#assault on a minor
carlyraejepsans · 6 months
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Uh, context?
someone said people calling themselves bi lesbians are the reason lesbians get sexually harassed by straight men in bars and it was so painfully cruelly stupid and victim blaming that i saw red. and then i was like you know what fuck y'all, I'm not staying in this tar pit, because twitter had already been making me miserable for a while
can y'all stop showing me people gossiping about me behind my back. it's rude that they're doing it in public, but it's their business what they think of me & I don't want to see that either.
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massiveladycat · 20 days
with all due respect for proshippers, which is none, you disgust me. you're so obsessed with shipping incest it's like you think the only thing that makes a good plot is siblings swapping spit. i wouldn't trust you with human decency. and let's talk about that teacher x student romance, that's just sad, bro. like, seriously, do you not know the difference between romance and actual fucked up shit? you're the kind of person who thinks a minor x adult relationship is just "forbidden love" when it's really just a predator grooming their victim. you actively sexualize things that have happened to real people, things that have traumatized people and things that have changed their lives. you actively justify sexualizing children, sexualizing rape, sexualizing non-con. you're disgusting and i would be disappointed if i could ever birth a child like you. go get a life that doesn't revolve around supporting abusive dynamics and predatory behavior. nobody wants to be associated with you. just remember, while you're out here being a proshipper, the rest of us are actually respecting people who know the meaning of consent and respect. it doesn't MATTER if you think fiction has no effect on real life. it's so horrible that you think your pedophilia fanfics and abusive ships have no impact on anyone. do you know how many people you will hurt by going out there, writing some fanfic that tells them that everything that happened to them was okay and right? that there's a group of people that think what happened to them was hot? that if they put their story out there, there's a chance that you may sexualize them or justify their abuser? that they should've enjoyed it? fuck you. fuck every proshipper that tries to justify themselves with 'whimsy' or 'just fun.' fuck you.
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static-scribblez · 9 days
if i had a nickel for every time people attempted to cancel or deplatform will wood over stuff blown out of proportion just before a big ww event i would have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it's happened twice
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fatuifucker · 5 months
tw SA mention
tbh i would rather have minors read my work rather than those coquette smut blogs (not targeting anyone specifically, just in general) that write really ooc drabbles and topics that are basically SA. sometimes it's even blatant SA it's wild that you'd have the reader basically crying and begging the character to stop but the post's theme is just (˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶)
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lizzygrantsbsf · 3 months
girlhood is being hit on by your music teacher
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morganski-19 · 6 months
I Don't Know Which Way's Home
Chapter 15: Visitors
ao3 link, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14
cw: minor descriptions of violence/physicall assault
Present Day, March 1987
“When are you going to move in,” Sarah asks over the phone.
“Next week, I think. I should get the keys in a few days and then we’ll take some time to get some basic furniture. Then we should be all good.”
Steve was excited for the move. Excited to get out of this house to something he owns. Something he can make his own. A place where he can walk through the door and see himself on the walls. In the furniture. Where it feels like home.
Not just a large house where most of the lights are never on. Suffocating anyone who lives in it.
It’ll be an adjustment. But he’s willing to do it. Ready to do it. He’s been stuck in the same loop for so long, he ready to break it.
“Any word from your parents?”
Steve still feels bad about that. If things went the way he wanted them to, Julie would never have to endure his parents. Over the phone or in person. Knowing her, she’d probably want to sit behind him in court. She’d see them there. But wouldn’t be dealing with him. That’s his job, not hers. Not anyone’s.
He’s been dealing with his parents for his entire life. He’s used to it. Knows how to shut up and say the right things just so the issue is dropped. Most of the time. Sometimes he fights back. Stands up for himself. Just to get knocked back down to the lowest peg possible. But he tries.
Now, it’s a totally different ballgame. They can’t knock him down again, not really. He’s stronger than he was back then. Older. More mature. Has a sense of his own self worth and how it doesn’t revolve around their opinions. They never cared enough to stay, why should he care about their words.
“Uh yeah. They got the papers, last I heard from the courthouse is that they got the response letter. It wasn’t pretty.”
“Well, that was to be expected. Anything else?”
Steve hesitates. “Yeah, um. I sort of got kicked out.”
“Yeah, my dad said he wanted me gone. That if I thought I was going to get anything from them anymore I was wrong and can’t keep living here rent free. But they haven’t, like, sent a cop or anything to make sure I’m gone. So, it’s fine. I’m handling it.”
“That’s only because you have an in with the Chief, Steve,” Sarah says sternly. He can picture the frustration on her face. “When did they tell you this?”
“Two weeks ago.”
Sarah swears under her breath. “You’re cutting it close here, Steve.”
“I know,” he says before she can continue. “I know I am. But we’re so close to getting out. Most of our stuff is out of the house except for essentials, and I have people on standby incase they come home. I’m not going into this blind. I know how they are.”
“The minute they show up, the minute that this backup plan gets put into place, you call me immediately.”
Steve knows that Sarah’s just planning for the worst possible outcome. That it’s better to plan for things that might never happen than to scramble for a solution. He doesn’t want to think of the worst. Deep down, there’s a strong feeling that it’s actually going to happen.
Because he does know them. He knows how they will want to fight. They don’t want to do it at all. Threats have gotten them out of trouble before, it shouldn’t be any different now. Only Steve wasn’t giving up. Giving in. He separated himself from them enough that their words don’t mean shit anymore.
At least that’s how he’ll act. In court, he’ll tell the judge the truth, not caring what their going to say as a rebuttal. The way they’ll tear him down as much as they can. It won’t affect him then, but Steve has no way of knowing how it will affect him behind closed doors.
Despite everything, someone deep inside him craves for their approval. Their attention. That person has been getting satisfaction knowing that he’s getting it somehow. The same person that threw large parties just to get the cops called. Just to see if they would show up again. Give him a phone call. Steve wants to ignore that part of him, but it’s there.
That same part of him will probably cry when this is all over. Knowing that his parents are done with him forever. That they think the worst of him. Their opinion shouldn’t matter. It still does sometimes.
“I promise I will,” Steve assures.
“Good.” Sarah hangs up without another word.
Steve’s relationship with his parents has always been complicated. He knew that. Everyone knew that. There was a small hope that if he just acted right, did all the right things, the relationship would become less complicated. Less strained. He’d be their son the way other sons were. Not just a trophy to sit on a shelf, but something more. It never became that, no matter how hard he tried.
