#assassination classroom sugino x reader
thequietkid-moonie · 2 years
can i request boys of assassination classroom seperated reaction to you having sudden and often panic attacks?
S/O suffer for suddenly panic attacks often
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Nagisa, Karma, Sugino, Isogai, Terasaka ]
[ Assassination Classroom / Anatsu Kyoshitsu ]
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Since you didn't specify who you wanted I had to chose, if you want someone I didn't wrote you can request it!
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Nagisa Shiota
Nagisa is a really caring person, he is usually looking after your well-being. He knows it isn't exactly fine being happy all the time but he can't help but feel sad whenever he sees you worried about something
Nagisa is really good with words and he always finds what to say to makes you feel better when you need it, is easy to rely in him
Even if you didn't tell him about this he could tell something is bothering you, Nagisa is really observant and knows to read the ambience so it wasn't too difficult for him to notice, even if your panics attacks weren't evidents, he will try to think on what could be bothering you since he didn't want to confront you right away, thinking that if you didn't bring it up is becouse is something that makes you uncomfortable or is not a big deal
But if you decided to tell him he will heard you carefuly and treat the subject whit a lot of respect (even if you don't make a big deal of it), he wants to know more about it but won't force you to talk about, if you let him he will like to know what exactly cause you to have those panic attacks (if you don't know, it's fine) and how he could help you (what help you and what you don't like)
Still, the first time he sees you have one he gets really worried, but quickly compose himself to be able to help you, going somewhere privite and keeping close to him, hidding you from others view too and reassuring you that you are not alone, he is by your side. Even after you manage to calm down he is still watching over you
After you have an attack he will be extra careful and gentle with you, he just want for you to feel comfortable, also he doesn't mind waiting all the time you need until you feel better
He help you everytime you have an attack and with time he becomes better at helping you, and, since he is really observant he even learn to notice whenever you start having one to help you prevent it (usually by distracting you or with small touches to catch your attention)
He will keep searching for other ways to help you out and he even brings the idea of searching professional help (in case you didn't have it yet)
Nagisa is usually shy, but if it makes you feel better he will overcome his shyness to get more affectionate (hugs and sweet kisses while trying to ignore the blush in his cheeks)
This situation doesn't bother him but it makes him sad since he hates seeing you suffer so much
He isn't someone who get into fights, but he will stand up for you if someone is making fun of you for it
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Karma Akabane
May seems like not but Karma cares about you a lot, you are his precious partner and not just in crime, you had made your way to his heart and he likes it
Whenever he sees you sad or struguling with something he is quickly to comfort you, giving you hope in his own way, motivating you to confront whatever is bothering you
If you decide to tell him about this he will say that it isn't a big deal and you shouldn't be worring too much, but, contrary at what he show he actually heard you carefuly and makes sure to take it in consideration. If you decide to not tell him he will notice it anyway, Karma is really observant and intelligent so he will for sure notice that something is bothering you. Whatever you decide to do he will find a way to get information from you about this
The first time he sees you have a panic attack at first will take it as if you were joking and will still act cheerfuly, saying you that the game is over, but this is actually just to cover his worries, he is worried of something actually passing to you. He opt to help you by keeping you close to him and reasure you that you have nothing to worry about, and even tell you in a joking manner that you worried way too much, but he is hugging you with such gentlelness and care
After this first time he will make sure to get to know everything he have to know about this, from what triggered you to how to help you (he will force you to talk whithow even being rude, he have his ways)
He will take this seriously, he could be all the sadistic he wants but when it comes to you he just can't, you are his soft spot and he doesn't likes seeing you suffer like this
Karma still tease you and make jokes about it as long as it didn't truly upset you, if those comments hurt you then he will never do them again and even apologize for it (offer to make it up with a treat, maybe some ice cream), he could tease you with other things anyway
He will never admitted out loud but he is careful around you and always paying attention to your body language to be ready whenever you have a panic attack
If there is someone to blame for you having so much panic attacks (like making you have an traumatic experience) or cause you a panic attack intencionally then that person better start praying to all the gods they know because no one gets away after make his beloved suffer like this
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Tomohito Sugino
Sugino is a man who loves intensally, he loves you with all his heart and soul, he is the type to always wanting to make you smile, specially when he sees you upset
It sadden him whenever he sees you sad or worried about something and he is quickly to reassure you that everything will be fine
If you tell him before hand that you suffer for a lot of panic attacks he will reasure you once again that is fine, you don't have nothing to worry about!
He actually underestimated the situation at first, being confident in himself and that was an error becouse the first time he sees you having a panic attack he start panicing too, he was so scared without fully undestanding what was happening to you! And if you didn't tell him anything about this before that just makes him even more worried
He will try to keep calm and help you, first with words, with a serious and confident voice reassuring you that you are completely safe with him, that he will protect you from everything and anything, and if that doesn't help he will embrace you protectively (if you let him, of course), hidding you from the rest of the world, even he guide you somewhere more privite if it need it
He doesn't have problem waiting all the time you need to calm down and after he will ask you about it, and will apologize for not giving it importance at first
Sugino won't ask much about it, specially if you seem uncomfortable by the subject, but will promise you that you can always relay on him
If you decide to talk about it then he will heard everything you say to him without interrumpting you, not ever once unless you ask him something
He will make his own personal goal to learn everything he can about how be able to help you, from techniques to handle anxiety to the things that brings you comfort, he wants to be ready to help you whenever you need it!
He will even go to Koro-sensei for help, asking him about the subject an for advice, asking for advice too, and Koro-sensei will happily help you in the classroom if you need it (he care a lot about his students and won't miss an oportunity to help two young lovers he is too weak for romance)
With time he learns to identify whenever you start feeling anxious or when you start having an attack so he help you rather quickly, principally with words
He always carry around at least one comfort item for you, and he also makes sure to always hold your hand so you never forget that he is by your side (and becouse he loves you so much)
Sugino never get bother for this, and if you ever feel insecure about this he is quickly to comfort you, admiting to you that he actually loves taking care of you
If you ever have a panic attack and he isn't by your side he will apologize later for it (even if it was imposible for you two be together)
Also, he won't tolerate anyone saying something bad about you, he is quickly to defend you against everyone, even if you don't mind it. If you tell him that he didn't have to do it then he will try to keep calm but is probably that he won't
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Yuma Isogai
Isogai is a really caring and gentle lover, he is really happy to be able in a relationship with you despite everything and he isn't really shy in expresing his love for you
Whenever he sees you sad or worried it makes him sad too, he knows you can't be happy all the time but still. Isogai is always there to comfort you, he will hate for you to have to handle whatever is causing you troubles alone, even if the only think he can do is staying by your side he will
If you decide to tell him about your problem he will heard you with attention, he will ask you a few things to have things more clear to be ready to help you, and if the conversation makes you uncomfortable he will apologize, he take really serious the topic. But if you decide to not tell him then he probably won't find it out himself, he just know that there is something bothering you, but he doesn't exactly bring it up and prefer to wait until you feel ready to say it
The first time he sees you having a panic attack he worries but he is quickly to react, he may not understand complety what is happening to you but he clearly sees that you are stressed and even scare and that is enough for him to know that you need help
He keep you close and ask you softly what happen, but if you can't or don't want to talk its fine, he will hug you with such gentle and love while whispering words of reasure, even peting you head softly. Isogai will wait all the time you need to calm down, and after you do the first thing he do is ask you how are you feeling, if it hurt somewhere and if you need something, maybe some water or a snack
He will never judge you neither get bother for your panic attacks, Isogai is a really caring person and he is used to take care of his little siblings so he have no problem to take care of you when you need it (he actually loves to do it)
He really worries about you so he will search about the topic in hope to find a reason of why you have those panic attacks so suddenly and how to help you, also he will ask you what you know about it, what helps you calm down and what trigger you, he will even ask your opinion first before trying something new
He may not pass as much time as he want with you since he has to take care of his siblings and has a job, but he always asure you that if you need him you can always text or call him, and you can even go to see him in his house or job if you really need him
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Ryoma Terasaka
Is a surprise that the two of you are together and some in the class will use this oportunity to tease the hell of him for it, but he is really happy to be with you
Terasaka isn't the best with feelings, he have problem with expresing them, but he truly care for you and he doesn't want anything bad to happen to you
Whenever he sees you sad or worried he feel a little frustrated for not knowing what to do to help you so he relay more in physical affection, hugging you (or even just putting his arm around your shoulders) making a comment of how you shouldn't been worring too much
If you decide to tell him he will heard you carefuly and will make an effort to understand what you are telling him, but he may don't fully get it, and he will say it to you right away, he doesn't want to lie to you so he will tell you that he didn't fully understand but you have his fully support for everything, so if you need his help you just need to say it
Even so, he will take the topic really serious, maybe he doesn't understand but this is important to you so is important to him too. He will makes sure to search about the topic, he doesn't want to not be able to help you when you need it
The first time he sees you having a panic attack he panic too, mostly becouse he is scare of something happening to you and he doesn't fully know how to help you (but if you didn't tell him before then that will make him even more worried), he knows he need to help you so he decided to do it by catching your attention, even putting his hands in your cheeks to make you look at him (gently, the last thing he wants is to hurt you) and reasure you that everything will be fine, maybe it wasn't the best course of action but is the best he can do, besides he's good with words in his own way
When you finally manage to calm down Terasaka apologize to you for not being able to do more for you (if you tell him that he actually helped you he will feel better about it), and will get more serious and ask you about it again, this time wanting to know how to help you
He wants to know all he can, from when you suffer this (if you had those attack since a long ago that will surprise him and make him feel a little frustrated for knowing that you have been suffering so much), how often and what triggered you (if you don't know, it's fine, but it will make him a little more frustrated just becouse that makes more difficult to prevent them), but mainly how to help you
For a while he doesn't let his guard down and be attentive to you in hopes to help you to even prevent them, at least until he get used to and even learn to notice when you start having one
He is shy to admit it but he likes taking care of you, he hates seeing you in so much stress so whenever he is able to help you he feels really good with himself
Terasaka grows quite protective over you and won't tolerate anyone talking bad about you or your condition, he is quickly to stand up for you, and if someone actually cause you a panic attack in purpose he will be really angry at that person, and they won't be able to get away with it
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karma-simp · 1 month
I hate assassination classroom so I've been redesigning it
(That's my Ao3 which has all of my Karma x reader fics). Also TW! I have photos of my drawings in here and my phone quality is soooooo bad.
Don't get me wrong, I've been obsessing over assassination classroom since September 2020 (4 years). But like... the writing is so bad! Like Yusei Matsui, you had some very good ideas and concepts, but you were so bad at communicating them. It has taken over 3 years of analysis to understand even basic ideas
Like your main character, Shiota Nagisa is kinda badly written. His talent isn't bloodlust, it's deception. He appears weak and fragile but is actually a violent killer. He's observant but unnoticeable, so he fades into the background. His character arc is supposed to be finding himself, his way, and his self confidence.
Oh and there are so many 'jokes' made that aren't funny or things that are overlooked like I don't think there is a single good parent in that show except Karasuma. I mean Miss Bitch kissing the students isn't okay, the feminising Nagisa jokes aren't funny and honestly, I don't even like Korosensei anymore. Also Terasaka told Nagisa to kill himself and we never came back to it (or the actual suicide itself).
I mean sure, Korosensei does a lot for those kids, but he just comes off as more of a 'fun' teacher that plays games in class and is always there to talk to but he just seems unprofessional. I mean he's a goddamn mass murderer for god's sake. His backstory took ages for me to understand. Like wah wah, he has to die, cool story bro. I get a backstory every anime (or episode if your demon slayer) so I have no sympathy. But I guess I am a 'greater good' lover so whatever.
Also don't even think to bring up Karma. I mean my username is Karmas-wife, so I am not just his defender, I'm his lawyer. The civil war arc is so out of character for him and so is him teasing Nagisa about being girly after finding about his mum. Sure he might seem like an asshole, but that's the mask, that's what he wants you to think. But he's kind and protective, he's not egotistical. He defends his classmates and friends time and time again. I want to see so much more of him. His anger, fighting prowess, leadership, vulnerability and healing.
