#astarion can definitely sit in his lap as well
vole-mon-amour · 8 months
What if the first time Astarion and Halsin have sex, Halsin bottoms for him?
What if the role of a bottom isn't assumed and Astarion goes like, "Do you mind if...?"
What if Astarion has his claws and he can't prepare Halsin, so Halsin has to prepare himself for him while Astarion watches?
In my first fic Astarion is feeding on Halsin & Halsin encourages him to ask if he ever needs to feed again. What if during their first sexual intimacy Astarion asks "May I..?"
When Halsin gives him a clear and not hesitant "Yes", Astarion bites a wildly accepted area—wrist or neck. When he wants to bite somewhere around the thighs, more intimate area, Halsin goes, "You can bite. You don't have to ask right now. Bite if you want to."
What if that leads to Halsin feeling lightheaded again (in my fic he does) and he ends up walking off from the entire ordeal all bitten everywhere? Orgasmed, sure, but all bitten nonetheless.
Again, what if Astarion likes to bite? What if it's his way of showing passion and love, especially after he wasn't allowed to feed on anything but rats and sometimes bigger animals? He doesn't necessarily drink, but it's literally a kiss with teeth that canon often talks about.
What if biting is his knowledge that he's being accepted and loved for who he is, no matter what?
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htchnr · 1 year
★ mug after mug ❥ ASTARION.
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➻❥ masterlist. ➻❥ patreon. ➻❥ kinktober masterlist.
🎃 KINKTOBER PROMPT ➥ outdoor sex.
CW ➥ smut insinuation ⋆ SORRY for no actual smut on day 1 😭 ⋆ but i think the fic works like this just fine ⋆ making out ⋆ mention of blood ⋆ cleaning a sword ⋆ alcohol consumption ⋆ Astarion has full armor on ⋆ if i missed anything, lmk!
WC ➥ 1K. SONG ➥ Bad Decisions, Girlhood.
SUMMARY ➥ it's no secret the two of you have been pining for each other. so after a tough battle, and a tough night of admiring Astarion from afar, you both give in.
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★ - © 2023 HTCHNR. do not copy, share or translate my work to this platform, or any other! - ★
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it shouldn't be fair really — for him to look that good while covered in blood and grime. the way his brows furrow in concentration as he cleans the blood off his sword by the lake. his hands expertly handling the blade. what you wouldn't do to have his hands all over you —
"think any louder and i might actually hear it," Astarion chuckles, not looking up from his blade. maybe it's the wine talking — you had at least two bottles of whatever you managed to yank off Halsin, and you knew Astarion has had his fair share as well.
he wipes the cloth across the sword, cleaning the last drops of blood off. he sets the blade down, standing up as he works at taking his chest plate off. "are you going to stand there, or are you going to join me?" he asks, turning his back to you as he pulls the heavy piece of armor off and sets it by his sword.
you head towards him, slowly, step by step until you've reached the dock. you take a deep breath as you can tell from the corner of your eye that all his armor is off, all that he has left is his tunic and trousers. fuck it, why not? you ask yourself, shaking your head as your hands move to take off your own armor as well.
he chuckles from behind you, "that's it darling." you don't have to look at him to know he's grinning, eyes probably dragging across your form as you drop piece by piece of your armor.
you take a deep breath as you loosen the strings of your tunic, it felt heavenly to be rid of your armor. you exhale, sitting down on the dock. you shiver as your feet dip into the water, gods that feels good.
you close your eyes, leaning back on your hands. a peaceful night like this is definitely what you needed after the ridiculously long journey that was behind you. the cooling effect from the water, the swirling thoughts from the wine — you almost didn't realise Astarion was sitting himself down directly in front of you, and before you know it he's lifting you into his lap.
your eyes flutter open, instantly sitting up so your hands could make their way to his shoulders — his own arms holding your hips. maybe you had too much wine, but you found yourself speechless — the way his eyes shimmered in the moon light, the way his soft yet rough hands felt against your waist — you almost forgot how to breathe.
not to mention the euphoric feeling of your core settled so perfectly above his aching erection. gods you were getting more soaked than a river..
Astarion leans in a little, those fingers you fantasise about coming up to brush some hair behind your ear. "are you going to kiss me, or do i have to find someone else for tonight?" his voice low and teasing – a gentle twinge of impatience laced in.
the thought of him with anyone else tonight? you didn't have to be asked twice.
a pleased sound leaves his lips as yours mold themselves to his, his hands coming up to cup your face as you kiss him. gods above, his lips were even softer than they looked.
your hands trail from his shoulders to his neck, a soft moan coming from you as you lay back, pulling him above you as he deepens the kiss. you barely felt the slight ache in your back when it hits the dock, with the way his lips were devouring yours, you couldn't focus on anything else.
you gently tug on the hair at the nape pf his neck, his lips parting from yours with a pleasured gasp. your lips twitch at the sight of his slightly pleasure furrowed brows — and to test the waters, you tug again, eyes closely watching the way his eyes flutter shut as you pull his lips back down by his hair. noted, you think to yourself.
you aren't the only tease tonight, a surprised moan leaving your lips as Astarion nudges one of his knees between your thighs, putting pressure just where you need it most. he grins into the kiss, as if he just scored a point.
"been wanting this for a while," you manage to get out between his lips. he teasingly bites down on your lower lip.
"what were you waiting for?" he asks, and you can tell from the tone in his voice that he's been waiting for this. he tugs your tunic over your head, tossing it aside with your armor. he tugs his own tunic off as well, throwing it off to the side.
you nip his lower lip, pulling back to look at him — and you find yourself drowning in his gorgeous red eyes. "honestly i have no damn idea," you whisper, one hand travelling his soft, naked waist — the other pulling his lips back against yours with a tug of his hair..
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🎃TAGLIST — @toastbrot8410 @mrs-ssa-hotch @fictionallifestuff @weirdothatwritess @crystalflwr @stella95827 @taintedstranger @mija-novella @gffesegjoiegj @bubbly-parker @mediocremalachor15 @goldenangelwingsandcandy @0nex-is-dead0 @2hiigh2cry @the-1n0nly @hotchsdharma @tgskitten @crystlroses @notforeverlong @emmeilyy @whatisthereality
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littlejuicebox · 8 months
Little Lockpick.
Okay this is the last addition for the weekend.
My ADHD hyperfixated on Dadstarion and now I need to focus on my big girl life and job for the week.
Definitely didn’t mean to go this crazy on the writing but hey, when inspiration strikes. 🤷‍♀️
I really need to update these headers at some point. Problems for future Gina.
Summary: Toddler Gale has developed new magic skills and wants Papastarion to open a lock NOW. Right now. Tav has some interesting news after an appointment.
Tags/Warnings: kids, babies, parenthood, fluff, idk what else?
Astarion is in his office, trying to work, which is almost impossible with Gale sitting on his lap. The toddler is fiddling with something in his small hands as his father reads over a scroll for the second time, trying to focus on the words. It’s become increasingly difficult to do so as frustrated huffs and grunts escape the almost-three-year-old.
“Daddy! Help!” Gale exclaims, pulling Astarion’s attention from the scroll and down to the little silver-haired boy. The toddler is shaking what’s in his hand up at his father, nose crinkled in displeasure.
