#ask tempus blog
arr0vvs · 1 year
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Vol. 1 💥
I just wanted to draw him <3
gonna work on the blog soon check it out! @ask-tempus-blog
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ask-tempus-blog · 1 year
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Welcome to the official ask Tempus blog.
Ever wonder who helps evacuate AUs under siege and stop a threat before it becomes one? Well look no further!
Say hello to the closest thing the Multiverse has to an Overseer. While you might not see him often he’s definitely seen you once or twice. His work tends to be time sensitive given it’s nature though he doesn’t worry much over it, he knows he’s got time on his side and plenty of it.
Got a question or two? Go right ahead,
he’ll be waiting.
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brisquad-unit-4402 · 4 months
hello i’ve got some thoughts and updates for this blog.
i’ve been on a bit of burnout for a while, including life outside of writing. naturally the termination has sped up that burnout. i’m exhausted and struggling to be graceful about it, but that’s to be expected. i’m not one to sit on my feelings even though i’ve lacked the energy to write. which really bites because that’s my number-one passion really.
however i’ve taken some time to relax by diverting my attention away from social media and niji streams. i’ve relearned an old hobby and splurged a little too much on a new one, and i kind of can’t believe how much i missed drawing on real paper with a real pen and pencil. and thank god the love and deepspace sponsorship wrapped up before the termination, because that game has me in not just a chokehold but like one of those umbilical cords from astral projection. the silver cord? that
i’ve been watching other vtubers lately as well. i’ve always considered adding holostars en to my list but hesitated because everything else on my blog was niji-related.
consider this confirmation that i will be adding holostars’ tempus hq, vanguard and armis, and first stage productions’ avallum to my list of characters i will write for. i admit i’m not as familiar with armis, but i’ll be paying closer attention in the near future as i branch out from strictly watching niji only.
(might also be adding idol corp’s e-sekai? maybe? i watch them once every few months and i haven’t seen pochi or yuko stream since they debuted 💀 no clue on their gen 2 either)
i’ll be overhauling my masterpost for organization soon. so apologies for the horrors about to come… to be clear i will not delete any of my writing so don’t worry!
i’m unsure how much niji i’ll write in the future. give me some time to think as the situation hopefully cools down. i appreciate your patience.
and who knows maybe i’ll write for non-vtuber fandoms too
i think it’s about time i clean my inbox out soon too. i‘ll answer what asks i can and delete the remaining ones. i’ve had a few requests sitting in my inbox for nearly a year now and i’ve recently realized how stressed i was over them and learned about some boundaries i didn’t know i had beforehand, among other things, so so it’s about time i face them head-on. i apologize if i never got to your request! please don’t take it personally if i don’t answer your request. but above all else thank you for being patient, understanding, and kind enough to send in a request. even though i tend to bite off more than i can chew i always get so happy whenever i see a notif in my inbox and i appreciate your time for a little unit 4402.
even though i’m not watching niji streams atm i’m hesitant to stop writing for them because, like, i keep thinking of this clip of doppio saying he feels like he’s allowed to buy healthy/organic food because of fan support and donations, and among other reasons... it’s very easy to make conclusions on people you only know through a screen and i just can’t bring myself to cut them out so abruptly, even if i’m a fan creator on a site none of them use.
idk when i’ll post next and it feels nice to say that. i usually try to post once every 2 weeks, but considering how i’m trying not to think about niji right now and am instead embracing other parts of my life, i dunno. it’s nice. this blog is a major source of joy for me and it feels like i’m preserving what makes it so special for me instead of turning it into a chore. hopefully with time and rest i’ll have a clearer idea of where to go from here.
that’s pretty much everything on my mind, i think? thank you for bearing with me and my yapping. i hope to return soon and that the next time you see me, my blog will be cleaner, more expansive, and with a fresh mindset. take care of yourselves and don’t get immersed in toxicity. don’t forget to do what you love 💛
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k4ppasta · 5 months
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Tempus Sans over on @ask-tempus-blog !!
i’m still so proud of this bro shading inspired by sonic team
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tmntkiseki · 4 months
Hi!! Just found your blog today, thank you for sharing all these references to the ‘03 turtles!! This is gonna be super helpful for me to draw them!! 😁
My question is! Do you have a favorite turtle? And what are your favorite/ least favorite episodes?
Thanks, and have a great night!! 😁
Aha, thank you very much for the ask! I hope all of the references are of help to you!
