#aside from his weird birthmark below the eye
fighterpilotshrimp · 1 year
live brothers reaction.
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you get no context, because there is no context. just live brothers reaction.
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bibubi · 4 years
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Happy birthday Draco Malfoy!  🐍 🍏 👱‍♂️ 💛
I wrote a short story because of this occasion. I hope you will like it. 
I recommend the story to two of my favorite writers (  @lovesbitca8  @senlinyu​ ).
“But first, breakfast.”
A warm tropical breeze fluttered the curtains – bringing with it the heavy scent of hibiscus flowers – as Draco stirred awake, squinting against the early morning sun. Glancing to the clock on the nightstand, he saw that it was barely past five, but Draco felt more awake – more alive – than he’d ever felt in his entire life. And it had everything to do with the beautiful woman sleeping in his arms. With her long, tanned limbs tangled up with his as a single white sheet draped over both of them, Draco felt like the luckiest man in the world.
He couldn’t believe that they were finally married. It still felt like a dream. Like any minute, he’d wake up and be that same twentytwo year old lad who didn’t know what true love felt like; who sang songs about falling in love but had no idea of the beauty awaiting him; who didn’t know what he was missing until it turned his whole world upside down.
Because that’s what Hermione had done – turn his world upside down, that is. She was, and always would be, one of the kindest, wittiest, and most beautiful witch he had ever known. She put others first but never let anyone take advantage of her. She would put you in your place in a heartbeat – something she’d done to Draco many times over the past three years. He honestly thought Hermione hated him because of what he did to her at the Hogwarts. But after the war everything changed.
And now, here she was, lying in his arms as she slept peacefully. Draco felt like he should pinch himself to make sure he wasn’t dreaming. Because, for some reason, Hermione felt the same way about Draco as he did her. And yesterday, on his birthday, in front of all their friends and family, she had promised to love him forever. He would spend the rest of his life doing everything in his power to make sure she never regretted that promise.
Loving each other had come easy; the rest of it had not.
Draco had been terrified of losing Hermione in the early years. His past was always there and lot of people don't see a change in him. But Hermione proved that she was willing to fight for him, even when he wasn’t sure he deserved it. Time and time again, she’d shown him just how much he meant to her, and Draco would be forever grateful for the miracle that was Hermione’s love. Despite the tears, the heartache, the complete outrage she felt at times, she’d never turned her back on Draco because of his past and all it entailed.
She understood what others had not. Hermione owned a piece of Draco’s heart that nothing – and no one – else could ever lay claim to.
“I can feel you staring at me,” Hermione mumbled sleepily, her warm breath giving Draco goosebumps where it ghosted across the bare skin of his chest. “It’s weird.”
“You’re weird,” Draco teased playfully, running the callused pads of his fingers down the soft skin of her back – from the mole on her left shoulder down to the starburst birthmark just above the base of her spine. It was a path his lips had long since memorized.
“Is that any way to talk to your wife?” Hermione huffed in feigned outrage, her lilting smile betraying her true emotions as she peeked up at him with her beautiful chocolate colored eyes. His wife. Two words he would never tire of hearing.
“My humblest apologies, Mrs. Malfoy,” Draco smirked. “How can I ever make it up to you?”
“Well, Mr. Malfoy, stop speaking like that, for one,” Hermione laughed. “And breakfast would be nice.”
Draco leaned down, smiling into the kiss he pressed to Hermione’s lips. “Mmm…breakfast does sound nice,” he mumbled against her mouth. But Draco wasn’t really thinking about breakfast as he rolled them over, peppering sloppy kisses down Hermione’s neck and across her chest, his hands roaming up and down her sides before settling on her hips.
“Draco, I’m serious,” she moaned, her hands wrapping around fistfuls of blanket as his lips trailed further down her chest. Draco smirked before taking one of her breasts in his mouth, watching in satisfaction as Hermione’s head pressed into the pillows beneath her, her back arching up in pleasure as his tongue blazed a path towards her belly button. He hummed happily against her stomach as Hermione’s fingers found their way to his hair, tugging lightly in silent instruction. He brought his lips back up to hers, her tongue licking greedily into his mouth as she angled to flip them over so she was back on top.
