#asks a lot of (uninteresting) questions that it won't answer
zoobus · 1 year
Prometheus (2012) was entertaining but annoying in such a way that describing it would heavily suggest I didn't find it entertaining. For a movie that's (allegedly) meant as thought provoking, they sure did let a lot of unchecked stupid happen. What's a protocol? What's wrong with immediately anthropomorphizing an alien planet? Why can't I wear my mask under my nose while playing with a corpse? These are all scientists.
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moonsaver · 7 months
Thinking ab Yan!Dr. Ratio in arranged marriage.. in whichever setting, I dont know
He doesn't like the idea of it at all. He opposes it until he can't. It would have to be a painstakingly limiting situation for him to even marry anyone, especially someone that's arranged.
When it comes to actually talking with him and setting out boundaries – he's not interested at all. He doesn't want to know you, he doesn't care, and he thinks it most likely won't change, and he'll remain uninterested..
If it weren't for the fact he's so damn touch starved.
He finds out by a lazy morning in the kitchen, your hands accidentally brushing each others as both of you carry on your routines in your own world. He doesn't realise ‐its just a brief feeling of nice. And his hand subconsciously tilts a bit to touch yours again, to emptiness. Your hand already moved away. And Aeons, he just can't get the feeling out of his head. He loved that brief moment where you both touched and he hates it.
And neither of you actually realises just how clingy he is, because he builds up to it so slowly. He pulls you along to some of his lectures, and sometimes you protest. He grabs your hand, and secretly relishes just how good the contact feels. He says there's something on your face with an annoyed tone, and brushes it off, his fingers lingering near your lips a little longer than they should. Whenever you walk by him, your scent practically intoxicates him, his head whips up from whichever book he fancied that day just to find the source of the scent, which he knows deep down, very well, it has always been you.
And it infuriates him. You have such a grip on him that it drives him up a wall.
And Aeons, he loves the feeling so so much.
He forces you to take a bath with him, telling you to keep the bathrobe on if you want to but it is a must that you join him. He tells you to move closer with a stern voice, impatience bubbling inside of him, all covered up with his signature scowl. The water sloshes as you move and his hand almost eagerly snakes around your waist, holding you snug against him. He fills the noise by asking you all sorts of things, calling you an idiot, and going on a ramble about some or the other complicated topic, trying so hard to not just hold you and bite into your shoulder, arm, neck, wherever his eyes can see your skin. You're practically driving him feral.
Oh dear, he swears he doesn't care about you. He cares even less about your personal life and whatever daily affairs you carry on. It's none of his business and he doesn't want it. But seeing you talk and become so chummy with another man boils a kind of anger he's never experienced before. As if to prove him wrong, Veritas tells you to sleep beside him at night, not answering your "why"s and shutting you up in an instant with something or the other. The summer heat is bad, but it's even worse with Veritas practically sticking himself to you, the direct skin-to-skin contact creating an absurd amount of sweat and humidity under the covers. His arms just tighten their grip around you if you ask him to get off. He won't. He needs to prove to himself, that bumbling buffoon won't ever get as close to you as he can. He will make sure of it.
And suddenly, he starts presenting just how possessive he is behind doors. He always keeps an eye on what you're up to from behind you, telling you to stop overthinking and to just come to him, that it'll take you months to understand this concept, and to just let him help you instead. Who else would tolerate you as well as him? Just let his hand keep it's deathly grip on your thigh, or arm, maybe even your waist. Its a fair exchange, and he's being generous, when it really comes down to it. Ugh, you're testing his patience too much. Just.. let him shut you up with a harsh kiss, don't ask, and let him continue. Keep listening, or he'll test you, and he won't go easy on you if you get those questions wrong. He has a lot of pent up frustration about you, anyway. You'll only give him a reason to take it out on you.
Don't bother going outside. Just invite your friends here, instead. You'll waste more than half your break-time just travelling alone. Maybe your idiot friends can join in on the study sessions, so Veritas knows what kind of people you enjoy surrounding yourself with. Of course, he isn't amused at all. Idiots, the lot of them. Is this who entertains you? He scoffs. Perhaps letting you talk to them in the first place was a mistake. Yes, of course.. just talk to him, instead. He's much better than them. You'll only waste your time around them.
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beelmons · 1 year
44. “I saw you naked once.  And now I can’t stop thinking about it.”
45. “How are you so oblivious?  I’m trying to tell you I’m fucking horny!” with spencer also he would literally memorize your body
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Mini skirts. Tight shirts. Clevage. Accidental falls on his lap. Caresses on the thigh. You had used every move on your book, albeit questionably outdated, to get his attention, and that wasn't even through out the week, it was just this morning.
You couldn't get Spencer Reid to look at you, let alone sleep with you. Regardless of how badly you wanted that. One would think with his ability to read body language he would have already noticed that you were practically oozing pheromones in his direction, like an animal in heat, and yet he continued to drift his sight whenever you bent over to obnoxiously pick up the eleventh pen you had dropped since you got to the office. Everyone else enjoyed the show, everyone but the one person it was directed to.
Needless to say, your mood took a hit. Scratch that, you were straight up sad. You had heard chatter from Penelope and JJ that he liked you, and you decided to go for it only to find out, allegedly, that he didn't have the least interest in you.
You mopped around the rest of the day, and you had changed into more comfortable clothes you carried on your go-bag; what was the point on looking hot if he wasn't even gonna notice? Time flew by and night fell, everyone went home on time, thank god, but you chose to stay behind. The only thing worse than being horny for your uninterested coworker was sitting at home alone masturbating to the thought of him.
"You're not leaving?" his voice startled you a bit, forcing you to look up from the file you were working on.
"No." you answered dryly, uncharacteristic of you "Got a lot of stuff to do."
