#assassin's creed one-shot
isa-belle1367 · 4 months
So this is gonna be my AU where all of desmonds ancestors follow desmond around in spirit form (also including other assassins who aren't his ancestors), but this little story is taking place during ac3 when William hit desmond so...ya (this is probably gonna be really bad lmao) also plz do not ship desmond with anyone most of them are related, that's weird
Btw Kass isn't here bc she is still alive, so alexios is here instead
I woke up from the animus, still shocked about what I had heard. Haythem was a Templar.
I always got weird vibes from haythem, but I never thought he would be a Templar.
Over to my left, Altair was sitting on the floor next to Malik, I knew Rebecca and Shaun couldn't see them, not unless they allowed themselves to be seen. Which worked in my favor, I wouldn't even know where to begin to explain this
I wasn't even fully sure what they were or why they were here. At first, I thought it had something to do with them being my ancestors, but with Malik here, I knew that couldn't be the case. Bayek and Aya had also confirmed this.
Altair glanced at me and smiled before going back to his conversation with Malik, which was fine by me because I had more pressing matters to worry about.
"You all saw that, right?" I asked while sitting up.
"Wow," Rebecca looked shocked
"Wow indeed," shaun said, nodding
I glanced to the side, Connor was sitting with his head down. Connor had just started showing up recently, but I already liked him, so it hurt me to see him sad, especially over his father being a Templar.
"The key must be the amulet haythem took from London." I said
Bayek came up behind me. "Your father is behind you."
I nodded, I knew most of my ancestors didn't really like my dad, so they always took it upon themselves to warn me when he was near.
I heard my dad speak up. "We might know what it looks like, but we are no closer to finding it. Desmond, you need to keep going."
I stood, turning to my dad. Next to him, Altair and Malik were now up, glaring daggers at him. Well, everyone was except for Rebecca and Shaun, but Altair and Malik looked ready to gut him.
I could feel their rage, everyone's rage. I guess it comes with having ghosts following you around. You get to feel their emotions.
"Hey, he's your ancestor too. Why don't you hop in the animus?" Normally, I wouldn't have said anything, but it was really hard not too when I felt the anger of 9 people flowing through me.
"Really? That's your response? It's like dealing with a 6-year-old." He stated rolling his eyes
If I thought Altair looked angry before now, he looked furious, but Altair wasn't who I was focused on. It was Connor. Out of everyone, his rage was the strongest. I glanced over and saw Edward next to Connor. At least Edward is there to keep him somewhat calm.
"What is wrong with you, desmond?" William asked, walking around the animus to get closer to me.
I walked over to him, I could feel my rage boiling over
"You wanna know what's wrong? I'm sick of being treated like I'm not even here! Desmond, do this. Desmond do that. Desmond, you better figure things out, or the sun will kill us all.
And I know I was really nice to you, but I'm actually just another Templar plot twist. And yes, I would very much like for you to be controlled by a magic space wizard so that you can murder me. So there's your answer. I'm sick of being your pawn. I thought you might be different, but it turns out you're no better then the fucking Templars."
I had no clue why I said all of that. All of my rage that I had felt since I had been taken by abstergo had just seemed to boil over.
But before I could even register what I had just said, pain shot through my face. I stumbled back, shocked, and then I was blinded by a bright flash.
I looked over to see my dad flying to a wall, with Altair and ezio already running towards him with murder in their eyes.
I cursed, sprinting after them
"Altair, Ezio! Stop!" I called out
Luckily, my dad wasn't too far, and I was able to get to him quickly, but the bad news was that Altair and ezio were quicker and already had their weapons drawn. Along with bayek, Jacob, and evie.
"Altair, don't hurt him, you too, Ezio. Bayek, if you shoot my dad, I'm confiscating your bow and Jacob if you throw that bomb. I swear." I called out.
Altair and ezio frowned at me, clearly disappointed, bayek lowered his bow, and Jacob whispered something to evie.
"Jacob, if you're planning something, stop it."
I sighed, I loved these guys, but they can really be a handful sometimes.
"What they hell was that?" My dad said.
Oh, right, I forgot that to him. He just randomly got blasted across the room, then saw me yelling at seemingly nothing.
I was about to say something, but Alexios was standing behind my dad holding a sword, looking like he was about to spear my dad
I groaned and held my hand out. Alexios rolled his eyes before handing me the sword. It materialized in my hand, I put the sword against the wall before turning back to my dad, who now looked even more frightened
I rubbed my eyes. How the hell was I going to explain this.
Before I could figure out what I was going to say, Malik appeared next to me, but now he didn't appear as transparent. He was still transparent, but you could only tell if you looked long enough. He had made himself visible.
He grabbed my face, examining it. "Your nose is bleeding, though it doesn't appear to be broken."
I glanced at my dad, the poor man looked horrified.
I turned to him, pulling away from Malik. I offered a hand to him.
"Why don't you go have Shaun and Rebecca make sure you're not hurt, I'll explain everything in a second."
Malik grabbed my arm, raising an eyebrow. He gave me a look that said, "Are you sure about this."
I nodded, and he let go of my arm. "You're too kind for your own good." He stated in Arabic
After helping my dad up and making sure he could still walk, I turned to Altair and ezio.
"Really? he punched me, and you threw him into a stone wall!" I said exasperated.
Malik handed me a tissue, "Your nose is still bleeding."
"Not the point." I said while I dabbed at my nose with the tissue
I noticed Shaun, Rebecca, and William starting at me. "You know there is no point in keeping yourselves hidden now." I announced to my ancestors.
Jacob grinned, making himself visible along with evie. Bayek and Aya followed, then connor and Edward, and soon everyone was visible.
I glanced back over at shaun and Rebecca, and now they looked scared but also extremely confused. I sighed, I should probably explain everything to them before scolding Altair for throwing my dad.
I began to walk over to them, but bayek appeared next beside me, grabbing my shoulder
"Are you sure you don't want us to....handle your father." Bayek asked in Egyptian.
"No, you are not going to harm my dad mentally, emotionally, or physically." I responded in Egyptian. I didn't think my dad needed to hear that a bunch of skilled assassins wanted him dead.
I walked over to William and the others, ezio and Connor, following closely. I smiled. ezio had been kinda protective over me since he first came here, and while I hadn't gone through connors memories yet, I had a pretty good idea why he was weary of my dad.
"So I guess I should explain."
sorry if this is bad. This is very rushed, but I have had this idea in my head for about a week
Btw in case I didn't name everyone, the assassins following desmond are Altair, Malik, ezio, Aya, bayek, evie, Jacob, Connor, and Edward, (haythem shows up sometimes with shay)
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itseivwhore · 1 year
♡ 𝑪𝒐𝒖𝒑𝒍𝒆'𝒔 𝒅𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 ♡
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Valentine special, day 11th : “Couple's dance”
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Pairing : Edward Kenway x fem Reader 
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Summary : While patiently waiting for Edward to come back from some business affair around Great Inagua, from the balcony you were leaning into, you heard cheerful melodies coming from the dock. Unable to resist curiosity, you decided to walk near the tavern, quickly joining the collective amusement...thanks to Kenway, of course.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Author's note: I'm incredibly sorry if I'm one day late, also because I promised myself I wouldn't skip a day, but it was over the weekend and well here we are ;( BUT for you all to forgive me, I made this way longer than the last one shot I wrote + I even added some lyrics from one of the songs you can actually hear while standing near the taverns of pretty much all the cities/villages in AC Black Flag! I thought it was a cool idea, so if you want to give it a listen, here's the link!
Ps. I miss writing for Edward so much oh my gOD.
*˚ .♡⋆゚ˊˎ -
The gentle lapping of the waves as they slowly washed up on the beach, together with the gentle, rhythmic sound of the cicadas singing, lent a peaceful, relaxing atmosphere that reigned unperturbed over the island. From the vast and airy balcony of the manor house where you were currently standing, you had a wide view of the beach and the pier, paying no attention to the darkness that embraced everything; your eyes immediately adjusted to the few, warm and soft lights coming from both the small bonfires on the beach and the numerous candles in the tavern.
Everything around you was motionless and surrounded by shadows, were it not for numerous fireflies that seemed like quick flashes of light dancing, suspended in the air. Sitting on a large, comfortable chair you had managed to get outside, that sort of strange, rhythmic dance caught your attention for a while, distracting you.
After you had lost yourself in watching the pretty insects, you looked away and noticed that a sultry, warm breeze was shaking the tree branches, even causing the sails of the Jackdaw, anchored near the dock, to move slightly. You also noticed the sailors who, having finished their respective jobs on the ship, jumped off and made their way to the tavern... from which immediately arose light-hearted laughter, joyous singing - and even some light brawling, which the wind carried to your ears.
A bored sigh came out of your mouth, your patience running thin with each passing moment without Edward by your side. It was now an hour since Edward left you in the manor alone, saying he had to meet with one of the villagers down the beach to arrange a deal; he hadn't given you much information, leaving you only with a promise, saying he would be right back and you would spend the rest of the evening together, you in turn promising to stay there and wait for him...leaving a gentle kiss on your temple before disappearing into the darkness of the night, leaving you hopeful, waiting for him with such trepidation.
Trepidation that became anxiety, which faded into boredom and tiredness, thinking of the Captain's return while you were aimlessly watching the people far away from you in the distance.
Getting up from your chair, you turned your steps towards the balustrade and, leaning on it with your elbows, you began to look at the tavern and listen to the harmonious and cheerful sound of the songs that the sailors, together with the innkeepers, sang at the top of their voices. All that vitality, all that fun that was like an omniscient presence in the atmosphere of the island, only spurred you more and more to leave the manor and join in the commonl fun.
You looked over your shoulder, behind you, seeing the large chair you have been sitting on for almost a hour, pondering if to leave once for all and give in to your temptation, or if to keep on patiently waiting for Edward to come back, biting your lips at your indecision.
After all, you weren't going to be gone for long, you just wanted to relieve the boredom and waste some time, and you'd be back before he even returned. After all... if Edward hadn't returned until then, how could he ever return just when you weren't there? It really would have been a coincidence, wouldn't it?
And so, happily and firmly slapping the stone balaustra when you finally made up your mind, you swiftly jumped over the balcony, quickly walking down the cliff towards the dock, a satisfied little smile on your lips as the lights and the voices grew stronger and louder.
~ ~ ~
"We like to sneak out without keeping our promise, eh, sly fox?" countless emotions and thoughts overpowered your mind and body as soon as you heard that all too familiar voice and mocking grin; the need - the urge to flee, to run away or even to throw yourself into the water violently seized you as soon as you saw Edward walking towards you.
It had been a while since you had finally arrived at the tavern, taking a seat not far from the counter, silently enjoying yourself amidst the laughter of the sailors and the melodious voices of some young women, singing accompanied by violins; some couples were dancing merrily among the tavern tables, their quick steps on the wooden planks echoing in the air. You watched and savoured everything attentively, and the anxiety of having to return to the manor before Edward, was now long gone.
But as soon as your eyes caught sight of a tall, blond figure walking slowly towards your table, a slight panic took hold of you: not so much that you could do anything though. What could you possibly have done? He had obviously already seen you, you could feel his piercing blue eyes in the distance; there was no reason to run away after all. Edward could be very magnanimous when he wanted to be... plus his laid back expression and his quiet footsteps put you more at ease.
And here he was, standing tall and proud before you in his usual attire, hood down resting on his shoulders as he was looking down at you, who held his inquisitive gaze, without breaking eye contact. His rhetorical question, said in such a mocking tone and him leaning in more towards you, made you feel slightly in awe.
The captain received only silence in response: you did not know what to say or what excuse to make up. But you knew that Edward was as magnanimous as he was cunning, and it was useless to lie to him as he would immediately discover your lies. In short, it wasn't worth it, and the only thing to do was to keep looking at him with a straight face.
"I was just coming back, it was just a matter of seconds," he continued in an upset tone, raising his eyebrow and pointing with a vague gesture of his hand to the cliff in the distance.
You became lightly shocked in hearing his almost disappointed words, rising one of your eyebrows in a questioning look. Were you wrong, or was he trying to give you the fault, as to excuse himself for his own wrongs? But as you looked in his eyes, you noticed cheekiness twinkling in the blue of them, also finally seeing his usual smug smirk plastered on his lips. He was just genuinely teasing you– as always, and you know he enjoyed seeing you flustered just for the fun of it.
And so, hit by realisation, you decided to play his game, straightening your back as you leaned forward towards him, hands playing with the flame of the candle on the table.
"Seconds which became minutes...and minutes which became a hour. You didn't keep your promise" you replied defiantly, mimicking his grin, stressing each one of your words, reminding him of his own broken promise.
Edward seemed to be taken aback at your biting words, at which he let out an amused little chuckle, lowering his head and shaking it as he clicked with his tongue.
"I was looking for you, but I see someone is so impatient" he uttered with a low voice, murmuring this near your ear when he leaned in down to your face, placing a hand on the back of the chair, his stubble slightly brushing on your cheek.
"I apologize, Kenway" you breathed out with just a low voice, reaching out with a hand towards his cheek, caressing it, then sliding it down to his jaw and chin, touching his strong neck before playing with his necklace, smelling humidity and salt on his tanned skin.
"There should be a Captain in there somewhere" Edward whispered back in a suggestive tone, his nose nudging your sweet spot near your ear, making you shiver; drawing him closer and closer to you with both you mannerisms and voice, for then placing both of your hands on his chest, pushing him away from you, laughing in seeing his astonished expression.
Continuing to laugh you nodded to him to go get something to drink at the counter, and he obeyed as he gave you a wink; returning to your table with two glasses of rum, he sat down opposite you, saying nothing as you both watched the people dance in front of you.
"So how did the meeting go?" you asked loudly enough so that you could be heard, as the violins and voices only increased as you drank some of your rum.
"Everything's already sorted out, we just need to discuss where to build the brothel" he explained as he vaguely gestured over the houses; as he kept talking about his business in the small village, he somehow and sometime got distracted by glancing his sailors with their companions, who kept on quickly dancing around the tables, sometimes even stumbling over your own.
"This place changed a lot. I really like the tavern and the people, and how lively the atmosphere is" you expressed your thoughts loudly, gazing all over you and bittersweetly grimacing at remembering how lame and miserable the village was when you and Edward firstly arrived here; smiling fondly in seeing how much Great Inagua changed thanks to Edward's efforts...and money. You knew– and understood the need of Edward to find a new place to call home: to feel like home. And you always have supported him however you could.
You wondered why he was not giving you an answer, and when you turned in his direction, you saw him shift his gaze from the dancing couples to you, and vice versa. Your eyes met, and somehow you immediately understood what he had in mind when he chugged down all the rum, for then slamming the empty glass on the table, some droplets flying around.
"Dance with me" he said from all of sudden with a decisive voice and firm expression, not giving you the time to realize what was about to happen: the Captain was already standing before you, towering over you. In the heat of the moment you didn't had time to properly think about his sudden proposal: but his outstretched arm, him offering you his opened hand and his encouraging and trustworthy smile made you immediately accept, throwing away any doubts or insecurities. After all, you decided to go to the tavern because you were bored and you wanted to have some fun. So why denying? Why denying a dance to your lover, who was so willingly and happily giving you his hand?
And so, widely smiling, you grabbed his hand and squeezed it, letting him pull you up from the chair, grabbing your waist as you placed one hand on his broad shoulder, for then finally starting to dance.
It had been a while since you had danced with someone, in that carefree way, not particularly following the rhythm of the cheerful music, not feeling embarrassed when by accident and emotion both you and Edward stepped on each other's feet, laughing amused at your awkwardness. Stumbling and colliding with other couples, not stopping for a moment except to drink and kiss each other appassionately and hastily, tongue crashing, tasting the alcohol on each other's lips, keeping on dancing, breathless, body against body, feeling each other's fanning breaths on your sweaty necks.
Spinning around the tables and other people, dancing wildly and messily for all the night, the ashen light of the moon and the hundreds of stars which enchanted you when Edward knocked you backwards, only to pick you up again soon after; your neck exposed to him who, inches away from your chest and leaned down on you, left a searing kiss on it, feeling him smile against your skin.
Seeing your wheezes, your hearts beating wildly in your chests and your heads that were spinning both from the twirls and the alcohol, you both decided that it was enough for that night. All the sailors and the women were passed out, some on the damp wooden floors, some on the chairs and some even on the tables... and some vomiting as they looked out over the water.
You and your lover found shelter in a corner away from everyone, still near the tavern, not too far away not to hear a last tune that one of the few awaken sailors was singing alone. Edward was sitting on his chair, and you on his lap, head laying on his chest, smelling his natural perfume, delicately lulled both by his now calm heartbeat and by the crackling produced by the small waves who hit on the Jackdaw.
Just when you were about to fall asleep, eyes closed and snuggled so close to him, your hands clasped around the back of his neck, you heard him humming something under his breath:
"Here's a health to the dear lass that I love so well, for her style and her beauty, sure none can excel..." smiling fondly when you recognized that he was softly singing along the lyrics of the song of the sailor.
"...there's a smile on her countenance as she sits on my knee" your smile only grew wider, your heart skipping a beat and shivering as he started to murmur the melody closer to your ear, his hands securely holding you.
"There's no men in this wide world as happy as me" he stopped to sing, falling silent and you bet that you could still hear his soothing voice lingering on the air and on the breeze.
"I didn't know you could sing so well" you joked in a sleepy voice, giggling amused when you felt his body shake for his chuckle.
