respectthepetty · 1 year
Okay, okay, Be Mine, Superstar won me over!
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The dynamic is finally showing through of Punn willing to do anything for Ashi (like cut up his hands - this is why I will be a vegetarian for all my life, amen), and Ashi very subtly testing that limit.
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Ashi (and Muang) told Punn to buy another helmet, and he did. Ashi told Punn if he didn't eat, he would feed him, so Punn ate. Ashi jokingly asked Punn to do domestic chores, and Punn was trying to figure out a way for his mom to teach him in two minutes.
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I'm not thrilled that Punn is not a full-out-fanboy-stalker, but I like that he feels guilty for injecting himself in Ashi's private life. But Ashi showing up at Punn's house as the entire family was arguing about Punn's crush on Ashi was what sealed the deal for me.
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Because next week, we get this!
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Mixed in with whatever this is all about.
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And my Best Boy Muang will continuing doing the Lord's work and putting all his energy into securing Punn some alone time with Ashi because HE IS A GOOD MAN! He even included Wan in his gay agenda.
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His petty ass faked a stomachache just to show Worra how to act (She is my second favorite! She has never done anything wrong! She just wants to be a trophy wife and be left alone, and girl, same) and got sent to the doctor so Punn had to take Ashi home.
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Because at the end of the day, Muang is just a romantic at heart. And his bullshit good deed paid off so he could finally see his doctor again at his peak level of attractiveness - looking smart and in command.
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But I think because of the amount of times someone has unnecessarily warned Muang about Punn, Muang might actually be linked to Punn or take the fall that he and Punn are together to cover for Ashi when the time comes.
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Because my man is the Best Boy and just like Worra, he is giving the bare minimum at work until he can be a trophy husband.
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Give him a chance, Mr. Doctor. You already know why he is Daddy.
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Now let him show you why he deserves to be your baby.
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gaiuskamilah · 19 days
blades 3 will reveal that the blasphemous dyke drama between nifara and the mother of grey is that nifara got the mother of grey pregnant then ghosted her and skipped town like a deadbeat dad
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jjsanguine · 1 year
Punn, referring to his idol Ashi: when daddy? When will I be close to Ashi :'(
Mingmuang, referring to himself: daddy, you say?
Punn: ? ? ?
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megalony · 1 month
You're Staying Right Here
This is a new Eddie Diaz imagine based on a few requests I've merged together. I hope you will all like it.
Taglist: @justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyje @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz @dumb-fawkin-bitch @oliverstarksbae @gimatida @heart-35 @supernaturalstilinski @kyky9103 @wutheringhearts2275 @gay4hotmilfs @itshamleth @chaoticnosleepinfluencer @gs29 @wh0reforsmutstuff @mel-vaz @natashamea18 @chrisevansdaughter @alexandra848484 @deena-beena-weena @targaryenluvs @kpoplover-19 @marvelmenarebeautiful @gillybear17
@zoeybennett @mrspeacem1nusone @zephyrmonkey @estella-novella @eleventhdoctorsangel @kniselle @senjoritanana @shauna-carsley @dottierose @cfdhouse51 @darkfemme1 @rainechase45 @lolalolsstuff @jupiter1700 @ashdoctor @an-aliens-ghost @lunaroserites @houseoftwistedspirits @callsignwidow @winterreader-nowwriter @reneinii @bellsbomb @western-pyro
Eddie Diaz Masterlist
Summary: While (Y/n) is out with her and Eddie's newborn, she bumps into the 118 just as they get shot at by a sniper. And the team have to take her to hospital and try to keep her and the baby safe.
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Pausing in her tracks, (Y/n) leaned her arms forward on the pram and squinted when she looked across the road. Her eyes danced across the writing on the side of the two fire trucks, trying to make out what station they were from.
Her lips curved into a smile when she looked at the truck at the far right.
Both her husband and her brother were at work today, so chances were that they were right across the road at that scene.
"Shall we go see daddy and uncle Buck?" She turned her attention down to the newborn in the pram, smiling wider when Tate's mitten-covered hand moved to brush against her button nose.
No doubt she would wake up the moment (Y/n) crossed the road and the newborn realised she was surrounded by her favourite people.
Eddie was enamoured by his little girl. He had only just gone back to work this week and already he was finding it hard to be away from his family for so long. He just wanted to be back home with them all with Tate in his arms. And Buck was always eager to try and get cuddles with his niece. Whenever he visited, he swooped Tate up into his arms whether she was awake or not and he didn't fear waking her because he would just cradle her until she went back to sleep.
(Y/n) turned to the left and crossed the road, aiming for the truck parked up on the side of the street. There was another truck just in front, but it was from a different station that (Y/n) wasn't familiar with. She had only met a handful of people from other stations when they had parties or when Eddie came home saying he'd done a shift with a transfer who he got along well with.
If the team were busy or right in the middle of a call then (Y/n) would carry on her way and head back home. But she knew it was worth searching just to see if they could catch a glimpse of Eddie at work.
She spotted him instantly.
He had his back to her, but (Y/n) knew his frame in the pitch black, she could pinpoint her husband anywhere. Eddie had his hands on his hips which were cocked out to one side and the pose showed off his broad, tense shoulders that could be set against a ruler.
He was wearing his button up shirt today with the long sleeves that looked like they were cutting tight around his biceps and looked a bit snug on his back.
"Hard at work, I see." (Y/n) pushed the pram so it was resting near the door of the truck, shaded from the mid-morning sun.
Her head tilted to one side and her smile brightened when she watched Eddie's shoulders jerk up before he spun round on his heels to face her. His brows rose and a wide smirk curved at Eddie's lips as he moved forward, arms stretched out ready to embrace his wife.
His hands found her hips and he reeled her into his chest that felt had and tense beneath her hands. But Eddie's expression was as soft as ever as he let his eyes roam up and down his wife before he leaned down to taste her lips in a kiss. He felt (Y/n)'s hands roam up his chest to hold onto his shoulders, steadying herself against him as he leaned down into her, almost knocking her off her feet.
"Hey amor." He murmured softly against her lips, giving her hips a tight squeeze when he felt her hand move to drag along the side of his neck, leaving shivers in her wake.
He dared to swoop back in for another kiss, gliding his tongue across her bottom lip until Buck's voice caused him to grunt and pull back with his temple resting down against (Y/n)'s.
"You gonna put my sister down so I can say hi?"
Eddie felt Buck pat him on the shoulder as he walked behind him and stood somewhat impatiently at their side, hands on his hips sassily.
With a huff, Eddie let go of (Y/n) and took a careful step back so Buck could lean down and pull her into a sideways hug. But when Eddie turned to the right, the grin was back on his face and his teeth sank down into his bottom lip when he looked down into the pram.
"Hi baby," He cooed, reaching down to pick Tate up when her big round eyes started to flutter open.
He lifted her up and carefully snuggled her up against his chest, tilting backwards to keep her settled against him. He slowly carded his fingers up and down the back of her head and neck and he pressed a few wet kisses against her temple. He loved the way her lips moved and popped against his chest like she was trying to give him kisses.
He slowly turned around so he was facing his family and he couldn't refrain from rolling his eyes when he saw Buck grinning across at him. He had stolen (Y/n) for a hug and now he was clearly eyeing up Eddie's baby girl to try and take her for a cuddle too.
"How'd it go this morning?" His lips stayed against Tate's forehead but his eyes looked up through his lashes to lock with his wife.
"No more stitches." (Y/n) spoke softly with a grin as her hand moved down to press over her lower abdomen.
If they had been at home, (Y/n) would have pulled the top of her leggings down to let Eddie see the scar that now tainted her skin and show that she had healed 'perfectly' according to the midwife.
They hadn't planned for a C-section with Tate, but a day into labour, Tate had wriggled around so much the cord got wrapped around her throat. They needed her out as soon as possible as she was distressed and close to strangling herself, so off for an emergency C-section they went. It gave (Y/n) a row of stitches very far down on her stomach, but it was a relief to finally have them out.
It meant she didn't keep trying to itch them or catch them on her clothes and the general uncomfortableness was gone now. The only problem was (Y/n) still couldn't lift anything too heavy and she couldn't strain or stretch down too far.
Which was the reason why Maddie- and almost everyone else on the team- had all agreed they would keep popping round to make sure (Y/n) was okay and see if she needed any help.
Buck gave (Y/n)'s shoulder a squeeze before he moved towards Eddie with his arms held out expectingly.
"Can I have a hold?"
"Nope." Eddie kept his lips against Tate's head while her little mitten-covered hand started to bat and tap against his chest. He had only just gotten to hold his daughter and he knew they would be heading back to the station soon, he wanted a big cuddle before he had to say goodbye and let her go.
"Excuse me, I wanna hold the little lady."
"You can hold her later." they both knew Eddie was only joking, but he made no attempt to hand his daughter over just yet. He kissed the top of her head again and gently began to rock her up and down against his chest.
"So, where are you two headed?" Both Chimney's hands fell to his hips and his fingers began to tap along with his foot beating out a rhythm against the pavement. His eyes dancing between the two squabbling men who were like his brothers, and (Y/n) who was watching them all with amusement lighting up her eyes.
This call had been surprisingly quick and now all of them could head back to their station. No one would be opposed to (Y/n) coming back to the station with Tate for a while. Especially since Hen and Bobby would most likely be on shift by now. They hadn't been as early as Eddie and Evan this morning and Chimney had already been on shift for two hours.
"For a coffee." (Y/n) grinned and dragged her hand along the back of her neck. The stitches being removed had made her feel a bit queasy and she felt the need to go and get a drink to liven up before she took Tate home.
Eddie leaned his shoulders back against the truck, being careful to keep Tate settled on his chest with a smile on his lips and a glowing look in those dark eyes.
"We serve coffee at the station." He grinned, flashing his pearly whites when (Y/n)'s expression softened and her teeth bit down on her bottom lip. "You wanna come back to the station with daddy, hm?" He murmured against the top of Tate's head, taking the little gurgling noise she made as an answer.
He didn't want to say goodye to either of his girls just yet and he knew everyone at the station would be fawning over Tate when they saw her.
She had time. The only other pressing thing (Y/n) had to do today would be to pick Chris up from school, but that was late on this afternoon. She had a good few hours to kill before then and a coffee with the team- and a cuddle with her husband- sounded good.
"You do, well-"
Whatever (Y/n) was about to say faded out into silence in comparison with the gunshots that rang out through the air.
Everyone froze.
Eddie's eyes stayed locked on his wife. His arms suddenly tensed, pinning his daughter tighter to his chest as his fingers scrunched up into her onesie like he was afraid she was going to slip out of his arms.
That noise sent him back years. It had been so long since Eddie had heard the sound of a gunshot in person that he had forgotten the resounding bang that followed it. He forgot the way it made him wince when he wasn't expecting it and how much it rattled him when he wasn't in a battle zone.
His muscles contracted and his shoulders pushed back into the truck when a spray of blood splattered across his face and sprinkled over him as if someone had driven through a puddle next to him. He couldn't help the way he flinched, nor the way his lips curled as a disgruntled noise got stuck at the back of his throat.
For a second, when the blood hit, his eyes closed. But the moment they opened, it was as if his whole world had fallen apart.
His eyes locked on (Y/n) and as all the blood drained down from his head to his gut, Eddie felt his vision becoming dark. He had tunnel vision that focused on his wife and caused an aura to glow around her, nothing else visible and nothing else mattered. Except for his wife, and the blood soaking into her chest.
She didn't quite seem to recognise that the blood covering Eddie was her own because something horrid and frightened dwelled in her eyes when she looked at him. It was as if the world was crumbling and she thought Eddie or Tate had been the ones to get hurt.
Then she stumbled. Her feet slipped, her upper body tilted backwards and she went down to the floor as blood trickled down her shirt and out the entrance wound in her back, creating a dark puddle on the ground beneath her.
Static tore through Eddie's ears and his body shuddered back against the truck when another bullet pelted through the air and hit the truck, only two inches away from his head. But the thought of getting hit by a bullet didn't frighten Eddie as much as the thought of another one getting (Y/n)- or Tate.
His head snapped down so his lips could merge with the top of Tate's head and his trembling arms curved round her better so his arms engulfed her. He couldn't have the shooter- whoever and wherever they were- trying to aim for her.
He slid down the truck and twisted to the right, hunching over so Tate was between him and the ground making her as less of a target as possible. He could feel each cry and scream that she belted out becoming muffled in his shirt and vibrating through his chest, but it didn't matter. He had to keep her safe even if that meant frightening her.
"Get down!"
He could feel tears welling up in his eyes as a fire raged within his stomach and set alight to his heart and lungs. It was flowing through his veins, firing him up and making him feel like he was about to combust like the stars Buck was always telling them random facts about.
He couldn't have Tate getting hurt too. She was barely two and a half weeks old. A bullet would kill her. Any fragments that hit her if Eddie got shot would kill her. If Eddie got shot or pushed or fell down, Tate would be in trouble too because she was in his arms.
Panicked tears slid down Eddie's face as he breathed harshly, trying to control each breath that fanned against the top of the newborn's head. He stayed hunched over while Tate kicked and screamed, wriggling horribly to the point he had to hold her even tighter so he didn't drop her.
He began to shuffle to the right, keeping pressed up against the truck for some sort of cover and protection.
When he reached Buck and Chimney who were trying to shield behind the truck door, Eddie crouched in front of Buck and moved his arms out.
"Take her." He hissed as if the words were venom on his tongue. He had to go get (Y/n) and he couldn't do that with his daughter in his arms. Buck needed to hold her and keep her safe. He could see the panic flood Buck's eyes as he shakily took hold of his niece just as Eddie sternly demanded for him to protect her.
Eddie watched the way Buck's arms tightened around his niece, encasing her to his chest with one large hand curled around the back of her head for some sort of protection. He hunkered down, curling over so his entire frame was surrounding Tate like a blanket and he let Chimney grab his arm and drag him a bit further back for better protection.
They needed cover. They needed protection. They needed help.
Eddie gave the pram beside him a rough shove, watching the wheels spin out of control but it went in the direction he wanted it to. The pram moved towards Buck. It would give them a bit more cover, it would act as a shield from anymore bullets.
Her name barely scraped past his lips before he morphed into a scream. Someone grabbed him by the back of the neck. A rough chest barrelled into his side and tackled him to the floor.
He could feel whoever it was trying to pin him down, hissing in his ear to stay down, that they were in the firing line, as if Eddie didn't already know that.
Eddie gave way to the petrified scream that took all the air from his lungs. When he dragged in another breath, he went right back to screaming until he was red in the face and the vein was popping up the side of his neck.
His nails clawed at the tarmac road until blood started to scrape along the pad of his fingers.
(Y/n)'s name morphed into another scream but when he tried to scoot closer to her, his companion laid more on his back and pinned him down, still holding the back of his head to keep him looking down.
"Shots fired! Repeat, we're being shot at! Someone's hit, back up needed now. Send help!" The Captain from the 189 yelled into the radio pinned to his shoulder as he cowered down near Buck and Chimney.
A shiver tore through Buck and he cringed when he felt his niece beginning to scream into his chest. He could feel her mouth and nose pressing into his shirt and he made sure not to hold her any tighter, he didn't want to suffocate her. And it wasn't as if her screams were going to cause a problem, everyone was shouting, yelling and screaming their lungs out. Tate adding to the mix wasn't going to make a difference.
His hands shook as he cradled the back of her neck and hugged her into his chest. He could feel her tiny fists bashing into his chest and her feet kicking up into his stomach but he tensed his arms to hold her close.
She wasn't getting hurt on his watch; he wouldn't allow it.
Eddie could barely hear a thing, but he could feel his senses dwindling out and all he could focus on was his sights. His eyes were locked firmly on his wife. He could see her lips moving and Eddie wasn't sure whether it was his very acitve imagination or whether he was seeing it or not, but he was sure she was saying his name.
He thrust his elbow back into the teammate beside him, he screamed and roared until he managed to roll under the truck. He was getting his wife, he had to get to her and she was going to be taken to the hospital whether the shooter liked it or not.
His sleeves scraped against the road as he scuffled and shimmied beneath the truck that was barely raised enough for his large frame to fit beneath. He could feel his chin scraping along the floor so he didn't whack his head on the underside of the truck.
"(Y/n)! (Y/n)!"
He poked his head out from under the engine and took a quick look round for the shooter but he couldn't see anything. His vision was blurred and hazy and his eyes were moving too rapidly to take anything in. All he could see was (Y/n).
Blood was forming a river beneath her chest and her dusty blue top was turning black from the rouge blood dribbling down it. She had been shot in the chest, but she was still conscious. Her head slowly lolled to the right to look at Eddie and he saw the manic fear and pain dwelling in her eyes as his name bubbled past her lips.
"I've got you baby. I- I'm here."
He didn't waste time worrying about the best way to grab her and reel her under the safety of the truck.
With what little energy he could muster, Eddie scrunched his fingers into the back of her collar near her neck and started to pull. He yanked her close with a pulse of strength he didn't expect and his left hand planted down on the road to hold himself up.
A horrid scream bubbled past his lips as he yanked her close and scratched his knees to shuffle backwards. The moment she was beneath the truck with him, Eddie pressed his wet lips against her temple before he continued to crawl backwards, something he wasn't accustomed to doing very often.
Tears blurred down (Y/n)'s face and her wet lips parted to let out a tepid, meek cry when the tarmac scraped against her back that felt like it was on fire.
Tears blurred Eddie's vision. His arm was shaking and the muscles were tightening from dragging her with one arm, but he couldn't stop now. He had to keep moving, they had to get her in the truck and down to the hospital before she bled out here on the road and they lost her.
"I've got you amor."
When Eddie came out from under cover of the truck, he shifted into a crouching position and slipped both hands beneath (Y/n)'s arms. His nose scrunched up and he choked when (Y/n) screamed the moment he pulled her up. He had to. He couldn't get hold of her or move her any faster in any other position.
"Sorry baby, sorry, it's okay." Words tumbled past his lips and once (Y/n) was away from the truck, Eddie shifted positions.
He slipped her left arm over the back of his neck, one hand on her back and the other arm beneath her knees and hoisted her up into his embrace.
"Is Tate okay?" Eddie's voice dropped down two octaves as he rasped, his wild eyes scouring around while his head jerked forward when another bullet cut through the air.
"S-she's here, she's safe." Buck's voice had never sounded so broken and hollow before and if Eddie had the time, he would of been moved to tears and tried to hug his brother in law. But there was no time. He needed his family in the truck now so they could get to the hospital. He wasn't letting his wife bleed out in his arms like this.
"Then get her in the truck. Now!" Eddie ticked his head to the side in direction of the truck. They had to move, someone had to drive this thing and take them to the hospital. He wasn't waiting here like a sitting duck and letting his wife die in the street.
Trembling took over (Y/n)'s body and she could feel her head spinning around her. She could barely register Eddie's voice in her ear telling her to keep her eyes on him. She just wanted the pain to stop.
Eddie watched Buck keep his frame low, both hands cradling his niece as he climbed up into the back of the truck while someone else from the other team scrambled to get in the front.
He had to straighten up to keep proper hold of (Y/n), leaning over made him unbalanced and risked dropping (Y/n) before he'd got her in the truck. His teeth ground together and he turned to the side and managed to hobble up the steps into the truck while (Y/n) writhed and gasped in his arms.
"Sorry baby," He murmured as he hurried into the back and carefully lowered (Y/n) down across a row of seats. They had no ambulance nearby that they could confiscate, no proper medical equipment in here and no gurney but they would have to make do. They had to keep (Y/n) alive.
Her body writhed and jolted up when she was placed down but her nails scratched at Eddie's bicep until he grabbed her hand and held it to his chest.
Relief overtook Chimney after he climbed in with them and noticed the medic bag was still sat on the backseat where he had left it earlier, unused and ready for action.
"T-Tate," (Y/n) gasped, trying to circle her eyes back around to get her vision focused on her husband but her eyes wouldn't stay still. She couldn't do anything but let them roll and twist her head from left to right, writhing in absolute agony.
"She's here, s-she's okay amor, Buck's got her."
"I've got her." Buck repeated quietly, reaching out to press a trembling hand down on his sister's shoulder while he moved his other arm to indicate to the screaming newborn.
He had his niece in his arms and she was safe and so far unharmed. The only problem was how frightened she was and how distressed this was going to make her, but they could worry about that later. As long as she was unharmed and safe within their sights, it would be alright.
Eddie leaned forward on his heels with the soles of his boots pressed into the bottom of the opposite seats, his large frame didn't cramp well in the footwell of the truck like this. His fingers curled around (Y/n)'s hand and he held it against his chest like he wanted (Y/n) to feel his horrid heartbeat that was pounding through his body like it was about to explode.
They left the truck door swinging open as the driver took a sharp turn and jolted the truck to life, juttering down the street to get away from the scene.
Buck slumped down on the end seat stuck between the window and (Y/n) with her head nudging and pushing against his trembling thigh. Every part of him was shaking and he leaned forward, trying to keep out of range in case they were still being shot at. And he rearranged Tate in his arms so she was cuddled into his chest again.
His hand curled around the back of her head and he slowly started to rock back and forth, quietly humming against her head to keep himself calm and prevent a complete breakdown.
"I'm gonna take a look baby, okay?" Eddie couldn't stop his voice from rattling but no one seemed to care.
He held a trembling hand out towards Chimney who rummaged through the bag and handed him a pair of scissors. Eddie made quick work of cutting up the centre of (Y/n)'s shirt and dragging each torn piece across her shoulders so her chest was exposed to his eyes.
The white bra she was wearing was now blood red. Eddie would never be able to look at her in red lingerie the same way again. The gunshot wound was an inch above her bra on her left side and it was pouring blood like a tap. Blood coated all her chest, trickled down her abdomen and started to pool beneath her on the seats. It was lathered all over Eddie's hands, arms and chest and he didn't like it one bit.
A horrid grunt left (Y/n)'s lips when Eddie took a handful of gauze and forced it down against the wound so deeply it was like he was trying to give her CPR. Her chest shuddered and pushed up from the seats and her nails scratched into the back of Eddie's hand as she screamed. Spit bubbled past her lips and her blurring eyes finally managed to lock on her husband.
He leaned over her and pressed a shaking, bloodied hand against the side of (Y/n)'s face. His thumb smoothed over her cheek and his fingers fluttered against her jaw and lips. He tried to smile but he couldn't manage it.
"I'm here baby, just focus on breathing for me, okay?" He swiped his sleeve beneath his nose and rubbed at his reddened eyes before his free hand reached out to brace on the seat when they took a sharp swerve to the right.
"I l-love you," (Y/n) pushed her head back into the seat and nudged against Buck's thigh to get her brother's attention. "Love y…you all,"
Tears flushed down Buck's face as he sniffed and sucked his lower lip between his teeth to stop himself from bursting into sobs. She couldn't do that. She couldn't tell them that because that meant she wasn't expecting to live through this.
Buck couldn't be in a world without his sister. He couldn't survive without her. He couldn't live without any of his family. He went each day on shift wondering if something would happen to Bobby, Eddie, Chimney or Hen and how he would cope. He wondered if Maddie would be okay, if history would repeat itself and make him lose her like he almost did when Doug was around. He feared he might lose Chris like he did during the tsunami.
He feared something happening to (Y/n) like the night Eddie rang him in tears, saying (Y/n) was going for an emergency C-section because something was wrong with the baby. But Buck never feared his little sister would get shot, much less when she was with them while they were on shift.
"Don't do that." Eddie's voice snapped Buck out of his thoughts and had him shivering on the spot, but he wasn't talking to him. "You're not leaving me, so don't try and tell me goodbye. You're staying right here, do you hear me?"
The authoritive tone in Eddie's voice made (Y/n)'s head go dizzy and she choked on each breath she took.
He wasn't letting her die, and he wasn't going to crouch here and listen to her try to tell him goodbye. Eddie wasn't ready for that. He wanted decades with (Y/n). They had years and years and years left to be together and he wasn't having any of that time be cut short.
He'd already lost Shannon, and even though they hadn't been together at the time, she was still important to him. He couldn't lose (Y/n) as well.
He'd rather die.
"Go faster!" Pushing up on his knees, Eddie slammed his fist against the roof to urge whoever was driving to put their foot down.
He could feel the amount of blood (Y/n) was losing. He could feel her pulse throbbing against his hand as he tried to imbed the gauze into her skin to prevent the bleeding. If this continued she would have none left in her body and Eddie couldn't lose his wife.
His left hand pressed down harder causing (Y/n) to gurgle and writhe beneath him, but he had to. He had to keep the pressure.
He grazed his free hand across her jaw and his lips grimaced when he realised he'd just left a streak of blood tainting her skin. He lifted his head to look at Buck and his eyes trailed down to look at his daughter who was still screaming up a storm, despite how Buck was rocking her back and forth and trying to shush her the best he could.
But Eddie's attention went right back to (Y/n) when her hand feebly curled around his wrist and she started to pull, sinking her nails into his skin to claw for his attention.
"What, baby?"
"I c- ca…" Her nails scratched deep enough to draw blood around Eddie's wrist and she yanked his hand closer to her chest. Her head pushed back against her brother's leg and her chest lifted up from the seats.
Each breath turned into struggling gasps and her body began to convulse up and down, unable to take in a proper breath. She screwed her eyes shut and tried to still her shaking body when she felt Eddie's free hand hovering over her throat and then moving down to assess her chest.
"Shit, shit her lung's collapsing, she's breathing into her chest cavity."