He stood there with his usual awkward demeanor, the same one you found utterly adorable and annoyingly attractive. His hands fiddled with the strap of his bag, deciding whether to simply let you be or intervene in your clearly bad mood.
"Are you okay?" he asked doubtfully.
"You know what? I'm not." you, somehow, gathered the courage to say, you stood up from your desk and closed the folder annoyedly, your lower body rested against the edge of the surface, your arms folded over your chest "Do you even like me?" you asked.
"What? Of course I like you!" he blurted out desperately, dropping his bag to his side to hurriedly stand in front of you "I consdier us to be very good friends."
"That's not— " you had to stop yourself, there was no point in threading lightly around Spencer, you knew that "I have been trying to get your attention the entire day, and you won't even spare me a glance."
"I can't look at you while we're working! I immediately get—" he also had to force his voice to stop and lower, clearing his throat in the process, it was late but not that late, people could still be around. He took a deep breath in, trying his best not to perish out of embarrassment at his confession "One time, Hotch asked me to go get you for a briefing. You were in the locker rooms, it was an accident, I swear, I didn't expect to see you naked, but I did." his face had tinted a lovely red, and his hands were having a hard time keeping still "I can't stop thinking about it. If I as much as look at you, I will get excited."
You swallowed an anticipated knot in your throat, and a pulsating sensation took over your lower body.
"I'm pretty sure there's a way I could help you with that." you extended your arms to have them laying on his shoulders, promptly wrapping them around his neck.
"There is, actually, you could start buttoning your shirts properly." he said, and you had to roll your eyes.
Instead of saying something else, you tugged him forward to let your lips land on the side of his jawline. He lost his balance for a second, having to press his palm against the desk for support. Soft moans were coming out from his lips at the licks and gentle sucks you would take on his skin trailing down his neck.
"How oblivious can you be?" you muttered against his skin before moving to his mouth, your teeth dragging his bottom in a playful nibble "I'm trying to tell you that I'm fucking horny."
Your words barely had left your mouth before he was attacking it with his own. His hips pressed forward and you could feel the harded bulge rub against your thighs.
It was the rustling of his belt being pulled open what let you know you had finally cracked Spencer Reid, and you were in for a good night of being rewarded for that.
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nogenderbee · 1 year
May I request Albedo, Baizhu, Al-Haitham and Kaveh with a reader that who's Hydro Vision allows them to create liquid poison?
Hello! The moment this request came Baizhu wasn't playable but now he is so why not, I can do him! Just sorry if he's a little bit fanon...
Also this might be a bit short but honestly, idea was great so I guess I just didn't had idea while writing... but anyway, I hope you'll enjoy <3
Albedo, Baizhu, Alhaitham, Kaveh with hydro!reader creating liquid poison
TagList: @bleachtheidiot @miya-akane
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⊱ Albedo was definitely interested in your abilities even more from the very beginning
⊱ when he saw you in fight and how you use toxic liquid on monsters, he started thinking how much more can you actually do
⊱ he knew well that asking you to be his test subject might be a bit inappropriate so he just observed you and if anything, asked you few questions
⊱ in the end tho, he couldn't help himself but ask you to give him at least poison sample for his research
"I really don't intend to be rude but would you mind using your ability to create liquid poison and give me a bit of it for my research?"
⊱ but honestly, he's also more relieved and isn't as much worried about you since he's much sure that you can take care of yourself or at very least threaten someone with toxins, not like he's encouraging you tho...
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⊱ Baizhu is also pretty interested but he's not scared to immidietly spoil you with any questions he might have
⊱ some toxins can be healing if used properly I don't know, I'm not good with these stuff but I hope I'm right so he's interested if you can create some kind of it
⊱ if you do, then as inappropriate as it may be, he'll use your abilities for others health sake
⊱ if not then he's really not all that surprised, after all it's not that common for any toxin to be like that
⊱ but he's not uninterested in poisons either... let's just say it's a little darker part of things he's interested in, he won't use it on someone tho... probably...
⊱ but at first, he was a little worried about you... after all, from what he saw the toxin is pretty dangerous and you just produce it from yourself... aren't you hurt?
"I couldn't help but notice your fighting style... I was thinking if you know what kind of toxin you use? If not... would you mind answering few questions for me?"
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⊱ Alhaitham found it a bit interesting as well but he never really said anything about it
⊱ but he did observed your fighting style and as interested as he was in knowing more, he put a challenge on himself so he can discover that himself
⊱ so you could see few books about poisons and toxins all around his room
⊱ and he suprisingly discovers it by himself that you have these kind of powers thanks to your hydro vision
⊱ so if you try to ask him why he's so casual about it, he literally says that he already figure it out by himself with smug on his face
"Yes, I would say I know all about your poision creating. I saw how your vision glows when you create it so the source was really obvious."
⊱ may or may not use your abilities for his own benefits but he'd never mix you into any trouble
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⊱ Kaveh is another one who becomes more interested in you but he also becomes a bit more scared of you now...
⊱ don't get him wrong, he trusts you a lot but just the thought that you can wield any poison you'd like makes him scared a bit
"N-No! It's not creepy or anything at all! I just... I'm just still not used to it! That's all!"