Also, the deuteragonist should be Sugino, not Karma. Sugino is Nagisa's best friend, he's literally attached to Nagisa's side, and if I were to ask Nagisa who his best friend was, he would say Sugino. I kinda don't like him because he wouldn't like Karma but I understand that's a bias.
So all of this has made me want need to rewrite assassination classroom. I mean there's a whole lot of angst in the themes that just doesn't translate. Honestly, the show probably would be more memorable and of better quality if it was 3 seasons.
So here are some of my redesigns of characters
Protagonist: Shiota Nagisa
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He starts off seemingly timid, quite and oblivious. To try and make up for his insecurity of being useless, Nagisa takes notes of Korosenei's weaknesses, attempts that work, strengths of his classmates and possible future attempts (in a bigger book). He's surprisingly calm under pressure, like when executing assassination attempts. Scarily so. This initially doesn't seem very scary until it combines with his hidden bloodlust. He enjoys the dominance that killing someone provides. Little bit by bit, the little moments of scariness begin to bleed through. Until Kayano shows Nagisa how to conceal himself better, making himself scarier. He wishes for the confidence that Sugino has. Used to be friends with Karma, but now Nagisa really only asks Karma for help because he's kind afraid of Karma. He originally thinks he should be an assassin because it's 'the only thing he's good at' until he starts teaching. The he realises he likes helping people grow more. Also, his talent is deception/ disguising himself, not bloodlust.
Deuteragonist/ Best Friend: Tomohito Sugino
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The common sense/ brain cell holder (the only normal person in 3-E). Dad friend who feels very concerned for Nagisa and (rightfully) weary of Karma. Doesn't really see a lot that goes on but is very honest and down to earth (good contrast for airheaded Nagisa). Although he isn't very muscly, he is strong and courageous, like a classic hero. Can be quite simple. Has a crush on Kazaki, likes basketball/ sports and the ten million yen bounty.
Main love interest/ main girl: Kaede Kayano Akari Yukimura
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After losing her sister, she infiltrates the E-Calss under a fake name. She eggerates her love of pudding and pretends to be a bubbly airhead. She befriends Nagisa to hide herself then helps him find himself to do this. Later, she reveals herself and after her unsuccessful assassination attempt, she reintroduces herself. The classmates get to know the real her: more mature, determined, fierce, serious but still social and more aware of people than they though. She gains a crush on Nagisa for his steadiness and his emotional intelligence (and kissing ability).
Classmate/ Ex-Friend: Karma Akabane
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Used to be friends with Nagisa but got weary of his dark side. An aggressive/ intimidating fighter with a bad reputation of getting into fights (with people that deserved it) like his fight (with a bully) that put him in the E-Class. Doesn't often interact with his classmates as he scares them. He doesn't see any reason to care about grades, them, or himself). Has issues with authority (after betrayal from teacher and being abandoned by parents). Learns to care and put effort into things after being adopted cared for by Karasuma. This makes him go from a bossy shadow to a decisive leader and gives him awareness of others.
Secondary Love interest: Rio Nakamura
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Popular jokester who knows (and tells) all the gossip. Similar to Miss Bitch: confident, snarky, headstrong and attention-seeking. Likes Nagisa because he doesn't stand up to her so is 'easy to control.' She loses interest when he does eventually stand up to her. Smarter than she lets on and doesn't want to tell the class to keep her popularity. When she shows how smart she actually is, she loses friends and forces them to come back.
Classmate /Class Clown: Maehara Hiroto
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Childish class clown that lives off the words 'no homo' and laughs at fart jokes. Isogai's best friend. He always has a girlfriend and in the very short time in between them he's super depressed because he's scared of being alone. Laughs to hide the pain. Charismatic, attractive and surprisingly loyal. Notices the little things. Romantic and funny so the girls are all over him but he's just a teeny bit afraid of commitment.
Classmate: Manami Okuda
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Chemistry girly. Likes easy observations, formulae, and studies of things/ chemicals/ matter. Words/ people are too complicated and she's very unaware of double/ hidden meanings of things due to being very solitary. After being taken advantage of by friends, she gives up on trying. Then she meets Kayano and Kanzaki who work around it. Then Karma and Korosensei teach her how to understand people and why it's important, making her better at communication. Very blunt and straightforward. Horrible liar/ actress.
Classmate/ Bully: Ryoma Terasaka
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Bully that uses his strength as power over others/ gets others to do his dirty work. After it doesn't work and he drops to the E-Class, then is put down by his friends for it and sees the effect on Nagisa and the class, he grows up and starts to take responsibility for his actions. Then, he starts listening to others and following their lead. The class might joke about him being a dumbass (which he is) but he does a lot of growing and learns to genuinely care for others, rather than hurt them. Also has common sense but no other smarts.
So there's part 1 of redesigns. Thank you for reading.
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moonbeam-writing · 3 years
Request: “sugino's childhood friend is the student council vp + #2 student. they like e/o but have been on bad terms ever since he dropped to 3-e. she didn't have friends besides him + her cousin maehara so she's sad about it but hides it under a new cold personality,, chairman coerces her into being a student-teacher at 3-e to help kill korosensei + her cold attitude causes problems w/ the class. what if she eventually befriends everyone + makes up with maehara but stays hostile towards sugino 🤔 tysm!” + “ah yes it's the sugino requester here! yes i would like it to have a happy ending :)) thanks so much, i'm looking forward to it!” + “oh yeah it's the sugino requester here again! sorry for the third ask but feel free to add any jealousy related elements 👀 i hope you enjoy writing <3”
— Reconnecting
๑ Requested by a lovely Anon! ♡
๑ Characters: Tomohito Sugino (Assassination Classroom)
๑ Quick Note: Hello, darling! Thank you so much for requesting this! I had a bunch of fun writing this, sorry if it’s a bit long or not 100% like the request, but I feel like I got the major stuff. I really hope you like it!
๑ Warnings: None, really. Just fairly angsty, though, as always, there’s hurt/comfort vibes and a happy ending. :)
๑ Word Count: 3,562
(Y/N) (L/N) considered herself to be at the top of the world.
They were exactly where they were supposed to be so far in her life, getting exactly what they wanted and what they aimed for from how much work they put in. (Y/N) may have been one step down from the very top, but they were more than willing to take the place they earned. They were the top girl in the entirety of Kunugigaoka Junior High and there was nothing more satisfying than knowing that, aside from her place on the student council, but even that wasn’t quite the same. High grades came with high status, and in a school as ruthless as this one, she loved nothing more than knowing that the fruits of her own labor were what were keeping her safe.
Granted, it was lonely at the top. No one really liked anyone at Kunugigaoka for the most part. Sure, there were friendships, but all of them seemed either fake or hanging on by a thread. The admiration of others like her or the principal’s son wasn’t all that real, either. That admiration became jealousy and envy in seconds. People were willing to do virtually anything and use almost anyone to keep their grades up. Anything to avoid getting transferred to 3-E, that is. You were doomed if you managed to drop down to the “End Class,” no one had ever heard a story of someone being sent there coming back. It was like a story made up to keep everyone in line, only it wasn’t a story. It was very, painfully real and the stories served their purpose.
     (Y/N) had once had friends with her. She still did to an extent, but it wasn’t the same. Or, at least, they didn’t think it was. There was her cousin, Maehara, and Sugino, her best friend. They were thick as thieves, though, E Class brought separation, putting up a barrier between herself and the boys. The barriers were different for each boy, though.
Maehara was family, close family at that. He was (Y/N)’s first and best friend in the universe. The added bonus of sharing blood, however, was what kept them close. The two had to attend family gatherings, meaning that even if their academic endeavors kept them apart, their personal lives weren’t going to get in their way, either.
     Sugino, however, was a friend. A friend without any family ties or any true reason to seek (Y/N) out, or at least, that’s what he had thought. (Y/N) left things fairly open when Sugino had to switch classes, completely putting her reputation on the line for him. They had always sent soft smiles and friendly winks his way when they passed each other on campus, but they never got any sort of response or reaction. It just created shame and embarrassment on both of their ends.
After a month or two, (Y/N) worked to make herself move on. They couldn’t forget him entirely, nor would she let herself, but they also acknowledged all of the variables that came with Sugino’s new situation. His world was essentially being turned upside down. Everything he had and had known before being shipped up the mountain was being taken away from him and changed. (Y/N) couldn’t even begin to understand what he was going through, and honestly, she didn’t want to. At this point, (Y/N) just wished things could go back to how they were. They missed their best friend, and they missed not feeling hurt by him.
It was only a matter of time until the universe pushed the two back together, though.
Despite being one of the best students and having absolutely nothing to worry about, (Y/N)’s stomach and heart dropped, they were called to the principal's office. (Y/N) wasn’t sure if there ever was or would be a point in time where the man didn’t scare her, but that was the least of her concerns at that moment. They could have been asked anything in that office. They could have been told anything in that office. Anything could have happened, and the worst part was that it likely couldn’t have been something she could share. Even if they wanted to, or it  was deemed that it was something they could share in the first place, but wasn’t sure they’d even have it in themself to. Even though Principal Asano paraded himself as some kind of borderline neutral and caring man, everyone knew that he was the exact opposite.
“You wanted to see me, sir?” (Y/N) fought the shake in their voice, but it wasn’t quite enough to get rid of it. She may have closed herself off after Sugino and Maehara left, but the man’s intimidation factor was something that couldn’t be ignored. It was all too intense and the dark appearance and atmosphere of the room did nothing to calm her nerves.
“I did.” His deep voice sounded almost cheerful, more than (Y/N) would have liked to hear. She would have preferred his rumbling monotone over this. “I have been doing some thinking recently and as it turns out, you’re the only one I can think of to handle this job.”
(Y/N) stared at the man in front of them curiously. They weren’t sure what he wanted, and they didn’t like that. The worst part, however, is that (Y/N) knew she wouldn’t have much of a choice. “Oh yeah?”
“Yes. I believe Class 3-E needs a bit of extra help.” (Y/N)’s stomach began to twist. “Unfortunately, I need my son to stay where he is, but you,” he paused, peering up at her from his desk, “you are a bit more flexible in regards to things like this. You help people all the time after all.” 
(Y/N) felt herself swallow heavily. There were so many possibilities of what could happen that they felt like they might not be able to cope. Sure, Maehara was there, but that seemed to be the only bright side. (Y/N) knew going up the mountain would be rough, and she wished she could find even the slightest bit of wiggle room to decline his so-called offer.
Asano, however, did not appreciate (Y/N)’s silence. He hated the obvious hesitance to answer even more. For someone in her position, (Y/N) seemed to have more resolve than he expected; others would have already given in with panicked compliance. He had noticed (Y/N)’s change over time, however, it made her the way she appeared; unmoving and closed off. Then he thought of his best bargaining chips. “You know people there, correct?”
“Almost everyone.” (Y/N) replied, not answering with what he wanted to hear on purpose. “I fear that not everyone would appreciate my presence, no matter how nice I am, though.” It was the truth and (Y/N) felt it needed to be said. It was a genuine concern and (Y/N) didn’t want to overstep; they would have every right to not like her and (Y/N) would never be able to blame them.
“I’m sure that’s not true. You have family in the E class. A cousin, correct?” 
“Yes, sir.” (Y/N) knew at this moment that he had officially backed them into the farthest corner he could.
“I’m sure he’ll love to see you.” His words were final; there was no getting out of this. “Now, there are a few things that will make this arrangement different.”
(Y/N) ignored the memory that wouldn’t leave them alone in the last few days. They hated that they let themself  be cornered that way and hated that they weren't too surprised even more. Kunugigaoka was corrupt and heavily classist, they knew that, but it was still wild to them. That was the environment they were growing up in, and because of the principal, it was arguably getting worse.
