#asking because at some point (not now) over the next year I shall have to start (bc reasons) learning either japanese or korean
meichenxi · 1 month
also, inspired by the last post. IF at some point I were going to learn japanese, and enjoyed grammar and literature and linguistics and figuring things out by myself and fucking adore graded readers but DON'T really enjoy a lot of anime and am NOT really interested in consuming 4+ hours of content a day like I did with chinese (because I have a job and a partner and a life and am writing a book and it's no longer 2020 *crosses oneself fervently*) and CAN read kanji somewhat already because of chinese / the concept does not scare me. howww would I go about this
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eee-lordy · 4 months
Practice Makes Perfect
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!!! nsfw minors dni !!!
Jacob offers to help fem!reader get her first time over with. 6k
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"Ready for your big move?" Jacob huffed, dropping a particularly heavy box onto the top of another. He'd come over to help you start packing up, you had a week left.
"Mostly, yeah I think so." You grinned, knowing he was talking more about emotionally than materialistically. Your eyes scanned the bare bones of your first apartment. It had been a welcoming and safe space for a handful of years now, but the time had come to move onto bigger and better things.
"Let's drink to the beginning of the end, then, shall we?" Your dearest pal declared, toting over glasses and liquor from your fridge.
"Don't say it like that, nothings ending here." You warn, sick at the thought of there being a time limit on your friendship once a little space got in the way. Jacob sat next to you on the sofa, pouring you each a drink.
"Okay sorry, we'll toast to now, then. May we enjoy every moment." Jacob's sincerity past the silly tone he used warmed your confounded heart. So many feelings had plagued you since finding out about your big move. How excited you were for the fresh start, and how you were, in fact, dreading leaving behind everything you loved so dearly, everyone.
As you sat and drank, it was all Jacob could talk about. He asked you all kinds of questions. What the place was like you were headed to, how you may come to decorate the home you were set to buy. How you may plan to spend your time. You fawned over descriptions of some new furniture you'd had shipped to your new place. And excitedly quipped about the plans you were making for the distant future.
"I hope to just go wild. Create a whole new thing for myself, ya know? Try everything, live to the fullest." The realizations that you could become whoever you wanted most to be in an all new place had your imagination running wild since theses plans became solid.
"And what are you most nervous about?" Jacob countered, squinting as if he knew this question was one that might really challenge you.
"Oh... I don't know." You feigned a laugh, hoping your face hadn't flushed red. Because you had been increasingly nervous about one thing, fretting over the many outcomes your imagination brought to life every time you wondered how to take on this certain situation...
"Ohhhh no." Jacob grinned wickedly, shifting in his seat to face you a little more head on, pointing his half full beer in your direction. "There is something, I know when you aren't telling me things, you know?"
"Jacob, can we please drop this?" You plead, feeling like sinking in on yourself for letting your facade drop for even a second.
"All I'm saying is, if you're this nervous about something, maybe I can help?"
"I highly doubt you can help with this one, dude." You let out a mortified giggle, feeling your blush coming back tenfold.
"Hey." Jacob lowered his tone, cocking his head to catch your eye. His were serious. "You know you can tell me whatever it is-"
"Is embarrassing-"
"And I won't judge you. You know that." And you did know. Jacob had told you his own mortifying confessions, from the time he'd lost his clothes in a sketchy overnight gym, to the salacious dreams he'd had about certain unattractive costar way back before you knew him. As you reminded yourself of the story Jacob once told you of his mishap with a zipper during the first night he spent in the bed of a lady, you realized you could tell him what was on your mind.
"Okay fine." You gritted through your teeth, clasping your hands together only to anxiously wring them. Jacob stayed quiet and awaited your words.
"I'm most nervous about having sex." You declared. "Because I'm more than ready to get out there and do it, but the thought of sleeping with some stranger is appalling, and I don't know who I trust enough to ask to see me through that awfully awkward first time. And what if I never meet someone I trust enough, just-" With a disgruntled sigh, you realized you were rambling.
"You're a virgin?" Jacob's mouth twisted into a confounded frown as his head turned much like a baffled puppy dog. Your friends studying of you made you want to slip into nonexistence.
"So what?" You huffed a nervous laugh, daring to meet Jacob's piercing eyes for the first time since revealing your secret.
"It's just I thought you'd have done it, like... a lot." He shrugged. "Being so smokin' hot, and all."
"I am not hot, Elordi, and despite really being ready, I'm way too nervous to do it. That's the whole issue here." You scoffed, taking a frustrated swig of your drink.
"Uh, yeah you are. And what is there to be nervous about, anyway?" He quizzed.
"What if I do the wrong thing or say something weird or just make a complete fool of myself? Or what if I hate it? I'm ready for it. But I really am scared I will never meet the right person to deal with how in my head I am about this..."
Jacob let his gaze fall to the floor, seeming to puzzle over your words. A considerable amount of silence settled about the room before either of you spoke again. He was the one to break that silence.
"Do you... trust me?"
Your eyes widened and your stomach tied itself into a knot.
"I mean, you know I think you're attractive. So, I won't care or even notice if you make a complete fool of yourself. And we know all each other's secrets. That's trust. And if you hate it, we stop. I'm kind of the perfect candidate her, love." His confidence had blossomed with the help of the drinks you two had shared tonight. Jacob spoke with assuredness, letting no signs of awkwardness show in his daring offer. The whole thing had your head spinning.
"All I'm saying is... if you want, I'm down. If not, I get it." He took a swig, the last of his third glass. "I'm just saying..." Jacob let his sharp dark eyes rake across your figure as you sat in place, trying not to squirm. You considered the expression in his gaze, clearly drinking you in, yet keeping a respectable distance.
"I'll... think about it." And you really would.
He nodded. You nodded. He got up and turned on a movie. You went searching for more to drink. As some rather boring action flick unfolded on your telly, your mind raced. You did trust Jacob. You did find him attractive too. With his angelic features and fit figure. And you wouldn't mind if this little... experiment led to something a little more serious either. But that was a wild far off distant dream. And still, all the things that mortified you about doing it with a stranger made you just as nervous to consider in the company of one of your closest friends.
"It would just be, like, educational right? Just... one friend helping out another?" You pipped up in the middle of the action movies climax.
"It would be whatever you needed or wanted it to be, doll. I'm offering my sincerest assistance." Jacob spoke easily, keeping his apparent focus on the telly screen, settled an inch away from where you sat on the sofa.
You hummed in understanding, acknowledging how both of you kept your eyes glued to the movie on your screen, and that seemed soothing. There didn't seem to be any pressure, there didn't seem to be any stakes. And as you considered your nerves, you wondered if the feeling was more that of anxious wonder. And then you realized there was a way to test this theory...
"Kiss me. Then I'll know." You thought out loud.
"Know what?"
"If you're a shitty kisser or not. And if I'd even dream of letting you sleep with me." You were drunk enough to speak without consideration. You were curious enough to take Jacob up halfway on his offer. You really hoped he wasn't a shitty kisser. You may have let him have his way with you even if he was.
With a decided shrug Jacob leaned in. His lips were soft, the gentle way he pressed his against yours was more than comfortable. You let yourself relax into pressing your own kiss back, and he took that as a signal to deepen his display of affection. And the kiss that began as a seemingly casual interaction took a different form. Jacob let his lips slowly open, encouraging yours to do the same. As your kissing grew longer and deeper, your very dear friend let his fingers reach to brush your hair back; then let his digits press against the base of your neck to pull your lips ever closer.
The gentle forcefulness Jacob commanded brought a contented sigh from your throat, and your friend's smile in response broke your interaction.
"I'll take that as a yes?" He smirked, eyes focusing on yours close up.
"It's just... a lot to consider."
He had kept his hold on you. His hand clutching the back of your head, his thumb rubbing soothing circles against your hair.
"Listen. I won't push this on you. It's no sweat if you decide against it. But I really would be very patience and more than glad to help you out here. That's the last I'll speak of it. Now, what are we watching next?"
You spent the rest of that evening next to Jacob in mutual silence. You watched films until your friend grew tired and called it a night. All the while your mind raced from one scenario to the next. Wondering what the worst could turn out to be, if you said yes, or no.
Jacob stopped by one night later, saying he was simply in the neighborhood and wondered if you'd needed any kind of help continuing to pack up. So, you put him to work, cleaning out drawers and folding clothes into suitcases. You talked a lot while working, about eachothers lives and dreams and silly things. But the conversation kept leading back to the topic of your move.
"I'll be hours away from all my family and it's not like I won't see them but I'll be so alone you know?" You confessed your fears for living in solitude and worrying over worst case scenarios.
"Hey, you'll make it just fine. You don't give yourself enough credit." Jacob insisted, moving about your room from one task to another. "Plus, I'm only one phone call away."
"I know." You whispered, peering up to your friend through your lashes, biting back a frown. You set a roll of tape and a box cutter on a nearby shelf, done with the tools for now.
"This is supposed to be a good thing, a happy thing." Jacob reminded you, shuffling to stand before you. He reached out to tilt your chin upward as if that would encourage a smile from you.
"I know." You whispered again. And with no way of knowing who leaned in first, all you knew was Jacob was kissing you again. And you relished the comfort of his affection. Nothing stopped you now from slinking a lazy arm around his neck as the guy let his grasp splay across your back.
Jacob was the first to break away, like before. But unlike then, he said nothing now. Jacob just leaned back far enough to catch your eye, as one of his brows lifted in a silent question.
"I think I might want to take you up on your offer..." You seemed to realize out loud. Maybe you had always wanted it to be him. Or maybe his encouragement had done the trick of talking you into feeling this way now. But you were never surer about being intimate with someone than now, with the way your dearest friend held you in his arms.
"Yeah?" He nodded with a furrow in his brow.
"Yes, I- if you're really sure." You stuttered.
"I am if you are." Jacob continued to nod. And after a beat, when he asked "Like, now? Right now?" You moved to nod along with him, even though your heart threatened to leap from your chest.
"Okay." He whispered. "You just need to tell me if it gets all too much, no matter what. Promise me you will."
"Yeah. I'm, like, really nervous. That's the big problem. But I trust you, so I am very sure."
"Well, I can certainly help with that." Jacob brought a hand to your hair, "I think." He lightly chuckled, pulling a face, setting your nerves at ease already.
"We'll just go very slow. How does that sound?" He asked, still keeping a hand rested on the side of your head, while his other crept down to the bend of your waist. You let out a held breath and nod assuredly.
"Okay." You flickered a smile. Jacob nodded too, his lithe grin remaining as he searched your face, his eyes landing on your lips. You hadn't fully expected him to agree to this, and you hadn't at all expected things to start right off the bat. But you couldn't complain when Jacob closed the gap and pressed a gently feather light kiss to your lips. As he did so, he tucked a bit of your hair behind your ear, and ever so slightly tightened his grip at the bend of your waist.
This resulted in your hands finding his shoulders, resting them between there and his chest- where you wondered if you were feeling your own rapid heartbeat in your palms, or his.
His lips left yours for a moment, but another feather light kiss came soon after. A couple more small steady pecks made you comfortable enough to fully relax in the hold Jacob was beginning to wrap around you; his hand moving to hold the back of your head, his other moving from the bend of your waist so his arm circled around you.
When your arms slid into a loose hold around the guy's neck again, his kisses started to ever so slightly deepen. His tongue teased your lips, his thumb caressed soothing circles against your rib cage, a delightful hum escaped his throat.
"This okay so far?" Jacob wondered in a hushed rumble, meeting your eyes between kisses. You nodded and softly smiled, waiting for the guy to continue. When he dove back in, his kisses deepened even further, his tongue pressed against yours, his hold tightening, pulling you almost entirely against himself. You stayed like that for what felt like forever, just kissing and letting hands roam against backs and through hair.
He'd barely done as much as hold you close, but you were already feeling the hot coil of desire burning low in your belly, and it was starting to spread every place else. Your every nerve was already on end.
"I could gladly do this all night." Jacob hummed, moving his kisses to pepper your jaw, and then down your neck. "But would you like to go any further? You tell me, doll."
"Sure, we can go further. I just need you to guide me through." You blew out another shaky breath, trying to release the jitters.
"I can do that. Just remember you can tell me to stop anytime for any reason." Jacob kissed your forehead and waited for you to nod in agreement. He kissed your cheek and then your lips, and let his hands begin to roam new territory. his fingers grazed under the hem of your shirt, brushing against the skin of your hips, skin that had never been touched by anyone but yourself until now. It was starting.
"Can I take this off, doll? I'll take mine off too. We'll be on the same page." Jacob sighed into your mouth, and couldn't resist kissing you between words. He left one set of fingers creeping under your shirt while the other gently tugged at the garment.
"I like that idea." You smiled, his lips brushing against yours in a phantom kiss.
He opted for his first, shedding his tee in a lazy fashion, revealing a sight you had seen before, his bare chest. But now was different from the hot summer days you'd been near the guy in such a state. Now you were free to oggel his frame entirely. 
Jacob watched you watching him as he delicately took hold of the base if your shirt, and pulled it up. You lifted your arms instinctively and tried not to shiver in an anxious display of vulnerability.
The man you'd come to trust tossed aside your favorite old concert tee and brought both his hands to the bare skin of your waist. He'd see you in swimsuits and crop tops but he'd never been so close. Never had his hot skin been so easily accessible under your touch. Never had he caressed you in such a state. The pair of you stood there, holding each other in a delicate morphing clasp, for a brief moment. Your breathing synchronized before Jacob nuzzled against your neck and mumble something about how beautiful he thought you looked, and how lovely he thought it was to hold you so close like this. It was almost too sweet, his musings and the gentle way he held you. But the pecks he placed against your neck turned into something fiercer, his teeth grazing, his breathing audible. All the while, his caresses turned too, his fingers pressed possessive against your skin, one hand moving to bring your hips as close to his as possible.
You let it happen, dragging your nails across his shoulder blades and letting out a delighted sigh. You knew this was supposed to be a fun positive experience. But you felt quite unprepared for how much you were enjoying yourself.
Jacob planted another sloppy kiss to your lips, encouraging you to match his energy.
He began to drag you a few steps in another direction, never daring to break away from the kiss you were sharing, until he had to. Jacob eased onto the side of your bed, gently pulling you into his lap. He maneuvered you into a straddle you were happy to settle into, leaving no space between the two of you, as your kisses continued.
"This all okay, doll?" Jacob hoped, as his warm hand made its way toward your breasts, still covered.
"Yes Jacob," you breathed, taking your turn in moving kisses down the man's neck, not totally sure of your execution but lead by passion what could go so wrong, you wondered?
To your delight, Jacob practically melted under your bites and licks, and you were beginning to melt a little yourself, as he kneaded at your bra.
"You can take it off. If you want." You sighed, keeping up your work at his neck, moving from one side to the other.
"Oh, I've wanted to for a longer than you know." He let out a little laugh after his confession.
You sat up to meet his gaze, asking a question with one look.
"You know I've always thought you were beautiful. But I have always wondered just how much more beautiful under all your clothes." Jacob mewled, unclasping your bra after two tries. You let the thing fall away and slide down one arm to the floor, as Jacob ogled you shamelessly. Somehow the moment didn't cause you nearly as much nervousness as you'd anticipated. The way Jacob was handling this new interaction, the way he'd been handling you; caused your nerves that kept arising the settle, provoking much more excitement than you knew you were capable of feeling in a time like now.
"Even more beautiful than my imagination has been able to conceive." Jacob grinned up to you before rolling his eyes closed on his mission to cover you in kisses.
You couldn't hold back your sigh, one you'd never heard yourself make. A noise you didn't know you were capable of producing. Jacob's lips closed around one of your nipples while he let his hand attend to the other. You could feel his pants tightening beneath you, and his messy hair tangled in your fingers as you grasped at something to ground you. Things were moving at a steady pace yet seemed to be rocketing into progression much quicker than you were prepared for.
"Jacob." You reluctantly halted him, grabbing his attention away from making you feel so good. "Jacob, I don't want to stop, but can we slow down a little?" You asked in a shaky breath, watching your chest rise and fall rapidly, like you'd just run a mile.
"Of course." He promised, planting closed mouth kisses across your collarbone. "Come'er."
Jacob pushed you from his lap to the middle of the bed and adjusted himself behind you, as you took in a couple deep breaths. Then his hands found your shoulders, and began to massage the tense muscle there.
"Are you still nervous? More or less? What can I do to help?"
"Still nervous. But you've been very patient so far and I can't imagine doing this with anyone else. Thank you, Jacob."
"You're practically a natural," Jacob purred in your ear, keeping up his work on your shoulders. You began to feel more at ease under his touch, and more ecstatic by his words and the tone of his voice. "Nothing to be nervous about."
Your hum gave him a green light to follow his hands with his lips, kissing the trail of his massaging.
He soon let his hands start to wander, keeping his face in the crook of your neck as his hands trailed lightly across your chest and tummy, stalling for a brief second at the hem of your pants before ghosting back up to brush at your already exposed skin.
You flipped around crawling into a position closer, moving to undo the button of his pants.
"You sure?" Jacob asked quickly, waiting for you to nod before shedding the trousers as lazily as he removed his shirt.
"Want me to do yours?" He asked, not wondering if you'd rather handle the task, but if you were ready for the next step to be initiated at all. You told him you were ready, looking right in the guy's hooded deep brown eyes.
Jacob gently pushed you against the stack of pillows at the head of your bed. For one small moment, you paused to look at each other and smile. And then your friend shifted and reached for the button of your trousers. You watched as he hooked a couple fingers in the hem to peel the fabric away from your body, his eyes drinking in every newly exposed inch of you. You helped kicked away the pants, as Jacob reached to pull you back into his lap. In one swift move, you pushed him back into the pillows. You relished having the boy pinned below you, as you closed in for another kiss.
His hands traced across the expanses of your skin, his warm form settled beneath yours in the very best ways. You began to let your fingers trace patterns across his chest, feeling the hammer of his heart. Now both clad in nothing but underwear, the thin fabric allowed for you to feel more exactly of how worked up you'd gotten the boy.
You weren't nervous now to roll your hips against his. Or even if you might've been, they seemed to move on their own accord, your body seeking to satisfy its growing desires. Your rocking against the man's lap grew quietly more confident, and in the matter of a couple grinds you had Jacob whimpering against your lips.
Jacob gently pushed you from his lap, moving to hover over you in turn. "Okay?" He asked more succinctly but paused and watched for your confirmation just as patiently as every time before. And right as you began to nod, Jacob pressed his clothed hips against yours, encouraging your legs to open a little wider to make space for him. He kept his eyes sharply focused on yours, as he kept grinding, palming at your breast all the while. You were overcome, the coil in your belly tightening, and you hadn't even gotten to the good part.
His hand that had been working at your breast traveled downward, stalling near the hem of your underwear. Just as Jacob opened his mouth to ask if his next move was allowed, you were quicker. You grabbed his forearm and gently pushed his hand past the fabric of your undergarment, immediately glad for it.
His fingers found their way gently to your heat, giving subtle barely there caresses to the part of you that was most sensitive. Your toes curled and your heart stalled as he touched you with such tender intention. The pair of you managed to settle side by side, and without discussion, you reached to move Jacobs fingers to the spot he'd been nearly close to finding. The feeling that followed sent sparks through your nervous system, and your own hand shot out toward Jacob's underwear in response. You didn't ask, you simply slid your digits up and down the clothed length of your friend's crotch, relishing the shuttered breaths he released as you did so. The pair of you kept this up for a short moment, kissing when you weren't stealing each others breath away.
"Can we get to the part where you fuck me?" You sighed, worried that if you didn't do so soon, in the midst of your highest confidence, you'd lose the nerve. Jacob let out a quiet chuckle as he nodded, moving to shed the last of both of your clothes. Gentle as ever, he took as much time with this process as ever, making you more at ease and anxious for the next step all the same.
"Are you sure?" Jacob worried, settling between your legs. You kept one hand against his face and the other set of your fingers grasping his shoulder. You nodded quickly between shaky breaths, your nerves heightening slightly at the realization this was happening. But then Jacob shook his head. "I'm not doing anything until you relax, doll."
You were fully aware of your uneven breathing and the tensing of your body, due to the anxiousness that threatened to swallow you whole. You wanted this, you really did. But that didn't stop your nervous system from going a bit haywire during such an unprecedented situation.
"Relax." Jacob repeated. He petted your hair back and smoothed a hand across your shoulder, attempting to ease the tension you held there. You tried your best to settle a bit more comfortably against the sheets as the guy spoke up again. "Take like four deep breaths, and relax." Jacob guided you through his desired number of focused inhales, taking them in just as deeply himself. You closed your eyes during the last couple and felt yourself truly a little more at ease by way of Jacob's help and kind focus. You watched the guy breath out same as you, the fourth time, and after a beat he gave you a subtle nod.
