#ask gabriella
rosefromdeath1 · 7 months
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@wastheheart asked : ‘one more chapter.’
"Mummy, wait!" Gabriella didn't wait to hear her mother's response. The tiny four year old had already leapt off the bed, rushing over with scurried little feet to her collection of stuffed animals in the corner of her room.
She knew exactly which toy she was looking for and wanted: pulling a big pink bear that was almost as big as herself (a gift Emmett had won her some time ago from a carnival). Yes! Perfect! Gabriella grinned, rushing back into bed, her oversized bear dragging behind her. "Teddy wants to hear the story too!"
She hugged the bear close to her as she snuggled against her mother, head resting down on her chest. Somehow, the strange coldness of her was far more comforting to little Gabriella than any soft pillow in the whole, wide world.
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rosefromdeath · 18 days
{Text}: You enjoy that shower? You should drop the towel.// Joker
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Despite coming out of a hot shower feeling warm and refreshed, Gabriella felt the heat drain from her body the second she picked up her phone - upon hearing the familiar message ding - and saw the taunting message. She froze, clinging the towel tighter to her frame as wide doe eyes bounced around the room. Was someone here? Was he in her house somewhere? Or was he spying on her by other means.
Panicking, Gabriella rushed into her wardrobe to grab her dressing gown off the rack. She didn't take the risk as she put it on over her towel: wrapping herself up tight to feel more shielded. Once fully covered, Gabriella returned to her phone.
'This isn't funny. Leave me alone.'
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Wanna hear some heartbreaking shit?? I GOTCHU
1. Gabriella (most likely) knew Peter.
We see from Miguel's simulation that Peter was there when she died. We can see him helping civilians.
And after Gabbie dies, he's behind Miguel as well.
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So not only was he there to see her die, but Gabbie and Peter most likely knew each other through Miguel. If we can believe that, it makes me wonder if she'd met Jess too.
Imagine Miguel being so delighted to introduce his daughter to his friends 😭😭
We have no frame of reference when Gabbie died, or how recently. It's not a stretch to believe that Gabbie could have still been alive after Mayday's birth - Gabbie might have even held Mayday herself.
Jess is very far along in her pregnancy too. If Gabbie died less than 9 months ago, maybe she even rubbed Jess' belly 😥
2. Gabbie knew she was dying.
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Before her death we're shown shots of people already depixelating even around Miguel.
We don't really know how long it takes a universe to collapse and it seems to happen fairly quickly.
Despite that, Gabbie isn't one is the first to go. Already seeing the destruction around her, Gabbie probably knew she was dying.
3. Gabbie died knowing her dad was Spider-Man.
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In his last moments with her, Miguel is wearing is suit already. Whether or not he hid his identity from her was a mystery, but in her final moments she knew her dad was a hero who wanted to save people.
But in that moment he couldn't save her.
4. The ATSV team hired a voice actor for Gabbie
- even though her only lines are her calling out for Miguel
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I ain't even got nothing to add about this one why the hell would they do that 😭😭
Because Gabbie'e universe is gone, and her death was so sudden -
5. Miguel likely has nothing at all to remember her by.
I just wanted to add that last one in cause I think about it ALL the time. All Miguel has of her is videos and clips - many of which aren't even of him, but his double.
Her soccer trophies, stuffed animals, clothes, etc - anything tangible that Miguel could've kept is gone. Like she was erased from history. The only proof she ever lived are the videos.
Ain't that fucked up. That's super fucked up.
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miguelswifey04 · 1 year
gabby’s first grade teacher asking her to write down her parents name for a “my family assignment”
miguel o’hara & cariño (or like any of the various nicknames miguel calls the reader)
she shows it off proudly to miguel during school pickup. He sees her answers and just laughs, realizing he needs to clarify things later when they get home.
fem! reader x miguel o’hara and gabriella o’hara
gabriella is proud to show miguel that she did her “my family assignment” but, she accidentally writes down the nickname that miguel calls you instead of your actual name. miguel, finding it funny still clarifies to his 6 year old daughter.
as the day came to an end, miguel arrived at gabriella’s school for pickup, his thoughts consumed with work and other responsibilities. weaving through the crowd of children and parents, he spotted gabriella, her face beaming with excitement, clutching a piece of paper. “daddy, daddy!" gabriella called out, running towards him with the paper in her hands. look what i wrote for the 'my damily' assignment!"
curiosity piqued, miguel took the paper and read the words gabriella had written. his eyebrows shot up in surprise, quickly followed by a deep chuckle that escaped his lips. it seems he hadn't been clear enough with gabriella about his and your relationship.