There were multiple things that (Y/N) had to face that morning that they weren’t ready for. All issues varied in their severity, but (Y/N) viewed all of them as something to worry about. Once (Y/N) thought of them, however, they noticed that their priorities may have been a bit skewed.
The strangest part that (Y/N) had to worry about was the main teacher of Class 3-E. The teacher, who was named Koro-Sensei by his students, was actually an alien. Not only that, but an alien that destroyed most of the moon and planned on doing the same to Earth. As much as (Y/N) wanted to ignore it, the gun and knife tucked into the waistband of their skirt and meeting a government agent absolutely destroyed that option.
There was also the class itself. (Y/N) once knew all of them and was even on good terms with almost all of them, but things definitely change once you’re booted off the main campus. (Y/N) was sure that no matter how nice she made sure to be to them that they wouldn’t accept any of it. She was considered top tier while they were nothing as soon as they got transferred. (Y/N) knew she couldn’t blame any of them for how they might feel or react to her.
Then, of course, there was Sugino. In (Y/N)’s mind, Sugino was the scariest thing about that day and their foreseeable future. Would he be even a little happy to see them? Would he talk to them at all now that (Y/N) was in his territory? It seemed dumb to (Y/N) that this was what got to them the most, but it was what it was. They had been inseparable, and now things were different, so wildly different. (Y/N) didn’t think she was ready.
(Y/N) let out a breath as they stood in front of the door to 3-E. She wasn’t sure if it was something that had been held in because of nerves or the trek up the mountain, but it helped remind them to breathe. They rolled her shoulders back and took another deep breath. (Y/N) could do this. If they could talk shit to the principal’s son’s face, they could face their old classmates and friends.
They knocked on the door, waiting for the ‘come in’ before moving. Carefully closing the door behind them, they quickly glanced between their peers and the being in front of them. Bewildered by the teacher didn’t even truly begin to describe what (Y/N) thought, but they decided it was a good start as they continued to stand awkwardly by the door, purposefully ignoring all of the eyes on them. There were only two people (Y/N) felt they could look in the eye and they were Maehara and Nagisa Shiota, a boy who they swore didn’t have a mean bone in his body and reciprocated (Y/N)’s kindness. The fact that (Y/N) felt like they couldn’t look at Sugino definitely didn’t get past them, but they were absolutely going to force themself to forget it for the time being.
“Ah! You must be Miss (L/N)! Welcome!” The alien enthusiastically greeted. It was almost overwhelming if (Y/N) was being honest.
“Uh, yes, hello.” (Y/N) felt bad about their feeble response, but that was all they could seem to say. Honestly, (Y/N) knew the experience was going to be something else, especially as time past and (Y/N) closed themself off to the world. Everyone in the building probably saw her as two-faced, they were sure of it. “Truth be told, I’m not sure why I’m here.” At this point, (Y/N) figured being honest was the best and only way to go about things. “I know it had something to do with being a tutor or student teacher or something, but I saw your guy’s test scores, none of you really have anything to worry about.”
“You’re probably here to help off him more than anything, (N/N).” Maehara laughed. “He doubts us so much.” He trailed off sarcastically.
(Y/N) was grateful for it; they felt like it took some of the pressure off of them. “Right. I mean, nothing was said about spy work or whatever, so I guess it could be literally anything else.” (Y/N) tried joking along, though they knew it didn’t land as well as they would have wanted.
“Right, well, it likely was for the assassination, so good luck! I’m Koro-Sensei and I wish you luck in killing me!” Koro-Sensei’s face changed and (Y/N) felt their stomach drop in dread. 
A few days had passed and things were going as smoothly as they could in the End Class. (Y/N) was definitely feeling the pressures that came with the new environment and couldn’t help but mentally commend everyone for how well they all seemed to keep up with everything. (Y/N) was admittedly rather shocked, though. Everyone seemed to warm up to her again, despite the clear change in her exterior. No one knew how the change came about, but they didn’t question it much, other than Karma who took a fair amount of joy in poking at (Y/N) every chance he got.
That being said, not everyone really interacted with (Y/N) if they didn’t have to, and she was more than okay with it. It did hurt, however, that Sugino was one of those people. (Y/N) wasn’t sure whether they were shocked or not, but it still left them with a weird sense of being hurt, despite how it was presented as indifference. That was their best friend, someone they considered to be their soulmate, platonic or otherwise, and now he wouldn’t even spare her a glance.
(Y/N) was torn between wanting to move on and wanting to fight. They knew that Sugino was the only one who could truly change his mind, but (Y/N) still held hope that their bond could be repaired. That hope only grew as time went on and (Y/N) spent more time in 3-E with everyone. (Y/N) felt as though they could feel that Sugino still felt something towards her and hoped that it was something positive, or at least neutral enough to talk to her a bit more than when he needed to.
To outsiders, (Y/N) could understand how some of it may have seen it as somewhat ridiculous or weird that she was still holding onto something like this, however, there were things that no one else knew about the situation. Funnily enough, that just so happened to be the majority of the details. The details, truly, were as clear as day if someone were to think about it for a moment, however, (Y/N) supposed it was the fault of anyone who misunderstood, not hers, and definitely not Sugino’s.
Whether anyone thought about it or not, Sugino’s transfer really wasn’t all that long ago. Just long enough for their mutual dread to set in and become part of their routines. It was a shame how quickly everything came about, but there was nothing either of them could have done about it. Neither of them were sure where they stood with the other.
Another seemingly obvious detail is that the two never said anything to the other about the situation. Not obviously, anyways. The news of someone going to the E Class had always been something that spread like a wildfire. Even though Sugino didn’t say it, he didn’t need to and (Y/N) only had words of comfort to offer. Sugino hadn’t wanted to hear it, though. He stormed away and (Y/N) was so shocked they couldn’t calm their mind enough to consider any of the possibly things he must have been feeling.
It was all a fiasco. There were other details, but they were far more miniscule compared to the others. After thinking about it, (Y/N) knew there were things that they were missing, things that they were sure that only Sugino was really aware of. He was the other half of this, after all. Much like how (Y/N) didn’t know what was going on in his mind, Sugino didn’t know what was going on in (Y/N)’s, and they weren’t even sure Sugino would ever want to know.
That Thursday afternoon, however, things were going to change. Much like when (Y/N) was called into Asano’s office, their world was going to shift once again, and drastically.
(Y/N) had assumed that if Tomohito Sugino were ever going to speak to them, it would be because Koro-Sensei needed him to, or because Maehara forced him to. When (Y/N) saw Sugino storming up to them like a man on a mission, they were sure that Maehara was behind whatever was about to come their way. Regardless, they weren’t going to take this opportunity for granted.
“Uh, (Y/N)?” His voice was hesitant, yet strict with nerves. The small, petty part of (Y/N) wanted to ignore him or seem uninterested, but it wasn't as simple as that. Mainly because (Y/N) couldn’t hide their interest, even though they wanted to.
“Hey, Sugino. What’s up?” 
“Not much.” He answered stiffly. “I was just wondering if we could talk for a minute?” (Y/N) nodded at the boy and followed him to a quieter place where the two could talk. 
(Y/N) wasn’t sure whether Sugino genuinely wanted to talk or he would have rather been anywhere else. It seemed almost as though Sugino were fighting himself; like he wasn’t fully allowed to embrace the fact that since they had become slightly reacquainted with each other, he had become more comfortable around them. Their situation seemed to get weirder and weirder every time (Y/N) thought about it, making her head spin. 
“So… It’s been a minute since we’ve spoken.” Sugino awkwardly started, trailing off and not daring to look (Y/N) in the eye. 
“Yeah, it has. I mean, you kinda ran off and never even looked at me afterward.” The hurt and slight bit of spite was obvious in their voice. She couldn’t help it; their issues were finally being addressed, and even though (Y/N) was going to be polite enough about her feelings and take any of his into account, she still wanted Sugino to be aware of how badly they were hurt because of his lack of communication. “I’m more than willing to hear you out, but I also hope you know that what you did hurt.”
Sugino nodded his head, finally looking at them. “Of course! And- And I didn’t mean for it to happen that way, really.” There was a brief pause before he continued. “When I got the news and when the word got around and stuff, uh, I was honestly kind of a wreck, but it didn’t really hit until later in the day when I saw you. I know that sounds bad, but like, it wasn’t your fault.”
(Y/N) almost wanted to laugh, to reach a comforting hand out onto his shoulder. Despite their time apart, it almost felt like nothing had changed. (Y/N) still felt the immediate need to show him their support, to make sure that he knew he still had someone unconditionally in his corner. Just sitting there and listening to what he had to say made it feel like any pain that was there didn’t exist, as though it had never been caused in the first place.
“I just- It was dawning on me how my life was ruined, and it bothered me that people spread it around so quickly and so easily. My life was officially over, and all of our classmates and so-called friends were just laughing about it!” He exclaimed. “I was so scared and so ashamed that I felt like I couldn’t face you. I guess, I was just scared that you were going to reject me.” He quieted himself down, letting his fists clench tightly. 
(Y/N) finally broke, resting their hand on top of the closer of his hands. “Sugino, I’m so sorry.”
“I know it’s dumb. You just mean so much to me that I was scared that you wouldn’t want anything to do with me. I completely messed our relationship up, and I’m sorry. You mean a lot to me, (Y/N); that’s never changed and never will.”
A deep frown settled itself on both of their faces, their fingers now intertwined. The silence was heavy and thoughtful. Neither of them wanted the moment to end, however, they both wished for better circumstances. That being said, they were together and it felt like old times. By that logic, they were on good terms once again, at least to some degree.
“You’re dumb, Sugino.” (Y/N) laughed and gently bumped shoulders with the boy next to them, pulling a laugh from him too.
“So are you, (Y/N).” He answered back, finally letting a small smile rest on his lips. “Wanna go catch up over food?” Sugino sheepishly offered.
(Y/N) laughed, completely unsurprised. “Sure.” She laughed, pushing herself off the ground. They dusted themself off and held out a hand towards Sugino to pull him up, not letting go of his hand. “Let’s go.”
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ethereal-blossom · 3 years
How would Isogai, Nagisa, and Sugino react to their S/O getting seriously injured during an assassination attempt (headcanon’s please)
a/n: oof, i loved this idea! and it was so fun to write for these characters for the first time, i love them so much💞✋🏻
🚨warning(s): injuries - although vaguely described.
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isogai immediately takes control of the situation; telling everybody to step back, to give you the space you need while he himself immediately finds his way to you together with korosensei.
isogai's heart trembles and his eyes have widened from shock. however, looking at you and seeing you so fragile fills him with the undeniable desire to protect you and to take care of you. he's your boyfriend and he wants to make you feel as comfortable as possible.
chances are very high that korosensei had foreseen a serious injury like this to happen in the year, so i'm sure korosensei can fix the biggest part of your injury immediately. however, what you need is rest.
isogai insists to be the one to carry you inside. not only because he wants to help you and take care of you, but also because he feels responsible. he's one of the class leaders for heaven's sake. he should have known better, isogai tells himself.
when he picks you up, he does it extra careful. isogai makes sure he doesn't put too much pressure on the part were you got hurt. most of his classmates had never seen isogai looking this concerned and vulnerable, with his eyebrows shaped into a frown, lips tightened together and watery eyes.
maehara and meg had walked closely behind you and isogai until korosensei asked for them to watch over the class while he, isogai and you would find a place for you to get your rest and to inspect you for more injuries.
when isogai had lied you down on a soft place and korosensei had asked you questions about your condition, he whispered soft affirmations until you fell asleep.
korosensei saw the pain on your boyfriend's face. it led to a whole conversation about how disappointed isogai was in himself and how guilty he felt for what had happened to you.
the minute isogai had seen you lying almost lifeless on the ground... it had brought back dark memories of his dad.
luckily, korosensei knew to teach your boyfriend a few things about how every plan has variables we can't predict and that it isn't always about predicting them, but about how we handle them when they have happened. korosensei would praise isogai on his quick handling that led to your safe treatment.
the next day when you're staying home for your physical health, isogai would organize a little present for you together with the class to wish you well.
and while planning the next assassination, isogai makes sure you are in a less dangerous position.
