#asmo appreciation week
belphies-cowgirl · 4 months
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Maybe once or twice a month, Lucifer, MC, and Barbatos go on a huge grocery shopping trip together.
Barbatos enjoys the company, and Lucifer doesn't mind, and both can spend time with MC without interference, and it gives them both a nice domestic feeling. they can plan meals for each week or help each other find deals, etc. I can also see Lucifer and Barbatos (and sometimes Mammon) clipping coupons together. MC usually ends up carrying a long last-minute list, and it makes Lucifer pinch the bridge of his nose even though he called a family meeting and had everyone say what they wanted or needed the night before.
Mammon joins sometimes because he helps them spot sales or save more money. Beel usually doesn't because he pretty much needs to be prevented from eating everything in the store the whole time. and Asmo spends too long in the beauty aisle, and most of it is spent looking in the little mirrors rather than looking at products to buy (he has to look in each mirror at least twice).
Belphie usually can't stop falling asleep, so he has to be put in the shopping cart, and Lucifer has to put groceries on or around him. Levi goes on rants about anime recipes he wants to serve for dinner and ends up doubting if anyone will want to eat it because it was made by a "loser otaku." Lucifer usually reaches his limit, grabs the ingredients, puts them in the basket, and walks away (he secretly enjoys trying Levi's anime recipes). and we all know why Satan would be the last person to tag along.
Diavolo gets a bit jealous about these trips because he wants to spend time with his three favorite people. come on, Barbatos, please, he's done the majority of his work for the day, and it's just for a few hours. he promises he'll finish the rest of his work afterward :(
✄ ——————————————————————
comments & reblogs are very appreciated :) 
please do not use my work as your own!
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fanficsat12am · 9 months
when the brothers realize how much MC loves them I Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus
Lucifer & Mammon
Happy New Year everyone!! Hope ya guys had a great flippin holiday time :> As always, notes, comments, and reblogs are highly appreciated <33 Have fun reading!!
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Putting himself down was second nature to him at this point—sometimes he didn’t even realize he was doing it. It especially got even worse after getting into a relationship with you. His mind refused to believe that anyone could ever love someone like him. 
Levi dreaded the day you’d finally see what he sees and ultimately decide to leave, but he wouldn't hold it against you. Why would you settle for someone like him when there were countless others in the three realms who could give you so much more…
“Hey, you okay?” you asked worriedly, noticing his glazed look and how his eyes had dimmed. “O-of course I’m fine! Pft, why would I be lol,” he stumbles out, trying to keep up his facade—but of course, you saw through it. 
As he tries to get back to his game he can feel your eyes piercing him. 
“I’m going to ask you how you are one more time and I would like you to answer me honestly,” gently taking the controller in his hands from him and placing it aside. “Now tell me, what’s up?”
“I-I’m sorry,” he said, the words not too foreign to his tongue. 
“If this is about last week I've already told yo-” “Ugh, that’s not what I meant…” he cuts you off, trying to find the right words. 
“I-it’s just…you could have had ANYBODY else, but instead you’re stuck with me. I can’t 1v1 Beel's body, Diavolo’s money, Asmo’s looks- heck even stupid Mammon’s got charm! I'm just Levi, the plain old third-born���” he bites his lip, trying to keep his tears at bay. His efforts proved futile as he felt its warm trickle slowly dripping down his face, one after the other.
A part of him wanted to take back everything he just said—to restart and pick a different approach. But this wasn’t another one of his games. This was real life, and in here you've only got one shot. It was game over, he knew he had lost. 
He shut his eyes tight, listening closely for the sound of you finally walking out those doors. He couldn't bear to watch you leave him. 
You shake your head at the absurdity of his words, cupping his face into your hand. “I’m not stuck with you, silly. I choose to be here.”
Opening his eyes back again he's met with you smiling at him, the sight making his heart skip a beat. 
“I’m here because I can’t get enough of you. I love how your cheeks would go red when I catch you staring at me,” you say, leaning closer and leaving a kiss on his cheek. 
“How your brows would furrow and your eyes would squint whenever you’re focused on your game,” sending a kiss by the bridge of his nose. 
You gently grab his wrist and fumble on the soft skin of his palms with the pads of your thumb. “How you’d start gesturing with your hands a lot when you talk about the latest anime you’re into,” you reminisce, another kiss now to the back of his hand. 
“How right before you fall asleep, you hold me closer and whisper to the dead of the night how much you love me,” you say as you end it with a tender kiss to his lips. 
“And each day I find myself falling for you even more. They could try to give me the whole world, but they’ll never be you. So please, stop thinking you need to earn my affection because you don't. Not now and not ever.” 
You lift his face up to meet your gaze, looking at him as if you see right through him. “There is nothing I would change about you. You are perfect in my eyes.”
He felt like his heart was about to beat out of his chest. He was left speechless, his mind going haywire with everything you had just said. 
Seeing how his brain had completely stopped working, he let his body do all the talking instead. He wordlessly wrapped you in a tight embrace, cherishing the warmth of your body against his. 
The bitter taste of the sin he was meant to represent felt absent. Levi sensed no need to be envious of others when he had someone like you to call his.
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Not once had he let himself think that he could indulge himself in something such as love—for wrath did not deserve the peace of love. While love held everything together in its warm embrace, wrath tirelessly tore with its cold unforgiving hands. 
Despite their differences, there was no denying that both were blind. Just like a moth, you were entranced by the beautiful embers of his flame, blissfully indifferent to the heat. 
He stared at his reflection with disdain. The obsidian black horns adorning his head felt heavier the longer he looked, not to mention the tail that whipped mindlessly on its own. He gritted his teeth in disgust, delivering a blow to the mirror that sent it hurdling to the ground. Through his ragged breaths and the rapid beating of his heart, he hears a voice not of his own. 
"Satan?" you called, breaking him from his trance-like state. You softly closed his door behind you, hands outstretched and unsteady. 
With each step you took, he took two back—his mind screaming at him to stay away from you but his heart yearning to leap into your hold. 
"Hey, it's okay," you reassured, taking a step towards him. 
"No it's not!" he screams, backing away from your approaching form. 
Hearing the crunch of glass under the weight of his shoes, he takes notice of the mirror he broke just moments ago. Reflected on its cracked surface was a distorted image of him; a monster.
"Please, let me help," you pleaded, trying to close the gap between you. He hastily steps back, tripping on his own feet and leaving him a heap on the floor. 
"Don't come any closer!" he screams, the room shaking with the sheer volume of his voice. You kneel to his level, quickly engulfing him in your arms. 
‘Run. He doesn't deserve you. Just stay away.’ He repeated in his head like a silent prayer, hoping that by some miracle it would come true. 
But as he felt you hold him tighter, he knew you would do nothing of the sort. As he trembled in your arms, he wills himself to ask the question that had been plaguing his mind since the day you'd started dating. 
"Why?" he whispered softly, almost inaudible if not for the heavy silence of the night. "I could lose control. Why do you insist on staying? To even consider feeling anything for a monster such as myself is just…foolish."
You think about your answer carefully, knowing that what you say next will mend or break the man in your hold. "Loving someone takes courage. To trust someone with your heart and believe they would keep it safe. Keep you safe. Let the three realms call me foolish but there's no doubt in my mind that I love you, Satan. Not the Avatar of Wrath, you Satan,'' you answer truthfully, pouring every ounce of your heart into each word.  
Gently taking hold of his chin, you tilt his head up to meet your eyes. "Tell me now Satan, will you hurt me?" you ask, the demon shaking his head immediately. He wouldn't dream of ever wishing to cause harm to you. He would die first before anybody, let alone himself, hurt you. 
"Then it is not foolish of me to love you" you say, your words unfaltering. 
Tears welled in his eyes, accepting defeat at the hands of your love and melting deeper into your embrace. As he lays on your chest, he turns to face where your heart would be and whispers an oath. "I love you, MC. I shall protect you with my life" he vows, sealing his promise with a kiss.
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As the Avatar of Lust and the Jewel of the Heavens, he was always the talk of the town. You, on the other hand, weren’t too familiar with the gossip world. Although you knew that was going to change once you officially became a couple. 
You took no mind to it, brushing them off with a small wave knowing that the wrong move could only add more oil to their flame. But Asmo wasn’t like you. He could feel all the looks they gave him, the incessant whispers and murmurs whenever he’d turn his back. 
He typically had no care for whatever lies people have heard about him. The same could not be said though when they had the audacity to include you into the mix. It was slowly chewing away at him and he couldn’t deny the pit of doubt slowly churning inside him.
“I saw MC out with one of the brothers last week. They’ve been getting closer recently. I wonder what happened between them"
"I saw them leaving school with Simeon yesterday, I’m surprised that’d cheat on Asmo with someone like him” 
”They’ve got the most powerful people of the Devildom wrapped around their finger and they’re still with Asmo? Damn”
The final blow was realizing that everything was better without him in the picture. Your smile wasn't just bright, it was brighter, you weren't just happy, you were happier. 
He slams his door shut, sliding down the wooden surface as he feels his legs give underneath him.
‘Can’t you see? They were never the problem. No matter what you do, you could never satisfy them. Once again you've proved to be useless.’
‘You think they’d just be swayed by your face? By the number of followers you have? Underneath it all you're nothing. It's just pathetic.’
He shook his head, gripping and pulling on his delicate sand blonde hair. No matter how hard he cupped his hands over his ears, their words never ceased. His eyes pricked with tears, months of silent torture finally finding his moment of weakness.  
You on the other hand were beyond worried. You were no stranger to Asmo’s flamboyant walk outs but this was different. As you neared the door to his room, you could hear silent sobs and cries on the other side. Knocking softly, you worriedly call out to him.
“Asmo?” The sobbing stops, rendering the halls eerily silent. “Darling, what’s wrong? Can I come in?” Still no response. 
Asmo freezes at the sound of your voice, the loud thumping of his heart drowning out the constant knocking on his door. An internal conflict rages within him. Not only is the person causing all this mess of emotions on the other side of the door, but the only one who can make it all go away as well. 
“Please talk to me. I need to know that you’re alright.” Just as you’re deciding if you should get some help from the others, the door opens. From it, a hand grabs your wrist, swiftly pulling you inside and closing the door. 
Looking around, the usually bright and pinkish room was cold and dark. You could barely see anything with the only light coming from his window. 
The crisp silence of the night was cut by the uneven breathing of Asmo who was still by the door. You reach out to gently place a hand on his shoulder. 
“Sweetie?” you call, fingertips only a few milliliters away, when his voice stops you in your tracks. 
“Do you love me?” he whispers. 
“Of course I do,” you answer immediately, not missing a beat. 
You gently grab him by the shoulder and turn him to face you, your heart breaking at the sight of your lover being in so much turmoil. 
“Oh, Asmo…” your hand tenderly holds his cheek, the other wiping away the tears that have yet to cease from falling. 
“Each day, I hear another rumor about you finding somebody else…” he pauses, taking a deep shuddering breath. “If you’re going to do it, please just do it already and save me the mascara.”
He knows that watching you leave will hurt more than any hangover can ever do to him. It would be like he was falling from the pristine white gates of Celestia again, powerless as he saw all he held dear fade into a memory of what he had once had.
He could try to convince himself that the rumors were true. That you were only ever with him for his fame and looks and that he never cared about you. But of all the lies that have circulated, that would have been the biggest one.
“Honey, I’m not leaving you. Not now, not ever,” you say as you tuck a lock behind his ear. “If you think I’d ever love someone after you then I have failed in showing you how much you mean to me.”
Through blurred vision, Asmo tries to find an ounce of deceit within the windows to your soul; a malicious grin, a break in eye contact, a drop of sweat. Nothing. 
He lets out a shuddering breath he didn’t know he was holding, pressing his soft hands upon your own and interlacing it with his. It was stupid of him to ever doubt your feelings for him. To hell with what they thought of the both of you. All he cared about now was now, being here in your hold, forever.
“You’re so cute sometimes, darling…" he whispers in amusement, a small smile finally making its way onto his lips. 
“Please tell me I still look fabulous even after all that tears. Ugh, my eyes are gonna be so puffed up tomorrow!” 
You chuckle at his comment, happy to see him start coming back to you. “Still ever so stunning, My Prince.”
“Let’s stay like this for just a bit more, hm? All this crying made me tired. Then after, we can run a nice warm bath for the two of us. Doesn't that sound wonderful?” He murmured, melting more into your touch.  
“Whatever you’d like, darling,” you replied, pressing your forehead to his. 
And there you stayed, forehead to forehead, hands intertwined, just you and him in the comfort of each other's touch.
AN: Thanks a bunch for reading!! Would love to hear your thoughts in the comments <33
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bunnob · 2 months
How the oldest brothers react to getting scolded by MC
After Diavolo gives him a large mountain of paper work, Lucifer tends to forget about his self-care. After what was almost a week of not sleeping, you bust down the door to his study, his look of concern and shock is not a look you soon wont be forgetting as you attempt to drag him to his room. As you're pulling him you're telling him about the importance of sleep and self-care telling him how bad it is for his skin to not sleep, for a second he thinks you've been spending to much time with Asmo, but is quickly pulled out of his thoughts by you shoving him to his bed. He trys to protest, but is quickly shut-up by you giving him a lecture that could possibly rival his own. His pride's a little hurt and he's confused about what just happened with the sudden shift of personality.
