#ask and thou shalt recieve
tinyreploid · 2 years
Hi! I’m just some rando who wanted to say your RM OCs are precious and I would totally give them some nice head pats. Would need to get a ladder to reach Taiga but she’s worth it.
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Aw thank u that means so much to me!~ <3
Most of the line would like the pats, Taiga however would never allow someone to climb a tall ladder in case they’d get hurt. So she would do the patting instead, maybe even hold ur hand. :)
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nastylillad · 1 year
went scrolling through your posts and found the bunny outfits.
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ask and thou shalt recieve
shift supervisor! while the manager is busy doing paperwork, frank keeps everything going smoothly out on the floor (considering the assistant manager would rather drink and dance all night). he isnt in uniform most of the time but if theres a big baller, eddie, or the owner coming by he’ll be in the bunny fit. enjoys his job now that eddie is the new delivery man for their liquor and food. otherwise he finds it pretty mundane. hes pretty unbothered by the grosser more perverted customers, feels about the same as howdy towards his work. unless eddies there, then hes too busy flirting with him to focus on anything else, he just loves the way eddie gets so flustered by his uniform (theyre not married or even dating in this au but god are they pinning for each other HARD just neither has made the official move to do more than just suck each other off lmao)
also i put them all together (i know i drew barns and eddie but thats not their actual outfits for this au lmao)
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leomonae · 6 months
WIP Folder Game
Cheers, @vixstarria and @icybluepenguin !
How to play:
post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
("tag as many people as you have WIPs" lmao not a chance, I will just tag @wufflesvetinari @lumienyx and @lucrezianoin ty!)
Also I will restrict this list to BG3-related WIPs alone as otherwise it'll be at least ten times the length.
No mangrove only hornee (these two names are the fault of @ollysoxisfree to be clear I take no responsibility)
a0 snippets
a7 thy people shall be my people
aN offer me that deathless death (done, technically, but waiting for its time and recieving very minor edits still)
astarion act 1
astarion act 2
astarion act 3
feredir and eighth shard
illithid tav introduction
take me to church
we could have had it all
astarion to tav
future scenes
kringle fic daydreaming
thou shalt not covet thy neighbours wife
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zanetaya · 1 year
Religion just makes you stupid,
Because you don't need to take random bullsht for granted to find God in your life.
It is smart to doubt,
But if you really need proof,
Ask and thou shalt recieve.
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last-elijah · 2 years
Isaiah 42:9 King James Version
9 Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them.
- During world war two jews and those who resisted the nazi regime were marked, gathered together and killed, was it for nought? Forget not that the jews, though they used to be God's chosen people were not His chosen people at that time and are not now because they do not believe the Messiah who was sent unto them, the chosen people now are those who believe and follow the Messiah. So I ask you, when these things happened during world war two was God still in control? He was, and is, and always will be, so what do you suppose God was telling us by those events that He was going to bring to pass?
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. - Revelation 13:16-17 King James Version
God never changes. Hebrews 13:8 The Messiah the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
- i would that I had pleasant things to say to you, but what i would matters not, for rebellious generations do not recieve pleasant things, but truth and judgement, and the truth is your bringing judgement upon yourselves.
i testify that the following is truth:
As i knelt humbly before the Lord He said unto me, " get up, go into the kitchen, open the Bible and read what I show you", immediately i stood up as if not of my own power, i went into the kitchen, opened the Bible and when i did my eyes fell upon the following scripture:
1 And he said unto me, Son of man, stand upon thy feet, and I will speak unto thee. - Ezekiel 2:1
i stood there motionless in shock for a few moments until I heard Him say, read on, and I read to the end of the chapter.
Many will cast words and believe not, yet here is also some of what I read:
6 And thou, son of man, be not afraid of them, neither be afraid of their words, though briers and thorns be with thee, and thou dost dwell among scorpions: be not afraid of their words, nor be dismayed at their looks, though they be a rebellious house.
7 And thou shalt speak my words unto them, whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear: for they are most rebellious.
8 But thou, son of man, hear what I say unto thee; Be not thou rebellious like that rebellious house: open thy mouth, and eat that I give thee.
9 And when I looked, behold, an hand was sent unto me; and, lo, a roll of a book was therein;
10 And he spread it before me; and it was written within and without: and there was written therein lamentations, and mourning, and woe. - Ezekiel 2:6-10 King James Version
i am not telling you these things so that you will follow me, do not follow me at all, follow the Messiah for He is the only way to life, you are told these things in the hope that you will repent and turn back to God, which is also part of the reason why God put the jews through that which they went through during world war two, that they might repent and believe His Son, the Messiah, read the Old Testament and you will see these words are true.