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nagisa's mouth opened to scream your name but no sound left his lips. instead, an overwhelming sensation of shock and fear ran through his veins. nagisa could swear that his heart stopped beating in those seconds that felt like hours.
without caring about the danger that could be still be present from your assassination attempt, nagisa ran to you. he had to know if you were okay.
when nagisa realized korosensei was beside him, also watching over you, he started to depend on his teacher. tension left his body when korosensei told everybody not to panic and that he could help your injuries.
nagisa felt like his head was underwater because the only thing he could focus on was you.
nagisa isn't the one to put much value in his own life but it's the complete opposite with yours. your boyfriend was sure that the blow you had received would have been fatal if it wasn't for korosensei's quick handling.
it was a relieve that korosensei was taking care of you next to nagisa. the latter had a hard time letting you get out his sight. that's why, when korosensei told you had to lie down in a room to rest without any distractions, he immediately told he would take care of you.
nagisa would keep a sharp eye on you while trying to ease his own heartbeat by observing yours. he couldn't help but stare at your face the whole time you had fallen asleep.
korosensei had asked sugino and kayano to check in on nagisa and you before the school day ended. they tried to cheer your boyfriend up and they kept him updated about the 'get well soon' present the class was organizing for you.
even though nagisa appreciated his friends efforts, the only ones who could make him feel better were you and korosensei.
that's why korosensei searched for nagisa after school ended to have a good talk about the danger of assassination and how to handle those.
and when nagisa saw your eyes open again, when he heard you say that you were okay, he felt like he could breath again.
for the next assassination attempt, he would keep you sharper in sight.
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without a second thought, sugino ran towards you. he reacted to his instinct that told him to immediately protect you.
when sugino kneels next to your body, he places a hand on your cheek and asks with a voice filled with worry how you are and where the pain is.
that's when korosensei is ready to heal your injuries as much as he can. during the process, sugino refuses to break skin contact with you. he has to stay next to your side.
when you look up at your boyfriend, he tries to hide his concern immediately. the frown and clenched teeth that decorated his face got replaced with a soft smile and watery eyes that looked warmly into yours. "korosensei is going to take care of you. everything is going to be okay."
the whole time when he's next to your side, sugino doesn't seem to be shocked, worried or sad. he just wears that optimistic face that shows that everything will turn all right.
he gently takes you into his arms when korosensei claims that for now you need rest. sugino mumbles to you about everything and anything. what he wants to do now is to keep you safe and comfortable. he wants to see that beautiful smile on your face again.
however, when you fall asleep from exhaustion, sugino's frown returns. how did it everything go so wrong? what could have been done better? could he have done something different? all kind of questions flash through his head.
when nagisa and kayano would check in on the two of you, sugino would trade his frown in for a smile, claiming to be okay. however, korosensei saw right through his student's mask when he walked in.
the two would have a talk about the ways an assassination attempt can take an unexpected turn and that you have to be adaptable all times to survive, just like on a baseball field.
sugino is going to be extra clingy the next couple of days while trying to organize the present the class wants to give you.
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sakuraasworld · 3 years
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angelsdevils · 3 years
Asano Gakushuu x Reader
Title: Ships Sailing Fluff No Warning
[A/N: Asano Gakushuu is out of character in this one but enjoy)
You were a rather bubbly type of person and you had caught the eyes of Gakushuu Asano, the son of the principal. You got along with everyone, you were smart, kind and had an innocent nature to you. You even treated E-Class with respect and kindness much to his annoyance, though when he tried to confront you about it you shot him a cold glare. He had never expected that from you and being on the receiving end of the glare sent shivers up his spine.
You always hated bullies and always used non violence to stop them, that’s why your glares could be cold. You felt bad using it against Asano, but it needed to be done since your best friend was in E-Class and you weren’t going to let them bully Sugino. You were pretty popular because of your personality, beauty and talent of singing, so you had your own fan club. They followed you everywhere and would protect you from any hate that came from the other students.
Right now you were studying in the library, since you never liked studying with the A-Class. You were listening to music as you answered the problems mouthing the words silently, so you didn’t disturb the other students. You didn’t notice that Asano sat in front of you until he tapped your notebook making you look up at him. You blinked surprised that he sat with you, so you took the headphones out.
“Yes Asano~san?” You asked, Asano looked shocked since you didn’t seem like you held a grudge. He felt his face heat up a just a tiny bit and rubbed his neck, this didn’t go unnoticed by yours and his fan club.
“I was just wondering if I could sit here with you? To study of course...”
“Sure I don’t mind, I am just going to have music in so just tap me or something.” You said and he nodded his head. You placed your headphones back in and nodded your head to your favorite song as you went back to studying. You didn’t hear the whispers, but Asano was blushing since they were talking about how cute you two would be together. He began to study but his eyes would occasionally trail over to you, and the way you bit your lip when you were trying to figure out a problem made you even more adorable.
He tried to focus his attention on studying but he found it even more difficult with every movement you made. He glanced up again and saw how the hair was in your face, and you didn’t bother to move it out of the way. His hand twitched and he ended up reaching forward to move it causing some girls to squeal but he soon saw Sugino walk up to you and tap your shoulder. He quickly put his hand down and had a small scowl on his face and you looked up and smiled hugging him tightly.
“Hey Sugino~” You said, taking the earphones out and Sugino rubbed his neck with a smile causing a few other girls to squeal. That’s when you heard the many whispers and you looked around confused.
“She would be so cute dating Sugino...”
“I think Asano would be a better match for her.”
“Are you crazy it’s clearly Sugino... they have history together.” Your face began to erupt into flames, and you cleared your throat.
“Uhm, anyway Sugino what’s going on?”
“I was wondering if we were still going to your place for dinner?”
“Ah yes, my mom said to bring the family. They want to do the typical get together like they normally do. You know the whole games, food, and just hanging out.” You said and Sugino nodded his head placing his hands behind his head.
“What time should we be there?”
“The usual time that you guys normally come is fine. We can actually walk together, I can finish studying when I get home.” You said packing your bags, and Asano shoulders slumped slightly causing a few of his fangirls who were shipping you both together groaned, while a few of yours were squealing more.
“Sorry about them Sugino...”
“It’s okay.” He said with a smile and grabbed your bag after you packed it and you waved to Asano.
“See you around Asano~san.” You said and he waved slightly and let a sigh out as he went to study. You didn’t notice the disappointed look, but Sugino did and it shocked him slightly. He didn’t say anything and just kept walking wondering if Asano had a crush on you.
You began to tell him about your day, how you passed tests, how in PE you came in first during track. During home ec someone almost caught the room on fire, which made Sugino’s eyes widen in shock.
“Seriously? No one got hurt right?”
“Nope, but the student got in trouble. It was such a easy mistake though so I talked the teacher out of getting him in trouble.” Sugino shook his head with a smile but then you both heard your name be called. You both stopped walking to see Asano walking up to you.
“Can I talk to (L/N) for a moment?” He asked looking at Sugino and he nodded his head.
“Yeah sure, hey (Y/N) I will go buy us ice cream.” Sugino said leaving you to Asano. You nodded and looked at Asano and his face was extremely red and you grew worried for the orange haired boy.
“Are you okay Asano~San? Your face is so red are you sick?” You asked feeling his head and stepping closer.
“I’m fine.” He waved you off before meeting your eyes.
“Oh okay... what’s up? You wanted to talk?”
“Are you and Sugino dating?” His sudden question shocked you and you blushed shaking your head. He took your blush as something else though and he looked down balling his fists.
“You don’t have to lie...”
“Asano~ San I am not lying, we have just been friends since elementary school. Plus I have a crush on someone else...” You said and Asano looked in your eyes and he felt a pain in his chest. Sugino came out with (f/f) ice cream.
“I have to go before my mom gets upset Asano~San see you tomorrow...” you said and he nodded waving as you walked with Sugino and you gave him that smile that seems like only Sugino gets. Asano actually felt jealous of Sugino but he wondered who you liked.
“What did Asano want?” Sugino asked, and you looked up licking your ice cream.
“He wanted to know if we were dating, and then when I told him no he got upset. I told him I liked someone else though.” Sugino laughed softly knowing you liked the orange haired male. Suddenly a certain red head and blonde came out of no where.
“Oh ho... someone has a crush?” Karma said wrapping an arm around your shoulder and Rio did the same pushing Sugino out of the way. Sugino sweat dropped wondering where the heck these two came from.
“Could it be Mr. Perfect himself?” Rio added on and you blushed heavily shaking your head stuttering.
“W-What no!!”
“Are you sure?” Karma asked in his taunting voice.
“Sugino help...” you begged looking over but Karma and Rio must have had blackmail on him.
“S-Sorry (Y/N)....” Sugino said he was feeling bad and the two troublemakers began to taunt you again.
“We could help you win over the Principal’s son.” Rio said and Karma chimed in.
“Yeah, in fact I can go meet him now.” Karma said running off and you began to freak out and Sugino only patted your shoulder to try and calm you as you were being teased.
~Next Day~
You walked into library exhausted, because of Karma and Rio. Sugino tried his best to stop them but they only used his blackmail against him causing him to stop. You passed Asano, and you both made brief eye contact before you looked ahead and sat at the table in the far back. As Asano went to greet you, your head instant hit the table and he flinched since it sounded painful.
“Are you okay (L/N)?”
“Question... did Akabane talk to you at all?”
“Why would I talk to that E-Class scum?”
“Good, stay away from him. Far away from him. Like seriously, it will save me the embarrassment and you potential blackmail.” You said and Asano sat beside you pushing your hair out of your face which made heat spread to your ears.
“Okay, are you okay?”
“Just sleepy that’s all.” You said and Asano nodded his head and casually wrapped an arm around your shoulders pulling you close to him. You gasped softly and looked up at him and he gave you a shy smile and you laid your head against him.
“Rest, I will wake you up when it’s time to leave.” He said and you blushed nodding your head.
“Thank you Asano~San...”
“Call me Gakushuu...”
“Okay~” You said and cuddled into him and soon drifted off to sleep. Asano watched you before going back to studying, he could hear the whispers and he felt his ears turn pink. Asano soon noticed Sugino and they just stared at each other, and Asano mentally dropped his shoulders.
“She must be tired, I will leave her in your care Asano~” Sugino said and Asano looked at Sugino surprised.
“Just don’t hurt her okay? She likes you if you didn’t know, also don’t tell her I told you that.” Sugino said and Asano felt his face turn a darker shade of red as he went to speak.
“Don’t you like her?”
“We are literally just friends... I like someone else, I am not sure why her fan club paired us it only made it awkward.” Sugino said.
“Oh...” Sugino left you to the care of Asano, and Asano moved hair out of your face causing you to wake up. You met his eyes and he leaned down capturing your lips in a gentle yet passionate kiss causing you to gasp. You gripped his shirt, and hesitantly began to kiss him back causing more people to squeal. Just then two pictures were snapped and you both parted away quickly and blush covered both of your faces.
“Two blackmails, oh this is great...” Karma said and Asano growled and went to get up but you tugged him back down.
“Later, we will kill him.” You said and Asano was rather angry but blushing and Rio giggled snapping another photo at his face.
“I like that look on his face, (Y/N), you go girl.” The two ran off before you could throw something at them and your face was as red as Karma’s hair.
“You can’t just kiss me without warn~mmf...” Asano slammed his lips back on yours again and you blushed slightly but this time kissed back with just as much passion. He parted from the kiss with a smirk and you huffed slightly.
“Will you be my girlfriend (Y/N)?”
“Fine, if you kiss me like that I can’t say no.” You said and he smiled and buried your face into his chest as he stroked your hair gently.
© [@angelsdevils] all rights reserved. none of my posts or stories should be modified, reposted etc. I do not own the character, but I own the plots to these stories.
