#asks mayhap or just to vibe
sistarstarly · 1 year
You alright star? Or has the prospect of changing so fundamentally that you're no longer recognise yourself getting to you? Are you no longer the same because the journey has been so arduous it reshaped you and the people you've done all of this for don't recognise you either? (I saw your feral tags)
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Can't you recognize me? Don't worry, because I can't either.
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dragon-spaghetti · 2 years
Loyal tumblr friends I have a question:
Which vibes do I have; oldest child, middle child, youngest child, or only child
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ok I'm giving you Siegfried Farnon go
The Fall by Ben Shive
now the earth is prepared for a burial/ under snow, upon snow/ and we wait and we wait for a miracle/ for the green fields to grow/ and this is the way the year ends: with a sigh/ goodbye old friend, goodbye
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fridayyy-13th · 9 months
🎶🤡✨ for the fanfic writer ask game!
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately? for a while i did! i tried to sort of classically-condition myself by listening to a specific instrumental playlist whenever i wrote. It Didn't Really Work 😅 now those songs kinda just make me feel a bit stressed whenever i hear them. so now i write without music, or i just listen to whatever. and in terms of songs i've been listening to on loop lately, that'd be Lysergide Daydream by Will Wood and the Tapeworms. i mayyyy or may not have something of an idea for a safehouse era animatic with it actually :)
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh? watch me blank on everything i've ever written lmao. i had to dig into my WIPs folder for this one! it's the file name for a scene draft. for a bit of context (a bit, i've been keeping this one kinda private until it's ready to go, and it is. not there yet), Character A has just discovered the body of Character B, who was stabbed to death. and because i am deeply unserious about all my WIPs, even the serious ones, especially the serious ones, the scene's file name is "i'm on the floor, floor (i'm bleeding out)", meant to be read in the same cadence as in Starships by Nicki Minaj. makes me snicker every time i see it.
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉 i think i'm particularly good at writing heartache. yearning, grief, if it's an emotion that can make your chest physically hurt with the strength of it, i can do it. (though sometimes i do go overboard with it! i've scrapped drafts entirely before, to start from the ground-up and dial it back about seven notches. that's how i got the published version of Time Enough to Spend Some Time Alone...and why i rewrote that fic in the first place.)
(ask game)
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springcatalyst · 1 year
What if 6, 10, 15?
SO true. gracias gracias im having so mucn fun lol
Julian did not speak as the pair made their way through the dark streets, very aware of the blood that soaked his shirt, on his hands and in his hair.  She eyed him warily in a way that was meant to be inconspicuous, but he was familiar with watching and being watched, and knew what it looked like.  He did not speak, for he was unsure if his illusion would hold when he did.  It may have fractured already. 
She watched him. 
He did not speak.
In a simpler world, on a different night, this blood could feel righteous, like karmic justice, like a deserved consequence.  It wasn’t not those things.  But there lingered something caustic that prevented any satisfaction from being carried through opened veins.  Something still rotted beneath his lungs. 
He did not speak, and tried to blame the cold for his companion’s trembling hands.
Something decayed in both of them.
He tightened his grip on his cane. 
Send me a number and I'll write a micro-story with the word or phrase :)
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keeps-ache · 2 years
okay, a question. i need an answer: would you eat the tip of a crayon or the tip of a crayon pencil?
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thebadboyfanclub · 1 year
Welcome To Our Family (Daemon x Reader)
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Hey everyone, so as I mentioned before I wanted to write a throuple thing with Rhaenyra and Daemon although even on this request there was some drama involved but it was interesting to write nonetheless. Also I don’t know why but this song inspired me the most especially the part “where you go I go, what you see I see” that was the vibe I was trying to pass for our reader with daemon
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Most would say that the war in the stepstones had no place for love to blossom, the reeking stench of death had overtaken and most men had no life in their eyes, the majority prayed in gratitude that they were alive while others cursed the gods for keeping them on this forsaken realm when their friend of even their kin had been killed.
That did not even grace Daemon, who was lucky enough to spend every night in the arms of his beloved (y/n), the sister of one of his soldiers that had been wounded, (y/n) had marched in and demanded that her brother will come home.
“I will be damned if I allow you to give more than an arm for this, you are coming with me”
Her brother had obeyed her, she was as fragile as a rose but her thorns stung more than anything, right then and then Daemon had become a mere slave to his emotions, something that had never occurred before.
“I wish I could stay in your arms forever”
“That would be a dream, my love, however, we are counting the days until you depart, your wife probably awaits you”
Daemon was deeply offended by the jab his lover had thrown at him, slowly he rose up and away from her arm reach to look her straight in the eyes, the fireplace burned bright and the light shined against her glistening skin.
“You are questioning my feelings for you”
“I am questioning how strong they are, you are a prince, a husband, your life seems to hold no room for me”
“Is that how you think of this? That I just wanted to bed you?”
“Do you truly wish for me to answer that?”
Silence took over them while the only sound came from the crackles of the fire, Daemon was aware of how badly this could look, she was a commoner, a mere lady, and the realm would never accept her even if Daemon had not wed another.
“You and our daughter mean everything to me”
“But nothing to the king, he will ask for my head once he finds out I am carrying your child”
“I would never put your lives at risk”
“How do you plan on keeping us safe my love?”
“Do not worry about that, I will take care of everything”
(Y/n)s belly was starting to show, it wouldn’t take long for the king and his little whisperers to demand answers, the easy route was to declare his kin a bastard but Daemon was flying on cloud nine when (y/n) announced that she was with child, no he must do right by her.
He flew with her to Pentos, far away from Viserys and people that cared most about titles and crowns than love and compassion.
“Twins, my prince, two sons, praise the mother”
“What about (y/n)”
“The lady is a warrior, she is tired but healthy”
Daemon did not speak another word to the maester, he simply passed by him and into the room to find his beloved laying in bed, a faint smile on her face as she held one of her children while the other was being held by a midwife.
“You owe me 3 dragon coins”
“It is a bet I will happily pay, how are you feeling?”
“Sore and gross but happy, why don’t you hold him?”
“Come on love it is merely a babe, like… so”
Slowly (y/n) passed one of her sons to her lover, instructing him to hold it carefully but securely, then she reached for the midwife so she can have her other son in her arms, both of the babes were quiet in their parent's arms.
“What should we name them?”
“I was thinking of Orryn, and mayhaps… Baelon?”
“Baelon and Orryn, the two princes”
Daemon and (y/n) had grown inseparable much to his brother's dislike Daemon had scoffed at his previous marriage and took his place next to his most endearing (y/n) that had blessed him with not just two children, but with passion, and comfort, she created a home for him, without her there was no warmth, no color.
Viserys was only finding out the milestones his brother was achieving with his mistress via ravens that Daemon dared to send, the birth of his sons had scratched a wound in Viserys that was not quite healed yet, so naturally when Rhea had passed due to fever, Daemon had even dared to invite Viserys to his wedding that took place in Pentos.
(Y/n) had just given birth to another set of siblings, Alyssa and Arren, two silver-haired princesses that slept peacefully through the night and would only stay quiet if (y/n) or Daemon held them, (y/n)s parents and brother had traveled to Pentos to finally meet the children and also attend the wedding.
“You look dashing sweetling, I see the prince has taken good care of you”
“How could I not? What is more important than the happiness of my lady wife?”
“We must admit we had conflicting thoughts over you my prince, I am happy that you proved us wrong”
“I do not hold it against you, she is your daughter you want what is best for her, also you were not the only one, (y/n) was also very skeptical over my intentions”
“I had every reason to do so”
“I have made peace with the fact that you will never admit you were wrong my love, you do not have to find excuses for it”
Daemon and (y/n) were wed in Valyrian traditions, something that infuriated Viserys, how dare he wed a commoner with the sacred paths of old Valyria, it was distasteful and utterly disrespectful, Viserys had only sent a one-sentence raven scroll back
“You disgust me, never come back”
Daemon had only rolled his eyes at it and threw it in the fire, he couldn’t care less about Kings Landing, they could eat each other for all he cared, (y/n) and their children were all that mattered ever since he met with the beautiful hues of hers, he treasured everything about her and worshipped the ground she walked on, he would always hold her close and shower her with gifts.
“We received a raven, I have taken the liberty to open it”
“What is it?”
“Laenor Velaryon has passed, and your niece is requesting our presence, well yours to be specific, she said “I need you, uncle”
“You are jealous, I have never seen you get jealous”
“Is this the one you told me about, that “spur of the moment” girl?”
“Indeed, we do not have to go, besides, my brother banished me”
“No, it is the first time our presence is requested”
“My dear, you are with child and the flight is long”
“I will be fine, I know it”
Daemon was certain he could not sway her, once something was on her mind there was nothing that could turn it around, he was also aware that the reason she was so adamant was a side of hers that felt threatened, there was a ghost of his past that was requesting attention and (y/n) was not willing to walk away from this without putting up a fair fight.
At a day (y/n) and her 8 children stood next to her and her husband all dressed in black, everyone rubbed their eyes at the sight of such numerous children, (y/n) always knew she was meant to be a mother and that fact that she had Daemon as her husband made it so much easier.
Until it didn’t, they were summoned by the king after the ceremony, (y/n) felt her stomach drop as soon as she walked in the room, instinctively her one hand went over her growing belly, yet she mastered the strength to place a smile and curtsy before the king.
“What is the meaning of this brother?”
“I was hoping we could agree to some sort”
“Over what?”
“I wish for you to come back, I… will legitimize your children and wife as she has proven worthy, bringing forward 8 children with another on the way is no easy task”
“The gods have been generous to us that is correct, we are grateful for this offer but forgive me to ask, since you mentioned an agreement it seems you want something in return”
“Correct, there is no smooth way to say this but as a parent, I hope you understand that I would do anything to protect my daughter”
“If you are asking us to wed Rhaenyra then you have lost your mind, I will not involve my wife and children in your scandals”
“Pardon my husband, I think you can understand the reason behind his outburst”
Daemon was left confused over (y/n)s composure that attempted to cover for his utter refusal to hide his brother's plans, he turned to observe his wife, she was calm, and her hand went to find his as their fingers intertwined (y/n) gave him a slight squeeze of comfort.
“The legitimacy of our children and our marriage is something that we are interested in, however, you can see why we might have some objections over accepting Rhaenyra in our marriage”
“You are trying to negotiate?”
“What else would you like to accept, please speak freely”
“I want my children to be given dragon eggs as well as meet any unclaimed dragons, they are Targaryens, they should have the pick of their dragons as well”
“I shall also be considered Rhaenyras wife, if we were to wed I shall have the same rights as my husband”
“You are suggesting the realm accept you as the future queen's consort?”
“As you mentioned I brought forward 8 children and another on the way, the crown shall accept them as future princes and princesses, if not then there is nothing for us here”
Daemon chose to observe his lady wife than speak up, she took initiative and strived for the best option, something he admired in her but he had never really witnessed how far she was willing to go to secure the future of her family, now she was sacrificing a spot in their marriage for a seat at the table, Viserys had been outsmarted by what he used to frown upon.
