groundrunner100 · 1 month
Will do a BIGGER poll later.
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hopskipandarump · 2 years
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nanak0m · 3 months
hello again!!
sorry for requesting so much, and I'm not forcing you to complete anything, but I really liked the design for the headmate you made us, and I was wondering if before we spawn her in, you'd be able to make a small subsystem of 3-4 to go alongside her?
again, it's totally fine if not, just if you're not going to could you let us know? sorry for taking up too much of your time 😭
No problem!! Sorry 4 the delay, this is the first time we make more than 2 alters in 1 req
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First request here
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♬ Name/S : Jun-Tao, Fen-ming, Zhi-hao, Yuanyun, Zichen
♬ Pronoun/S : he/him, they/them, thwm/thwm, nix/zie, pix/pixel, ink/inks, sakura/sakuras, asph/aspho
♬ Age/S : 11
♬ Identity/IES : bluemushic, fictcomfic, tearsgender, demiboy
♬ Orientation/S : bellusromantic, pansexual, quoisexual
♬ Roles/S : mood booster, little
♬ CisID/S : blue eyes, pale skin, brown hair, age regressor, short hair, subsys member, peaceful
♬ TransID/S : transPersecutor, transChinese, transDeadName, transAutistic, transIntersexual, transAIAB, ocRacial, polyaccent & transAtheist
♬ Source/S : n/a
♬ Appearance/S - u can change it if you want:
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♬ Name/S : Dorian, Aiden, Nolan, Amir, Chase
♬ Pronoun/S : he/him, fizz/fizzy, vamp/vamps, inc/incub, heart/hearts, blood/bloody, white/whites, knife/knifes, poem/poet
♬ Age/S : transAgeless
♬ Identity/IES : succgender, incuvampic, poemgender, vampgender, demiboyflux
♬ Orientation/S : pomoplatonic, gay
♬ Roles/S : socializor
♬ CisID/S : subsys member, obsessive love disorder, black eyes, short hair, long streaks, characters creator
♬ TransID/S : transHeartPupil, transVampire, transNonHuman, transPoet, transAlbinism, permaUniform, transRomanian, transRaceFluid & nullAnxiety
♬ Source/S : n/a
♬ Appearance/S - u can change it if you want:
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♬ Name/S : Zakura, Dekia, Dakom, Mimi, Nekia, Dubi
♬ Pronoun/S : she/her, vit/vits, neko/nekos, deko/dekor, flu/fluff, cute/cutes, paw/paws, roll/rolls, soft/softy, kei/keii, :3/:3, 💗/💗, 🍧/🍧
♬ Age/S : 17 y/o
♬ Identity/IES : genderfae, strawboreamic, cufemian, prettypastelic, pawlexic, skygender, pinkgender, kittenlexic
♬ Orientation/S : lesbian, panplatonic
♬ Roles/S : stim holder
♬ CisID/S : subsys member, vitiligo, overAccesoried, brown-white hair, black eye and blue eye, short (157 cm, 5'6''), permaSmiley, american
♬ TransID/S : permaPigtails, transDekorakei, permaMask, transSugarAddicted, transKorean, transAsian (Thailand), transCatTail, permaNecklace, transDiscordUser
♬ Source/S : n/a
♬ Appearance/S - u can change it if you want:
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♬ Name/S : Arwen, Balin, Zirdan, Star, Holly
♬ Pronoun/S : they/them, it/its, ax/axe, rain/rains, elf/elfs, bi/biko, cake/roll, knife/knifes, cara/mel, choc/choco, dream/dreams, plu/plur, wish/wisher
♬ Age/S : agefluid (13-18)
♬ Identity/IES : caffèan, mochipawgender, gummysharkic, elfgender, foreststaric, agirl
♬ Orientation/S : reciproaroace, omnisexual (fem pref)
♬ Roles/S : urge holder, comforter
♬ CisID/S : subsys member, ambar eyes, white hair, elf, beauty marks, cute things lover, adventurer, relax, purple favorite color
♬ TransID/S : BlackRaceFluid, transTattoo, permaMakeup, transChilean, permaEarrings, permaBraids, transHumanTraits, transProshipper & transDepression
♬ Source/S : n/a
♬ Appearance/S - u can change it if you want:
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Now the question:
Why sub-system?