Eddie turned towards Chimney who was already rattling through the bag to find a puncture needle which Eddie stole from him the moment his fingers curled around it. He had never done this in the ambulance, let alone in the back of a fire truck that was horribly swerving from side to side and shaking like they were driving through an Earthquake.
But he didn't have a choice. If he didn't do this, (Y/n) was going to keep breathing into her chest cavity and both lungs would end up collapsing. She would suffocate and combined with the blood loss, Eddie would surely lose her.
"Keep the pressure."
As soon as Eddie let go of the gauze, Chimney leaned between him and Buck, squashing his frame between them as he stood over Eddie's shoulder and held down on the gauze. He applied the needed pressure which made (Y/n) squirm and choke, but all of them froze when a struggling cough burst past her lips and a bout of blood spewed past her lips.
A quiet "Fuck," spat past Eddie's lips while he tried to steady himself on his knees and lean over (Y/n). He pressed down on two of her ribs and with a deep breath, he punctured the needle into the space between her ribs just a bit further down from her gunshot wound. He saw the moment he had pushed it deep enough because (Y/n)'s chest inflated up and her lung popped back up to maximum capacity again.
Eddie could feel tears spilling down his face when he looked back to his wife's face and saw her still struggling for breath. Blood coating her lips and dribbling down her chin while her hand flailed around to grip his arm.
"We're here!" Chimney jumped down from the truck and slammed his hands against the side of the truck before he pulled the door wider and waved them down.
Buck was next, cradling his niece into the crook of his neck as he clambered down, doing his best to stop from bursting into tears now that Tate had finally ceased crying. Reduced to whimpers and sniffles that choked Buck's heart.
"Okay amor, you're gonna be just fine and you're gonna stay with me, aren't you?"
(Y/n) did her best to nod and hum to let Eddie know she was listening and she understood. She felt him loop her good arm around his neck and once his arms slipped beneath her frame, she became weightless. Her head lolled against his shoulder and she scrunched her fingers tightly into his shirt as he hurried to clamber down from the truck and rush towards the doors to the hospital.
They didn't make it to the doors before a stretcher and a flurry of doctors were surrounding them. Eddie carefully eased his wife down onto the stretcher while a nurse immediately took place applying pressure to the wound and another clipped (Y/n)'s head into a neck brace.
"Keep breathing for me amor, y-you're doing so good." Eddie snatched the oxygen mask from the doctor and placed it over (Y/n)'s lips while his other hand gripped her wrist since she was still holding his shirt.
He could briefly see the boys running after them while he stayed doubled over the stretcher until his groin was pressed into the side and his legs burned from running at an odd angle to be alongside his wife. He didn't think about where they were going or what was happening until they reached the operation unit and a nurse suddenly grabbed him by the shoulders.
"No! No please- I can't leave her!"
He didn't have a choice. Chimney's hands clutched at his shoulders and pulled him backwards while a nurse disconnected (Y/n)'s hand from his shirt and wheeled her away from his sights.
As soon as she was out of his sight, tears overwhelmed his eyes, a sob ransacked his lips and his body started to shake like he was being electrocuted. He coiled his hands to his chest and let his nails scratch into his skin when it felt like his heart was going to give out and end his suffering.
His nails raked along his skin causing deep red indents to appear in their wake but when he twisted round on his heels, his eyes set on Buck. His hands left his skin and his arms stretched out as he gasped for air.
"G-give her to me."
Buck seemed at a loss for words and he seemed uneasy about handing over the little girl who had done wonders for keeping his concentration firm and preventing him from breaking down. But he knew if he didn't hand her over, Eddie was going to be the one suffering a breakdown.
He eased Tate into Eddie's arms, watching Eddie lean his cheek against the top of her head as he continued to silently sob like his heart was physically breaking in his chest.
What was he going to do now?
"Dad?" Confusion flooded Chris's voice and his head tilted to one side when he looked into the living room and realised his dad was home early. He had the sudden urge to rush over and bombard him with a hug but when he looked closer, he refrained.
His dad didn't look his usual self. He was slouched in the armchair like he was a wax work about to melt into a puddle. His head was propped up on his hand and Chris took note that his other hand was laid on the arm rest, shaking like a leaf.
His face was burnt red. His eyes were hollow and dark and had deep purple streaks beneath them like he had been shouting- or crying, for hours. And he could see Eddie's leg was stammering up and down, his heel clicking against the floor with every shake of his leg.
Chris felt Carla kiss the top of his head and whisper that she would see him in the morning but he could barely register her leaving and quietly closing the door behind her.
He didn't understand.
His mum was supposed to be picking him up from school today, but when he hurried out of the gates, he found Carla there instead. And all she told him was that there had been a change of plans and she was dropping him off home.
"Dad?" He asked again, his voice hollow and quiet this time as he kicked off his shoes and placed his bag near the door before he dared walk into the living room.
With a deep breath, Eddie pushed forward so he was no longer slouched in the armchair that had comforted him for the last hour. He tried to smile, he really did, but all he could manage was a small twitch of his lips.
He waved his hand out, beckoning Chris over as he got up and sluggishly moved to sit on the sofa instead. He watched Chris plop down next to him on the sofa, both hands gripping the seat as he started to rock back and forth but his eyes were intently focused on his dad.
"Is something wrong?" Chris could feel his heartbeat picking up but once he looked around, he felt a jolt surge through him. "Where's mum and Tate?"
Eddie sat forward on the edge of the seat and hunched over, clicking his spine into place as he did so. His elbows propped up on his thighs and both hands moved to cup his nose and mouth. He took a few calming breaths, willing himself not to have his third panic attack of the day, he couldn't be doing that again, not in front of Chris.
It took a moment for the adrenaline to wear off from his stomach and when it did, he turned to look at his son. He reached across and placed his hand on Chris's knee while his other hand started to rub up and down the back of his neck out of nervous habit.
"Your mum, she visited me at work this morning, and… there, there was an accident."
Eddie didn't want to be doing this.
He had done a speech similar to this when Shannon died. He had never had such a hard job as he did that day when he and (Y/n) sat Chris down and told him Shannon had passed away. He had only just got into a relationship with (Y/n) by that point, but she had been an anchor for both of them, keeping them safe and stopping them from drifting off into the unknown.
He had no idea how to have this conversation or how to speak without bursting into tears. Chimney had to be the one to call Bobby earlier and explain the situation. Buck could barely speak to Maddie on the phone. Maddie couldn't get through the phone call to her parents who actually said they were coming down. Which was a surprise, considering they hadn't come down when (Y/n) gave birth less than three weeks ago.
"An accident?" Hesitation flooded Chris's voice and he found himself leaning into Eddie's side with his cheek resting on his dad's arm.
Tears were already welling up in Eddie's eyes again despite him willing them away and telling himself to be strong, for his son.
"We don't know who, or why," He ran a hand over his face and squeezed Chris's knee. "But someone nearby started to shoot at us, and your mum got hurt."
"Mum got shot?" Chris's voice wavered and tears started to cascade down his face. Both his hands reached out to curl around Eddie's bicep and that was all it took for tears to trace down Eddie's cheeks. He reached his hand out and cupped the back of Chris's head, pulling him closer to he could kiss his curls.
"Yeah, but me and uncle Buck, we got her to hospital. I've been there all afternoon. They took her for an operation, and it went well. She's in the ICU and aunt Maddie's sitting with her now."
"W-will mum be okay?"
"It's gonna take some time, but the doctor thinks she'll be fine. But, but she's really bad at the moment, so uncle Buck and me are gonna take turns getting you from school and staying with you and Tate, okay? Just until mum can come home."
Eddie didn't want to jinx things and tell Chris (Y/n) was going to recover in case something happened. He couldn't take the risk of jumping to conclusions.
She had been in surgery for a good few hours. The bullet was taken out, her lung was patched up and the bleeding was stopped. They got her stable and into the ICU, but it was still early days. (Y/n) needed time to recover, they had to make sure her lung didn't collapse and she didn't get a blood clot in her lung since her lungs weren't working at full capacity yet. And they were getting her on antibiotics to prevent sepsis which was a big worry.
But she was still alive, she hadn't passed away during surgery, she had stayed strong and stayed with them and Eddie couldn't have been more thankful for that. His wife was still here and he was going to sit vigil by her side every day until he could bring her home.
That meant him and Buck taking it in turns to stay the night with Chris and take him to school. They would switch things around so they could both see (Y/n) every day but still look after Chris. He needed to keep routines and they had to keep him calm and look after him while also trying to take care of (Y/n) and Tate at the same time.
"Is Tate okay?"
A tender smile pulled at Eddie's lips and he nodded against the top of Chris's head.
"She's a bit unsettled, but she's completely fine. She's sleeping in my room at the minute."
Eddie carefully removed his arm from Chris's rather tight grip so he could loop his arm around the back of his shoulders instead. He tugged his boy under his arm and let him cuddle up into his chest.
It had felt awful to come home to a quiet home, especially when Eddie's heartstrings were yearning for him to stay at the hospital and be there when (Y/n) woke up, but he couldn't. He had to come home and be here for when Chris got back. He had to tell Chris what had happened and comfort him tonight and then he could go back and see (Y/n) tomorrow morning as soon as he'd taken Chris to school and found someone to watch Tate for a while.
He ran his hand up and down Chris's side while his other hand cupped his face so he could kiss his temple and keep his son as close to his chest as he could manage.
He was glad he'd come home when he did because ti gave him chance to get showered and scrub the blood from his skin. He may have scrubbed a little too hard and scraped off a few layers of his own skin, but he needed all of (Y/n)'s blood washed away. His clothes had gone in the bin, along with Tate's onesie that had been splattered with her mum's blood.
"I wanna see mum." Chris couldn't stop the tears from falling down his face, but he tried his best to hold back his sobs. He clutched at Eddie's chest and tilted his head back to look up at him.
"I-" Eddie didn't want to refuse. He didn't want to say no because he could see the agony swirling around in Chris's eyes. He knew it would do Chris some good to see (Y/n) and know she was alright. It would probably make (Y/n) feel better to see him too.
But he also didn't want to frighten Chris too much, and children weren't supposed to go into the ICU.
"Are you sure?"
"I want mum." His tone was defiant and firm and his chin jutted out as he looked up at Eddie with an expression that matched his dad look for look. And the underlying tone to his voice told Eddie he didn't want to wait until tomorrow. He wanted to go and see (Y/n), now.
"Let me call Buck, see if he can watch Tate, and I'll take you. But it won't be for long, kids aren't allowed in the ICU."
Removing one hand from around Chris, Eddie rummaged around in his pocket for his phone. He had no idea if Buck had actually gone home to change or if he stayed at the hospital. All Eddie knew was that Maddie was at the hospital with (Y/n) at the moment. But if Buck could look after Tate or at least sit in the waiting room with her, then it would give Eddie chance to smuggle his boy into the ICU so they could both see (Y/n).
He unlocked his phone, but his heart caught in his throat when he realised he'd gotten a few messages from Maddie. His phone was still on silent since this morning when he had been on shift.
*She's awake, everything looks good. XX
*Can you come back? She's getting distressed, doctor will sedate her if she won't calm down. Need your help. XX
That was what Eddie had been worried about when he left before (Y/n) woke up. She didn't like hospitals, she was going to be confused and wonder where Eddie and Buck were as they had been with her when she arrived and went for her operation.
The last thing they wanted to do was keep sedating (Y/n) if she got distressed or panicked, it wouldn't be fair to her. And they needed to try and keep her awake to make sure she was alright and she wasn't having any complications from surgery.
Eddie stuffed his phone back in his pocket, kissed the top of Chris's head and pushed up from the sofa.
"Let's get ready. Your mum's awake, and she needs our help."
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vivwritesfics · 7 months
NNTA story idea: Oscar asks for a little sister at family dinner when everyone is there
Series Masterlist
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Lando picked up his nephew and placed him on his lap. "What have you asked your mommy and daddy for this year, Osc?" He asked.
It was the night before little Oscar's birthday and the Sainz family were throwing a little celebration. Carlos and Y/N invited friends and family for a dinner the day before his birthday.
Carlos's mother and sisters had been doting on little Oscar all day. They loved Oscar more than anything. His uncle Lando was there, sat beside his Uncle Max. They made up his mothers side of the family.
"I asked for hot wheels, a spider man toy, pokemon cards, a nintendo switch."
He listed off everything he wanted, finishing with a dog of his own because, and I quote, 'Bones loves mommy more than me'.
"That's what he asked for," Carlos said, holding his wife's hand under the table. "He won't tell us what he really wants."
Max leaned over. "Do you wanna tell me, Osc?" He asked.
Oscar nodded his head. He climbed down from his uncle Lando's lap and went to stand beside Max. Max leaned down, letting Oscar whisper what he actually wanted for his birthday in his ear. After he was done, Oscar ran back to his mother, giggling.
"What did he say?" She asked, picking up her son and placing him in her lap.
Max's cheeks were pink as he sat up straight and looked at Carlos and Y/N. "Oscar want's a little sister," he said, and cleared his throat. He sucked in another breath. "He wants his mommy and daddy to... make him a baby sister."
Carlos's sisters let out a series of giggles.
"Is that true, Oscar? Do you want a little sister?" Carlos asked as he took his son from his wife's lap. Oscar nodded his head. "Well, looks like we're gonna try and give Oscar a little sister.
Y/N smacked Carlos's arm.
Taglist (CLOSED): @biancathecool @multi-universe21 @formulas-bitch @gills-lounge @weasleyswizarding-wheezes @carlossainzwho @f1lov3r @samaib11 @charli123456789 @queenofmanydreams @ironmaiden1313 @vellicora @glitterf1 @80sloverry @lightdragonrayne @moonayu @bellsalabanccini @hiireadstuff @handsupforamiracle @cmleitora @jenniferrvsesi @barcelonaloverf1life @sbella13 @nicolettecallednikki @darleneslane @thehufflepuffavenger1 @champagneproblems17 @aespie @yukheizcigarettes @rewmuslupin @hollie911 @ashy-kit @ririgy @stqrgir1 @zaynzierulez @minkyungseokie @rafaaoli @carolinesainz @ashies-ln4op81aa22 @measimp @mizelophsun11 @eviethetheatrefreak @andydrysdalerogers @chonkybonky @shobaes @celesteblack08 @watermelonworries @gracielukey @cassie0sstuff @goldenharrysworld @venusesworld @sparklyperfectionstranger @evans-dejong @graciewrote @formulaal
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fangirl-dot-com · 7 months
Certified Lovers
what is this?? two posts in a day?? how crazy, sorry this is short
I'm also sorry I'm late for valentines day - I was too busy crying from being alone but I wanted to do at least a little something
be warned: horny kids on the main and twitter blows up
happy (belated) valentines day guys! love you all
y/n.jpg has posted
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y/n.jpg so it's not gonna be easy, it's gonna be really hard. and we're gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you, forever. you and me, everyday
liked by maxverstappen1, y/n.nation, box_box_express, and 109,204 others
y/n.nation this just called me single in multiple different languages
rookies_secretbf everyday
boxbox_nightmare SUSPICIOUS???? y/n&co this CANNOT BE THE BF'S BURNER ACCOUNT??
charles_leclerc when did he get that shirt?
y/n.89 I bought it for him btw maxverstappen1 why? y/n.89 cause it's cute (I also got ones for Alex and Kelly too)
y/n_on_top oh my gosh the beach picture??
thurthur_leclerc why do I kinda feel bad for Arthur :/
y/nxarthur CAUSE THEY WERE END GAME AND THIS MF TRYNNA BREAK THEM UP f1fan chilllll they were never together in the first place - besides I don't think that he even has a girlfriend
arthur_leclerc has posted
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arthur_leclerc you have bewitched me, body and soul...and I love you. I never wish to be parted from you, from this day on
liked by f1fan, logansargeant, oscarpiastri, babyleclerc, and 230,204 others
f1fan I may have spoke too soon
maxverstappen1 glad you took her out. I know you can't cook
arthur_leclerc show some love please? it is valentines day after all?? maxverstappen1 no.
leclerc_bros sheeeshhhh no need to be horny on the main - no one is gonna take her
his_love all yours
box_box_express SUSPICIOUS
f1 happy valentines day!
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TAG LIST: @fionaschicken @glitterquadricorn @laura-naruto-fan1998 @treehouse-mouse @sam-is-lost @kagatinkita @fangirl125reader @megatrilss1885 @myxticmoon @angsthology @cmleitora @agent-curt-mega @graciewrote @ashy-kit @slutofmultifandom @aexitizen-ln4 @sugarvibez @vellicora @thatgirlthatreadswattpad @cashtons-wife @hoetel-manager @xcharlottemikaelsonx @jayda12 @ilove-tswizzle @justme2042 @itsjustkhaos @nikfigueiredo @stopeatread @cha-hot @sadg3 @iloveyou3000morgan @s4turnsl0ver @alessioayla @torchbearerkyle @leptitlu @awekbachira @shreks-sugar-daddy @v1naco @stan-josie @mellowarcadefun @badassturtle13 @beskardroids @callisposts @poppyalice2001 @juniper-july19 @lizzypiastri
883 notes · View notes
Can you make bakugou meeting his future son?
I imagine he has a son just like he is
✧. ┊ Thank you for the request! This was really fun to put together, I hope you enjoy it as much as I had writing it.
✧. ┊ Also to everyone who enjoyed the Daddy? post, It will be getting a part two soon and possibly a part three & four for pro hero's and villains. (More notes on this in A/N at the end.)
Like Father, Like Son.
┊͙✧˖*° Includes- katsuki bakugou x reader. future son. class 1-A. fluff. comfort. mini bakugou. cute dad moments. bonus content.
┊͙✧˖*° Warnings- gn! reader mentioned. excessive cussing. season five spoilers.
┊͙✧˖*° Word Count- 10,313
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰ ───
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The days still grew cold as winter was slowly turning into spring, the wind would howl in his ears and his cheeks would turn numb from exposure while he protrolled with Endeavor, Shoto, and Deku. Bakugou shivered as ducked his face into the high collar of his hero costume, attempting to block the direct hit from the bitter chill as he propelled himself through the air with his explosions.
Endeavor suddenly landed onto a high building roof while he surveyed the area around him, the three interns quickly caught up and each landed onto the roof with heavy feet. Silence filled the air as their eyes darted rapidly trying to find the next emergency they would rush off to before Endeavor could.
"You three still can't beat me to the scene. Heh." He scoffed as he glanced over his shoulder at them.
Katsuki's anger bubbled over, ears red and numb from the wind blowing around them. His crimson eyes flared with the frustration that was running through his veins.
Shoto and Deku watched as Bakugou continued to let out the built up frustration he had been compressing the last few days. Endeavor sighed at the sight, his demeanor grew more intimidating as he waited for the ashy blonde to finish his unsightly temper tantrum.
Were these boys really Shoto's friends?
Bakugou heaved, angrily breathing in air while he calmed down, his clenched jaw relaxing as silence surrounded them. Endeavor clicked his tongue in annoyance, turning his back on him once more to look at the people below.
"Are you done with that childish rant? I've already told you don't make cold weather an excuse for you falling short. Figure out a way to get stronger."
Bakugou scoffed but stayed silent as he listened to the number one hero. The three boys watched him with intent analyzing his actions and the city that surrounded them, before Endeavor's stern voice cut through the air once more.
"You have been tasked with defeating a villain faster than I can, of course I'm not going to make it easy for you otherwise you wouldn't learn anything."
Determination rose in the boys at the words, the fire under their drive to beat him being furiously relit. Endeavor jumped off the side of the building propelling himself towards the next crisis, the interns eagerly running and throwing themselves into the air after him. Bakugou was right behind his mentor, nearly at his heels as the corner of his mouth quirked up a wide smirk forming. His palms crackled loudly, bursting more explosions from his hands in order to close the gap between him and the number one hero ahead of him. He felt the heat rise throughout his body as his hands simmered under the gloves, finally warming him up in the cold as he raced towards the target.
I'm almost there, just have to push a little bit more.
A dim light fading out in a passing alleyway caught the corner of his eyes, He squinted while he glanced at Endeavor who was still heading fast towards the original crime scene. Bakugou's thoughts gnawed on him as he tried to ignore the light he had seen, but something was telling him he needed to turn around and investigate. He tried to fight the urge, he was so close to victory and finally fulfilling the task he had been given at the start of their internship.
He glowered at himself as he slowed his pace and turned back towards the alleyway, Shoto and Deku exchanged a wide eyed expression as they called out to him briefly, stopping in confusion at his actions.
"Bakugou! Where are you going?!"
Bakugou didn't stop to answer their calls, nor did he spare them another glance as he made his way towards the now faded light. Shoto and Deku worried on who to follow before ultimately deciding to trust him with what he was doing while they continued to follow Endeavor.
His expression dulled as the alleyway came back into view, he surveyed the area as his feet landed loudly on the concrete. He kept his guard up as he took in his surroundings, the alleyway seemed deserted but he wasn't going to take a chance at being unprepared for an attack. His pupils flared and eyebrows furrowed as he heard movement from further down, a scowl returned to his features as voice rang out echoing off the walls loudly.
He heard feet shuffling from the side of the dumpster a few feet away from him, His hands crackled in anticipation as he readied himself for a fight.
"WHAT THE HELL?!" He cursed, his lips drew back in snarl as he took in the figure in front of him.
A six year old boy stood there in shorts and a short sleeve shirt, his thoughts raced through protocols on missing children as he leered down at the kid.
"Damn! What's your name kid?" He asked, his tone going softer as the rush of adrenaline dwindled down.
The boy kept his face lowered towards the ground, ashy blonde hair covering his eyes as his body visibly shivered from the cold. Annoyance rose within him as he waited for the kid to answer, clicking his tongue when it was obvious he wasn't going to receive one.
"Hey, you don't know how to talk or something?! If you want help, answer otherwise stop wasting my time and leave." A vein popped out of his neck as he spat harshly.
Another breeze blew through the alleyway causing the boy to shudder and wrap his arms around his torso. His face looked up suddenly, eyes still closed with the faintest sign of tear streaks running down his cheeks, his eyebrows furrowed tensely as he shouted out.
Katsuki's body tensed, the color drained out of his face as the name echoed into his ears. His hands clenched, nails digging into his palms hard enough to rip through his gloves. His mind reeled at the information, crimson eyes darted quickly over the boy's physical features and appearance.
Could it be a coincidence? Was Bakugou a common last name and what about how he looks... he's practically...?
"Why are you silent after yelling so much you jerk?! Are you even a real hero?! My daddy said 'extras' like you should all go to hell!" The boy ranted angrily, finally opening his eyes to meet the hero standing in front of him.
Recognition dawned on the tiny face as bright e/c eyes started deeply into his crimson ones. His mouth hung wide open before he quickly slammed it shut and his awe was turned to anger, his tiny fist clenched at his sides as he snarled up at Katsuki.
"Daddy! Why are you playing such a dirty prank?! Wandering off this time wasn't even my fault, so stop being a jerk. "
Katsuki's mind froze the moment the boy addressed him as daddy, his whole body went cold as he tried to process the information.
"This isn't funny anymore! Let's go home!"
"Kid, I don't know what's going but I'm for sure not-" Katsuki paused upon seeing the look of fear in the child's eyes as he willed himself to push back the unshed tears.
God damnit! I can't just leave him here on the street.
He kneeled down and quickly grabbed the boy and easily threw him over his shoulder. The boy let out a shocked gasp and Katsuki started walking down the alleyway towards the street.
"What are you doing?" Katsuro asked while he looked around his surroundings.
"Taking you somewhere warm."
"Took you long enough."
"Shut Up Runt!"
"You shut up Old Man!"
"HEH!" Katsuki scoffed, growing annoyed at the boy over his shoulder.
An idea swept through his mind briefly before moved his grip towards the boy's ankles and dragged him off his shoulder to instead leave him dangling in the air. The child gasped in shock from the sudden movement as his head was now dangling above the concrete.
"I dare you to say it again." Katsuki sneered, taking pleasure in the brief look of fear that flickered over the boy's features.
The boy twisted around to where he was facing Bakugou before lifting his palms in frustration. Bright explosions crackled and popped in the six years old hands as he swung towards the man holding him, one small explosion managing to actually hit him. However, due to the low impact power, it didn't do anything to him other than cause him to pause at the realization that the boy had the same quirk, no had his quirk.
The civilians that walked around them gawked and gossiped in shock at the abrasive way he was handling the child, he huffed out in annoyance before readjusting his grip on the kid and holding him properly in his arms.
"I don't need you to carry me! I can walk on my own!" He huffed, puffing out his cheeks in frustration at being carried like a child.
"You'll slow me down."
"Heh! You're the one who is slow, asswipe."
Bakugou's steps paused for a moment as his eye twitched in anger, before he compressed the feeling down.
I've never wanted to beat up a child more than I do right now.
Katsuro continuously glanced at Bakugou throughout the walk, taking in the features that were so similar and yet so different from his father at the same time. His mind buzzed while it searched for an explanation in the hero's features.
"What?!" Bakugou sneered, noticing the boy looking at him carefully with furrowed brows.
"Did you get hit by a quirk? Why do you look like your high school yearbook picture?"
Bakugou remained silent to the child's question, his eyebrows furrowed as he pieced together information. This kid was to similar too him, looked too much like him to not be related by blood. The quirk alone convinced him of that fact as if the spiked ashy blonde hair and facial features wasn't enough. This was his child from the future, and for an unknown reason he had shown up in the past. He had gotten lucky to briefly notice the light in the alleyway and find the child, it had his thoughts going on haywire.
