#aster isn't a dick au
byfulcrums · 1 year
Honestly the “JLU Wally is YJ Wally” HC/AU has so much wasted potential. Not only angst but also. Imagine how fucking funny the whole situation could be. Imagine
Wally, against his wishes, goes to an undercover mission with the League. When something inevitably blows up, he gets (reasonably) angry and starts muttering about how “It's a curse, I swear. I am not feeling the aster right now. So not whelmed, man”. Shayera looks at him confused, because what the fuck does aster mean?
He gets banned from going to undercover/recon/non-fighting missions
When he figures something that he feels should have been obvious up he says “Hello, Megan!” and facepalms. He does it a lot, and refuses to explain when someone asks him why or what it means
He's the youngest in the team but he's also one of the most experienced
People usually think that the reason why he tends to not tell the league about what his next move is going to be in battle or why he's so uncoordinated when working in a team is because he's arrogant and refuses to listen. It's actually because he's so used to having the mind link to communicate that now he finds it hard to talk out loud with his teammates sometimes. He's working on it
He'll ask someone something and then get frustrated when they don't answer him, only to remember that he never actually said anything out loud
Not having people in his mind all the time feels kind of lonely. Maybe that's why he was so much happier than usual when J'onn was forced to make a temporary mind link for a mission
He gets frustrated because he wants to watch a show he likes but then remembers that the show doesn't exist because it was created in like 2008. It's a pain
He talks to Shayera about his other red-headed sister, ‘Megan’, and gets uncharacteristically sad and quiet when she asks if she could meet her someday
The original JL members started to pick up on some of the stuff he says, so the phrases “Hello, Megan!”, “Get whelmed” or even the word ‘crash’ are commonly heard in the Watchtower
His relationship with Superman is complicated because he's used to holding some resentment for not being patient with Conner when he first met him so sometimes he's too salty with him, but then he remembers that that was another Superman and it gets awkward pretty quickly
If his relationship with Superman is complicated, then imagine how it is with Batman and Zatanna. One is his best friend's dad from another universe and the other is his friend he's known since he was 14 from another universe who is now older than him
And imagine how it'd be with Red Tornado. He's so used to having the guy as some kind of mentor that being his superior feels off. He tried to connect with him but it was just too awkward for him to handle
He. Misses. Barry. And. Iris.
He finds out that the Jason of this universe came back to life and wonders if his Jason came back too. Too bad he's never going to find out
Let him break down a little. Let him live with the knowledge that he's all alone now (pre-JL). Let him be depressed over the fact that his aunt doesn't even know him because both him and Barry are dead in this universe
He thinks about how he was going to propose to Artemis and doesn't show up to league meetings and missions for three weeks
“Why weren't you here?” “I had some stuff to do haha sorry” (he was laying in bed crying)
Certain things, like eating ice cream or going out to see movies, just aren't as appealing as they used to be. Everytime he sees teenagers hanging out, laughing with each other, he can't help but think about how that could (should) be him
He had to quit the team (more like was forced to quit) because his powers were killing him. Now he's back on the field and isn't dying anymore, but he can't help but think that maybe if he was then he wouldn't have cared much
Wally meets the Nightwing of this universe and immediately starts crying
Think about this: Dick doesn't know him, who know what's up with Roy, Artemis is a criminal, Kaldur probably doesn't even exist, Conner also doesn't exist (yet), Zatanna's way older than him and M'gann is dead. Just. Take a moment to think about it
He has to live with the knowledge that he's probably never going to see his friends, his family again. He has to live with the knowledge that he has no one to go to when he has speedster problems. He has to live with the knowledge that he'll never go home
Clark brings his Ma's pie to the Watchtower once and Wally gets so emotional because it smells sm like the pies he used to (try to) make with Iris and Barry (it was apple pie. They always failed so they bought one from a bakery, and Ma's smells sm like those he can't help but remember the good old days lmao. He cries)
I said this once and I'll say it again: he was going to propose to Artemis
He died knowing that he would never be able to make amends with his soulmate best friend
He has to go on a mission where he sees this universe's Artemis (a criminal) and no matter how much he tries to help her and turn her into at least a civilian, he still wasn't able to make her be even close to his Artemis
He has one of those scenes where the hero (Wally ofc) says “You could come with me. I'd help you. You could get away from the people that hurt you and, if you want to, I'd live you alone once you're safe. I can promise that”, and the villain (Arty) is like “Omg really...??” and acts all hopeful and shit but ends up being “Sike no, I'm never going with u wtf”
He finds out Hal exists in this universe too but is in another planet and looses his shit lmaoo
But like srs. The potential this shit has is amazing and ppl should acknowledge it more
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
When did Ransom first broach the idea of a threesome with Kitten? Where did the idea come from? 👀 -🦋
Well, Ransom has been asking about bringing in a third for a LONG time. I've left a few subtle hints along the way, and Mr. Fowler was mentioned SEVERAL chapters back when Iris and Aster are talking about looking at other men. Iris mentioned how her mom was checking out Nick. Very quick, very subtle but it was there. So it isn't something new for him to randomly bring it up. And...I don't know if you caught on the mishap with the pregnancy test, Kitten suggested it might not be Ransom's....
