#astrid tag 💖
shooting-star-hearts ¡ 6 months
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♡•Glitter For Skin•♡
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✰ • 𝓟𝓐𝓘𝓡𝓘𝓝𝓖 ⇢ Cloud Strife/OC(Astrid Lovelyn) ✰ • 𝓣𝓗𝓔𝓜𝓔𝓢 ⇢ Fluff/comfort, Angst ✰• 𝓝𝓞𝓣𝓔𝓢 ⇢ Considering that this is oc x canon there will be...some things I changed that differ from canon ff7, such as Highwind scene...yeah I was a bit scared to add that one in sooooo no hate please? Thank you. Also I have horrible writing so I apologize for having to go through this if you choose do so 🥲 Anyhow...I wrote up this fic because it's been three years I've had this lil ship so...Happy Anniversary Cloustrid 💖(I'll also tag as x reader for anyone that wants to use as inspiration I'll allow it) ✰ • 𝓦𝓐𝓡𝓝𝓘𝓝𝓖𝓢 ⇢ Heartaches, Mention of a cut/blood, Suggestive at some point(implied nsfw), no proofread(?), Cloud is a bit...ooc I think, he talks a little more than usual
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Now playing - golden hour by JVKE
As a reflex, the paper flew from her grasp and was gently curled over the thin cut.  Her thumb soothed over the little red slit with her brows furrowing slightly; the cut was small but admittingly it did cause a bit of an annoyance to her finger. 
Tifa’s voice was followed by the jingling of the bells over the door, signaling someone’s entrance in the bakery. Astrid’s eyes left from her cut momentarily to flash a smile at her.
“Hey Ti! Closed up early?” 
“Mhm…You alright?” The dark-haired woman made her way around the counter, her eyes followed down at Astrid’s finger.
“A-ah- yeah! Just a paper cut! Hang on..” Astrid didn’t want to further concern Tifa. She opened up one of the cabinet doors under the counter, shuffling around items in search of band-aids. 
Tifa was already ahead of knowing what she needed.  “Need band-aids? I believe there’s some upstairs” “Actually that won’t be necessary, I’ll deal with it late-”
Before Astrid could reply, she heard the bells ring again and the door closing. Chuckling, she smiled at how sweet Tifa was being despite the case not being serious.
. . . . .
“How was business today? I’m guessing busy telling from how they were visiting my bakery immediately afterwards~”
“You bet!” Tifa wrapped a small, thin band-aid around Astrid’s ring finger. 
Evening on a weekend, perfect for when these two want to hang out after their shorter shifts. It had been two years and a half since Astrid’s official opening to her bakery, Promised Land, and since then she had been extremely happy over the fact that both her and Tifa’s business had brought them closer.
“You weren’t too overwhelmed I hope?”
“Tifa…you’re asking as if this is the first time I’ve dealt with a large crowd!” She laughed. 
“I know you’re capable but…being how you’re the only one working for yourself…you know you could always ask Fiona to help out, right?”
“I know! But you two seem s~o happy together even when you’re working! I can’t take that away~” The brunette shot a friendly tease at her.
Tifa simply averted her eyes and chuckled, a faint blush painted on her upper cheeks. “I don’t think one day of not being around me would kill her.”
“Oh c’mon, have you seen how clingy she is with you? I’m not lying when I say there isn’t one conversation I have had with her where she doesn’t mention your name~” Astrid’s teasing was full on Aerith-like at this point.
The more the brunette teased about Tifa’s love life, the more red on Tifa’s cheeks became visible from her smiling. 
“Alright, tough cookie…but seriously, I just wanna be sure you have the help you need, at least let me help out with tidying up some things around here?”
“Well, there isn’t much more to be done but…I know you won't say no either.” The girl titled her head.
Tifa pointed a finger gun at Astrid and clicked her tongue. “You know me~!” She went on to pick a broom and started sweeping away.
A new source of warmth entered the room as the sun set, pointing right at Astrid across the room as she stared at her band aid once more. Upon noticing the change in atmosphere, her green eyes softened at the new color that painted the walls of the bakery interior, her favorite color at that.
The color of the sunset.
The color of their deal.
…And of course, the color of his hair.
Sunsets never failed to make her think of that one person during these times of the day. Ever since the first day of their budding friendship, a friendship that was sealed by their own hearts and a deal. Some may say childish for such a silly thing, but it wasn’t like anyone would understand how much that alone affected each other throughout their life. Even when starting out as outcasts, it didn’t take much for them to mean the world for one another. 
“Hey…did Cloud happen to text you?”
Tifa stopped in her tracks, a smile tugged her lips without facing the shorter lady.
“He…did say he’d come back early but…”
“Don’t worry.”
She turned around, flashing a reassuring grin, remembering the short conversation she had with Cloud earlier.
“...He’ll be here soon.”
. . . . .
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Orange sunset: “Warmth and comfort”
“...You’re really good at that.”
Any kid—or adult for that matter—in this village would recognize that voice as the weird kid, or one of them at least. It was a strange interaction for the two children to face each other after all those times of visiting and having their moms bond since they were just babies, but now? It felt as though they had just met for the first time. Except by this point, they were longing for a friend to talk to, so one would say….it was only natural that they’d end up like this, somehow, someway.
The young brunette’s lips parted from the flute, cutting off the soft melodies that escaped from it. From the corner of her eyes, she saw him. His blue eyes—non-mako at the time—glistened widely in fascination with the girl’s talent. Then again, in all his years of knowing who Astrid Lovelyn was, he didn’t really know her.
The same could be said for the brunette herself, or as 10 year old Cloud would know as the girl that feared him. He expected nothing more than seeing her run off to her room whenever she was aware of the boy’s presence.
…Or so he thought.
“...Thank you…!”
…So when he heard those two words ring in his ears, this took him by surprise. He’d ask her to repeat again but seeing he had gotten this far, he was pulled to talk further with her.
Except he couldn’t gather the words to create another sentence, he just…stood there, findling with his fingers.
♪Pink and orange skies, feelin' super childish♪
Cloud had only one plan: Ask her why she was being attacked by Tifa’s friends and go back to his lonesome self for the rest of his day, instead it felt like he was confronting a kitten that needed to be handled with extra care; one wrong move could cause some serious consequences.
Wait…why was this kid worried? I mean, he’s seen what this girl is capable of doing, she did scold the kids that lied about him convincing Tifa to endanger herself on Mt. Nibel. Albeit she isn’t violent as Cloud is but seeing her stand up for him deepened his curiosity of what else she was on about.
“Hey…are you okay?”
The tables had turned with who was the shy one in this case.
Cloud’s upper body moved back slowly at Astrid leaning forward to take a look at his expressions better. When the hell did she stand up? He hadn’t even been able to process the fact that he was standing the closest he’s ever been to her. The blonde was desperate to form words to tell, but nothing could rip from his throat to respond besides the common “uh..”
Oh shoot, is she smiling? Was it because he had just embarrassed himself in front of her by being such a dork? Or maybe the blonde just hadn’t considered how lovely he looked with tangerine hues glistening up his miniature spikes and blue eyes yet.
His eyes drifted from the young girl’s emerald orbs, finding himself staring at books leaning against each other. 
“What are…” His finger finished the rest of his question while pointing, intentionally diverting Astrid away from him before she could notice his blushing.
The brunette’s pigtails swayed in rhythm whilst turning her head, following the direction he was hinting at. “Oh..those? They're just…boring stuff.” 
She walked back over and picked up one of her books, showing off the cover to Cloud, “Growth in Gardening” it read.
“Stuff on gardening…stupid, I know.”
It was fast how Astrid instantly dissed her own interest. “...But you like it, right?” Was simply how he could respond. He wasn’t about to lie and pretend he knew anything about gardening, I mean, boy thinks flowers all look the same.
But, judging by how lush and flourishing the plantation had grew near Astrid’s house, this was definitely her biggest passion, or at least, one of possibly many others
“I do, but others think it’s weird for a girl to be working outside just to get all muddy and sweaty…” She sat down, flipping over a few pages to the section of yellow lilies. “So…I don’t really have anyone else to talk to about them besides my mom and…”
“…who?” Cloud tilted his head.
“...The plants that I grew.” She chuckled to herself. She must’ve felt like a freak in front of him. Guess all that outcasting really affected how she saw herself too.
That was the only thing Cloud could murmur before letting the crickets fill in the rest of the silence. Astrid noticed his eyes averting from the corner of her eyes. By this point, the young blonde had completely forgotten the entire reason why he had come to visit her in the first place. He had considered leaving before things got more awkward–
“So…why did you come see me?”
Oh, that’s why he was there.
“Not that I don’t want you to be here but…you haven’t come to visit in so long…”
“...Why were those kids bugging you?”
“Oh…that…” She sighed, recalling how foolish she had put herself into trouble, only for Cloud to get pulled in just to defend her. “I overheard how they lied about you getting Tifa into danger, they were being jerks to you. It’s not fair how they’re doing this to you…I couldn’t just…stand there…”
“But you would’ve gotten yourself hurt.”
Astrid blinked at how Cloud saw it. ”I don’t….think they would’ve went that far-”
“Doesn’t matter. They shouldn’t have talked to you like that. They talk about you all the time and I just wanted them to shut up.” He blurted without thinking.
Okay now she was confused. “...Huh?”
“Yeah. They said some nasty stuff about you so many times. About how you’re weird and ugly and…all that.” 
Her eyes widened, the realization stunned her. Yeah she knew he was reckless and getting himself into trouble but…for her though…?
He fought them…because they were saying stuff about me…?
“Cloud…you shouldn’t have…why..?”
“Cuz….even if you hate me…they were still being mean about you.”
“Huh?!” Well that didn’t sound right. “Hate you?! What made you think I hate you Cloud??”
Cloud was just as surprised to figure out that he may have judged her wrongly. “...You always ran to your room each time I came to visit…”
“C-Cloud I…I didn’t hide because I hated you, I did that with everyone! I was just…scared of people, but that didn’t mean I hated them!”
Cloud choked up, both of them did. For a while Cloud had assumed that he was cursed with others taking a dislike to him but ... this was just a misunderstanding between these two kids all along?