“Very well, we accept your conditions”
“Well then… welcome to our family Princess Rhaenyra”
(Y/n) and Daemon wed Rhaenyra as they had once done while their children and the rest of their family watched, Rhaenyra had underestimated the lady, (y/n) and might not be as assertive or rebellious as Daemon but her wits and calculated movements showed a woman that walked with her head held high and every step was thought after.
The days turned to seasons and then years, everyone was holding their breaths as they took a front-row seat to one of the most important marriages and alliances within the Targaryen Dynasty.
(Y/n) was held in the best light by the small folk, “the realms mother”, and “the Alyssane reborn” as her fertility kept thriving, blessing Daemon with another set of twins soon after Rhaenyra was wed, the two beautiful baby girls were named Megaera and Valera, the first of their family to receive dragon eggs on their cradles a gift by Rhaenyra who picked them herself then came Aegon, Viserys, and Visenya, overall (y/n) had the castle of Dragonstone filled with children, 13 to be precise.
Rhaenyra was painfully aware of how those babies came to fruition, Daemon's thirst for his wife was evident and he did not even consider giving Rhaenyra the courtesy of hiding, Rhaenyra had lost count of the times she had walked in on (y/n), and Daemon lusting after one another at all hours of the day and any room that was close to them, she sometimes wondered if the legends of Rhaenys being the favorite wife of Aegon made Visenya go through what Rhaenyra was also experiencing, is that mayhaps the reason behind Rhaenyra identifying with the warrior queen?
As (y/n) and Daemon stood by Rhaenyra at court, defending her and consulting her on important matters, painting the picture of a happy marriage with two spouses that supported her revolutionary claim, the realm expected Rhaenyra to bare a child as well, (y/n) was producing heirs one after the other, Rhaenyras womb laid empty since Daemon did not spend not even one night in her chambers.
It was the first time in years that the three of them had stepped foot in kings landing, Vaemond had called the court to usurp Lucerys from his claim at the driftwood throne, naturally, all 13 of their children were present along with the three boys from Rhaenyras previous marriage, (y/n) insisted that it would show how United they are and having that strong of a number on their side would scare off any other accusations.
A solid plan, until Ser Vaemond decided to protest against the king affirming young Lucerys as the successor for the driftwood throne.
“You run your house as you see fit, but I would rather die than let that boy take over my family’s name, parading around because you are too blind to see the truth”
“You dare question the decision of a king?”
“Look at them, all thirteen of them hold the characteristics of old Valyrian, true born heirs that I would happily accept as mine even though they came from a womb of a commoner, and you ask me to accept these three boys as Velaryons? It is blasphemy”
“You are certainly bold Ser Vaemond, you have the nerve to call me a commoner when I hold the future queen and the brother of the king as my spouses, my children are not thirteen, but sixteen, and all of them hold their names with pride, it saddens my heart to see that the thirst for recognition has turned you to this low of antics”
“Her children are BASTARDS! and she. Is. A. Whore”
“Pity, you had such great potential”
As (y/n) finished her sentence Daemon had taken the liberty to end Ser Vaemonds life, a clean cut through his head right above his tongue with the great sword dark sister, causing most people to gasp while (y/n) smirked and watched the body fall on the well-polished floor.
“No one disrespects our family”
“Disarm him!”
“No need, my love”
Daemon stretched his hand to his beloved (y/n) who only turned to pinch Lucerys cheek before she took her husband's hand to walk away, only to halt and turn around again, looking back to the rest of her family members.
Rhaenyra was grateful for (y/n)s graciousness, there was nothing that she could hold against her, she was loving and caring to her three boys, she would listen to Rhaenyra about any concerns for hours and even now she defended and included her in front of everyone.
She should be satisfied with such, still a thorn stuck in her heart and pride making Rhaenyra feel second best when it came to Daemon's heart, it has always been (y/n), (y/n) carried his offspring’s, he gave up everything for her, took her away and gave her a life full of gifts and love, the finest of any kind was reserved for (y/n).
“Pardon my intrusion, the princess is requesting Prince Daemon in her chamber”
“It is late, can it not wait?”
“Sweetling, the poor girl cannot know, go to her, I will be waiting for you”
“Fine, take your nightgown off for me, I want us to get straight to it when I get back”
Daemon whispered deviously before he planted a passionate kiss on the lips he most adored, reluctantly pulled away with an audible gruff and followed the servant girl silently, wondering what was so important that he had to leave his precious bed and his lustful wife right in the heat of the moment.
Rhaenyra paced back and forth with impatience written all over her demeanor and face, Daemon always had an influence over her, making her feel like a little girl again, though this was a different type of anxiety, once Daemon entered the room and the servant gave them their privacy Rhaenyra took a deep inhale through the nose to ease her nerves.
“I hoped to confront you over our marriage”
“What of it?”
“Do you truly think everything is fine or are you just blind?”
“I and my wife have honored our vows”
“That is the problem, you and your wife, it has never been just your vows”
“When you wed us you were to understand your place when it came to me and (y/n), I never used her as a surprise, you called for our aid and we generously offered it”
He was right, Rhaenyra had never been blindsided by them, (y/n) was a staple of their marriage, (y/n)s strive for the legitimacy of her children was the only reason Daemon allowed their wedding to happen, (y/n) had drank for Rhaenyras cup just as daemon had, binding their hands together and swore loyalty and devotion to their future queen.
As a woman Rhaenyra felt cast aside, this marriage was an insult to her pride, and having to bare through a birth of a child one after the other with a smile on her face was a twist of a knife in her wound, while her womb lay empty.
“You refuse to spend time with me, alone, you only show up with your children-“
“Our children, (y/n) and I call your sons our sons”
“At court yes”
“Are you questioning our actions? I did not have you to be as dim-witted as you seem right now, (y/n) called Lucerys her trueborn son in front of everyone, I took a man’s head for insulting you and our house and yet you stand before me and claim it is not enough for your liking?”
“I stand here to remind you that we have yet to produce a child, you can kill as many men as you wish, and (y/n) can scream it at the top of her lungs but that does not change that everyone sees her parading her belly and call her the realms mother while my womb rottenness under this wedlock”
“Rotten? Alright then, let us entertain this and say you bare my child, a silver-haired beauty that the realm will welcome, has it crossed that brilliant mind of yours that this will be more of a scandal for your three boys?”
“My sons are Targaryens”
“No doubt about it, but certainly they do not look like the part, in comparison to their brothers and sisters they look more like (y/n) than you”
“You are not refusing to lay with me to hush the rumors, you simply do not have the urge for it, I remember a time that you did, mayhaps it was the image of a gullible girl that kept you going”
“Listen and listen well, wife, (y/n) is my eternal love, the woman that took me in her arms and showed me life, you are my blood, I protected you, I defended you, I offered you sanctuary just so you can once again have something to complain about, well that is it, if you dare to summon me again for such idiotic matters I will grab my brother by the neck and force him to annul the marriage do you understand?”
Daemon was furious, as he spoke he started taking steps towards her, to the point that her back found the wall and Daemon was inches away from her face, hissing out the threat of annulment like a snake that released poison to its prey.
Rhaenyra had never experienced such hostility from Daemon, to say she was shocked was an understatement as her eyes frantically tried to find focus on his, daemons eyes were filled with fury, Rhaenyra had crossed the line in his mind, (y/n) had been kind and honorable to the princess, doing her duty like a proper lady wife and Rhaenyra scoffed at her, at his (y/n).
“Wonderful, now you must excuse me, I have some urgent matters that need my attention”
Requests are open!
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hufflegruff · 1 year
girl the way i RAN when i saw you asking for requests as a break from a knowing look!!! if youre down to maybe do something like hurt comfort vibes? with sebastian x MC? like mayhaps they’re fighting and MC gets hurt and protective Sebastian comes out? literally in love with everything you’ve written!!! you’re amazing! <3
I was meant to write a drabble but somehow this became a NOVEL?! Good lord. I really wanted to do it justice!!! I hope you guys still enjoy it!!!
It takes a disaster
Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x F!Reader Word Count: 5k Contains: Fluff, angst, making out!!! Requested: The lovely @ithinkweallsing and @musicbecky had similar requests about protective Seb x hurt MC so I combined both :)
“And why didn’t you think to tell me that you were struck by a bloody unforgivable curse before you fell lifelessly onto the fucking floor!” He yelled. She winced at the loudness of his voice.  “Do you have any idea what it’s like to watch the love of your life almost die in your fucking arms?” His deafening voice echoed through the chambers of the hospital wing.  She stared at him, mouth agape.  Sorry, was she dreaming? What was that he just said? 
It takes a disaster
When she first resigned to the pitiful fact that she was very likely in love with Sebastian Sallow, she accepted her fate. Doomed to suffer in an unrequited love she held for her best friend. 
Merlin, it was such a cliché. 
Honestly, she would have laughed at herself if it didn’t also feel so pathetically miserable.
Somewhere along the way, amid catacombs and restricted sections and ancient relics, she found herself becoming dissatisfied with just friendship. And before she could even catch herself, she had already fallen. Buried ten feet underground by the weight of her own despicable, cavernous feelings. 
Because they’d been best friends for long enough for her to know that Sebastian Sallow flirted like his livelihood depended on it. If courting witches was a sport, he’d be a professional. It came to him as naturally as breathing. 
That was why Cressida Blume battered her eyelashes so feverishly everytime he was near. And why Samantha Dale had been so Goddamn adamant on being her potions partner, so she could siphon hints on how best to charm the Slytherin for herself.
And why she would never entertain the idea that any of Sebastian’s pretty words could be anything more than lip service. 
So she went out of her way to find reasons to keep herself busy. Taking jobs and doing favours for townsfolk in the vicinity, so that she wouldn’t have to sit with her own feelings. Or Sebastian himself. Hoping that by the time it came for them to leave Hogwarts, that she would find peace and leave her feelings for him in the deepest depths of the castle. 
The distance would help. It just had to. 
Unfortunately for her, when she had said that she was heading to the poacher camp up in the Poidsear coast by her lonesome, Sebastian insisted that he absolutely had to come along.
“Don’t be daft. Of course I have to come with you. Who else is going to swoop in when your sorry arse needs saving?” He teased.
She was almost offended, “I don’t need a babysitter, Sebastian.”
“Not a babysitter,” he clarified, “A knight in shining armor,” with a dashingly flirtatious smile.
She felt her heart flutter, and cursed his annoyingly perfect fluffy hair for it. What business did it have looking so attractive? Honestly, the cheek of these Slytherin boys to say such rousing things.
Ominis, Sebastian and herself had been lazing in the grass in front of the main school grounds. But with a deft wave of his hand Seastian beckoned over his broom, and it zipped obediently over. 
“Come on. Let’s go.” Sebastian said easily.
“What? Right now?” She replied in disbelief.
“Well, I don’t see anything better to do. Do you?”
From beside him, Ominis piped up annoyed, “Um, excuse me. Did we not agree that we needed to finish our group project today so as to not suffer the wrath of Sharp’s horrid temper?”
Silently, she thanked Ominis for the diversion and prayed Sebastian would take it.
“Like I said. Nothing better to do.” Sebastian reiterated shamelessly. 
Ominis rolled his eyes, “Absolute moron you are. Whatever. Take him off my hands for all I care.”
