#asian indian mixed model
golzar · 3 months
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Nargis Fakhri
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For anyone curious, n wondering if there was anyone I would consider dating…..
He’s been dead since 2012, but if he had been alive -
Jonathan Frid. He was either asexual or gay. He played the original vampire barnabas. He would be 100 this year if he’d lived. He was me first crush. He was never married. He was either gay or asexual. He never revealed his dating life, and wasn’t known to have been connected to any women romantically.
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He was just as gentlemanly in real life as his character, minus the romance aspect. Growing up, he was the ideal goal of what I wanted in a man. Pure, older, thin, dark haired, intelligent, well read, possessing impeccable hygiene. He seemed sensitive, polite, and shy. Perhaps a bit eccentric. I never went for the young, muscular ladies men. This was long before I had found out I had any eastern culture heritage. I used to write a fanfic about a character similar to the present cat. This girl was married to Jonathan. He was a professor and sometimes actor, and had been beaten up by a bunch of street urchins….ruffians. She rescued him. She was homeless at the time, much like cat was prior to knowing Gordon. This cat was Catrina, and was a vampire superhero.
The cat who is married to Gordon, her name is actually Patricia. She’s modelled off a combo of model Pattie Boyd,
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And the original Cat character I had created. No more vampire, no more traditional superhero (she used to wear a skintight plain green suit, and sometimes wore 60’s/70’s period fashion. Her ethnicity was unknown.)
Cat is mixed race (Indian and English) and wears a mix 60’s/70’s fashion, and south Asian/arabic traditional wear. She sometimes turns into a cat, especially when she’s scared, or feels the need to be more formal. She doesn’t make love to any human beings or animals. She only enjoys romances with the engines and other machinery….and Kirby the vacuum. She’ll also romance some other fictional engines like Linus, Lester, Samson, and Pete. She’s married to Gordon.
That all being said lol….
And now, I’d rather have him:
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kendrixtermina · 10 months
Our Governments are not representative of us, nor of our cultures.
The Nation-State was probably the single worst idea in all of humanity, and both the current conflict & the discourse around it really shows why
Before they came up with that in the 19th century, people may have identified themselves with their language, religion, culture or attachment to the region, but not by a "nation" of people thought to have shared traits. At the time of the French revolution, most people in France didn't speak French, and in 1900 some ppl in sicily had no idea what "Italy" is.
A while ago ppl were surprised about a farmer on TV who said he doesn't particularly care if his town is in "Russia" or "Ukraine" he just wants to live there in peace. But until 200 years ago or so, that is how most people thought of home.
Certainly basic xenophobia, tribalism & fear of the other existed before, there were, after all, persecutions in the middle ages. But the construct of nation has nonetheless made conflicts massively worse & more deadly.
It's based on an Illusion
There is this idea that peoples have always existed as some unchanging, unmingling "pure" group on one piece of land that is tainted or adulterated by contact with others.
Even on the left some ppl just uncritically accept this notion (see much of the discourse about 'cultural appropriation')
That was just never true - people have always been copying each other, migrating, trading, interacting etc. often new cultures arose or peoples changed where they lived; Borders shifted over time. And of course, culture evolved over time.
When people think that a state that is an illusion is what naturally should be, and try to adjust reality to the fake model in their head, ugly things happen.
Homogenous groups on a fixed patch of land are not the reality of how cultures work, but if ppl think they are, they enact violence to artificially create those homogenous patches neatly delineated by lines. You get silly disputes about "who was there first", expulsion of minorities and conflicts when people try drawing lines in areas with mixed populations.
The Nazis, the Balkan wars & Israel represent the peak excesses of the madness that can lead to. (and note that 20 years or so after the Nazis fell, tons of immigrants moved into Germany & the artificial homogenity collapsed again, because it's just not natural. Israel will never suceed at their homogenous country either.)
It leads to generalization
There's a really shitty trope in european newspapers sometimes that has much been criticised.
If the article says "Guy robs bank" then people will think he's a bad guy.
If the article says "Turkish guy robs bank" it will get ppl frothing about how immigrants are bad guys. In case of the non-immigrant robber, they don't even bother to write "German guy robbs bank"
That's how you see these shitty responses that when there's a war, random ppl from the involved countries get attacked. China does shit & ppl bother random Chinese.
With the current war, jews & arabs around the world are being harassed.
What can some ordinary shopkeeper Yacob Shmitz in New York do about Netanyahu? What does Khalil Mansoor in Berlin got to do with October 7th? Nothing at all.
This leads ppl to completely overlook all context to look at some ppl as always being victims or perps or otherwise all the same, regardless of context. For example I once heard an Indian acquaintance raving about "the muslims" & how they "want everything" & making wild conflations. A Palestinian living in Al-Quds/Jerusalem wants it probably because he lives there & probably doesn't even know about the contentious site in India, and he was treating as the same people that are wildly different: Powerful elites in Saudi Arabia & persecuted minorities in India & Palestine, arabs in the ME and southeast asians in Pakistan.
Later he went to a Pakistan-themes party & was surprised to wind that culturally they got more in common wit him than arabs despite the different religions. They liked similar music, food & sports.
Or people today feeling guilty & ashamed now for what the Nazis did. Did you, personally, throw people in gas chambers? No? Then what shame is it of yours? Everyone who did it is dead & buried & being roasted in hell if it exists.