Answer: all of them are trans-races and trans-nationality, and they gonna appear at the same time, so they can be considered a group sub-system or a container sub-system! Choose what u want :b /gen
And remember u can re-request if this aren't what you expected!!
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ceoofmetagala · 3 months
Fecto silly the illy willy
Fecto cacti(concept)
Fecto fauna(evil flora)(mirror flora)/j
Fecto aspho
Fecto coffee( real, I made the degsin once as a joke to make a fecto sona when really I think the idea for fecto silly in my mind RN is the closet but this was like back in febuary I think)
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ojog-urotas · 5 months
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the jjk oc ever. love you aspho.
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asph-delus · 1 year
Hi everyone!
after recent events on Twitter, I decided to join Tumblr (actually, rejoin. I used to be here back in 2016...), to be able to keep sharing my works!
I'm Asphodels/Aspho, I go by he/him and I'm 18!
I both draw and write, so I'm gonna drop here a few of my favorite pieces and my AO3 link, for anyone who's curious...
my AO3:
And some of my works:
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as you can see, I mostly draw and write about BSD, but other fandoms I'm in are Moriarty the Patriot and Vanitas No carte!!
Thank you for reading, I'm hoping to meet many new people here!!
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missiodei · 2 years
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Possessed by this tweet. Non-bulge versions:
Aspho Shiver Ymir
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sulffer · 2 years
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icey! aspho - @dilftrolls
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pyxisastronautica · 10 months
X: Speaking very briefly and very generally on the overall state of bionic and non-bionic limb prosthesics within Hades.
Context to start with: around 4.5% of the total population possess limb prosthetics of some kind- quite high compared to the conditions of the Triskelion and even compared to pre-Exodus countries of means. Of those, nearly 70% are civilian-grade prosthetics used to aid those who have lost limbs from accidents or disease- the former occuring mostly in the dangerous conditions of the mining cities, Taros and Dis, and the latter most commonly being the result of severe frostbite during scheduled powerouts. The remaining 30% consist of combat-grade prostheses.
Civilian-grade prosthetics vary wildly in quality and make. Most health insurance plans only cover body-powered, socketed models, which require less upkeep but cause more discomfort and provide much less feedback compared to the pricier and more heavily integrated bionic models. In either case, they are at best able to match the needs of the lost functions, but cannot outperform them.
Combat-grade prosthetics, by comparison, are always of high-quality (relatively speaking) bionic make. They are inelegant and bulky by our standards, and the strain they cause on a human body is not inconsiderable. However, their power output rivals or somewhat exceeds the capacity of a about half of our crew and allows for rapid weapon deployment besides.
These, by contrast to civilian models, are typically installed not as the consequence of injury but as demanded by the contract an elite mercenary, or very rarely a police officer, has signed. Although the augmentation process "only" replaces the limbs and reinforces the spinal column, the soldier is thereafter considered entirely company or government property.
That is, incidentally, the cover that Uniform and Victor are using. They are considered to be highly advanced prototype cyborgs built by the CEO personally- almost all of their organic components entirely replaced save for a few essential organs. From my understanding of the situation, which I am thankfully quite distant from most of the time, it is being tepidly tolerated by existing officers that as the most indentured they are also being groomed for the highest levels of command.
This is also largely not touching on other forms of prosthetics for other bones or organs, nor on the more superficial cybernetic implants that exist to allow control of machinery or powered armor suits. Neither can I get into with enough brevity the extent of suffering which those who break their contracts or fail to make their loans face from repossession.
I am still very new to this city and have not established enough experience with it to hold any sway over its workings, but I am heavily considering taking leave when I can to visit Asphos the Seventh, where most prostheses and medicines are being developed. I do not consider myself a being inclined to politics, but theirs heavily impacts people across the entirety of Hades and may be worth...investigation, I suppose.
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Last minute Virgo propaganda
Voice claim is Eris (Sinbad) They are both hot evil women so it works.
Originally, she looked completely different. She had a more alien appearance, but was also a lot smaller and more blue.
If she had a boss theme, it would probably be this, but I have a lot of potential themes,,,
Ok so i'm just gonna speedrun all of the evil things she did don't mind me-
Created a tower full of demons promising that if any beings made it to the top they would receive any wish they desire. She wasn’t lying, but if you don’t make it to the top, you’ll receive a fate worse than death. Also you have to be,,,super powerful to even t h i n k of making it to the top. And your wish will most likely be corrupted, unless it has pure intentions.