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mono-dot-jpeg · 4 years
teasing sibling! reader texts w/k. akabane, s. tomohito, r. nakamura
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a/n: hope you enjoyed! thank you for requesting and thank you for your patience!
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claudemeiyu · 4 years
assassination classroom characters i will write for
check my profile for more anime lists!
Nagisa Shiota
Karma Akabane
Yuuma Isogai
Hiroto Maehara
Kaede Kayano
Tomohito Sugino
Ryunosuke Chiba
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aliuzumaki · 4 years
hello! can i request a romantic matchup for assassination classroom? i prefer to be match with male characters!
— i’m a female, infp, gemini. i have shoulder length black hair, dark brown eyes, and i wear glasses.
— i’m an introvert but friendly. i’m can be really dense and my friends told me that i’m way too innocent for my age. i’m usually calm, but that depends on my mood. i can’t make decisions for myself. i can be short tempered sometimes and i get bored easily. i always try to look at the bright side in any situation and i’m also a good listener.
— my hobbies are sleeping, watching movie, reading, and listening to music. my love language is quality time and acts of service.
thank you and i hope its not too long. also, don’t forget to stay safe, healthy, and happy!
hi lovely you’re so sweet, this wasn’t long at all don’t worry!! thank you for requesting <3
i match you with...
➳ Isogai Yuma♡
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Isogai is an ENFJ which is extremely compatible with INFP’s which is great because while you may have an introverted nature he is more extroverted giving the relationship a good balance of activity 
being a gemini and him being a scorpio means you’d guys have to have constant communication and maturity just to make sure you’re both happy in the relationship 
with him having a job and such he’s had to learn responsibility and leadership skills so you not being able to make up your mind every time isn’t much of a problem because he can help you decipher what you want exactly
work can be hard most days so he might call you after to complain a little because he knows you’ll always be there to listen 
he’ll always make time for you whether it be texting or calling you in between shifts or just trying to spend time with you after work without being too clingy ofc
➳Tomohito Sugino♡
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Sugino is going to try his absolute hardest to get you out you as extroverted as he possibly can just to make sure you don’t get bored
he’s the type of person that would love to take you out to a ball game or dancing then come home and watch movies with you
he’s really kind so even though he is also kind of dense he’ll try his hardest to learn and teach you
you know that he is trying to become a strong baseball player and kind of struggles with perfecting things so you might try to help him by reading up on some techniques 
Sugino can go on and on about baseball and you love to hear what he has to say but sometimes he talks too much and you start to get bored and try changing the subject but he wont stop talking and then you get angry and ofc he apologizes multiple times  
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thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
heyy!! i'm so happy for the pride event, how would assassination classroom's boys would react to reader coming out as a lesbian!!! thank you~ (karma, sugino, terasaka, maehara, please?)
Their fem!friend come out as lesbian
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[ SCENARIO ] [ Karma, Sugino, Terasaka, Maehara ]
[ Assassination Classroom / Ansatsu Kyoshitsu ]
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× This goes with female reader for obvious reasons
Yeees!! Time for girls appreciation!! ❤️🧡💛Girls are pretty 😳
I'm super happy for the pride month event too anon!! I had a lot of fun while writing all the request during the month!! Thank for requesting this, it was really interesting to write
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Karma Akabane
Even when Karma is pretty friendly it isn't too easy to get to be a close friend with him (specially at first when he was being bratty and prideful), however when Karma finally consider you a close friend you two will have a really stronge bond
Karma doesn't discriminate for gender or appearance, when you two become friends you become like his partner in crime and will be draging you around on his antics (if you let him of course), he could be a pretty rude friend but only if you feel comfortable with it, if it not he will be more calm and gentle (well, as gentle as Karma can be)
Karma is really smart and observant so it won't go unoticed for him your clear interested in girls, he respect your privacy but as your friends he has the right to pry a little (or at least that is what he says), he will be asking you about it indirectly, like asking you what you think of some guys or girls in class (or even the teachers) and will put a lot of attention to your reaction
If you seem uncomfortable or really shy with the topic he will stop and try to approach the topic in more indirect ways (because he isn't going to give up on this topic), but if you don't take it too bad or even are playful with it that will just make him insist more and more in the topic (more teasing and jokes, even if you end up being embarrassed)
Karma can be all the caotic he want but he knows when to be serious and knows how to keep a secret, so is probably he tell you this and that you can rely on him when he notice you being in troubles or he start to be irritated for you not trusting on him with something like this
When you finally open up to him about being lesbian he tells you that he already knew with a proud smile, saying that you were really obvious (even if isn't true, he will reasure you after laughing a little for it). Karma asure you that there is nothing wrong on you liking girls is your problem to deal with not his, he is completely supportive and this isn't going to change your friendship
Well, that is a lie because your relationship change a little, just in the fact that now he is teasing you with girls (instead of boys), specially when you show interest in someone, he tells you to go for it between jokes and a teasing tone
Karma can be a little protective with his friends so he defenitly will stand up for you if someone say something bad about you for liking girls (he will never lose the chance to mess with someone who deserve it anyways)
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Tomohito Sugino
Sugino is always really friendly to everyone, he is cheerful most of the time so it isn't dificult to be able to approach to him neither to become a close friend with him, and when it happen it becomes caring and a little clingy, he likes spending time with you so why he shouldn't?
Sugino doesn't mind much that you are a girl, that isn't important for him to become friends! However Sugino is really caring so he may try to be more gentle and careful with you from time to time (for being a girl), but he will stop if you tell him (or when you improve in Karasuma classes, he feels more comfortable knowing that there is no risk of you getting hurt, not like he underestimated you)
Is more probably that Sugino doesn't notice that you like girls by his own, and even if he get the idea he prefers to don't think on that since is your privacy, however he sometimes talks with you about love and romance, is not a secret that he likes Kanzaki but he will like to know if you like someone, so he will ask you in a friendly way (and excited too)
Sugino would notice your interest in girls, but then again he doesn't want to asume since he will feel like he is invading your privacy, so he tries to tell himself that you are just having girls time. Also, he could tell that you aren't romantically atracted to non of your classmates, but he doesn't pry on it (is probably that one of his friends already told him that the boys of Class 3-E aren't the most attractive, let alone when they have Karasuma)
Sugino always tells you that you can count on him whenever you are having troubles or need help with anything (even if is academics, he isn't the best but he is willing to help) and for his attitude is pretty easy to trust in him
When you finally open up to him about you being lesbian he is a little shocked but, at the same time he isn't too surprised, he ask you if you really like girls like trying to make sure he had heard you right, and when you confirm it he repeat it to himself before smiling at you, putting an arm around your shoulders in a friendly manner he asure you that is alright, he likes girls too
This doesn't change your friendship or anything, and will reasure you that (but if you feel insecure or shy he tells you that is completely alright, is just who you are and he accept you for who you are), he cheerish for you to find love but hope you don't become his rival on trying to win Kanzaki's heart
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Ryoma Terasaka
It could be a little difficult to become Terasaka's friend since he normally just have a few close friends, specially at first for how reclulant he was about accepting the change that Class 3-E was suffering for Koro-sensei influence, however it isn't imposible to get to be his friends, and when you two start being friends it grows a stronge bound with you, immediatly included in their little group and being dragged around to everything
Terasaka doesn't mind much you gender, however he tries to go more easy on you, he can be pretty violent in a friendly manner but since you are a girl he tries to don't be so physicaly agressive with you (unless you tell him that you are perfectly fine with that, even so it would take him a while get used to it)
Terasaka is the type to be teasing you for a lot of things, in that group of friends he is the most that is joking around and teasing with personal things, even with romantic interest (even when you aren't interested romantically in anyone, a little interest is enough for him to tease you, being followed by Yoshida and Muramatsu), still isn't too probably that will notice that you are just romantically interested in girls (is even more probably that is Hazama or even Itona who notice it)
Even when he doesn't say it out loud you know that you can count on him for everything, he isn't perfect and he can have a little patience or get frustrated easily but that doesn't mean he won't help you if you need it or support you
The moment you open up to him about you being lesbian he is a little shocked and looks at you dumbfounded, this isn't something he was expecting to even to hear and doesn't really know how to react, so after a little awkward and nervous moment he just give up in frustration and speak his mind off, telling you that the fact that you just like girls doesn't matter to him, you are his friend and that is all that matters
He doesn't show how this bug his mind in reality, in that moment he just tried to reasure you that is okay and that he doesn't see anything bad about it but when you go away he still can't stop thinking on it, you probably trust in him a lot to tell him so important to you (specially if you aren't too open with those topics) or wondering if someone had say something bad about you for this in the past, he is just thinking too much about this
Terasaka is flustered for you trusting on him with this and embarrassed by his reaction when you told him, so the next days he will try to tell you indirectly that he complety support you and that this isn't going to change the way he sees you or anything
When he gets used to and isn't embarrassed by the topic anymore he will casually bring it to the conversation as jokes, now teasing you with a lot of girls (instead of boys how he used to do)
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Hiroto Maehara
For his friendly and carefree attitude isn't too difficult to get close to Maehara, he is still pretty popular and easy to get along with so from the start he treat you as a friend, however as the time pass and you two become closer Maehara grows a little more clingy, just the type of friend who drag you around in their little mischiefs
Maehara doesn't discriminate for the gender, he tries to be a calm and respect your space since you are woman and his friend (aside for the casual playful flirting), but if you don't have problem with being more touchy (but still respectful) and a little rude with you (and since all Class 3-E is getting Karasuma's training he knows you are stronge) he will be totally up for it
Maehara is the type to be doing jokes and teasing you constantly (even you two would have your inside jokes if you are the playful and joker type), and your love life isn't going to be free from the jokes, he is paying attention because he wants to support you with jokes if you ever fall in love, so is very probably that he himself end up finding your atraction for women but he won't say nothing for a while, not wanting to asume or invade your privacy
Maehara can be doing a lot of jokes all the time but there are times when he gets soft and show you that side of him that cares a lot for you, reminding you that he will be with you through thick and thin, supporting you as the amazing friend he is no matter what
When you finally open up to him about you being lesbian he just smiles at you before telling you that he already knew it, jokinly braging about what kind of friend he will be if he doesn't know something so important for his friend
When he is done with the joking Maehara reasure you that is fine, you being atracted to girls isn't something that will change your friendship or the way he see you, he doesn't see anything bad on it is something more you two share
Your friendship continue as always, but since that day Maehara is talking more about girls, asking you who you think is the prettier or sexiest one as the little pervert he is or if there is one girl that you like, he is just so curious and he does it with the excuse of wanting to be supportive over you (even when he is joking you know he does it with good intentions)
If someone ever tries to talk bad about you for being lesbian Maehara is immediatly by your side, immediatly standing up for you, he will never let anyone mess with his friend let alone for something so stupid like judging you for who you are atracted to
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kierewrites · 8 months
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What Would Karma Do... when you get kidnapped on your school trip? / pt. 2
navi - masterlist
Karma Akabane x Reader
Mood Song: house of balloons / glass table girls
Summary: Remember the beloved Assassination Classroom anime? This is pretty much that, except you enter the picture of Karma's chaotic school year. Let's see just how compatible the two of you are.
Warnings: kidnapping, depictions of violence, cursing, kidnappers are pervs, this is my attempt at getting out of my writers block rut :')
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"Nagisa! Sugino! Karma!"
The cries seemed to echo through the boy's minds as reality slowly seeped its way back to them. None of them seemed to remember what happened until they felt the sharp pain overcome their bodies from the attack.
All Karma could hear was the sound of your voice. Crying, whimpering, screaming his name in a desperate plea for him to help you, and yet he let you slip from his grasp.
Just like that.
Now all that was left for him to think about was what those thugs were doing to you, or where the hell they could have even taken you? For all he knew, the three of you could be dead by now and they couldn’t do a damn thing about it.
It seemed surreal that just earlier in the day you were cuddled up next to him on the train, your small hand enlaced with his own. Now who knew what those filthy pigs were doing with you.
