#ask meme: ella
versusvirtuous · 15 days
Descendants Characters As Skibidi Toilets Part 2
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Apple-themed posts bc i need to spill my hyperfixation somewhere
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rainbowcrowley · 1 year
me: mom, can we get ofmd s2? mom: we have ofmd s2 at home ofmd s2 at home:
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addi ich kann nicht mehr. ich find das so lustig, es wird schon peinlich 😭
deutsche 'unsere flagge bedeutet tod' be like:
heute abend im zdf, 20:15 uhr mit stargast captain scholz
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3584-tropical-fish · 1 month
for the ask game, 24 and 4 perhaps??? :D
whats a compliment about your art that has always stuck with you?
Oh gosh, everything that anyone has ever said, really. But I feel like i have to just. <33333!!!!! about anything tumblr user camlannpod has said about my art for their show. I love drawing Camlann art and it makes me so happy that I can return that happiness to them!! Everyone listen to Camlann right now. It’s so good
piece you wish got more love?
I had to think for a minute but you know what? The TMA clue board I made with my friends. I don’t think that showed up in the tags, but we put. So Much effort into that and I had really wished that more people would see it. Lia especially made an absolutely STUNNING board for it, and I was really happy with all the cards I made!! It’s also just so fun to play. We get dressed up and I bake something and make tea/hot chocolate. Highly recommend. Posts about it here and here :D
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adropofgoldenrachelx · 5 months
🎲 - Ella
021,a small, intimate family barbecue.
Every year, as soon as the sun stayed up longer than a few hours, and the air grew warmer and warmer, Rachel begged her family for some kind of get together in the garden to really make the most of it. Sometimes dad agreed, othertimes not. This year she had begged and begged and pleaded and begged until he finally caved and cleaned out the old barbeque that had been gathering dust in the garage. Rachel invited everyone important that she could think of, including Ella, with the stipulation that they all had to bring something for the snack table.
"And this," she said, gesturing to a display of chips and dips and all sorts of yummy goodness. "Is where the guest snacks go!"
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dreamtigress · 3 months
For the music asks: 3, 16, 21, 23?
Thanks for the ask, @bohemian-rhapsody-in-blue! (Love the handle.)
3: A song that reminds you of summertime A bit on the nose, but some of my earliest memories of music was old jazz on a radio playing from my father's room. Summertime, specifically the Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong recording. https://open.spotify.com/track/2gNjmvuQiEd2z9SqyYi8HH?si=f5752ab89d2140f7
16: One of your favorite classical songs Hands down, my favorite piece of Classical Music (totally cheating, because I am an OLD.) is Beethoven's Fur Elise. I love everything about it. The progressions, the mood switches, how it can sound good on different instruments. My ring tone is a modern remix version of it. https://open.spotify.com/track/1DfGPEHxTYeaJpiNA4xUb5?si=fb58d2c9dd514b7f
21: A favorite song with a person’s name in the title Come On Eileen by Dexy's Midnight Runners. It's an absolute bop, and has been one of my favorite songs to just dance insanely to for forever. https://open.spotify.com/track/3MrWxJaD2AT0W9DjWF64Vm?si=c213a7d1b66e45b2
23: A song that you think everybody should listen to Jeff Buckley's cover of Hallelujah. It is a masterpiece of taking a song down to the barest bones, and building it up into something so utterly beautiful and breathtaking. The guitar arrangements are sparing and yet sweeping. His voice is poignant and haunting. It's one of the best covers of a song I've ever heard.
From this Music Asks Meme.
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magicalellafontaine · 5 months
Ask Meme 1: 1, 3, 4, 8, 9, 15 - Ask Meme 2: 4, 10, 16, 18, 20, 26 - Ask Meme 3: 15, 16, 17, 18, 10, 21
Ask Meme 1: 1, 3, 4, 8, 9, 15
What did you dream about last night?