“Hmm…” The elf murmurs, taking the little toy — if you could call it that — from his son. It’s a small padlock. The toddler had been trying, quite incessantly, to open it for nearly half an hour. It was enough to keep Gale pre-occupied while his mother went to her appointment, but now the toddler is getting frustrated and his father knows there will soon be a melt down if the issue isn’t remedied.
“Little prince, where did you find this?” Astarion asks while handing the tiny metal lock back to Gale. The silver-haired boy climbs off his father’s lap. Uncoordinated legs take him over to the bookshelf along the office wall, and he points to the bottom shelf.
“Found here! Right here.” The toddler babbles, crinkling his white eyebrows at his father, wondering why the older man is asking him such a silly question. Gale is growing more impatient, upset that Astarion simply isn’t doing what he asked and opening the lock. But no, daddy insists on asking him these questions instead, “Why daddy? Why? Open it!”
Tiny fingers grip the loop of the lock again, trying and failing to release the mechanism with sheer force. The child’s two little arms aren’t strong enough to pry open the lock. Gale is growing more and more frustrated. Red patches flush across his cheeks as he grunts, compelling Astarion to move from his chair and crouch in front of the toddler, intending to placate him.
“We need a key to open the lock, Gale. I was hoping there would be one near where you found the lock but I don’t think—“ The elf starts, but he’s cut off by a high pitched wail escaping his son.
The little boy is throwing himself on the ground now, still gripping the offending toy. Fat, frustrated tears are falling from his gorgeous green eyes. He’s practically the spitting image of his father, and even in his tantrums he is a beautiful, adorable thing. But Astarion begins to panic, knowing Gale needs to calm down, he needs to calm down before—
The toddler shrieks at the top of his lungs and a powerful gust of wind comes from nowhere, knocking Astarion onto his back and sending a flurry of papers shooting off the desk.
It’s ironic, Astarion thinks, that his son is named Gale and the first spell he can unintentionally cast is a gust of wind whenever he’s throwing a tantrum. The elf is groaning in pain as his eyes clamp shut; he is trying desperately to regain his composure before he addresses the toddler. These terrible twos have been… well, terrible. Astarion’s patience is running thin.
He remembers his wife’s coaching. Deep breath in, long exhale out. The poor little prince doesn’t know any better.
The wind scares Gale into silence. He doesn’t yet understand his powers, and when he sees his father knocked prone on the floor, he starts crying again. They’re sticky, snot-filled, guilty tears, this time. He doesn’t understand how he conjures the wind, but he does know that the damage is his fault. Despite his current tantrum, Gale is an overall empathetic and sensitive boy, and the vision of the damage he’s done worries him.
“Sorry, daddy!” The toddler gasps through choked cries, sitting himself up and bunching his hands in tight, worried fists which he brings to the sides of his face, “I a bad boy!”
Astarion rolls himself up to a sitting position and scoops the child into his arms with a belabored sigh, “You’re not a bad boy, Gale.”
He soothes the child in a soft coo as he rubs small circles on the little boy’s back. Gale’s small body continues to wrack with sobs as his father places a kiss on his crown of silvery curls and whispers, “You’re just an exceptionally powerful one. But you get that from your mother, little prince.”
The elf stands, taking his son with him in the process as he walks out of the office, headed towards the bedchambers and still rubbing the little boy’s back as the toddler begins to calm down.
The papers will just have to be cleaned up later.
“Again, again, daddy!”
When you find your husband and child, they are both laying atop your bed, facing away from the door. Gale is giggling incessantly and clapping his hands together, asking his father to repeat something.
“There you two are. What are you doing?” You ask as you enter the room, one hand on your stomach. You’ve just come from an appointment with Jaheira.
The two men turn their heads and grin at you practically in unison. It makes you chuckle. It’s truly startling, how similar they are from their looks to their mannerisms. You catch sight of Astarion’s old lockpicking kit between the two of them, and your eyebrow cocks curiously.
“Are you really showing our toddler how to pick locks, Astarion?” You ask as you make your way to sit on the bed with the rest of your little family.
“Yes. But it’s a bit of a story, love. I’ll fill you in on the details later.” Your husband responds, handing the padlock and one of the tools to Gale, where he attempts to mimic the previous motions of his father. His tiny tongue sticks out as he focuses.
Astarion moves to kiss your cheek and then lightly brushes his fingers against your abdomen, subtly greeting the growing life inside, “How did the appointment go?”
“Good…” You murmur in a long, drawled out way. By your tone and the large grin spreading across your face, your husband can tell something is up.
His eyebrow cocks as he assesses your face, trying to decipher the thoughts behind your eyes. Whatever it is, it obviously isn’t bad news, and the knot in his stomach he’d constantly carried prior to this preliminary check-up is starting to finally subside as he analyzes you.
It took a long time to conceive this round; you two had nearly given up. When you finally missed your moonblood, both of you were waiting with bated breath for the first month. This experience was a sharp contrast to Gale’s conception, which happened easily, by accident and without much thought. Both of you had been emotional, nervous wrecks up until now.
“What is it, darling?” Your husband asks, smiling despite himself, simply matching your energy.
“Jaheira is almost certain it’s twins, Astarion.” You respond, and then you’re laughing as you watch your husband’s face turn from shocked to excited to worried to overwhelmed all in the span of a few seconds.
“Twins?” He asks, dumbly, trying to process the new information. A hand comes to rake through his curls as he exhales through the shock, “Love, we might need to hire some more help, I know you said you didn’t want to, but—“
“Yes, I was thinking the same. Especially if they’re also going to show Gale’s same penchant for spells.” You agree, and at the mention of your son’s name he perks up and grins at you, proudly showing you the lock, “Speaking of which…”
You reach into your robe pocket and retrieve a small beaded necklace before patting your lap, and beckoning to your son, “Come here to me, my little love.”
Gale obliges happily, crawling over to settle in your lap. You kiss the crown of his head and then clasp the small necklace onto the toddler. Astarion is watching you curiously, his head tilts to the side as he brings his hand to grasp the necklace and examine it. The toddler sure does love that lock, he’s barely acknowledging either of you as you speak around him.
“It’s a dampener,” You explain, “I was telling Jaheira about the recent development. She gave me this. It won’t completely take away Gale’s powers… but it should help to reduce the strength of his spells until he learns to control them himself.”
Astarion nods with a relieved sigh, “Good. If I’m being honest, darling, I was worried he might accidentally hurt you.”
You nod knowingly and then groan as your stomach begins to growl. The appointment took a bit longer than you thought; it’s past your usual lunch time. You begin to stand, pulling the toddler in your arms with you as you say, “Now how about lunch in the sunroom? I’m starving.”
Astarion hums in agreement, “Go on, my love. I’ll grab the food and join you two in just a moment.”
You nod and carry Gale out, singing softly to the little boy as you head to the sunroom, leaving Astarion to gather his own thoughts for a moment.
The elf throws himself back on the bed with a groan, running his hand through his curls once again. Twins.
Twice the joy. Twice the work.
Astarion cannot help but to laugh, and then smile, even though he knows the next few years are going to be hectic. Perhaps more hectic than he’d imagined. Before long he’s rolling off the bed and headed to the kitchen, planning to prepare a platter of sandwiches and tea for himself and his two — four — little loves.
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undiscovered-horizon · 9 months
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Enjoying my work? You can leave me a tip on Ko-Fi | Have a request?