Well that didn’t go at all the way she hoped.
“But I’ve… not even stocked up on my potions.” She said weakly.
Sebastian wasn’t having it.
“Come on, it’s just a routine poacher clear out! I’ve got a couple of Wiggenwelds on me. You know it’s going to be a cakewalk for the both of us.” 
She could never say no to him. Not when he looked at her like that. She imagined that most girls couldn’t either. An ugly, decrepit feeling bubbled up in the pit of her stomach. But she willed herself to push the unhelpful thought down and out of sight. 
“Fine.” She caved with a haughty flip of her hair, “But try to keep up. I don’t want to have to take care of you out there.”
In a ridiculously exaggerated display of chivalry, he offered her his hand and led her onto the broom with a coy smile.
“Ladies first.”
This boy was going to be the death of her. The ride to Poidsear would all but confirm that. 
Sebastian had insisted that she sit in front of him to steer — and for the life of her, she couldn’t understand how she had willingly agreed to put herself in this position. His breath was right in the crook of her neck, and his warm hands were wrapped all too tightly around her waist. Did he really think that she could steer like this? She was appalled at how totally inconsiderate he was by being so oblivious to her feelings. 
She could hardly hear her own thoughts — not even the intrusive ones — let alone focus on the fly.
Was he doing this on purpose? Because it was annoying.
The singularly, most vexing thing he could do in fact. She had a mission to concentrate on. She didn’t need to be sidetracked. She hadn’t even wanted him and his distracting face to come along in the first place.
“Merlin. Hold me any tighter and I might burst, Sebastian.” She tried her best to make it sound casual. With the light cadence of a joke, and not the high stakes affair it felt like.
“Well, I can’t risk having you falling to an untimely death under my watch. I’d never hear the end of it from Ominis. Or Samantha. For killing her potions partner at such a crucial time in the academic year,” He joked. 
His tone was teasing, but she hated that his words sounded so… carefree. Completely unbothered. It bruised her heart more than she liked to admit, but it hurt her to know that he probably thought that this was the same as being in close proximity to Anne. 
And why the bloody hell did he have to mention Samantha Dale at a time like this? Unprompted and all. Teenage boys really had no tact. If that had been a glimpse into Sebastian’s mind, she didn’t want to see it. Lock it up and throw away the keys and unleash it into the depths of the black sea to never be found. 
If she just ignored it, and never faced it head on, maybe her heart would break a little bit softer. 
“Right.” She replied curtly, willing the dejection she felt to go away.
“What? Did I say something wrong?” 
He paused in contemplation, before declaring, “You’re upset.”
He had said it so matter of factly she almost couldn’t disagree with him. Almost. She cursed herself for not being able to hide the bitterness in her voice better. She cursed him for noticing this of all things.
“Don’t be silly. I’m not.” She retorted harshly.
When the words left her mouth, she quickly regretted them. She felt guilty for how unnecessarily rude it sounded. But she couldn’t talk about this. There was objectively no good way to explain why she seemed so irrationally bothered without emotionally vomiting her feelings onto him.  
But before she could apologise, he chose to let it go. 
And she didn’t know if she felt relieved or even more devastated.
The rest of their journey to Poidsear was endured in silence. When they finally arrived, they landed just at the precipice of the poacher camp. It was time to get serious, she mentally chided herself. There was simply no time to torment herself with such frivolous nonsense.
They kept out of sight behind a mountain of crates next to a tent. Making sure to stay hidden, she briskly surveyed the scene. She could see from the corner of her eye, a family of hippogriffs chained in cages by the Eastern front. But getting to them would be no easy feat; the area was littered with Ashwinders at every corner. 
“God. There’s more of them than I thought.” She whispered to herself.
“Worried? How very unlike you.” Sebastian raised a brow in response.
“Not at all. It’s just you would think that these degenerates would have more productive things to do with themselves than taking magical creatures as prisoners.” She whispered with a scoff.
She had not even one ounce of respect for the Ashwinders, especially those of the poaching variety. Those who made a nefarious career out of hunting innocent, majestic creatures for blood sport were the worst of them.
To her surprise, when she turned to look at Sebastian, he was looking straight at her with an enigmatic smile.
And then suddenly, she felt self-conscious.
“What?” She whispered nervously.
Sebastian murmured warmly, “This is a little nostalgic is it not?”
“How so?”
“You. Me. The exhilarating thrill of getting caught at any moment. Feels like fifth year doesn’t it?” His voice was lower than usual, quieter, with a hint of something dastardly alluring. 
It made her heart skip an alarming amount of beats and her skin shiver at the sound of it. She felt an outrageously girlish impulse to snog him and hex him and run far, far away from him all at once. What she would give for him to have a taste of his own medicine. Even if he wasn’t in love with her, maybe she still could grab him by the collar and kiss him silly until his lips were bruised. 
Maybe that would finally fluster him. 
Because by God, he deserved to be put in his place for all the bloody grief he unknowingly gave her.
He was looking at her so affectionately, and that was just so uncalled for. Honestly, she didn’t know how he managed to flirt so skilfully even in the face of imminent danger. In the near vicinity of bloodthirsty dark wizards. If she wasn’t so conflicted by it all she would be impressed. She imagined that Sebastian Sallow could probably flirt with Death himself and get away with it. 
Perhaps that would be a rather useful quality in an Auror. Perhaps, when they were back in the safety of the castle, she would suggest it as a fitting career path for him—
“Look what we have here. A little far from Hogwarts aren’t we?”
She felt her blood freeze over at the sound of the new voice. Sebastian stiffened. A sinister chill ran up her spine.
When she turned, she was greeted by the menacing smile of an Ashwinder, cloaked in shadows. And almost as if the Hermes had struck her himself, the girl wonder retaliated at reckless speeds and pointed her wand with venomous hostility at the dark wizard in front of them.
Fuck. She cursed internally. Her guard had been irresponsibly down. She hadn’t even heard him approach them.
Sebastian probably sensed her panic, and squeezed her hand twice.
Once to comfort her, the second to ask her to follow his lead.
Raising his hands up in mock surrender, Sebastian said sardonically with a wry smile “Sir, we were just passing by the area. We didn’t know that this was private property. Terribly sorry for the intrusion. If you allow us, we’ll be on our way now.” 
The Ashwinder scoffed, “Save it kid, I know exactly who you two meddlesome brats are.”
“Oh well that’s unfortunate.” Sebastian said patronisingly.
Her grip on her wand tightened. She wasn’t entirely sure where he was going with this, but she knew that she had to be ready. 
“Why’s that?” The Ashwinder asked with a laugh.
“Because that means I have to do this.” 
And suddenly, with a swift motion, Sebastian lunged forward with his wand. And almost as if by blind, brazen instinct, her own hands followed suit. 
Red, green, and blue. The colours of their spells cackled at lightning speeds against the howling wind. 
But soon enough their commotion caused a ruckus, and it became an army against two measly bodies.
“Shit!” Sebastian cursed under his breath.
And frankly, she had to give it to them to their credit, these Ashwinders proved to be pretty formidable adversaries. They moved faster than the others did. And their spells missed her more narrowly than they normally did. But still, actually hitting her was the aim. Close enough wasn’t good enough, and she was determined to make sure that they would never achieve it. 
She’d make sure of it — they didn’t call her the girl wonder for nothing. 
Spells collided and echoed around her, the acrid scent of fire filling her nostrils. If peril were a smell, this is what she imagined that it would smell like.
And in the midst of the chaos, without a surge of power erupted from one of the Ashwinders. Like a strike straight out of God’s hand — with a single, severe flash of light — a calamitous spell was unleashed, enveloping the camp grounds in a sheathe of blinding white. 
And when the light became less blinding, she found herself separated from Sebastian. 
Panic welled up within her as she searched the battlefield, her heart pounding in her chest. 
"Sebastian!" She called out.
Where was Sebastian?
Fuck. That wasn’t good. She needed to find Sebastian. 
Like insidious tendril vines, fear crept into her veins. Yet she willed the anxiousness in her brain to focus; willed it to calm down. Sebastian was a capable wizard. He could handle a few pesky Ashwinders. 
Just as capable as she was. 
Because with a flick of her wrist, shields shattered and hexes were deflected. With every spell she cast, the wind sang as her curses hit bodies, like a force of nature answering her call. One by one Ashwinders fell under the weight of her unyielding assault. 
But then a piercing hex sliced right through her defences. 
Her protego shattered, and she was thrown backward into a mess of limbs onto the ground. 
The sound of the spell sent chills down her spine. It brought her back to the scriptorium. It brought her back to a shadow of Sebastian that she had been trying to forget. 
But before she could run, scream, dive or react — it reached her. 
And just as torturously as it had the very first time she endured it, pain erupted through her body as she was thrown backward, limbs contorting as she crumbled in agony onto gritty soil. Back then, it had felt as if lightning had struck every single nerve ending in her body. This time it felt like she was burning under a flame that was twice as brutal.
The pain was relentless. Her mind screamed for respite, for any brief release from this torture. She clawed at the ground, gripping her nails deep into the dirt, as if seeking solace in the earth itself. But there was no escape. No reprieve.
Through the haze of pain, she caught glimpses of the Ashwinder that had casted the curse. Even through her blurry vision, she could see that they were gloating. Content at how they had reduced her to nothing more than a writhing, broken vessel.
And God, that pissed her off immensely.
If they could sense the literal thunder in her veins, she wondered if they would be so cavalier?
She didn’t think so.
Through gritted teeth; through sheer determination, she struggled onto her feet with her body shaking in defiance. Summoned the last remnants of her ancient magic, her wand trembling in her shaky hand. A surge of energy flowed through her veins. The air above the tips of her fingers crackled with raw power as she channeled her magic, focusing it into a singularly devastating spell.
And when it hit the Ashwinder, it eviscerated them in waves.
In between all the fighting and screaming and surviving, she didn’t remember much of the details.
But all of a sudden, it was silent. 
And all of the sudden, it was just her standing alone in plumes of dust.
When the air finally settled down, she felt herself start to cave. The adrenaline had done its job and was quickly leaking out of her blood stream. As if she had exerted and drained every last ounce of her spirit and was on the verge of collapse.
Was it just her, or were the skies starting to fade?
The pain in her chest was still excruciating. This cruciatus curse felt different from the one that Sebastian had casted on her before. 
This one was lingering. 
Like it was clawing onto her heart and gripping onto it in a chokehold with a resentful vengeance. Despite having just won, she didn’t have a spare moment to feel relieved. The pain was quickly growing and air couldn’t seem to reach her lungs fast enough.       
But Sebastian… Where was Sebastian? The panic began to rumble within her. She had foolishly let her own guard down, and let him out of her sight. She mustered what little energy she had left and moved her head frantically in search of him. 
How could she ever forgive herself if she let him die? 
But when she saw a figure barreling head first towards her, even through blurry eyes and the crackle in the depths of her tired limbs, she knew that it was him. And like an oasis in the blistering desert, the comfort she felt from seeing his face was a brief solace to the pain. 
If this was where she was destined to meet her end, she hazily deliberated, at least she could draw her last breath in peace knowing that he was safe. 
(Not to be dramatic or anything.)