If someone had known I was going to be there, it would make sense why I was able to find him rather than someone else.
The thoughts did nothing to settle his restless state of mind, it only caused him to become more anxious and in need of answers.
The silence that remained between the two seemed to answer Katsuro's question even though Bakugou hadn't verbally replied. He turned his head away, sadness clouded his features as he pieced together the information he had and the moments leading up to appearing in the alleyway.
"I'm in the past, aren't I?"
"Yeah." He mumbled back.
Bakugou saw Endeavor and the others in the distance, he used his quirk to propel him into the air, closing the gap quickly between them all while the boy excitedly laughed as the wind blew through his hair. The number one hero eyed the boy with a suspicious gaze before placing a stern pointed glare at his intern.
"You disappeared." He noted flatly.
"Keh! I saw something you missed, an abandoned kid in an alleyway. So much for being able to notice everything even before it happens huh?" The explosive blonde mocked.
"And you didn't feel the need to report your whereabouts to anyone?"
"Would have taken too long. What's the problem? I'm here now aren't I?"
Endeavor sighed deeply while closing his eyes in frustration, already growing tired of the conversation. When his eyes reopened he focused them on the ashy blonde boy who had climbed out of Bakugou's arms and jumped onto the concrete beside him. The resemblance between the two was shocking, if it weren't for the e/c eyes the boy would have been a miniature clone of Bakugou and the thought alone was unsettling for the number one hero.
"Who is the kid?"
Bakugou tensed slightly before quickly regaining composure, however the slight slip didn't go unnoticed by Endeavour. He let out a harsh breath and rubbed the back of his neck anxiously, preparing himself as well as the rest of the group for his next words.
"This is my son-"
"SHUT UP!" Bakugou continued.
"This is my son from the future."
Crimson eyes meet turquoise as Bakugou and Endeavor glared at each other in a silent battle, sharp gasps filled the air at the reveal as Shoto and Deku processed the information.
"Whatever Old Man, like I need to explain anything to you."
Katsuro had observed the interaction's in amusement, a bright smirk formed on his lips as he laughed happily. Deku had managed to regain his composure from the sudden shock of his childhood friend suddenly appearing with a future child and had made his way over to Katsuro, a gentle smile on his lips as he kneeled down to the boy's height and waved in greeting.
"Hello! I'm Izuku Midoryia, but you can call me Deku. What's your name?"
"Katsuro Bakugou! Are you really Deku?" He questioned.
"Yes, is there something wrong?" Deku anxiously replied.
"The Deku in the future is way cooler."
"Wha-" Deku stuttered before being interrupted.
"Heh?" Bakugou scoffed, instantly irritated at the boy's words.
"Deku? Cool?"
"Deku is the greatest! Unlike you Mr. Number Two! No matter how much trouble he's in, he's always the winner and that's why he's my favorite hero. I'm going to be just like him when I grow up and become the number one hero myself!" Katsuro said confidently.
Bakugou's eyebrow twitched, crimson eyes flashed with anger as he glared at the green haired boy still kneeled on the ground. Miniature explosion's crackled in his palms as he clenched his hands, nails digging into his palms once more while his breath quickened.
Wide green eyes glanced up to see the fuming blonde at his side, he nervously backed away from him while he tried to form words but all that came out of his mouth were anxious stammers and incomplete sentences. The blonde lunged at him suddenly, explosion's bursting from his palms that he aimed for Deku's face while he narrowly dodged the attack, the hit grazed his face causing his mask to rip. Endeavor reacted quickly, restraining the explosive blonde and barking out orders that the team is returning back to headquarters for the day.
Katsuro walked beside Endeavor towards the car that was awaiting them, his arms animated as he punched the air while talking about old fight's he had seen of the current number one hero. Bakugou grumbled as he walked beside Shoto and Deku, he lowered his gaze towards the ground in annoyance as his feet continued to harshly stomp the concrete beneath him.
"You know his e/c eyes remind me of someone."
Shoto's sudden voice broke him out of his thoughts, he glanced over at the boy with a glare as he took in the thoughtful expression on his face and furrowed eyebrows.
"Like I care Icy-hot. Deku! Don't think you're better than me just because of what he said, that's still years away and I can change it. I won't lose to you!"
"Okay Kacchan, I won't lose to you either!" Deku Agreed with a smile before continuing "You know, Katsuro is so much like you."
"No shit, he's my kid. We are practically identical."
"I'm not just talking about his looks. What he said about me, well no what he said about the number one hero and why he's the best. It's almost exactly what you said when we were kids, I see a lot of your drive and confidence in him." He said, awe taking over his features as he spoke.
Bakugou remained quiet for a moment as they walked in silence, his spiky hair covering his expression as he continued to look away from the two boys. His neck burned slightly from the rising heat coursing through his body while the tips of his ears turned a slight shade of pink.
"Shut up and die." He barked out with annoyance.
"Hopefully he doesn't take after Bakugou when it comes to his attitude." Shoto added with a playful smirk formed on his lips.
Laughter filled the air around them as the boys went back and forth with remarks and lightheartedly mocking each other. The tension from earlier had finally dissipated from the group as they descended into the car.
The agency was a safe haven compared to the bitter winter that still raged on outside. The heat instantly warmed up the group as they stepped inside, Katsuro's shivers halted as he began to relax in the cozy heat of the building.
"I can't believe you let your son stay out in the cold for so long without a jacket." Shoto chastised.
"I'm not the one who dressed him dumbass!"
"Still, you couldn't give him your own?"
"Stop telling me what to do!"
Bakugou's eyes found the ashy blonde hair of his son who was happily running around the lounge area. A few sidekicks would share a glance as their eyes darted between the similarities of him and Katsuro, which he would return with heated glare at the noisy employees.
The other sidekicks happily welcomed the child with no questions asked, greeting him with waves and doting on the boy as he introduced himself as the next number one hero confidently. Every so often when he wanted more attention drawn to him, he would show off his quirk and crackle the mini explosions in his palms for the viewer's around him.
"Woah! What a great quirk!"
"You're right! You will definitely be the next number one hero with a quirk like that."
"How flashy!"
Bakugou raked his fingers through his hair as he watched his son be praised for his quirk and the smile that was plastered happily on his face. His thoughts flew back to when he had manifested his quirk and had received just as many compliments that raised his ego growing up.
My mom always said when I had kids they would dish out to me twice as much as I did to her....
....I just wasn't expecting to suffer the consequences so soon.
"Katsuro, why are you wearing summer clothes in the winter?" Deku questioned.
"It was summer before I came here."
Endeavor glanced at the boy, thoughts raced through his mind as his eyes darted towards Bakugou taking in the furrowed eyebrows and his clenched fists from across the room. He shook tiredly before his voice echoed throughout the room as he spoke, the conversations around him stopping instantly.
"I think it's time we understand exactly what's going on here."
Silence filled the air as the tension rose in the room, Endeavor stiffly sat on the couch as he motioned for Katsuro to sit on the couch across from him. Bakugou saw the hesitation that flickered in the boy's eyes and quickly scoped him into his arms before playing him on the couch and taking the empty seat next to him.
He stroked his beard in thought as the boy continued sharing his memory of the morning before arriving in the alleyway, listening to every detail and examining it.
Bakugou raked his fingers through his hair as he processed the information eagerly being told by his future son. His eyes glanced tentatively toward Katsuro who had risen from his seat in excitement as he talked about his family members' quirks as well as his own.
"Aunt Chihiro was babysitting me since both my parents had to go out to face villains!" He said animatedly "My cousin Suzume and I were playing near the house, there is a big tree that is like a bridge over a small river. Her foot slipped, I went to reach for her but when I did a bright light shot out at me."
"How old is your cousin?" Endeavor asked deep in thought.
"She just turned five a few months ago."
Shoto stepped closer as he let out a harsh breath, his eyes briefly made contact with Bakugou before glancing over towards Endeavor.
"It sounds like her quirk activated out of fear, but still a time travel quirk and it was her first time using it...There's not a lot of information to go on regarding when he will go back."
Bakugou rubbed his forehead in frustration at Shoto's words, he had already pieced together that information and to have him repeat it out loud irked him. His crimson eyes glanced down towards the boy now sitting beside him again, he didn't look worried or scared about the possibility of staying here for an unknown amount of time which eased the weight Bakugou felt on his chest.
"Time travel quirks are extremely rare though, only a handful have been reported over generations." Deku rambled.
"It's not unheard of though, Katsuro, does your other parent have a time manipulation quirk?" Endeavor questioned.
"No, but my aunt's quirk allows her to stop or speed up time around her."
"So the kid's quirk mutated to a time travel quirk." Bakugou stated, his voice rumbling.
Since the quirk was a mutation and didn't work exactly how the mother's quirk worked, he knew that it would be harder for them to figure out how exactly the quirk worked or if the kid needed to use the quirk again to bring him back it would be unknown when he would go back home. His mind raced at the thought of having his future son with him for days, months even. Anxiety prickled up the back of his neck as he thought about being a decent father.
"It's rather lucky he ended up here and not somewhere random." Endeavor mentioned briefly while glancing at the clock on the wall.
"You're right! It must have to do with the quirk, maybe there's a limit to how far back a person can be sent? Or it will bring the person close to someone blood related to them?" Deku started to ramble.
"Well-" Katsuro started before all eyes darted towards him causing him to stop.
"Keep going kid." Bakugou encouraged while lightly ruffling his hair with his palm.
"Suzume was talking about old year books she saw of my parents before she slipped, so I think since she was thinking of that time is why I got sent here."
"Bakugou your kid is smart." Shoto said with a monotone voice.
"Of course he is, asshole, he's my son."
"I would have figured he got that aspect from your partner."
Bakugou grumbled angrily as Endeavor raised his hand, stopping the bickering from continuing. Turquoise eyes sternly trained on him as he waited in silence to fill the room again before speaking.
"I believe until he goes back home, the safest place for him to be is with you."
The U.A. Class 1-A dormitory stood tall before them, the winter chill starting to bite at Bakugou's bare arms. His mind wandered from the upcoming events of seeing his noisy classmates to his son and his eyes peered over at Katsuro, who was taking in the sight of the campus. The large blazer drenched over his small body in a feeble effort to fight off the cold.
Endeavor had called the school and made the principal as well as Aizawa aware of the situation, giving him as much information as they had gathered from the young boy. When the work study students had reached the front gate, they were met by the tired eyes of the eraser hero.
Shoto and Deku had followed their homeroom teacher into the dormitory willingly while Bakugou slowed his footsteps to a sudden stop. He knew that the reaction he would receive walking in with his son, and was hit with a sudden sense of dread at having to deal with his annoying classmates.
Aizawa's head peaked out from the door of the building, his eyes surveyed the area until they landed on Bakugou and Katsuro's figure. He sighed tiredly before calling out to the two still standing out in the cold.
"Come in, I already explained to your classmates briefly about Katsuro's appearance and stay in the dorms."
Bakugou caught his son's attention as he started to walk towards the building, his feet crunching along the cold grass as he did. Katsuro raced after his father, syncing his footsteps into pace with him as he got closer.
The warmth of the dormitory instantly kicked the chill that had rested over this skin, his crimson eyes quickly surveyed the lounge area as he observed his classmates' facial expressions to see his mini double.
"I heard you have a kid! Where is the cutie?!" Mina mused excitedly as she jumped to her feet.
He jerked his thumb toward the small boy standing behind him, his eyes narrowed as he watched Mina bounce on her toes as she peered behind his figure.
"OMG!" She exclaimed.
"WHAT?!" Kirishima asked, surprised at her sudden outburst upon seeing the kid.
Mina launched herself towards the boy engulfing his small body in a hug as Bakugou sighed and moved out of the way, his feet led him to a resting point and he leaned against the wall.
"HE'S SO CUTE!" Mina sang.
The class gasped at the sight of the six year old boy wrapped Mina's arms, their eyes darted quickly from Bakugou to Katsuro as they took in the obvious similarities the two of them shared in appearance. The ashy blonde hair that seemed to spike in different directions, even though his son's was slightly less spiky compared to his. His lips set in a frown and sharp furrowed eyebrows matched the same expression he was wearing, and the shape of his eyes and nose were a perfect replica of his own.
Katsuro's forehead creased heavily as the arms continued to stay wrapped around him, his e/c eyes burned with frustration and annoyance at the girl beside him.
"Hey, Hag! Will you let go of me now?!" He barked, out causing the room to still in silence.
Mina's body tensed at the insult thrown at her direction, an evident line appeared between her brows as she clenched her jaw.
Bakugou couldn't help the chuckle that escaped his lips at his son's words. His mouth twisted upward into a smile as he quickly placed a hand over his mouth to hide his obvious amusement from the girl's chilly glare.
The student's had jerked their heads in the direction of Bakugou's laugh that broke the tense atmosphere from moments before. Mina let go of the boy and whirled towards Ochaco with a wilted expression seeking comfort.
"I can't believe he just called me a hag!" She wailed.
Krishima's red eyes wandered to Bakugou's as he sent him a questioning look at the events that just took place. The blonde lifted his shoulders in a half shrug, lowering his hand to show the blatant amused smile playing on his lips.
"Hey kid, I'm Kirishima. What's your name?" Kirishima greeted with a wave and a bright smile.
"My name is Katsuro. I already know who you are! Uncle shitty hair!" He beamed.
Another laugh escaped Bakugou as Kirishima's expression faltered slightly. The red haired boy released a harsh breath while massaging the back of his neck with his hand.
"Glad to know your nicknames live on even in the future." He remarked as he grinned towards his friend.
Katsuro sat merrily on Kirishima's firm shoulders as he led him around the lounge to meet all the students. Bakugou watched from his spot, still leaned against the wall with crossed arms as he took in the slight dimples the boy expressed when he smiled.
His mind wandered as he thought about the few characteristics he didn't share with his son. Even though Katsuro was practically a mini clone of himself, the bright e/c eyes were a stark difference in the two. He watched the boy happily from afar as he ordered Kirishima around the room as curiosity washed over him.
"Woah! Our Bakugou is now a teenage dad, how unexpected!" Kaminari teased as he drew closer to him.
"Woah! You haven't melted your brain today, sparkplug." Bakugou mocked back.
"Ugh! Come on, you have to admit it's funny. Out of everyone here I would rank you lower on the list for the chances of being a teen parent."
Bakugou raised an eyebrow at him as Sero and Mineta wandered over to join the group.
"How so?" Bakugou questioned as he jammed his hands in his front pockets.
"Well, your attitude is so bad that it would be hard to find someone who can put up with it."
"Yeah, outside of this class you don't have any friends." Mineta added in agreement.
"Whoever it is, they must be a saint!"
Sero's eyebrows furrowed in thought for a moment. "I don't think that's true, at least not anymore. Bakugou's competitive for sure and has an attitude, but he always treats his friends good!"
Bakugou's eyes widened slightly at his words before quickly hiding his shocked expression. The others seemed to nod in agreement to Sero's words, thinking back to all the times Bakugou has shown his good side.
"This is making me more curious about who the other parent could be. Do you think they go to U.A.?" Kaminari pondered.
"They obviously aren't in this class, he hasn't acknowledged anyone else as his parent besides Bakugou." Mineta chimed in.
"Ah! I Know!" Kaminari exclaimed, eyes darting towards Kirishima.
Kirishima stood beside Mina, Ochaco, Jiro and Ida as they observed Katsuro demonstrate his quirk in front of them. His palms cracked loudly like firecrackers as sparks popped brightly in the air, a rather big explosion from the six year old's hands made Ida jump back slightly.
"Your quirk is so strong for your age!" Ochaco praised.
"Don't inflate his ego more than it already is, this punk gets praised too much as it is." Bakugou called out from his place across the room, slowly making his way towards his son.
Katsuro blew out his cheeks in annoyance at his father's sudden instructions. He clenched his hands into fists at his sides as he glared up at Bakugou, flaring his e/c eyes.
"You jealous?! EXTRA!" Katsuro fumed.
The sudden silence that followed his remark was broken by the laughter that filled the room as the students beamed happily around them.
"Like father, like son." Sero laughed.
"HE'S JUST LIKE HIM!" Jiro voiced, another fit of laughter escaping her lips.
"It's really a mini Bakugou! He acts exactly like you!" Momo Remarked.
"How does it feel to face off against a younger version of you?" Ayoama teased.
"DIE!" Bakugou roared at his classmates, his nostrils flaring as he sent heated glares around the room.
"Bakugou! That isn't appropriate to say in front of a child!" Ida scolded.
Katsuro whirled around to face the engine hero, still heated from his father's remark from earlier.
"Shut it four eyes!"
"Uh! H-How rude!"
Bakugou annoyance simmered down at the sight of his son insulting the class rep. He let out a sharp breath as he relaxed his shoulders, his mouth twitched ever so slightly into a smirk.
The conversation moved forward as the riotous class settled down, Kaminari approached Kirishima mumbling to him as he gestured towards Bakugou and Katsuro. The red head's face lit up as he raced off to his dorm room, returning a few moments later with a book in his hand.
Kirishima placed the book on the table, opening it to the first page filled with pictures. He gestured for Katsuro to come over and when the little boy padded his feet over to him , he generously picked him up and placed him in the chair.
"What are you up to?" Bakugou questioned catching the attention of his other classmates as they pieced together the situation.
"Amajiki gave me an early edition of this year's yearbook, maybe Katsuro will recognize his other parent in here."
Katsuro flips through the pages, his eyes darted over the portraits of the current student of U.A before his eyebrows become furrowed as he gets to the end of the book.
"I don't see them here..." He mumbled
Bakugou absentmindedly placed his hand on Katsuro's bowed head, waiting a moment for the boy's e/c eyes to turn up towards him before lightly ruffling his hair with his fingers. Katsuro gazed up at him in awe before shaking his head in a feeble attempt at fixing his messed up hair. The soft gaze that greeted him when he glanced back at his father shocked him, it reminded him of how his father would look at him back home in the future and that thought comforted him.
"I'm hungry!" Katsuro stated, changing the subject, a rumble emitting from his stomach as he did.
"Who's in charge of making dinner tonight?" Bakugou questioned Kirishima.
"Pretty sure it's you and Momo."
"Huh? Me? Again?" He gritted his teeth, annoyed.
"What can I say, everyone loves your cooking!"
Bakugou sighed as he ran a hand through his hair, his eyes glanced back at his son who was watching him from his seat at the table.
"What do you want to eat?"
"Mapo Tofu!" The boy exclaimed happily, jumping down from his seat.
The corner's of his mouth turned up into a smile, a sudden jolt of happiness rushed through his body as he took in the bright smile on his son's face.
Of course, he and his son would have the same favorite food.
"Come on, you're helping." Bakugou said as he extended a hand toward his son.
Tiny fingers firmly wrapped around his hand, the two walked towards the kitchen hand in hand. The smiles on each of their faces was seen by their classmates, no one dared to ruin the bonding moment with their mocking.
(The next few scenes are small occurrences that took place over the week.)
The next few days went by in a blur, Bakugou had quickly gotten used to being a father which had shocked his classmates. Their shock continued when they noticed how good of a father he was at that, the explosive blonde made it seem almost effortless when the two weren't taunting each other.
After seeing the two wholesomely cook dinner together, the class had decided they wanted to keep witnessing the cute bonding moments between the two. Due to that, anyone who was scheduled to prepare dinner the following days would purposely make mistakes so that Bakugou would get annoyed and take over the cooking himself.
"Is everyone here stupid?! Why can't any of you cook?! I should let you all starve!" Bakugou grumbled as he tossed the charred food from the pan into the trash.
He let out a harsh breath as he rolled up his sleeves.
"Move it, ears!" He gestured for Jiro to leave the kitchen, missing the smile that formed when she turned away from him.
"Katsuro! Come help me cook, you are more talented than anyone else here."
The small boy bolted jumped from his seat beside Deku, the movie he was watching being paused quickly before he bolted towards his father's voice. His feet pattered against the wood floors as he excitedly made his way to the kitchen.
The classmate's watched in awe at the soft gaze that overtook Bakugou's face when Katsuro entered the room. Happily observing as the two prepared dinner together, Bakugou assigned his son to wash the vegetables he placed in a bowl before handing them to him.
"We defiently need to keep doing this! Not only do we get to see him being nice, but we get good food." Kaminari whispered towards Jiro.
She nodded her head in agreement as they carefully stole glances at the father son duo in the kitchen.
Bakugou watched Katsuro's face light up with excitement as he watched All Might appear on the screen of his computer. Bright e/c eyes observed in wonder as the retired number one hero saved the day once again in the old clip.
"You know, Deku and I had to fight him in order to pass our final exam."
"What?! No way?! Did you lose?"
"HAH! As if your father would lose!"
Katsuro's laughter rang in his ears as he looked down at the kid sitting in his lap, a lopsided grin formed on his lips at the sight. His eyes wandered to the boy's shoulder where a piece of lint had caught his gaze.
"Well, he almost killed us. I'm pretty sure he broke some bones in Deku's spine during that fight." He picked the piece of lint from his shoulder as he continued.
"Even with quirk restrictors on, he had managed to destroy a whole city street with one punch." He absentmindedly rattled on as he remembered that day.
"That sounds..." Katsuro trailed off.
"Intense?, Cool?"
"Yeah, it was. Good thing he was the symbol of peace right?"
Bakugou watched with tired eyes as Katsuro played another round of Uno with Tsukuyomi in the lounge. The sky had turned dark and Bakugou had already gotten himself and his son ready for bed, all that was left was getting his hyperactive kid into his dorm. He yawned as he rubbed his eyes, his body starting to feel heavy and in desperate need of sleep.
"I win." Tsukuyomi stated calmly.
Katsuro grumbled with frustration as he stacked the cards for another round to begin, Bakugou quickly called out to his son to stop him from starting another match.
"It's time for bed, let's go!"
"But it's only 9 pm!"
"What's your point?" He raised an eyebrow at the kid's frustrated expression.
"Can't you let me stay up to play some more?!"
"Revelry in the dark." Tsukuyomi chimed in suddenly.
"Revelry in the dark!" Katsuro cheered happily repeating his words.
Bakougou swooped the boy into his arms, his eyebrows furrowed angrily as he glared at his bird-like classmate.
"Don't teach him that shit!" He barked.
He angrily stomped to his room with Katsuro thrown over his shoulder.
Kirishima and Deku tried to control their whispered voices as they glanced back at the couch in the lounge. They both had been the first ones to wake up that morning and when they came down stairs from their dorm's they were surprised at the sight that greeted them.
Bakugou was sleeping soundly on his back, Katsuro just as peacefully sleeping with his head on his father's chest. A remote lightly gripped in one of Bakugou's hands while the once was placed protectively over the small figure laying on top of him.
Kirishima and Deku shared a glance as they each pulled out their phones, eagerly taking a photo of the two sleeping peacefully on the couch together.
Deku's camera had let out a loud shutter noise as he took the photo, instantly grimacing at the fact he forgot to mute his phone's noise effects.
The noise had made Bakugou's eyebrows furrow as he blinked his eyes open, trying to adjust to the bright light in the room. His eyes surveyed the lounge, settling on Kirishima and Deku with their phones still pulled up and pointed in his direction making his eyes widen slightly.
"RUN!" Kirishima blurted before running down the hallway.
The day's had passed quickly and it was time for the work study students to return to their agencies. The winter chill had stalled as the weather was warmer and not as frigid as the previous weeks. Bakugou was excited to go patrolling, confident that with the warmer weather that he would beat Endeavor to the crime scenes.
However, when they arrived at the agency he had stated they would be using the training room while he went out on his own, causing Bakugou to grumble in frustration.
"He's doing this on purpose! He knows I'll beat him today, that bastard!"
Shoto stopped training suddenly from across the room to stare at him blankly.
"I believe the more likely reason is that you have a six year old with you who can't go on patrol."
Bakugou grunted angrily under his breath as he made his way from the training machines to the weights where Katsuro sat watching Deku train eagerly.
"Deku! Do something cool!" Katsuro cheered.
"HEH! What's so good about him?" Bakugou mocked, while he cocked head up.
"What? are you jealous number 2?" He taunted slyly, his e/c eyes twinkling with mischief.
Bakugou's eyebrow twitched at the mocking attitude thrown his way, his nostrils flared as his hands tightened into fists at his sides. He jerked his head in the direction of the dark green haired boy who was lifting weights.
"Deku - get over here - before I kill you." Bakugou gritted out between clenched teeth.
The hand weights were placed on the ground gently, careful not to drop them under Bakugou's rage-filled glare. He swiftly made his way over to the father/son duo, a nervous smile formed on his lips as he drew in closer to the two.
"Was there something you needed kacchan?" He questioned, swallowing the lump in his throat.
Bakugou's mouth twitched as he cackled at his nervous behavior.
"Katsuro here was just telling me how great you were and said he wanted you to show him something cool." He jeered.
"O-Oh, well thank you Katsuro. I don't think I have anything amazing to show you though." He placed his hand on his chin while he hummed in thought. "Hm, I have been working on black whip. Would you like to see?"
"YES!" He beamed with excitement.
The corners of Bakugou's mouth quirked up in amusement as he watched Deku prepare himself, knowing full well what was about to happen would disappoint his son. He leaned against the wall as he waited for the show to begin, crossing his arms over his chest comfortably.
A black mist formed slightly on Deku's palms, it slowly shaped itself into a line inched its way outward making it about an inch further than the day he performed it in front of Mt. Lady before it drizzled out. Deku excitedly bounced on the balls of his feet as he rambled about how it was slowly getting longer, while Katsuro's excitement fell from his face causing Bakugou's heart to ache just a bit at the sight of how disappointed he was.