"I used to sing a lot to myself while doing commissions around Bristol for my parents, when I was a boy, sweetheart" Edward answered as he played with a lace of your clothes, hearing a nostalgic veil covering his words, you humming as you tried to imagine his youth.
Silence returned to take hold of you both as you relaxed in each other's embrace,you giving one last glance at the tavern, at the people, at the village and at least, at the manor on top of the cliff
"Do you think this can feel like your new home?" you softly asked, almost scared of the answer he might would have given you when he didn't immediately answered you; pondering his words before your felt him placing his cheek on top of your head.
"Yes, it can" he whispered, feeling him squeeze your waists "with the right people"
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auroramoon-draws16 · 1 year
Two in one night? Holy shit
Here’s another crossover idea that shouldn’t exist:
Assassin’s Creed x Hetalia
Mostly because I wanna see Desmond bumping into some of the nations and going “am I Bleeding or have I just met this guy before?” Because holy shit, his ancestors knows this motherfucker.
Bonus points if the nations know about the assassins, but just don’t give a shit or think they’re dope as fuck
Bonus bonus points the respective nation was good friends with Desmond’s ancestor
Extra points for pirate England working with Edward at one point, because lmao
Give me more fics of both these fandoms please
I do not get enough historical Hetalia fics and it h u r t s
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joefermaint · 1 year
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tamiisnthere · 1 year
If you choose some option, please write me some idea/s, thank you! 💗
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Flintlock pistol gun circa 1715-1722 =/= modern guns
It should not be treated as such. It does not automatically grant one some magical substantial advantage in a battle, moreso if the opponent is aware you have one
Flintlock pistol was a close-range weapon that used lead ball bullets. Not only it was finicky and prone to misfiring (which got worse if not properly maintained), it was a single shot gun whose bullet deformed quite easily and did not fly far
(and may whichever deities you worship help you if moisture got inside and made gunpowder into poorly flammable piece of rock)
Also note that lead is a soft metal. It’s not the same as modern bullets, either. And modern bullets have issues penetrating metal. So against a well made metal shield? A lead bullet has even less chance
So even if you have two flintlocks, at max you have two shots at close range after which you have to reload. That is, if you have the distance to do that before the opponent reaches you
Game mechanics is one thing. Actual weapons are another
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ysandran · 2 years
The chain softly tinted between his finger at every move he made. The gold shine under the sun reflecting the nobleness of the metal used for such a symbolic object. The young man had been careful at assembling the object, he had stolen a fair amount of money to obtain this small reliquary to hold the remains of a loved one. The object itself was of great simplicity, a gold chain, a box with a glass pane on it, which made it possible to guess the contents. Turning the precious between his fingers the contents revealed itself to the young man who closed his eyes for a moment as his free hand closed over a similar object already pressed against his chest. The phalanx that contained the object was still covered with a piece of swarthy skin that had once, not so long ago, been attached to the hand of the brother of the person to whom he was going to hand over the profane reliquary. He had been diligent in designing the object, and although the dead man did not share his faith, he had cleaned the bone with holy water, taking care not to damage what was still on it. The rats had feasted on the remains of the young man and Christian in his task had done the same, he had meticulously recovered everything that was salvageable from the sandy floor of the temple.
Altaïr had given him the mission "You were his best friend I can't ask Malik. " the man had marked a pause "I should go myself, but I can't because of my position as a mentor, that's why I'm asking you Christian." The older man's words had chilled the younger man's blood, the injustice of the situation gripped his heart, Altair had broken his heart and when he finally managed to apply a still fresh balm to it Altair came to destroy his work. Christian had simply nodded and left, heading for Jerusalem to complete his mission. He had not spoken to Malik about it, what could he have told him? How?
When he entered the temple, time seemed to stop. Since the failed mission, time had stood still in the once sacred place. A shiver ran through the young man's body as he made his way through the building with a torch in one hand and a shroud in his second. He didn't know what to expect but the further he went, the tighter his throat became. Suddenly he heard the echo of a crack and a shape under his leather boot. His blood ran cold and he looked down to see what was under his foot. An inert, scarily thin, skeletal form. The man had been dead for a while, the bones were already digging through the skin, the rats had already been there. He bit his cheek to keep from reacting too loudly. Altair's first failure, the first betrayal against their creed was under his foot. The man had stood in the way. Slowly he continued on his way, trying to ignore the ghosts of the past that haunted the place, when suddenly he saw it, facing him. Carved into the rock, the temple revealed itself to him magnificently, he could not turn back. Slowly he climbed down to face the structure where the fight had taken place. The stones that had blocked the path were still in place. Not to repeat his previous mistake he carefully lit each of the braziers that dotted the room. Slowly, hesitantly at first, the light revealed the dusty room, the floor still stained with the blood that had flowed into the room. The once sacred ground was now soiled. Here and there he could guess where the Templars had fallen. They had been lucky enough to be picked up by their brothers. Their brothers had not let them down. Kadar had been waiting for it for a long time. As he looked around the room his eye suddenly caught a brown streak in the corner of the room. He swallowed before slowly following it and suddenly stopping. The toe of his foot touched the toe of a leather boot worn down by lack of maintenance. Without realising it the young man found himself kneeling before the form, his trembling hand reaching for the hollow, dry cheek that had once been warm, soft to the touch of his palm. Gently his thumb caressed the dry skin which crumbled at the touch. In the same gentle way Christian placed himself beside the form, he tried to calm the flow of tears without success before kissing the dry lips, what was left of them. He wished he could have told him so much more, how much he had loved him, loved him and would love him. He stood for many hours beside the corpse in the temple, his hand resting on what remained of his lover's thigh.
His work to recover the remains of his lover had lasted several hours, he had carefully arranged the remains in the shroud, he had to find the bones scattered around by the rats, he had to recover the meagre possessions that the young man had taken with him. In his search he had managed to find the phalanxes of the younger Al-Sayf's hand and without really thinking he had placed two of them in his purse, he wanted to keep a souvenir of his lover. At the same time, he carefully retrieved a curl of hair still attached to the dead assassin's skull to keep it close to his heart. Once everything was in place he slowly, almost solemnly, left the temple with the shroud in his arms, against him. When he finally emerged from the ruins the sun had gone and the moon was high in the sky. Still moving in the same gait, he headed for one of the city's cemeteries to lay the remains of his burden. Informants had already dug a south-east-facing grave for their brother. The ceremony took place in more than a little privacy, without the brother of the deceased, without real prayers. The shroud was simply laid in the earth, a silence was observed and then the earth covered the white shroud from their eyes.
Christian had returned to the bureau without a word. He had washed himself in the basin that Malik had left for him. He had scrubbed for a long time until his skin was red, his face soaked with a mixture of water and tears. When he had finished his task he had gone to Malik's room and held on to him to feel a comforting presence. The next day he had announced the news, the real reason for his presence. He had accompanied the elder brother to the younger brother's grave before leaving to give them privacy. The young man decided to stay in Jerusalem for a while, helping Malik with his work during the day, and dancing by his side on the sheets by the light of the oil lamp at night.
Days had pass until he found himself in possession of the coveted and finished reliquaries. He jumped down from the church tower on which he had been perched to observe a moment's peace before heading for the office with the reliquary hidden in his robes. Finally, he arrived at the office, much too quickly for his taste. He entered the building, Malik was alone, he raised his head and offered him a thin smile to welcome him. Christian returned him a weak one. He approached the older man before opening his mouth to explain to him, while showing him the object, what was left of the man they had both loved. Malik softly took the object in his only hand and as Christian saw the first tears begin to fall, he approached him and kissed him gently to let him know that he was there, that he would always be there for him.
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curiosity-killed · 1 year
3, 6, 15 (for the ao3 wrapped!)
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
hmm I don't know that I'm necessarily proud of it, but I'm quite satisfied with a lo lejos. it's short, it's weird, it wraps up some of my favorite things to write (mutual pining, grief, self-hatred, introspection, and dramatic irony) and with one of my favorite lines of poetry
6. Favorite title you used
hmmm maybe in the shadows of the year? it feels nice to say and I like that it alludes both to the year post-Mount Tong'lu and to Xie Lian's banishment as well as this sense of...not exactly the new year in the since of New Year's but the new year in the sense of the regrets and weights you carry and learning how to live and grow around and past them.
or at least that's what it means to me haha
15. What WIP are you taking into next year with you?
so many D: still want to finish "a thousand whirling dreams" and have really just hit the midpoint of "sixteen stitches" plus i have *deep breath, sob* so fucking many tgcf and mdzs wips I'd like to return to. eventually.
maybe after book 3 of tcp is drafted?? D: D: surely that can't take too long... (I say after it's taken 17 yr to get to this point)
AO3 wrapped
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lili-1899 · 2 days
This contains all the necessary informations for what I'll won't/can write.
🪶 What I can write:
Any gender reader
Character x character
Platonic relationships
Romantic relationships
Drunk characters
🪶 What I won't write:
Character x OC
Rape/ sexual assault
Poly/ open relationships
🪶 Fandoms I'll write for:
RDR 2, Assasin's creed (Unity, Origins, Odyssey, Valhalla, Mirage) and Genshin Impact.
RDR 2:
Assassin's Creed series:
Eivor (fem or male)
Genshin impact:
Everyone except the ones that are under 18
WARNING! If you don't mention it in your request, I'll automatically write:
Fem reader
Romantic relationship
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senasmuses · 2 months
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TRIGGER WARNINGS: Mentions of heavy injury, self-h.rm, blood
The insidious bowels of Nanda Parbat concealed frightening secrets - none more tantalizing than the mystery nestled within its guest chambers. Sage stirred from fitful slumber, awakening amongst silk sheets in a room awash with Tibetan aesthetics. Sunlight filtered through Kashmiri curtains, dancing upon furnishings carved with mystical sigils.  
The assassins had transported Sage's prone form far from the ruins of her cataclysm, bearing her eastward across vast distances to their secret Himalayan stronghold.
Sage's body was swathed head-to-toe in bandages, one eye tightly wrapped. As she struggled to move in the bed, pain lanced through her side, she grunted but persisted, throwing back the covers and hastening to the window on unsteady legs. Pushing open the wooden shutters revealed a breathtaking vista – the League's fortress perched high upon inaccessible peaks, surrounded only by snow-capped mountains as far as the eye could see.
Sage gasped but before she could ponder this enigma further, footsteps approached and the chamber doors creaked open. The hooded man who'd commanded her rescue now entered, moving with a preternatural grace. Crimson eyes peered from the gloom of his emerald cowl.
“Who are you..? W-what is this place?” Sage asked in a weary tone.
The elderly man’s presence commanded authority, and there was a sense of wisdom etched into the lines of his weathered face. “You have been brought to our sanctuary to heal,” his voice carried a cryptic tone.
Sage blinked, her one good eye narrowing as she struggled to comprehend her surroundings. The room she found herself in had an air of ancient mysticism, with incense wafting through the air.
Then the horrors of that fateful night came flooding back with visceral clarity. Memories of her capture by the vile Jolon overwhelmed Sage's tortured mind, the psychic trauma too much to bear. A wave of anguish caused her knees to buckle as guttural screams tore from her lips.
"No-no… what have I done?! God, no... Fuck!” she wailed through tear-choked sobs. Clawing nails raked already bruised flesh, fresh blood welling upon her forehead. Two assassins rushed to restrain her flailing form but she fought their grasp, desperate cries rending the air.
How could she have so callously ended innocent lives in her madness and panic? The guilt was a living thing, devouring her soul. Ra's watched impassively, then ordered, "Subdue her. She must be soothed,"
Obedient hands grasped Sage's writhing body, pressing a damp cloth to her lips. Soon the tranquilizing unguent took hold, her struggles weakening as consciousness ebbed. Tears continued streaming down her lacerated face, mingling crimson with crystal droplets upon the silk sheets.
Only silence filled the chamber now, save for the occasional hiccuped sob escaping Sage’s throat. Ra's scrutinized this broken creature, mysteries still shrouding her nature and her powers. What trauma had she endured to reduce such a force of destruction to this quivering waif?
—— ⠀⠀⠀ ✧        ——
When consciousness returned, Sage woke feeling rung out yet strangely hollow, cleansed of some deep anguish. Memories of that night still lurked like shadows, but clarity had replaced madness. This, at least, was progress from her previous state. Days passed in a blur.
Gingerly rising, one eye remained shrouded in wrappings as she hobbled toward expansive windows. Pushing aside wooden shutters, a breathtaking alpine panorama stole her breath once again. Snowcapped peaks reached towards azure skies as the League's monolithic monastery perched majestically upon the mountainside. Her soul felt much lighter compared to the first day she woke up in this place.
She simply watched the view for a while until footfalls approached outside followed by a polite knock. At her soft assent, two servants entered bearing fresh bandages and a tray heavy with Tibetan delicacies. While one tended her wounds, the other inquired gently, “How do you fare?”
“Shitty,” Sage sighed, bending her neck to allow the veiled person renew her bandages. “That night… Why did he save me? Pretty sure he has enough blood-thirsty killers at his disposal to even bother with someone like me, just what that priest of Cthulhu wants from me?”
The server obliged ber question, clearing their throat as they recounted how his Master had scryed her explosive display from afar, compelled to investigate the unprecedented magical fallout. Blood painted what little structures remained standing, corpses strewn amongst debris. Only Sage clung to life amidst the carnage wrought by her hand.
“We arrived to find only destruction under the light of the dawning sun,” they said. “Where once stood a structure, laid only rubble painted crimson with the remains of inhabitants. ‘Midst the ruins was your frail form, the sole survivor. Seeing your power, the Master took you here to heal in our care,”
Sage absorbed this with a pensive nod. To cause such carnage, even unwittingly... Unbeknownst to her, it was no wonder Ra's wished to know more. For now she had to regain her strength, while piecing together what brought her to this strange crossroads with the enigmatic League of Shadows.
But one question tormented her soul - "Was... there a boy with brown, wavy hair?” Her ears perked up to attentively listen to the servant. “... Did you… Did you see his body?" she asked, lips quivering with dread.
The servant shook their head. “Twenty-nine dead were found, but no sign of another,”
An unsteady sigh of relief escaped Sage, though small comfort it was. At least Matt remained unseen amongst the slain, granting hope he'd fled unscathed. One life spared from her hands, though twenty-nine still weighed heavy on her conscience. Healing would be a long road, but within these mountaintop walls, Sage could find sanctuary.
—— ⠀⠀⠀ ✧        ——
On the dawn of a new cycle, dark silks awaited Sage's inspection - leggings wrapped tight, paired with soft-soled tabi to cradle weary feet. Time's passage had seen Sage's injuries fade to faint silvery scars. Gone were bandages, replaced by an assassin's garb - close-fitting blacks adorned with the Shadows' insignia.
Sage admired the ninja-esque garb with a carefree smile, “Would you look at that?” chuckling as she examined her reflection, “I make such a badass ninja!” She did exaggerated karate chops and kicks, wishing to lift the pall that haunted these hallowed halls. When the servant didn't seem amused, Sage sighed.
“Come on, am I the only one with some sense of humor in this place?” A grin tugged at her lips, finding fleeting solace in levity however small. Yet the servant remained stoic as stone, face concealed by pale silk.
“The Master bids you come,” Without mirth they bowed, gesturing for Sage to follow, "Alright, let's see what shenanigans he's up to this time," with a last pat on her compression shirt, she hummed in satisfaction, “Damn, these are some quality fabrics, that master of yours spares no expense, huh?”
Down twisting stairwells and hidden passages they walked, emerging at last upon a lofty balcony overlooking an immense dojo below. Agents of the Shadows trained in combat dances as fluid as calligraphy strokes. Muscle memory honed each limb into lethal instruments.
Weapons sliced through air with deadly precision, bodies executing complex katas and sparring in intricate dances of combat. Once the rigorous training was done, they all bowed respectfully at Ra’s, including Sage's silent guide who withdrew.
Sage couldn’t help but whistle at the sight then she slowly eyed the elderly man, he was there when she had first woken up but she had no idea who he was. “I’m guessing you guys are not shaolin monks…” she breathed through her nose.
Ra's al Ghul's eyes gleamed with a mixture of curiosity and admiration as he observed Sage. He spoke with an archaic elegance, his words weaving a tapestry of mystery. “Your soul burns with a power that is unmatched while your mortal vessel teetered on the precipice of death,”
“Uh, yeah, that pretty much sums up my life,” Sage suppressed a groan at his cryptic remark, her eyes narrowed down to suspecting slits. “Enough with the edgy symbolisms, old man, just who are you?” She hoped the answer wasn't the priest of Cthulhu. Her mind was still reeling from the generous amount of cosmic horror she had experienced.
The robed elder turned towards her graciously, hood falling back to reveal wizened features. “I am Ra's al Ghul, Demon's Head of the League of Shadows,” he intoned ominously in an archaic tone.
Sage could only stare in stupefied silence, processing this bizarre introduction. “...Raj al…who?”
Her brows did furrow in recognition as she recalled tales of the League of Shadows from her years of delving into the world of crime and justice.
She had heard whispers of their deadly skills and ruthless dedication to their cause. It was a world she had only brushed against, never truly comprehending its depths.
Turning, molten eyes assessed her recovery's progress beneath hooded scrutiny. “You are mended. Now the true work begins. This order can help you seize mastery of abilities scarcely understood,” Ra's al Ghul's gaze held a glint of intrigue as he observed Sage.