To me, this completely destroys the very system of morality. Morality only makes sense if a person can only be blamed or held responsible for what they can personally influence & change. If you're deemed "bad" based on things you can't control, what's the incentive of being good?
Or, you can't criticize some countries cause people take it personally - it's an insult to their identity, their whole culture... which brings me to the next & imho main point.
It conflates people, culture & government
A wise guy in Iran once said that "the difference between you & me is much smaller than you & your government, and our governments are much the same". I wish more ppl listened to him.
There have been greedy leaders looking to enrich themselves pretty much since they invented agriculture. but they spoke for themselves or their supporters.
With Nation-States, it gets assumed that the government speaks not only for the people, but that is somehow represents their values & culture.
All this political & war propaganda isn't really what culture is. Culture is conventions and books and food and little stories and sayings and values that give things meaning. But when someone says "fuck the Muslims/USA/jews/Germans" etc the other side feels like the actual culture, the small & beautiful & meaningful & enlightened things are what's being attacked. Because it's conflated.
Leaders will of course claim to justiy their actions by whatever values are popular with their subjects, but that doesn't mean they actually represent those values.
Look at your own leaders: How much do they support the values you believe in? How much do they do lip-service to that culture without really living up to it?
So you get ppl seeing governments do shit & thinking "fuck all those jews/americans/westerners, they must be demons" and Israelis killing all the ppl in Gaza because of "Hamas".
It's that same logical leap of not just leaders = people, but leaders = culture & values.
Now leaders of course have coalitions of supporters whether it's a bunch of oligarch or a popular movement - active supporters are 100% on the hook for what the government does. The mocking song singers are to blame for Netanyahu & the red hat guys for Trump, and Biden... I mean, it's probably the DNC & some political establishment ppl who wanted him cause no one else really did.
But political coalitions =/= all the people =/= all the "culture".
The evil acts of government are usually the products of greedy leaders and a coalition of supporters, not whole populations or cultures.
The difference between people & political establishment has never been more obvious than now
Case in point: Mainstream news outlets are struggling to explain away why there is 15 times more pro-palestine content being posted on the internet, some getting conspiratorial or frantically attributing it to "iran propaganda", but the true reason is that, as surveys also show, no one outside of Israel wants this fucking war but a few old men with imperialist ambitions & weapons companies.
much of it is ignorance, inertia, & propaganda calculated to work on influential because because theyre influential & fear looking bad.
our cultures may differ but very few cultures would last long if they condoned this kinda shit. Different cultures may give different reasons & many have their flaws of bothersome elements, but i dare say most would on average come down on rejecting this.
Let's not believe the lie that being for this is based on any kind of values, not western ones or any other. They might say it is to sell their bullshit but it's just liars & cowards adapting their lies to the audience.
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charmixpower · 2 years
Up till this day I will always get confused on rivens “ethnicity” (or I guess what kind of ethnicity he’s modeled after)🤠 like i can see why some people would think he’s a white boy but simultaneously he’s not as “white boy” looking as like sky Brandon or Timmy? Then I guess helia to a certain extent is the most Asian coded Bcs of his features and hair etc but I guess what throws me off is the fact that he’s saladins grandson and saladin looks pretty old and white to me😭 and nabu I guess u can say is Indian coded or black coded. But riven just throws me off so much because his features change subtly in every single season of animation that if becomes super headache driving for me to determine if he’s like white white or if he’s Asian (like I think season 2 to season 5 he had similar to eyes as helia and Musa who are probably Asian coded) or if he’s like hipspanic or smth (which I know a lot of people say he’s like Mexican and stuff). But then in season 6 he looks more white all of a sudden and oh well I don’t count season 8. When I was a kid I always thought he was Asian though Bcs of his shared features with Musa but hey maybe they started to have that “after dating for a while all couples slowly start to look like each other” thing
Like maybe riven is waisian? Or mixed? All I know is that when I watched fate I was not expecting a plain white boy🤡 but Freddie thorp is rlly hot and seems like he gets rivens persona down so I’ll let it slide ig. I mean I was just thinking abt this suddenly Bcs I remembered they’re gonna remake the live action now and I almost don’t wanna know how they’re gonna cast riven and also all the fancasts are so bad they just look like cookie cutter white boys and they almost all look more like Brandon than riven so yeah I’m just worried for the casting of the new live action in the future
You legit missed like whole couple of days I spent with my followers and who ever replied to that post
The conclusion? We have no idea, but people usually see him as somewhere between white and Asian
I actually made that post because someone called Riven a white boy and I blue screened for a full fucking minute trying to figure out what the fuck they were talking about because, to me, Riven did not look white. I was full on lost
You thought Saladin looks white XDD, our interpretations of him are so different, he always looked super west Asian with his clothes and name to me. That's so wild
Nabu is Indian coded! Specifically, this becomes most obvious when you look at his parents. I get what you mean tho, I thought he was black growing up because of his braids
Like, the guys tend to be drawn with smaller eyes, but when their shocked they get bigger, except Riven's
But @shiningclown69 pointed out that most Asian Winx characters like Musa and Helia have yellow undertones, while Riven's undertones are aggressively pink
I've never heard of Riven being Mexican coded by fans but I haven't been here for a long time soo
Results unclear
See that? That is why I scroll past all fan casts except Fiend's meme one that was hilarious
Who knows! Riven has just never came off as straight up white to me, in my hcs he's mixed so /shrug
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f0xd13-blog · 2 years
Next week robalia: last week I stole from you the aldeia de roupa branca (again), with the pure white martial arts outfits, nightcore just like you're always listening, brazilian genres because you know you're portuguese and listen to baden powell (nada a ver with whatv she chosen but ok) and even a random indian outfit thrown in there because you know we indianx now and this week I'm gonna make... tchartchartchara butoh reggaeton!!! Yups the similarities between latino and asian music due to the chola empire that you've been talking about on twitter and I've decided to take it down to steal your ideas that now can be even more explored by me putting asian models with brazilian tracks on top... and it all relates to reggaeton and being latino just like I'am and think I can mix all of them up like a milkshake obviamente uhuh
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mediocre-daydreams · 2 years
Hiya! Could I request 𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐞 for marauders era?