So he stopped trying, and look where he is now.
. . .
Julie was putting her plate in the sink when a car pulled into the driveway. Steve’s head turned to the door, wondering who it is. He never does that. People come and go here all the time, normally Eddie since he has a car. Robin if she gets him to pick her up on the way.
But Steve never turns his head when it’s them. Like he has some sort of sixth sense when it comes to random people showing up at his door. Always knowing who it is before he sees them. This is different.
Still, Julie doesn’t pay much thought on it. It’s probably just one of them. Or maybe one of the kids had their parents drive them over. It’s nothing.
Until they hear the garage door start to open. No one ever uses the garage.
Steve’s body tightens. Standing straighter that he normally does.  He abandons his dish in the sink, walking toward the door leading to the garage. On attention. Waiting for something to pounce.
She’s never seen him like this before.
When he returns to the kitchen, there’s a frightened look in his eye. One that immediately makers her heart start to pound faster. It can’t be that bad. What can scare him into looking like this? Spine tied up with a string. Stance ready to start running. Afraid. He’s so afraid.
His mouth opens to say something as a car door slams. A rage filled voice traveling across the house. Enough that she can place who’s it is, even after only hearing it once. Steve’s fear matches in her eyes.
“Steve, who’s here?” Her voice waivers.
Without saying a word, Steve gently grabs her arm and brings her to the sliding door. “You can’t be here right now. They can’t know you’re here.”
“Steve,” she asks again.
He slides the door open, the evening air making her shiver. “The Byers house isn’t that far through the woods. You remember going there for Christmas Eve, right? Go straight about thirty feet, then make a right and keep walking.”
The door starts to open, and the voices fill the other room. Steve’s eyes dart towards the sound before landing back on her. Only making her more scared.
“I’ll be there within an hour with the rest of our stuff. But it will be worse if they see you’re here. I don’t want them to hurt you.”
“Steve,” she pleads for him to slow down.
“You got it. Go to the loose fence behind the pool house and then walk straight a little bit. Then make a right and keep going. You’ll see their house after a while. Take this.” He reaches for the walkie on the kitchen table. Messing with the dial. “When you get to the woods, call for a code red. It won’t go to everyone, just to them. I’ll be there when I can.”
Before Julie can say anything else, Steve pushes her out the door and shuts it behind her. Sliding the lock into place.
Heavy breaths fill her lungs, burning slightly with the chilled air. She looks at Steve though the glass. Face frantically asking for an explanation. Trying to convince her the one she has is wrong. They can’t be here right now.
“Go, please,” Steve mouths through the glass. Terrified.
Julie turns. Walking to the pool house. Finding the loose panels of the fence and pulls them to the side. The same way she would do when she would sneak into this backyard. When she lived in that other house and would do anything not to be there.
Steve’s instructions replay in her mind. Walk straight for a bit, about thirty feet. Maybe more. The turn right and keep walking until you see the house. Call for a code red. Julie looks at the walkie in her hand before she presses the button. Seeing how her hand in shaking.
“Copy,” a man’s voice comes through the speaker. Julie unable to place it right now. “I’ll wait outside for you. If you don’t see the porch light, look for the flashlight. Call again if you get lost.”
Julie turns to the house again. The light click on in Steve’s room. He shouldn’t be much longer. There’s not much else to grab. He should be right after her.
She thinks about waiting. But she already called. They’ll get worried if she doesn’t show up.
Her mind can’t stop racing as she walks. Sun setting slowly as it becomes harder to see the ground. Squinting to make sure she doesn’t trip on a root or branch.
Did Steve’s parents really show up? Just unannounced. That part wasn’t as surprising when she thought about it. They seemed like the people to do that. Steve mentioned that they might come home. She didn’t believe it then. She barely believed it now.
He was right. They showed up at the worst possible time. Give it another week and they would have been out of there anyway. But no, they just had to show up today.
The rage of Steve’s father’s voice rings in her head. The threats on the phone call finding their way back to her mind. What would they do when they saw he was still there? He wanted the two of them gone, that didn’t happen. Not yet. It was happening, but something told Julie that wouldn’t matter. In their heads, Steve disobeyed them. Again.
. . .
Steve watches Julie round the pool house before he turns away. Knowing that she’s going to a safe place, that no matter what the Byers’ will take care of her. His safety, he’s not so sure about. Anger fills his dad fast, and it’s already bubbling over with the sight of the Beemer still sitting in the driveway. Or the fact that there’s lights on in the house.
He’s about to see his parents for the first time in two years. And he’s terrified.
Everything slows down like one of the horror movie scenes. Where the footsteps thump down the hall while the protagonist just stands and waits like an idiot. Waiting for it to strike. They don’t seem like such idiots anymore. Steve knows how feet can feel glued to the floor, but it has a whole new meaning now.
His back is straight, chest puffed out in a way that makes him look bigger than he is. Anything to make him more menacing than his father’s glare. Or fist. Or whatever is coming his way as his father finds his way to the kitchen.
For the first time in two years, Steve looks at his father’s face. Disgusted how much it looks like his. A constant reminder of where he comes from, no matter how hard he tries. Rage filled eyes meet Steve’s, waiting for him to make the first move. All he does is cross his arms, clench his jaw. Trap his father in a glare. He’s not speaking until he has to.
“Steven,” his mother breaks the silence. “We were not expecting you.”
She always tried to keep the peace between them. To try and keep in his father’s rage. It rarely worked. But she tried. It was the one thing Steve commended her for. Deep down, he felt bad for her. Trapped in an unhappy marriage having to follow after Richard just to make sure he didn’t cheat. But that still meant leaving him, and she didn’t call enough for him to forgive for that.
“No, we were not,” Richard finally speaks, voice tense. “What are you still doing here?” Considering you are no longer welcome in this house, that is.
His father can’t even speak his name. Steve debates walking past right up to his room. Filling the last tote bag before doing the same with the rest of Julie’s stuff. Walking out without an explanation. His father raises his eyebrow with a tilt to his head. Awaiting an explanation.
Instead, Steve decides to gloat. “I’m actually just waiting for the keys to my house. Didn’t want the neighbors to think you left your son to sleep in his car. That wouldn’t be so nice to the reputation, wouldn’t it, dad.” He continues to glare at his father, not backing down.