⊱ but of course he slowly gets used to it and is visibly more comfortable around you and even admires your abilities while fighting
⊱ he really becomes amazed by your skills with time but not in like any creepy psychopathic way
⊱ probably speaks about you to his roommate to show you off and later you get many questions from him maybe even in slight teasing way but not with intentions to hurt your feelings
⊱ but he definitely encourages you to maybe not use your skills on others but to threaten anyone who gives you hard time if needed
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knightkneeler · 6 months
something I find weirdly disheartening is the number of pieces of very cogent literary analysis I see in which the writer has made the critical flaw of framing their argument as analyzing what the author "intended." you as the reader are not decoding what the author meant by a text, you play an active part in its construction! this, and nothing else, is what barthes meant by "death of the author." the author's intent doesn't matter; the effect of the work is what matters.
like, the other day I read a nice little essay on this website about a novel I enjoyed, analyzing intertextual links to nabokov's lolita within the novel. but the essayist spent an inordinate amount of time trying to prove that it was possible, if not certain, that the novelist had read lolita. this temptation makes sense—it's easy to feel like an intertextual analysis is illegitimate if the author of the text has not read the text it's intertextually linked to—but it's unnecessary. it doesn't matter if they've read lolita; it matters if you, the reader, have read lolita. the intertext is created when you, a person familiar with lolita, reads the text. when someone unfamiliar with lolita reads the text, there is no intertext, even if the author intentionally writes those links into the text, because someone who knows nothing about lolita can't find those links. to the reader who hasn't read lolita, they don't exist at all. the reverse is also true: mark z. danielewski's house of leaves is often compared with nabokov's pale fire, with which it has a lot of intertextual links. danielewski confessed in an interview that he'd never read pale fire. doesn't matter. other readers have, and they see the links. he didn't put them there. the reader did.
I just saw a very well meaning post about the infamous "blue curtains" statement, in which the well-meaning op said the blue curtains aren't necessarily symbolic (true), but that you should ask why the author felt the need to tell you the curtains were blue. this is ARG lit crit. the author is not leaving a breadcrumb trail for you to decode, and if they are leaving, say, secret messages in the text (like mark z. danielewski does all the time), then decoding it is not analysis, it's just reading the text. the question is what the curtains signify to you, the reader. "nothing, they're just blue" is actually a valid answer to that question, if an uninteresting one.
"what did the author mean by this?" ask them. you won't be satisfied. when the author tells you everything, leaves no room for you to construct the text yourself, for you to write, that author isn't worth your time.
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mehoymalloy · 10 months
Hello 👀 can I please hear the potential Raven Queen and Imogen stuff in the Let Me sequel?
Warning: This got long lol.
Ok so... in Let Me, while everything revolves around Imogen and Otohan's interactions, there is still a heavy focus on plot, since it's following along with the canon campaign, with me making changes when necessary/interesting. (As opposed to the Won't You series, which purely serves to let me put those two in a box and shake 'em up, focusing more on characterization than plot).
So with that said, the Let Me Sequel will have a heavier focus on Bells Hells as a whole, even if viewed through Imogen's perspective. A big part of that will of course be Laudna, because she undeniably means so much to Imogen, and I don't like discounting or diminishing that. One thing Imogen will be facing is how she can help Laudna, with the gods as a whole being a potential if unnerving option.
Right now, the sequel outline is really just a list of chronological events and ways I can tweak them to serve the story, and there are lots of potential ways to do so!
Like imagine Otohan being privy to these "so about the gods" conversations. I imagine she would be dismissive/uninterested intially because it's not useful info to the Vanguard. But then the Raven Queen (or Duskmaven, and she's often called in Marquet) comes up, and suddenly Otohan is all ears, abruptly curious about Imogen's opinion of the gods and borderline cagey as to why ('Continue with your debates as long as you wish, but be wary of who you consort with.' <- that's Otohan lol.) And if that ain't a big red button that says 'Do Not Push' lol.
Maybe when Team Wildemount are in Uthordurn, Imogen slips away to the Matron of Ravens' temple and starts asking questions (as vague and awkward as she may be, going based on her recent Dawnfather temple visit lol). I imagine there'd be quite the warm up period for her; like's she's not just gonna become a cleric or paladin of the Duskmaven immediately. More so just asking questions and showing interest when the topic happens to come up, rather than actively seeking out information.
Meanwhile, you have Otohan in the back of her mind, clearly not liking this for some reason, even if she never says so directly. So then, maybe when Imogen exhausts surrounding sources of info, she starts asking Otohan. ('Didn't you follow the Duskmaven once? Heard you lost your faith during the war or something, though I'm guessing it had nothing to do with the 'horrors of war,' in your case.') And as you can likely imagine, Otohan doesn't appreciate this one bit. It becomes just one way Imogen can get under Otohan's skin, each question or mention crafted to hurt as much as weasel information out of her.
Imagine Otohan tuning in at very inopportune times (as Imogen is drinking from a clear fountain in an unnaturally dark chapel of sorts, as she's hesitantly stepping into a pool of blood, as the lid of one of those meditation coffins is being slowly pushed over her). Let Me Otohan will likely not have quite as sympathetic religious trauma as Moon Moms Otohan is being set up to have, but that's not to say she won't have any at all. And Imogen might quickly pick up that the easiest way to wring raw, honest answers out of Otohan is by exposing herself (and by proxy Otohan) to those types of rituals and situations.
Imogen may approach the Duskmaven very much as a 'here's the deal' sort of situation, bargaining for Laudna's life, but at the same time she has someone who is intimately aware of the intricacies of real faith and devotion. And I think that constant dichotomy between the two of them could be really cool (like imagine Imogen awkwardly attempting to perform some sort of prayer or ritual or whatnot, and Otohan abruptly snaps, 'Kneel, and bow your head,' because she's doing it wrong and can we please get on with this lol).
And as a final, fun note, most of Imogen's exposure to the Matron of Ravens has been through the Northern Hemisphere lens, where she is known as "the goddess of death, fate, and winter and watches over the transition between life and death" and is associated with ravens. But in Marquet, she is primarily referred to as the Duskmaven and is known as "the goddess of twilight, inevitability, and the passage of time in addition to her association with the transition into the afterlife" (Mirahaze). Certain sects also "depict her as a keen-eyed vulture with plumage varying from the shades of a sunset to the black of midnight" (Wiki).
On a more serious note, this will absolutely play into how both Otohan and Imogen view their own connection (with Otohan subconsciously placing a lot of value on the idea of fate and inevitability, no matter how much she claims the importance of seizing your own destiny, because of her history with the faith.)
