#assassin kirkland
auroramoon-draws16 · 1 year
Two in one night? Holy shit
Here’s another crossover idea that shouldn’t exist:
Assassin’s Creed x Hetalia
Mostly because I wanna see Desmond bumping into some of the nations and going “am I Bleeding or have I just met this guy before?” Because holy shit, his ancestors knows this motherfucker.
Bonus points if the nations know about the assassins, but just don’t give a shit or think they’re dope as fuck
Bonus bonus points the respective nation was good friends with Desmond’s ancestor
Extra points for pirate England working with Edward at one point, because lmao
Give me more fics of both these fandoms please
I do not get enough historical Hetalia fics and it h u r t s
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myrddin-wylt · 2 years
I love the idea of Arthur and alfred being father and son do you have any headcanons abt them??? I like that u mentioned Arthur can just spat out Alfred’s death as a kid randomly lol
it's a facade. Arthur "Stiff Upper Lip" Kirkland was deeply affected by all of Alfred's deaths (some more than others). it still bothers him in the modern day, which is actually exactly why he talks about it so often and so casually.
keep in mind that Jamestown was not the first English colony in the Americas - it was the first English colony in the Americas to not fail (and they came really, really damn close). Roanoke failed, several in Newfoundland failed, Cuttyhunk failed, Popham failed, as well as English attempts to establish colonies in Guiana, St. Lucia, and Grenada. so I think initially, it was not at all a guarantee for Arthur that Alfred would just wake up again. of course that would be terrifying for any parent.
overall, the 17th century was a rollercoaster for England - multiple civil wars, the interregnum, wars with rival powers, the great plague of London, the great fire of London, religious conflict, fucking Cromwell, multiple assassination plots, a bit of regicide, some uprisings, etc etc - and life in the early colonies wasn't exactly easier. so I think that for a period of time, Alfred was the one bright, shining spot of joy in Arthur's life, but it was a light that was constantly on the verge of flickering out. and England at this point is anything but a great power, so it'd be enough of a challenge for Arthur to take care of himself, much less a baby. this is in pretty stark contrast to when he'd have his other children, when the British were a much greater force to be reckoned with. and I think that as a result, the dynamic Arthur has with Alfred has a serious dose of trauma* involved that isn't really present for Arthur with his other children. it's kinda like the difference between a single teenage parent with his first child vs as an adult with multiple children and the resources and experience to support them. but like, magnified by 100.
there's also, I think, a lot of guilt on Arthur's part for all of this, for being such a failure of a parent, for being so unable to take care of his son to the point that Alfred, who loved him and thought he hung the moon, actually fought him to leave. and then, once gone, actually thrived without him. like that's gotta hurt. Alfred is basically a walking reminder of Arthur's worst failures and weaknesses, so while he's definitely Arthur's favorite and the family golden-child, he's also a bit of the scapegoat as well. like these two went from enmeshed to completely estranged and back to being joined at the hip. it's just all extremes with them. everything, every unhealthy coping mechanism, every bit of hope and ambition, every bit of fear, every bit of pride - it's all magnified with Alfred in a way it isn't for the others.
.*initially I was going to call this 'trauma bonding,' but apparently that term is very specific to cases of abuse. if anyone knows the term for the kind of bonding that happens between two people who have shared traumatic experiences, lmk.
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the-au-queen · 5 months
rules: in a new post, post the names of all the files in you wip folder regardless of how non descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet or tell us about it. and then tag as many people as you have wips
@hergan416 tagged my YGO account but since my WIPs are all over the place, Imma use this account instead hah Be prepared. I have a lot of WIPs
Additionally; due to the reasons listed above, I will add fandom/ships behind the file names. Italics: drabbles, no plan on publishing, mostly written for friends. Bold: multi-chapters in need of a new chapter.
This is going to be extremely long, so the Read More is more of a warning than anything.
Okay so. To not subject the poor souls I'm tagging to the horror of scrolling through the read more, I will tag them now.