[Astarion fixes your torn shirt because he'd hate to go in public next to a fashion catastrophe... Or so he tells himself.]
You're not entirely sure what you're doing. Granted, the technicalities are known to you but it's the details, the swiftness of motion, that escapes you.
Stab, thread, stab, pull
What should be a basic, not complicated life skill, turns into fighting against the inanimate in your hands. The stitching is uneven and doesn't match the original pattern. Neither does the colour of the thread you're using but that is the last of your worries. As long as the hole in your shirt is gone and the garment is wearable again, you're fine with the outcome. Even if it looks... not exactly presentable.
Astarion, however, has a quite different opinion:
"By the Hells, what is that?" he asks with a gasp, a hand flying to cover his mouth. The look of horror on his face would be comical if it wasn't so genuine.
He's standing above you as you sit in front of the campfire in hopes of the light aiding you in your battle against cotton. But no amount of light can cure your inexperienced hands. "Um... my shirt?" you answer hesitantly. What is he going on about?
From a look of shock, his face contorted into a grimace of disgust. Red eyes look between you and the cotton garment lying in your lap. Thankfully, he's able to control his expression as his thoughts begin to wander, picturing himself on top of your thighs instead of the torn shirt. Still appearing unbothered, Astarion manages to shake those fantasies away.
"With that horrendous stitching, it's more of a crime, darling," he continues. Despite his words serving as more of a facade for his vulnerable desires, there's a lot of truth in them: both the colour and the stitching pattern you've chosen are vastly different from the original seams. At least it keeps the material together?
Astarion's strong opinions are the last thing you need right now. You're tired, sore and frustrated to no end. And the whole shirt fiasco is definitely not helping as well as the numerous painful pricks to your fingers. It's hard to keep steady, careful hands when you're exhausted physically and mentally.
"This horrendous stitching, as you called it," you say with a despondent sigh, "is better than having a gaping hole in my clothes. Look, if you're not going to help, just-"
"Help?" he interjects. "My dear, you need a miracle to salvage this." Astarion graces you with a smug chuckle. "Fortunately, I am nothing if not a virtuoso with my hands," he drones his words. The allusion is not lost on you but you're really not in the mood to humour his antics. "Give it to me."
"Suit yourself," you mumble as you hand him the shirt.
"Oh, I will."
And with those words, he leaves for his tent. Still sitting by the fire, you carefully watch Astarion from afar. His thin hands wave the needle with impressive grace and precision. It doesn't seem that he's stitching the garment to just be done with it. The movements of his hands have a certain sense of caring to them.
If you were a little less tired and emotionally spent, you'd probably question his motives - after all, why would he strangely selflessly fix the shirt you wear mostly around camp? Little do you know, Astarion himself is having these very doubts. Maybe one day he'll accept that his concern for your fashion is just a convenient excuse to worm his way into every aspect of your person and life.
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nightlyrayne · 7 months
So after 700 hours of gaming, four restarts due to glitches, five or more different startings, I finally FINALLY finished a playthrough of BG3. SPOILERS BELOW THE CUT
So, the playthrough I finished, funny enough, is a Durge run with my girl Octavia. She's a fucking badass monster who wooed God Gale and Ascended Astarion (thank you mods 🙏) and I saved before making the big choice of whether or not to take control yourself or kill the netherbrain. And (of course) I had her control the brain first choice. And I'm kind sad that there was nothing more. Like, I thoroughly enjoyed seeing her sit on that throne of hers and say 'In my name's like the Queen she is. But Ascended Astarion, who was also all for taking over everyone and the world, was not standing by her side. Even after watching with a satisfied smirk as she took control of their friends. And even more so, since he was by her side, I'm a little disappointed there wasn't an ending with them both showing, taking over the world afterwards. A bit of lackluster ending tbh.
HOWEVER, I did reload so I could see the other ending(s). Something definitely glitched with my mod, as I am supposed to get all endings of the ones my 'Tav' is dating. But I had to reload in for those as well. Nonetheless, here are my thoughts on those.
First: God Gale. Sad I didn't get a bed scene with him, but also understandable since he was away looking for the crown. Loved that I could act like I totally didn't want to be a goddess by Gale's side to Tara and had her wanting me to visit Gale's mom. Gale, darling, love. You wouldn't have gotten the crown without my help in the first place. Step down from the clouds a bit and kneel to your queen goddess. Love you, kisses. Thank you for taking me up to heavens with you my love 🖤
Second: Ascended Astarion. Ho ho ho oh my gods. Haha I hate that I love it. But it's also so perfect for my evil little Queen. She fits by his side to rule so perfectly. The matching outfits he insisted on and the subtle "I should have been the one throwing the party" 😂 My darling, you can throw one at our castle and invite all our dearest friends. I promise. Now, pour me some blood so I can sit up on your lap
Over all, still a 10/10. Looking forward to finishing my other 'Tav's to see their endings. I'll be sure to update the poly mod for my self insert too cause I'll be romancing Shadowheart, Gale, Astarion, and Halsin 🥰🖤🖤
I leave you with the gorgeous Queen herself: In Her name
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captain039 · 1 year
PART 4 Intertwined with a mortal
Ascended Vampire Duke!Astarion x human!reader
Slight alpha Duke!Wyll x reader
Bridgerton x Astarion 👍🏻
Warnings: Olden times, swearing, age gap, tension, slow burn, vampire Mates, vampire things, angst, sexual, harassment, bigger reader, fat shaming, 18+, angst, Astarions trauma, anxiety, depression, learning to touch and love, big dislike for children lmao, AOB, artist reader, manipulation, jealousy
Previous part <-
I love Wyll so much he’s so precious and when I rejected him I cried 😭 I need some Wyll storys.
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This feeling was horrible. You stayed in bed even when the servants tried to wake you up, you barely left your room and the thought of the social season festive was out the window along with your so called ‘will’ to find a husband. The next party wasn’t for another week thankfully, in all honesty you didn’t know if you even wanted to continue this season. Your routine lie in was interrupted, by your mother urging you to get dressed promptly and forcing you down stairs. You groaned at her and huffed before you saw a guest in your living room. Duke Ravengard stood there a smile on his face some flowers in his hand.
“Duke Ravengard” you said surprised putting on your ‘lady’ act again.
“Morning Milady, I fear we never got to speak” he said as your mum took the flowers and ushered you both to sit. You sat down staring at your hands in your lap as the duke sat by you. You tried not to breathe, tried not to look him in the eyes.
“If I’ve made you uncomfortable I can leave-“ he said worried and you froze snapping your head up.
“No, no gods no, I’m so sorry-“ you sighed remembering to breathe.
“Not exactly very lady like currently” you cursed yourself silently, an alpha duke! had come to see you, why were you feeling so down?
“You don’t have act lady like at all” he chuckled and you looked to him, he held a kind smile and kind eyes.
“You’re very sweet” you smiled.
“I’m afraid this season is starting out terrible” you sighed feeling at ease with him despite the guilt you held.
“Gaining the attention of Duke Ancunin is definitely going to set things into motion, bad or good” he said and you nodded, he had no idea.
“Well I can assure you that duke Ancunin is merely toying, I don’t know why, some cruel game maybe” you gulped slightly fiddling with your fingers. Before your mother called you out on it and you jumped.
“I’m not myself my Duke, perhaps you’d like to come back?” You said.