"Disappointed in your favorite hero?" He mocked lightly.
"Keh, sure you ain't."
"Whatever! Deku might be a loser now, but he's cool in the future."
"Hm, that's a bit-" Deku sadly began before being interrupted.
"How is he better than me?!" Bakugou criticized.
Katsuro pumped a tiny fist in the air as he confidently stared at the two heroes in training. His e/c eyes twinkled with newfound excitement, as a bright smile was plastered on his face.
"Uncle Deku told me he's going to give me the secret of One for-" Bakugou slapped a hand over his mouth instantly, as his eyes quickly darted around the training room.
A sharp breath released from the One for All quirk holder beside him, he ran a hand through his hair as he tried to steady his anxious heart rate from moments before. Crimson eyes looked at him with a disapproving glare as he timidly darted between confused e/c pupils and his own.
The hand dropped from Katsuro's mouth as he struggled against him with annoyance. His eyebrows furrowed as he looked up at Bakugou with a questioning glare and burning eyes at the fact he had been restricted.
"Idiot! Look around before announcing something private. If it's a secret, keep it a secret." Bakugou scolded lightly while jerking his head away from his son's glaring eyes.
Katsuro tensed as his ears dusted pink from embarrassment at his father's words. He ducked his head, his gaze resting on the floor as he felt the heat rush to his face. The thought of him mindlessly revealing a secret in order to boast repeated endlessly in his head, causing him to remain silent as he reflected. A firm, warm hand brushed the plaguing thoughts away as it rested on his head, gently ruffling his hair in a comforting gesture.
His e/c eyes peeked up towards the figure that stood in front of him, crimson eyes peering down at him with a softened gaze. His hand firmly ruffled his hair once more before being satisfied and pulling his arm back down to his side.
Bakugou exhaled slightly. "It's okay... Do you want to see Deku and I spar?"
"YEAH!" He exclaimed, his happy features returning to his face.
"Go wait over there, and you better cheer for me when I kick his ass." He motioned towards an open area while lightly chuckling.
Katsuro dashed away with excitement, happily preparing himself to watch the two boys spar.
"Geez! that was a close one, thank you Bakugou-" Deku began.
"Looks like even the you in the future can't keep a secret. I can't believe you told a six year old about One For All! What were you thinking, dumbass?!" Bakugou scolded with annoyance.
Deku timidly scratched his chin as he thought about his future self's actions. His eyes closed briefly as his eyebrows knitted before he anxiously smiled back at Bakugou, waiting for the scolding to finish.
"What?!" Bakugou snarled, noticing the smile directed at him.
"I was just thinking how great it is that your son is going to be the successor."
Bakugou tensed briefly before quickly recovering his composure before his childhood friend could catch the slip in emotions.
The sky turned dark as Bakugou chased the hyperactive child running around his dorm at the agency. Katsuro jumped onto the bed laughing happily as Bakugou grabbed him and lifted him up. He dramatically laid him down on the bed as the boy's laughter slowly started to die down.
"Okay, you had dinner and we got ready for bed. It's time to sleep, we have an early morning."
"We can't play a bit longer?"
"Nope! I already extended it five minutes longer the last time you asked, It's time for bed."
"Okay dad." Katsuro mumbled sleepily.
Bakugou tensed at the word he was addressed by, he still wasn't used to being called so affectionately and it shocked him every time he heard his son call out to him. His eyes softened as he looked down at Katsuro's already sleeping figure in his arms, a smile grew on his lips as he thought about the last few days he had with him.
He never expected to feel so connected to someone else before, and once he met his son he doubted he would be able to be a good father so suddenly. However, being around him felt so natural and taking care of him came effortlessly day by day. Some say it's because of how alike they are, but even though he saw all the similarities between them, he also could recognize the differences.
Deep down he wants to believe that even though his son hasn't been born just yet in this timeline and he hasn't met his future partner, that he still has an unbreakable bond that's tethered between him and his son. That there was a connection that led him to turning back the first day and finding him in the alleyway. A connection that grows stronger each day they spend together and depends on the bond between the two.
His eyelids grew heavy as he rested his head down on the pillow next to Katsuro.
"I love you." he mumbled, voice thick with sleep.
His hands absentmindedly reached across the bed, filling the empty mattress instead of Katsuro's figure beside him. He patted the empty spot beside him a few more times as anxiety started to break through his sleep filled mind.
Bakugou's eyes blinked open, adjusting to the darkness in the room, he looked towards the bathroom to see no light on underneath the door. His eyes darted across the room looking for a sign of the boy when the corner of his eyes caught it briefly.
A faint dim light barely even visible, fading away. The same light he saw in the alleyway days ago when the boy had appeared. His mind raced as he processed the turn of events in the silence of the empty room.
He's back home.
Relieve flooded his body as the weight lifted off his shoulders and he fell back onto the mattress below. His crimson eyes closed as he tried to force his mind to go back to sleep, but an aching feeling started to creep its way into his thoughts.
The silence of the empty room he now resided in became to still, his heart ached at the fact that in the morning he wouldn't get to wake up his son and see the annoyed half asleep face he makes before finally smiling brightly at seeing him and questioning what is for breakfast like he had the last week.
His mind reeled at the sudden feelings of loss as he replayed the memories he had with his son in his head.
Maybe I should have let him stay up for five more minutes so we could play a bit longer.
The next morning the frigid weather felt as though it came back in full force. The wind blew past Bakugou's exposed ears, numbing them from the chilly cold. He groaned lowly under his breath, thick clouds of air were made visible as they wandered from his lips and out of the high collar of his hero uniform. He noticed dark green eyes would glance over at him every so often from the other side of Shoto's figure, his forehead creased in irritation at the worried glances pointed his way.
"Deku! stop fucking looking at me before you walk into a pole, dumbass." He barked.
His childhood friend's eyebrows rose in shock as his cheeks turned a light shade of pink from being caught.
"Haha, sorry kacchan! Um- just- Are you okay? You know with Katsuro being gone?"
"Why wouldn't I be?"
"Oh, well-"
The conversation stalled suddenly when Endeavor launched himself over the guardrail along the sidewalk, Bakugou and the others quickly moved after him as the faint sound of car siren's met their ears.
The team anxiously prepared themselves for the upcoming threat, propelling through the air while the quick scenery of the city passes by them. The sight of a car crash and a villain floating in the air appeared up ahead as they furiously raced to the scene.
Unbeknownst to them, two figures had been watching from a rooftop building. Crimson red feathers moved slightly from the noisy disturbance down below, sharp golden eyes looking away from the book in his hand to the chaos on the streets.
"Oh, dear... such bad timing." His honey voice said playfully.
He motioned to the figure behind him as he spread his wings and prepared to descend from the roof.
The glass villain rushed down a narrow alleyway at the sight of Endeavor, desperately fleeing to get away. Melted glass rained down to the street from the powerful maneuver the number one hero used. The team raced after the villain as they quickly rushed into the alleyway, a few villain's that had teamed up with the glass villain were waiting by the exit ready to attempt a surprise attack.
Endeavor narrowly dodged the attack as he lunged towards the villain, grasping him by the shoulders and roughly pulling him towards the concrete.
Crimson red feathers grabbed the fellow villains by the collars of their shirts and lifted them into the air. Barely a moment later a flash of ice, Deku and Bakugou had rushed past the winged hero as he caught their targets.
"Huh?" Deku mumbled in confusion when the person he was about to kick was no longer in his field of vision.
"Oh, work study students?" The winged blonde mused.
"HAWKS!?" He hesitated.
Bakugou grumbled angrily as his feet landed heavily on the ground, he pivoted with knitted eyebrows towards the number two hero who was smiling happily.
"Sorry, I was just a little faster!" The hero teased.
Bakugou glanced at Shoto and Deku as they landed, the excitement that was boiling in his veins just moments ago was quickly dying out.
"What is Hawks doing here?" Shoto questioned out loud.
"I thought Endeavor was in trouble!" Hawks chirped.
"Did it look like I was in trouble?" He scoffed.
Hawks landed swiftly in front of Shoto, a teasing smile formed on his lips as his playful eyes glanced at him.
"It did, didn't it, Shoto?"
"I thought I told you to let me know when you were coming." Endeavor exhaled slightly annoyed at his sudden appearance.
Hawks golden eyes narrowed slightly before returning to their normal carefree gaze.
"Well I just happened to be in the area."
Sirens blared through the air as cop cars raced down the empty street, tires screeching as they came to a sudden stop near the scene. Endeavor and Hawks quickly brought the villains to the policemen and started to debrief them on what had occurred moments ago.
As the police moved the villains into the vehicles, Bakugou watched as Endeavor made his way towards him and the others. The winged hero walked beside him, his mouth turned in a lopsided grin as he talked.
Deku approached the two pro hero's excitedly, his body tensing as he greeted hawks.
"N-Nice to meet you! I'm in U.A Hero Course, Class 1-A. My name is Izuku Midoryia!"
"Ah! You're the kid who destroyed his fingers right? I've heard about you from Tsukuyomi."
"Oh! By the way, where is he?"
"I have him following my sidekicks today, while -" Hawks gestured towards where a work study student stood a few steps away. "Y/N is shadowing me one on one."
Bakugou's eyes widened in shock at the familiar features that greeted him, the bright e/c eyes that twinkled with happiness and the corners of your mouth being turned upwards burned into his memory over the last few days. The voices around him became background noise as his eyes trailed your every move, taking in every playful smirk and hand movement as you talked.
His chest rose and fell with rapid breaths as he realized all the subtle similar features you shared with his future son, the heat rose up his neck to his face and turned the skin it touched scarlet. He quickly ducked his face beneath the high collar of his costume in an attempt to hide the growing blush as he flustered helplessly at your sudden arrival.
"Hey y/n! It's been awhile." Shoto greeted, casually.
"Hey Todoroki! Yeah it has."
Bakugou's eyes darted towards Shoto as the greeting between them had brought him out of his thoughts. He sent a pointed glare towards the icy hot classmate as his crimson red eyes met the mismatched pair of turquoise and gray.
"Bakugou, I told you I knew who the eyes reminded me of. It's y/n, we are neighbors."
"Someone had the same eyes as me?" You questioned curiously.
"Well, to be exact it was-"
"SHUT UP!" Bakugou Growled
"I said shut your mouth, icy hot!"
Dark messy green hair shielded your view of the two bickering, a beaming smile greeted you as turned your attention towards the person now standing in front of you.
"Don't pay attention to them y/n. It's nice to meet you, I'm Izuku Midoryia or you can call me Deku."
"Nice to meet you. Um, do they do that all the time?" You questioned while stealing a glance at the two.
"Haha, sometimes... Wait, you go to Shiketsu right? I'm pretty sure I saw you at the provisional license exam."
"Yeah! I'm a first year, but I was able to take the test early with the second years."
The bickering grew louder as crackles popped and simmered in the explosive blonde's hand. Bakugou suddenly turned his head towards you and Deku and angrily barked.
"Deku! What are you saying over there huh?!"
"N-Nothing I swear!"
You tilted your head as confusion took over your features at the interaction around you.
"Bakugou greet them, you're being rude." Shoto scolded.
"Don't tell me what to do."
Golden and Turquoise eyes watched the group from a few steps away, a smile twisted its way onto Hawks face as he let out a fit of laughter. Endeavor let out a harsh breath as he sighed, he shook his head downward at the sight.
"Hm, what's all that about?" Hawks quipped.
He rolled his tense shoulders. "Don't ask."
"It looks like one of your work study students fell for one of mine." He said in a sing-song voice. "Maybe we should drop by more often if it's this entertaining to watch them interact."
"I would prefer if you didn't"
Bakugou's voice suddenly broke their conversation, their attention being drawn back to the crimsoned eyed blonde.
"Earlier, I was faster than you!" He yelled as he glared towards Hawks.
✧ ˚ · . Bonus Scene:
That day turned into night as the long patrol ended for the Endeavor agency students. The team stood outside a restaurant waiting for the arrival of Hawks and his students. After the chaos that happened that morning, it was eagerly decided upon by most of the members that a joint dinner would be a good bonding moment for everyone.
Crimson feathers came into sight as Hawks landed swiftly in front of the group, Tsukuyomi and you landing close by shortly after. You greeted the group with a wave as your feet wandered closer to the three boys.
Shoto and Deku eagerly greeted Tsukuyomi, while Bakugou awkwardly stood next to you. His hands stuffed into his pant pockets and face turned away from you as he watched his classmates.
"Don't tell Hawks I'm saying this, but you're right. You were just as fast as him earlier and just barely missed him." You say breaking the silence.
"Heh. I Know."
"What's it like working beside Endeavor?"
"He's a jerk, but he's the number one hero so I want to learn how he handles things."
You let out a lighthearted laugh, the corners of your eyes crinkled as you smiled brightly at him. He stared at you, his eyes softening slightly before he glanced away composing himself. His eyes wandered back to you, a faint touch of pink dusted his ears as he continued the conversation.
You two talked back and forth over a variety of topics, training, school, family before the group was alerted that the table was ready. His pace was steady beside you as the two of you walked behind the rest of the group into the restaurant.
"Do you have a sister named Chihiro?" Bakugou asked, catching you off guard.
"Yes, how did you know?"
"When you have kids in the future, don't let them babysit."
"W-What?!" You stammered, your step faltering.
Bakugou continued to walk ahead of you, his eyes trained on the group ahead of him and refusing to look back. The back of his neck burned as the pink that dusted his ears grew rapidly.
"You can't just walk away without explaining that?!" You exclaimed while walking faster to catch up to him, desperately trying to sync your footsteps once more.
"I'm pretty sure what I said is easy enough to understand."
His head jerked towards you, his chin lifted upwards slightly as a smirk played on his lips.
"Maybe for you, but I would like some more context."
His eyes over your head for a moment before crimson returned to meet e/c once more. His eyebrows furrowed in thought as he pondered his next words, his mouth opened slightly as he took in a quick breath.
"Friday, 5 pm at Ootoya."
You tensed in response, the quickening of your heart beat drumming in your ears as you process the words he said. He grumbled slightly under his breath at the lack of response and the shocked look that had overcome your features.
"Huh?" You managed to mumble out.
"If you want to know more you can meet me there."
"Like, a date?"
"What else would it be?" He said as he started to walk towards the group who had been seated at the table already.
"You know most people would just ask clearly." You tease as you walk beside him.
His steps faltered as he stopped suddenly, turning towards you. He looked into your eyes confidently, his lips held in a stern line as his eyes slowly started to soften the moment they met yours.
"Will you go on a date with me?"
Bakugou's eyes opened suddenly, he sat up in his bed as the thought that had forced him awake repeated in his mind.
Tsukuyomi knew you and had met Katsuro, there was no way he didn't realize you were his other parent....
Fuck you Tsukuyomi!
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰ ───
✧ ˚ · . A/N: Mini Bakugo is so fun to write! Also having Bakugo in my last few posts, I realized I picture him cussing people out all the time even though he doesn't!
Bakugo will still make an appearance in Daddy? pt. II with a mini blonde explosive daughter. Since the post is continuing to get a lot of love I did plan to continue it for a total of four parts,
part III will feature Aizawa, Hawks, FatGum, All Might & part IV will feature Dabi, Twice, Shigaraki, Overhaul.
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miasmaghoul · 6 months
miasma do u have forcefem thoughts 👀
It's the tail end of his lunch break in the infirmary when Aether's phone vibrates against his thigh, a quick double buzz. He brushes sandwich crumbs from his hands and tie, licks a stray drop of basil mayo from the corner of his mouth while he pulls the device from his pocket. Aether straightens his glasses just as the screen lights up again, a pair of texts greeting him.
🦇: got a surprise for u
🦇: think ur gonna like it
Aether quirks an eyebrow. It's the middle of the night where they all are, if his math is right, and knowing Aeon that surprise could be damn near anything. He starts tapping out a response when the three dots telling him Aeon's typing pop up, and he pauses.
🦇: maybe wait til ur alone to open it
Another message follows a second later, a video file, and Aether blinks at the screen until its preview image loads. The pale visage of a slender back, decorated with thin straps of shimmering fabric, and a hand he recognizes as Aeon's resting between their shoulder blades. At first glance Aether thinks it's Aurora on the screen, dressed in one of her lovely little camisoles and arching under Aeon's touch. His dick gives an interested twitch at the idea - a pleasant surprise indeed.
But then his eyes drift upward, expecting cotton candy curls only to find long strands of ashy blonde instead, and his cock downright throbs.
"Oh, Lucifer."
Heedless of Aeon's warning, Aether smashes his thumb to the screen and shifts in his squeaky office chair while the video loads. Immediately rests his free hand over his crotch when it opens up to Aeon and Dew standing in a hotel bathroom, Aeon recording their reflection from where he stands behind the smaller ghoul. Dew's leaning over the sink in what is definitely one of Aurora's lovely little camisoles - shiny gold satin with shimmery lace across the bodice and two sets of crisscrossed straps. It hangs noticeably loose around Dew's chest, and Aether squeezes himself. Does it again when Dew leans in close to the mirror, swaying just a little while he uncaps a tube of candy red lipstick. Aeon moves the phone closer to the mirror, his other hand sliding around Dew's slight waist, and Aether thinks he's never been so jealous.
"Smile for the camera, pretty girl," Aeon coos, leaning in to nuzzle his messy bun. "Say hi to daddy."
Aether chokes when he says it, and stops breathing entirely when Dew tips his gaze towards the reflection of the phone. When he fixes Aether with a smile that lets his tongue poke through his teeth.
When he blinks and Aether catches the faintest swirls of lilac decorating his amber irises, the rush of heat to his gut is nothing short of paralyzing.
"Hi daddy."
Dew trills it in the soft, shy way that always wrecks Aether the most, makes him stupid and possessive. The little ghoul applies the lipstick with an unskilled hand, a messy swipe over lips that have clearly been sucked on for a while, and Aether wants nothing more than to to see it smeared all over his fat, heavy -
A sharp rap on the door makes Aether jump in his seat, fumbling the phone and wincing when it clatters to the ground.
"Y-yes?" When did his throat get so dry? Aether takes a quick swig of his now-cold lunchtime tea. He grabs his phone and turns the screen off before he can see any more of Dew in that state. "Uh - what is it?"
"Brother Angelo is in Exam 2," one of the human nurses calls through the door. "Slammed his fingers in the chapel doors again."
"Be right there," he calls, but his eyes remain glued to the dark surface of his phone. The image of Dew's painted lips dances through his mind, and Aether can't help himself. "Just a minute."
He turns the phone back on the moment her footsteps retreat, palms his cock where it sits thick and pulsing at his hip. He's greeted by the groan-inducing sight of Dew leaning back against Aeon's bare chest, head tilted so the other ghoul can mouth at his elegant neck. Aeon hits a good spot and Dew reaches a hand back to grab at his hair, sucks air through his teeth, and Aether leaks into his boxer briefs.
Aeon unlatches after a few seconds, nuzzling Dew's jaw while he looks into the camera. The hand on the little ghoul's hip glides over his stomach, drags the fabric just high enough for Aether to get the tiniest glimpse of the purple lace covered bulge between his legs.
"Tell daddy what you came to me for, Dew," Aeon lilts, nipping at his ear. "Tell him why you're all dressed up."
Dew sighs, lifts his head just enough to look at the camera. There isn't enough quintessence in him to make him look woozy or lost - just enough to act as a confidence boost, Aether imagines. That's what Dew usually asks for when he wants to be treated like the pretty little thing he is.
The lipstick makes him look like a whore and Aether would worship the ground he walked on.
"Because I want you to fuck my pussy," Dew breathes, that wide mouth stretching into a lascivious grin. "And I want daddy to watch."
It's less than ten seconds before Aether's pulling his cock through his zipper and shooting a fat load directly into the trash can, stomach clenching and thighs twitching. It leaves him dizzy for a solid thirty seconds afterwards, the ghoul idly fidgeting with his softening length while he recovers.
He shakes himself, huffs out a disbelieving chuckle before he tucks his still sensitive dick away and stands. Hums to himself while he washes his hands in his small sink, tossing the paper towel he dries with over his mess. Aether straightens his coat and steels himself to go deal with Brother Angelo for the third time this month. He grabs his phone from the desk and turns to leave, but before he does Aether decides he needs to see one more thing. He pulls the video up one more time and -
One minute and thirteen seconds.
He'd made it barely a single minute in before needing to empty his balls. Aether can hardly believe it. Well, no, he can absolutely believe it. Dew regularly manages to dismantle him like this, it's just never been from a distance. Never been recorded. Mostly he can't believe that he has six hours left of his shift before he can watch the remaining -
Twenty five minutes?
Aether's going to give them both anything they want when they get back, he swears it.
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percervall · 8 months
Mamma mia, here I go again
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Summary: A summer of poor decisions leads you to having to face the consequences of your actions —and the men involved. Pairing: Kevin Magnussen x fem!reader, Lewis Hamilton x fem!reader, Mark Webber x fem!reader Warnings: mentions of worries surrounding motherhood Word count: 1375 Taglist: @ashy-kit @averagef1fansblog @barcelonaloverf1life @bradfordbantams @dannyramirezwife-simpaccount @doofenshmirtzevil-inc @exotic-iris13 @goldsainz @hiireadstuff @iloveneteyam @jaypreshpresh @laura-naruto-fan1998 @monzamash @norrisleclercf1 @opheliaas-stuff @roseseraj @szobosz @vellicora @ystrolllll
Epilogue to the Mamma Mia series
One year later 
To say the past year has been a whirlwind would be an understatement. It’s the final race of the season and for once you’re not working. It’s odd, being in your own garage without having your trusty iPad in your hands with the latest data sets. You’d be lying if you said that you don't feel a little lost, almost in limbo between the two worlds of motherhood and your career. Lewis comes up to you, smiling when he sees you fiddling with your jewellery.
“Feels wrong, huh?” he asks.
“Not wrong, just-.. Just weird. Being here as a WAG will take some getting used to for sure,” you reply. Lewis takes your hand, pulling you closer so he can give you a kiss.
“For what it’s worth, I love having you here, whether that’s as a data engineer or as my fiancée.” You can’t help but feel your cheeks heat up at that. During the summer break Kevin, Lewis, and Mark surprised you with a trip to Sanremo. They had thought of everything; they even invited the nanny who had been there since the moment you had given birth to take care of the baby for an evening so the four of you could go for dinner followed by a walk on the beach. And there, as the sun began to set, the three of them went down on one knee and asked you to marry them. 
“Can’t wait to get married next year,” you whisper, looking down at Lewis’ thumb brushing against the gold band that held three small diamonds: one for each of them. 
“Neither can I,” comes a voice from your left. Looking up, you see Mark smiling at you, the baby carrier strapped to his chest. He leans down to give you a quick kiss, which you happily accept even if there’s plenty of cameras pointed at the three of you.
“This little lady wanted to give her daddy a good luck kiss,” Mark says, his words being followed up by a giggle from your 7-month-old daughter as she kicks her little legs. For someone who’s never been to an F1 race, she is enjoying all the attention she’s getting for sure. 
“Is that so?” Lewis coos at her, quickly undoing some of the straps so he can lift her up. The little girl happily goes with her dad, babbling away, much to the amusement of the engineers. Lewis kisses her little face all over, making her laugh. Despite them all reassuring you it didn’t matter to them who the baby’s biological father is, you were still worried they wouldn’t bond with her. Your concerns couldn’t have been further from the truth; little baby Mercedes, as fans had dubbed her, has all three men wrapped around her little finger. 
“Have you been to Haas yet?” you ask Mark as Lewis straps your daughter back into the carrier. You quickly learnt that she loves being carried, strapped safely to the chest of her favourite people. 
“No, came here first. Wanna come with?” Mark asks. You nod, giving Lewis another kiss before taking Mark’s hand to go over to the Haas garage. Kevin is quick to spot the three of you, giving you a kiss.
“Agnes wanted to give her far a good luck kiss,” Mark says, accepting the side hug from Kevin. 
“I will always accept those,” Kevin says with a smile so tender it makes you fall in love with him all over again as he, too, lifts your daughter out of her carrier. Agnes happily lets him, giggling when Kevin tickles her. From the moment she was born, it became pretty clear whose genes the girl had inherited with her blond hair, and so it made sense to go with a Danish name for her. That was the deal: whoever’s DNA won got to pick a name. 
Leaning into Mark’s body, you watch Kevin and Agnes as they make their way around the garage. After last year’s ordeal with Gene, you’re still not entirely comfortable standing here but you’d do anything to support your partners. Kevin gets the signal that it’s time to go for warm up and he brings Agnes over, the girl reaching out for you, and tucking her face into your chest when you settle her on your hip. Kevin gives his daughter a final smooch before leaning over to give you a kiss.
“Love you. Be safe,” you murmur. Kevin smiles, giving you one final kiss before following his trainer outside. Mark takes your hand once more and you make your way into the paddock.
“Are you on commentary today?” you ask as you spot the Sky camera people getting ready for Martin’s grid walk.
“No, just the post race interviews. We have all the time in the world, sweetheart.” You’re quiet for a moment, taking in the hustle and bustle that happens during a race weekend. Something has been gnawing at you from the moment you entered the paddock this morning, when you realised just how much you missed work. 
“Do you-.. Do you think I’m a bad mum for wanting to go back to work, for looking forward to it?” you ask quietly.
“I think this is a conversation we need to have with all four of us, but no, I think it’ll make you an even better mum. You’re showing our daughter that she can become whoever she wants to be,” Mark says, quick to shut down your worries. You give his hand a grateful squeeze as you walk back to the Mercedes garage.
