot given the branching, timeskip nature of it. It was extremely common in that game to complete a level and have unlocked 5-6 new supports (aka reading text with no gameplay) that would on net take 20+ minutes to complete, none of which has connected consequences with anything else. Engage at least cut the support length back down, but its a band-aid solution.
Support ballooning also reduced its gameplay incentive - in Awakening at least, where pair-up is absurdly broken, you did have some support specialization. But in Fates/Three Houses/Engage (to a lesser extent) support bonus are largely aura-based, provide flat bonuses, and are more-or-less equal between characters. Given how many you develop it quickly becomes the case that each unit in your squad has a B~ rank with every other unit; meaning you can just send them wherever on the map, and they will probably get a similar-ish bonus no matter what. So you stop paying attention to them.
Now some of this is certainly inherent to how games have evolved, but I don't want to give the games a full pass here; there are a lot of changes they could make to mitigate this problem (branching supports, more story-progression-locks, integration of sidequests, etc) and they just aren't doing that. I definitely don't want the games to ditch their "dating sim" elements, the building of bonds alongside teams is a core differentiator of Fire Emblem. But overall I think fixes are a stopgap to just ditching the idea of support convos altogether, which the games should pursue. With the much-larger stories integrating the characters into that story directly is much easier, and Fire Emblem has a lot more non-combat gameplay mechanics these days it could use as a base for a new relationship system (As opposed to those simply being ways to grind relationship points for the - otherwise completely separate - support system). But I would take change in either direction for sure - its all about execution anyway.
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glowingbadger · 2 years
Fire Emblem Three Houses Poly & Multi-Character Masterlist
Reader wants both - Yuri, Dimitri
sylvain, felix, dimitri x reader 
Claude, Yuri, Sylvain x reader
Claude, Dimitri x Reader 
College AU Claude, Dimitri x Reader
Felix, Sylvain x Reader
Sylvain, Felix Threesome 
Threesome - Lorenz, Ignatz
Misc spicy hcs - Linhardt, Felix, Lorenz, Seteth, Jeritza
Misc spicy hcs - Sylvain, Hubert, Yuri
Nsfw alphabet prompts - E I K M W - Hubert, Sylvain
Nsfw alphabet prompts - F J Q V - Dimitri, Sylvain
Competing over reader - Yuri, Dimitri
Misc spicy hcs - Ashe, Felix, Yuri
W/ asexual reader - Dimitri, Ashe, Sylvain, Felix, Yuri, Claude
Reader’s first time - Sylvain, Ashe, Dimitri
Reader’s first time - Felix, Claude, Yuri
Sfw and Nsfw headcanons - Ashe, Ferdinand
Sfw and Nsfw headcanons - Hilda, Marianne, Dorothea
Nsfw alphabet prompts - A I D P W - Ashe, Ferdinand
Sub! spicy headcanons - Ashe, Ignatz
Sfw & nsfw headcanons - Raphael, Hubert
Sfw & nsfw headcanons - Caspar, Linhardt 
Dealing with a Brat!Reader - Dimitri, Seteth
Reader hiccups during sex - Dimitri, Syllvain, Felix
Learning Reader’s body - Linhardt, Felix
Where they like to be kissed - Hubert, Seteth, Sylvain, Yuri
Straightforward Reader - Felix, Sylvain
Favorite part of AFAB S/O’s body - most guys
Breeding kink hc's - most guys
What they love to see you wearing - most guys
Scared & horny - most guys
Multi, Modern AU:
Modern college AU - blue lions boys - SFW
Modern college AU - ashen wolves (all 4) - SFW
Modern AU w/ insecure Reader - Claude, Dimitri, Ashe, Felix, Sylvain - SFW
escape room w/Reader - Blue lion boys - SFW
Modern AU, sfw & nsfw - Yuri, Felix
Modern AU, sfw & nsfw - Sylvain, Hilda, Ashe
Modern AU, sfw & nsfw - Marianne, Dimitri, Claude
Modern AU ‘soft’ HCs - Yuri, Dimitri, Sylvain, Felix, Ashe - SFW
Modern AU w/ insecure Reader - Marianne, Ferdinand, Lorenz, Hilda - SFW
Taking care of sick Reader - Dimitri, Felix, Sylvain, Dedue, Ashe - SFW
Multi, SFW:
Fluff hcs - Sylvain, Dimitri
First “I love you” - Dimitri, Claude, Ashe, Sylvain, Yuri, Felix
With short!Reader hcs - Dimitri, Sylvain, Ashe, Claude, Felix
Reader forced to fight him - Seteth, Hubert, Felix
Vices - most FE3H dudes, tw for alcohol and smoking
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lapinbunwrites · 11 months
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Title: Dedue's Home
Ratings: Gen
Warnings: None
Fandom: Fire Emblem Three House
Relationships: Dedue Molinaro/Ashe Ubert
Characters: Dedue Molinaro, Ashe Ubert
Additional Tags: Fluff, Angst, Post-Canon, Post-Azure Moon | Blue Lion's Route, Azure Moon | Blue Lion's Route, My Version of a QPR
Word Count: 1,497
Ao3 Link
Dedue clutched his bedsheets in his fist as he woke up. It had been a long time since he had seen Ashe; he was a little disappointed that he wasn’t back from Castle Gaspard. He knew it would take a lot of time to get everything in order to give his title to his younger sister, but he didn’t think it would take this long. Nonetheless, Dedue was still heartbroken that he had to face another morning without Ashe.
He let out a sigh as he shuffled out of bed, stretching out his arms and shaking his legs. He didn’t have much of a day today: Dimitri forced him to take the day off. If Dedue had a say in it, he would be working. It wasn’t a great feeling for him, especially with Ashe being gone. He tried not to lament on his thoughts as he figured out how to pass the time. He went through a mental list of chores that needed doing, and the only thing that came to mind was grocery shopping.