taking a deep breath, miguel squatted down to his daughter's level. "gabriella, sweetheart, i love that you're proud of our family, but let's clarify something," he began, his voice gentle yet firm. “cariño," he said, using one of the nicknames he often called you, "is not your mother’s actual name. it’s more like a term of endearment, like 'sweetheart' or 'darling.' my name is miguel o’hara, just like yours, gabriella o’hara.”
gabriella's brow furrowed in confusion as she processed her father's explanation. "oh," she replied, her voice tinged with disappointment. miguel quickly held gabriella’s tiny hands in his. "but that doesn't change anything about how much i love you and your mother," he reassured her, his eyes warm with affection. "we’re still a loving family, no matter what names we use."
a small smile blossomed on gabriella's face as she looked up at her father. "okay, daddy. i still love you and mommy, no matter what." miguel's heart swelled with love and pride for his daughter. he gave her a tender hug, cherishing the warmth of their bond. "i love you too, gabriella. always remember that." walking hand in hand out of the school, miguel couldn't help but reflect on the importance of open communication within their family. it was a reminder for him to be clearer with gabriella and ensure she understood the intricacies of their relationship.
arriving home, miguel made a mental note to have a conversation with you, ensuring you were both on the same page when it came to talking with gabriella about their family dynamics. their love, communication, and understanding would continue to guide them as they navigated the joys and challenges of parenthood - a journey they embraced with open hearts.
tags 🏷️!! @kairiscorner @emiemiemiii @astro1bloom @obi-mom-kenobi @sabcandoit @meeom
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eldritch-spouse · 2 months
Okay but now I have a very cursed vision from the last Belo ask. Krulu's not even putting Belo's mouth on his body but on one of the floors of the Clergy. Belo has to find it and manually put it on his face. Unfortunately for Belo, the very last person he wants anywhere near his holes, Santi, finds it and starts using it like a fleshlight.
[This is some Dante's Inferno shit.]
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" I see you looking at that thing. " Gallon blinks at the incubus, the kind of look that says 'I will record you if you do something freakish and you know it'.
Unbothered, Santi methodically palms his slit. " What, an orifice appears before me and I'm just supposed to ignore it? "
" Yes. "
Silent seconds of uninterrupted eye contact take place.
Santi bursts into a cackle and starts caressing the luscious lips of the mouth that just appeared on the wall closest to him. He's fairly certain all he needs is a little stool and that'd be a guaranteed good time.
The mouth itself frowns and tries to shut, but the demon successfully wedges two slick-soaked fingers inside. " Huh. Teeth not too sharp, nice and hot, mmm yes. "
" I imagine you've never caught an STD. But really now, a wall mouth? You don't know what's been in there. " The bartender shudders.
" Oh but I know what will be in a second. " The demon pauses, squinting. " It's just a matter of holding it open. "
The slime leans closer on the counter. " You know, that could belong to someone. "
The incubus has already found steady footing and shuffled in front of the mouth, cock in hand no doubt. There's a spitting sound. " I hope they like the taste then. "
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Somewhere on the higher floors, Belo swipes decorations and furniture aside, every second that passes without him finding his new, vital body part is another breath he skips.
What is he going to do if he can't find it?! What's going to become of his poor charge if he fails this? He can't fail!
And for once, Belo would just like to know what it's like to taste, to feel your beautiful lips on his. They must be soft, they must be delicate, they must taste so...
Salt. He's never tasted salt before but somehow, instinctually, he knows he's feeling salt right now. But... Where? How?
Someone found his mouth.
What are they putting in his MOUTH?!
The angel stills like the stone gargoyles atop The Clergy as new sensations roll around. Something wet and salty is lodging itself into his mouth. For the first time in his life, he understands what choking truly is, but can't cough to relieve himself. It's big and mildly spongy, he feels something warm against his lips periodically as the pace of the repeated intrusion hastens, large tears escaping his holy eyes.
Belo quakes on the floor for a couple of confused, terrified seconds, enduring it.
Until it dawns on him.
It hasn't been an hour since Lord Krulu so graciously heeded Belo's wish, and someone's already fucking his mouth.
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the-hunter-himself · 2 days
(Ough side blogs can't send asks argh so I'll do it like this sorry, also sorry if this doesn't sound good)
The expop was roaming alone, using her weapon, a long lead pipe as a cane despite having leg support from her brace she's owned since she was a reagent. She cherishes it since Mr. Noakes was the one who fought to give it to her, because the actual medical team rather wanted her to struggle.
