hatake · 6 years
I really like Tamen de Gushi! It's a slice of life webtoon and kinda has a plot but mostly it's like episode wise ? It's really cute !
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Oh, I love Their Story 😄 I need to reread and catch back up on it 😅 Thanks for reminding me! 💕 A great rec 👌
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vonseal · 6 years
I really like your fic 4'3'' so far ! Even though the basic idea is often found in fics it's always interesting how the author fills up the story in between and I can't wait to see how the relationship between Bin and Min will develop ~
i realized, too, there’s an anime with a piano player and a violinist that everyone keeps telling me about and i REMEMBER that one, one of the few i’ve seen, bUT I PROMISE IT HAS A SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT PROMPT
but i really hope you’ll continue to enjoy it!
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fy-onf · 6 years
You posted the wrong picture for the members teaser photos , there a three photos of Laun ^^
Hi! I think that might have just been a tumblr mess up, I checked the blog and it seems like there’s only one Laun picture. However, if other people are having this issue as well please let me know! Thank you for letting me know regardless!
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" Schnell wie ein Windhund" und " Zäh wie leder " ist die neue version von " sei ein mann " aus mulan
Ich habe Mulan nie geguckt, aber ich..ich habe mir da immer etwas anderes vorgestellt 😬
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datheetjoella · 6 years
Hello! I would love to beta and I'm from Germany and fluent ~
Hi! Thank you so much! Anon do you see this?
Thanks for your offer and I hope you have a lovely day! ^^
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tetsucchin · 7 years
I just love your kagakuro fics hillary (*゚▽゚)ノ
jkdlsjfkldjslka thank you very much! I’m glad you like them!!(*/∇\*)
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cowjimin · 7 years
If you need to talk I'm here !
:( Thank you, I’ll message you if needed. 
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Ich hatte heute jemanden an der Kasse mit /einem/ Pfand Bon über 40€ Das sind einfach mal 160 Flaschen ????
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transtetia · 7 years
August 7!
August - what is the worst thing you’ve ever experienced?
uhhh, there’s a lot of things, but if i have to choose, it was when i was bullied in 5th grade
07 - favorite overall thing (can be anything)?
this might sound generic, but man, do i love clouds 
send me your birthday!
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lalondead · 7 years
Okay but can you draw some KNKSTRO action ? Because Sanha and Youjin changing jackets is so cute
hey! i like astro but i don’t stan them and i’ve never drawn them, + i don’t take requests but if you really want that done i do commissioned art! thank you for your message :)
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kawaiipickle · 7 years
What are your favourite TVXQ japanese releases?
Most of them, tbh :) Some time ago I’ve made a list with selected fave songs HERE, you can check it if you want, Japanese releases start from 5th. ;)  But I should also ad here their Japanese solo releases :) So from Changmin’s album ‘Close to you’ my two fave songs are Rock with you and Kogarashi ga Todoku Koro ni, and from Yunho’s ‘U-know Y’ - Burning Down and Tattoos and Highheels. Oh, and now Reboot, of course :D
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incorrectknb · 8 years
Kise: I don’t get jealous easily!
Kise [to Nigou]: Listen, I’m the only puppy for senpai.
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Ups wusste nicht dass das ein Hitler Zitat ist - ' Tschuldige . Aber wir können trotzdem eine neue deutsche version machen so " schneller als die deutsche bahn " ( Was an sich nicht schwer ist )
Haha, dann haben wir dann in gegenseitigem Halbwissen erfolgreich aneinander vorbeigeredet. (ich dachte du würdest dich darauf beziehen, dass es da auch im Ausbildung ging)Aber ja, schneller als die deutsche Bahn. Im Herbst. Nachdem ein Blatt auf die Gleisen gefallen ist.
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shinwhoohoo · 4 years
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Describe Yourself in 10 Pictures/GIFs You Have Saved
Tagged by → @barbieomoviegeek & @chickensmugglermyungsoo ♡  Thanks for the tag! Each one of these pics/gifs embody a troll that makes up my soul 🤓😀 lol
Tagging → @asianandproudtobe | @sandeulbrows | @chawoonie | @tehzay  (no pressure!~)
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ygbias · 6 years
Some more suggestions ! Haon ft. Sik-k - Bong Bong , PLT - Hocus Pocus, N.Flying - Awesome, Nu'est W - Help Me
oh nice thanks!
send me your favorite songs of the year and i’ll respond with:
Haon ft. Sik-k - Boong Boong
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
Aye this rap goes hard! Pretty dang catchy and that flute (?) yeahh!
PLT - Hocus Pocus
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
Okay real talk I’m extremely picky with boy groups. Buttt this song really isnt bad. The flow is great, nothing feels awkward, all their voices clash well with the highs and lows, and maybe after a few listens this might grow on me more for a download.
N.Flying - Awesome
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
I had the strangest dejavu watching this. In some alternate universe I’ve seen this mv before (I probably have). Seolhyun though~ I liked the chorus but the rapping sometimes seemed out of place.
Nu’est W - Help me
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
I feel like 2012 me would of loved this. Nu’est kinda fell off my radar. The MV is well made but overall the song falls flat with me. Thanks though.
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helmes-deep · 7 years
Beautiful Target ! What do you do when someone zoom zooms your heart like a rocket ?
Beautiful Target: How do you pursue a love interest? Are you active or passive about it?
Well, to be honest, I don’t think I’ve ever been serious enough about another person to actually pursue them (although I’ve had some substantial crushes). I think I’d totally be a passive pursuer though lol. I’m more of the person who would help you with anything you needed in order to get noticed or just to get to know you better/spend time with you~ ♡ :3 Yeah, that’d probably be my go-to move. The one that waits for you to realize how much I mean to you and your life leol :’33
🌱send me a B1A4 ask!! 🌱
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