Dedue quickly changed into something casual, keeping his blue scarf on, before going to the kitchen. He rustled through cabinets, pantry, and icebox, taking a mental note of everything he needed to buy. Before leaving the kitchen, he grabbed a spare basket and left for the town market.
When he arrived into town, he sighed with relief. There weren’t many people today—he could easily buy what he needed and get back home. One of the most frustrating things about the day was finding a good fish, especially trying to find some at a good price.
“Oh,” Dedue said softly, bumping into someone walking towards another merchant.
When he looked down to see who it was, he was shocked. It was Ashe. A smile slowly started to take place on his face. It was short lived; he soon repressed his smile when he realized that Ashe was truly back. Dedue felt his heart sink. Ashe wasn’t supposed to be back yet.
“I’m sorry, Ashe,” Dedue said, coldly.
“Hello, Dedue! I didn’t expect to see you here!” Ashe said cheerfully. His expression slowly changed when he saw Dedue’s face. “I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going.”
“It’s nice to see you back in Fhirdiad,” Dedue nodded, deadpan. “Did everything back in Gaspard territory go well?”
“Not as well I was hoping,” Ashe sighed, looking intently at Dedue’s face.
“How so?” Dedue asked as he began to walk.
“The amount of paperwork that I was given to change successors was absurd,” Ashe said, walking along with him. “With all the bickering between the other nobles, employees, and my siblings, it became exhausting. We were stuck at a standstill for weeks. I just wish my sister could take over—she’s better equipped for this than I will ever be.”
“I can see how that would be frustrating,” Dedue said plainly.
“I don’t want to bore you with the specifics,” Ashe said, quickly changing the subject. “How are you feeling?”
“I am fine,” Dedue lied, his voice growing lower.
Ashe sighed, stopping him so he could look at his boyfriend. “Dedue,” he said softly.
“Hm?” Dedue asked, stopping in his tracks.
“I know you’re lying,” Ashe scowled, putting his hand on his arm. “Are you okay?”
“Ashe, I am fine,” Dedue reassured him, deciding to walk to another vendor.
Ashe sighed and didn’t press further, only following him.
Their walk was quiet, only speaking to merchants when needed. It felt odd to Dedue that Ashe was back. Maybe it was because Ashe had never told him he was going to arrive back in Fhirdiad. Maybe it was because he never received any word from him in the past couple of months. He couldn’t figure it out, but that didn’t stop the betrayal and pain that were stirring inside of him.
“So,” Ashe murmured out. “What are you planning on making with everything?”
“Sweet and salty whitefish sauté,” Dedue said as he picked up some tomatoes. He looked over at Ashe’s face and tried to repress his smile at how cute he was. It was becoming increasingly difficult to stay mad at him. “I thought it would be nice to eat today.”
“Really?! I’m so happy I was able to make it here just in time to eat it,” Ashe said, his smile broadening. “Let’s see what we have. We have tomatoes, salt, some spices, hmm…”
Dedue said nothing as Ashe mumbled to himself.
“Oh! We need the whitefish!” Ashe said, snapping his fingers. “I know the perfect person to get fresh fish for a really good price!”
Dedue frowned as Ashe began to walk away.
“Dedue?” Ashe asked, seeing Dedue’s expression. He held his hand out towards him. “Are you coming?”
“Yes,” Dedue replied, taking his hand.
Dedue followed Ashe through town, realizing that Ashe’s perfect fish vendor was Anna. He perused her selection and Ashe was right: all of them were recently caught, and the price wasn’t bad, but it also wasn’t great.
“That’ll be 200 gold for those whitefish,” Anna laughed.
“That’s a lot of money for two fish,” Dedue said, furrowing his brow.
“Not for whitefish it isn’t,” Anna told him, her gaze sharpening and her smirk growing bigger.
“I have to disagree,” Ashe chimed in. “These are common fish around here so it doesn’t cost a fortune.”
“Maybe, but not for fresh whitefish,” Anna said, her voice becoming harder.
Dedue stayed out of the conversation and listened to the two bicker about prices. It was terrifying when he heard Ashe’s and Anna’s words exchanged. He was in awe of Ashe’s ability to cut the price of the fish down to something reasonable. How Ashe was able to haggle anyone, Anna no less, was a mystery to him. Not that he minded too much—he got good prices on food.
“Ugh,” Anna sighed, dejectedly. “You really drive a hard bargain, kid.”
“Heh,” Ashe smiled and laughed as Anna wrapped up the fish. “I just know how the game works.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Anna groaned, handing Ashe the parcel. “I hope you enjoy your fish.”
Dedue smiled as he took the fish from Ashe and placed it into the basket.
“Well, now that we have everything, we can go back to Fhirdiad castle and make the food!” Ashe exclaimed, setting off in the direction of their home.
Dedue nodded as he followed. He felt his stomach churn as they walked. He didn't know if Ashe had picked up on his feelings, or if he was ignoring it. Either way, he was still upset, though he made sure his emotions never crossed his face.
As soon as they returned to the castle, they headed straight to the kitchen. Nothing much was said between the two when they cooked. Dedue began fileting the fish as Ashe was preparing the tomatoes.
“Dedue,” Ashe softly murmured as he placed down his knife.
“Hm?” Dedue asked, coating the fish in a spice rub.
“I know something has been bugging you, and I don’t know what,” Ashe said, looking up at him. “I didn’t tell you I was coming back today because I wanted to surprise you.”
“You know I don’t like any kind of surprises,” Dedue reminded him as he coated the fish in his spice rub.
“I know,” Ashe sighed.
“Truthfully, I feel a little neglected,” Dedue added, placing the cut up fish onto a baking pan.
“I am truly sorry that I made you feel like that,” Ashe sighed out, placing his hands on Dedue’s arms to make him stop cooking. He tenderly squeezed Dedue’s arm as he moved closer to him. “I never meant to do that to you. I wanted to surprise you so I could see your lovely smile. I’m sorry, I should have sent you a letter saying that I was coming home early.”
“It would have been nice to see you home, cooking breakfast in the morning after these past couple of weeks,” Dedue reminisced, looking at Ashe’s face. “Even getting one letter from you would have been nice.”