“Your power intrigues me, young one. I have witnessed the unleashed fury within you, the ethereal light that set the world ablaze. I believe you have the potential to become a formidable force, one that aligns with the League's purpose. We can offer you guidance, training and the means to harness your power,”
Sage's mind whirled with conflicting emotions. The events that had led her here, the betrayal she had suffered & the uncertainty of this new path all weighed heavily upon her. Yet, deep within her, an ember of curiosity flickered, enticed by the prospect of gaining complete control over and honing her abilities.
And so, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Sage decided to embark on a new journey, her destiny intertwined with the enigmatic world of the League of Assassins. The shattered trust of her past would serve as the foundation for her transformation, as she embraced the shadows and sought to forge her own path in a world where loyalty was a precarious currency.
The enigmatic figure of Ra's Al Ghul offered her an opportunity, a chance to harness her powers and find her place within the League of Assassins. It was a choice that would shape Sage's destiny and lead her down a path she could never have anticipated.
—— ⠀⠀⠀ ✧        ——
For weeks Sage remained under the tutelage of the Demon, learning all that the League's mystical arts could impart about her enigmatic gifts. No injury could withstand their training, and each passing day saw her powers blossom further. 
Beneath brooding stone in the League's isolated bowels, Sage delved deep into esoteric arts. Each day she honed body and spirit, learning meditation techniques to tame untamed power within.
When flesh grew weary, her focus shifted to occult teachings only the Demon's Head could impart. Ancient secrets were unveiled, the League’s phantasmal history winding back through centuries. Symbols and scrolls held forbidden knowledge to control the chaos force dormant in her soul.
Sage applied herself with vigor to these mysterious studies, finding solace when physical training could no longer drain her troubled mind of tormenting memories. Here in the cool darkness, she was distracted from pain and guilt by phantasms even more fantastical.
Ra's watched her progress with calculating eyes, perceiving her dedication and thirst to redeem past horrors through the League's disciplines. Though her nature remained an enigma, here was a damaged creature willing to be shaped into a weapon. In time, he believed, she may even prove herself an invaluable asset to the Shadows.
For now she trained, absorbing all secrets of stealth and subterfuge. Through these arts she hoped to still the screams that haunted her waking mind, and master powers she did not yet comprehend.
Ra's al Ghul put the young woman's mettle to the test, leading her upwards in the Himalayan heights at a punishing pace. Soon Sage found herself struggling, lungs aflame as sweat drenched her ninja gear.
“I’m done…” Sage collapsed face first onto the soft dirt, “I was joking when I said I wanted to become a ninja…” lifting her head, she huffed to the Demon, who appeared as fit and steady as when they'd set out. With a nod, he signaled they rest.
Once settled upon the mountain precipice, breaths slowly steadying, Ra's guided Sage into a meditative stillness. Only then did she recount all that had befallen - of love betrayed, torture endured and calamity unleashed in her fury's wake.
Sage told him the tale of betrayal - of Matt's, who she considered a dear friend—a brother, his deceit, the vile Jolon’s intricate trap that had nearly taken her life and how her anger cost the lives of more than two dozen people. Ra's listened with intrigue as she described unleashing a force beyond any she knew herself capable of.
The Demon's eyes gleamed. “What now would you accomplish with these souls entwined in your destiny?” the elder assassin inquired in measured tone.
Sage's gaze smoldered with a determination to match her unfathomable abilities, this time she would bring Matt back, no matter what it took. “Matt is just scared, it wasn’t his fault, I'll bring his stupid ass safely back home,” Sage nodded, “But that fucking clown…”
A shadow passed behind her eyes, jaw set with cold resolve. Ra's made no judgement, merely noting how this petal had endured the crucible to bloom a briar rose - hardy yet harboring hidden thorns.
A ghost of a smile curled Ra's weathered lips. “The fire of vengeance burns brightly within you, my child. The League's resources are at your command. Consider the villain marked - when you are ready, we will deliver him unto you,”
Sage’s knuckles turned bone white, nails sinking into her sweaty palms as she eagerly replied at the Demon Head, “Thanks, but I wanna face him alone,” so that I can end him as slowly as possible.
The ties between Sage and the Shadows had been forged. What storm would she summon in pursuing retribution? Only time would reveal the depths of her power, and the demons she was yet to unleash upon those who had crossed her path.
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isa-belle1367 · 1 month
shaundes is stuck in my head again, so I'm gonna make this everyone's problem. Now imagine desmond gets a severe migrane and shaun is the only one there to help him.
(Ac brotherhood) (desmonds perspective)
I sat up from the animus. I could already tell I had been inside for too long. I felt nauseous and lightheaded, and I could feel the start of a headache.
I carefully stood up, bracing myself against the crate next to me. I looked around the sanctuary and noticed that Shaun was the only other person.
I flicked on Eagle Vision, and the world became basked in a gray light. Shaun became a brilliant blue light, but other than him, no one else was in the sanctuary.
"Where's Rebecca and Lucy?" I asked.
Shaun glanced over his shoulder at me. "Getting supplies."
I nodded. Having nothing else to do, I decided to head over to Shaun to see what he was doing.
As I walked over to him, the pain in my head seemed to be getting worse, I tried to ignore it, but that didn't seem to work.
I made it over to his desk, I had to lean against it to stop myself from doubling over. Shaun stared at me. "You look terrible, are you alright?"
I blinked, trying to clear the fog from my mind. "Yeah, just spent too long in the animus."
He stood up from his chair. "You look like you're about to pass out. You should go lay down." I noted that he had no snarky comments for me, I must really look like shit.
He put a hand on my back to guide me over to where I had been sleeping the past week. But as I started to move, pain shot through my head.
My vision became spotted, and my ears started ringing. I nearly fell onto Shaun. I quickly leaned back on the desk to stabilize myself.
Shaun helped me steady myself. "Desmond, are you alright?"
I blinked away the spots in my vision. "Yeah, just a bad migraine, I'll be fine."
He shook his head. "I barely moved you, and you nearly passed out. You need to sit down."
I nodded, moving to sit down on the ground. But even just moving a bit felt like someone was smashing my head in with a bat.
Shaun sat down next to me, "I'm going to call Rebecca and Lucy."
I shook my head. "No, I'll be fine."
He gave me an "Are you serious?" Look. "Alright, try and stand up."
I glared at him. "That's not fair I-" mid sentence, I got hit with another wave of pain and nausea. If I had eaten anything today, no doubt I would have puked.
I clutched my head as I pressed my forehead against my knees. I snapped my eyes shut in an attempt to stop the light shining in my eyes.
I felt Shaun begin to rub my back, I tried to look up, but moving my head felt like a gunshot. My brain was foggy from the pain, I could barely think, let alone move.
Shaun said something, but I couldn't make it out from the loud ringing in my ears.
I felt tears stinging my eyes, I silently cursed, I knew crying would make my migrane worse. I quickly blinked away the tears. Beside me, Shaun spoke again.
"Desmond, you need to lay down." I felt an arm around my shoulder gently tug at me, trying to get me to lay down.
I obliged, and my head rested on Shaun's leg. Under normal circumstances, I would be embarrassed, but right now, my head hurt so bad that I could barely think, let alone be embarrassed.
Another wave of pain hit me. This one was worse than the other two. I just sucked in a sharp breath and tried not to show how much pain I was in.
It was very difficult, though, because I could feel myself about to pass out from the pain. I tried to stay conscious, but I was fighting a losing battle. Soon, I passed out.
I don't know how long I was out for, I knew it couldn't have been long though, because when I woke up, Shaun was on the phone with Lucy.
"Lucy, he's waking up. I'll call you back." He quickly hung up the phone before looking down at me.
I groaned, my head still hurt, but now it was more of a bad headache than getting my head smashed in.
"How long was I out for?" I asked.
"About 10 minutes, not long." He tried to keep his face calm, but I could tell he was worried.
I sat up, now remembering my head was still on his lap. He put a hand on my shoulder. "Take it easy. Don't want you passing out again."
I nodded. "Thanks, and sorry about passing out on you." I said sheepishly.
He simply shook his head. "You've been spending how much time in that animus? It's to be expected."
"Yeah, thank you still." I said while looking up at him.
He met my gaze. From this angle, I could see the details of his eyes, I noticed he had gold flecks in the hazel of his eyes.
Before I could stare more, behind us, I heard Lucy and Rebecca rush into the sanctuary.
"Desmond! Shaun told us you passed out. Are you alright?" Lucy called out while setting down her bags.
I peeled my eyes away from Shaun to look at Lucy. "Yeah, I'm fine, I was already sitting down, so I didn't get hurt."
She quickly rushed over to me. "Still, have that bad of a reaction to the animus isn't a good sign."
"Just a bad migrane, I'm fine."
"That's what you said before you passed out." Shaun stated.
"Shut up!" I said while lightly pushing his shoulder.
He gave an overdramatic gasp. "After everything I've done for you!" He cried while wiping a fake tear from his eye.
Lucy laughed. "Alright guys, can we please focus."
"Fine." I said while rolling my eyes.
After a lengthy explanation and assuring them 1000 times that, no, I was not hallucinating during the migrane. They finally let me go rest. Which was nice because I was tired and desperately needed a nap.
I curled up in my pile of blankets set up in the corner of the sanctuary. My head was still throbbing, and I still felt a bit nauseous, but I've had worse.
I heard someone walking towards me. I looked up to see Shaun. I smiled up at him, and he sat down next to me.
"How you doing?" He asked.
"Great." I said sarcastically.
He chuckled. "You gave us a scare there."
I winced. "Sorry."
"It's fine. Just try to get some rest, alright."
I nodded before closing my eyes. Shaun was still next to me. I didn't mind. It wasn't long before I drifted off.
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itseivwhore · 1 year
♡ 𝑪𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒚 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒔 ♡
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Valentine Special, day 9th : “Candy Hearts”
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Pairing: Ezio Auditore x fem Reader 
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Summary: Another year, another Valentine's Day, spent in very luxurious and expansive restaurants, showered in plenty of gifts with your boyfriend also showering you in compliments, attentions and kisses...or at least, that's how it always has been until this Valentine's Day, when Ezio decided to try something new and simple: staying in the comfort of his home with you, with some music, his cooking skills, his Italian charm and a lot...a lot of candies.
*˚ .♡⋆゚ˊˎ -
A sweet and muffled melody slowly crept into your light sleep, mixing with your confused and numerous dreams and altering them. And this sweet melody, which seemed as if it were floating in your mind, was none other than one of the old Italian songs your boyfriend used to listen to in your company: and you were immediately able to recognise it.
Along with the light-hearted, carefree notes of the song, you could also catch a glimpse of Ezio's tuneful voice humming quietly over the song. You were also able to perceive a delicious perfume intruding into your now drowsy sleep that slowly and gently woke you up completely.
You blinked a few times, quickly bringing a hand in front of your eyes as if by instinct, to protect your still sleepy vision from the sun's rays as was your custom. But no ray blinded your eyes, and no ray touched your skin; peeking through the cracks between your fingers you saw that the living room was warmly lit by numerous candles, their small flames flickering whenever the breeze flew through the open window, making even the light curtains move in a sensual dance.
Removing your hand from your face, you yawned and then took a few more seconds to bask in the quiet, comforting atmosphere of that February evening, continuing to listen to Ezio who, a few steps away from you, was busy as he continued to sing lightheartedly. Closing your eyes, you grabbed the blanket to adjust it better over your shoulders: but as soon as you pulled it up, you heard objects falling on the floor.
Propping yourself up with an elbow, you raised yourself on the couch, an expression as surprised as moved when, peeking down, you saw some red, heart-shaped lollipops laying on the ground. Stretching your arm out you picked them up, only becoming more joyful when you noticed plenty of the same lollipops scattered all over the couch, over you, over the coffee table: the more you looked around, the more you found them all around the living room.
Caught up in such happiness, you let out an excited giggle as you hurried to open the candy wrapper, thus arousing the attention of Ezio who suddenly stopped singing.
"Oh no, she woke up!" you heard him exclaim from the kitchen in a tone that was exasperated and theatrical to say the least, as if he had been taken aback by your sudden awakening. As you tried to open the plastic surrounding the lollipop, you sat up cross-legged on the sofa, collecting all the candies on your lap, looking at them excitedly.
"You don't seem particularly happy about it," you replied in a falsely sorry voice, triumphing when you finally managed to remove the candy wrapper.
"I am not particularly happy, amore mio bellissimo..." Ezio retorted in a high tone so as to be heard, while the noisy clanking of pans and dishes punctuated his every word. "...because I haven't finished yet".
"Finished what?" you asked as you turned your head towards him over the sofa, seeing him quickly walking around the kitchen, rising a questioning eyebrow at him. As soon as he heard your question, he stopped all together, standing behind the counter and, watching you with an almost disappointed face, he placed his hands on his hips.
"The surprise" he answered as he mirrored your inquisitive eyebrow, spreading his arms wide and giving you a knowing expression, as if he expected you to have already known the answer and were lying to him.
"Another one?!" you almost screamed, surprise and disbelief taking the best of you again. You knew very well that this was what characterized Valentine's Day: every year on this day, Ezio gave his best, giving you lots of attention, taking you out to dinner at luxurious and expensive places, buying you anything you wanted. Every year until this last one: Ezio decided to change plans, to do something different but that you would both enjoy. So you both decided to stay at home, not going out and do nothing else but enjoy each other's presence.
During the course of the morning he had continued to make little presents appear out of nowhere, just when you least expected it, leaving you happy, thanking him if not with many kisses and praises. But you didn't expect that, after all those presents, he was planning another surprise. But then again, no wonder: if Ezio was anything, he was an utterly dedicated man to you and his love for you.
"You don't seem particularly happy about it" he sarcastically replied, mocking your own phrase, trying to mimick your voice as he resumed to walk, coming closer to you with a playful smirk on his lips.
"You have done so much already for the whole day Ezio, there was no need for more" you muttered in a low voice while slightly frowning, placing your chin on the back of the couch and watching him, starting to notice how handsome– and appealing he was with that white apron tied around his torso, hugging his waist and hips just right, his brown hair tied back in a low ponytail, a few strands falling on his forehead. There was something incredibly charming and sensual about him while he cooked for you that it drawn you to him even more than usual; while those old Italian songs played in the background.
"Oh please piccola, you deserve this and so much more…" Ezio replied, smiling and making a vague gesture with his hand as he walked towards you. He stopped just behind the sofa and, after wiping both hands on his apron, leaned back on the sofa; leaning down in your direction, he left a tender kiss in your forehead, for then leaving more sweet kisses on your nose and cheeks, feeling him smile when he pressed his lips to yours, kissing you with a little more passion as one of his hands cupped your cheek.
You moved as to get up so you could kiss him better, but he tutted at you, purposely and lightly biting at your bottom lip whole deteaching from you. Seeing you fight, he completely detached from the searing kiss, leaving your mouth open and with a taste of red wine on your lips. Ezio then placed his entire hand on your face, covering it, and gently pushed you on your back on the couch.
You laughed amused at his gesture, taking his wrist with your hand, trying to pull him towards you again. Ezio fondly smiled at you and, leaning down to kiss your knuckles that were wrapped around his wrist, he freed himself as he took your chin between his fingers, caressing your jaw.
"Stay here" he whispered as he walked back in the kitchen and leaving you laying and staying still on the couch while he resumed to cook.
But despite his soft spoken order, you got up completely, turning your steps into the kitchen while still wrapped up in the blanket. You saw your boyfriend finishing to prepare what looked like two heart shaped pizzas, and your own heart melted at the sight: nevertheless of what he said just some moments before, you still felt a bit guilty that he had been busy and fussing all over you for the whole day, and it looked like he wasn't going to stop anytime soon...all the gifts, the attentions, and now also all the food he was preparing for you with so much passion and love.
If St Valentine was about something, it was indeed about love, but also about giving and receiving. And you wanted with all yourself to let him rest for a little while.
"I still haven't done anything for you" you let him notice while you leaned with your side on the counter, reciprocating his witty smile when he raised his gaze up at you, seeing a light malice quickly glistening in his brown eyes, already knowing what he was thinking about: but his words betrayed your thoughts.
"You don't have to" Ezio insisted as he placed the last basil leaf on the pizza dough, looking at it proudly, then turning his smile to you, watching in amusement as you licked the lollipop.
"I must" you pointed at him with the candy in a playfully threatening way, him spreading his arms wide in a sign of surrender, carefully scrutinising both your face and the lollipop. Still sporting a mocking grin, he turned away, taking the trays where the pizzas were laid out and placing them in the oven. But you were shocked when he, as soon as he turned away from you, quickly stretched out an arm and swiftly took possession of your lollipop, putting it straight into his mouth, laughing loudly when you gasped in amazement.
He turned to the other side of the counter, untied his apron and threw it on a chair, then turned his gaze to you, who were still upset about your stolen candy.
"Mhh well then, what about you'll come here…" Ezio began in a nonchalant tone, gesticulating as usual as he sat down on the chair. "...and sit on my lap..." he tapped one of his thigh with his hand, never breaking eye contact with you, truly seeming like you had already forgotten about the way he stole your lollipop.
"...and you'll read aloud what there's written on those candies?" you followed his other stretched arm, seeing what he was pointing at: a white small bowl with many pastel coloured heart candies, on which there were written little wholesome phrases. For once again in that day your heart melted and your eyes lit up at the sight in front of you, happy of how much joy you both could find in small things such as simple heart shaped things, food, songs, candles and each other's kisses and presence.
"That will be your present for me. While I listen and watch you. Mh, che dici tesoro?" Ezio concluded with a suggestive tone, that charming smile still curling his lips up which always made you all giddy inside, him giving one long lick to the lollipop, winking at your flustered expression as to tease you even more.