Hermione sat up, straddling his waist as she stared down at him, a satisfied smile settling on her sinfully pink lips. “I really am hungry,” she laughed, clambering off him before Draco realized what was happening. She was halfway out of the bedroom before Draco even sat up, swinging his feet off the bed. He chased after her, following the sounds of her echoing footsteps as he made his way through the unfamiliar rental house, not really having paid attention to the layout the night before.
He almost tripped when his foot caught on the trousers he’d abandoned at the top of the stairs less than twelve hours ago, but he managed to catch himself in time, keeping his eyes glued for any other items of clothing strewn across his path as he hurried to catch up with Hermione. He spotted her rounding the corner as he reached the bottom of the stairs, her eyes sparkling in amusement as she glanced back and saw him staring appreciatively at her bum.
He caught up with her in the hallway leading to the kitchen, his strong arms wrapping around her as both of them laughed breathlessly. “You weren’t lying,” Draco mumbled against the sensitive skin of Hermione’s neck as her stomach grumbled with hunger. “Let’s get you some food.”
The kitchen had been stocked prior to their arrival, so Draco went directly to the cupboards, pulling out all of the dry ingredients necessary to make pancakes whilst Hermione went to the refrigerator and pulled out the wet ingredients, as well as various fruits they would use as toppings. “You know, I think naked breakfast is my favorite,” Draco mused cheekily as Hermione busied herself locating a cutting board.
“Well, we could’ve done it more often if you ever remembered to close the curtains at yours,” Hermione laughed as Draco dodged the blueberry she tossed playfully at his head.
“Can I get that in writing?” Draco teased, wrapping his arms around Hermione’s middle as he rested his chin on her shoulder. Hermione popped a piece of strawberry in her mouth, smiling as she went to press a kiss to Draco’s cheek in reply. He turned to catch her lips with his at the last second, and Draco could taste the sweet tartness of the strawberry as he deepened the kiss, breakfast all but forgotten as he spun Hermione around – pressing their hips together as he trapped her against the cool granite countertop.
Hermione’s hands slid down to Draco’s hipbones as he sponged kisses down her neck, the small noises of contentment escaping her lips bringing a smug smirk to his as he sucked at the sensitive skin just below her ear. Draco would never get tired of this – getting to kiss Hermione, that is. Kissing her was effortless. He always felt everything, and nothing, all at once. And with the way he had her body pressed against his, each slight movement was a flash of brilliant friction, leaving his mind dizzy even after all these years.
Hermione began to scatter feather light kisses across Draco’s collarbones, his breath releasing in a hiss when her hands inched lower, teasing him as they danced from his hipbones to inner thighs. “Mmm…”she mumbled against his neck, dragging her hands up to rest on Draco’s chest, her nails tapping a beat similar to the one he could feel thudding in his chest. “Just think about all the fun we can have…after you make me breakfast.” Draco was so flustered, that he didn’t have time to brace himself as she pushed against his chest, causing him to stumble back against the cool metal of the refrigerator. That snapped him back to reality like a harsh kick to the gut.
“Fine,” he sighed, his feigned pout earning an eye roll from Hermione as he walked back over to continue making the pancake batter he had abandoned, halfprepared.
“You’re lucky I love you.”
“Well, I should hope so,” Hermione laughed as she resumed chopping strawberries. “You did marry me, after all.”
“I did, didn’t I?” Draco smiled. “I guess that makes me the lucky one.”
“And don’t you forget that.”
“Oi! You’re supposed to say something sweet back,” Draco whined playfully.
“If I did that, I wouldn’t be the girl you fell in love with.” Draco laughed as Hermione wrinkled her nose and stuck her tongue out at him.
They finished their breakfast prep with minimal interruption – a few stolen kisses and teasing taste tests aside – and Draco began ladling pancake batter onto the hot griddle as Hermione sat on a stool in front of the breakfast bar, sipping a mug of freshlybrewed coffee. “You know, this might just be my favorite view in the world,” Hermione sighed happily from where she was sat behind Draco. He nodded in agreement as he stared out the window to his left, a vast expanse of white sand and impossibly blue water meeting his gaze.
“It’s quite beautiful,” he acknowledged, turning back to the task before him so he didn’t burn the pancakes.