“I’m sorry, Dedue.” Ashe’s face dulled.
“Ashe, I’m sorry,” Dedue apologized. “I didn’t mean to make things strange between us. I wanted to see you and I made it awkward.”
“It’s alright,” Ashe laughed a little. “I should have communicated with you about this. But nonetheless, I’m happy to be home.”
“As am I,” Dedue smiled.
“So, can I have my trademark Dedue bear ‘welcome home’ hug?” Ashe laughed.
Dedue smiled, wrapping his arms around Ashe’s body and feeling his warmth. “Now, let’s get back to making dinner.”
“Of course,” Ashe agreed.
At the end of the night, after they had finished dinner, they cuddled up into bed with each other. Dedue gave a big smile, his heart becoming warmer, when Ashe latched his arms around Dedue’s waist. He let out a little sigh of relief before drifting off into his own slumber. He was truly happy that Ashe was home.
I can now finally post this up! I got to write a piece for @asheduecookbook a little bit ago and I wrote about a little domestic life between Ashe and Dedue. Yet another ship of mine that falls under being a QPR for me. I have many, and one of them is AsheDue.
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sheikahwarriork · 5 months
Aw I'm so happy to see Bernadetta appreciation! AND MERCEDES X DEDUE!! They're so neat together!
And I'm not surprised at all by your favorite moment + line bc this is like THE Dimileth moment :]
Bi awakening!! If fire emblem had support about subject like queerness it would have been so good... And for Dimitri, I'm sorry for him because he's definitely closeted. He try so hard to be what society want him to be ( a king despite not wanting to rule, a soldier despite hating violence, etc ) and he's so hard on himself :( It would do him so much good, especially with someone like Dorothea! ( And I personally have so much LGBT headcanon for him too :] )
I WILL try to discover your all your hcs too >:] And Dimitri recovering taste because of Byleth is really sweet.
Thanks you for sharing your playlist too!! I'll go look at it!
And by alternate universe I mean really anything, from "Everything is the same but Dimitri is a ginger" to very complex science fiction version of Fodlan. Modern AU perfectly fit the bill, if it's not too much to ask, can you say more?
Also magic would be so great, as an Edelgard fan I can't argue with you there- And the weather would look so nice!! 
Also if you want here's another set of questions: 
- Have you got any rarepair? Also do you only ship Dimitri with Byleth and Byleth with Dimitri?
- Do you have friendship headcanon? And what's your top friendship from teh game?
- What are you top recruits? ( For the other house too if you have some! )
- Do you have any LGBTQ+ or neurodivergent headcanons?
( And once again take any time you need, days, weeks, months if necessary! And no pressure to answer at all too! Also going off anon because it's easier- )
hello!! i'm glad you turned off the anon, i'm gonna follow you because you seem a very cool and nice person u.u
- yes dimitri is TOTALLY closeted. my boy is bisexual and no one can change my mind. i mean... *stares at his relationships and supports with dedue, felix, m!byleth*
- my moder!au is so long lmao, but i plan to start publish it after i finish my azure moon fic! a little snippet: it's a reincarnation au, byleth works at a high school where some of the characters study (dimitri, ingrid, felix, annette, bernadetta, marianne, flayn and others), mercedes works in byleth's fav pub while she studies in nurse school and she and byleth are friends, dedue's family has a famous restaurant and ashe works with him, sylvain is in university and the faerghus four are all long time friends (chaotic friends ofc u.u), f!shez is there too... and so are arval and sothis!! sothis is byleth's best friend while arval is shez's best friend. stuff happens, mostly dimileth but also netteflix, sylgrid, mercedue and other minor ships. mostly comedy and fluff but there's also angst 👀
- about the rarepair: i think i'm the only person on earth who ships sothis with arval LMAOOO 😭 (relevant to my modern au eheh) i also like the idea of f!shez with flayn. i ship ashe and marianne but i'm not sure it's a rarepair. as for dimitri and byleth- yes, i cant bring myself to really ship anything that isnt dimileth xD i do like some byleth ships (mercedes, seteth, felix, jeritza, dorothea, even edelgard) but i dont engage with them often; if i had to choose someone else for dimitri (like in a world without byleth) i'd go for dedue or felix, but again, dimileth is the only ship for them in my heart and in my mind LMAO
- friendship headcanons: annette and marianne and bernadetta!!!!! annie is so cheerful and i'm sure she would help bernie and marianne!! (again, relevant to my modern!au....) but my fav friendship in the game it's the faerghus four, i love them so much
- top recruits! well, i actually always recruit everyone, i cant kill my babies ç___ç but if i had to choose only some of them (for a azure moon run) i'd say: bernadetta, dorothea, petra, lysithea, shamir, and lorenz just for thyrsus. i love three houses girls
- i have a LOT of LGBT+ headcanons!! first of all, dimitri is bi ofc u.u byleth is bi and in the ace spectrum, like demisexual (just like me fr.......). ashe is a trans guy and marianne a trans girl (t4t power couple), and i like the headcanon about ignatz being a trans girl too! bernadetta is aroace imo. oh, and all the blue lions are bisexual bc i say so :] also due to some funny stuff at first i thought arval was supposed to be a girl, then i realized they/them pronouns are used for arval in the game, then the epimenides reveal happened... so i now headcanon arval to be a trans girl who uses they/she (... again, relevant to my modern au)!! oh, and sothis is bisexual too. bc she's the goddess and she WILL fuck anyone she wants u.U
i'm really enjoying your questions, thank you so much!! <3<3 if it's okay i'd like to hear your headcanons and other thoughts about three houses:3
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indigowallbreaker · 1 year
Hubert Rarepair Week Day 7: Coffee, Ashe/Hubert
A knock on the glass front door makes Ashe jump. “C-Coming!” He calls, already rushing forward. He fumbles for his keys, drops them, lets out a noise not unlike a squeak as he picks them up again, and finally unlocks the door. Hubert von Vestra steps inside. “Good evening,” he says. “Thank you again for agreeing to meet so late. You likely would have preferred to get home after a full day’s work.”