Warmth rushed on your cheeks as you walked towards him and, placing one hand on his strong shoulder, you sat on one of his thighs, his hand immediately finding your hip, steading you. Stretching out an arm, you reached for the bowl filled with the heart candies, starting to take a look at the candies, humming as you took some in your palm, examining them.
"Even though those hearts will never properly show my love for you...it sounds perfect" you whispered near his ear, smiling before eating one of the candies, hearing him chuckle as he patted your thighs.
"That's my girl"
。・:*˚:✧。 Translations
° Amore mio bellissimo = my beautiful love;
° Piccola = baby;
° Che dici tesoro? = what do you think darling?
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drunk-on-starlight · 2 years
So apparently the outfit Eivor is wearing in the Final Chapter trailer has the hidden one symbol on the cape.
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intoxicated-chan · 2 months
𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐥 𝐃𝐢𝐱𝐨𝐧 𝐰/ 𝐋𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐆𝐚𝐠𝐚 𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬
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Summary ➳ Daryl is so Lady Gaga coded, her songs fit him so well. (I might expand more on this and I would love to see your guys interpretations!!)
(A/n) ➳ There is going to be a Assassin’s Creed Rogue content here and on my AO3!! I ain’t publishing any series until I finish JUDAS, that I can promise you guys. I also wasn’t sure if this isn’t a one-shot…
Word Count ➳ 500
Content Warnings ➳ Gender Neutral Reader/No use of (Y/n), EACH ARE SEPARATE SITUATIONS, Sexual content, oral (M), pervert Daryl, FWB Relationship/Toxic Relationship, consensual recording/photo taking, emotional affair, angst, mentions of death…
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Early seasons, Daryl refuses to communicate, he fears relationships. It’s during an apocalypse, you can’t be hoping onto false hope and you’re gonna have to face that your loved one(s), will die. There’s no if ands or buts.
But Daryl can’t notice (refuses to) how much you love him. You don’t care what’s going on in the world, you want his cold heart, his love.
Or as Lady Gaga said. “I want your love. I want your revenge. You and me could write a bad romance.”
Before the outbreak, you’ve had numerous of bad lovers in your past, and in the end, you always found yourself in the arms and bed of your best friend, Daryl Dixon. He was always up for the chance to get back at your exes and he enjoyed it.
Especially when he got the chance to record you taking his cock, of course he’d never share them without your consent. He’s happy that he’s the only one who gets to do it.
But Daryl catching feelings for you was something you didn’t expect and it made you realize that you didn’t want him as he wanted you. You tried to explain that it wasn’t going to work and when you tried to put some distance between you and him, he was having none of it. He wasn’t going to let you go so easily.
Or as Lady Gaga said. “And I know that you may love me but I just can’t be with you like this anymore.”
I know I’m already writing about JUDAS but hear me out!! You had a relationship with Daryl. You left and found someone better, you thought your life was finally on track until your ex appeared again and your feelings resurfaced. Daryl made it clear to your significant other who he was and you tried to remain strong for them but you couldn’t.
It was true that you still loved the man who betrayed you many times. You hated his grin, his hair, his eyes, everything about him angered you. But you couldn’t understand why Daryl had you wrapped around his finger.
Or as Lady Gaga said! “I wanna love you but something’s pulling me away from you. Jesus is my virtue and Judas is the demon I cling to!”
One thing Daryl enjoyed was a cigarette. Don’t matter when and where. He could be hanging around you and he’d light one up, taking a blow job from you, after sex, during sex. Name a time and place and he’s most likely done already.
And then when he was gifted a camera, he immediately knew how to use it, catching you in all sorts of poses. You smoking his cigarette, taking his cock, a clear photo of your chest and ass. The two of you have photos of each other and when he was able to find a working recorder, you know he enjoyed filming you.
Or as Lady Gaga Said. “Need that picture of you, it’s so magical.”
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© Intoxicated-Chan 2024, I do not allow my work to be copied, translated, modified, adapted, or put on any other platform without my permission.
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Taglist ➳ @celtic-crossbow , @mrdixon , @itwasntaphasema , @duffmckagansbandana , @raspberryslxt , @gamingfeline , @lor-geeked , @thegeorgiahuntsman , @snailss , @the-lonely-abyss , @number1bashbabe , @xmaeyonaiise , @suniloli , @ladylincoln , @of-storms-and-sadness , @annhells , @TWDgal , @yoowhatthefuck , @mylifeinthetardisforever , @let-love-bleeds-red , @virginsexgod69 , @scudslut , @theesexystallion , @yondus-girl , @raoudixs , @sleep-queen ,
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157 notes · View notes
edenesth · 6 months
In Pursuit of Serendipity
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Pairing: best friend!Hyunjin x fem!reader
AU: high school au
Word Count: 14.8k
Summary: Your friendship is tested when Hyunjin starts crushing on his new classmate. What you didn't expect was that your own emotions would come into play. Denying your feelings, you decide to be the ultimate wingwoman, helping him while battling your own heartache in silence. Will the pursuit of love lead to happiness or heartbreak?
A/N: Lowkey inspired by the Mixtape: On Track music video, still one of my favourite MVs from SKZ.
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The busy hallways of your high school were alive with the energy of students rushing to their next classes.
Amidst the sea of students, you made your way through the crowded corridors with an excitement that bubbled within you. The reason for your enthusiasm swung in your hand—a gaming magazine had just revealed the release date of the highly anticipated video game you'd been eagerly awaiting.
Hyunjin and Felix, your partners in crime since kindergarten, were waiting for you.
As you neared your usual meeting spot, a sudden obstacle appeared in the form of an unnoticed puddle. Before you could react, your foot lost its grip, sending you careening toward an embarrassing collision with the cold, tiled floor. In a split second, strong arms wrapped around you, breaking your fall.
"Whoa there! Quick reflexes, Hyunjin style." Hyunjin exclaimed, his grin showcasing his pride at the successful save.
Felix laughed heartily, "Nice dive! You should consider joining the school's gymnastics team, though I hear their routine doesn't involve slipping in the hallways."
You shot him a playful glare as he approached to make sure you were unharmed, "Thanks, Jinnie. And you," You said, turning to Felix, "Can save your sarcasm for someone else."
Felix chuckled, brushing off imaginary dirt from your shoulder, "Just making sure you're in one piece. You know, you should work on your gracefulness. It's not very lady-like to trip and fall."
Rolling your eyes, you retorted, "Oh, please. Who needs grace when you've got Hyunjin's superhero reflexes? And besides, I'm not planning to win any 'Miss Graceful' contests."
Hyunjin grinned, leaning against the row of lockers, "True that. But you might want to consider it. You'll never find a boyfriend if you keep stumbling around like a bull in a china shop."
You scoffed, the idea of conforming to societal expectations not even registering on your radar, "Who said I'm looking for a boyfriend anyway? I'm perfectly content with my PS5 and the upcoming release of Assassin's Creed. Relationships can wait."
Felix raised an eyebrow, exchanging a knowing look with Hyunjin, "Famous last words. We'll see how long that sentiment lasts."
You brushed off their teasing with a nonchalant wave, determined to keep your priorities in check. As the three of you continued down the hallway, you couldn't help smiling at the thought of the virtual adventures awaiting you in the upcoming game—an escape from the typical high school drama and the perfect reminder that, for now, you were content marching to the beat of your own, unapologetically clumsy, drum.
After grabbing a light breakfast together from the school cafeteria, you, Hyunjin, and Felix made your way through the bustling hallways, weaving through the student traffic. Despite being part of different classes, your morning ritual of meeting up for breakfast had become a comforting constant.
As you reached the fork in the hallway leading to your respective classrooms, Felix grinned, "See you guys at lunch. Don't trip over your own feet without me around to catch you!"
You playfully nudged him, "I'll try my best, Captain Obvious."
Felix waved, disappearing into his classroom, leaving you and Hyunjin to continue down the corridor. Although your class was situated at the far end of the school, you were used to the daily trek. Hyunjin, however, insisted on walking you there, despite the inconvenience it posed for him.
"Why do you bother walking me all the way to my class, Jinnie?" You asked, your voice tinged with amusement as you walked side by side.
He shot you a teasing grin, "Well, for one, I don't trust your coordination skills without Felix or me around. And secondly, what if there's a stampede, or a meteor falls from the sky? I need to be sure you make it to class in one piece."
You scoffed, "A stampede? Really?"
Hyunjin raised an eyebrow, adopting a mock-serious tone, "You never know. High school can be a dangerous place."
You rolled your eyes, but a smile lingered on your lips. It was moments like these that reminded you of the unique bond you shared with your friends. Despite the exaggeration, there was a genuine concern in his eyes that touched your heart.
Nearing the entrance of your classroom, you stopped, "You really don't have to do this every day, you know. I can handle walking to class without tripping."
Hyunjin leaned against the wall, his expression softening, "I know you can, but I want to. Call it my daily act of heroism."
You chuckled, shaking your head, "Fine, you overprotective hero. Thanks for the escort to class."
He grinned, walking you right up to the door, "Anytime, damsel in distress. I'll see you at lunch, okay?"
You nodded, feeling a warmth in your chest at the genuine care your friends showered upon you, "Okay. Don't save too many people on your way to class."
With a playful salute, Hyunjin turned to make his way to his own classroom. You watched him go, appreciating the small gestures that defined your friendship. As the classroom door closes behind you, you feel a sense of gratitude for the protective duo that made your high school journey more adventurous and, most importantly, full of genuine companionship.
Later that day, the cafeteria buzzed with the usual lunchtime chaos as you approached your designated spot between Hyunjin and Felix, your tray already waiting for you. Your heart warmed at the sight, and you skipped over with an infectious beam.
Felix, always quick with banter, smirked at you, "Look who decided to grace us with her presence. You missed the riveting conversation about Hyunjin's newfound muse."
Your eyes flickered to Hyunjin, whose cheeks sported a subtle shade of pink. Felix couldn't resist the opportunity to tease, "He wouldn't shut up about her just before you arrived."
You slid into your seat, the playful glint in Felix's eyes not escaping you, "Oh, really? What did I miss?"
Felix leaned in, lowering his voice conspiratorially, "Our dear friend Hyunjin here has developed a massive crush on the new girl in his class. Couldn't stop talking about her smile, her laugh, you know, the works."
Hyunjin shot Felix a mock glare, but his eyes twinkled with an undeniable excitement, "Felix is exaggerating, as usual. I just mentioned her once or twice."
The three of you were engrossed in the conversation when, like clockwork, the cafeteria doors swung open. Hyunjin's head snapped up, his gaze fixating on a girl who entered with an effortless grace. She was undeniably beautiful—Lia, the new girl who had captured your friend's attention.
"There she is." Hyunjin whispered, as if afraid the mere mention of her name would make her disappear. Lia glided through the cafeteria, a radiant presence that drew the attention of many. You couldn't deny the allure; she had an undeniable charm that seemed to captivate everyone in her vicinity.
While Felix seemed excited for Hyunjin, you couldn't shake off the inexplicable discomfort settling in the pit of your stomach. You smiled, or at least you tried to, but it felt forced.
As Lia joined a group of students at a nearby table, laughter and animated conversations surrounding her, you couldn't help but wonder why the idea of Hyunjin being enamoured by her left you feeling strangely uneasy.
Oblivious to the atmosphere shift, Felix continued to prod Hyunjin about Lia. But as your eyes met Hyunjin's, you sensed a vulnerability beneath his excitement—a vulnerability you hadn't seen before. The unspoken truth lingered in the air, and you couldn't escape the realisation that your heart seemed to protest against the prospect of him falling for someone else for reasons you couldn't quite comprehend.
In the following days, you found yourself caught in a web of conflicting emotions. You tried to rationalise the unease that had settled within you, convincing yourself that it was merely a consequence of your friends growing up. After all, it was only natural for them to develop romantic interests outside your tight-knit trio.
You repeated the logic like a mantra, assuring yourself that this discomfort was nothing more than an adjustment period.
"It's just new," You told yourself, stirring your food absentmindedly during lunch. Felix continued his good-natured teasing about Hyunjin's infatuation with Lia, blissfully unaware of the internal struggle you were facing, "They're growing up, finding other people. It's normal. You'll get used to it."
Yet, as days turned into weeks, the knot in your stomach refused to loosen. You grappled with the notion that the dynamics of your friendship were shifting, and it wasn't centred solely around the three of you anymore. The idea of someone else occupying Hyunjin's thoughts in a way you hadn't witnessed before tugged at a thread of discomfort deep within you.
"It's just silly jealousy," You scolded yourself in the quiet moments of introspection, "He's my friend, and I should be happy for him."
Deep down, you couldn't ignore the hope that Hyunjin's crush was just a passing phase—a temporary diversion that would fade with time. You yearned for the days when your trio's world revolved around shared laughter and inside jokes, not about some new girl that caught your friend's attention.
One day, as you all gathered for lunch as usual, Felix couldn't resist poking at Hyunjin once again, "Come on, Jinnie, just admit it. You're head over heels for Lia."
Hyunjin sighed, his cheeks tinged with a mixture of embarrassment and genuine affection, "Fine. I like her, okay? Happy now?"
Felix's victorious grin was matched only by the subtle tightening of your chest. You forced a smile, attempting to mask the twinge of disappointment.
As the conversation continued, Hyunjin's genuine excitement about Lia became increasingly evident. Felix's teasing took on a more playful tone, but every word seemed to emphasise the growing reality that your friend was genuinely interested in someone beyond the confines of your trio.
Each day that passed, Hyunjin's interest in Lia became a constant presence in your lives. While he physically joined you and Felix for breakfast and lunch, his mind seemed to linger elsewhere. Conversations that were once filled with silly jokes now revolved around Lia—her interests, her quirks, and every mundane detail that seemed to captivate Hyunjin's attention.
The unintentional distance you felt from Hyunjin left you perplexed and, admittedly, frustrated. Despite your attempts to rationalise these emotions, a growing sense of unease settled within you. It was as if the equilibrium of your friendship had been disrupted, leaving you feeling somewhat adrift.
One day, after Hyunjin had passionately detailed yet another encounter with Lia during lunch, you found yourself unable to contain the frustration any longer.
In the quiet corner of the school courtyard, away from prying eyes and curious ears, you decided to confide in Felix. As you sat on the familiar park bench, the one where countless secrets had been shared among the three of you, you hesitated before finally breaking the silence.
"Lix, I don't know what's going on. I mean, I should be happy for Hyunjin, right? But every time he talks about Lia, it's like... I don't know, something's off. It's like he's here with us physically, but his mind is somewhere else."
Felix regarded you with a knowing gaze, the crinkles in his eyes softened with understanding, "Feelings are complicated. It's okay to feel the way you do. Maybe it's just an adjustment period. Things will settle down."
You sighed, grateful for his calm demeanour, "I've tried telling myself that, but it doesn't seem to be getting any better. It's just frustrating. I miss the way things used to be."
Felix leaned in, his tone gentle, "Change is hard, especially when it comes to friendships. But maybe Hyunjin needs this. Maybe it's his time to explore something beyond our trio. And who knows, it might just be a phase. People get caught up in new crushes, but that doesn't mean they forget their old friends."
You nodded, appreciating his perspective, "I just wish I could understand why I feel this way. It's like... I'm happy for him, but there's this nagging discomfort that won't go away."
Felix placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder, "Give it time. Sometimes, feelings need time to catch up with logic. And in the meantime, know that I'm here for you, no matter what."
In the days that followed, you made a conscious effort to follow Felix's advice. You reminded yourself that Hyunjin's sudden obsession with Lia was his first experience with romantic feelings, and it was only natural for him to be caught up in the excitement of it all.
Trying to be understanding, you even forced a smile when he recounted every interaction with Lia, assuring yourself that this phase would pass.
But just as you began to convince yourself that you had your emotions in check, things took an unexpected turn. Hyunjin, who had always insisted on walking you to class, suddenly approached you with an apologetic expression.
"Hey, listen, I'm sorry, but I can't walk you to class anymore." He admitted, avoiding eye contact.
The unexpected blow left you momentarily speechless, "What? Why?"
Hyunjin sighed, looking genuinely conflicted, "It's just... I don't want Lia to misunderstand our relationship. I mean, she might think there's something more between us, you know?"
Your initial shock gave way to a slow-burning frustration. While you wanted to be supportive of his budding romance, the abrupt change felt like a direct hit to the heart. The walks to class, once a cherished routine, now seemed like a relic of a time when your friendship hadn't been overshadowed by romantic entanglements.
Forcing a tight smile, you responded, "Sure, Hyunjin. Do whatever makes you comfortable."
As he walked away, leaving you standing alone in the hallway, you felt a sense of abandonment. The once-predictable rhythms of your friendship were now distorted, and the realisation that you were no longer a priority stung more than you cared to admit.
Felix, perceptive as ever, noticed the change in your demeanour. As he joined you in the hallway, he raised an eyebrow, "What's up with Hyunjin? I thought he was going to walk you to class."
You sighed, the weight of unspoken emotions heavy on your shoulders, "He said he can't anymore. Doesn't want Lia to get the wrong idea about us."
Felix's expression shifted from curiosity to a mixture of understanding and concern, "I know this is tough, but maybe he's just caught up in the excitement of his first crush. It doesn't mean he values your friendship any less."
You nodded, acknowledging his attempt to console you, "I get that, but it still hurts, you know? It's like our friendship is being redefined, and I don't know where I fit in anymore."
Felix offered a sympathetic smile, placing a reassuring hand on your shoulder, "Give it time. I'm sure things will settle down eventually. And in the meantime, you've got me. We'll figure it out together."