His gambling addiction has gotten out of hand, he started to take stuff from you to sell just for him to lose it at the casinos. He's going through you drawers to find anything of value when you come into your room, "what are you doing" you ask with an annoyed face. Mammon jumps when he hears your voice trying to quickly hide the hand full of jewelry he took out of touch wardrobe. You can tell the gears are turning in his head to make a good excuse, "are you the reson stuff has been going missing", now the guilty been building for a while with him and he comes clean about what he's been doing. You look him dead in the eyes and tell him that if has yet to win what makes him think his luck will change, he's shattered, he thought he would win back what he had took and shower you with even better surprises but yet here you are lecturing him about how he stole from you and how he's lost your trust. He goes back to his room not wanting to cause himself anymore embarrassment by trying to say he would pay you back.(we all know he sucks at paying people back)
Yet another debacle between him and Mammon leads to him summoning Lotan, hate to be the barer of bad news but the essay you wrote about the history of Devildom due that day didn't make it, you were walking to the demon lords castle to turn it in when you where swept up by a wave summoned with Lotan. It's easy to say Levi's player 2 isn't very happy with him. You're looking down at the remains of your hard work, ready to cry any moment when Levi walks up trying to apologize but at that moment you snap yelling at him for always taking things to far and making his problems everyone else's, you didn't mean to be that harsh but the work you spent sleepless days on went down the drain (literally) and you were tiered. He runs off crying and won't leave his room for a while.
(Hey this is my first time writing and I hope you guys appreciate Younger brothers and side characters will be out soon, let me know if you want to see anything else)
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zephyrchama · 9 months
Listening to Magic Moment on a non-stop loop has forced me to write this.
Writing Prompt: MC giving "free massage" tickets to the brothers.
Under the cut. Gender neutral MC, second person, one section for each of the 7 brothers.
Warnings: Nothing hardcore but there is suggestive content (every person has different boundaries so I don't know whether to classify it as some or a lot?). One section almost has a violent outburst (guess who lol it's satan's part), that might be unsettling to some.
The Seven Rulers of the Devildom had expensive taste. Must be a side effect from being some of the most powerful and influential millennia-old entities around.
The student council gave you a regular allowance and there was some side change from various part time jobs, but no way could you afford a custom designer brand gift for each of your housemates. When probed for details about what they’d like, they always say they’d gladly accept anything from you. That’s surely true, but you wanted to gift something they’d actually use and appreciate.
So after weeks of thinking, you got a bag of nice craft paper and some cute stickers that reminded you of the brothers. You holed up for an evening with a Do Not Disturb sign on the bedroom door. Late at night a couple days before Christmas, you snuck into the festively decorated living room and dropped your gifts into the brother’s stockings. Those were also your idea, and technically a gift with some little snacks inside, but now they also contained an extra surprise.
On Christmas morning everyone would wake up and discover your “Free Massage” tickets. One use per ticket. Valid forever.
Lucifer ---
You assumed Lucifer would use his ticket quickly, given how exhausted he often was. Despite being as busy as ever, he showed no intention of using it. Perhaps he thought the gift was beneath him and forgot about it entirely. Perhaps he needed hints to remind him.
For days you would check in on him more and more frequently. Send him a text, inform him that you were around if anything was needed. “Don’t forget to take breaks, ok? I’m here if you need me!”
One evening you boldly slipped into his room on the pretenses of returning a book. The timing couldn’t be more perfect. A sleepy Lucifer was towel-drying his hair after a shower. He sat on the corner of the bed, clean pajama shirt folded neatly beside him.
You took a seat on his other side. The book was large enough to occupy a third space. “Thanks for lending this to me. It was a surprisingly helpful reference.”
“I told you it was, didn’t I?”
He sounded amicable to conversation. Time to go on the offensive. “Do you need any help with that? I have a nice hair dryer from Asmo.”
“No,” he stated matter-of-factly. “I have the same one. I just prefer simple routines like this before bed.”
One rejection wasn't enough to deter you. “How was your day? Did anyone cause you trouble?”
You would have known if one of his brothers had acted up, but maybe something else was on his mind you could take advantage of.
“It was particularly uneventful. Quiet, for once. I’m glad to have this evening off, I have to be up early tomorrow.”
Shot down again. Now Lucifer was reaching for his shirt. Before he put it on, you grabbed his shoulder and weaseled your arm under his armpit and around his back. Not the smoothest move, but he stopped to humor you.
“Is anything on your mind?” he asked.
“It’s just that you’ve been so busy lately, I’m worried about your health. You’ve got to take it easy from time to time.” You rubbed your palm over his back. “I’m sure you get sore when you’re overworked.”
“Indeed. However, it’s something I’m used to.”
He re-folded the shirt and got up to put it away. “Would you like to stay the night? You must miss me, seeing as I’m so busy.”
In the spare moments it took for Lucifer to hang up his shirt, place the returned book on its shelf, and walk back to the bed, you already made yourself at home in the sheets. He chuckled, “someone’s eager.”
The lights turned off and he slid into bed by your side. After only a couple of minutes, Lucifer shifted to face the wall. He already appeared asleep. He must really have been tired after all. Under the warm blanket, you reached to stroke his back again.
A novel idea formed in your mind. If all your attempts failed while he was awake, maybe subliminal messaging while asleep would be effective. You snuggled up close and whispered into his ear, “massage ticket… Use… the massage ticket…”
You weren’t expecting a reply, but Lucifer’s deep voice whispered back at you, “why would I waste such a valuable gift?"
"You're awake?" you gasped. Lucifer's prank had been unexpected. You began softly punching his back. "I thought you fell asleep."
"I'm awake, and I wasn't planning on using that ticket. Especially when you go through the trouble to do interesting things like this.”
Mammon ---
Mammon’s ticket had been confiscated. He no longer had it because he got up early, the most excited out of everyone to receive his shiny new presents, and once he saw what was in his stocking he knew that each of his brothers had one too.
Beelzebub walked in on him rooting around in everyone’s stockings to snag their massage tickets for himself and tackled him, as he thought Mammon was stealing Christmas chocolates. The commotion attracted everyone else and Mammon’s ticket was vetoed in a unanimous vote. But he still deserved a gift from you.
Instead of letting him choose a day and time like the others, you visited Mammon’s room when you felt like it. He was still pouting.
“You know I’ve been on my best behavior all year. S’not fair!” He punched the couch in frustration. He really had been getting into less trouble lately. It felt bad seeing him so down.
“Do you want one now? A massage, I mean. Don’t tell your brothers. It’s a limited time offer since you don’t have a ticket.”
“Ya mean it?”
You nodded, and his misery turned into excitement. He literally jumped up. “Well, do I get a little somethin’ extra too? Since I don’t have my ticket, ya know. Somethin’ to make up for that. I’ve got this nice little outfit you could wear that’s-”
You quickly cut him off before the Avatar of Greed gave too many demands. “Limited time offer with terms and conditions. Take the massage right now as-is or leave it. Up to you.”
“Aaarghh alright, alright. I’ll take it. Feel honored! I’ll humor your little massage for a while!”
Mammon dramatically pulled his shirt off but kept wearing the silliest, smuggest smile. He really was cute when trying and utterly failing to act tough. He sprawled himself out on the couch, “let’s see what you’ve got!”
Since the greedy demon hogged all of the couch space, there was nowhere to sit next to him within arm’s reach. With a “don’t mind if I do,” you decided to crawl over Mammon’s legs and sit on his butt.
In a moment of shock he wiggled out from under you. You would have toppled over the side of the sofa had Mammon’s famously fast reflexes not scooped you up, now placing you atop his chest. “Whaddya think you’re doin’, huh? Who said you could do that?”
“You did! How else was I supposed to… Look, do you want this or not?”
His scowl, no matter how big, couldn’t hide the blush on his face. “Yeah, ok, but just… warn me this time… Ok?”
Leviathan ---
It had been nearly a week since you last heard from Leviathan. After Christmas, you thought you might not see him at all until the new year. There were so many holiday game events happening, after all.
“Think I’m stuck,” read the message that popped up on your DDD late one night.
“Can’t move. Requesting reinforcements. And food.”
Concerned, you popped into the kitchen for whatever palatable finger foods you could assemble on a plate and began making your way to the third born’s room. You knocked, but there was no answer. It had been a while since he gave you a password, but it didn’t seem to matter now. You just walked in.
Leviathan was slumped over in his gaming chair, surrounded by roughly ten different screens. Each had a different game and one was streaming some idol talk show. His trash can, while still relatively contained, was almost overflowing with energy drink cans and snack packages. Levi didn’t seem to notice you walk in. He had been gaming for days. You set the plate at the edge of his PC desk.
“Dang. You live like this?”
Bleary-eyed and vitamin D deficient, he still shrieked. “Whuh? Don’t scare me like that!!”
“I came to answer your distress call. You’re stuck?”
“Oh, right. I did send that, didn’t I.” He turned back to the monitors briefly to pause a few things and save a few others. It was impressive how much he could multitask.
“My back’s turned into a pretzel. I thought I’d finally take a break, but when I went to stand up I couldn’t. I think I’m stuck to the chair, lol. If I, uh, use the massage ticket, could you help me?”
“’course I will. Here, drink something.” You slid him a juice. The gamer chair was pretty tall, blocking all access to Leviathan’s back, so you started tapping away at his shoulders. He scrambled to take his headphones off, which helped.
“Sorry to call you in for such a stupid reason. I know this is a disgusting sight..”
You shook your head, though he couldn’t see it. “How’s your game progress?””Oh, about 80% done everything? 85? But it’s mostly the daily quests now, I’ve maxed out on all the top prizes from the main event stories. Look, I even got this Christmas bow set. It has trash stats but looks like a tree and fires little candy canes.”
A big burly warrior with a Christmas hat on one of the screens demonstrated the weapon.
“Uwaah, you know that really helped. I think I can try to stand now.” Leviathan made a made show of setting his legs on the ground and leaning forward, only to magnificently slide back into the chair. “Ow. Ok. That, uh, wasn’t what I planned.” He turned away. “Don’t look at me.”
“No! Don’t give up!” You spun the seat around and he squeaked In astonishment. “We’re gonna make this happen. Levi! Do you trust me?” It was all or nothing. You dramatically reached out your hands. You knew you could do it. You were going to pull this demon out of the gamer chair.
Steeling his resolve, Leviathan nodded and grabbed your hands. You asked, “ready?”
He confirmed, “Ok… Ok lets go! One!”
As you shouted “three!” in unison, you tugged back with all your strength. Maybe you could have pulled a little less, as the two of you went flying backwards. There would have been some real damage if Levi didn’t cushion your head from the tiled floor with his arm.
“Woaaah it woooorked! We did--”
Mid-celebration, he seemed to notice he was in a compromising position on top of you. After barrel rolling off to the side, his voice got noticeably quieter. “We did it… yeah, uh… Sorry about--”
Leaving no room for negativity, you reached around his back and hugged him before he could finish the sentence. “I really missed you, y’know? Come out of your room more often, Levi.”
His face wasn’t visible, but you’re sure it was bright red as he stammered a soft “alright.”
Satan ---
Satan texted, asking if he could redeem his massage ticket after a long and tiring day. Said it was urgent. His presence was always in demand at social events, galleries, and book shop unveilings. After five busy events in one day he just wanted to return
home to relax with a book, but some idiots were running around the library playing war with rubber band shooters. His fuse that day was incredibly short. So he retreated to the comfort of his room, but each thudding footstep down the hall sounded irksome and brought Satan one step closer to snapping.
When you knocked at his door, wrath was seeping out the cracks into the hallway. He practically screamed at you to get inside. Satan was shaking on the edge of his bed, crushing an unrecognizable object in his hand. The room was dreadfully cold. You rushed to his side, practically jumping into the empty space next to him.
He barely acknowledged you. Rubbing slow, small circles on his back had a quick effect though. Upon hitting between his shoulder blades, his tense muscles loosened and he leaned against your side. You could hear him grinding his teeth. After a long minute passed he exhaled in relief.
You scooted back a bit and guided his head to your lap. Stroking continuous circles, one hand was in his rich blonde hair, the other against his shirt fabric. “Thank you for coming,” he muttered, rubbing a cheek against your thigh.“You really saved me there.”
“Any time. Do you want to talk about your day?” Your voice was low and soft.
“No. Just keep going.”
Gently pulling at his shirt collar, you loosened it to caress the back of his neck. He was still in his outdoor attire. He’d tell you about it in time, once fully calmed down. He tried to apologize for the outburst, though it wasn’t your fault and he didn’t quite know what to say. You brushed his hair back, combing it away from his forehead to let him know things were okay. It became your personal mission lessen the stiffness in his back. You’d work your way down his spine until he relaxed.
“Maybe I could read you a book, too?” You suggested, squeezing his shoulder. Satan shifted his hand to rub your knee in appreciation.
Asmodeus ---
Asmodeus set aside a whole spa evening to use your massage ticket. It was special. He filled his bath with high-end fragrances so his skin would be extra silky. He extended an offer for you to join him in the water, heated with magic to be the perfect temperature, but you said you’d wait in his room. Those baths can take hours. You’d be too pruny to feel, let alone massage anything. He had plenty of interesting magazines to flip through in the meantime, and you got to enjoy the plush sheets on his bed.
He waltzed out of the bathroom in a magnificently fluffy robe, another Christmas gift he’d received from somebody. “Thanks for waiting! Were you lonely? I’m allll ready!”
A brand new skincare set waited on the vanity, stocked with creams and masks for you to try together. Asmo plopped into a seat while you pulled up a spare chair behind him. “What are we starting with first?”
He rifled through the packages. “This!” A matte purple, gooey liquid. “I tried samples of this before, it smells divine. Come here!”
You let him plop a dab of the gloop on your nose and rub it into your cheeks. “There! Give it a few minutes and then wash it off. In the meantime, shall we begin? Hm?”