“If that’s what you wish” he nodded and you felt your heart drop at the sadness in his features.
“Please stay Duke Ravengard” your mother piped up before your father huffed at her.
“I’ll come by tomorrow I promise, see how you’re faring then” he stood as did you and you felt like someone punched you, but you also felt relief. The duke looked to you and grabbed your hand softly, pressing a gently kiss to the back of it before he smiled and left. You stood flushed before going to your room quickly so you didn’t have to speak to your parents. Jen came by later, she surprised you in your room while you were sketching aimlessly in your book.
“Goodness, where’s the light in here?” She said opening your curtains while you groaned at her.
“Selune guide me, what on earth has happened to you?” She said sitting down on your bed as you lazed.
“I’m feeling” you said and she tsked.
“Feeling too much apparently come over here” she demanded and you whined, but listened to the alpha as she shuffled back and laid against your pillows beckoning you to her lap. You laid your head down in her lap and stared at the ceiling as she detangled your hand.
“Now, what ever is the matter?” She asked and you hesitated.
“It’s Duke Ancunin isn’t it?” She said and you nodded making her sigh.
“I don’t know what his game is, you need to ignore him, he’s no good” she said and you sagged more.
“I hated dancing with anyone else, I long for him, I barley know him! When we dance it feels easy like where destined or something” you rambled.
“Duke Ravengard came by today and I was disappointed” you sad clenching your jaw lightly.
“Because it wasn’t Duke Ancunin?” Jen asked and you nodded.
“He’s such a sweet alpha, perfect, high stats, kind soul” you sighed.
“But he’s not Duke Ancunin” Jen finished and you groaned.
“I run off from him, I tell myself not to like him, he’s bad news” you sighed.
“He- he kissed me” you mumbled and she gasped.
“Please gods don’t tell anyone!” You said sitting up and begging.
“I ran to the garden last party I needed air and space, he followed me, told me things then kissed me, I pushed him away though I swear!” You felt tears down your cheeks as Jen brought you back to her embrace and hushed you.
“I don’t even know the man and he’s ruining my life” you cried. You both stayed silent for awhile, before you lifted yourself off the alpha.
“Duke Ravengards coming by tomorrow” you said.
“I’ll be presentable, a prefect lady and potential mate” you said numbly and Jen sighed sadly.
True to his word the duke returned, more flowers in hand representing new passion and friendship. You put on an act, gave your best smiles and laughs as you talked, all the while a burning rock sat in your stomach. The duke came over once a day, the more you got to know the more it hurt. You were out and about in his carriage just the two of you with the carriage men.
“Are you alright?” The duke asked and you smiled nodding eyes looking out the window.
“I don’t mean this rudely lady Y/n, but I feel as if this is an act” he said and you looked to him confused, but feeling guilt and concern in your gut.
“When I first visited you, you were yourself, you’re a very feeling person, not afraid of her emotions on display, has your parents said something to you? To make you act this way? As I said I do not mind the real you, it shows character” he spoke sweetly and honestly and you wanted to cry.
“I’m sorry” you said biting the inside of your cheek and looking away as you furiously blinked your tears away.
“Gods don’t be sorry, just tell me what’s happening” he held your hand in comfort.
“If I was myself I’d never find a husband” you scoffed lightly wiping your eyes with your tissue from your satchel.
“Says who?” He asked.
“Says society!” You sighed.
“I’m am distort and the last party’s I-“ you struggled with words.
“Duke Ancunin” he said sitting back slightly as more tears spilled, you’ve ruined this.
“Wyll you’re lovely, amazing, anything a mate could ask for” you let go of his hand, wanting to force yourself away.
“I don’t understand any of this” you said cursing yourself softly.
“Now I’m cursing in front of a duke” you kicked yourself mentally as you wiped your eyes.
“Perhaps what you need isn’t a mate, you’ve already found him” the dukes smile was hurt, but comforting.
“Perhaps you need a friend” he said holding out his hand for you again. Making you stare at him, he smiled at you, he wasn’t upset or angry, he just held compassion.
“I have two younger half sisters from my step mother, lady’s in our society are so shaded on love and what feelings go through it, what really happens during the social seasons, it baffles me, it leads to this, too many emotions to understand, ruining a lady’s day and night because she doesn’t know what to do” as he spoke you just stared at him, you swore you felt your heart jump and warmth filled you, not the same with Duke Ancunin, but a familiar warmth of family comfort.
“What?” He chuckled lightly.
“Where have you been?” You asked and he laughed giving your hand a squeeze.
“I’m sorry i didn’t come sooner” he said kissing your hand again with a smile.
Wyll told you things, things you were feeling and what they meant and you told him about what you were feeling when you were with Duke Ancunin how torn you were, what you spoke of in your brief moments, excluding the kiss. Wyll told you of what he knew of Duke Ancunin, a wealthy man with a good eye for exotic trade which is how he kept his wealth. Duke Ancunin was secretive though and like yourself Wyll noticed his perfectness to be too perfect, he sensed it was perhaps hidden meaning, covering up a bad past or issues he had and wouldn’t face properly, just kept up and act. The duke Ancunin was known for being well a rake, having taken many lovers, but none ever stayed, but what surprised you was that Wyll had never seen the duke dance like he had with you. Like there was something different about you to him. Stranger things too is that he never seemed to age, he’d go years without appearance and not change, perhaps it was his elven nature, but Wyll had his suspicions. There was more to the duke than his practiced smile and coldness.
Next part ->
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fangswbenefits · 11 months
Oh we're back to cute thoughts??? Great! (I think I have another ask lurking somewhere in your box but whatever, we're in Astarion brainrot now, not Miguel.) So, because of the nature of vampires and that if they have enough blood, they can knock up a human, I offer you a hypothetical. Astarion was not keen on children much, at least not before you happened. he dreamed of marriage, but never went so far as to imagine having a child. And even with his condition, he was doubtful he even could have one. Well, he was doubtful until you managed to find a book on his kind, and you both learned about dhampirs. At first, Astarion was rightfully nervous. After all, he was a monster. He never wanted to bestow that curse onto someone else, much less his own child. But, after more research and pondering, he decided that your future child would thrive as a dhampir and live a life that didn't come with the pain of being a vampire.
You both try, try hard and wait for the next opportunity, but most results are fruitless. Astarion has a few moments where he doubts if it could be done. But then you proposed this idea, that he could feed and fuck you at the same time. His reaction was priceless, and he went on and on about how could he not think of this sooner? It made so much more sense this way, and it was so obvious! So at the next opportunity he has, he drags you away to indulge this fantasy/scenario.
Astarion is cradling you in his lap, with you sitting nice on his cock as his fanged mouth latches to your breast. He could've gone for your neck like usual, but after some experimentation, he learned that it would be better for both parties if he fed from your lovely chest. His fingers grasp and scratch at your bare back as he thrusts shallowly, and his Adam's apple bobs with every mouthful of blood he swallows. His moans are quiet, practically grinding up into you as drinks. You're lightheaded: from the feeling of Astarion fucking you slow, the feeling of his mouth latched onto you and sucking, and the feeling of blood leaving your body. His hips move faster and he moans more as more and more blood is swallowed. His cock feels so much stiffer inside of you now, almost painfully stiff and hard. His hands move to grip your hips, pulling you down with each rapid thrust as he bites and sucks harder on your breast. The pleasure is vastly overwhelming, and you're pretty sure your vision blurs for a solid few minutes as you climax. And suddenly he stills, a hot warmth filling you as his mouth parts from your breast carefully and slowly. His tongue lazily runs over the holes his fangs left, his breath now hot and heavy as he tastes the last remnants of your blood. His tongue, now almost too warm, is soothing. "Mmm. . . Apologies darling for losing a bit of composure. I couldn't help myself when I'm experiencing two great pleasures at once. . . We should definitely try this again sometime~. Just to be sure." And then like- a week or so later, he can smell and taste something different about your blood and immediately goes ecstatic as he realizes that he may have a child with the one he loves most.