As Hyunjin's infatuation with Lia intensified, you found yourself grappling with the remnants of the once-familiar routine that now seemed like a distant memory.
One afternoon, as the final school bell echoed through the hallways, you made your way to the usual meeting spot where you and Hyunjin would walk home together. However, your anticipation gave way to disappointment as you saw him engrossed in conversation with Lia, the two of them making plans to spend time together after school.
Felix, who had been watching your expression closely, slung an arm around your shoulder, "Hey, don't let it get to you. You know, it's okay to feel upset."
"I'm not upset." You retorted, but the hurt in your eyes betrayed your attempt at nonchalance.
Felix raised an eyebrow, a knowing smile playing on his lips, "You can't fool me, idiot. It's written all over your face. You miss your walks home with him, don't you?"
You sighed, giving in to the acknowledgement of your feelings, "Yeah, I guess I do. It's stupid, though. Friends hang out with other people. It's not a big deal."
Felix squeezed your shoulder gently, "It's okay to feel this way, you know. And there's nothing 'stupid' about it. You're allowed to miss your friend."
As you walked home with Felix that day, the silence between you spoke volumes. The absence of Hyunjin, once a comforting presence by your side, left a void that seemed to echo with the uncertainty of changing friendships.
The following days only deepened the ache.
Your attempts to be the supportive friend, cheering Hyunjin on as he pursued Lia, felt increasingly like a façade. The more you tried to suppress your feelings, the more they seemed to claw at the edges of your consciousness.
It was during one of your late-night conversations with Felix, the dim glow of streetlights casting shadows on your faces, that he broached the subject with a keen intuition that caught you off guard.
"You know," Felix said, his gaze fixed on the stars above, "It's possible you're jealous because you have feelings for Hyunjin."
Your immediate reaction was a vehement denial. How could you harbour romantic feelings for your childhood friend, especially when you had always prided yourself on being the voice of reason within the trio?
Oh hell nah, ain't no freaking way.
But as Felix turned to look at you, his eyes filled with understanding, you felt a sudden vulnerability. Despite your initial resistance, you couldn't escape the possibility that he was right. Your feelings for Hyunjin might indeed transcend the boundaries of friendship.
"What? Are you hearing yourself, Lix? That's insane!" You laughed incredulously, dismissing his implication with a wave of your hand. The idea of having romantic feelings for Hyunjin seemed preposterous to you, and you were determined to push aside any inkling of such emotions.
Felix, however, frowned at your attempt to brush off the subject. He could sense the unease beneath your laughter, the subtle deflection in your words, "I know you better than you think. You can't deny what you're feeling."
You scoffed, refusing to let his words penetrate your resolve, "Me? Having feelings for Hwang Hyunjin? Did you hit your head or something?" You chuckled, playing off the notion as absurd.
But as you met Felix's serious expression, you recognised the gravity of the situation. He was about to talk some sense into you, to unravel the emotions you had been desperately trying to suppress. But before he could utter a word, you beat him to it.
"Just watch me, Lix. I'll prove you wrong." Your tone carried a determined edge, a promise to yourself that you could navigate these confusing emotions without succumbing to what seemed like an inconvenient truth.
Felix sighed heavily, realising that there was little he could do if you were determined to turn a blind eye to your own feelings. He knew that sometimes, facing the truth required a vulnerability that not everyone was ready to embrace.
As you gathered for your breakfast routine one morning, Hyunjin began his usual recounting of Lia's latest escapades, and you found yourself unable to bear it any longer.
"Hyunjin," You interrupted, the words escaping before you could reconsider, "I'm sick of seeing you pine after Lia. It's distracting, and I can't focus on anything else. So, I've decided to help you win her heart."
Ecstasy washed over his face, "Really? You'd help me?"
You nodded, forcing a smile that didn't quite reach your eyes, "Yeah, I mean, why not? You deserve to be happy, right?"
Hyunjin's eyes lit up, and he immediately pulled you into a tight hug, "Thank you! You're the best! I'll buy you the next Assassin's Creed game when Lia agrees to be my girlfriend!"
As he cheered, Felix observed the scene with a mixture of disbelief and realisation. It dawned on him that your seemingly selfless act of playing matchmaker wasn't entirely altruistic. A smirk played on his lips as he shook his head, understanding the true motive behind your plan.
"So, this was your way of proving me wrong, huh?" Felix remarked, his voice carrying a note of amusement.
You avoided his gaze, the charade now exposed, "I just want him to be happy. That's all."
Felix chuckled, seeing through the act, "Sure. Just remember, you can't run from your feelings forever."
Later that evening, you walked home with Hyunjin for the first time in what felt like ages. But the reason behind his company left a bitter taste in your mouth. It wasn't because he missed your walks or longed for the friendship you once shared. No, the only reason was to strategise about his mission to win Lia's heart.
As you strolled down the sidewalk, Hyunjin excitedly started talking about his plan, "So, I was thinking maybe I should join some clubs or events that she's interested in. What do you think?"
You pushed all unnecessary thoughts aside and focused on the task at hand, "Sure, that sounds like a good idea. We need to figure out what she likes and find a way for you to connect with her."
The mention of 'we' felt strangely out of place, a reminder of the changed dynamics between you and Hyunjin. Nevertheless, you pushed those feelings aside, determined to help your friend succeed in his pursuit of happiness.
Felix, who had been watching the interaction with an amused smirk, couldn't resist commenting, "Look at you two, planning Hyunjin's love story. Who would've thought?"
You shot him a glare, not appreciating the smugness in his tone, "This is for Hyunjin, Lix, not for your amusement."
Felix raised his hands defensively, "Alright, alright. I'm just enjoying the show."
As you neared your doorstep, you took a deep breath, ready to lay out a rough plan for Hyunjin, "Okay, here's what we're going to do. First, we need to find out more about Lia's hobbies and interests. Once we have that information, we can create opportunities for you to interact with her in a more meaningful way."
Hyunjin nodded eagerly, trusting you with the details of his mission, "Leave it all to you. You're the best."
As you arrived at your doorstep, Hyunjin gave you a thankful hug before skipping off to his home just a few blocks away. Sighing deeply, you feel a twinge of emptiness. The hug felt different, less like a shared moment between friends and more like a transaction—gratitude for a service rendered.
With renewed determination, you wasted no time. The moment you stepped inside your room, you pulled out your phone and began stalking all of Lia's social media accounts. Your mission was clear: decipher her likes, dislikes, and everything in between.
Little did you know that this quest, seemingly straightforward, would lead you down a path of self-discovery and unexpected twists, challenging the boundaries of friendship and forcing you to confront emotions you had long been trying to ignore.
As the days unfolded, you immersed yourself in the role of the ultimate wingman. Your efforts to assist Hyunjin in winning Lia's heart were meticulous, each action carefully calculated to showcase his best qualities. Despite the outward display of support, a quiet turmoil brewed within you, a storm of conflicting emotions that threatened to break through the carefully constructed façade.
In your quest to prove Felix wrong, you inadvertently delved deeper into the complexities of your own heart. The more you tried to suppress the whispers of your own feelings, the more they seemed to echo in the quiet moments of self-reflection.
As Felix watched you navigate this internal struggle, he wished you would just confront the truth instead of burying it beneath the guise of friendship.
With your careful planning and Hyunjin's sincere efforts, you watched as he began to get things right. He made it a point to learn about Lia's favourite snacks and beverages, surprising her with thoughtful treats that garnered appreciative smiles. Conversations shifted from superficial exchanges to discussions about her favourite pastime activities, creating a connection that seemed to grow with every shared moment.
You watched from afar as he transformed himself, aligning with the qualities he knew she admired. He became more attentive, more considerate, and tailored his actions to better appeal to the type of guys she was attracted to.
While the genuine nature of his intentions was evident, each successful move felt like another layer of separation between the Hyunjin you knew and the person he was becoming for Lia.
Then came the pivotal moment.
Fueled by newfound confidence, he approached Lia and managed to ask her out on a date. From the way he pumped his fists in the air in victory, it was clear that she said yes. As he turned around to look for you, a beaming smile on his face, he spotted you observing the scene. With a thumbs up and eyes filled with excitement, he acknowledged your silent support.
Despite the clenching in your heart, you smiled back and clapped, showing him that you were genuinely happy for his success. The internal conflict between your desire to see your friend happy and the undeniable twinge of discomfort lingered in the background.
It was a bittersweet moment, a celebration of his triumph in love, overshadowed by the realisation that the dynamics of your friendship had undergone a significant shift.
During lunch, the three of you gathered as usual, but the atmosphere was tinged with an unspoken tension. As you sat with your tray, Felix shot you a look, his expression a mix of disapproval and concern. You avoided his eyes, focusing on your food and pretending not to notice his silent judgment.
The news of Hyunjin and Lia's upcoming first date buzzed around the table, and despite the apparent excitement, Felix's gaze lingered on you. He wished you knew that he was only trying to protect you, a silent plea echoing in his eyes. Deep down, he feared that all this effort might lead to you getting hurt in the end.
As the conversation flowed, Felix couldn't contain his disapproval any longer, "So, playing matchmaker seems to be working well for you and Hyunjin." He remarked, a hint of sarcasm in his voice.
You glanced up, meeting his eyes for a brief moment before averting your gaze, "Yeah, I guess it is."
Felix sighed, the concern etched on his face, "I hope you know what you're doing. Playing with emotions is a risky game."
You could sense the genuine worry in his words, but a stubborn determination held you captive. You knew there was a risk involved, but you've already come this far. It was as if a self-imposed obligation drove you to see this through until the end, no matter the consequences.
As the lunch bell rang, signalling the end of the break, Felix shot you one last look—a mix of caution and understanding. The unspoken conversation between you two lingered in the air, a silent acknowledgement of the uncertainties that lay ahead.
With a deep breath, you steeled yourself for what was to come. The journey you embarked upon had no clear destination, but one thing was certain: you're committed to helping Hyunjin until the end.
As the final bell rang, signalling the end of the school day, you gathered your belongings, preparing to head home. Just as you were about to make your way through the crowded hallway, Hyunjin rushed up to you, grabbing your wrist in his haste. Startled, he twisted you around, and for a brief moment, your eyes rounded at the close proximity between your faces.
His eyes widened in realisation, and he immediately stepped back, stammering, "S-sorry, I was just—"
You shook your head, feigning nonchalance despite the racing of your heart, "It's fine, what is it?"
Hyunjin beamed at your question, his initial awkwardness dissipating, "I need your help in picking an outfit for my date this weekend."
You ignored the sharp stab you felt in your heart at the cruel reminder. Suppressing your emotions, you nodded, "Of course, I'll send you some ideas tonight."
But he shook his head, a hopeful glint in his eyes, "No, I was hoping you could come over before the date and help me put together something nice...?"
You blinked, surprised by the unexpected request, "Why not get Felix to help you with that?"
Hyunjin pouted, swinging your arm around playfully, "Oh, come on, you're the one who promised to help me until the end, right?"
Sighing, you realised he was right. It was your commitment, not Felix's. Relenting, you nodded, "Alright, fine. Sheesh. I'll see you then."
Hyunjin cheered, thanking you profusely before running off, presumably heading to spend time with Lia. As he disappeared into the crowd, you couldn't shake off the lingering discomfort that settled in your chest.
Hang in there, you can do this.
Standing in front of the mirror, you scrutinised yourself for the umpteenth time before questioning your actions. Why did it matter how you looked to Hyunjin? After all, you'd literally grown up together, and he'd seen you at your best and worst. The reflection staring back at you seemed to mock the unnecessary anxiety that had settled in.
The sound of your phone's notifications going off snapped you out of your thoughts. Unlocking the device, you found texts from both Hyunjin and Felix. Hyunjin's message was playful, urging you to hurry over, 'Bestie, get your ass over here already!!!😭'
Felix's text, however, carried a different tone, one of understanding and support, 'Hyunjin told me you're going over to help him. I know nothing I say can change your mind, but I just want you to know that no matter what happens, I'll be here for you.'
Reading Felix's words nearly brought tears to your eyes. It was a reminder of the loneliness that came with keeping these feelings to yourself. In that moment, you realise the weight of the emotions you've chosen to carry alone. But there was no one else to blame; you made the choice yourself, and now it was time to finish what you started.
With a deep breath, you locked your phone and shook off the lingering self-doubt. Adjusting your outfit one final time, you muttered a quiet affirmation to yourself and headed towards Hyunjin's house.
Upon arriving, you were greeted by his infectious excitement, "Finally, you're here! I need your expert fashion advice."
Suppressing the internal turmoil, you forced a smile, "Alright, let's get this over with."
As you entered his room, surrounded by the familiar scent of his space, you felt a twinge of nostalgia. The memories of your friendship flooded back, but now, they were tainted with a layer of complexity.
The process of picking an outfit began, with you providing suggestions and Hyunjin trying on various combinations. Looking at him more closely now, you hated that you suddenly found him so attractive.
You watched as he struggled with some of the buttons on his shirt before looking up at you with a pout, "Some help would be nice?"
His request cut through the air, and you couldn't hide the inward sigh. The situation was already complicated enough, and now he was making things even more difficult. Rolling your eyes in a feigned display of annoyance, you walked up to him, determined to maintain a facade of indifference.
As you carefully worked through the buttons, your concentration remained fixed on the task at hand. Hyunjin, however, couldn't help but let his gaze remain on you. His eyes naturally drifted downward, taking in the familiar sight of you deep in focus. At that moment, he found you adorable, with your tongue poking out from the corner of your lips and a small frown between your eyes.
Huh, guess not much has changed.
Standing up close, he began to notice details he hadn't paid attention to before. Your eyelashes were surprisingly long, framing expressive eyes that held a history of shared laughter and secrets. The baby fat in your cheeks had disappeared after the braces, leaving behind a more defined and mature look. He also noticed how pink and soft your lips appeared.
The realisation hit him like a wave—have you always looked this pretty? The question lingered in his mind, surprising even himself with the depth of observation he was suddenly making. It wasn't that he hadn't considered your attractiveness before, but in this moment, with the proximity and the shared history, it became more pronounced.
Finished with the last button, you stepped back, offering a casual comment, "There. All set."
Your best friend, however, remained silent for a moment, his thoughts still lingering on the newfound awareness of your features. The atmosphere in the room had shifted, unspoken sentiments hanging between you two.
Standing at his doorstep, Hyunjin, ready to go on his date with Lia, smiled down at you, "Thank you for your time and effort," You shook your head, "No worries, good luck and have fun." But as you turned to leave, a peculiar sense of unease settled in him; it didn't feel right watching you go by yourself.
Before you could take more than a few steps, you were surprised to find him beside you, matching your pace, "What are you doing? You'll be late if you don't go now."
He shrugged, unable to fully grasp his own actions but feeling the need to do this, "It's fine, Lia can wait a bit. I'll walk you home. You came all this way to help me. It's the least I could do."
Your heart skipped a beat at that gesture. For the first time since Lia entered your lives, he was putting you first, prioritising you over her. But the conflicting emotions only intensified; it wasn't making things any easier for you.
Reaching your home, you shooed him with a teasing smile, "Alright, I'm home safe. Now, hurry and go get your dream girl."
He smiled back but didn't move from his spot. You shook your head and playfully pushed him, "Go, you idiot. What are you—"
Suddenly, he pulled you into his arms for a hug, his lips close to your ear, "She may be my dream girl right now, but you'll always be my number one."
Your breath hitched at those unexpected words. Before you could react, he pulled away and ran off, leaving you standing there, a mix of confusion and warmth swirling within.
Stop doing this to me, Hwang Hyunjin.
The restaurant was adorned with soft lights and a pleasant ambience, the perfect setting for a romantic evening.
But Hyunjin was struggling to enjoy his first date with Lia as much as he had anticipated. Despite having dreamed of dating her for so long, his mind seemed to be preoccupied with thoughts that he couldn't fully understand.
As Lia spoke, sharing stories and laughter, he felt a subtle distraction, his mind involuntarily drifting back to you. It was as if a veil had been lifted, and he found himself unknowingly comparing his date to you. Of course, Lia was undeniably beautiful, a fact that anyone with functioning eyes could see. But she just wasn't... you? He didn't know about anyone else, but to him, you were prettier.
Realising the direction of his thoughts, Hyunjin mentally slapped himself for disrespecting Lia in such a way. Determined to salvage the date, he forced himself to focus on what she was saying, pushing away the distracting comparisons.
However, as the evening unfolded, he couldn't shake off the subtle feeling that the date wasn't going as well as he'd expected. He blamed himself for the disconnect, fully aware that he was the one responsible for the disarray of his own emotions.
Attempting to be present in the moment, he engaged in conversation, trying to enjoy the company of the girl he had dreamt of for so long. But the shadow of conflicting thoughts persisted, casting a pall over what should have been a joyful and momentous occasion.
As the night progressed, Hyunjin found himself immersed in a whirlwind of conflicting thoughts. Despite his efforts to be present on his dream date with Lia, a growing sense of unease crept in. The realisation dawned on him like a quiet storm—he wasn't being entirely honest with her, and perhaps, more importantly, he wasn't being true to himself.
The version of himself that Lia had come to like was a meticulously crafted persona, tailored to fit her preferences. They engaged in activities she enjoyed, ate food she liked, and talked about subjects that captivated her. He even dressed in a way that he believed appealed to her tastes. In the process, he wondered if Lia liked him for who he truly was or merely for the version of himself he had presented to win her over.