His father lets out a condescending laugh. “If you were so concerned about reputation, then we wouldn’t have to go to court. Would we, Steven? Instead, you think that you deserve some kind of justice. After all we’ve done for you.”
It’s Steve’s turn to laugh. “What did you do for me exactly?”
“Put a roof over your head, make sure there was money to put food on the table. Give you a car, clothes, expensive gifts. See you through high school, pay for your sports equipment. Everything you have is because we gave it to you.” Richard’s voice raises, almost yelling. Almost.
Steve resists a flinch when the last word booms through the room. Instead of saying another word, he side-steps his parents, heading upstairs. Flicking on the light in his room, stuffing as much of his stuff into a tote bag. His room already looks bare except for the sheet and the stupid car poster on his wall.
His mother appears in his doorway moments later, a more silent argument ready to be said. Until she sees the walls. “You painted?” she gasped.
“I did. Hope you don’t mind. I won’t be here much longer anyway. You can turn it back into what it was.”
A sickened smile forms on his mother’s face. “You never told me you wanted to change your room. We could have done it together.”
Meaning that she could have changed it while he watched. Hating how it would have turned out no matter what the product was. His mother never listened to him anyway.
“Well, you were never here long enough to change it, so I just did it myself.” He smiles to himself when his mother’s smile twitches. Knowing that his words stung.
The tote bag gets slung over his shoulder as he pushes past her. Leaving her to look at her ruined masterpiece as he packs up Julie’s room. Pulling out the tote bag she has underneath her bed and putting away the few essentials that she had left. Taking out another to shove her clothes into.
His mother gasps as she sees the paint over these walls as well. This room in particular being her favorite guest room. “What have you done?”
“Painted. Like I said.” He continues to fill the second tote bag.
Richard finds his way up the stairs, done waiting for Steve. Eyes landing on the desk where the picture of Julie and her mother rests. Steve grabs it before he can, gently placing it in the tote bag. Throwing some clothes around it so it doesn’t break.
“Has someone been living in here?” his father asks, not willing to admit he recognized the woman in the picture.
Steve takes a deep breath. “Oh no one special. Just your daughter.”
His parents stiffen at the same time. Bringing a sly smile to Steve’s face.
“I don’t have a daughter,” his mother says with feigned confidence. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I wasn’t talking to you. I was talking to him.” He meets his father’s eyes again. “I was talking about Julie.”
As fast the smile formed of Steve’s face, it’s smacked off. Cheek stinging with the contact of his father’s hand. His mother gasps, scolding her husband. Knowing nothing would stop him from doing it again. Steve grabs the desk chair, using it to balance him as he gets his bearings. Waits for the ringing in his ear to calm down, for the breath to return to his lungs.
“You are never to speak that name again,” Richard commands. “She is nothing.”
“Julie is not nothing.” Steve manages to stand, only to have to grip the chair again when Richard’s fist makes contact again. Lip darting out to taste the blood coming from his split lip. A short laugh escapes as he stands, planting his feet stronger this time. “You really thought I’d never figure out about her.”
“You think you are so tough, don’t you, Steven. Changing your room, getting a job, housing someone you don’t know. All of that you could do because of me. All of that you are going to lose. What will come of you when you don’t have us paying for everything anymore? When you can’t come crawling back to us when life gets hard.”
Steve manages to stand again. Plants his feet the way he’s learned to. Treating his father like every other monster he’s faced. Wishing that there was a bat in his hand to twirl around. Make a show of protecting himself.
He doesn’t need it this time. Richard might pretend to be strong and menacing, but he’s just a person. Who got a few good hits in because Steve wasn’t prepared for them. He is now.
“You would know something about housing someone you don’t know. You’ve been housing me for twenty years.”
Richard’s arm raises again, but Steve was ready for it this time. Catching his wrist before it can contact Steve’s face. It surprises the both of them, but Steve doesn’t let his guard down. His eyes dart to his mother, who hides just barely behind Richard. Laura was never one for confrontation, and now he’s something more than just her son. Now he’s a threat.
“I am more than what you think I am. I changed my room because I never liked the old one. Because I should feel welcome in my childhood home. I got the job because if my hard work, not because of my name. I gave Julie a home because she is my sister, that is a fact. And because her and I have something in common. Our father knows nothing about us.”
“Let go of me, Steven.” For the first time, Richard is the one with fear in his eyes.
“Are you going to hit me again?” Steve tightens his grip.
Richard shakes his head. “No, no I’m not. Don’t do anything rash here, Steven.”
Steve lets go of Richard’s wrist with a swing, letting it slam back into him. “I go by Steve, but you both always ignored that anyway. I’m not some kid you get to push around anymore, no matter how hard you’ll try. You might think I’m stupid for staying here after you told me to get out, you might think what I’m doing is pointless. But I’m not doing all of this for me anymore, I’m doing it for me and for Julie. Because while you thought she was just something you could pay to never think about again, you missed out on a pretty great kid.”
He takes a deep breath. “But I guess you’re used to that. You missed out on the kid you kept around. Even if you weren’t here to see me grow up. I hope it all was worth it. It was a lot of hell for me.”
Steve grabs the tote bags, slinging one over each shoulder and the other in his hand. Taking a moment to realize that this is the last time he’ll ever set foot in this house. It’ll no longer be his home. It should be sadder than it is. There were many good memories among the bad that happened here. But he feels a weight lift off his shoulders. It’s not over yet, but he’s free of one of his chains.
“You going to let me leave? Not like you want me here anyway.”
Neither of them moves. Not ready to admit they lost.
“Where are you going to go?” Laura asks like she cares. She might, but it was too little too late at this point.
“You don’t get to know that.”
Laura lowers her head in a nod, accepting. Steve pushes his way past them and down the stairs. Finding his keys.
Richard follows him down, not willing to give up. “Don’t think you can have the car, we paid for that. It’s ours.”
Steve laughs, undoing a keychain Robin made him from the ring. “I know, was just getting this off.” He tosses Richard the keys. “There you go. House key is on there too, so you won’t have to bother about me coming back.”
He grabs his flashlight from the hall closet before opening the door. Sparing one last look at his parents, to find anything that shows remorse. All he sees is Richard’s hard stare and Laura’s sorry eyes. Nothing calling him to stay.
So he leaves.
. . .
Julie was lucky she didn’t get lost. She followed the directions and, after a while, saw the porch light. The last bit of sunlight helps her get the rest of the way there. Illuminating the path just slightly so she doesn’t trip.