@thenarcolepticone, @ami-v-dragnire, @forloveoflibertea, @moophinz, @egyptiansapphiredragons and @yuugisbarber
DMC exchange but make it a group project (Devil May Cry, Vergil/Dante)
A not entirely useful lesson in history (Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal, Gen)
Tell me how he touched you (One Piece, Robin/Dragon)
Nightly Visit (Yuukoku no Moriarty, Fred/Bonde)
Blind Mermaid AU That's Lacking A Title/Sonar (Hetalia, USUK)
How Angels Are Made (Hetalia, USUK)
The World Is Rotten (But I Need Your Help) (Yu-Gi-Oh VRAINS, Entrust)
some mpreg angst (Yu-Gi-Oh DM, Pride)
A Night With The Spirit (Avatar The Last Airbender, Zukaang)
Don't You Puyo With Me (Hetalia, USUK)
Prompt 1 (Yu-Gi-Oh DM, Gen)
Prompt 2 Yu-Gi-Oh DM, Pride)
(Not) Less Of A Person (Yu-Gi-Oh DM, Pride)
Touch Me (Yu-Gi-Oh DM, Pride)
You, Lovely You (Yu-Gi-Oh VRAINS, Entrust)
Let Me Blur Your Lines (Yu-Gi-Oh VRAINS, Entrust)
Seahorse (Yu-Gi-Oh DM, Pride)
Don't Call Me Daddy (Hetalia, USUK)
Press Me Up Against Your Lips
Into The Kaibaverse (Yu-Gi-Oh DM, Pride)
Fatal Meeting (Yu-Gi-Oh DM, Pride)
Our Transfer Student Can't Be This Cute (Miraculous Ladybug, Adrienette)
Like and Subscribe To My Heart (Hetalia, USUK)
Remnant (Mob Psycho 100, Gen)
Voice Pining or alternatively It's Been A While (Yu-Gi-Oh VRAINS, Datastorm)
I want to see you smile (Yu-Gi-Oh VRAINS, Datastorm)
Crimson Flavoured (Avatar The Last Airbender, Zukaang)
VRAINS Shipweek (Yu-Gi-Oh VRAINS, various)
Do You See Me (Yu-Gi-Oh DM, Pride)
The Spirit Of The Ring (Yu-Gi-Oh DM, Mage)
Play My Little Game (Yu-Gi-Oh VRAINS, Datastorm)
Fake Datastorm December (Yu-Gi-Oh VRAINS, Datastorm)
Roxanne (Hetalia, CanNyo!Eng)
Mirage (Hetalia, USUK)
Time travelling cardverse (Hetalia, USUK)
Seto following the Kaibaverse (Yu-Gi-Oh DM, Pride)
The Legend Never Dies (Hetalia, USUK)
Devoted Christian Halfblood (Percy Jackson, Gen)
Full Moon (Yu-Gi-Oh DM, Pride)
3chan (Yu-Gi-Oh DM, Pride)
People really liked the proposal AU (Hetalia, USUK)
Year of the OTP 2023 (various)
Rosa ft Arthur (Hetalia, Gen)
Belle Smut (Beauty and the Beast, Belle/Beast)
Basically Mona Rules Them All (Hetalia, various)
Unnamed Document (Yu-Gi-Oh DM, Pride)
KaruShuu Drabbles (Assassination Classroom, Karma/Gakushuu)
White Day fic Diurnal (Hetalia, USUK)
Shatter Me (Assassination Classroom, Karma/Gakushuu)
Drabble to adopt (Hetalia, USUK)
YGOME fem!Judai (Yu-Gi-Oh GX, Rival)
The Memory Of A Beloved (Yu-Gi-Oh DM, MokuSera)
Perfect Stranger (Hetalia, USUK)
Out Of The Dark (Yu-Gi-Oh VRAINS, Datastorm)
Money for Love/National Anthem (Hetalia, EngMona/USUK)
Oscar (Hetalia, USUK)
Among Mortals (Hetalia, USUK)
False Prince (AKA lame title) (Hetalia, USUK)
Ice Villain Fire Hero (Hetalia, USUK)
Deaf Werewolf Blind Vampire (Hetalia, USUK)
First Day Out (Hetalia, USUK)
Arthur Kirkland's Special Circumstances (Hetalia, USUK)
BuzzFeed Unsolved (Hetalia, USUK)
About Androids and Ancients (Hetalia, USUK)
Sam? Ham? Sham? (Hetalia, USUK)
Small....Big Blunder (Hetalia, USUK)
Arthur (Hetalia, USUK)
Blind, Deaf, Mute. (Hetalia, USUK)
Cookies and Slumberparties (Hetalia, USUK)
Youtube AU (Hetalia, USUK)
Ancient meets Sci-Fi (Hetalia, USUK)
Small dirty lizard thing (Hetalia, USUK)
More (inacurate) intersex England (Hetalia, USUK)
Self indulgent headcanon thing (Hetalia, USUK)
Sand Planet (Hetalia, USUK)
For Maiden (Yu-Gi-Oh VRAINS, Datastorm)
Comparsion and other hijinks (Yu-Gi-Oh, various)
German prideshipping (Yu-Gi-Oh DM, Pride)
Kissing Babies (all) (Yu-Gi-Oh, various)
Short short drabbles (Yu-Gi-Oh, various)
Drabble Games (Hetalia, Gen, various)
NSFW Drabble Games (Hetalia, various)
Tentacles 'n Stuff (Hetalia, USUK)