There is nothing good coming to this generation, only lamentations, and mourning and woe.
Wether you believe or wether you do not, either way, you have been told.
What has been written is being fulfilled.
Stop listening to men and believe only exactly what the Messiah has said for He is the only One with the Words to eternal life.
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.
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inarachi02 · 4 years
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So I may be a bit obsessed with animal crossing New horizons and went and created some villagers based on me and two of my friends.
Hoping to do some more and improve my background drawing skills✌️
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epochics · 4 years
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                   “ so i got a little turned around !     what of it ?    it happens to the best of us . “     @endseen​
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warp10-a · 4 years
              he   narrows   his   gaze   a   moment  ,    as   though   he’s   trying   to   see   through   a   hazy   fog  .     and   he   is   --------   if   you   can   consider   the   recollection   of   memory   as   fog .        𝙵𝙸𝙽𝙶𝙴𝚁𝚂   𝚁𝚄𝙽   𝚃𝙷𝙾𝚄𝙶𝙷𝚃𝙵𝚄𝙻𝙻𝚈   𝙾𝚅𝙴𝚁   𝙷𝙸𝚂   𝙻𝙾𝚆𝙴𝚁   𝙻𝙸𝙿 .       and   then  ,     finally  ,     he   moves   to   speak .
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                    ❝       the   academy  ,     right  ?      raffi  ?      you   know  ,    i   knew   i   knew   you   from   somewhere .     it’s   been   a   while .         ❞       @ofgclaxies​
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absolutiia-blog · 7 years
Send me a topic to write a meta about my muse on — Always accepting. ((This response is based on discussions I’ve had with the wonderful @arastiia.))
It certainly wasn’t longing for motherhood or fulfilment that made Ragyo bring Satsuki into the world, no, she was born essentially for the sake of an experiment consisting of being merged with life fibers. As known, the experiment was UNSUCCESSFUL; one year proved to be too old to perfectly fuse, and despite being a complete FAILURE from the start, her mother’s dwindling yet still existing sense of humanity and Soichiro’s influence spared the baby’s life. It was also Soichiro that cared for Sats for the most part of her chidhood; Ragyo was simply too busy with REVOCS and all that jazz, thus she didn’t see her daughter that often after moving on from the breastfeeding stage. 
It wasn’t until Soichiro cowardly faked his own death and left Sats behind (despite being well aware of the fact that Ragyo was a HORRIBLE woman), that the girl started to see her mother’s true colours. Burdened with the weight of the world, and basically the whole fate of humanity, onto petite shoulders after father’s departure, the girl was left completely in Ragyo’s care, and as a single parent, Ragyo didn’t need to hide her ‘true’ intentions nor hold back. At first, Ragyo was much, much “kinder” then the director we’re introduced to in KLK; this in order to ‘lure’ Smolsuki in and establish some form of TRUST before moving onto the next stage. Ragyo wasn’t a good mother, but she would be there for Sats and pretended to be her ‘friend’ to make herself appear kindhearted. Through childhood and teenage years, Sats then had to see her mother change by growing more and more cruel, while naturally being affected herself by Soichiro’s ‘death’. Ragyo tried to “normalize” her cruel behavior, for example by using her husband’s death as a tool to manipulate Sats, saying stuff like that she can help Sats growing more powerful and thus becoming someone her father could be PROUD of. 
Since Sats was produced for a single purpose, and failed that purpose right from the start, the girl, with her mother’s help, needed to make up for it by becoming stronger, faster, better (*blumenkranz plays in the background*); it’s important to note that Sats’ body is never her OWN. Ragyo owns it. Ragyo owns everything. Mind, heart and soul. Ragyo is also always watching (in a figurative sense, that is), she has eyes and ears everywhere, and thinks she knows it all (which she obviously doesn’t, considering Sats tried to take her out, and Ragyo had unknowingly been sharpening her own doom the whole time). What is important to know is that Ragyo sees herself as PERFECT, slipping on the verge of being a goddess, and this is what Sats will be one day too. Everything Ragyo puts her daughter through (up until the point of the betrayal) is comitted for the single reason of completing that journey. (E.g. manipulation, abuse, purification e.t.c). 