I dreamed about Sally (*blushes*) that we were dancing at a ball, and that we were both princesses. It was cute.
Do you feel more connected to the moon or the sun?
Good question, where Dandelion is my sun, I'm more of a moon person?
Have you ever wished on a shooting star? - death tw
countless of times, I wished my mother would get better, my father would safely return, that prince charming would swift me away from my stepmother and stepsisters. But sometimes wishes upon stars don't come true, and you get something better.
Do you believe in guardian angels?
I do.
What’s a smell that reminds you of home? - death tw
When my parents were still alive, it was the varnish they put on the furniture and old book pages. When I lived with my stepmother it was ash, and now I'm with Sally it's orange juice in the mornings.
Talk about something exciting or good that happened to you this year.
Well, I got a girlfriend this year, which is the joy I've currently been feeling. @sallytheseamstress
Ask Meme 2: 4, 10, 16, 18, 20, 26
What is your dream? (And you don't have to answer this out loud but what steps can you take towards it?)
To work for Vogue, or dior.
What would you rather be doing right now?
Lazing around on my couch, but as a mother, you have a lot to do and so little time, especially as a single parent, luckily I have sally to help me when I have it rough.
A food you want to try?
What or who has had the biggest impact on your life?
My mother, she taught me to be courageous and kind no matter what.
At what age do you wish you could (even temporarily) return to with all of your knowledge intact?
I'd want to be ten again, and hold my mother one last time before she passed away, tell her everything will turn alright in the end. And that I'll make her proud one day.
Hum the first thing that comes to mind. What was it?
the story of us - taylor swift
Ask Meme 3: 15, 16, 17, 18, 10, 21
What kind of weather do you like the best?
snow, Dandelion was born on a snowy day, so therefore I like the snow.
Talk about something you love?
Well, it comes as no surprise that I love fashion, graduated as a fashion student in college, but my true passion lies in the design of shoes. Rather than suits and dresses.
What is something you are scared to do, but absolutely should?
enter the attic, it holds a piece of my darker past but it also would make for an ideal place for a play room for dandelion. I'm still divided if I want her up there.
Share with us a recipe?
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Talk about something you are working on?
Why talk about it if i can just show you ;)
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I've designed these for Elsa.
What are you currently reading? Give us a quote if you like?
Romancing mister Bridgerton
“His love hadn’t been a thunderbolt from the sky. It had started with a smile, a word, a teasing glance. Every second he had spent in her presence it had grown, until he’d reached this moment, and he suddenly knew.
He loved her."
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Well I hope that answered all you wished to know about me - toodles
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noodleblade · 5 months
Hey lovely! Chosen entirely at random for the writers game: 🛼🥑🍦
🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis
✈️🛩️🏥💘🌌 lmao
🥑 ⇢ you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
bro :C I think all my mutuals are in different countries (at least the ones I talk to). I guess @ honkytonka but idk if she's really helping me out in that regard or not.... <3
🍦 ⇢ name three good things about a character you hate
Friendly and approachable
Competent and Intelligent
(the character is fine, the fandom has made me x---x about them so they will remain unnamed)
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ateliaers · 1 year
the steel sang, the flint sparked, & the fire in the hearth roared quickly to life beneath her hands. despite all that had happened, all that had changed, they rose, still, to hover above the flames, & though she had found her glass gauntlets impenetrable so far, she imagined that she could feel her flesh begin to warm within them. silly, to think of how far she had come, & still find herself treading old ground in new places, but a habit was a hard thing to kill. she flexed her fingers once, twice, as she used to do in the early hours, chasing away the night’s chill, before she pulled away, & heaved herself up from the ground, feeding the fire another log, two, perfectly cut in this world as they never were in life.
❛ i was always desired. but now i am valued. & that is a different thing, i find. �� — @sentinaels, wolf hall.