Rosa fucks monsters (Hetalia, Nyo!England/monster)
NSFW Request (Hetalia, USUK)
Two (2) of the WIPs listed don't have anything to identify them, as I don't remember what I made them for, and since they're empty docs, I'll just have to count on me remembering at some point in life. *shrugs* Not the first time this happened. I always remember at some point.
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oumaheroes · 2 years
I have to tell you that you linking IATD and Reset into the same world is absolutely brilliant because I can't get this out of my head:
The video of England being shot in the hotel room released to the public and Stephen just seeing that video and thinking 'Is that- is that LORD KIRKLAND?'
Because this eldritch creature who was your introduction after Canada to just how old and scary these nations can be, who has been proud and well-mannered to a fault around you, and who has disappeared from the public eye for literal years at this point working at a care home, has just been basically publicly assassinated online. I can't- Dirt has been shot!
I know this is so random, but it has been on my mind for literal DAYS and I had to let you know because your writing gives me life ❤️
Jdjdkdbdkdf7r7f!! I've never thought of this interaction before and now I'm ruined
Stephen accidentally finding out before any official report by innocently scrolling through Facebook memes and choking on his coffee in a panic because he knows that guy and oh GOD what does he do now??? Because everyone's joking it's CGI but that's Lord Kirkland so it's n o t
Matthew doesn't step more than one foot into the office before he's being dragged into a sideroom for the PM to awkwardly guess at how normal this all is whilst explaining that his dad is now dead
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harrison-abbott · 1 year
I was blogging about this the other day, but it’s worth a repeat; check out this film: it has a lot of valuable information and makes one think differently. 
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ao3feed-usukus · 5 months
Some people don't dance if they don't know who's singing
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/qv72npe by WhyHowdyThereExtras A certain James Franklin Abbott encounters a Kirk Adams whilst he's attempting to seduce a wealthy widow, one who's wanted in more ways than one. To his luck, it appears they share the same mission. Tension and hijinks ensue as they're introduced to one another. Needless to say, their aliases intrigue each other. Words: 1887, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Hetalia: Axis Powers Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: America (Hetalia), England (Hetalia) Relationships: America/England (Hetalia) Additional Tags: Hitman Jones, Assassin Kirkland, Aliases, Hitman and Assassin AU, USUK - Freeform, Sexual Tension, Suggestive Themes, no beta we die like men, Minor Original Character(s), not important lolol, Idiots in Love read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/qv72npe
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everyvhsiown · 1 year
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Detective Rick Santoro (Nicolas Cage) has never played by the rules. When he attends a high-profile boxing match with his friend Navy Cmdr. Kevin Dunne (Gary Sinise), as well as Defense Secretary Kirkland (Joel Fabiani), he witnesses a terrorist assassinate Kirkland. Despite a lockdown on the arena, key witness Julia Costello (Carla Gugino) escapes -- and Santoro begins to suspect Kirkland's death is part of a much larger conspiracy that involves boxing rivals and a beautiful stranger.