In other words, Sats is a tool, a pawn, a possession that needs to be molded into PERFECTION, (aka a mini copy of Ragyo herself), and nothing else is acceptable. In essence, she’s GROOMED into becoming an immaculate heiress to the Kiryuin legacy. Everything is basically a paradox; slowly but surely, Ragyo breaks down her daughter in many different ways, all in the name of making her stronger. Way to go. Also another parenting technique; whenever Sats would show signs of resistance or somehow go against Ragyo’s wishes, she would be gravely punished. This is something she learned from an early age, and thus also figuring out what makes her mother ANGRY in contrast to what makes her CONTENT. If Sats did something good, she’d be rewarded with forms independence and/or acknowledgement; so Ragyo wanted to teach her that if she obeyed, all will go “well”. Disobey, and there will be dire consequences, HOWEVER redemption is always possible during the time Sats pretends to be loyal. (Pretending for the sake of getting close enough to defeat her mother by using her father’s legacy, aka Bakuzan). Ragyo is after all in need of a LEGACY, and that is Sats’ role, for Rayo, her firstborn isn’t replacable. After the however betrayal, Sats is kept alive (but just barely) for the purpose of being punished until she breaks, and then basically be fed to clothing. 
Sats is restricted in basically every sense; own privacy merely an ILLUSION that Ragyo can invade any time she wants, whether its at the Academy, the mansion, anywhere, she can show up ANY TIME possible. Being busy, ofc Ragyo doesn’t just drop in all the time, but she wants Sats to know its a POSSIBILITY, because merely knowing one CAN be interupted (amongst many other things), leads to maintaining a certain discipline. Even when absent, she’s present, so in a way, Sats is CONSTANTLY haunted by her mother’s/oppressor’s presence; which is something that unfortunately continues after Ragyo’s death. Mother and daughter share similarities (e.g. similar jawline, eyebrows, eyes e.t.c.) and thus by merely looking in the mirror, Sats would be hauted by memories. Plus they share the same surname, which also plays a huge part. She’s never free and forever tainted, MARKED by a monster. For Ragyo, Sats never carried much value as a human daughter per se, she was just a piece of MEAT to be shaped into a successor. And Ragyo would do anything to reach that goal. 
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lothson · 5 years
                ❝     thank   you   for   coming   with   me .      ❞      this   he   says   with   a   tone   laced   full   of   gratitude   and   sincerity  ,     although   he   had   no   doubt   that   jaskier   would   find   some   way   to   come   along   had   he   not   asked .      often   did   he   attend   these   events   alone .     𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐒𝐓   𝐓𝐇𝐄   𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑   𝐊𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒   𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇𝐓   𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄   𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒   𝐀𝐍𝐃   𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒  ,     𝐇𝐄   𝐎𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐍   𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐆𝐍𝐄𝐃   𝐓𝐎   𝐇𝐈𝐒   𝐎𝐖𝐍   𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐀𝐍𝐘 .     he   may   enter   through   the   doors   with   his   brothers  ,     but   soon   enough   he   would   find   himself   passing   the   night   without   a   soul   to   accompany   him .
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                   ❝     i   could   not   stand   to   bare   another   of   these   celebrations   alone .      ❞      he   watches   the   rest   of   the   knights   chatter   and   drink   to   their   hearts   content  ,     but   he   spends   nearly   all   day   with   these    people    -------------------------     EVERY   DAY .     he   wonders   what   it   is   that   is   even   left   to   be   said .        ❝     they   are   nothing   like   the   parties   my   father   would   throw   back   home .     not   until   someone   gets   unbearably   drunk .      ❞       @jestkier​
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tinyreploid · 2 years
HMMMM- can i see a helmetless hc for one mister hornet man?
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I am ASHAMED to say that although he’s my fav, my blorbo… I never once thought of his face (other than the bugmouth thing, i mean u know if you’ve seen my other stuff 👀 dfshgj) so this was reaaallly hard for me.
But I’m caught between him having short mussy brown/black hair or short curly messed up hair… He’s a gardener essentially so I think of like sweaty messy hair under a sun hat or something. Actually saying that I think I like curly more. And a kindly expression as well, I’m drawn to that.
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solomonseal-blog1 · 7 years
12 (weEPS I'M SORRY)
GENTLE TOUCH || @g–cnocide    012. a piggy back ride.