❛ it’s a hard lesson, to learn the difference between the two, ❜ the armour clanked quietly as she moved from the fireplace to the bed, & lowered herself gently to take her place beside reverie’s princess. the fairies who blessed her, she couldn’t help but note, had truly outdone themselves. any prince who had survived the briars' onslaught, &, more to the point, managed to weather the endless climb to the castle’s tallest tower, would have been greeted with a vision of unparalleled beauty ; somewhere deep within, she felt a small, smug stab of satisfaction that she had succeeded where all others had failed, putting aside the reality that in the space between worlds, her progress had been all but unimpeded, the thorns nowhere to be found.
her eyes dropped, for a moment, to where rosamund’s hands lay upon the bedspread, & she imagined her skin to be as soft & smooth as the silk of her gown, delightfully idle during the short course of her life. it made her glad, as she reached out to take one in her own, that it would be the smooth, cool glass of her armour that rosamund would feel in turn, rather than the rough & scarred digits which rested within.
❛ a hard lesson, & i would that it had come to you another, gentler way. this awakening, these revelations … we bear them as best we can, but that doesn’t lessen their hurt. though, if you don’t mind me saying, you were lucky, to fall into company who came to treasure you so quickly. i thought … my prince, my — kit, he ... when the times of shadows first arrived, i thought, so long as we stay together, we can overcome this. i wanted, so badly, for us to be equals, to push back together … ❜ for a heartbeat, there was silence, as she swallowed down the hurt, her wound as frustratingly fresh then as it had been in those early days, when realization came to her, & her love began to fade. ❛ they think, princess, & put us on that pedestal, & would nail our feet down to the floor if it meant we could not move from it, ❜
❛ things will be different now, ❜ the squeeze she gave rosamund’s hand was as gentle as a spring breeze — she was all too aware that one wrong move would mean a bloodbath, the armour as deadly as it was beautiful, each corner a knife’s edge that she was well acquainted with, her hands cut to ribbons the first time she had tried to don it. ❛ you, & i, & snow white … we’re birds of a feather, all of us, but once we find you in the next world, & we’re able to come together, & fight this … i promise, no – one, be they prince, or fairy, or witch, is ever going to take us for granted again. rosamund, i can’t wait to truly meet you, ❜
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leearen · 1 year
🦇 + la condesa
No le conozco / Me agrada / Me desagrada / Me es indiferente / Le tengo aprecio / Le odio / Me interesa conocerle mejor / Desearía no volver a verle / Me atrae físicamente / Somos cercanes / Me confunde / Creo que esconde algo / Le haría daño / Le protegería / Quiero besarle / Tendría una aventura de una noche con elle / Tendría algo romántico con elle / Me arriesgaría por elle / Me desagrada su clan, pero elle me agrada / Me agrada su clan, pero elle me desagrada / Nos veríamos lindes juntes / Hacemos buen equipo / Compartiría mi alimento con elle / Le refugiaría del amanecer / Me uniría a su secta solo por elle.
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scarlet-it-was · 2 years
Ooo! Twist my arm.
Fandom: The Sandman
Pairing: Dream of the Endless/Johanna Constantine
Setting: a carnival/funfair (Google Hull Fair for inspo, if that tickles your pickle 🥒 — I know, I'm obsessed with Johanna forcing Dream to eat shit fair food and sit awkwardly on a ride while she's camped out on a job she didn't reeeeeally want to take in the first place)
💋 luh u
One thing about me is I'm going to write a run-on sentence.
When Morpheus showed up unannounced in her living room (again) and she replied that she had ‘Important business to attend to, and he could either join her or not,’ he erroneously believed she meant something important, not going to a fair—but when she chases him into a too-small compartment with questionable construction, he can’t deny that the way Johanna’s dark eyes reflect the colorful lights and how her smile is wide enough to conjure the dimples in both of her cheeks that this is important; her happiness is important, both to her and more recently, to him. His mouth opens to say as much, but Constantine decides she’s not going to hear one more bit of his bitching about the ridiculous ways they’ve spent their evening, so she pulls a wad of candy floss off the paper cone and shoves it, and a couple of her fingers, into his mouth, “You can pick the next date,” she says sharply, but shivers watching the stars in his eyes dim into pinpricks as he catches her wrist and narrows his gaze at her. By the time they get to the top of the Ferris wheel, Johanna still hasn’t remembered to breathe and her cheeks are flush as her fingers remain trapped and teased within his mouth (that would teach her a lesson—maybe), and it’s at that moment when Morpheus decides once they are finished here, that he will be personally tending to her dreams this night.