“There she is!” you hear from behind you. Unable to stop the laugh that’s bubbling up, both of you turn around to see Oscar jogging over, half in his race suit already. He has truly become almost like a son to you, and in turn, a big brother to Agnes. Your daughter loves her dads, but Oscar is her favourite person besides her uncle Mick. Because of Mark being his manager, Oscar comes over quite a bit during the season and even stayed at your place during the Monaco Grand Prix. 
Agnes squeals when she spots the Australian driver, kicking her little legs and she makes grabby hands. 
“Hey Roo,” Oscar says softly, brushing her cheek with his finger. Agnes babbles happily, leaning forward so Oscar really doesn’t have a choice but to pick her up. 
“Can I show her the car?” he asks you, and you can’t help but feel touched at his enthusiasm.
“She’s 7 months, mate,” Mark comments.
“Please? I got her a pair of ear defenders and I will hold her the whole time,” Oscar pleads.
“Alright then,” you give in, chuckling as he beams at the both of you before heading into the McLaren garage.
“Come on, Roo. Who knows, maybe one day you’ll show me your F1 car,” you hear Oscar murmur to your daughter as you follow him to the garage. Leaning against Mark, you watch Oscar and Lando fuss over Agnes as they show her around. You can tell your baby is getting sleepy when she sucks her thumb into her mouth, leaning against Oscar’s chest. Mark waves the Aussie driver over and makes quick work of strapping her back into the carrier, facing him this time around. Within seconds she’s out like a light despite the noise and chaos around her. Agnes will happily spend her entire nap there, snuggled safely against her dad. You quickly wish Oscar good luck with his race, making him promise that he’ll come over for dinner in the new year, before heading back to Mercedes. If anyone had told you two years ago you would find yourself in this position, with a baby and so many people in her life to love her and you, you would have called them crazy. And yet here you are, engaged to three Formula 1 drivers with the most perfect daughter and a semi-adoptive son. All those years you spent keeping people at bay and now you have managed to create a village for your little girl to thrive and be so incredibly loved by all her dads and uncles. And seeing that heals a part of you that you never thought would heal. 
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It only felt right for Kevin to be the biological dad, not that it matters in the grand scheme of things, but the poor man has been through the wringer. This was also written before shit hit the fan and I am choosing to ignore it in this fic, at least for now.
When I shared this dream with my two besties over discord, I had no idea it would end up snowballing into 16k worth of fic, but it has been so much fun plotting and exploring these characters.
I want to thank everyone who participated in the many polls, you helped mould this fic. There's a few people in particular I'd like to thank: @emilielfc and @curiousthyme, this fic would not exist without both of you, thank you for listening to me plan the whole thing over discord. And once it became clear this would be an f1 fanfic, @szobosz also got subjected to me needing to think out loud, so thanks for listening to me ramble babe. @seafoampearlygirl your knowledge on Mark Webber has been invaluable in the writing of this fic, so thank you again for taking the time to write an entire post on it. @monzamash and @monzabee, girls your unwavering support every time I second guessed this fic means more to me than I could ever put into words
The fic might be finished, but I love these characters too much to give up on them. If there's a specific scene that you'd like to see, please feel free to drop it in my ask
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shesjustanothergeek · 6 months
His Love
|Aegon Targaryen x Fem!Reader|
Part Thirty-Three
Masterlist of Series
Summary: Being a bastard born in the slums of Flea Bottom was all you were known for. Not the streak of white you had in your dark hair, the violet ring around your pupils, or how your sharp tongue and skills with the blade resembled your father, Daemon Targaryen. You were just a bastard, nothing more, but to him, to Aegon Targaryen, you were everything. You were his love.
Author's Note: I just wanted to warn y'all that we're going to be getting into some messed up shit here. Even more messed up than assault, getting drugged, nearly raped, and peeing on yourself. As always, thank you so much for your patience with these updates, and I hope you enjoy!
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Chapter Warnings: Graphic depictions of a miscarriage and related thoughts, vomiting, daddy Daemon.
The prescribed charcoal remedy had long dried on your stomach, cracking and flaking gray chunks into your sheets. Helaena had left with the sun low in the sky, leaving chaste kisses on yours and Aegon's foreheads. She went to ensure Jaehaerys and Jaehaera were comfortable, and they went down to rest.
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Aegon refused to move when the Maester returned for the evening; his arm slung over your chest and nose buried into your neck. Orwyle did his work as if the Prince was not there, wringing a damp, woolen cloth into a bowl of cool water as he removed the hardened remedy from your abdomen.
He observed with wrinkled brows when he saw the Valyrian symbols above your womb, rocking the fabric over your malleable skin as he quelled the uneasy feeling in his stomach. He rinsed the material, the clear water becoming ash as he continued his duties.
Orwyle longed to voice his concerns regarding your health, fiddling with his fingers as he concocted another batch of charcoal and clay. You needed to wake soon so he could ensure your best chance of survival. The first forty-eight hours were the most crucial for those battling Poison Hemlock, and the fact that the Stranger had not taken you was a miracle. Animals who ingested the flowering plant died within a day of doing so, their lungs giving out or seized by convulsions.
The Maester believed you were more robust than he thought. The Mother had unquestionably blessed you with the strength of the Warrior to have you breathing for this long. Or perhaps, he thought, it was the Valyrian Gods of your ancestors, the dragon blood in your veins, that protected you.
The few interactions Orwyle had with you always left him with a joyful feeling, a small ray of light within his darkened quarters filled with dusty and ancient tomes. He tried not to care for your health more than that of a provider and his patient, but he found it challenging.
It was the dichotomy, he thought, of when you were awake, full of life, sparring with words and the swords against men who believed themselves better than you, to now, laying on your soft feather tick mattress with an emotionless, sallow hue to your skin. It caused him anguish. Orwyle was determined to find out who would do such a thing to you, uncharacteristically desiring them to be brought to the Father's justice, and resolved to remind Aegon of the need to do so when your two servants entered the chamber.
Once he finished making another concoction, Aegon waved him off, leaving with a firm yet uneasy bow to the room. The moment he left, Aegon stood, righting his rumpled tunic from his few restless hours of sleep, and addressed Fiora and Jeyne.
"What news have you?" he asked pointedly, gathering the ashy mucilage and brush to apply to your abdomen.
The maids shared a look, Fiora's eyes seeming to have never dried up as she cowered behind her companion. Jeyne inhaled a resolute breath. Her years of working for spoiled, impuissant palace goers was a typical occurrence.
"We have found a servant boy who claims to have seen the Princess's protector enter her chambers hours before your discovery. I believe that there is no coincidence to his absence at her door during that time," she relayed in one steady breath, hands clasped humbly over her lower abdomen.
Aegon grunted, disbelieving the credibility of such a statement. It would be the most obvious answer for Ser Arryk to be the culprit. He was heartbroken that his idyllic image of you shattered and the only one besides Aegon who could get close enough to slip poison in unnoticed. The answer was too simple, too straightforward to be true. A lowly kingsguard was the easiest to blame to save face within the royal family and protect whoever really did this. He still had the feeling within him that his mother had something to do with this. It was no coincidence that days prior, the Queen demanded you to leave, and now suddenly, you were at death's door.
Yes, heartbroken and ego-damaged men were a danger to those around them. Aegon understood that more than any, but Arryk would never go so far as to kill you for it. His oath was still to that of the King.
"Bring me this boy," Aegon said dispassionately, never looking in the maid's direction, simply painting your skin.
Fiora and Jeyne nodded, curtsying as was protocol, and headed for the exit until Aegon stopped them short.
"I'm sure you know that the Hand has barred any ravens from King's Landing to Dragonstone," he inquired, unamused as a sneer curled his lip. "Her family must know what has happened here. The more who know about this assassination attempt on a, perhaps this rat will feel pressured reveal themselves."
They both glanced at each other, Fiora gnawing on her lip as more tears emerged from her viridian eyes. Aegon ignored the servant's weeping and placed the bowl on a writing desk with the rest of the Maester's equipment. He pulled a piece of folded cream parchment from his trousers and hurriedly scribbled, fearing someone getting wind of his plan.
"Here is a letter meant for her father," he stated, flicking the paper between his index and middle finger. "You will not be able to send it through the rookery and must go to a brothel madame within the slums of Flea Bottom. Her name is Babette and she will ensure that my words make it to Dragonstone unhindered," Aegon instructed calmly.
They were stunned. Both maids stood in the doorway to your chambers with slightly parted lips, reminding him of a fish. They had never seen him act like such a... prince. He was raised within the castle walls and had the highest education of anyone in Westeros, yet he never seemed to take advantage of it. The maids heard rumors that Aegon was no longer seen at brothels or gambling houses, though they did not believe such a thing to be valid until now.
Fiora's gaze drifted to your listless form, fiery brows arched in disbelief, slowly drifting back to the white-haired prince. Jeyne was the first of the duo to compose herself and briskly walked forward, taking the wax three-headed dragon seal to her cracked hands. You had changed Aegon in ways that people believed impossible, and if she hadn't realized it until now, then who else knew?
If she, someone who saw you daily, did not know the effort and influence you had over a person, did anyone? The eldest maid felt a pang of sadness in her heart for you as weathered eyes lowered to the stone floor, the memory of her scrubbing away your blood and bile replaying as if she were there again.
Jeyne heard passing gossip that you had brought up concern for the small folk during a council meeting. It was fleeting, nothing more than a whisper of a feather drifting in the wind, and soon she forgot about it. What other accomplishments had you done that no one knew of? It was the plight of women, it seemed, to sacrifice one's soul to receive respect or recognition in the world. Once you awoke, she would tell you how much she saw and that your actions were not in vain.
If you woke up, she grimly realized.
A frown pulled at Jeyne's thin lips as she returned to Fiora's side. Her companion seemed to sense the elder's thoughts, placing a comforting hand at her back. Again, She faced Aegon, his violet eyes never leaving hers as she spoke.
"You are changed, Prince Aegon, and while that does not atone for the wrongs you have done, it shows that you are capable of being better," Jeyne expressed with a firm look on her visage. "It would do her well to know that."
Aegon needn't ask whom she was speaking of. He already knew, a sullen look coming over his face as he focused on the cracks of the stone floor. The memory of your limp body when he found you vividly displayed in his mind's eye.
Jeyne and Fiora exited with brief nods and bent knees, with two different goals in mind. The elder would get the servant boy, and the younger would go to the brothel, madame. They didn't ask why Aegon trusted this woman, but they knew it was useless to try. All that mattered now was ensuring your safety and justice.
A quiet groan caused Aegon to lose his collection of thoughts, swiftly going to your side as he watched your brows arch in pain. Droplets of sweat he had not noticed glistened on your hairline and ran down your temples, grabbing a cloth to blot at the excess perspiration. Your breathing sped, breasts rising and falling in a hypnotic rhythm. Seeing you more alive as Aegon rang the dampened fabric into the bowl was a relief.
Aegon slid into his place next to you, intertwining his fingers with your limp ones as he brought your knuckles to his lips, stroking the thin skin of your hand. His lips pursed in thought. Aegon knew the Keep was full of snakes ready to strike at any opportunity to raise themselves into higher power, no matter the cost. But in his mind, it was too risky to harm a member of the royal family, but others did not seem to share the same sentiment, and anger filled his hardened soul once more.
Aegon tightened his grip on your hand, harsh enough to bend their sides and crackle the bones.
"When you wake, little one, we shall rain dragon fire on who dared hurt you," he declared, sullen face now calloused.
You found yourself within a void, darkness surrounding your body clad in a simple white gown. You couldn't see the beginning or end of where you were, as if your eyes were shut, an unending blackness never touched by light. Your hands found their way to your face, fingertips touching your cheeks, the slope of your nose, and the sockets of your eyes to ensure you were, in fact, real.
If you wake...
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Memories flashed within your mind, becoming the only thing you could see in the infinite darkness. You recalled voices, wet mouths talking and drinking, tongues licking lips and tasting something rancid and sweet, hands gesturing and twitching, crawling up your legs. Nausea churned your stomach, and pain rippled in your gut, causing you to fall to your knees. The ground was solid; it was real, and suddenly your eyes opened.
The world was still midnight, though you could see a man before you.
But it wasn't a man...
You weren't sure if it was a person, their face covered with an obsidian mantle and the seven-pointed star's insignia woven into their robes. Fear cinched your heart, and your chest rose and fell with quick breaths as you attempted to run, only to be flung back into your spot by an invisible force.
"Who-" you stammered, breaths coming in quick pants, "who are you? Where am I? I-I cannot see."
The being reached an arm in your direction, the fabric slowly drawing back to reveal its skin or lack thereof. Their finger slowly traced down your cheek, cold and warm, comforting and alarming, yet like nothing simultaneously.
"I am what I am," they stated, tone unlike anything you had ever heard. It sounded like the voices of many speaking simultaneously, men, women, children, and everything in between melting into one eerie noise.
"You're here to hurt me, aren't you?" The words did not sound like they came from a grown woman; instead, a young girl high-pitched and hoydenish with fright as tears lined your lashes. Your breath hitched as their fingers left your skin, fear scratching at your throat and squeezing your eyes shut. "Where am I?"
The being stepped backward, seeming to float on the ground as sparkles of white flashed in the air. Stars, you realized, twinkling in the infinite void. For a moment, you were put into a state of wonder, gazing at the bursts of light in awe as the being only stared. It made no movements nor breaths, allowing you to take in the amazement of your surroundings.
"Am I dead?" you asked, finally gaining the courage to voice the most prevalent question in your mind.
"You are in the world between worlds, child. Not dead yet not alive within the realm of your creation," they answered with not a hint of emotion.
You couldn't hide the aghast sob that left your lips at his revelation, your mind reeling. You knew what happened for you to wake here. You drank from a cup tainted with poison that caused your limbs to freeze and your brain to wave, but who did it was unknown. The only picture within your mind was a silhouette of a figure with short, mousy hair and a slouched posture, supporting their weight on something.
You knew who they were. You felt it in your bones, but your mind refused to let you see. Was that your psyche subconsciously trying to protect you, or did the poison affect your memory?
"I don't want to die! What did I do to deserve this?" you wept with blurred vision, looking at the unmoving being before you.
You felt them sigh, though they did not move, their chest not indicating if they had lungs. "New born babes should not be taken from the world before they can sin, yet they are."
An involuntary grimace pulled your face as you licked the briny water from your lips. The world was cruel and uncaring. It took children from mothers before they were ready and kind people into places of darkness. Life was bleak and hopeless and full of negativity. At times, you wondered if there was a point to living when life would always end the same—breathing, eating, fighting, and suffering until you died and were forgotten a hundred years from now.
"I know who you are," you spat, tongue thick as you swallowed tears. "You are a callus and heartless being who takes those undeserving while displaying yourself in a cloak of self-righteousness."
They did not seem angry about what you said and tilted their head in response, examining you like one of Helaena's pinned insects. Its unseen stare unnerved you, appearing like a statue you never prayed to within the Sept. Anger began to well in the place of your unease at their indifference, taking purposeful strides to them before your body was abruptly taken aback, nearly tripping over your feet.
"I am neither good nor evil, simply I am, and I have come to take what is mine."
It raised the same arm that stroked your cheek and pointed at you, causing panic to grip your chest as the shrouded hands shoved you to the ground, air knocking from your lungs. You struggled against them, the whites of your eyes visible as your arms and legs flailed in their vice-like grip. The being came closer, towering over your writhing form until you could see what hid underneath the obsidian hood.
A face not of this world looked down at you, half human and inhuman, alive yet dead. It was too much for your mind to comprehend as you released a scream, kicking your limbs as you desperately tried to escape from whatever fate awaited you.
The hands pulled at your hair, keeping your head down and unable to see the face of the Stranger any longer.
"No! No, please! I don't want to die!" you beseeched, throat raw from tears and screams as your wide-eyed stare found the Stranger at your feet once more.
"I was there in the dark when you spilled your first blood and I have come to take what is mine—one soul. No less," they repeated in an amalgamation of different tones. Your heart broke for the loss not only of life but of what might be.
The Stranger's accusing finger continued to point not at you but at your stomach, your misty stare flickering from yourself to them.
You knew what was to come next. They would rip your heart out before your very eyes, crushing your life source within the secular realm and the divine. You would never wake again, never feel the sun flush your skin or the wind whipping your cheeks on dragon back. Aegon would revert to his old ways of whoring, gambling, and drinking himself into unconsciousness, a crown forced on his head as the realm plunged into war and your kin were slaughtered. Every sacrifice would be for not all due to one simple drink.
Refusing to resign to your fate, you thrashed and screamed in failed attempts at breaking free. There was no escape to this realm—no beginning or end in the vast darkness. There was only you, these unseen hands pulling you into submission, and the Stranger, his digit still raised and pointed.
"What have I done to deserve this?" you wailed, feeling your limbs locked at the joints. "I-I know I was not a devoted follower of the Faith and have sinned, but I repent. I'll pay penance to the Seven each day forth from now on. I'll attend services in the Grand Sept. I'll-I'll refrain from any vices you so wish. Just let me live!"
Your bargaining with the faceless being went unheard, his arm slowly falling to its side as you felt the hidden fingers slither across your abdomen, tearing your nightgown down the middle. Your eyes grew wide with horror, attempting to pry them away with panicked movements only to be thwarted by the others pushing your limbs into the ground.
"Stop!" you screamed, voice cracking as your neck was whipped back, head cracking onto the ground as your vision flashed.
Though you couldn't see them, you could feel them. Their digits indented into your malleable flesh as it broke under pressure, blood seeping from the gashes as a searing pain tore like a thousand cuts of a hot blade through your skin. Blood poured from your stomach and down your sides, soaking your tattered porcelain nightgown into a stained crimson. Wailing in agony, your throat grew sore, limbs twisting and contorted into inhuman positions as you gave under their ravenous scratching.
"Blessed be you, the daughter of the Mother bound to suffer eternal through the sins of your father committed long before your conception," the Stranger prayed, words carrying over your cries. "Blessed be your whore mother, tired and angry, waiting with bated breath on a ferry that will never move again. Blessed be the children. Each and every one who have come to know their god through some senseless act of violence."
The exposed image of your essence caused your heart to become faint, the torment fading into the back of your mind as your vision fluttered and your head became light. It was a small mercy in the ruthless death that you could no longer feel the torture of your organs torn into, limbs twitching in subconscious reflexes.
"Blessed be you, girl, promised to me by a man who can only feel hatred and contempt towards you."
The squelching of your insides was sickening as silent tears leaked down your temples, confused as to how you were still alive. No human could survive being disemboweled; the blood loss alone would kill the most robust of men, yet the invisible beings continued to burrow into your insides, seeming as if in search of something.
The Stranger did not move from its place at your feet, observing as your intestines glistened in the twinkling lights of the void.
You felt betrayed by them and those who preached that the Stranger was not a being of good or evil. They were supposed to guide you into the afterlife, not watch as beings threw your organs to the side. They lied. No being would stand there and allow a daughter of the Mother to have her insides turned out. You never feared the Stranger yourself. Death was inevitable, but now you understand why followers of the Seven feared the Stranger.
Cries that were higher pitched than yours yanked you into reality, a single thread pulling your gaze back to your stomach as a babe covered in crimson, glistening with your essence, was ripped from your womb. Confusion, fear, surprise, and desperation surged through you, attempting to pry yourself from your confines again. The cord connecting the child to you still pulsed with blood through the purple and blue veins as it was taken and placed into the hands of the Stranger.
"What are you doing?" you questioned with a thick tone, panic seizing your limbs as you broke from their unseen grip. 
That was yours—something you made solely of your labor, and they were taking it from you. It belonged to you!
You desperately yanked at the fleshy cord still connecting you to your child, the babe's shriek piercing your ears and into your heart. "Please, give it back!" you sobbed, reaching out again only to be shoved. "No! No, please! Please give me back my child! They are mine! They don't deserve this."
You were unsure of what came over you. You had never met this creature before, though it was born of your flesh and blood; you did not want them taken. An instinct to protect the life of something so fragile and innocent lay dormant within your body, coming to fruition. The thought of sacrificing yourself in the babe's place nearly slipped off your tongue, but a sudden light blinded you, pushing the cries of your kin to fade as your eyes burned.
When you came to, you were no longer in an infinite void. Instead, within your chambers, thick, fragrant smoke choked your lungs as the same searing agony from before tore through you. Aegon stood over your writhing form, and his brows arched with concern as he saw your sheets become scarlet.
You stared at him, his eyes glassy and filled with an exhausted longing, as he rushed to your side, grasping your slick palm. "You're alive!" he exclaimed, unable to think clearly through his shock. "You're alive."
Unable to speak, you nodded, sweat and tears dampening your face as another wave of pain knotted within your lower back, forcing a scream. Aegon's violet eyes danced over you, seeing your blood now spread onto your top blanket as his cheeks became devoid of color.
An array of thoughts swirled within his mind like a maelstrom at sea, swiftly lifting the sheet away as he saw the crimson between your legs. His first instinct was to believe that, somehow, the assassin had returned underneath his watchful gaze, paranoia seizing his chest. But Aegon, still confused as to what was happening, gripped your hand impossibly tighter, causing a groan that rumbled in your lungs.
"The Maester," you managed to breathe through gritted teeth. "Get the Maester, Aegon."
He paused for a moment too long, and another cramp went through you, wailing with a clenched jaw and shut eyes as your body arched in pain. The prince did not need to be told twice as he watched the woman he loved beg the Gods for mercy, swiftly exiting your room as he ran to Orwyle's chambers, your cries becoming distant within the pale red stone walls.
The man in question opened the door with tired eyes to the Prince's incessant pounding. He did not need him to explain. He knew it had something to do with you as he hastily gathered supplies and the seven-pointed star necklace on his person. What Orwyle did not expect to see when he entered your humid chambers were you on all fours, grunting and straining with blood-soaked hands and bedclothes, sweat discoloring your once pristine nightdress.
He went quickly into action, ordering Aegon to summon your maids as he stood there listlessly, unable to comprehend the urgent words over the sounds of your shrieks. Aegon was unsure when he finally summoned Jeyne and Fiora, the pair looking perplexed before spotting their Lady. Both quickly went into action, following Maester Orwyle's instructions, scattering in and out of your chambers with different items.
Aegon could not think as he observed the events unfold before him. It was all too much. He couldn't process the abrupt chain of events. One moment, you were laying there, breaths barely audible, now suddenly panting and sobbing for an end he was not sure he wanted to see. Aegon did not know if this was an effect of the poison as his distant eyes met yours, lips mouthing something he strained to hear. He could not bear to lose you. He finally had love within his grasp after years of yearning only for it to be promptly taken away before properly basking in its warmth.
Aegon, who was so focused on the end of something, could not see the future before him, staring with violet-rimmed pupils within thick lashes, begging him to bring comfort. Finally, he could hear you, a rush of sounds and voices barraging his senses as you strained a grunt for him to come near.
You took his fist in yours, the other clutching the footboard as sweat ran down your neck. It felt as if your head was about to burst from your skull with each contraction, panting like an exerted animal.
"It's almost over now, Princess. You just need to pass the biggest part," encouraged Jeyne, a soothing maternal presence in a place that lacked it. "Come now. In through your nose and push out your mouth."
Nodding fervently, you did as told, inhaling deeply and growling with downward force, bringing your arm to wrap around Aegon for support. You needed the closeness and comfort a loved one brought as you went through this traumatic event.
Tears from above sprinkled on your damp hair. Streaks of wetness lined Aegon's cheeks as much as they did yours as another cramp rolled through you.
"What's happening?" he whispered against your cheek, breath uncomfortably hot.
Surprise dawned on your features as the pain ebbed for a merciful moment, resting on your knees. Your free hand grasped his silver roots in support as your other led Aegon down to your stomach, unable to speak. He stared with wrinkled brows and glassy purple eyes as you allowed him to apply pressure there. You need not tell him the reason in words as he glanced down. It could only be one thing.
"You are with child?" he questioned softly, tenderly stroking the area with his thumb.
You nodded, the cramps rising and commanding your body to gush more gelatinous blood. "I saw her. She was right there and they took her from me. Straight from my womb as she wailed."
"Who? Who took her from you?" he asked, free head tangling within your matted hair as you rested your forehead against his.
"The Stranger."
Aegon believed this to be the ramblings of someone in labor, the blood loss not helping to have a clear mind.
The death of a child, whether in this realm or within the womb, hurts immeasurably. The loss of something you could see and touch, something you formed a connection with, brought immense suffering to you and many of those around you, but it wasn't grief to bear alone. Having a life stolen from inside you created feelings of failure and doubts about your body's natural capabilities in isolation, morphing into self-blame and loathing of what could have been if only you were different.
But it was not your fault, not in this or any other sense. Your body did its natural process of protecting you, and even though you did not meet the child in its complete form, there was still a connection to mourn.
So deep within your thoughts, you did not hear the opening of oak doors, two pairs of footfalls storming into the room as your support was suddenly ripped away. Your fists balled into the crumpled sheets in compensation. Aegon struggled in Ser Criston's ironclad grip on his collar as you felt the sudden urge to push, push, push.
"Yes, Princess, yes! Keep going, more is coming out! You're almost finished," Fiora cheered, kneeling in Aegon's place as she clasped her fists around yours.
"Bring him back! I want Aegon!" you shouted. "I need him, please!"