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The only perk of not having a reflection is that Astarion can focus solely on Syanna, watching her fully during one of their passionate moments.
Pairing: Astarion x f!durge
Read below or on Ao3
Syanna could always tell when Astarion had something particularly obscene on his mind. Not that it bothered her in any way, no. She was more than willing to try new things with him and to offer him a safe place to explore what he enjoyed. And sometimes, they turned out to be very creative things. 
She raised an eyebrow when she saw he had moved the mirror in their room closer, facing the bed from the side, where he was sitting casually.
“Hello, my sweet.” he smiled. “Do join me.” He patted the space next to him.
Syanna walked over, sitting next to him and eyeing the mirror curiously. 
“What’s this for?” 
Astarion smiled, devilishly almost. “I had an idea.”
Of course.
“And that would be…?”
He pulled her closer, his voice low, whispering to her. “That I’d like to see you. All of you.”
She shivered at the sound of his voice. Hearing him whisper to her always had an effect on her. 
“And the mirror fits into this, how exactly?” She was beginning to suspect what it could be for, but she wasn’t sure if she was right just yet.
He placed a finger under her chin, tilting her head slightly, before leaning in closer, his lips so close to hers that he could feel her breath.
“I’d like to look at you as I’m teasing you.”He kept his lips hovering over hers. “As I’m feeling every part of you. As you become so delightfully wet and needy for me.“ He looked into her eyes, then at her lips. “As you’re taking me.” 
He kissed her.
When he pulled away, she looked at him through her lashes, breathless, arousal slowly pooling inside of her, just from a few whispered words from Astarion. His proposal definitely intrigued her as well. 
“Mm, I’d like that.”
He kissed her again, his hand cradling her head, pouring all his want and need into it, which she returned just as enthusiastically. 
She watched as he stood up, pulling her to her feet, holding her close to him. He began undressing her, slowly removing her shirt and brassiere. She continued watching him as he lowered himself to remove her trousers and undergarments, caressing and kissing her skin, her neck, her breasts, her thighs as he went along, listening to her sighs, her breaths, how her heartbeat was picking up. Once he had helped her out her boots and trousers, he got back up, pulling her close once more. 
She kissed him, and began tugging and pulling at his clothes, wanting to undress him too, wanting to feel him as close as possible to her. She felt Astarion smiling into the kiss before pulling away, smirking.
“So impatient.”
She huffed as she removed his shirt, kissing along his neck and chest, her hands moving lower and lower along his body.
“Nothing to add, darling?”
She looked up at him as she was unlacing his trousers, making sure to brush her fingers against his cock.
“You're insufferably smug sometimes, you know that?”
“Hmm, such a cheeky little pup, aren’t you?”
She smirked as she pushed his trousers and underwear down his hips, finally freeing him. She bit her lip as she saw him already growing hard. He was always such a sight, one to be admired and taken in fully. Everything about him was that way in her mind.
“Whatever will you do about it, then?”
His reply was to squeeze her ass before giving it a playful slap, which only made her grin and giggle. 
“Come here.” He moved to sit down on the bed, facing the mirror, pulling her onto his lap so that she was also facing the same way as him, holding her by the waist, one of her hands resting on his forearm, while she wrapped her other arm around his neck. 
She giggled at the sight from the mirror, how it looked as if she was floating above the bed. 
“Is something funny, my dear?” He asked as he kissed along her shoulder.
Smiling, her hand found its way into his curls, gently massaging his scalp.
“Only a little.”
He looked up to see what was amusing her. “Ah. I see what you mean.” Grinning, he moved his hands so they were cupping her breasts, gently fondling and teasing her nipples. 
He moved one hand lower down her body, caressing between her breasts, along her stomach, down to her hips, then her thighs, intentionally avoiding touching her between her legs. He saw her arch her back, lifting her hips, as if chasing his hand and his touch. 
“Still so impatient.” He tutted. “Patience is a virtue and all that, you know that, don’t you, darling?” He teased her nipple again.
She groaned. “Astarion, you smug–”
“Ah, ah, ah, no need to be rude my sweet.” He continued caressing lower down her thigh, before slipping his hand in between and spreading her legs.
He stroked and rubbed circles into her thigh, kissing along her jaw. 
He had to admit, there was something mesmerizing about seeing only her in the mirror and how her body was responding to what he did to her. How her chest was rising and lowering as her breathing became slightly more labored from her arousal and how she moved under his touch.
He heard her whimper as he began stroking her inner thigh, moving closer and closer to her core, but still taking care to not touch her where she wanted him to. 
She moved again, trying to get closer to him, earning a chuckle from Astarion. 
Humoring her (but only slightly), his fingers left feather-light touches along her folds, moving higher up, then lower down, tracing his movements from before, again and again, making her sigh. 
She lowered her hand from his forearm, to his own, an attempt to have him touch her, actually touch her. He still didn't, his teasing continuing as before.
“Astarion, please.” 
He smirked against her skin, still watching her reflection, how she arched herself for him, how her head fell back, how one hand caressed his arm, with the other still in his hair.
He carried on, his fingers lightly tracing along her body, wherever he could reach, his other arm holding her close to him.
Finally, he reached between her legs, his fingers finding their way between her folds, the way he touched her, the pressure he applied being something truly intoxicating. He teased her entrance a little while, before finally slipping a finger into her, feeling how wet she was for him. He watched her as she moaned and gripped his arm while he moved his finger in and out of her. As she smiled, her eyes closed, enjoying each sensation he brought on.
He continued watching her as he added a second finger, seeing how she was breathing, how she tried to squeeze her legs around his hand, how she whimpered when he stopped her from doing so, his fingers moving faster and deeper inside of her. 
“Let me see you, darling.” he whispered in her ear, before gently nibbling on her earlobe. Syanna’s only reply was to sigh, too caught up in the way Astarion made her feel. 
There was something almost overwhelming in the way he held her, not allowing her much movement, with her melting into him the more he fingered and caressed and kissed and nibbled. She found herself trying to move anyway, an attempt to grind herself against his hardened length, wanting to give him what pleasure she could from the position she was in, while also chasing her release.
Even if she would have loved to take him in her hands, stroking and teasing, spreading his precum along the length of his cock, before taking him between her breasts. Then she would take him in her mouth, sucking and licking, feeling him against her tongue, filling her mouth, while also teasing his balls as she would moan around him…
She was snapped out of her thoughts when she felt Astarion’s fingers slip out of her, a whimper leaving her, wanting the climax that was steadily building inside of her.
“No, please…”
Astarion kissed along her neck. 
“Please what, my sweet?”