He turned to face the mirror and wiggled impatiently for his massage, cheekily sliding the robe off his shoulder. “I know you probably can’t wait much longer.” You both laughed. With the robe around his waist, you got to work redeeming the ticket. Pounding against his back didn’t seem to phase him at all, and Asmo hardly moved from the strength of your fists as he rubbed another cream under his eyes. He launched into a story about some fan who sent him a thirty page letter the other day.
“They described my beautiful eyes really well. It was even scented, and each page was another scent. Isn’t that wild? Do you think they did that themselves, or are the pages sold like that?” His eyes peered at you in the vanity mirror. “Hey, can you rub a little harder?”
“Oh, sure!” Knowing it would be hard for you to physically hurt him, you put a bit more force into each tap. “What scent was your favorite? Like, could you distinguish them?”
“Actually, yeah! There were lots of fruits like cherries, strawberries, one was pine scented, and a rose one of course.” Asmo glanced away from his own reflection once again and he shifted his weight back towards you. “Hey, hon? Harder?”
You obliged, squeezing his back muscles with as much strength as you could muster. “Is that… Was it the longest fan letter you’ve gotten?”Asmo let out a barely distinguishable moan. You almost thought you imagined it.
”Hm… Not by far…” He started, but trailed off. With a big breath, he moaned louder and leaned back further. “Oh, come on, harder… ” He wrapped his arms around his chest and wiggled.
“Asmo!? What the-- are you…? Gross!” You lifted your hands in shock and he burst out laughing. Without anything supporting him up, he fell into your lap in a fit of giggles. “Did you think I was serious? Ahaha! You’re so cute when you’re flustered!”
Beelzebub ---
“I ate something that didn’t agree with my stomach, can I redeem that gift for a massage? It might make me feel better.” That’s what Beelzebub asked one afternoon, stopping by your room after noticing the door open. It’s rare for something to upset Beel’s stomach. It must have been really rancid.
“Yeah, of course! You wanna do it here or your room?”
“We’re already here. If you don’t mind.” Beel walked in and made himself at home, smoothing out the covers on your bed.
You got up to shut the door, but wondered if a run to the kitchen would be useful.
“Will ice help? Or any kind of medicine?” Maybe even normal food would cancel out the bad stuff and make Beel feel better, but he declined. Beel already propped his head up on your pillow and laid down.
“You’re gonna lay face up? How am I supposed to rub your back?””My stomach hurts. I thought you could rub that, and I would feel better.””Oh.” Nobody else had been able to look at you directly while giving massages. This was more embarrassing.
Beelzebub realized he hadn’t taken his shirt off, but didn’t want to stand and repeat the process again, so he just pulled it up to his chest. His breathing did seem more labored than usual. Out of pity, you didn’t roll him over. “I haven’t done this way before, so tell me if it’s uncomfortable.”
The demon was so much bigger than you, it was hard to find a good starting spot. “You can sit here,” he said, patting his waist. “Only if you want to. I don’t mind.” So you scooted on up, placing your legs to the left and right of him. Beel is so muscled it was like sitting on a warm rock.
“Where does it feel uncomfortable? Here?” You prodded a bit around his stomach, careful not to make him sick.
“Pff, haha, yeah. That’s it.”
“That tickles?”
While Beel softly giggled, you worked your hands along the soft spots between his ab muscles. “What did you even eat?”
“A bath bomb.”You couldn’t help laugh along with him. Beel continued, “I didn’t know that’s what it was until Solomon told me though. I thought I maybe I accidentally had his cooking. It looked delicious. But I think it started expanding, and caused an ache.”
“I can’t blame you there. I almost ate soap once.”
“Really? You?” You were always the more level one when it came to food. “Did it look good?”
You nodded. “Boy, did it. And it smelled amazing, I could smell it from across the room. You probably smelled the bath bomb the moment you walked in that building, right?”
He vigorously nodded. “So you do get it!”
Beel reached up and pulled you into a big hug, catching you off guard so you practically fell on top of him. “Thanks for making me feel better.”
Escaping from one of Beel’s hugs was no easy feat, so you happily went along with it. “Any time. If you ever see one of those fake cupcakes again, maybe we can put it in the bath water and see what it does together.”
Belphegor ---
“I’ve got a fun idea. Meet me in the observatory?
When you showed up to Belphegor’s summons he was counting stars. The observatory was dark but the stars were bright enough to illuminate his silhouette standing in front of the window. He greeted you with a warm smile.
“I brought my ticket. I have a special request though.” Waving the massage ticket in
his hand, he came to meet you in the middle of the room. As your eyes adjusted you could make out that an old telescope was set up next to the fountain.
“ A special request? I guess I could hear you out since I came all this way.”
The two of you took a seat on the floor. For several moments, the only sounds were your own breathing and the soothing flow of water. When he didn’t start explaining, you were afraid Belphie might fall asleep in the peaceful silence. “Are you really gonna wait for me to ask what it is?”
“Yeah. If you wanna know, you should hurry up.” You could hear the smile in his voice.
“What did you want to do?”
He reached to adjust the telescope in front of you at your eye level while explaining. “I thought we could stargaze together, but instead of just talking about what we see, we could draw them on each other’s backs. If you draw the constellations I can tell you what they are. When it’s my turn, I can show you what they look like and tell you stuff about it. What do you think?”
If your eyes could have stars in them, at this moment they would. “That sounds like a really fun idea.”
“Hehe, right? I told you. So take a look, what do you see?”
Belphegor turned his back towards you while you excitedly peered through the telecope. It was easy to focus and you quickly found a target to study.
“Two there, and then… Ok, I think I’ve got it. What’s this?”
You started to replicate what you saw with little knocks for stars, and connected them by slowly drawing arcs between the points. Belphegor’s jacket would slide over his shirt though, messing up the curves.
“Hm…” He sighed. “I thought I would be pretty good at this, but it’s hard to tell what you’re drawing.”
“This might be easier without the jacket,” you admitted.
“Really? I’m too tired to take it off though. Take it off for me?”
His brothers spoiled him too much, just like you did, so Belphegor didn’t move a muscle when you tried to peel off the warm jacket. You had to get in his personal space and lift his arms up for him. You told yourself the struggle would be worth it when you finally wrestled it off of him and could wear it yourself. He was being too uncooperative though, and eventually suggested “how about we switch? I don’t want to take this off, I’m comfortable now.”
Dejected without your warm prize, you agreed. The telescope stand rattled against the ground as he readjusted it and you turned away from him. “Do you still really want to use your massage ticket if I’m not the one doing it?” you inquired.
He hummed and hawed, mulling it over while gazing up at the sky. “Yeah, I do, if it lets me do fun stuff like this with you. I got one, let me know if you have this star sign in the human world.”
The first couple pokes sent tingles through your skin. The stars were really far away from each other, drawn on opposite sides of your lower back, but you weren’t prepared for such a delicate touch and had been distracted. “I don’t… think so? Hold on, draw it again.”
“Don’t you know? It goes like this.” He poked again, a little lower. You let out an
“eep!” and subconsciously scooted forward.
“Wait, I’m not done.” He was clearly holding back laughter. “I haven’t shown you this other one yet.”
The next constellation felt less like the trace of a star, and a lot more like Belphegor just wanted to tickle your sides. “Do you know what this is called?”
“Khh hahaha, no, I don’t.” The laugh-riddled admission further encouraged him. He wiggled lines all over your sides and crept his way to your stomach.
“I guess we have a lot of constellations to talk about then. Good thing the sky is so clear tonight.”
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koolades-world · 3 months
Thank u for writing my request, I rlly liked it :)
Can I req one more?
MC who sings a lot, like to pass time when they’re doing something/when they’re happy/to comfort themself when they’re anxious/sad.
And then, (if you’re comfortable writing this) they have a bit of a depression episode, and they stop singing for weeks/months. What would the 7 brothers do? And/or how would they react when MC starts singing again?
hi again! great to see you :)
enjoy <3
Singer Mc who starts singing again after a depressive episode
music has always been something he treasured and enjoyed
so when you came into his life, he knew the two of you would get along quite well
during the period where you weren't singing, he still kept music in your life and made sure to be the comforting presence he knew you needed
when you sing for the first time again, he's happy that you're feeling better again and you're doing what you love
he initially found your singing habit a little odd, and was always asking questions about what song you were singing and why
soon he learnt it was just you, and he wouldn't have it any other way
he found himself humming the tunes you'd sung around him, and it made him smile every time he realized he was doing it
throughout your episode, he sung to you everyday, so if you weren't feeling up to it, you could still enjoy it
he understands your habit of singing, since he himself has many habits of self soothing and such
he wasn't sure he'd ever grow used to it, and he told himself he didn't have to since you'd only be in the same house as him for a year
but, he grew to love your voice and it was something he preferred any day over the sound of silence
when you finally start to sing again, he realizes how grateful he is for you, and goes to seek you out to tell you his feelings
he always thought you were something right out of a movie with the way you sang
a disney princess, if you will, and he loved that little habit of yours
the first time he hears you sing again, he feel a sense of comfort creep over him that he hadn't even realized he'd been missing
he's quick to follow the sound of your voice and embrace you like he'd never before
he's easily the first to fall in love with your voice out of the brothers
just something about it is so enchanting and every time he hears a song he's heard you sing, he thinks of you
he will always be there when you need him, and did his best to keep your spirits up
hearing you voice again was like a breath of fresh air to him and made sure his evening was free to spend time with you some more
whenever you sang, he couldn't help but be reminded of his time up in the celestial realm
from time to time, he'd take you down a trip on memory lane and he appreciates you for taking that time with him
when you start to sing again, he's so happy for you and that you're feeling better
he takes a quick trip to the store to buy all of your favorite snacks to gift to you, just as he had been throughout your episode <3
when he was locked up in the attic, he would always hear your voice and found it comforting despite the fact that it was coming from a human
during your episode, he was by your side every day, making sure you ate and drank, and was practically glued to your side
he was asleep the first time you sang again, but it woke him up
a warm smile spread across his face upon the realization he'd made, but he laid there for a little while longer just so he could enjoy your voice before he interrupted you
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I have an request for you- is it alright if you do an fanfic where the brothers, dateables, and even the new characters get turned into toddlers? And now (mc) had to care of them? But Luke turns into a baby. A really fluffy, motherly thing? Idrk it's my first time requesting from you- it's alright if you don't want to do it though! :D -chickechee 🐥
when they turn into toddlers
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includes: barbatos & gn!reader, & everyone else (no pronouns mentioned)
rated g | wc: .5k | m.list
a/n: oml this was so cute i hope you enjoy!! i have more baby!luke here as well. my inbox is open to chat, req, or leave feedback so come say hi <33
reblogs are greatly appreciated
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“oh my god!” you look around the room in horror. “what the hell happened?”
barbatos looks like he hasn't slept in a week. it’s only been a few hours since the initial incident. “what always does,” he answers tiredly, shifting toddler–yes, toddler!–diavolo to his other hip. “someone touched some cursed relic they weren’t supposed to and the effect was disastrous.”
“that’s one word for it,” you murmur. everyone, except for you and barbatos, had regressed into children. infants, even. barbatos had made quick use of the castle’s nursery, left over from one of the previous rulers, and turned it into something daycare-esque, thankfully providing a safe space for them all to be that would keep them out of harm's way, as well as trouble.
as you watch, mammon rises onto shaky legs, making his way over to levi, who’s playing with blocks. “oh please tell me he’s not going to do what i think he’s going to do,” you moan.
“he’s going to do exactly what you think he’s going to do,” barbatos replies, and sure enough, in one deliberate movement, mammon knocks over all of levi’s hard work. immediately, levi begins to scream, startling mammon, who falls back onto the padded ground and begins to cry himself.
“oh, shush.” moving more on instinct, you scoop levi up, patting his back gently. “you’ll be alright, honey.”
he quiets, staring at your face. you wonder if he recognizes you. mammon is still crying, so you set levi back down and move on to comforting him.
“that wasn’t very nice, now, was it?” you ask gently. “let’s not knock over other’s towers, okay?”
he sniffles, rubbing at his eyes with tiny fat baby hands, and it’s just the most adorable thing you’ve ever seen. when you go to set him down, he holds tight, and you realize that apparently, he was just as clingy as a toddler as he is now. wonderful.
shifting him to one side, you take stock of everyone else, making sure there are no immediate concerns. simeon, rapheal, and lucifer are sitting together, coloring (and jesus christ you’re going to need to pull out your camera right now), diavolo is still in barbatos’ capable grasp, beel and belphie are napping quietly in a pile of blankets, solomon is telling something to asmo and satan in incomprehensible toddler speech, and mephisto and thirteen are busy playing on their own. you spy a crib in the corner, which must hold luke, who barbatos had said had regressed into an infant rather than a toddler.
“you’re good with children,” barbatos observes, and you sigh.
“i always did like them. i spent my teenage years as a babysitter and camp counselor so i have some experience under my belt,” you explain. “so are you, by the way.” you’ve long stopped being surprised by the fact that barbatos is skilled at literally everything.
“yes, well, it helps that they’re a bit better behaved like this than when they are normally,” he says, and you can’t help but laugh. against your shoulder, mammon echoes your laugh, then sticks his fingers in his mouth. eh, he’s got a demon’s immune system, he’ll be fine.
“how much longer are they going to stay like this?” you ask, and barbatos shrugs.
“probably two or three more hours,” he says.
“just enough time to have to give them lunch while they’re like this,” you say with a slow-dawning horror. “which should be super easy and not difficult or tiring at all.”