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   He huffs when Dantalion complains that he’s HEAVY.  So far as to turn up his nose like a child, scoffing.  (He gets a little underhanded with his coercion. ‘Are you saying you’re not strong enough to carry me, Dantalion?’ )
    “ B e s i d e s, I can’t walk on this. “ 
   His ankle is fairly mangled.  It could have been worse, all things considered, given that he’d fallen down an entirely flight of stairs, he’s lucky he didn’t BREAK it.  But it would be wise to get home immediately and have it treated.  Wrapped and elevated quickly. 
   In truth, Solomon weighs less than he likely SHOULD for a man of his size, and to Dantalion he is sure such insignificant weight is nothing.  But all the same, he makes a show of complaining.  
   Solomon rests his chin on Dantalion’s shoulder, unaware of the source of the Duke’s true discomfort:  short breaths curl over the nape of Dantalion’s neck, cool against the heat of his skin.  Dantalion protests profusely anytime that Solomon opens his mouth to speak– and Solomon wonders if the source of his contempt is that Solomon was foolish enough to get hurt?  Or perhaps– 
    Ah, no.  He figured it out. 
  Sly grin, he dips his head lower, to speak right behind Dantalion’s ear in a low sing-song. 
   “ Dan - ta - li - on ~ “ 
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collisiondiscourse · 4 years
Thoust hath asked, so thou shalt recieve
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I'll have 1, 4, 18, 24, and 29 with kamuegi for the shipping meme ask please!
Ask anon, and thou shalt recieve!
1. Who makes the first move, and how?
Kamukura. Whilst he isn't the type to rush into things (he likes to think his actions through), he also isn't one to hesitate either. To him, Naegi would be one of few people who he finds... endearing. I think after spending some time together, Kamukura would realise he likes this person. The idea of having a 'friend' is weird enough as it is, so, hey, why not take it a step further? He's always looking for new stimulation, new experiences, and he isn't exactly going to get romance out of his teachers is he?
I imagine once Kamukura comes to the conclusion he wants to try dating Naegi, it's a blunt and quick confession. Jsjdjsshsj I imagine the two of them are just like chilling or eating lunch or something and Kamukura is just like, "Naegi, go out with me" and poor Naegi is just like "yeah oka- wait what-?"
And, well, Naegi likes Kamukura and hey, he's not going to say no to that but wow is this guy forward
4. Who can't keep their hands to themselves?
Once again, I'd have to say Kamukura. He's not pervy or anything like that, but at the same time if he's certain he wants to do something, he'll do it, without reservation.
(And if that something is pulling Naegi close to him and cuddling with him then so be it.)
Whilst I imagine he'd be a little shy about physical contact at first (not that he'd admit that to himself), once he gets the hang of it he adores it. I take him as the kind of guy who's actions speak louder then his words, so he'd convey his feelings with little, subtle displays of affection, like taking Naegi's hand into his, pulling him close, resting his head on his shoulder etc. (All completely straight-faced of course, but, uh- that's part of his charm.)
I also like to think Kamukura is quite possessive too (he won't admit it, but romance is completely foreign to him, and for the first time he's actually scared of getting it wrong-), so when he's around people he might feel threatened by or uncomfortable around (either fellow students in a pre-despair AU or future foundation members in a post-tragedy AU), he finds himself latching onto Naegi more. It's a mixture between sending the signal that Naegi is his, and also a desire to hold him close, out of a subconscious fear of him being taken away.
Naegi is physically affectionate too, but I actually think he'd be a little more shy about it in public- (he's happy to kiss Kamukura, but the other man always seems to want to make a show of it in front of their peers...) once they're alone, however, he reciprocates just as much. Moreso once he realises Kamukura's love language- they can spend hours with Kamukura's head in his lap, with Naegi running his fingers through his hair comfortingly.
18. When they fight, how do they make up?
Ooh good one! Hmm... I get the feeling that, especially at the start of their relationship, there'd be quite a few misunderstandings and conflicts. Kamukura isn't just new to romance, he's new to- well- being human. There's bound to be some uh... roadblocks in their relationship.
Kamukura is talented, as we know. But he's not so good at expressing himself- feelings are something foreign to him, a being made from numbers and statistics. Whilst he could try to bribe Naegi, with meaningless words or gifts, he knows that's not want Naegi wants. It's more important to him that they understand the root of the problem, and why they fought. If it was really a serious fight, he'll do something that doesn't come easy to him- try to sit with Naegi and talk it out. Kamukura is Logic, Naegi is Emotion- they complement each other, yes, but they also have trouble understanding each other too, so they try to work on their communication.
