#assassins romance
caliphoria17 · 2 years
But, to me, it would be fascinating because… it’s Eve. | 4x03
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ezioauditore-s · 2 years
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assassins creed + couples
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pimsri · 2 years
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As Kassandra travel the Greek world, looking for a Spartan woman, she made the Greek world realized that they, too, need a Spartan woman in their life.
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twiceasmanysunbeams · 2 years
tell me why these two random shaadhans are some of the most attractive male sprites I've ever seen 🧍
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artschoolglasses · 2 years
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Assassin’s Creed Valhalla: A Fated Encounter
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arleniansdoodles · 2 years
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Here’s a little Burrich/Chivalry painting, inspired by Klimt! <333 Still wishing this ship actually happened in canon, but you know what? That’s what AUs are for! XDDD
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I love the avalanche scene in Assassin’s Quest because its straight out of a goddamn romance novel. 
Fainting love interest? 
Muscly Hero?  
Risking his life without a second thought?
Forced physical proximity? 
Bickering mid-peril? 
Holding onto someone past when he should have let go? 
Completely unnecessary to the larger plot?
Check to all!
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"I bought your loyalty."
"No, you didn't." The champion stood shakily to her feet, quivering with the effort. As the adrenaline faded from her system, so too did her strength, and she was left leaning on her quarterstaff to stand upright. She hated that. She hated the fact that she had to rely on something just to stand tall and face her most hated enemy eye to eye. In her dreams, it had always been on her own two feet, with her sword to the woman's throat and fear in those loathsome blue eyes.
But the woman - her lady, her queen, her collar - stared cooly at the champion from her bed. She spared her fallen guards no more than a cursory look, even the one who had been thrown clean through the wall and folded his spine in half at the foot of her vanity. The champion thought, for a wild moment, that she might use him as a footstool the next time she applied her powders or combed her hair. She certainly wouldn't put it past her.
"I see," said the mouth of the woman she wanted to kill. "You're going to tell me that I bought your sword alone."
"You bought my sword," affirmed the champion, "and the fingers and the palms and the arms that bear it. You own the breath in my lungs that fuel my strikes, and the legs I stand on when I cut your enemies to the ground. Those all belong to you."
"But not your loyalty." The woman had the audacity to look bored.
"A weapon has no loyalties."
"Are you going to kill me now?"
She smiled. "I don't think so."
And the champion foolishly asked, "Why not?"
"Because, my dear." Her queen slid her legs out from under her covers. The eyes she slid onto her champion were dark and amused and wholly devoid of fear. The champion was frozen as she murmured, with all the abhorrent intimacy of a lover, "I own your heart too."
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rachello344 · 2 years
I've been seeing a lot of... troubling takes on Bram Stoker in the Daily Dracula tag, so I want to be really clear here. Dracula is a queer novel, and Bram Stoker was almost certainly a queer man (and while he married a woman (who may have refused to have sex with her husband after their son was born) and had one child, he was very likely in a long-term commited relationship with a man named Henry Irving, a man he named their son for; said son resented his first name so much that he changed it because Henry Irving took up ALL of his father's time and he hated him for it).
Anyway, we don't know how he would have identified, but... Well, I'm going to quote the 2,000-word "fan" letter he wrote to Walt Whitman* as a young man (decades before he wrote Dracula), because I think it speaks for itself. *It is important to note, Walt Whitman himself was long thought to be queer, even during his life, largely due to the subject matter of his poetry. His poetry was mocked largely for its queer themes. If you read the letter in full, Stoker alludes to this response and how it contrasts with his own. Anyway, there's a lot of information about Walt Whitman's possible homosexuality, and quite a bit is simply on his wikipedia page, check under "controvercies" or "criticism" or something. I forget what the header is.*
The rest of the pertinent quotes (under the cut) are listed in chronological order, but this one (the final quote) is the most important and the most direct:
"How sweet a thing it is for a strong healthy man with a woman’s eye and a child’s wishes to feel that he can speak to a man who can be if he wishes father, and brother and wife to his soul. I don’t think you will laugh, Walt Whitman, nor despise me, but at all events I thank you for all the love and sympathy you have given me in common with my kind." -- WIFE TO HIS SOUL. IN COMMON WITH MY KIND. And people want to call THIS man a homophobe??????????