"Good, that's better. Now, are you super sure?" He prompted, letting his hands hold you firmly against him, not daring to move until you gave your full, more at ease, confirmation. When you said yes with a smile, Jacob smiled too, and proceeded to line his hips up with yours.
As he pressed into you slow and steady, he cooed in your ear. Mumbling pet names and sweet encouragements about how good you'd already made him feel. Between his saccharine words and the pressure between your legs, you were done for.
Your breathing quickened all too soon but wasn't as shaky and uneven as before. Your skin burned with want. Your legs spread far as they could. He placed a loving hand against your temple, and you gripped his wrist as he began to move his hips in a sinfully slow manner.
The press of his lips to your throat was made more intimate by the grazing of his teeth there too. The speed at which he rocked into you began to increase, your heart rate following suit. everything felt better than you could've even fathomed. You were glad you did this with someone you knew and trusted. Someone whose hands were familiar to at least some parts of your own body and whose voice was welcomed in your ear. So glad you were doing this with someone you'd let do it all over again. So glad you're doing this with Jacob.
"You're doing so good, so good, nothing to be nervous about." The last word of his sentence was abruptly cut off by a growl the man couldn't seem to hold back.
Jacob was relentless now, pulling your hips against his as he rocked so hard against you, the bed frame kept hitting the wall. You couldn't imagine feeling much better than this, but then he asked if you were close to reaching your breaking point. You realized you'd never known before, and you really weren't sure now. "I don't know." You admitted with a twinge of worry. "It feels so good, Jacob, but I-I don't know." A sigh escaped your lips as he hit a certain spot within you. He grumbled encouragement in your ear, saying it was okay that you didn't know, and kept up his efforts.
"But I can't hold back much longer, I'm sorry." Jacob cried, his movements becoming sloppy, still heavenly though. It was your turn to encourage him, and let him know it was okay to come undone. Jacob was a goner soon after your brief pep talk, pulling himself from you as his seed spilled across your stomach. As Jacob caught his breath, he promised to go hunting for a towel to clean you up as you propped yourself on your elbows.
"Is it disappointing that I didn't come?" You worried, sitting up a little, catching your own breath. Jacob smirked, and petted back your hair, settling a little closer to you.
"I'm just glad you didn't fake it. Sometimes it just takes practice to know how to make it happen... to find out what you like, ya know?"
"Yeah, I s'pose." You contemplated, a bit cross that it hadn't happened, because it was half the reason you were eager to get this first time sorted out, so you could know how to handle yourself. Jacob had spotted a towel a few steps from your bedside, and was quick to retrieve it. And as he sweetly took to cleaning up the mess he'd made about you, he spoke up.
"You know, I never said our little educational experiment was over..." Jacob was smug, but turned up a brow to nod seriously your way and in a moment that made your cheeks flush even still after everything that had just occurred.
"Would... would you?"
Jacob said nothing. He simply dove back in to kiss you again, with more passion than ever, you thought. The man pressed you to lean against the pillows once again, as his fingers danced lower and lower down your abdomen.
"You seemed to like when I did this." Jacob cooed, letting his fingers ghost over your heat for the second time that evening, grazing a certain spot you'd once helped him find. You sucked in a breath at the feeling, giving Jacob the green light to proceed with more vigor. He pressed his fingers against you with more certainty, swirling more meaningful circles in that one spot. Jacob watched as you bit your lips together, struggling to keep an undignified moan from bursting from your chest.
"Think I must be doing something right." You friend boasted, keeping up the motions he'd settled into perfectly making. All the while, he moved to kiss you. His mouth, you were certain, must've left marks peppered across you skin as his lips moved from your neck to your throat, to your breasts and down further and further and further.
Once his lips ghosted across your core, you knew you were done for. The man let his tongue replace his fingers, as his digits moved to slide inside of you. His hair tickled your thighs, and every sensation added up together was nearly too much to process.
You thought Jacob's hands were magical, his lips and tongue were mind blowing. His warm breath, his teeth grazing, it was all more intense than you'd though it could've been. Your back arched, your hips rolled, and Jacob shouldered closer, putting as much vigor into this process as he could manage. Now, you suddenly seemed to understand the answer to his previous statement. You were close, now. You had to be. Your every sense buzzed and all you felt was increasing ecstasy.
You couldn't begin to hold back your cries of pleasure now, as Jacob worked you into a frenzy. He kept up his efforts until your legs shook, and only when you nudged his head gently away from it's latch onto your lower half, did he cease.
"I would ask if you enjoyed that but I think I know the answer." Jacob grinned, crawling to lay at your side. You laid in a daze, wondering how someone could've gotten that reaction from you. Of course it was Jacob who had.
You glanced at him from the corner of your eye, and for no good reason at all, you both burst into a fit of laughter. Exhausted giggles, that died down when a cough alerted you to how dry your throat had become from all the harsh breathing you'd done.
Jacob insisted on taking care of you, finding water for the pair of you to drink and escorting you to the shower. You pulled him in with you, and talked about silly things as you washed up, comfortable as before in your friendship.
"Hey, thank you. I really was so scared to go through all that. But you made it easy. You made it fun." You confessed, as Jacob wrapped a towel around your frame. He ran his hands up and down your arms, warming you from the chill of the room.
"Thank you for trusting me. You'll never know how much of an honour it was, really." Jacob nodded sincerely, before pulling you into an embrace. He went home shortly afterward, promising to see you soon, and joking that he'd more than happily help you practice again, anytime. You laughed along with him, and secretly hopped he wasn't joking.
After he left, sleeping with Jacob constantly played back in your mind. The phantom feeling of his body lingered about your skin. You thought of little else than your dear friend, as you moved through the motions of the next day. So, to remedy your fever for the lad, you called him and asked about meeting up for dinner. He responded quickly insisting he'd love to, and that he would swing by your place a little later on. Time dragged on as you counted the minutes until he arrived.
When the knock came at your door, you opened it with perhaps too much excitement. Neither of you said anything, and a brief moment of silence filled the space between you.
"It's still a little early for dinner." You schemed. Jacob quirked a brow, stepping in as you stepped back to make room for him. He shut the door behind himself, as you crossed your fingers behind your back... "Maybe... to kill time, we could do what we did the other night?" You hoped, casting a hopeful glare up to the man before you. And before you even finished your sentence, he reached out to pull you closer, crashing his lips against yours once you'd finished talking.
It wasn't long until he had you lifted from the ground in his arms, your legs wrapped around his torso as he moved to throw you on the sofa.
"You do have a lot still to learn." Jacob smirked, untying the joggers that hugged your hips.
"But we are eating later." You demanded, craving a certain local restaurant.
"Well, I'm not waiting till later." Jacob growled, smiling as he lowered himself between your legs right away. The night spiraled into a mess of moans that were familiar to you now. When the pair of you were spent, you cleaned up and went to dinner, and then parted your separate ways.
After that night, there were four days until you were set to move away. And Jacob showed up at your door every evening with a different excuse each time.
He'd wanted to see the newest horror film in the local theater. You left halfway through to fuck in your car. Jacob mentioned that practice made perfect, and he was more than happy to help you hone this craft. You'd wanted to throw a party with all your friends before summer sent you each different way's. A whole soiree was planned in which you and Jacob skipped out early on; because the broom closet you'd snuck into wasn't giving either of you enough space to work with, and you'd both concluded this may be the last chance you got to really participate in your new found hobby.
But the next day, he found his way over all the while. And neither of you had to ask. It was only a matter of time before he had you pinned against the bathroom counter, and you'd never been happier. Just as you began reaching your climax, Jacob spoke up between sighs, "I don't want you to leave."
"Then come with me."
"Come with me." You manage to get out the words before losing all composure. He followed close behind. But you both knew finding release together wasn't what you meant when you asked him to come along.
As you both caught your breath, Jacob brushed your hair back, and let his eyes consider all of your features. As he took too long to respond, you decided to draw a bath, and invited him to settle among the bubbles with you, where you brought up your question one more time.
"We've had lot's of practice, you know." You settled across from the man you'd come to know better than you ever expected. "Maybe we can go pro. Make it official?" You watched Jacob watch you, as you spoke.
"Was this your plan the whole time? You're twisted way of getting me to fall for you?"
"No, I genuinely just wanted your help that one night. Then it turned into many many nights. And now I don't want to ever have to worry about practicing with anyone but you."
And so after a few more rounds of questions of answers, it was decided. Jacob would follow you to a new town to live a new life. But with your oldest friend at your side and under shared sheets, you weren't so nervous about all the new things you would get to encounter, together.
───※ ·❆· ※───
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nicoline1998enilocin · 11 months
Unfamiliar feeling
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PAIRING | Bucky Barnes x Nurse!Female!Reader
SUMMARY | You're the latest addition to the nurse team at the Compound, and you're assigned to take care of a certain grumpy super soldier and his wounds. You're treating him very gently and he's not used to this, but he welcomes the unfamiliar feeling nevertheless.
WARNING(S) | This is your official trigger warning. Do not proceed if any of these topics upset you. Light swearing.
Likes and reblogs will be very much appreciated 💜
Main Masterlist | Bucky Barnes Masterlist | Read on AO3
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''Y/n, some Avengers are coming in with serious injuries today, and you're assigned to treat Sergeant James Barnes. I will let you know beforehand, he can be a real dickhead when it comes to being treated, he usually doesn't want any help. Try your hardest to get him some help, otherwise, we just can't treat him anymore,'' is what your supervisor tells you. Even though you've been a nurse for nearly 15 years, you recently started your job as a nurse at the Avengers Compound since moving to New York. You've decided to trade in the California sun for the business of a city like New York, finally fulfilling your lifelong dream.
''Okay, I'll take good care of him!'' you say with your usual cheery voice and a fresh batch of enthusiasm, and your face is pretty much permanently supporting a smile. This is your first time treating an Avenger, up to this point you've only treated other agents, and the injuries weren't too severe so far. ''At what time will he arrive?'' you ask and your supervisor tells you he will be in room 7 in about 10 minutes, so you go and get the room ready for his arrival, mostly checking if all your supplies and instruments are there and ready to go, which they are. You tie your apron around your waist and put on a face mask as well as rubber gloves right before Bucky gets wheeled into the room.
You see him and quickly assess any visible wounds, which there are plenty of, they must have gone on a rough mission. ''Good afternoon Sergeant Barnes, my name is Y/N and I will be taking care of you today!'' you say and the enthusiasm is practically dripping off of your voice, making Bucky's heart skip a beat, he wasn't used to someone like you treating him. He just grunted in response, not able to talk because of a nasty wound on his face and jaw. ''It appears you had quite the rough mission, but you're still alive and that's what's most important right now,'' you tell him and you start looking him over gently.
''To do a full examination of your wounds, I do unfortunately need to take off your clothes. Shall I give you some more privacy by closing all the blinds? It will just be me in here with you, but if you're more comfortable with it I can find a male nurse to look you over,'' you offer and he points a finger at you, which you take that he is okay with you looking him over. He also gives you a thumbs up when you ask him if he wants some more privacy, he isn't used to someone asking him this, caring about his privacy - he hasn't had any for so long he doesn't know how to act in all honesty.
''First, I would like to examine your face, that appears to be a pretty nasty wound,'' you tell him, just looking at it. ''Can I touch your face, Sergeant? That way I can clean it with a bit of alcohol, which is probably going to sting pretty bad. I think we won't need to stitch it up, we could probably get away with some butterfly bandages,'' you tell him softly, not talking too fast to make sure he can follow what you're saying. He softly nods and you grab your tray with the necessary supplies to clean and bandage his face. ''Is it okay if I put this tray on your lap for easy access? If not, I can put it on the bed,'' you ask and he shakes his head, notifying me he's not comfortable with it.
''That's no problem, Sergeant, I will put it on the cart next to your bed so I can still reach everything I need. Thank you for being honest with me, it is already uncomfortable enough to be here,'' you say with a soft voice, and Bucky isn't sure why you're so gentle with him, but he is very glad that you are. This feeling is strange to him, and it almost makes him tear up a little, it has been so long since anybody asked him for permission to touch him, it sends a warm feeling through his veins, warming him up from the inside. You clean his face with the alcohol and he flinches at the feeling, so you immediately retreat and stop your actions, until he's ready to go on.
When he's all cleaned up, you softly apply a few butterfly bandages, he only needed 5 so that's not too bad. ''Alright, your face is all done, and I have to say, I have never seen anyone look this good with 5 bandages on their face!'' you say and he blushes, which makes you chuckle. ''Next, I would like to do an upper body exam, meaning I have to check your chest, stomach, arms, shoulders, and back for any injuries. I need you to take off your tactical gear for me to reach those places. Is that okay?'' you ask, and after a short moment of contemplation, Bucky softly nods, helping himself out of his tactical gear. You softly put it on the counter behind you, so he can take it when he's done.
There are multiple wounds on his chest, but they don't appear to be as bad as the one on his face. ''I have to clean the wounds on your chest, the same way I cleaned the ones on your face. Is that okay with you?'' you ask and he nods again, he is slowly getting used to being touched by you, it almost feels like he's getting touched by an angel. All he can think about is how he would always like to be treated by you from this day forward. You give him the power to move on when he's ready, letting him take everything at his own pace. ''Thank you,'' he says with a deep voice, which honestly takes you by surprise, but you don't show it. ''For being so gentle,'' he finishes his sentence.
''It's okay, Sergeant. I get that it's not fun to be treated like this when you're at your most vulnerable. I try to make you feel as comfortable as possible, and we can go at your own pace,'' you tell him while continuing to clean the wounds on his chest. His face has softened a lot now, the grumpy scowl on his face now making a place for a bit of a relaxed expression. At first, Bucky was uncomfortable with you seeing his arm, he still wasn't entirely comfortable with it himself, but he got over that pretty quickly when he took his shirt off, you didn't comment on it, look at it weird, or even acknowledged it at all. Of course, you saw his prosthetic, but you've seen everything by now, so it didn't faze you in the slightest.
''Can you please lift your left arm so I can check your side and back for injuries?'' you ask and he does it immediately, the feeling he had at first being completely washed away now, he enjoyed you being so gentle, he missed this feeling and he welcomed it with every fiber in his being. ''You're looking good on this side, can you lift your right arm so I can do the same on the other side?'' you ask as you walk around the bed, but again no injuries. ''Also looking good!'' you say with a cheer in your voice. ''Do you feel comfortable with removing your shoes and tactical pants so I can take a look at your legs? You can keep your underwear on, I won't need to examine there unless you are experiencing pain in those areas,'' you tell him.
''Yeah, it's okay,'' he says this time, even giving you a small smile as he permits you. He quickly takes off his boots and pants and sits back down so you can examine them. Aside from some bruised, you appear to be good. Is there a specific place you need me to check out a little closer?'' you ask and Bucky shakes his head, he's feeling a lot better already, the super soldier serum also helping him heal faster than usual. ''Okay, then we're all done here for today!'' you say as you take off your gloves and face mask, showing him your big smile now. Bucky can't help but gasp softly when you smile at him, it's the most beautiful smile he has seen in decades.
''You can get dressed while I clean up, so we can discuss your wound care afterward,'' you tell him and he does so. You explain how he can take care of his wounds, and if there's any discomfort he can always come back. ''Again, thank you so much for being so gentle,'' Bucky said, ''It means the world,'' he says before getting up and walking towards the door. ''Sergeant?'' you ask, ''You can call me Bucky, doll'' he says and you blush immediately. ''Bucky? I'm glad I could make you feel comfortable. I'll be honest, I was told about your situation beforehand and I get it, it's nice to get a little bit of power back in a situation where you're practically helpless. It was my pleasure to take care of you today,'' you say and flash him another smile before he gave you a smirk back and walked out the door.
He felt like he was walking on a cloud, not having felt so well taken care of in so long. For nearly 70 years HYDRA just did as they pleased, so it did feel good to finally take a little piece of his dignity back. ''How did it go?'' Steve asks when he returns to the kitchen, where Steve was getting his after-mission snack ready. ''Actually, I think I have a new favorite nurse. She took great care of me, explained everything she was going to do, and asking permission along the way. It honestly felt good to have a bit of control about this,'' he said with a smile, and Steve completely understood. ''I'm glad to hear it, Buck,'' he said as he offered him half of his snack, knowing he was also very hungry.
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strniohoeee · 3 months
Hidden In The Shadows
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Part 2 Here
Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Following a lesson about this town that seemed to suddenly vanish, Y/N is intrigued to figure out what truly happened. However she might’ve bitten off more than she can chew….
Warnings⚠️: Nothing crazy, talks of/explanations of a cult, creepy rural town. This was from a Drabble about matt based on a type of horror movie he’d be done by @gamermattsgf she’s wifey and I had to adapt this into an imagine😫 @st7rnioiossblog
Song for imagine: Oblivion- Grimes
I never walk about after dark
It’s my point of view
Cause someone could break your neck
Coming up behind you
Always coming and you’d never have a clue
Moving out of my hometown wasn’t on my bingo cards for this year and moving out of my hometown for a research project was 1000 percent not on my bingo cards. Yet somehow I was packed up and on the road within three months of starting my project.
I’ve always had a weird niche for all things history, but especially history that just seems to vanish into thin air. I began to become extremely interested in towns that are no longer on the map due to poverty, weather change or even these people becoming hunters and gathers. Packing up and moving out in an instant. It all started in my senior year of college. I was studying geography at my local four year college in my hometown of Nevada.
Honestly I hated college all the long hours, all the homework and also having a full time job on top of that, but I had a full ride so I decided to suck it up. My very last year I had some space for a filler class that got me extra credits so I landed on the study of United States Lands focusing on increase and decrease of population throughout the recent centuries.
Personally I thought the class was going to suck, but to my surprise my professor was amazing. Towards the end of my final semester we began to learn about Pleasant Town Oklahoma. A once booming town immediately vanished off the face of the earth.
“Now class you may be asking yourself why was this town so rich? And I’m here to tell you it’s because the mayor at the time in the year 1915 had connections with our president. They hid money, fabrics, food and all types of expensive items within this small town” Mr Wayne stated
“I mean with hiding all this stuff how did they become so wealthy?” One guy had asked, my eyes darting to him
“They were being paid off for hiding these things, however the money was dirty money, so they created many businesses to get the cash flow moving. From one store to one man’s pocket to the next and then next thing you know that dirty money is in George's hand who lives in Virginia! It was all an amazing scheme, very smart. But as you can see it didn’t last long nor did it end well” He had stated as he clicked the laptop to show the next slide shown on the board
“Within three years of this operation this small town alone was bringing in about $100,000 a month which is over $2 million dollars in today's money. So then you ask yourself how does such a rich state with so much money just disappear? And all the money too?” He states scratching his chin
“So Professor Wayne….what exactly happened to them?” I asked after raising my hand
“No one really knows” he states uncrossing his arms and leaning off the desk
“I mean there has to be a reason right? That’s a lot of money to just disappear” I state as I jot down notes
“Well here’s the other thing, there are many rumors dating back to the creation of Oklahoma which was 1907. Sources have stated that Pleasant Town is evil and I’m talking demonic evil. People have said the reason the cash flow never stopped was because they were all a cult and seemingly used one another as sacrifice.” He stated clearing his throat
“Sacrifice?” I questioned raising my eyebrow
“Well yes! In many cultures it is stated if you do a blood sacrifice for the devil and/or sell your soul then your wishes shall come true. Their wishes were to stay wealthy. This came with problems however” he says as he sits down at his desk
The whole class was on the edge of their seats waiting for him to go on.
“Many of these men had short arms and deep pockets. Making it very easy for one man to kill the next out of greed” Wayne goes on
“And didn’t they get caught? I mean the president wouldn’t allow that” one classmate states
“Very true! The town was very small, only about 80 people now if 10 people suddenly die many eyebrows are raised. For a while they covered up the stories claiming a sickness like smallpox. The mayor decided to bring animals claiming this would make them richer since they produce meat, eggs and milk. Now he wasn’t wrong, but the animals were used in these blood sacrifices to hide their tracks” he says nodding his head
“God these people were ahead of their time” I blurt out and crossed my arms over their chest
“Oh they were, but that might’ve costed them their fortunes and their town” Professor Wayne states
“So that’s it? They just left? And what now?” I asked him
“It’s stated that they just separated, leaving most of the money to the whole state of Oklahoma. Afraid the president was after them or maybe they danced with the devil for too long and ended up paying the price” he states bluntly
“And the price is?” I asked him
“Death” he says frowning a bit which caused a chill to run up my spine
“But this is all speculation. About 30 years later Pleasant Town was rebuilt and supposedly none of that cult stuff was brought to that town. And till this day it’s still up and running. I believe the population is only about 200-250 people max?” He says rubbing his chin in thought
“I mean that’s just sad… we’ll never know the truth” I said to him shutting my notebook
“I mean you could always go and visit, spend the summer there. See what it’s like……anybody up for a challenge” he says laughing as the class shudders in fear and averts their eyes to the floor
I mean I was super interested in this lost town with such a dark history that suddenly reappeared 30 years after weird cult shit was happening. I could always take the summer off from work since I graduate in May….. take a road trip to Pleasant Town Oklahoma. Find the real history and report back to Professor Wayne.