“S’not what I was admiring.” Draco jumped as Hermione’s coffeewarmed hands slid up his chest and her lips pressed against his shoulder with her mumbled confession. He swallowed harshly as he flipped the pancakes on the griddle, the spatula slipping from his hands as Hermione’s inched dangerously lower.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Hermione laughed, the throaty vibrations tickling against Draco’s back. “Am I distracting you?”
“Nno,” Draco grimaced at the way his voice cracked like a teenager.
“Good, wouldn’t want you to ruin breakfast and have to start over,” Hermione teased. It took all of Draco’s concentration to finish cooking the pancakes on the griddle – Hermione never ceasing with her roaming hands and playful nips and kisses sponged along the expanse of Draco’s back. As soon as the last pancake was removed from the hot surface to the awaiting plate, Draco spun around, catching Hermione’s lips with his as she gasped into his mouth. She tasted like hazelnut coffee and strawberries and Draco thought he would never need to eat again; he could simply feed off the energy he felt whenever he held Hermione like this. He always felt like his whole body was on fire, ready to jump out of his skin, when those soft little moans of pleasure slipped from her and he knew it was all his doing.
“God, I love you,” he sighed happily as he pulled back to grin at her lazily, resting his forehead on hers, both their chests heaving as they tried to replace the oxygen they’d been denying themselves as they got caught up in one another.
“Love you, more,” Hermione bit her lip as she peered up at Draco through her eye lashes, the sultry look in her eyes doing nothing to calm his racing heart.
“Impossible,” Draco whispered against her lips.
“Nope,” Hermione argued, sucking on his bottom lip gently. “And, I’ll spend forever proving it if I have to.”
“But first, breakfast.”
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moonmoon2102 · 4 years
An Alpha’s daughter [Call of the Moon; Werewolf AU]
So... this one is obviously a bit more advanced in the story since Jinah (Yongsun and Byulyi’s daughter) is a teenager here.
Also, if anyone’s interested: Here’s a really short audio clip which does belong to this story post: https://moonmoon2102.tumblr.com/post/621017109788606464/alphasdaughteraudio
Not much left to say about this aside from: Happy reading :)
"I don't know man… I think that's a bad idea," the man said to this companion as he stared at an unconcious Jinah.
 "Why are you such a pussy?! The boss promised us a huge amount if we bring her to him! We'll be living the sweet life, dude! Money, alcohol, babes! We'll be the next big thing in our neighborhood!"
  His words didn't do much to calm his companion down, the bad feeling he had after they had abducted the teenager lingered inside of him. He moved from one foot to the other, eyes fixed onto the young woman.
  "She's pretty, isn't she?" his accomplice noted, brushing strands of hair out of Jinah's face, "I wonder why the boss is so interested in her… actually… I don't care"
 "And I still think it's a bad decision we made."
 "Oh come on! Spare me with your nonsense! Think of the money!"
 "That's what I mean… for a simple girl that's… a lot of money. Like… why? What's so special about her?" "I repeat… I don't care!"
  The slightly smaller, more nervous man stepped closer, examining Jinah's petite frame. His eyes wandered from her face, over her neck, down to the v-neck of her t-shirt where he caught a glimpse of a darker patch of skin. The lowered his head and rubbed his eyes, making sure he was not imagining things. A thought flashed up in his mind which he quickly pushed away as dirty fingers moved to push the collar of her shirt aside.
  As if he got burnt, he stumbled backwards until his back was pressed up against one of the many columns of the warehouse, muttering multiple curses under his breath.
  "The fuck is wrong with you?!" his mate asked, watching him extend his arm to point at the young woman.
 "S-she… she… fuck!! This is bad!! Really bad!!" "Oi, you idiot! Relax, what's your problem?"
  The scared man grabbed his accomplice's collar, dragging him closer. "Fucking look at that!" he exclaimed, pulling down the neck of Jinah's shirt, revealing a birthmark just below her left collarbone, shaped like a perfect crescent moon.
  "This is what freaks you out?! It's a fucking birthmark!"
 "Do you even know what that means?!"
"No and I don't care! It's a birthmark!"
"Shaped like a crescent moon!"