Cafe AU time! Made a conscious effort to make this as different as possible from previous "Ashe runs a cafe" fics I've done. Still fluff though :D
Enjoy this final instalment of Hubert Rarepair Week 2023! Good to finally be done!
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swimmingwolf59 · 4 months
Master Post of Ken's Nonsense Fics
Hello, welcome to my blog!! I've written, uh, a lot lol, for a lot of different pairings and fandoms, so I wanted to make a post to tie all that together! (You can also head right to my ao3 if you wish Iol) Fics are beneath the cut!!
My personal favorites are bold and brash blue!
Star Trek
Spones - Easily contains the most fics I have ever written lmao, a truly insane amount. You can find a list of my spones fics here.
Buried in the Sand. Sarek and Spock, follows their relationship over the years in both tos and aos. Written for Spock Prime Big Bang 2021. Complete.
Persistent Doctors for Stubborn Patients. Spock and the med crew! M'Benga front and center. Complete.
From Scratch. McCoy brings Sarek tea post Journey to Babel surgery. Complete.
Nuclear Fission. Spock/Scotty, Scott runs into a Vulcan while stationed on Delta Vega. Complete.
Viva la Q. Picard/Q, Q keeps saving Picard's life over and over. Complete.
Fistfuls of Data. Worf/Data, post the episode "A Fistful of Datas". Complete.
Darlin' Dax. McCoy's and Dax's friendship throughout the years, with a side of spones. Complete.
Needles and Thread. Kira/O'Brien/Keiko/Bashir/Garak + the kids fluff (or the fivesome that I'm crazy about and my friend totally roasted me for). Complete.
In the Desert with the Doctor. Tuvok and the Doctor missing scene for the episode "Future's End." Complete.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
You can find a list of my jjba fics here!
KHR (Reborn)
You can find a list of my reborn fics here!
Disco Elysium
Familiar Fluidity. Please read my trans!Harry choose your own adventure fic I worked so hard on it LOL. Complete.
Kamonohashi Ron
The Case of the Clairvoyant Friend Group. Rontoto. Do you like fun silly friends all knew before them fics??? This one's for you! Complete.
Tiger and Bunny
With Abandon. Barnaby, wanting to thank Kotetsu for all that he’s done for him, tries to make fried rice for him. Romantic!taibani, complete.
Cool Doji Danshi (Play It Cool Guys)
Play it Cool, Gays. Hayate/Mima, Hayate and Mima both try to ask each other out, but neither of them understand the other. Complete.
Sparks of Joy. Hayate/Motoharu/Mima, Mima and Motoharu throw Hayate a surprise party. Complete.
Comfort. Hayate/Mima, Mima stays the night with Hayate to recover from playing that horror game. Rated G, complete.
Millionaire Detective
The Newlyweds. Kambe and Kato fake marry to participate in a game show and track down a shipment of adollium. Complete.
Good Omens
Fire Within the Heart. Crowley has difficulty maintaining his human form when it gets too cold. Romantic!azicrow, complete.
Our House. Aziraphale and Crowley move into the South Downs cottage together. Romantic!azicrow, ongoing technically. Some day I will probably return to this lol.
The Raven Cycle
A Dreamer's Guide to the Galaxy. Pynch hitchhiker's guide AU series. First fic is complete, the second is permanently on hiatus.
Trying It Again. Compilation of fics written for pynch week 2018. Complete.
Safety First. Adam spills chemicals on himself and has to use the safety shower. Though apparently he's not the only one... Pynch, complete.
It's Not a Date. Two times Adam didn't know it was Valentine's Day. Pynch, complete.
On a Raven's Black Wing. Adam works at a pet store where Ronan and Chainsaw are frequent customers. Pynch, permanently on hiatus.
Wild and Free. Another compilation. this time for pynch week 2017. Complete.
You Are My Dream. Ronan and Adam explore their new relationship now that they're not tramping around mystical forests looking for sleeping kings. Complete.
Fire Emblem
Three Houses
Cashepar Week 2019. 4 fics I wrote for Caspar/Ashe. Complete.
Too Lazy to Stop Being Lazy. Hilda and Linhardt trick each other into doing their chores for them. Gen, complete.
Love Me as I Am. Inigo/Laurent, both have strict parents, but together they can be who they really are. Permanently on hiatus.
Rabbits, Masks, and Monkeys. Gerome/Yarne, how two boys become friends again (and perhaps more than that). Complete.
Trick or Treat? Gaius/m!Robin, Gaius takes Morgan trick or treating. Lots of background pairings. Complete.
Yowamushi Pedal
You can find a list of my yowapeda fics here!
Person of Interest
Sing. John loves Finch's singing. Romantic, complete.
Snapshots. Compilation of fics for souharu week 2015. Complete.
About Time. Cuddly souharu try to celebrate Sousuke's birthday (Sousuke forgets). Complete.
Memories of Friendship. Gen souharu, where Sousuke stays at Haru's house a little longer during High Speed 2. Complete.
Broken. When Sousuke finds out he can never swim again, his world falls down around him. Gen, complete.
Adrift. My souharu saga: Sousuke, unable to swim any longer, has to coach Haru for the Olympics. Complete.
If You'd Only. Shibakimi friends with benefits, where neither of them want to admit to being friends or having benefits. Permanently on hiatus.