On a less serious note, I think it'd be funny as fuck if the Duskmaven started sending a vulture to Imogen as a sign rather than the stereotypical raven, thinking, 'oh she's from Marquet so this is culturally relevant.' Meanwhile, Imogen, who knows jackshit about the cultural intricacies regarding worship of the Duskmaven in Marquet, is like 'did something fucking die in the hole? Why is this buzzard following us??' and poor FCG is having flashbacks.
Whew, this got way longer than expected. And I really shoudn't be suprised at myself; I hoped my ramblings were at least interesting!
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finallyfantasy7 · 1 year
Sephiroth, you dufus, calling Jenova your mother is about as logical as calling a virus a mother.
You're human, which means your DNA contains approximately 100,000 pieces of viral DNA, and your cells carry latent viruses all the time. Are they your mother now too?
And you, an Ancient? Please.
Now, if you really must confront your parents I'll point you the way of Hojo and Lucrecia.
But I suggest you don't. They're both ugh. Which you already seem to know regarding Hojo. So just leave it alone and go have fun with Zack and Cloud. No more war hero, no more being a god, instead accept Zack's brilliant idea of being a ...ahem... a mercenary?
You will get to create wonderful experiences such as pulling out stuff from slimy dead monsters to help kids who will insult you in return. Solving disputes between (ex)SOLDIER fanclubs (after all, you know answers to these questions better than anyone). Killing mind-numbingly large number of monsters that prevent farmers from doing their job. Serve at Treasure Princess's beck and call (yes, it's a small girl from a nation you spent last 15 years being at war with, but what a wonderful way to mend some bridges...... What do you mean "No."?)
And of course you will at some point have to carry and/or sell a lot of flowers. That just comes with spending time with Zack and Cloud. But that might give you an opportunity to kick some Turk ass. Don't look so uninterested, I know you wanted to for a long time.
I guess you might also be hired by Avalanche? And Cloud will ask you to spend a lot of time at a slum bar called 7th Heaven as your presence will attract customers. Don't ask. I mean you can ask but you won't get an answer out of Cloud. But! You'll be able to take down Shinra with a more... surgical precision than they're able to. Just no civilian casualties please. Zack won't approve. And then he'll cut your hair off in your sleep and that won't end well for anyone.
Oh, and if you want to get paid make sure Cloud handles that part. Under no circumstances should you let Zack negotiate the price. You will all starve to death.
I know what you're thinking. That's a lot of time spent with kids and no people your own age. But be patient.
Genesis will come back. I promise.
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saintsenara · 6 months
for 16 of the very normal asks, rather than an illicit substance, write them a prescription, suggest a course of treatment, or give them a referral
screaming! thank you very much for this cunningly-adapted question from the very normal fic writer ask game, anon!
16 [asenora's version]. write each of your fics (or a selection of them) a prescription, course of treatment, or referral to a specialist
well. let's do this for my main multi-chapter wips. plus a couple of extras. for fun.
the plot of one year in every ten hinges on harry displaying a run of extremely reckless behaviour - which builds on symptoms evident since his childhood such as impulsivity, fidgeting, hyperfocus, difficulty concentrating on tasks he finds uninteresting, irritability, and so on.
all of which is to say... he's clearly got attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. 50mg lisdexamfetamine every morning.
voldemort - at least as we see him in scylla and charybdis - isn't going to bother following up with a psychiatrist [which i doubt any psychiatrist considers a great loss] and so nothing is going to be done about the extremely sinister manifestations of his complex post-traumatic stress disorder [which looks, if you're so inclined, quite a lot like antisocial personality disorder... often known as sociopathy].
he might want to go and have his atrial fibrillation looked at though - even if his canonical fear of doctors isn't going to make him the easiest person to give an ecg...
[and, as always, it probably wouldn't hurt him - or snape - to go and see a priest...]
sirius in the war of the roses has a leg injury i'm keeping obscure as a future plot-point for now. he also has a kidney infection - luckily he hasn't died in the department of mysteries so he can lie on the sofa feeling sorry for himself until his course of antibiotics is done.
lupin won't visit him once.
the titular subluxation is probably going to need surgery, i fear - especially because rodolphus won't give up brandishing his wand at people he'd like to kill, which is aggravating the injury.
i'm not sure how such an avowed blood-supremacist would feel about muggle inventions such as x-rays or mri scans, though. he's struggling through with his sling and his pain relief potions, like thousands of stubborn idiots before him.
all percy needs is a backbone, but you can't get those on the nhs yet.
a caesarian section from someone who actually knows what they're doing comes too late for merope in the shack at the end of the lane, but hopefully she's able to heal from her birth trauma and smack dumbledore in the face for blaming her for her own death in the afterlife.
i am invested in the headcanon that walburga black suffered from post-natal depression - as seen in lamentation and nor all that glisters gold - and i think that antidepressants and a series of sessions with someone who [very much unlike orion] actually listens to her would work wonders.
and poor wee tom is wracked by scarlet fever in the velveteen rabbit. this is easily treatable nowadays with antibiotics. in the 1930s, the doctor who visits the orphanage [and decides to charge a pretty penny for it] can only advise mrs cole to wait and see whether he pops his clogs in the night.
i'm not saying that - had he gone through childhood in the post-penicillin age - tom would have had less of a thing about death... but i'm also not not saying that...
[other answers from this ask game]
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catierambles · 11 months
She was already sitting in the meeting room when they got there with a local Tribal Leader along with a local that volunteered as a translator. She was sitting leaned back in a chair, boots up on the table in front of her and crossed at the ankle, her hands folded on her stomach and her eyes covered by a pair of aviator sunglasses. The t-shirt and shorts she wore showed a lot of tanned skin and toned muscle and it gave the locals pause.
"Who is this woman, Captain?" the translator asked.