When Sebastian finally caught up to her, he laughed and bursted out breathily, “Merlin… Whatever you and your ancient magic did back there was insane.”
He was safe, and that was all that mattered. She didn’t have the energy anymore. Not for a conversation, let alone banter. She needed to preserve her last scraps of her battered stamina to make it back to the castle and patch herself up in solitude.
And one thing was for certain: Sebastian could not know.
“I think we managed pretty well.” He said with a tired smile.
“Yeah,” she replied breathily, “W-we did good.”
She sounded a mess. She hoped that he wouldn’t notice.
To her dismay, the look on his face immediately switched into that of deep concern. 
He interrogated hurriedly, “What wrong? You sound a little off. Are you hurt?”
Everything was wrong. The discomfort that gripped her chest was getting worse with every passing second. Standing was starting to become too taxing of an undertaking for her. 
But needless to say, she didn’t want another thing to worry about, and Sebastian would always make an unnecessarily big fuss anytime she was hurt. Even if it was just a minuscule scratch. He was always too distraught; too tender. It was one of the things she adored most about him. 
And she absolutely loathed him for it.
So her stubbornness was persuaded that suffering in silence was the easier of two fates. 
Indignantly, she retorted, “How rude. I’ll have you k-know I’m perfectly f-fine.”
Her words were starting to slur, not that she noticed. But Sebastian clearly had. Assertively, he grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her towards him.
“You’re not fine.” He declared demandingly.
As he frantically searched her eyes, arms, back, legs for signs of what was wrong, she found herself nuzzled in the nook of his chest. She felt her willpower wither slightly in his flustered hands. 
In the shallow breaths that she took, she could smell him. The musk of pinewood and sputtering fireplaces and late nights drifting in the restricted section. An aromatic cocktail that was overwhelmingly intoxicating. 
Now she was getting angry. And drowsy. And dizzy. Why couldn’t Sebastian tell that he was being so selfish by being so considerate? He needed to stop touching her so carelessly. She was lightheaded enough as it is, she didn’t need his excessive gentleness to add fuel to the flames of her absurd delusions. 
But maybe if she just closed her eyes and rested for this brief moment. Sebastian would take the hint and just leave her be. Maybe all she needed was a quick lie down and he would see that she was perfectly fine. 
“Oh fuck, there’s so much blood— hey, hey!”
She could see Sebastian calling out her name, but she couldn't hear it. And soon enough she realised, she wasn’t fighting it anymore. And soon enough, Sebastian was no longer in sight. Soon enough, she found herself alone in a quiet, soothing darkness. 
Something was twisting at her to give into slumber. Into solitude. Into emptiness. She vaguely remembered from one of Sharp’s more riveting lectures that when poisoned - one should always fight the urge.
But she could still feel the warmth of Sebastian’s hands on the small of her back, and the comfort of it lulled her to relinquish control. After a few ambivalent moments, drifting in and out of awareness, she surrendered to sleep.
When she woke, she was greeted by a horrendously pounding headache. She had no sense of place, but a low groaning ache in her bones. Her eyes struggled to open, but she could feel the warm sun on the tip of her nose, and the tips of her cheeks. The softness of the sun quelled a little bit of the soreness in her body. 
She deduced that wherever she was, it was warm and safe. Despite the ache in her bones, there was also a weightlessness to her body. Therefore, she somehow rationalised with herself that this was very likely heaven. 
Or any other religious equivalent afterlife. 
She wasn’t picky. Any one would do, really.
When her bleary eyes finally pulled themselves open, the fragmented parts of her vision pieced together a faint picture. Of pristine white linen and crisply casted grey brick. A peculiar blend of sickly artificial peonies and concentrated chemicals flooded her nostrils. 
Which was odd. Because she hadn’t imagined that the afterlife would feel quite so sterile.
“Fucking hell,” spoke a voice she could never not recognise, and she was shocked. 
Did heaven include conjuring up a phantom Sebastian from the figment of her deepest imaginations to keep her company for the rest of eternity?
“You’re awake.” His voice was hoarse.
When her eyes finally focused, she saw him properly. It was definitely Sebastian Sallow, the boy that had her heart leaping acres across the Hebridean seas. But in all her years of knowing and pining for him, she’d never seen him look so terrible. His hair was disheveled as if it had endured a torrid storm. His eyes were heavy and solemn, as if they had tolerated an eternity of grief.
This seemed all too real. Too visceral. 
Maybe this wasn’t heaven.
“Am I dead?” She thought to confirm.
He laughed a humourless laugh.
“No. You’re in the hospital wing.”
So this was real. She was in pain because her body had been bruised like a peach. 
When she finally looked around, she found herself neatly tucked into the covers of an infirmary bed. She couldn’t recall how she got here, and only remembered a few little scraps of the event that led up to Poidsear. But if she had to be certain of anything, Sebastian must’ve brought her back to the castle.
“I guess that makes sense,” She said with as much mirth as she could muster, “Heaven couldn’t be this quaint.”
Clearly Sebastian hadn’t found it funny at all, which is why she was met with silence. 
As she cleared her throat, she asked, “What happened?”
For some reason, Sebastian was doing everything in his power to avoid her eye. 
“An Ashwinder hit you with a modified version of the cruciatus curse. She tampered the spell and combined it with a blood poisoning hex. You… could’ve died.” He said through gritted teeth. It seemed as if he struggled to even get the words out. 
In an attempt to diffuse the graveness of his tone, she made a joke.
“Unlucky. Maybe next time they try to kill me they’ll actually get it right.”
But once again, Sebastian didn’t laugh. If anything, he only got more aggrieved. She felt his grip on the edge of her bed frame tighten so fiercely, she could see his veins pop and his knuckles turn red. He was being so serious — and she was not at all used to serious Sebastian. She had only seen this side of him once or twice, and only ever because of Anne. 
“Are you … upset?” She asked cautiously.
“I’m fucking furious.” He said. 
She was gobsmacked.
Finally, he looked at her straight on and her stomach flipped at the sight of it. He looked absolutely distraught. Like the splintered shell of a boy who had been cracked open and drained dry of his will to live. Behind the hard look in his eyes, radiated something cloudy, tempestuous and devastating. 
“It was my fault that we were even there.” He said
She hadn’t known that a voice could carry such grief and anger simultaneously. But Sebastian’s voice was laced with insurmountable despair. And it broke her heart irrevocably to think that she could’ve caused him so much pain.
Did he think that he was to blame?
That was ridiculous.
“I thought-” he started to say again, but his voice cracked. 
I thought I lost you? I thought I’d left you for dead? She wondered if that was what he was going to say.
“Sebastian…” She finally began “It’s not-”
“And why didn’t you think to tell me that you were struck by a bloody unforgivable curse before you fell lifelessly onto the fucking floor!” He yelled.
She winced at the loudness of his voice. 
“I didn’t think-”
“Do you have any idea what it’s like to watch the love of your life almost die in your fucking arms?”
His deafening voice echoed through the chambers of the hospital wing. 
She stared at him, mouth agape. 
Sebastian himself looked shocked by the words out of his own mouth. 
Sorry, what was that he just said? 
Was she dreaming? Was she hallucinating? Had Sebastian Sallow really said that he loved her? Her? Complicated, chaotic, haphazard her? Even if her brain couldn’t quite process what she was saying, her heart had certainly understood. It was battering against her ribcage so firmly that she swore it would no sooner burst out of her chest.
“You… love me?” Even as the words sat in her mouth, even as she tasted it meticulously on the edge of her tongue — she still couldn’t believe them. 
With his head buried in his hands, Sebastian groaned. 
Obviously that wasn’t what he had wanted to say, and that terrified the living shit out of her. He looked as if he considered going back on it. Saying that it had just been an emotional slip of the tongue. 
But to her surprise, he stood firm. 
“Fuck.” He cursed, “Isn’t it fucking obvious?”
His words still weren’t fully sinking in. Her brain was running so fast that it was on the verge of failing her entirely. There were so many things she wanted to ask him. Was it obvious? To who exactly? By what egregious definition? And did he expect her to just take his word and say that this little detail was always hidden in plain sight for her to find? 
Then there were other more intrusive thoughts she couldn’t shake. Like what about all the girls that fawned over his every word. What about all the other girls that were softer, prettier, more endearing than her? She just hoped that whatever she chose to say, that she wouldn’t let out the intrusive ones first.
“...What about Samantha?” She blurted practically incoherently.
Oh Merlin. Why did she say that? Why was that the first thing she said to him after she had just been on the verge of death? After he had just confessed his love for her.
Never had she felt so exasperated with herself for being so dumb.
Unsurprisingly, Sebastian looked at her as if she’d just grown three heads. She also considered that maybe she had enunciated so poorly that he hadn’t understood a single thing she said. Either way, just as she was about to laugh it away - change the subject - he responded.
“... What about Samantha?”
Suddenly, she felt too shy to ask. But she knew she had to follow through.
“... You’re not in love with Samantha?” She asked meekly.
Sebastian stared at her in absolute disbelief. 
“Are you crazy?” he began incredulously, “You think I fancy Samantha Dale?”
It wasn’t that crazy of a thought, she wanted to retort. 
But before she could even get a word in, Sebastian bulldozed on.
“Fucking hell. I think I’ve mentioned her name all but three times in the last six years I’ve been in this castle. All I talk about is you all day everyday, which makes Ominis go absolutely livid! All you have to do is say my name and I’d stop everything at the drop of a fucking hat to do literally anything you ask for me—” 
Did he know what he was saying? She wanted to scream. The feelings in her chest were so intense she feared that she might just throw up. 
Could he hear the absolutely ludicrous and inconceivable things coming out of his silly mouth? Did he know what in Salazar’s name he was saying to her? 
And he wasn’t even done yet.
“—I look for you in every hallway, every classroom, every corner in this bloody castle! For Merlin’s sake, I can’t even begin to fathom how you could not know that I’m stupidly love with you—”
Despite herself. Despite the stabbing pain in her chest. Despite the stitches in her lungs. She lunged her body forward and pushed her own chapped, split and desperate lips onto his.
And when their lips met — good God. 
She had no idea how she had waited so long to do this.
And she hoped for his sake that Sebastian hadn’t said any of that lightly, because now that she had finally had him, she was never ever letting him out of her shaky, unpracticed hands. 
At first, Sebastian had been taken aback. His mouth unmoving, eyes open in disbelief. It was as if he was observing the scene from outside of himself.
But then soon enough — he was all in, and he had his hands cupping the curve of her cheek to pull her closer to him. Soon enough, Sebastian was kissing her like he was looking for something. Pushing, pulling, scouring the shape of her mouth like she was a puzzle to be deciphered. Gripping tightly onto the sides of her waist and the small of her back like she was a prized to be possessed.
And she obliged. 
Whatever he wanted to know she’d tell him. If she were a prize, she'd use every cheat every ruse in her arsenal to make sure he'd win.
She just hoped that her needy moans conveyed her willingness to be compliant in his competent hands.
Her limbs ached, her bones groaned. This kiss was too wild, too strenuous, too demanding for her worn out body. But she didn’t care. The floodgates had opened now, whether either of them knew it, and this feeling was unquenchable. 