"I see that! So what?!" The smaller man sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose before he looked at his companion.
"She's a fucking Alpha's daughter!"
 His accomplice broke into a laugh.
 "Pffff, an Alpha's daughter… yeah right!"
 "I swear, dude! I just recently read about that! The birthmark proves she's an Alpha's daughter! Someone who was born an Alpha, the strongest and most dangerous type of werewolf there is!" he explained, running his hands through his hair in an soupcon of panic, "fuck man!! Fuck!! I'm sure the Alpha is looking for her! We'll be dead if that beast finds us!"
  "Stop being such a scaredy cat! We'll be fine! If what you say is true, I doubt the Alpha knows where we are."
  As if to prove him wrong, a bone-chilling howl echoed through the warehouse, startling both men. They frantically looked around, trying to make out where it came from. The dim light in the warehouse didn't prove to be much of a help as most parts were engulfed in darkness.
  "See?! I told you the Alpha would be looking for her!! Fuck!! L-let's just… let's just set her free! Maybe the Alpha will spare us!"
 "Are you stupid?! I'm not gonna let the opportunity to get rich slip just because you got scared by… nothing."
 "Nothing?! You heard the howl!"
 "It was… probably just… a dog or something." "A dog?! Howling like that?! Are you out of your mind?!"
  A metallic clank made them both jump and turn around, this time sure of the direction it came from. The abductors strained their necks, eyes frantically darting through the wide open space. As they couldn't make out anything, they somewhat relaxed, chalking it up to their nerves getting the better of them.
  "See? I told you there's nothing!"
  Right as the last word has left his mouth, a low growl rumbled through the air. Both of the men turned to their right with their hearts racing, gulping as they laid eyes upon the two glowing, crimson orbs staring back at them from the dark.
 With slow steps the werewolf, albeit still in its human form, moved closer towards them, baring fangs as she growled, claws extracting in a threatening manner, scratching along metal sheets that were leaning against the wall to her right side, sending sparks flying as she dragged them along the rusted surface.
 The taller man shifted his gaze towards Jinah, the slight twitch in his legs not gone unnoticed by the Alpha. Byulyi's eyebrows knit together, her eyes flickered with sheer anger as she snarled at him. Throwing all caution to the wind, the man sprinted towards the teenager. Before he could even reach her, his eyes grew wide as he felt a hand around his neck, feet losing touch with the ground, realizing that Byulyi had leaped in front of her daughter to protect her. The kidnapper floundered with his feet in a desperate attempt to make contact with the ground again, his eyes wide in shock at the immense strength the seemingly petite woman had. His hands came up to pry at Byulyi's single one but no matter how hard he tried, the werewolf kept the iron grip around his neck.
 His companion watched in horror, frantically looking around to find anything to attack the werewolf with, though he knew he would stand little to no chance against her but he had to at least try. He found a metal pipe, gripping it tightly in his hands as he charged at the werewolf. He swung the metal rod like a mad man, screaming from the top of his lungs. Lifting the makeshift weapon high above his head to land a hit into the werewolf's head, the man's eyes grew wide as Byulyi caught the pipe with her free hand, bending it as if it was made out of rubber.
With an energetic jolt Byulyi ripped the pipe out of his hand, throwing it into a corner. A bloodcurdling roar filled the warehouse, followed by a dull thump as the Alpha flung the other man towards his accomplice, knocking both to the ground in the process.
 Byulyi's breathing was heavy, keeping her eyes fixed on the two men who dared to lay hand onto her daughter. Neither of them moved, the force they've been thrown at each other with had knocked the wind as well as their conciousness out of them.
Knowing they'd be out cold for a good while, her fangs and claws retracted, eyes turning back to their natural color. A soft whimper caught Byulyi's attention. She spun around to see Jinah stir, slowly pushing herself up from the ground, groaning as one hand shot up to her head.
 The teenager hissed, feeling as if a truck had run her over. Her head pounded and her limbs were sore, her vision blurry. She blinked a few times to adjust her eyes to the dim light and regain her vision, a soupcon of sheer panic took her over as she frantically looked around, not recognizing her surroundings. Her breathing began to pick up, heart thumping against her chest as she could feel tears welling up in her eyes.