Release date: August 7, 1998
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governmentofficial · 1 year
@brassandblue continued from [x]
The assassin’s first mistake was going after Mycroft at close range.
Their second mistake was believing a hypodermic tranquilizer to the neck was enough to incapacitate something like Arthur James William Kirkland.
(It was not.)
Arthur could feel the hot chemical wave creeping through his veins as the tingling sensation spread out from his neck. It didn’t matter—a normal dosage for the average person would metabolize far too quickly in his system, and centuries of addiction to a variety of soporific substances had taught him how to fight that sweet, dreamy, poisonous feeling if it came in small amounts.
Arthur had been relaxing in Mycroft’s sitting room, enjoying a bit of nighttime peace and quiet and a good glass of wine. Such bliss had come to an abrupt end the moment he’d felt a prick in his neck however, and his instincts kicked on and he’d seized his assailant by the shoulders, then hurled them end over end onto a side table with a terrible crash.
The assassin, masked and in black, rolled to the side off the glass and shards of wood and broken lamp, jumped to her feet. Arthur jumped for her, but she was quick—a pistol with a silencer told him all he needed to know, but before she could fire on him, Arthur disarmed her, turned the pistol on her, and without hesitation double tapped two rounds between her eyes.
“Messy,” was his critique as her body fell, and he himself sunk into the nearest chair and placed the pistol carefully on the coffee table.
A hand strayed to his neck and he closed his eyes, knowing he would be in for a troubling few days as the familiar old urges began to cloud his mind.
Mycroft had been in bed. This wasn’t particularly normal for him - his typical preference was the stay up late and work - but he had been exhausted. Because of this, he hadn’t noticed anything unusual within the house.
Not quite asleep, he’d been half dozing in the dark when the peace of the night was suddenly disturbed by a loud crashing sound. Old habits died hard, especially old spy habits, and so Mycroft was up in a flash. He made it downstairs just in time to see Arthur fire the gun.
Mycroft wasn’t shocked. He had seen death before and undoubtedly would see it again. In fact, after the initial moment it took to register the fact that there was now a dead body on his floor, what distressed Mycroft the most was the fact that his rather nice table was now ruined. 
His thoughts then moved onto the situation at hand. Who was this person? An assassin, obviously, but sent by whom? And how had she got in? Mycroft could call somebody to clear up the mess, of course, but the whole process was going to be so very tedious. There would be questions and paperwork, and he certainly wasn’t going to get a good night’s sleep now.
First, though, there was something more important to deal with. Arthur was not new to this kind of thing, Mycroft knew that, but he looked a little off. That wouldn’t do at all.
“Are you quite alright?” Mycroft asked, knowing full well that the answer was not yes. He didn’t thank Arthur for his actions - he hoped that his gratefulness was obvious enough. While he did approach the other man’s seat, Mycroft did not make any move to touch him, unsure of whether or not it would be appreciated. 
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brassandblue · 1 year
The assassin’s first mistake was going after Mycroft at close range.
Their second mistake was believing a hypodermic tranquilizer to the neck was enough to incapacitate something like Arthur James William Kirkland.
(It was not.)
Arthur could feel the hot chemical wave creeping through his veins as the tingling sensation spread out from his neck. It didn’t matter—a normal dosage for the average person would metabolize far too quickly in his system, and centuries of addiction to a variety of soporific substances had taught him how to fight that sweet, dreamy, poisonous feeling if it came in small amounts.
Arthur had been relaxing in Mycroft’s sitting room, enjoying a bit of nighttime peace and quiet and a good glass of wine. Such bliss had come to an abrupt end the moment he’d felt a prick in his neck however, and his instincts kicked on and he’d seized his assailant by the shoulders, then hurled them end over end onto a side table with a terrible crash.
The assassin, masked and in black, rolled to the side off the glass and shards of wood and broken lamp, jumped to her feet. Arthur jumped for her, but she was quick—a pistol with a silencer told him all he needed to know, but before she could fire on him, Arthur disarmed her, turned the pistol on her, and without hesitation double tapped two rounds between her eyes.