One was overthinking on what to say and the other was underthinking, not the most ideal conversation if you can even call it that now. All in all, it was embarrassing, and it would’ve been rude if Cloud had just walked away without saying anything.
I guess the only thing left to do is…to apologize? For misunderstanding? For judging her past fears? Maybe?
“Ugh! I can’t take this!” 
Astrid stood up, stomping the ground in frustration. “This is dumb, we’re both being dumb!” Walking over back to the confused blonde, she had an idea in mind. “We can’t just keep beating around the bush like this! So if we don’t want that happening anymore, we’re gonna make a deal!”
“A-A deal…?”
“Yeah! A friendship deal!”
The little brunette extended her arm out, fingers widely open. “I can’t keep running away in fear and you can’t keep your own feelings hidden! So I’ll stick by you whenever you’re in a rough patch no matter how bad things get, but you have to be honest with me.”
“But…I-I don’t want you getting hurt because of me…”
“Well someone’s gotta be by your side! You can’t do everything on your own all your life, y’know?”
Yup, that sentence alone settled his decision. 
His eyes widened, he never really thought of himself as the type to be looked after. Again, lone wolf, lone life, it was what he was used to up until now. Spending way too much time trying to fit into a friends group didn’t even give him a chance to realize that there would be someone to genuinely be accepted by all along.
His hand glued onto hers, Astrid gave it a shake to seal the deal. He never saw her smile so brightly before either, it was a lovely complement to the orange glow on her face. Cloud’s lips tugged upwards into a half smile. The truth is, he would’ve been honest with her with or without this deal the moment he realized that he meant something to her.
This is childish….but she’s happy.
This wasn’t just a friend. This was the soul he vowed to stay close with and protect for the rest of his life.
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Cloudy sunset: “Splitting relationship”
The brunette’s head turned over. Standing before her, his eyes stumbled upon the girl smiling up at him. For a moment, he had almost mistaken her for an angel, she never failed to look like one in these golden hours while the sun was setting. The sky was painted full of clouds, all surrendering the warmth of the sunlight that shone onto the kids’ faces.
The gentle zephyr breezed through the strands of her curly, long hair as he made his way to sit next to her on the dock. Both of their gazes fall upon the miniature wave of the water drifting into the light red thread in the sky.
♪Missed call from my mother, Like "Where you at tonight?" Got no alibi♪
“Are you okay? You seem like…”
The boy turned his head to face Astrid next to him. “Like what?”
Astrid tilted her head. “I dunno…you look like there’s a lot you wanna say…”
Her legs kicked back and forth, slightly hesitating to ask.
“What’s on your mind, Cloudy?”
There wasn’t an answer for several seconds, Cloud was equally hesitant, but after all, this was Astrid, a dear friend who’s been visibly obvious in her support for him. He sighed.
“...I wanna be a SOLDIER.”
“SOLDIER? Wouldn’t that mean you’d…have to leave off for Midgar…?”
The girl’s eyes softened, a hint of sadness hidden within her green eyes. She knew what that meant.
“..We won’t be seeing each other for a while.” Cloud’s head remained low, avoiding eye contact.
“..Yeah…” Astrid sighed. “Well…is it what you want to do? To become a hero?” 
“…It’s not just that.” The blonde picked up a knee and leaned against it. “I wanna impress someone.”
The girl’s head tilted to the side. “Hmm? I-Impress someone?”
“Yeah…I want to impress her. So I thought that becoming a hero as good as Sephiroth would finally make her notice me in…a new way.”
“R…really??” The smile widened on Astrid’s face. “May I ask…why?”
“..Because...” Cloud hesitated with a sigh, pink painted faintly on his cheeks. He was quite open with Astrid, so why not be honest with her? “..I like her.”
This was it.
Those three simple words made Astrid’s heart rush faster.
He didn’t even have to say that he felt the same for her. She just…knew it.
Was he finally going to confess? Was he finally going to tell his love for her? He’s always been so unusually affectionate to her even if it was just as a “friend”…she knew this was going to be it.
…This was it, wasn’t it?
She made up her mind: She’ll go in for the first move.
“You know, Cloudy…” Her legs swung in a light rhythm, the excitement within her heart felt like bursting out of its cage like a wild animal. Cloud turned his head to her as she spoke. 
“...You’re great with the way you are…you don’t need to prove or impress anything to anyone. I think you’re amazing and already a hero to me just by being an amazing friend but…I like you, for you and you only Cloudy~.” 
The smile remained brightly on her face, a warm glow of red flushed to Astrid’s cheeks. She could’ve sworn the blonde shot a momentarily smirk for a second.
But then…he turned back to face the sunset and…and then came back in silence.
…What went wrong? Did the words come out too weird and awkward? Was he trying to find his own words to express his feelings?
“Thanks Astrid, but…I don’t know if she’ll think the same as you.”
“Wh…wh-what do you mean…?” Astrid’s smile slowly faded.
“I like Tifa but…I don’t think she’ll feel the same. That’s why I wanna impress her.”
“I know it’s…surprising. Especially since Tifa and I aren’t the closest.”
Astrid didn’t even realize how widened her eyes were. Surely it wasn’t only surprising, but shocking. Her little heart remained at that same speeding pace, but this time, it was all for the wrong reasons. Had she misread his signals? Shouldn’t she be happy either way? Shouldn’t she have known this all along? Where was the part she had missed about Cloud’s feelings for Tifa?
…Does…Tifa like him as well…?
There were too many questions buzzing in the girl’s head. She couldn’t think straight.
“...That’s okay.”
Stupidly, those were the only words she could put together. Nothing more, nothing less.
The boy looked at her, he noticed how awfully quiet she’s been since he told her his crush.
“...The heart wants what it wants Cloudy…There’s…” She forced a soft smile. “...nothing…wrong with that.”
They both were one with the silence. The sun was slowly fading into the clouds, and so was Astrid’s fake smile; she badly wanted to cry her heart out but…this is her friend, her happiness, and if this was how he felt…then she knew well that she should be happy for him too.
“...When will you tell her?” The brunette spoke up, her green eyes glued on the sun’s disappearance.
“Hm?” Cloud’s turned to her.
“Your feelings for her…” Likewise, Astrid’s eyes met his blue ones. “When will you tell her?”
He looked away momentarily, this had him thinking of what time would be the perfect time to confess to Tifa. “I’ll be telling her about it tonight but...do you think it’d be best to confess when I come back?” He looked back at her. “Do you think…she’ll like me too…if I became a SOLDIER..?”
“I…I-I don’t know….” The tone was hinting at her breaking apart. Even she realized she couldn’t keep it together for long..
Cloud stuttered a bit on her response, he didn’t expect her to know but…it did in a way made him insecure about his idea.
It took all her strength and force to spark a small smile back onto the corner of Astrid’s lips.
“B-But….no matter what….”
Astrid faced Cloud with that radiant happiness she always carried around him, hoping that it wasn’t forced this time though.
“...I-I’ll be there for whatever happens between you too…just like what we shook on.”
“Thanks Astrid…and if I haven’t said it…” Cloud itched the back of his head shyly. “...You’re a great friend too.”
It never existed.
His feelings for her.
His protection for her.
His love for her.
…Only to realize they were merely just feelings for a very, dear friend.
And that those feelings…had been built off of imagination.
It got darker soon, as the sun sunsetted early behind more dense clouds that surrendered the remaining light left. The young blonde knew it was time to head back home. 
“Before I leave…I want to give you this back.”
As they stood facing each other, Cloud took off the gold necklace that hung from his neck from under his shirt, handing it in Astrid’s palms.
“You…don’t want it anymore?” She looked up at him with hurt hidden in her eyes.
Cloud shook his head. “I just…don’t want to lose it somewhere in Midgar. I think it’s safer with you.”
She looked down at the necklace. “D-Does it…still mean something to you…?”
“Of course it does.” Cloud responded softly. “That’s…why I’m scared to lose it.”
“...Yeah.” Her fingers curled on top of the jewel before looking back up to him. “...I’ll keep it safe…for us.”
Astrid could feel her eyes water up, and as a desperation attempt to hide her emotions, she hugged him suddenly. 
It took Cloud by surprise, not being used to affection that comes out of nowhere. “A-Astrid…?”
He could sense something was wrong, her grip refused to let him go. Eventually the young blonde relaxed. This was Astrid after all…a girl of nothing but love to give for others. His arms gently wrapped around her slowly. 
“Calm down...you’ll see me again.” Cloud awkwardly muttered.
Astrid was having a hard time focusing on what he said, being that she was in between keeping her breathing from becoming shaky and not letting him see the few tears that failed to stay behind eyelids. 
She was able to eventually clear her mind temporarily from his comforting touch, although she knew she had to let him go at some point, so she did.
“S-Sorry…I-I….I don’t know why I did that…” She looked down, a bit ashamed of herself.
“Hey….don’t worry ‘bout it, K?” Cloud reassured her before having to make his farewell to her. “Well…I gotta go now…”
Cloud began walking away from her.
Until she called for him for one last time.
He turned over to look at her, standing under the spotted, clouded sky, her hands held closely to her heart. Her smile was as sweet as it could look.
“I….wish you nothing but the best for you.”
. . . . .
Her hand hurt so much when clutching hard on the jewel of the necklace.
Well….Astrid definitely knew what a heartbreak was now if she wasn’t gonna feel it later.
Describing her as a sobbing mess would be an understatement, it was hard to make less noise but she just had faith that no one would check on her. 
She felt ridiculous, crying over a boy after teaching herself not to care about what others think of her, and yet the thought of her own crush not feeling the same way she does for him bothered her?
Astrid, grow up…you’re better than this.
The young brunette sat up, caressing her cheek dry from the rest of her tears. Looking out from her window, the stars faced down on her brightly. She remembered how Cloud was supposed to meet up with Tifa tonight, just thinking about it made her hear their voices, but it was just difficult to imagine how they’d be together. Would they be happy? Would it work out? Would she….finally notice him like he had hoped for?
It was what he wanted, after all. And she knew.
That night before sleeping, Astrid had vowed never to fall for her friend like that again.
