#ask best jeanist
delawaredetroit · 4 months
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So this is an interesting moment in the character arcs of both Shigaraki and Bakugou.
Up until this point, apparently Shigaraki thought he could come to an understanding with some heroes or at least hero supporters. He gives up on this after this failure. He only sought to recruit from villains and the villain adjacent after this moment. And beyond that, in the paranormal liberation front war Shigaraki states that they can't possibly understand each other because they are heroes and villains. This is the moment where that idea is cemented into Shigaraki's worldview.
And Bakugou remembers that Best Jeanist warned him that heroes and villains are two sides of the same coin - and Bakugou rejects this view. He believes he has nothing in common with troublemakers with no power and has no desire to understand them. And this perspective is why Bakugou does not have his own villain in later arcs.
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Happy Birthday to the bestest ninja man and worm on a string <3
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lumiolivier · 3 months
You guys ever think about which MHA pro hero would have the 'I just killed lost my husband in an unfortunate accident with the wood chipper' robes?
...Because my money is on Best Jeanist.
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zoopzopp · 1 year
best jeanist bakugou fusion
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Day 31 of drawing bakugo daily till @is-bakugou-alive-yet says yes
hims swoopy hair <3
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mydaysaresmall · 1 year
So based on Yugioh and My Hero, can you draw Seto Kaiba having a business meeting with Best Jeanist please? What do you think?
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A meeting of the minds
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seiwas · 5 months
you would love laios
omg mint now that you say this i’m cuRIOUS
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Okok so Endeavor retired
Hawks is the president of HPSC
Best Jeanist is the No.1 hero i don’t make the rules
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narrettwist · 5 months
The Jeans Man for blorbo bingo :3
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I will objectify Best Jeanist. I can and will make him worse.
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quill-n · 1 year
please cats of them
yes of course!!
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[original photos under cut]
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deusvervewrites · 1 year
In a timeline where Best Jeanist didn’t have to fake his death and recover, he might be an interesting teacher for Midoriya with Blackwhip. Teaching him how to focus on multiple, thinner threads to bind someone. Or how to really take advantage of Blackwhip being able to come out at any angle, like how Jeanist can make threads out of his own clothes.
Now there's an idea
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eyeless-jeff666 · 9 months
Love hurts
Yandere!Best Jeanist does what needs to make Shinya his. Angst (?), kidnapping, open ending
„Best Jeanist and I are merely friends, there is really nothing more to it.”
Edgeshot spoke, into a microphone held close to him by an interviewer. He was smiling underneath his mask, Jeanist could see that by the wrinkles forming around his eyes. Friends. That word stung in his heart. It had always stung, ever since they had been teenagers. Ever since he had first fallen in love with Shinya. 
This pain, this unbelievable ache tearing on his heartstrings, broke Tsunagu down more and more with every passing day. Every time the silver-haired hero’s attention wasn’t on him. Every time anyone else spoke to or flirted with him. He had made people cease contact with him before. He still could, but with being a hero, it seemed impossible to keep everyone away from him. 
He loved him. So much that it hurt. Loved him so much that it made his stomach turn with every night he had to think about how the other always just called him his Friend. It tore him apart, like ripping open a small hole in one’s clothes, making it worse with every little tear he had to endure. 
After the interview, Tsunagu walked over to Shinya:
“Hey. Do you want to come over to my place tonight? And watch a movie?”
“Sorry, dude, Ryukyu asked me to hang out already.”
These words stirred his jealousy even more, and it made him so angry; he had gotten rid of people before. Cleverly, without anyone even suspecting it to have been cold-blooded murder. But he couldn’t do that to a hero. Not because he wasn’t willing, quite the opposite, but because he knew it would be much more suspicious. Much more investigated.
“But you promised to spend time with me today.”
He lied, squinting his eyes slightly. Shinya frowned and tilted his head; clearly unsure of what he was talking about:
“Did I?”
“Yes. You did, last week. When you already hung out with her.”
They were getting too close to each other for Tsunagu’s taste, and he was uncomfortable at the thought of something more happening between them. He wanted, needed, Shinya Kamihara to be his. He always daydreamed about holding him. Going on dates with him, and marrying him one day. And yet, the other had never once looked at Tsunagu that way. No, it had always been other people who had his attention, his heart, but all Jeanist had was being his Friend. 
“I- I don’t remember that. I’m sorry.”
“You can’t leave me hanging like that again, Shinya. You promised not to put others above our friendship.”
The word would barely go over his lips. But his heart fluttered as the shorter one sighed and nodded:
“I’m sure I said that. I will cancel my plans with her.”
He had always been so easy to gaslight. So easy to wrap around his finger. That’s why he had always assumed he wouldn’t need to take more drastic measures. 