"Civilian Consultant." Syverson said and the sheik said something.
"He's wondering if her presence is necessary."
"I'm a figment of your imagination." She said, "Carry on like I'm not here." The sheik said something and the translator laughed, gesturing to her and replying in the same way. She huffed a sigh through her nose but didn't otherwise respond.
"Gentlemen?" Syverson asked.
"Nothing, Captain." The translator said and he paused.
"Have a seat and let's get started." Sy said and they sat down. The meeting was uneventful, if a bit awkward as they had to communicate through the translator. His eyes kept going over to her but she seemed uninterested.
"Hey, Captain?" She asked as it seemed to be winding down.
"Yeah?" He replied.
"Where'd you find this translator? I know he's a local, but was he recommended? Or did he volunteer?" She asked.
"He volunteered."
"Really." She said, "And the Tribal Leader, who's idea was it to consult him?"
"Mine." The translator said, "He's trusted in the area and I thought he could be a great help with information."
"So why is it you've been insulting us this entire time, mistranslating, and giving false information that would lead Sy and his men directly into an ambush?" She asked and silence dropped like a lead weight.
"I didn't--"
"Don't lie to me." She said, cutting him off.
"You didn't tell us you could speak the language." Sy said.
"I can't." She said, "But due to...circumstances, I can understand every spoken language regardless of my own knowledge of it."
"Captain, you can't honestly--"
"The esteemed leader called me the "base whore", Captain." She said, picking her head up and taking off the sunglasses, the men paling as she turned her eyes on them, "And you flatter yourself overly much, I have something called standards and you do not meet them. So, no, you won't be "taking me for a ride"."
"Lock the door." She said and Sy got up from his seat, going to the door and throwing the deadbolt. "He has information, yes, but he's also been feeding the enemy faction information about this base. Information supplied by our oh so helpful translator. Sy, you asked a question, it was relayed, the sheik would answer it and the translator would tell you the opposite. Case in point? You asked if there were any enemy strongholds in this area that could be used as an ambush point, the sheik said yes in the canyon and said that the valley avoided these. The translator then told you that the valley held the strongholds, and the canyon would best avoid them, with the sheik's encouragement.
You bring your boys through that canyon, Captain, and it'd be a shooting gallery. You wouldn't make it to the other end." His eyes went back and forth between the two men as she spoke, taking note of how they tensed, how their breathing increased and they grew paler. She swung her feet to the floor, pushing up from the chair and folding her arms over her stomach. "Now, you're going to give us correct information, and maybe you won't disappear into a hole somewhere."
"You wouldn't--you can't--I--your government wouldn't allow it."
"I may sound it, but I am not from around here and it certainly isn't my government." She said, "Thancred."
"They'll talk." The men looked over quickly, seeing the other that had definitely not been there when they had walked in.
"I know they will." She said, "Thancred, I need you to scout the canyon, get the locations of the strongholds and their defenses. I want a head count."
"On it." He said, "Contact you via pearl." He vanished with a swirl of smoke and she rolled her eyes with an exasperated sound.
"Use the door!" She said but there was a silence. "Why do I bother? Now, gentleman, let's take it from the top, shall we? And this time, keep in mind that I will know if you are lying, and I really don't like being lied to."
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oleander-nin · 3 months
OLLIEEE I'm saying hi because you're still fresh on my mind from the other day (and I'm bored) Also I don't think you talk enough and if you're anything like me (you are) then you probably don't talk about stuff unless prompted through ask games because you assume you'll annoy everyone so SURPRISE
✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
(I'm putting questions in orange because it's WAY too uninteresting if it's all blue. And I don't know I just associate you with orange so I'm assigning it to you.)
What's your favourite colour?
Because I don't wanna put stuff in orange if you don't like orange lmao
How much do you research for your stories?
I always get way too caught up researching things to make sure it's accurate, get off track, and then time goes by and I've exhausted myself before starting :(
How much do you outline fics vs how much typically comes as you write it? Does the direction change as you go?
For me, it's the same issue again. I spend way too much time thinking about a proper fleshed out outline before I even BEGIN and then I just. never start
Are there any fics you've started, but ended up scrapping? (And if so will you tell us about them pleeease)
I have. So many wips. Will I finish them? No. Do I at least try? Also no.
✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :���. ───✧
(Also, am I allowed to just ask questions like this in the first place? More? Less? Should I keep them about writing or can I ask about you? Probably should've asked all of this before. Oops)
(You don't have to answer any of these if you don't want! You're totally welcome to delete this ask and I won't be upset /gen. Just want to bring you out of your shell a little if I can. Or at LEAST let you know I'm curious about you. Also I'm having fun with Tumblr formatting if you can't tell, I'm still new to this lol)
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Hi Comet(if you're cool with me calling you that)! and wow that call out was on point lmao. I have a hard time justifying talking on here lol.
My favorite color is yellow, but I basically love every color but green. Never green. I'm very happy to know I give off Orange vibes though, it's top three.
Depends! Usually a lot. I am not a fan of inaccuracies, especially when it's something I can fix by just spending a couple hours reading articles and watching videos. I get the exhaustion thing though! My best advice I could give is stick w/ a video to start with, and watch it while you're doing something else. Whether it's cleaning, cooking, having just the audio playing while you drive(do not watch while driving pls), or anything else. It's good to just absorb the information first and getting into the nitty gritty later.
Ooo, okay. so, I basically make a paragraph of what my idea is first and that's my 'outline'. Then, I kinda just go at it. If the direction changes and I gain a better idea as I'm writing, then I go for it! It'll usually be better with the 'on the job' plot anyways, since it's what flowed more naturally. Don't try to force a plot just because it was in your outline.
Current count is ~39 personal wips. I wouldn't say they're scrapped, just put on the backburner until I finally finish the requests and get motivation to finish them. Though I do have scrapped ones for other fandoms, like a whole fic I planned for a vigilante Midoryia(which I just checked, had only written 3 pages for before ignoring it lol). And also technically the first draft of TWOAL.