“Messy,” was his critique as her body fell, and he himself sunk into the nearest chair and placed the pistol carefully on the coffee table.
A hand strayed to his neck and he closed his eyes, knowing he would be in for a troubling few days as the familiar old urges began to cloud his mind.
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coralcatsea · 1 year
Assassin Kirkland can’t decide whether Hitman Jones should live or die.
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her lovers
"i crave a love that could drown oceans" "come with me, and let's run away to our little twisted realm..."
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fandoms: - twisted wonderland - spy x family - hetalia - yuri on ice - assassination classroom - harry potter - percy jackson - marvel - kpop
the only ones that i hold dear in my heart...is you "this is my confession. as dark as i am, i will find enough light to adore you to pieces, with all of my pieces" - johnny nguyen
registered and married: riddle rosehearts - twisted wonderland azul ashengrotto - twisted wonderland cater diamond - twisted wonderland vil schoenheit - twisted wonderland
on the side: anya forger - spy x family (platonically!) alfred f jones - hetalia ludwig beilschmidt - hetalia francis bonnefoy - hetalia arthur kirkland - hetalia matthew williams - hetalia karma akabane - assassination classroom nagisa shiota - assassination classroom percy jackson - percy jackson apollo - percy jackson nico di angelo - percy jackson reyna ramirez-arellano - percy jackson thalia grace - percy jackson stray kids - kpop txt - kpop blackpink - kpop bts - kpop
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shippythesheep · 6 years
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WHOO!! President's Day finally gave me some time to turn this ol' doodle into a bookmark. If I do remember corectly, someone did mention something about a certain doodle becoming a bookmark in the past. I hope I guessed it right!
Anywho, idk how to really turn this into a bookmark, so I'm sorry for that. Though i would suggest printing this out and laminating it (or using clear duct tape over it) to turn it into one! If u do end up turning this into a bookmark, feel free to show me what ur new bookmark looks like! Ꮚ`ꈊ´Ꮚ
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USUK/UKUS Hitman Jones fanfic
words:1749 summary: Jones was just having a little fun, but somehow he ended up getting tried in court. Well, he supposed it was up to his Arthur to bail him out. Again. Most likely with a lot of murder involved. warnings: blood, murder, abusive-ish-kinda relationship, death mentions, physical harm, court proceeding that isn’t a court proceeding that might offend an ace attorney fan (a/n): well, I threw the truckload in here, didn’t i? Inspiration was from the many vines of Hitman Jones with SonReal’s “Can I Get A Wtiness?”, or, y’know, the one that goes “I am the man~” Enjoy! :D
“Your honor, if I may intrude-“
“Get your feet off ze table!!!”
“Geeze, judge, no need to be rude.”
I could feel stares on the back of my neck. I smiled, knowing the jury was paying very close attention.
Ah, yeah, I was in another courtroom this time, being tried again. It was just a little slip yesterday—myself having a bit of fun; it was simply by chance that they found me with blood on my hands. Luckily, they’d never find who it belonged too, though the murder reports frolicking around Ney York was enough for them to arrest and try a random stranger in an alley with his hands stained red. Ha ha.
Arthur would be so mad.
The courtroom was big, empty, comprising mostly of auburn wood and a marble floor. It would be easy to start a fire in here. The seats were wooden—and a little creaky. I liked the sound. I rocked back and forth on my heals, making the chair squeak, making the noise echo, and making the German judge in front of me look like he was about to have a stroke.
That would be nice, wouldn’t it? To kill someone without doing anything more than bouncing your heels.
“Stop it! You- you…! Ah, does this man not have a name?” The judge yelled and rand his fingers through a bunch of frayed papers on his desk, those of which he immediately began to organize into a neat pile. Ah, a neat-freak. Extremely easy to piss off.
“No, your honor, I was born nameless and covered in blood,” I declared with a grinning mouthful of teeth.