  The Alpha's daughter whipped her head around, relief washed over her in an instant as she laid eyes upon the familiar face.
  Byulyi dropped onto her knees, pulling the teenager into her arms while Jinah instantly circled hers around her mother's waist. Both, mother and daughter held each other in a tight, yet comforting embrace as tears streamed down their cheeks.
  "Mom… I was," Jinah hiccuped, "I was… so scared…"
  "I know, baby girl… I know… I was scared too!" Byulyi stated, her voice thick with tears, disengaging herself from Jinah, hands on her daughter's cheeks, "are you okay? Are you hurt?"
  "I… I think I'm fine."
  A barely visible yet proud smile tugged at the corners of Byulyi's lips, despite her fear and everything she had went through the past hours, Jinah was a fighter.
  "We should leave. Can you walk?"
  Jinah nodded, eyes following the werewolf as she rose back to her feet, gladly accepting the extended hand her mother offered to her.
 The teenager's gaze fell upon the two men who had abducted her, causing Jinah to step closer to her mom in fear, hands tightly gripping her arm.
 "Don't worry," Byulyi assured as she noticed Jinah staring at them, "they won't do anything to you anymore."
  "A-are they---"
  Byulyi shook her head. "They're just unconcious. I'm not a monster, Jinah. People like them on the other hand," Byulyi said, turning her head towards the kidnappers, "it's people like them who are the real monsters in this world."
  Jinah silently agreed to her mom's wise words as it couldn't be more true.
  "Let's go home. Your mommy is waiting for us."
  Just as Byulyi was about to turn, Jinah flung herself into her mother's arms again, hugging her tight, head resting on her chest.
  "Thank you, mom…" she whispered, "for saving me."
  Byulyi smiled and kissed the top of her daughter's head. "You know I'd give my life to keep you and mommy safe."
 Jinah hugged her even tighter upon hearing these words.
  "Let's go, kiddo."
  The Alpha's daughter stuck close to her mother as they walked past the abductors. While being glad Jinah seemed and looked to be fine physically, Byulyi was well aware of the deep, emotional wound her daughter would have to deal with. Yet she felt somewhat at ease, knowing her and Yongsun would do everything they could to support their child, helping her to tend to the wound this traumatic event had caused. Byulyi swore that to herself as they stepped out of the warehouse into the cool night air.
Sorry for the weird spacing; it looks fine in the editor but once posted it’s all over the place. Anyway, to whoever stopped by and took the time to read: Thank you very much :)
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tasmanianstripes · 4 years
7 and 24 owo
I'm gonna use the same ocs as before!
7. Does your OC have any markings, such as a birthmark or a scar?
Damien: He has a few self harm scars and two scars on his neck and one on torso that he got while he was murdering his abusers and a torn right ear for the same reasons
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(art by critterrrr on DeviantART)
As a demon he gains the typical tattoos on his neck, back, shoulders and forearms that the 7 deadly sins get.
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(concept art below, not really canon (save for the hand) was just fucking around)
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Hestia and Theo: They have A LOT of scars from all the damn fights, as well as working on the farm (listen, farm animals might be cute but they will fuck you up), most noticeable for Hestia are the big ol scars she got from Chaos' attack that left crudtals growing out of her body and nearly killed her until War and later his siblings Harvest and Peace removed and healed her. Meantime for Theo's most iconic scar I'd say are the ones on his face he got from fighting Chaos and War.
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Peter: He has a lot of self harm scars but you will not catch me NOT drawing him with his big ass bags under his eyes, even though they're not technically not markings but I cannot imagine him without his bags. Also he has a weird birthmark on his stomach that I never actually drew so just have this.
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24. Who are the people your OC dislikes/hates?
Damien: That would be his abusive family as well as past bullies. He resents them a lot. But aside from them he really doesn't care enough about some other annoying people to hate them. As for disliking, he dislikes a lot of people so that'd be pointless to list all of them, especially since they aren't really characters just some nameless faces.