If he were to be himself, would Lia have liked him at all? The sincerity of their interactions seemed to be overshadowed by the facade he constructed. It made him question the authenticity of their connection.
Aside from that, a more profound doubt surfaced—he questioned whether he genuinely liked Lia for who she was or if he was just infatuated with the idea of her. Was he captivated by the fantasy he created in his mind, rather than the reality of the person sitting across from him?
That night, the weight of the evening's revelations lingered as he collapsed onto his bed after sending Lia home.
Sighing heavily, he thought about the missed opportunity. He hadn't kissed her goodbye like he used to imagine. Instead, all he managed was a simple 'goodnight, see you at school next week' before leaving her doorstep. It wasn't the romantic farewell he envisioned, but the weight of his internal conflicts restrained him.
In the solitude of his room, he decided that it was time for a change. He acknowledged that the version of himself he'd presented to Lia wasn't sustainable, nor was it fair to either of them. With a newfound resolve, he made a decision—he would give her another chance, but this time, he wanted to be genuine, to be himself.
Perhaps, if he allowed Lia to see the real him, and if he took the time to genuinely understand her, there might be a chance for something more authentic to blossom between them.
With this resolve in mind, Hyunjin closed his eyes, attempting to push all thoughts of you out of his mind. You were his best friend, and he had to remind himself of that fact. As sleep claimed him, he envisioned a future where the real him and the real Lia could find common ground, unburdened by the illusions that initially clouded their connection.
The following week at school, you and Felix were surprised by Hyunjin's demeanour. He didn't exhibit the expected excitement that typically followed a successful first date. Instead, he seemed to have reverted to his previous self, the Hyunjin you knew before the Lia obsession took centre stage.
Your surprise was evident when, out of the blue, Hyunjin began walking you to class again. His laughter rang out as he snickered at the puzzled expression on your face, and without warning, he playfully ruffled your hair, "Stop looking at me like that." He teased.
In response, you whined and swatted his hand away, "Not the hair, you jerk!"
His laughter continued, a sound you've missed, and he couldn't hide his happiness at seeing this side of you again. Deep down, he knew he pushed you away with his previous behaviour. Slipping an arm around your shoulder, he spoke, "Look, I'm sorry for the way I behaved previously. I know you must've been hurt. I promise to make it up to you."
Before you could inquire about the details of his date with Lia and the sudden change in his attitude, you arrived at your class. He squeezed your shoulder reassuringly before leaving, "See you at lunch."
You nodded, still slightly confused but undeniably happy. Maybe the date didn't go as well as he'd hoped? The possibility filled you with hope, and you couldn't shake the optimism that bubbled within. You found yourself looking forward to lunchtime, eager to uncover the mysteries behind his change of heart.
The lunchtime rendezvous brought an air of anticipation as the three of you gathered at your usual spot. Despite Hyunjin's seemingly improved attitude, a sense of unease lingered in the air.
As you exchanged casual banter, he finally broached the subject, "Guys, there's something I want to talk to you about." His tone carried a weight that immediately caught your attention.
"I've been thinking," Hyunjin continued, his gaze shifting between you and Felix, "About Lia. I want to take a different approach with her. I've decided to be myself, the real me, around her. I want her to like me for who I truly am."
Your heart sank at his words, a sinking feeling of déjà vu washing over you. The hope that had briefly ignited was swiftly extinguished. It became clear that Hyunjin's newfound determination was geared toward pursuing a more genuine connection with Lia. While on the surface, it seemed like a positive step, the implications were disheartening.
Felix, however, expressed his support, "That's a great decision, Jinnie. Be yourself, and if she likes you for who you are, that's even better."
While Felix's words were encouraging, his eyes betrayed a different sentiment. They shifted to you, a subtle expression of concern. He understood the implications of Hyunjin's decision, knowing how you probably felt at that moment.
Another week passed, and Hyunjin, beaming with pride, announced to you and Felix that he was going on a second date with Lia. While you feigned happiness for him, Felix saw through the facade. The strain of suppressing your true feelings became apparent, and Felix, unable to watch you suffer in silence, decided it was time to intervene.
On the night of Hyunjin's second date, Felix took it upon himself to keep you company and distract you from your thoughts. Together, you baked brownies and indulged in a fun movie night. As the credits rolled on the screen and the room dimmed, he turned to see you staring numbly ahead, clearly lost in your own thoughts.
Sighing, he reached across and placed his hands over yours, "Talk to me, please. I want to be there for you. Why do you keep doing this to yourself? What are you trying so hard to prove, hm?"
The concerned look in your best friend's eyes finally broke through the walls you'd built around your emotions. With a heavy exhale, you crumbled, unable to hold back the feelings that had been festering within.
"It's just... I don't understand why I'm doing this to myself," You admitted, "I keep pretending to be okay, to be happy for him, but every time he talks about Lia, it just hurts. I don't know why I'm trying so hard to prove something. Maybe I'm just scared of losing him, of things changing between us."
Felix listened attentively, his grip on your hands offering both support and reassurance, "You don't have to go through this alone, you know?" He said softly, "It's okay to feel the way you do, and it's okay to talk about it."
With those words, the floodgates opened, and you poured out the conflicting emotions that had been plaguing you, "You were right... I guess I do have feelings for him."
Felix listened with a soft, understanding smile, his eyes reflecting a sense of calm assurance. He wasn't at all surprised by the revelation, having sensed the undercurrents of your emotions for some time.
"I don't even know when it started or why I feel this way," You confessed, your voice tinged with a mixture of confusion and vulnerability, "Hyunjin has been my best friend for as long as I can remember, and suddenly everything feels so complicated."
Felix squeezed your hand, "It's okay, you know. Feelings can be messy, and they don't always follow a logical timeline. What matters is that you're opening up about it now. You don't have to do this alone, and I'm here for you, no matter what."
He smiled softly, a reassuring warmth in his gaze. Felix didn't have all the answers, and he knew that unravelling the complexities of emotions wasn't a straightforward task. But he was determined to be the support you needed, offering a listening ear, a shoulder to lean on, and a friend who understood.
Meanwhile, on his date with Lia, Hyunjin couldn't shake the nagging feeling that something was off.
Lia was a nice girl, but as the evening went on, he began to realise that she might not be exactly his type at all. It wasn't something he consciously thought about before, but as he spent time with her, he couldn't help comparing her to you again.
You, with your unladylike antics that he always teased you about but secretly cherished. Lia, in contrast, seemed different, and the more he pondered on it, the more he realised that different wasn't necessarily what he was looking for. He missed the easy banter and shared interests he had with you and Felix.
During their conversation, he noticed how Lia appeared bored or uninterested whenever he brought up stories about you and Felix. It struck him that, unlike your friendship, their discussions seemed one-sided, revolving mostly around Lia and her interests.
As she excused herself to the bathroom, he took the opportunity to check his phone.
Scrolling through Instagram, he stumbled upon Felix's story. The images and captions painted a vivid picture of a cosy evening filled with laughter—something he found himself envious of. At that moment, he realised that he wanted to be there with you.
As Lia returned from the bathroom, he felt that something was missing, and for the first time, he questioned whether pursuing a relationship with her was the right path for him.
Determined to move on from your feelings for Hyunjin, you decided to refocus on the things that once brought you joy – your love for gaming. Despite Hyunjin's announcement of giving up on Lia, a part of you understood that he was and would always be nothing more than your best friend.
Regardless of how things worked out with Lia, your feelings for Hyunjin would remain unrequited.
Returning to the library's gaming section, you immersed yourself in the digital worlds that always provided comfort. It was there that you met Seungmin, a fellow gamer who shared your passion for virtual adventures. The two of you quickly bonded over your favourite games, strategies, and the thrill of defeating virtual foes together.
Felix noticed the positive change in your demeanour and was relieved to see you returning to your usual self again. The laughter and excitement you shared with Seungmin during gaming sessions became a refreshing break from the emotional complexities that had weighed on you.
However, Hyunjin struggled to come to terms with the shift. Every mention of Seungmin stirred an unsettling feeling within him. He found it hard to reconcile the fact that you were forming a connection with someone else, and it left him grappling with emotions he hadn't anticipated.
Despite the internal turmoil, he understood that your happiness was most important. He tried to be supportive, but the subtle twinge of discomfort lingered whenever Seungmin's name came up.
After school, you excitedly ran up to Hyunjin and Felix, who were waiting for you by the school gates, "Hey, losers, sorry I can't walk home with you guys today. Go on without me; I'll see y'all tomorrow!"
Before you could dash off, Hyunjin's brows furrowed, and he reached for your wrist. Twisting you around, the moment felt like déjà vu from the day you helped him with his outfit. Both your eyes widened at the sudden proximity, and Felix cleared his throat awkwardly, looking away.
Hyunjin blinked rapidly before sputtering, "Wh-where do you think you're going, young lady? Your parents will be worried if you don't go home now."
You pulled away from him, rolling your eyes to feign nonchalance, "Jinnie, please. Do you think I'm you? My parents already know I'll be out after school today," Felix chortled to help lighten the atmosphere, "Hate to admit it, but she's right, bro."
Hyunjin scoffed, "Well, I'm just worried. You know how clumsy you can get," Before you could respond, Seungmin called your name from behind, and you beamed, "Don't worry, Seungmin will take care of me." He didn't like the sound of that one bit.
Just as he tried to stop you from going to Seungmin, Felix grabbed his arm and shook his head.
"Let her go."
Hyunjin didn't understand why it felt like those three words held a deeper meaning. He watched as you joined Seungmin, the two of you walking away, laughter floating back towards them. Felix turned to Hyunjin, his expression unreadable.
Oh, how the tables have turned.
Hyunjin couldn't shake the unease that settled within him as he continued to watch your retreating figures. It was a feeling he couldn't quite define, and for the first time, he wondered if his worry for you went beyond the bounds of friendship.
As the two boys walked home, Hyunjin couldn't shake the lingering discomfort. The unease prompted him to turn to Felix, needing some clarity on the matter.
"Hey, what do you think about Seungmin?" Hyunjin asked, his voice carrying a mix of curiosity and apprehension.
Felix smiled knowingly, understanding the source of the inquiry, "Seungmin? He's a good guy. He's not just a gamer; he's dedicated to his studies too. I've noticed he's had a positive influence on our bestie, encouraging her to study harder as well."
Hyunjin nodded, absorbing Felix's words. He tried to accept his friend's reasoning and rationalise the situation for himself. Why was he feeling so unhappy about this anyway? Felix seemed just fine with your new friendship and even supportive of it.
Perhaps he should learn to be the same.
"Yeah, you're right," Hyunjin replied, forcing a smile, "I guess it's good that she's found someone who gets her interest."
Felix clapped him on the back, "Exactly! Seungmin seems like a genuine guy. Let's just be happy for her."
Hyunjin nodded again, attempting to bury the unease and be supportive like Felix. But deep down, a part of him couldn't shake the feeling that he was losing something, something intangible yet significant, and the journey to fully understand those emotions had just begun.
Meanwhile, you made a conscious effort to push aside the thoughts and emotions stirred up by the encounter with Hyunjin.
As you walked alongside Seungmin, chatting about the latest game releases, you couldn't escape the replay of the moment when Hyunjin grabbed your wrist. Your heart still raced as you wondered about the desperation in his eyes.
Could he be... jealous?
Did he feel the same way about you, or was it just a reaction to your attention being diverted from him and Felix? Rationalising, you convinced yourself that it was probably the latter. After all, Hwang Hyunjin, the charismatic and charming friend, couldn't possibly reciprocate your feelings. It was safer to assume that he wasn't used to your attention being on someone other than him and Felix.
You couldn't shake off the feeling that you needed to save yourself from further misery. The idea of Hyunjin shifting his focus to another girl loomed in your mind. Sure, the Lia phase was over, but he could very well set his eyes on someone new at any time.
Perhaps it was time to guard your heart, to protect yourself from potential heartache. Resolute in your decision, you pushed aside the uncertainty and focused on Seungmin, someone who seemed genuinely interested in you for who you were.
Despite your best efforts, you found your mind involuntarily comparing Seungmin to Hyunjin, and you mentally scolded yourself for these incessant thoughts.
Urging yourself to stop these comparisons, you recognised that if your feelings for Hyunjin weren't clouding your judgment, you might have fallen for Seungmin instantly. He was everything you could want in a guy – your dream guy, to be precise.
Seungmin shared the same interests, hobbies, and principles as you did. He was attentive, considerate, and almost perfect for you. Although he might not have been conventionally the ideal type for most, he fits your ideal perfectly. So close to perfection, if only he was... Hwang Hyunjin.
You snapped out of your thoughts when Seungmin called your name, informing you that he would be back in a bit as he went to collect your food order. You softened at his gentlemanly gesture, realising that you were being unfair to him by comparing him to Hyunjin. Seungmin was his own person, and you were determined to appreciate and like him for who he truly was.
The realisation hit you hard, and you resolved to give Seungmin the attention and consideration he deserved. After all, he had done nothing but show kindness and genuine interest in you.
Seungmin walked you home that evening after a day filled with fun and laughter. Arriving at your doorstep, you turned to him in gratitude, "Thank you so much for walking me home. Gosh, you really didn't have to. It'll be late by the time you get home."
He grinned, teasing, "Aww, are you worrying about me?"
You scoffed, "What if I am? It can be dangerous to be out late alone."
Unable to resist, he wrapped you in a hug. You stilled for a moment before lifting your hands to hold onto him, "You have no idea how happy I am that you care this much about me." He admitted, and you couldn't suppress your smile at his words.
"Of course, I care about you, Kim Seungmin. What kind of friend would I be not to?" You replied as he pulled away, a genuine warmth in your words.
He seemed to contemplate something before gathering the courage to ask, "H-hey, I was wondering... are you free this Saturday?"
Just as you were about to answer, a new voice interrupted you both, "No, she's not. She has plans with me, sorry." said Hyunjin, standing nearby and staring coldly at Seungmin. The unexpected interruption caught you off guard.
You glared at Hyunjin, annoyed by his sudden intrusion, "What? No, I don't." You retorted, not appreciating his assumption.
Hyunjin seemed hurt by your swift rejection, but trying to save his pride, he added, "Yes, you do. Felix got us tickets to see the latest Marvel superhero movie."
Furrowing your brows, you couldn't recall Felix mentioning any of these plans, "He did?" You questioned, feeling a bit perplexed.
Seungmin, aware that Hyunjin was your close friend, decided to be the bigger person, "That's alright, perhaps another time. I have to get home anyway. I'll see you at school." He said diplomatically, not wanting to leave a bad impression.
You nodded quickly, feeling bad about Hyunjin's borderline rude behaviour, "Text me when you get home, yeah?"
"I will." He beamed and patted your head affectionately before walking away. Hyunjin fumed from his corner, observing you watching Seungmin leave until he was out of sight. The tension lingered, leaving you with a mix of frustration and confusion as you turned your attention back to Hyunjin.
"Dude, what the hell was that?!"
Hyunjin rolled his eyes in annoyance, "What? Are you so upset that you don't get to go out with your little boyfriend again?" He retorted with a dismissive tone.
You narrowed your eyes at his sudden attitude, "Seungmin's not my—" You paused and took a deep breath, not wanting to entertain his childish behaviour, "What are you even doing here in the first place, Hyunjin? Did Felix really get us movie tickets this weekend?"
He gulped and looked away, unable to meet your eyes. That answered your question; he lied about the tickets. You sighed, growing tired of the drama, "I don't have time for this. If you won't talk, then I'm leaving."
Turning to enter your house, he quickly grabbed your wrist.
No, not again.
You distanced yourself before he could pull you close to him, determined to protect your heart.
But he couldn't hold back any longer. Frowning at the distance you deliberately put between you two, he exploded, "I've had it, alright? What's gotten into you all of a sudden? Seungmin this, Seungmin that! I'm sick of hearing about him! Do you even care about me and Felix anymore?"
You laughed humourlessly at those words, tears welling up in your eyes, "So, now you know how it feels, huh?"
He froze at that, realising the hypocrisy of his actions.
Wiping your tears harshly with your sleeves, you continued, "How selfish can you be, Hwang Hyunjin? I kept quiet and supported you while you obsessed over Lia, even when you pushed me aside. And now that I've found someone I like, you can't accept it?"
He gulped and lowered his head in shame.
"So it's alright if you do it, but when I do it, it's outrageous and unacceptable, huh? I see how it is."
Not wanting to hear another word from him, you stalked into your home and slammed the door shut, leaving him outside, confronted by the consequences of his actions.
The following day at school, you refused to speak to Hyunjin. When he attempted to chase after you and confront you, Felix stopped him with a serious expression that revealed he knew more than he let on. Stepping aside, the two of them finally decided to address the elephant in the room.
Felix began with a sigh, "She told me what happened last night."
Hyunjin avoided his friend's eye contact, feeling a deep sense of shame. This was a repeat of what happened with you before, but now it was Hyunjin's turn to feel the weight of his actions. Felix deduced that Hyunjin must have returned your feelings, seeing his reaction to Seungmin's appearance in your life.
"You know, it hurt her more than anyone for you to say those things to her," Felix explained, his tone serious, "It's extremely unfair to her. How you felt seeing her with Seungmin, was what she went through when you had Lia. But she kept it all in and suffered alone. She didn't even confide in me. I had to beg her to lean on me, seeing how much it affected her."
Hyunjin felt an overwhelming wave of guilt with this revelation. He had guessed that you'd be hurt, but he didn't fully understand the extent of it until he experienced it himself. He neglected you even more than he realised.
Goddamnit, I'm a horrible friend.