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Pink sunset: "Budding romance"
“Cloud…I think you should talk to Astrid. I mean…really talk to her.”
“...You’re right, Tifa.”
. . . . .
The moment she felt fingers curl around her hand, all the thoughts and worries blurred the instant her gaze met with stunning, angelic blue eyes. She was so caught up in her own thoughts, Astrid hadn’t even noticed Cloud’s presence crawl up from behind whatsoever.
The blonde softly muttered from his lips, almost sounding like a whisper. Astrid struggled to talk, he could see how hard she was trying to either talk or not break down in front of him. She truly looked as if she knew that the world was gonna end that night.
That’s because the world is ending.
She was clearly scared as a result. A part of her was trying its best to be strong, something that her own cousin, Aerith, would do, but she felt as if she wasn’t brave enough, then she’d have to carry the burden of disappointment. Well, it wouldn’t have mattered anyways if the planet’s life was coming to an end, would it now?
Cloud softly sighed, he acknowledged her suffering and saved her from the trouble of responding to him. He got closer to her, his eyes looking down at her in empathy. He softly spoke in his lowest tone.
“..Let’s get off the Highwind for the night. Just…the two of us.”
He didn’t need to hear her say ‘yes.’
Her eyes said it all.
♪Can you even imagine fallin' like I did for the love of my life?♪
Their hands remained stuck together. Each moment that passed they held on slightly tighter, giving a few squeezes every now and as they walked onto the rocky mountain, decorated in patches of green here and there. They stopped at the top, their skin basking under the warm, pink-casted light of the sunset that they were both facing. They stood there, soft wisps of wind fluttering the tips of their hair gently. Their eyes locked gaze with the beautifully painted sky, the rosie scenery that resided in their nostalgic memories and hearts. 
It was exactly why the image of it being ripped and wrecked by the giant meteor beast scared them. They both flinched. It was clear that they were thinking of the exact same thought.
“I-It always felt like…the sunset either brings us closer or…drags us apart…each time we bask in its light…”
Cloud turned to her, watching her slowly walk away from him and creating more distance. It felt like a wave of relief washing over him upon hearing the brunette’s soft voice, but he can feel her worries and sadness louder than her own words.
“...But r-right now…I can’t tell what it feels like…” Her green eyes shift down to the ground. “...A part of me feels like….all of this…is my fault…”
Cloud mouth slightly parted, blinking in disbelief.
“The reason for how we got here and…why we’re here…you know well that I don’t deserve a moment like this Cloud…”
She sighed gently, then turned back to face Cloud with slightly watery eyes.
“...You didn’t just take us down here for the scenery…didn’t you?”
Cloud paused before continuing.
“...But you know well why I brought you here, and all I want…is to hear you say that reason.”
But here she was.
Eyes slightly widened at him, the state of shock was clear as crystal on her face. Her breath hitched as she immediately looked away, the red hotness creeping up her cheeks. She knew it’d only have been a matter of time until Cloud finally found what was in the depths of her heart, the feelings that she’d been trying her best to kill. The guilt was catching up, and the woman was at her limit of excuses to make.
She couldn’t tell if it would’ve been better for her to finally fess up to it, or if the world should’ve just ended right then and there.
She had been so lost in her doubtful thoughts she hadn’t realized Cloud standing right in front of her, her hands resting on his palms. She looked up through her lashes, and the blonde knew how fearful she was to tell him.
“Don’t be scared..” He gently gave her hands a few faint squeezes. “I’m not letting you do this alone. So…let’s both promise to be honest this time…deal?” Cloud tilted his head.
A deal huh.
If anything, maybe things would’ve been different had Astrid not come up with that similar scenario when they were younger. But even god knew they both needed it at some point in their lives.
Astrid seemed to calm down, nodding softly. Yet, the pit of anxiety in her stomach still rested comfortably, and it would only grow bigger the moment she opened her mouth. She’d have to, eventually.
“They all told me.” The blonde started.
“The lifestream….Tifa…Aerith…”
“They all wanted me to know about your feelings, Astrid.”
“In the lifestream…Tifa took me to you…during the time after I left…”
Astrid looked as if she had a million words to say, but she just couldn’t bring herself to even say a single word. She just looked away, the memories forcing her to relive the young pain she once swore to get over.
The blonde’s crystal eyes softened. “...I hurt you badly…didn’t I…” 
Astrid’s hand wrapped around her arm, her chest elevated and softly fell back down as she sighed through her nose.
“...I never blamed you, Cloudy.” She let out a sigh-chuckle while humming to herself. “If it was never meant to be then….”
Once again, she couldn’t find the words. Cloud blinked, finally hearing Astrid’s inner feelings, as if she had another hidden heart that she had just revealed to him. A heart that’s been hurting…and he blames himself for it all.
Astrid looked over to his guilty expression, one that can be rarely seen. And this…just devastated her more.
“C-Cloud…i-it’s not your fault..” She looked up at him with pleading eyes. “...I promise…i-it really isn’t..”
“If there’s one thing that can put me at ease right now…it’s to hear you talk to me, Astrid.” Every one of his words filled to the brim with sincerity. “You’ve always had an ear to everyone else…but there wasn’t once anyone’s returned the favor for you…I wanna change that, right here, right now.”
…He had a point.
“Please Astrid…you don’t have to hide your feelings anymore…especially not with…me.” His hand reached up to her cheek and lifted her head up to look at him. “...Please.” Cloud whispered gently.
…And he was right.
It had to be said at one point. All those feelings. Those memories. Those heartaches…
She took a deep breath, sighing away the small emotional rock that was stuck in her throat.
“...I-If anything…it’s my fault.” She looked off to the side, ashamed. “I should’ve never fallen for you in the first place…”
She shook her head.
“...but even so…it was like I was never allowed to get over it completely…even when I saw you again I…I wasn’t even sure how to be myself around you like I used to…” The brunette bit her lip.
The blonde started to realize. “...When I changed, so did you…”
She looked back at him to face him.
“But….no matter what…there were always those feelings we had for each other that stuck with us, huh…”
. . .
Does he….also…?
Her body had a mind of its own.
Not realizing the closed-in space between herself and Cloud, her hands rested upon his chest, fingers curling into a hard grip at his shirt. Her form was kept still by the strength of Cloud's arms wrapped around her, hands resting up on her lower back. She couldn’t tear her eyes away from the blonde’s crystal blue orbs. 
So full of emotion…
So full of feelings…feelings that can’t be put into simple, plain words…
It was a naturally magnetic feeling. Each second pulled each other closer, both having the strongest urge imaginable to get even more closer. It was like..they were both revealing their true selves to each other…
How much she missed him…
How she missed his true self…
The Cloud she once knew and fell in love with all those years ago…
“I promise….never to fall for you again.”
The remembrance of that oath gave Astrid’s heart a sudden jolt. She snapped herself awake from the sweet dream that clouded her thoughts, finally gaining back control of her senses and only to realize that the real she knew Cloud didn’t feel like this for her.
He never did, never would either.
Those thoughts alone made her pull herself away from his arms. Tears overwhelmed her eyes, making them glossy and brighter to the reflection of the light. It was clear she wanted to cry, but something held her back, not allowing her to let the droplets escape from her eyes.
“I…I-I shouldn’t…I can’t…!”
Her hands formed into fists, a sign that she was still clenching hard on her remaining hidden feelings.
“...I can’t fall in love with the boy whose heart was never meant for me…a-again…”
She was scared, afraid to fall in love with him, only to have her heart crushed to pieces all over again with the unfortunate truth.
It was deja vu to the both of them.
But this time.
Cloud could see…her. 
His heart was at its fullest with his honest feelings for her.
And he wanted her to know.
Bit of it.
Cloud’s eyes gave the softest look, he badly wanted to make amends with the fear he caused in Astrid’s heart. He wanted to prove his feelings innocent, that they were honest, from the bottom of his heart, and from his own real self, the same one who had been too blind to see how all of her past efforts were all out of nothing but the love she had for him. It was the same love for him that’s trapped in her but..
Only he had the key to unlock the trust of her love for him again.
“Whether this may be the last night we’re together like this…or we’ll have more nights to talk…just to get closer each time...it wouldn’t matter. I feel the closest to you at this moment, but if I’m never able to fix the trust of your feelings for me…then I’ll always be afraid…”
He drew closer.
“...Because I now know…I hurt the one girl that’s always understood me…”
His hand cupped her cheek once more. A single tear rolled softly down her cheek.
“...And it was the biggest mistake I could’ve ever made..”
“...Is there any way I can fix this…?”
More tears started to spill, slowly. Cloud’s voice becomes a soft whisper. Astrid’s lips quivered, the more she looked into his eyes, the more she saw how serious he was about her.
“B-By knowing how I feel, Cloud…. th-that’s all I want…all I need..” Her voice was shaken up. “I-I never wanted to say a thing to you, I vowed not to…I-I knew I could never be the one for you…I kn-knew that there was always g-going to be someone else for you…. a-anyone but me…”
It was clear he was fighting for her trust again, and it was equally clear that it’s working. It was stinging Astrid’s heart in so many ways at the thought of this finally being her moment to finally accept her own feelings for him.
Their moment.
“No…you convinced yourself that Astrid.” Cloud brought himself closer to her slowly, trying to break her walls break by break at an unrushed pace. “...You were always there in my mind even when I didn’t realize it..”
“You understood my feelings for the longest time…but I hadn’t known about your broken heart that you were trying to fix by yourself..”
 He slowly leaned near her ear, blonde strands brushed against Astrid’s cheeks softly..
“You can’t do everything on your own all your life….y’know?”
Finally, Astrid was speechless through tears, her arms thrown around Cloud’s form as she stuttered through her sobs. It was all going so fast yet time seemed to slow down to a halt.
Being in Cloud’s arms felt like a lifetime, despite all the times they lost together had she fessed up earlier…it didn’t matter now though. She felt like a huge weight was washed down even through the crying.
Soft lips were planted on her head…but Cloud knew they were far from being done.
. . . . .
♪She's got glow on her face, a glorious look in her eyes♪
By now the sky’s hues were radiating with magenta-purples, a sign of nighttime approaching. 