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frickingnerd · 1 year
arranged marriage with ashe
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pairing: ashe ubert x gn!reader
tags: mentions of having children/adopting, reader isn't very happy about the arranged marriage at first
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while ashe was born merely as a commoner, he became the heir to lonato, after his and christophe's death
he hadn't expected to become a noble like this, nor was he prepared for the responsibilities coming with it
suddenly he was expected to marry someone, simply because he was a lord now and that's how things are
there weren't as many people interested in marrying him, due to ashe not having a crest, but he still had a few proposals
one of them was from your family. you didn't bear a crest, which was a bad thing for most people, but ashe was quite glad to hear about that
it would mean he wasn't forced to have tons of children with you, just to continue the bloodline
instead, it would be up to the two of you to decide if you wanted to have children or not – though ashe would've prefered to adopt, instead of having children of his own
he quickly sent back a letter to your family, asking to get to know you
and just a few weeks later, ashe got to visit you and your family at your mansion
it was quite large compared to his own, making him wonder why such a rich family would even want to marry their child to someone lesser than themselves
when ashe met you, he was quickly blown away by how good looking you were. the letters really weren't lying
though he didn't plan on marrying you for your looks! he wanted to get to know you and hopefully marry you for your kindness
the first day together, you and ashe spent in the garden of your family
ashe quietly listened as you told him about all the different flowers growing there, amazed by how much you knew
after a while, the conversation shifted away from the flowers, as ashe was eager to learn more about you and your family
you tried to put on a smile as you praised your family, but ashe could see right through it and when he confronted you about it, you revealed the truth to him
you were upset with your family for always dictating your life, even choosing the man you'd marry for you! 
you didn't want to be bound to someone else, you didn't want children or getting married – at least not yet
you wanted to see the world first, discover new things and live your life, before you decide to settle down
ashe could understand you very well
and after everything you just told him, he proposed something: he'd ask for your hand in marriage! once you moved to his mansion, you'd get to be free and decide for yourself
he wouldn't force you to marry him, nor would he force you to have children or do anything you didn't want to
and if you decided you wanted to marry him, after you got to live a free life and do as you please, he'd be waiting for you…
you agreed to that deal and the same night, ashe asked your parents for your hand in marriage! 
ashe wasn't sure if you'd still want to marry him after you got a taste of a free life, but he was content with the way things were
you deserved to be free and he was certain that you'd make the right decision! 
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aceoflilies · 2 years
Welcome to the Ace Space!
Call me Ace! I use she/him pronouns and I'm 22.
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This is my primary blog! If you're looking through my profile because somebody's been liking your Pokéblogging posts, my active Pokéblogs are @humming-pokemon-helpers, @swagtastic-bougie-pompadour, @wigglytuff-guild, @pkmnathlete, @malie-city-library, and @mc-pokeprincess. Happy to talk about them OOC here too!
Otherwise, this blog is where I reblog stuff (sometimes with commentary), talk about my favorite fluff ships & series info, post the rare fics I complete, and sometimes even talk about life!
My main fandoms are Pokémon (most common), Undertale/Deltarune, Ace Attorney, Fire Emblem, and Splatoon (mostly for Pearlina content), but occasionally I'll talk about other series that interest me. Under the cut for post-shortening's sake.
Most of my ramblings are pretty much just character headcanons/interactions, but at times i like to focus on world-building/larger theories, and I'd love to connect with other people with those interests in my fandoms (especially Pokémon SWSH and SV!!)
Also, if anybody ever wants to toss me some writing requests, feel free! Just know I make no guarantee of speed. (If you want to see my writing, here's my AO3!)
A few things to note about me:
This should generally be a SFW blog! Please keep any asks/requests or the like SFW, but as long as you're respectful, anybody can interact.
I post a lot about ships I like! More below the cut. I try to tag 'em.
I try to be canon compliant. I make no guarantees of that.
Maybe I'll post OC stuff here one day???
If you're discriminatory towards any marginalized groups (racism, sexism, homo/transphobia, ableism, fatphobia), I reserve the right to block freely. Likewise, if I say/repost something that makes folks uncomfortable without realizing it, please let me know! Happy to correct myself.
Other reasons I'll block people: being rude, posting pro-ED content, posting pedo stuff, actively hating on my faves. Probably other stuff that squicks me I'm forgetting right now, too.
That's most of the important stuff! Please feel free to reblog, I'd love to find some mutuals here I can talk about shared interests with!!
Favorite characters/pairings/hobbies below the readmore! It's a lot. You have been warned.
My Faves!
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Characters (top favs in yellow, sorry the list is so long,,,):
Hop (Pokémon SW/SH): I could rant about this boy for days and still not have said enough about how much I love him as a rival and character. He is the best thing to come of out SW/SH. And besides, we love Wooloo enjoyers.
Nemona (Pokémon S/V): She has so much passion and energy for battling!!! She genuinely just wants to connect with someone even though she's so misunderstood!!! Also, she can't handle exercise. I feel you, girl.
Hanamaru Kunikida (Love Live! Sunshine!!): I'm not much of a Love Live fan anymore, but I still love Hanamaru so so much. She is sunshine and light and sweetness and a bookworm and she gets so much joy out of enjoying food and spending time with her friends. A comfort character of mine.
Noelle Holiday (Deltarune): She's such a nervous little dork who's actually just a freak (affectionate), and honestly that is peak young lesbian representation.
Kris Dreemurr, Ralsei, Susie (Deltarune): Please ask me to rant about them individually. I love all of their writing.
Pearl Houzuki (Splatoon): I live for her gremlin energy. Yes, even the eating mayo straight from the bottle. I also admire the fact she managed to pull Marina.
Marina Ida (Splatoon): They really did make the coolest, prettiest hacker girl who loves anime and manga and said "make her fall in love with the scrungliest little squid".
Ashe Ubert (FE3H): He's just a little guy!!! A little fella!!! Love his voice acting, his love for books, cooking, and honor, and his tragic backstory. Poor boy.
Ibuki Mioda (SDR2): Is Danganronpa a great series. No. Did Danganronpa give us the most beautifully chaotic lesbian I have ever seen and then cruelly rip her from my hands far too soon. Yes.
Trucy Wright (Ace Attorney): Please, Capcom, please remember she exists, I am begging you. Yes she's another "teenage assistant putting on a brave face so she can help solve the mysteries". But I love her magic tricks and her interactions with Phoenix and Apollo, so here she is.
Apollo Justice (Ace Attorney): Please stop giving him backstories.