The judge’s blond brow twitched. “What are you saying?“
“Well, I ain’t lyin’! Not everyone’s born with a predetermined name and you can’t tell me you flew out of your momma’s vagina all squeaky clean!”
“Enough!” He growled and banged his hammer-thingy on his wooden thingy. The already quiet courtroom seemed to hush even more. Above the angry German, the clock read 11:56, almost noon. The harsh sunlight was already beaming through the windows to the right.
“You,” The judge started again. “You have no name, no record, no face recognition. Who are you? A foreigner?”
“Maybe, maybe not. I could be Japanese for all you know.”
He tucked in a breath. “You—! Be straight with me, young man!”
“Sorry, I’m, like, really gay and I find dicks hot so it’s a no-can-do there!”
He gaped like a fish, surprise on his face. A snicker or two came from the jury stands before he silenced them with his hammer.
“Listen here! You have numerous offenses already—refusal to cooperate is one of them! Having no records makes you highly suspicious. This cannot be tolerated. I am breaking numerous procedures here and it pains me so, but answer me one thing, if you will not answer anything else! Whose blood was on your hands and what were you doing with that baseball bat?”
The judge leered, inching forwards with his hands on the table. He was daring me, behind his glasses. I offered a lazy stare behind mine. Above him the clock read 11:59
“Uhh, I plead the fifth?”
His hands were rammed on the table and he collapsed back in his chair. Then he was fixing up the disturbed pile of papers.
“Hey, what kind of trial are you running here, judge-y?” I teased, leaning back on my arms behind my head and bringing my legs up on the table. “No prosecutor, no defendant. Just you and, uh, the jury?”
“I’m early. They arrive at noon. And you have no rights to speak to me!” He snapped.
“You have no rights to speak either, bro. We’re in the same boat. What? I don’t even get a lawyer?”
Right, on the spot, the clock reading 12 noon, the double doors on the other side of the room burst open in a flurry and all heads were turning. In walked a blond man in a posh, tailored, black suit, outfitted with a nice green necktie. He had a briefcase in one hand, a phone in the other, and shades over hidden eyes.
“I am Lovino Vargas, replacement lawyer for the defendant, your honor,” he introduced, Italian accent heavy, as he came to drop his suitcase next to me.
“Um, Mr. Vargas. Ah—w-wasn’t Feliciano supposed to be his—“
“My brother cannot come today. He has gone down with the cold, you see. I replace him for today.”
With a quick scan of his papers, the flustered judge nodded an affirmation. “So you will.” He breathed, relaxed, and slumped subtly into his chair. His fingers, however, remained fidgeting with the papers.
And the man sat next to me, unwilling to look my way. Still, I grinned at the sight of thick, fuzzy eyebrows above the shades.
I leant in with a whisper, “Hey, Arthur.”
“Shut up, Jones.” He muttered quietly, lips barely moving. “Jesus Christ, must I rescue you every time, you good for nothing idiot?”
“I recall a time I rescued you, Artie.”
“Shut it.”
The jury had begun to mutter and the judge was, once again, distracted by his papers. They were waiting for the rest of the court. They would never come.
“Hey, Art, when’s it gonna go off?”
“About 12:04,”
“But that’s about-“
“Oh! For the love of god!” He cried out loud, throwing his hands up in the air. The jury and judge immediately turned to him and I tucked myself into my seat, hands in my lap and head down looking meek and embarrassed.
“This, this criminal has to use the restroom, your honor! He has been bugging me for the past minute. Please, to appease this man, may I take him there?”
Despite the strange sentence, Arthur’s was as convincing as always; his voice was a holy grail of genuine emotion and persuasion. And he pulled it off, for the judge fumbled and blinked.
“Ah, y-yes. Take, um, take a guard, will you?”
Two were posted at the front door. Wearing all black, bullet-proof vests and carrying a rifle each. Arthur pulled me up from my seat. How would he handle this?”
“Oh, your honor, may we take both of these men? I do not trust this criminal.”
“Um, y-yes! You shall. Go on, then.”
Maybe it was just this guy being terrible at his job, or maybe Arthur had gotten something in his drink earlier. Whatever it was, I grinned happily.