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leviathans-watching's work - please do not copy, repost, or claim as your own
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denpa-dere · 1 year
house arrest 1.5
afab!mc x asmodeus
description: Suggestive content. You are confined to your room for your own protection. But how long will that last when the only thing standing between you and your housemates is a door and some willpower? Asmo has time to think.
warnings: breeding kink/fertility mention. she/her pronouns and afab!mc descriptions. asmo may sound a little yandere adjacent.
|| Intro || Mammon || Asmo (mini) || Levi || Satan (mini) || Beel || Lucifer (mini) || Asmo || Belphie (mini) || Belphie || Barbatos (mini) || Satan || Diavolo (mini) ||
Well, what a fun surprise this week turned out to be. 
Despite his namesake as the Avatar of Lust, Asmo was not nearly as impulsive as some of his brothers. There was an art to building anticipation that some people simply did not appreciate. 
He was actually the first to know, you know? He’s kind of fine-tuned for that sort of thing. You were absolutely divine, that morning- a regular ingenue. All bleary-eyed, hair still adorably rumpled from sleep, mumbling your good mornings as if you weren’t a vector of chaos about to unfold. When you passed him, his nose tickled at the sweet fertility dripping off you.
A wicked grin spread across his face in that moment. He liked to think of his reaction as something akin to nervous laughter, but truly he did find it funny to watch his brothers’ gears turn. Plus, he had gotten the chance to play the gallant prince, pulling you out of harm’s way when the situation turned violent. Surely, that would stick with you.
Asmo dipped low into his bath until only his eyes remained above its placid surface. His body thrummed with the lustful energy surging throughout the House of Lamentation. Mammon had already tried to stake his claim in you and had been subsequently punished for it. While the fifth-born could admire his brother’s forwardness, he himself was in no such rush. No, he was content to wait until the moment was right. 
It’s not like you’d be going anywhere.
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three-realms-archive · 2 months
(inspired by this post by @leniisreallycool. the pure madness of obey me is the reason why I typically write chaotically-comedic slice-of-life scenarios; because i can honestly write these guys doing the stupidest things and argue that it might as well be canon, these dorks. anime canon, tho. the anime is just another beast of its own to the game ahahaha.)
(so while this may not be anime canon-level obey me content, i hope it comes close. if they’ve actually done any of these and i just haven’t experienced it in-game yet, let me know! it only proves my point.)
There was a time when Solomon brought an extremely-long baguette everywhere with him, insisting it was his magic wand. Even as the days turned to weeks, and the bread crust turned to mould, Solomon would still carry it around everywhere; unbothered by the rancid smell and waving it like a idol group light-stick whenever he spoke an incantation. Then, one day, he showed up at RAD with sandwiches to share. Sandwiches… with suspiciously green and white bread. Turns out, this whole thing was Solomon’s interpretation of dry-aging.
Belphegor and Asmodeus have an ongoing vlog series on Deviltube called ‘Beauty Sleep’. They go somewhere trendy, find some inappropriate place for Belphie to sleep, and Asmo takes some #aesthetic shots whilst timing how long Belphie can nap before being kicked out. It’s incredibly popular and sometimes features cameos from the exchange students and the other Avatars of Sin. Once, a subscriber milestone came with a special surprise: a live-streamed episode of Beauty Sleep in the Demon Lord’s Castle! They never got caught, because Diavolo was busy watching the livestream in his room - too invested to realise it was his own house.
The dining table in the main room of the House of Lamentation has its own fandom on the DevilNet. There are multiple fansites speculating the exact materials used to make it; the exact number of fasteners it uses; and, most especially, its exact length. There are posts, blogs and entire DevilTube deep-dive videos centred around the mystery of how long the table is. This is because, in every piece of media involving the table, it appears a different length despite the decorations and location remaining the same. What the Devildom doesn't know is that the table was made retractable shortly after MC arrived in the Devildom. It was a custom job, done solely so that the table could be used as a runway for a makeshift fashion show (Asmo and Mammon's idea) the brothers held with human world clothes one time MC was feeling homesick.
Once, for a whole month, Mammon dedicated himself to creating a new currency. For the first week, he was an absolute menace, stealing metal objects (like small screws or unused kitchen utensils) around the house to melt down and form into coins of his own design. Beel cried for five days over the lack of cutlery and Asmo kept shrieking whenever he realised he’d had another piece of jewellery had been stolen from him. The rest of the month was spent attempting to rope people into investing; then failing; then celebrating because he had so much of his money to himself; and finally crying because none of it would be accepted at stores.
When he had first gotten into reading books, Satan started a website called ‘Ampbook’ where demons could upload personal writing projects, as well as comment on and share them, too. It’s now incredibly popular, especially amongst younger demons, and is well-known for romance. Well. Much to Satan’s chagrin, it was actually better-known for romance… and fanfiction. He’s constantly torn between allowing his beloved site users their freedom of expression, or immediately taking down any fanfics shipping MC with any of his other brothers. He’s also faked MC x Satan as the most trending tag, permanently.
The height of Beel’s appreciation for Leviathan was shortly after MC’s arrival into the Devildom. They had introduced Levi to an anime centred around four students in a high school swimming team; including a protagonist who Beel thought had a dubiously-intimate love of water. Regardless, Levi tried out for the RAD swimming team - got in and won a bunch of gold medals - and then proceeded to quit the team after a new, different anime he had been waiting for came out. All in the span of a week. To Levi's disdain, Beel brings this up at least once a month: by parading a handmade display of Levi's medals and a framed photo of his older brother in a swimsuit around RAD, showing it off to everyone who asked. And everybody asked. Maybe not so much for the medals.
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mrmeowski · 1 month
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˚✦𝐁𝐮𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭✦˚
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Synopsis: You were eagerly arranging a surprise birthday party for your beloved royal butler, Barbatos. As the momentous day arrived, you sought the assistance of the demon brothers to make it a memorable occasion for him. He had always been there for you, providing direction and support when needed. So, you wanted to express your appreciation in a major way.
CW: Suggestive
Pairing/s: Barbatos x GN.Reader
Word Count: 0.6k
○♡Barbatos' Gift♡○
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You awoke with a smile playing on your lips, excited about the day ahead of you. You've been organizing the event for several weeks! After all, the devil butler who stole your heart deserved nothing but an unforgettable and perfect day.
The day was spent preparing with the demon brothers: Lucifer ensured that the preparations went smoothly; Mammon supported you with ideas, albeit most of them were quite... strange to say the least; Levi had brought in his skills in digital design for decorations—to everyone's surprise, but he's mainly doing it for you; Satan had a collection of rare books he thought the butler might enjoy; Asmo had someone make a lavish birthday outfit for your lover; Beel offered to help with the catering along with Belphie, but the latter is mostly there to keep his twin from eating everything.
Even with the eldest on the lookout for mischief, things were a little hectic, which is unavoidable when seven brothers gather together. The Purgatory residents also helped make the pastries—except Solomon, you did not want to kill Barbatos with his biohazard dishes. You ensured that everything was going along as planned and that every aspect was excellent and to his satisfaction.
As the sun began to fall, the space changed into a spectacular party site. The decorations shone, the aroma of great food filled the air, and everyone was dressed to impress. When the birthday boy entered the room with a cloth covering his eyes, he was taken aback when he saw his new surroundings.
"Happy birthday, Barbatos!" All shouted in unison.
His usually controlled face shattered, giving way to a warm smile as he took in the scene. You felt a sense of pride rush over you; after all, you had arranged this for him. The brothers helped, but you pushed them into it. Although this is not his first birthday celebration, it is undoubtedly one of the most memorable.
"Did you... made all of this?" You nodded bashfully as he took your hand.
"The brothers and angels helped as well, shouldn't take all of the credit." He hummed delightfully, his smile never wavering.
Throughout the evening, laughter and joy filled the air. Barbatos was touched by the effort his friends as well as yours had put into his celebration. As the night wore on, he found himself alone with you.
"I hope you enjoyed your birthday, Barb." His eyes twinkled as he looked at you.
"This has been a truly remarkable day, my dear. You've all made me feel incredibly cherished." Your heart throbbed at his words.
"I'm glad! But there's one more thing I have for you~" You handed him a small, wrapped gift, separate from the one you gave him earlier.
He smiled softly as he began unwrapping it, soon in his plan, was a carefully crafted pocket watch with an engraved message that held a special meaning between you and him.
"I..." He slid a gloved thumb over the smooth surface of the pocket watch, "I cannot express how grateful I am for this.. wonderful celebration," he looked like a kid as he spoke, "Your effort touched my heart deeply, my dear."
"I'm glad you enjoyed it, Barb!" You smiled proudly.
"But..." There was a sudden shift in his tone and it garnered your attention, "there's still something I want to give you in return for your kindness today..." He reached out to your chin, lifting it up.
"...What is it?" You were quite unsure what he was doing but when he leaned in, his lips brushing against your ear, you had an idea.
"My gratitude, it's only expressed in a way that only you will witness," The suggestive undertone in his voice made your breath stuck in your throat. "Only you will feel..." He closed the gap between you, capturing your lips in a passionate kiss.
The world seemed to fade away as you lost yourselves in the intoxicating sensations. As your lips parted, his eyes held a soldering intensity.
"Don't think I'll just let you off that easily..." His lips traced along your jaw. "The true celebration only just began."
Request» Masterlist»
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*•.𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐄𝐍𝐃.•*
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nogenderbee · 2 years
Could I request the brothers calling them the hottest demon they've ever seen while others are watching?
Omg yes! It was actually pretty funny to write! You can tell I love Levi here- anyway I hope you enjoy <3
Calling brothers hottest demon you had seen
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⊱ we all already know that Lucifer's ego is massive so if you want to make it even bigger, go on and he'll be so full of himself for the rest of the day
⊱ and oh boy do it in front of his brothers and they all ehem Satan and Belphies ehem will give you stares saying "what did you just did-?!"
⊱ it doesn't matter if you tell him that in private or in front od his brothers
"Thank you, I really appreciate that you think so as well."
⊱ and then he gives you one of the cockiest smiles of his
"So subtle..."
"You don't have to be jealous, Satan."
"Me? Jealous of you? Pfft, never!"
⊱ Satan IS jealous, he just won't admit it, he won't give his older brother that damn satisfaction after all
⊱ Lucifer on the other hand is more confident for at least the next week thanks to this and if he can, he gladly will remind his brothers how you called him
⊱ but he'll compliment you as well, after all you deserve it after boosting his ego so much
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⊱ Mammon always called himself 'THE Mammon' so you thought that he'll just brush it off like it's nothing
⊱ and while that's a little true he also already has a weak spot for you and you're saying things like that in front of his brothers
⊱ he still tries to act like it's nothing even tho his face says completely otherwise
⊱ it just goes double for him when you say it in front of his brothers and not in private
"O-Of course I am! I AM 'The Mammon' after all! People say that to me all the time!"
"It would he more convincing if your face wasn't so red and if you wouldn't stutter so much..."
"Sh-Shaddup Asmo!"
⊱ now he calls himself 'THE hottest demon Mammon' around you and his brothers to mark that you called him that and no one else
⊱ he becomes a little more clingy towards you then he's usually and his only excuse is that you probably want to hang out with the 'the hottest demon' anyway
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⊱ it's obvious if you know Levi at least a little bit that if you call him the hottest demon, he'll get REALLY emberrassed
⊱ and if you call him like that in front of his brothers, his face will literally burn
⊱ but you apparently decide to do it either way- can't blame you honestly
⊱ similar to Mammon except it doesn't go double for him, it goes triple for him is that how you say it?
"W-Wha-Whaaaat?!!?!!!! Y-You can't just say stuff like that out of the blue!"
⊱ and don't even expect to see him in the nearest month, he has to process what just happened and once he does, he needs to get over it so count next 3 months for that
"Okay, that's it. My introvert heart can't take it! I'll just go to my room... I'll need like a week- no, a month- or 3 months!"
⊱ you really didn't knew he could run this fast as he did now... and by the look on his brothers faces, neither did them
⊱ it's not like he doesn't enjoy being called like that, he just thinks you're either making dun of him or saying it all out of pity
⊱ you better go to his room to calmly explain and erasure him and he may leave a little earlier than he planned
⊱ he still becomes a blushing mess any time he or someone makes him remember it, but as the time passes he starts liking it even if he still goes red like crazy
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⊱ you may think that Satan wouldn't he moved by compliment like that but you're so wrong
⊱ you better say it to him in front of Lucifer or else he'll definitely make you repeat it just to shove it into his face
⊱ he actually blushes a little but does his best to hide it with some politeness
"I- *ekhem* Thank you very much. It's good to know you have a good taste."
⊱ he definitely will mention it every time the eldest brother of his will let his ego show way too much
"You must have a hight ego calling yourself like that even tho YN clearly called ME the hottest demon they had seen. An I wrong, YN?"
⊱ definitely wants you to repeat it as much as you can especially in front of certain demon and often will ask your i to to agree with his words
⊱ he'll also tease you about what you called him if that will put a blush on your face
⊱ whenever he's pisses at someone that he's already in his demon form and person before him is regretting their whole life, just remember him what you called him and he may let them run
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⊱ you could already guess that Asmo won't be emberrassed, quite the opposite actually and you were absolutely right
⊱ when you do it in front of his brothers, everyone in the room knows that he won't shut up about it for at least next month
⊱ after those words left your mouth, be ready for him to spoil you with cuddles and kisses all around your face
"Oh my, you're so sweet darling! Of course I heard it s lot already but I'm stilo happy to hear it from your lips~!"
"Asmo! Whatcha think ya doing?!"
"Spoiling then with affection they deserve, obviously!"