At your cries, the Prince felt panic begin to take root, a terror and desperation to get to you that was so visceral that he did the only thing he could. Aegon growled and bit down on the fleshy part of Ser Criston's palm that met his thumb and forefinger, breaking the skin as blood stained his lips scarlet. The knight howled in pain, releasing the Prince on instinct as he attempted to return, only to have his mother stand in the way.
"Aegon, you needn't worry about her now. She is in capable hands," Alicent attempted to placate, her voice as gentle and maternal as when he was a child.
He paid no mind to her false coos and shoved the Queen out of his way, uncaring as she landed into a corner of furniture that stabbed her side. Ser Criston swiftly regained his composure at his Lady's shriek, once again grabbing Aegon by the fabric of his tunic and towards the exit.
"She is your Queen and mother! How dare you lay hands on her!" Criston admonished and struck the Prince with an armored grip upside his head as if he were no more than an insolent mutt.
You protested the action, begging the Queen, Ser Criston, the Maester, or anyone who would hear your pleas to bring Aegon back to you, but no one listened. The Queen was the highest authority in the room. Her word was law, and you were nothing but a lowly bastard dressed in fancy clothes and titles left without regard.
"Mother! Please, don't do this. She's with child!" the Prince beseeched, unruly locks of unkempt silver strewn across his pale face.
"Not anymore," Ser Criston jeered as his vision met the blood-stained sheets, dragging a raging Aegon away.
Alicent stood, righting herself and smoothing the fabric of her peridot gown with jeweled fingers. "You do not have the right to make such demands, Aegon. Leave at once. We shall discuss this later."
She couldn't stand to look at him, the shame of everything weighing heavier than all man's sins, as Alicent turned her brown orbs away from her son. He had sired bastards before, as had many Targaryen men, but one within his own house, with another bastard no less, was too much for the Queen's mind to comprehend.
The doors to your chambers slammed shut, rattling your bones as sobs of defeat tore through your throat. Your body did not allow you to mourn Aegon's absence, focusing your efforts as your muscles forcefully contracted, expelling the last of the thick matter out of your womb and onto the bedclothes. Fiora stroked your sweat-knotted hair as the pain subsided into dull cramps, reminding you of a particularly rough moon's blood, lungs slowly inhaling as your body relaxed.
Maester Orwyle began dabbing at your temples and neck as you sat, breathing heavily through your nose. "You did well, my lady," he praised quietly, glancing over his shoulder to Alicent, who stood staring into the hearth with her thumb in her mouth.
You sighed in acknowledgment, eyes briefly shutting as your fury gave you the energy to speak. "You are a cruel woman, Alicent." Your words were a dagger straight to her heart as you wiped your stained hands on your nightgown.
She turned to you and quickly placed her arms at her side, trying to put on an air of pomp that the situation did not need. "Tis hardly proper for a man to witness the pains of a miscarriage," she answered as if rehearsed.
"Proper?" you asked rhetorically. "I was dying and all you cared about was fucking propriety?" you snarled, rising to your knees with a wince, nerves alight.
The Queen did not dare say more, her conscience gnawing at the back of her mind like her teeth to her lip. "I know this was your doing," you spat, allowing Jeyne to help you onto your plush settee as the Maester began to clean your stained thighs.
The two women who had been with you since the moment you were forced to call the Red Keep a home gathered your soiled linens, stripping your bed without needing to be told. The sight brought warmth to your heart you had thought died moments ago. Through the brief time of Ser Dalton Greyjoy's presence to dutifully covering marks left behind from stolen moments with Aegon, Jeyne and Fiora's loyalty did not waver. Most maids would be eager to pass on gossip and rumors among the nobility for a chance at some coin. Or perhaps to provide themselves some entertainment in their less fortunate lives, but your two maidservants did not.
You were overwhelmed by a sudden gratefulness for them, longing to bring them into your embrace to sing praises and shout thank yous, but the Queen's looming presence forbade it. There was uncertainty about why she was here. Undoubtedly, the same woman who all but told you to leave King's Landing was not concerned for your well-being. You were hardly but an insect pestering her with your annoying, buzzing wings.
"Is it not enough that you've murdered the last remaining blood of my mother? Now you must take the life of my unborn child," you grunted, adjusting your position on the plush, emerald cushions as nausea struck through your core.
The Queen gasped, and everyone in the room looked weary, certain they were not supposed to hear this. "I would do no such thing, Princess," Alicent rebutted with a horror-stricken expression. "You are being unreasonable. 'Twas whoever snuck into your chambers and poisoned you that did this! Do not blame me for your misfortune."
A hollow laugh escaped your chest at her words, swallowing the bile that rose with the lingering cramps. "Oh, but how fortunate for you," you replied bitterly, the jab tasting acrid on your tongue. You wanted her to leave, to let you grieve the loss of a future you would never know, but she refused, implanting herself into the lives of others to ensure her gains were met. "Have I not earned my place here? Have I not sacrificed enough?"
"You know nothing of sacrifice," Alicent rejected quickly, snapping her avoidant gaze to yours.
"Don't I?" you chortled. The laughter sent your stomach into knots, but you pressed on, nudging Maester Orwyle away to stand upright, much to his concern. "Have I not done what you commanded of me? Kept your son from whoring and drinking himself to death on the streets of Flea Bottom? Do you remember the day you wrote to me? How you implored me to come to King's Landing and herd your son back to the Keep?" you sneered, tears of frustration and sadness welling in your puffy, bloodshot eyes.
No matter how desperately you wished to do so, you would not break in front of the Queen, heart empty as you spoke, blood trickling down your leg. "I have done what you asked and more. I've made Aegon understand the responsibility of his birth. He does not gamble or whore, gluttony is no longer a vice. He's become a better husband, brother, and father. He is everything you want him to be because of me!" Your voice wavered, barely containing a gag that pulled your lip muscles, threatening to become something more.
Realization struck you as you observed the Queen stand underneath your rage. All your life, you have served others to attain recognition in their eyes, whether to prove yourself competent or receive the love and acceptance every child craved. With your father, desperately eager to please him, to show him and all others that you were not the baseborn bastard daughter of a whore---that you could hold your own and make a name for yourself. Your desperation to prove yourself would be your downfall, but no longer would you allow yourself to be the subject of your insecurities. Worth was not dictated by what you did for others but by what you thought of yourself.
"Now that I no longer serve to further your schemes of putting Aegon on the throne, you see it fit to discard me as if I am nothing but a piece thrown about the board, sacrificed to achieve victory." Your anger was palpable, striking the Queen into her soul without physical action.
Alicent inhaled sharply, glancing at your maids and the Maester, who had all seemed to have halted their tasks. Your words were a mirror to her as anxiety began to flutter within her gut underneath so many stares. Hands once primly placed at her side were now picking at the skin of one another, a nervous tick she never broke. She did not know these people. She did not trust them not to run to the nearest lord, who was desperate for Rhaenyra's favor with word of treachery.
"What you claim is treason and not from a sound mind," she protested, her voice velvet. The Queen knew that if she spent a moment longer discussing secrets that had been unsaid, they would finally surface to harm the steps made to plant Aegon on the throne.
You opened your mouth to speak once more, but Alicent's smooth voice was quick to interject.
"Maester, I believe the Princess has gone into hysteria due to the poison. She is not thinking clearly."
You began to argue, but the feeling of nausea overcame you, and you quickly stumbled to your chamber pot as the little contents of your stomach exited. Fiora and Jeyne rushed to your side, holding your tangled strands from your face as the other rubbed soothing circles across your lower back.
"Her hysteria is dangerous to herself and those around her, Maester. I believe milk of the poppy will numb her mind enough until she is well again," Alicent said with pursed lips, staring down at your hunched back from under her nose.
Orwyle blanched, understanding that this was not a suggestion but a request. Who was he to deny the Queen Consort of the Seven Kingdoms? "Your thoughtfulness for the Princess moves me deeply, your grace. However, any attempt to sedate her now would put her at more unneeded risk. She has lost far too much blood, and I must monitor her health."
The Queen's jaw clenched, teeth grinding at the man's tenacity. What did you have that gave people such a steadfast honor to protect you? Unlike her, you could not give them titles, land, or money in compensation. She was the Queen. They were supposed to serve her and bend to her will. Yet, they tended to your well-being with unyielding devotion, even in the face of one of Westeros's most influential people. Why did they not stand with her? Did a Queen not offer more than a bastard? Why not her? 
Why not me? Why not me? Why not me?
Envy ran hot through her veins at the thought. 
The three servants knew what this was—an attempt to control the situation and narrative, to prove that Queen Alicent would remain the all-encompassing figure of power and dominance, not some young, pretty bastard girl who bewitched all those around her.
"I shall not allow another danger to lurk about my home, especially one that deceives. We already have her assassin to worry about." She ignored your scoff, her words velvet but holding an icy undertone.
When Maester Orwyle did not move, Alicent shifted, palms conjoined just below her heart as she raised a manicured brow. "Do it Maester or I will have my guards do it for you."
The air was cold on Dragonstone, with a salty bite stinging Prince Daemon's flushed cheeks as he stood on a brimstone balcony overlooking where Blackwater Bay met the Narrow Sea. The moons spent without his daughter chipped at his war-hardened soul, revealing the center he kept tucked away, though many did not see it.
He hesitated again, gaze flickering to your slouched one leaning onto your ladies for support. You gave him a solemn nod, conveying with a single look that you would not resist. If this would get Alicent to leave the four of you alone and allow you to mourn peacefully... so be it. It would be better for you and them. You would not have to think about what happened for at least a little longer, and perhaps the pain would be gone when you woke, and your beloved Prince would be at your side once more. But hope was a double-edged sword. Each side was as sharp and brutal as the other and cut equally profoundly.
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People believed Daemon to be a cruel, calculating man deserving of the title "Rogue Prince." And while they were not wrong, it did not mean that the same sentiment traveled to the treatment of his family. He was devoted to his wife, stepsons, and true-born children, tending to them as a shepherd would his flock. He no longer cared for the war in the Stepstones or any battle, focusing his efforts on the future, a future for his family that seemed to grow more uncertain as his brother's health declined.
While he did feel guilt knock at his hollow chest when he thought about his eldest daughter, the life she was born into, the life she was kept from and forced to live, he did not have regrets. Daemon would, a thousand times over, accept you into his heart.
You were a part of him he did not know was missing, fitting so perfectly into his cracked soul that not even Rhaenyra's love could mend. You are as much of his blood as the young Aegon, Viserys, and the babe that grew stronger every passing day within his wife's womb. There was a special connection between the two of you that only a father of a girl could comprehend. He now understood why his brother passed him in favor of Rhaenyra becoming heir, for if he had the choice, you would serve to inherit all he had.
Daemon longed to have you at his side again, listening intently to whatever thoughts, happenings, and plans you had. The council meetings around the Painted Table grew increasingly irksome as he patiently awaited your next raven. Rhaenyra brought Jace along to more than one gathering with the pompous lords. Daemon admired the boy's fire and tenacity, yet he always seemed to lack the mature awareness you seemed to possess—no doubt a byproduct of your vastly different upbringings.
It had been a sennight since your last word, the longest Daemon had ever waited, and he grew antsy with each passing hour. He found himself pacing the sandy beaches across the island, climbing the same mountains and hills he forced you to in training. Memories were what he felt he had left of you now and that of the written word.
"My love."
He heard his wife's tender voice calling him inside. "You will hear from her soon. I know it."
Rhaenyra's soft hand found Daemon's, bringing it to the growing bump underneath her Myrish lace dress. The notion grounded him as much as her as they pressed their foreheads together, sharing a kiss full of all the longing and melancholy he kept hidden within himself.
It was not until late evening, as he and his wife retired to their chambers for rest, that a footman knocked, revealing a single piece of parchment atop a bronze platter. Daemon's heart leaped for joy, knowing it could only be one thing, and he hastily tore at the three-headed dragon seal.
Rhaenyra allowed her husband to read in silence, brushing out her long, snowy hair as she hummed a tune her late mother used to sing, absentmindedly stroking the life tucked below her breast. When her task was done, and she had secured herself within her thick nightdress, she turned to Daemon, his hunched spine facing her over their shared writing desk.
"What news does she have, my darling?" Rhaenyra sang, combing a fragrant oil through her strands. She prodded him further at his silence, eager to know what her chosen daughter said. "Has another lord insulted her again? You mustn't worry about it like last time. She is more than capable of defending herself."
Daemon did not answer, a strained, choked sound that his wife had never heard before emitting from his throat. Rhaenyra turned, swiftly walking to him as she smoothed a palm down the crown of his head to his nape. "Love?"
"She's dying."
"What?" Rhaenyra stammered, taking a step back.
"She was poisoned. The Greens have obstructed all communications with Dragonstone, and the sender is unsure if she will be alive by the time I read this," he answered, paper trembling.
The shock paralyzed all rationality. Rhaenyra didn't know what to think or feel. "Who sent this to you?" she ardently asked. The world around her became fuzzy, and her head went light as she braced herself against the wooden desk.
Daemon flipped the parchment over, searching for any indication of who the sender could be, but found none. "It has the royal seal, yet there is no signage."
His wife had no answer, dread beginning to take hold of her chest as tears collected in her amethyst eyes. A sob escaped Rhaenyra. The pain, the suffering you must have been through, was enough to make her faint, knees buckling as she struggled to stay upright—her poor child. Poor perzītsos dampened until they snuffed out her flame.
Daemon was lost within the confines of his mind. Fear, betrayal, sadness, and anger coursed through him, roaring the dragon blood to life in his veins. 
He felt powerless living on an island away from the daughter he loved, unable to fulfill his role as father and protector. It was a failure on his part not to see what the Hightowers could do. Their schemes and treachery reached from King's Landing to Oldtown, an ancient family with roots among the elites of Westeros. There was a reason they held onto power for so long, and it was not by allowing one unexpected person to throw them awry.
Swiftly, Daemon stood, throwing the sturdy wooden chair behind him with the force of his legs. He gripped the letter with an iron fist, wrinkling the parchment under pressure as he went for the door.
"Daemon," Rhaenyra called, struggling to steady her breath. "Where are you heading?"
The Rogue Prince paused just before the exit, turning on his heel to face his wife, crumpled paper raised high in his hand.
"To burn that green bitch and her cunt father," he proclaimed, a fire within his voice that assured he would keep his word. "They will pay for what they have done to our daughter." 
Rhaenyra understood that convincing him otherwise was futile, and deep down, she didn't want to. Despite not being her biological child, she held you in her heart as her own. She wouldn't stand in the way of Daemon's quest for retribution, knowing that he would spare no effort if their roles reversed. With a brief nod, she left him and settled into a cushioned chair.
Daemon stormed through the brimstone halls of Dragonstone, leather riding boots echoing his every step. He had only one goal, one in which he had no care for the consequences of as he reached the cave where his ride was housed. The Rogue Prince climbed the ropes of Caraxes as the Keepers struggled to untether the beast, mounting atop his dragon and fastening the chains in the saddle.
Masterlist of Series
The Blood Wyrm chirped with a puff of smoke through its nostrils as Daemon snapped the reins, sending the dragon forward and out of the cave. He did not care as the frigid wind cracked like whips against his exposed skin, flying higher—faster to his destination, death and destruction trailing behind beating crimson wings. His daughter would be avenged even if it meant the whole Keep would be nothing but ash and bone by sunset.
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Tagged Peeps: @zeennnnn, @malfoytargaryen, @targaryencore, @justasmallbean, @omgsuperstarg, @sommornyte, @silverslive, @prettykinkysoul, @duesobabe, @legolas017, @iiamthehybrid, @dd122004dd, @ladybug0095, @millies0bsimp, @kalfild, @sheislonelyalways, @tempt-ress, @minttea07, @trikigirl271, @esposadomd, @prettywhenicry4, @justarandomflowerchildofthenight, @partypoison00, @please-buckme, @pastelorangeskies, @existential-echo, @priyajoyy, @valaenatargaryensdragon, @merovingianprincess, @candy12110, @w3ird11, @ruhjkie, @somemydayy, @marikkjj, @zillahvathek, @sunfyresrider, @heavenly1927, @hjgdhghoe, @im-sidney, @aurorathi, @marihoneywk, @xitsemm, @justbelljust, @qardasngan
Daddy's on his way, babies! Are we excited? I know I am!
I hope this chapter wasn't too sad for y'all. I've never had a miscarriage before or have been pregnant. I wanted to make the most accurate portrayal by talking with people I know who have had one or been pregnant. I apologize if I've offended or triggered anyone with what I wrote.
Thank you again for your understanding and patience while waiting for these updates. Life has been chaotic!
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absolutebl · 1 year
This Week In BL - I’m pleased with what’s airing, but conflicted about what’s ended & getting started
Aug 2023 Wk 1
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Laws of Attraction (Sat iQIYI) 4 of 8 - Omg the way the bodyguard (handler?) looks at the rich kid. Gah. I see why @heretherebedork​ loves these 2. But I really hate him (not the handler, the kid). Fun fight scene. I love lawyer babygirl SO MUCH. HE WILL BE MY 2023 FAV CHARACTER. I’M CALLING IT. This ep, Srs? You’re killing me. Suits! Pussycat bows! And then... The Public Claiming!!!!! One of my favorite tropes! And openly flirting? Boys. I’m getting spoiled. Wait… is that…? NO SINGING. Ah well, Thai BL giveth and Thai BL taketh away. 
Hidden Agenda that isn’t hidden (Sun GMMTV YouTube) ep 4 of 10 - I like the script for this. It feels like the conversations they have are very honest to a uni experience. It’s comfortable and breezy. I did not expect the kiss. Bit early in the arc. There is either going to be a lot of backend drama, or a long domestic honeymoon period. (Bet you can guess which one I vote for.) 
Low Frequency (Sat iQIYI) ep 5 of 8 - It’s moving along in a Ghost Host kinda way (minus the killer chemistry). I’m not mad about it, I don’t think I'll remember it tho. 
Be Mine Super Star (Mon Viki) ep 5 of 12 - My ambivalent relationship with this drama continues. Cohabitation trope. Punn is basically a huge puppy trying to spoil/cuddle/fuck his pretty kitty prince. It is what it is. Meanwhile, I just want more of Big Daddy & the Hot Doc. (Also the name of my burlesque show.) Why does Kevin have more chemistry with Ashi in a 1 min long scene than Punn has had… ever? Is this nascent bad boy effect or nascent 2nd lead syndrome I’m feeling? (Meanwhile Ben! Hi! Long time no see!) 
Be My Favorite (Fri YouTube) ep 11 of 12 - Whatever. Trash(ish) watch here. 
Dinosaur Love (Sun iQIYI) ep 6 of 8 eps - Aw pretty baby is unhappy his bf got injured. But also very blushing maiden. This is profoundly NOT GOOD. 
Wedding Plan (Weds YT & iQIYI) ep 3 of 7 - I have decided that Lom’s theme song is BigBang’s Monster. Listen. You’ll see what I mean. Also BigBang = also very problematic but banging. What I’m saying is, I wanna punch Lom so bad, I went slightly bonkers. Water sports are addressed. A trash watch is happening!
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Jun & Jun (Korea Thurs Viki) 3 of 8 - How DARE they make me love this show so much? I feel personally attacked. The smell thing! Gah. The way they automatically go informal in private. The flirting. The language. The suits, the EVERYTHING. It’s embarrassing how much I rewatch the final bits of each ep. 
Stay By My Side (Taiwan Fri Gaga) 6 of 10 eps - I adore this ridiculous show. (I just realized that the actor playing Jiang Chi played Ray’s evil 2-timing bf in About Youth). Baby boy is quite clueless. Sweet dreams tho. I love them both so much. The washing his jersey scene was so fucking cute. Couple’s numbers, couple’s keychains, bridal towel, kisses. Thank you Taiwan for NOT activating blushing maiden. However, confident gay/confused bisexual is a go. And we got us some justifiable angst. Sigh. I’m so happy. 
Sing My Crush AKA Follow The Wind (Korea Weds iQIYI) 1-2 of 8 eps - supposed to have released in the first half of 2022 this is a adaption of Myung’s webtoon, from the director of My Sweet Dear, and Love Tractor’s production house, basically Korea does About Youth. It’s sweet (the singing bits are easy to skip) and very much a story of young first love but less stiff than KBL’s usual high school fare (kinda Taiwan feeling). I like it but that very imprecision in production makes me concerned for an HEA, especially with such a low MDL rating. 
Tokyo in April is... AKA Shigatsu no Tokyo wa (Japan Fri Gaga) ep 8fin  - Rough final episode, but it does end happily. Fortunately, I had some warning for my personal triggers, but this is Japan and they did go dark. Full review below. 
Minato's Laundromat Season 2 AKA Minato Shouji Coin Laundry Season 2 (Japan Thu Gaga) 5 of 12 eps - Shin is so cute and proud and boldly out. I love him. Movement in the relationship with both couples, even if it’s movement into arguments and misunderstanding. I suppose we got 12 eps they need to do... something.  
Stay Still (Hong Kong Tues YouTube) 1 of 5 eps - It’s confusing. And… not good? Some flashbacks some present day? 
It’s airing but ...
Stay With Me ... NO I WILL NOT! And you can’t make me.
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Review: Tokyo in April is... AKA Shigatsu no Tokyo wa
I had to chew on this for a while but here’s where I ended up. 
Two young men with a shared tragic past reunite and fall in love all over again, but the past will not stop hunting them. Based on a manga, this office set reunion romance is GREAT… damn it. It’s Japan in full on soft focus which means it gets emo, abusive, and chewy. These two characters are giving parts of their souls away in a desperate attempt to shape themselves to the expectations they have of each other. 
Japan gave us the Bed Friends that Thailand could never even imagine. But here’s the thing: I don’t enjoy my BL this heavy and cutting. I know that for The 8th Sense crowd this is peak BL and I can’t argue with the fact that the romantic devotion, domesticity, script, and acting IS all on point. It’s just not my personal preference for that point to be so damn sharp. I appreciate that this being 2023 I have the luxury of consistent quality (especially from Japan) and thus the ability to say… 
I acknowledge that this SHOULD get a 9/10 but I can’t emotionally go higher than 8/10 
Japan = sticking to its lanes like their BL is on rails. 
Next Week Looks Like This:
8/11 Love Class Season 2 (Korea Fri Viki) 10 eps 
8/12 My Personal Weatherman AKA Taikan Yoho (Japan Sat Gaga) 8 eps 
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Still Coming August 2023
8/19 Love in Translation (Thai Sat One31) ? eps - Two strangers start working in a cafe together.
8/19 I Feel You Linger in the Air (Thai Sat Gaga) 12 eps - The time travel historical romance many of us have been waiting for. 
8/20 My Universe series (Thai Sun iQIYI) 24 episodes - This is sampler pack BL, 12 pairs, each pair gets 2 eps, not sure on the order they’ll drop. Known couples include EarthBank from Destiny Seeker and KaownahTurbo from Love Stage!!!, mostly fresh faces otherwise. Jane to direct several.
8/22 Kisseki: Dear to Me formerly known as Miracle (Taiwan Tues ????) 13 eps - From screenwriter Lin Pei Yu (We Best Love, H3: Trapped) features a student doctor forced to take care of a gangster. I love the premise and like the writer, Viki or Gaga will get this one.  
8/24 Man Suang (Thailand movie, domestic cinema release) - historical drama about Thai burlesque with KP’s MileApo. Tong is in this one too?
8/? Why R U? (Korean remake) is supposed to be out this month, filming started in sept 22. I find everything about this hilarious. I mean if Korea remakes it, we lose all the sexy and then... would we have a story at all? No we would not. Not even for six short eps. It’d be like one of those mesh shopping bags.
Oh yeah, Only Friends is coming. 
2023 forthcoming BL master post (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED)
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Hidden Agenda. I love them. 
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Public claiming with the waist grab maneuver! A true hero. 
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But I think we can all agree that THIS is the hero all love triangles deserve. (both Laws) 
(Last week) 
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bruciemilf · 2 years
So, I see a Thomas Wayne completely adoring and wild for his wife and his butler, I don't doubt it….
but, I wonder how he must have been when he found out that baby Bruce was already on his way?
When baby Bruce gives him a baby smile as soon as he sees him with his big adorable puppy dog eyes?
What kind of scared first-time dad is Thomas Wayne?
It's my god given right to have protective Papa wolf Thomas Wayne who spoiled baby Bruce absolutely rotten.
This is just a personal headcanon, but Thomas had less than an ideal childhood that greatly influenced his outlook on marriage and fatherhood, two elements he believed unachievable and unattainable.
But the funny thing about fate and destiny is that you have a choice in one, a chance in the other, and a say in neither. Martha wants to have him, so she'll have him.
" Oh please, Martha, anything but a boy. I can hardly stand one of me running around, being an absolute menace."
" Oh, how inconvenient that must be. For you, of course." Alfred supplies.
" Thank you, Alfie."
That's before he met Bruce " Assigned Angel At Birth" Wayne. Bruce was a little cherub of a baby. Quiet and ashy pale and born too early, smaller than Thomas' hands.
He fits perfectly in Alfred's, thought, because Alfred's not as brutish and room occupying as him, and he fits well in Martha’s, too, of course. parallel lines, all three of them, intersecting dangerously.
And now there's a line; A new stroke of ink building up their strange, crooked, but tight knit family portrait. And this adorable addition seems obsessed with Thomas in particular.
They're lucky if Bruce is too tired to fight when it's time to nap or take a bath and Thomas, either because he's working the graveyard shift at the hospital or WE, can't be there, otherwise it's a battle.