He held her close, laying on a soft patch of grass with his hands entangled in her reddish-brown waves of hair. To the sound of his gentle heartbeats, Astrid’s breathing did its best to regulate itself after crying.
Once she was ready…she spoke up.
“Cloud..I…I’m ready…”
The man’s arms loosened around her waist, facing the emerald eyes that reflected the remaining light of the sunset. Some hair rested upon her nose, to which he brushed off slowly and tucked it behind her ear.
“I never really cared about what others thought of me but…after that growing connection we had…it really stung upon realizing how I had conjured those memories as romantic when…it wasn’t true. After that I promised never to fall for you again but…” She chuckled. “...I guess fate didn’t like the idea of me truly giving those feelings up, when your true self was starting to melt from the ice…so did my feelings…and it hurt even more knowing how I knew I fell over again for someone who was….already in love…”
“Maybe I was, but…”Cloud’s hand rested still on her cheek. “...in the end, it all led me back to you.”
Seeing him move closer, she was at her last chance at resisting.
Instead however, as her mind reeled every memory.
Every memory of her heartaches…
Every memory of him…
Every memory of the times he’s spent with her…
Oh, Astrid…
You’re not just childly in love; you want to spend the rest of your days and nights with him, don’t you?
She wanted to spend her evenings with him outdoors and watching every glorious sunset with a feeling of reassurance, knowing that tomorrow she’ll wake up to see the same loving, blue eyes that glowed in her own times of darkness. To hold him gently through his pains, watch him smile when he knows that everything will be okay…
Yes…this was what she wanted to fight for….
The only sounds that they could hear were each other’s heartbeats as their lips interlocked.
♪My angel of light…♪
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Red sunset: "Passionate love"
Soft glows of red streaks filled the bedroom across through the blinds. She closed the door, soaking up the serenity atmosphere as she faced her lover that she hadn’t seen for a week, an apologetic look at his face spoke for itself.
“Astrid…I-I’m sorry..”
“I know you are, Cloud..”
The brunette walked over to the bed, sitting next to him as he avoided eye contact. He felt ashamed abandoning her ever since geostigma had caught up to Denzel.
“I also didn’t know how to fight that battle…all those years of…mourning over her put me off from learning anything more of my heritage.” Astrid sighed, she too was in deep regret of how she had handled things. “...I’m glad to know that we’re getting stronger now…and to know that we have others that I can call…family…”
Oh how lovely that word sounded…something they both hadn’t heard since they were little, something they had longed for once more.
“....That includes you, Cloudy…” Astrid reached for his cheek, turning his head gently to face the loving look in her eyes. “...so we’re not letting you go off to face the impossible alone no matter what…got that?”
A faint tint of red appeared on his cheeks. He felt warm from her words and lingering touches, her thumb brushing some of his blonde spikes behind his ear. Cloud took his gloves off before removing her hand from his face, taking a good look at her palms whilst caressing its softness…
So soft…
“They wouldn’t have cured if it wasn’t for you…~”
The blonde smiled, his heartbeat steadied at a relaxed pace. She didn’t wince or feel any pain when he applied some pressure onto it with his thumbs, unlike when it was infected. The look of joy on his face was unforgettable upon washing away the geostigma from her hands, knowing that he’d be able to hold her hand again.
“This is a future that we fought for…” His hands held Astrid’s, looking into her eyes. “...so I won’t let it go to waste again. I promise.”
“Cloudy…you don’t have to promise…because you already know it’s what we want…” 
♪I was all alone with the love of my life♪
Astrid closed the leftover gap between them with a tender kiss. Saying that they missed the feeling of locking their soft lips with one another was an understatement, they practically yearned their touch after what they had been through. They couldn’t keep their hands to themselves no matter how hard they tried to resist. They separated in between kisses for air but they had no plans on stopping any time soon. 
Slowly, they ended up laying together. Cloud crawled on top of his petite girlfriend while cradling her legs up his thighs, his hand caressed up her waist tenderly under her shirt. 
At some point their loving stares locked with each other, Cloud’s thumb rubbed her bottom lip with a strip of red light streaking over it as well. It was obvious how much he wanted to take things a step further, telling by the look in his eyes that she knows all too well how to read. 
“I missed this…I missed you…” He absolutely longed to reveal his unconditional love to her. 
Sparks burned brighter with each kiss that led to a more passionate connection. Fire prickled at Cloud’s fingertips all the more as he stroked further up her form, craving to hold her smaller body into his loving embrace, it felt like his whole world was in his very arms…
It was a fresh breath of air to know he was in the same room as her, the same bed as her again…just like how it should be…
“...C-Cloudy…~” The pace of the girl’s heartbeat quickened from the euphoric state, she wanted him as much as he wanted her that moment. 
. . . . .
The warm lovers were tied up together in cuddles and kisses. Cloud’s mouth buried on Astrid’s head whilst tangling his fingers through her wavy hair. 
♪She's got glitter for skin, my radiant beam in the night♪
He didn’t get a response from her, she must’ve been tired out. He smirked while giving a tender peck on her head. Just from that, she snuggled up closer to his chest which earned a chuckle from him. She was the absolute cutest in every way possible in his eyes, he could feel the fireworks in his chest go off with happiness to have her warm and safe in his arms again…
“I love you…~”
He slowly dozed off to the sound of a muttered "I love you too."
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Golden sunset: “Long-living love”
Ding ding!
The bells rang in rhythm with sounds of footsteps that followed.
“Ah! Sorry but we’re closed..” Astrid’s eyes didn’t leave her focus on organizing the money in the cash register.
Tifa giggled in the back when she realized that her own friend hadn’t even noticed who just walked in. “Astrid…look up silly!”
“Huh?” She hadn’t even taken notice of the shadow approaching her until a familiar gloved hand was placed on the counter in front of her. “Cloudy~!!” The young brunette raced around the counter and threw her arms around her boyfriend gleefully, having him return the affection with his left arm while his right one was holding a small decorated box.
“For a moment I was worried that I wasn’t welcomed back~”
“Don’t worry I was just distracted…Tifa and I were just tidying up some things. I just need to bring the rest of the tools upsta-”
“Allow me!” Tifa hurried over to grab the rest of the stuff before Astrid could get to it. She giggled and winked at the two. “Gotta let the couple of the night have their deserved rest~” Tifa winked and walked out of the room before either two could reply.
“She seems…oddly chipper all of a sudden…” Astrid remarked, it confused her to how Tifa had just rushed out so fast. She looked back up to Cloud after hearing a soft chuckle escape from his throat, he had a smile that screamed he was hiding something as he averted his eyes. Astrid noticed and got even more confused. “Hey, why the mischievousness? Do you two…know something that I don’t?”
Astrid placed one hand on her hip and the other on the counter beside her, leaning towards Cloud with an eyebrow lifted to interrogate him. He didn’t reply, instead he simply placed the small box that was in his and pushed it towards her. The girl’s green eyes widened at the beautifully detailed box with a gold ribbon and a red rose attached to it. 
“...I think this package will answer your question~”
She let out a soft giggle and shook her head at his attempt at distracting her.
But as she carefully peeled at the wrapping, her heart slowly increased its pace. 
“Open it Astrid…”
♪I don't need no light to see you shine♪
This girl could’ve been shaking from the excitement upon lifting the box open, facing a glittering golden ring, a mold of the yellow lily’s petals was circulated around a shining blue gem, reflecting the golden light off of its flat sides. 
“Oh my…C-Cloud…I-I..!” Her mind was still reeling at the fact that Cloud had just proposed to her and she didn’t even acknowledge how much she was crying her eyes out, not until her now-fiancé reached to caress the tears off of her cheek with his thumbs gently. 
Through tears, Astrid lunged herself in a hug with him. “Yes Cloudy! I will marry you!! You mean the world to me!! I love you so so s~o much…!” Her arms tightened around him, it caused his heart to flutter with a loving smile that followed up.
Hearing a tap on the door window that Tifa had left from, Cloud could still see her presence whilst she raised two thumbs up and a wide grin plastered on the woman’s face for encouragement. The man smiled, he was the happiest in that moment. He wanted to see her excitement last for the rest of their days, to hold her like this forevermore…
That wasn’t the only thing that Cloud is giving however. 
“Ah right, I almost forgot…” He gently held Astrid’s arms for her to loosen her grip, allowing him to pull something else from his bag.
A pen and a marriage certificate.
“Just sign here…Astrid Strife~”
♪It’s your golden hour~♪
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finleyforevermore ¡ 8 months
What a night it has been!!! XD
I unfortunately have to head to bed now but really quick I would just like to tag and thank the people who took place in the 'finley goes to heaven against his will' saga!!!
First off, thanks to @bludraws094 for having their @your-fav-is-in-the-afterlife blog on the first place! Talk about a butterfly effect, you starting that blog lead to all of this-
Thank you to @mizuthe-cat herself for trying to send me to heaven in the first place!
Thank you to @meowydoe who started the reoccurring joke of "I can still hear his voice"
Thank you to @cal-the-duende for being a silly little raccoon 🦝
Thank you to @that-f-cked-up-bitch, who I had a normal conversation with in the midst of all the chaos 😂
Thank you to @link-or-sherlock for giving Cal a stepladder.
Thank you to @uniquevoidflowers for the cookies and being the second person to say "sometimes I can still hear his voice".
Thank you to any of the anons who weren't Mizu or Robot. <3
Thank you to @ginleynevermore for the French!
Thank you to @chainsaw--man for really committing to the bit and taking stuff to the next level <3
Thank you to @lillazyboithings, @astrid-rosenberg, @lovesick-lore, @ingcap, @electricfied-wolf, @ccritterbugg, @theaternerd1, @dead-immortal and @opalescent-apples for briefly popping in!
Thank you to @emotionally-broken-robot for being the third person to say "sometimes I can still hear his voice"
And one more thanks: thank you to all of you for absolutely making my night!!! I wasn't in a bad mood today but you all absolutely lifted my spirits. Hopefully we can end this with a bang tomorrow!