Hestia and Theo: Chaos and his goons, that one's obvious. Aside from that Theo held a lot of resentment towards his uncle Stone and Hestia wasn't really hateful towards him but she did feel very hurt, they eventually forgive him and fix their relationship. They also had a rough relationship with the rest of Elements at first, especially Life, who tried to kill them, but once again they eventually fix that shit up. Theo also had this weird thing going on with War where as kids they couldn't stand each other, then as Theo joined them they had this weird kind of...friendship? Like they went from getting on each other's nerves to kind of being friends who got on each other's nerves, to being really close but not wanting to admit it, then War fuckin betrayed them so that was a whole fucking mess, then he betrayed Chaos and got back to his friends and they became a couple. It's a wild ride with these two.
Peter: Hate is a strong word for him, I think he only really truly hates himself. He does dislike his family for abandoning him, but he mostly feels hurt and misses them. He dislikes his older brother Sam for being abusive towards him. He dislikes a lot of people because a lot of people have mistreated him.
Have a cute pic of adult Shadow and War being gay together
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kingkangdani · 7 years
soulmate au! kang daniel
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cr: to all owners of the pics
a/n: hi everyone so this is honestly so all over the place and idek if it’s good!! so i’m sorry if it’s not but anyways i love you guys all so much i hope everything is going well for everyone!!
• a matching birthmark appears on each soulmate’s chest the moment they share their first kiss • and the only hint you get if that person is your soulmate is when your line of thinking is highly similar • kinda similar to twin telepathy? • when you can finish each other’s sentences, or like very similar things, • in most unfortunate cases, a couple could share their first kiss together, waiting for the birthmark to appear… • but it doesn’t • and they are just left there to face the harsh and awkward reality that the person they are with now is not the person destined for them • and most of your friends have found their respective soulmate and they tell you cute little stories of how they met and their first kiss • and they all met in cute locations too like at the café or the school library or at a mutual friend’s party • and you just hope your story will just be as romantic and adorable • n e wayssss • so one day you dropped your laundry at this laundry service near your dorm • they provide a wash and fold service for busy college students • although they have this bad reputation of mixing up all the clothes from other customers, you were just too stressed with school that you just want one chore off of your to-do list • so couple of days after, they delivered your laundry • and you unpacked your clean clothes, transferring them from the plastic bag to your wooden cabinet • you check the clothes one by one • when you notice an unfamiliar green hoodie, a slightly deeper shade of green than the one you own – also, surely too big and too long to be yours • “ugh they got it mixed up with my green sweater!” you realized • so all week in school you’re just looking trying to spot anybody who must have had your green sweater and the potential owner of the green hoodie you have in your pile of newly cleaned clothes • but no luck • so anyways it was exam day, and you know the exam room’s are going to be chilly as hell and you were running late too so you grabbed the oversized green hoodie without thinking and wore it • “oh wow the owner of this one must be really tall because I’m freaking drowning in them!” you said, looking at the excess fabric that’s draping way past the whole length of your arm • so you proceed to the exam room and the professor were arranging all examinees by last name, alphabetically • the professor called in your name and pointed at your assigned seat • “okay next...Kang, Kang Daniel?” the professor called out and pointed at the seat beside you • you look up to see a tall guy, with a nice fluffy hair in a color that reminds you of your favorite milk tea • but other than that…you noticed that he…was…wearing a green sweater • IT WAS YOUR SWEATER • “how tf did that fit him? he’s so big??” you thought, slightly worried of your favorite sweater getting too stretched out • you brushed that thought aside and focused on your exam • so mini time skipppp • after everyone finished taking the exam, the professor finally let everyone go • so you tapped the male beside you, who was now all stood up, putting the cap of his pen back on • “uh-“ before you could even say a word, he beat you to it • “that’s my hoodie!” he said, tugging the fabric from the back to check for the label • “and that is mine” you said back • he laughed, a husky and throaty laugh comes out of his mouth and eyes forming a crescent moon • he pulled his, your, hoodie over his head as you did the same, handing it over to each other • and the hopeless romantic in you just panics in happiness because, what if he’s my soulmate? • but you shake the thought away because seriously you have to stop falling in love with every stranger you encounter lmao • so you head over to the student lounge and settled in on one of the sofas to unwind and relax for a bit after that hell of an exam • suddenly you see the tall milk tea haired guy again storming towards you and looking as if he’s about to break down and cry • “a-are you alright?” you question as he flop himself down beside you on the sofa • “this is gonna be so weird and random but can you play with my hair?” he says and immediately your eyebrows knit together and you’re just like • “what?? why tf will I do