My thoughts were interrupted when the bell rang and he bid his goodbyes to the class. Everyone was quick on their feet out of the door, but I stood back very interested in talking to him.
I trotted over to his desk as he shut his laptop, stuffing it into his book bag. His eyes darting up once he felt my presence
“Ahh Ms. Y/L/N…. You seemed very intrigued with today's lesson, planning a weekend getaway?” He asked me playfully
“Funny that you mention it because I was thinking more of a whole summer get away” I stated
“A whole summer?” He says brows lifting immediately
“I’m really interested in this town. I mean a mayor in on cult rituals to bring tons of cash in and the president not having a clue? And then they just vanished? This is like a movie sir” I state as I ramble on
“I mean it’s all just speculations Y/N” he says smiling at me
“I know sir, but is there any way I can get your research on this town so I can study it a bit more? I plan on building a whole case for this and figuring it out” I pleaded
“You’re really interested in this aren’t you?” He asks opening his bag up
“I really am Professor Wayne” I say back
“Here, but listen this is a tight knit community. Don’t go digging your nose where it doesn’t belong. Tread lightly this isn’t your turf, okay? In a town like that with such a small population and a dark history, you don’t want any enemies” he says handing me the folder titled “Pleasant Town”
“Yes, and thank you sir” I stated nodding my head
After that I finished my final semester two months later in May. Between work and classes I built up more of a file on this town jumping from a folder to two binders stacked with information.
Two days after my graduation I did some research on the town. This place had no hotels, no motels and for sure no air bnbs. That’s where I ran into my first problem, attempting to find a place to stay.
Searching on Zillow I had found a house for rent. In the middle of nowhere. One gravel road and corn fields. From the pictures it did seem there were few houses across and next to it, so I figured that was perfect. I'd make friends with neighbors.
I mean the house was decent for the area. Seemed to be a two bedroom two bathroom house. The bedrooms upstairs, one bathroom down stairs and one upstairs. Had a pretty average sized kitchen in the back of the house, a dining room to the right of the front door, a living room to the left of the front door, the stairs faced the front door, and then there were small hallways that lead to the kitchen. And there was a basement that seemed small, well kept and empty. It sucks to say I actually liked the place
My second problem began when I called the realtor a very old southern man by the name of Beaufort Smithson. I dialed him that morning and from the moment he heard my accent he seemed to turn a cold shoulder.
“Please sir” I pleaded with him
“Listen ma’am you sound young and not from these parts. What bring someone like you around this small town” he states deeply
“Well I’m from Nevada and it’s just so crazy here and I’ve been looking to stay somewhere a few states away that’s quiet and small” I state
“But you’re looking to rent from June 1st to August 31st…. We do 7 month rentals” he says bluntly
“Well I want to see it I like it first” I say lying through my teeth
“Can’t you see from the pictures if you like it or not” he says sucking on his tobacco tucked in his lip
“I can have the full rent for those three months ready for you in cash” I state desperately
“In cash you say” he says as I hear his chair squeak from underneath him
God these people really were money hungry till this day…
“Yes sir $800 a month for 3 months I can get you that $2,400 in cash June 1st” I state
“Well little lady you have yourself a deal. Now get yourself a pen and paper and jot this down. June 1st 12 in the afternoon we’re going to meet at the gas station in Pleasant Town” he states spitting his tobacco into a styrofoam cup
“Uhhh what gas station is that sir?” I ask as the pen dangled in my hand
“Sweetie we only got one gas station down yonder….you can’t miss it” he says chuckling
“Right…. Well thank you Mr. Smithson, my names Y/N Y/L/N, and I’ll be seeing you on June 1st” I state
“Well alright darling see you then” he says chuckling
“Oh by the way I look like-“ but I was cut off
“Oh trust me I’ll know what you look like…..safe travels” he whispers before hanging the phone up on me
That phone call made me slightly regret my choices of spending my summer with some shit kickers than on the Las Vegas strip…..
I spent the last two and a half weeks packing, purchasing what I know I won’t find in Oklahoma and doing more research.
I think I was on page 4,000 on google before I found a new article with information I hadn’t seen before. I placed my plate of pizza down as my eyes scanned the laptop screen quickly.
It was a newspaper clipping dating back to the year 1953. Only 70 years ago…. Interesting. The title stated “Farm owner questioned in the massive slaying of all his animals” my brows furrowed.
There’s no possible way that 70 years ago these cult killings continued? But my fingers scrolled down further as I began to whisper
“Confused and angry farm owner, Thomas Sturniolo was seen today yelling at cops as he was taken out of his small Pleasant Town home. After all his farm animals died and weird things happened around town he was suspected of killing his animals in a weird cult-like way. Demanding he be let loose, and that the town was crazy and out to get him because he is the wealthiest farmer. Insisting his competition killed his livestock and not him.”
My eyes couldn’t believe what I was reading…this was pretty recent honestly. This was happening around the time my grandparents were young children… I printed those news clippings out along with many other clippings of his arrest, his release and his disappearance…..
Adding them to my binder as I finished my pizza. This was so insane to me, and this would make a great conversation with professor Wayne after my studies.
I opened up my email and decided to email my professor.
Hello Professor Wayne! I hope your summer treats you well. In about three days I am off to study the lost town of Pleasant Town Oklahoma. That folder of information you gave me has grown into two large binders, and I found more information today. Down below you’ll find links to news articles dating back to the 50’s about weird cult animal killings! I think you’d find it fascinating! I’d like to update you here and there through my three month stay, and then maybe when I get back we can discuss all my findings over lunch! Thank you for your time! Hope to talk to you soon. -Sincerely, Y/N Y/L/N
Two days later I was all packed up into my car. About four large luggage and two duffel bags…. I was well prepared to say the least. Saying bye to my family and friends I began my venture to Pleasant Town.
My venture was a full day, and I made sure I counted for gas breaks, nap breaks and food breaks to make sure I got to Mr. Smithson at 12 on the dot.
June 1st 11:25 am- 35 min ETA Pleasant Town Gas Station
I was coming across the entrance to the town. I was jamming out to SZA, bobbing my head I looked over to my right smiling as I read the sign
“Welcome to Helltown….once you get in you’ll never get out!” It read
My smiled dropped, I snatched my sunglasses off my face and turned the radio down….. a cold sweat began to form on my back as I looked in the rear view mirror
What the fuck was that? I was becoming increasingly anxious and wondered if I just made the worst mistake of my life. I rubbed my lips together in anxiety as I gripped onto the steering wheel harder.
I chose to shake it off, there has to be a logical explanation for this I thought to myself. Putting my sunglasses back on, I turned my music up a little bit and continued down the silent road.
My map told me 1 minute, and slowly I pulled up to a very old and very dusty gas station. Coming to a stop as the gravel left a smoke trail ahead of my car.
I put the car in park and hopped out, stretching my back and cracking my neck. Suddenly an old man hopped out of his large red truck. Spitting tobacco on the ground as he waddled over
“You, young lady must be Y/N?” He asks as he sucks the tobacco
“Yes sir I am” I state as I smile and place my hand out to shake his
Looking down as he smacks his lips, he firmly shakes my hands.
“Good to met ya, welcome to Pleasant Town” he states coughing
“Thank you Mr. Smithson” I state smiling once again
“Well uhh” he states smiling at me
“Oh right” I say, eyes going wide as I walk over to the passenger side. Grabbing the envelope with all the money in it.
“Here you go, $2,400 cash” I state handing the envelope over to him
He grabs the envelope and takes the money out, beginning to count it
“300,400,500-“ he says flying through the money
“Uhh what’s with the welcome sign saying welcome to Helltown? Once you get in you’ll never get out?” I ask pointing over my shoulder
He immediately stops counting, sucks his teeth and looks up at me through his lashes
“Idiot teenagers who have nothing better to do than destroy property that isn’t theirs” he states as he goes back to counting
“Oh…” I state rocking back and forth on my heels
“Alright it’s all here! Thank you sweetheart. I’ll drive you to your house just follow behind me” he states stuffing the money back in the envelope
“Thank you sir” I state as he turns and walks back to his truck
I hop in mine and wait for him to go, following closely behind him I take in the surroundings. Trees, dirty roads, corn fields, farm houses, large stacks of hay and pretty decent sized homes. They were just super outdated.
It was only about a 15 minute drive, but man it felt like forever. I’d hate to get stuck with no gas on a road like this.
Pulling up to the house he pulls onto the gravel driveway as I do too. We both hop out and we walk towards the house. We walk up the steps and wait on the front porch as he digs around for the keys.
Looking around I take in the surroundings, there’s quite a bit of farms around here…. My thoughts are interrupted when he finds the keys and opens the door. Allowing me to walk in first
“I had my crew clean up the place for you” he states shutting the door
“Oh, do you own a cleaning company?” I ask looking at him
“No.. I get these young boys out here to do what needs to be done around these parts” he states bluntly
“Oh the young teenagers who mess around” I say laughing
“No, I send those boys to work the corn fields…. The older men do the hard work round here. The cleaning, the lifting, the shootin” he says sucking the tobacco
“Shooting?” I ask as I turn to face him
“Yup they shoot the ones for my man down under” he states looking me dead in my eyes
“What?” I ask as I began to get nervous
“Oh I’m sorry sweetheart I must be confusing you, you see my dad loved to hunt but he’s too old now and lives in my basement. He has me send out the young men to shoot for him and bring him back some animals” he states chuckling
“Ohhhh yeah” I say laughing awkwardly
“Well young lady this is your home now” he says handing me the keys.
“Thank you” I say meekly
“You got your dining room, living room, and kitchen all down here fully furnished as you can see. Bathroom down here one upstairs and both bedrooms upstairs. Oh uhh I’d suggest food shopping early in the day, you don’t want to be out late at night around here….that is due to the wild animals of course like bears and coyotes” he states looking at me
“Of course” I say nodding politely
“Make sure you lock your doors at night. Especially the back door….. animals in the kitchen are never a good thing” he says turning around to head to the front door
“Got it” I state
“And uhhh we’re a family here….youre house is my home….or whatever the saying is….my house is your house….ah you know what I mean” he says shaking his head
We bid our goodbye and I watched him drive off. My hairs on the back of my neck are standing up. This whole conversation was making me nervous and uneasy. One other thing I realized was I’d be having no WiFi here. However my phone had 5G and the service wasn’t awful here shockingly….. I immediately sent an email back to Professor Wayne
“Just got here! The house is actually super nice. It's very historical and artsy. The realtor is a total creep though. His name is Beaufort so that explains a lot! He said some weird things and made weird analogies. Making it seem like beyond the naked eye there’s more to this town…. I’ll keep you posted”
I hit send and slid my phone back into my pocket. I placed the keys in my front pocket and walked outside. The warm sun kissed my skin as I squinted. Walking over to my car I popped the trunk and began to take my luggage’s out.
Suddenly I felt like there were eyes on me. The way the area got super quiet. So quiet you could hear a pin drop. I looked over my shoulder in the least scared way possible. There was nobody there. I rubbed my forehead and let out a breath.
“Y/N relax” I whispered to myself as I took my last luggage out
However unbeknownst to Y/N, she was in fact being watched. A young man on the second floor of his parents house. He stood in his room peering at the young woman through his sheer curtains.
His gaze was dull as he stared out the window, sweat trickled down his forehead, his mouth hung open slightly and his breathing became deep. His fingers swirled and tugged at his red flannel.
She was like out of a movie. He had never seen a woman like that down here. Those are the ones his mom warned him about. The type who didn’t like boys like him, the type he should….hate. However when he looked at her he couldn’t hate her….she seemed precious….precious just like his horse Bertha.
“Young Man! What did I tell you about standing at that window” he heard from behind him, he jilted and turned around
“I’m sorry mama…I wasn’t doin nuffin” he states as he looks at her
“It is not polite to stare at people you aren’t a child anymore. You don’t do that” she says to him
“I wasn’t looking I swear” he says with pleading eyes
“Well you go on now. Your father and I are leaving for the afternoon” she says to the boy
After his mom leaves he pears out his window again. The young woman had stopped to talk on the phone. He was so fascinated by her he simply couldn’t look away.
I hung up the phone after saying bye to my mom and pulled out my second luggage. Rolling it into my house and coming back out to get my third luggage. I huffed out a breath of air and wiped the sweat off my forehead
I leaned over to get the third luggage but it was stuck on something. I sucked my teeth and began to tug on the handle harder.
“Need a hand ma’am?” I heard from behind me
“OH SHIT” I yelled turning around and grabbing my heart
“Oh im sorry darling I didn’t mean to scare you” the young man states backing up a bit
“No it’s okay, I’m new to town so I’m a bit jumpy” I state shaking my head
“My apologies for sneaking up behind you, may I help you?” He asks looking at my trunk
“Yeah please that would be great” I say smiling as I tried to control my breathing
The young man grabs both of my luggages for me and I grab my duffel bags. We walk to the house and he leads the way to my other two luggage’s.
“Thank you so much” I say placing my bags on the couch
“My pleasure sweetheart” he says nodding his head
“I’m Y/N” I say sticking my hand out
“I’m Matthew, but I go by Matt” he says wiping his forehead with the inside of his shirt. The shirt lifted just enough for me to get a perfect view of his lower stomach.
Damn…why were the shit kickers in a creepy town always so hot…. I guess the movies aren’t wrong..
“Well Matt thank you once again, can I offer you some water?” I ask him
“Water would be nice” he says smiling a bright smile
We walked to the kitchen and I found some old glasses left behind. I rinsed it with water and then gave him some water from the sink.
He drank the full cup, allowing the water to dribble down his chin and to his neck. My gaze ever so slightly following the head of water.
“So, what brings you to this part of town darling?” He asks, his accent so thick I couldn’t even focus
“I come from a busy town and I’ve always wanted to move to a small rural area. Pleasant Town seemed just right” I state licking my lips
“Once you see what this towns like you’ll go running for the hills” he says smirking darkly
“What do you mean by that?” I asked clearing my throat
“Well we hunt, we drink beer til we’re piss drunk and race in old cars for fun, we sneak into farms at night and tip over the sleeping cows…. Amongst many other things” he states handing the glass back over to me
“Oh that’s nothing compared to where I’m from” I say placing the glass in the sink
“And that is?” He asks crossing his legs as he leaned against the wall
“Las Vegas Nevada” I state nodding
“Never been” he states
“You should visit one day” I say
“If I ever leave this town” he states swallowing thickly
“If you ever leave?” I question once again
“Well you know this place is home I don’t know how I’d do in a big place like that” he says smiling at me
“I suppose you guys are pretty far behind on a lot” I say giggling
“Oh trust me aren’t we all” he says kicking himself off the wall
“Well uh thank you so much Matt I don’t mean to keep you” I say to him as I begin to walk out the kitchen
“Oh no worries darlin” he says as he follows behind me his thick cowboy boots hitting the wood in all the right places
He opened my front door and began to head out
“I’ll see you around neighbor” I state to him
“See you around, oh and if you ever feel like there’s eyes on you….that's because there is….you know small town haha we can’t escape each other” he says coldly before adding a laugh at the end
“Right…right” I state smiling at him and blinking quickly
I watch him walk across the street and head into the home. I lock my car doors and shut my front door. Locking the door before walking to the kitchen back door, locking that one as well.
I spent the rest of the day sweeping up, cleaning and setting up my room. I hadn’t realized how late it gotten or how hungry I was till my stomach growling woke me up from a small Power Nap.
I got up and realized it was 8pm, I wasn’t sure what food stores would be open, but it was worth the try. Ignoring the warning not to go out at night I grabbed my house keys and car keys.
Locking the front door, I got into my car. Turning it on I put it in reverse. I looked over my right shoulder and when I went to look over my left Matt was there and had banged on my window.
I jumped out of my skin and hit the breaks. Rolling my window down I was breathing heavy
“Sorry sweetie” he says as he looks down at me
“Is there something I can do for you?” I asked him genuinely curious
“Oh me? No no, but you, you shouldn’t be out at this hour” he states
“It’s 8pm though?” I say furrowing my brows
“Yeah well the bears and coyotes come out this time” he says tapping the hood of my car
“I’m just running to the local store” I say
“You shouldn’t be out at this hour” he says again a bit firmer
“Umm okay” I say to him, remember what Professor Wayne said “no enemies this isn’t my turf”
I placed the car back in park and got out. Shutting the door and locking it I looked at Matt, a shot gun in his right hand as my eyes darted up.
“Don’t worry darling this ain’t nothing special. I use this to hunt” he says to me as he moves the gun back a bit
“For uhh Mr. Smithson’s dad?” I ask as my eyes slowly track up to his
“Oh no I do a different type of hunting for him” he says clearing his throat
“Do you now” I say rocking on my heels
“I get the animals causing issues for us here, the ones eating up all our crops. We can’t have those round these parts” he states chuckling
“Yeah…yeah bad for business. I’m going to head in for the night then” I say pointing behind myself
“Well alright now! You have a great night” he says in a whisper while offering me a smile
I smile back before turning in my heels and heading back into the house. Locking the door immediately as I run up the stairs.
I decided to shower and eat some leftover snacks. By this point it was midnight and I decided to brush my teeth so I could lay down for the night.
Shutting the bathroom light off I walk into my dark room using the brightness of my screen to lead me to my bed. Shutting my bedroom door behind me I trot over to my bed. However something in my peripheral view catches my eye.
Through the little dent in the Venetian blinds I see a light on in the house across the street from me. Slowly walking over to the window I peak out the small dent and look across the street.
All I can see is the silhouette of a skinny man with a shotgun in hand standing at the window. Almost like he’s staring out the window….
Suddenly he slides out of view and the light goes out, but I stay looking and I get an uneasy feeling. It’s like he’s still by the window…hiding in the shadows…watching….waiting….
I scared myself by doing this, so I backed away from the window and decided to lay down. Listening to my heart thump in my ears as I focused on controlling my breathing. My mind was racing because I was so nervous about this town and whether or not I made the right decision…..
I attempted to clear my mind and doze off to sleep. I knew I had a full day of adventures the following day especially since I needed to find a supermarket of some sort here!
The End…. For now
Alright guys I know I’ve been GONE, but it feels good to be back! I hope you enjoyed this part. Can’t wait to start working on part 2 shortly 🤭🖤 we’re at 2,009 followers! I love yall soooo much 🥺
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libby-for-life · 2 months
This is a short one-shot with Adam having more bird-like qualities instead of being a lamb. MalePreg. Hot steamy smut. Enjoy.
Adam doesn't know what quite to do. It's been a whole week and he's been having this intense urge to make a nest. He's been looking at children more. Specifically, babies. The little shits were adorable. Without telling anyone, Adam begins building his nest.
He makes sure that it's built to his best capabilities and soon enough, his bed has bits and pieces of the hotel inside it. Even an old blanket Lucifer threw away was tucked neatly by his pillow. He liked the scent.
For the next few days, Adam felt on edge. He wanted, no, needed a baby. But no one came to mind that was worthy of mating with Adam. It just made him more distressed and he started to brood as well.
Niffty almost lost a hand when she was instructed to bring food to him because Adam refused to come out of his nest for any reason.
Lucifer, at this point, is getting tired of Adam's bratty behavior and goes to talk to the manchild himself. Why does he have to make things so difficult?! He barged inside the room and stared at Adam with a glare.
"Why are you acting like this?!" Lucifer yelled as Adam preened his feathers. He tried to ignore that Adam was naked. "She was trying to give you food!" Adam wrinkled his nose. "She got too close. Cunt should have known better."
Lucifer growled. "Just tell me what's wrong. Why are you building a nest? Why are you acting so snappish?! It's almost like—" and then he notices Adam's eyes. They were round, the pupils covering his entire eye. His breathing was labored and he looked...restless. Lucifer smirked. "Oh. I see what's going on. It's that time of year. I guess it is April, isn't it? You have baby fever."
Adam blushed at being called out. "And? What of it?"
"Well? Why haven't you mated yet? Surely you could have found someone by now." Lucifer asked. Adam just scoffed. "Like hell I'm choosing some fucker off the street."
Lucifer came closer and Adam bristled for a moment before calming down. "What if you haven't been looking in the right direction?"
Adam looked Lucifer up and down and the devil tried to be as nonthreatening as possible. Adam was at the stage where he was mostly following instincts. If Lucifer didn't make the cut of what Adam deemed worthy, he could very well be bodily thrown out.
Suddenly, Adam shivered and looked at Lucifer with hooded eyes. Bingo
Lucifer slowly walked over to Adam's nest. He stopped at the entrance and Lucifer looked up. "May I enter?" Adam looked at him with a tilt of his head. "Yes." He looked pleased that Lucifer asked.