Each time, they learn a bit more about how the other ticks, and their relationship only grows stronger for it. (If it's not so much a serious fight, Kamukura will give gifts and use small gestures to convey his apology instead- he doesn't say sorry often, choosing to reserve it for the moments he feels he's truly Done Wrong).
Naegi will probably need space at first- and then he'll feel guilty about jumping to conclusions and leaving. Once he's had time to let the intial anger and upset simmer, and his head is clearer, he'll try to think about why what just happened did. Naegi is a person who's quick to forgive, so, regardless of who (if either) of them is in the wrong, he'll want to make up soon as possible. Depending on what the argument was about, he'll either give Kamukura a bit of time, letting the other think, or go back to find him straight away. Naegi is much more verbal in his apologies- they aren't any less genuine, it's just how he communicates. He'll apologise about how he reacted, and will promise to try and keep his cool next time. He wants this relationship to work, and wants them to sit and talk about it- if it's about something Kamukura is uncomfortable with, then he'll be okay with giving him time, and apologise for pushing. He'll sit with him, holding him tight, and will clear out his schedule the next day, so the two of them can spend time together uninterrupted.
24. Where do they first have sex?
Abdjsjdj you guys really like this question huh?
Once again, I imagine Kamukura (once he decides that, yes, Sex is a Thing He Wants To Try) is the first to initiate- the idea, anyway. I can't imagine any highschooler having anything sex-related as their ultimate talent (Ultimate Matchmaker, Ultimate Romantic at most), nothing explicit anyway, so whilst he'd know the common stuff, his general attitude towards it would be more or less the same as everything else.
Ahdhsj I can imagine him after some careful consideration, randomly coming out with, "Naegi, I want to have sex with you", and Naegi, dropping his spoon into his third bowl of cereal like-
"Wh- I- right now-?"
And, well, like, he isn't entirely against the idea, he'd be lying if he said he hadn't had... certain... ideas about his boyfriend and sure he's considered potential developments in their relationship, and Kamukura is coming really close now, and he's looking down at him with that really hot determined gaze he has whenever he's invested in something, like Naegi is just another one of his experiments for Kamukura to do so with as he pleases and shit that sounds really hot and they're kissing and-
"Waitwaitwait wait- let's talk about this first!"
And then they're seated on the couch- Naegi considerably redder then he was before, and Kamukura with a near unnoticeable pink tinge to his cheeks.
"Naegi, I don't believe this is how sex-"
"Yes I'm aware of that."
Anyway because Naegi is a Good Boy, and because I'd hate to disappoint my Year 10 sex ed teacher, they have a long, important talk about consent first- does Kamukura really want this? He's not doing it because it's what society expects right? Because, well, Naegi isn't adverse to sex, not all all, but he doesn't want Kamukura to feel pressured into anything, because, he remembers Kamukura told him before he wasn't really attracted to anyone- not like that? So, um, he doesn't have to go out of his way to try and please Naegi if it's not something he wants himself. Naegi is totally okay with not having a sexual relationship-!
And then Kamukura is taking his face into his hands and oh- he's kissing him, long and hard and deep and really it isn't quite fair that he can be this good at this kind of thing when he hasn't even had any experience so someone must be lying about their talent because there's no way he can be so perfect all by himself-
Kamukura's gaze locks onto his own, and Naegi feels his breath hitch in his throat as he sees the pure desire in those burning ruby orbs, embers set alight.
"I want it."
(If anyone asks why the sofa seems to have been replaced from the last time they saw it, Naegi will cough slightly and look to the side, muttering something about a leak in the ceiling, and Kamukura will shrug, the tiniest, littlest of smirks dancing at the corners of his lips.)
29. Why do they fall a little bit more in love?
*incomprehensible sobbing noises* oh geez where do i even start-?
For Naegi, it's seeing this side to Kamukura he shows to no one else. And, sure, he'd love it if people were a little nicer, a bit more understanding, that, hey, he is human. But- yet- there's something special, about being the only one. The only one who sees what Kamukura looks like when he wakes, the slight furrow to his brow, the way his movements are just slightly slower then usual. He gets to see the little twitch of Kamukura's lips when he's amused, see the softening of his expression. Normally no one notices when Kamukura is nervous, but he does, he feels it in the way the other's grip tightens around his hand, how his gaze flutter ever-so-slightly to the side, eyes widening a fraction.
