#astarion x trans masc reader
tobbotobbs · 8 months
Twinkle Little Star
Astarion Ancunin x Masc/Male presenting Tav/Reader (Reader referred to as Tav) 
TW: sad, angst, no happy ending, mcd, slight gore ig, sad astarion, he needs a hug
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It was supposed to be an easy quest. Get into the brothel, find one of his siblings, take them gently or with force and then talk to them about Cazador and what he was up to. He was suppposed to get informations and then let his brother or sister go, hopefully with having convinced them into helping him with their plan to destroy the abomination of a man that was once their only hope and tortured them their entire life. After that they should have gone to the Szarr palace and easily killed him with maybe a few dead servants and a little blood over their clothes. This? No, this was not how it was supposed to go. Yes he talked to Leon, his brother, and found out that Cazador was not letting anyone into the ballroom. He also found out that he now seemed to be keeping guard dogs, Gnolls and Hobgoblins. Cazador never had much approval left for anything close to dogs. So why now? He wanted everyone to be locked out of his ritual of course, but how big the ritual was really going to be, Astarion would have never imagined. They underestimated the Vampire Lord and that was where they all failed. The second Astarion, Tav, Karlach and Gale stood at the end of the stairs in that creepy looking dungeon, Cazador had control over the situation thanks to the Spawn. Astarion was leaped from his feet by a powerful magic and taken to the top of that pyramid looking cyrcle his other siblings formed, who were also flowing in the air thanks to that blood red powerful magic that came from Cazador. He was the last piece that was missing for Cazador to fullfill his ritual, his deal with Mephistopheles and he went right into the trap, for the Vampire to finish his work to get even more powerful by killing 7000 Vampire Spawns and his 7 chosen Spawns, the ones wearing that lovely 'poem' on their back. To think he wanted to take over the ritual, once he had killed Cazador, was making him feel like he could throw up all the wine and the blood from Tav he drank today. Tav. Oh, his handsome, pretty and shy Tav. Always thinking too much, worrying- caring too much. Espacially about Astarion. He didn’t deserve any of this to happen to him and yet there he stood, a scared scream of Astarions name left his lips before he was dashing forwards to run over to him, to help him, to save his world. But he couldn’t do such thing. Karlach took a hold of his waist, holding his lover back so he wouldn’t do something stupid now. The Tiefling looked just as hurt by what just happened, but she tried to not let it get to her head just as Gale did, too. Who was now coming forward to stand next to them and faced Cazador. They all stood there, looking at the monsters face. It was ugly and disgustingly smiling at them. He laughed at them. Laughed at Tav for really falling for Astarions pathetic and weak character. Falling for the act and the seduction, just so Astarion would have protection and a save place to stay. For thinking they could stop him. For what he was about to do. 
If it weren’t for Tav’s ability to use misty step freely as he pleased, everything might have turned out differently. He teleported in the blink of an eye, right next to Cazador and his dagger already lifted to strike and cut through the Vampires throat. If he only had seen it coming. The hand that held 5 sword like sharp claws instead of soft fingertips. He tore right through Tavs chest. Thanks to the power that comes with being a Vampire Lord, it looked as if he had just punched through water, without any resistence. A weird and awful eery wet and cracking sound was flying through the silent dungeon. If Astarion and the others wouldn’t have had their eyes on Tav, it could have been also mistaken with the sound of wet fresh salary being crunched into pieces or like an apple, that was ripped apart by some Barbarian just like Karlach was. The time stood still as Cazador proudfully and with no shame held their groups leader with his bare hand and kept him from falling down to the floor. It must be hurting so much, Karlach thought as she watched Tav struggle to breath and keep the pained sounds at bay. He does not deserve this, was what Gale wanted to say out loud. Not him, anyone but him please. That is what was going through Astarions mind as he watched the love of his life slowly die at the hands of the monster he thought once saved him. What a fool he was. The Vampire Spawn was trying to move, tryied to do something just anything to get to his dear Darling. But he couldn’t. He was still restricted by the magic coming from Cazador, who was now laughing at Tav’s pathetic and stupid attempt to kill him. Tav was, even in his last minutes, looking with pure hatred and disgust at Cazador Szarr, who now lifted his body from the floor which caused him to let out a gut wrenching scream. He could feel every part in him moving and straining against the hand in his chest, could feel the sharp claws that punctured through his lungs and left him breathing in his own blood. Karlach was the first to move. She immediatly summoned Scratch and send their dog companion Astarions way to help free him from his restrictions while she herself came at Cazador with her battleaxe. Gale was fast to followe her lead and started casting spells at the guard dogs that were in their way, killing many at once with his large area and his favourite necromancy spells. Like that they came easily through to Cazador, who looked a little spooked now. The Vampire Lord already had dropped Tav a few feet away from him, no longer interested in his dying form. Now ready to have an actual fight and a little fun killing some people, the Vampire gripped his magical staff and aslo started throwing spells at Gale, to take the wizard out first. He wasn’t dumb, after all wizards are hard to kill with their ability to attack from distance and counter spell other spells thrown at them or magically protect themself and others. The barbarian, Cazador was smiling to himself, he would deal with later. He had the feeling she and his little pet had a deeper connection so it would be fun hurting her in front of Astarion right before the ritual to torture him one last time, even if their connection wasn’t as deep as the one between his chosen Spawn and that pathetic boy trying to kill him with a mere little dagger. Oh how he wished he could’ve saved that ones death for later. To terrorize his Spawn really good one last time. 