“Hey,” a voice says from beside her, making her jump. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.”
Julie turns to see the Chief holding a flashlight, the light pointing towards her. “I think you would have even if I knew you were there.”
“Come on, let’s get you inside. It’s getting cold out here.” Hopper steps in front of her, leading her the rest of the way.
Joyce is waiting for them in the house. Getting up from the couch when they open the door. “You’ve been out there for a while. I was getting worried. Oh honey, you’re shaking, are you cold?”
Julie looks down at her hands, seeing them shake. She doesn’t feel cold. More in shock than anything. Afraid of something she’s never really experienced. Only hearing his voice once over the phone. That was enough to spark fear. Not for her, but for Steve.
It was all she could think about when she was walking. What Steve was going to face when his parents saw that he wasn’t there. If they saw what they did to their rooms. If they saw her.
She agreed it was probably best that she wasn’t there. It would have probably made it all ten times worse. But leaving Steve alone in that house, with them. It felt like a bad idea.
He can take care of himself, she knew that. That didn’t stop her from feeling like she should be there. Be a barrier to stop them from hurting him. In whatever way they were going to. Maybe if there was a witness, he could leave without a fight.
“Julie, sweetie, are you ok?” Joyce’s warm voice breaks through her thoughts.
Julie tries to say something, but nothing comes out. It hits her all at once how scared she was for him.
“What time is it?” she asks.
Joyce checks the clock in the living room. “Just about seven thirty, why?”
Julie left a little after seven. So, assuming Steve left right after her, he should be here soon. And if he left a bit later, he should be here by eight. That’s if nothing went wrong. If they didn’t get into an argument. Or he didn’t get lost.
“He said he’d get here within the hour. So by eight. If nothing happened. Do you think something will happen?” Her voice can’t help but shake.
Joyce makes a face that is supposed to help but doesn’t. Full of sympathy, but one of no answers. “I’m not sure. But whatever it is, he’ll be fine. I know he will.”
“And if he isn’t?” Julie keeps seeing the small person that Steve becomes when he talks to his father. How the light drains out of him, and he becomes a shell of the person he is. His father isn’t even in person and can do that. What will happen when he is in person?
“He will be,” Joyce assures. “How about you come in, sit down. Can I get you anything? Water, hot chocolate?”
Julie lets herself be led to the living room. “Water would be nice.”
“Alright. El here if you want to see her, have someone to sit with.”
“Yeah, yes. I would like that.”
Joyce smiles at her. “Ok, I’ll go get her for you. Jim.” She nods her head toward the kitchen before heading down the hall.
Hopper brings her a glass of water, which she takes. Taking a sip before setting it on the table, seeing how her hands still shake. Joyce comes back down the hall motioning for Hopper to join her in the kitchen. Leaving Julie alone in the living room. Until El comes to sit next to her.
“Joyce told me about what happened,” she says softly. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“He used to hit my mom,” Julie blurts out. “He used to hit my mom when they were together, and she made him angry. Steve made him angry. I know he did. He called the house last week and, and kicked us out. And we didn’t leave yet, because we couldn’t. Steve doesn’t get the keys for a few more days. What if he hits Steve, too?”
El’s hands find hers, holding them together to calm the shaking. Julie turns her head to meet El’s eyes. Seeing an expression that feigns strength but fear still rests in her eyes. She’s scared for Steve too.
“I have known Steve for longer that you have. I know how strong he is, how brave he is. He will be ok. I promise.” There’s a certainty in her words.
Somehow, Julie believes her. “Ok. Ok, yeah. Yeah. He’ll be ok.”
“Would you like a hug?”
Julie nods. Her breath starting to even out again, the adrenaline keeping her tears at bay failing.
El opens her arms and leans forward to give Julie a hug. Julie takes it with a choked sob, tears starting to fall. El pats her back awkwardly, not quite sure what to do but it’s helping. With a few deep breaths, Julie’s able to pull herself together. Pulling away from El to wipe the tears from her eyes. She won’t be ok until Steve shows up, but she’s better. For now.
“Thanks, that helped.”
El smiles. “Good. Do you want to watch something while we wait? Keep your mind off of it?”
“Yeah, sure.”
El clicks on the tv, finding a channel with some reruns that Julie doesn’t pay attention to. Her mind is still on Steve. Knowing that the there’s no sunlight left to guide the way, and he has no walkie to let her know when she’s coming. Yet she still grips the one resting in her lap. Hoping by some miracle she hears Steve’s voice through the staticky connection and knows he’s ok.
But nothing comes through. The only noise filling the house is the tv, and the not so silent whispering between Joyce and the Chief in the kitchen. After a while, Hopper heads back outside with the flashlight, walkie stuffed in his jacket pocket. He’s going to look for Steve.
It feels like forever before there’s a knock at the door. Making Julie sit up straighter. Joyce emerges from the kitchen to open it. A very winded Steve behind the door, tote bags slung over his shoulder and flashlight in hand.
“Sorry I’m late,” he apologizes while catching his breath. “I had to go the long way.”
Joyce ushers him in. Steve barely gets a chance to put the bags down before Julie’s on her feet and pulling him into a hug.
“You’re ok.”
“Yeah, I’m ok. Did you get here ok, I know I kind of freaked you out.”
Julie lets go. “Freaked me out. Steve, you terrified the shit out of me. After the phone call last week and the little I knew about him I,” she pauses when she sees his split lip. “He hit you?”
Steve touches his lip. “Yeah, he, uh, he did. But I’m ok. I’ve had far worse than this.”
“You say that like it makes it ok. It doesn’t.”
He looks down with a shake of his head. “I know it doesn’t.”
“He really hit you because you didn’t leave.” Julie can’t seem to wrap her head around the idea. But then, she would never hit someone for any reason. Let alone that.
Steve clears his throat. “Sort of. Why don’t you go sit with El for a bit, I have to talk to Joyce for a second.”
She gives him a confused look, knowing he didn’t answer her question fully. But she still goes to sit on the couch again. Him and Joyce go to the kitchen, speaking in whispers. Something tells her that reason he was attacked was because of her.
. . .
Joyce uses her walkie to let Hopper know that Steve is at the house. She gets him a glass of water and makes him sit down, looking at his lip.
“It’s really not that bad. You and I both know this is the least beat up I’ve ever been after a fight.”
She sits down in the chair across from him. “You should listen to Julie. That still doesn’t make it ok.”