"I only hope we may sometime meet and I shall be able perhaps to say what I cannot write." -- Something he wants to say that can't be put to paper where it could someday be used as evidence in a trial against him as homosexuality was in fact punishable by law?
"If you are the man I take you to be you will like to get this letter. If you are not I don’t care whether you like it or not and only ask that you put it into the fire without reading any farther." -- "If you're also queer, please read; if not, please burn this and never speak of it again."
"If I were before your face I would like to shake hands with you, for I feel that I would like you. I would like to call YOU Comrade and to talk to you as men who are not poets do not often talk. I think that at first a man would be ashamed, for a man cannot in a moment break the habit of comparative reticence that has become second nature to him; but I know I would not long be ashamed to be natural before you. You are a true man, and I would like to be one myself, and so I would be towards you as a brother and as a pupil to his master." -- I genuinely don't have words for how sweet this is. Being near him would make him feel UNASHAMED???
"You have shaken off the shackles and your wings are free. I have the shackles on my shoulders still — but I have no wings." -- Have you ever seen a more "I long to be out like you, but I can't leave the closet" than this???
"I will only hope that sometime I may meet you face to face and perhaps shake hands with you. If I ever do it will be one of the greatest pleasures of my life." -- Do I even need to explain this one? I mean WOW
"One of them had your book (Rossetti’s edition) and was reading aloud some passages at which both laughed. They chose only those passages which are most foreign to British ears and made fun of them. Something struck me that I had judged you hastily. I took home the volume and read far into the night. Since then I have to thank you for many happy hours, for I have read your poems with my door locked late at night and I have read them on the seashore where I could look all round me and see no more sign of human life than the ships out at sea: and here I often found myself waking up from a reverie with the book open before me. I love all poetry, and high generous thoughts make the tears rush to my eyes, but sometimes a word or a phrase of yours takes me away from the world around me and places me in an ideal land surrounded by realities more than any poem I ever read." -- A bit of a longer quote this time to point out as I noted above, they were laughing because it seemed gay. He heard a small selection and it pinged on his gaydar and he READ IT WITH HIS DOOR LOCKED (for privacy? for reading POETRY???). WELL INTO THE NIGHT. Also the sweetness of queer poetry as escapism is just a delight.
"But be assured of this Walt Whitman — that a man of less than half your own age, reared a conservative in a conservative country, and who has always heard your name cried down by the great mass of people who mention it, here felt his heart leap towards you across the Atlantic and his soul swelling at the words or rather the thoughts." -- Again, is there anything more uniquely queer and closeted about this feeling???
"I have been more candid with you — have said more about myself to you than I have said to anyone before. You will not be angry with me if you have read so far. You will not laugh at me for writing this to you." -- This is just so fucking sweet.
There's more in the link, but these were the most obvious quotes for our purposes today. And seriously, please look into his relationship with Henry Irving because like "and they were business partners" lol Stoker's marriage was absolutely a way to cover up his actual relationship with Irving (who left his wife in favor of his work as an actor a few years before they met).
Also, worth noting: The description of Dracula very strongly resembles pictures we have of Walt Whitman as an older man. Very possibly the personality comes from Henry Irving. Just... food for thought.
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stellarcat52 · 2 years
Withered Wings
This is Assassin Husbands/Scottsage/C!Scott x C!Sausage (alsmp edition) so if you don’t like that, don’t read.
Vampire Scott time, also Hybrid Life au becuase.. moth vampire Scott + winged wither Sausage.
TW: Death, blood mentions, I think that’s it.
“Oh Sausage~” Scott sang. “I know you’re here~”  He strutted towards the church, did Sausage even use his house anymore? Every time Scott visited recently, he’d find Sausage in the same place. The church’s door was unlocked, as usual, so he waltzed in as though he owned the place.
“Scott…?” Scott could hear the rush of the angel’s heart as fear poisoned his soul. “What happened to you?”
“I made a little mistake,” Scott admitted, “it got me killed. But I'm back, I’m stronger now, Sausage.” He smiled, showing off his new, pristine fangs. 
“You’re a vampire now?!” Sausage drew his sword, his wings spread out behind him like a bird puffing itself up to appear bigger to a predator. 
Right, that’s what Scott is now, a predator. Still… He scoffed. “Please, I can get blood from anyone. But.. you are still special to me. Do you still remember the end adventure? Our conversation?”