Bianca, N, Yancy, Skyla (Pokémon B/W/B2/W2)
Gloria, Marnie, Victor, Bede, Leon, Raihan (Pokémon SW/SH)
Arven, Penny, Clavell (Pokémon S/V): If you want more Penny and Clavell, I write them constantly on @swagtastic-bougie-pompadour.
Lillie (Pokémon S/M)
Nagito Komaeda (SDR2): No defense here.
Komaru Naegi (DRAE): I do not like UDG for many reasons. I do like Komaru.
Miles Edgeworth, Phoenix Wright, Maya Fey, Klavier Gavin (Ace Attorney)
Rin Hoshizora, Umi Sonoda, Kotori Minami, Ruby Kurosawa, You Watanabe, Emma Verde, Rina Tennoji (Love Live!): My grab bag of gay people. I also generally love most of Aqours.
Edelgard, Caspar, Linhardt, Mercedes, Annette, Marianne, & more (FE3H)
Pretty Much Everyone In Undertale.
Dusa, Artemis, Zagreus, Thanatos (Hades)
My OCs! Feel free to ask about them.
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Personal ships!
Mostly in the "I like the dynamics" sense, rather than the "I think these two would be perfectly well-adjusted together" sense. Ships with minors in them are purely fluff.
Hop/Gloria/Marnie (Pokémon SW/SH): Hop/Gloria is my main focus, just because I think their high energy (in my headcanons, anyways) play off of each other really well. I also like Gloria/Marnie for sunshine/serious. I also like Hop/Victor. I think about the Sw/Sh characters a lot.
Nemona/Juliana (Pokémon S/V): After 君と雨上がりを and Biri-Biri, they're canon. But also, you can't just ask someone to be your best rival like that!!!
Pearlina (Splatoon): They were literally built for each other. They are perfect. I will pull out a thesis on the Octo Expansion and Splatfest dialogue. Do not make me do that.
Caspashe (FE3H): Three words. Gay cat dads. (I also like Casphardt.)
Edeleth (FE3H): Yes, I'm basic. Speaking of basic:
Wrightworth/Narumitsu (AA): Like I said. Basic.
Klapollo (AA): I just find 'overly flirty guy and straight-faced serious guy who believes not a word of it' such a fun dynamic.
Suselle (DR): May I please point you to the ferris wheel scene as a whole.
Alphyne (UT/DR): Just a classic. They're cute and complement each other really well.
Komahina (SDR2): In the sense that "I think if you leave them in a room for enough time the room will literally explode". They're fun because they're so terrible. And on very, very rare occasions, fool you into thinking they're not.
Mikan/Ibuki or Band-Aid (SDR2): Let's be honest, 2-3 was a cop-out.
Rubymaru (Love Live! Sunshine!): Sunshine and sweetness.
Standard Love Live ships (When I say standard, I mean basic.)
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Hobbies/other interests! (Alternatively: Ace Touches Grass)
Cooking/baking! I don't post my food much, but I do tag food.
Writing: I started out with Club Penguin fanfiction at age 8 so you know I'm the real deal.
Practicing Japanese! I like to practice by listening to Japanese music (Ado/Suisei/Polkadot Stingray/Aqours/Vaundy/King Gnu/YOASOBI) and playing games in Japanese.
Archery! I got to try out kyudo in Japan. Best thing I ever did.
Sightseeing, trying new restaurants and foods!
Libraries, I work at one!
Reading (one book, in two days, every 6 months.)
Psychology! Mainly clinical and developmental psych.
Collecting stuffed animals and other cute things!
Animals! Favorite are penguins and foxes :)
RTGame, the Drift King Himself
Bad Karaoke (in Japanese.)
If you got this far, thanks for at least skimming over my post! Hope to make some new friends, allies, or maybe at least queer-coded rivalries here on Tumblr.
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maple-moose-muffin · 8 months
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I'm back on this hell site, this time with organizational skills. So I've gathered all my fics into one masterpost, and I'll work to keep it updated for easy reference, including when I abandon a series or put it on hiatus. Warning: Some of these fics are NSFW.
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Fire Emblem
Swiped Right Into My Heart 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | ? T, 31.7k words, Sylvain/Felix | Sylvix, fake dating, catfishing au In-progress Needing a date, Felix steals Dimitri's photos to prove a point, and Sylvain falls for it hook, line, and sinker. But once the catfish is out of the bag, can Sylvain navigate the murky waters of fake-dating to get the man he really wants? Or will he catch something worse than a catfish: Feelings.
Nickels and Dimes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 T, 16.1k words, Felix-centric, modern au, humor Complete Ingrid bets Felix he can't live on a layman's budget. Felix will do everything in his power to prove her wrong. Even if it means extreme couponing.
Laurel and Wreathed 1 | 2 | 3 | ? M, 22.9k words, Felix/Sylvain/Ingrid | Sylvixgrid, Hanahaki AU Hiatus The first time Sylvain hears the term ‘hanahaki,’ he’s in the Garreg Mach library, talking literature with Ashe.
Voltron: Legendary Defender
Lover (un)binding 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 T, 33.9k words, Shiro/Keith | Sheith, Fae and Witch AU, Flowers Complete Keith is one of the last guardians of his little forest, tasked with protecting the villagers just south from darker fae who would aim to harm them. Shiro is a mysterious stranger who appears one crisp autumn morning in a forest clearing, with a full cottage and a garden that's bursting with dangerously sweet flowers. Keith needs to know what Shiro's hiding under his single black glove, and Shiro needs Keith to trust him.
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Genshin Impact
Candleflame in the Rainstorm, Seedless Dandelion Head E, 7.2k words, Diluc/Jean | Jealuc, Top Jean, Bottom Diluc Time and again, Diluc shows up at her door, searching for a way out of his head.
Fire Emblem
Draw Your Swords T, 2k words, Sylvain & Ingrid, CF!Sylvain, Gronder Field Sylvain and Ingrid meet at Gronder Field.