that?” • “because I have an exam to take again in 3 hours and I am near failing that class and it’s stressing me out!!” he said, face buried in his hands • and you sigh, “fine, but only because your hair reminds me of honey oolong milk tea” • and his eyes widen !! and it seems like he was about to say something but opted not to • so he just leaned quickly towards your lap, back flat against the couch, face parallel to the ceiling • so your fingers gently crawl and rake through his strands • pressing light massages on his scalp as his eyelids are starting to close slowly • and although it seems hella strange doing it with a stranger, he looked like he needed the calming down a lot • soon enough you find yourself humming to Signal Fire by the Snow Patrol • your fingers still twirling and dancing around the strands of his hair • “your voice is so nice” he said smiling, eyes slowly opening up to look at you. “And you’re very pretty, too” • you scoffed, pulling his hair a little stronger as payback for turning you into a blushing mess • “o-ouch! But,,,uhm,,, let’s get married??” • “hell no stop being so random and creepy!” you pushed him off of your lap and you guys starting laughing and chatting • you introduced yourself formally this time and talked about random uni student topics • so time skipppp • after that you and Daniel would throw nods and winks when you walk pass by each other in the hallways or in the cafeteria • but you find it oddly (and cutely) weird how you and Daniel always wear the same thing? • like one chilly night after your 6pm philosophy class?? you and Niel are wearing the same style of denim jackets • college formal event for the school’s 200th year anniversary? Matching red velvet outfits yo!! • but you still shrug the thought of him being your soulmate off because??? It honestly could just be purely coincidental • so you are having lunch with your bestie and you met eyes with Dan who is seated few tables away from you and he winks ! at !! you!!! • so your bestie sees this lmao • “so spill” she tells you coldly, crossing her arms • “spill what?” • “you think I haven’t noticed? that you’re secret boyfriends with that Daniel person? you guys wear couple outfits all the time, even during the school’s anniv party!” • “it’s all coincidental!” you scream whisper • “wait… have you guys kissed? Is he your soulmate?” • you shake your head no • and that’s when it finally hits you • that there’s a huge possibility that Daniel is your soulmate and that it all could possibly be not just a coincidence! • so your class ends at 5pm that day • and by 5:01 you are already sprinting your way to Daniel’s dorm, knocking aggressively • thankfully he opens up (lmao hehe) fast • “take your shirt off!” you order him • “what?? why?!” • “take your shirt off and kiss me!!” you say, lifting the hem of his shirt • “Perv!!!! I never knew you’re such a wild girl, y/n!!” he said laughing at your state • “I just want to know…” you said in a nervous tone • so at this point both of you got your tops off already • he then suddenly cupped both of your pale cheeks with both of his hands and leaned down to kiss you • it was a long kiss but neither lips are moving • both of you are afraid to pull away in case no birthmark appears on your collarbones • before pulling away from the kiss, you quickly put your hand over Daniel’s left collarbone with your eyes closed as he did the same with you • “even if we’re not soulmates, can you promise to still play with my hair whenever I’m stressed?” Daniel said, eyes pleading • tbh you got sad at the thought of not being able to play with his hair anymore • or better yet not being the one Daniel ends up with • because he’s honestly the best guy you’ve ever met • personality so amazing • humor so amazing • genuine, free-spirited, selfless, and honest • most especially • communicates with you through memes!!!!! A++++++ • so anyway,, • you nodded at his request, with your eyes still closed, “on 3. okay?” • 3… • 2… • 1… • “I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT Y/N!!! I JUST KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!!!” • before you could even open your eyes Daniel was already jumping around and screaming and you spot that little faint brown stain on the skin below his collarbone • and you looked down to see that the same shape appeared on yours! • “you always knew?” you questioned him, smile so wide it forces a bit of tear to come out on the corner of your eyes • “I’ve always felt!!” he kisses you again, and this time leaning further down to plant a soft kiss on your collarbone • “the moment you told me my hair reminds you of honey oolong milk tea, which was my all time favorite that’s why I dyed my hair in this color. And when you hummed to Signal Fire, I was singing the exact same part in my head! That’s why I asked you to marry me out of impulse!” he narrated excitedly • you jumped up to hug him, clinging on to his neck and wrapping your legs around his waist • he hooked his arms around your tiny waist, twirling you around and giving quick pecks all over your face and shoulder • “I’m so glad you’re my soulmate Daniel” you mumbled against the crook of his neck. “I can’t wait to shower you with love and food you’re gonna feel like a king!!!” • he put you down and cupped your cheeks again and stared in your eyes • “I’m so happy it’s you too, y/n. You’re like… the girl of my dreams!!! And my wet dreams!!!!” • you hit his chest playfully as he let out a dumb chuckle • “must your really ruin our moment like that?!” • “well my soulmate is half naked here in my dorm room can you really blame me???” • you rolled your eyes, scoffing trying to hold in your cackle • “but seriously y/n, I’m so happy to have found my soulmate. I’m so happy it’s you! I will take care of you so well and make you happy everyday. I promise!”