⊱ he's going to be even more affectionate with you than usual for at least next 3 months
⊱ he'll definitely post some selfies with you, putting in description something like 'my sweet human just called me the hottest demon they had seen~ <3'
⊱ be ready that he'll always try to get your attention every time he can and just let me tell you that he can get a little grumpy if he won't attention he needs in the very moment
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⊱ Beel is probably the hardest one to guess but he does get slightly emberrassed
⊱ he doesn't really mind if you tell him this in private or in front of his brothers, his reaction would still be the same
⊱ when you said it, you catched him a little of guard so it took him a little bit of time to process what just happened but it doesn't last long
"...Thank you! Oh, do you want to try one of the cupcakes I'm eating right now?"
⊱ definitely offers you some of his food, he's eating right now or will take you out to some restaurant as thanks
⊱ he won't mention it again to any of his brothers since he doesn't want to make them feel worse or anything but that doesn't mean that he doesn't care
⊱ it still puts a big smile on his face whenever he remembers it or you say it again
⊱ he often wants to spend more time with you whenever he remembers it or after you said it, so expect to have tall demon following you like a puppy
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⊱ you thought that Belphie won't care so you brushed it off at first, but once the thought of saying it in front of his brothers came to your mind, you decided to realize it
⊱ surprisingly his reaction isn't as different if you would say it in private
⊱ when words leave your mouth tho, be prepared that he'll just mumble thanks and then excuse himself that he's tired
"Thanks... I'm tired now, I will go to my room and take a nap. YN, do you want to go with me?"
⊱ he often asks you if you want to take a nap with him so it's not that strange to you but he definitely won't turn his head towards you because if he did, you'd see his blushing face
⊱ when you somehow see his face and point it out, he'll say that it's just hot here and you should go to attic since there's a little bit colder
⊱ oh, what's that? You want to leave the bed in the morning? Too bad because he doesn't. You're staying in here for at least a day or untill someone reminds him that humans also need to eat
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
"Wait, you think I'm cute?" With Beel please! I feel like he doesn’t get “cute” a lot but would appreciate it you know?
Hello there, anon!
Okay, I totally agree with you. It'd mean a lot to him, I think! I think Beel's character is completely underutilized by the game. He's always just relegated to food when he has all this potential to be the stable gentle one, I just don't understand it honestly. Anyway, this ended up being a straight up love confession situation, so it miiight be a little cheesy. But I couldn't help it, I just wanna cuddle this guy.
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GN!MC x Beelzebub with prompt "Wait, you think I'm cute?"
Warnings: an appearance from Belphie lol, also I just imagine most MCs are shorter than Beel because he's so big, but I tried to keep it height neutral
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You were sitting on the sofa in the common room of the House of Lamentation with Belphie's head in your lap. He was breathing softly, half asleep, but still listening as you talked about your feelings. You were absently playing with the ends of his hair, but he didn't seem to mind, content to let you touch it as he listened to your thoughts.
It was a quiet day at the house for once - most of the brothers were out doing something. Lucifer was likely at RAD, Mammon had a modeling gig, Levi was shut away gaming, you didn't know where Satan and Asmo were, and Beel had Fangol practice that afternoon.
This left you and Belphie in the house by yourselves and that inevitably lead to you letting Belphie sleep in your lap.
Whenever this happened, your mind raced. After the first few times, you were surprised Belphie kept coming back. How he managed to sleep at all while you talked to him about all the things that were bothering you was a mystery.
Today you happened to have something very significant on your mind. It wasn't just the usual concerns about homework or chores or the day to day life you lived now in the Devildom. For the past few weeks, you had slowly begun to realize something and it was causing you no end of sleepless nights. And inevitably, you found yourself confiding in the half asleep demon on your lap.
"It's just that everybody needs me all the time," you said. "I'm always helping out with things and of course I don't really mind, but it's different with Beel. He's always so careful about what he bothers me with. And he's so genuine and sweet. Lately it feels like whenever I see him, I can't stop staring. I can't stop thinking about him. I'm having dreams about him, even."
Belphie shifted in your lap, which surprised you. "Yeah," he said. "Beel's pretty great. You love him, too, don't you?"
The realization of this washed over you. Belphie was right. You were in love with Beel.
"Yeah," you said weakly. You covered your face because you could feel your blush, even though Belphie wasn't looking at you. "It's just that he's so kind. He's always looking out for us. And he's always just happy to be with me. Beel really is so cute."
Belphie seemed like he was about to say something, but a thud nearby caused you both to look over at the door.
Beel was standing there, having just put down his Fangol equipment. He looked at you in surprise, eyes wide, mouth slightly open.
"Wait," he said. "You think I'm cute?"
You nearly pushed Belphie onto the floor in your haste to get up off the sofa. He scrambled away on his own and prevented himself from falling off your lap.
You stood up straight, looked at your wrist to check a watch you weren't wearing, and said, "Oh wow, look at the time, I have to go… iron my socks."
And you bolted out of the room. The door was wide enough for you to escape past Beel, who was still standing there looking confused.
You nearly ran to your room, closing the door and pressing your back against it, covering your face with your hands.
How long had Beel been standing there? How much had he heard? Did he hear you tell Belphie that you loved him? Even if he hadn't, surely Belphie would be telling him as much right now. You considered going back to the common room to stop him, but you just couldn't face Beel right then.
After a few minutes, just when your heart had stopped racing, there was a soft knock at your door that got it beating rapidly again.
It was Beel.
"You don't have to let me in," he said. "I just wanted to say that I think you're cute, too."
This statement was so sweet it almost hurt. How could you leave him standing outside your door after he said something like that?
You took a deep breath, fought down your blush as best you could, and opened the door. Beel took a step back. He clearly didn't think you were going to open the door for him, but he held your gaze steadily when you met his eyes.
You couldn't maintain eye contact for long and quickly looked down at the floor. "Did Belphie tell you what we were talking about?"
"No," Beel said. "He told me to come ask you myself."
You reminded yourself to thank Belphie for that later. You shuffled your feet a little, still unable to look back up at him.
"You don't have to tell me anything, MC," Beel said. "I can wait until you're ready."
You did look at him then, surprised by this statement. Any of his brothers likely would have wanted to know why you were acting so weird, but Beel was content to let you do what you needed to do. You smiled at him, feeling the embarrassment subside to be replaced with the contentment you got every time you were with him.
Beel could see the change in you and he smiled, too.
"Come in, Beel," you said, reaching out to grab his hand and pull him into your room before closing the door behind him.
Once he was inside, you didn't let go of his hand. You found you just didn't want to. It was big and warm and he tightened his grip on yours when you looked at him again.
It was only a few minutes of this until you realized that what you really wanted was to feel his arms around you. So you dropped his hand and stepped closer to him, pulling him into a hug and leaning your head on his chest.
Beel didn't even hesitate to hug you back. He held you close, pressing his face into your neck. He didn't demand anything from you, didn't ask you what you were thinking, or what he meant to you, only held you close. You could hear his heart beating steadily, though perhaps a little bit more rapidly than was normal.
You sighed, letting yourself melt into his embrace. "Thank you."
Beel pulled back from you so he could see your face. "For what?"
You put your hands on his cheeks. "For being you."
You pulled his face toward yours so you could kiss him. Beel immediately tightened his hold on you, bringing you in closer to his body. He kept one arm around your back, putting his other hand on the back of your head, nestling his fingers into your hair.
After a minute, you pulled away, tugging him by his jacket to sit with you on your bed. Both of you sat up with your backs to the wall and you leaned your head on his shoulder, holding his hand tightly. You sighed, partly from the peaceful feeling that was washing over you and partly from the way you were so desperate to tell him how you felt and yet so scared at the same time.
Beel's hand tightened on yours. "Hey, MC."
"I love you."
And there it was. As always, Beel found it so easy to say the words that always got stuck in your throat. He let himself be vulnerable, caring more about telling you this truth than the risk of exposing himself to hurt. He said it like he said everything - simply and with conviction. He didn't wrap it in flowery phrases or add any kind of embellishment. Just a simple statement that could not be misunderstood.
Your chest tightened in a good way as you took in this feeling. "I love you, too, Beel."
It was that easy. All of your concern, all of your embarrassment, all of your sleepless nights, they seemed so pointless to you now. Any distress you had just fell away as Beel pulled you back into his arms. You nestled into him, feeling the security of his presence, of his love, and knowing that you were safe there by his side.
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mammons-lover · 2 months
Leviathan's Sin
Leviathan had always been a shut-in, even in the celestial realm. He would lock himself in his room for hours without a care in the world. He knew that if he wanted to go out and hang with his brothers, he could. But once he fell, those feelings were very different. The day they fell, Leviathan seemed fine; he was like his old self, always in his room. Though Leviathan did enjoy being alone, his thoughts weren't too positive about it. They made it seem like Leviathan was different, so he had to hide away. He tried pushing those thoughts down by hanging around his brothers to silence the voices, but this didn't work either; if anything, they got worse.
They were comparing Leviathan to his brothers: "Look at Beel, isn't his figure beautiful?" or "Look at Mammon and Asmo; people say they should be models. They don't say that about you, do they?" After incidents like these kept happening, Leviathan started sinking further into his room. When he went to school, all he could think about was how ugly he was compared to others and how everyone had something special about them, but not him… He was just a shut-in loser who could only get attention through a game.
Lucifer was the first to notice the hatred towards others in Levi's eyes, and though he wanted to ask about it, he was busy with other things on his plate, so he tried to be rational. He thought maybe Leviathan was still adjusting to being around demons; he just needed more time. The next person to come to the conclusion that something was really wrong with Leviathan was Mammon. The incident happened when he barged into Levi's room while he was playing a dating sim, and Levi freaked out on him. He kept yelling, "Don't look at me! I know I look like a total moron playing games like this, but you're lucky." Mammon didn't understand why he would say that, so he left. Later, he started to notice it more, observing Leviathan more closely. He could tell Leviathan was acting differently. Leviathan was envious of everyone and everything around him.
Mammon would try talking to Leviathan about his ways, but Leviathan only twisted his words. Leviathan wanted to be more manly like Beelzebub, so Mammon told him to work out more. Then Leviathan wanted to be beautiful like Asmodeus. Mammon offered to talk to Asmo about a makeover. But all Leviathan could hear was that he wasn't beautiful and that the only way he could be beautiful was if he got a makeover. Or when he wanted to look like Beel, he felt like Mammon was dissing him. To say that conversation went nowhere was an understatement; it went straight to his head and made him feel worse, thinking his own brother believed he didn't even have a chance.
This took a toll on Leviathan, and he did the only thing he could think of: shut himself in his room more. Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. Now that the whole house knew something was wrong with him, they tried to get him to come out of his room, but there was no way anyone could get him to. This led to Belphegor and Satan picking his lock and entering his room early in the morning when Leviathan was sleeping to sneak food into his room. They were happy to notice that each morning they dropped off food, he actually ate, but this didn't lower their worries too much.
So much so that Mammon started to sneak into his room to clean and leave cases of water and snacks with letters of encouragement. Leviathan appreciated the effort of his brothers, but it only made him feel like a burden, resulting in him no longer eating, drinking water, or even sleeping just so his brothers wouldn't come into his room. Mammon was growing tired of Leviathan's actions: "Why isn't he getting better? Why is he pushing them away? You shouldn't push away family trying to help you, right?" With much debate, Mammon went to Levi's room while he was awake. This led to Levi screaming, "Can't I have any privacy? You guys even sneak into my room when I'm sleeping. Don't you see, no one wants you here?"
Mammon started to tell Leviathan, "We're only trying to help you, to understand what's wrong, and we'll try to fix it." Leviathan wasn't having it, though. He started cursing and pushing Mammon out of his room, telling him to get out and just leave. But Mammon pushed back, pleading to know what was wrong with him, promising to try to make it better. Leviathan dropped to his knees, crying that he couldn't fix it, that something was wrong with his mind, and Mammon wasn't the one who knew how to fix that. Mammon held his crying brother until he passed out in his arms. He ordered Satan and Asmodeus to clean Levi's room while he and the twins cleaned up Leviathan before he woke up.
Once Leviathan's room was clean, Mammon stayed there until Lucifer got home. When Lucifer finally arrived, they saw he had brought Barbatos with him to check on Leviathan. All Barbatos could do was tell them that Leviathan was being consumed by his sin and there was nothing they could do to stop it. He reassured them that he could contact a demon specialist to help Leviathan sort out his emotions, but other than that, the Leviathan they knew before wasn't going to be the same anymore, just like the rest of them who had and eventually would change.
(I'm sick asf right now, so if this sound off please let me know so I can fix it. Also, I'll be posting something happy tomorrow!!)
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obey-me-disaster · 1 year
Can you do the nsfw alphabet with mammon pls!
This is the last nsfw alphabet ask in my inbox! Sorry for the long wait! I got my phone's display all fucked up and couldn't write.
Mammon x gn!MC
A=After care
Fortunately for you, his tsundure attitude disappears completely. He is too focused on getting you cleaned and cuddling you in order to start denying his feelings. His sole focus is on making sure you are comfortable.
Same applies when he is on the receiving end of the after care, he can't afford to be both a tsundure and to whine about the fact that you're not cuddling him. He will start complaining the moment you're not next to him even when you're trying to get him cleaned.
B=Body part
He is a sought after model that takes good care of his body. He will be damned if he doesn't like all of his body. If he really had to choose, then he would have to pick his chest.
I feel like he really likes the crook of your neck/lower part of your jaw. Basically the main part of your body where he leaves bites and can burry his face into when he gets embarrassed.
He loves the sight of covered in his cum, it makes him feel like has some sort of claim on you, even if you'll wash off the cum after the two of you are done.
On the same note, he loves it when you come on his face for the same reasons. He can never decide if he wants to be the one to own you or vice versa.
D=Dirty secret
This happened before the two of you got together but he basically jacked off in your room when you weren't there. It was not his intention at first but he started to think about you while he was waiting for you and one thing led to another and he got horny. Doesn't help that you nearly caught him too. He couldn't look you in the eyes for nearly a week.