Felix, tired of all the charades, wanted his best friend to wake up to his own feelings. Firmly, he began, "Hyunjin, I want you to think carefully about this."
Hyunjin looked up at Felix's determined gaze, anticipating what he was about to say.
"Do you think that perhaps the reason you're this upset is because you have feelings for her?" Felix asked pointedly.
Hyunjin froze. The thought constantly lingered in the back of his mind, but he always refused to acknowledge it, let alone voice it out loud. It felt like it wasn't supposed to happen. After all, he had known you since you were all in diapers; you'd grown up side by side. How could it be possible that all of a sudden, he would be seeing you in a different light?
With Felix asking this question, Hyunjin knew the feelings must have been there for his friend to see through in the first place.
That would explain why he had been so unhappy to see you with Seungmin, especially when Felix seemed less than bothered by it. The realisation hit him like a ton of bricks, and he felt a mixture of confusion, denial, and a hint of something he couldn't quite put his finger on.
Felix placed a hand on Hyunjin's shoulder, "I know it sounds crazy, but deep down, I trust you know the answer better than anyone else. Just... take your time and figure it out before deciding how you want to approach her. Whatever happens, I'm here for you, alright buddy?"
Hyunjin nodded gratefully, "Thank you, Felix." The weight of the realisation hung heavy in the air, and he couldn't deny that he needed to confront his feelings, as confusing and unexpected as they were.
As Felix walked away, Hyunjin took a deep breath, grappling with the newfound awareness that his emotions for you might be more complicated than he ever imagined.
During lunch, you decided to be the bigger person and chose not to ignore Hyunjin any longer. Instead, you opted to act like nothing had happened. You didn't want any confrontation and wished only to move on from the drama. Thankfully, Hyunjin didn't pester you, especially with Felix sending him warning looks.
As you sat down, you engaged in casual conversation with both of them, discussing topics that steered clear of any emotional tension.
Hyunjin found relief in the momentary peace.
He realised that this was for the best, a chance for him to figure out his own feelings for you without the weight of recent events clouding his judgment. The lunch table, which had once been a source of joy and comfort, now felt like a battleground of unspoken emotions. He couldn't shake off the guilt, but he was determined to navigate through the complexities of his feelings.
Little did he know, you were also fighting with your emotions, doing your best to maintain a facade of normalcy for the sake of the friendship you cherished.
That weekend, Felix decided to make a genuine effort to lighten the atmosphere within your friend group. He went and bought movie tickets for real this time, hoping that this outing could serve as a reset button for all of you, despite the underlying emotional tension between you and Hyunjin.
As you approached the two of them, your usual cheerful self, Hyunjin fought to keep his heart still. You weren't necessarily dressed up for the occasion, but in his heightened awareness of his feelings for you, he couldn't deny that you looked beautiful to him no matter what you wore. He tried to pull himself together as you threw your arms over both their necks in a group hug.
He instinctively reached his hand over your back, holding you against him. At that moment, he closed his eyes, savouring the feeling of having you close. The warmth of your embrace and the subtle scent of your familiar perfume made it difficult for him to ignore the growing realisation that his feelings for you were deeper than he had ever acknowledged.
The movie outing, intended to bring back the carefree dynamic of your friendship, unknowingly became a pivotal moment in Hyunjin's self-discovery.
Felix observed you two knowingly, shaking his head at how oblivious you were to each other's feelings. While you attempted to maintain a distance, Hyunjin made every effort to close the gap, taking a step closer every chance he got. Despite your attempts to push him away, Felix could tell that it was becoming increasingly difficult for you to deny your own heart's desires.
Throughout the entire day, Hyunjin took care of you in every possible way. He offered to buy you whatever you wanted, handed you his jacket when the cinema hall got too cold, and even accompanied you to the washroom during the long movie.
You stared at him incredulously when he followed after you, whispering, "Jinnie, what are you doing? I'm fine going alone; I know where the washroom is."
He shushed you and gently pushed you out of the hall, saying, "I won't forgive myself if anything happens to you. Just let me do this."
Despite the flutter in your heart, you rolled your eyes and relented, "Ugh, fine. Don't blame me when you miss what happens in the movie later."
One of the cleaner ladies witnessing your banter chuckled, "Young lady, you have a wonderful boyfriend. You should let him take care of you if he wants to, not all men are like that nowadays."
Choking on your spit, you waved your hands at her, "N-no! You've got it all wrong, he's not my—"
Squishing your cheeks to disrupt your attempt to clarify, Hyunjin smiled politely at her before grinning mischievously down at you, "Listen to the kind lady, my love. She's right."
Once the lady was out of sight, you slapped his hand away with a glare, "You do that again, Hwang Hyunjin, and I'll kick you where the sun doesn't shine."
He burst out laughing at the threat, and you struggled to suppress the smile forming on your face as you entered the washroom.
The outing continued, and Felix marvelled at how Hyunjin's actions were a silent testament to his growing feelings for you. It was as if he had unconsciously shifted into a more protective and caring mode. Felix exchanged glances with Hyunjin when you weren't looking, silently urging him to confront his emotions.
Hyunjin's attempts to get closer to you were evident. He lingered beside you during breaks, shared his snacks, and even stole a glance or two when he thought you weren't looking. Felix hoped that this could be the turning point for both of you.
By the end of the day, as you bid farewell, Hyunjin's eyes held a certain warmth that hadn't been there before. Felix smiled knowingly, hopeful that the walls both of you had built around your hearts might finally start to crumble.
The two boys walked you home that evening. Upon arriving at your doorstep, you turned to bid them goodbye, "Thanks, Lix, for the movie, and thanks, Jinnie, for the snacks. I had a good time with you losers." You said with a playful smile.
Felix laughed, giving you a warm hug, "You're welcome, idiot."
Hyunjin, not one to be outdone, waited for his turn. As his arms enveloped you, your face pressed against his shoulder, you hoped he couldn't hear the frantic beating of your heart. Little did you know, his own heart was racing just as fast. Squeezing you in his arms, he pressed a subtle kiss onto your head and whispered, "Anytime, cutie."
You blinked rapidly, feeling a sudden warmth spread through you. Felix cleared his throat, and Hyunjin reluctantly let you go. You smiled and waved at the two of them, "Alrighty then, I'll see you both at school."
Waving back, they turned to leave. Unbeknownst to Hyunjin, Felix caught him muttering a quiet, "Can't wait."
A week had passed and Hyunjin was just glad you no longer brought up Seungmin again, perhaps you've drifted apart from the boy? Whatever it was, he was just happy to not hear that name again.
Ah yes, things are finally returning to normal.
Or so he thought.
The cafeteria bustled with students, the usual hum of conversation filling the air as the three of you settled into your regular lunch spot. Hyunjin's eyes sparkled with excitement as he leaned forward, suggesting an idea for the upcoming weekend.
"Hey, let's do something fun this Saturday! I heard there's this new arcade opened—"
Before he could finish, your sheepish smile and the gentle rub on your neck halted him, "Sorry, I won't be able to make it. You guys can go ahead without me though."
Hyunjin furrowed his brows, "What? Why not?"
You sighed, conflicted about sharing the information but recognising the necessity, "I'm... going on my first date with Seungmin."
His cheerful expression faltered, his eyes reflecting a mix of surprise and disappointment, "Seungmin? You're still seeing him?"
You nodded hesitantly, your gaze shifting away, "Yeah, we've been hanging out quite a bit lately, and he finally asked me out. I didn't want to bring it up, but since you asked..."
The atmosphere grew tense, and Felix, who was listening to the conversation, threw a concerned look at his friend. Hyunjin tried to put on a brave face, forcing a smile, "Oh, that's... that's great. I hope you have fun."
Felix intervened, sensing the underlying tension, "Well, we can reschedule our plans. No big deal."
You offered an apologetic smile, "Thanks, Lix. I really appreciate it."
Hyunjin forced a smile, trying to mask the discomfort he felt, "Yeah, go have a good time."
His gaze lingered longingly on your retreating figure as you left lunch early that day. The once-clear path of friendship now seemed muddled, and the excitement for the weekend plans felt overshadowed by heartache.
The streetlights cast elongated shadows on the sidewalk as Hyunjin walked home, his steps heavy with self-pity. His gaze was fixed on his phone screen, flipping through your Instagram stories with Seungmin. Felix, catching up to his despondent friend, slung an arm over Hyunjin's shoulder.
"Dude, why didn't you wait for me?" Felix asked, noticing Hyunjin's distraction.
Hyunjin didn't respond, lost in his thoughts. Felix glanced over and sighed when he saw your stories playing on Hyunjin's phone. Swiftly, he snatched the device out of his friend's hands.
"That's enough. Will you keep wasting away while the girl you like is out there with another guy? Aren't you going to do something about your feelings?" Felix's words were firm, a mix of concern and frustration.
Hyunjin, taking his phone back, continued trudging home, "What can I do, Lix? All she sees is Seungmin. It doesn't matter how I feel."
Without warning, Felix smacked him on the back of the head. Hyunjin froze, rubbing the back of his head as Felix continued walking.
"Is that what you think? So you're upset with her seeing Seungmin because you have feelings for her. You do realise she felt the same way seeing you with Lia, right? So, what does that tell you?" With those words hanging in the air, Felix left Hyunjin standing there, the pieces slowly falling into place in his mind.
Wait, does that mean she feels the same?
The soft chime of incoming messages interrupted your preparations for the date with Seungmin. You checked your phone to find a series of texts from Hyunjin, desperation evident in his words. He insisted that he needed to meet you urgently, that there was something important he needed to discuss.
Sighing, you considered ignoring him, determined to focus on your evening with Seungmin. But the messages continued to flood in, Hyunjin's pleas echoing through your phone. You were tired of the emotional rollercoaster, the constant back and forth.
Just as you were about to throw your phone aside, a few more texts flashed across the screen. Hyunjin persisted, wanting to talk to you, to meet with you, 'Please don't go to him.' Frustration welled up in you, but you maintained your resolve.
With a firmness that surprised even yourself, you replied, 'Enough, Hyunjin. I'm going on this date with Seungmin whether or not you like it. You're not stopping me this time.'
As you hit send, a text from Seungmin arrived, informing you that he had arrived.
Fixing your hair one last time, you took a deep breath and made a conscious decision to put thoughts of Hyunjin aside for the night. Tonight was about you and Seungmin, and you were determined to enjoy the evening without the interference of unresolved feelings.
Except it was harder than you think.
The cityscape sparkled with lights as you walked beside Seungmin. Despite the vibrant atmosphere and your date's engaging company, every corner of the city seemed to whisper memories of Hyunjin. You couldn't escape the nostalgia that flooded your mind, remembering the countless times you and your childhood friend had roamed these familiar streets together throughout the years.
It became a bitter realisation that, no matter how much you tried to focus on Seungmin, your mind wandered back to your best friend. The restaurants you passed, the park you strolled through, every place held echoes of shared moments with Hyunjin.
To make matters worse, your phone vibrated incessantly with continuous messages from him. Despite your decision to ignore him, his texts continued to flood in, each one a reminder of his persistence. It tugged at your heartstrings, making it harder to immerse yourself in the date.
As the night progressed, you found yourself in a constant battle between the present and the past, between Seungmin and Hyunjin.
Just why are you doing this to me?
Letting out a tired sigh, you pushed your phone back into your pocket after seeing yet another text from you-know-who. You managed a convincing smile for your date, trying to push away the distraction of Hyunjin's persistent texts. But Seungmin's concern was evident as he placed a reassuring hand on your arm.
"Hey, everything alright?" He asked, his eyes reflecting genuine care. Your heart twinged with guilt for letting your emotions surface so easily. Nodding your head, you quickly regained your composure.
"Yep, all good. Ooh, let's go see that over there!" You pointed towards an intriguing stall, its shelves filled with peculiar items. You hoped the novelty would distract Seungmin—and, in turn, yourself—from the underlying tension of the night.
As you both explored the colourful array of trinkets and curiosities, you did your best to be present, banishing the persistent thoughts of a certain someone. Little did you know, Seungmin observed your efforts with concern, hoping to make the evening memorable for you.
Fingers intertwined with yours, he gently tugged you away from the crowd to a quieter corner by the beautiful Hangang River. The distant city lights reflected on the water's surface, casting a serene glow on both of you.
There, you stumbled upon a talented busker passionately pouring their heart into a soulful melody. Seungmin's eyes sparkled with delight as he guided you to a spot where you could enjoy the performance undisturbed.
In that moment, surrounded by the soothing music and the gentle night breeze, you smiled shyly. His presence felt warm and comforting, and for an instant, all you could see was him. He truly was a great guy, someone who could be the perfect boyfriend.
You could see it, see yourself being happy with him.
Until you couldn't.
The busker's next song struck a chord deep within you, a familiar melody that wrapped around your heart like a haunting echo from the past. It was your song, the one you and Hyunjin had dedicated to each other; it signified how much you meant to one another.
As the singer's voice carried the tune, memories of late-night talks, stolen glances, and the warmth of Hyunjin's presence flooded your mind. It was a bittersweet reminder of a connection that ran far deeper than you'd allowed yourself to acknowledge.
You knew you were hopeless when a voice you knew too well from behind you called out your name.
Hwang Hyunjin stood there, his eyes fixed on you with a mixture of emotions that mirrored your own inner turmoil. The shattered fragments of the future you envisioned with Seungmin lay scattered like a broken mirror, and there was no escaping the truth that had resurfaced with the haunting melody.
Turning to face him, you knew you were a lost cause the moment you laid your eyes on him. You had no control over how your heart instantly reacted to merely seeing him.
Seungmin's smile faltered, his grip on your hand loosening. The sudden shift didn't escape your notice, and when you looked up at him with tearful eyes, you found a bittersweet understanding in his gaze. His hand gently patted your head, a comforting gesture that carried an unspoken message.
"It's okay. Follow your heart, go to him," He said, his voice soft and understanding. His reassuring smile attempted to dispel any guilt you might feel, "Don't apologise, please. From the beginning, it was clear that your heart belonged to someone else. I knew that, and I just wanted to try my luck winning it over. But it's alright; I can tell this whole time, it's still with him."
His words lingered in the air, carrying both acceptance and a touch of melancholy. Hyunjin, who had been silently observing, began to view your date in a different light. Felix's insight had been right; Seungmin was a great guy.
Giving your hand a final, supportive squeeze, Seungmin nodded encouragingly at Hyunjin before walking off into the night.
The atmosphere around you seemed to shift, the distant sounds of the city melting away as Seungmin left you alone with Hyunjin and the weight of his words hanging in the air.
"Great, he's gone now. Are you happy?! What is it that's so freaking urgent that you had to ruin my date—"
Before you could process the mix of emotions, Hyunjin closed the distance between you. Your anger bubbled up at his apparent interruption, but he cut through your words with a revelation that shook you to your core.
"I'm in love with you, okay?!"
The confession hung in the air, and for a moment, the world stopped. You looked at him, your heart pounding, thoughts racing.
The truth that lingered beneath the surface had finally surfaced, leaving you both vulnerable and exposed. As the weight of his words settled in, you found yourself at a loss for how to respond.
Time seemed to come to a standstill.
You stood there, eyes wide, trembling, as the weight of his words sank in, "Wh-what?" You croaked, almost disbelieving. You feared your mind might be playing tricks on you.
Hyunjin softened, reaching gently for your hands, "I said, I'm in love with you. Always have been. It's... it's always been you. I should've known when I couldn't stop thinking about you even when I was with Lia. I'm sorry it took me this long to realise."
Your eyes rounded at the sincerity in his voice as he continued, "And I know that you feel exactly the same way I do."
You scoffed lightly at his confidence, "And how would you know that?"
He smiled, his gaze unwavering, "Tell me I'm wrong then. Tell me I've never once crossed your mind while you were with Seungmin."
You huffed in defeat, and he brought a hand up to cup your face, making you meet his gaze, "It has been painful watching you be with him, but I deserved it after making you watch and help me chase after Lia. I'm an idiot. I don't know how I've been so blind to my own feelings all this while."
You chuckled, placing your hand over his affectionately, "Believe it or not, I'm not much better. I didn't realise I loved you until Lia came around too."
His heart skipped a beat at your words, and he rested his forehead against yours, "Say that again."
You frowned, "Say what? That I'm no better than you?"
He laughed, "Not that. What you said after that."
You blinked slowly, "That I... love you?"
He nodded, biting his lip, "Again."
You blushed, murmuring, "I love you, you idiot."
His heart soared at that, "I love you too." Before you knew it, you were both leaning in, and your breath was taken away when you finally felt his lips pressed against yours. The world seemed to vanish, leaving only the two of you and the shared realisation of a love that had been there all along.
Hyunjin took you home, and the journey was a blur of stolen kisses, laughter, and the promise of a future that was now crystal clear. He kissed you dizzy at your doorstep, a sweet and lingering moment that left you breathless.
As you unlocked your front door, still feeling the warmth of his touch on your lips, you couldn't shake the need to address things with Seungmin. Despite the confusion of your emotions, you felt responsible for any unintentional hurt you might have caused.
Pulling out your phone, you composed a long text to Seungmin, expressing your sincerest apologies for leading him on, even when that wasn't your intention.
His reply came not long after, and you felt relief as you read his understanding words. Seungmin reassured you that he cherished the friendship you both had and was genuinely happy for you. You sighed, grateful that he handled it with such grace, and responded with a heartfelt thank you.
The weight on your shoulders lifted, knowing that at least one aspect of the situation was resolved amicably.