Of The Covenant T, 2k words, Sylvain & Ingrid, Blood Oaths, Injury Treating After taking hits for each other on the battlefield, Sylvain and Ingrid argue about self-sacrifice.
Sixteen by Seven, Eight by Eight T, 2.9k words, Sylvain/Felix | Sylvix, Post-Blue Lions Route As Enbarr falls, Felix looks for Sylvain.
With Words (I Thought I'd Never Speak) T, 7.9k words, Sylvain/Felix | Sylvix, Post-War, Grayro Sylvain Felix and Dimitri are carving their own paths now. Ashe and Ingrid too – soon to be formally knighted, once Fhirdiad is healthy enough to bear the brunt of a formal ceremony. Byleth continues to lead the charge and make history from her new position as archbishop. Dedue stays stalwart at His Majesty’s side, but even that is a choice he’s made for himself. The further north they press, the less control Sylvain has over his own life. Are you afraid? he doesn’t ask Felix. Couldn’t take it if Felix answered, No.
all the bones that i knew T, 4.1k words, Sylvain/Felix | Sylvix, Emotional Hurt/Comfort Sylvain and Felix return to the old vacation home they once shared with Glenn, Dimitri, and Ingrid. Memories lay waiting in the dust.
Catalyst T, 4.2k words, Felix & Ingrid & Sylvain, mid-time skip, trio study Audio Version Available Felix, Ingrid, and Sylvain reunite and decide their place in the war.
Silent Devotion M, 2.4k words, Sylvain/Felix | Sylvix, Non-Graphic Smut, Fluff Sylvain is almost silent any time he cums. Felix wants to know why.
Voltron: Legendary Defender
Stolen Time T, 5.4k words, Shiro/Keith | Sheith, Soulmate Counter AU, 5+1 Five times Keith and Shiro's wrists counted each others' days, and one time they didn't.
Shelter Through the Storm T, 3k words, Shiro/Keith | Sheith, Angst, Blood, Panic Attacks After Keith makes his first kill he can't get the sound and taste and feel of it out of his head. At least Shiro is there for him.
Renaissance G, 3.6k words, Shiro/Keith | Sheith, Allura/Lance | Allurance After the war, Team Voltron reunites for a celebratory night together on the anniversary of the war's end. It's a time to rejoice, reconnect, and relax. So Hunk suggests they play a game.
The Kind of Love I've Been Dreaming Of E, 4.4k words, Shiro/Keith | Sheith, Bottom Shiro, D/s, Sub Shiro In which Shiro finally gets to sub and Keith realizes how much he likes Domming.
Unsound This Alarm [Mercury] T, 20.2k words, Keith centric, pre-canon, the fallout of Kerberos It takes Keith one minute to disrupt the assembly, two weeks to get booted from the Garrison, and five months to track down the source of the constant dreams plaguing his grieving nights in the desert. Something is calling his name from the cliffs out in the sands. He feels it in his pulse, in his mind, in his bones, and all signs point back to the man he lost to the stars.
Starlight Eclipse E, 29k words, Shiro/Keith | Sheith, Author Shiro, Artist Keith Takashi Shirogane is a three time bestselling author, and the Romance King of LGBT+ literature. Keith Kogane is a freelance artist of various mediums, working with an illustration agency to make ends meet. No one knows they're together, and they'd like to keep it that way.
Loyalty or Death T, 4.8k words, Acxa & Keith, Past Acxa/Lotor, character study After Acxa saves the paladins by chance from Zethrid and Ezor’s ship, she isn’t sure what to expect. They could turn her away for all the harm she caused, and she’d be deserving of that. Or they could enter a wary truce, with the caveat that she must feed them any information she has on the Empire. She never would have imagined they’d welcome her into their ships, or that the leader of Voltron himself would unearth just how much Lotor meant to her. Still means, much to her chagrin.
Some Kind of Home G, 2k words, Shiro/Keith | Sheith, Krolia, healing, Post-VLD Out in the desert, under the warm rays of the rising sun, a family rebuilds their home.
Retrograde G, 5.6k words, Shiro/Keith | Sheith, Pre-Kerberos, hurt/comfort Late one night, past curfew, Keith comes to Shiro with a request. “There’s somewhere in the desert I want to go.”
First Flush of Morning M, 2.5k words, Allura/Lance | Allurance, Aftercare, Tender D/s Lance and Allura share a soft moment in the afterglow of a special first. Even amidst the rolling tides of war, there is room for insecurity, exploration, intimacy, and above all else, love. Pt. 1 of Ebb and Flow of the Sea
Hush of the Tides E, 4.5k words, Allura/Lance | Allurance, Intimacy, Praise, D/s Lance and Allura share an intimate moment in the confines of her royal bedchambers, tucked away from the war that ravages their lives. Pt. 2 of Ebb and Flor of the Sea
Vacuity T, 2.2k words, Shiro/Keith | Sheith, Hurt/Comfort, Melancholy When Shiro is lost at sea, Keith is there to show him the way home.
Like Opposite Faces of a Blade G, 4k words, Shiro/Keith | Sheith, Hades Persephone AU In which Keith is a god who makes everything grow and Shiro is a god who takes away all life. Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back. Or in this case, heartache.
Gemini G, 1.7k words, Shiro/Keith | Sheith, Pre-Kerberos, Stargazing Spread out in a private corner of the Garrison campus, Shiro and Keith share small kernels of themselves beneath a welcoming blanket of stars.
Recovery G, 1.5k words, Shiro/Keith | Sheith, Space Flu, Hurt/Comfort Shiro recovers from the Space Flu™. Keith worries too much.
Exclusive TV Offer M, 2.5k words, Shiro/Keith | Sheith, Post-VLD, Humor, Comfort Shiro discovers a late night sex toy infomercial, and is equal parts baffled by society and filled with morbid curiosity. Keith makes fun of him.