He tasted like home and aftershave and salt and all those silly peppermint candies he ate all the time. If she could fasten herself to him with an irreversible stitch, she would. If she could seal herself into a perfect mould of his arms, she would. If the shivers that raced down her spine could etch themselves permanently into her nerve endings in her skin, she’d gladly bear the mark.
In between peppered, sloppy kisses, she managed to gasp, "I'm in love with you too."
There was no time for pauses. She had no use for breathing; no use for air. She had no use for anything that didn’t include his lips. 
His laugh was gravelly and tired and breathy. But it was filled with relief and tenderness all the same.
“Thank fucking god,” Sebastian murmured.
Her hands instinctively found their way to his hair, fingers tangling into the strands of his. She revelled in the texture of him. In her daydreams and her undisclosed fantasies, she had always wondered what it would feel like. Would he be as gentle as his charms implied? Or was he as abrasive as his words could be?
But despite his devouring intensity, despite how ardently he consumed her — everything about Sebastian was soft. His lips were soft. His body was soft. His hands were soft.
She leaned in to kiss him again, but he pulled back. Which immensely disappointed her. And she wasn’t shy to let it show on her face.
"Be careful. You're still recovering." He managed to get out, but it was weak.
Yes, that was true. It was very lovely and sensible of him to say.
But frankly, she couldn't give two fucks.
"I wouldn't mind dying today," she replied breathlessly, her voice laced heavily with longing.
He groaned into the edge of her mouth, "Way too soon."
She smiled wryly. Was it wicked of her to take delight in how protective he was being?
Silence hung in the air. 
"Please just... just be careful next time?" he said, his voice wavering slightly.
She looked into his eyes, "I will."
With a gentle squeeze of his hand, she hoped that he knew that she truly meant it. That by definition, her feelings for him meant that her assurance was very much real. Because if not with words, she needed him to know through this gesture that she too looked for him in every inch of this castle. That she too would drop everything at his beck and call.  
He squeezed her hand back in return.
Message understood?
“And as much as I’d love to keep kissing you," he whispered with a playful glint in his eye, "I would hate for Nurse Blainey to shun me from the infirmary for so shamelessly accosting one of her patients."
A soft chuckle escaped her lips, the tension easing between them. "You're right. We wouldn't want that," she replied, a fond smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
A/N: This is deffo a little different from the normal soft/simpy Seb that I write. I tried to go for overly flirtatious and wildly charming Seb and a pining MC this time to shake things up!! I still think they're cuties.
Gosh, I hope you guys liked it!! I'M STILL WORKING ON OTHER REQUESTS and of course my bb A Knowing Look! They will be taking a while but I promise I will be putting my heart and soul into them.
xoxo gruff
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delusional-shawty · 6 months
Tier list of who is good with hugs vs. awkward losers go!
Chris Redfield: Any game version of Chris gives 100/10 hugs. Have you SEEN him?? Big ol' bear hugs from him would be the absolute best way to cure a bad day. Rest his head on top of yours if he can and sways back and forth
Leon Kennedy (RE2, RE Death Island, RE6): 8/10 hugs. He's awkward for sure and never initiates hugs bc of it. He does that thing where, when hugged, he melts and lets out a big sigh he didn't even know he was holding in. If he had a tail, it would be wagging bc he is basking in the attention
Leon Kennedy (RE4, RE Vendetta) : 2/10 hugs, and that's being generous. They give me massive awkward side hug vibes, and they probably get all annoyed when you ask for a hug. Not that they don't enjoy hugs. They're just afraid of getting attached plus afraid of physical touch
Wesker: 0/10. Would not hug anyone for any reason. May stab instead
Ethan Winters: 10/10!! Next to Chris, I think he would give the most comforting hugs. It borders on just going to sleep because he never wants to break it off and eventually gets super tired. Bonus points for him because I also believe that he kisses the top of ur head
Ada Wong: 5/10... I think it would depend on how well acquainted you are. If you're friends, you'll get a side hug or a pat on the back. If you're best friends or more, she'll be more open to hug in private. Generally doesn't like them unless she's had a decent week. Ask before you hug is her major rule
Jill Valentine: 7/10 because she gives big sister hugs. Doesn't know her own strength sometimes and crushes you a bit. Rambles about cool stuff she did that day while crushing you to death... will try her hardest to fix the behavior if you bring it up, though it's basically instinct for her
Mayhaps more later
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bingwriterxo · 1 year
a drunken kiss
pairing: amber freeman x reader
summary: in which one of amber's parties ends on a high note
warnings: ...OOC amber
word count: 860+
author's note: i've never written for amber before, but i've been really wanting to, so i hope you guys enjoy!
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The party was raging. People were crowded in every corner, dancing and talking and shouting. Loud, heavy music filled the air, drowning out most other sounds. Drinks were being split in peoples’ mouths and on the floor and anywhere else they could’ve been. The faint scent of weed was wafting around, coming from an easily identifiable source of a random joint in the kitchen. 
Amber Freeman should’ve been enjoying herself. She was, after all, the anointed queen of throwing parties for the population of Woodsboro High, and this was probably her best yet. 
However, she found herself sulking on her couch, a cup of god-knows-what clenched in her hand as her eyes were trained on two people standing in the kitchen. One of them, to her misfortune, was Chad with his stupidly charming smile and his stupidly charming eyes and his stupidly charming everything. 
And the other was you. 
You were smiling and laughing at the boy, batting your eyelashes and biting your bottom lip every so often, and, god, Amber swore she never hated Chad more than in that moment. 
Her trance was broken when another body plopped down onto the couch beside her. 
“Why the long face, Freeman?” Mindy asked. 
“Why do you think?” Amber seethed, never taking her eyes away from you.
Mindy hummed as she followed the raven-haired girl’s eyeline, nodding when she saw exactly what Amber was upset about. “You shouldn’t worry about that, you know.”
Amber scoffed, taking a sip from her drink and cringing at the taste. “Yeah right. He’s wooing her with…whatever the hell Chad talks about, and she’s falling for it.”
Mindy clicked her tongue. “Wrong. Chad, currently, is talking about how much he likes our resident pink-haired idiot, Liv McKenzie, and Y/N is drunk out of her mind and nodding along with everything he says.” She shrugged. “Plus, I just happen to know that Y/N is into somebody else right now.”
Amber whipped her head toward the other girl. “What? How? Who?” She closed her eyes, shook her head, and regained her composure. “I mean, what?”
“I have sources,” came Mindy’s simple answer. She glanced to the side. “And…the object of your affections is currently headed this way. A-goodbye!” She was gone before Amber even had time to process what had just happened. 
To replace Mindy’s now-empty spot, you slid into place beside Amber, a small smile on your lips and wide eyes staring up at the raven-haired girl. “Hi, Ambs,” you greeted softly. 
“Hey. Enjoying the party?” she asked with her own grin. 
“It was kind of lacking before, but…” you trailed off, smiling wider, “it’s definitely better now.”
“Oh really?” She tried to ignore the stirring feeling in her stomach, and she tried to force down the blush that was threatening to take over her cheeks, but by the sound of your giggle, she knew she had failed at the latter. 
“You’re cute, you know that?”
Amber blinked once, then twice. “And you’re really drunk, aren’t you?”
You shrugged. “Mayhaps.” You leaned back against the cushions, eyes now focused on the people surrounding you, but Amber couldn’t seem to draw her attention away from you. “You throw great parties, Ambs.”
“Thank you,” she said quickly. “I’m glad you like ‘em.”
“Yeah, but…you know, the free drinks and good music and great vibes aren’t the only reason I come.” You glanced toward her, biting at the inside of your cheek, and then, to Amber’s surprise, you rested your chin on her shoulder so that you could look at her. She tensed beneath your touch and gulped, unsure of where her usually cool demeanor had fled to. “I could get all of that stuff anywhere, really,” you said, breath fanning against the skin of Amber’s cheek. 
“So why bother coming then?” she asked. 
You chuckled, and Amber could feel it vibrating through her bones. “Because, silly, no other parties have you, and what’s the fun in that?”
Amber’s eyes widened and she inhaled a sharp breath. “You come…for me?”
“Well, obviously. Have you not picked up on that part yet?”
The raven-haired girl opened her mouth, closed it, opened it again, closed it, and then finally settled on, “Oh.”
You laughed. “Is it…okay….that I only come for you?” you asked.
Amber nodded quickly. “Yeah.”
“So, would it be okay if I…I dunno…kissed you?” Your eyes fluttered down to her lips, and Amber couldn’t help herself as she drew her tongue across her bottom one. 
“Definitely,” she breathed out.
You leaned up, and she leaned down, and you met in the middle. Amber could taste the beer on your lips, but she could feel the plushness of them, the gentleness, the smile that came toward the end, when you couldn’t help the joy that overtook you.
When she pulled away, because you were all toothy-grin and giggles, your eyes were still closed, and she laughed a little. She brought her hand to your chin, used her thumb to wipe away some lipstick she had gotten on the skin below your bottom lip, and then your eyes slowly opened. 
“I’ve been waiting for that,” you confessed.
“Oh yeah?” she teased. “Well, me too.”
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starrysvn · 9 months
puppy love | kang yeosang
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pairing: kang yeosang x gn!reader
genre: headcanon; e2l (i TRIED); co-workers au, volunteering at an animal shelter; fluff; angst if you really, really squint, crack (i’m nOT funny)
word count: 3.1k
rating: pg-13
warnings: none; one smooch, mayhaps a couple swear words (lowercase intended)
networks: @cromernet
author’s note: happy belated christmas from your secret santa, @armysantiny !! i really hope you’ll enjoy this and i sincerely hoped you spent warm holidays surrounded by people you loved! <3 i’ve tried my very best with the e2l but mAN writing it is so much less fun than reading it. big, huge, thanks to @hwaightme for giving me wonderful ideas to use and delulus to ponder so i could write this down. ilysm <333
kang yeosang is one infuriating individual. for one, there is no way anyone can be so praised and well-liked by literally everyone. not a day goes by where you don’t wonder how his small smiles and quiet attitude could bewitch every last person he talked to. not when he would not bother to say hi in passing to you specifically, or resolve to small nods and monosyllables when talking. to you.
it seems that you are the problem.
you and him work volunteer shifts at the same shelter. only, he deals with cats while you deal with dogs so it wasn’t like you’d see each other that often, but it was often enough to know he doesn’t like you.
not enough to say hi, engage in any sort of coversation or, least of all, help out if needed.
until christmas.
the shelter was decked out, you spent a whole afternoon helping out with decorations, along with yunho and yena, two other volunteers.
and yeosang.
the man almost laughed his ass off watching you balance on a ladder in the most uncoordinated way possible to avoid falling. arms flailing around and everything.
he just stood there, an ornament in his hands, with his stupidly cute smile and watched.
you sigh, scratching behind the ear of the latest rescue dog that was brought in. you like baxter, he is chill and his black, shiny fur does not show signs of him having had to live out in the streets all on his own for weeks anymore. you like him best because it looks like he is listening when you ramble on, in disbelief of the rudeness showcased, about yeosang.
just then, a call of your name sounds in the air, the voice coming from the front desk of the shelter.