He looks down at his hands. “I know. Just easier to think of it that way. Out of all the things he’s done, he’s never hit me before.”
Hopper comes into the kitchen, sitting down next to Joyce. “You ok, kid?”
Steve shakes his head. “I will be, just need a second. Thanks for making sure she got here. Making sure she was safe. I didn’t know what would happen if he saw her there. Just knowing that she was there at all was the reason why,” he can’t finish the sentence.
“Of course. You both can stay here as long as you need to,” Joyce offers.
“Thanks, I appreciate it.”
Hopper crosses his arms. “You could press charges if you wanted, make your case a little stronger.”
“It’s my word against his, and my mom will never speak out against him.” She never did before, why would it change now. “Can I use your phone, I need to make some calls.”
Joyce nods and Steve heads to the phone in the hall. Pulling out Sarah’s number from his pocket. Dialing it with a deep breath. She wouldn’t be happy with this.
She wasn’t. Cursing Steve through the phone with an “I told you so”. But grateful that Julie is safe, grateful that he is too. She gives him a day before she’ll say anything. Give him time to make it look like Julie was just at an extended sleepover. For them to move. He thanks her just before she hangs up.
Robin is next. Takes a second to make sure he’s ok before cursing out his dad. Offering to go over there herself and give him a piece of her mind. He tells her it’s a bad idea, she disagrees, but still says she will keep it all for when she sees him in court. That way there will be witnesses. She makes sure he’s ok, offers to come over. Steve assures that he’s fine and will talk to her again in the morning.
The last person is Eddie. Steve already knows how he’ll react, but still hopes he won’t freak out that much.
“Where are you right now?” he asks after Steve fills him in.
“The Byers. It was the closest place that was safe.”
“I’ll be there soon.”
Steve holds the phone closer to his mouth. “Eds, really. You don’t have to come over.”
“Like hell I don’t.” Eddie hangs up before Steve can protest anymore.
He’d be lying if he said that he didn’t want to see Eddie right now. That if knowing that his boyfriend was willing to drop everything just to be there with him right now didn’t bring him comfort. Part of him didn’t want Eddie to see him like this, though. Fragile, partially homeless. Taken a few hits to the face.
As if Eddie hasn’t seen Steve beat up before. Pretty much all of Hawkins has, it’s a reoccurring event. But those times were different. It was because of his own idiocy or protecting someone. This was at the hands of someone that already caused him more pain than he should have gone through. He didn’t know how to admit that he got hit for no reason.
He heads back to the kitchen, tells them that Eddie’s coming over. They don’t say much, but have a knowing look in their eye. One that scares the hell out of him, but makes him feel seen at the same time. Steve could be himself in this house. Around these people. It wasn’t even his, and it felt more like home than he’s ever known.
“I never asked if you were ok,” Steve says as he sits down next to Julie. “Are you?”
Julie shrugs. “As ok as I can be I guess.”
“Sounds about right.”
“Did he hit you because of me?” Julie asks after a pause.
Steve would do anything to lie to her right now. To dart around the question and make up some excuse. Knowing her, she would see right through it. She didn’t need him lying to add to tonight. But would it be better for her to know the truth?
There’s a knock at the door before Steve can try to answer. He thinks it’s for the best. Enough has happened for one night.
He stands when Joyce opens the door. Almost getting pushed out of the way when Eddie sees Steve in the living room. They meet in a hug, Steve feeling more relieved that he thought he would.
“Those jackasses couldn’t have waited a few more days before they finally came home. They had to do it while you were still there.”
Steve huffs out a laugh. “Yeah well, they never had the best timing.”
Eddie notices the cut on his lip when he pulls back from the hug. Eyes filling with anger. “I’m actually going to get arrested for murder this time.”
“Eds, it’s really not that bad.”
“Not that bad.” Eddie’s voice raises. “Not that bad, Steve. You have a fucking split lip. Your eye is puffy.”
Steve tries to calm Eddie down, still conscious of the people around them. Trying not to make it look too revealing. “It could be worse.”
He sees Joyce say something to the girls that gets them to leave and head down the hall. Leaving him and Eddie alone in the living room.
“How hard did he hit you? Can you hear me alright? What about your vision, nothing’s blurry. You can still see fine?” Eddie clocks when they leave, grabbing Steve’s head with both his hands, assessing the damage.
Steve tries to pull Eddie’s hands away, make this less of a big deal. “I can hear and see fine. He didn’t hit me hard enough to do anything. I’ve had worse, it’s the least concerning thing that’s happened in the last few hours.”
“Your father, a grown man, assaulted you. His son. And you think there are more concerning things that happened in the last few hours.” Eddie’s face falls. “Just because you’re an adult when he hit you doesn’t make it better.”
“I know that,” he admits. Starting to feel the weight of everything finally sink in. “I just don’t know how to process it all right now. Tonight’s been a lot and I just need a minute, a day, I don’t know. Something. I just can’t think about that right now.”
“Ok,” Eddie says softly. “Ok. Then we won’t talk about it anymore. When every you’re ready. Does it hurt though, do you need ice or anything? Last thing, I promise.”
Steve shakes his head. “No, no. It’s ok. I’m ok right now.”
Eddie nods. Kissing Steve before pulling him into another hug.
Just when Steve gets his life together, it all falls apart again. Or at least feels like it. In just a few days, the pieces will be put back into place. His life will get back on schedule. His schedule. Where he can move into a house that he bought, with his own money. To a job that he got, by himself. And life that has nothing to do with his last name.
Even if the court date is a few months away, and he’ll have to see his parents again. But after that, he’ll never have to interact with them again. He will be permanently free.
Right now. He’s trying to hold it all together. Making his brain slow down to give himself a minute to breath. Before the crushing reality of all that just happened presses down on his chest. And they’ll take hold of his mind again. Just for a little while, then he’ll break free again.
Joyce insists they stay the night. Explaining how Julie is already set up in El’s room, and how the two of them can take the pull-out couch. Just like that, with no explanation needed. Or excuses. Maybe Steve could tell everyone about them soon.
It’s still early when everyone goes to bed. Just wanting the day to be over, even if they’re not tired. But the comfort of darkness lets Eddie scoot closer, hold Steve a little tighter. Make him feel put together even though he’s slowly starting to fall apart.
Tomorrow is a new day. With plenty of problems to be solved and conversations to be had. Telling the rest of the group to stay clear of his old house and change his contact information with a few people. Try to get the keys a few days earlier.