I'm a indian bisexual female, she/they. I'm fairly extroverted, though some times it may take me a while to warm up to people, however I'm pretty crazy an quite unhinged when you get to know me well. However I do have moments when I just wanna plug my earphones in and not talk to anyone, especially when im stressed and anxious. I love reading, though I don't read as much as I would like to, due to school and stuff. I adore banter, joking around and having deep coversations about literally anything. I love helping people out, and my friends come to me to vent. And on the topic of friends, I adore them and I'm also incredibly loyal. I tend to daydream quite a lot as well. Many people would tend to describe me outspoken about a lot of things, mainly politics and world issues. I love debating and arguing, its my main pastime tbh. I also adore science, mainly biology and chemistry. I'm not that creative, I can sing and I just started learning guitar, after years of convincing my parents. I adore rock and pop music, though I also love classical music. I mainly listen to Maneskin, Taylor Swift, the nbhd, artic monkeys, and chase atlantic. I'm 18, 5'3 and I have tanned skin, shoulder length black hair. Clothing wise, my aesthetic is a mix of downtown girl, rockstar gf and dark feminine. I'm an aries and a mix gryffindor and slytherin.
Sorry if its a lot, irdk how much to write, since its my first time doing something like this. Ahhh ilysm and you're writing is heavenset btw.
hey! super cool to see a fellow asian on here <33 i feel like we have so much in common we should be besties (wanna be an emoji anon??) also- i'm headcannoning james here as reiky de valk
i was so torn between james and sirius that i'm gonna slap the three of you into a sadistic, slightly angsty love triangle.
you and desi! james are fast friends. all those traits he loves in sirius? he finds them in you. you’re outspoken, loyal, and a little stubborn. james is admittedly a very sheltered kid. he grew up as an old money pureblood family in a mcmansion-esque house in godric’s hollow, so there was nothing, in particular, drawing him to politics. meeting you was like jumping off a diving board into the middle of the black lake when he’d been wading in shallow waters his entire life. there was so much more to the world than quidditch, house pride, and mischievous escapades.
you never treated him lesser than for not growing up politically fluent or sheltered. it wasn’t like he wanted to be sheltered. his entire life, people reduced him to his looks and his status and the model of his broomstick. as much as he loved his friends, nobody took him as seriously as you did. he was the one taking care of remus and sirius and peter, but you were there to listen to all his thoughts and stay up at night philosophizing about war and the future and the dangers of blood purity that young people shouldn’t really have to be worrying about.
you and EA! sirius are drawn to each other like magnets. you’re similar, more than just the way you dress and the sort of music you listen to. music is super important to sirius; he listens to his favorite records when he’s back at grimmauld place to block out the sound of his family, and listening to rock instead of snooty classical a form of rebellious self expression for him. he loves when you share your songs with him. being a pureblood, it’s hard for him to get his hands on muggle music, so exploring new genres and having quiet jam sessions with you is one of the only times he feels normal.
there aren’t many people who sirius feels can understand him. you’re culturally competent and opinionated, and you never invalidate his anger and intense feelings toward his parents and their beliefs. you’ve never once told him to calm down or that he was overreacting. in fact, you showed him ways to channel his anger more productively. 
you, james, and sirius are an inseparable trio, but that’s the formula for the most heartbreaking type of love triangle. all three of you are acutely aware of the dynamic, though none of you are eager to address it. the three of you value each other as friends too much to lose each other to a relationship that may or may not be guaranteed. war looms close and stakes are high. 
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unpredictablestuff · 3 months
Not taking sides in an argument that has nothing to do with me, but I note the deep historical significance of this news. The Makah were not the only nation that hunted whales but they were one of the few (and the only one outside of Alaska) to get the right to do so included in a treaty with the US government.
That treaty allows them to fight for their right to hunt whales even in the face of an international ban (the legal question here is basically about treaty obligations the sovereign Makah Tribe and the United States have to each other).
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This has deep historical significance because recent archaeological finds seem to have made the Pacific Coast migration model the only one that could have brought people south of Alaska in time for people to leave those traces.
Ancient people would have skirted the north Pacific Coast from northeast Asia, where the ice age glaciers began, to the Pacific Northwest of the United States, where they ended. Presumably they hunted marine mammals to survive along the way. The Makah live just north of the area where the glaciers ended.