That was not the important thing going on right now though, no. It was the fight that Cazador began to loose. Gale was a talented wizard, perhaps the most talented Astarion has ever met and he was surely not backing down or getting tired from this fight. Gale stood his ground and counter spelled every curse and element the Vampire Lord sent his and Karlachs way, meanwhile he also threw various powerful magic at their opponent. His spells hit and Cazador started to get tired and get more risky with his steps and his focus on both the barbarian and the wizard. He did not notice nor did he looked when Karlach suddenly vanished from his peripheral vision and appeared just a few seconds later behind him with her battleaxe raised high above her head and her mouth leaving a loud battlecry that was full of rage, sorrow, pain and grief. Karlach brought down the heavy axe and hit the Vampire right on the head which split open into two parts so easily, it was rather eery. Her eyes were full of tears of rage and sadness. Her breathing was hard and shallow and without a single care about anything she swung her weapon again and hit the now dead Vampire Lord under her again and again and again. Until she felt soft smaller hands frap around her wrist and tugged her into a warm welcoming embrace full of empathy. Gale was crying himself, he had just lost his best friend and they hadn’t even had time to really mourn. Just head straight into a fight to not die themself. While Gale and Karlach held eachother close they heard the quiet taps of paws on the cold stone floor, getting closer to them but then stopping a few feet away. A high pitched whine was all they heard and they knew it was Scratch who has found Tav’s dead, lifeless body on the floor laying in his own still warm blood with his eyes looking empty and into the nothingness. Scratch sat next to Tav and tried to wake him up with nudging his arm with his wet nose, but Tav didn’t move at all. Another whine left Scratches mouth. Karlach and Gale looked at eachother before they took another look at Tav and then at their other friend.  
Astarion was feeling like he was drowning, even though he didn’t even need to breath as Vampire Spawn. But it still felt like he was underwater, being dragged under the surface by some invisible monster. He knew he could move and all, Scratch had helped him after all and Cazador was dead now too, so the magic was gone and he could move and wasn’t dragged underwater by any monster. His eyes felt weirdly wet and his cheeks too, he was crying. Astarion had not cried in so long. He never found himself caring, loving someone so much in the last 200 years. He never cried but now here he was, his legs carrying him to his long passed lover and breaking down next to Tav. Hid eyes never stopped the salty tears and he could care less when he started whimpering and moaning in complete misery and pain. His hands shook as he tried to hold Tav’s hand in his and give it a soft, gentle kiss like he does so often when they spent the night together in his tennt, reading books or just talking. It felt unreal to him, seeing the strongest person he knew lie there, cold and without any life in them. His other hand creeped up Tav’s face to gently cup his cheek and caress it with his fingers. He cried and mumbled how it wasn’t fair this had happened. Whispered little nothings into the silence of the dungeon about how he was going to spent his eternity with Tav somehow. It was devestating to watch, even more so to hear and listen to Astarion talk to Tav as if he was still alive and could answer him.  
And the worst part was the little star necklace he had given Tav that he now held in his trembling hands. A little star pendant was on the silvery chain. It should remind Tav of him and make him feel like a part of Astarion is always with him. It was a joke first, after Tav found out his anme meant little star and hestarted nicknaming him Star instead of Astarion. It turned into something so much more and meaningful to both of them amd here they were. The twinkle of his star was gone. 
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veren-cos · 5 months
Request Info
* summary: requests are always open!!! And I take everything (besides smut) so unless I respond to an ask explicitly saying "I can't write that because 'blank'" it will be written eventually! I just can't guarantee when-
About the Author!
Stardew Valley
Alex x reader
I just can't do this!
Alex gives you his jacket!
Sebastian x reader
Period Comfort
I'm here for you (tw in description)
Shane x Reader
Babe, Look at me!
I will be right here
Sam x reader
You Really Missed Me That Much, huh?
Sebastian / Sam x Reader
Why Can't It Be Me?
Bachelors x reader
Asking out the Bachelors
Bachelors and Self Care!