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aphonicdreams · 7 years
Hello! So, um uhhh, I've listened to the three volumes of Tatarikon and since my Japanese is shitty I probably misunderstood something, right? I kinda saw in your twitter that you've listended to them, so could you summarize it? Sorry if it's a bother but I need to know what I misunderstood! Thank you!
Sure! I’m gonna hide it under spoilers in case anyone else wants to go into it with pure eyes and an unbroken soul– //bricked.
Nureba no Ie no Tatarikon spoilers below! (Hands down my favorite drama CD series of this year)
In volume 1 with Shouwa (?) you learn that he’s your half-blooded sibling (he was a bastard child) and he’s here to get revenge on your father by marrying into the family under pretenses and taking over everything. He also explains that their family is cursed to always have their siblings desire each other, especially the sons who are born with a birthmark like a katana scar on their left arm. It means they’re “cursed” by an evil spirit / demon.
In volume 2, it’s revealed that the heroine - who thought she was gonna marry a guy named Minoru - has actually been having late night visits by her full-blooded brother Yuuji. He peaces out at the end and leaves her with Minoru.
Note: On a total aside note I just found out the late night visits are apparently a custom some agricultural rural communities. So it isn’t anything weird or scandalous for a groom to see his bride before the actual marriage ceremony.
That’s when it’s revealed (especially if you look at the family chart) that this is actually the generation AFTER volume 1. In other words, the heroine in the first volume is this second heroine’s mother.
The Vol1+2 tokuten bundle confirms this because in Shouwa’s tokuten, the Vol1!Heroine freaked out over Yuuji (her son) because he had the katana birthmark and so Shouwa sent their son away to be raised by another family because Vol1!Heroine was terrified of her son and the curse.
It also confirms in Yuuji’s tokuten that the Vol2!Heroine gives birth to a daughter between them (though I’m sure Minoru thinks it’s his child). Yuuji, after peacing out, starts his own family.
In volume 3, Takafumi (?) is Yuuji’s son and meets Vol3!Heroine and falls head over heels in love. When they decide to get married and introduced to the family (especially because Vol3!Heroine ends up getting pregnant), the current heroine’s mother (Vol2!Heroine) freaks out when she hears which family Takafumi came from.
Vol2!Heroine reveals that Yuuji (Takafumi’s dad) is her full-blooded brother and they had a child together, the current heroine. Meanwhile Yuuji went on to have his own family and had Takafumi, aka. Takafumi is the half-brother to Vol3!Heroine. But the curse is too strong because it pulled siblings together again–.
In the end, Takafumi decides to end their cursed family and the current heroine agrees and so they commit triple suicide :’)) their unborn baby went with them…
Vol4 takes us to the very beginning with Koushirou, the progenitor of the curse and the 1st generation. (By the way, Shouwa is the 3rd generation; there’s another sibling combo between Shouwa and Koushirou).
In the first generation, without any curses, there are 4 sons in total and 1 daughter. The age order goes 1st son, 2nd son, 3rd son, heroine, Koushirou.
Annnd not sure if you want me to spoil the reveals in the 4th since you haven’t listened to it yet so :”)) I leave the rest to your imagination.
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