My favorite turtle is definitely Donatello. It's funny; I think as a kid/teenager, I would have leaned more towards Raphael knowing my tastes back then? But in my adulthood, I've developed a preference for nice, hardworking sweethearts who turn out to be major nerds/dorks, and Donnie definitely falls into this category. Incredibly kind, considerate, and intelligent with a bit of a clumsy streak, but he's also no pushover, can be quite sassy, and is just as terrifying as Raph when he's mad, if Same As It Never Was is anything to go by. (The fact that he shares his VA with my favorite bachelor from Rune Factory 4 is a nice bonus lol)
Hmm, favorite and least favorite episodes... In terms of story arcs, Good Genes is definitely my favorite even though Don is once again suffering at the hands of the plot. Other favorite arcs include The Shredder Strikes Back, Rogue in the House, the Big Brawl, Space Invaders/Worlds Collide, and Exodus. As for individual episodes:
Season 1: Meet Casey Jones, Tales of Leo, Lone Raph and Cub
Season 2: The Golden Puck, Junklantis, April's Artifact
Season 3: Touch and Go, Hunted, The Christmas Aliens, The Darkness Within, Hun on the Run, Same As It Never Was
Season 4: Grudge Match, Bad Day, All Hallows Thieves, The Ancient One, Prodigal Son
Season 5: Enter the Dragons (Part 1 and Part 2)
Fast Forward: Future Shellshock, Invasion of the Body Snatcher!, The Freaks Come Out at Night, Bad Blood, Graduation Day: Class of 2105, Timing Is Everything, Race For Glory, DNA is Thicker than Water
Back to the Sewer: Tempus Fugit, Hacking Stockman, Incredible Shrinking Serling, Identity Crisis, SuperQuest, and Wedding Bells and Bytes
Most of the episodes I do dislike, rather understandably, come from Fast Forward and Back to the Sewer just because the writing quality dipped during those seasons, though I'm willing to confess that I've always been very lukewarm towards the episodes involving the superheroes/Justice Force. It's weird; Peter Laird basically said that if you can accept all the other crazy stuff in the TMNT multiverse, you should be able to accept superheroes being a thing, but somehow I always felt them to be the most out of place aspect of the universe? Probably just because when compared to most other aspects of the series, they come off as pretty goofy. (Never mind how often they get their butts kicked.)
The only other episode that I didn't really like from the first five seasons was The People's Choice from Season 4. It was something of a Donatello-focused episode and would have been a great opportunity to explore what was going through his head in the aftermath of both Same As It Never Was and Exodus but... yeah, no, we got a random, unrelated battle with two aliens that ultimately never gets brought up again lmao.
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daemonsquarters · 2 hours
Hi, Guess I got another question still while kinda hanging around here. Loyalty to Ophanium was uh...kinda complicated to be honest, the only reason I became an enlightenmite to begin with was to be left alone by the angels as to blend in, I was kinda just dragged into ophs' forces one day, I wasn't exactly used for anything, so I kinda just moved to oph one day to ask about this whole eternal fractal thing, and uh....got flung out of tempus for being too nosey. Hopefully that helps, I might start my own ask blog if people are actually interested in my misadventures. - Your friend Unbound. P.S. I love the Cubes and Clouds of slush, they are so cute and deserve to be protected.
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Re: P.S.: Also noted.
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bettelion · 11 months
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Hi I'm Liv!
This is my HoloTempus + Armis fan blog! My reblog blog (which is also where I follow/like/ask from) is @cannibaLIVism
My personal / art blog is @54BPM
This is my blog for hoarding fanart and screaming my thoughts about The Boys 🍤✨ Bettel is my kamioshi but Ruze and Hakka are very close behind! 🎩💢🔆 You can expect to see all the boys though since they're all great 💖
🩷 Here's my talking tag. ❤️‍🩹 Here's my stream liveblog tag. 💜 Here's where any PL mentions go. 🩶 Here's my attempts at GIF making. 🩵 Everything else is tagged by the boy's names! 🤍 The tempura also have a tag! 🖤 (name)core are the tags for posts that aren't directly Tempus posts but are about the boys To Me.
I do not participate in shipping and it makes me uncomfortable. I will not reblog any knowingly!
I also may reblog fun pin-ups but I will not reblog any porn or explicit art of the boys.
Finally! This blog mostly runs on a queue so there should be a steady flow of content! Hopefully you enjoy your stay!
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solarflame33 · 10 months
Oooo since you haven't posted about any of your OCs yet, would you care to introduce us to one?
yes i would thank you very much!
ill introduce the obvious one since she's my profile picture.
Dahlia Claret
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She's one of my earliest OCs, i made her as my first d&d 5e character where she was a zariel tiefling vengeance sword and shield paladin of Tempus. She's a special version of the crouching moron hidden badass that i like to call the crouching badass hidden moron, because while she looks very intimidating she's an absolute dumbass.