Emotionally manipulated THREE ancient god weapons and somehow made their horrible lives even worse! Just for sillies tho.
Tortured this one guy by giving them everything they desired and then taking it all away and breaking them until they couldn’t feel pain anymore. Then, she gave them what they desired once more until they were mentally stable and,,,just took it all away again. Said person is now convinced their life is a lie and is extremely afraid of physical touch.
Later, she turned said person into a puppet by completely destroying their will and threatening them with horrible pain if they didn’t do what she said.
Mentally destroyed the embodiment of fate just for funsies.
Manipulated this one lady who has never had any human interaction into destroying planets/consuming souls for her. Unfortunately the lady viewed Virgo as a mother figure, and Virgo completely took advantage of that and very much altered the way “humans” were supposed to think. Occasionally Virgo left her alone while telling her that if she destroyed a certain number of planets she would return. One day Virgo just left, never to return and the girl was convinced that Virgo would not return until she destroyed enough planets. So yeah she killed so many people that an ancient hero that hadn’t been seen in ages showed up and forced her to sleep for like 100 years. Even the EMBODIMENT OF HUMAN EVIL (not Virgo, another guy) told her that she deserved better. And yes, she still thinks Virgo is a good/nice person.
Speaking of those ancient heroes, she cursed, corrupted, and broke all of them!
For Jehan, she corrupted his sister and he was forced to kill her, which caused him to be banned from the celestial realm. Then, she cursed him so that all of his regrets would haunt him as long as he was conscious.
For Merodach, a silly little jester fella who started the ancient hero group, she trapped them in an infinite labyrinth with no true escape, despite the ending always being in sight. Also what happened with Jehan. They were kinda dating.
For Indra, she cursed them so that they would be sealed until somebody summoned them with a request. Depending on the request, Indra could be consumed by corruption. (The rules are kinda complicated) He would get some free time, but it’s very likely that as soon as she’s done she’ll get sealed again. Oh and also she kidnapped his brother and Indra assumes that he is dead and it’s his fault. In reality, her brother is suffering in an eternal nightmare! Virgo forced him to fight an illusion version of Indra a bunch of times. Not fun!
Finally, for Asphodel, she slaughtered everyone she ever knew and loved in an attempt to access the astral realm. However, Asphodel didn’t even know how to do so, so Virgo just left her alive in hopes of her finding it out later. She did, becoming ruler of the astral realm, although she didn’t really want to. After cursing all of the other guys, Virgo showed up and tried to corrupt Aspho, but she fought against it and tried to fist-fight Virgo. (I should mention, Asphodel is 5’2, has weak limbs, and her hair weighs more than her body. Somehow this was actually the smartest thing she could have done in this situation) So yeah Virgo cursed her too. L.
She also cursed my only new york oc (yes, new york is canon in my oc-verse. Why? Because its funny.) so that he’s immortal, but is fated to die once every year. He doesn’t know how, he doesn't know what time in the day, he doesn’t know if anyone else will be involved, and he doesn’t know how many years have passed since this happened. Honestly she just did this for sillies too.
There’s also this steampunk Victorian detective guy that got cursed so that every time he dies, which is random, a little bit of his soul is taken away. He doesn’t know how much of it is gone, he doesn’t know how much is taken, but he is slowly losing more and more of himself. He got too close to figuring out the truth about Virgo, so she cursed him, sent him back to square one, and is now waiting to see if he can find the whole truth before his curse consumes him.
This is about it for direct things she’s done, but indirectly,,,,oh my god there’s so much more,,,
If you read all of this,,,wow, thanks. I know this is very long and probably very confusing, but I still hope you enjoyed reading about my evil little skrunkle. Here’s a drawing I kinda scrapped from an animatic that I didn’t like. But hey this turned out okay I think. (And I spent way too long on it lmao-)
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Thanks for reading!!! Have a great rest of your day!!!
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asphodeltime · 1 year
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Hi, I'm Aspho
I'm a time traveler happy to be in the present.
I stream story-rich games on YouTube and do live2d animations as well ^^
Art Tag: #artspho
You can find me here too!