The official Makah website: "The Makah Tribe has called the spectacular Neah Bay, Washington area home since time immemorial."
There is no way of knowing how many generations it took them. Genetic evidence suggests people in the Americas split from their Asian relatives about 30,000 years ago. Recent archaeological data indicates they arrived on this continent before 23,000 years ago, but they could have arrived thousands of years before that because archaeological finds that period are extremely scarce. They could have taken 7,000 years to travel around the coast or they could have taken a few generations.
Either way, it is possible or even likely that the ancestors of the Makah have been living on the coast of what is now Washington State and hunting whales to survive since the first people arrived on the continent.
Now that migration was not the end of the story and other people would have moved in and through the area, but in other areas of the world new arrivals mix with the people who are already present (and even other species of Homo). So even with population movements and possible language changes, the first people to set foot in North America outside of Alaska are most likely among the ancestors of the Makah nation. And hunting whales could very possibly go back to those original ancestors.
In other words, while further archaeological data could reveal other stories, it is currently reasonable to believe that this way of life in this specific region goes back to the first First Peoples of the Americas. Few people in the world can make a claim that ancient.
Time immemorial.
But what it means is that basically everyone with indigenous ancestry south of Canada and Alaska (and probably those areas as well) probably has distant ancient ancestors who lived near the Makah reservation and also hunted whales like the Makah still do.
Again, further discoveries could change the story, but this could well be how it all began, the ancient roots of people as diverse as the Cherokee, the Aztecs, the Incas and the Guaraní.
It's also notable that one of the other nations that still hunts whales is Japan, which except for the culturally European government of Russia is the most northern nation on the east Pacific coast, making it the independent nation that is closest to the beginning of the First People's journey.
And making Japan and the Makah tribe bookends to a way of life that could go back 30,000 years.
The reservation of the Quinault Indian Nation, on the coast south of the Makah Tribe, is closest to the place where glaciers ended during the ice age. They didn't get the right to hunt whales in their treaty with the US.
The Makah and Quinault languages are unrelated, by the way. The Makah language is related to languages of coastal people to the north, while the Quinault language is related to those of people to the south and further inland. So much time has passed that there is no way of knowing if they share some very distant origin, or which language has a longer history in the region if they don't.
Basically, we don't know if the two different language families they belong to are more related to each other or to other language families in the region than they are to any other language family in North America or northeast Asia.
The region is home to multiple unrelated language families. This degree of linguistic diversity is stereotypical of places with long-standing cultural continuity. So is the phonetic diversity and complexity of the languages in the area (they have a lot of consonants English speakers can't pronounce).
There is genetic evidence of multiple migrations from northeast Asia to North America as well as migrations in the other direction from North America to northeast Asia. Linguists have been aware of these cultural connections for many decades and there have always been some who enjoyed proposing superfamilies including languages in both regions. None of those proposals are widely accepted.
The lack of Native archaeologists gets in the way of culturally accurate narratives. Part of the problem is the low numbers of Native peoples in modern times. One imagines that another barrier is the conflicting standards of archaeologists and indigenous people for treating ancient sites and, especially, ancient human remains. But those differences have been litigated in US courts, conversations have been had and the two groups are more likely to cooperate now than at any time in the past.
A major legal battle involving northwest tribes, the US federal government and scientists over one ancient skeleton was eventually resolved in favor of the tribes. While the disagreements were not new, the battle seems to have been something of a turning point.
And cooperation between archaeologists and indigenous people means the rest of us have a clearer, more accurate picture of the distant past.
It might not be a coincidence that the conflict involved indigenous people in the Pacific Northwest, which may be a place where humanity's story is oldest as well as a place where Native isolation and independence is relatively recent. The coast mapped by European explorers in the late 18th century (after New Zealand and Hawaii). The Columbia River was not known to Europeans or white Americans until 1792 (the mouth of the river looks like a bay so explorers passed it for years before entering it).
Historical maps show Russian, Spanish, British and US claims to the region, but this is laughable when they most they had done was travel along the coast a few times. You might as well draw maps of the English Atlantic colonies stretching to the Pacific Ocean, since many did in theory.
Native tribes remained fully independent up to the mid-19th century after plague upon plague had swept through ancient but no longer isolated villages.
And that brings up a story that takes us back to where we began: the memory of the Makah tribe.
[I don't know if the words sovereign and independent are used the same way in other parts of the English-speaking world or if their equivalents in other European languages have any real difference, but in US usage the distinction is significant. Native nations are always referred to as sovereign states. The United States is referred to as either sovereign or independent.]
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fcsources · 6 months
hello! Could you suggest some fcs for an acrobat at a circus? The inspo in mind is Ty Lee from ATLA, it’s okay if they are full Asian, mixed or any race, thanks.
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𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙤 𝙯𝙚𝙥. 𝙞 '𝙙 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙮 𝙖 𝙜𝙖𝙢𝙚. of course!! this is fully a tangent, so you'll have to forgive me for that, but i know admittedly absolutely nothing about that franchise and was... stunned, to say the least, seeing the character's age juxtaposed with those bikini pictures 💀 ANYWAY! but yes, i hope this is helpful for you!! it seems like ty lee is "cheerful and energetic," with a strong desire for individuality. age range is around 18-38!