Lucifer snapped his fingers and he was naked. Adam looked at him appreciatively. Lucifer smirked and came closer to Adam. "Let's preen those wings, shall we? Make them look all pretty." Lucifer has to set the tone. The minute Adam's mood shifted could end up with Lucifer being fought. With nimble fingers, he dragged a claw at the edge of his wings.
Adam chirped, his eyes closing at the feeling of Lucifer's small but strong fingers working out the dead feathers and smoothing down any new ones. He dragged his claws delicately, being sure to be careful. He would be gentle. For now.
Adam could feel himself grow boneless as time went on. Lucifer knew what he was doing when it came to preening. When Lucifer dipped lower, Adam moaned at the feeling of claws grazing the base of wings. "Found it~."
Lucifer massaged the area with deft fingers. The devil smirked as his pretty bird grew more and more bothered. With a snap of fingers, Adam's clothes vanished as well. He was too much in bliss to care.
Lucifer chuckled and said, "I'm going to put a baby in you." And then he flipped the pliant bird. Adam moaned when he felt the slick of his cloaca feeling wet and leaking. Lucifer licked his lips. "My, you've been hiding treasure like this for how long? Naughty little bird~." He dragged a finger across the edge and Adam moaned, his voice sounding wobbly.
Adam screeched when a clawed finger entered in. It felt like fire and warmth and oh so good. If Adam was being truthful, he had never touched down there. Not like this. He was far too embarrassed about it. Due to this, it grew sensitive to the lightest of touches. Lucifer expertly pumped his finger in. "We're going to have to stretch you nice and good. How else am I going to fit~?"
Adam nodded, too out of it to truly understand what his mate was saying. One finger turned to two and then two turned to three. It wasn't long until Adam had Lucifer's entire fist in his cloaca. Adam was crying tears of ecstasy, drool falling off his hanging tongue. "Look how pretty you are! I think you're almost ready. What do you say, Adam? Want Daddy's cock in you~?
"Yes! Please! Fill me! Fill me with your babies!" Adam screeched and Lucifer just chuckled how needy his pretty bird sounded. He lined his dripping cock to Adam's entrance. Lucifer could feel his own instincts slipping as he growled possessively. "You're are mine, Adam. You were mine the minute you let me into the nest." And then he slammed in with a brutal pace. Adam moaned, chirped, and pleaded for more and Lucifer was happy to provide for his mate. With every thrust, Lucifer got deeper and deeper and Adam got more and more needier.
"Faster!" He yelled, eyes glowing yellow. Lucifer growled at the demand but listened. He pounded into Adam, his eyes glowing a sharp red. With a final thrust, Lucifer released his seed into Adam who gasped and chirped at the feeling.
They both bit each other, blood dripping from the wound on either of their necks before Lucifer pulled out. He spooned Adam, his fingers rubbing an exhausted Adam's belly. "I can't wait for it to be swollen with my children." Adam whimpered at the sound of his mate's voice. Lucifer sincerely hoped it worked and that Adam was going to be a mother soon. If not, well, Lucifer would just have to try again, wouldn't he?
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reysdriver · 11 months
Meteor Shower | R.B.
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Your family goes out to watch the Perseids meteor shower — dad!regulus x mom!reader fluff
warnings: none :)
words: 0.7k
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Every year you could, you and Regulus tried to get the family to see the Perseids meteor shower. It was always fun. You laid out a picnic blanket in the backyard, brought some snacks, and just watched the night sky. The kids would always try to count the meteors, leaving you and Regulus to just relax and cuddle; a rarity with three kids. 
Right now, Regulus was in the backyard laying out the blanket and charming the area so the bugs wouldn’t bother you, while you were inside prepping the kids. 
Ascella had her hands lifted in the air so you could slide the nightgown over her body. Once it was on her and her arms were in the sleeves, you tickled her side, causing her to giggle wildly. You loved the sound of her laughter; you would listen to it all day if you could. 
But you stopped tickling your daughter when you saw Aurora and Perseus standing in the doorway, both dressed in their pyjamas too. They both wore matching grins that didn’t fade, even when they spoke. 
“We’re ready, Mum!” Perseus, your oldest, announced for the both of them. 
You put on an exaggerated face and tone for their entertainment as you spoke. “You are! And you all look so cute in those jammies of yours!” Propping little Ascella on your hip, you stood up and gestured towards the stairs. “Now, let’s go get some snacks ready for tonight and then we can show your dad just how adorable you all are!”
You walked your three kids down the stairs and to your kitchen, where the two oldest immediately started looking through cupboards and suggesting their favourite foods. 
“Can we have chocolate frogs?” Perseus asked.
You shook your head. “Not outside, they’ll all jump away, honey.”
“Mummy, what about jelly slugs?” Aurora asked, holding up the bag as if you wouldn’t recognize the sweets by name alone. 
“Put them on the table. Maybe bring two bags because I know we all like those.”
She did an excited little dance before grabbing a second bag and placing it on your kitchen table. Both kids kept going, taking turns asking about bringing their favourite foods outside. Still answering to their suggestions, you sat your toddler up on the counter so you could cut up fruit for everyone. 
Quickly after, the sound of the back door opening and everyone’s head turned to see your husband coming in.
Perseus and Aurora ran to Regulus like he had been gone for days even though he had just been outside for as long as it took the kids to get ready for bed. 
“Can we go outside and look at the sky now, Dad?” Perseus asked him excitedly. 
He picked up Ascella and gave her nose a boop. “Well, we all want to go out together, right? So, it depends if your mum is done cutting up all this fruit for you.” He took a step closer to you and kissed your hair. “Do you want any help, mon ange?”
You shook your head and fed him an apple slice, then gave one to the little girl in his arms as well. “I’m all done here. Shall we go?”
He nodded, then handed some food to each child to take outside to the picnic blanket he’d set up earlier. You all sat down and you encouraged the kids to lie down so they could see the sky better. 
Aurora and Perseus got into a competition to see who could count more meteors almost immediately after going outside, and you and Regulus smiled at each other the moment they started pointing at the sky and counting how they always did. 
“You know, your name comes from the same place as these meteors get their name from.” Regulus said to your son. 
Perseus looked as if he wanted to roll his eyes. “I know, Dad, you tell me every year.” He was right. You’ve told him seven years in a row, and you’d keep telling him for as long as this family tradition continues.  
“Just making sure you remembered.” Your husband chuckled, putting Ascella on the ground and cuddling with you. 
“And we’ll make sure you remember next year too.” You added, eliciting a groan from Perseus but a laugh from the rest of the family.
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heich0e · 7 months
the heart is but a winding road p.3 - shouto todoroki/f!reader (2k) pro-hero shouto, approx late 20s early 30s-ish, this is a begrudging father figure fic bc i can, fluff, someone pls give takahashi a raise
p.1 - p.2 - YOU ARE HERE - p.4 (upcoming)
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It’s still raining.
The gloomy weather doesn’t necessarily bother Shouto, it just… is. There’s not really much point in sulking over something unchangeable, so he doesn’t—even if he does grumble a bit as he towels off wet his hair after his patrol for the nth day in a row, trudging from the locker room at his agency up towards his office.
Takahashi meets him as the lift doors open onto his floor, bowing in greeting.
“Welcome back, Shouto-sama.”
“Hello,” Shouto greets his secretary, letting his towel rest looped around his neck. “It’s late, why are you still here?”
“I have some paperwork to hand off, and felt compelled to stay until you reported back for the day.” The two men begin making their way down the corridor towards Shouto’s private office, falling easily into step with one another after so many years. “Besides, there is another matter…”
Shouto pauses in the archway leading towards his personal office space. Takahashi’s desk sits just outside his office door, neatly organized as it usually is. There are a few plants in the tiny vestibule—though Shouto’s uncertain as to who actually put them there or tends to them—and a small seating area along one wall for anyone waiting for meetings with the pro-hero, even if he rarely schedules them.
Unusually, there’s someone sitting in those generally unoccupied chairs today.
A woman.
“She’s been here for most of the afternoon,” Takahashi says, keeping his words low and inconspicuous, spoken just on the edge of his breath. “She insisted that she’d wait to see you.”
Shouto blinks.
The visitor has spotted the two men now, and peers at them almost in surprise from across the room—like she scarcely expected to see the two of them at all, though she’s the interloper in this particular place. Shouto’s eyes flicker down to the small box held carefully on her lap, and the umbrella leaning up against her chair.
“Shall I ask her to return another day?” Takahashi quietly asks the man at his side, looking between his employer and the unexpected visitor in turn.
“No,” Shouto says, having emerged from his momentary stupor of surprise. He takes a step in your direction. “This is fine.”
You stand as the Pro Hero approaches, and he can’t help but notice you seem a little nervous.
“Hello, Shouto-san,” you say, bowing politely as he nears. “I’m sorry to turn up unexpectedly.”
“It’s no problem,” Shoto says, “Takah—my secretary informed me you’ve been waiting quite a while.”
You make a sheepish little expression. “I wasn’t sure when I’d be able to return, and it was important to me to see you in person.”
“I see,” Shouto nods, glancing once more at the box you’re clutching tightly in your hands. 
It’s quiet—ungracefully so—for a moment. Across the room, Takahashi clears his throat lightly.
Shouto lifts his hand, pointing a bit too briskly towards his office door for the gesture be considered elegant or well-practiced. “Would you like to speak inside?”
“Oh, yes, of course!” you nod. “I really do apologize, I know you just got back from patrol. I don’t mean to take up much of your time.”
Shouto steps towards the door to his office, holding it open for you to enter before him. You hesitate once you’ve crossed the threshold, uncertain what to do next. In the doorway, Shouto similarly hesitates—carefully contemplating whether to leave the door open or closed.
He doesn’t often welcome people into his office, and among the few he does, they’re certainly not civilians and even less frequently are they strangers. His office is fairly sparsely decorated, because he’s never really felt the need to decorate, but Takahashi keeps it tidy while he goes out on patrol. Shouto used to insist to the secretary that he didn’t need to do it, but he’s grown to appreciate the straightening up—and file alphabetizing—and has learned to accept it without complaint.
He's never had reason to be insecure about the austere nature of his workspace, but he's exceedingly conscious of it now that he doesn't even have a seat to offer you.
You suck in a breath before him, as though gathering your nerve, and Shouto’s eyes flicker over to you.
“I came to say thank you,” you tell him, and Shouto is taken aback by your air of sincerity. “For the gifts.”
He clears his throat, looking away from your overly earnest gaze.
“You’re welcome,” he says. ”Did your son like them?” 
“Are you kidding?” you blink, your expression startled like you can’t believe he’d even ask. “Nao loved them. He was so excited the first night he hardly slept, and he insisted on bringing all of them into bed with him—there was barely enough room for him to squeeze in.”
Shouto feels a certain peculiar sense of satisfaction hearing that.
Takahashi really had outdone himself in securing a variety of Recycling Hero merchandise for Shouto to have sent to you and Naoyuki. Frankly, Shouto wasn’t even aware that there was a Pro Hero with such an extensive array of branded goods—besides possibly All Might, and more recently Dynamight (though the majority of those products were unlicensed and manufactured by fans.) There were all the usual items—like keychains, figurines, clothing and other wearable accessories—but Reductro has recently branched out in a variety of ventures, like lunch boxes, reusable water bottles, and even adhesive bandages that are all made of organic compounds and can biodegrade. All of his merchandise is made of sustainable, organic materials, in the spirit of his environmentally conscious ethos.
Your eyes land on a rather large pile of packages next to Shouto’s desk, and your gaze traces them in relative alarm.
He’d forgotten about those.
“Um, are those for…” you trail off, your attention flittering over to him nervously.
“Oh, no,” Shouto replies. “Those belong to me.”
The pile of Reductro merchandise beside his desk is comprised of duplicates of what he’d had Takahashi secure to send to Naoyuki. When his secretary had sent him a list of items for him to choose from, he simply told him to purchase two of each: one for the boy, and one for himself.
You look at him a bit strangely then, though Shouto’s not entirely sure why.
“You’re a fan of Reductro?” you ask him.
Shouto nods. “I wasn’t overly familiar with him, but recently have become quite interested in his work.” 
He surveys the pile of packages beside his desk, and then his eyes flicker back to the box in your hands.
“It was largely thanks to your son.”
You laugh then—a bright, happy sound. Shouto wasn’t expecting it, so he startles slightly, his eyes snapping up to your smiling face. 
“Nao would be really happy to hear that, you know,” you say to him.
Shouto stares at you for a moment, until eventually you look away.
“We made these for you,” you say next, holding out the little box in your hands. “Nao and I.”
Shouto reaches out and takes the offering from you, though he’s hesitant. 
You would have had to pass security before entering the building, and he’s fairly confident you don’t seem the type to do him harm, but he’s still a bit wary as he lifts the lid of the container and peers inside.
“They’re cookies,” you tell him, a bit shy. “We weren’t sure how to say thank you, and they were Nao’s idea…”
Shouto isn’t sure what to say.
His experience tells him he shouldn’t accept the gift. Poisoning is a real threat for public figures, especially Pro Heroes. Even if the gift had passed security, they wouldn’t have been able to test for illicit ingredients or toxins, and sending them downstairs for testing would likely be troublesome—assuming that the research and development department of his agency even has the tools required to screen them.
But he can’t remember anyone making cookies for him before.
“It’s a recipe from Reductro’s cookbook, in case you’re wondering why they’re green—“ you step forward to explain, pointing down towards the little box of baked goods that Shouto is still blankly staring into.
His head pops up.
“There’s a cookbook?” 
You laugh, your hand coming up to cover your mouth, and then you cough lightly as you look away. After a moment you peek back at him, nodding. 
“A few months ago, when we first got it, Nao refused to eat anything that didn’t come from it,” you say, smiling a little as though you’re reflecting fondly on the memory. “I’ve never seen a kid so excited to eat leafy greens.”
In his mind, Shouto makes a note to have Takahashi look into this as soon as possible.
“Well,” you say, clasping your hands together in front of your coat. “I appreciate you taking the time to speak with me, and all the kind gifts you sent to Nao.”
Shouto shakes his head lightly. “Don’t mention it.”
“I’ll leave first,” you say, dipping in a bow. “Thank you very much for the work you do, Shouto-san.”
You step towards the office door—left ajar since Shouto never did decide whether he should leave it opened or closed.
You pause when you hear Shouto speak again, turning back towards him from the doorway.
“Please tell Naoyuki-kun that I’m grateful to him,” Shouto says, his brow furrowed like he’s deep in thought. “For introducing me to Reductro’s work.”
You smile softly. “I'll let him know.”
“And also for the cookies,” Shouto adds after another moment of thought.
“I'll tell him that too.”
Shouto nods, satisfied he’s said all he needs to say. 
“Goodnight, Shouto-san.” You dip your head in a final bow of parting, and then you slip out through the door.
Shouto stands in the centre of his office for a while after you depart, the box of cookies still open in his hands.
He plucks one out, surveying it closely on all sides—and then sniffing it for good measure. He glances towards the door with the cookie held to his lips, half expecting Takahashi to appear and chastise him. When he’s confident the secretary is not lurking just out of view, he takes a bite.
It’s… strange.
It certainly has the consistency of what Shouto would consider a cookie, but it’s not quite as sweet as he was expecting. He contemplates this thoughtfully as he chews. There’s also a distinctly vegetal flavour that lingers once he swallows the mouthful down, but he can’t say with any certainty what ingredient might be imparting that particular taste.
He appraises the cookie in his grip, missing one semi-circular bite mark. 
He likes it.
He pops the rest of the baked good into his mouth, shuffling towards his office door.
“Akahahi-han—“ he calls as he pokes his head out into the vestibule, and his secretary turns in his seat towards the sound of his name—or what was supposed to be his name, but was garbled thanks to the food in Shouto's mouth. He quickly swallows down his mouthful. “Where’s the nearest bookstore to here?” 
Takahashi turns to his computer, tapping away at his keyboard for a moment. 
“Six block northeast—located in the shopping centre where you apprehended the pickpocket with the adhesive-type quirk two weeks ago,” Takahashi relays his search results faithfully from his screen. 
Shouto nods, dipping back into his office.
He reappears a moment later with his jacket on, a baseball cap in his hand, and his little box of green cookies tucked safely under his arm. 
“I’m leaving first,” Shouto calls as he passes his secretary’s desk.
“Shouto-sama, is there something you require at the bookstore?” Takahashi rises swiftly from his seat and pursues the young Pro Hero towards the elevators. The two men stop and wait for the elevator to arrive once Shouto pushes the down arrow. “I’d be happy to retrieve it on your behalf.”
The doors slide open and Shouto steps in, pulling his baseball cap on over his head.
“There’s no need, you can head home for the day,”—the elevator dings as the doors begin to slide closed, Takahashi’s usually placid expression markedly perplexed at his employer’s peculiar behaviour—“I just need to pick up something for dinner."
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danielriccixrdo · 1 year
“Is that my hoodie?”
Max Verstappen x female!driver
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You finally finished unpacking. You brought a lot of things with you to Monaco.
“Did you finish?” you hear that voice coming from the door frame. It’s a voice you’ve known your whole life. It’s Max Verstappen, your best friend. You two have been best friends since you were in diapers. The 3-year difference never mattered for you since you always did everything together. He was your biggest fan, and you were his. You supported each other every step of the way. Since karting to now F1. You were with him when he won both his championships and it was only logical that you would move in with him in Monaco for your debut in F1. Specially because you were his new teammate.
“Yup. Just finished” you respond and lay in your bed.
“Shall we eat something?” he asks cheerfully, laying next to you and hugging you tightly.
“Sure, but you’re squeezing me” you complain. He shrugs without letting go.
“So, burgers and milkshakes from that place you like?” he asks. You just nod and surrender to his embrace.
Max was always sweet and thoughtful with you. He always remembered your favourite food, your favourite candy, favourite places… everything. And you loved that about him. You also treated him specially. You weren’t a particularly physical person. You didn’t like hugs very much, but with Max it was different. If he wanted a hug or a cuddle you were in to comfort your lion. Yup, you gave him the nickname when you were kids.
Some weeks have passed since you moved in. You had adopted a golden retriever puppy called Simba, who travelled with you because he was your baby, and you couldn’t leave him.
Your first F1 race weekend was over. You had survived and scored some very good points, while proving that you didn’t get that seat just because you were Max’s best friend, as some people were saying.
Unlike Simba, who was very energetic after sleeping almost through the entire flight, you and Max were exhausted. So, you went for a shower while Max ordered something for dinner.
When you come downstairs you find Max sleeping on the couch, hugging Simba. Simba notices you and leaves Max, who complains about the furry baby’s absence, on the couch, and runs towards you. You pick him up when you hear the doorbell ring.
“I’ll get that” says Max with his hot sleepy voice (which you secretly loved) and gets up to go open the door.
You settle everything and sit for dinner. Halfway through you catch him staring, almost drooling over you, all lost in his thoughts.
“A penny for your thoughts” you say, chuckling. He looks at you very confused because he wasn’t paying attention.
“what’s wrong?” you finally ask.
“Nothing” he says, not really wanting to share his thoughts. “Is that my hoodie?” He changes the subject, looking at you with adoration.
“Maybe” you chuckle innocently expecting to make him smile and to avoid being told off for stealing his clothing. It works.
“It looks better on you” he smiles in a special way. In a way you have never seen before. It is nice, though. He has a cute sparkle in his eyes.
After dinner you guys go cuddle on the couch. Of course, Simba cuddles with you because he’s a baby. You catch Max staring once again.
“Enough! Tell me what’s wrong” you confront him using a more serious tone this time.
“You’re gorgeous” he says without taking his eyes off if you.
“Thanks?” you look at him a bit confused.
“I love you” he says, still staring, slowly leaning forward.
“I love you too, but what is this about?” you ask. He just leans forward and kisses you softly. You are a bit shocked at first. Your best friend is kissing you. It is something you have always wanted, and it is finally happening. So, you let yourself go and put you arms around his neck.
“I love you” he repeats without pulling away from you. “Would you like to be my girlfriend?” he asks softly. You look at him in awe. You had been waiting your whole life for him to say these words and now he was finally saying them.
“Yes Maxi, I do want to be your girlfriend. I love you” you finally answer to his question, and he kisses you again, pulling you even closer.
“Now you can steal all the hoodies you want” he smiles.
“I already do that” you laugh and melt into his embrace.
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whorekneecentral · 6 months
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Jordan Henderson x Fem!Reader
Warnings: based when he was still at liverpool because I've yet to come to terms with his departure, massive snow storms, reader is so over jordan but jordan is trying to love on his lady, some cheeky comments, playful teasing, showering together, specific warnings to behave are being ignored, shower sex, penetrative sex (p in v) fingering, finger sucking, oral (m!receiving), manhandling for a second there, lots of I love yous lmao
Word Count: 1,471
Author's Note: I'm still mad at jordan but he's my bookie so that's why I didn't take him out of the series loool
merry smutmas series
Jordan comes in after shovelling the driveway and keeps trying to love on you. You tell him that you can feel how cold he is but he makes sure to show you what cold really feels like. 