He remembers the first time he hears Kamukura laugh- laugh! Kamukura! Laughing! And it's such a strange sound, those silky smooth soft tones rising in pitch, sharp notes, unfamiliar and hesitant drifting into the air.
Makoto thinks it's the most beautiful sound he's ever heard.
Every time Kamukura shows Naegi another part to him, the part of him that's not 'the science project Ultimate Hope', but Izuru Kamukura, the human, Naegi falls a little bit more in love.
He wants to see it all- he wants to see Kamukura laugh, and cry, and blush, and shout, and smile, and sing, and even if he doesn't do any of these things, and keeps that blank face on forever, it's fine, because Naegi knows he's still the only one who gets to receive Kamukura's love, however he shows it, and he wouldnt have it any other way.
Kamukura loves what Naegi teaches him.
He can't do complex equations in the span of a second, or sculpt a masterpiece in minutes, or invent an experiment in hours or publish a book in a week.
But he does what no one had ever tried to teach Kamukura before, and it's- its-
It's how to live.
Naegi teaches him what it means to be human. To live his life, instead of pass through it numbly.
Naegi finds worth in everything, and, to someone like Kamukura who can't find the worth in anything, he's-
He is perfection.
He is perfect in his imperfection. Naegi bakes him a cake for his birthday (he wasn't even aware he had one. He was made, and that was it, no one had ever given him reason to think that worth celebration) and it was- imperfect.
It tilted to the left a little, the layers were uneven, the icing too inconsistent, the writing off-centre, and the taste too sweet.
He saved the candles and placed them in a box.
His birthday gift was handmade too- a chipped mug.
He drinks out of it every morning.
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cuddles-edits · 4 years
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Tenko Chabashira from Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony
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General Conference October 2019 Sunday Sessions
Garret W. Gong
We find ourselves becoming free, alive, real
Divine covenants become a source of love for and from God
Comfort the Hurt we feel
Our God is a God of Covenant
God's ordinances and covenants are universal
All things work together for our good if we keep commandments and covenants
Along life'a path, we may lose faith in God, but he never loses faith in us
He will helpnus, one step at a time
We can ask God with a sincere heart
BOM speaks of ancient and modern covenant to you
Alma: enter into a covenant with the Lord and serve him that you might feel joy
Priesthood blessings heal, comfort, and council
Covenant marriage is supernal and eternal- me becomes we
When learn to pray with real intent - strong spiritual confirmation
Genealogy strengthens us
Christina B. Franco
We know who we are - God's children.
God provided perfect plan to his purpose
Satan is an enemy to God's plan
Blessing of comfort and protection - also gave blessing of knowlege and direction
You can't miss the missionaries
"Get into my car! You're coming home to teach me!"
Every day before leaving house, ask Heavenly Father to guide her to someone who needs the church
Gathering of Israel
Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Lord of the Rings - Unremarkable Hobbit presented with remarkable adventure
Most hobbits don't want adventure. Challenging, dangerous
Bilbo leaves comfort behind and embarks
This story is our story too
We knew we would make many mistakes along the way
Potential was well worth the risk
Metaphorical spiders and trolls
Discipleship is like learning to play the piano
Day will come
The only way to progress is to help others progress
Spirit is enlarged and we walk a little taller
Fill heart with pure love of Christ and leave no room for rankor, judgement, and shaming
We joyfully accept that grest commission
Regardless of who a person is or what they do, we invite them to join
Get a good nights rest, eat a good meal, and start off first thing in the morning
Nearly distracted by messy house, but good friend (Gandalf) beckoned him to come
Take courage, compassion, and continue on your journey
Please come back, join again, make us stronger
Come, come and see what the marvelous journey is all about
Talk to missionaries
Walter F. Gonzalez
Blessings come in due time
Accept the Lord's will
Thy will be done
Humble attitude and sincere desire
We can feel broken due to our circumstances
We can place our will into his hands
God's face is brighter than the sun
Fumble towards a God I can trust because he loves us
Power of hope
Savior wants to help us be clean
Accept his will, not our own
He can heal us and lift us up
You can be mended because he loves you
"I will make thou clean
Gary E. Stevenson
Son with white paintbrush
"Be careful, there are a lot of skunks out there" - Uncle Grover
Blissfully unaware of the impending threat
Unsatisfied with truth
Satan would have us question things and replace them
Moses was in a high mountain and in the similitude of God's only Begotten
"Who art thou, for I am a son of God!"