Bachelors Distract you
Bachelors with a reader on their period
Bachelors and self-harm comfort
Bachelors and your first date
Bachelors when you change your hair
Bachelors and a plant-nerd
Reacting to a handmade gift
Bachelors and anorexia comfort
Comfort after a rough day
Injured from the mines
Coming out as Ace to the bachelors
Bachelorettes x reader
Reacting to a handmade gift
Baldur's Gate 3
Gale x Reader
Astarion x Reader
Just Let Me In (TW in description)
You Will Be Okay (TW In description)
Genshin Impact
Kokomi x Itto
Perfect Day
Thoma x Ayato
Bennett x Razor
Obey Me!
The brothers
Coming out as trans (masc)
This Feeling
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madschiavelique · 2 months
How many characters can we request for headcanons? Would you do the same prompt with different characters? Can we request for male reader, female reader, gender neutral reader? Are there any dark topics you won't do like rape, suicide, etc? What poly ships x reader would you accept other than Astarion x Reader x Halsin? Would you mind if we request for Alternate Universes or Aus like AU where the character lives happily? Would you mind if the request is suggestive, implied sex, or mentioned sex but no explicit sex? Would you mind if we don't specify the race/class to leave it ambiguous or if we ask specify the race/class like human/healer? What kinks would you accept for requests? Can anons request smut? Can we check with you if you received our requests? Thank you in advance!
hey there lovely anon !! thank you so much for all of these very good questions ✨ i tried to answer them as clearly as possible ❤️
─ .✦ How many characters can we request for headcanons?
I think that for a single post you can request up to 8 characters !
─ .✦ Would you do the same prompt with different characters?
yes ! and (linked to the previous question) if you wanted to request headcanons for more characters than 8 on the same prompt, you can simply ask for the same headcanon again with this time the additional characters you had in mind (i will simply name the headcanon as a part two)
─ .✦ Can we request for male reader, female reader, gender neutral reader?
you can request for all three yep ! you can also request me for trans!masc or trans!fem but i will probably take more time writing them because i want to make sure i wrote proper representation
─ .✦ Are there any dark topics you won't do like rape, suicide, etc?
most of the dark topics i won’t write like rape are (like i mentioned in my post) listed in the request rules linked here ‼️ this rule list will be slightly changed considering i could now write rape/mentions of rape/non-con, con-non-con, yandere (i think this one is already on the list) and others i have to thoroughly go through !
─ .✦ What poly ships x reader would you accept other than Astarion x Reader x Halsin?
pretty much any as long as they are part of the list of characters that i can write for in general aka : astarion, shadowheart, gale, karlach, halsin, minthara, jaheira, minsc, kar'niss, raphael, haarlep, orin (for orin i can make an exception and add gortash if anyone wants to ask a poly like gortash x reader x orin !)
─ .✦ Would you mind if we request for Alternate Universes or Aus like AU where the character lives happily?
i don’t mind at all and i encourage it ! like i mentioned in my request rules i can definitely write for AUs (especially if the characters live happily ✨)
─ .✦ Would you mind if the request is suggestive, implied sex, or mentioned sex but no explicit sex?
i can write suggestive, implied sex, or mentions of sex yes ! as well as (like i said in my request rules) i do write smut yep !! if you request for it do remember to specify the gender of the reader or if you want to keep it gender neutral
─ .✦ Would you mind if we don't specify the race/class to leave it ambiguous or if we ask specify the race/class like human/healer?
you can leave it ambiguous if you desire ! you can also completely specify race + sub races as well as class + subclass if you want and give me all the details in your beautiful mind, but you don’t need to feel obligated in it unless the class or the race plays a role in the request (in which case please do specify it❣️)
─ .✦ What kinks would you accept for requests? Can anons request smut?
for kinks, i accept generally the ones from the bdsm test except for pet, exhibitionist, slave, owner, and the ones listed in the request rules. the ones i tend to be more at ease to write include : praise, primal (hunter/prey) and a bunch of others i can’t think of at the moment 😭. you can DEFINITELY ask me for smut because my whore of a brain will completely serve it to you
─ .✦ Can we check with you if you received our requests? Thank you in advance!
absolutely ! but do remember that i have a life outside of tumblr and like i said in my rules i can write pretty quickly but if i don’t post your request in around a week of time it means that i’m busy.
that’s it !! thank you again anon for these questions and don’t hesitate to ask more if you have any in mind ✨
i will probably link this post to the one i made about reopening requests because they are very good questions that i’m sure a bunch of readers will want to know !