Apo Nattawin ( 1994, actor, Thai )
Drew Ray Tanner ( 1992, actor, one quarter each Chinese && Jamaican )
Emily Meade ( 1989, actress, white )
Isabel May ( 2000, actress, white )
Lim Jiyeon ( 1990, actress, Korean )
Lisa Yamada ( 2002, actress, Japanese )
Lorenzo Zurzolo ( 2000, actor, white )
Luca Hollestelle ( 1996, actress, white )
Mason Versaw ( 2000, actor, white )
Maxence Danet-Fauvel ( 1993, actor, white )
Megan Suri ( 1999, actress, Indian )
Mint Ranchrawee ( 1998, actress, Thai )
Noah Lalonde ( 1998, actor, white )
Ryan Potter ( 1995, actor, half Japanese )
Steven R. McQueen ( 1988, actor, one quarter Filipino )
Sun Yihan ( 1998, actress Chinese )
Taylor Lashae ( 1988, model with acting resources, half Colombian )
Taylor Zakhar Perez ( 1991, actor, half Mexican (including white) && one quarter(?) unspecified Middle Eastern )
Thomas Doherty ( 1995, actor, white )
Vivoree Esclito ( 2000, musician with acting resources, Filipino )
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sportsgr8 · 1 year
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yogeshblogs · 1 year
Top 10 Luxury Resorts in Rajasthan in 2022
Rajasthan is the best spot for nature sweethearts. In the event that you are anticipating a stay in Rajasthan, check out these astounding top 10 extravagant resorts in Rajasthan for a rich stay with your friends and family.
List of Luxury Resorts in Rajasthan\
Taj Aravali Resort & Spa
As the name proposes Taj is an extremely popular and recognizable lavish inn on the planet. This Taj Aravali Resort and Spa is located in the regal province of Mewar, Udaipur Rajasthan. This is one of the sumptuous hotels in Udaipur that unfurl north of 27 sections of land. A place to get away regardless of anyone else's opinion, it has 176 very much named rooms, suites and furthermore solace tents. They also have an entire day cafe, a specialized topic regular veggie lover café and an astonishing bar, pool, and manicured gardens.
You can likewise look at the best fascination close to this retreat. Here comes the Pichwai painting masterclass studio at Udaipur which is 10 minute drive from Taj Aravali Resort and Spa. Likewise checkout the Phad painting masterclass studio which is 30 30-minute drive from Taj Aravali Resort and Spa. This Rajasthan studio is led by Pradeep Mukherjee, he is India's most memorable Small-scale Phad Craftsman and beneficiary of the lofty Shilp Master Grant. Submerge yourself in this exceptional workmanship experience as a combination of Small-scale Painting and Phad Painting. Subsequently, bring back home a gift and recollections that could only be described as epic.
2. Six Senses Fort Barwara
The Six Detects Post Barwara is situated in Sawāi Mādhopur. It is one of the best 10 extravagant resorts in Rajasthan. It is a fourteenth-century post, which has been safeguarded and changed over into an all-suite motel fixated on prosperity. The hotel has a Six Detects Spa and wellbeing focus, a flying yoga structure, a hydrotherapy region, and an open-air pool.
It furthermore comprises true castles and sanctuaries inside the post. For the entire day, it serves Mediterranean combo, container Asian, Indian comfort food, and restorative plates of mixed greens and that's only the tip of the iceberg. The suites are planned in state-of-the-art Rajasthani design with Shekhawati craftsmanship on the walls. They include weaved goods, lumber flooring, latticework, current innovation, hand-made sleeping cushions, baths, and furthermore gigantic dwelling regions with the decision of interior nurseries, individual porches, and patios with warm baths or pools.
3. Jaisalmer Marriott Spa and Resort
Jaisalmer Marriott Resort and Spa offer a shocking background on your go-to the "Brilliant City". Besides, step into our in-vogue stop room or suite; our housing is spilling over with lavish advantages, including rich sheet material, a masterful marble restroom, limitless Wi-Fi access, 24-hour room supplier, and furthermore a level presentation screen television. Fulfill each longing at our hotel's palatable on-website online cafés, take a dip in our warmed pool, or spoil yourself at Quan Spa.
At last, have your business undertake an event or get-together at our hotel to exploit adaptable, cutting-edge scene space. Likewise, it incorporates a dance hall and a manicured garden place. You'll have no issue investigating the neighborhood while you are remaining at our cabin.
4. Lohagarh Fort Resort
Do you wish to remain in an alternate style resort - take photographs and put them via web-based entertainment? Then pick this Lohagarh Stronghold Resort in a post model. It is situated in Pink City Jaipur close to the Delhi Jaipur thruway. This Lohagarh Stronghold Resort and Spa can have the least complex and particular facilities in Houses with individual pools and white Quartz and Stone Suites. The rooms are exceptionally sumptuous and novel. Anyway, it is recorded with stones and handiwork work exhibiting the marvel of the pink city.
Lohagarh Post Resort is an eco-accommodating retreat, in an exceptionally 13-section of land with very much kept up with unpracticed nurseries, AC gathering corridor, exercise center, 2 cafés with bar offices and ocean side vogue pool. In this manner the region that gives unending pool games thoughts like pool volleyball and pool soccer. Lohagarh Post Resort, Jaipur has Ayurvedic Spa to revive and restore guests with the exceptional oil knead.