Until then goodnight my lovelies. I love you all so much. 💖💖💖💚💚💚💙💙💙💖💚
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sanisse ¡ 2 years
hello once again~! so I apologize I have no real thoughts other then poly! lindir with glorfindel & human male!reader. it’s been bouncing around my head this ship & any thing you got for it I’m good with it 🥰 ( just none of those kinks like water sports or y’know anything like that if you go the more nsfw route please ; v ; they are not my cup of tea other then that go wild 💖 ) Thank you sm in advance 💖💖💖
love these two  🥰 and thank you for being my first masc!reader request! I’m really excited to do one. 
I hope this works for you!
Each Moment, Like Woven Thread | Glorfindel/Lindir/Masc!Reader
Spice Level (1-5): 🌶🌶🌶🌶
Pairing: Glorfindel/Lindir/masc!human!reader 
Warnings/tags: no warnings for this one. Fluffy. blink and you miss it body worship, blink and you miss it subby!Lindir, blowjobs, threesome, poly relationships, hand holding, double penetration (Lindir sandwich :D ) 
Minors DNI. Your media consumption is your own responsibility.
The sweetest evenings are the ones you spend together, when the air is so drenched with all the blooming spring flowers outside that you can almost taste the flowering mint outside your window. The wind is a lazy thing, curling through the curtains to fan across your goosebump-covered skin.
Glorfindel looks up from the game of checker’s he’s playing with Lindir and reaches out to rub your shoulder.
“Are you cold? I can shut the window.” 
They always worry. Your grasp of temperature is so different from theirs.
You hum and lean your head on his big shoulder. “No. It’s kind of nice, actually.” 
It had been an unusually warm afternoon. The chill from the evening air is a pleasant change. 
Still, without being asked to, Lindir gets up to poke at the embers smoldering in the fireplace and breathes life back into them. The contrast between the licking heat radiating from the fire and the cold blue-tinged air makes you shiver again, but it’s a nice kind of shiver.
“You sure you’re not cold?” Glorfindel asks, still concerned.
You bite back a laugh and kiss his cheek. “I’m sure. Finish your game.” 
Lindir is the one to beat Glorfindel tonight. When they’re through, he collects the game and neatly shelves it before joining the two of you on the couch. 
That’s how it begins.
That’s how it always begins, really. And for all the two of them like to gently tease you about how easy it is to rile Edain up, it’s usually Lindir that kicks off first. To be fair: really it’s Glorfindel and the way he runs his fingers through Lindir’s hair, massaging his scalp until Lindir’s eyes slip closed and he turns to kiss him.
You like to watch them. They’re so perfect together. There’s something so right about them, about the way they fit together. Glorfindel’s sun-kissed freckled skin against Lindir’s milk-white curves. Glorfindel’s rippling muscles, his huge arms and the way they wrap around Lindir’s much smaller, trim little frame. And their hair, of course: the mingling black and gold. 
It takes you all of three minutes of self-indulgent gawking before you join them, leaning in to kiss Glorfindel’s neck. 
Glorfindel makes a surprised, happy sound into Lindir’s mouth, then turns to kiss you. 
It’s warm, brimming with sunlight and affection. You smile against his lips and cup his cheek in your hand, and Glorfindel winds one giant arm around your waist and rocks you forward until you’re astride him on his lap. 
The three of you trade languid kisses, lazy touches-- Glorfindel loves to drag his mouth down your neck, nipping your jaw, running his hands over every inch of you, slipping up beneath your shirt. Lindir’s hand joins his and you hiss in a breath at the sensation: the matched touches. Lindir’s hand is much smaller, but smooth and slightly cool compared to Glorfindel’s warm, lightly-calloused fingers that drag against your skin just-so-- 
You rumble a noise into Glorfindel’s mouth which he returns with a chuckle. 
“I don’t know what I did to deserve either of you,” he says, kissing you again and then turning to take Lindir’s chin and pull him in for a kiss, too. Lindir melts at the touch, blue eyes saucer-wide and full of adoration as he takes in the two of you. 
“You look so perfect together,” he says. 
It’s your turn to laugh. You rest your head in the crook of Glorfindel’s neck. “I was thinking the same of you.” 
Lindir flushes a pleased shade of red. Shuffles like he wants to be even closer to the pair of you, but Glorfindel grumbles something and pats your rear.
“Up. There’s hardly enough room for all three of us on the couch.” 
So you take each other to bed. Glorfindel tugs his shirt over his head on his way over and Lindir helps you out of most of your clothes by the time you hit the mattress. You and Glorfindel turn your attention to him. You take out the brooch at his throat and unbutton his coat while Glorfindel bites his ear, tells him how gorgeous he looks, and Lindir writhes and pants and says thank you, heru-- to which you and Glorfindel correct at the exact same time: “Glorfindel.” 
He has such a hard time ridding himself of the habitual obsequence even in this constellation the three of you have found yourselves in. 
Lindir whines and corrects himself to, “Glorfindel,” and then he breathes your name in the exact same tone as you finally push his coat off his shoulder and lean in to pepper kisses on his neck. 
He is just so unbearably pretty. 
Glorfindel is, too. He’s built of fluid, graceful lines like a great cat, and he moves like it. Like he could snap you in half with one quick motion, like he’s acutely aware of that-- every movement deliberate and full of control. 
“I am not fragile,” you insist. 
“No?” Glorfindel says with a lopsided grin. “I think Lindir could take you apart to pieces.” 
Despite yourself, you moan. 
Glorfindel coils his arm around you again, pulls you toward him until your back is flush with his broad chest. Then he’s going for your trouser laces. Slips inside. Makes a delighted noise when he finds you hard.
You hiss and buck up into the touch. Glorfindel kisses the side of your head. You can’t see him, but you can see the significant look Lindir gives him before Lindir crawls over to you on all fours and dives down to take your cock in his mouth.
It’s so good. Lindir is so good at this and it’s hardly fair. His mouth is so wet and hot, and he never has any trouble taking you right down his throat. Your have to let out a sharp gasp, immediately lightheaded, and sag back against Glorfindel’s chest.
Glorfindel makes another soft sound of approval, reaching around you to push Lindir’s hair out of his face for him. Lindir looks up at you both through his lashes, hollows out his cheeks, and sucks. 
You buck up into his mouth and Lindir chokes, then moans, and the vibration around you might as well be the death of you. He’ll be the death of you. You have no idea how he always manages to still be so adorable when he’s doing something so utterly lewd. 
He isn’t a tease. Lindir wastes no time pleasuring you, bobbing up and down, flicking his gaze up to you and Glorfindel and then back down to his task. You know that he’s pleasuring you, but he’s also putting on a show for Glorfindel, and by the growing bulge you feel against you, Glorfindel’s enjoying himself just as much as you are.
It doesn’t take very long for the pressure to build, spiral, in and in and in like a collapsing star until you shout and burst right down Lindir’s throat.
Lindir takes it, swallows around you, pulls back to suck on the tip until it’s almost too much and you have to pull him off.
Damn him, he licks his lips. 
“Took you right apart,” Glorfindel says triumphantly.
“Oh, shut up and fuck him,” you say, tone fond. “I want to watch.”
“Please?” Lindir gasps out at once, two bright spots of color blooming on his cheeks. 
Glorfindel gently pushes you out of his lap and reaches for Lindir, who crawls forward and helps Glorfindel shuck himself out of his trousers. As he does, you finish undressing Lindir and leave him in a puddle of purple and blue silk, then trace the curve of his spine, his hip, reach down to take his pretty pink cock in your hands and relish the way he cries out at the touch. Glorfindel buries his fingers in Lindir’s hair, kisses him, and you --pleasure-drunk and hazy as you are-- find the lubricant in the bedside drawer and pass it over to them.
Lindir rests his head on Glorfindel’s shoulder, panting, while Glorfindel works him open. Lindir reaches for your hand and you take his without hesitation, lacing your fingers together and giving his hand an affectionate squeeze. He shoots you an excited, sweet smile. 
You lounge back against the headboard. Glorindel, content that Lindir’s ready, slowly guides Lindir down onto his cock. 
The sound Lindir makes is divine. 
They’re divine --the two of them together-- as Glorfindel grabs handfuls of Lindir’s ass and Lindir rides him, still holding your hand, half-shaking with how full he feels. He regards the two of you with unbridled adoration and a measure of disbelief, forever completely unable to fathom why the two of you want him.
“Beautiful,” you say on impulse. You squeeze his hand again, then lean in to kiss his plush mouth while Glorfindel slams up into him. “You’re so beautiful.” 
Lindir chokes out another tiny whine. He lets go of your hand to find your cock again, to stroke you, which drags a moan straight out of you. 
“Join us?” Glorfindel asks. His voice is ragged and thick. 
“We’ll have to flip around,” you say. 
“No, just like this--” Glorfindel thrusts again, lets out a soft growl, nips at Lindir’s chest. “I think he could take us both.”
Lindir mewls. “Yes!” 
“Are you sure?” you ask, even though heat floods through your spine at the thought. Glorfindel’s big, especially for someone as small as Lindir. You don’t want to hurt him.
Lindir nods frantically, places himself flat against Glorfindel’s chest, and murmurs pleasepleaseplease as Glorfindel’s pace slows, and when he’s begging like that-- 
You kiss him again. Kiss Glorfindel. Then settle behind them. Glorfindel stills. The two of you make sure Lindir’s slick and then, slowly, slowly, you push in.
Lindir gasps-- a sharp, short little sound. Glorfindel lets out another rumbling growl. It’s so tight and slick and incredible that your vision blurs for a second.
Panting, you rub little circles on Lindir’s back. “Is it too much?” 
“No!” Lindir exclaims, slightly addled, voice dripping with lust. “No. Please--- more? More.” 
You push the rest of the way in and Glorfindel lets out a stream of Quenya curses. His head falls back against the headboard with a distinct thump. Lindir is an earthquake beneath your hands, fluttering around both of you, whining and moaning and begging one of you to move. 
It’s overwhelming in the best possible way. 
Glorfindel is the first to find his senses. He starts to move, the whole length of him gliding against the whole length of you and Lindir is squeezing you so perfectly and you know-- you’re positive-- that if he hadn’t made you come earlier then you certainly would be coming now. 