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Voltron: Legendary Defender
A Fragment of Destiny T, 7k words, Shiro/Keith | Sheith, Slow Burn, Fantasy AU The tiefling tosses his head. “Chivalry like that’ll just get you killed.” He says it with an air that says he thinks Shiro’s the type to willingly sacrifice his life before his honor. Like he’s seen that kind before. Shiro isn’t the sort of knight to live only by a code of manners, though. He has a duty and a mission, an end goal. “If my life were in danger, I’d have drawn the blade.”
Titanium Brand M, 66.5k words, Shiro/Keith | Sheith, One-sided Allura/Shiro Caught in a relationship purgatory, Shiro finds that while absence makes the heart grow fonder, it certainly doesn’t fix any of its problems. Stumbling upon Keith in a bar on a Wednesday night is like tugging on a loose thread of a worn-out sweater, and soon everything begins to unravel. [In which Shiro is married, but things are failing, and Keith is unwittingly the other woman.]
Fire Emblem
Cobblestone Flowers M, 4.6k words, Dorothea/Ingrid | Dorogrid, Friends to Lovers Angst, What Are We Ingrid is still blushing, not quite meeting Dorothea’s eyes as she fidgets with the rim of her teacup. She looks like she’s trying to find the right words to say something, mouth parted just the tiniest bit on a sentence she hasn’t started. And then her words sink in, and Dorothea blinks, swallowing against the shudder in her chest. “What are you saying, then?”
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mcweskers · 2 years
Welcome to Mcweskers how may I help you today?
Hello I'm your server and today on the menu we offer:
Dead by daylight x reader
Ash Williams
Ghost face
Micheal Myers
Pyramid head
Chainsawman x reader
Resident evil x reader
Ada wong
Albert wesker
Carlos Oliveira
Chris Redfield
Clair Redfield
Ethan Winters
Glenn Arias
Jill valentine
Karl Heisenberg
Lady Dimitrescu
Leon S. Kennedy
Rebecca Chambers
sheva Alomar
Fire emblem
Byleth (M&F)
Corrin (M&F)
Grima (M&F)
Robin (M&F)
Literally any fire emblem character that is an adult
And for the sides we offer:
Yandere, sfw (only), Angst, and fluff
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justabug-creations · 11 months
The Cursed Sword of Faerghus
Status: Completed (Chapter(s): 1)
Rating: Teen Audiences and Up
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Relationships: Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd/Ashe Duran | Ashe Ubert
Characters: Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd, Ashe Duran | Ashe Ubert, Ashe Duran | Ashe Ubert's Younger Brother, Ashe Duran | Ashe Ubert's Younger Sister, Christophe (Fire Emblem), Lonato (Fire Emblem), Dedue Molinaro, Sylvain Jose Gautier, Felix Hugo Fraldarius, Ingrid Brandl Galatea, Rufus Blaiddyd
Additional Tags: Holy Kingdom of Faerghus, Ghosts, Spirits, Alternate Universe, Revenge, Tragic Romance, Fluff and Angst, Bittersweet Ending
My oneshot for week 3 of Monsttober: Ghosts/Spirits. It's also in honor of Dimiashe week which took place this same week.
The Dragon Slaying Bow. A fairy tale from the Leicester Alliance. The Axe of Worthiness. A historical tale from the Adrestian Empire. The Treachery of the Cursed Sword. A children’s cautionary tale from the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus, and the only legend depicting and evil weapon.
Dimitri had long despised the legendary cursed sword for the misfortune it brought the kingdom. Why couldn’t his home have a helpful sword like everyone else? But when it comes down to it, there’s a reason such an evil sword was used: because the wielder had a desire none else could fix.
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dogs-over-people · 2 years
Fire Emblem Engage First Impressions:
The Bad-
1. Not a fan of the art. This has been known. I much prefer 3H’s. I don’t like bright and flashy. I don’t like uwu humongous anime doe eyes.
2. I personally feel like most of the VAs don’t match the characters? I’m playing F!Alear, and her voice is so soft-spoken and timid. I get she has amnesia and has been asleep for 1000 years, but I was expecting a bit more self confidence? I also find Alfred’s voice weird. Maybe it’s because he looks like Dimitri and Lorenz’s love child, but he sounds more like Ashe? Etie is this petite lady in frills who is supposed to be a body builder? I expect her voice to sound like F!Alear, but she sounds like Catherine/Shamir? Boucheron is supposed to be a tank, so I expect a Dedue type voice, not the voice he has in the game. Coming off of 3H’s VAs, my mind is reeling with expectations vs. reality. The only VAs I feel match their characters so far are Zander and Zephia.
3. The story is very simple compared to 3H. Granted, I am only on Chapter 6. The story could very well improve in later chapters. I guess I am more of a fan of complex routes, morally grey characters, and political intrigue.
4. The supports are very campy, and not in a good way. I feel like I’m listening to caricatures, not actual characters that have a deep bond with each other. Most of the supports that I have seen so far are meaningless fluff with a lot of surface level glamour, and no real substance.
5. Aside from the parent dies trope, they killed off Lumera way too quickly. In 3H’s, it felt like Byleth had an actual bond with Jeralt. I didn’t get the same vibe from Lumera and Alear, especially since Alear has severe amnesia. So when Alear is suddenly sobbing because Lumera is dying, it seems really forced.
The Good-
1. As much as I hate the art style, the animation is much crisper for the cut scenes and fights.
2. Sommie and pet adoption. I’m currently on a mission to adopt all the animals in Elyos.
3. The Emblems of past fire emblem heroes is something I thought I would hate, but I like them better than half the newer characters.
4. The interactive battle map from Awakening is back. Even if I think the story is too simple, I think the world the story exists in is interesting and beautiful. I like being able to see more of the world as I traverse the map through battles. But, I do kind of miss the narration from 3H.
5. Localization said no to lolicon/pedo pushers. More games need to stop catering to adults who think it’s OK to be attracted to children. It doesn’t matter if they’re real or “pixels.” If you find the likeness of a prepubescent (or barely pubescent) appearance attractive, there is something wrong with you and you need help.
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