“Alright. I will cook your favorite food, how does that sound?”
Shinya seemed a bit down about not getting to meet Ryukyu, and Tsunagu’s eye twitched unnoticeably as he realized that. 
Later, the two of them sat on the couch, watching a movie together; Shinya’s favorite, and the two of them could speak almost all the lines by now. They laughed, and the blonde’s heart fluttered at this wonderful moment; at Shinya’s laugh and the way he was enjoying his company. Tsunagu was brushing his hair, as he often did when seeing it messy after a long day, and he could get lost in the softness and smell of it for hours. 
“You have such beautiful hair, Shi.”
He spoke softly, with admiration, and love, but as always, the other took it as nothing more than a platonic compliment:
“Thanks, Tsu. I really try to keep it soft since you gave me tips on how to keep it healthy.”
“Mh, I’m pleased to hear that. You’re doing a really good job with it.”
Tsunagu replied, feeling his stomach grumble:
“How about I make dinner now?”
Shinya agreed, with a smile that drove the blonde insane and nodded. 
As they ate – onigiri with cucumber salad – the ninja hero started to feel drowsy. With a practiced, fake-confused head tilt, Jeanist looked at him:
“Shinya. What’s wrong. You don’t look so good.”
His voice was almost too soft and kind, to the extent that it creeped the younger one out. It was unsettling, to see his smile, which was less worried and more absolutely crazy; like a villain who had just succeeded with an evil plan. He slapped a hand in front of his mouth, dropping the onigiri as realization began to settle in, but it was too late. Tsunagu slowly made his way over to him, caressing his shoulders, and hair, and leaned down, speaking in a low and much too loving voice:
“You left me no choice. I didn’t want to rush this. Oh, you have no idea how much I didn’t want to rush this. But. You’re getting too close to Ryukyu. And I cannot lose you to her. How will you love me if you love her?”
He spoke, his smile spreading wider as Shinya tried but failed to use his quirk. Despite struggling, it was too late; the drug was spreading out in his bloodstream, and his head dropped, caught swiftly as Tsunagu manipulated the fibers of his scarf to keep him from crashing into the table:
“I’ll need you to sleep a bit, my love.”
With that, the world went black.
When Shinya woke up, he was tied to a bed; a big and comfortable one, and he looked around to take in any information he could about his environment; as a hero, he knew what to do in situations like this, and the first thing always had to be to take in as much about one’s surroundings as possible. A low chuckle caught his attention, as Tsunagu walked into the room:
“You’re awake!”
He exclaimed, clearly happy, but it wasn’t the Tsunagu Shinya knew; this one didn’t look at him nicely, with a small smile, and asked about his day. This one smiled like a maniac, with eyes he could only describe as hearteyes, and with an aura of possessiveness.
“Hakamada. What’s going on.”
Shinya spoke firmly, watching the other’s grin drop; clearly disliking being called by his last name. He didn’t reply, only came over to caress his cheek:
“My love.. my sweet little needle. You have no idea how much I’ve wanted you to be with me.
I’m so happy you’re with me.”
Edgeshot shuddered at these words; the way they were spoken dripping with delusion, and utter obsession, and he wasn’t sure what to reply. 
“Won’t you answer, my darling?”
“What are you talking about. You were my friend. What are you doing?”
He insisted, but the other shook his head, clearly upset:
“Do you have any idea how much pain I was in? Watching you talk to other people. Flirt with other people. Love other people? I need your love but you always gave it to others. I was tearing apart, you can’t even understand, you didn’t leave me a choice. I’ll do anything to have you with me, only me, I need you to love me.”
Not want to. Need to. Shinya thought, seeing now just how far gone the other man was. In a moment of surprise, he wanted to use his quirk again, groaning as it didn’t work; the collar around his neck prevented him from using it.
“What are you doing my fiber? You can’t leave. I just got you. Please, just agree to stay that’s all I need you to do.”
As a human, Shinya wanted to resist and put up a scene. But as a hero, he knew this wasn’t safe; he didn’t know how far the other was willing to go, he had already drugged and kidnapped him. He couldn’t risk being hurt, or worse; getting others hurt. Cooperating also reduced the risk of the denim hero using torture as a device to get Shinya to break. So he let it happen. Just for now, while he came up with a plan and to buy the other heroes some time. What made the situation more dangerous was that Tsunagu was also a hero; no matter how far into his delusion he fell, as the number 4 hero, he still knew all, if not more, of the tricks Shinya did.
“I will stay with you.”
He said, seeing the way his former friend’s face lit up; and it disgusted him. He didn’t struggle as the blonde kissed him. 
“Oh I knew you would come around for me. I’ve been daydreaming about this. About being with you, marrying you...”