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ineadhyn · 6 months
Writer interview
@vixstarria tagged me and I finally get to do it! Thank you <3
I am tagging @sky-kiss @scuttlingcrab and @thedomesticanthropologist
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
13 and some are multi-chapter. All are BG3 except for a german Inkheart one
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
85.408 -that is a surprising amount of words for being active less than a year
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
His consort, his god - I finally wrote smut for a popular ship XD (bloodweave)
At her mercy - kinky sapphic Karlach x Durge smut
Natures most beloved treasure - Halsin x trans masc Tav smut
Direct from Hell Logistics - ongoing Raphael x Haarlep comedy/angst/smut/plot - this one has it all
A song of snow and embers and Copper Hearts share this place. one is a F/F/F/F foursome and the other my Astarion x male Tav longfic
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I appreciate every single comment and try to show that. There's nothing better than the e-mail that says "comment on your work" and it can make my whole day. Sometimes I don't know what to respond if it's just a word or a keybord smash, but rest assured I see you and I love every one of those, too.
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Angsty ending hmmmm. Because some of my stuff is not completed yet I am not gonna spoil anything but Dust and ash about Astarion's backstory was naturally quite angsty
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Not. gonna. spoil XD
7. Do you write crossovers?
Not yet. Maybe I could count Copper hearts because I took Francys from my original work and planted him into Bg3
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
No, not yet.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do. I am exploring all kinds atm with preferably queer pairings wlw or mlm or nb. I can also write mlw from the men's perspective but not the other way round :D
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I know.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Boy I wish.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No and I am not sure if I could commit to a project like that.
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Hmmmmm ... Raphlep probably
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
My german Inkheart fic with a genderbent lesbian Basta. Damn I was invested in creating this character, but gave up after a while because it was a lot of work and it being german and a niche topic in a small fandom was not very rewarding tbh. I know I should not care and maybe I'll come back to it when the Inkheart obsession comes over me again.
15. What are your writing strengths?
I am good at setting the scene. Atmosphere and small mundane details that make the setting feel alive. I have always liked that in reading as in writing, because it makes you feel like you are actually there when you can hear and smell and taste the scene.
Also I am okay at developing coherent plot, but that's mainly practice from writing a lot of og work before I started with fics.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
I still struggle with english grammar and punctuation at times so I always have a beta reader. And I am lucky to have great ones.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I am not a fan. It confuses me. Singular phrases and such yes, but not entire dialogue. Especially if it's german in an english fic I get super confused.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
*digs through her files* So, my first works were basically fic for my best friend's story. (I was in my early teens.) But since she was the author the lines between canon and fic are blurry and the "fandom" consisted of three people of which one was the author XD
So if we don't count that the first one would be Hunger Games - It was one chapter and I never published it
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
We'll see what posesses me next I guess, though I think Bg3 will stay with me for a considerable amount of time. And ship wise ... I feel Durgetash creeping up on me.
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Definitely Direct from Hell Logistics. I am having so much fun with it. It constantly makes me laugh and sheme and I also feel all the angst. Also it is ongoing and I get to explore the story alongside the readers (though I have a rough plot structure to keep me on track).
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calebtealeaf · 7 months
Hello ! !
- I'm Caleb ! I use mainly he / they / it , and I'm autistic so the subject of my writing is bound to be added to quickly LMAO ^^
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Who I'll write for :
( c1 ) Vax , Keyleth , Percy , Vex , Gilmore , Pike , Grog , Scanlan . ( c2 ) Caleb , Molly , Essek , Fjord , Jester , Beau , Yasha , Caduceus , Artagan . ( c3 ) Orym , Will , Dorian , Ashton , Fearne , Imogen , Laudna , Chetney , FCG , Frida . ( there's probably more . )
( re-animator ) Herbert , Dan , Megan . ( saw ) Lawrence , Adam , Amanda , Lynn , Hoffman , Strahm . ( tcm ) Bubba , Thomas , ChopTop , Nubbins . ( lost boys ) Michael , David . ( collector ) Asa , Arkin . ( scream ) Stu , Billy . ( misc ) Freddy K , Vincent S , Billy Lz , Brahms , Harry W .
Aziraphale , Crowley , Gabriel , Beelzebub .
Hannibal , Will .
BG3 ;
Astarion , Gale , Halsin . ( more to be added . )
Preferred ships !! ( just because I prefer these doesn't mean I won't write others . )
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Writing style : 3rd person , will only write x reader if asked , can be multi-chapter OR oneshot .
Extra notes : I'll write headcanons ( i have a habit of making most people trans masc , not sorry , or projecting stims onto them . ) , I lean towards fluff but I'm also not rlly arsed , if I'm asked to write other stuff I probably will . That being said , content wise I'll write what I'm comfy writing , so if something makes me largely uncomfy I just won't write it LMAO .
AND asks / requests r open unless I specifically state otherwise :3
( so sorry for the amt of tags good fucking lord . )
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