As the other boys slowly rose from their weakened positions, they seemed to notice Karma's… sour mood, to say the least. The redhead’s breathing was ragged, his fists clenched in a furious tremble. Nagisa glanced over to Sugino who shared a concerned look, the two debating on how they should confront the ticking time bomb.
"Karma it's okay, we'll get them-"
Before Nagisa could finish his words of encouragement, a raged scream poured from Karma's lips before his fist collided with the wall beside him, the crack of bone against the brick structure echoing throughout the alleyway.
Both boys remained still after this, their hearts sinking at the sight of their normally confident friend being torn apart from the inside. Nagisa had never seen Karma so furious, usually he kept up his assured facade even in challenging situations. 
"Are you doing okay Sugino?" Nagisa questioned, checking in on the less aggressive target first. After receiving a thumbs up, Nagisa sat up a bit more before shifting his gaze over to his troubled friend.
Once his name was spoken, the redhead turned his head to the side, the sight sending chills through Nagisa's body. He was smiling.
"I think it's safe to assume those guys were pretty hardcore," Karma stated simply, his hand rubbing at the back of his neck slowly, "We could go to the cops, except those guys are the type who know their way around the system... which is fine."
Sugino and Nagisa both felt uneasy about Karma's sudden change in mood, his last words sounding awfully menacing, even for Karma. Before they could question it, the redhead finally looked up from behind his arm with the most ominous expression Nagisa had seen in awhile. 
"Cause I'm the type who likes to handle these things personally, if you know what I mean."
Sure enough, both boys knew exactly what he meant. Karma wasn't the type who got beaten easily, so to be on the losing side of an attack like this most definitely put a damper on his ego. But then to go and take his friends and girlfriend? Nagisa could only imagine the unparalleled rage Karma was feeling.
"Okay dude..." Sugino muttered while holding his arm against his aching stomach, "How do we even find them?"
Karma remained silent at this, Nagisa glancing over to Sugino while deep in thought until it came to him. Those dictionary-like guides Korosensei gave to everyone… Shuffling to his feet, Nagisa darted to his bag and lugged the giant book to the other three boys.
"Korosensei said this thing is filled with any scenario possible, there's gotta be something in here to help us!"
Karma glanced over in interest, Sugino's face lighting up as he crawled next to Nagisa while flipping through pages.
"Let's see... cheering yourself up your lonely self after seeing a lovey dovey couple... where to find cheap Kyoto soup and cheap local boutiques... this thing literally has every scenario!"
Nagisa chuckled slightly at a few of them, Korosensei really knew how to lift the mood in every situation. It honestly felt like the teacher was right there reading it with them.
"There it is! What to do when a group member has been abducted!" Nagisa shouted, both boys looming over to read the pages of information on this given scenario, "Holy crap so much detail... this has everything we need!"
Sugino nodded, a smile finally spreading across his lips along with Karma. Though unlike Sugino, Karma's smile had a more ominous glint to it as he cracked his knuckles.
"Let's go kick some old man ass."
The moment you woke up, every single memory flooded into your head. 
Not even bothering to take in your surroundings, you just whispered Karma's name, tears brimming at the tips of your lashes as images from the traumatic experience swarmed your mind. How could these thugs be so cruel?
The sound of your two friends stirring beside you seemed to snap you out of your horrifying trance. It was then you soaked in the building you were in. Almost with movie-like accuracy, it seemed you had been brought to some dirty abandoned warehouse. The room was large, filled with metal scraps and old wooden boxes, with the odd exception of a few pieces of dingy furniture laying around.
Glancing down, your nose scrunched upon realizing you were placed on one of the few decrepit couches displaced around the room, the creases of the old fabric filled with a dark moldy substance.
It was then that you realized you were much better kempt yourself. Your school attire had far lost uniform as the attire laid untucked and discolored with a mix of likely sweat and dirt. There wasn’t a single thing making you feel any less sick to your stomach.
The most you were able to communicate with Kayano and Kanzaki was ensuring they were both alright, which luckily all of you appeared to be uninjured with the exception of your arms being tied behind your backs.
Before you could say much else, a few men entered the dark room. You recognized most of them from the initial kidnapping, the group apparently not being very large. The men mostly just belittled all of you, telling the three of you that you were going to have a fun little “photoshoot”, and threatening that nobody would hear your screams, as a reminder to not even bother.
They always say when you experience your first traumatic experience, your brain almost becomes delirious because it’s not sure how to respond. Not sure if it’s really happening. Apparently those facts are true, your mind scrambling on how to feel or react.
Before you could think much of it, one of the men called out Kanzaki, showing the three of you a picture of her at an arcade, clearly from years ago. Your occasional glances at the raven haired girl confirmed she wasn’t proud of the memory forcibly being shown, her solemn face grimacing at the images.
After they discussed their eerily evasive knowledge of Kanzaki’s past, the men left to go talk amongst themselves while waiting for this “photographer” to show up.
"Not gonna lie, it's kind of comforting to know even you went through a faze," Kayano admitted with a soft smile, "Never would've imagined..."
Nodding in agreement you turned your head to Kanzaki, "Yeah, it’s nothing to be ashamed of. If anything, you pulled the look off well!"
Kanzaki lowered her head and sighed as you both tried to cheer her up, mumbling a thanks before looking at the two of you. 
"Yeah.. My dad was crazy strict, always on me about doing well in school and building up my resume..." Kanzaki explained, both you and Kayano frowning at her words, "It was so.. suffocating, you know?"
Kayano nodded, a pitiful chuckle escaping your own lips.
"I totally understand, my parents may not be as strict, but it’s only because I’ve never let my grades slip. The pressure of it all is so overwhelming at times." You admitted.
Kanzaki nodded quickly at you with sparkling eyes, as if you had just read her mind.
"Exactly! I just couldn't deal!" Kanzaki exclaimed before frowning once more, "So.. I ditched the uniform, glammed myself out and.. hanged where nobody knew who I was. It felt like therapy.. It was so stupid. Where did I expect to end up, right? It's E Class for me... but now I don't even know where I belong anymore..."
Kanzaki’s confession left you and Kayano to stare at the floor in deep thought. Being the school’s idol, you assumed Kanzaki would’ve never had such experiences growing up.
Just as you were going to attempt to cheer the poor girl up, the sound of footsteps snapped you all from your conversation, a new wave of dread filling your cores.
"Sounds to me like you would be right at home with us! Grades and all that pointless bullshit don't mean jack here." The man hissed with narrowed eyes, "We eat those rich kid scums for breakfast, nothing's sweeter than knocking those stuffed shirts down a peg or two."
Narrowing your eyes at the man's words, you glanced over at another thug who followed after.
"The only thing that matters is having a little fun right?"
Their words had your brows knit together in annoyance. Could one genuinely think so highly of themselves as to make a living off of harassing others that are trying to do good for themselves?
Before you could respond, Kayano seemed to mirror your thoughts, her face darkening as she muttered three words that she would probably regret.
"You're a jerk."
Suddenly the disgusting grin the man once wore faded, your body going numb in fear of what he would do next. Sure enough he lifted Kayano from the couch by the collar of her uniform with an angry growl, "I see how it is! Little miss perfect thinks she's better than me!"
The sight of Kayano sobbing and trying to jerk herself out of the man’s grasp had your blood boiling in anger. What gave these men the right to treat you like this?
After everything you've been through, there was no reason why you should be sitting around and letting all of this happen. For so long you've been living in fear, but enough is enough. You had already lost Karma... you would be damned if you lost anyone else too.
"Let her go!" You shouted, wobbling yourself up so you were sitting on your knees.
All eyes fell on you now, the man holding Kayano freezing before narrowing his eyes down to you.
"Oh but of course, how could I forget about you?"
Suddenly your breath hitched as the man dropped Kayano haphazardly onto the grungy couch. The surge of confidence you had now vanished as the man began to close in on you like a predator does their prey.
"I knew right from the start when I saw you on the train, I just had to have you..." The man sneered, bending down before you as his hands began to play with your hair, "Foreign school girls are highly expensive you know, tell me where you're from, yeah?"
Furrowing your brows you clenched your teeth as you felt him grope at your sides, your feeble attempt to shake him off only ended in him gripping your chin harshly causing you to wince in pain.
"I asked you a question sweetheart."
"(Country)." You muttered through grit teeth, keeping your glare locked on him as he laughed boisterously as if this was the best thing he heard all day.
"You hear that boys? We got a (Country) girl here! We're about to be rich!" The man boomed, the sick men behind him sneering at you as you shriveled yourself up against the back of the couch.
“Oh don't cower away now, doll.” The man cooed, grabbing your shirt and pulling you back to the edge of the couch, "Don’t look so scared, we’ll treat ya real well… hell I may even keep you with how much you’re worth.”
Those were the words that truly shook you, the confidence you once had fully vanished as you felt your mouth go dry. The thought of never seeing your friends again... your family… Karma? Tears began to glisten in your eyes again, threatening to spill.
The man only grinned at your response, his thumb brushing across your cheek as he grabbed your chin once more, “Don’t cry on me sweetheart, that’s only going to entice-”
In a fit of desperate anger, you decided to shut the man up the only way you could. Moving your head back out of his grasp, you quickly latched your teeth around his finger and clenched them as hard as you could.
In seconds he jumped back from you, a loud howl escaping his lips as he rubbed his now bleeding finger before looking at you with widened eyes.
"D..Did you just bite me you crazy bitch?!"
Furrowing your brows you screamed as loud as you could, begging anyone for help. Begging and praying that someone was nearby to hear you. Kayano and Kanzaki caught on with your idea, screaming alongside you in hopes of someone hearing the shrill screams.
Whether someone heard you or not, the stunt you pulled seemed to prove useless as the seething man before you looked at you with crazed eyes. Midscream, you felt your body being lifted into the air, the harsh grasp around your neck silencing any noise you attempted to make.
The sound of your friends crying your name made your body shiver, the sight surely not a pretty one to see as all you could do was shake and tremble in his hold.
"How do you like that, huh bitch? If you're going to bite and scream like a dog, then I'll fucking treat you like one!"
His words would’ve stung more had you not been fighting for consciousness, the tears once brimming at your lashes were now rushing down your cheeks as you gasped for air. Any attempt at getting the ropes untied from your wrists proved useless.
It wasn’t until your complexion neared a pale purplish hue that the man finally released you, throwing your limp body onto the couch with a thud. You felt yourself fall into the laps of Kayano and Kanzaki, their desperate whispers of reassurement falling on deaf ears as you gasped for air in between coughs.
"When we're done here you go back to whatever fancy hotel you're in and tell whoever asks that you were just out singing karaoke and lost track of time," The man instructed with narrowed eyes before glaring at you, "Except for you, little brat. I was considering letting your little friends buy your freedom, but after all the trouble you've put me through, you'll never see the light of day again."
The purely sick laughter of the man echoed around the room, the sound sending fear through all of you as one of the metal doors clicked open.
"Speak of the devil.." The man said, noticing the door open as well, "My photographer buddies are here!"
Though your vision was still fairly blurred, you were able to glance up at the door to notice a tuft of orange hair. The only issue was that the bright locks were nearly dragging against the ground. As the figure made its way from the shadows, it was revealed that he wasn’t awake at all, rather beaten to a pulp based on the purple bruises that littered his face.
"Huh, what the hell?"
"School trip guidebook page one thousand and forty three..." You heard a familiar voice speak, all of your heads raising in recognition, "What to do when a group member has been abducted. If there are no leads on the perpetrators, think back to said accents or quirks that might indicate whether said perpetrators are local. If not, if the perpetrators were wearing school uniforms refer to page one thousand three hundred and thirty four..."  
As Nagisa read the all too familiar words from a certain handbook you remember receiving, a small smile curled at the corner of your lips.
"You found us!" Kayano squealed, but was quickly overshadowed by the man before you shouting.
"What the hell?! How'd you even know where to look?"