As a toddler, they are a complete copy of Lottie and Big Daddy from Princess and the Frog. Just very Addams Family about it; Bruce whines and pulls at his dad's pant leg, " Please please please PLEASE--"
" Fine fine, I'll get you that Vlad The Impaler boardgame, but it's the last thing, okay? Come on now. Now who wants a puppy?!"
He was so bad at grounding Bruce, too. He had Thomas wrapped around his little finger.
Alfred is less than impressed, " Why did you give him the ice cream cake from the freezer?"
" I don't know. Why did I?"
Bruce, happily getting ice cream all over his face, " I'm too small to reach"
" He's too small to reach"
Not to mention; DILF Thomas Wayne covered in blood, looking at his baby after absolutely driving an axe through someone's face for commenting Bruce’ll be " a Heartbreaker" when he grows up
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beauspot · 2 years
ok i’ve had time to sit with this viewing of wakanda forever and im only going to try to add things i haven’t spoken about before UNLESS my opinion on something has changed. i do have namuri and okoyuma brainrot so excuse any shipper nonsense you don’t care about 🥴
L O N G P O S T 👇🏾
Small Details I Noticed:
as t’challa was being carried to the city of the dead after the funeral two wakandan ships cross in the sky like they’re doing the wakandan salute
when ramonda meets with the united nations she wears purple and gold symbolizing how she’s “taking care of business” like killmonger
the color red is associated with tradition in wakanda and everything new is associated with the color the blue and blue typically is associated with what element? water
aneka and ayo are so cute 😙
the shift from background music to it being diegetic sirens was masterful
i couldn’t figure out why namor said shuri was the first surface dweller in talokan but he had a suit. then i realized duh it was from the start of the movie 🥴
Why does no one go for the Talokanil masks
t’challa falls in love with a river tribe girl, ramonda finds comfort by sources of water I don’t find it coincidental at ALL her whole family has ties to water.
every time he issues a threat Namor is looking at Ramonda but when he sets the shell down to ask them to call? he looks at shuri.
shuri wears white while she’s working in her lab because she’s still in a mourning period.
shuri’s tribe wears red namor is represented(partially) by blue and what color does shuri wear when she’s taken to his domain? purple.
attuma is down horrendous he ain’t even join the fight in wakanda he just went looking for okoye. STAND UP.
namor and shuri pausing to stare at each other before she shoots cause they really don’t want to fight 😐
people keep saying ross’ scenes weren’t necessary and yet fully missed that namor was proved right by his scenes
N’Jadaka TOLD YALL ramonda gave her life to save riri. (doesn’t justify namor’s actions but don’t take away her agency)
shuri’s panther ears on her helmet point down like she’s ready to pounce whereas t’challa’s pointed up showing he was docile
shuri’s actions fully show us namor’s origin and how he ends up as adamant and stubborn as he is. their hatred turned them into warmongers shuri is just able to stop herself before she does something truly irreversible.
namor is such a loser he really thought shuri was finna call him on his shellphone.
in the midst of everything she remembers holding hands with namor as they watched the sunrise…hm.
Random Thoughts I Had During the Movie:
That chairman who introduced Ramonda was fine as hell
That french lady shook her head like her men ain’t break into that lab that’s wild.
Attuma’s first entrance (on the ship) had me grinning from ear to ear like “HEY BIG DADDY!”
Namor can really be brutal as fuck. The way those agents were screaming as their helicopter was spun into the ocean was scary as hell! (i’m still on his side tho ✋🏾🫱🏾liik’ik talokan)
hi anderson cooper!
i wonder why ramonda cut her hair
when shuri told her mother K’uk’ulkan was covered in vibranium he looked at her like “oh so you looked me over?” 😁
the jibari are hilarious
mbakus very silly but he has a big heart and is clearly very wise
nah okoye is right the midnight angel suit is u g l y
i cannot fully express how annoying i find de fontaine
riri my darling baby girl i love you
okoye don’t look ashy and i’m tired of them coming at my good sis
okoye is so funny 😭
the car chase scenes are always the best in these movies
i need the wakanda forever script
attuma GROWLED at okoye just kiss already
i like that attuma got his own whale and everybody else gotta share
ross is such a smol little guy who’s scared of him 🥴
angela was acting her ass off we know this but you know who else? danai. yup. i should watch the walking dead
everybody in this movie fine as hell
nakia should be in more avengers movies
nakia grew them dreads fast
their shaman was fine too everybody is HOT
why is de fontaines hair purple she looks twelve
if namor got in my face like that i’d kiss him idk
shuri fully forgot she was wearing that man’s bracelet until it was pointed out to her
mbaku’s face when he saw that whale underwater took me out.
see namor dodging shuri’s fire makes no sense he literally stands still when he’s being fired at initially and then hits the ship fire out of the air with his spear.
riri don’t listen cause ramonda definitely told her ass to run
i just-don’t get namor sometimes because he fully could have killed the scientist and shuri and he clearly doesn’t care about eternal war he just DOESN’T DO IT.
Nakia’s funeral outfit is beautiful
i will fully admit that the beauty of tenoch blinded me to namor’s brutality. that man is vicious.
aneka is so funny
iron heart has such a cute anime suit i kinda love it and hate it
we’ll probably see a different one since she can’t take it home though.
there’s something so silly about the way shuri and mbaku start to arm wrestle
the way he said “princess” and stared at her on the ship…he wanted to fuck so bad omg.
the lighting when shuri gets stabbed is insane, it becomes less saturated and green and i really like it 😗
namor’s little butt jiggle as he fell?? lol
the dissenting wakandans and talokanil are going to be a problem moving forward. they’ve each lost people and they’re not gonna let that slide.
Final Thoughts:
I really love this movie obviously but i think Tenoch being hot kinda blinded me to how cruel Namor can really be. Cause the whole time i’m thinking, he’s hot and he’s right i’m on his side. In general he doesn’t use excessive force and he gives people ample opportunities to stop fucking with him before he really goes off tho.
I still stick with my assessment that Namor isn’t a villain and you’ve missed the point if you think he is, that his actions weren’t justified but i understand he needs to protect his people so it’s not without reason.
I don’t understand why people think shuri shouldn’t have been the black panther okoye is in the dora, nakia is a spy who else was gonna be the panther?
i don’t know exactly why but this movie excites me and i am growing to love it more than any other marvel movie. this is most likely the last time ill see it in theatres since i don’t want to make myself bored with it but i’m really thankful to ryan and co for putting this out they did chad justice
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megalony · 3 months
Meet My Family
This is an Evan Buckley imagine requested by anon, I hope you will all like it. Let me know what you think.
I'd love to do a follow up or two if anyone would be interested.
Taglist: @justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz @dumb-fawkin-bitch @oliverstarksbae @gimatida @heart-35 @supernaturalstilinski @stefansalvatoresgf @kyky9103 @wutheringhearts2275 @gay4hotmilfs @itshamleth @chaoticnosleepinfluencer @gs29 @wh0reforsmutstuff @mel-vaz @natashamea18 @chrisevansdaughter @alexandra8484 @deena-beena-weena @targaryenluvs @shelbygeek @kpoplover-19 @marvelmenarebeautiful @gillybear17
@zoeybennett @mrspeacem1nusone @zephyrmonkey @estella-novella @eleventhdoctorsangel @kniselle @senjoritanana
@shauna-carsley @dottierose @cfdhouse51 @darkfemme1 @rainechase45 @ml572 @jessie-lynn28 @lolalolsstuff @jupiter1700 @ashdoctor @an-aliens-ghost @lunaroserites @houseoftwistedspirits @itshamleth
Evan Buckley Masterlist
Part 2
Summary: Evan has been waiting for the right time to introduce the team to his family. But when his son is ill and he has to leave shift early, he tells the team about his family. (Autistic! son)
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A shudder tore down Evan's spine and tingled throughout his arms when his son screamed.
It didn't matter how many times Evan had heard Rowan scream or make similar screeching, high-pitch noises, each one always cut through him.
With his lips rolled together, Evan tried again to reach for the shirt on the bed that he needed so he could get dressed ready for work. But Rowan moved faster. Despite the crackling coughs passing the five year old's lips, he took a dive and grabbed the shirt next to him on the bed, pinning it to his chest.
Evan took a deep breath before he crouched down on his knees at the foot of the bed so he was level with his boy. He watched Rowan tilt his head to the side, snuffling and huffing into the shirt he was cuddling like it was one of his many toys.
"Please." He kept his tone gentle and held his hand out, but Rowan wasn't agreeable today. Evan rose a brow and moved to tap the logo on the shirt that had the fire station name and number sewn into the crest. "Daddy's going to work. I gotta get dressed." He tapped the crest again before pointing to himself, but all he got was a sad scream that twisted into a cry at the end.
He knew Rowan knew what he was saying, or at least what he was trying to convey to him.
Evan was an expert on Rowan's different noises by now, he had to be. Noises were a way Rowan communicated because he couldn't speak, so Evan and (Y/n) had learned to decipher which ones were happy, which ones meant he was in pain and what sounds were angry or frightened.
Right now he was both in pain and angry. He didn't want Evan to go to work. Rowan didn't know what to do when he wasn't well, he knew he wasn't going to school because Evan hadn't gotten him into his school uniform and that meant his routine was disrupted.
A barking cough left Rowan's lips which made his chest sound like it was made of tissue paper that was ripping and crinkling apart. He pinned Evan's shirt to his chest and Evan sighed before he reached out.
He lifted Rowan up off the bed and let him snuggle against his chest. Since the moment he was born, Rowan had been a cuddler. Nothing couldn't be solved by a cuddle and it was something Evan loved about him.
Evan knew a few of the other parents from Rowan's school and he knew half of the kids there didn't like physical contact as much as Rowan. Some of the kids couldn't handle cuddles or long hugs or interacting with their families. If Rowan had been like that, it would physically kill Evan. He was so, so relieved that every day he got to pick his son up and lather him with kisses and hold him and show him he was loved.
And cuddles were a way for Rowan to express himself. He couldn't speak, (Y/n) and Evan were never going to hear their son tell them he loved them, but at least he could show it through touch and contact.
Rowan's birth had been a horrid experience that resulted in him not breathing for the first few seconds of his life and caused brain damage.
And when he was two and a half, after noticing little patterns and different behaviours in Rowan, added to the fact that he hadn't learned to speak, they ended up getting an autistic diagnosis.
He was non-verbal, granted Rowan could make noises, he made lots of sounds. He loved to click his tongue and make a noise that always reminded Evan of the Crazy Frog. And Rowan could scream, he would belt out a scream if he was angry or make a squeal if he was happy, but he couldn't say any words.
That meant it was sometimes hard to figure out if Rowan was in pain or the reasons why he was upset. They only knew Rowan was ill yesterday because he had a temperature and he was coughing and screaming. They were starting to use picture cards with him, but it was a slow process. They wanted to teach him to point to a picture to show them if he was in pain, such as if he had a tummy ache he could point and show them. At the moment, they used pictures for him to point out where he wanted to go.
And they had a picture board depicting what they did each day to try and help him have some control and sense of understanding.
"Alright buddy, alright."
He felt Rowan snuggle down against him until his head was tucked beneath Evan's chin and his arms loosely draped around Evan's neck, leaving the shirt hanging over his back, tightly gripped in his son's hand.
Tipping his head down, Evan kissed the top of Rowan's matching curls and smoothed a hand up and down his back as his other arm wrapped across his legs to keep him perched on his chest. He kept him snuggled close and kept kissing his head while he turned to leave the bedroom. There was no point arguing like this, Evan was just going to have to go about his morning routine and show Rowan that he would be leaving for work soon.
Rowan had been glued to both parents all night because he had a horrid chesty cough and Evan was sure he was going to start throwing up soon. He couldn't sleep and therefore Evan hadn't managed to sleep much either, most of the night was spent laid up in bed with Rowan on his chest.
Evan slowly made his way downstairs and padded through into the kitchen where he knew (Y/n) was because he could hear the radio humming softly through the air. He bounced Rowan a bit higher on his chest and continued to kiss the top of his head as he wandered past the kitchen table towards (Y/n).
His eyes instantly landed on (Y/n) and a soft smile flooded his face as he approached her. She was wearing a pair of leggings, mostly covered by one of Evan's long button up shirts which hung off (Y/n)'s frame since it was about two sizes too big, but she still made it look good. Her hair was pinned back and despite the tired look in her eyes, just looking at her made Evan smile.
"Morning sweetheart," Evan walked over to (Y/n) and stood behind her, curving his right arm around her waist while his left arm kept Rowan in place against his chest.
His fingers feathered up and down her waist and he took the time to kiss the top of her head while (Y/n) leaned her head back on his shoulder so she could smile up at him.
He pecked her temple again and reached his arm up from her waist to rattle through the medicine cupboard above her. All medicines had to be in high cupboards so Rowan couldn't get hold of them, he had a tendency to grab anything and stick it in his mouth. All the cleaning products were in the top cupboard above the counter because Rowan had tried to eat the wash liquid. It was either put them high up or get locks for the cupboards.
Evan grabbed the Calpol and the thermometer, grinning when he felt (Y/n) twist her head to the side so she could press her lips against his neck and graze her teeth over his skin. Not enough to mark him up for work, but just enough to make a red scratch worm onto his skin.
"Morning… you get hot or something?" (Y/n) did a quick sweep up and down his frame, wondering why he was wearing everything but his shirt. He didn't usually walk about in trousers but no shirt, it was more usual to see Evan either fully dressed or simply in his pants, there wasn't an inbetween.
"Someone's got my shirt." His eyes drifted down to the person in his arm who had gone quiet all of a sudden. He couldn't even feel Rowan humming or making his usual clicking sound which meant he was either tired or feeling unwell, possibly both.
Ducking his head down, Evan nudged his nose against (Y/n)'s until she got the hint and lifted her head up to meet him halfway. His nose nudged her cheek and his lips smothered hers, stealing a kiss that took all the air from (Y/n)'s lungs.
She groaned against his lips which gave Evan the chance to slide his tongue past her lips to tango with hers. He could feel her hand gliding across his chest, her nails leaving just the slightest scratch into his skin to wind him up and she gasped into his mouth when his hand holding the medicine bottle swatted down against her bum.
At least Rowan never seemed to mind whenever Evan wanted to steal a kiss from (Y/n) or when he curled around her and laid with her. They could hug and kiss and be intimate without Rowan making a fuss or getting protective or whining like most other kids would do.
"He's flushed." (Y/n) whispered against Evan's lips when she felt Rowan pressing up between them.
She pulled back from Evan's tempting lips so she could kiss Rowan's forehead which was hot and slightly sweaty. He was probably going to run a fever soon if he wasn't already.
"Alright buddy, let's take a look at you," Evan turned around to face the kitchen island and gently sat Rowan down on the counter.
He noticed Rowan's breathing was slightly crackly but he wasn't snuffling like he had a cold. The five year old's gaze seemed to be focused on the tattoo on Evan's left shoulder, he didn't understand them or what they were, but he seemed to love staring at them.
He cuddled Evan's shirt to his chest and stayed unusually still while Evan kissed his temple and tried to listen to his breathing.
He hadn't been well yesterday either, but he still went to school because he wasn't lethargic and he was active enough to go. But during the afternoon and into the evening his coughing got worse and he was clearly sick today.
"Okay, ready? Be brave, just like daddy."
Evan turned on the thermometer and pressed it into his own ear so Rowan could see it wasn't something that would hurt him. The five year old was a menace at the doctors. He wouldn't let them look in his ears, his mouth, if they touched him he screamed and vaccinations were the worst. He wouldn't let any of the teachers give vaccinations at school so Evan always made sure he had the day off and they got his vaccinations at the doctors.
One of them, usually Evan, had to pin Rowan to their chest while the other talked to him and held his hand so the doctor could inject him.
Once it was done, Evan held the thermometer out to Rowan. The young boy shook his head and made a discontent noise and when Evan pushed it in his ear, he screamed and tried to hit Evan's arm. It gave Evan the chance to snatch his shirt from his son and toss it somewhere behind him to be put on later.
"Done, all done." Evan placed it out the way so it couldn't be weaponised since Rowan was now upset. "Thirty-nine point four, he's got a fever."
"Great." (Y/n) murmured defeatedly and when she passed him, she leaned over to kiss Evan's shoulder. At least Rowan was up and active and making noises. If he was lethargic they would have cause for concern, and his fever wasn't too high or in the danger zone yet which was a relief. He would be okay for now, (Y/n) would keep an eye on him.
Evan held the Calpol out on a spoon which Rowan happily accepted. The good thing about him was that he didn't complain about medicine. He took anything given to him whether it was a liquid or a tablet or a cough sweet, but it usually had to be liquid. Rowan didn't understand that some tablets couldn't be chewed, he would chew any he was given.
Reaching out for him, Evan gently lifted him up and set him down to his feet so he could trot over to (Y/n). He swiftly pulled open the bottom drawer where he knew all his cups and beakers were kept and held a beaker out to (Y/n), his way of asking for a drink.
"Rowan, buddy, look." Evan tugged his shirt over his head and tucked it into his pants before he reached out for his son's hand.
He gently tugged until Rowan finally looked at where he was pointing. The whiteboard stuck on the fridge.
It was their now and next board. They printed pictures such as food, drinks, places like the park and cinema or school, and stuck them on the board so Rowan knew what was happening or so he could pick what he wanted to do.
Evan took the picture of himself and moved it to the bottom of the board, leaving Rowan and (Y/n)'s pictures up on the top. That told Rowan Evan was leaving.
"Daddy going to work, you can watch movies with mummy." He put the picture of the tv up on the board but he winced when Rowan stomped his foot. At first, they weren't sure Rowan actually understood any of the pictures or what they were trying to show him, but his reactions told them different.
And just last week, Rowan had noticed that Evan wasn't in the house when he woke up, and he trotted into the kitchen and took Evan's picture off the board all by himself. He stuck it at the bottom of the whiteboard where there was a building to signify Evan going to work. (Y/n) cried when she watched him.
It proved they had a way of communicating and that Rowan was understanding them and what was going on around him.
A rumbling, whining sound left Rowan's lips before he grabbed Evan's picture and moved it up next to the tv. Evan sighed, biting his lip as he shook his head and pointed to his shirt before he slowly moved his picture again.
"No, daddy's going to work."
Evan pressed his hand over the picture so Rowan couldn't try and move it again and it caused Rowan to scream. He tried to pull on Evan's hand, but when he realised his dad wasn't going to budge or listen, he stomped his feet and began to cry.
His cries ended in broken coughs as he flopped down to sit on the floor, his version of a tantrum. He continued to cry but his hands batted out in front of him and Evan wasn't sure what he wanted until Rowan finally grabbed his hand. He held his dad's hand, still crying, and just kept squeezing for a while. Evan didn't know if Rowan was asking for comfort or if he was just trying to convey how upset and sick he felt, but Evan stayed still and let him get it out of his system.
"Baby, here's your drink, look." (Y/n) leaned over him, kissing his forehead as she held his beaker in front of him.
She waited for him to take it but Evan reacted quicker, he could see what the five year old was about to do. When Rowan went to smack the drink away, Evan took it first.
"Fine, daddy will drink it then."
Rowan was stumped. He stopped crying, tears still running down his face and his chest heaving, but he stopped making any noise. He watched Evan take the beaker and take a sip and that was enough to snap Rowan out of his tantrum.
He pushed up and took the beaker from Evan as if his dad should know that he was not allowed to do that. And he flopped forward into Evan's chest, seeking a hug while he calmed down enough to have a drink.
"If you need anything today just call me, okay?" Evan looked across at (Y/n) and his expression softened when she held out a cup of coffee towards him. She knew he would need one now to wake him up for the drive to the station and then he would have another one as soon as he got to work.
"We might need another tub of strawberries." (Y/n) leant her hip against the counter, her eyes practically melting as she looked over at her boys.
Rowan had a thing for fruit. (Y/n)'s lockscreen on her phone was of Rowan and Evan at the local farm picking strawberries. All the ones Rowan picked went straight in his mouth, and the same could be said for Evan. For every strawberry Evan put in his punnet, he also put one in his mouth.
It was a routine for Rowan to have them at breakfast and they were almost out.
(Y/n) watched Evan nod with a smile and her eyes followed him as he scooped Rowan up from the floor and walked over to her until he was close enough for her arms to bind around. Keeping her and their boy pinned against his chest until it was time for him to go. He didn't like leaving them, especially when one of them wasn't well.
"What're we eating, I'm starving." Evan clapped his hands together and leaned over the counter to grab the plates from the cupboard. He was sure in any moment his stomach was going to growl as if to prove his point.
"You're always hungry."He huffed and took a glance over his shoulder at Hen as she passed him to sit at the table.
He couldn't really disagree with that. Evan was always hungry, but he was always on the go. When everyone else at the station could relax and sit down between calls, Evan was restocking the trucks and mopping the floors and tidying up. He couldn't sit still. He worked out a lot in the gym every single day. He was always on the move; he had every right to be hungry every minute of the day when each minute was accounted for.
He set the plates around the table and took his usual seat next to Bobby once the Captain set down a bowl of carbonara in the middle of the table.
Evan couldn't help but zone out of the conversation as he began to eat. His mind was wandering again.
He couldn't help but think back to this morning and how Rowan had thrown another tantrum when Evan tried to walk out the door. He screamed until he started coughing and then he threw up his breakfast. Moments like that made Evan hate having a job. He never wanted to leave (Y/n) or Rowan and when he did long shifts, it upset Rowan.
It was starting to bug Evan to the point he was contemplating asking Bobby if he could go on twelve hour shifts. He didn't mind doing the usual mix of days and nights, but pulling long double shifts wasn't good for Rowan.
"I think that girl on the last call had the hots for you, Buck." Hen wiggled her brows and pointed her fork at him while he felt Eddie nudge him in the side.
"She was a cook, you'd get along great in the kitchen." Eddie piped in and pointed at the food.
A soft smirk filtered across Evan's lips and he flashed his teeth before he shook his head and took a bite of his food. He didn't need to find anyone, he already had a girl waiting back home for him. And he wouldn't get along great in the kitchen with that woman on their call this morning, she seemed bossy and if Evan was bossed around in the kitchen, he got snappy.
"Ah, I don't need a sous chef, thanks."
The team didn't know about Evan's family.
As he took another bite of his lunch, Evan couldn't help but move his free hand towards the chain dangling around his neck. His fingers traced the silver links and wandered beneath his cotton shirt to the wedding ring that was a small but comfortably weight against his chest, right near his heart.
He didn't like wearing the ring on his finger, not in this line of work. Evan couldn't risk losing his ring and he didn't want the constant battle of scrubbing his hands and cleaning his ring whenever he got his hands dirty in this job. Plus, Evan was an accident prone in this job. He knew if he went unconscious at the hospital and he needed a scan or an X-ray, they would cut his ring if they couldn't slide it off his finger. He wasn't taking that risk. Having it hung on a chain was safer and made him feel better and protected.
Evan had been meaning to tell the team about his family, but he hadn't found the right time. He wanted to introduce everyone soon, properly. He had waited to make sure this job stuck, that this team was truly like a family before he opened up the most precious thing he had to them.
It was Rowan Evan was thinking of. It took him a while to get used to new people and Evan didn't want to get Rowan used to them just for this job to go sideways or in case something happened within the team. And Evan had to make sure that everyone would be understanding.
He'd had his fair share of fights with people who had made rude comments about his son or people who dismissed him. Evan had to make sure none of the team were like that before he opened up.
Just as they were all finished and Evan collected the empty plates, he felt his phone vibrating in his pocket. He shuffled the plates into one hand, slowing down so he didn't drop them while he fished his phone out his pocket.
'Babe <3'
The air disappeared from Evan's lungs and he hurriedly dumped the plates in the sink before he spun on his heels. He weaved past Chimney and Hen, throwing them a cautious smile so they didn't try and ask what he was doing or why he was staring at his phone like that with his jaw slack.
"Hey baby, everything okay?" It didn't matter how many times Evan told (Y/n) she could and should ring him at work if something was wrong, she barely did.
She would text him, send him pictures and let him know if Rowan was okay or if something was wrong, but she didn't usually ring him. "Hey, I- I didn't wanna ring you but… babe I might need some help."
That alone was enough to put Evan on edge. He could hear the panic in his wife's voice and it sent his heart lurching up into his throat. He took a few steps away from the kitchen until he was leaning over the railing. His back and bum arched out behind him and his elbows dug down into the metal railing as he tried to control his breathing.
"Why, what's happened?"
"His temperature spiked, and he was coughing so much he wasn't breathing properly. The doctor said to come down to the hospital s-so we're at the emergency room. Evan he won't calm down, he knows where we are, I don't think he's gonna let the doctor anywhere near him. C-can you come down?"
She hated to ask, but (Y/n) needed help and that thought alone sent Evan reeling.
He should have stayed home. He shouldn't have come into work, he should have stayed when he saw that Rowan had a fever this morning.
He knew Rowan hated the doctors and the few times he had been into the emergency room hadn't been pretty. Rowan didn't cooperate, he got frightened and nervous and if strangers tried to touch him he would scream and have a meltdown. Added to the fact that he didn't feel well was a recipe for disaster.
"I'll talk to Bobby and come straight down, okay? Try to keep him calm and wait outside for me if you have to, I won't be long baby I promise."
"Thank you."
Evan raked his fingers through his hair and spun on his heels, scouting round to look for Bobby. He saw Bobby sat at the table, nursing a steaming cup of tea, sat chatting to Chimney about something that was clearly amusing since they were both laughing.