Of course Sausage remembered, he had made a comment on the area they were in about it being a perfect place for a date. It led to a love admission from Scott, and Sausage’s reciprocation. But… since then something had kept them from actually being together. Scott was busy in the lagoon he claimed, and Sausage had been building the church. Scott had visited multiple times in the last few weeks, but travel is difficult as a creature so small and fragile, and Sausage was too preoccupied with the church to even think of visiting Scott. “I love you too. Don’t worry Scott, that will never change.”
Scott waltzed forwards, he reached up, but the touch of his cold skin to Sausage’s ever warm was enough to make the angel flinch. Scott froze and pulled his hand away, starting to back up. “Liar.” He muttered.
“Scott, wait .” Sausage dropped his sword. The sound deafened the church. He took a deep breath. “Your hands are just really cold.”
The tension in the air shattered as both of them started laughing. “Sorry, I think that comes with being undead. But you still love me~” He teased. 
“Vampirism and all.” Sausage confirmed. 
“Oh!” Scott grinned. “Let’s go outside, I want to show you what I can do now!”
Sausage put his sword back in its sheath before following, just in case, nighttime was scary. As soon as he got outside he could see the difference in Scott. He was having fun with his new abilities, he was stronger and faster now, and could rush through the air in a black streak. As he fell back to earth, his cape lifted up and what remained of his moth wings were on display for just a second.
It was enough to make Sausage intrigued. “Oh, yeah. I kept them even after death. They don’t entirely work anymore… Sorry, I won’t be able to fly with you anymore.”
“It’s alright, Scott, I love you. Vampire or moth, or anything else you could ever be. I’ll love you.” Sausage swept Scott into a close, warm hug. This time he was indifferent to Scott’s freezing skin.
“Aww..” Scott melted into the embrace. He rested his head on Sausage’s shoulder and let himself absorb the warmth his lover produced. “Too bad a vampire could never love an angel.”
Sausage’s body went limp as Scott dug his fangs into Sasuage’s neck. His vision was blurring as Scott’s vampiric trance possessed him. It was so cold suddenly, Scott’s embrace was warm though… and it kept him from falling to the ground. Sausage did nothing to fight Scott, really he couldn’t even if he wanted to. He could do nothing as the love of his life sucked the living golden ichor out of his veins, and with it his very life.
Scott didn’t stop drinking until he couldn’t hear the fading heartbeat of the angel anymore. Admittedly he did feel a little guilty, but not in the way he wishes he did. He didn’t feel guilty for killing him, he felt guilty because he got blood on the pristine armor that Sausage wore. He felt guilty because he still found angel Sausage beautiful, he still adored the way Sausage’s wings would practically glow and how full of life he was, and that that life was now golden in a thief’s body.
Scott heard knocking on his manor’s door, a strangely unsteady heartbeat accompanying it. As though the heart was rushing, but didn’t work properly. He barely glanced out the window, it was turning night so he would be able to take whoever decided to visit a vampire.
“Hello?” Scott had barely opened the door when a grin rose onto his face. “You’re stunning, Sausage. Here for revenge?”
Blood red and withered blue eyes met for the first time. Sausage was also smiling, but it was different and less cheery than he ever was as an angel. 
“No, never.” Sausage reached for Scott’s hand, they were both freezing cold now. He raises Scott’s hand to his lips and gently kisses it. “I’m here to thank you, for freeing me from the light.” Sausage spread his wings, a dark and destroyed memory of the angelic life. They blocked the light from the sunset around them. “Can a vampire love a wither?”
Scott moved his hand to Sausage’s cheek. “Till death do us part.”
He wasn’t sure if it was the moon’s energy that gave him the rush, or the kiss he shared with Sausage, either way. He felt like he could destroy the world right then and there.
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susann-noir · 2 years
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A brief moment of happiness
collab with @mogruith
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ezioauditore-s · 2 years
the fact that shakespeare has never appeared in an assassin's creed game is honestly astonishing
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pimsri · 3 years
Eivor for sure have an opinions about cakes
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muchbadassverywow · 7 years
I mean...
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anotherone-yikes · 2 years
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The Journey to Killing You (Anata wa Korosu Tabi) by Asai Sai
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lockescoles · 3 years
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GIF REQUEST MEME: assassin’s creed valhalla + favorite minor character (5): HYTHAM ↳ requested by @winedark
You see ? My faith proved stronger than my fear!
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