The three of you catch your rhythm, and time seems to dissolve like sugar. There’s nothing, nothing better than the slide, Lindir’s clenching heat and the sweet half-tortured noises of pleasure he’s making, Glorfindel’s groans, and the way it feels to be so close to the two of them. 
Lindir comes first, spilling all over Glorfindel’s stomach, shaking and screaming and saying thank you and I love you both so much over and over again like a litany, which tips you right over after him. Then it’s Glorfindel’s turn-- and you’re all a shuddering tangled knot together on the bed, hazy and drowning in pleasure.
As you come down from it, Glorfindel reaches up to stroke your face, to push your hair back with a fond smile. You return the smile, kiss the back of Lindir’s sweat-slicked neck. Stroke his quivering, heaving sides, then pull out and shift to lie next to the two of them.
Lindir’s eyes are still blown wide with lust and slightly glassy. You trace the pad of your thumb over the curve of his mouth.
“Good?” you ask. 
He nods enthusiastically. Sleepily reaches for your hand again. 
Glorfindel, too, is getting sleepy. He throws an arm around Lindir and shifts a little closer to you. 
“Bath later,” Glorfindel bargains. “Too tired to move.”
You hum your agreement. Every single limb is wooden. You’re absurdly sated and too happy to think about being anywhere else but here, right where you belong, with the two of them. 
You drift off to sleep-- the three of you together, and it’s bliss.  
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justcallmecappy ¡ 1 year
WIP Wednesday
Thank you @glowing-blue-feathermage for the tag! 🥰💖
This is part of the prologue for something I've been working on for the past few weeks lol 😅
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The sun was shining on the windswept clifftop tucked into the slopes of the Vinmark Mountains, and the breeze was cool and gentle as it stirred the surrounding pine forests. From there, the sprawling vista of the Marcher countryside stretched out before them, and it would have otherwise made a perfect site for a picnic –
– if it weren’t for the fire, explosions, and the screaming Orlesian duke who sat mounted on a venom-spitting wyvern.
Anders supposed he had been through worse situations.
Duke Prosper rode astride his pet wyvern Leopold, which had been trained to spray venom at any target that had been marked with a special concoction the Duke was now liberally firing at Hawke and her companions from a handheld crossbow.
Hawke and Tallis skillfully ducked out of the way whenever the Duke aimed his wyvern-bait at them. Anders wisely stayed out of the Duke’s firing range and launched spell after spell from a safe distance.
Which left Fenris to bear the brunt of a full-frontal assault on the wyvern-mounted Duke, trying to land blows while dodging the wyvern’s whip-like tail and snapping jaws. Despite Fenris’ martial prowess, it was proving to be a bit of a challenge, what with the clifftop being rigged with explosives, and the Duke’s guardsman were attacking them from all sides.
Anders did his best to shield his comrades with hastily-cast barriers – but it was when he took his eyes off Fenris at the wrong moment that Duke Prosper found a clear shot –
– and Fenris suddenly found his back covered in a foul-smelling, sticky green substance.
“Aha!” Duke Prosper cried out triumphantly. “Got you!”
Leopold swerved towards Fenris, reptilian eyes narrowing as it focused on him. The wyvern let out a warning growl, and, filling its venom sacs with deadly, corrosive venom, prepared to spit.
Anders could feel a cold panic rise in his veins – he recalled what they had been told about wyvern venom: it was almost always fatal, and it was deathly painful if it hit unarmoured flesh.
Anders saw Fenris glance about, trying to find a safe place to retreat to – his back was towards the open cliff face and a hundred-foot drop, and the only way to flee was directly into the wyvern’s path.
Without even thinking, Anders darted towards Fenris, shouting out a tense warning as he closed the distance between them: “Fenris, look out!”
It was then the wyvern let forth a torrent of foul, corrosive venom – Anders pulled on the Fade at the last possible moment and drew up a magical barrier as he stood defensively in front of Fenris, shielding them both from the venomous assault.
The wyvern roared as the last dregs of its venom died away harmlessly, and Anders lowered his barrier.
“Are you alright?” Anders said, turning to Fenris, breathless from exertion. “You shouldn’t leave yourself exposed like that!”
But taking his gaze off the wyvern was a mistake. Leopold had some venom left yet, and it was when Anders’ back was turned that the wyvern spat out the dregs of it.
“Mage!” Fenris yelled, but it was too late – the gob of venom hit Anders square on his shoulder, melting the feathers of his pauldrons clean off.
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Tagging @v-arbellanaris, @barbex, @chaosride, @kerfanna 😄
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starrysnowdrop ¡ 1 year
To what degree did you intend your OC to be canon-compliant? Did you end up sticking to this or did you veer off into unforeseen territory over time?
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For all my OCs, I do try to be as canon-compliant as I can, but sometimes I have deviated a bit from what’s considered “canon”, but only because I felt that it was necessary to tell the story I wanted to tell.
A few examples of when I have deviated from the canon as it’s actually presented in game are as follows:
Hali is not the only Warrior of Light in her story, as I like to imagine that there’s a group of WoLs that fight alongside Hali. I did this because I not only have Hali but my first WoL OC Yume, as well as some of my friends OCs and we like to write with each other, including @meepsthemiqo’s Meeps and @traveler-of-light’s Astrid and Arslan. My IRL friend @faerieearthangel’s Rhaena isn’t on social media much at all but we share HCs too, and I have chatted with @reikatsukihana about our HCs as well. So to sum up why I decided to do this, it was mostly because I like to write with others and having a group of WoLs helps with this greatly. It’s certainly not limited to those I’ve tagged here, so if you’re interested in writing shared HCs with Hali, please don’t hesitate to chat me up!
Though the MSQ treats the WoL as an outsider when you get to Sharlayan, Hali was in fact born and raised in Sharlayan, specifically Labyrinthos and her parents are head researchers in Labyrinthos who have been working on the Forum’s top secret project since before Hali was even born. So in this case, Hali is way more intrinsically connected to the EW storyline than even how the “canon” WoL is written.
Hali almost is turned into a blasphemy at one point, which deviates from the “canon” WoL where it doesn’t seem as if they have any problem with overcoming their fears and their despair in the midst of the Final Days. Hali also is WAY more talkative and expressive than how the WoL seems to be in the MSQ.
So yeah, I guess I can say that Hali isn’t the most canon-compliant WoL ever, but she’s certainly not the least compliant that I have seen. That isn’t to say that one is better than the other. I don’t judge an OC based on how canon-compliant they are, but how I am able to connect with the character and their story.
Thank you so much for the ask @parfaitpuffballpanic!! Sorry it took me so long to answer this!!! 🥰💖
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minutiaewriter ¡ 1 year
9 People You Want To Get To Know Better Game
Thanks so much for the tag @mrsmungus !
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3 ships: hmm I haven’t really hardcore shipped anyone since my early teens soooo I guess…
Ross x Rachel from Friends / Howl x Sophie from Howl’s Moving Castle / Some pairings of characters from my novels that I technically can’t talk about yet…
First ship: My first official ship was when I was like 11 lol and that was Hiccup/Astrid from How To Train Your Dragon
Last Song: Matsuri - Fujii Kaze
Last Movie: Turning Red
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Currently Reading: Strange Weather in Tokyo by Hiromi Kawakami
Currently Consuming: Rose Tulsi Tea 💚
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Currently Craving: rest & a ramune soda
-Min 🌸
💚🤍💖 Tagging (if you’re interested! And literally anyone else who sees this!): @arijensineink , @honeysoiair , @little-mouse-gardens , @queenofimaginedworlds , @writingpotato07 , @bethanycwrites , @toribookworm22 , @bmaye15 , @elizaellwrites , @tzipor-feather-blog , @elijahrichardwrites
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dayeongi ¡ 1 year
10 first lines Tag Game
Thank you for the tag @sessakag​ !!💖💖
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway!
From most recent to least recent!
1.- Burning
“Everything that glitters is not gold” was a simple saying Shikamaru didn’t usually think too often about. After all, life had proved it right to him so many times, more than a saying, it had become general knowledge.
Just like he didn’t have to think that the rain would soak him if he were to stand under it.
Just like he didn’t have to think that the sun burned him if he were to stand under it.
And burn it did; the glittering decorations, the colorful fabrics draped from the walls, the beautiful shape of her, dressed in finery.
2.- Kisses in the Rain
“You didn’t have to come all this way,” Temari said, huddling closer to him, the cold air seeping through her wet clothes. “You’ll get a cold, and then you’ll say it’s my fault.”
“The usual phrase is ‘thank you’.”
The biting night air whizzed past her through the window of her bedroom like an arrow, but she didn't flinch. Temari would never, she had promised herself, for as long as she’d had a memory.
It was a wind coming from the Demon Desert, she knew, coming from the same direction as the hospital.
4.- Sign of the Times
They must think he doesn’t know what they whisper.
“Kazekage-sama is always alone.”
5.- Riptide
“Martha says you were late.” Ingrid’s reproach entered the room before she did, fingers tapping on her smartphone. She squandered a fleeting glare in Astrid’s direction before resting her tall, waifish body in the vanity of the dressing room.
6.- hopefully
To the general agreement of everyone everywhere, letters don’t have the decency to arrive at a time when one is idle and must instead be delivered to their recipient when and where they might find it the most inconvenient to open.
One such letter had arrived for Mrs. Haddock in the early morning as the family broke their fast, and had she bothered to see the sender’s signature, she would have disregarded the inconvenience and opened it immediately, but as she was enjoying talking to her husband and his newly-discovered father, she paid no mind to the delivery entirely.
7.- With Love Comes Loss
Hiccup stood on the cliff where the dragons left them, a warm summer breeze failing to wash away the deep sense of ache and loneliness he still felt when he closed his eyes and just remembered.
Three summers had passed since them, Toothless crooning a reluctant goodbye, the majestic sight of wings spreading in the sky behind them both.
8.- The Rose and the Dare
Astrid tightened her grip over the flashlight, scowling as she stumbled over a tree root.
Stupid Ruffnut. Stupid dare. Stupid stupid stupid. She’d only done it because she hadn’t seen her friends in a while and had taken the time to fly back for the weekend.