Tonight is meant for sleep. To float around and exist without anything pressing his mind. Wrapped up in his boyfriend’s arms and feel comfort for a brief moment. Until his looks in the mirror again and see the healing cut on his lip, and the slight bruise on his cheek. Almost fall apart all over again until he pulls himself back together. Each time a little weaker than the last until he finally breaks.
It’s so easy to fall back into old habits. To bottle everything up for the sake of other. For the sake of himself. Steve really can’t process everything right now. It would sting more that it already does. So, it gets pushed away. Until he’s ready to face it again.
He only hopes that time will be sooner than most. So he doesn’t blow up at someone that’s undeserving. Saying something he can’t take back.
But right now, he doesn’t need to think about that. Right now he needs to sleep.
Tag list(let me know if you want to be added or removed): @homoerotictangerine, @mugloversonly, @thesuninyaface, @imyelenasexual, @anaibis, @ilovecupcakesandtea, @brainsteddielyrotted, @jackiemonroe5512, @eddie-munsons-missing-nipple, @goodolefashionedloverboi, @cinnamon-mushroomabomination, @lolawonsstuff, @writingandmushroomdragons, @stevesbipanic, @sierra-violet, @steddie-as-they-go, @dauntlessdiva, @mousedetective, @the-daydreamer-in-the-corner, @zombiethingy, @connected-dots-st-reblogger, @that-agender-from-pluto, @allyricas, @cheddartreets, @devondespresso, @crypticcorvidinacottage, @queenie-ofthe-void @chronicpainstevetruther, @cheddartreets, @theupsidedownrealestateagent, @acidbubblegummie, @sirsnacksalot, @l0st-strawberry, @helpimstuckposting, @strawberry-starss, @freddykicksasses, @italianwhore1, @i-threw-my-name-out-the-window, @rageagainsttheapathy, @nuggies4life, @ape31, @whimsicalwitchm, @chrissycunninghamfanblog, @michellegilligan, @hippielittlemetalhead, @bridget-malfoy-stilinski-hale, @jaytriesstuff, @confused-stripes, @faeb1tch42069, @marklee-blackmore, @hel-spawn, @genderless-spoon, @mamafaithful, @estrellami-1, @starryeyedpoet17 @i-amthepizzaman, @lilpomelito @melonmochi
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medicore-alt · 10 months
sorry but im never forgiving people for excusing actual bigotry and assault because it was against someone they didn’t like
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symbioticsouls · 1 year
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“Can you atleast say sorry to the child you kicked in the jaw”
“Im sorry you think you deserve an apology”
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hauntedbythenarrative · 3 months
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mintacle · 1 year
Sure, Jason dressed up in an adult custume of his teenage costume to fight his successor, but Tim MADE an adult version of his teenage costume and added a "red" to his name just to pettily hang on to the title and gets into fights with his successor almost every time they show up in the same panel. So YOU tell ME who is the petty and childish one here!
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acourtofladydeath · 9 months
TTBW Chapter 1
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Chapter 1 of TTBW has now been posted to AO3. Please make sure you read all tags with every chapter of this fic that is posted. I will be updating as I go. Read the beginning before the cut, and the entire chapter here!
Nyx shrieked joyfully in his uncle’s grasp as Cassian banked to the right. The wind caught both their wings, Nyx’s still so small and delicate as they flew. Cassian held his nephew tightly around the waist as he tried to get the mischievous four year old to get used to the feeling of the air as it rushed past the diaphanous structures still developing within his wings. 
As they leveled out, Nyx’s wings went limp and he clapped his hands together, “Uncle Cassie again, again!” Cassian chuckled softly to himself as he looked out over the waters next to the River House where he held his flying lessons with Nyx. 
“Okay little pyxie, but you’ve gotta hold your wings out for me! Big and strong, like we talked about.” Cassian could feel as Nyx held his breath and braced his wings out from his tiny body. Nyx’s wings were still so small they barely went past the breadth of Cassian’s shoulders. “Look I’m doing it!!” Nyx shouted back at him. As he peered over his little shoulder the young male’s violet eyes shined with excitement at his achievement. Cassian could barely hold back his own tears as pride rushed through his body. He choked back his emotion as he spoke encouragingly to his nephew.
“You’re doing it big guy!” Cassian made sure they were close enough to the shore that the rest of the family could see Nyx’s achievement before he prepared to bank again. “Alright Nyx, think you can hold them steady for this turn?” 
“I’m a big boy! I can do it.” The determination in Nyx’s voice sent another burst of emotion through Cassian as prepared to bank. “Okay, on the count of three buddy. One… two… three!” 
Cassian softly curved above the shore and Nyx’s wings stayed stretched wide through the entire turn. Nesta, Azriel, Rhysand, and Feyre all cheered from the shore as the pair flew by. Once they were out of the turn Cassian landed, he turned his nephew in his arms to face him.
“I did it! I did it!” Nyx shouted and raised his still plump little fists in the air in celebration. 
Cassian held him in one arm as he also fist pumped the air in celebration and laughed along with his nephew. “You did such a good job Nyx!” 
When Nyx had calmed slightly, Cassian knelt and placed the little male on the ground to stand before him. Nyx looked intently into his uncle’s eyes as Cassian placed one hand on his shoulder. “Now, remember what we talked about. Your wings are still growing. They’re not as strong as mine or your dad’s or Uncle Az’s yet.” 
Nyx looked at his uncle intently as he spoke, but chimed in “or mommy’s right? She has wings too! But not all the time, like daddy. She can put them away. But I can’t.” 
Cassian smiled at his nephew, the intuitive little bugger. “That’s right. Your mom and dad have different wings. But you and I can’t take our wings off and we can’t put them away. What does that mean Nyx?” 
Nyx looked seriously back at Cassian, eyebrows furrowed in concentration. “It means I have to be extra super careful not to hurt them. They’re my wings and no one else's and I only get one pair so I have to take care of them.” 
“Yes, exactly bud, great job. What else do you have to remember about your wings?” Cassian smiled encouragingly at Nyx to continue.
The little male responded with sincerity, eyes and nose still scrunched tight. “That no one else can touch them unless they ask and I say it’s okay, and I should only say it’s okay if I know them extra super well like you or Uncle Azzie.” 
Cassian nodded. “That’s right, little pyxie. You did a great job today, you know that?” 