He rambled on, pulling out a ring; it looked expensive and was decorated with a beautiful blue stone. Edgeshot hated what this suggested, but simply watched in silence as Tsunagu put it on his finger:
“Won’t you be my husband, Shinya?”
It creeped the smaller one out, how natural and unproblematic this whole situation must have seemed to Jeanist; the way he spoke and moved, albeit much more exaggerated, was exactly how he had always spoken and acted around Shinya. 
“I will be your husband.”
If only for his own safety, which held top priority right now. He couldn’t afford for the other to use more drastic measures. And even if he knew that Shinya was merely acting, as long as he gave the other what he wanted, it should be alright. 
“Tell me you love me.”
“I love you, Tsunagu.”
A chuckle erupted from the other as he leaned down and caught Shinya in another kiss, crawling on top of him, but doing nothing more than that; only kissed, and cupped his face, with the same care with which he had put the ring on him. The obsession in his eyes cooled down to something Shinya couldn’t quite identify. He allowed the other to caress his face and hair, mumbling variations of
“I love you so much”, “You’re all mine now..” and even “You know I had to do this right?”
What was relieving was that the other didn’t seem to want to hurt him; he didn’t seem to want more than kisses, and Shinya could get through that. As long as he didn’t give the other a reason to lose his patience again, he was comparably safe. Shinya closed his eyes, and took a deep breath to calm his still-racing heart down; he was scared, but as long as he played it safe, there wasn’t too much to worry about. Tsunagu alone wouldn’t be able to defeat multiple other heroes, realistically seen, so all Shinya needed to do was hold through and wait for help. He had done that before, and this situation only hurt so much because it was someone he had thought he could trust. Someone he had liked and appreciated as a friend. Maybe, if Tsunagu had spoken about his feelings, he could have even returned them.
He said, more softly than before:
“Could you please get off me?”
Quickly the other obliged, lying down next to him instead, with more soft touches to his face:
“Of course, darling. Fiber of my heart, I’d do anything for you. Anything to make you happy, anything I can.” 
So he’s willing to keep me ‘comfortable’. That’s good. Edgeshot thought, turning his head towards the other man; he couldn’t help but feel sorry in a way. The way he acted, it was clear how badly he had been craving having Shinya to himself. It didn’t excuse his behavior, but Shinya knew that he needed to think deeper than his own understanding; Tsunagu had expressed it as painful, so he needed to believe that, if he wanted to cooperate in a safe manner. If it was painful to the taller man to not have Shinya’s love, surely it would be beneficial to play pretend to get him into a better mood.
“If you want me happy you have to promise not to hurt anyone. Focus on me.”
“I couldn’t focus on anyone else right now, you’re with me. That’s all that matters. And I will never hurt you. It feels so good to have you here, do you know that? Don’t you feel the same?”
The lovesickness in his eyes only grew, as Shinya nodded, but that wasn’t enough. He urged the other to speak it out loud. Not with words or actions, but simply with an expectant glance. 
“Yes, it’s nice.”
It seemed like Tsunagu wasn’t eager to hurt anyone per se, and if not given a reason to, would avoid it. Still a hero, after all, just one with twisted morals and lacking limits on how far to go for love. Shinya didn’t even want to know how long he had been like that or if anything between them had ever been normal. Didn’t want to know if any of the disappearances of people he knew oh so briefly, could be led back to Tsunagu. For his own sanity, he chose to pretend that his kidnapper had never hurt anyone.
“Are you hungry my love? Thirsty?”
“Not very, no.”
“Alright. Wonderful.”
The blonde said, his voice almost a giggle, as he wrapped his arm around Edgeshot, catching him in an embrace, and resting his head on the ninja-heroes chest. Listening to his heartbeat. And the younger one let him, knowing it was all he could do to get a moment to think. His mind flashed with thoughts about how surely, the Denim Hero wouldn’t be stupid enough to untie him at any point or take off his collar. He imagined he would feed him, and wash him, and dress him however he desired. At least the threads holding him in place weren’t painful. 
He turned his head, looking at his former friend; who was sleeping peacefully with a soft smile on his lips. It was almost scary how sound asleep he was in a situation like that, but Shinya understood, in a way, that this relief of tension and pain must have made him tired. A tear ran down his face now, which he tried to wipe away on the pillow; he was scared, of course, as anyone would be, but more than that he was saddened. Saddened about how someone he considered a good friend, his best friend even, could do something like this. How his mind wasn’t normal like he had always thought it was. How they would never normally watch movies together again. Shinya didn’t doubt that he would be rescued and that Tsunagu would be put to justice. But despite all of that, it hurt to realize that all the times they spent together would be washed away now. He had liked him, he really had. Deeply, and he had cherished their friendship ever since they started talking.
