#astier edit
fuckyeahkaamelott · 1 year
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♛ Joyeux Anniversaire Alexandre Astier (16 Juin 1974) ♛
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araimifan · 2 years
On m'a demandé de faire un come back sur cette plate-forme alors que j'y ai jamais mis les pieds donc je vais faire des repost tiktok voili voilou
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garnetrena · 1 year
15 questions, 15 mutuals
Tagged by @toooldforthisbutstill for a “15 questions, 15 mutuals” thing, thank you buddy 💙
1. Are you named after anyone?
My second birth name is the first name of my great-great-grandma. And my chosen name is inspired by Alexander The Great (and maybe a little bit by Alexandre Astier but you can't prove anything)
2. When was the last time you cried?
I cried on Thursday but it's because I had a big dysphoria crisis (I don't have many of those, to be fair, so I was quite surprised). Fortunately, I had my binder with me and I also was with my crush and they comforted me.
3. Do you have kids?
Zero and I don't want to have any.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I think I use sarcasm a little bit, but I almost often use tone indicators now bc I know some people (including me!) can struggle with knowing when it's the case!
5. What sports do you play/have you played?
I currently do Do-In/Qi Gong all the two weeks, some yoga sometimes and I also walk each day. I used to do running, fitness, zumba and a lot of other things but depression prevents me from doing all this now (and yeah, I know "sports help with depression", but actually it's a little bit more complicated than that, sometimes depression is too deep for it).
6. What’s the first thing you notice about other people?
Their "fashion style" (I don't have better way to say it, sorry). And if they're an extrovert or an introvert, depending on their body language. Shit, it makes me look like a very judgmental person 🙈 I swear I'm not a superficial jerk!! I just try to adapt myself to the person I'm talking with, a little bit like a social chameleon
7. What’s your eye colour?
Dark brown
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings all the way! Like @toooldforthisbutstill , scary stuff isn't for me (or only in very specific contexts, like said by a Youtuber or by a streamer - yes, I'm thinking about Squeezie's horror threads xD)
9. Any special talents?
Writing, playing the ukulele, ending up in complicated polyamorous situations
10. Where were you born?
A city in the Parisian suburbs (I'm not doxxing myself again, this time!!)
11. What are your hobbies?
Writing, reading, going to the movies or to the museum, playing the ukulele, going for a walk, going out with friends... [edit] Oh and also DnD and video games! I forgot to mention that I'm a nerd xD
12. Do you have any pets?
Not me personally, but my parents have a dog and I love her a lot!
13. How tall are you?
168 cm / 5,5 ft
14. Favourite subject in school?
15. Dream job?
Writer ✨
And I tag: @krwzprtt @chonaku-things @paceees @datcreolebitch @adiosleblues @chubbychummy @peribytes @literallyjustanerd @harinezumiko @moldy-junk @solaneceae @shakeskp @thesquidkid (yeah, I know, it's not 15 but I don't know how to count xD) No pressure, only do it if you feel like it :D And whoever wants to do it can too!! Consider yourself tagged ^^
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sloubs · 2 years
Bonjour 👋🏻 va voir automatiquement cet édit insta je l’aime de tout mon cœur 😭🫶🏻 ( j’ai découvert ton compte aujourd’hui tu as l’air aussi folle que moi par rapport à aa donc on va bien d’entendre je pense)
A bientôt 👋🏻✨
il est BEAUUUUU mais qu'il est beau cet edit (et le monsieur dedans aussi)
toujours ravie de rencontrer de nouvelles personnes qui soient tout aussi cinglées que moi à propos de la miss astier, bienvenue et hésite pas à me partager d'autres edits comme ça, c'est du miel 🥰
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Ingrid Astier, Petite éloge de la nuit, Editions Gallimard
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harpocrate · 3 years
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bourbon-ontherocks · 2 years
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Kaamelott - Livre V - Jizô
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docclaras · 3 years
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“You are wearing Excalibur. They said that it lost his powers. Than the Gods are no longer on the side of Arthur Pendragon”
KAAMELOTT : premier volet real. Alexandre Astier (2021)
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godwithwethands · 3 years
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Kaamelott: Premier Volet (2021) || Une Clairière près de Gaunes
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katewalker · 3 years
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KAAMELOTT PREMIER VOLET (2021) | Léodagan et le petit burgonde
(ou papy Lionnel 🥺)
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Kaamelott Livre II x Kaamelott Premier Volet
Foolishly Wrong, Autoheart
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araimifan · 2 years
Tout ces caprices pour au final se prendre une flèche de la part de Lionel... Lionel!
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aramielles · 3 years
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And I love you so The people ask me how How I've lived till now I tell them I don't know I guess they understand How lonely life has been But life began again The day you took my hand And yes, I know how lonely life can be The shadows follow me the night won't set me free But I don't let the evening get me down Now that you're around me And you love me, too Your thoughts are just for me You set my spirit free I'm happy that you do The book of life is brief And once a page is read All but life is dead That is my belief And yes, I know how lonely life can be The shadows follow me and the night won't set me free But I don't let the evening get me down Now that you're around me
and i love you so, don mclean.
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muslim-flint · 3 years
you were my everything
prenez ceci comme une campagne de prévention anti arthur/lancelot parce que :) je vais décéder à cause d'eux :) sinon j'ai une ancienne fanvid un peu plus joyeuse hihi self promo tkt
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xka0tika · 3 years
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