“see you later,” you leave behind baxter’s toy, leaving him with one last pat on the head, and make your way to the front where hongjoong had called for you.
you smile upon entering the reception area as it had been a joint decorating effort between you, yunho and yena. the result was looking very much like an elementary school christmas project, but you enjoy the general vibe. the senior rescuer currently behind the counter, looking rather preoccupied with a few papers, however, had just shook his head dejectedly upon seeing the final result.
“i’m sorry to be doing this, but could you take the christmas day shift?” he looks apologetic as he asks, rushing to explain. “it’d only be a half day, I promise that by one you can leave, we’ve got the staff taking care of the other shifts and the morning one’s the only one left uncovered-”
“no worries,” you interrupt his rambling. “i’ll be there.”
hongjoong smiles, looking relieved only for a second, before his face betrays further worrying.
“what is it?”
“nothing, i,” he sighs, shoulders sagging upon seeing the inquisitive look on your face. “yeosang will be working the same shift.”
defeat. dejection. betrayed trust. you groan dramatically, barely hearing hongjoong say that you’d already agreed and it would not be that bad.
surely it’d make for an interesting christmas.
when you arrive on christmas morning, the night shift staff gives you a tired nod and you offer him a smile in return, quickly wishing him happy holidays.
you waste no time in doing the rounds, giving all the cute doggos their breakfast.
while going over the duty checklist left from the night shift staff you hear the bell jingle in the front and roll your eyes.
when you finally decide to go up front it takes a couple of minutes before yeosang finally comes into view.
decked out in his funniest ugly sweater it reads “here comes santa paws” and has a cat wearing a christmas hat on it and with his long hair tucked behind his ears, he’s coming up to you with an awkward air about him.
you squint your eyes in suspicion.
“merry christmas,”
you’re floored, shocked, gaping like a fish looking up at your co-worker who for the first time ever has spoken to you first.
“cookie?” he produces a tupperware from behind his back, carefully removing the lid to reveal the most crooked, ill-decorated christmas cookies you’ve ever seen. some look slightly burned. a gingerbread man has three eyes.
you’re still gaping, not in the slightest understanding how it's possible that he’s spoken to you first, and also not noticing how ever so slowly a blush starts to creep up on his cheeks.
maybe you’re hallucinating, but it snaps you out of your trance.
you quickly reach for the gingerbread man with three eyes.
“thanks,” you mumble, giving him a small smile. “merry christmas.”
yeosang nods, closing the tupperware and disappearing without a word.
so you’re left there, cookie in hand, not knowing what to do with this.
you stay put, eating your cookie, until you hear a loud bang.
you rush to the source of it, finding a very flustered yeosang surrounded by cat litter. at least it’s clean.
you hold in your laughter, seeing him stand there, look around and try to come up with a plan.
“a little help?” you pretend to wipe away tears, facing his deadpan expression.
“you would’ve let me fall from a ladder,”
“you would’ve survived,”
you scoff, turning around to grab the broom and toss it his way. Yeosang catches it, just barely.
“you scared my dogs.”
with that, you leave him to his mess, going to comfort and play a little bit with the shaken up puppies.
it’s not until a little later that you show up at the front desk again, noticing yeosang is already sitting there, typing away on the computer.
he’s also got the phone pressed to his ear, helping out someone on the line with cat duties, speaking with his honey voice and a small smile on his face.
it’s almost mesmerizing seeing him wear an expression that’s not his usual blank stare he holds up around you.
“if you’re done staring, we’ve got hongjoong’s checklist to go through,”
just like that, you feel like a deer caught in headlights, heat pervading your face.
“sure,” you shrug, going over to him to take a look at it, trying not to stare at his smug pout.
deep down, very deep down, you think about kissing it away.
if he weren’t so unbearable. but he is. so.
the checklist read “lobby Ikea chairs”
you both looked at each other, confused, until you noticed the boxes hidden behind the counter.
there was a post-it on it that read: “good luck! -HJ”
simply infuriating. you’d lost count of all the times you had to resist the urge to roll your eyes or drop everything and go back to your dogs.
there was no trace of the cold, odd yeosang you were used to.
he’d casually sat down on the spot where you were assembling the Ikea chairs, picked up the instruction manual and waited for you to hand him the screwdriver. bewildered, you had.
that was about two hours ago, before trying to follow instructions had gone to your heads, when it was only extremely awkward and quiet while he read the manual and you tried your best to sneak glances at him. to figure out what possibly could have been going through his head, of course.
now you were busy trying to one up each other in an undeclared war of who is the best handyman, clearly having lost the main aim: building the damned chairs.
“you were supposed to put in the screw first and then the little wooden thingy.”
“does it matter?”
“does your chair look structurally sound?”
“listen, if we start over-” pinching the bridge of his nose and scrunching his eyes closed with a sigh, you stop him before he could finish his sentence.
“like hell we are, it took us two hours just to get to this.”
“exactly,” his deadpan tone leaves you no choice but to sigh.
“fine,” you give in.
you were going to kill hongjoong.
because it took you only two hours to realize all it took for yeosang to distract you were his hands working on assembling furniture, his voice asking you to pass him stuff and his silence.
if you hated it before, now you appreciated the quiet moments where all you could hear was the faint music coming from the radio and the occasional bark or meow that prompted one of you to stand up and go check on your animals.
of course it was because you didn’t have to hear his disdainful reprimanding, not at all because it gave you the chance to throw glances at him and how a few strands of hair escaped the clips pinning it back and framing his face very nicely. no, not at all. you still couldn’t stand him. mhmh.
once you finally finish building the chairs, he helps you set them up in exchange for the older ones, now piled up in the storage room.
it’s almost second nature for you to hold up your fist for him to bump.
it’s just a thing you do all the time with your friends but now you’re standing there awkwardly, fist mid air, yeosang staring at you very lost, eyes going back and forth from your face to your hand and of course now he’s not going to want to see your face ever again and you feel embarrassment slowly and steadily creeping in the more you stand there until
he fist-bumps back
a little puzzled, seemingly asking if he’s done the right thing with one look, before dropping his hand and clearing his voice
you do the same
“gotta go see the dogs,”
“yeah, no, me too… i mean, the cats, yeah, so-”
he turns around and speeds away.
you follow him.
“so how’re the cats?”
yeosang jumps on his spot, almost dropping the little mouse toy he was about to throw for a kitty to catch.
“sleeping, mostly,” he shrugs. “how’re the dogs?”
you motion for him to follow and, surprisingly, he does.
immediately, he greets the ones that are up or go up to him with a smile on his face that you’ve never seen.
it shines brighter than the sun and you find yourself smiling as well, seeing him crouch down and pat dogs left and right.
then you get a grip, not for long
it leaves you pleasantly surprised how he follows while you introduce him to every dog, how he listens while you explain why they’re there, their stories, their backgrounds
but then, while you try to get some of the dogs to play with you so he could finish the round of greetings, he reaches the puppies’ enclosure and enters it to sit among them
and while he tries to play catch with a couple, one makes his way into his arms
and when he looks down at the pup, he’s wearing the most adoring expression
like a kid seeing snow for the first time
it’s wondrous and starry and happy
and you’re staring as he softly pats the puppy’s head and coos at it
“what’s his name?”
you almost don’t answer, too focused on the scene unfolding and having trouble locating the information he’s asked for in your brain
“i don’t think he has one,” you mumble, patting baxter’s head
“sleepy,” he looks down at the puppy. “cause he’s asleep while everyone wants to play, you know?”
you just nod with a smile, or at least you hope it is because what the fuck
why are you losing your mind over yeosang cradling a sleeping puppy?
why is your brain recognizing just now that your stomach’s doing cartwheels? why do you want to look away but also keep staring?
“what’s this?” you think he’s speaking to himself, but you still catch the words leaving his mouth as he enquires the toy another puppy has just brought him
then yeosang looks up at you, eyes wide as saucers, and your heart drops for being caught staring
he doesn’t say a thing, but looks down prompting you to do the same
it’s the mistletoe chew toy
yunho’s brilliant idea of getting the dogs christmas themed toys
yeosang looks away throwing it
“yunho,” you start, catching your coworker’s attention. “yunho’s idea, to get them those.”
you offer him a pained smile as he nods, scratching his head.
“seonghwa too, for the cats…”
“ah, really?”
you want to bash your head into the wall
but the phone saves you, so you dash to the front, escaping the burning flames of awkwardness
it turns out to be a family wanting to adopt as a christmas present for their kids
so you say that yes, you’re open and yes they can come in whenever
when they do, yeosang has re-emerged and stands beside you, silent like always
this time around, though, you fear he’ll hear your heart beating out of your chest at the proximity
why’s he so close?
you almost jump to greet the happy family of four when they walk in to the sound of let it snow coming from the radio
“we were afraid it wasn’t going to stop!” the dad says, brushing off some snow from his hat
turns out they’d like to adopt a dog
it surprises you that yeosang follows when you lead the family in but you try to pay him no mind
the kids seem to be enamored with every dog they see, their parents giving them free reign
they’re still very polite and don’t cause much ruckus or yell too loud, which you’re grateful for
“could you tell us more about him?”
you’re about to turn to answer the question, if it weren’t that yeosang’s already at it
he’s introducing the kids to baxter
“he’s been here for a while, he’s very fond of our y/n and his favorite snack is carrots. he doesn’t like loud noises all that much. his past owners left him here because they could no longer take care of him, but he’s looking to find a new home,” he speaks as if he’s always been taking care of him, like he hadn’t just learned all that stuff half an hour ago
and he has his smile on, the one who could charm and warm up even the coldest of hearts
except one detail
you didn’t notice the little girl facing the puppies enclosure
until you hear her go “that one’s sleeping!”
but you can’t tear your eyes away from yeosang and his can’t help but hear his soft giggle as he says “his name’s sleepy”
yeah you want to punch a wall just about now
though you have to snap out of it quick
because you’re now letting this nice family adopt baxter and can’t fuck up the procedure or hongjoong will have your head
“how’d you know?” you ask, a little melancholic but over the moon to finally see your baxter go to a family worthy of him, as you both watch the car pull out of the parking lot.