There is much we can learn from Moses' response to the adversary
Moses did not yield
Lord blessed Moses for his obedience
God gives us commandments through his servants
God communes with prophets
Adjustments to procedures and ordinances
Adversary always tricks you into believing he is something hes not
May we recognise Satan's deceptions for what they are
We are the saints of the Almighty God
Russell M. Nelson
Mutual Commitment to Religious Freedom, offered financial Assistance to repair Mosques hurt in Christchurch
Young Blind 14 YO woman's letter to Prophet comparing herself to him (funny AND sweet)
God turns our hearts to the well being of others
The church's humanitarian outreach began in the 1984 fast for Africa's drought. 6.4 mill dollars made by the churchwide one day fast
LDS Charities - more than 2 bill dollars raised in aid throughout world since 1984
Go hungry to help others who are hungry
Power of the law and spirit of the fast
For I was enhungered and ye gave me meat [...] Ye have done it unto me
129 bishops storehouses around world
Almost 1 in 9 pf earth's inhabitants are malnourished
Church supplied emergency supplies for refugees from 56 countries
Surely nobody would reject the offer of more happiness
Path to being more holy
Faith in Christ, Exercise it
Certifying Worthiness
You have never been here before, you are remembering a moment before you were born
Miracle of happiness from growing holiness
Happy years of service in temple
Sometimes we feel denied happiness
Job - holy and perfect
Job ready to see his trials in a higher and holier way
Do what is needed for God to change us
Repentance is accepting change
Hans T. Boom
Without sound of Gong- which was only a minor part- performance would not have been the same, even if it was costly to transport
Some of you might feel so overburdened that you don't even feel like you are on the path of life
We must minister to each other
Repentance is a daily process
Attempts to ask of God give us a clearer understanding of who we are and why we are needed
Let us rejoice together
We are all children of a heavenly father who loves us
M. Russell Ballard
Thou shalt live together in love for the result of the loss of those who die
Daily consecrated efforts to keep family together
Watched musical with his wife over and over again (Alzheimer's)
Liive each day together with hearts filled with gratitude
Reunion-Plan of happiness
Physically suffered but spirit was strong, resiliant, and pure.
How sweet, how comforting -Hinkley on Marriage
I find it astonishing how this apostle is worrying about whether or not he's living right. Big mood We stan.
Ongoing battle between physicalnbody and spirits
How can we empathize our eternal spiritual nature
Veil of forgetfulness makes us lose sight of God and spiritual nature
Choose to recieve eternal joy
Slow down a bit and think where you are now
♡Peter M. Johnson
You are wonderful, you are beautiful
All human beings are created in the image of God
You are the elect sons and daughters of God
Deception, distraction, discouragement: Satan's 3 D's of destruction
I really like this guy already
Remember who you are- a child of God
If we do not understand who we are, then it is difficult to understand who we can become
Technology is amazing but it can distract us, be careful, not casual
Do not compare yourself to others
Finished reading BOM each semester through doctorate program
Peace be with you
Let your heart be not troubled
Love God with heart might mind and strength
See Family Friends and Neighbors as Children of God
Pray every day
Read and study BOM every day, with a question in mind
Powerfully partake of the sacrament every week
Ulysses Soares
Accept the savior's invitation and you will expel your loneliness
There is always hope in God for LGBTQ individuals
Accept the invitation even if you've committed serioud sins
Savior's Grace is not limited
We can't repent for others, but we can forgive them
Trust in the Savior's promise
Be humble and trust in God
The Lord's timing is different than ours
Be ready to accept the Lord's will
Neil L. Anderson
Fruit has long been. Treasured delicacy
Scriptures compare good fruit to Godly things
Most precious fruit = Plan of redemption
Partaking of the fruit means we embrace ordinances
Staying true to the Lord is still not easily done
Spacious building
Adversary's construction crews are working overtime
Don't allow others to turn you away from the blessings of the fruit
"I just pray for the use of my hands" - never recieved it
Trustedbin God's plans
"We would have to go through hard things, we would make mistakes"
Russell M. Nelson
Become more holy
Personal Holiness
Prepare yourself to bring blessings
General conference next April will be very unique 🤔🤔🤔
Read Joseph Smith's account of the first vision b4 April
Read BOM b4 April
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