It had been 2 a.m. They were playing truth or dare, and after that terrifying moment of the bottle spinning, Ruffnut had dared her to go into the woods and get a flower from the huge rose bush next to the abandoned church deep in the forest.
9.- When you look in the mirror
Hiccup (otherwise known as Henrik) was pretty sure of a couple of things.
Number one: He was pretty sure the date was June 22nd.
10.- Morning daze
There was something hazy still taking over her as Astrid blinked bleary eyes against the light coming in from the window.
(I SO BADLY WANTED TO SKIP SOME OF THESE but then what’s the point in the game?
I won’t tag anybody so nobody feels pressured (which I didn’t but just in case), but if you do it, please tag me! I’d love to see a sampling!💖)
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I was tagged by the lovelies @miraakulous-cloud-district and @kiir-do-faal-rahhe (thank you so much both; you made me sit down and write a time I was really down and unmotivated! 💖) to share something of my current WIP of The Priest and the Dragoness, so here's my little sneak peek!👀
"You are the Dragon's daughter, the Dawn that vanquished Twilight; you strode grounds of holiness and glory, which some of these mortals shall not witness, not even in their wildest dreams. You almost perished to save their ingrate lives from World-Eater's apocalypse. The word of the Storm Crowned should be decree and verity above the Jagged Crowned one, Ysmir!"
"You speak with vanity and imprudence that does not suit your wit, Miraak. [...] "I blame you not for your words; I understand where they proceed from. You have told me how, in your era, only the strongest ones endured–even if that was being achieved by cruelty and inhumanity. And do you think I myself haven't already been tempted to eradicate them to the ground astride Odahviing? I have thought, on behalf of what, should I give up my revenge? Virtuous preaching and moral codes? And what about evil's penalty? Who shall grant it in the end? The Divines? I prayed for Their mercy, day and night then, and what did it gain me? More torture and endless nightmares."
(I know this is definitely more than eight sentences, but I wanted to put it like this to make more sense! 😋) I also don't want to be a nuisance, so those who see this and want to do it may consider themselves tagged!
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disneyfemslashfankids ¡ 9 months
Disney Femslash Fankids List
Fankid Tagging System:
💝-Same Universe
💗-Disney x Non Disney
Made by me:
Daxton and Serena Rabbit(Jessica Rabbit x Lola Bunny)💖💗
Emilyn Rabbit(Jessica Rabbit x Holli Would)💖💗
Elle, Andy, Sebastian, Mateo, Ezra and Pamela(Anita Radcliffe x Julieta Madrigal)(Elle, Andy and Sebastian are triplets same thing goes to Mateo, Ezra and Pamela)(Andy is a demiboy)💖
Dawn Dracula(Mavis x Rapunzel)💖💗
Maeko Madrigal(Moana x Mirabel Madrigal)💖
Jennavee Rabbit(Jessica Rabbit x Betty Boop)💖💗
Karleen Madrigal(Elsa x Isabela Madrigal)💖
Astree Madrigal(Mirabel Madrigal x Giulia Marcovaldo)💖
Edwin de Vil(Cruella de Vil x Anita Radcliffe)💝
Kyra(Elsa x Rapunzel)💖
Lenna DunBroch(Elsa x Merida DunBroch)💖
Sunny Hofferson(Astrid Hofferson x Rapunzel)💖💗
Audra Madrigal(Chicha x Pepa Madrigal)💖
Carla Madrigal(Sarah Hawkins x Pepa Madrigal)💖
Ruth DunBroch(Merida DunBroch x Toothiana)💖💗
Clarissa(Yatta x Malina)💝
Amie Madrigal(Isabela Madrigal x Rapunzel)💖
Chandler Madrigal(Raya x Dolores Madrigal)💖
Beatrice Porter-Smollett(Amelia Smollett x Jane Porter)💖
Maria, Mark, Myron, Marcus, Maya and Mona Lee-Wexler(Miriam Wexler x Mei Lee)💝
Wilma and Joan Mangal(Priya x Goth Girl)💝
Priscilla Lee-Park(Abby Park x Mei Lee)💝
Elias, Silas, Helen, Margaret and Harriet Pines-Northwest(Pacifica Northwest x Mabel Pines)💝(Elias, Silas and Helen are triplets)
Jana, Athena, Meera and Olivia Noceda-Blight(Amity Blight x Luz Noceda)💝(all four girls are quadruplets)
Caleb and Lynn Pines-Chiu(Candy Chiu x Mabel Pines)💝
Evan and Esme Pines-Corduroy(Wendy Corduroy x Mabel Pines)💝
Heather La Bouff(Tiana x Charlotte La Bouff)💝
Amelia(Tiana x Cinderella)(I forgot the person who requested her)💖
Amanda Pelekai(Nani Pelekai x Ariel)(requested by anon)💖
Eli and James La Bouff(Tiana x Charlotte La Bouff)(requested by @georgi-girl)💝
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deathbecomesnerds ¡ 1 year
I absolutely adore Astrid, but Mobstrid fascinates me. Can you please do a director's commentary on BLAG? 💖
Oh my god! BLAG? Bark Like A God? Of course! **And sign up for my TAG LIST too**
The idea kind came about when a couple of my friends and I were talking shit. Like mad shit. Lol. And it kind of turned into this idea of: What if Astrid had been tethered to her father from a younger age, and who would she have become? But also--who would Tony become? And so I started kind of constructing this AU world where both parents were alive in some capacity, and how would that change Astrid, and her relationship with Raymond?
I love writing this world because it feels like something big within the Guy Ritchie world even though it's just me. Bored out of my mind in my apartment.
But I really do love writing the flashback scenes with Mobstrid who is so young and really coming into her own, I'm really excited for everyone to see her journey unfold and the things that happen to form her into who she is today. Astrid, much like any person, is flawed and just because she is fictional doesn't make her any less susceptible. I love writing the imperfections with her and how it all plays out in the world of BLAG. Mobstrid definitely does go through some things after being taken in by her father, and despite it being an insult from the media and her fellow peers, she really is 'the poor little rich girl' because she's learning how to be a person, a functioning member of society, and is kind of coming in with the disadvantage of being in survival mode for so long with her mother. Money is something foreign to her, having a personality is something she's not used to, having people keeping tabs on her and making sure she is taken care of is new and kinda scary for her.
Then, you've got this Romeo/Juliet storyline between her and Ray of there clearly being feelings there where what happened in the beginning of the story was strictly supposed to be transactional. Plus, trying to keep things on the down low to make sure people don't get suspicious because Ray is super loyal to Mickey and that is his number one priority: making sure Mickey lives to fight another day and is taken care of. But then, now, having this other thing going on of him having a baby coming with the worst possible person in the world! It's kinda funny.
This story is going to be super fucking long, and we're just scratching the surface (if you can believe that). I'm excited to see how my readers will react going forward because a lot goes down...and it's all a slow burn, baby!
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burningdarkfire ¡ 2 years
ao3 wrapped: 9, 16, 17
hellooo thanks for the ask 💖
(ask me about my ao3 wrapped!)
9. Favorite pairing you wrote for this year?
is it surprising that it’s jayvik? 🤷‍♂️ i love everything about their relationship dynamic (codependent and then divorced as fuck) and digging into the mountain of issues between them is both extremely fun and very rewarding
16. What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag?
11 works on my main this year were tagged as “post-canon” which is honestly a surprise to me lmao. technically it’s tied with the 11 fics on my second account which are all tagged “polyamorous pack” and “non-traditional a/b/o dynamics” but that feels like cheating since they’re all part of the same series. i think i’ll upload one more post-canon work before 2023 though so that’ll make it the definitive winner!
17. Your favorite character to write this year?
the npcs of all time astrid beck and eadwulf grieve!!! canon gave us the perfect amount of info for an interesting framework and i’ve just been running with it for a year straight at this point. 10/10, it’s a great time, i highly recommend fixating on characters you can just make up so much shit for
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its-just-a-fayz ¡ 2 years
Heartbeat On Air: Chapter 21
read on ao3
chapter 20/chapter 22
tag list: @emilybarger​ @lordcheesy​ @sheeswee​ @tayuya3​ @sweetlialia​ (hit up my askbox if you want to be added/removed)
Astrid stretched out against the back of her bed, neck stiff after the hours she’d just spent studying. The new semester had started, and getting back in the hang of school took effort. She checked her phone and saw a text from Diana. Astrid sat up. This had to be about firing Caine.
She opened the message from Diana.
So, i did the deed. Caine is out of our lives, hopefully.. You should have seen the look on his face
Now that we no longer have to deal with my ex, where do you want to go in town?
Hmmm uh new Italian place? Looks cool
Diana texted back in a second. Sure, i’m down if u are
I’m so down for being public gfs...when do i get to post about u on valentines day?
And our anniversary
And the anniversary of us meeting
And new years
Could go on
Once i get the restraining order dear but in the meantime our reservation is for seven
You are the best gf in the world 💗💗💘💖💖
Ily 2 but gotta go duty calls
See u soon!
Astrid set down her phone and got out of bed. She had to get an outfit for the date, obviously. It was only five...but what was two hours for but procrastinating work?
It felt like their first date all over, because to everyone else it would be. There would no doubt be people Astrid knew in the restaurant. The mere thought of it was frightening, but as Astrid slid into the passenger seat next to Diana, she felt excitement rise in her chest. No matter what, it was her and Diana together, and that was not something new.
The novelty of being greeted by a hostess was not lost on either of them—it was not as familiar as Lana’s face, but it was nice to say, with confidence, “Table for two.”
Once they were in their seats, a flicker of relief passed over them. Heads had turned when they walked in hand in hand. It almost made Diana want to run for the Healing Place, but she kept her cool as people whispered behind their hands. Or at least she assumed they were, she couldn’t hear them and she didn’t want to look.
“Did you see that little girl?” Astrid asked, reaching for Diana’s hand across the table.
“What girl?” She hadn’t noticed anything but the stares.
“She was looking at us like, I don’t know, she didn’t think two girls could do that,” Astrid said, a smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. “Guess we’re life-changing.” Her positivity rubbed off on Diana, loosening the knots of anxiety in her stomach.
“That’s a bold statement. I’ve never thought of myself as life-changing before,” Diana said, entwining Astrid’s fingers in hers. “It’s new.”