Unfortunately the campaign she was in was canceled as we were reaching its end and she stayed in the back of my head a while, i recently brought her back in a pf2 game as a human tiefling champion paladin of Ragathiel with a bastard sword and sorcerer dedication, i love the build i came up with for her and she changed a lot on the way, that's also around when i decided to start writing something which is why im hesitant on talking about her backstory since she'll be one of the two main characters of a story im working on for my setting. however im a pushover so if asked hard enough ill probably break and post about her backstory, i have also been thinking about making a blog about my setting since im pretty passionate about it but im changing a lot about it recently
well that was a very unorganized post about her that took me longer than should've but thanks a lot for the ask!
(the art was made by a close friend that doesn't post art online)
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vicwrites-and-acts · 8 months
Writblr Introduction
I've been on Tumblr for a bit now; mainly lurking on my other blog, until I decided i'd make a new one to actively engage in the community, and share what I am most passionate about. So here's my official introduction!
About me:
My name is Victoria, but most call me Vic, so I am fine with whatever you'd like as long as its not derogatory. I'm 24 and very unsure of where the future is going for me. She/her pronouns for me preferably, but I'd also answer to dude or bro, because it's a love language.
I'm a mom of three, so writing or engaging is sometimes limited to my free time. I'm American (I know, I know, how boring.) Kidding. Mostly. I'm also Neurodivergent, but that's probably pretty obvious.
I've been writing since I was eleven, and it's always been a major passion; there's just something so raw and real about storytelling, and I've always been a pretty immersive reader. The book just transforms on the page and I'm swept away into different worlds. Until recently, my writing has mainly been fanfiction. I found it so much easier than being confident in my own abilities as a writer, because the foundation was already laid before me.
I can almost never focus on one thing at a time. So you'll probably see me flip flopping around like a fish out of water.
I'm also an aspiring actress as well as an author. So you'll probably see some things related to that – I hope you don't mind. Some other interests include: Soap making, candle making, sewing, knitting, and Psychology!
Asks and tag list/tag games friendly!
Side note: I am not at all familiar with writblr/tag games at all so any tips is 100% appreciated. Always open to new friends as well!
I will more than likely use this blog for posting about my OC'S, my WIP's, aesthetics, moodboards, Playlists, poetry, and reblogging helpful writing tips, as well as reblogging and helping the writblr community.
I enjoy reading/writing sci fi, dystopia, fantasy, and horror on occasion. My works will almost always have a romantic subplot because I am a smol hopeless romantic in a big, big world.
HUGE fan of redemption arcs. Yes, please. Give me the morally grey character who does awful things but in the end makes a huge turnaround and is just so chefs kiss
Some of my works will have triggering content, and it will be marked with trigger warnings when applicable.
Some fandoms I engage in and do writing in on my main blog @johnmurphysgirl is as follows:
The 100
Stranger Things
BBC Merlin
Jurrasic Park/World
There's probably more but my mind goes blank. Rip
Title: Tempus (subject to change/filler name)
Genre: Sci fi, dystopian, romance
(think Lost in Space meets Hunger Games: Catching Fire)
Current status: hahahaha panic induced screeching; chapter two is halfway finished, but I've been struggling with severe writers block for months.
POV: third person, eventual switching, multiple povs.
Plot: Scientists have always meddled in things they couldn't begin to understand; mixing viruses and making bio weapons in the same containment area as cures for all manner of ills. The scientist in question lets out a dangerous disease, a vampiric mutation called the NightWalker Virus.
Only a select few were chosen to go to the Odyssey; a space station that would lead them to safety on a newly discovered planet.
Eris Matthews is an unauthorized stowaway on the Exodus with her best friend Cashmere Moni, and the owner's son, Rhys Grey. The ship's capacity was only meant for four people, not six. They crash land onto their new home, far from the civilization they'd hoped to find.
They'd fled to the stars in hopes of salvation, only to find their new home riddled with demons and unanswered questions, betrayals, and it is not at all what it seems.