The delightful fascination close to this retreat is Little Painting masterclass studio - lose yourself in the subtleties with Padam Shri S Shakir Ali. It is 22 mins drive from the Lohagarh Post resort.
Lohagarh Stronghold Resort is an eco-accommodating hotel, in an extremely 13-section of land with very much kept up with unpracticed nurseries, AC gathering lobby, exercise center, 2 cafés with bar offices and ocean side vogue pool. Hence the region that gives interminable pool games thoughts like pool volleyball and pool soccer. Lohagarh Stronghold Resort, Jaipur has Ayurvedic Spa to invigorate and restore guests with the remarkable oil rub.
The delightful fascination close to this hotel is Little Painting masterclass studio - lose yourself in the subtleties with Padam Shri S Shakir Ali. It is 22 mins drive from the Lohagarh Stronghold resort.
Likewise look at the masterclass studio of playing with wooden block making in Ramgarh street Jaipur which is 27 mins drive from the hotel. Join the honor winning craftsman Mr. Gayyur Ahmed for an involved studio on wooden block making in his veranda. Gain the complexity of the fine art from the expert and bring back home a gift and recollections forever.
5. RAAS Jodhpur
RAAS is situated at Jodhpur Rajasthan. Jodhpur is the primary extravagance shop inn with an unmistakable look made from a combination of present day and classic styles. The patio is a quiet desert garden in the midst of the rushing about of Jodhpur's old town.
Inside the walls of the retreat, there are phenomenal spas and warmed pools. Besides, our focal area implies large numbers of Jodhpur's best attractions are inside strolling distance or a short tuk ride. At RAAS Jodhpur you have five one of a kind cafés to look over, the vast majority of which likewise offers sublime perspectives on Mehrangarh Post.
Submerge yourself in the studio of the craftsmen with a masterclass studio to fit in eminence shoes, which faces extreme contest from machine-made footwear. Drench yourself in this exceptional workmanship experience that inhales custom and furthermore it has a verifiable polish. Finally, you can bring back home a keepsake and recollections that could only be described as epic. Thus, take a 10 mins drive from the hotel and experience the studio.
6. Shiv Vilas Resort
Shiv Vilas is a castle model Hotel situated at the Delhi Jaipur expressway street in Pink City of Jaipur. Set in the midst of exquisite nurseries with astonishing entertainment and furthermore business undertaking offices. Nonetheless, the Retreat is encircled through the sumptuous unpracticed Aravalli Reach providing beautiful viewpoints overall round Illustrious revel in lavish Jaipur.
They have wonderful insides with 2 pools, incredible oriental food eating Indian cafés, a nursery and furthermore games room and so forth. Remember to visit the renowned attractions - City Royal residence and Wind Castle which are close by this hotel.
The 2 phenomenal activities close to the Shiv Vilas resort are Jaipur's masterclass studios. In the event that you take a drive of 25 mins, you can encounter studios - how to make wooden blocks with Gayyur Ahmed and lose yourself in the subtleties of Little Composition with Padam Shri S Shakir Ali.
7. The Royal Retreat Resort & Spa
This is 5 5-star office Resort and is found inside the primary city of Udaipur. The Illustrious Retreat Resort and Spa is arranged near the Sajjangarh Rainstorm Royal residence on Badi Hawala Street. The Hotel is a living exemplification of Regal Rajasthan and furthermore has remained at the phases of Aravali. The Illustrious Retreat Resort and Spa unfurls over sections of land of natural climate and give more than 100 all-around selected rooms, and connected across walkways across the pools. Our cafés can take you on a cooking venture with its true Indian, World, and Combination kind of food. We tend to deliver a beguiling climate for yourself and furthermore your number one ones with the sky of light lighting your valuable minutes.
You can likewise look at the best fascination close to this hotel. In this way, here comes the Pichwai painting masterclass studio at Udaipur which is 10 mins drive from Imperial Retreat Resort and Spa.
Additionally checkout the phad painting masterclass studio which is 20 mins drive from the hotel. This Rajasthan studio is led by Pradeep Mukherjee, he is India's most memorable Little Phad Craftsman and beneficiary of the esteemed Shilp Master Grant. Likewise bring back home a keepsake and recollections that could only be described as epic.
8. Chokhi Dhani Ethnic Village Resort
Chokhi Dhani Resort is one of the renowned hotels in Jaipur Rajasthan. It is a 5-star resort and built in the model of town style. Exclusive hotel with regular and beautiful homes set in a rich unpracticed scene. Along these lines, it has Imperial Cabins, Extravagant Suites, and Gathering Lobbies for all of your venture gatherings. Additionally they have the best Rajasthani Multi Cooking Café Bindola, Open air Grill, Bar, Spa, Meal Yards and Pool.
The convenience at the Chokhi Dhani resort has ethnic Cabins, Illustrious Houses, Regal Suites, Haveli Suites, Chief bungalows, Dhola Maru Suites, Family Imperial Suites and furthermore Official Suites to fulfill all your needs for a decent stay.
On the off chance that you take a 16 mins drive from the hotel, you can encounter the Rajasthan Studio's masterclass studio. Close to Chokhi Dhani Resort, go to the well known blue earthenware studio with the incredible craftsman Gopal Saini. First and foremost, plan it in whichever way you like and watch the oxides bring forth lovely turquoise colors on your material. In spite of the fact that bring it back home with you, alongside a recently procured dominance during a time old fine art and a few permanent recollections.