He often goes with Asmo to different parties and he also arranged what was basically an orgy for Satan to take part in during the body swap incident....it's safe to say he has slept around before and has plenty of experience.
Where he doesn't have that much experience is the intimacy that comes with sex during relationships. It always feels like he has to take things from 0 no matter how many parteners he had in the past.
F=Favorite position
As much as he loves positions where he could admire you or positions where you can take easier control of him he has a huge preference toward doggy style. It just feels better for him to take you from behind/have you fuck him from behind.
He tries to be really romantic for you but sometimes that fails so he resorts to make a joke or two to lighten up the atmosphere.
He is still trying to keep a more or less serious attitude since he appreciates the intimacy between the two of you.
He is a model so he always has to make sure he is well taken care off in case he gets a modeling gig out of nowhere. While he doesn't outright shave his makes sure to always keep himself well trimmed.
He tried to light up 500 candles for MC in order to be romantic and caused a fire in his room in canon. When it comes to being in a committed relationship intimacy is something really important for him.
He has a hard time expressing himself due to being a tsundure so he really values the times where he can be more vulnerable and romantic with you.
J=Jack off
If he thought he used to do it a lot in the past, once he got a crush on you it got so much worse and it always made him feel extremely guilty afterwards.
Once the two of you got together he calmed down considering he could just go to you and no longer had to feel guilty. Shit hit the fan when you had to go back to the human world and he started to do it a lot more often even compared to the time he had a crush on you.
It's pretty much canon and it's nearly in all of the kink lists for him in the fandom. He is a huge masochist. Hair pulling, bitting, scratching and so much more. He loves the feeling of pain mixing up with pleasure. As much as he likes the feeling of it he doesn't enjoy causing you pain. It will be a slow process but he will gradually become more comfortable with some of the pain related kinks you have.
Another one of his main kinks is praise. He strives off it and needs to hear that he is doing a good job, that he is making you feel good. He already puts up with a lot of shit from his brothers, so being praised is something he really cherishes. Of course, that also means that he loves praising you too, from the way you look, sound and how good you make him feel, he will praise you too.
There was a chat where he said he got shocked by a power socket and said that it felt good. So it's canon that be would be into electrostimulation.
He is also into getting overstimulated by you to the point he feels like he can't cum anymore and gets extremely sensitive.
Anywhere with a bit of privacy will do the job for him. He already made out with MC in the middle of a fucking exam in front of everyone. He doesn't really care all that much.
He does want a bit more privacy cause he doesn't want just anyone to see you like that after all. It's for his eyes only.
This man got turned on cause MC had their arms around him in a dark room...it doesn't take a lot of effort to turn him on when it comes to you. If you wanna go the extra mile and tease him he will just drag you to the nearest place where the two of you can go at it.
Degradation of any kind. He is already getting insulted by his brothers enough as it is. He can handle it when it comes to teasing and so on. He also can't degrade you. He physically can't. He tried to do it once and ended up getting sad and couldn't go on.
Sensory deprivation combined with tying him up. He loves them separately but together it makes him feel claustrophobic.
He loves giving despite being sloppy because he is eager to please you and hear you praise him. He likes it especially when you full his hair.
He also lives for when you give him oral because he loves when all of your attention is on him and making him feel good. Just be aware that he has the habit of holding your head in place when he is about to cum without a warning. He always apologies after.
He 100% prefers a faster pace. Despite that he is never rough since he doesn't like the thought of hurting you. He prefers a faster pace because he feels like he can never get enough of you and gets impatient.
Going from that idea, if you want to torture him make sure to go at a slow pace since he considers it torture in the best way possible.
As much as be adores and prefers to have actually intimate sex with you he can't deny the fact that he loves quickies too. He is greed, he literally can't get enough of you and between RAD, his schemes and his brothers he doesn't get to spend as much time as he wants to with you.
He is way more open to trying new things on him rather on you. Especially that if it contains pain. So if you're a masochist good luck, it will be a slow road into discovering both of your limits.
He is a demon in a pretty good shape with more than a decent amount of experience. It's safe to say that he can go on for longer than you can.
He probably had a few of his own that he used and a joke gift from Asmodeus that remained unopen. He is really excited at the idea of you using toys on him.
On the other hand, he may hesitate to use them on you out of some sense of pride/possesiveness. One or two talks with him will make him realize he is silly about trying to compete with sex toys out of all things. He still prefers to your main source of pleasure but he won't be against the idea of using toys on you.
He tries so hard to tease you but he fails miserably at it most of the time. He can't resist giving in when it comes to you, especially if you start begging, it's literally game over for him.
On the few times he does succeed he gets so cocky about it to the point it makes you want to punch him, in an affectionate way
For the love of everything that is good, learn a spell that makes the room soundproof or gag him. He is so loud that nearly all of the house of lamentation can hear him. Especially when he is the bottom. He is so loud and whines a lot and in the moment he doesn't care who will hear him. He does have his moments of regret once he comes down from his high but he can't really be bothered to care when you're right next to him.
The first few times you two started to have sex he would try to hide his moans but when you would literally stop him from doing so he gradually stopped caring about how loud he is.
W=Wild card
He used to be a stripper for a short while in the far off past. This was before his modeling carrier really took off and he became more popular. He needed money fast and being a stripper seemed like fun. He had to stop because Lucifer made him too but he still went behind his back a few times.
In his human form his dick is above average by human standards. While it is not too thick it's still enough to offer a nice stretch and it's curved downwards, just perfect to suck him off. Of course he also has a piercing.
In his demon form it grows more in thickness than anything. By demon standards it's around average. It's also a lot more veiny and has some slight oval shaped bumps towards the head of his dick.
Would never admit it ok maybe he does if he is extremely needy but he has a pretty high libido and if you would let him you two would do it pretty much daily. If you tease him even more than that.
No matter how tired he gets, he can't fall asleep unless he is cuddling with you. He doesn't care who is holding who as along as you're next to him as he falls asleep.
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welcomeabyss · 2 years
When The Stars Didn’t Align, Part 3
This chapter goes a little bit to the past. We get to suffer explore the ways Mc became the third wheel, after the new girl had settled in. Asmo, Beel and Belphe are going to be in the next part!
@gatorcatally @gayassfuckinghomo
Themes: Angst, Replaced Mc! Au
“So, is there anyone you like?” The pretty woman had asked Mc out of nowhere as they were cooking together. Mc was surprised by that and stopped to look at her for a moment: She was sparkling, with her perfect flowy hair and bright eyes. Mc couldn’t believe that she had just woken up from a nap.
“N-no not really”, Mc lied. The new girl had lived in the house of Lamentation for a couple of weeks now and they had gotten well together with Mc. They didn’t want to open up to her about more personal stuff to her yet though.
“Oh c’mon Mc! There’s got to be someone”, she teased. Maybe it was the way she giggled after her question, or the way they playfully hit Mc’s arm, but suddenly Mc felt safe in her presence. Mc started to think about how nonjudgmental the new girl has always been, and how kind and trustworthy she seemed. Maybe, I can tell her?, Mc suddenly thought to themselves. Then they opened their mouth to speak:
“Lucifer”, Mc blushed a little. They had gotten a crush on him immediately after they had laid eyes upon him. He was not only powerful, but also a caring personality. Lucifer wasn’t afraid to show what he was after. It was magnetizing, really.
The new girl was a little surprised by Mc’s answer, but soon giggled nervously: ”Really? He’s a little scary don’t you think?”. Mc wanted to go on a rant about how he wasn’t a one dimensional scary demon. That he was actually very sweet and protective, and quite honestly; his scariness was also something Mc found attractive at times.
Mc blushed a little, but then responded: ”Yeah, he can be a bit scary sometimes, but only when it’s necessary. He’s actually very sweet!”. The new girl giggled wholesomely again: “Well, it sounds you really do like him a lot!”. Before Mc could ask, if she had a crush on anyone, Beel came in to interrupting, asking hastily about his missing pudding.
After a couple of days Mc was enjoying their evening by listening to music and cleaning the house with the newcomer. Mc and she had decided to try to make Lucifer’s day better by cleaning his private study. So they knocked on Lucifer’s door. He welcomed them in. He appreciated their willingness to help him, so he let them go at it. As Mc and her were dusting the shelves, Lucifer spoke:
“Mc, could you go and take these boxes to the music room? They are very delicate and need to be handled with care, I trust you are able to do this?” Mc was delighted: Lucifer entrusted me with his important property? Mc nodded quickly, smiled and took the boxes to themselves, starting to carefully carry them upstairs.
Mc wanted to make Lucifer even more happy, so they decided to tidy up the music room a little before heading downstairs. It took a while before Mc was properly done with the place, but soon they went back to where Lucifer and her were at.
Mc walked gleefully towards Lucifer’s room again, noticing that the door was left slightly open. Mc was about to walk in, until their heart stopped. Their widened eye was now peeking through the gap. What is going on?
The new girl was looking up in a surprised manner, her pretty lips slightly parted and her cheeks were faintly red. She was holding her hands tightly together, as the tall figure was confidently leaning down on her, pinning her against the wall. Did he order me to go to the music room, just to get me out of their way?, Mc gulped. Lucifer had the same look on his face, that Mc well recognized, because that was the reason, why they adored him in the first place: He never hesitated to show what he was after.
Before Mc could answer her question, they were interrupted by Asmo and Satan arguing about something. The conversation from before was left in the forgotten, which Mc was secretly happy about. Otherwise they would have definitely splurged out, how they had this massive crush on Mammon
Mammon was endearing to them, so fun to be around, but also protective. Mc found it kinda sweet, how he always got jealous easily, but also struggled to admit that he enjoyed the human’s company.
Things continued on as usual, until one day there was a big game night at the house of Lamentation. They were asking questions and daring each other to do dumb things. Mc was enjoying their time, occasionally glancing if Mammon was looking at them.
“Okay, sweetheart, I have a question for you”, Asmo was speaking to the new girl in a teasing manner. She flinched in surprise, but then asked, what Asmo wanted to ask him. “Would you kiss Mammon?”, Asmodeus continued. Mc was a little shocked, and even more so, when they looked up at her: she was completely flustered, almost like Asmo had confirmed something. Revealed her secret. She kept looking down, as an embarrassed smile creeped on her face. Don’t you dare, Mc’s heart demanded. Don’t you dare
“Y-yes. I think he’s kinda adorable . . . I wouldn’t mind kissing him”, she blushed heavily. As the brothers let out surprised noises, Mc felt their heart sank: But there is no way that Mammon would like her back right? Not after all this time.
But as Mc now turned to look at Mammon, their heart ached even more: the way he was now staring at her, his face softening. The way Mc would have done anything to know what he was thinking, when his mouth slightly started to turn into an adoring smile, which he quickly tried to hide.
”I like Levi”, Mc quietly muttered out. They felt closest with him. They had a lot similar interests, and Mc reallt enjoyed hanging around Levi. Mc loved his shyness, humour, but also his kindness.
”Levi? Well I guess I’m not that surprised, you guys do spend a lot of time together”, she thought to herself out loud in wonder. ”So, do you have a crush on anyone?”, Mc then asked. She was about to answer to them, until they both noticed smoke coming out of the oven and the previous subject was forgotten.
Mc, Levi and the newcomer were playing games in Levi’s room one night. They were laughing along, as they competed with each other. After the new girl had won a round against Levi, he was flabbergasted.
“How- HOW DID YOU DO THAT?! I have been playing this game for years!?”, Levi questioned her. She was giggling and then instinctively started to ruffle Levi’s hair as an apology: ��Sorry Levi! I can let you win the next round!”
Mc knew she didn’t try to do that in purpose. To make them jealous. Mc was sure that she had no romantic intentions behind her actions. So why did Levi’s blush and his softening eyes make them so jealous? Why did his panicked reaction and mumbling words feel so different this time?
”Satan”, Mc tried to hide their smile by changing their expression, but the attempt was useless. How could Mc not like Satan’s curiosity and charm? Mc loved to trade books with him and they both seemed to like each other recommandations.
”He seems like your perfect other half”, she finally answered them in a kind manner, after Mc fought so hard not to show their flustration. Mc got even more flustered at her words, trying to not look too embarrassed as they were making the food.
Later that evening Mc was going to the library. They were hoping to run into Satan, because they had found a perfect book from the human world to give him. Mc was holding the book close to them as they approached the room. A warm light escaped from the slightly parted doors, as the furnice had a fire burning in it.
Mc heard a conversation coming from the library. They heard Satan’s laugh echoing: “Really? A book like that really exists in the human world?” Who could make Satan laugh like that? So wholeheartedly?
“Why would I lie about that?”, her soft voice was like dagger to Mc, for reasons they could not explain. Then they heard her continuing: “Here, I can lend it to you”. Mc couldn’t help, but peek through the doors. It was exactly how they expected: the flame really did make the room more beautiful, with this orange glow that spread to everything it touched. Not even Satan or her could escape it, as they were both sitting on the couch facing the other way from Mc. It was almost like the time had stopped to capture this moment, as their hands had accidentally touched each other, but both hesitant to move away. Mc noticed scarily familiar look on her face: she was falling for him.
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fullofbees · 1 year
Envy Rots The Bones
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You're tired of Levi's self-deprecating rants. Why doesn't he trust your love?
CW: Smut, Demon Form Fucking, Vaginal Fingering, Tail-fucking, Thigh-Fucking, Degradation, Humiliation
Word Count: 4,785 
»»----------► F!Reader
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The vibe at RAD was more chaotic than usual.