As the night settled in, you found yourself sitting by your window, a gentle breeze carrying the promise of a fresh start. Texts from Hyunjin lit up your screen, each message carrying a piece of the happiness that now coloured your world.
You smiled, realising that sometimes, the best things in life were the ones that took time to unfold.
The following week, you and Hyunjin walked into school hand in hand, a couple at last. The shift in your relationship wasn't much of a surprise to anyone. It has always been clear to most people that there was something slightly more between you; Hyunjin's protective nature and constant presence by your side made it obvious, that the love he had for you was different from Felix's platonic one.
The subtle hints that hung between you two over the years were now out in the open, and the school could finally witness the natural progression from best friends to something more.
Felix, stationed by his locker with an amused smirk, "Finally! I was this close to losing my patience waiting for you fools to realise you belonged together." His words carried a teasing tone, but there was genuine happiness in his eyes as he looked at the two of you.
Hyunjin chuckled, "Thanks, Lix. I won't lie, we probably wouldn't have been together yet if it weren't for you."
You nodded in agreement, "For real, you're the best," Grateful for the support and nudges from Felix, you jumped into his open arms, embracing him with genuine warmth. He grinned teasingly at your boyfriend as he hugged you back tightly, "I sure am."
Hyunjin, feigning jealousy, cleared his throat, "Alright, alright, that's enough! Hands off my girlfriend." He pulled you back into his arms, giving you a playful glare. You giggled, basking in the joy of finally being able to show your affection openly. The three of you shared a moment, knowing that this new chapter in your lives had been a long time coming.
The laughter-filled atmosphere at the lunch table spoke volumes about the comfort and happiness that had settled into your lives. With your boyfriend sitting by your side and your best friend across from you, the three of you enjoyed the moment.
Felix, ever the playful instigator, decided to bring up a memory, "Hey, remember when you said you had no interest in dating? Funny how things turned out, now look at you."
You scoffed, playfully rolling your eyes at his persistent teasing. Just as you were about to feed Hyunjin some of your kimchi fried rice, you paused midway, giving Felix a mock glare, "How many times have we been over this? Give it a rest, will you?"
Hyunjin whined at the interruption, and you turned to feed him with a coo, making him smile. Felix burst into laughter, thoroughly entertained, "Nope, I'll never let you live this down."
Your boyfriend swallowed the food in his mouth before throwing a tangerine at Felix, "Leave her alone and pick on someone your own size, Lee Yongbok."
Felix shook his head amusingly, catching the fruit in his hand, "Okay, okay, sheesh."
Amid the laughter and light banter, Felix suddenly shifted the mood, his expression turning serious, "Hey, on a serious note, you two. I just want you to know how genuinely happy I am for both of you. I wish you nothing but the best, and I hope you'll be together for a really long time. You both mean the world to me and your happiness is what matters most."
Hyunjin wrapped an arm around you and nodded, "I promise, Lix, I'll take care of her for as long as I'm capable of doing so."
Your eyes grew a bit wet at the sincerity of their words. Just as the moment was turning emotional, Felix, in his typical fashion, couldn't resist adding a touch of humour, "Oh, and by the way, if you have a kid, name them after me. Felix has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?"
You and Hyunjin stared at him, unamused, for a brief moment before bursting into laughter. Without missing a beat, you both reached over to give him a playful smack, "Dream on, Lix."
Deciding to go on a date after school, the two of you waved your best friend goodbye before skipping off in the opposite direction.
Swinging your intertwined hands, Hyunjin couldn't help but pout at the thought of your gaming plans with Seungmin over the weekend, "Can't you hang out with me instead of gaming with Seungmin, hm?" He asked, a playful whine in his voice.
You rolled your eyes, a teasing smile playing on your lips, "Jinnie, please, you're the one who told me the importance of maintaining our own lives outside of our relationship, right?"
He sputtered for a moment, caught off guard, "W-well, I mean, yeah, I did but—"
You shook your head, cutting off his protest with a gentle finger pressed against his lips, "No 'buts.' I'm playing with Seungmin, and you can't stop me."
Turning to continue walking, he tugged on your wrist and pulled you against him. With a gasp, you placed your hands on his chest to steady yourself, "Really? You'd rather play games with some other guy than do this with your own boyfriend?" He murmured, his tone a mix of playfulness and a hint of something more.
Before you could respond, he leaned in, kissing you with an intensity that caught you by surprise. Your knees buckled, and you would have fallen if it hadn't been for his strong hold on you. Your eyes fluttered closed almost instantly as you melted into the kiss, all thoughts of gaming and Seungmin fading away.
When he pulled away, a satisfied smirk playing on his lips, he gazed at your dazed state, "Tell me, is gaming better than this, hm?" He teased, his voice carrying a playful tone.
Lost in the trance of the moment, you shook your head, feeling his lips brush against yours before he kissed you again. The sensation was electrifying, but if Hyunjin thought he had won you over with that, he was severely mistaken.
Because when the weekend came around, and you were immersed in your gaming session with Seungmin, no amount of kisses from Hyunjin could distract you from the digital world you were exploring. As much as you loved the moments with your boyfriend, your passion for gaming was a part of who you were, and it was a promise you intended to keep.
But you did let him come over while you game.
Hyunjin pouted as he watched you talk excitedly into the mic on your headset, your enthusiasm evident in every word you spoke to Seungmin. Despite his initial playful complaints about being abandoned for games, he couldn't fight the smile that grew on his face.
As you laughed and strategised with Seungmin, Hyunjin appreciated how genuinely happy you were in these moments. He understood that your passion for gaming was a significant part of who you were, and he respected that.
Seated beside you, he immersed himself in his own world of sketches and drawings. The atmosphere was filled with the sound of your laughter and the clicking of his pencil against the paper. He was content, knowing that you were both doing things you loved, even if they were very different. Being by your side was all that mattered to him. And as he glanced at you with a soft smile, he thought, maybe, opposites do attract after all.
He couldn't resist leaning over to plant a kiss on your head as you played. You winked at him in response, making him laugh.
When the long match finally ended in your favour, you jumped up, arms thrown around his neck in triumph, "We won, Jinnie!" You exclaimed, and he cheered alongside you, savouring the victory.
As you celebrated, Hyunjin sneakily wrapped his arms around you and whispered, "Should I reward you for doing such a good job?" A mischievous glint sparkled in his eyes.
You gasped, slapping a hand over his mouth when you heard a loud groan through your headset. Seungmin's voice echoed, and you realised he could still hear you with the mic unmuted, "Ew, I really didn't need to hear that. My day's completely ruined now, thanks."
"Shut up, Seungmin. You've been hogging my girlfriend all day. Can I have her back already?" Hyunjin scolded, and your face turned a shade of red.
Seungmin laughed good-naturedly, "Fine, she's all yours."
Hyunjin grinned in victory as you ended the call with Seungmin, and he wasted no time pulling you back into his arms as soon as you logged out of the game.
"Damn right, she is. All mine."
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I'll be honest, this slightly strayed from the initial direction that I was gonna go for, but I'm happy with how it ended.
Thank you for reading and let me know your thoughts! <3
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bits-and-babs · 1 year
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↳ summary: Paired with him on a bounty hunting mission, you find irritating Mando so much fun. The result is even better.
↳ pairing: the mandalorian x f!reader
↳ word count: 2.3k
↳ content: 18+ MDNI. Goading, irritating an already frustrated Bounty Hunter Mando. Mando is very dom!vibes in this one. Oral (m receiving), gagging, dirty talk, use of ‘good girl’. This is a @beskarbabs remastered fic - original post date 2021.
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The ferocity of the irritation that burns through the Mandalorian’s veins is akin to the most violent sand storms on Tatooine, coarse and red hot if the tightness of his fists were anything to go by. At some points on this trip, in search of the bounty, he had questioned whether his vexation was rational. At one point, Mando even considered that maybe he was being indignant and overly emotional— but the moment you had opened your mouth again, he realised he was entirely justified in his vehemence.
A fellow Bounty Hunter Guild member, you had been asked by Greef Karga to join Mando on a mission to collect an assassin and mercenary who had been wreaking havoc all over the galaxy. Despite Karga briefing you for hours that this assassin who had been working for the Hutts with a clean record for kills would bring in a lot of credits if you were successful, you hadn’t required convincing. Your assigned partner was all you needed to take the job.
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The Mandalorian had caught your attention from the moment you stepped into the Guild. Not for his creed, no. It was his altogether cantankerous personality. You hadn't come across many Mandalorians in your lifetime, but you had heard of their reputation as the galaxy's ultimate warriors. What you hadn't expected, though, was his personality being as flat and emotionless as his beskar helmet. The man had scarcely acknowledged you, and when he did, it was a simple grunt or irked one-liner. You plan to change that. Plan to force him to talk to you, even if it is for more than a couple of seconds.
Undeterred by the Mandalorian lamenting and proclaiming his distaste for partner work, Karga had confirmed that the two of you would be collaborating on this particular task. And he clearly despised you for it.
You had tormented the fellow bounty hunter the entire journey to find the target, had commented on how he probably looked better with the mask on anyway, and that Bantha shit was presumably more appealing. Went from claiming he was a shit shot to teasing him over his flying abilities. Always picking on him for sounding like a droid due to his modulated voice- this irked him the most, oddly enough. However, even though his distaste towards you and seemingly everyone else was obvious, you knew he wasn't entirely callous.
You had seen his attentive nature towards the little green critter that accompanied the beskar-clad man over the journey it had taken for you to pinpoint the bounty. He watched closely, ensuring the 'wamp-rat" was safe at all times. You’re uncertain how long the two had been together. Still, it was clear that the creature had broken through the bleak exterior of the Mandalorian, as you’d often happened upon candid moments where Mando would pass The Child a little silver ball from his navigation sticks inside the cockpit or the two snuggled up during sleep.
Despite these facts, you can’t help how you enjoy tormenting the Mandalorian. You revel in his short temper and moody fits of frustration. When paired with The Child's altogether cheeky personality, you knew that Mando was consoled by the fact that both of you had managed to locate and capture the bounty, and he would only have to spend a few more hours with the both of you torturing him.
Regardless, you continue to prattle on at him, much to his irritation after what must have been hours of this already.
"You knoooow, maybe I was wrong..." you continue, watching the beskar helmet tilt towards you. He doesn’t say anything, but you know he’s somewhat interested in what you have to say. You bite back a smirk, trying your best to remain unreadable in your expression and what you have planned.
"Maybe you are quite good-looking under that helmet. You always act so suave. Only a man with a big dick and a handsome face would walk around with that much confidence," you point out boldly. A soft, distorted sigh of frustration works its way through the modulator of his mask, making it evident that you were, indeed, still annoying him.
"Come on, Mando~" you smirk, leaning forward in your seat as if trying to get a better look at him- like you could see through his visor, "Can’t you give me just a little peek?"
He doesn’t answer. You could predict what he would say if he did; 'You know I can't'.
"Don't you want to? Don't you want to show people what you look like? Maybe there are beautiful women you've met in bars that you want to charm- or men, I'm not one to judge," you shrug, holding your hands up. He scoffs.
"No?" you arch an eyebrow. He turns back to the view outside the window, voice monotone as he answers.
"I don't remove the helmet for any reason. The only time would be after a wedding ceremony back at the tribe." You give a groan of protest at that, falling back in your chair as you tilt your head to look up at the ceiling.
"You're saying I'd have to marry you to see your face?!"
"I'd advise against it," he grumbles, fiddling with the controls before him, even though he had been on autopilot for a good few hours. You can see you're getting under his skin talking about this. Was he... flustered?
You sit up again, considering your next move, feeling the excitement of toying with him build in your chest as you lower your voice.
"Why not just... Enjoy yourself. There's no need to be so uptight..." You murmur, ever so slowly getting up out of your seat. He watches you closely as you make your way across the durasteel floor, closing the small distance between the two of you quickly. There's a moment of silence, thick and tense, that you swear you can feel run down your spine and settle between your legs. How you wished you could see his expression. Would he be glaring? It was so hard to navigate without being able to read his face.
Regardless, you push ahead with your plan. Deliberately and gradually sinking down to your knees in front of Mando, you see him stiffen at the sight of you between his legs.
"What are you doing?" he asks, the invariability in his voice cracking despite the modulator, and you hear something akin to surprise seep into his voice. You don't answer at first, laying your cheek against his thigh and gazing up at him provocatively.
"It must have been a while..." you mumble, feeling him jolt as you trace your fingertips on his flightsuit-clad thigh through the gaps of his beskar-plate armour, "Aren't you worked up?"
Mando looks away, holding tightly onto whatever sanity he has left.
Yes, he’s worked up. You know he’s wound up so tight it fucking hurts, and it’s entirely your fault. You'd been teasing him like this for days on end, so much so you’d forgotten how long you had actually been working together on this mission. Has it been five days? A week? Three? You knew Mando felt the same. His days had all melted together after the third sleepless night, disturbed from sleep by the viscous mixture of intense sexual frustration and exasperation.
You made his life difficult the moment you stepped onto the Crest. Working to ensure your body seared itself into his mind. To make him swear that your unique smell had somehow seeped its way into even his own clothes.
You see his helmet till down suddenly in shock, a groan slipping past his lips at the sudden feeling of your nose pressing into the bulge of his already-hardening cock. He watches your tongue glide across the fabric of his pants as you let out your own whine at the feeling of him trembling beneath you.
The strain of the leather in his gloves crackles in your ears as he balls his hands into fists at his side when you pull away, a smirk on your lips. He's practically shaking- with rage or pleasure, you're not quite sure. Though, you're enjoying it. Enjoying this hold you have over such a powerful man. Mandalorians were meant to be fearless warriors, revered across the galaxy. But this one was so... Needy, even if he refused to show it. It boosted your confidence and made you feel almost... transcendent.
Undeterred, you bite back your smug grin and begin to stand again. You stare into the visor of that dispassionate mask, the one he hid all his emotions behind, as you wish you could gain some insight into what he’s thinking. You give a slight shrug of your shoulders when Mando doesn’t respond to the absence of your touch or the intensity of your gaze.
"Perhaps I was wrong, after all..." you hum, holding the fixed look before turning away from him as you continue to speak with your back turned to him, "Maybe you don't have as big of a cock as I thou-"
It all happens so fast that it was like you had unwittingly jumped into hyperspace. You feel the leather grip of the bounty hunter's hand at the base of your neck, pulling you so hard that you turn to face him and bump into his chest plate. The intensity of the collision practically winds you, and paired with the power of the aura the man wearing it was exuding, you forgot how to breathe.
"You don't get to look at me like that after that little performance," Mando rasps softly, fingertips digging into the back of your neck ever so slightly. Before you even have the opportunity to respond to this assertive behaviour, he's pushing you to your knees once again.
You hit the durasteel with a stinging thud, the pain of the pull from your skin under your own body weight against the cold, hard flooring jolting you from the daze his gravelly voice imposed on you. His palm lays at the back of your head, pushing your face back into his stiff cock. You moan, flattening your tongue against him through his pants as you hook the waistband of his trousers under your thumbs, tugging them down slowly.
The husky growl of approval that leaves his throat is almost divine, sending tremors through your thighs. Wherever this powerful, demanding side of him came from, you wanted more of it. Whimpering as you take his free cock from his trousers, you note how thick he is. The head of his dick is so swollen and red, so desperate for your touch. Not wanting to waste any more time, you trace your tongue over the tip, savouring the taste of the precum that has beaded there.
He grunts, the pads of his leather-clad fingertips pressing into your scalp as you continue to lick and kiss gently before taking him into your mouth with a soft hum. The vibrations must feel good because his hips jolt forward suddenly. The reputable, almost legendary bounty hunter of the Guild is coming apart on your tongue. The thought was enough for you to feel a searing heat blaze between your thighs, and you take him deeper into your mouth, running your tongue against the veins on the underside of his cock.
"See how you’ve shut up now, little brat? Taking my cock like this.” He murmurs, looking down at you as you take him to the point that the tip bumps into the back of your throat. He keens slightly, losing his train of thought as he feels the back of your throat strain against his length.
"Yes, good girl… Is it as big as you thought?" he rumbles, moving his hand underneath your chin, thumb and forefinger pressing into either side of the curves of your jaw with his palm against your throat.
"I want to feel you take my cock, yes, good girl," he lets out a throaty growl as he begins to thrust into your mouth, pressing his palm harder against your neck to feel his length move in and out of your throat. You rest your hands against the beskar on his thighs, the cold of the metal easing the searing heat of your skin.
You press your nose into his pubic bone, taking in the musky scent of his pubic hair. He smelt so fucking good- you swear your mouth waters.
"Fuck," he growls loudly, beginning to ramble, "Know your place, you little brat. This is my ship, my rules." His thrusts harder, setting a brutal pace that makes your eyes water. You shift your gaze to stare into his visor, but his head is tilted back, lost in the pleasure you're giving him. You see the exposed underside of his throat this way, littered with dark stubble. He has facial hair. How would that feel between your legs-?
You moan, and he grips the back of your head again, pushing your head down to take him even deeper. You're gagging, loving every minute of him using you, punishing you for your bad behaviour.
"Fuck-" he gasps out, the sound so fucking sexy with the modulator as his hips stutter and his balls pull tight. His cum hits your tongue, and you pull back enough to lap at the tip as he cums, his back arching slightly as you relish in the salty, delicious taste of him as he throbs against your tongue. You savour him in your mouth until he's absolutely spent, and soft moans that are barely audible filter into your ears.
Pulling back slowly in an effort to catch your breath again, he grabs your chin and forces you to look up at him as he pants in time with your unsteady, shaky exhales.
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