With his mind running, he looked back up at the ceiling, closed his eyes, and hoped to be lulled back into some form of rest soon.
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Sometimes horrors lurk in the shadows
New au! Just in time for spooky month time<3
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Huh??? Tomura started resurfacing the moment Deku asked AFO if Shigaraki is still there and the first thing he asked after taking back control is why Deku asked about him 😭 I think it's safe to say he resurfaced because he wanted to talk to him, not because of Kurogiri (whom he hasn't even acknowledged yet).
Well if we're talking about when he started to resurface on a mental level than that was actually when the Edgeshot started giving his life to save Bakugou, reminding Tenko how the heroes never cared for him when he needed saving. Deku's appearance may have progressed his surfacing, but we can't be sure how much by because it was already in progress.
But saying Edgeshot & Jeanist started things doesn't sound nearly so poetic or meaningful for anyone. Neither his hero nor his friends starting the rescue...but how mad he was at the heroes’ hypocrisy? That’s not a feelgood story for the ages.
Still, debates on our interpretations of Tomura’s reactions to emotional stimuli aside, you can't deny Kurogiri played a vital, definitive role when him shutting off Erasure triggered Tomura’s regaining of control. That was a mostly unambiguous sequence of events right there. (But only mostly because I’m not 100% sure what the explosion was/did. It just happened, Tomura was out, and I’m not complaining.)
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pikahlua · 2 years
I’ve never really understood the purpose of Best Jeanist’s and Katsuki’s relationship. Ik Best Jeanist cares about Bakugo and that he cares (?) about Best Jeanist but I never really got what’s their deal. Ofc there is a point to their relationship it’s just never computed for me what that’s supposed to be. Since you’re The Katsuki CEO I figured you probably have some thoughts on their relationship
The most obvious post I can remember talking about this was here. The short of it is: it's one part comic relief, one part PR. Katsuki has things to learn from a mentor who has the highest public approval rating in the industry. There are some things I think he rightfully questions about Jeanist's approach, but that doesn't mean there isn't something constructive for him to take out of the mentorship. For Katsuki to challenge the heretofore unquestioned social mores, he needs to understand them first.
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mettywiththenotes · 1 year
The countdown blog is getting more sadistic as we reach August 2nd. I'm scared
Yeah I'm sure Bakugou fans are staring at the clock ready for him to get up asap now, since it's been so long and long enough
Though is-bakugou-alive-yet is probably waiting on whether they can continue making Bakucorpse jokes or not after August 2nd lol
Personally I would love it if he woke up on Izuku's birthday. But again, I would also love it if he woke up after 420 days because that would make me laugh a lot
Waking up after a year would be cool but I'm going for either Izuku's birthday or 420
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Look at @catcat-ouo art!!!
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He’s wearing casual clothing because it’s a walk in the park for him to fight
He’s just that powerful
You’d expect nothing less from All Might’s adoptive son that was created by AFO as an emotionless killing machine
Even though he’s just 15
Pro heroes gets beaten the living hell out of and their pride hurts even more, losing to a 15 year old such badly
Endeavor: *after Jade beat the living hell out of him* How do you train your son?! How is he THIS powerful?! Why am i only NOW hearing him?!
All Might: Uhhh i don’t, i don’t know, and he’s only fifteen?
His main weapon is a scythe, it’s on flame that doesn’t really hurt the target hit physically, but mentally very much
When sparring, holding such a threatening weapon keeps the heroes on guard, even more cautious of the flame
The scythe will do physical damage, but the flame on the scythe will heal the wound almost immediately, not causing any fatal wounds
Not physically anyway
Beat Jeanist: *gets hit and has a heart attack*
Jade: Walk it off.
He’s been in HPSC for five years since he was ten, Hawks has been his Senpai since then
Jade learns Fierce Wings after years of close observing
He manages to get rid of the only weakness Fierce Wings has, fire
That’s why his wings is on fire, to make Fierce Wings his own by making it completely invincible
To assert dominance and rub it in Hawks’ face as well
Jade: Yo Senpai check out my wings, i learned it after you.
Hawks: It’s fire! No literally is fire. My wings can’t do that.
Jade: Exactly.
Hawks: You little-
He may seem very scary and serious in the training, but his eyes show that he’s enjoying it
Green eyes mean positive feelings, the brighter it is, the stronger feelings
He’s having the time of his life sparring with heroes
The heroes are not enjoying it one bit, but they endure it cuz the training does do them good
Aizawa: Your brother is very mad when he trains us.
Tenko: Wdym, he’s having fun.
Aizawa: Wdym he’s having fun.
Tenko: You just repeated what i said.
Aizawa: I had a coma, it was a question out of utter confusion.
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