Unexplained royal duties caused Diavolo to grant the entire RAD campus a three-day weekend. The news filled students with excitement, causing most of them to check out for the rest of the day. Notes were passed, and gossip whispered as the teachers wrote on the board; you’d think it was the last day of school with how they acted. Reminders about homework went ignored as students made plans. It was the only thing anyone wanted to talk about. Multiple requests for your companionship soon came flooding in.
Luke and Simeon wanted you to spend the night at Purgatory Hall, helping them bake some complicated Celestial Realm dessert.
Mammon and Asmodeus were going shopping, and who else better to take than their favorite human?
Satan asked you to visit bookshops with him.
Belphie and Beel… to be honest, you don’t know exactly what they invited you to. At lunch, Beel asked you to join them through a mouth full of food, and Belphie was unfortunately too busy with a midday nap to translate.
Solomon had actually left you alone, surprisingly. But, Lucifer found you later in the day, explaining that Solomon had tried to make plans with him. He refused to be around the sorcerer, so he lied, saying that he already had plans with you. Be a dear, and don’t tell him I’m actually in my office. I have a mountain of paperwork to get done and don’t need any distractions.
You were used to your attention needing to be split seven (and then some) different ways. However, after having to take a total of four exams this week, all you wanted to do was crash, eat junk food, and binge the Devildom’s newest reality show about demons ‘looking for love’. You need to shut in.
Speaking of shut-ins, Levi was probably ecstatic with the news. Knowing him, he immediately would open Akuzon and order the latest game with same-day delivery the minute after getting the notice. You just hope it's not another isekai.
Maybe you should invite Levi to hang out. The rest of the brothers were always insisting on going out, so you feel bad that you never get to stay in with him.
Now that you’re thinking about it, you really miss Levi. The third-born may be awkward, but he genuinely cares about you. He already has trouble accepting that you like and want his company, so a long weekend date would be perfect to show how much you appreciate him.
As you step into the House of Lamentation, you unlock your D.D.D. to text the demon. There is no need, however, as Levi stands in the entrance hall. His eyes widen when he spots you, rushing over so fast that you think he might bulldoze into you. Instead, he stops just before collision, cheeks bright pink as he looms over you.
“I was planning on bingeing anime this weekend. You probably already have some normie plans, but… youcanhangoutwithmeifyouwant. Bye!” With that, he scurries back to his room.
Left dazed in his wake, it takes a minute for you to process what he said. You’re actually proud of him for taking the initiative. Wait, he was already in the foyer when you got home… Was he waiting for you?
You’re going to smooch that man all over his stupid face. But first, you need to get out of this uniform.
Upon entering your room, you set your bag on the table and kick your shoes off haphazardly into the corner. You continue to strip various pieces of your uniform on your way to the dresser. Lucifer won’t be able to perform room inspections, so you can forgive yourself for being a little lazy right now.
You grab a pair of bubblegum pink binding track shorts and slide them on. A self-indulgent purchase for a hot bimbo girl summer that never came to be.
The first brother you wore these around was Asmo when he invited you to his room for a ‘self-care sesh’. He thought they were to die for and immediately pulled a matching tank top from his closet and shoved it into your hands. The memory makes you smile as you pull the tank top out of your drawer and slip it on.
The cami top is the same shade of bubblegum pink. The spaghetti straps are a lighter shade of baby pink, and a matching bow is situated in the middle of the neckline, where the two sides slope into a ‘V’. White lace runs along the hem of the bottom. It is comfortable, cute, and a little flirty. You know it’ll drive Levi wild.
In the bottom drawer of the armoire, stuffed back as far as possible and hidden beneath your underwear, is a secret bag of candy that you have been saving. While Beel is respectful if your name is written on a container, you had spent a handful of Grimm on these chocolates, so you decided to take extra precautions in keeping them safe.
Adding your phone charger to the bag, you send Levi a quick text.
16:08 I’m coming up to your room
16:09 WAIT RESLLY????? *REALLY I didn’t think you’d say yes…
16:09 I was going to ask you to hang out too :)) But you beat me to it lol
16:10 You mean that? Like REALLY mean it?
16:10 I reslly reslly do
Clutching the bag to your chest, you make your way up the stairs and to Levi’s room, eyes wary of any wandering gluttonous demons. You’ll probably still end up saving Beel a piece from each candy. His pout and puppy-dog eyes, when he realizes he’s been left out of snacking, will never not make you feel guilty. It’s another reminder of how wrapped around the fingers of these demons you are, and you love every second.
Only a few steps away from the door, Levi opens it without you having to knock, knowing by the sound of your footsteps that it was you approaching. He watches you skeptically as you saunter in, beelining for the plush bean bags situated in front of his TV.
You collapse onto the bean bag on your stomach, groaning in relief as you stretch out your body. Levi nearly crumbles to his knees at the sight. The friction between your shorts and the bean bag cause the fabric to gather; the space where pillowy thighs and ass meet on full display. He’d dive face-first into your body if you’d let him.
But you wouldn’t let him. He’s just some dumb and awkward otaku with no social skills, why would you ever go for a guy like him? This has to be some sort of practical joke. Mammon and Asmodeus are probably pranking him, hidden cameras waiting to capture his pathetic failure at seduction. There’s no way you’d dress like that around him of your own volition.
Shutting and locking the door behind him, Levi joins you where you sit fiddling with the remotes, his movements guarded as he sinks into the velvet softness.
“I figured you’d have some kind of normie plans with my brothers.”
Did you not just text him saying that you wanted to spend the weekend together? You have no qualms about reassuring your interest in Levi, especially when you know that the demon’s sin makes it hard for him to believe otherwise. However, multiple reassurances in the span of a few minutes were worrying.
Yet the stress of the week is catching up to you, making you abnormally frustrated with his seeming thick-headedness.
“They asked, but I want to stay in and relax with you, is that so hard to believe?”
The demon flusters as he tries to explain himself, “N-No! It’s just that– GAH! How can I even begin to explain to a normie like you...” He sighs in defeat, hiding his reddening face behind his clenched fist.
Taking a deep breath, you force the anger back inside, knowing that he is not the cause and that you shouldn’t take it out on him anyways. You shift in the bean bag, choosing to sit in it upright. However, you end up abandoning it altogether when that doesn’t allow you to be as close as you want to be. The demon’s blush darkens as he watches you briefly crawl over to him, only to kneel next to him on his bean bag. Your knees press into the side of his thigh,
“‘M sorry, Levi. I shouldn’t have snapped like that.” You reach toward his clenched fist, gently prying his fingers from his palm and slipping your own in the spaces in between. “I know you can’t help it, your envy is only natural.”
You bring the back of Levi’s hand to rest against your cheek, his skin cool against the thrumming warmth of your own. “It’s just, sometimes it hurts to hear you speak about yourself like that, you know? Like you don’t trust me to know my own feelings about you.”
Levi clamors, “It’s hard to believe you want me. You’re the most perfect person ever and I’m… not. I’m just a lame and greasy weeb–”
Off he goes on another rant about how ugly, pathetic, and worthless he is. It makes your blood boil. You’re trying to be patient and accommodating; no one learns to love themselves overnight, but it feels like there hasn’t been even an inch of progress in the months you’ve been here.
The longer you let him talk, the more your anger builds. Perhaps being exposed to demons for such an extended period of time isn’t healthy, because as soon as the temptation to explode appears, you pounce on it.
“Ugh! Seriously, Levi!” you groan, “This is what I mean! Is this a game to you?! Or some sort of kink?!”
You stand up and begin angrily throwing your snacks back into your bag, continuing on your own tirade, “You won’t tell me your feelings, you won’t believe when I tell you mine, I don’t know what to do anymore, Leviathan!
In your peripheral you can see Levi shrink into the bean bag, hands clinging to his knees with a vice grip as his body trembles. You think he is about to cry with how low his head hangs, like he doesn’t want you to see. A tiny sliver of sick satisfaction crawls through you.
“You’re going to just let me walk out your door, aren’t you?” You angrily whisper, staring down at him. When he doesn’t answer, you roll your eyes with a loud scoff, muttering to yourself, “Unbelievable.”
A crushing force surrounds your ankle when you make your move to leave. You try to yank yourself free but the hand only constricts tighter, causing you to wince.
Looking down, you see a pale hand with indigo scales and webbing bruising its shape into your skin. Following the pattern of iridescent scales up its owner’s arm, you find Levi staring furiously at you, his pupils almost swallowed by the irradiated orange of his irises. Coral-like horns sprout from his head, parting his hair like seaweed swaying in water. A winding black tail begins to creep up your other leg, violently cold and slimy.
“You are not going to leave me, human,” Levi growls before yanking you back down to straddle him. “You cannot change reality. I am a disgusting otaku, so disgusting in fact that you want to run away.”
Okay, message received; you pushed it a little too far.
“Levi, that’s not–” You struggle in his grasp. Levi’s hands had ensnared your wrists while his tail had shifted to circle your waist, leaving a slippery trail on your skin.
“It’s too late, you’re mine now! It doesn’t matter if I don’t deserve you, I want and will have you anyways!”
Levi’s anger overwhelms him. He tugs you closer so he can nuzzle his face into your cleavage, his usual shy nature taking a backseat to the envy bubbling over.
“Why are you trying to change me into something I’m not?” He bitterly sobs, salty tears spilling down his face and your chest, “Why can’t you love me like this?”
Despite the modicum of fear sweeping down your spine, you realize that maybe Levi hasn’t made any progress because you haven’t made the right approach. The answer is not to start over; Levi’s envy will never allow him to rebuild a new self-image. Instead, you need to work with the emotions he already has and regularly expresses. Do not restart but repurpose.
Steeling your resolve, you now set about your new mission, and pray in the back of your mind that Levi doesn’t use his tail to squeeze you to death.
“You’re right, Leviathan.”
Another choked cry escapes him followed by muffled sniffling. “I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!”
“You are a sweaty otaku, Levi. You game all hours of the day. You only watch anime and hentai. You’re obsessed to the point that you forget to shower, to eat, to change your clothes let alone wash your dirty laundry. Worst of all, you’re utterly perverted. It’s hard to believe you aren’t the Avatar of Lust with how often you stare at my ass.”
You try your best to rest your chin on the crown of Levi’s head, the closest thing to an embrace you can manage in your position.
“And I love you anyways, Levi.”
His head snaps up to look at you, confused and red-eyed.
“You may not deserve me, but you are right, you can have me anyways. I want you to have me.”
Levi’s grasp goes slack and you’re able to slip your wrists free. His mouth opens and closes, unsure of what to say. You hesitantly reach for his face, not wanting to startle him. He doesn’t move, so you cup his cheeks with your palms and use your thumbs to wipe away his tears and their forming tracks.
“My poor Leviathan, you’re always so pent up, aren’t you? Bottling up feelings you don’t know how to express,” you coo.
He nods, sighing dejectedly, “I’m never going to be able to give you what you want.”
Pressing a kiss to his clammy forehead, you whisper against his skin, “There’s something I want right now that you can give me.”
“Name it. I’ll give whatever I can. Whatever to make you stay.”
You pull back to look him in the eye, “Can I fuck you, Levi? Can you give me your body? Can we have each other?”
A familiar blush blooms across his face and you fear that the third-born is going to regress into another rant. However, Levi nuzzles his face into your palm, pressing a kiss to your soft flesh.
“In this… form?” He asks meekly.
One of your hands drops to gently caress the length of his tail as it’s situated on your waist. Its rough texture is offset by the frigid mire that naturally clings to it; the sensation is akin to how algae adheres to rocks.
“I like this form. It’s nice to see you all-powerful.”
Levi grumbles, shifting underneath you, “It’s monstrous…”
“I know,” you say, now feeling ready to challenge his self-doubt, “but that’s why I like it. I love every version of you.”
His tail uncurls from your waist, leaving behind a faint trail of ooze on your skin and clothes. Levi’s hands rest on the side of your thighs, idly running along their length as your question replays constantly in his mind. His self-deprecation begs for him to say no; he can’t sleep with you like this, you’ll be tainted just by association. He ruins everything he touches, why would it be any different this time?
“I won’t force you,” you say, interrupting his spiraling thoughts, “But I want you, Levi. I want to show you that I love every aspect of you, even the bad stuff.”
“Yeah,” the demon eventually says, “I can’t say no to you. It’s the least I can do for you for putting up with a loser like me.”
You know better now than to argue his points, he’s not going to believe you. Instead, you wordlessly stand up and remove your shorts and underwear, kicking them off to the side.
Levi’s blush only deepens as he watches you brazenly undress. The glow of the tv behind you highlights your curves in a blue halo. He watches the light dance on your skin as you kneel back down in front of him. You push his legs apart as you climb into his lap once more, though now your back is pressed to his chest.
Grabbing his hands, you bring one of them to cup your breast through your tank top. Instinctively, Levi gives it a gentle squeeze, causing you to giggle. You guide his other hand to rest on your lower stomach, only a few centimeters from your core.
“Okay, Levi, I want you to fuck me with your tail.”
The demon splutters, “I– What? That’s perverted, I can’t–”
“I want you to be perverted right now,” you challenge, “I want you to be a perverted little otaku and make me cum on your tail.”
Levi’s brain short-circuits as you further push his hand lower until his fingers greet your folds.
“I’ve seen you play PC, I know you’re skilled with your hands. You gotta use ‘em to prep me first, stuff me full with your filthy fingers. Won’t my perverted demon spread me open before fucking me?”
His eyes fall shut as he hides his face in the crook of your neck. Your words are degrading, they’re humiliating, but he likes it. For him, it feels like you are finally speaking the truth, accepting his true nature.