He began tapping his phone against his thigh as he headed over and stood at Bobby's side, gingerly tapping his shoulder. "Can we talk?" Evan dipped his head to the side to silently plead that he wanted a word in private.
He could see the concern pooling in Bobby's eyes but the Captain nodded nonetheless. He set down his cup, nodded at Chimney and got up to follow Evan towards the stairs. Clearly something had to be wrong if Evan didn't want to talk in front of the team.
"What's up… is something going on?"
"I…" He didn't know how to word this. He hadn't told any of them about his family, none of them even knew he was married. Let alone that he had a son.
He sighed, tapping his phone against the palm of his hand as he fidgeted his weight from one foot to the other. He had to do this, he had to go because it wouldn't be fair to (Y/n) or Rowan to leave them both at the hospital without him. Rowan was going to have a meltdown, he would be scared out of his wits and if they had to take him for a scan or give him any kind of shot or IV, (Y/n) would have to pin him down. Evan had to be there with her.
"Bobby, I don't wanna ask, but I… I have a family emergency, I need to go to the hospital. Can I go? I'll make up the overtime I swear."
"Is everything okay?" He wasn't pushing or prying, he was testing the waters. Testing whether Evan felt comfortable enough to open up and tell him what was going on.
He sighed and looked down at his phone and when he unlocked it, he showed his homescreen to Bobby. Evan's favourite picture; the three of them when they were at the beach and the five year old had the cheesiest grin on his face. Rowan had such a lovely smile and his laugh was like music to Evan's ears, but it was hard to capture his smile in a picture, he seemed to sense the camera and stopped smiling immediately.
Which was why Evan loved the picture, it had been the first selfie he took of the three of them where Rowan continued to laugh. Evan had (Y/n) laid between his legs and Rowan stood up in her arms, leant back against her chest, his head tossed back in the brightest smile Evan had ever seen.
"My boy, Rowan. He's in the emergency room, he's not been well but he's got brain damage, he… he doesn't like doctors, I need to be there to help calm him down."
He could see the wave of emotions rushing across Bobby's hazel eyes. Surprise, confusion, revelation, happiness and then panic. All together, all at once. All for Evan.
"Go. Don't worry about the overtime, as long as you message me and let me know everything's okay and how he is. And I wanna know everything about them when you're back."
Relief had never taken hold of Evan so much as it did in that moment. He could feel his knees close to giving way beneath him and before he could stop himself, he pushed forward and looped his arms around Bobby's neck. He reeled his Captain in for a hug that took him by surprise, but caused a quiet laugh to rumble Bobby's chest.
"Thank you." Sincerity clung to Evan's voice and he felt Bobby pat his shoulder before he spun and bolted for the stairs.
He had to go grab his bag and keys and make his way down to the hospital. He had to go get to his family.
It didn't take him long to get there and Evan pulled up in the closest space he could find, barely locking the jeep before he was bolting down the path towards the emergency room.
His body turned to the right, aiming for the reception desk, ignoring the waiting room that was oddly full for lunchtime on a weekday. He knew the protocol, they would see that Rowan was autistic and they would try and get him seen to first. And if Evan couldn't hear his son then he wasn't in the waiting room, he would be in one of the assessment rooms with a doctor.
"I'm here for Rowan Buckley, my wife brought him in about twenty minutes ago."
"Buckley… he's in cubicle three, straight down the corridor, I'll buzz you in."
Evan sighed and mumbled his thanks before he bolted through the door as soon as the receptionist pressed the button, allowing Evan through into the assessment ward.
He couldn't contain the relief he felt as his knees shook and he bolted over to his family once the room was within his sight.
(Y/n) was stood in the middle of the room, next to the bed that Rowan was sat on. She had her arms around his middle, letting him lean back into her chest while she kissed the top of his head. But as soon as Rowan looked up, something sparkled in his eyes and he started his round of screeching noises that sounded similar to 'mememe' over and over.
"Hey buddy, hey I'm here." Evan crouched down in front of the bed and let Rowan push forward into his arms.
He could feel Rowan's crackling breaths in his neck and his usual murmurs and noises faded into sharp breaths. He'd never heard Rowan so out of breath before. Rowan could usually make noises over and over without looking like he was breathing, he even hummed as he ate sometimes. Hearing him so out of breath and feeling the way he clung to Evan made him want to cry.
"How is he?" Evan let Rowan tuck into his chest and he kissed his hair before he looked up at (Y/n).
"They think it's pneumonia, I asked them to wait for you, they wanna do bloods and an X-ray, he's not gonna like that."
A groan burned at the back of Evan's throat and he tilted his head down, burrowing his nose and lips into Rowan's curls for a few moments to try and gather some strength and courage from somewhere. Rowan wasn't good with needles, he wouldn't be okay with them taking bloods from him and an X-ray was going to frighten the life out of him. Evan had had more than his fair share during his teenage years.
(Y/n) moved round the other side of the bed and perched down next to Rowan while she reached down for Evan. Her fingers feathered along his neck and across his shoulder and she managed a soft smile when Evan leaned his head on her thigh.
They stayed like that for a few moments until the door opened and the nurse who had seen them earlier walked back in along with a doctor.
Nurse Janey had been very sweet with Rowan and he had been calm enough to let her take his temperature, but he wouldn't let her do anything else.
They had all been very understanding whereas some people, even health professionals, weren't considerate with Rowan. (Y/n) had walked out of a doctor's appointment before when the GP sighed and tutted at Rowan as if he could control the way he felt or the noises he made and he hadn't understood why Rowan wouldn't sit still or cooperate.
This room was a children's assessment room, clearly. Evan took note of the flowers and clouds painted onto the walls and the few toys in the corner of the room to help kids concentrate and feel calm.
"I take it this is dad?" Janey placed a clipboard down on the table and smiled at Evan when he stood up and nodded. He kept an arm around Rowan's shoulders, letting his boy lean against his leg while he coughed and rocked back and forth on the bed.
"I'm Frida, I'd like to check Rowan over and then take some bloods. I know that won't be easy, but if we can get this confirmed as pneumonia, we can get him on antibiotics and hopefully send you all home."
The doctor walked over to the three of them and wheeled a stool over so she could sit in front of Rowan. She removed the stethoscope from her neck and placed it in her ears, looking between both parents for their approval before looking down at Rowan.
"I need to listen to his breathing."
She tried to move the stethoscope near Rowan's back, but he wasn't impressed. He leaned back into (Y/n), pushing back when she tried to lean him forwards and as soon as the doctor's hand was near him, he smacked her hand away.
"Rowan no, don't do that." Evan held his hand and sat down next to him on the bed while (Y/n) kept hold of his waist and tilted him forwards.
A low grumble whined past his lips and he mixed between coughing and something like a growl when the stethoscope pressed down on his back. He shimmied his shoulders from side to side, trying his best to get away but he was surprised when the doctor pulled away after a minute. He clearly assumed every test was going to hurt.
"Okay, blood pressure next. This doesn't hurt, sweetheart." Her smile was calming, but she could see the five year old didn't trust or understand her.
His head tilted to the side and a perplexed look filled his curious yet weary eyes when he looked at the black band that was moving suspiciously near his arm. He let Evan lift his arm up but when the band went around his wrist, he screamed and flung both arms out, shuffling back into (Y/n).
"Baby it's okay," (Y/n) soothed, kissing his temple as she leaned into the bed to cuddle Rowan, but he shook his head from side to side and kept screaming in protest. His arms flapped at his sides like a bird trying to take flight and Evan dragged his hand across his chin. He wished he could show Rowan it wouldn't hurt and that he was safe, but words weren't going to do that.
"If he'd feel safer with you doing it, that's fine." Frida held the blood pressure cuff out to Evan when she clocked the logo on his shirt.
He knew what he was doing and Rowan was his boy, he would trust Evan not to hurt him.
"Buddy, look. Safe, see, it's okay." Evan slipped his arm through the cuff and strapped it around his forearm to show Rowan it wasn't something to hurt. He kept tapping it until Rowan reached out to skim his fingers across the material, and then Evan tapped his shirt. It was like a piece of clothing.
Part of him felt bad. He knew once the band tightened around Rowan's arm, his son was going to lose trust in him. He was going to have a fit and scream and become angry that Evan had lied to him because that tightening feeling would resonate as pain for Rowan. But they needed to make sure he was okay and the more tests Rowan had, the more he would become used to them.
They had to get him used to hospitals for the future, for any other illness or problems he had. He had to know that this was to make him better.
"Daddy's doing it, see?" (Y/n) murmured against his ear and she lifted Rowan up to sit him on her lap.
He coughed and made his usual mumbling sound, but he stopped fighting when Evan slid the band around his arm and strapped it around.
The way Rowan looked between Evan and the band had Evan's heart picking up and he felt like he was going to be sick once he turned the machine on.
(Y/n) looped both arms around Rowan's waist, her eyes locked with her husband as he shuffled closer until their knees were touching. She shivered, pulling in on herself when a shrill scream left Rowan's lips. His right hand immediately moved towards the band and his breathing turned into escalated, shallow huffs as he began to panic.
He dug his fingers into the band and tried to wrench it off until Evan held his hand, but he flung his arm out, trying his best to hit Evan or (Y/n) or anyone he could reach. He didn't like it. They were hurting him. They were scaring him.
He continued to scream until he didn't have any air left and his shoulders bashed into (Y/n)'s chest as he wriggled from side to side, trying to shimmy his way off her lap.
"Shh, baby it's okay. Almost done, almost done baby."
"Buddy, look at daddy. It's okay." Evan kissed the palm of Rowan's hand before he pressed Rowan's hand against his cheek. He leaned closer until their noses were touching, something Rowan loved doing almost as if it was his way of giving kisses to those he loved.
Their eyes locked for a few seconds and Rowan paused his screams and slowed down his wriggling attempts to break free. Evan knew his boy had to be calm or the blood pressure reading would be sky high and it wouldn't be accurate. He had to calm down to get the most accurate reading so they knew if he was okay or if his blood pressure was high before he began to panic.
"All done."
As soon as the band was unstrapped from his arm, Rowan let out a frustrated scream and slapped his hands down on his legs as he shook back and forth like he was telling them he wasn't impressed.
"What's the best way to take bloods? I'd assume he won't like his arm being held behind his back?"
For some children, they would get them to have their arms pinned against their back so they couldn't see the needle. But Doctor Frida guessed that would only send Rowan into a further state of panic which they didn't want to do. But they needed to take bloods, and it would be best to do that now rather than have to get a specialist to come down to put him under anaesthetic which would only upset Rowan all over again.
Evan looked across at (Y/n), both of them sharing a look before Evan reached out for him. They were going to have to restrain him. It was the only way Rowan would let them do anything.
"What we did for the vaccines?" Evan muttered, to which (Y/n) nodded. They had formed a routine for his vaccines which had worked well, only giving Evan minimal bruises afterwards.
Shuffling back, Evan sat up on the centre of the bed and spread his legs. Once he patted his thighs, Rowan immediately crawled over to sit with him. Evan spun him round so Rowan was sat with his back against his dad's chest and he smiled when (Y/n) shuffled closer next to his thigh.
Evan deadlocked his left arm around Rowan's torso, pressed his lips against his head and pinned his right arm over his son's chest right across his collar bone. He made sure he wasn't holding too tight, but just enough so Rowan wasn't going to be able to get out of his hold.
"Hands please." (Y/n) smiled and held her hands out to Rowan, waiting patiently for him to place his palms in hers and squeeze.
Evan's marching order was heeded and understood.
The doctor placed a tie strap around Rowan's right arm just above his elbow which made him frown, but he didn't move. As soon as his eyes locked on the needle, he was pushing back into Evan's chest like it would make a difference or allow him to escape.
(Y/n) held his hands tightly, trying not to hurt or bruise him and she pulled on his arms so they stayed straight and he couldn't hit out at them.
Once the needle was in his arm, Rowan screamed.
It was a horrid sound that mixed with the tears that began to stream down his face. He gasped, drawing in another gulp of air that he used to belt out another scream. His feet began to lift and swat down against the bed until Evan lifted his right leg and looped it on top of his son's legs, pinning them down to the bed.
Evan braced his chest but he gasped when Rowan slammed his head back into his chest. It was enough to wind him and he knew he would be bruised later, but he held strong and tensed up into Rowan. This was for his own good and it wouldn't hurt for long.
"Shh, buddy it's okay."
"Brave boy, you're doing so good." (Y/n) kissed the back of his hands but she bit down on her lip when Rowan screamed and tried to scratch her wrists. His nails pierced her skin deep enough to draw blood and he shook her arms until she pinned his arms down into Evan's thighs. He couldn't do that or he would move the needle imbedded into his elbow. They couldn't have him ripping a vein and getting blood everywhere, that would be extreme pain that Rowan wouldn't be able to cope with.
The doctor murmured "Almost there," as she switched the vile for another one. They had all agreed to do as many tests as they could, to make sure everything else was alright. They wanted to test for any infections other than pneumonia and make sure Rowan wasn't lacking any vitamins and blood tests would check his organs like his liver and kidney function.
It was safer to do more tests since Rowan couldn't tell them if he was in pain or if anything was wrong. This would keep him safe and healthy.
"Shit! Rowan- Rowan don't do that!"
Evan growled, closing his eyes and tipping his head back when Rowan sank his teeth down into Evan's forearm.
He'd never done that before.
He had hit, slapped and kicked both parents before when he was frightened or in a meltdown, but he had never bitten either of them. But Evan's arm was across the top of his chest. It was pinning him down, preventing him from moving. It was right there and with his legs pinned down and (Y/n) holding his arms, the only way Rowan could express his fright was to bite down on the arm beneath his chin.
"Rowan no!" (Y/n) fumbled to hold his hands in one so she could reach out for his chin. She wriggled his jaw and leaned closer to make him relent, if he locked his jaw he would bite Evan hard enough to draw blood and they didn't want that.
The doctor was quick to pull away from the situation and as soon as she did, Evan loosened his grip. He held his arms out at his sides and moved his legs, letting Rowan scuttle from his arms and flop onto (Y/n)'s lap instead.
He screamed into (Y/n)'s knees, bashing his fists into her legs as he curled up over her lap, shaking and silently asking for comfort.
"Are you okay?" She looked across at Evan and shuffled closer while she lifted Rowan up and settled him on her chest so his head was on her shoulder.
Her eyes focused on Evan as he shook his wrist to get some feeling back but he let her reach out for his arm. He skimmed her fingers over the teeth marks in his forearm and cringed. He was going to have a large bruise there in a few hours, and those indents were sharp enough to draw blood wheels beneath the skin.
"That hurt more than a tattoo." Evan muttered under his breath, but there was no malice or annoyance in his tone. He understood Rowan's fright and seeing Rowan curl into (Y/n) told them he knew he had done wrong.
A bite mark was worth it when it meant making sure Rowan was going to be okay. It was more than worth it.
"Cap… you're here." Surprise flooded Evan's voice but he couldn't help the way his lips curved up into a smile when he looked down the corridor.
They were all here.
His team had come down to the hospital to see him- to see his family. They didn't have to do this. They had all done a long shift, they should be heading home to their own families and relaxing before their next shift. They didn't have to come down here and check on him.
"We don't wanna intrude, but you didn't call."
"We just want to know if everything's okay." Hen stuffed her hand in her back pocket and jutted one hip out to the side.
She still couldn't quite believe that Buck had his own little family. She pegged him as being in a relationship by the way he didn't talk about going on dates or meeting anyone and every time someone on a call asked him on a date, he just blushed and kindly turned them down.
And there was something natural and loving about the way Evan was with all the kids when they were out on a call. He knew how to calm them down and talk to them and get to their level, but no one guessed he had a wife and child hidden away at home.
"Cap said you've got a boy, why didn't you say anything? You know him and Chris will probably hit it off, right?" Eddie nudged Evan's arm and gave his shoulder a tap before he looked around, trying to guess which room held Evan's family.
It had been a long time since Eddie had been down in the children's ward of any hospital. He forgot how bright and colourful everything was here.
"I just wanted to find the right time to introduce you all… Rowan can get attached but, not everyone can understand him." It may take Rowan a while to get used to new people, but once he did, he loved them completely. Evan had to be sure the team could understand him and more importantly, be willing to take the time to learn his ways, before he introduced them.
"Is he okay?"
"Pneumonia, but he's on antibiotics, and he takes after me with his appetite, so he's gonna be fine. We can head home in the morning."
Rowan had no problems taking the liquid antibiotics the nurse brought round every few hours. And he had eaten all the dinner they gave him and he tried to take Evan's dinner too which showed he was feeling better.
He had taken a powdered inhaler, mainly because he thought it was a toy, and his breathing was evening out.
The only thing the nurses couldn't do was give him an IV drip or an oxygen clip in his nose. But they were satisfied that Rowan was drinking enough of the shakes and juices they gave him so he didn't need an IV. Once he was cleared in the morning, he would be going home with a weeks supply of antibiotics.
"Oh, Buck that's great." Bobby nodded and his smile was full of relief. He had been on edge all afternoon since Evan left. He just wanted to know everything was okay.
It made sense, all the pieces clicked into place after Evan left. His little ways, his habits, his nervousness about wanting to go home or when something seemed off. It all made sense when Bobby understood who Evan had waiting for him at home, and he wanted to check on Evan before he went home so he didn't have to worry all night.
"Do you wanna come and say hi?" Evan pointed behind him at the room he had been ready to enter before the team walked down the corridor. He had gone for a coffee for him and (Y/n) while Rowan was settled.
"You sure?"
"Come and meet my family." Evan opened the door and pushed in before anyone could give it a second thought.
He knew the team were going to be his second family from now on and he wanted them all to meet and get along. If they could love and embrace his wife and son like they welcomed him into their family, everything would be fine.
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vivwritesfics · 7 months
Hey it is almost my birthday and I was wondering if you could possibly write a birthday blurb for nnta?
happy birthday love! I hope im not too late with this one
Series Masterlist
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"Happy birthday, mi amante," said Carlos as he rolled ever in bed and pulled his wife closer. She didn't say anything in response, just groaned and shuffled closer.
Carlos rolled on top of her. "Oh, my pretty little wife," he said as he held himself above her. Dipping down he kissed her lips and she wrapped her arms around his neck, refusing to let him go.
He pushed her hair away from her face and she playfully nipped at his fingers. "What would my pretty little wife like to do on her birthday?" He asked as he sat straighter.
Stretching her arms up, Y/N let out a groan. "Can we take Oscar to the beach?" She asked and Carlos nodded his head.
"We can do whatever you'd like."
They had a slow, lazy breakfast as the nanny got little Oscar ready for a day at the beach. Carlos tried his hands at cooking. He made her pancakes and served them up with a kiss.
With as much protection as they could take, Carlos and Y/N set off to the beach with baby Oscar in a baby carrier. Carlos drove, with a second car following along with all of their protection inside.
As soon as they arrived at the beach, Carlos set up a blanket. Y/N sat down with Oscar in her lap and began applying sunscreen, making sure he was well protected. "Your daddy and I are gonna take you swimming today," she said to Oscar.
While she fussed over Oscar, Carlos pulled his phone out of his swimming shorts and strode across the beach with it pressed to his ear. "Madre, ¿estás organizando la fiesta?" Carlos asked down the phone. (Mum, are you organising the party?)
"Lando llega en media hora. Asegúrate de llevarla a casa al menos media hora después," his mother replied. (Lando arrives in half an hour. Make sure you bring her home at least half an hour later)
So, they spent their day at the beach, just the three of them (and the security team watching their every move). Carlos and Y/N took Oscar into the ocean, where he shrieked and clapped at the waves and the cold water.
"That's my big brave boy," Carlos said as he took Oscar from his mothers arms. He took him into the water, bouncing him with the waves.
After an hour at the beach, Carlos drove them home. Y/N didn't mind leaving early, it was Oscar's nap time anyway.
Before they left the beach Carlos texted his mother. The party guests hid themselves away, allowing Y/N to put Oscar down for his nap and get changed into something more casual, something that wasn't for the beach.
Carlos didn't hide away from the rest of the guests. He followed Y/N upstairs and changed from his swimming trunks to a suit. "Have you got a business meeting, my love?" She asked him as she watched him straighten his tie.
"I'll meet you downstairs Estimada," he said and walked out of the room.
Y/N quickly dried her hair, brushed through it. Dressed in her casual clothes, she headed down the stairs.
She was on the bottom step when the lights turned on and everybody popped out from their hiding places. Her mother in law was there with Carlos's sisters. Max and Charles were hiding together, pointed party hats on their heads. But, most importantly, Lando was there. He grinned at his sister, his arm wrapped around his new girlfriend.
"Happy birthday, mi corazón," Carlos said as he strode towards her and pressed his lips to hers.
Taglist (CLOSED): @biancathecool @multi-universe21 @formulas-bitch @gills-lounge @weasleyswizarding-wheezes @carlossainzwho @f1lov3r @samaib11 @charli123456789 @queenofmanydreams @ironmaiden1313 @vellicora @glitterf1 @80sloverry @lightdragonrayne @moonayu @bellsalabanccini @hiireadstuff @handsupforamiracle @cmleitora @jenniferrvsesi @barcelonaloverf1life @sbella13 @nicolettecallednikki @darleneslane @thehufflepuffavenger1 @champagneproblems17 @aespie @yukheizcigarettes @rewmuslupin @hollie911 @ashy-kit @ririgy @stqrgir1 @zaynzierulez @minkyungseokie @rafaaoli @carolinesainz @ashies-ln4op81aa22 @measimp @mizelophsun11 @eviethetheatrefreak @andydrysdalerogers @chonkybonky @shobaes @celesteblack08 @watermelonworries @gracielukey @cassie0sstuff @goldenharrysworld @venusesworld @sparklyperfectionstranger @evans-dejong @graciewrote @formulaal
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fangirl-dot-com · 8 months
what does mitch look like? like does she have a face claim?! and vito?? (i couldn’t tell which one was which in imola)
ok so here we go! - thank you to whoever asked for this!!
this was a tag worthy post I believe :)
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face claim - Amal Clooney
Meet Michelle "Mitch" Walker - Y/n L/n's race engineer
She has been at Red Bull since 2020, but was an actual engineer for the cars. She graduated with a Masters in Engineering and interned under Adrian Newey. She is currently in her late-30's and not married.
She was a bit skeptical when she was told by Christian that she'd be a rookie's race engineer, but when she saw you and your times on the sim, she was hooked.
She can be seen wearing her favorite big sunnies during race weekends and carries her gray notebook everywhere she goes. As a part of a ritual, she always drinks an iced Americano before a race.
For future references, she stays Y/n L/n's race engineer until said racer retires. She will have served under two different team principals by the end of her carrier (but I'm not saying who the second is hehe).
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no face claim - Italian, short beard, and a whole lot of love for Y/n
Meet Vito Accardi - Y/n L/n's manager
Vito had been a part of an organization of people who lend out unofficial managers to younger racers who don't already have one. He was assigned to Y/n L/n in 2018 when she first joined F4. He, like most people, thought that she had raw talent and he wanted to stay with her.
Fast forward to 2019 and F3, Vito was officially Y/n L/n's manager, hired by her godfather Lorenzo. He has no plans to leave anytime soon.
He has a Public Relations Degree along with degree in Business. On the side, he runs his own line of go karts. He has mentioned that he was only able to start it due to the kindness of Y/n and Lorenzo.
For further references, Vito stays with Y/n until her retirement. After that, he ends up being asked to be godfather of her second child. Of course he agrees and tears are shed.
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face claim - Brendan Taggart
Meet Lorenzo "Enzo" Alessandrino - Y/n L/n's Godfather
Lorenzo had been Y/F/N L/n's best friend growing up after meeting at boarding school, but distanced himself after he saw how awful he truly was. Only came back into his life after the birth of Y/n. Surprisingly, he was named godfather and he took that to heart.
Being a major business man and influential figure in karting and Formula racing, he couldn't possibly be near the girl all the time. But after finding out what you had been going through, he wishes that he would have fought for custody. Maybe then you could have grown up with other kids such as Logan Sargeant, Oscar Piastri, Mick Schumacher, and Arthur Leclerc. But, he couldn't dwell on the past.
Everyone thought he was pretty poor as he didn't like to flaunt his wealth everywhere, but they were wrong. Pretty much one of the wealthiest persons the time of his death.
Gave Y/n L/n a second chance at karting and formula racing as he fought for sponsors to agree on the younger girl (most said no due to age and gender, but he never gave up).
Late in 2019, he caught pneumonia, which turned into a fatal respiratory tract infection. He died in early 2020 after falling into a coma. The only person to ever show up was Y/n L/n
TAG LIST: @fionaschicken @glitterquadricorn @laura-naruto-fan1998 @treehouse-mouse @sam-is-lost @kagatinkita @fangirl125reader @megatrilss1885 @myxticmoon @angsthology @cmleitora @agent-curt-mega @graciewrote @ashy-kit @slutofmultifandom @aexitizen-ln4 @sugarvibez @vellicora @thatgirlthatreadswattpad @cashtons-wife @hoetel-manager @xcharlottemikaelsonx @jayda12 @ilove-tswizzle @justme2042 @itsjustkhaos @nikfigueiredo @stopeatread @cha-hot @sadg3 @iloveyou3000morgan @s4turnsl0ver @alessioayla @torchbearerkyle @leptitlu @awekbachira @shreks-sugar-daddy @v1naco @stan-josie @mellowarcadefun @badassturtle13 @beskardroids @callisposts @poppyalice2001 @juniper-july19 @lizzypiastri
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