Somewhere in the distance she saw a tall man, silver hair, back facing her way
Due to her not so nice experiences with men in life and within Sinyala she was quite anxious to approach that easily. Watching him patrol until enough courage has been gathered to speak up.
"Excuse me, you're Hunter.. right? The new prime asset?" Almost shaking in her words as she stood still. Holding onto her weapon tightly like a shepherd's cane out of worry of possibly getting hurt again. Her arms being somewhat bruised in some spots, her face still a little red alongside her eyes as if she were crying earlier as she's just returned from the Police Department, being moved to Hunters environments soon after.
-Gabriella Garland
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Hunter noticed the lot shorter lady behind him. Looking very young, maybe because Murkoff treatment didn't mess with her face. He knew some expops here with the age of 20 with the face of 40.
"Oh my, hello there." Hunter hunched a bit, hands on thigh to have a better look of her while she look up to him due to their height differences.
Hunter tilted his head, brows furrowed in confusion.
What class is she? She looked like she wouldn't hurt a fly.
Quite the opposite, with the scars, wounds, and bandages around her, it felt like the reagents and fellow expops bullied her instead. Which....tug his heartstrings.
He noticed some leftover tear from the corner of her eyes. Quickly, he pulled out his handkerchief from his suit pocket. "Are you crying ? Who hurt you, my poor little dear?"
Carefully, he wiped the tears and blood on the poor expop. he knew she might be nervous, perhaps scared that a taller man suddenly trespass her personal space and touch her face without even asking. But he couldn't have the heart to see this poor little one in mess.
"Here, let me just.." Then he went to pat her clothes from dust and dirts. Oh Hunter boy, someone need to teach you about manner on touching someone's body without permission, especially one you just met.
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moka-pot-official · 2 months
ÉTER who's ur oc Gabriella that you tagged in that post 👀 sorry if you've mentioned them before and I forgottttt (🫶🫶) but I'm curious now so feel free to ramble about this oc hehehehehe 👁️👁️
I have mentioned her but I've never really explained her! 👁️👁️
She's an oc from an old discarded fantasy story, I had trouble forming the worldbuilding and power system so it didn't go very far and are very vague. Resuming them the powers/magic were divided by two different energies, dark and light, most creatures in the kingdom were users of either in different levels. The only almost 'pure' users of dark magic were demons, the 'royals' (the users of almost pure light magic) became afraid of being overpowered by demons so they declared war on them, killed many, casted the rest to hide forever in a mountain hive and deemed every demon and dark magic users evil.
In all of this two humans appear in the kingdom, Olvido and Gabriella and soon discover that they are users of actually pure light and dark magic respectively, Olvido is the protagonist of the story who doesn't remember who she is, and Gabriella is the antagonist.
Gabriella is a lunatic and snappish young woman whose intentions are to take control of the kingdom and release the demons from their hive proclaiming herself their queen. She's a mastermind in what she does tho, taking social power and expanding the assigned demon territories at a rapid rate. She takes special interest in Olvido 👀, seemingly angry at her amnesia. She's always accompanied by her two closest allies, Ciacco the last standing demon in the kingdom and Carja a runaway fairy of laughter. The reasons behind her goals are a mystery to everyone but she'll do anything to achieve them, from conquering town after town to carving her own skin with demonic runes in her proclamation of Queen of Demons
Overall the story was a bit generic and vague that's why I discarded it but I like to come back to it from time to time because I liked the geography of the world and some of the races and characters I made up for it and the dynamics between Olvido and Gabriella and the concepts behind their characters. I'm not sure I'll ever continue it but they're still a recurring daydream!!
Also here is Gabriella
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the-everqueen · 6 days
Ooh tell me your meanest HC’s for Pierce, Gabby, Calliope, and Mendez 👀
Pierce: i'm trying to come up with something mean that isn't just canon lmaooooo. everything else is sad. damn.
ETA: wait, i forgot, i do headcanon that Pierce has trashy music taste. also i think this man unironically likes TS "1989."
Gabby: girl has some FUCKED priorities, i'll tell you what. i am always thinking about why the kill order for the x-23 project is the thing that pushed her to get the kids out, when it's implied that she's been working for A-T and running experiments on these children for years. is it a sense of possessiveness (i.e., no one gets to hurt you unless *i* say so)? is the idea of "putting down" a dozen kids worse to her than essentially imprisoning them and giving them no bodily autonomy? (in which case: i think Gabby would actually be a terrible parent, because that says a lot about what rights she thinks children *do* have.) i am also always thinking about how she waits until she can find Logan and try to bribe the Wolverine into playing bodyguard. she ONLY takes Laura with her. we never see the other kids with their nurses beyond the footage of them escaping. while i get the strategy of splitting up to avoid total recapture: what was going on in your head, Gabby? did you think the Wolverine was going to just accept his genetic daughter and let you play surrogate mom? i think Gabby is playing out a lot of her own fantasies via Laura, which is...hm! troubling!