So his hand slips through your lower lips, teasing your clit with shy circles and making you whimper. Levi’s hardening cock presses against your back, hips involuntarily rutting against you in search of friction. You meet his thrusts, pushing your bare ass against his clothed cock, which the third-born pathetically moans at.
His finger drags slick from your entrance up to your clit, alternating between methodically slow and brutally overstimulating. The hand fondling your breast finally slides past the fabric of your top to pinch your nipple, causing you to whine deeply. Normally, Levi would be hesitant to twist the bud with the roughness he does now, but both of you are wound so taut that he isn’t afraid of leaving you with marks. He’s going to make sure you take everything he wants to give, leaving sore reminders of him on your body.
Both of you gasp when his index finger slides into you; you for the contrast of his icy skin in your sweltering heat, him for how easily and greedily your body took him in. Levi crooks his finger, pressing into the spongy spot that makes you see stars. You’re quickly becoming a moaning mess on top of him.
“Ah, yes! Fuck, you feel so good! Gimme another? Pretty please?” You croon.
Levi obeys in an instant, sinking another finger into your cunt and marveling at the sticky squelch it produces. He begins to scissor his fingers, stretching your body around his hand. When did you become so wet? The sound makes him shiver below you, rolling his hips against your backside in a particularly rough thrust.
“Do you like how your fingers sound in my cunt, Leviathan?” You mirthfully ask.
“I-It’s– I–” The demon stammers out, too focused on the sound replaying each time he sinks his fingers into you.
Your hand reaches up behind you to grasp Levi’s right horn, making him whimper as the pain forces his attention to you, “Say it, my pitiful little demon. Say you like fucking me with your fingers.”
The pace of his fingers slows as he musters the effort to speak, “I-I love i-it! I love f-fingering you…”
“It’s not enough though, is it? Wish it was your cock fucking me instead, hmm? Filling me up?”
He can feel the pre-cum soaking his through his sweatpants, each tease of your hips creating a new bead that drips down his shaft. Levi nods against your shoulder, panting as he sinks a third finger into you. “P-please… n-need you on my c-cock…”
Your giggle is borderline evil. “Too bad. Start with your tail and maybe you can earn the right to stick your nasty otaku cock in my cunt.”
Levi grits his teeth against your neck as he forces his hand to abandon your body, thin trails of your arousal still clinging to his fingertips as he pulls them away. Replacing his fingers, the demon teases the tip of his tail into your entrance, the cool scales making your body jolt in pleasure.
His tail meets no resistance as it slithers further into your body, causing you to drawl out a low, “fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck…”
Not satisfied with the idea of no longer being able to play with your pussy, Levi’s fingers return to your clit as he slowly drags his tail out of you. You choke on your moan, thighs tensing and toes curling at the overwhelming sensation.
The pace he sets with his tail is brutal, stretching you wider along the length every time he stuffs the appendage back into you. His hand matches this pace, making sure each jolt to your bundle of nerves makes the stretch easier. You want to tease him, to humiliate him a bit more with your words, but each taunt dies on your tongue.
Perhaps you should be the humiliated one. After all, your cunt is shamelessly exposed to the room as Levi uses his tail to fuck you senseless. Any one of his brothers could walk in and see him using you. Don’t you have any dignity? Why did the idea of being his personal fucktoy– his living fleshlight– make you so excited? No human in their right mind should open their body to a demon in this way, but you couldn’t care less, you wanted Leviathan to ruin you.
You’re practically a puddle of incoherent moans and babbling, unsure if the tightening in your lower abdomen was from arousal or from Levi’s tail burying so deep into you. The last intelligible thought that runs through your mind is if you look as fucked out and cock-drunk as the girls in his hentai. You hope you do, knowing how much he’d enjoy it.
The pressure continues to build, tears appearing in the corner of your eyes. Heat licks at your skin and sweat runs down your body, but Levi’s naturally cool state instantly chills the droplets. It, combined with the pleasure, have you shivering uncontrollably, little convulsions tearing through your body.
You vaguely register Levi growling “cum, cum, cum–” against your skin. The demon pinches your clit a final time, your dam finally breaking as your thighs tremble, shudders wracking down your spine. The intense orgasm has you squirting around the demon’s tail, thoroughly drenching his scales in your slick. Eyes rolled back, you collapse against Levi, vision growing fuzzy and a light ringing in your ears.
But Levi doesn’t stop. Though he has removed his tail from you, his fingers play with your oversensitive clit. You’re too weak to try and push his hand away, huffing between overstimulated cries of his name. He quickly forces you through a second orgasm.
The demon brings his fingers to his mouth, forked tongue happily lapping at your essence on his flesh. Levi looks down at your crumpled body, chest heaving with a thousand-yard stare as you slowly come back to reality. He cradles you close to him, still painfully aware of his throbbing erection but waiting on your word. It’s no fun without you, after all.
“Mmm… Levi?” You eventually whisper, voice strained and groggy.
The third-born presses kisses to your face and neck in response.
“What’s next?” You ask.
“Next?” The demon balks.
“You let me have your body, now you can have mine. Where do you want me?” You ask with sincerity too puzzling for Levi’s liking. There’s no way you could want, nor handle, more. But you’re looking at him expectantly, eyes still consumed with lust as you stare up at him from where you’re snuggled against his chest. Leviathan doesn’t know who to thank for answering his prayers. Doesn’t know who to thank for sending him a human that yearns for his defiling touch.
He knows you won’t let him leave your question unanswered, so his mind drifts to ideas of how he could have your body. He flashes back to when you first sat down in his room, how enticing your thighs looked pressed together as your body stretched out. Knowing your cunt is likely already sore, he decides to finally allow himself to indulge in one hentai-born fantasy.
You’re about to boop his nose, noticing his thoughts have run away, when he begins to move. His arm curls underneath your legs, picking you up like you weigh nothing as his hips raise from the bean bag. With his free hand, he pushes down his underwear and sweatpants to his thighs, cock springing free. He sets you back down a little higher than your previous position, legs still spread though now his cock rests heavily against your abused lips.
“D-Don’t move, okay?” Levi asks, as his hands move to the side of your legs. He pushes your legs together, trapping his cock between your thighs. You whimper afterward, his tip now teasingly nestled against your clit.
His tail once again wraps around you, though now along the lengths of your calves, keeping your lower half bound. Grabbing onto your hips, Levi effortlessly rocks them upwards, his shaft deliciously gliding through your folds. He guides your hips back down, his tip roughly tapping your clit as his cock now pushes forward.
You’re thankful that you don’t have to do much as Levi controls the movement of your hips as he fucks your thighs. However, his tight grip makes it impossible to escape the sensation of his cock caressing your debauched bundle of nerves. You attempt to squirm away from the overstimulation, but the demon holds tight, coating his cock in your slick.
Though your head is swimming, you clear your throat and force out some last words, “D-Do my thighs feel good Levi?”
He nods, hissing as his cock glides along your silky flesh, “S-So good, you feel so good.”
“You gonna cum? Be a good demon and cum all over my thighs.”
Levi wishes he could last longer, but your skin is warm and soft against his shaft. Though it will never compare to the feeling of being in your cunt, your thighs are now Levi’s second favorite part of you to fuck.
His pace falters, nails digging into your skin as he hurriedly grinds your folds along his cock, sending you through another convulsing orgasm. Levi feels your muscles twitching in his hands, and the demon finally cums with one last thrust through your thighs. His cum shoots onto your stomach and chest, and the sheer volume of spend sticking to your body has you wondering how long your Levi has been holding back.
After what feels like an eternity, sensation returns to your legs, and you’re able to sit up without falling over (though you are still hesitant to stand). Levi grabs your hand, eyes pleading with you not to leave.
“I’m going to get us cleaned up, and then we can watch TSL. Does that sound good?” You ask, giving his hand a little squeeze.
The demon smiles and releases your hand. Using your magic, you summon a wet hand towel, groaning when you realize that you still don’t have enough energy to summon it warm. Levi doesn’t seem to mind though as you run the cool cloth over his thighs and abdomen, before tucking him back into his sweats.
You run the cloth over your torso next, clearing the drying bits of his cum from your skin. You’re almost impressed by the amount that has pooled on you.
Sliding your shorts back on and fixing your crooked top, Levi shoves the ruined beanbag to the side. You both fall back into your previous position on a new one; Levi cradles you on his lap, though now you’re wrapped in a large Ruri-chan blanket. Anime plays in the background as you feed him the snacks you had brought. He doesn’t blush when his hands absentmindedly run along your bare skin, nor does he stammer as he points out each easter egg to you.
You never speak about this again, but he never questions your feelings again either.
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abberant-butler · 8 months
Again. You wake up in your bed.
___ 1/2 I started this, my room flooded. I took a week off because all my stuff was in the living room. I set up my computer, worked on this, the dishwasher leaked and the pipe that flooded my room burst again when I got back from fixing a flat tire. I feel like an OBM truther with an active hit or something (/joking, very joking). Anyway, here's the first half of a Timeloop MC. The second half will happen... eventually. I'm very invested but and life and computer access keep testing me. lol ___
Waking up in your bed wasn’t the surprise. For now, there was a moment of hope. Had you done it? Had you managed to escape? Your feet hit the cold stone floor and you know that you shouldn’t get ahead of yourself. Yet. Belphegor wasn’t at breakfast. The drop in your mood is noted, but no one yet knows you well enough to ask. So that night, you travel up the stairs, standing at an arm's length.
Belphegor berates you for trusting him. You remember that it used to break your heart to hear him talk to you like that. Now, it’s just easier to get it over with.
You wake up in your bed.
Leviathan was angry that you thought you might have answers he didn’t. Enraged that, in the end, you did. Blinded by his passion and envy, he hadn’t even connected the dots of sharing space with his favorite author. In your confidence, this time, you push him past the edge.
Mammon wasn’t quick enough to save you. Yet if you’d let Levi win, he would have killed you anyway. It was something you’d already tried. Just as you’d tried this. Over, and over.
You wake up in your bed.
You’ve never lied to Asmodeus. You know his powers don’t work on you, but on one of the tries, you just let him think it does. Naturally you tell him the truth at every moment, yet in his own paranoia, he pulls out your heart- just to be sure. It’s strange to hear how quiet your body is without that heart. Without a pulse. The first time was horrible. Now, at least, you can appreciate the swiftness and the expensive perfume as you pitch forward into his arms.
You’re not sure if his brothers ever forgive him entirely, or if the exchange program goes on. It’s not like you’re someone as important as Solomon. Sometimes you think that his end is your favorite, because it’s always out of love. Twisted, scorned, strange love.
You wake up in your bed.
It’s getting old. You’re learning. Don’t be surprised by the way that Diavolo greets you. His butler is watching. Accept your place and stand up to Mammon, because he needs to know that you’ll fight. He needs to know that he’ll have a chance to get to you, when you need him, even if you already know he won’t be. 
This time, when Lucifer tells you to guard the fridge at night from Beelzebub, you fail. Everyone is asleep. There wasn’t anything you could really expect them to do. It’s part of your internal debate on whether or not they even find evidence of your fate, or just fill out the paperwork to report you missing. Again. You wake up in your bed.
Satan offers you his pact. You know it’s reactionary… … You also know there’s no ‘right’ answer. If you accept, he’ll resent you for acting on his moment of weakness. If you reject, he’ll find your rebuff a personal affront to his importance. He’s angry beyond logic, beyond reason, but this time you try once more. There has to be a way out of this. In other tries, Satan is your friend. He shares his mystery books and his academic skills to try and help. It never works, but there has to be a way.
At least, like Asmo, his fury makes your end swift. Unlike Asmo, his rage doesn’t stop when your heart does. You imagine he goes on to destroy the rest of the house, the way you’re told he did when he was young. Again. You wake up in your bed.
Lucifer looms over you in the crypt, furious at your discovery with his brother and Luke. You can’t even blame him. It’s an invasion of privacy that you hadn’t even considered in context. Yet. You can’t bring yourself to really be upset, either. This only adds to his fury.
“Do you actually think I’m going to allow a lowly human that choice?! THAT YOU CAN HAVE WHATEVER IT IS YOU WANT?!”
No, Lucifer, you never offer a choice.
Numbness is the only thing you can feel. There are no more unexpected turns. There are no more arguments that you’ve muttered to yourself for hours or days just to use them on the next try. Death is always the result, and it’s the only way that you can have a moment of peace. Otherwise it’s yelling or bickering or life threatening situations. Mammon tries, he always tries. You’ll forgive him every time for his greed, because it’s the only thing that’s never killed you.
You wake up in your bed.
You wake up in your bed.
You wake up in your bed.
It doesn’t matter if you roll over and sleep in or if you tear apart every piece of fabric that you can twist your fists into. It doesn’t matter. It always ends, it always begins again. It goes. Over and over. The only metric that you can measure by is how it will make you feel in that moment. Today, you are just… tired.
It’s old. It’s ancient. You’ve learned. Don’t be surprised by the way that Diavolo greets you. His butler is watching. Accept your place-... The butler is watching. Has he always looked so sad?
This time, when Lucifer tells you to guard the fridge that night from Beelzebub, you know that if you do not get out of bed, the wall will collapse in on you. It will be because Beel finds his pudding missing. Suffocation is the worst death, so you pull yourself from the warm blankets to head around the corner to at least find something swifter than asphyxiation.
The butler is there.
He has brought a feast.
It’s the first surprise you can remember feeling.
Beel eats what has been brought from the castle, and goes to bed. You stand, in disbelief, with your hands in hot water as you help wash the dishes. The Demon Prince’s servant is gone shortly after. He hasn’t said a word.
You slip back under your covers, the sheets still slightly warm from your earlier presence.
You wake up in your bed.
You suppose. 
The new day feels different. Yet the same. 
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