Of course you're allowed to ask questions! Anyone can honestly ask me anything they want, though I may not answer all or I'll just be vague with it if it's something I'd like to keep more personal. I freaking love questions, whether they're about me, my writing, or just anything in the world. I really appreciate you doing this, I had a ton of fun and it's nice to know y'all'd like to know about me. Thank you so much.
also take the writing 'advice'/tidbits with a grain of salt. I have had a pretty harsh wakeup call on how I write, and I've learned pretty quickly I'm a bit of an outlier with how I go about it. What works for me may not for you and that's okay!
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Can I be greedy and ask how dinner went?
Surprisingly, there aren't a lot of questions when everyone shows up for dinner.
"Lenny's my date," she tells the assembled group. "We're dating, and I invited him and his daughter for dinner."
It's an accepted answer. One that her father seems strangely thrilled by, as he drags Lenny into the living room to talk after the candles are list and the prayers are said. Kitty follows them, and Midge rushes after her, just in time for Abe to say "No children right now."
"I appreciate that you want to talk, but I haven't seen my kid in a while, so she gets to stay," Lenny says firmly.
Abe looks a little stunned by that, but doesn't protest.
"You're dating him, when did that happen?" Rose asks as they help Zelda prep the food for dinner.
"This morning," Midge informs her. "We've been kind of...dancing around things for a little while and this morning we decided to make it official."
"Thank god," Mei says as she walks in. She's just starting to show now, her baby belly tiny and cute. "I was starting to worry that with you single Joel was going to cut and run."
"Even if I was, that's over," Midge tells her with a grin.
"His daughter is cute," Rose comments, ignoring the conversation.
"Ethan's age, and very sweet," Midge tells them. "Her mother was apparently uninterested in hosting her for Christmas this year, so she tossed her on a train at two in the morning to come to Lenny."
"That's what he gets for marrying a gentile," Shirley comments as she steps into the kitchen, freezing as she looks at Mei. "No offense. You're different. You're Chinese."
"Okay," Mei sighs.
Midge gives her a sympathetic look. It's tough to deal with Shirley when you can't drink.
Astrid, however, can, and takes a long swallow from her wine glass. "I think it's great that you've found someone, Midge. He's handsome."
"Ugh," Susie grunts as she watches them all from the kitchen table. "He is not."
"Very handsome," Midge argues.
"Seen him naked yet?" Shirley asks conspiratorially.
"Shirley!" Rose scolds.
"Oh, please, Rose, with Miriam's looks and her entertainment career-"
"Still not a stripper," Midge interjects.
"Of course she's checked under the hood, if you know what I mean," Shirley finishes.
"I can confirm that everything 'under the hood' is in order," Midge says quickly. "Let's talk about something else!"
"Food ready?" Joel asks, leaning in. "Lenny, Noah and Abe won't stop talking about the Supreme Court."
"What's Moishe doing?" Midge asks.
"Fleecing the kids for their candy at dreidel," Joel tells her.
"Every zeyde's solemn duty," Midge jokes. "It'll be ready in a minute."
"Miriam's new man is handsome, isn't he handsome, Joely?" Shirley asks.
"No," Susie snaps.
Joel rolls his eyes. "I still don't see why they had to come to dinner."
"My ex-son-in-law was allowed to bring his pregnant girlfriend," Rose says, staring at Joel, unimpressed. "Is there some reason my daughter shouldn't be allowed to invite a date to dinner at her own home that you don't live in anymore because you left her?"
Of all the people Midge expected to start trouble at a family dinner, her mother was probably the last person.
"Joel, we made a deal. You behave tonight, you yell at me tomorrow," she says.
"Joel will do no such thing," Rose says quickly. "There will be no yelling at my daughter. Particularly not by you. If I find out you've harassed Miriam in any way-"
"Rose is right, Joel," Shirley says sternly. "You leave Miriam alone and you focus on Mei. She is pregnant with your baby, and if Ethan was anything to go by, she's going to get so enormous, you'll have to help her to the bathroom."
"Did I block that out?" Midge asks, confused.
"Yes," Joel snaps. "Look, Rose, Ma. I just want what's best for Midge."
"No you don't," Astrid says simply.
"You don't, you want what's best for you," Astrid goes on.
"Shiksa number one isn't wrong," Susie chimes in.
"Joel, just - don't worry about Midge and Lenny," Mei says. "They seem fine, and if something happens, we'll all deal with it then."
Susie nods. "You should listen to shiksa number two."
"Susie!" Midge cries, whirling around to glare at her.
"What?! Calling it like I see it!"
"Why is she here?" Joel asks, gesturing towards the short woman at the table.
"She asked to come, she wanted dinner," Midge shrugs. "And I make too much every year anyway."
Joel opens his mouth to argue, but Mei settles a hand over his mouth.
He muffles out a protest.
"No," she repeats. "Go away. Go back to where the men are. Maybe they've moved onto a different topic."
Joel rolls his eyes and leaves.
Midge blows out a breath. "Thanks."
"For real though, Lenny Bruce is kind of notorious," Mei says. "You should be careful."
Midge nods. "I am."
"Then I have nothing else to say except lord love a tall man," Mei tells her.
Midge laughs and gets back to work.
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alarrytale · 5 months
People are able to recognise that he isn't being genuine and authentic, so they don't tune in//
A casual viewer or reader won't pick up on this so I think that it's more that he does come across as a bit uninteresting when compared to his peers like Yungblud and Sam Fender. Yungblud is happy to discuss sexuality, fashion and gender roles in an articulate way and Sam Fender talks about UK politics and really knows his stuff.
Hi, anon!