Summary: Ransom makes you an offer
Pairings: Ransom X Reader
Rating: mild explicit
Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual talks, implied threesome, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 700
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Desperate Love Masterlist
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You snuggle tightly against your husband's chest, nearly falling asleep to the steady beat of his heart when lays down his book. His arm wraps around your back, and pulls you even closer to him. "Kitten."
"Ran," you giggle, turning slightly to kiss his warm chest.
"You know I love you," you wait for there to be a but. You're very much aware how much this man adores and loves you, so you know it's not bad. "Do you think our sex life has gotten boring?" you let out a snort, and he playfully swats your back. "I'm being serious."
"No I don't. Why do you?"
"Now that you've mentioned it," you roll your eyes, and he smacks you again. "Woman, I'm not playing. There's always been something I've wanted to try."
"What more could you possibly want to try? I feel we're pretty adventurous."
"You've been amazing pretty girl, but..." you sit and wait for this but. There hasn't been anything that Ransom has asked that you didn't at least try. "I want a threesome."
You sit up to glare at him shaking your head no, "Some woman is not fucking my husband," reaching up to pull your face down to him, he gives you a hard bruising kiss. "No, absolutely not. I will not have you fucking another woman. You and that cock are mine."
"I was talking about another man," your face falls, and you're unsure how to respond. "Not running that mouth now are you?"
"Why? I mean..."
"If you bring up that gymnastic fucker's name I swear to God woman."
"Well, it's not like he hasn't offered after nearly every lesson. So why?"
Ransom's eyes move over your face, pulling you down for a much softer kiss. "Because..." your face falls flat and you start to lay back on his chest. "No, because I think you're so beautiful moving over top of me. You're the sexiest thing on earth when I fuck into you, and you make those sweet sounds. But I never get to see you as a whole."
"We've made movies, yeah you have."
"No," he chuckles. "Live and in color. I'm not a cuck, but I want you to put on a show for me. Watch your face being pushed into the mattress while some pretty thing is thrusting into you. And then....Kitten I wanna know what it feels like to have you fully stuffed with cock," his voice starts to whine when you shake your head no. "Please! I want it."
"Don't start with that voice. You talk to me like I'm your husband."
"Ran, I never want anything to come in between our marriage."
"It won't," you watch his face, needing to know exactly what he's thinking. "You've never thought about it? Like, you choking on another man's dick, while I'm just giving it to you hard? Or you bouncing on my cock, and he leans you forward to fuck into your ass? I've seen your porn history, I know you have."
"Things like that are for porn."
"No it's not! Bucky has. Your little creepy axe man has. They're not porn stars," he lowers his brow and whispers at you, "Stevie boy has."
"With Bucky."
"Ransom," you laugh, pressing your face against his shoulder. Not even wanting to know if it was with Marta or Sarah or someone completely different.
"Will you think about it?" looking up at him, you give a single nod. "So if we find someone...that we both agree on?"
"He's gotta be pretty."
"I'm pretty."
"I know you are my sweet boy. But I need another pretty one. And if we both agree on it. Maybe."
You lay back on his chest, but he rolls you over on your back, hovering over you. Pressing his rock hard cock on your thigh. "Don't play with me, Kitten. I'll fuck you until you agree to this. By the way, you owe me my fifth."
"No, sir. I'm not giving you that while we're talking about a threesome."
"How much time you think we have until Story comes down here."
Reaching a hand around his neck, you pull him right to your lips, "Shut up and fuck me."
"As you wish."
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