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skubean · 1 year
opening requests (hi!) ︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶
hi ! i'm eden, or beanz, and i just started this blog in hopes of getting back into writing ! i mostly write for:
vtubers (specifically nijisanji en, and i wanna write for holotempus too!)
genshin (mainly males)
will write for some manga/anime characters as well (eg; bsd, saiki k, buddy daddies, blue lock, jjk etc!)
as for my writing style + genre, it's as below! :
i prefer writing hcs, au, bulletpoints, or just short imagines in general! i usually prefer gender neutral pronouns in writing but may have some more to the fem side.
fluff, domestic fluff (family-ish!), self inserts/ooc, smut, anything really i can experiment, i'm scared of angst though i might try sksksks
as of now, my requests are open. feel free to leave some requests or ask me anything! hoping to find some new friends too hehe and oh, do send me some gavis bettel of holostars tempus' vanguard, i'm itching to write abt him hes so ueueueue
aight nice to meet you all! feel free to also give comments on any of my writing :D yoroshiku !
p/s: do lmk if this pops up on the tags btw i'm experimenting :/
ꨄ︎ beanz
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wutlaikalikes · 9 months
a blog of an unfortunately frustrating night…
for your sanity just scroll past, also tldr.
After the Unrailed gang unveiled their official name of Unplan from a karaoke collab on Rikka's channel, I got up to get ready for bed but as always I did check twitter for a bit before bathing. The first I read is the graduation notice of Vesper and Magni. I was hoping all this time that it's just an extended suspension. When Vesper was first suspended he didn't come back right away so I was just waiting.
I was fucking annoyed cause I’m still elated from Unplan's new original song. Sure they waited for the collab to be over but their song is going to be released an hour after the collab! I can't imagine what Unplan is feeling at the moment, their hard work that they have planned for months only to be overshadowed by this devastating news. Seriously, holostars management/hololive pr team, impeccable timing as always. I still haven't forgotten what the management/pr team did during Uyu's 3D stream.
please stream, comment and support their song
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【MV】superior stars / unplan 【アルランディス×影山シエン×律可×花咲みやび】
I couldn't help but be mad. I was thinking when they come back I won’t be that person that would demand why they were suspended, I would just welcome them back! But as soon as i saw the announcement, I can’t help but want to know what the f*** happened!!
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Then I suddenly remembered the cover, the 21 Stars song cover. And as soon as I posted that, another announcement that they'll delay the release.
I know they'll remove them from the song. I get it, legal rights stuff. but it doesn't hurt to ask.
I was just annoyed at this point because I know regardless of what I say or post on the internet, I can't do anything!! I actually wrote a letter that I was gonna turn into art and post tomorrow but I guess I'll just show the draft here…
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I was sitting in two waiting rooms last night, Axel's announcement video and Unplan's song release.
I was calming myself before I said anything stupid. I just started to scroll and scroll on twitter. Somehow knowing that there are others like me, who are frustrated about this situation, calms me. I wasn't crying. I think the reason i wasnt is because I know where to follow them. Yes, I’m talking about the past life of Vesper and active account of Magni. Honestly, I’m kinda following prof’s account and saw a post that he won’t be streaming and has some things to finish. I already felt bad about it but I was just hoping for the best.
What made me sad were three posts. Posts from their senpai; Astel, Rio and Oga. Sure Astel and Rio managed to collab with Vesper and Magni but Oga didn't have his chance. I know Oga and Vesper collaborated during Aruran's telephone game but that is Aruran’s stream. The difference is that Rio and Magni, Vesper and Astel with Altare, were able to bond somehow through a game for an hour. I can imagine a drawing collab with Oga, Gamma, Iofi and Magni, with Iofi as a translator.
Astel said he wasn't feeling well but still he sang for Vesper and Magni to thank them for being part of Holostars. And as always stated his desire for Kira to come back, I want Kira back too.
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【Sing】TY / アステル
I just want to express more of my frustrations over this timing.
I kinda can already tell something was wrong when Holostars Rust season 2 was suddenly announced last week. Temma was very vague about it when he was planning season 2, so I was quite surprised about last week's announcement. Sure, management paid for season 2's trophy and got us hyped by releasing a highlight video, but all this feels like bribery, even a distraction from what is about to happen.
Tempus announced that they won’t be streaming which is understandable. I wouldn’t want them to be on stream with emotional Vesties, Magmites, Tempuras and Starlights. But I also don’t like this start for Holostars Rust season 2. But the JP boys are still going to stream so I hope you can support them. Let's help them make this event another success!
At this point, I’m just annoyed. I wanted to know what happened and if there was anything that I could have done to prevent this graduation. I know most Vesties and Magmites feel that they weren’t able to show enough love and support to have them stay. But honestly, regardless of how vague that announcement is, I can’t blame anyone for thinking that something happened behind the scenes. Vesper and Magni are excited to be part of Holostars. Vesper even went off script during his debut to say how happy he is to be part of Holostars.
My wish is that Vesper and Magni’s archive will stay intact. Regardless though, I will make time to save Vesper’s cover of Shinigami and Magni’s original song Copium. As much as I want to save Magni and Rio’s Human Fall Flat stream and Vesper’s Project Zomboid streams, I don’t have a lot of time and memory space. I also wish that they keep their Minecraft builds, unlike what they did to Kaoru’s build which they removed from the JP server. I can just hope at this point.