⌚YouTube: https://youtube.com/@AsphodelTime/streams
⌚Twitter: https://twitter.com/asphodeltime
⌚Twitch: https://twitch.tv/asphodeltime
Please guide me through my tumblr journey 🙇
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frrrozi · 2 years
sorry to clutter ur inbox but. azem anon here again... would you consider releasing that aspho fending/sophist robe mashup at all? it's seriously gorgeous. I'm assuming the mask on it was also personally customized?
lmao its ok anon!! I would share it if it didn't have the custom mask on it ;-; I only do private edits for myself bc frankly speaking i don't know what am I doing most of the time, so I used my already edited sophist instead of the vanilla one to not fiddle with it for too long. But I think I saw someone (Sparrow maybe???) working on a similar, if not the same mashup on a discord server. I'm sorry I can't recall which one was it, there is just too many to keep up with x_x
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vermanaward · 1 year
actually the only thing funnier than that is all the bad healer main doomium on reddit
'this is proof healers are IRRELEVANT ultimates are BADLY DESIGNED healers should be MANDATORY there should be MROE DAMAGE'
like. a couple of months ago it was wall to wall posts about The Great Healer Shortage (even if nobody could agree on whether this was because aspho was too unchallenging for healers so they all got bored and quit, or if abyssos actually required them to press their fucking buttons and was thus too hard) and now it's THERE IS AN EXCESS OF POOR DEPRIVED HEALERS WHO WANT ONLY FOR AN ULT STATIC. HOW DARE PEOPLE WHO ARE OBSCENELY GOOD AT THE GAME BE OBSCENELY GOOD AT THE GAME
like i can't comment about statics but most of the healers i've met in ult pfs have a similar competency at their role to tumblr's reading comprehension but go off
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slaanxsh · 1 year
N’kari vs. Tz’arkan
Re-reading the Malus Darkblade series (I’ve only got 4 of the 7 books admittedly), and the more I learn about Tz’arkan, the more sure I am he’s probably up there in the top Six Keepers of Secrets which so far includes by my guesses: 
N’kari [ Canonically the Finest One]
Luxcious [ Ur-Slaanesh in AOS]
Tz’arkan [ Drinker of Worlds is a pretty metal title]
Aspho Mhel'Daraxes [ One of Slaan’s Six Top Courtiers; seen in the Vengeful Alliance]
Shalaxi [Self Explanatory (in 40k they DID get put in gay baby jail once lol)]
and a sixth, yet unknown Keeper (I like to think it’s Ssilvox, for sentimental reasons on the part of Slaanesh)
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megsdoodletag · 2 years
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old aspho raid doodles
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stealing-the-smp · 13 days
Member 7
The Part Demon
Lives by the End: 0
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Sides: Greater smp (current), Manburg(in the Manburg Pogtopia war did not live there), The Cult (before dying)
Age: Unknown
Species: Part demon
Gender: Male
Pronouns: any but mostly he/him
Sexuality: Bi and poly
Morals: Oh? None :D literally kids and pets are seen as tools to break by this guy
Goals: TBD but he is a part of the Cult
Likes: Pandas, Fire, The Nether
Dislikes: His shit getting destroyed
Allies: Patch, Nightshade, that’s like it
Enemies: Franklin, Asphodel, everyone he’s chaotic
Family: His dad is apparently nice but no one knows
Appearance: Aries wears black clothes mostly tshirts with red accessories also he has horns and a demon tail that has a little panda charm attached near the end and he’s got red eyes and black hair also he’s got little diamonds growing on him in certain locations
“I’m Aries and you talk too fancy Nightshade also your name is really long”
“Asphodel you too? I’m calling you Aspho on nice days and Ass on others”
“Oooooo pandas!!”
“We really adding him as royalty? Doesn’t that give you a lack of control Aspho?”
“I knew this wasn’t going to go well but Mahogany thanks for playing nice till now”
“Patch you’re adorable I can even pick you up….and Frank you’re i don’t know”
“Patch you’re my sweetheart my noodles my entire world and Franklin I guess you’re my duckie”
“Oh if you don’t know Franklin I have a number to block!”
“Oooooo yeah a cult sounds interesting especially with the nether theming!”
“Patch why are you pulling away from me? the cult? Then leave it’s my life not yours”
“I think I need to get drunk….”
“Oh I didn’t think I’d run into you here Frank eh”
“He chose me over you Frank sorry I’m truuuuuly sorry”
“Frank no no ow no no last life duc-”
This character is replacing
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