A massive snow storm has come down on Liverpool all of a sudden.
It's something in which the two of you had never seen in all your years of living there. Usually, you get a few feet of snow here and there throughout the entire season but for some reason, you've acquired 4 feet of snow overnight; global warming is what you told your husband when you got up this morning.
The children had ended up spending the night with Jordan's dad. The night before your father in law took them out to see a movie and have dinner with his grand-babies which turned into a sleepover.
Jordan was meant to go pick up the children but given that it snowed, all the roads were blocked and the two of you were stuck in the house alone, until God knows when.
Most men would take advantage of the alone time with their wife, but not your husband.
You looked over the couch when you heard him coming down the stairs, the man bundled up in his hoodie and thick sweatpants. Jordan sat next to you, putting his socks on. "Where are you going?" You asked your husband with a raised eyebrow.
All the roads were blocked and most of the places weren't open yet or had not opened at all because of the snow.
"I'm going to shovel the driveway." He tells you, walking his way over to the front door to put his coat and boots on.
You got up, following him. "Jordan, you're not serious." You huffed, watching as he put his hat on, looking as dorky as ever. You bit back a laugh, waiting for an answer.
"I am too," he tells you, "someone has to do it."
"Do we even have a shovel ?" You shivered when he opened the door, a gust of wind letting some snow into the foyer. "Yeah, we do. I'll be back in a bit."
Jordan leans towards you, puckering his lips. You roll your eyes, a hand on his jaw when you kiss him softly.
You let Jordan go out into the snow and attempt to shovel the driveway. You check on him in intervals, shouting from the front door to make sure that he's all right and eventually you call out to him, telling him to come in because it's freezing out.
"You'll get frostbite!" You shout from the door, shivering. "Come in, Jord!"
You walk back to the couch, sitting down when Jordan walks in and shut the door. You can hear him shivering and hanging his coat up, as well as taking off his boots before he finds his way over to you.
"Don't even think about it." You warn him, a finger pointed at your husband.
Jordan smiles, dropping himself down on top of you. You squeal, "Jordan! You're freezing! Get off!" You giggled, trying to shove your husband off of you.
"I'm not freezing!" He says back, burying his face in the crook of your neck.
"But you are."
"Fine," the man huffs, sitting up on top of you. He smiles, "shall we take a shower then?"
"You can take a shower, I don't need to shower right now." You tell him, reaching for the remote on the coffee table but Jordan tosses it on the other couch.
"It's better with you, baby." He says, picking you up.
"Jordan!" You smack his back when the man puts you over his shoulder - something he's been doing for years, the same something you complained about every time he did it.
The man carries you to the bathroom, there's not much else you can do but go along with it. Jordan puts you down, letting you sit on the counter as he turns on the shower. The water hits the floor and runs down the drain as it goes from cold to hot as a matter of seconds. You can see the steam coming up over the shower curtains as your husband undresses in front of you.
"I'm not getting in there unless you promise to keep your hands to yourself." You tell him.
Jordan moves to stand between your legs, his boxers the only thing that's left to join the pile of his clothes on the floor. "I promise to be on my best behaviour," he whispers, his lips on your neck when he reaches for your top, pulling it off.
"You're already misbehaving," you say, the words coming out a bit breathless. He laughs, helping you off the counter, the two of you stripping off the rest of the way. "Says you."
"Me? I'm a good girl."
He smiles, smacking your ass as you pass by to get into the shower. "That you are."
The two of you stand there for a moment, letting the hot water run over your bodies, all the soreness slipping away. "That's too hot," he mumbled, reaching around from behind you to turn the knob and fix the water temperature.
Jordan turns it a little too much and the water goes from boiling hot to ice cold in a matter of seconds. "Jordan! What the fuck?!" You squealed, pushing him back so you could get away from the cold water.
He laughs, "sorry!" It takes him a second to switch it back, settling somewhere in the middle.
"God," you laughed, smacking his arm. "You're so annoying." You smile, now on your tiptoes to kiss him. Jordan’s hands rest on your ass, pulling you flat against his chest when he kisses you. 
The warm water runs over his shoulders, spilling down onto you before he turns you, the two of you standing directly under the water. He takes another step, leading you to rest your back on the cold tile wall. 
Jordan's hand shifts to rest on your hip, giving it a squeeze before moving down to pull your leg up a bit to rest on the edge of the tub. Your head rests on the wall when he slips two fingers into you. 
Your hand gripping on his shoulder, "oh.. you promised you'd behave." you whisper, head back against the wall. Jordan smiles, fingers curling. "I'm behaving, aren't I?"
“Jord, fuck- oh, that, do that again.” You ramble out in one breath, chest heaving, his fingers curling upwards again. 
He loved when you praised him, telling him how good he makes you feel. Jake brings you just to the edge of your orgasm before he stops, moving his fingers to your mouth. 
Before you could complain, Jordan had pulled his fingers from you and pushed them past your lips. “Suck,” He tells you, feeling your tongue lap his fingers. Meanwhile, his other hand is wrapped around his cock, rubbing it along your slit, slapping on your clit a few times. 
“Baby,” you whimper, eyes pleading with him, “god, fuck me.” You beg, your hand wrapped around his wrist. 
“Hold on sweetheart, patience.” Jordan tells you, hooking your leg on his hip instead of resting it on the ledge. "What happened to behaving?" He teased, causing you to groan.
Before you could answer, Jordan pushes into you and his name falls from your lips like a prayer. His lips met yours, a hand resting on your hip to keep you up as he fucked you, your body welcoming him like he belonged there. 
There was something about being in the shower together, homely and sweet and domestic. 
His other hand rests on your cheek, pulling your focus to him. “I love you,” he whispers against your lips. 
“Hm I love you,” your hand resting on his jaw. 
He can feel you squeezing his cock, your eyes fluttering closed. Jordan smacks your jaw lightly, “look at me,” he tells you. “If you want to cum, open your eyes.”
You give in, your eyes opening a little and his thrusts are sloppy, you know he’s just as close as you are. A few more thrusts and you’re over the edge, calling his name as you do. 
“Where?” He asks, his head on your shoulder and you know it’s not gonna last. You push him off of you, sinking onto your knees. Jordan gets what you were doing, putting his cock in your mouth when you open it. 
He groans, watching as your tongue laps over his cock, looking up at him through your eyelashes innocently.
He pulls your hair up and away from your face, “you’re so perfect, I love you.” He mumbles, another string of praise falling from his lips as he cums. 
Your husband helps you up, giving you a kiss before you two actually finish your shower like normal people, your husband hugging you from behind as you did your skin care routine.
"What?" You looked at him in the mirror, "I didn't even finish shovelling the driveway," he whispers, making you laugh.
taglist: @nosugarallspice  @evieepepi08 @mimithepooh @koufaxx @dannyramirezwife-simpaccount @topguncultleader @molliemoo3 @aisharmi @mamako23 @ac3may @lewislcver @miahgonzalez16  @books-and-netflix-pls  @wibi96 @bwddermilch @pedrisgatorade  @clarasenchant @sainzluvrr // @trentsfav @trentsmyfave @noturbabe22
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snarky-art · 5 months
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Thriving vs Survivng, am I right, lads?
Bloom and Stella eventually get married, Daphne and the woman with her, Nadia, an oc I made and have mentioned a few times, get married with Daphne to be next in line as Queen of Domino, and Aisha and Musa get married one day, but are currently in this pic going through some Shit that’s putting a huge damper on that.
More info on everyone and political drama stuff below the cut!
Bloom and Stella are thriving.
Polyamory is super duper normalized in a decent amount of places, and is considered a norm on Solaria. Stella is eventually married both to Brandon and Bloom. Both of Bloom’s sets of parents love Stella and are incredibly happy for her. After much talk and deliberation between Daphne, Bloom, Marion, and Oritel to see how Bloom and Daphne are feeling after Daphne is healed up and in a good place and has processed shit, it’s decided Daphne will continue as heir and shall be next in line for rulership. Bloom meanwhile shall continue her role as guardian fairy, Holder of The Flame, and eventually upon her marriage to Stella will be Queen Regent of Solaria. She has a lot more flexibility this way too to go where she feels most comfortable, between Earth and other areas in The Magical Realm. Oritel and Marion don’t want Bloom or Daphne to feel trapped or be stifled with immense pressure if they can help it, and Bloom is still most comfortable on Earth, so having the option to go back and forth is important and something Marion and Oritel want her to not feel cut off from it, a mistake they made early on when they first got brought back from their stasis.
Formal picture of Nadia finally! An oc from Earth I made who’s Daphne’s gf and eventual wife. I thought it would be nice for Daphne to not worry about contextualizing her grief and trauma with someone who already had preconceived notions of her from myths and legends over the last 1000+ years.
Nadia: so you’re Bloom’s sister! That’s so cool! Do you have magic too?
Daphne, who at this point while not the holder of the flame anymore is still an incredibly powerful fire elemental who retains her nymphix and could hand bloom’s ass to her and call upon The Dragon at will whenever she wants: uh, yeah, some I guess.
Bloom: glad to see being a useless lesbian is a universal trait instead of just earth specific
Daphne: exCUSE ME-
Royal balls be like “The Incarnation of God Itself, heir to The Great Pillar of all of Magic Domino, The Dragon Reborn, Supreme Nymph of Magix, Princess Daphne, and Nadia, Barista on Tuesday, Thursday, and Weekends, of the plant Earth”
Like, oh boy, THEE DAPHNE, and Nadia from Starbucks.
Also don’t worry it’s not actually a Starbucks. It’s a small local cafe and bakery spot that Bloom really likes. Daphne went with her once, saw Nadia, and went 👀. Daphne doesn’t even like coffee also she just goes there for Nadia and was too anxious to ask about any other drinks so she just gets what Bloom got, would makes Bloom, who is not at all rich on Earth, pay for it, and then didn’t actually drink it.
Also, Nadia is definitely wearing heels here.
She’s only around 5’9 or ~175cm, while as I’ve mentioned before, Daphne is 6’7 or ~200cm.
She like to wear different heels and go “ok NOW how close am I to being taller than you” or sometimes go “ok, I think I beat you this time” when she tries on a new pair
She’s never close obviously and they both know that because hehe funny joke, but Daphne will still go “oh, you just might’ve this time.”
Musa and Aisha meanwhile are Struggling. Not only is Musa someone who is already insanely anti-monarch in her governmental views, even one that operates more as a democracy, the government she’s working with can’t stand her.
I’ve mentioned in these posts how marriage works on Andros, and Musa is Not It. She’s not even a Land Androsian, which would’ve been considered a bit of a scandal because of how their government structure is set up. No it’s much worse, for oh no, she’s not an Androsian at all! Truly horrific (I say this sarcastically, but that’s genuinely what the nobles and a chunk of the population feel).
Musa is doing what she can to appease Androsian court.
Gold is a big fucking no no on Andros, but she doesn’t want to give that up since it’s a really important part of her culture.
Aisha is standing with her on that, but it doesn’t make it easier to deal with the assholes in court.
She’s even muted her reds to lean more towards purples and blues.
Muting the reds was a huge olive branch of sorts and she’s pissed about it and doesn’t like doing it (but she did it, and it wasn’t even appreciated, but WHATEVER), but she refuses to get rid of the golds (good for her).
Aisha has gold nail polish here also. She’s doing what she can, and eventually is just gonna say fuck it and start wearing straight up gold with her silvers and tell Musa to get back in the bright red or so help me-
Stella let’s Aisha borrow her stash specifically when she first start and immediately commissions some custom ones done for Aisha’s measurements.
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freddie-77-ao3 · 3 months
Percy Jackson-esque Chapter Titles for a fic i'm writing:
We have friends in holy places (and unholy- Hello Lady Hera!)
What’s Up, Random Person, We’re Kidnapping and Adopting You
Yeah, The Beach Is Nice- Thank You For Not Drowning Us
Hazel Was Dead and Still Knows More Than You
Thank Fuck For The Egyptian- How the Hell Did We End Up In Great Britain
Annabeth Is Obsessed and Bianca Is Possessed- There Goes Christmas
Question Of Our Lives and Today Especially: What The Hell Is Going On?!
Now Would Be A Good Time To Be Anyone Else
Call The Police Because We May Have Just Murdered A Mortal
Ask And You Shall Receive… Sometime In The Next Twenty Years Probably
A Guinea Pig, A Dandelion, A Pine Tree, An Olive Tree and Two Embarrassed Girls Walk Into A Bar  
Satan Or Santa? Neither Should Exist And Yet Somehow They’re Both Knocking On Our Tent Door
A Slight Reprieve From The Last Chapter: Connor Comes For You With The Question ‘Do Tents Have Doors?’
And We’re Back, Why Did You Guys Think Our R&R Would Last Long?
Sugar, Spice, Almost Dying Twice (Today)
Would You Put ‘Cheating Death Almost Daily’ Under Experience Or Special Skills?
An Inspirational Trip Through Hell- Persephone Makes Good Brownies
Those Commercials Where People Screw Up The Most Basic Of Tasks In The Most Idiotic Fashion Ever Describes The Current Situation
As The Prophecy Foretold (We Made It Up, But It Came True)
Living Normally? In This Economy?
And Then The Wolves Came… Sike (Thank Fuck)
The Snails Paced Chocolate Bunny Gives Mixed Messages But Good Cereal
What The Hades Is Going On, Someone Explain
Apparently Exploding A Volcano Makes Us 'Irresponsible’
Why Are Cats So Vengeful 
Oh Look! An Unhelpful Old Person!
The Adults Are More Annoying Than Leo Valdez and Nico Di Angelo Put Together
They Scream For Ice Cream, I Scream For Sanity
McDonald’s And Raising The Dead- Tuesday Never Looked So Good
Unfortunately, I’m Still Not Dead Or A Dolphin (Not For Lack Of Effort)
Eggs Apparently Don’t Like Being Lost At Sea
I’m Packing Up My Crayons And Leaving
Viva La Pluto, Fuck You Guys
A Guide To Giving Up
Hopefully We Can Do This Without Dying This Time
Lady Dirt Face Fucks Us Over- Apparently Today CAN Get Worse
Apparently The Horse Is A God, And Honestly, Fuck The World- But Not You Potty Sludge
If Love Is In The Air Then We’re Wearing Gas Masks- How We Almost Started A War On Accident
If Love Is An Open Door We Should Close It- Aphrodite And Cupid Both Suck
Vegan Ice Cream Sandwiches For One
I Call Shotgun (Said The Invisible Girl  and The Literal Ghost)
I Fucked My Way Into This Mess, I’ll Fuck My Way Out Of It
Things Go Horribly Wrong (Or Horribly Right? It’s Hard To Tell At This Point)
The Fine Art Of Bullshit
We Are Being Hunted And Killed (Why Is This Normal And How Can We Stop It?)
Previously On ‘The Chaos Chronicles”
Cool, Cool, Cool, Cool. Actually It’s Not- Who Lit Katie’s Hair On Fire?!
I’d Like To Say This Is Shocking, But That Would Just Be A Lie
One Hundred And One Monsters, And Twenty Times A Therapist Was Needed
I Am Honestly Surprised That We Are Still Alive, And Apparently So Are The Gods
You Will Never Be A God
Blackmail Only Works If I Care
An Offer I Can Definitely Refuse
Hush Little Baby, Don’t You Cry, You’ll Give Away Our Location, And Then We’ll Die
Only Come Back With Back Up Or A Burger- Maybe Donuts
Doomsday Or Not, Let Me Go Back To Bed, I Haven’t Slept In A Week And I Don’t Care
Practise Doesn’t Make Perfect, Practise Makes A Forest Fire And A Flood
Sea Foam Speaks and A New Person Shatters My Dreams
The Labyrinth Apparently Doesn’t Murder The Already Dead, So Can We Just Die Already?
For A Moment I Forgot Gravity, And As It Seems So Did The Sky, Which Is Good Because I’d Hate To Die Before Breakfast
And God Told Us To Run A Marathon- What Happened To Normal Executions?
At Some Point The Universe Just Needs To Kill Us
There Is Not Enough Faith For This, 
No Words Can Explain Dan, The God Of Moths and Accidental Demon Summoning 
 The Endless and Mysterious Ocean Becomes A Bit Less So, And I Should Have Paid For Diving Lessons
If Best Plus Bitter Equal Better, Then I Am Way Better Than Everyone
Firecrackers And Actual Crackers- Where Is The Cheese
He Likes Art. Terrible Art, But Still Art So I Suppose I’ll Forgive The Sword Through My Head
Hazel Drives Worse Than Thalia Which Says A Lot Because Thalia Crashed Into A Lake- Oh Wait
What Do You Do When The World Almost Ends- And No Nico, The Answer Isn’t Go To McDonalds
This Wasn’t Supposed To Happen (Just Like Me)
Can I Rewrite My Life Story, Because If So I’m Starting With This
I Wasn’t Prepared For Parenthood When I Stopped A Kidnapping, I’m Seven
Patting My Own Back, No One Appreciates Me, Fuck This And Really The Rest Of My Life
Apparently Dying Is Not An Excuse For Being Late, So Fuck You Too 
Buying Happy Meals For The Dead Isn’t An Excuse For Being Late
Caped God? I Was Hoping You Had Said Cape Cod
Incoherent Screaming Is Our Theme Song, And I Feel A New Episode On
Who Told Apollo He Could Give Us Presents, Because MCR Is Not A Proper Wake Up Call
It’s Jesus Who Ruined Our Lives This Time, Folks
Don’t Awaken The Ancient One, She Has Anxiety
I Did Not Know That Could Kill Someone, But You Learn Something New Every Day
The Gods Themselves Want Me Dead, You’re Not Special, Todd
Doritos And Death, A How To On Properly Waking And Raising The Dead Featuring A Trip To Alaska
What Was I Thinking? I’m Pretty Certain I Wasn’t
News To No One: The Previously Dead Can’t Drive
I Really Hate Saving The World Actually
How Many Times Is That Threat Going To Work Considering It’s Not Serious? A Surprising Number
Everyone Asks Who We Are, Not How We Are, And Honestly I’m Pretty Hungry
The Gods Hate Me And I Don’t Know Why (I Do Know Why, But I Don’t Care, And Honestly They Shouldn’t Either)
 Which Circle Of Hell Are We In Now, Because I Was Not Planning On A Field Trip To Tartarus
We Master The Elements (Some Of Them- We Also Torch And Flood New England)
In Which We Almost Die Again And No One Bats An Eye
 Our Lives Would Be Incredibly Saddening If We Could Sit Down And Look At Them, But Leo Burned Our Chairs 
The Houseplants Try To Eat Us, And Katie Gets Mad
We Babysit For A God, And Then Adopt His Kids- Surprisingly He’s Fine With This
Dreams Do Come True And That Is Absolutely Not A Good Thing
There Goes My Best Bargaining Chip (Oh And Also His Head)
A Series Of Horrible Decisions- Who Decided I Was The Leader
Hylla, Please Don’t Leave Us- Oh, You Can Give Us A Box Of Cereal? Nevermind 
Sunshine And Rainbows Are Meant To Mean Happiness Not War- Iris and Apollo Destroy Things
Please Don’t Hit Me With Another Brick
We Were Happy And Then There Was A Giant Pigeon
Oh My Holy Fucking Shit That Was Not The Right Lever
In Which Swimming With Sharks Almost Leads To Death And Yet Saves Our Lives
There Is No Highway To Hell As It Turns Out, Only Backroads, And Now Nico And Thalia Are Disappointed
And Then The Sky Almost Crushed Us Because It Fell And Honestly I’m Never Trusting You Again
There Goes Normal Society, Say Bye-Bye, Miranda 
Are We Supposed To Live Through This?
The Dick Who Hands Out Toothbrushes Also Assigns Us A Death Quest And This Is Why We Don’t Celebrate Holidays
Sorry For Cursing You Out, Please Fix My Life
The Plan Checks Out- We Can Do This! (Spoiler Alert- We Can’t)
Three Hundred And Sixty Five Times We Can Say Fuck In A Hour
Please Let Me Pass Out On Your Lawn
Apparently Yelling Fuck At The Sky Is Considered ‘Disrespectful’ And I Haven’t A Fucking Clue Why
Yes Sir, That Is A Lot Of Blood, And No Sir, She Doesn’t Need That Leg
That One Time We Accidentally End Up In The Slaughter Sea, And How That Manages To End Up With A New Leader Of The Amazon Empire And Thalia Gets A Girlfriend
Yes, I’m Aware I Look Gay, Thank You Very Much, I’m Here To Be Queer
This Person Is Nico di Angelo With Less Shits To Give, And Honestly That Scares Me
A Good Idea With Bad Results And A Bad Idea With Surprising Results- The Ending Will Astound You
Never Thought I’d Literally Be Shut In The Closet Again, But Life’s Full Of Surprises
One Million Pounds Of Oranges And Sadness, Sixty Thousand Pounds Of Mangos, And A Truck Full Of Happiness- Monsters Not Welcome
Who Packed The Blueberry Muffins?