Nagisa simply continued to read from Korosensei's guidebook, explaining each detail as to how they located us. It almost sounded too good to be true, and based off of the faces of the men they thought the same thing as well.
"Alright, so what's it gonna be gentleman?" Karma spoke, the sound of his voice making your eyes water as your smile grew, realizing the redhead was still alive, "Fight or flight? We'll go easy if you back down now but after all you've put us through, you're not getting out of this unscathed,"
Even with your vision obscured, the sight of his ominous golden eyes peering through his dark red locks was evident, enough to even make you shiver.
"That's a promise."
The feeling of hope hadn’t lasted long as the large thug before you chuckled at Karma’s words, seeming to be the only one not phased by their entrance.
"Acting all badass... You high school kids crack me up." The man hissed with a smirk, "Why do you even bother, you saw how far it got miss (Country) girl over here."
For a quick second your eyes locked with Karma's, golden hues drinking in your broken figure until he scowled and looked away, the sight making you want to shrink up into a ball and hide away. He was pissed.
"How about you say hello to some friends of mine.. see how far that attitude gets you with them."
The new voice was followed with an eerie chuckle, four new lifeless figures being presented at the doorway with a pair of glowing red eyes peering from the darkness.
"Say hello to them if you'd like.. but be advised though, they probably won't hear you."
All of your friends were finally able to smile with relief, your eyes lightening up at the sight of your teacher.
Suddenly your teacher revealed himself from the shadows, holding up the four men as if it were nothing at all to him.
"Sorry I'm a little late to the festivities, I figured it would be best to let you handle this on your own while I searched elsewhere, just to cover all the bases." Korosensei explained, "Now why don't we split up and teach these filthy thugs a good ole Class E lesson?"
The three boys beside him seemed to light up at those words, each of them grinning maliciously as they followed after their teacher in attacking the group of thugs.
Korosensei was doing most of the work, making sure to lecture each one of the disgusting thugs about how your class wasn't snobby like most other private schools, and how you all worked hard while not tearing others down around you.
It was a heartwarming sentiment to say the least, it was just strange to see Korosensei have time to lecture these guys while they charged at him with knives and other weapons. There was no doubt that Korosensei was on another level.
Kanzaki and Kayano giggled in excitement, their heads glancing down to your limp form as Kayano reassured you that everything would be okay. And for a second, it felt like everything would be.
But you should've known by now not to assume anything.
A pair of strong arms wrapped around your torso and lifted you from off the couch, before you could register your friend’s screams or even what was happening, you were thrown over a large shoulder.
"Get that one away for now until we can regroup!"
Your eyes widened, this couldn't be happening. No.. no.. no. You were too damn close to be taken away like this. Gritting your teeth you began to slam your head against the back of the man’s legs while kicking at his gut in an attempt to make him drop you.
"Q..Quit that you little brat!" The man growled, his arms squeezing tightly around your torso causing you to yelp in pain. Why did he have to be so damn strong?
The sound of your name being screamed by Kanzaki and Kayano alerted your other classmates that were in the midst of giving a good beating, the three of them noticing the thug carrying your squirming body away.
"These fuckers just won't take a hint, will they?" Karma growled, releasing the head he had in his hand and shoving the limp thug away before running towards the man holding you.
"L..Let me... go! You p..pig!" You cried, your kicks turning into pathetic squirms as you felt like the life was being squeezed out of you. For the third time that day you saw those dark spots that plagued your vision, it was humiliating.
Just when you felt your lashes begin to flutter shut, you felt the man beneath you freeze. Since your senses were nearly fried from being on the verge of passing out, you didn’t hear the harsh scream of the thug until you collided with the floor.
Though you still were slowly gaining consciousness, you could at least feel two hands grip your face, your eyes registering those bright red strands of hair.
Karma held your weak body up as he quickly pulled out his pocket knife and sliced the ropes that held your wrists together. Rubbing at your arms a bit aggressively, the redhead grabbed your lolling head once more and called your name.
“Y/n, you there? Ya hearing me angel?”
Blinking a bit, your eyes focused enough to see the concern in his eyes, his lips moving in what you assumed was your name. Glancing behind him, you saw the man that was once carrying you now on the ground, gripping at his knees.
“Y/n! Are you alright?” Karma now cried, his voice finally ringing in your ears as you looked to him, now feeling the tears running down your face as you nodded vigorously.
“Y..Yes yes… M’alright Karma! I’m… okay.” You whispered, forcing a smile on your lips as you tried to sit up before the two of you heard the metal door click beside you.
The thug was struggling to open the door as he tried to crawl away from the two of you, the sight making the redhead growl before he glanced back at your heaving body.
“You just stay here and breathe for me, alright angel?” Karma said softly, running his non-bloodied hand across your cheek before standing up and walking towards the pathetic man.
"You told me not to play hero huh?" Karma hissed with a psychotic grin, grabbing the man by his ankles and tugging him back away from the door, "Fine! I'll be the bad guy!"
Without a second thought, Karma’s fists connected with the man’s jaw with a frightening crack. Punch after punch, Karma relentlessly beat the thug, his sinister laugh filling the air as the hits began to grow harder and harder.
Though it twisted your insides, the thought of that man getting what was coming felt good. But with that said, there were only so many more hits he would be able to take before it would be too late for him.
Once you eventually were able to breathe normally, you stood up shakily and started walking towards the two in order to stop Karma, but your movement was stopped when a yellow tentacle wrapped around your wrist. Whipping your head around you noticed your teacher with a rather solemn face.
"Let him finish, the boy has so much pent up rage right now, it'll be best for him to take it out now rather than on you or one of his classmates," Korosensei explained, your heart dropping at the sound of that. You could only imagine how stressed out and angry the Karma was.
Even with that in mind though, you feared that Karma would take this too far. The crazed look in his eye only getting worse with each resounding punch.
"But if we don't stop him now Korosensei, he may end up-"
"I won't let him get that far I promise you that,” Your teacher spoke, placing a tentacle on your shoulder before bending down to you, “Now head back out to safety with your other classmates and get that neck of yours checked out, no severe injuries correct?"
Swallowing thickly, you rubbed at the back of your neck before letting out a shaky sigh.
"I don't believe so, just some minor stuff.” You mumbled, offering a forced smile before you shuffled towards the front door, one of your classmates running to you and helping you out.
Your teacher only nodded at you, his body facing back to the relentless redhead who continued his vicious attacks on the now regretful thug.
Karma couldn't lie to himself. If his teacher hadn't stepped in to stop his actions, the unconscious thug beneath him would've been a dead corpse in his hands.
How could he help it? They beat him up, kidnapped his friends, then he comes to find the girl he loves barely conscious on a filthy couch. He swore to protect you and he failed, and for that he was going to show these bastards a lesson.
The redhead even sensed when the thug was reaching fatal levels, but he didn't care. He ignored the man's pleas to stop. Why should he listen? He didn't listen to your desperate cries when he tried to take you away! 
Karma's fists ached but he barely felt it, instead he bared his teeth in fury as he cracked each of his fist's against the thug’s face. He didn't feel the blood running down his fists or the bruises forming on his knuckles, only the satisfaction of sweet revenge.
As his hits began to slow down his eyes glimmered in joy, knowing this final blow would be it for the sorry excuse of a man. Raising his fist with a crazed grin he was ready to smash it down into the man's skull until a yellow tentacle wrapped around his wrist. Karma whipped his head around with a growl, trying to free his wrist from his teacher's grasp.
"Stay out of this you damn octopus!"
Korosensei's hold only grew stronger as the creature's voice grew rather serious, "Karma you're going to kill that man, you must stop."
Karma laughed at the irony of his teacher's words. Korosensei was going to lecture him right now? Seriously?
"Why do you care? We're in an assassination classroom right! Killing is what we do!" Karma shouted with clenched fists, "This filthy pig tried to hurt your classmates!"
Karma's breathing became heavy as he felt his fists shake in fury, his eyes feeling hot as he looked down at the disgusting man.
"He tried to take her."
The feeling of Korosensei's tentacle suddenly disappeared, Karma's hand falling down to his knees as he kept his golden eyes trained on the ground.
"I understand how you're feeling, young man. Angry, scared, vengeful. You have every right to feel this way, but think about it like this," Korosensei explained, "These men around you tried to take your friends away and maybe even harm them for personal gain, why would you want to lower yourself down to their level for revenge?"
Karma remained silent, his fists loosening up as he looked at his teacher through his red tufts of hair.
"Y/n is okay, your friends are okay, that's all that matters at the moment. There's no doubt that you're training to become an assassin, but you must understand that assassins take pride in their work and don't just kill anyone for fun. Don't ruin your future for revenge, young man."
Surprisingly Karma felt… better. He hated to admit it, but the damn creature always knew the right things to say. Honestly Karma knew he lost himself in the moment, he could only thank his teacher for not letting him go too far.
"Now I suggest you go out there and check on Y/n, the poor girl has only been here for a few weeks and she's already experienced such a traumatic event. She's going to need you by her side."
For once during the whole talk Karma smiled at his teacher, taking his tentacle to stand up before they both walked outside to meet with their classmates.
When you made it outside you were surprised to see the sunset lowering just above the horizon. Time was lost while you were locked inside that decrepit building
Your classmates were quick to be at your side. After enough eyes examined you, it was determined you didn’t have any serious injuries, just some bruised spots and sore muscles. Luckily Nagisa offered to get you some water from a nearby convenience store, the cool liquid soothing your throat at least.
Once the chaos had settled down, your classmates decided to sit on the curb across the street from the building, talking amongst themselves. You decided to refrain from talking, your throat injury providing a helpful excuse to do so. But in reality, it’s more because you felt sick to your stomach.
Surprisingly you weren't completely traumatized by the events that had just occurred, for some reason that's not what bothered you the most out of everything that happened today. It was just the way you were so pathetic, so helpless. You should've been able to do something.
Instead you were forced to watch your boyfriend get attacked, watch your friends get harassed, and make everyone worry because you were so weak... so pathetic.
In your deep thought, you hadn’t even heard the grunt beside you as a tall redhead took a seat beside you on the sidewalk. The sound of his cough snapped you from your thoughts as you glanced up at him, seeing his golden eyes already looking down at you, though they were quick to drop to your neck, his eyes quickly narrowing.
"Damn it, I can't believe how bad it looks." Karma muttered, his fingers grazing against the damaged skin resulting in you sucking air through your teeth from the mild pain of the touch, to which he quickly jerked his hand away.
Quickly looking back to the road, you chuckled weakly with a frown, “Gee thanks.”
Karma clicked his tongue and bumped your side slightly, "You know what I meant angel, don't be like that."
You forced out a laugh, your eyes remaining glued to the ground as your fingers nervously fidgeted against your knee caps. Your actions didn't go unnoticed by the redhead, his hand gently grabbing your fidgeting fingers to force them to a still.
"Are you okay Y/n?"
Oh how you wished he hadn't uttered those four words. You were dreading those words falling from anyone's lips, knowing they would crumble the walls you tried so hard to keep up.
Sure enough the warm teardrops that had been threatening to spill from your lashes began to trickle out one by one, your sudden release of emotions causing you to sniffle.
Karma was quick to grab at your cheek and move your head to face his own, his face immediately softening as you burst into tears before him. Without second thought he shoved you into his chest and wrapped his arms around you tightly, gripping at the locks of your hair and inhaling your scent as he kissed at the top of your head.
"Shit Y/n... I'm so sorry, that must've been so scary for you. I should've been there and I wasn't-"
"Shut up!"
Out of everything Karma expected you to say, it wasn’t that. His hold on you softened as you shoved yourself away from his chest, your sobs growing louder as you rubbed aggressively at your face. You almost looked... angry? The sight scared Karma to death, thinking you could only be mad at him.
"Shut up, shut up, just shut up!" You cried as you looked down to your shaking hands, "You shouldn't have been there, I should've been there!"
Karma's eyes widened at this, confusion running through his mind as you continued.