Mendez: passive in relationships to the point of it being detrimental. i think he waits for orders or critique and otherwise is like :) :) :) things are good! he needs direction and while this mostly lets him jive with Pierce, who is Highly Opinionated, sometimes it also means he misses cues from Pierce, who is also Allergic to Talking About Feelings.
Calliope: i see a lot of fanon characterization of Calliope as extremely soft femme, gentle, sweet, etc. *i* headcanon her as a lot more ferocious than people want to examine: she doesn't object to Dream's punishment of Madoc (she tries to leverage the fates and her sisters against him, first, Dream is just her last resort because #divorced, but i can't imagine her sisters would be *nicer* about Cal being held captive), she MARRIED Dream when he was arguably worse as a person (pre-Orpheus, pre-fishbowl, pre-Overture), etc. also no one talks about how fiercely inspiration grips you when it DOES have you and how quickly it abandons you. she's a goddess and she has an immortal's sense of time and morality, which is...flexible at best. this is also why she would've been down to spoil the Corinthian and why she'd be a good owner for him: she's clearer about boundaries AND she doesn't have the same hangups that Dream does about a bit of murder.
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awesomeassfuck · 10 days
after that balcony response, i have an image of Ms Montez asking Gabriella why she has nothing on and opens the wardrobe and points out all her clothes going "oh hi troy" when she notices him and continuing like nothing happened
So real talk is that I find it hard to get a good read on the characterization of Gabriella’s mom. Cause like most of the time, she seems quite sweet and gentle in her parenting of Gabriella. But there’s one single clip in the whole trilogy that makes me think she could be super strict when she wants to be. And that’s in HSM3 when she comes in to Gabriella’s room while she and Taylor are talking. The look on her face specifically. She looks like she’s about ready for a lecture. Idk
That all to say, I feel like Troy’s parents, or at least his dad, know more than they let on, but they kind of accept that Troy is responsible (and in my headcanon he’s 18 for most of senior year, so likes he’s an adult too), so they let it be. But idk how Gabriella’s mom would react knowing if her daughter is having sex. It’s so hard for me to get a read on her. And most fanfics write her as sweet and gentle, and half the time I feel the same, but then that one scene makes me think she could go nuclear.
You didn’t ask for this rambling rant but you’re welcome anyways lmao
I’ve been looking for an excuse to talk about why she is the hardest character for me to write. Granted I barely ever write her so it doesn’t really matter anyways but you know
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soft-girl-musings · 11 months
Spill about Poolside
!!! rest in mf p i e c e s, Poolside (I didn't even add it to my WIP list in my pinned post oh man)
gn!Reader teaching Gabi how to swim, single dad Miggy is also there 👀
“So Gabi, do you like swimming?” You tilt your head, curious. She shuffles her feet and looks down, shy again. Eyebrow raised, you turn back to Miguel. “Has she had any kind of swim lessons?”
For a moment you swear he looks panicked, as if he has to think of an answer on the spot. 
You bite your tongue: usually you’re more sensitive when talking to new families. There could be any number of factors keeping him from knowing the answer. (And not that it’s any of your business, but you don’t notice a wedding ring.)
it's been 84 years since i've worked on this but maybe i'll finish before the new year (unlikely)
ask me about my wips, make me write something
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rosefromdeath1 · 7 months
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@wastheheart asked : ❛ No one will harm you. I won't allow it. ❜
"I can't risk you getting hurt, Mum." Oh, sweet Gabriella's voice was so soft - so fragile with emotion - that it was almost inaudible. The mere idea of someone she loved dear getting hurt, even if it was to protect her, was something that Gabriella couldn't stand to witness. She didn't care that her mother was an immortal vampire! This was still her mother!
The look on Gabriella's delicate face turned grave with worry. Even Jasper's ability wasn't needed to know how the young human felt by the look in her emotional doe eyes. "Please, promise me you won't get yourself in danger because of me." Gabriella pleaded, taking hold of her mother's hand, squeezing softly with her own: a silent plea. "I could never forgive myself if I lost you..."