Nevertheless She Persisted, And Yet Just Like That, She Gave Up
What The Hell Is This, What The Hell Is That, Why The Hell Am I Here, What The Hell, *Moonwalks Into Hell*: A Brief Summary Of Life
All Is Fair In Being The First One In The Shower
We Accidentally Summon An Army Of Lost Souls
All Our Nightmares Come True And We Prove We’re Idiots
Life Gave ‘Lia Lemons. She Squeezed Them In My Eyes. Please No More Lemons.
Trying To Play Nice To The Gods Never Ends Well. In Other Words, Percy Is An Olive Tree
What’s Happening? I’m Digging My Own Grave, That’s What
Finger Guns, Peace Signs, and Middle Fingers To Nowhere- Home At Last
In Jason’s Defense, He Tried, But The Dragon Was More Interesting
Keeping A Family Alive Can Be Difficult, Especially With No Education and More Monsters A Day Than Cash (Twenty Dollars)
Thalia Tries To Sing Over Annabeth And Percy Arguing And All That Happens Is A Noise Complaint
At This Point, Murder Is Less Of A Passing Thought And More Of An ‘It’s Only A Matter Of Time’
Cousin Bonding Time Doesn’t Usually Include The Gods, But There Are Burgers So…
According To The Crazy Titan Lord Kronos, Asking If A Newborn Looks Like A Rock Is A Question That Will Result In The Death Of The Asker
Oh Joy, I’m Facing Scrutiny Over My Love Life From Immortal Preteens
Oh Things Couldn’t Be Worse When Your Parents Run The Universe Oh Things Couldn’t Be Worse When There’s A Vote To Kill Us (Leo stop using Jazz hands!)
We Have The Worst Family Reunion Ever 3.0
Barbed Wire Instead Of String, The Fates Hate Me More Than You Might Think
Zombies, Zombies Everywhere, Wave Your Hands Up In The Air
The World Is A Different Place When You Know What The World Is (Spoiler Alert: It’s Your Murderous Great Grandma)
The Refrigerator Seems Empty, Much Like My Soul
Ah, The Smell Of Success, It Smells Like Bullshit
My Heart Is Broken (Like Those Crackers That Bianca’s Eating)
Utter Chaos: Now Featuring Camp Half Blood And Literal Blood
Family Drama Destroys My Life
Family Drama 2.0: Family Drama Destroys California
So Then A God Says We ‘Will Save Humanity’, And Thalia Says ‘What The Fuck’
Two Middle Aged Women Start Screaming In Walmart
The Main Braincell Holder Is Asleep, God Doesn’t Exist, And Starting Forest Fires Is A Normal Way To Deal With Stress
Hell Is Just Life On Steroids
Queerly Beloved, We Are Gathered Here Togay… A.K.A. A Bet Ruins Rachel Elizabeth Dare’s Life
Normal People Would Avoid This, But The Two Most Normal People Here Used To Be Dead Or Will Die When A Stick Lights On Fire, So We Can’t Have High Hopes
We Try (And Fail, But Hey, It’s The Thought That Counts, Right?)
So THAT’S Where The Greek Fire Went. Sorry, Bus Driver.
Percy Has His Gay Awakening In The Form Of His Grandfather (Technically. He’s Also Technically His First Cousin Once Removed Or Something- Annabeth’s cousin maybe?)
You're Annoying Me To Death With Your Monologue So I Have To Kill You Now
What Can Go Wrong Will Go Wrong Doesn’t Mean You Should Set My Bed On Fire
Thalia Does Shock Therapy Meaning She Electrocutes People When They Say Things 
We Should Know By Now That Yelling Doesn't Solve Things But We Don’t, And The Gods Don’t Either
Most Of My Life Is Incredibly Traumatizing, But This Is New 
Who The Fuck Invited The Norse?!
Okay, I Thought The Norse Were Enough, Why Are The Magicians Here?
Wow. Popcorn. The Roman’s Worst Nightmare. 
So First The World Almost Ends, And Then The World Ends But It Gets Better, And Now It’s Ending Again?
Prophecies Can Fuck Off, And So Can Apollo
“Treacherous Nephew In The Tuxedo” Should Sound Funny, But It Doesn’t, And That Makes Leo Sad
 Why Is A Titan Making Dad Jokes? 
Falling Into A Dumpster Was The Highlight Of My Day, What Is Life
Grieving For The Living Is Just As Hard As Grieving For The Dead
Please Forget That I Tried To Kill You
In My Defence, An Invisible Higher Power Who Has The Ability To Strike Me Down Made Me Do It
Let Out A Boo For The Boom Man
Twenty McDonald’s Happy Meals And A Gun- Godly Gifts Are Awesome
We Enter The Maze Of Doom (This Time With Fabulous Prizes)
Two Brothers Are Not Happy As A Sister Cheers On Two More Brothers As They Duel To The Death- (Triton & Tyson & Kymopoleia & Percy & Anteus Have Sibling Bonding Time) 
The Eight Year Old With A Gun Manages To Save And Then Destroy A Life
Hello, I’m Queer, And Full Of Fear. Please Kill Me Now
Children Try To Make Plans (It Doesn’t Go So Well)
Thalia Grace Once Again Proves That Being A Demigod Really Fucking Sucks
It Don’t “Do Be Like That Sometimes” Leo, We Are In HELL
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xreaderbooks · 1 year
Always (2)
Pair: Azriel x Reader
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: Language (?) and angst
Summary: Y/n takes some time to reflect on the decision she needs to make and confronts Azriel.
A/N: Ask and you shall receive, I tagged those of you who asked for a part 2. Let me know what you think <3
Also available on Wattpad and AO3
Masterlist - Part 1
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You were gone. No one had heard from you for a whole 2 weeks and to say they were confused was an understatement. One second you were laughing along with them, wine drunk with Azriel by your side helping you stay steady enough to watch the stars fall, and the next you had given them no sign of life. Azriel could feel from the bond that you were in fact alive, you just needed your space and so that was what he told the others.
He left out the part that he had royally fucked up in his delivery but you hadn't given him the chance to explain himself, you had always known when something was wrong and as closed off as he might be, you were the only one who could read him like a book.
You closed yourself off in your apartment, and when you were in need of fresh air you went out for a walk by the sidra, you tried out new places that were opening up around Velaris. Everything and anything to keep your mind off of him no matter how much you needed to way out your options.
You were engaged. To Eris of all fae. Eris was your sister's fiancee once upon a time too, not that you wanted him in the first place. You couldn't help but think that Mor's tragic history was now your plot line.
You and Eris worked together to infiltrate Keir's secrets in the court of nightmares, your father trusted him and because you allowed yourself to be under his control, the result was your betrothal to the heir of the Autumn Court. It worked in everyone's favor, though when you had told the rest of your family it had not gone over so well. Mor couldn't be in the same room as you- much less you and Eris- for months.
Eventually, you had opened up on the advantages it would serve, Eris was already allied with the night court privately now no one in the court of nightmares could suspect your deception. It was a whole twisted mess of double-crossings.
You and Eris teamed up as a couple pretending to be spying on the inner circle and feeding false information to the enemy while in reality, you were spying on your father, giving Rhysand everything. It was enough to give you a headache. Now adding Azriel into the mix- Would ruin everything you worked so hard to build.
All these years of faking your loyalty and devotion to your father with everything he has done to you and your sister so that you can be the eyes and ears in places your high lord cannot, the one goal in your ruse was to be free of him without breaking what you built. Eris was the way to do that, he was technically on your side and you've spoken of the past, he was a handsome male that could please you just fine.
It didn't matter that he wasn't the one you wanted because, for all you knew at the time, the one you longed for's heart, beat for someone else.
You had never known Azriel to be selfish but lately, he had made it a new habit that you weren't so sure about. How dare he? How dare he do this to you!
The audacity of this man! Azriel would cost you everything and you would pay for it, willingly. He hadn't needed to speak for you to know what he wanted from you.
What you would have given to have him reach for you the way he did that night. The way you pined for him, in your 500 years of living your heart beat for no other male. Fae, Illyrian, both, human, even High Lord at one point. No one could compare to Azriel. Your mind, body, and soul were are his. However, it was time you gave up your unofficial claim on him he wasn't yours nor you his- or so you thought.
Nothing would become of this childish infatuation you grew accustomed to. And so you worked to keep your thoughts on your future without him, a future you knew where Azriel would find someone who would love him.
A century later and here you were, clutching your chest to keep from the panic crawling up your throat.
If only this had happened sooner-
Before it got so messy before you accepted Eris' proposal and appeared before your father claimed your hand. He so eagerly accepted, his hunger for power clear in his eyes, so blind for it that he's unaware of the upper hand you and your soon-to-be husband have.
If only he had loved you when you didn't have all these responsibilities that a relationship- mateship with him would tear down.
After a week of shutting yourself out, you spoke to Eris. He knew all about your feelings for Azriel and though he was jealous, you were his- at the time. When you told him you needed to speak to him he already knew. He gave you one last kiss before making a smartass remark about how he'd be there when you got bored.
You didn't know how you were going to deal with your father just yet but you would clean up one mess at a time.
Days later you finally gathered up the courage to speak to him. It was almost dusk when you had opened up the bond and willed him to come to you. The wind brought him to the middle of your sitting room within a minute.
His head was bent, he looked like a little boy who was caught in the pantry. You sighed and took his hand leading him to your couch and pushing down his broad shoulders for him to sit in the middle. His brows furrowed in confusion as you backed away and intertwined your fingers.
"I am going to talk and you are going to listen," Your eyes flickered between both of his hazel ones. "Got it?"
He nodded eagerly, though he wouldn't meet your gaze.
"I cannot accept the bond-" From your side of the link, you felt his heart clench, "Not yet at least. I need to know this is real Az."
You could tell he wanted to speak but you knew that he wouldn't, not until you've said your peace. Tears begin to well up at how hard it was to say this out loud, "I will always love you. More than you will ever know Azriel, but I will not be a replacement for all the women you could not have. For all, I've known you never showed the slightest bit of interest in me prior to Starfall. Now I'm going to ask you- and I want the truth Az- Do you want this?"
His eyes were glossed over as he looked up at you through his lashes, "Do you want me?" Your voice broke.
He stood from his place on your couch, sauntering over to you, and he reached a hand out. Fingertips softly brushed fallen strands of your hair from your face, behind your ear, tracing a finger from your ear to your jaw. Slowly and painfully he dragged his finger to the tip of your chin forcing your eyes to meet his and you are weak.
"I have been so blind Y/n," He whispers.
"That's not an answer," You shake your head, and he drops his hand. Your voice was like stone though your nerves were on fire, "Do you love me Azriel?"
"I love you, Y/n L/n."
You wanted so badly to believe him. The thought of the mating bond forcing him to make him feel this way made you sick. "What about Elain?"
Azriel winced but spoke cooly, "An infatuation that is over and done."
"And Mor?"
"I loved her," Your stomach turned. "But the love I had for her, in that way, is gone and it does not compare to how I feel for you. The bond does nothing but intensify the love I have for you, the love that I have hidden away long ago."
"How am I supposed to believe that?" You scoff. "You forget that I've been there Az, throughout everything. You are not shy with your love, I should know, I've seen the way you love."
He shakes his head in denial, "I love you Y/n."
"What happens if one day Mor decides she loves you?" Something you knew would never actually happen but you needed to know.
"I love you-"
"I love you."
You playfully push him away from you, "You can't keep saying that when you have nothing to back it up with." He takes a hold of your waist with one hand and grabs the back of your neck, attaching his lips to yours. He kisses you with an intensity you've never felt from any other male, you melt into the kiss wrapping your arm around his shoulder and running your hands through his hair. Your body was pressed against his, adding heat to a situation you weren't sure you wanted to add to. His lips were intoxicating, you didn't want to stop but your mind wouldn't stop thinking about all the unanswered questions.
You broke away from the kiss, pushing him an arm's length away. "You said I talked too much."
He barked out a laugh, "What?"
"You told me that a couple of years ago," He took a step toward you but your arm held strong.
"I love you Y/n."
"I snore-"
"No you don't," Azriel snorted and removed your hand from his shoulder, bringing you into him with an arm. He pressed kisses up and down your neck, "I thought you wanted me to prove my love and here you are trying to give me reasons not to love you."
Azriel added his tongue to his kisses and began to suck on one spot in particular that had your knees weak.
"You said it yourself that I'm too much for you."
He paused his attack on your neck holding your face in his large hands, "Because I love you and you deserve better. Besides, I've dealt with you for well over two centuries I think I can deal with you for the rest of my life."
"I need you to prove it."
"I'll prove it to you for as long as I live," Azriel bent his neck down to press a chaste kiss to your lips.
"I promise."
Taglist: @mulansaucey - @jadepearsonn - @benbarnes-supremacy - @seppys-return-to-madness - @azriel-luvr - @marina468 - @zealousballoonfox
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lu-vin-it · 14 days
The Reservoir
3 | City of Walls and Secrets/Tales of Ba Sing Se
Masterlist | Ao3 | Prev Chapter | Next Chapter
Summary: Like every year, your father takes you on an expedition to find Wan-Chi Tong’s lost library. This time, however, you actually get results. Results that change your life forever.
Pairing: Sokka x Reader
Gender Neutral (They/Them)
Words: 4,563
Warnings: Sokka and Y/N bond over dead parents so angst!
A/N: Sorry this was so late!!!!!!
Thank you to @sepptember for proofreading !!! ILYSM!!
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On the train, you sit in between Toph and Sokka, across from Aang and Katara. You’ve taken this train many times over the years, which makes you miss your Dad. He should be sitting next to you, rambling on about how beautiful the library was. You wish you would’ve asked him about it while you were there. Did it live up to his expectations? Was it better.
“Look. The inner wall!” Katara says, pointing out the window behind her. “I can’t believe we finally made it to Ba Sing Se in one piece!”
“Hey! Don’t jinx it!” Sokka exclaims. “We could still be attacked by some giant, exploding, fire nation spoon. Or find out the city’s been submerged in an ocean full of killer shrimp.”
You raise an eyebrow at the boy beside you. “Way to kill the mood.”
“Just being realistic!” He holds up his hands in surrender. 
You deadpan. “Yes, because, realistically, a giant spoon will attack us.” 
“Okay, but the shrimp thing could totally happen!” 
“Have you been hitting the cactus juice again?” Toph asks, making you giggle.
“I’m just saying.” He shrugs. “Weird stuff happens to us.” As he says that, a man with a whole pineapple in his mouth shoves his way in between you and Toph, shoving you against Sokka.
“Point proven, I guess.” You murmur, butterflies in your stomach at the contact with Sokka. He scoots over and laughs nervously. 
“.. We’ll find Appa.” You turn your attention to Katara and Aang. 
“It’s such a big city.” 
Sokka stands up. “He’s a giant bison. Where could someone possibly hide him?” The train enters the city, and you’re once again hit with a wave of nostalgia. All the times you’ve been through this exact moment with your Father hit you at once. You can feel tears well up in your eyes, so, you turn to look out your window so your friends can’t see. 
Once you arrive at the train station, you wipe the tears off of your cheek and step off the train. 
“Back in the city. Great.” Toph complains. 
“What’s the problem? It’s amazing!”
“It’s just a bunch of walls and rules. You wait, you’ll get sick of it in a couple of days.” 
You frown. “What are you talking about? Ba Sing Se is the best! There are thousands of things to do here!” You gesture to the looming city in front of you. Toph scoffs in response, making your frown deepen.
Aang pulls out his bison whistle and blows on it. “I’m coming for you, buddy.” Katara places a hand on his shoulder. “He’s here, I can feel it.”
“Hello! My name is Joo Dee.” A strange, grinning woman says, walking up to you. “You must be Sokka, Katara, Aang, and Toph, welcome to our wonderful city.” She turns to you. “And welcome home, Y/N Zei.” 
“Oh. Thank you.” You scratch your head, wondering how she knows you all. 
“Shall we get started?” 
“Yes! We have information about the fire nation army that we need to deliver to the earth king immediately.” Sokka tells her. 
“Great! Let’s begin our tour, we’ll drop Y/N off on the way, and then I’ll show you to your new home, here. I think you’ll like it!” She turns around and starts walking, gesturing for you all to follow. You glance at each other, confused. 
“Uh! Maybe you missed what I said? We need to talk to the king about the war. It’s important.” 
“You’re in Ba Sing Se now. Everyone is safe here.” 
Your friends look at her like she’s insane, but you just smile. “Come on, guys!”
“This is the lower ring.” Joo Dee informs you as you ride through Ba Sing Se in an ostrich-pulled carriage. You sit beside Sokka next to a window. 
“What’s that wall for?” Katara asks. 
“Oh, Ba Sing Se has many walls. There are the ones outside, protecting us, and the ones inside, that help maintain order.” She gestures outside to a group of people. “This is where our newest arrivals live, as well as our craftsmen and artisans, people that work with their hands. It’s so quaint and lovely!” 
You point at a restaurant across the street and nudge Sokka. “That’s the best place to get food in all of Ba Sing Se.” You grin. “My dad and I used to go together all the time before we moved to the middle ring.” 
“Maybe we should stop by! I’m starving.” Toph says, patting her stomach. 
“Oh, later, later. There will be plenty of time for food after you get all settled in!” Joo Dee says, waving the idea away.
“Why do you have all the poor people blocked off in one part of the city?” Katara asks, making you furrow your brows. That’s not what this was… right? 
Aang shakes his head. “This is why I never came here before. I always heard it was so different from the way the monks taught us to live.” You frown and look back out the window. 
“This is the middle ring of Ba Sing Se!” You smile softly as you enter your ring. “Home to the financial district, more shops and restaurants, and the university.” 
“This is where I live!” You grin. “In the apartments just up there.” You point at a tall, ornate building that stood ten stories tall. It had ivy blooming with pink flowers going up the side. 
“It’s beautiful!” Katara says, smiling. 
“Just wait until you see my apartment! It’s easily the best decorated place in all of Ba Sing Se if I do say so myself.” You beam, filled with pride. You love your home. It’s always been a place where you found solace like nowhere else. Memories of going to work with your Father and then coming home and crashing on the couch together fill your mind, and you can’t help but feel sad again. 
“Are you okay?” Sokka whispers, placing a hand on your knee. 
You force a smile and nod. “Just thinking about how different it will be without him.” The brunette frowns and grabs your hand, wordlessly.
“Look, here’s one of the oldest buildings in the middle ring, town hall.” Joo Dee interrupts, pointing out her window. 
“Great! Could we talk to someone there?”
“We will stop here to let Y/N go home and see the architecture up close!” The carriage comes to a stop right in front of your home and Joo Dee steps out.
“Is this woman deaf!? She only seems to hear every other word I say.”
“It’s called being handled, get used to it.” Toph scowls.
You all step out and you immediately go over to your mailbox, open it and pull out the contents. You sort through the envelopes. Mostly, it’s just junk, but there’s one letter from your grandma who lives in Omashu, and another from a friend of your father’s. How were you supposed to respond to these? How were you supposed to tell people? 
“Hey guys, I’m– uh– I’m going to head up. I’ll see you around.” You give them a smile that doesn’t reach your eyes. You turn around and walk inside. 
“Y/N! Wait!” You glance back, Sokka runs inside and catches up to you. “Why don’t you come with us to check out our house? You know, so you know where to find us later?”
“No thank you.. I should really go upstairs. I have a lot to do. I really need to write to my Grandma.” 
Sokka deflates. “Oh. Yeah, of course.” 
You give him a thin-lipped smile. “Bye, Sokka.”
“Bye.” You start to turn around, but Sokka surges forward and hugs you, catching you by complete surprise. You wrap your arms around him and close your eyes, enjoying the moment. When you start to pull away, you kiss his cheek before you can second-guess yourself. 
“I’ll see you later.” You turn around and walk away leaving him a blushing mess.
That night, you write to your Grandma and read your father’s friend’s letter. It breaks your heart to think about how these people didn’t even get to say goodbye to him. They wrote these letters thinking that they’d get a reply a week later. Though they will be getting a reply, it certainly won’t be one they hope for.
Afterwards, you unload your backpack. In the contents, you find one of your Father’s journals– which is possibly the best thing that’s happened since you’ve been back– because it reminds you that he’s been journaling since before you were alive, and somehow managed to keep them all to your knowledge. 
Your memory proves to be correct when you go into your storage room– which was just an extra bedroom that your father filled with boxes and keepsakes– and find twenty file boxes full of journals all labeled by year. 
You grab his first journal ever and bring the first box to your room. You get comfy in your bed and then start reading it. You can definitely tell it’s his first journal from the writing. He talked about being in university himself, and how he was about to graduate. He also wrote a lot about a girl in his class, Sha Le. Your Mom. You never knew her, but everytime he mentions her, the empty feeling you’ve always had grows. 