A huge grin spread across Nyx’s entire face at his uncle’s compliment. He responded eagerly as he excitedly bounced on the balls of his feet. “Does that mean I get to fly all by my own next time?” 
Cassian chuckled as he responded. “Not so fast, big guy. Before our next lesson I want you to work on your wing flaps for me. We need to make sure your muscles are big and strong so they can support you without my help okay?” 
Nyx looked down at his feet, a defeated look on his face leaving his bottom lip slightly wobbly. Cassian used his free hand to tilt his nephew’s gaze back up to meet his. “Hey, don’t get upset. You’re doing so well! Only a few more lessons okay? And then you and I can fly over the river together but separate, I promise.” 
The young boy, so small and new to life, perked up a bit at that as he responded. “You’ll take me first right? Don’t tell my dad but your lessons are my favorite. I want to fly together but separate with you first.” 
Those damn emotions hit Cassian again at his nephew’s words and he swallowed back more tears. “I promise Nyx, the first time you’re ready to fly without one of us holding you, I’ll be the one to take you.” 
Nyx rushed forward and hugged his uncle, arms wrapped so tightly around Cassian’s neck he could barely breathe. But he’d never stop Nyx from embracing him like this, not in a million years. Once the tiny bat let go, he raced off to tell his mom and Auntie Ness all about how well he did in his flying lesson. Cassian stood and brushed off his knees as his brothers approached. 
“Well, that went well,” Rhysand said as he stood next to his Cassian with a proud smile on his face. 
“He’s doing so well, Rhys. I don’t know many younglings that can fly as strongly as he is at that age.” Cassian stared off after his nephew as he raced into Nesta’s arms. His mate scooped Nyx up into her grasp with ease and twirled him around as pride shone across her features. 
Rhysand watched where Cassian’s gaze fell and joined his soft reverie as Feyre hugged her arms around Nesta, which left Nyx sandwiched between the sisters and showered in love. Azriel, ever the serious brother, cut into the soft moment. 
“Cass, we wanted to talk to you about tomorrow.” Rhysand raised his eyebrows and looked over toward their brother, already masked in nervous shadows. “Way to really bury the lead Az,” before he looked toward Cassian, a look of sincerity on his face, “but he’s not wrong Cass.” 
Cassian crossed his arms over his chest as he looked between his brothers, who both wore concerned expressions. “Alright, you two look like scouts with horrible information who don’t want to spill the news. Well, spill.” 
Rhys straightened his posture while the shadows flurried more quickly around Azriel’s shoulders. It was the High Lord who spoke first. “I know you’ve been really looking forward to tomorrow and think it will make a big difference in your and Nesta’s plans in Illyria but-”
Azriel cut Rhys off stoney faced, “Cassian there have been serious death threats. Are you sure it’s really a good idea for you to let loose with these men when they’re the very same ones calling for your head on a spike?”
Cassian huffed out a breath and rolled his eyes. “You sound like Nesta. Look, Az, you have your mission in Autumn tomorrow, and Rhysand has Velaris to guard with Mor and Amren gone.” Cassian clapped a hand on each of his brother’s shoulders as he said with more confidence than he actually felt, “I’ve received more death threats than the three of us combined could count. Nothing’s gone wrong before, why would it now?” 
His brothers looked obviously unconvinced by Cassian’s attempt at bravado. “Look, Devlon will be there. He’s been on our side since day one of this rebuild. Nesta, Emerie, and their Valkyrie unit won’t be far either. I know you’re concerned.” Cassian ran a hand through long curls as he spoke, his true anxiety on full display. 
“I’m concerned too, but we are at a stalemate. My job is to fix Illyria, to make her something that all three of us can truly be proud of. A place we work with, not just order around when we need them.” Cassian met Azriel’s shadowed stare before he locked eyes with his High Lord’s piercing violet gaze as he said his last piece. “Let me do my job Rhys, let me help Illyria.” 
Continue reading on AO3.
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fertilize-my-eggs · 4 months
King of decay ch.3
Kidnapped a new bride
A03 ch.1 ch.2 ch.4
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A/N: trigger warning this chapter get violent, shigaraki is misogyny violent individual so you have been warned!! Reader get sexually assaulted by him.
“ YOU KILL MY FAMILY!! YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!!! "You're sobbing on my back as I enter the kingdom, I smirk as I tilt my head at you.
“ Well maybe if you were single and pure this wouldn't happen. ” you blink a few times as you slam your fist on my back in rage.
“ FUCK YOU!! GO TO HELL! ” I hear you screaming loudly calling me all these names as I shrugged it off.
You're so adorable when you're aggressive, it turns me on… I smirk as I slap your ass hard.
“ if you keep this up, I'll send you to my doctor to get you fixed… would you like your ill mind to go under surgery?  ” you gasp as you stare at me in anger.
“ What the hell is that supposed to mean? Let's go!!! I'll have the king send you to the dungeon!! ” I chuckle at you as I smirk wide as I look directly at you.
“ … I am the king. What do you think you're here at my kingdom? ” I tilt my head at you as you suddenly pause as the realization hits you like a ton of bricks.
“ your…. You're…. ” you begin sobbing heavily as you cover your face with your hands.
“ you're worse than the original…” I rolled my eyes at your statement as it was close to morning, it's probably like one am.
“ sweetheart.. at least I didn't starve you and the village like he did.. ”
“ Still, that doesn't matter!!! You murdered my family for no reason. ”
“ no there is a reason baby~ ” you tilt your head as we're getting closer to my master bedroom.
“ What do you mean?!?? ”
“ well see my hands on your cute body? ” You thought about it as you looked at me.
“ yeah and? ”
“ I'm cursed with decay so it doesn't affect you when my hands touch your skin.. meaning you're the only one but everything can easily decay just by me touching them with these hands.”
“ you're immune to my curse and the reason is to make you my bride and to bring heir into this kingdom.” I smirk at you sinisterly. 
“ You'll be my queen… a special diamond for me to keep, I'll treat you well. ” you roll your eyes as you lean your head downward in pain.
“ you…. Kill my son Leon and my daughter… Felicity.. you monster. ” 
“ You should be grateful that you can survive this curse that I deal with. ”
“ be grateful?? I didn't know you existed until you bump into me.. just… ” you cry out.
“ Please just murder me so I can rest without this misery. ” I huff out air as I grab the door knob as I hear soft humming as I sighed in annoyance.