“Thanks, Mr.Vargas. Man, I really gotta do number two, if you know what I mean.” I stated as I walked down the aisle. Both guards each took one of my arm and Arthur walked behind them.
We emerged into a brightly lit hallway that took a sharp turn just three doors down. The floor was the same white marble and a potted plant stood in the corner. I had a feeling that the bathroom was a long way off.
Upon turning the corner, everything looked the same for a long way, but the pressure on my arms were immediately relieved.
I turned to Arthur who had a bloodied stainless-steel knife in his hands. He was posed casually with his arms at his sides and stood above two crumpled heaps of black-clothed guards. He knelt, wiped the knife off on a guard’s shoulder, and stuck it back in his inner breast pocket.
“Come on, Jones,” Sighed Arthur and he began to walk down the hallway. I followed at his heels, grinning.
“Thanks, babe.”
“You don’t call me that, you fucking idiot.”
“Aw, c’mon, don’t be like that!” I couldn’t help my giggle.
Immediately, I was pulled into a room and thrown to the floor. It was an office room, with a meeting table, a few chairs, some filing cabinets and a long window on the other wall.
Arthur stood above me, sneering, his shades now off and his green eyes glinting with anger. He locked the door.
“You absolute fool!” He spat, now back to his old British accent. “Do you realize how much danger you’ve put us in? They know your face now, Alfred! You are a lead to them now.”
“Relax, Art. A fire’s gonna break out in their records room after your bomb goes off, and I put a bug in their system so it’ll crash for a bit. Also, I deleted every little bit of record they have on me, so no worries!”
Despite my obviously brilliant justification, I was met with a harsh slap to the side of my head. I laughed.
“Fucking idiot! Think you’re so cunning, so brilliant, so sneaky. You think you’re the best hitman that’s ever been, huh?” Another smack, harder, drawing blood from my lips. The iron taste… delicious. “you’re nothing but a helpless fuck who I have to bail out every time you get caught!” Another lie from him. Another smack from him. “Useless!”
“If I’m so useless, dear Artie, why do you save me each time? Why not let me rot?” I grinned, excited, biting my lip just to get another drop of that metallic taste.
And Arthur smiled back.
“Because, dear Alfie,” he said, gently cupping my chin in the hand he used to hurt me. “I don’t plants seeds just to throw away my harvest.”
In the distance, the explosion went off. The bomb in Arthur’s suitcase which would have killed everyone in that court—everyone who’d seen my face. A vibration that shook the room at the edge of my fuzzy vision. Neither of us acknowledged it.
And he licked my lip, tasted my blood, sent a shiver down my spine, before he got up and offered a helping hand so I could do the same.
And it was always like this. Well, not always.
He had to find me first. He had to break me first. He had to quench my spirit with sharp words, harsh beatings, and biting psychological hurt. He had to crush my mind and body, before resurrecting me with a renewed vigor, a different flame, a different spirit. He brought me back half-dead, and that was why I’m alive.
No, I’m not the old me. No, I’m not flawless, I’m not the best. That was Arthur. I don’t say sorry, I don’t care about manners. I’m not perfect.
But I am who I am, the man Arthur broke into shape. And he’ll keep breaking me as he pleases, despite it being enough, because in his logistics, why not?
Yeah, I love him for that.
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hetaliafucker · 3 years
For those that want to hear England's voice but can't watch the dub yet, I quickly threw this together. It's only short but Steven Kelly does such a good job!
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“Thanks for Staying.”
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omniishambles · 3 years
        ARTHUR || @brassandblue​         continued from here !
        * * *
“Squirrels are always shifty,” he replied easily. “The little buggers are like small, adorable capitalists–insatiable thieves and bloody innumerable.”
Arthur liked most animals, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t allowed to judge them.
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 Sherlock gave a quizzical smile, lips twitching upwards to one side, a frown gently marring his brow. He was amused, but he also hadn’t expected that answer. For the other man to agree with him on the subject of squirrels, of all things, but he appreciated the answer nevertheless.
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   “Highly intelligent creatures. I’ve no doubt they’d be capable of malice if they put their tiny minds to it.”
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