9. Rajasthali Resort & Spa
Rajasthali Resort and Spa will give you an amazing and sumptuous experience during your visit. It is arranged on the Delhi-Jaipur Thruway Kukas Rajasthan. The Rajasthali Resort and Spa is the way of life and royal practices of Rajasthan and furthermore it has popular cordiality.
Around 90 extravagantly planned visitor rooms, as well as an official suite, terrific extravagance tents, illustrious extravagance tents, exclusive castle rooms and, premium royal residence room, Rajasthali Resort and Spa tries to supply a cushty and premium keep insight, whether or not or not you're hanging around for business or relaxation. Moreover, consequently an overplus of intricate and special offices. The Rajasthali Resort group is given to giving pleasant solace to our visitors.
10. The Amargarh Resort
The Amargarh Resort is situated at Udaipur city, Rajasthan. It is the best exotic marriage scene and a legacy place. The hotel includes an outside pool, free breakfast, indoor bar with relax seating and furthermore they have high end food region. In this manner, the room offices are forced air system, hairdryer, shower and with a gallery.
Despite the fact that take a culinary excursion all over the planet at their multi-food café, serving an organized menu of heavenly dishes. Our group of cooks guarantee each chomp is a healthy encounter that will make you want more and more. Look over various scrumptious neighborhood dishes as well as global dishes and we will guarantee you have an extraordinary eating experience.If you are looking for a visit to this temple then, I recommend you the best Taxi Service in Jodhpur named Jodhpur Cab Service. Jodhpur Cab Service Makes Your Ride, Considerably More, More Joyful. While You Arrive at Your Objective On Ideal Opportunity.
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ffxiv back to gyr abania
they're torturing krile?? That went dark.
oh so when i pointed out way back when that lyse had narrative potential (i personally doubt her actual potential) to lead, which would have been enhaced if they'd killed off conrad (which i would have been sad of) i was on to something.
ala mhigo is part of eorzea wonder why their aetherytes are different.
why is lakshimi so light colored. she better be hding like 8 snake tails under that skirt.
isn't it kind of dangerous to have the twins and lyse along, they dont have the echo. we never did come up with a good anti-tempering measure...
hmm i genuinely don't know if zenos is going to kill her or not. mmm wait on second thought her character arc and specifically her as a springboard for lyse's character arc isn't over.
interesting parallel set up between alisae and foldora who both seek power.
M tribe! ahhh i miss my red catboy...
i do not understand why the devs did not just open the door on velydona bridge and instead made 2 npcs to warp you from one side of the door to the other. there isn't even a loading zone i can fly right over
ah so this is where they kill off conrad. I'll miss the old man... yup conrad dies to further lyse's character growth as she is forced to step up as a leader where before she's been uncertain about her position in the ala mhigan resistance. she's felt overshadowed by her sister, her father, and those who lived through garlean occupation.
ugggg and they brought back estinien because he's a fan favorite. look he has a face model that they want to show off any everything. i hate it. the garleans took marksmanship classes from the starwars stormtroopers i see.
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i love pipin. I see the 3 grand companies here and there are ishgardian knights around, but is the ishgardian leadership not represented here as well?
baut side story: I liked the point on how the garlean propaganda machine worked so hard to demonize the Resistance that even after meeting them, the people of Ala Ghiri are still in the mindset that the Resistance will be just as brutal as the Empire. At one point I got pretty worried that the story was going to go down the "each person can only be judged by their own actions, the past doesn't matter" which, like that does have several points but writing that story would also fail to account for systemic oppression and how baut even if he was nicer about it still furthered the goals of the garlean empire and thus the invasion, subjugation, and rule of garleans over their occupied territories with all the human rights violations from the forced labor camps to the murders, kidnappings, rape, demotion to second class citizen, or just straight out slavery, human experimentation and torture. that... that ending really took a hard left turn at least everyone else is also reeling at the whiplash.
castrum abania. garleans are just wannabe allegans knockoff discount human experimentation.
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that you must run faster, fight harder, be better already proves how you are not equal and never will be in the garlean's eyes.
so illberd and raubahn are from the same tiny village (childhood friends?) oh they go back further than i thought. why else would illberd also be "sent home" to raubahn's village. interesting that its to the player character that lyse swears a death pact.
no fair lyse gets TWO new outfits. i do think her other outfits suit her better though. she got dancer gear as a monk. but its symbolic and in taking up a leadership postition lyse has in some ways become a symbol of ala mhigan independence.
gry abania seems a mix of middle east and indian with a dash of chinese and some scottish. I heard thavnair is also south asian/middle eastern inspired I wonder how the devs will differentiate the two areas.
aww it all happens offscreen. i would have been nice to be shown how the alliance took the loches. but maybe this is because i'm always hungering for military strategy and political drama.
lyse leading the resistance is great for her character arc and all but does she have any actual leadership skills and qualifications?? when has she demonstrated leadership, management, and organizational skills. she was hanging around the scions which are like free agents and then with the resistance but was mostly observing the Griffin
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Interested in PV Ramana Murthy’s Best Book Online? - " The Power Of Humility : How Humble High Achievers Are Rewriting the Rules of Leadership”
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The book offers a new viewpoint on how modest high achievers are changing the laws of leadership as a result of more than five years of meticulous first-hand study and countless conversations with business executives. In the process, it not only discusses the significance of humility as a cognitive and emotional talent for leaders, but also creates a distinctive framework — a type of potent handbook — that present and future leaders may use to model their behaviour in the workplace.