The next morning, a knock wakes you. You run to your door and open it, shocked when you see Sokka standing there with a grin. 
“Good morning Y/N!” 
You smile softly and move to let him inside. “Good morning, why’d you come all this way this early?” 
He walks in and you shut the door behind him. “We figured out how we can talk to the earth king!”
You walk into your kitchen and start making some tea. “Oh yeah? How?”
“He’s throwing a party in his pet’s honor!”
“Bosco the bear?”
“Yeah.. is it really just a bear?”
You giggle. “Yeah, King Kuei is a little odd. In my opinion, platypus-bears are much cuter as pets.” 
“That’s what I said!” Sokka exclaims. 
“Anyways, did you guys get invited to the party?”
“Well, not exactly no, but Katara and Toph are going to sneak in.. we figured you should go with them! Since you know more about Ba Sing Se.” 
You pour two cups of tea and hand him one. “Toph knows more about high society than I do, it won’t be much different than in Omashu.” You scrunch up your face. “Besides, I’m not high society, I don’t know anything about how to act at those types of parties.”
“Toph is teaching Katara right now! If we hurry you’ll catch the lesson.” 
“I don’t know, Sokka. I have a lot to do. I found some boxes of my Dad’s journals and I want to go through all of them.”
“You can go through them tomorrow! I’ll even help you if you want.”
You smile. “Fine. But I’m holding you to that.” You point at him accusingly. He holds his hands up in mock surrender. 
“So, how do we look?” Katara asks as you, Toph, and her walk out of her bedroom. You feel a little ridiculous in the outfit, the fabric is itchy and your collar is a little suffocating. You break into a fit of giggles. 
“Wow, you look beautiful…” Aang says dreamily.
“Yeah. Beautiful.” You catch Sokka’s eyes and butterflies erupt in your stomach when you realize he’s staring right at you. You go to respond, but Toph covers your mouth with her fan.
“Don’t talk to commoners, Y/N. First rule of society.”
“We’ll get in the party and then find a way to let you in through the side gate.” You say as you walk to the front door.
You can’t really recall a time when you were this close to the palace. It made you nervous. You felt a little like a poser, especially when you see how easily this act comes to Toph.
When you finally reach the door, the guard asks for an invitation. 
Toph holds up her passport. “I think this will do.”
“No entry without an invitation. Step out of line, please.”
Toph scowls. “Look, the Pangs and the Yumsoon-Hans are waiting in there for us.” She crosses her arms. “I’m gonna have to tell them who didn’t let me in.”
“Step out of line please.” He reiterates. You guys frown and step out of line. Just as your about to think of a plan B, Katara spots someone.
“Sir?” She asks, walking up to a tall man with a mustache. “I’m so sorry to bother you, but my cousin lost all of our invitations.” She leans in. “She’s blind. Do you think you could help us? Our family’s inside, and I’m sure they’re very worried.” 
The man bows. “I am honored. Please, come with me.” He leads you back to the entrance where the guard bows to the man and lets you pass. You walk into the foyer and your jaw almost drops. It’s breathtaking. By far the biggest room you’ve ever been in. The pillars are taller than you thought 
 possible with gold trim on them. There are Earth Kingdom banners on every wall, and tables full of food in the center of the room. “Beautiful, isn’t it? By the way, I’m Long Feng.” The leader of the Dai Li. You tense up immediately. You’ve been caught. “I’m a cultural minister for the king.” You furrow your brow slightly when he doesn’t mention his title.
You glance around the room, faking a cough when you spot a waiter carrying drinks. “Excuse me, I’ll be back, it seems I need water.” You smile slightly and then quickly walk over to the waiter, grabbing a drink and then disappearing into the crowd. You walk over to the side door that Sokka and Aang were supposed to meet you at, and stick your head out. You zone in on them immediately and wave them in. 
“Hi Y/N!” Sokka greets you with a grin. 
“Hi Sokka.” 
“Where are Katara and Toph?” Aang asks with a frown. 
“We asked a man to sneak us in, but he’s the leader of the Dai Li and there’s no way he doesn’t know who we are.” You reply, grimacing. “I snuck away to let you guys in, Katara and Toph don’t know who he is.”
“What are you doing here!?” You turn around, caught. Joo Dee is standing in front of you, shocked. “You have to leave immediately or we’ll all be in terrible trouble.” 
Sokka steps in between you. “Not until we see the king.” He storms past her into the crowd, you and Aang following behind closely. 
“There you are!” You turn around, hearing Katara. She walks up to you with Toph’s hand in hers. 
You furrow your brows, not seeing Long Feng. “Where’d Long Feng go?”
“He’s right the– Oh.” Katara looks around behind her. “I don’t know, he was just here.”
“We must leave now!” Joo Dee whisper-shouts. 
“I already told you! Not until we see the king!” 
“You don’t understand, we must leave now!” Joo Dee takes a step towards Sokka and he takes a step back on instinct. He steps right on Aang’s foot, making the younger boy gasp and grab his foot, which throws him off balance and sends him flying into the table behind him. The table rocks back and forth before it falls, spilling a bowl of liquid all over a woman. She shrieks.
“Sorry! Oh no, don’t shout!” Aang uses his bending to dry her off, causing her hair to come undone and stick straight up.
The woman gasps. “The Avatar! Oh, I didn’t know the Avatar would be here!” She says it loud enough for everyone to turn and ogle at Aang as if he were an exhibit at the zoo. 
Sokka leans into Aang and whispers something into his ear. “Watch this, everybody!” Aang leaps into the air and lands on the huge table in the center of the room. He uses waterbending on the different coloured drinks on the table, he spins them in circles in rings around each other.
Suddenly, the gong is banged on, and Aang drops the drinks as you all turn to look at the man entering the room. You immediately know it’s King Kuei. The people carrying stop in the middle of the room for a moment, and then start taking him away again.
“Your majesty!” Aang calls out, flying over. You all start walking after the king, but once you get close to the doors he was brought through, Dai Li agents grab each of you and drag you into a room. 
“Hey! Let go of us!”
The agents finally let you go when you enter a library.
“Are you okay?” Sokka immediately asks you. 
“Yeah. You?” He nods. 
“We’re fine too, thanks for asking.” Toph interrupts. You both send embarrassed glares at her and Katara, who was snickering. 
A moment later, Long Feng and Aang enter the library. Long Feng sits in front of you while Aang stands next to Katara.
“Why won’t you let us talk to the king!? We have information that could help us defeat the fire nation!”
“The Earth King has no time to get involved with political squabbles and the day-to-day minutia of military activities.”
“This could be the most important thing he’s ever heard!” Aang says. 
“What’s most important to his royal majesty is maintaining the cultural heritage of Ba Sing Se. All his duties relate to issuing decrees on such matters. It’s my job to oversee the rest of the city’s resources, including the military.”
“So.. King Kuei is just a figurehead?” You ask, feeling like a bucket of ice water was just dumped on you.
“He’s your puppet!” Toph spits. 
“Oh, no, no. His majesty is an icon, a god to his people. He can’t sully his hands with the hourly changes of an endless war.”
“But we found out about a solar eclipse that will leave the fire nation defenseless. We could lead an invasion!” Sokka steps forward. You smile, admiring his passion. 
Long Feng stands abruptly. “Enough! I don’t want to hear your ridiculous plan!” The man spits. Sokka steps back, shocked. You place a hand on his forearm. “It is the strict policy of Ba Sing Se that the war not be mentioned within the walls.” You scowl. So that’s why you barely know anything about it. “Constant news of an escalating war will throw the citizens of Ba Sing Se into a state of panic. In silencing the talk of conflict, Ba Sing Se remains a peaceful, orderly utopia. The last one on Earth!” He smiles.
“You can’t keep the truth from all these people. They have to know” Katara says.
“They can, they do.” You mumble. 
“I’ll tell them. I’ll make sure everyone knows!” Aang says, raising his fist.”
“Until now, you’ve been treated as our honored guest. But from now on, you will be watched every moment by Dai Li agents. If you mention the war to anyone, you will be expelled from the city.” He turns around and stares at the green flames in the fireplace. “I understand you’ve been looking for your bison. It would be quite a shame if you were not able to complete your quest.” Aang scowls. “Now, Joo Dee will show you home.” The doors open and a woman walks in, your eyes widen when you realize it’s not Joo Dee.
“Come with me, please.”
“What happened to Joo Dee?”
“I’m Joo Dee. I’ll be your host as long as you’re in our wonderful city.” She says robotically. 
You’re starting to wonder just how great Ba Sing Se really is.
The next morning, you wake up in Katara’s room. It was so late once the new Joo Dee got you guys back to the higher ring that you decided to stay for the night. Katara was quick to offer you a spot in her room, and you were even quicker to agree, saying it would be a sleepover. The two of you ended up talking until the early morning, which makes the light spilling into the room even more unbearable. 
“Good morning!” A cheery voice says. You roll over and open one eye, seeing Sokka standing in the doorway. 
“It’s too early, Sokka.” Katara groans. 
“Maybe for you, but I promised Y/N we’d go through journals together.” 
You curse. “Does it have to be right now?”
“Yes, it does! Come on!” He grabs your arm and pulls you up. 
“Fine.” You mumble, sitting up and rubbing your eyes. It was way too early for this. 
Once you and Sokka got to your apartment, you bring down one of the boxes of journals. 
“Okay, so these are the first ones. But, there are nineteen other boxes upstairs.” You put the box on the coffee table with a thud. 
Sokka gapes at you. “Nineteen?” 
You nod. “Twenty years of journaling, there’s probably at least twelve journals in each box too.” 
You laugh and sit down beside him. “If you want to back out, you can. No hard feelings.” 
“No, no, I said I would help you so that’s what I’m going to do. Which one should I start with?” 
You grab two journals and hand him one. “Here, this one goes right after the one I’m starting.” You look down at your hands. “Can– Um– would you mind dog-earing any pages that mention a girl named Sha Le?”
“Sure! Why?” 
Your cheeks burn with embarrassment. You have no clue why. There’s nothing embarrassing about wanting to know your mother. “Uh.. She’s my birth mom. I don’t really know much about her.. I never asked my dad anything ‘cause I was afraid of how he’d react.” You scratch the back of your neck. “My biological parents died in the south pole when I was younger. She was my dad’s best friend.” 
“Wait.. Professor Zei isn’t your biological Dad?” 
You finally look at Sokka, who’s staring at you with an expression that’s half confusion and half shocked. “No, we don’t look anything alike!” You giggle slightly. “He was my godfather. My mom moved to the South Pole after she graduated university to study your guys’ ways of healing. She met my biological dad– Paro– while she was there. He was a waterbender–”
“I know of Paro! He was a soldier, right? He’s a legend!” He practically fan-girls, his eyes go wide and a grin stretches from ear to ear.  
You grin. “Really?”
He quickly nods. “My dad told me this story about how he single handedly beat a whole battalion of fire nation soldiers once. What happened to him?”
You sigh. “He got sick, I guess. I don’t know the details,” You frown. “Then two years later there was a raid and with no one to protect my mom, she was.. You know.” Tears well up in your eyes. “And by then I was already showing signs of being able to water bend so I was sent here and my dad took me in.”
“My mom was killed during the raid too.” Sokka replies quietly. 
“I’m so sorry, Sokka.” You bring your legs up onto the couch. “You don’t talk about your parents a lot.”
“Well you know about my mom now. My dad led the soldiers that were left in our tribe to fight in the war two years ago. Katara and I haven’t seen or heard from him since.” You frown. How could he leave two kids behind like that? “We ran into one of the soldiers, Bato, a while back and he told us dad was still alive so there’s that at least.” He frowns too. 
You reach forward and grab his hand. “That must’ve been so hard. I’m so sorry, Sokka.” 
“It’s okay. I just hope I can see him soon.”
“You will.” You smile softly. 
Sokka looks up at you and your eyes lock. You get lost in his irises, when suddenly, his eyes flicker to your lips and before you know it, he’s leaning in and you’re leaning forward to give him better access. Your lips meet and you feel like the world is melting away. His hand flies up to your cheek, cupping it. You grab his forearm as your lips move in sync. You pull away after what seems to be forever. You stare at Sokka with wide eyes, his expression matching yours, as you let the kiss sink in. You clear your throat awkwardly. “We– Uh– We should start reading.” 
His cheeks turn bright red. “Yeah! Reading! We should do that! Yes.” He backs up, putting as much space between the two of you as possible before he starts reading the journal in his lap. 
Hours later, you and Sokka sit in the same spots. You’ve each gotten through about two journals, meaning you’ve gone through five in total since you read one when you got back.
“Hey! Your dad has a lot of information about the fire nation in this one!” Sokka exclaims. 
You glance at his journal to see a page with a list on it. Notes from a class, you assume. “You know.. I bet there’s a lot about the fire nation in these. With how many there are, there’s gotta be, right?”
“You’re probably right! I bet you we could find out a lot in these.” He grins. “I’m so glad you had a weird dad!” 
“Hey!” You exclaim with a laugh, trying to act offended, but failing miserably. “He wasn’t that weird.” You laugh again, this time, Sokka joins in. 
You keep reading with Sokka until the sun goes down and you finally finish the first box. After Sokka found the first page about the fire nation, you both started finding more and more littered through the entries. At the third mention, you grab an empty notebook and start writing down everything you’ve found so far.
“Well, I should probably go back to the house.” Sokka says after he sets the box down in the storage room. 
“Oh, right, of course.” You smile and gesture for him to leave the room, then lead him to the front door. “Thank you for helping me. I really appreciate it.”
He smiles. “Anytime. Um–” He blushes. “I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable when I kissed you earlier.”
You raise your eyebrows. “You didn’t make me uncomfortable, silly. I liked it.” Your stomach churns nervously.
He looks up at you, hopeful. “Really?” You smile and nod. “Cool– I, um– I liked it too. Maybe.. Maybe we could go to that restaurant that you said you liked. Alone. As a date.” Your eyes widen. He wants to go on a date with you? “Or not, we don’t have to, obviously! It was just a suggest–” 
You cut him off by leaning up and kissing his cheek. “I’d love to go out with you, Sokka.” 
“Oh! Awesome! I mean– cool. Cool.” His cheeks turn bright red making you giggle. 
“We can figure out the details tomorrow?” You ask. He nods frantically. “Okay. I’ll go over to the house tomorrow morning.” 
“Okay! I’ll see you then!” He turns around and grabs the doorknob, waving awkwardly as he steps into the hallway. 
“Goodnight, Sokka.” You close the door behind him and blink. Did that really just happen?
Taglist: @randomgurl2326 , @staygoldsquatchling02 , @acupnoodle , @ginger-swag-rapunzel , @polish-cereal @graciexmarvel
37 notes · View notes
kitthepurplepotato · 5 months
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Chapter 16 - Fight!
Summary: Y/N fights Midoriya and Shouto in front of an audience. Is she able to win against the two top heroes and go back to being a hero? We shall see.
Feat. Present Mic and Aizawa!
Warnings: Swear words, Katsuki makes a few horny comments here and there, mentions of Shouto’s PTSD, one broken rib. Or two. Or three.
First Chapter Master List
“Ladies and gentlemen and everyone in between, welcome to the battle of the year!” Present Mic yells into his speaker with utter enthusiasm. Why is Present Mic here? You have no idea, but you can’t wait to get a signature because you freaking love his talk show. “Y/N versus Midoriya and Todoroki! Yeaaaaaah!”
The whole building cheers.
You heard it right. The whole building. It’s a fucking full house.
The whole agency is here except a few who decided to stay behind to keep the business going (Katsuki had to give them a double hourly wage to make them stay at work, by the way.), which doesn’t surprise you as Katsuki’s team is quite known for being overly enthusiastic when it comes to mock battles and hero stuff, then there’s Mina, Kaminari, and a shit load of people from the wedding, possibly Katsuki’s old classmates and friends, all sitting in one corner and cheering for both teams which doesn’t make any fucking sense, but okay. Next to the famous Present Mic there is a grouchy black haired man with a massive white scarf thingy around his neck; he has a camera by this left side and a notebook on his lap.
“Why. Just why.” The man mutters under his nose; thankfully you are amazing at lip reading, so you don’t actually need to hear him to know what’s up. His face is contorted into a frown as he stares at the blond with nothing but pure judgment.
“Oh come on, sensei! Have some fun!” The guy snickers but “sensei” only rolls his eyes at that.
“I’m here to take notes and to film the fight for Midoriya for analytical purposes. I’m not here to have fun.”
“We are here to have fun, let’s go, Mic sensei wooohooo!” Kaminari yells and the whole audience cheers at that.
Dang. You’ve never had a stage fright before. Needless to say, now you do.
“Deku, what the actual fuck, do you want to die, you idiot?! This is not what we’ve discussed!” Katsuki clearly felt the nervous vibes coming from you and is absolutely fucking livid right now.
“Kacchan, I swear it wasn’t me. I only asked Aizawa-sensei! No one else!”
“Why is Auntie Inko hiding behind the pillar then?!” Katsuki tries his best to look less aggravated as he waves to the shy, green haired woman with a forced smile on his face. Midoriya then stares at his Kacchan with nothing but gratefulness, tears prickling his eyes from seeing his childhood rival being nice to his one and only mother he loves so much.
“Mum doesn’t count, does she? She’s family.” Deku mutters, ready to have his face blasted off.
“Do you see my shitty family here, Deku?! Huh?!” Kacchan yells at the poor guy; Midoriya points right where his mum is with a barely concealed smile.
“Yeah, they are right behind my mum.”
“The fuck?!”
Katsuki is having a brain fart moment. He’s so fucking confused it’s kinda hilarious.
“It’s my fault, Katsuki.” Kirishima comes over with guilt deeply etched into his face. “I accidentally told Denki about it and then… well, you know him. I’m sorry.”
“Fucking hell.”
“My family isn’t here.” Todoroki adds. The guy didn’t make a single noise until now so you kinda forgot he’s also here.
“Shouto, you are not helping, but thank you for trying.” Izuku, who’s clearly used to Todoroki’s miserable attempts to save the day, leaves a tiny kiss on his boyfriend’s cheek.
“10 minutes until show time, are you guys ready?!” Present Mic’s voice comes through the speaker again as the light around the outer edges of the building dramatically go down.
“If you hurt her, I’ll fucking kill you, you fucking overpowered energizer bunny.” Katsuki grabs the green head’s shirt by the neck and pulls him closer with a sneer. “One fucking bruise and…”
“Kacchan… I respect you but I’m here to win. You wouldn’t want me to go easy on her, would you?”
Katsuki only contemplates for a few seconds, the tips of his ears coated pink as he lets go of the poor guy, completely defeated.
“I can cauterize wounds if things get out of hand.”
You’ve never seen Katsuki so terrified in your whole life. His face is pale like a sheet and he looks five seconds away from throwing up all over the floor.
“Nope. We are not doing this. We are going home. Nope. Fuck this.” Katsuki is about to pull you towards the exit but Izuku jumps between the two of you.
“Shouto, you were doing so well...” Midoriya sighs and puts his hand on your shoulder. “Y/N, Katsuki. I swear I won’t do any serious harm to your girlfriend. I also think she can protect herself and she’ll be able to keep up with us with no problems. Please, sit down and enjoy the show.” Midoriya pushes you to the side slowly, but Katsuki’s grasp on your hand is relentless.
“Come on, bro! I heard Auntie Inko brought you some muffins!” Kirishima chimes in, pulling him towards the seats, his hands massaging the blond’s shoulders. “Come on now!”
“Just one minute and I’m going.” Katsuki tears himself out of Kirishima’s grasp. Todoroki and Midoriya make their way towards the other end of the battlefield while Kirishima takes a few steps back to give you some privacy. “Kick their asses, baby. I fucking… I fucking believe in you. I love you and shit. Fuck.”
The whole audience gawks as Katsuki snuggles into the crook of your neck like a little kitten looking for attention. You rake your fingers through his messy hair out of habit, playing with the strands and leaving tiny kisses on the top of his head until he finally looks up and lets you kiss him properly, right in front of the whole fucking building.
“Oh my god! What a day to be alive! Bakugou Katsuki aka Lord Explosion Murder God Dynamight just got a kiss from the mysterious hero! You go, lover boy, good for you!”
“That’s his girlfriend!” Kaminari yells into the air helpfully. “He’s in love, sensei!”
“Oh my god, dear listeners! The beast has been tamed! I’m so proud!”
“Shut the fuck up.” Katsuki mutters into your neck, his whole face probably the color of a ripe tomato.
“He said shut the fuck up!” You yell to the interpreter with a shit eating grin on your face.
“Ahh, well, there is a lot of things I can do but that ain’t one of ‘em!” Mic giggles and the whole audience roars.
“That’s true.” Sensei mutters with a nod and Mic makes an offended face at that.