“know what?” when yeosang turns to look at you, it’s with a shadow of a smile and curious eyes, an expression you’ve rarely ever seen directed your way
you swallow hard before speaking next
“that baxter’s fond of me”
his eyes light up in recognition
yeosang swore no soul shall ever know of this
but now he feels his resolution coming apart under your waiting eyes
because truth is, he’s noticed
he notices everything about you
from how you walk in dragging your feet when you have an early morning shift, relying on your cup of coffee, to how you laugh loudly at yunho’s jokes, always get your favorite snack from the vending machines at just about the same time he goes to get his melon pan he does wait for you to be done before going up to the machines himself
and how deeply you care for the dogs and how you seem to have a soft spot for baxter
maybe he’s even heard you once or twice rambling on and on to him about how you don’t get why he doesn’t like you
truth is, he sees you, and he likes you
so much
too much
he’s afraid of doing the wrong thing, say the wrong thing and make you hate him
but apparently his plan had backfired immensely
that’s why he insisted hongjoong gave him and not seonghwa the christmas shift
he even baked stupid cookies to give you
“ah, well…” yeosang has no idea how to get out of this one. “you just seemed to like him a lot from the way you spoke about him”
you hum, not really convinced
yeosang notices though, just as he notices the car of the afternoon staff pull in under the snowfall to free you of your volunteering duties
it’s not long before the shift’s over and he’s not going to see you until after the holidays
so, as you part ways to say goodbye to the pets and grab your coats, he musters up some courage
under the snowfall, he calls your name
when you turn around his dark hair is lightly dusted with snowflakes, only making him look more ethereal, and his eyes are determined
you don’t know what’s up with you today and why suddenly he’s making you feel like a teenager dealing with their first crush under his gaze
he comes closer, much more than he’s ever been, so close that you’re frozen on the spot
“just wanted to let you know that you can redeem your mistletoe kiss whenever you want to”
there’s a smugness in his voice, in his pouty smirk and a sense of accomplishment shining clear in his honey eyes
have they always been this mesmerizing?
his words and his warmth leave you breathless for just a beat too long, until your eyes fall on his lips
when you look back into his eyes, his are already looking at you, waiting
“alright,” you mutter lowly, pecking his lips once, testing the waters
he places another peck on your lips and, before you know, you’re kissing him
it feels exhilarating, and soft, so soft, just like his lips. just like the hand that’s come up to cup your cheek, bringing you closer, deepening the kiss.
when you come up for air you giggle, yeosang following suit
“may i also interest you in a coffee?” he asks, hand still on your cheek, gently brushing away snowflakes before they melt. you smile.
“i thought you hated me,” it almost sounds like a question and your brow furrows when he clicks his tongue.
“have you ever heard about the concept of quiet, introverted people who feel highly intimidated by awesome, funny, pretty people?”
you laugh, finally presented with the answer to the question that most replayed in your head
“take me on a date, hilarious, quiet, handsome guy”
he blushes and you know he’ll blame it on the cold, but only brushes his nose against yours
and to think you thought he couldn’t stand you mere hours ago
now he’s here, making your heart melt like snow upon touching his perfect skin
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isaacswhy · 2 months
could we please get some isaac x gn! famous music artist reader hcs?? idk if you’ve done this before so sorry if you have !!
isaacwhy x famous music artist reader hcs!!
this is really cute and no i haven't!!
given he's made music before and his friends make music he's always willing to help out
he ALWAYS has ur music in videos and streams. he is literally your top listener. check his last fm
every one of his playlists have like 10+ of your songs depending on the vibe
owns all of ur merch. even though you can get it for free for him he goes on the site and buys it instead
gets all the merch in your size and his. even though you'll just wear his and yours will just go to like larry
need to make a promo? he's got something booked. need to make a mv? he's hiring videographers
asks you for personal concerts in his room. he records them like a fanboy in a crowd
if you go on tour, he is there at every stop in the front row. he's there backstage before and after every night.
if you haven't made the relationship public this can be like a cute thing where people start to catch on
paparazzi photos are interesting since he's faceless. but he knows if he's leaving the house w you he has the mask and glasses on
basically it's just photos of you next to this hulking 6'6 dude in a tank top and sweats and oh yeah. his face is not public
people ask you on ig lives if he's hot and of course he is. but they're suffering because they wanna know so bad
so many photos on ur ig story of him being cute but u scribble out his face (and keep the originals in your storage)
his phone bg is his favorite pic he took of you on tour
acts like the biggest fanboy on stream it's so unserious ("guys y/n noticed me at the last concert!!")
to conclude? he is your biggest fan and mayhaps might have a secret stan twt account
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syeren · 4 months
SYEREN; mayhaps my 12 AM thoughts… but what if the characters from jjk get plopped down into the real world? whatcha think they might be like?
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Gojo — 五条 悟
in all honesty…
he’s givin frat
or a rich kid with really successful parents who are either a)
or b)
business owners
he also gives me the vibe that if you ask him how rich he actually is, he’ll just respond with
“i’m living comfortably xx 🫶” 😭😭😭
complains about how his body reacts to things like pollen or how his eyes get too dry throughout the day— so, he carries eye drops, lozenges, and those ointments sniffer thingys.
he also gives me the type where he looks not so concerned about maintaining good grades in academics… but he’s just NATURALLY smart
does that make sense?
he’ll just chug energy drinks to pull 3 consecutive all nighters before a final exam, and BOOM… flying colours
decides to opt for his own business and annoys utahime with how much bank he’s making
love language slowly switched from words of affirmation to gift giving, thus showering his friends with lavish gifts
right now at this point in time, he’s just berating all his friends with how much money he has
Geto — 夏油 傑
minus the whole ordeal that happened
he looks the type who would ACTUALLY get his life together 😭😭
occasionally parties, still regularly studies and does his part in group projects
he would go for philanthropy or mayhaps sociology
gojo is his one and only best friend and classmate that he somehow ALWAYS gets stuck with in every class
after graduation, he’s taking a break for himself and is travelling the world
during one of his trips in thailand, he calls up gojo to ask why tf he’s bragging abt his wealth
Nanami — 七海 建人
he’s never escaping the business world i fear LMAOOOOO
he really DOES give business i’m sorry pookie 😞
BUT, his OWN business where he’s his own boss and doesn’t have to work under someone else
he would much prefer that either way
but yeah, working class adult, has a dozen pack of beer or sangria wine in his own personalized wine cellar
often competes with gojo’s business, but decides to make a partnership in the end due to gojo’s persuasion
he’s also stuck in his office currently, looking at his phone in bewilderment to screenshots of gojo’s bank acc that gojo himself sent
Yuji — 虎杖 悠仁
average teenager
he partakes in the track team at his school and likes to exercise ALOTTT
gym buddy in question? todo
i feel like his guilty pleasure is watching mukbangs to torture himself 😭😭
he ends up being megumi’s roommate after a long time of convincing.
he tries to keep his side clean and tidy but it always ends up being an organized mess
right now, he just came back home from the gym with todo and is in choso’s apartment watching a horror series
Yuta — 乙骨 憂太
would you look at that?! average college student
definitely majors in either a) science or b) math
or c) computer science
overall normal kid!
i have no other words, he is also living his life to his fullest, but is very stressed out due to some big projects and tests he has coming
performance anxiety 😞
Megumi — 伏黒 恵
also another average teenager
he’s a bit more toned down tho
lil’ meg over here gives me the vibe that he also knows what he’s doing and is very present in life
he’s on top of his hw, does his chores, has a comfortable room that’s neat enough for him…
he also gives me the vibe that he does NOT GAFFFF !!!!!
protect my own peace 🙏 kind of guy
in college he makes the silent regret of dorming with yuji, the complete OPPOSITE to his own tastes but thats twin 🤞
“yuji, could you take out the trash to the lobby? it’s garbage collection today.”
“what? why me?”
“because i have a meeting through zoom with my classmates”
“then do it after?”
“yuji, my zoom call is two hours, taking out the trash will take around five minutes."
"it's actually a five minute walk down to the lobby, and another five minutes back up... w-wait, why are you holding up your slipper?"
ANYWAYS, he’s havin a good time chilling with his friends 😋
Choso — 脹相
he’s for SURE in a biker club
rides a kawasaki ninja h2r with yuki from time to time
other than that, decided to work after hs and he works in a tattoo shop next door to mechamaru’s pub
big scary big brother vibes compared to golden retriever yuji 😞🙏
currently, he’s lounging in his apartment with yuki, yuji, todo, and megumi
Inumaki — 狗巻 棘
he's too busy spending time with me unfortunately <3
im kidding
maybe not
ANYWAYYYYYYY, i feel like inumaki would have a hobby in pc games.
he would absolutely ROCK valorant
whenever he plays horror games he FORCES the rest of the squad to play with him because he's a pussy scaredy-cat
in his spare time he likes to do track or go on long runs whenever he feels stressed out from uni
forgets to shower sometimes after he runs, so he fucking reeks the day after
he's majoring in comp-sci
speaking of runs, look at him go! he’s on one right now
Sukuna — 両面宿儺
the most annoying and narcissistic man
yknow those tiktok comments or ig reel comments you see? yeah, those ones.
that’s him. he’s the one making those actually.
very misogynistic, controlling AND argumentative
he swears on the history of the world wars and somehow always brings it up during conflict? 💀
believes mental health is fake and violence can solve everything
prolly wholeheartedly disagrees with women’s rights with his ancient ass mentality
he’s preparing for an argument stream against mahito 😭
Todo — 東堂 葵
only talks about fitness and nutrition, girls, and what his plans are for the weekend.
“nah bro, i’m all natty rn,” “i don’t use creatine,” “what?! i’m not on roids dude! just the chicken breast and asparagus with rice”
he’s also the type to look at someone a little too long at the gym, or outside
or anywhere, in fact
studies kinesiology
hope i spelt that right 😁🤞
Mechamaru — 与 幸吉
in my reality, he and miwa would be a couple
he would genuinely try to be a good boyfriend while bartending in a dingy pub just two blocks away from their shared apartment.
he would be the type to spam miwa msgs on his break
lowkey wants a tattoo done by choso so he could swipe that discount 😋
Mahito — 真人
he’s known on the internet for being a controversial streamer on twitch
he also has such a shitty mic that when he screams it cuts off the sound
ALWAYS has his shirt off during the stream 😭😭
he would say the most out of pocket statements and without context, it would be the most HORRIFIC thing
so, people would clip that and post it 😟 thus, he gained a large following bc of those statements
Miwa — 三輪 霞
raves about cats and dogs to her bf and after a long, agonizing wait… they finally adopted one from the pound and this is all she has been doing
taking care of her animal child, and man child that is mechamaru
with a minor in marine biology too :3
Shoko — 家入 硝子
i would catch her at a pub or a bar somewhere either drinking gin and tonic on lighter day, and more heavier days she would go for whiskey
if NOT, then she’s in an back alley smoking before she needs to go back to her like… 20 hour shift as a nurse.
spends most of her time at home and scrolling on her amazon shopping cart to see what else she can buy to help her busy ass life
Maki — 禪院 真希
similar to todo, but she gives me the vibe that she would train in both calisthenics and mma as a hobby
like hobby: all that stuff, and the other half is dedicated to working towards her degree in either a science like forensics or history.
she lives her life to the fullest on her terms!! really mia from social media and is training real hard everyday
right now, she’s with nobara on a shopping trip to the mall
(she did NOT wanna go, but she likes spending time with her bestie anyway)
Mai — 禪院 真依
when i first saw mai come on screen, i also did too jus a little bit
but her aura makes me imagine that she runs a tiktok account to post fit pics onto it, has so many pinterest boards dedicated to vintage or her new obsession— office siren outfits.
also has such a GOOD spread of pictures up on instagram, like she’s THAT girl
now, she’s currently studying fashion while scourging the internet for good statement pieces like red leather kitten heels to go along with her two-piece cropped blazer and mini skirt outfit.