He went back to teasing her, his fingers leaving ghost-like touches along her folds and clit. Syanna groaned in frustration.
“Please…I’m so close…”
Astarion hummed as he continued kissing her neck, letting his fangs graze her skin. 
“And how would you like me to fix that little predicament you’re in?” 
Bastard. Such a wonderful bastard, who knew just how to ruin her.
“Would you like this again?” He slipped his fingers into her again, moving them roughly and quickly a few times, enjoying the wet noises coming from between her legs and the moans from between her lips as he did so. Then he stopped again. Syanna cursed. 
“Or would you prefer this instead?” He moved his hand to her clit and started rubbing and flicking for a few moments, watching as Syanna threw her head back, her hips moving in search of his touch. Unsurprisingly, he stopped again, pretending to think for a moment. 
“Or maybe…” he trailed off as he leaned into her, moving in such a way so that she would feel his cock, hard and thick, wanting her just as much as she wanted him. He reached between them, taking himself in his hand and began teasing her with his tip, before stopping once more. Syanna thought she would lose her mind if he started something else and then stopped again. 
“Tell me darling. What do you want?”
Her answer was to move, adjusting herself slightly and straightening up, her hand reaching down and grasping his length, bringing him close to her, holding him there. Then she began gliding herself on his cock, feeling him all along her folds and clit, the friction absolutely delicious, made even more so by the way Astarion groaned. 
“Mm, this…everything…you, all of you, please, please…” 
She continued moving, not wanting to stop, relishing in each sensation. 
Astarion leaned them both back, one arm wrapped around her waist, while his hand went to the hand that was holding him, guiding it to her entrance. She moaned as she felt him finally slip inside of her, slowly moving, the fullness she felt whenever they made love something she would always treasure and enjoy.
Her moans grew louder as Astarion continued to thrust from under her, harder and faster with each movement, his hand finding her clit once again, his eyes not leaving her reflection from the mirror. Watching her, seeing how she was spread out for him, wet and needy, how flushed her skin was, how her breasts moved with each of his thrusts, how her expression changed the closer she was to reaching her climax, how she gasped and gripped his arms excited him beyond words. 
He knew she was close, so incredibly close. He could feel her starting to clench around him, which only made him want to bring her over the edge even more than before. 
He continued thrusting into her, trying more and more to keep the rhythm he had set, made  harder by his own approaching climax, while his fingers kept rubbing circles onto her clit.  His other hand moved to one of her breasts, fondling and playing with her nipple until she was seeing stars, her climax washing over her as she cried out a mix of curses and his name. She thought she would melt from the intensity of the pleasure she felt. 
Astarion’s own release came soon after, emptying himself inside of her while holding her close, still thrusting into her, any semblance of a rhythm lost, his moans filling her ears, until he eventually stopped. He laid fully on his back, still holding her, before rolling them both on their side. He still held her close as he kissed her neck. 
Syanna eventually moved so that she was facing him and started caressing his cheek, as he still kept an arm around her waist, no words needed. Moments like this, filled with comfort and intimacy were some of their favorites. And both of them wanted nothing more than to indulge in them for as long as possible.
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girlwiththepapatattoo · 11 months
The Unlikely Similarities Between Kittens and Vampires, Chapter 16
Warnings: Canon-typical violence, slight angst
Summary: Teasing and setting sail.
Notes: The further we go into the story, the darker it's getting. Which is very on point, but I'm definitely going to intersperse the darkness with light, cute moments. Because I love writing them all adorable.
Hope you enjoy! <3
Read on ao3 here!
Previous chapter | First Chapter | Interlude 1
Sovereign Spaw was very pleased to hear that they killed the slavers, and the group’s reward, of course, was another job. Astarion has to stop himself from rolling his eyes as Sable agrees to kill the True Soul Nere. He supposes it’s not too much of a hassle, considering they’re killing all the absolute cultists anyway, but still. She doesn’t have to say yes to every request that’s asked of her. 
“Come on, let’s take advantage of these merchants while we’re here,” Sable says to the group. “Who knows when we’ll find another.” 
They sell their junk and unwanted items, and while there, a particular ring catches her eye on the merchant’s table. The merchant herself, a woman who deals with mushrooms of all things, shrugs when she asks what it does. “Dunno,” she says, handing over some gold to Shadowheart. “Had it a while though.” Sable glances around. “Gale, could you come here for a moment?” 
“Of course! How can I help?” the wizard asks, stepping up beside her. 
“This ring here. Could you identify it?” 
“Certainly.” He reaches out his hand, a gentle blue glow suffusing his fingers, and hovers it over the ring for a few moments. “Ah, that’s a nice find! It gives a person’s weapons attacks just a little more damage. Acid, if I’m reading this correctly.” 
“Oh! Thank you,” she says with a smile to him, and he gives a gracious bow and moves away. She nibbles her lip just a little, and finally hands over the gold. “Astarion?” she calls, searching for the man. 
“Over here, darling,” he calls, and she looks around. He’s sitting over on some rocks nearby, taking the time to sharpen his daggers. “Having fun?” he asks with a faint smirk as she settles next to him. 
She smiles in response and holds up the ring to him. “Here.” 
He blinks in surprise, and his lips twist into a teasing, mischievous smile. “My dearest kitten, it’s a little early to propose, isn’t it?” Her eyes widen, and her face flushes with heat. “I’m flattered of course, but really, give it another year before we-” 
“Astarion! That isn’t–I wasn’t going to–” 
“Easy darling,” he cuts in, amused. “I’m only teasing.” He plucks the ring from her grasp, his fingertips brushing over her palm and making her blush deepen ever so faintly. “Is this just a pretty bauble, or…?” 
“Ah, no. According to Gale, it will give you a little bit of acid damage when you attack something. I figured you could put it to best use.” 
His eyes light up, and he slips the ring onto his finger. “Oh, I most certainly can,” he all but purrs, his grin as sharp as the daggers in his lap. 
She smiles. “Good. You’re welcome.” 
“Hm?” He glances at her from where he’d been admiring it on his finger, then sighs, pretending to be put out. “Oh, thank you, I suppose.” And he leans over and kisses her cheek. 
As she ducks her head with a pleased little smile, she hears Karlach say, “Awwww!” 
Astarion throws the tiefling a wink, wrapping an arm gently around his bashful kitten’s shoulders. 
Fighting on the deck of a ship that has no railings is…well, Astarion can’t say it’s fun, but it’s certainly interesting. The water from the dark river makes the wood slick underfoot, and in this gloom he can only see so far. But he supposes he has it better than the melee fighters, who are jumping between ships and nearly skidding overboard to get to their enemies. 
Karlach’s roars and Lae’zel’s battle cries echo into the cavernous space, and he hears Gale close by, muttering some incantation or another. Halsin and Sable are standing next to each other, the small space and tricky footing making wildshape a bad idea. So they’re healing and shooting elemental attacks as needed. 
Astarion pulls the bowstring to his ear, taking sight on an enemy trying to flank Lae’zel, and he releases, the arrow flying true and burying itself in the duergar’s throat. The slaver falls, blood bubbling from his mouth, and Lae’zel spares him a nod before rushing to the next. 