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madmanwonder · 2 years
(Ask Love Epiphany) What happens when Ella realizes that Trent is the prince charming that she has been waiting for?
“My noble prince….” Ella felt her cheeks turned pink and her voice lowered into a soft whisper as she looked at tall, handsome, kindhearted musician who smiled softly as he play with his guitar.
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cdfreak · 2 years
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(ID - a screenshot of an ask game with half the options crossed out. The ones remaining are: “white - show your hole.” “Red - I have a crush on you uwu.” “Orange - (three drunk smile emojis)” “dark blue - tryna see some (peach emoji)” “purple - I sincerely enjoy your presence on my newsfeed. You are a cherished individual.” “Rainbow emoji - image of two anime boys kissing sloppily.” And “black- image of a blushing emoji with a grabbing hand.” End ID)
your momneeds to let you be in redacted for more than like 2 hours so you can get hole access
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✨ - For our muses to try a magic spell they found in a book in the attic.
Deziree had never really been a fan of Halloween. Then again, she had never really been a fan of most holidays that required any degree of tat. But she had managed to nab herself an invitation to Charlotte La Bouff’s Halloween bash, and was now desperately searching for a costume or prop or something remotely interesting in the old attic of the Fontaine Estate. Ella, of course, had followed to see what she was up to and the pair had been rummaging around for a good half hour by now.
Deziree dusted off a pile of old books, coughing and waving away the cloud of cobwebs and dust that had accumulated. “A spell book?” she scoffed. “Don’t tell me, your great Aunt was a witch or something.”
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magicalellafontaine · 5 months
One of the best things that has ever happened to you?
Dandelion without a doubt, i don't have to think twice about that answer. She is the light of my life, my little princess, the biggest part of myself.
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vroomvroommuppett · 4 months
send an ask or reblog to tell me what you think, and/or what you think could happen
likes, reblogs and comments are encouraged!
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andewgarfield posted a story
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liked by maxverstappen1, checoperez, and others
ellawolffprivate me when i heard the news
georgerussell63 I would just like to say thank you for not using me as a meme in this
ellawolffprivate you're next
mercedesamgf1 seriously ella? -dad
ellawolffprivate get an instagram old man
charles_leclerc Felt that.
fernandoalo_official Did you know?
yourusername if i did, i would've divorced his ass quicker
kimiraikonnen 🔪?
yourusername no uncle kimi you're not killing him kimiraikonnen 💉? yourusername or poisoning him
landonorris I am honored that you used a meme of me.
oscarpiastri Thanks Ella.
alexandrasaintmleux well i wasn't expecting that
yourusername lol me neither. but i'm thriving with the twins so i don't give two shits
☾ ⋆・゚:⋆・゚☾ ⋆・゚:⋆・゚☾ ⋆・゚:⋆・゚☾ ⋆・゚:⋆・゚☾ ⋆・゚:⋆・゚☾ ⋆・゚:⋆・゚
tag list @raizelchrysanderoctavius @sya-skies @barcelonaloverf1life @formulaal @ilivbullyingjeongin @daemyratwst @stupid---person @obsessed-fan-alert @boiohboii @novelswithariana @nichmeddar @magical-spit @lady-laura-speaks @2pagenumb @motorsp0rt @dark-night-sky-99 @callsignwidow @d3kstar @exotic-iris13 @eternalharry @that-aesthetic-chic
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