Yes, this is also a big part of it. He's got an anarchy tattoo but he's never shown any particular interest in social issues, politics or being up to date on current events. He doesn’t come off as someone knowledgeable on a particular subject either that people would find interesting. What's his roman empire? His interest are relatable, but very generic. He isn't able to show he's got a personality and charm, nor how funny he can be when he's relaxed and in a safe environment.
I don't think it's being helped by the interviewers asking boring and generic questions either. They're throwing him softballs. There's just so many things he can't divulge and so many talking point he needs to hit, that there's hardly any time for anything deep. He's also always making excuses that his memory is shit, and gives the same answers to everything. Favourite song you've written; Saturdays, favourite song to perform; Saturdays. Okay...
Maybe it's his current not great image that hinders him from speaking out on (possibly) controversial things. I don't know. I do agree that a lot of his competitors and contemporaries are well-spoken, informed and are able to show who they are, whereas Louis is not able to.
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lavender-long-stories · 6 months
Not on the ask meme, but I have a question. What ships are you not interested in writing?
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Oh, you are just trying to get me in trouble, aren't you? 🫣🫣🫣
All my answers will be Hinata-centric because that is what I write, and just because I won't write *it does not mean I hate the couple or the characters* I just personally am not interested in writing it.
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NaruHina - From time to time, I have Naruto on the failing end of the love triangle, but as the main ship, I will never do it. It's cannon and that makes it a bit uninteresting. It can be cute, but it's not really the dynamic I like to write. I also just really struggle to write Naruto as a character. I am not really sure why. I think I like him better as a well-meaning friend or an unaware antagonist. Just a past crush, something to grow up from. - I need to write a fic were they group up really close friends. I haven't done something like that yet.
NejiHina - I know a lot of people like it. I wouldn't bring it up if I didn't hadn't made requests for it. I have a lot of cousins, ones I was raised closely with and ones I wasn't. I just can't get over the family aspect. It gives me the personal ick. I don't judge anyone for shipping it tho, it's a show not real people. I love them being close brother and sister vibes.
Any Teacher x Hinata - Same as NejiHina. I personally can't get over the teacher of a child growing up to a relationship with them. I can't turn off the real world ick off in my brain. It's possible I just watch too much true crime content. I tend to completely forget most of the teachers in my writing anyway.
KibaHina - I sometimes have Kiba have one-sided love toward Hinata, but it's the dynamic again. I like them better as friends.
ShinoHina - This is a maybe. For most of the chill vibes, my brain would just go to Shikamaru, but Shino could get a one-shot someday if someone requested something that I found interesting enough.
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*One last reminder.* If you like any of these ships, I do not care. Do you. I know most people look at me sideways for mine. I mean KisaHina and HidaHina or weird as shit.
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sanityshorror · 1 year
May I have some Julius facts plz?
- 🧸
Of course, always 👀 I hope these interest you, feel free to ask for more information if you like >∆<
Julius Doherty (Julius the Dressmaker) facts:
In default, Julius speaks in a very formal, concise and authoritative manner, however, it's simultaneously incoherent and often leaves one with more questions than answers.
On the topic of giving answers, for those who haven't caught on with Julius's RP blog (@juliusthedressmaker), he will often be both very blatant with what he is telling you but in a manner where one must read between the lines a bit to understand his full intentions with his words. When it comes to Julius, what may be a very serious threat could be read as just a harmless statement at face value.
Julius also isn't prone to so much outright lie as he will simply dance around things, give vague or non-answers, flip the card on whom he's speaking with, or choose to sidetrack and distract.
However, he does absolutely lie. A lot. Nothing Julius tells you should be taken as a truth. It doesn't mean it's always a lie, and sometimes, Julius isn't even aware he's lying.
As for further interactions with Julius, he tends to be very polite but will add a very condescending, "you know?" to many of his statements, making others feel stupid and/or beneath him.
Julius is extremely erratic and unpredictable. What could be a calm situation one day might turn nuclear the next day, there's no rhyme or reason.
Well, the actual reason is Julius has bipolar-1 and suffers from chronic mania. The near-constant manic state plays a huge factor in his extreme detachment from and his utter lack of grip on reality.
Julius's pocket dimension of hell and the way it functions is actually a metaphor for addiction - this will be obvious in the near future (; keep your eyes peeled for TDMFH pt2
The metaphor is very fitting for Julius, who is in fact, canonically an alcoholic and drug addict. His drug of choice is cocaine. This fact explains many of his behaviors. (I've always been very open with the information but I'm unsure how many are actually aware of it.)
Some other random fun facts:
Julius loves guns, he's an excellent shot as well (what does one expect from a man who was born in 1874? He has the skill sets that a man from his time would have.)
His favorite bands are Hollywood Undead and Falling in Reverse.
He usually wears oversized tee shirts to lounge/relax in. You won't catch him in lazy clothes often, but when you do, it's nearly always an oversized tee shirt
Julius is not an idiot, he's actually very intelligent and capable…he just needs to want to learn/do something. If he is uninterested nor does it not serve him an overall gain (in contrast to time spent learning), he simply will choose not to learn. Yes, he does lack a lot of general common knowledge, but again, this is by his own choice.
Julius is just Joker if Joker was born in 1874 /j.
He does love the film Joker 2019, however. Julius relates to Arthur Fleck in a lot of ways, and he just can recognize a good movie when he sees one.
Yes, yes he does constantly quote and make reference to the movie and yes, it absolutely drives Killian to his wits end
"How bout another joke, kill-ehyyyy?"
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ask-the-mailman · 2 years
to any of the ethans we haven't talked to yet; how fo you feel about this place?