He sees movement out of the corner of his eye and watches a duergar drop invisibility, her sword raised to stab Sable in the back. Astarion’s moving before he even realizes, before he registers the dread. An arrow catches the dwarf in the side before he yanks his dagger out with his free hand, shoving her to the floor and plunging it over and over into the woman’s face. He’s lost in a panicked rage at the thought of anyone harming his kitten, and he only stops when gentle arms wind around his waist, when her voice in his ear douses the fires of his anger. 
“Astarion, she’s dead,” Sable murmurs. “It’s over, and I’m okay. You can stop.” She steps around him, getting between him and the mutilated body.
He stares at her as he comes back to himself. He’s covered in blood, he realizes, the scent cloying, sticky on his skin. “You’re not hurt?” he murmurs, licking crimson droplets off his lips. 
“No, I’m fine. We’re all fine, actually,” she murmurs. “Are you okay?”
“Am I…?” He laughs, his mirth soft, and he cups bloody hands gently around her face. “You’re fine. That means I’m fine.” 
“Brutally slaughtering your lover’s attacker?” Lae’zel says from nearby. “Finally, Astarion, you do something worth praise.” 
“Everything I do is worth praise,” he shoots back. “You just haven’t been paying attention.”
He stands, pressing a kiss to Sable’s forehead, and walks to the edge of the ship. He kneels down and scrubs his hands and face clean in the dark waters of the river. He pauses there, hoping to catch some sort of reflection in the gentle current…but there’s nothing. He looks up as water drips slowly from his features, watching Sable as she speaks with Halsin and Karlach about something or other. 
She’s fine. She’s fine, so I’m fine. 
I’m fine.
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danse--macabre · 8 months
bloodweave for the ask game you reblogged!
ship ask game
Ship It
1. What made you ship it?
I actually didn't particularly care for Bloodweave until I read First Light by Linnetagin, which is a largely Gale-focussed multi-chapter piece that is an exploration of his emotional/mental state and difficulties with his trauma in Act 2 while running alongside Bloodweave. With other Astarion ships, I've struggled to find pieces focussed on the other partner's perspective, issues, trauma, etc. so it was really refreshing to find something so Gale-centric. It definitely warmed me towards it (though I do wish there was more Gale content which was not Astarion-ship focussed in general)
Also, while many Bloodweave fans lean towards the 'toxic old man yaoi' elements and the 'make him worse' possibilities where they hate each other but are doing favours for each other and/or fucking - which I fully respect - that never quite clicked in place for me until I read First Light, where they were good to each other first. Part of my initial problem with this ship was that I couldn't really 'see it' - Gale doesn't particularly warm to Astarion in game, his blood tastes of bile to Astarion, and I couldn't really imagine what the banter would entail. Like, it's all well and good that Gale/Astarion might encourage each others' worst tendencies - but why do they actually like each other? How do they go from worsties to lovers?
However, I feel like First Light unpicks how these prickly, erudite companions might shift from constantly needling each other into playful banter that becomes affectionate. It made me see how they could also be tender to each other. And personally speaking? I think 'make him worse' and 'tragic romance' works best when you can see a way out - when, in an alternate universe, things might not have been so terrible. Seeing that helped me then be able to appreciate and enjoy darker takes on the dynamic.
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
Playful, erudite banter including multiple disagreements over poetry and fashion
Astarion being a temperamental, stand-off-ish, cat-like person that Gale knows exactly how to get from pouting to purring on his lap
(including delightful behaviours like Astarion sitting on Gale while he is reading. Astarion then pulls out his own book to read to add to the ridiculousness of this)
Astarion attempting to encourage Gale to be more chaotic/mischievous/worse and being surprised when Gale actually is more than capable of being such things
Astarion being somewhat thrown by how in Act 3 Gale does not seem to particularly care about morality as much any more now that Mystra is something he doesn't seem to need to appease and the crown is in the picture - and he dances between 'this is convenient' and 'this is troubling; i care about this person enough to be disquieted by it'
The hilarity of Astarion being Gale's trophy husband that lounges in a tower all day looking pretty
Astarion helps Gale dress up like a princess for his various wizard balls and events and enjoys watching his boyfriendhusband dazzle his academy peers and everyone else from the sidelines - as they should, he is very dashing and handsome especially with his help
The tragedy of spawn!Astarion and god!Gale as an ending and how that would end in a catastrophic divorce
Sexually speaking, I think it's an interesting dynamic - Astarion desires control + Gale wants to give everything, and I think it's interesting to imagine how those roles might shift as the two of them come to genuinely care for each other, e.g. Astarion might give Gale the reigns after a certain degree of trust, Gale will make pains to care for Astarion's actual wants/needs rather than projected sexual fantasies, and Astarion might also turn around and say 'you do not need to try this hard all the time you know, actually', in response to having his boundaries about not having sex respected. I also think they could have some very fun spicy sex once they get comfortable with each other and their needs.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Is 'it's overrated' an unpopular Bloodweave opinion? I like it well enough but I think I prefer other dynamics for both characters. I also think there's a level of extrapolation going on from a dynamic that could be true rather than a dynamic that is really baked into the text - if you look at their dialogue, they don't flirt as much as some of the other companions (compare the amount of flirty lines Astarion and Wyll have about each other), and they don't necessarily get on as well as some pairs of characters - for example: Gale & Lae'zel or Astarion & Karlach.
In the case of Gale, I feel like a lot of fan art and writing has Astarion attached, and I wish we had more without Astarion (though this complaint could be made about Wyll and probably half the party too, let's be honest with ourselves).
I think there's an element of 'pair the spares' going on here - if you pair Lae'zel/Shadowheart and Wyll/Karlach (two very popular ships for fairly obvious reasons), there's Astarion/Gale left. I think there's also an element of 'pair the two white guys regardless of chemistry' going on as well (and I say this as a fan! I like this ship! but a lot of it is based on ifs and buts compared to other dynamics).
I think all that said, I do still enjoy the pairing - there's enough there to go on that intrigues me
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haldenlith · 2 years
Tannivh and Astarion
28, 29, and 50.
28. Are they affectionate in public? Is it too much?
Tannivh: Not at all. Well, not beyond general "friendly". He sees no need for PDA if they aren't about to get down and dirty, and he tends to prefer to show romantic interest in different ways. This guy's love language is definitely gift giving or just trying to be extra considerate of the person he's interested in. Luckily, that person is Astarion, which means he's got an easy time of that.
So, yeah, he's kinda Mr. Stoic on the PDA front. I can imagine this would be vexing to Astarion if he weren't busy being affectionate himself, but, I could also see Tannivh's stoicism as one thing for Astarion: "Break that stoic exterior? Challenge Accepted."
Now Astarion, on the other hand: In the beginning, Tannivh would be unsure how to deal with Astarion and any form of PDA. As I've said before, while he's the sort of guy that has certainly gotten around and such, anything alluding to sexy stuff or even slightly (and I mean barely slightly) "steamier" affectionate displays tends to make him a little flustered.
Of course, this means Astarion made full use of that discovery and frequently would be on Tannivh in some manner. An arm around him, nuzzling his neck and whispering such naughty little things to make him squirm. Maybe just up and sitting in his lap at camp, or, worse, pulling Tannivh into his. The boldest display I think would be the classic "sweep, grab, and deep kiss" maneuver. It'd all be far too much for Tannivh in the beginning. After a while, though, once they're both settled in their feelings with each other, Nivh would be unbothered and pleasantly stoic once more, wearing that gentle little smile while Astarion drapes himself on him. He'd be used to his favorite overly-chatty vampire spawn at that point, and happy with the affection.