I can’t stress this enough, support your oshi as best you can. You don’t really need to spend money simply sharing their streams and posts, making drawings and memes, commenting on their videos and interacting on chat helps. The algorithm is a crazy thing, your interactions leave impressions on their posts that actually help boost them up.
For those who are in the Holostars community because of Vesper and Magni, we won’t hold it against you if you decide to leave. It’s your time to spend and not ours to control but you are welcome to stay and you are always welcome to come back.
I wish nothing but success for Vesper and Magni. I’ll miss them for sure.
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ask-tempus-blog · 1 year
I saw that Tempus is autistic, does he have any stims or special interests?
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he used to chew his shirt collars a lot too along with pens so he opted to getting chewlery. every now and then he’ll have vocal stims and flap his hands when he’s excited or upset.
some of his icks are metal utensils, he hates the feeling of metal against his teeth so all of his utensils are made from bamboo except cutting knives.
he also doesn’t like anything that’s strawberry flavored. strawberries? great, awesome even. strawberry flavored? he will gag.
special interests wise he likes to collect bottle caps and occasionally marbles that he keeps inna pouch. he’ll be able to tell you the brand of the bottle cap, a recap of the companies history and how the drink came to be along with how and when he got that bottle cap. as for the marbles he just thinks they’re neat.
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brisquad-unit-4402 · 1 year
4402's masterpost
hello my name is unit 4402 but all my friends call me 4402. i don't like to take my tactical gear off but you can tell it's me because i have one yellow glove and lost the other one.
i'm 20+ but my blog is open to everyone. i write vtuber x reader content, so please read my rule list before requesting.
here is my carrd with links to my official ao3, twitter, and kofi.
i also have a sideblog where i post voice pack reviews, draw, reblog vtublr posts and ramble @briskunt
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
✧. ┊ rules ✧. ┊ brainrot/misc list ✧. ┊ ko-fi
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
last update: 4/26/23
the request box is: closed!
current requests: too many to count thank you for your patience
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
last update: 1/5/24
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
#unit 4402 reporting: talk from the mod, aka me, unit 4402
#4402 writes: any fic or request i wrote
#4402 brainrots: not formatted like a proper fic but definitely x reader content. includes brainrot, thirsts/simping, notes, and miscellaneous
#4402 draws: any time i draw on mspaint. i think it's kinda funny
#4402 answers: for asks
#submission: for submissions only
#nice comments: collection of nice things people said to me :) thank youuuu your comments fuel me
#reblog: for reblogs only
#100 followers for 4402: an event to thank 100 people for following me!
#4402's halloween 2023 treats: i told my followers to send "trick or treat" in my inbox, then gave them drabbles with random characters as a treat
#ao3 wrapped 2023: an ask game to look back and enjoy what i made in 2023.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
✧. brainrot/miscellaneous content list
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
lazulight | obsydia | ethyria | luxiem | noctyx | iluna | xsoleil | krisis | these three troublemakers
tempus | armis
OTHER 。・:*˚:✧。
༻✧༺ #100 followers for 4402 event prompt list
༻✧༺ #ao3 wrapped 2023 ask list
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
🖋 anon
🍰 anon
🌱 anon
🦝 anon
🐣 💫 anon
🪄☆ anon
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melopopflip · 11 months
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Tempus bwlongs to: @arr0vvs / @ask-tempus-blog
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greydude00 · 1 year
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trad art gift for @arr0vvs / @ask-tempus-blog
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daemonsquarters · 24 hours
Hey, I saw the questions for me in this little blog I suppose I should answer them while I'm floating here in the zero void, I asked some weird vortex blob thing that was hanging in the chamber what the world of zero whas and then and it sucked me in. Im doing mostly fine, other than being a little lost out here as for how I got out uh, When I asked oph about the eternal fractals thing I was forcefully launched so fast i found myself outside of tempus somehow, so there's that. There's also this weird...hybrid of those manifestations that daemon warned about...it's...carrying some sort of scythe sword hybrid floating about and trailing some werid sludgy biomass and Im REALLY worried about it. I do feel as if im close though, Hopfully will see daemon soon. - From your friend, Unbound.
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Alright, the message is re -
There is a WHAT?! Who... what... who did... AAAAAAAH!
Okay, that's. That is... very serious. Unfort... no, but that is... very likely not good. That is not... Not normal. Avoid... it, if you don't know more about them.
I might have serious business to do for once in a while...
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