( Strawberry Milk Ethan looked over before looking at their brothers again, asking a silently question before turning around complete ) " We like it so far.. its different but also the same in a way! " ( They said happily for them and their brothers besides poison )
( Cupcake Ethan hummed, having a finger on her chin as if she was thinking, then she looked down at you to answer ) " it's rather plain, but I like it! Could use more candy though— "
( Ethyn stared silently before just shrugging ) " It's not different from my world, so I'm not too sure on what to say ! " ( She answered, now dragging you to her room ) " Anyway, let's go play games now! "
( Yandegire scoffed, lowering the knife he had pinned at your neck before pushing Yangire away ) " what's it to you anyway? hoping we're all having a good time so you won't worry? " ( They glared at you before Yangire pushed Yandegire back with a hand to yans face ) " we're fine! it's normal here, there isn't much to say. goodbye now! " ( He slammed the door )
( Priest Ethan raised an eyebrow while stopping his movement of patting your head ) " well.. it's certainly something here, nothing too different! I just hate that pesky demon though.. why did they make me share a room with him.. " ( He sighed, patting your head again when he heard a thud behind you both, an offended 'hey' being heard shortly after )
( Cupid turned to look at you as God Ethan brushed loves hair ) " Oh! How i feel? i feel great here! It's nice and cool! I personally— " ( Lov then proceeded to ramble, causing God Ethan to giggle )
( Gem looked at you as he stood straight next to a warp pod ) " How I feel? Um, it's very different! In a good way i mean.. My diamond and I used to visit earth a lot even if it was way different than this one, so I'm accustomed to it! " ( He shuffles his feet ) " May I go now? "
( Darling Ethan only stared blankly. ) " how else am I supposed to feel? different? Its just the same. "
( Brazilian Ethan elbowed him and waved at you ) " it's cool here! Wish I was back home though, to be honest. Kinda getting home sickness! "
( ??? Ethan looked at you from a very large distance and shrugged, too uninterested to really answer )
( Ime Ethan(lucifer) sighed and turned to you from his seat ) " It's normal. Just normal. " ( She said and promptly picked up a knife from inside their sleeve ) " Now will you leave or do I have to use this? "
( AD!Mailman simply walked away before you could even ask the question, Mayor Mailman following after apologetically ) " Its cool! " ( He said in a raised voice before walking away completely )
( omo ethan maintained eye contact with you before starting into the camera, choosing to not speak )
" Uh..? Normal? For like any ethan who's not drastically different? " ( Hanahaki ethan said, ticked off as his leg started bouncing ) " Why are you asking everyone anyway? " ( They asked, their irritation getting worse the more she stays seated ) " This is stupid, get out. "
( Ahodere Ethan wasn't found, maybe its because he's lost? uh oh.. )
( SCP ethan merely continued to cuddle you, not worrying about anything in the world.. head empty, no thoughts... )
( MH Ethan stared at you in shock, how did you even find his room— coughing, he answered ) " its nice? "
( Gacha ethan and pony ethan only hid behind sans ethan, opting to not answer ) " * ah.. sorry! " ( Sans Ethan said, sweating a little )
( Plush, Cloud, Shipper, Moth and Moth keeper were sleeping, they had got here recently and were tired from the transportation )
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debbyghost13 · 5 months
Octopus Story
Once upon a time, there was a little octopus. The little octopus was always curious about the little things as it explored all the nooks and crannies of the coral reef, but sometimes getting itself into lots of trouble! But the more the little octopus kept searching for a new hiding spot the tighter the spaces became.
The little octopus asked all the fishes about this trick but all the fish brushed it off as the little octopus was too curious and asked too much, even asking what deemed to them as silly as the holes never got smaller for them.
“Go back to the bigger holes then so you won't deal with this problem!” A fish told the little octopus
“Maybe it's because you're getting greedy with your hiding spaces!” Another fish suggested.
The little octopus seemed stubborn to get these kinds of answers and didn't want to go back to old as that was uninteresting. But as time went by, the little octopus seemed to be getting the same answers over again and the motivation to ask questions again and again was taking a toll.
So the little octopus went to the deep and dark abyss where the giant kraken lived. The giant kraken was feared by all, always seeming grumpy and never having time to talk. It didn't scare the little octopus though. At least it thought it wouldn’t
Being in the abyss was scary for the little octopus as there was junk everywhere in weird shapes, but soon the octopus didn't mind as that meant new hiding spots. The giant kraken roamed around, finding new junk and piling it in piles. Some were green, some were red, and some were weird shaped that seemed to hold something.
The little octopus followed the giant kraken around, hoping to find an answer but was too afraid to ask them because of all the scolds it had gotten. The giant kraken scolded the little octopus a few times because it hated being followed, but soon to warm up to it and not minding much.
One day the little octopus was trying to fit in some junk but was questioned by the giant kraken.
“What are you doing?” The giant kraken said, not scolding.
“I'm trying to fit in this junk you got!” The little octopus struggles, “Everything seems to be getting smaller the more I search!! I want to find out why!!!!”
The little octopus seemed frustrated as it had no understanding of what was going on. The giant kraken pulled the little octopus out of the junk and showed the junk to it.
“You see how this looks your fit? Take a closer look.” The giant kraken says
There were barnacles at the bottom of the junk, making it not perfect enough to fit into. The little octopus was confused
“But they weren’t there a few weeks ago!” The little octopus says
“Sometimes the things we find change over time. It can't always stay the same you know.” The giant kraken says putting the junk back.
“But what about that junk? That junk was perfect and it was my favorite kind of junk but it doesn't fit me anymore!” The little octopus pointed at a smaller piece of junk which was blue
“That's because something else changed. You did.” The giant kraken told the truth. It was a brutal truth to the little octopus.
“I don't think I like change.” The little octopus looked at the giant kraken with sorrow in its face
“Neither did I. But sometimes a change is good. It can show you new things.” The giant kraken roams around again
The little octopus looks at all the piles of junk closely. They all resemble hiding spots but bigger than the ones it's used to. The little octopus chases after the giant kraken, wanting to play hide and seek to cheer things up.
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