“I think all of this being new is good, refreshing,” Astrid said, looking down at their hands. “A fresh start.”
“I think we both needed one of those,” Diana said, her thoughts tracing back to darker times. She was stronger now, had more will to stand against the likes of Caine. Astrid was stronger too, more independent. Diana could tell by the way she talked about her schoolwork: she was in charge of her life. It was incredibly attractive.
The waiter stopped by and dropped off waters and took their drink orders. The two turned to looking at the menu instead of talking. Astrid couldn’t hide her expression when she saw the prices.
“Everything on here is…a lot,” she replied to Diana’s concerned look. “College tuition is also a lot.”
“Good thing you have a wonderful girlfriend who doesn’t mind spoiling you a little,” Diana said, moving her hand across the table to cover the prices on Astrid’s menu. “I’m paying.”
“So this is how a lesbian couple decides who pays?” Astrid said, her tone light as she skimmed the menu.
“Obviously, it’s the one with a higher income. Logically, I mean.” There was a soft song, some Italian tune, winding its way through the air to soothe the patrons. It was so different from the sensory overloads of songs that Diana dealt with on a daily basis that it almost put her at ease. She kept her eyes fixed on the menu, not willing to look out and see how people were reacting to their still stubbornly entwined hands.
After minimal debate, the two decided on splitting a plate of ravioli. They’d thought it would be hard to be together in public, that having people watching them would make them self-conscious, awkward with one another. But it didn’t happen. As the evening went on, their booth became a bubble, and if they didn’t pay close attention, the cushioned red seats would shift to vinyl green, and it was just as comfortable as the Healing Place. They talked about everything and everything. Diana felt her anxiety slowly vanish.
Diana and Astrid, together like always. It felt easy to be together in public, normal almost. Astrid took a sip from Diana’s drink, and they both started laughing when Diana reached for it but couldn’t find it.
But bubbles do burst, and on her way to the bathroom, Astrid noticed people from highschool watching her. It was more like staring, really, the way their eyes followed her. She couldn’t read the expressions on their faces, but her mind assumed the worst. On her way back, several were on their phones. Astrid tried not to think about why they were on them. It could be a thousand different things, she told herself. There was no reason to assume that it was about her and Diana.
Once she was alone, Astrid gone, the bubble popped. Diana could feel the eyes on her. Caine was a legend at Coates, and their relationship had been public. Anxiety built in the back of her throat;it was only a matter of time before he knew. She opened up her phone in her lap and reviewed the emails with her lawyer. She needed the reassurance that he couldn’t hurt her, that the restraining order she’d secured last night would protect her. And being on her phone gave her something to do. Speaking of which, she’d forgotten to text Sam about the restraining order. Caine would contact him before anyone else once he knew, and maybe the thought of legal trouble would stop him.
Legal trouble had never scared Caine before, but there was a first time for everything. And a court case over a restraining order was a bigger deal than being caught with pot in the glove compartment. Diana tapped out a text to Sam, then started writing another after she clicked “Send.”
Hey fyi i got a restraining order on caine, it’s official and everything
Astrid and i went public so
It’s only a matter of time
Keep me posted?
His reply was immediate, the typing bubbles appearing for a few seconds to be replaced by the message.
Ok I’ll make sure nothing happens to you two.
Caine has no goddamn right and I’ll do everything I can to protect you guys
Diana smiled. When she first met Sam, all that she could think about was Caine, but the better she got to know him, the more she thought he was the opposite. Kind and sweet, someone who knew what he loved and followed it no matter what. They were all lucky to have him.
Astrid walked back to the table, sliding into the seat across from Diana. “Let’s get out of here.”
“My thoughts exactly,” Diana said, turning off her phone and putting it in the pocket of her dress.
They managed to flag the server down and pay for their check, then held hands until they were safe in the car.
“So we’re public now,” Astrid said into the dark car.
“We are,” Diana answered. She felt cheated somehow, like this was supposed to be a happy moment. But the pit of her stomach was filled with dread.
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tolerateit ¡ 2 years
rules: tag nine people you want to know better
tagged by @rosaliehale 💖
three ships: im not much of a shipping person but maybe kanej (doc) and libby x nico (ta6)
first ever ship: ash and misty from pokĂŠmon (was that called pokeshipping or did i completely make that up?)
last song: dance dance dance, astrid s
last film: the boy i think
currently reading: the amityville horror by jay anson
currently watching: nothing tbh send recs?
currently consuming: coffee <3
currently craving: nothing ig
tagging: @ohh-goddamn @slowmotiondoublevision @lipslikethegardensofbabylon @yourheartbeatonthehighline @emilyandelissaswift @notesonartistry @hozierswift @pharmaswift @loversmore ♥
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the-kaedageist ¡ 2 years
I was tagged by @mithrilwren 💖 I’ll tag @marsastronomica, @annundriel, @rainydaymonk, @kmackatie, @bluebirdsongs16, @fjorests-of-wildemount, @tarydarrington and anyone else who is interested (Don’t feel obligated if I tagged you, there’s no pressure unless you want to do this!)
Rules: List the first lines of the last ten (10) stories you published. Look to see any patterns you notice yourself, and see if anyone else notices any. Then tag some friends.
Patterns noticed: I tend to start my fics with short, punchy lines that immediately throw the reader into the story, although occasionally I will also start with more introspection. There also has been a real shift in my openers over the last six months - the earlier ones are weaker than the latest ones I've written, which is so interesting to see!
1. Rendezvous with a Ghost (Caleb/Essek. Verin)
There was a dead man sitting in his chambers. Verin Thelyss blinked at the sight of his older brother, very much alive and sitting on his sofa. Before he could react, his brother – his martyred, brilliant brother – said softly, “I’m getting married.”
2. the shape of your intimacy (Caleb/Essek)
It had all started out so promising. After months of dancing around each other, trading soft touches and heady looks since their second trip to Aeor, Caleb had returned home from the Academy one night and instead of going about their usual evening routine, he’d taken one look at Essek and leaned down to kiss him.
3. More Things in Heaven and Earth aka Tusk Love (Caleb/Essek)
When it came to chambers full of forgotten magic, the room in Aeor seemed relatively benign. A day into exploration, Essek and Caleb had not yet made it to the T-dock chamber. Caleb was aware that he was procrastinating, but something within him was just not ready to make the decision that loomed on the horizon.
4. Like A Steel Trap (Caleb/Essek)
Essek first became aware of Caleb’s incredible abilities when they were exploring together in Aeor. It began on their second day of explorations. After a long day of investigating the catacombs and recesses of the abandoned city, the hours grew long and Essek grew weary. He dragged his attention away from a treatise on using thaumaturgy to augment evocation magics and glanced over to his left, where Caleb feverishly paged through a water-stained tome, his eyes alight. The overlapping arcane residue of their various castings of Comprehend Languages drifted in the air like smoke between them.
5. crossing the line (Opal & Orym friendship)
Of all the ways that Orym had imagined a member of their group falling to the siren call of the circlet, Opal using its power to save her sister had been very low on his list. Now, he was faced with the reality of just that, watching her transformed face through the flickering flames of their campfire.
6. the sweet sting of loss (Fearne/Poska)
In the back streets of the Upper Slums of Emon, there is a seedy bar frequented by the Nameless Ones. Poska sips at the whiskey in front of her, enjoying the burn down her throat and letting it distract her from the sting of losing.
7. So Magic About You (Caleb/Essek)
As Essek worked diligently in the garden, repairing the damage that Ikithon’s attack had wrought, Caleb couldn’t tear his eyes away. He’d only previously seen Essek out of the mantle a handful of times, always in quick moments of transition. For as long as they’d known him, Essek had cloaked his body, hiding the true shape of himself under layers of cloth and floating in the air to give himself more height.
8. Hearts Full of Light (Fjord/Eadwulf, Jester/Astrid, Fjord/Jester, one-sided Eadwulf/Caduceus, Fjord/Eadwulf/Astrid/Jester)
Eadwulf had obvious eyes for Caduceus, even as he was being scolded and shamed into rebuilding the Grove. Fjord thought it was the funniest thing he’d ever seen, and he said as much to Jester over a simple picnic by one of the ponds.
9. The Trouble With Wizards (Vax'ildan, Caleb/Essek)
Vax glanced at his next assignment and groaned. Wizards. He hated wizards. It was all ‘unlimited cosmic power’ this and ‘surely you can ask the Raven Queen—’ that. Wizards were always looking for a loophole in order to cheat death, and Vax was quite determined never to give them one.
10. fist-fighting with fire just to get close to you (Caleb/Essek, M9 ensemble)
Caleb hadn’t really had a chance to think through the consequences of so many of their number having eyes from Cognouza - and the telepathic connection that it forged between them - until their thoughts began to bleed into each other upon returning to Exandria.
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claudemblems ¡ 4 years
If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog ❤
Wow I got tagged in something lol I am blessed 😂😭👌 Guess I gotta give y'all some facts about me even tho I am boring and less than interesting lol
1) I really started getting into gaming when Final Fantasy XV came out. It was the first "big" game I ever played and completed. So I guess it sparked my love for gaming 💖
2) I'm really smol and skinny for my age. Even tho I'm now an adult, I still get asked if I want a kid's menu...dude...I at LEAST look 15-16 YET YOU STILL A SK ME T H AT,, this is just me raging
3) Hiccup and Astrid were the first otp of mine and they got me into shipping and learning about fandoms. I rewatched the first movie when HTTYD 2 was coming out, and then watched HTTYD 2 and tried so hard NOT TO BAWL (httyd 2 is probably my favorite tho lol)
✨ Bonus ✨ I had a wattpad account where I first started writing fan fiction. I wrote an awful Frozen one that I later deleted, but I churned out Hiccstrid one shots and I miss those days of writing for them and being able to get so much content out lol
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littleoblivions ¡ 5 years
holygroundpiano is my little sister and i would die for her also i would kill someone for her. i love her so much and she means so much to me i just wanna YELL
!!!!!!! mood astrid is so so great ✨✨ @holygroundpiano
send me your favorite people/blogs & give them a compliment and i’ll tag them 💖
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