"You put yourself before me to save me and as soon as you got attacked all I did was watch like an idiot! A..And when they took me away and I had to watch you get kicked to what I thought was death! All I could do was cry and watch you get attacked, I felt so.. so weak!"
Now the puzzle pieces were clicked together in Karma's head. You weren't mad at him... you were mad at yourself.
And somehow, that felt worse for him.
"And when we got kidnapped and they just kept harassing us, all I could do was shout at them and hope they would stop! I..I.. I should've been able to do something! But instead all I could do was watch, all I ever do is watch. I put everyone else around me in danger or make everyone else worry because... because..."
Your face grew red, every emotion you felt bottled up inside as you squeezed your eyes shut.
"Because I’m weak!"
This caused everyone to silence, the only sound being heard was the cool evening wind blowing against the metal signs and fall leaves that littered the ground.
"I..I'm weak... and I'm pathetic... and-"
The next string of words were cut off when a pair of lips smashed against yours. They weren't angry, they weren't guilty, they were simple and welcoming. The feeling of his warm lips pressing against your own caused more tears to stream from your face as you gripped down on his hands tightly until the redhead moved away from you.
"You are not fucking weak, you hear me? You're not weak for being scared, or pathetic for not being able to do anything. That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard!" Karma shouted with a frown as he looked at you with an intense gaze, "I got beaten because I was reckless and moved on instinct rather than thinking things through."
Inhaling sharply,  you swallowed what saliva you forgot you had in your mouth and as your teeth clamped down on the inside of your lip to prevent more tears from spilling as your nails dug into Karma's hands.
"You were strong enough to fight back against those pigs and hold your ground even in a scary situation, so don't you dare say you're weak, do you understand me?" Karma questioned as he cupped your cheek and looked into your eyes, "I was never angry at you, I was angry at myself for letting you slip away. And now I'm going to promise you that I'm going to act more with a level head, so long as you promise to always tell me how you're feeling and to stop bottling up these feelings inside."
You couldn't help the feeling of your lips twitching, your eyes blinking to hold back any tears from escaping your exhausted eyes as you looked up to him. His eyes were stern yet soft, his thumb rubbing against the smooth skin of your palm as he gave your hands a light squeeze.
"Promise me Y/n?"
Smiling softly you let out a slight laugh, your head nodding quickly as more tears streamed down your face.
"I promise Karma."
Karma smiled at this, his palm brushing away some residing tears from your soft cheeks while pushing some of your unkempt hair behind your ear. Somehow even in your disheveled state, you looked so damn beautiful to him.
The two of you hadn't noticed each other leaning in until the sound of a pen clicking and a familiar voice cooing made you both back away.
“Star Crossed lovers reunited after being forcefully separated, I mean the story is just writing itself!” Korosensei cried, somehow having a box of tissues in one of his many tentacles.
At this you began to giggle along with the rest of your classmates, and though Karma put on an annoyed facade, he couldn’t stop the boyish grin from creeping upon his lips when your angelic smile filled his ears once more.
And just then as he caught a glimpse of your pretty smile laughing with the milky sunset rays beaming across your face, he knew one thing was for sure.
He would never let anything take you away from him, ever again.
next chapter
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Hi!!! Could you please do Sugino and Gakushuu reacting to having a super friendly s/o who is big on giving hugs to everyone they’re friends with? And they tend to hug the boys a lot in front of others?
Finally a Sugino request T-T
I will try my best with this one, hope I don‘t make em too short!
Sugino and Gakushu x friendly SO
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-Sugino is pretty extroverted and friendly himself, so he won’t mind a friendly SO at all!
-he‘s also very affectionate, wich means he appreciates da hugs -w-
-he‘s also not the type to easily get jealous, so he won’t get mad if you hug the other boys and girls as well. He thinks it’s cute!
-Rio and Karma tease him a lot about it, saying that he should be careful or else someone might steal you away from him
-"Oh come on, Y/N isn’t like that! She just likes hugging everyone!"
-No worries, he trusts you with his whole heart!
-he loves all your hugs, but he enjoys the ones after he had a baseball game the most. It doesn’t matter if his team wins or loses, you always hug him tightly right after a game. It‘s making him feel confident
-You like Hugs, Sugino likes hugs, everyone likes hugs! You two love to cuddle at home. In Public he‘d be too scared to get teased my karma and Rio again
-Sugino loves you deeply, and he wishes that you‘ll never ever stop hugging him like this uwu
-Sugino also loves it when you‘re both trying to sleep and you squeeze his Hand a little. It‘s making his heart melt
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-Like we all know, Gakushu isn‘t the most affectionate type of guy, so he‘d be very shocked and confused if you‘d hug him
-he get‘s even more embarrassed when you hug him in front of the other four. Be prepared to get the rare sight of seing him blush! Cherish that moment!
-he sometimes tries to free himself from your hugs, but then you just stare at him and wait until he gives up
-"Y/N can you stop?" "But Shuu, I love hugging you!" ". . . Don‘t call me that!"
-he would never admit it, but he actually loves your hugs. He hates it when you hug others tho. When you hug Ren for example, he feels himself get mad for some reason he can’t explain. He might even get possessive
-You‘re his and his only. He‘ll make sure that you know who you belong to later
-The others tease him about being jealous a lot then. It‘s so embarrassing to him @-@
-when you’re alone he likes to hug you back tho. He loves the feeling of you in his arms
-nevertheless, he doesn’t want anybody to notice. Especially not his father. He has to stay strong and keep his guard up in order to stay number 1!
Whaaaa~ I Hope these are okay!
I feel like these are really short again, but oh well, what can I do \_(-w-)_/
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fumiko-matsubara · 5 years
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Starring: X reader boys ft. Sugino
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ethereal-blossom · 3 years
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ karma akabane
s/o insecure about her breasts (scenario, comfort/little amount of nsfw)
s/o who denies korosensei's existence as a joke (hc, crack)
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ nagisa shiota
seriously injured s/o (hc, angst to comfort)
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ isogai yuuma
seriously injured s/o (hc, angst to comfort)
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ sugino tomohito
seriously injured s/o (hc, angst to comfort)
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ asano gakushuu
s/o who denies korosensei's existence as a joke (hc, crack)
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ nakamura rio
s/o who denies korosensei's existence as a joke (hc, crack)
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lys-iwm · 5 years
I saw that post with Karma's type so I'm going to ask... what type of person would be Sugino's type?
I feel like Sugino would like people who are kind and fun-loving. He’d be best with people who would play baseball with him or at least support him playing such as going to his games/ practicing with him. He does well with positive praise and if the reward for playing well was a kiss - he wouldn’t necessarily mind. 
Sugino would fall for someone who can be patient with him, while not being rude/mean about it. He knows he can make mistakes and he’s more than willing to learn from them. He just needs the people who can help him better himself and are willing to help him do so. 
Of course that doesn’t mean that you have to be this perfect person for him either, so if you’re in a particularly foul mood that day or just feeling a little snarky. He’s always ready to boost you up and make you crack a smile at least. 
He’s always going with the flow, so as long as you let him retain that freedom, he’s going to flourish. Not being overly strict and overbearing does wonders for your relationship. He doesn’t mind being nagged at to do something or lectured for being late as long as it’s within reason and you’re willing to listen to his side of things too. 
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angelsdevils · 3 years
Sugino x Reader
Title: Study Partners Fluff No Warning
“Hey Sugino, did you want to study after class?” You asked and he looked up, blinking out of his daze.
“Huh? Oh yeah sure...” He said with a smile and you beamed slightly before wrapping your arms around him tightly.
“Awesome!” He blushed slightly hugging you back before you ended up going back to your seat. His face was really red, he was about to spend some alone time with you for a few hours. This is what he wanted for a while now. He had a huge crush on you but he tried to play it off but you made it hard with your bubble nature.
Kanazaki giggled slightly and Sugino turned to her confused and she had a bright smile. He realized he was caught blushing and zoning out and he blushed more.
“You seem to really like her Sugino...”
“A-Ah?? W-What? Me like (Y/N)? N-No w-way...” He cursed himself for stuttering so much, and two devils popped up behind him and he stiffened slightly, turning around.
“Oh? Sugino has a crush???” Rio started and Karma began to finish.
“Could it be on the bubbly girl herself?”
“No way!” He said freaking out slightly as their smirks mirrored each other and Sugino began to get really nervous.
“Rio, are you thinking what I am thinking?” Karma said and she nodded her head.
“If we get the two together...”
“We can tease two birds with one stone...”
“Two play toys in one go.” They both finally said in unison and Rio went to you as Karma grabbed all the guys to surround Sugino.
“So dude, since you are going to (Y/N)’s you got to make a move.” Maehara said nudging him and Sugino was red in the face.
“I-I can’t do that...”
“Well don’t have to take it all the way but at least kiss her.” Okajima encouraged the shenanigans and Sugino sighed softly. He wondered what the girls were talking about with you.
“She doesn’t even like me like that geez.” Sugino puffed his cheeks and Karma wrapped an arm around his shoulders.
“Sure she does... we see the way she looks at you.”
“(Y/N), way to go in asking him out.” Rio said and you blushed a bright red.
“It’s not like that, we are just going to be study partners...”
“Sure, but come on. You have to make sure to cuddle into his side, and be even cuter than you already are...if that’s even possible.” Fuwa said, encouraging it.
“Come on he will melt and want to cuddle you back.”
“Guys...” You whispered shouted with an extremely red face. The last class ended and everyone encouraged you and you sighed with red cheeks as Sugino walked up to you with a shy smile.
“Shall we get going (Y/N)?”
“Sure...” You said blushing and Sugino noticed and he looked away as you both walked to your home. It was silent mainly because you both were thinking about what your classmates said earlier. When you both arrived you unlocked your door walking in, and Sugino followed close behind.
You removed your shoes before going to the kitchen to grab some cookies and something to drink for the both of you. Sugino stood there watching you and you looked at him flashing him a shy smile.
“Let’s go to my room, it’s more comfortable there then the kitchen.” You said and he nodded following you to your room.
“Your home is nice (Y/N)...” He said walking into your room and smiled.
“Thank you.” You said sitting on your bed, and he sat beside you. You both began to study with each other, occasionally asking the other questions if one didn’t understand. You both ended up eating all of the cookies. After a few hours, you had finished all of your homework and he laid on your bed sighing.
“That was so much to take in.” He said, causing you to laugh and lay beside him.
“Yeah, but we are done now...” You said and Sugino nodded and he began to think about the conversation earlier. He glanced at you and you looked to be in thought, you were also thinking about what the other girls said. Sugino looked back at the ceiling and you used this chance to advance first with a blush. You cuddled into his side and Sugino subconsciously wrapped his arms around you.
He looked down at you and you were blushing a bright red, and he really just wanted to kiss you. You looked up at him and he smiled softly before deciding to take Maehara’s advice, and leaned down. Your breath hitched slightly as he got closer to your lips, before they landed softly against yours. You closed your eyes and Sugino gently rolled on top of you deepening the kiss once he was used to your lips. You both hummed into the kisses and you were blushing heavily.
The kiss was short and innocent, and he slowly parted from the kiss looking at you. He was blushing just as bad as you were. He smiled shyly going to apologize but you leaned up pressing your lips to his again. You took a deep breath and Sugino’s eyes fluttered closed again. You held onto his shirt and he slipped his tongue past your lips allowing his tongue to roam your mouth. You let a small small moan out and that was enough to give Sugino more confidence to deepen the kiss.
The kiss was much longer and passionate than the first time, and you both were glad the class wouldn’t know about this. You parted from the kiss when air was needed and Sugino buried his face into his neck embarrassed.
“(Y/N)... I like you a lot...”
“I like you too Sugino.” You said and he smiled wrapping his arms around you pulling you close to his chest.
“So will you be my girlfriend?”
“Of course.” You said and he smiled nuzzling his face into your hair.
© [@angelsdevils] all rights reserved. none of my posts or stories should be modified, reposted etc. I do not own the character, but I own the plots to these stories.
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