29. How are they affectionate in private?
Tannivh: Private is a different matter entirely. Like night and day different. Tannivh is incredibly affectionate in private. He loves to touch and be touched, as that is his other "love language", so he'd often wish to be close to Astarion, with at least his arm around him, or vice versa. He's also a serial kisser -- it would seem like he's trying to kiss every part of Astarion possible (in both sexy and not-sexy ways).
As things progress later on in their relationship, and they settle into a bit of a Master-Pet dynamic-undertone to it, Tannivh would become prone to wanting to be in Astarion's lap. That would be his favorite spot, curled up with his lover/Master, maybe nuzzling him, enjoying his presence. I wouldn't say cuddling, quite, but close.
Astarion: Honestly? I don't think there'd be too huge of a change. Initially, the motivations I think would be the same, as he'd enjoy getting a rise out of Tannivh (and sometimes getting a rise out of Tannivh, if you follow what I mean, since they're in private -- the wood elf is easy to get going).
I do think later in the relationship, Astarion would be more... hmm... "gently" affectionate. Petting Nivh's head, little kisses here and there on shoulders and neck, small things. He doesn't need to be so showy in private, and he knows Tannivh relishes touch-based displays, so he'd focus on that for his beloved.
50. Is there anything that scares them about their friendship/relationship?
Tannivh: Lots of things.
Initially, when he realizes he actually has feelings for Astarion, he worries that he's falling into a trap, that Astarion is just leading him on, because it was clear as day that's what Astarion was initially doing with all of them. Using them. Nivh fears that the relationship isn't real, and that Astarion will betray them.
Then there's what Astarion is. Nivh has pretty liberal views for a ranger with druidic roots that worships Silvanus, Solonor Thelandira, and Rillifane Rallathil (though, fun fact: Tannivh considers Silvanus and Rillifane to be one and the same). Undead don't bother him, and he sees them as having a right to exist. That said, he's not naive. He knows more often than not vampires and vampire-adjacent tend to have... less than savory motives, and are often driven by their hunger. So, he fears that he'll have to put Astarion down should he become a real and actual danger. (Yes, this is a different fear to betrayal.)
On the other hand, thanks to Tannivh's roots, he also knows that Astarion's being is at odds with his faith and his upbringing, making him acutely aware that if they were/are to be a thing, that it's something he will have to manage every time they come into contact with other druids and elves of similar faith to him. He fears that will have severe backlash in some way, be it he'll have to defend both himself and Astarion from righteous smiting harm, or some other permutation of that. It's a scenario he doesn't want to ever be in, because there are no winners in that scenario.
In that same vein, as an off-shoot, he is deathly afraid of ever coming across his elder brother with Astarion in his company. His older brother, Sythaeryn, is a Twilight Circle druid. Their ENTIRE gig is basically being druids that hunt undead, because undead break the natural order. Tannivh knows if they crossed paths, he'd have to try to find some way to just grab Astarion and run, and hope that his brother wouldn't give chase, because he wouldn't be able to chose between family and lover, and Syth, well, Syth is the kind of guy who wouldn't be able to be easily persuaded out of killing Astarion.
Lastly, a fear that would be more cemented in his mind as the relationship deepened, would be the classic fear of losing Astarion. I feel like, by the time all the events of BG3 are over, Nivh would probably have, in the back of his mind, that feeling of being Astarion's protector, even if the vampire spawn doesn't need him to be. So losing Astarion, be it to death or something else, would be a double whammy. It'd both be a sorrowful loss because he cherishes him, but also a loss because it'd mean he failed him.
Astarion: It's funny because I think Astarion's fears would be more cut and dry.
In the beginning, it's pretty simple: it'd become clear fairly quickly that while Tannivh isn't a monster hunter, he has the exact same skillset, at the end of the day. As they fell bigger and bigger threats, it'd become even clearer that Nivh not only has that skill set, but that he's just dangerous in general. He could competently hunt and kill Astarion, easily, and that wouldn't sit well with the spawn, at least in the beginning. It'd fuel him harder to make sure Tannivh was on his side, was his weapon. That fear would melt away and become a boon once he realizes that there's feels there between them.
After that, I think it'd be similar to Tannivh's own worry of losing Astarion, Astarion would fear losing him. To death, certainly, but more, to Cazador. Such a life would be the opposite of everything Tannivh is -- wild (well, as wild as a fairly quiet guy like him can be) and free, living his life in the sun. Not just that, but everything he feared about Nivh being dangerous would now apply once more, but now as a tool Cazador could use.
Then, aside from those two, one last fear would be the fear of hurting Tannivh. Not so much physically, as Nivh's a big boy and can bounce back from harm fairly easily. Rather, more the emotional or fatal hurt variety. Of course, being what he is, there is always the risk that he might lose control and kill Tannivh. He doubts it could happen, but still. It's a fear.
And them's The Boys.
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dalish-spectre · 3 years
hello! for the otp asks! 4 & 69 for tavari/astarion and 23 & 33 for shakarian?
Thank you so much for the otp asks, @queensbrother! ♥‿♥ Tavari x Astarion
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4. What is the relationship like?
Tavari and Astarion’s relationship is … definitely unstable especially at first. Kinda like fire meets gasoline. They both have unhealed trauma which doesn’t excuse their toxic behaviour but is definitely a reason as to why they’re untrusting, distant and uncommunicative at first despite being drawn to each other.
At first they try and write it off as just lust and stress from the tadpole situation but they understand one another and their conflicting natures. They’re not bad, they just make bad choices based out of wanting to survive. For both Tavari and Astarion, they’ve had to do whatever it takes to survive their environments for so long on their own.
I’m not sure how long the events of BG3 will span over but they really do become a lot better for each and for themselves.
69. Who has the better comebacks?
That’s such a good question. They’re both pretty witty and both have a strong desire to get the last word in. I would say Astarion because Tavari has spent the last few decades as a wolf so she’s not up-to-date on surface slang so her comebacks are almost hilarious in the sense that Astarion sits there after like ?? I think she just burned me. For example, they were arguing about helping the Tieflings and it got quite heated and off-topic way quick and ended with Tavari telling Astarion to go fetch a stick (because dogs are less superior to wolves in her opinion) and he just stood there like what does that even mean.
Selena Shepard x Garrus Vakarian
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23. What do they do when they’re bored together?
Selena and Garrus are super comfortable with one another and often Sel’ will read a book with her legs sprawled over Garrus’s lap while he sits on the couch in her cabin with her and he watches his vids and I like to headcanon he likes to play mobile games. When they know they’re going to be travelling for a few days from one system to the next, they do like to have a few drinks on their own and listen to music – karaoke with just the two of them in Shepard’s cabin. Crewmates walk by and hear the music bumping and know not to disturb them.
33. Do they go to sleep at the same time?
Usually but Selena is more of a night owl than Garrus. She is prone to staying up after he goes to sleep reading or drawing. She has a harder time falling asleep than Garrus as well. Even after a particularly horrible day, Garrus can generally fall asleep within 30 minutes of putting his head on the pillow whereas Shepard will lie there and think or have flashbacks. Garrus is really in tune with her though and wakes up when he feels her having a panic attack. They’re just so good for each other. #wholesomecouple
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