If they want to be relevant, leaders must constantly grow and reinvent themselves. It is only feasible if they are modest, as egotism and arrogance are the biggest hindrances to leading people to success, which is the ultimate leadership test. This book emphasises the connection between humility and excellent performance while never losing sight of that core principle—ethical conduct—through examples, understandable analogies, and stories.
PV Ramana Murthy (PV), a consultant and advisor to CEOs, boards, and businesses, is located in Mumbai. By assisting business executives and organizations in transforming via leadership development, cultural transformation, coaching, and integrated talent management strategies, he hopes to have a good influence on the world. He just started Pinsight By PV®, a consulting business that aids businesses in their transformational processes.
While serving as the executive vice president and worldwide head of human resources for the Indian Hotels Corporation Ltd (the TATA Group's hotel network in India), PV gained valuable business expertise. PV also held the position of executive director of human resources for India and Southwest Asian nations at the Coca-Cola Corporation. PV is an INSEAD graduate with a master's in organizational psychology (Coaching and Consulting for Change). Also, he holds a doctorate in strategic human resource management.
The Book's Story
Depending on the culture, meekness, shyness, and frailty are all mixed together with love and compassion to form humility. When we refer to someone as "humble," we mean that they are polite, gentle, basic, courteous, and reserved—an anodyne blandness. Is it actually that easy?
Humility is often the last characteristic that comes to mind when discussing leadership in a time when it is not just a leitmotif but publicly valued in business and society. Leadership is sometimes equated with charm, assertiveness, and oftentimes, blatant ambition. Is there a connection between modesty and success? Are leaders naturally humble or is it a learned quality? Can modest leaders motivate their teams to work harder? Is leaders' humility a reflection of their frailty or their strength?
Dr. PV Ramana Murthy has been an enquiring leader for more than three decades.
He goes into great length about this in his book The Power of Humility, which you can buy online at Harper Collins. The book offers a new viewpoint on how modest high achievers are changing the laws of leadership as a result of more than five years of meticulous first-hand study and countless conversations with business executives. In the process, it not only discusses the value of humility as a cognitive and affective leadership talent but also creates a distinctive framework—a type of potent manual—those present and future leaders may use to model themselves after in their professional lives. 
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marwahstudios · 2 years
8th Global Literary Festival Presented Fashion Show
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Noida: The second day of the 8th Global Literary Festival Noida concluded with a beautiful fashion show put up by the students of the School of Fashion and Design. The show began with a motivational speech by Festival Director Dr. Sandeep Marwah who encouraged the students and congratulated them for carrying out the second day so well.
On this occasion, Actress Raviraa Bhardwaj appreciated the festival by calling it one of the biggest space in India to showcase the art and creativity, followed by HE Dr Roger Gopaul , High Commissioner, Ambassador of Republic of Trinidad and Tobago who narrated his journey of coming to India and the strong bond shared between the two nations.
During the show, National President of Public Relation Society of India, Dr. Ajit Pathak dedicated a beautiful poem to Fashion and Literature together. Then, President of Dancing Rabbit from Germany Mark Fazzy expressed his gratitude and congratulated the students for a wonderful show. Gurbani Bhatia, a musician who shared her past experience of performing on the stage of Marwah Studios. The event was attended by actor & model Richa Kapoor,
Vice Chancellor of Noida International University Prof Dr. Uma Bhardwaj, Jimmy from Embassy of Turkey, Pasch from United Kingdom also spoke on the occasion. During the event, a book on fashion titled “Hook” was launched. The spectacle of fashion was on full display during the Fashion Show. The first set of walk with the theme “Unity in Diversity” showcased the mix Indian culture wedding attires. Second set was based on “Western” theme which mainly included the wedding gowns. The designers of the first two sets were – Saba, Jasmeher, Shelly Agarwal, Rupin Jha, Priyanshu Tyagi and Gunjan Mishra. The third set was based on the “Casual Hip Hop Streetwear” which included the handsome hunks in streetwear. The last set presented the beautiful relation of Lord Krishna and Radha which included traditional Indian wear and showcased simplicity, elegance, purity and innocence. The designers for the last two sets were – Priyanshu Tyagi, Ishita Jain, Junaid, Paridhi, Pavnish and Ayush Gupta.
On this occasion, Dr. Sandeep Marwah presented the mementos to the esteemed guests and thanked them for joining in for the event. The show was anchored by Mr. Syed Ashar and Ms. Paridhi. It was concluded with Vote of Thanks by Director of School of Fashion Design Prof. Ritu Lal. The show was supported by ICMEI-International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry, AUA-Asian Unity Alliance, PYC-Prithvi Yoga Centre, and AAA-Asian Academy of Arts.
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battouly · 6 years
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Model : @lilou.ls
Location : La Guillotière, Lyon,France
On Oct 2018
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alyxsrpfaces · 3 years
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Zoë Barnard
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wocloving · 6 years
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Kelly Gale (2018)
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