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rosefromdeath · 18 days
“It’s not a noose it’s a leash.” // Roman
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"I'm not your pet!" Gabriella shouted, brown doe eyes wide as she clawed at the clasp around her soft neck. Immediately she defied against Roman's actions, refusing to allow herself to be chained up in such a way: prisoner or not. "Get this off me!" She exclaimed, feeling desperately around for some kind of release. How was she suppose to get this off her without taking her head off? Panic had Gabriella's heart racing wildly inside her chest. "Roman, please. I don't want this on me. Take it off. I'll do whatever you want!"
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backhurtyy · 1 year
Miguel is the type of guy to say "You.. you fight good". Peter would ask him if that was a reference (Peter knows because he was looking up role models for his daughter) and Miguel would have zero (0) clue what he was talking about.
miguel not knowing about mulan.... oh i weep but i know it's true (with the caveat that he's from a timeline that's in the future and mulan (or disney in general) lost popularity because there is no way his daughter wouldn't have made him watch it otherwise)
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miguelswifey04 · 1 year
wait a riff off of the universal POC household experience:
miguel is helping gabi with her math hw (who’s STRUGGLING, she did not get the STEM genes) and he’s desperately trying not release his inner dad because he’s trying to break the cycle of children crying due to their dads getting mad at them for not being able to do math.
YES THIS!! but my moms too because my mom literally made me break down 😭
miguel o’hara and gabriella o’hara
breaking the cycle of being emotionally abusive to your children while helping them with their homework.
it was heartwarming yet slightly challenging situation as he assisted gabriella with her math homework. he understood her struggles and empathized with the frustration she felt, but he was determined to break the cycle of parental pressure and children's tears. with a patient and gentle demeanor, miguel leaned over gabriella’s desk, his eyes scanning the equations and numbers she was wrestling with. “alright, let's take this step by step. don’t worry, mija, math can certainly be a bit tricky at times, but with some practice and a positive mindset, you'll get the hang of it."
gabriella sighed, her shoulders slumping slightly. she felt a sense of relief knowing that miguel wasn't going to lose his temper over her difficulties. “thanks, papa. it just feels like my brain isn't wired for this stuff. i feel so dumb."
miguel shook his head, his face filled with sincerity and encouragement. “hey now love, none of that negative talk. you’re not dumb, gabriella. everyone has their strengths, and we all learn differently. it just takes a little extra effort sometimes, but i know you can do it." miguel guided his daughter through the problems, breaking them down into more manageable parts. he utilized different teaching techniques, ensuring he tailored his approach to her specific way of understanding.
in moments where gabriella’s frustration threatened to overtake her, miguel provided encouraging words, reminding her of her potential. “remember, we're not aiming for perfection here. progress and understanding are what matter. take a deep breath, you've got this."time ticked away as they persevered through the math problems. there were a few struggles, a couple of incorrect answers, but miguel smiled reassuringly after each challenge, showing gabriella that mistakes were merely part of the learning process.
as they finally wrapped up the last problem, gabriella looked up at miguel, a mix of relief and gratitude in her eyes. "thank you, papa. i couldn't have done it without your patience and support. you really helped me understand this."miguel beamed, proud of gabriella for persevering and pushing through the difficulties. “you did the hard work yourself, gabriella. i was just here to guide you. remember, math is just one aspect of your incredible journey. your worth is not defined by numbers. you are intelligent, creative, and capable in so many ways."
gabriella's face brightened with a newfound confidence as she internalized her dad’s words. she felt a sense of empowerment, knowing that her worth extended far beyond her struggles with math. in that moment, miguel knew he had succeeded in breaking the cycle of pressure and anger that had haunted his own childhood. he filled the room with a warmth that radiated a genuine love and understanding, reminding his own daughter that her worth was immeasurable.
a/n: dad miguel 🔛🔝(of me)
tags 🏷️!! @kairiscorner @meeom @obi-mom-kenobi @sabcandoit @emiemiemiii @astro1bloom
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
Hey Ludwig,
In ancient Greece a man goes into the tailor's with torn clothes. The tailor takes a looks at them.
"Euripides?" The tailor asks.
"Yes, Eumenides?" Man replies.
[Fun fact, it took me fucking forever to get this one because I wasn't reading it right.]
The demon snorts loudly, he actually sounded like a pig for a second. Nevertheless, it gets him to smile, the genuine type that makes his already squinted eyes crease upwards.
" Classic... " He nods, tail swaying calmly behind him.
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erigold13261 · 10 months
For the requests! Angst! Either Miguel and Gabriella, Martha and Neon J or Tatiana’s parents!
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How about all three? :D
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