“Five minutes to go. Are we are ready, dear listeners?!” Present Mic yells again and the audience cheers. Loudly. Dang, they are really fucking excited for this shit.
“Keep your eyes on me, loverboy.” You wink at your boyfriend; he visibly shivers under your confident gaze.
“Couldn’t keep my eyes off you even if I’d try.”
… damn, you two won’t sleep a wink tonight, that’s for sure.
“Three, two, one… go!”
The two heroes charge at you right away, their movements completely synchronized and clearly planned out; needless to say having two heroes that are so used to each other fight against you should be a huge disadvantage for you but here’s the thing; you can do whatever you want. And by whatever, you mean you can literally just…
Deku’s movements halt right away, his face contorted into a confused frown as he looks at his partner in pure terror.
“Goldfish is a quirk that makes the other person forget what they were about to do a few minutes prior. It’s quite harmless unless used… well… in cases like this. Well done.” The “sensei” steals the speaker from Present Mic who’s completely bamboozled by seeing the number one hero so lost on the battlefield. This would be the perfect time to counterattack but seeing how many people have gathered here today you decide to give them a little show instead; Todoroki comes out of his own stupor and charges towards you while Midoriya slowly tries to put himself back into the present but suddenly, his quirk changes sides in the most literal sense; his right side becomes his hot side while his left side starts to frost over rapidly; having such a change is already quite a pain in the ass but here’s the thing - to be honest this was a bluff but it clearly worked -; while his quirk swapped sides, his body didn’t, hence why his body is now affected by the effects of the quirk.
“Fuck!” Shouto yells as the flames start to burn his heat-sensitive skin…
“Y/N, stop! Anything but that. Please.” Izuku begs and he looks so horrified you cancel the quirk right away. There is something in his eyes, something painful and deep and you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to see that you somehow managed to touch a sensitive topic here. You look at Katsuki who’s standing by the side of the battlefield; he looks at his friend apologetically, his eyes somehow regretful.
“This is good practice.” Shouto’s sudden grin surprises the whole audience. “Sometimes, you need to face your biggest fears and if this would be a real fight, there wouldn’t be a pause. On the battlefield, there is no time to dwell on the past.”
“Is pro hero Shouto giving a speech in the middle of the battle?!” Present Mic screeches. “Also, how many quirks…?”
“All of them. Her quirk is called ‘quirk manifestation’. It’s the strongest quirk in the whole world as she can use several different quirks at the same time for as long as she wants to. Until she can stay focused, she’s unstoppable.” Sensei answers with a deadpanned face.
“Wow, you did your research.” You yell back to him with a grin. Thankfully, the mood is slowly shifting back to relatively normal now.
“I’m Eraserhead. I work underground. Gaining intel is my virtue.” He mutters smugly. “But for this intel I must thank my former student, Midoriya. His notes on you were quite… detailed.”
“Quirk me again.” Shouto suddenly yells, completely ignoring his old teacher. Midoriya looks at the guy like he just lost his mind and by the absolute manic grin on his face, he might be right about that.
Also, can we stop for a moment and talk about the fact that Todoroki Shouto is wearing his emotions on his face? You are a taken woman, but damn, he should do this more often.
“Are we going berserk? Plus fucking ultra then.” Midoriya grins back and by the random eye fucking those two just did a few seconds prior you are quite sure they’ll also have a long night after this.
“Come at me you gay disasters.” You give the two a manic grin and… well… they do.
First, Todoroki somehow finds a way to use his quirk even with the disadvantage. You manage to slip on the tiny, almost invisible ice he manages to sneak under your legs; the ice travels further up, pinning you to the ground but not for long; with your quick thinking you manage to counterattack with pink flames, because why the fuck not, melting the ice on your legs then charge forward towards the half and half hero but you change your stance last minute; you attack Midoriya instead, your emotions concealed with a quirk you just came up with to not trigger his danger sense; he catches your hand with black whip but you make your body intangible and slip out of the grasp; he tries to save himself by using his Smoke Ray but it’s all in vein as your favorite quirk is X-Ray Vision; Midoriya also made a massive mistake with using this quirk of his as he also made it impossible for his partner to see you, basically rendering him useless for the next few minutes until the smoke dissolves.
“I really want to gossip about the sexual tension between the two boys on the battlefield but… what a mistake! Todoroki’s lost in the smoke and Midoriya is just about to get hit by… uuuuh, that must have hurt!”
You just landed a massive hit right at Midoriya’s ribs using a mixture of Kirishima’s hardening and super strength while Todoroki is still wandering in the smoke, trapped and probably extremely frustrated.
Something cracked. Fuck.
“Izuku!” Todoroki finally emerges from the smoke, putting on a massive ice wall right between you two.
“She broke my fucking rib, Shouto.”
Suddenly, a furious Todoroki jumps through the wall, shattering it into pieces as he lands a massive hit on your shoulder and you fall to the ground.
“Midoriya is OUT! Nothing is as strong as a fury of a wounded lover, though! Get her, Todoroki!” Present Mic yells, exhilarated.
Katsuki looks like he’s about to pass out which is quite understandable to be honest. This fight is fucking intense.
“Was that really necessary?!” Todoroki yanks your wounded arm and pushes you down.
What he doesn’t know is that you are not actually in pain anymore; you already healed yourself but he doesn’t need to know that.
“You know I didn’t mean to do that.”
“Ten more seconds and Todoroki wins!”
“What kind of monster are you?!”
“The one on the good side. The one who really fucking wants to go back to work and save people.”
It all happens really quickly. You use a slime quirk to get out of Todoroki’s intense grasp and blast his face using your own version of your boyfriend’s quirk; the pink, cotton candy scented one you used to bully Katsuki with. You make sure to not use too much power this time and mostly just blind the hero for long enough to use your own version of Midoriya’s black whip - it’s quite a useful quirk as it’s heat and frost-resistant, basically indestructible. In only a few seconds, the half and half hero is rolled up like a little burrito, surrounded by black whip everywhere but his face.
“Sorry about triggering your PTSD in the beginning. I’m also sorry for hurting your boyfriend. I’ll heal him as soon as this is over.”
“It’s fine, it has been ages since I’ve been challenged by someone. Felt fucking nice.” Todoroki tries to wiggle himself out but it’s all in vain. It’s game over for him.
“You guys are amazing. If this would have been an actual life or death situation I’m quite sure you would’ve won.”
“Stop flattering me, you literally took that hit on your shoulder just to be even.”
“Anyway… it was a great fight. Thank you.”
“Todoroki is out, Y/N wins! WHAT A FIGHT! Congratulations!” Present Mic yells while the whole audience whistles. Midoriya’s mother is crying so you make a note to yourself to apologize to her later.
Todoroki is by Midoriya’s side the moment he’s free. You are just about to go over to heal him and say sorry when Katsuki jumps on you from behind, turns you over to him and kisses you with so much fervor your legs almost give up under you.
“You fucking madman.” Katsuki grins, his worried eyes long gone in exchange for pure exhilaration. “You don’t know how to hold back, do you?” Suddenly, Katsuki’s lips skim your ears. “Why don’t you go all unhinged in bed with me tonight? I want to see what else you can do…”
“Katsuki, this is not the time.” You reprimand with a little giggle. “I need to take care of your broken friend first.”
“You can take care of my…”
“Oh, shut the fuck up, you horny weirdo.” You put your palm on his face and push him away playfully in the middle of his sentence. The shit eating grin on Katsuki’s face is so fucking adorable you kinda want to kiss him but this is really not time for it.
“Y/N!” Todoroki yells, frustrated. By the look of it, it isn’t just Midoriya’s rib that’s broken but his mind as well; he’s mumbling to himself, still sitting on the floor, avoiding eye contact with anyone in the facility. Needles to say, he’s crying.
“Let me reboot the crybaby.” You grin at the big lump on the floor while most of the audience goes back to work. Katsuki’s friend group and the two senseis are still seated, probably waiting for you guys to wrap up and listen to their feedback.
This will be a long fucking day.
… Next Chapter!
Potato ramble:
- I know. This is fucking late. Honestly, I had the busiest two weeks of my whole life and I only had one day off which was the 25th and that was all. I don’t remember the last three days. Like I actually don’t think my soul was in my body. I have no recollection of the days either so yeah, I’m sorry folks who always tell me to chill the fuck out, I definitely did not listen this time. 😂
- Midoriya’s grave mistake and the whole drama around his behavior will be explained in the next chapter. Aizawa will give him a harsh feedback. 😂
- I’m really excited about the last chapter because it will have Steven in it. I fucking love Steven. I will miss him so much.
- The next chapter will be the last official chapter, then there will be one extra part and that’s probably it! BUT! If you guys have any ideas for possible extra chapters I’m more than keen to listen and maybe one day I’ll come back to this and write some cute extra chapters for you guys! So even if you read this months after I posted this, feel free to leave a comment about what would you like to see and stuff!
- Also, I’ll will start posting the Kirishima spin-off a few weeks after this one ends so if you want to be on the tag list, leave me a comment!
- I got myself a really aggressive looking cactus today. He has MASSIVE spikes all over and he looks like he could literally kill a person. His first thing after I bought him was to prick my finger. So obviously I named him Lord Explosion Murder God Dynamight because he’s a prickly little fuck like him.
- I’ll shut up now. Happy new year and all that jazz. 💜💥💜
TL: @sixxze @iwannahaveaprettyaesthetic @hanatsuki-hime @cloroxisadelectabletreat @cheesenmax @coffeent @smolsleepybat @therealpotatobish @qardasngan @canarystwin @unofficialmuilover @nanamomo1 @mikestuffffs @p4ndawrites @yao-ai @porusuniverse
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My You-niverse: Richard Alonso Munoz
Fandom: Oscar Isaac
Pairing: Richard Alonso Munoz x F!Reader, throughout the series: Marc Spector x F!Reader, Steven Grant x F!Reader
Summary: You and America get stuck portal jumping until you reach your universe again. In the meantime, you meet various versions of your husband.
Warning: mentions of domestic abuse
A/N: sorry its been almost a month since i last updated...i can't promise that it wont happen again.
Series Masterlist
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"You've been coming around here a lot lately," you state as you take your mail from Richard.
"Dana's on maternity leave, so I'm taking over the women's block as well."
Your brows shoot up, "Oh. I didn't know she already had the baby. Tell her I said 'Congrats'."
Richard gives you a nod and a soft smile, "Will do."
Steven groans and wipes his mouth after throwing up. America gives him a sympathetic look, "Yeah, that happens sometimes."
"Strange, not that I don't enjoy all this universe hopping and what not, when will we find, Y/N?"
Stephen rolls his eyes at Marc's alter, "It's not like I put a tracking on her."
"There's no spell of some sort that could help us track her?" Steven asks in desperation.
Stephen thinks and then his eyes widen. He turns to Steven, "Do you have anything of Y/N's?"
Steven rummages through his pocket and pulls out a necklace, "Here. I gave this to her on our first wedding anniversary. She makes me hold it during missions because she doesn't want to lose it."
"Perfect. Hold it up." While Steven holds up your necklace, Stephen does several hand movements, creating different glowing magical shapes. He pushes the shapes to your necklace and it proceeds to glow. The light from it then fades and the necklace is just the same as it was.
"...soooo...what was that supposed to do?" America asks with a cocked brow.
"This," Stephen points to your necklace, "will glow if it senses any trace of Y/N."
America threw up her arms, "Why didn't you think of this earlier?"
"I didn't think of it until now."
Steven groaned, "Would've saved us a lot of time, mate, if you did!"
"Doesn't matter now. All that matters is that we're closer to finding Y/N." Stephen created a portal to the next universe, "Shall we carry on?"
Twenty-five years to life. Shit. Well, you suppose that's what you get for killing someone. That someone being your sister's abusive ass ex-husband.
"I'd do it again," you murmur, pushing your food around your tray while Richard sat across from you, "No one, especially my sister, deserves to be treated the way he treated her," you spoke, the memories this universe' version of you flooded your brain, "If I didn't do it, there would've been another woman after my sister that he'd use as his personal punching bag. I couldn't have that."
"I get it. I don't condone what you did, but I get it. I've read the letters your sister sends you. I can tell she's very grateful of you."
You nod and let out a deep breath, "So you probably know everyone's dirty secrets, huh? Having to read everyone's letters and whatnot."
Richard smooths over his mustache and shrugs, "I try not to really get into all. Just have to make sure no one is trying to break out of here or trying to hurt someone."
You smirk at him and lean in closer so that he could only hear you, "Have people sent nudes?"
He gave a nervous laugh, "Oh God," he shakes his head, covering his blushing face, "I'm surprised how many people send naked photos of themselves to these inmates."
"Oooouu, Ritchie!"
"I don't look at them long. Just to see it's nothing harmful and then set it back in the envelope." he scoffs, "I've seen more naked women here than I do outside of work."
Your brows rise in surprise, "Really?"
He shrugs, "Yeah, is that surprising?"
It's your turn to shrug, "I dunno. I just-you're sweet and funny and handsome. Thought you'd have someone to give you some lovin'."
Richard sighs, "Unfortunately, there is no love for me."
You prop your elbows up, resting your chin on your hand, "I'd date you if I wasn't locked up here."
"Yeah?" Now it's Richard who looks at you with surprise.
You nod, "Yeah. Like I said, you're sweet, funny, and handsome. Very understanding and a great listener."
One of the guards then announces that lunch is over and that everyone should be heading back to their cells.
You groan and hang your head low, "Guess I'll see you around, Ritchie."
"So all of these versions of Marc's are just a bunch of tossers, aren't they?" Steven says with a snort, but then he punches himself in the face.
"Shit!" he cries out, "Unnecessary!" He begins to start arguing with Marc.
America starts slowly moving away from them but closer to Stephen, "So, Doc, are we getting closer to finding Y/N?"
"I think so," he fiddles with your necklace in his hand, "It's getting warmer, so we might not be that far behind." He looks back at Steven and calls out, "If you two are done bickering, I'm sure you'd like to get back to finding your wife?"
Steven nods, "Right," he straightens his jacket, "Let's go then." He catches up to Steven and America.
He and America trail behind Stephen and as he follows wherever your necklace is leading him. He's fully concentrated on the task at hand.
America then speaks up, "So, Steven, I know Y/N and Marc are married, so does that mean you're married to her too?"
"I suppose yes, in a way," he holds up his left hand to show his wedding ring, "But technically no. On the marriage certificate, it's Y/N and Marc's name. To be fair, I was never really a relationship person. That's all Marc with the romance and sweeping her off her feet. It took me a while, but I've come to love her as well. There's no title, really. She's mine just as much as she is Marc's and vice versa."
The teen suddenly looks upset, "I really am sorry I got her into this mess."
"It's not your fault. Marc's pissed, yeah, but it's at himself. He gets hard on himself whenever something happens to Y/N. And this is unknown territory for, well, all of us. But Marc doesn't like being so blind to all of this."
"What about you? How are you feeling about all this?"
Steven chuckles, "It's rather thrilling, innit? Visiting multiple universes and timelines and all that?"
America chuckles, "Yeah, it's pretty cool. Maybe once I really get the hang of my powers, we can do this again sans losing Y/N and trying to get her back."
Steven winces and rubs his belly, "Maybe not for a while," remembering how many times he's thrown up already from the universe jumping.
America laughs, "Fair enough."
Richard should be keeping watch of everyone else in the courtyard, but he can't. His attention is captured by you.
You're laying in the grass, soaking up as much sun as possible. He can tell you're at peace in this moment. He doesn't want to disturb you, but he can't help the pull that draws him to you.
He crosses the basketball court, to the area of grass that's starting to yellow as the summer heat is rolling in.
When he approaches you, your eyes are focused up at the sky.
Your eyes go to him and you smile, "Care to join me?" you pat the grass beside you.
He shakes his head, "I'm alright. I just wanted to check up on you."
You hum, eyes going back up at the sky, "When I look up, I'm taken away from this place. I'm not in prison, I'm somewhere else. Somewhere I'm free." You look back to him, "And you're there with me."
"Am I?" Richard gives a chuckle.
You nod, "Of course. You're sharing all of the poems that you've written and read to me." You sit up and turn to him, "Have you written anything new?"
"I'm...working on something."
"Can I get a sneak peek?"
"Absolutely not."
"Why not?!"
"Because I only want to show you when it's finished."
You hold up your hands in surrender, "Fine, fine. I won't budge."
You put your hands behind your head and lean back to lay back down. Once your head hits the grass, you're suddenly somewhere else.
You're on a cold floor. Standing above you is another version of your husband. His hair is slightly longer, more salt and pepper. He's also donning a beard similar to Nathan's.
"I win again, stardust." this version of Marc holds a baton towards you.
You groan, sitting up, "Ow."
He offers a hand to you and pulls you to your feet, "What's hurt?"
"My ego," you answer with a pout.
He gives a low chuckle and kisses your head, "You're fine."
"My Duke Leto," a man enters the room, "your meeting ," he reminds Leto, as you've learned his name.
"Right. I lost track of time." He hands you the baton, "Maybe you should join Paul in his lessons." he playfully nudges you.
"Ha ha."
Leto gives you a chaste kiss on the lips and heads for the door, "I'll see you at dinner, stardust."
You wave at Leto and then take a look around the room you're in. It's all stone of some sort. You walk towards the only window in the room and peer through it, seeing waves of water crash against a cliff.
The sky didn't look right. Were you on some other kind of planet?
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merakiui · 6 months
….do you ever think about academic rivals with jade?
YES. OTL academic rivals with Jade, but he's always the first one to have checked out the specific books you need from the library. Every time you ask if they have [insert mushroom textbook here], the librarian just frowns at you and tells you, "Sorry. Another student's already borrowed it. Should have it in by next week." But you need this specific textbook now. How else are you going to be able to write your report on various fungi species if that book is the only one that goes into detail on a very ancient species that you can't read about anywhere else?
It doesn't take you long to find out the current owner. All you needed to ask was, "Do you know who's using [insert mushroom textbook here]?" and everyone points you in his direction. Jade Leech. The two of you have a bit of a history. You're both academically intelligent, always within the top brackets for exam scores. He's abysmal in flight class, which is really the only hold you have over him when it comes to your unspoken competition. You absolutely tease him for this, but he teases back just as playfully when he catches you fumbling. <3
You met at the entrance ceremony in your first year. While Floyd was busy causing a commotion and getting his ass handed to him by Riddle, you were boasting to some friends about how you were certain you'd be sorted into [insert your dorm of choice here]. Jade had overheard and slinked over to wish you luck on your placement. You'd grinned at him and said, "I don't need luck when I know I'm right." You hit him right in his eel heart with that line..... oh, he's so intrigued.
Much to your chagrin, you're placed in Octavinelle LOL. So not only do you compete on an academic playing field with Jade, you compete as dorm members as well. Jade isn't nearly as competitive as Floyd, but when the mood strikes he's oh-so-willing to play. And you are by far his favorite plaything. He'll entertain silly competitions, if only because it gives him the opportunity to talk with you more. So he's immensely pleased when you storm into the botanical gardens to demand he relinquish the textbook for one day so you can use it. Jade pretends to consider it before smiling coyly and asking, "Shall we share it instead?"
And now you're standing side by side, shoulders nearly brushing, while reviewing the material. Jade could help you with your report, just so you know. :) he's the only other student writing about this topic for Professor Crewel's class. Why not review one another's work? Peer review is a very important part of the process, after all! You'd never willingly work with your rival, especially not when you're determined to submit the better paper on mushrooms and get a better grade than Jade, but somehow you agree. And somehow you're meeting Jade at his room to discuss papers. You're only here for academics and it's a one-time thing! Jade smiles like he doesn't believe you for a second, but he doesn't dignify your self-gaslighting with a response. He's just happy to be able to hang out with you.
Of course Floyd is also there to provide not-so-helpful commentary like: "Want me to get lost so you two can get to fuckin'?" or "Lame. When Jade said you were comin' over, I didn't think you'd be usin' studyin' for foreplay." T_T thank you for the input, Floyd.
And of course Jade flirts with you in that weird, coquettish Jade way. orz but you're certain this is just a sly tactic your rival's employing to distract you so that he can improve his paper!!! >:O from then on, any attempts at flirting are scrutinized heavily. You cannot imagine a world where Jade Leech loves you, but then that same Jade Leech is the first one at your table when you visit the lounge, always providing you with the best service. Azul and Floyd know it's favoritism, but to anyone else you're just seen as the poor soul Jade's taken a shine to. That same Jade Leech is meeting you after class when it’s dismissed to wish you luck on the upcoming exams and to offer a study session. That same Jade Leech is cultivating various fungi and flowers that remind him of you.
Most of all, that same Jade Leech, your academic rival since first year, is leaving little study baskets at your dorm door every time a big exam rolls around because he knows you neglect your health. But he's still just your rival! That's all he is! You're certain of this! (denial)
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