I look forward to seeing the maiden leader toga himiko as she skips freely towards me.
What the hell is she doing at this hour?
She bowed her head as I heard you plead for her help.
“ good night your Majesty~ what ya doing? ” I tilt my head as I hold you tight so you won't escape. 
“ nothing… just found myself a bride~. ” toga gasp as she clapped her hands together.
“ ohh how romantic your majesty!! Are you two going to make sweet love? ” her sinister  smile wide as her eyes narrowed in pure evil and joy.
I smirk at her as I tap your thighs.” not yet, I'm planning on marrying her and we'll do it on our honeymoon... Well I have this planned for a new child to rule this kingdom.“
Himiko gasps loudly as she puts her hands on her cheeks.
“ that wonderful your highness-..”
“ you two… are insane.”
“.... ignore her maiden, she's just a bit tired and needs rest… right my beautiful wife? ” I give you a sinister stare as you close your lips tight.
“ As I was saying.. for this honeymoon, she’ll be locked in my room for days until she's pregnant with my first child. ” tilt my head as I think, putting my thumb on my lip.
“ planned on having five or more children with her. ” your eyes widen by this as you softly cry, you grip my red cloak. 
“ aww such a big family your highness!! How sweet and romantic~!!! ” She cooed sweetly as she said.
“ I bet the children will come out as beautiful as you fair bride!! ” toga sweetly coo at you as you had a disgusting look towards her.
“ Be gone maiden, I have to rest well.. let's the others know there will be a wedding tomorrow afternoon. "She's bowing her head as she has a smile on her face.
“ as you wish your Majesty~!! ” I smile as I open the door heading inside as toga skip off to tell the kingdom about the wedding tomorrow.
I lock my door as you slap my back weakly. 
“ you're a monster… I won't give you anything!! ” I smirk at you as I put you down.
“ we’ll see about that, my love~. ” I yawn out as I grab you by the hair as you're screaming in pain.
“ WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME LET ME GO, IT'S HURTS!!! ” I look down at you with a smirk.
“ you're flirty, I can't have you sleeping on my sheet with these old rags.”
“ stop stop stop!! Let me go, let me go immediately, it hurts.” I rolled my eyes as I dragged you into the restroom.
It's was massive as I ripped your clothes off, the decaying helped a lot easier as I saw your naked body.
I bite my lips as it's the first time I'm seeing a woman being nude in front of my eyes as I lick my lips.
I removed my clothes immediately as you scream.” no no no! I'm not letting you take advantage of me. ”
I chuckle as I grip your wrists tight as I lean in.” relax woman, we're taking a bath. I won't do anything… yet until our honeymoon begins. ” I kiss your neck as I pull you close.
“ This is what husband and wife do together, right? Spend time together and have rough intercourse like animals of the night? ”
You grind your teeth together as you growl.” you're not my husband… ”
“ not yet until tomorrow. Let's enjoy our first time taking a bath and you sleep naked with me.. ” I widened my smile.
“ I'll let you wear anything you want but in my bed, you'll sleep naked. ” 
“ as if!!! I would rather be dead than be near you!! ” I chuckle as I drag you into the bath where I focus you to clean. 
You whine as you begin to scratch my skin as I get into the tub, pulling you onto my lap.
I put on shampoo as I began to scrub your hair and body parts. You didn't like how my hands touch inappropriately as you slap my hands away when it was getting close to your crotch area.
I pull your waist closer to my chest as I coo at you.
“ I'll destroy your mindset and you'll become my loyal obedient wife to play with. ” you gulp as you stay still and I gently rub soap on your skin.
I press a kiss on your neck as I grip your hips tight, moving it back and forth on top of my cock, I smile softly with low hooded eyes as I bite my lips.
Soon… soon I'll impregnate you but not yet.
I groan loudly feeling your bare butt touch my hard thick cock.
“ not yet.. I promise~. ” I coo at you as I hold  you still from leaving, I lean on your shoulders as I begin to rub your breast.
I pinched and pulled your nipples as you gasp out.
“ please… stop.. I don't want-.. ” I pull you into a heat kiss as I wish to take my virginity away by sticking it inside your sweet warm wall but not right now.
I groan away as I begin to clean myself as you squirm on my lap.
Once I think we're finished as I pull you up and begin to dry you off, you would slap my hand when I touch your bare ass.
“ You will let me touch whatever I want!! You're my bride and I own your body as the king!! ” I raise my voice as you flinch by my reaction as I growl at you.
You're scared by this reaction and you realize there is no way to escape from me.
Once we're dry off our bodies, I grab your wrist to drag you into the bedroom as I throw you into the bedsheets.
I pounce on top of you as I begin to wrap my arms around your body as I hear you begging and pleading quietly. 
Tomorrow will be an amazing day as I whisper sweet nothing into your ear as I cuddle your body close.
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tawneybel · 3 months
Had two unexpected procedures done, which I’m recovering from and am in some pain. 
Thankfully I was able to go to my first Pride festival beforehand and volunteer at a nonprofit’s booth. Best shirt there said “Self-Made Man.”
The rise in transphobia, misogyny, etc. over the last eight years has been so terrifying.
Politicians want to ban life saving medical care. HRT, the pill… I have PCOS and am pissed as hell ERs are turning away pregnant women.
I’m sick to my stomach that anyone non-straight/cis just existing is seen as “grooming” by the same people who cover up for and celebrate straight rapists.
I could go on and on, but this isn’t a political blog. I’m just tired of basic rights being stripped away, even though I’m glad I was finally able to celebrate Pride with my friends.
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stop using daddy by Korn for aesthetic posts.
“oh but that songs a guilty pleasure to me”
“it’s just for the aesthetic”
“i like the music not the lyrics”
“then don’t listen to the lyrics”
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as someone who’s experienced the same thing, shut up shut up it’s not a guilty pleasure it’s fucking horrible how the fuck do you find pleasure in child r#pe no what the fuck fuck you just because the song sounds a certain way doesn’t mean you can do this shit what the fuck its child r#pe it ruins people shut up this shit causes ptsd this song wasn’t made for the aesthetic it has actual meaning behind this shut up this isnt cute this isnt pretty this isnt horny its actual shit
trigger warnings in tag
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i live in a country where i get 30 hours of community service for cyberbullying a pedophile rapist but said pedophile’s rape charges get dropped because „it couldn’t have been rape because they were in a relationship“. i hate it here
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