Mei Mei — 冥冥
hmm… 😟
teacher vibes…
but like, those english teachers that only interact positively with the popular kids
APART from that
actually good at her profession, and makes sure her class is fun
the type that does NAWT give two fucks abt late hw bc she complains that “the workload will double up on her anyway”
Utahime — 庵 歌姫
bc of her personality as well as her easily irritated anger tolerance with gojo…
def a head master of a boarding school or an instructor for flight attendants
occasionally goes out for drinks with shoko, but only rants abt gojo bc of his dumbass
very good at her job, and often sees her alumni if she has time in her schedule
right now, she’s currently cooped up in her office filing out different paperwork and silencing her phone from gojo’s numerous screenshots of his bank acc 😭
Nobara — 釘崎 野薔薇
the last of the bunch for average teenagers.
nobara DOES NOT give that much attention towards school, so she opts for a general of easier course— psychology being one, because everyone else is taking it so she thinks it’s easy. two, general studies.
you can find her ALWAYS OUT for some reason?!
she gains her energy by socializing and just being outside of the house in general 😭
says it’s a ‘waste of a day.’
she’s dragging around maki to push clothes into her arms that she deems acceptable and will look amazing on her
AN; SYEREN here! creds to @ kOmuuuug1xxx on x for the pic :3
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JJ in his red cut off shirt and reader being feral for him 🥵🥵
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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There were two things about JJ that made your core tighten when you saw them, his cut-off tanks that showed his sun kissed skin and muscled arms, and his motorcycle. On other guys, neither of these things had an effect on you, but watching JJ straddling his motorcycle and speeding to your house had a special effect on you. Mayhaps it was the slight bad boy vibe the motorcycle gave off, or simply because he looked fucking hot when ridding it.
You were finishing getting ready for a boat day with your friends, brushing your hair one last time and packing the last things in your bag when you heard the familiar clicking roar of a motorcycle outside. Butterflies erupted in your stomach and you grabbed your bag, rushing down the stairs to meet him.
You got outside on your porch and you held back a mewl, seeing JJ in a red cut-off tank.
‘’Your chauffeur is here, milady,’’ he said, still on his motorcycle, waiting for you to get on.
The sight made you want to grab him by the collar and smash your lips together.
So you did.
His hand gravitated to the small of your back as you deepened the kiss, engaging in a short make out session in your driveway. That was more than a regular greeting kiss, but JJ was not complaining. He’ll take everything you give him.
‘’What was that for?’’ he asked when you broke the kiss, a little stunned and out of breath.
You ran your hands down his shoulders and followed the muscles of his arms. ‘’I just missed you.’’
JJ arched an eyebrow. ‘’You just missed me, uh?’’ His tone was teasing, knowing there was something you were hiding from him.
You hummed, dropping your head against his chest to hide any signs that could betray your lie and pressed a kiss over his shirt. He smelled like cheap deodorant — probably stolen from a store — and tasted like the sun.
‘’Okay, this is nice, but if we don’t go soon, they’re gonna leave without us.’’ JJ’s hands circled around you, doing the exact opposite.
‘’What if…we ditched the boat day?’’ you suggested, looking up at him. ‘’I don’t feel like going anymore.’’ You stared him down with hungry eyes, fingers digging into the muscles of his arms.
In your fantasy, you would get on the bike and have him fuck you there, but in real life you had neighbors.
JJ’s eyes trained on you, stopping at the unbuttoned part of your shirt where your bikini top was peaking out. ‘’Got anything else in mind? Because I really was looking forward to having a boat day. Swimming and drinking beer all day with my girl and our friends, sounds like a perfect summer day. You’re gonna need to be very convincing if you want me to stay.’’
A smirk threatened to curl on your lips, knowing exactly the kind of arguments that would make the boy stay. You took a quick look toward your neighbors, making sure no one was outside or peeping in their window, and unbuttoned a few more buttons of your shirt. You reached for the middle tie of your bikini top, freeing your breasts, making JJ's cock twitch in his shorts as he watched you.
Although it sounded like it, you weren't topless in your driveway. Your dignity was still covered by your shirt, but the person facing you and a front seat view of 'the goods', as JJ called them the last time he was drunk.
‘’Fuck,’’ he moaned lowly, not expecting you to do that. ‘’You know I can’t resist those tits.’’
You giggle softly and JJ quickly dismounted his motorcycle and cut the engine, almost tripping. ‘’It’s your fault for wearing that stupid red cut off,’’ you fired back. 
OBX taglist: @moralina @eudximoniakr @toylewestinnyc @rottenstyx  @sweeterheartxamerica  @jordierama @viridwityy @izzy-laufeyson @kenzi-woycehoski @lilaconner @Katsukis1Wife  @hawkegfs @mommyruuetrue  @acornacreacure @snownjune @nmedina8611 @slvtherinseeker  @slvtherinseeker @poppet05 @1stevelacyfan @illf4iry @withbeautyandrage  @maybankslover @sunflowerziva @laylasbunbunny @Honey-marvel15 @leoluvsur-pappy
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs  @gillybear17  @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @rosie-cameron @Caxddce @laylasbunbunny 
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le-poofe · 9 days
Hello Poofe! Me again! (Srry if I pop into ur ask box too much- I'm a very chatty human-) Anywho I have a question! More of an opinion type! Do you think Grillby likes country music? If so, are there any country artists you think he'd enjoy? Very random question im just curious! Hope u have a fantastic day/night! ^^
This question is something I apparently didn’t know I needed. The second I read this, my neurons fired so hard, it’s like I’ve been waiting for this day. I put it all under the cut~
I grew up with country music Pandora stations as background music all the time at home, and I’ve listened to some for the general vibe when I’ve drawn Grillby/Sansby stuff. But I have yet to actually apply it directly like this. This may be longer/more extensive than you anticipated hehe, lemme crack open my arsenal. For extra flavor, everyone is in cowboy getup and Grillby’s is a saloon now-
Bartender by Lady A jumps out at me for obvious reasons hehe. This feels like something one of the regular npcs would play on the jukebox. Mayhaps Drunk Bun.
Little Bitty by Alan Jackson and similar ones could be a good one. In an au I can picture Snowdin residents having fun doing line dances in the bar. Very rare occurrence to get Grillbz to dance along. And even when you do, he’ll deny he did it. While we’re on Alan Jackson - Chattahhoochee, Tall, Tall Trees, Margaritaville, and It’s Five O’Clock Somewhere also feel fitting
3. Natural Disaster by Zac Brown is a fun juxtaposition to throw at Grillbz’ quiet demeanor. If you’re imagining him singing these, he’d pop off for the duration of the song and go right back to his calm collected self the second it’s over
4. This is a specific pull, but People Are Crazy by Billy Currington sounds like a song for someone talking to Gerson at the bar
5. Wagon Wheel by Darius Rucker is That One Song everybody plays on the bar jukebox, the regulars are sick of it but they can’t help singing along to the chorus
These next ones have less specific imagery to me, but are worth a mention imo 6. Ten Rounds with Jose Cuervo by Tracy Bird
7. Chicken Fried and Knee Deep by Zac Brown Band
8. These Are My People by Rodney Atkins
And while I’m at it, here’s some Sansby ones-
Project by Chase McDaniel is a cowboy au Sans @ Grillby song and you can't convince me otherwise
2. I Need You Now by Lady A is one that I think speaks for itself when you hear it
3. Just a Kiss by Lady A is soft, y’all know that I’m weak for softness
4. Midnight Ride by Orville Peck because it would be a sin to not include Mr. Peck
Mini Category for Zac Brown specifically bc a lot come to mind- 5. Beautiful Drug bc I like it, and there's some good lyrics that relate to fire. I take what I can get
6. As She’s Walking Away - is a cute one, v good for first meeting scenarios.
7. Toes - I see Sans plucking at a guitar and mumbling this one under his breath while looking at Grillby from across the bar. Especially that “my bartender” line, y’all know the one.
8. Free - Say it with me now, soft as fuck
This is by no means an exhaustive list, just what i was able to come up with mostly off the dome. If anyone has their own suggestions, yeet them in the replies
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miyamoratsumuu · 2 months
your moots as tropes?
you unleashed the yappinator nonnie 🤙🏼 HIHI OK HERE WE GO!!
@lounaticcc what ifff childhood sweethearts!!!! those cute little pairs of kids promising to marry each other when they're older and sharing a ring pop AAAAAGH I could def see that with louise!!! just the innocence and genuineness of that trope reminds me so much of her<3
@daetko 100% childhood friends to lovers type!! I always thought of this trope as something so genuine and wholesome 🙇🏻‍♀️ talia's always super duper sweet and genuine, idk she just fits the vibe!! 🫶🏻
@rueclfer HEAR ME OUT!!!! what if bodyguard trope if that's even a thing BC LIKE every time I think of rue I instantly think of touya 😸 so if not villain, then 100% hired bodyguard/protector!!!! (protective touya ehem) OR OR ROCKSTAR ROMANCE AAAAGH I could think of so many tropes for rue actually, and most of them I don't even have a proper reason for??? they just fit like that 😋
@rinne-mio don't be mad at me, but what if playing hard to get trope 🥰🥰 I could see rin as the type to refuse affection when face to face with a suitor or what but the moment they turn their back on her she's squealing like crazy LMAOAHAHA sorry rin I mean this in the best way possible tho ily 🫶🏻 "lambingin mo naman ako" vibes sheesh I could go on and on about this one actually
@whenanafallsinlove secret relationship mayhaps?? ana seems like such a genuine lover to me and I actually don't think she'll be the type to keep a relationship a complete secret 🙏🏼 BUT you know those lowkey relationships where people would only know they're dating bc they asked the supposed couple? yep!! I could see ana in that hihi
@seumyo hear me out when I say roommates to lovers 🤲🏻🤲🏻 ESPECIALLY SINCE LIKE I saw your few latest posts about moving into your new place, and I think it fits??? I haven't actually talked to eumy much to the point that I'm more than sure with what trope to give her but I have a feeling that she's not the type to easily fall, but when given a certain amount of time to know someone I think maybe it'll work???
@sweetheartsaku say it with me HIGHSCHOOL SWEETHEARTS HIGHSCHOOL SWEETHEARTS!!!! saku's the type of lover that despite only being in highschool just might give it her all AND I'M SO SORRY IF I'M WRONG ABOUT THIS 😞😞 ALSO ALSO LIKE!! I could back up this claim with her most recent instagram story and idk!!! I just feel like saku's the type to softlaunch a highschool lover like how the layout of your latest ig story was 🙏🏼🙏🏼
@angeliicheartt I'm not too sure about this one but I think academic rivals to lovers??? OR ATLEAST LIKE rivals in one hobby to lovers 😽 elle would absolutely not give up on something she loves so easily just bc someone else came along and might be better than her at it so what if that leads to yk yk tk
@lunatiqez fake dating mayyybeee?? not completely sure about this one too, BUT HEAR ME OUT!!!! I could totally see liv in those typical plots where there's a situation where she needs to "fake date" someone to save one of their reputations or something, then eventually they fall in love ALL THAT!!! but with this one, both of them actually know they're starting to fall for each other but decide to do nothing about it!!!! bc like I said, everything they did was all just for the act of saving a public reputation
@kovu-bunnbunn I think I could see kovu in "touch my lover and see what happens" IDEK IF THAT'S A TROPE BUT STILL!!! feel like kovu would be one of those protective lovers but not in a bad way!! and I feel like their lover would do the same for them too 🤝🏻
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